The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 03, 1837, Image 1

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mvom upon (lie Altar of Clod, oternM hostility to bVxy Arm of Tyranny over the Mind of Slan."
Volume I.
Number G.
vriie following effusion was composed dur
ing the warm political contest of 1805
when an only son of the author was re
covering from a severe attack of the clan
gorous disease called cnoui. Thoy ema
nated from a thrilling honrt ; & although
they may possess but little of the spirit
and elegance of pootry, yet they express
the tondercst solicitude, and the paternal
forebodings of one, the existence of
whose primary offspring of mutual love
"hung but on a slcyidcr thread." They
may not cxeitd disgust, even should thoy
find no admircrd.
My fikst-ijoiin son.
Hence, troubling cares of party broil,
Thou know'st not rest nor peaceful joy !
I'll tunc iny lyro, o'en should it soil
Tho smiling phiz of my swoet boy.
Lint, then, thoit lov'd and loyoly one,
Whom Providence perniiU,to live ;
Hush, hush ! my fond, my blooming son,
Tollies I would but sotacc,givc.
Thy countennnco in Virtue drosf,
Nor sinning for thou know'st net sin !
Incites lhose chcrish'd hopcn, so blett,
Which none but parents feel within.
Ah! slccp'st thou 1 Yes, my anxious eye
Beholds tliy form of innocence
Calm'd sweetly by tho lullaby
Of her whose love is never hence.
How pants rny heart when I mcst know
The changes which uwuit my boy ;
When friends I with hearts full cold an snow
And toil, and malice, drown his joy.l
t kco him in his school-boy days,
Enjoying all tho sports of youth ;
I hear him as at eve he prays,
And reads aloud tho Holy Truth.
I kco him move those wheels of life,
Vhich glvo men character and Wealth :
Vilh IS aims tho offspring of a wife
With plenty, comfort, and good health.
I hear him for industry prais'd ; .
For talents, and for dealing just ;
I see him by tho People rais'd
To well perform1 a Public Trust.
What intrigue cunning strango'desires
Antipodes of former joy :
'Tis proud a5iuitio?j now that ftrcs
Tho bosom of my first-born Boy.
Cedse, then, sad lyre ! thy chord dispels
The feeling which invoked thy aid ;
My mind with fevcr'd anguish dwells
On images, like these portray od.
f 1t
Let htm but Peace and Meekness crave ;
Nor Power, 'nor Place, nor Wealth enjoy;
Then Life, nor Death, nor sodded, Grave,
Can drown tho Hopes of my sweet Boy.
ems mwmmffli8,'o
It was evening, a summer twilight: tho
magnificent traces of day still lingerod among
the upper clouds, which were undisturbed
by the soft breezes that played among the
thickets, and rocked tho quiet birds of Para
diso into their first unwilling slumber, yet
oftori did they awake in sweet vespers to
sunset angel, whoso golden locks still floated
amid the rich crimson of tho evening sky
Calm and sweet as tho whispers of tho guar
dian'angcloftho Houris, who lies at the feet
of Allah, and comprehends all things, while
he is scmible of none, so calm, so swoot
were tho murmurs of the breeze. All day
long had he been wantoning with tho citron
flowers and fruit, or dallying with tho per
ennialrosc that stoops over the Qcbro's faun
tain, or couching to avoid tho fierce noon
in tho folds of tho lily. Now the enamour
ed wanderer, tired arid heated, but still redo
lent of beauty, hung above tho river of Da
gorno, to cool his dry lips, to moiston his
wings; perhaps to spond tho night on her
soft bosom. Tho bright waters omittod tho
sound of wooing, as they crept slowly to
tho shoro, whtlo tho rivor opened her glad
arms once more to'wulcomo her light-mind
cd & inconstant, though doep-lovingspouso
"How gladly," euid tho slruum, as tho
zephyr melted away in her arms, "how
gladly do I welcome thee onco more to my
embrace. Couldst thou hut know the des
olatoncs6 which steals over my heart all the
ay long when I lie and listen to no sounds
but tho patter of my own waters', while the
fierce sun rolls down intolerable day upon
inc, oh, cruel ono, couldst thou but know
this, Siul feel, as t, tho infinity of loneliness
-nevdr woilldst thou go astray! But now
thou forsakest me; thou wandcrest all over
the earth, playing tho traitor with every
idle iiower. iow tiiou wilt loiter among
the rich gardens of Alsay, arid then wanton
on the vine-hills of Alhamia. Did I not know
that the guardian of the flowers had appoint
cd thee to watch over them, and mature
the ripontng fruit giving to the one thir
golden glitter, and to tho other their ambro
sial taste, I should fear thee, oh, my
spouse! I should tremble for the easy virtue
of the daughters of tho rose-bud, whose
beauty, like thine, dazzled their eyes. But
now my dearest I can "
Thus lar had the stream proceeded, when
a human voice, as of a fair maiden at my
side, addressed me, so that the conclusion
of this conjugal appeal, as well as the celes
tial reply it must have produced, were both
lost to mv dissatisfied cars.
"Son of Amanzor," said .the voice in a
tone of ravishing sweetness, "son of Aman
zor, I fly to thy arms for protection! Take
pity ! I kneel to one who never refused mar
cy. Oh, take pity on a maiden, a thousand
years afflicted by the most cruel of griefs
Show compassion, and a thousand fold shall
the blessing of the Prophet repay thee!"
The voice died away, not into silence,
but into melody so intense, so thrilling, so
rapturous, that mine cars were struck with
deafness like those of Sarah when she
mocked; but every nerve became an ear,
and I was all hearing, savo that an invisible
perfume stole from tho music upon my soul!
Suddenly the soft quavering of swift-ahifting
sound all ceased; not abrupt, but with
sounding close. Before my eyes tho music
stood, or hung, as frozen in the sky! 01
that 1 had the Prophet's flashing pon which
wrote celestial themes in words so liquid-
like, and soft, that lambent flames made mu
sic round the page, then would I write or
paint that frozen melody ! It was like the
fabled architecture of that pile, where Beau
ty, &, Virtue, and Truth, these twin daugh
ters of Time, dwell in tho smile of Allah;
and no cloud d'.ms, no veil conceals, their
heavenly countenances. My flesh had
shrunk from my limbs with fear my con
gealed blood, like a serpent, would have
cawled forth from my veins; but the exceed
ing beauty of the sight and sound stayed
all my fears, and only a silent wor
ship, too intense for sound, stolo from my
The visible music molted away from my
eyes as Moses and Elias wero transformed
into a rosy cloud in the presence of the
doubting, and tho voice once more flowed
forth. "Oh, Amanzor, listen and relieve!"
I saw no shape ; I looked, there was nought
but the now-risen moon, and the reflection
of the sunset on tho water now so tranquil,
that I saw tho muscle catch tho unwary fish.
Astonishment came over me, while I still
heard that voice repeating my name. Tho
rustlo of tho dry leaf, stirred by an unseen
locust, is wont to fill me with alarm and
horror; but now, such a confidence had tho
presonco of Beauty inspired me with, that
I trembled not, nor oven called upon the
Prophet's name of power.
"Tell rriq, mysterious stranger," I cried,
"tell mo who thou art, and show thy form
or I cannot rolievo thee? If thou hast a form
display thyself before me."
"I cannotshow myself to tho created eye"
roplicd tho. voice. "My guardian ange'
)oio sees not my face. Would to heaven
that even the oyo of grim Elbis might light
on inof But no; none savo tho qkbat ai.o,n
has looked upon mo this many a thousand
years. I sco all things, with more than
mental powers ; I drink in light from ecry
source, but I can roturn none. None but
myslf and God knows mo. Stay, stay
kind stranger, and listen, to my talc, & thus
rolievo mo of my many misorios; for it is
heaven's severe decreo that no oyo shall
look upon my face until some man shall lis-!
t6n to my talc."
I willingly stood still to attend the narra
tive of so mysterious a being. Wondcrlul
and awful as it was to converse with the un
seen, no fear chilled mo, no hair stood up
with horror ; calm and collected, I listened
while the mys'tcrious tale went on. -
"To, understand my history, and compre
hend all the depths of my degradation, and
tho exquisitene9 of my misery, let thine
imagination extend its swift wings, & con
vey thee back to the gardens of the prime
val world. Then a noble race filled the
high places of tho earth; then man attained
a more majestic height. Th6 years of his
life far"0utnulnbcrcd'th3 years of tho cedar
of Lebanon. Vice had not yet spread her
raven wings over the earth. Then shotup
tho trees into a loftier growth; the thornlcss
rose unfolded broader flowers,, and gave an
added fragrance to tho fruit that fell beneath
them; The sons and daughters of man
disported with the willing beasts of the field;
the fowls of heaven then flew to the call of
man's voice, and perched upon his hand.
Then 'Enoch walked with God,' as the
illustrious Moses hath said. Men who once
sat at my feet called mo tho fair Adelgitha.
I surpassed tho maids of earth in everv
attaction of form and figure, in every attri
bute of female loveliness. Then damsels
were born with those inexpressible charms
which they now vainly seek to acquire.
The exquisite skill of Jubal was derived
from my instructions. My fincers taught
him how to touch the1 lyrcj till it omitted
sounds sweeter far than those of heaven's
own birds.
"The birds were allured by my melody;
delighted, thcy'fluttercd around me as I sang
only a changing note could bid them do
part. The wild beasts camo down from the
mduntairi at my command; they couched at
my feet, uttering the soft pur of happiness
-Now I made the glad goats dance at the
touch of my lute. Now 1 threw all tho wild
tenants of the wood into alarm by the mimic
ked growling of the distant storm. Wliat
need to tell how the hugo monsters of the
deep played their unruly gambols at my
bidding, and moistened the herb at my feet
with tho rainbow shower they sprang forth
into the air. 'Twere vain to tell how the
till .1 t.l
rose anu me nvaemm, me crocus and tnc
mignionctte, unfolded their petals tonlrink
in my molodics, and the palm and tho orange
tree laid their honours at my feet as I passed.
All flesh was subject unto me. But, alas!
I abused my power over the sons of earth!
I chose the youth of my father's kingdom
to myself. I spurned them when my attract
tions had bound them with tho tic of fate;
thoy languished in tingratified desire while
I mocked at their agony, and found delight
in witnessing the anguish of their hearts.
Deeply sank my wanton cruelty into my
father's noble heart; alas, that ho should sec
his child's iniquity. One morning he stray
ed pensive along the walk of palms, musing
half aloud. Ho pausod, and held a snow
white lilly to a flame-coloured roso, till tho
modest lily blushed rosered then gracious
Allah took him to himself, leaving the symbol
unexplained. How fair wore tho forma of
the celestial host that bore him away! How
rich tho music that stole from their lips as
thoy floated in their snowy robes of light
up to tho throne of God!
"Though my power was felt by all that
mot me on the earth, I was not satisfied with
its extent; I sought for moro. Often did I
look with ravished eyes upon the angel
forms that disoortod themselves into the
pure air. My bosom burned with an uiv
wonted fire as I saw thorn sitting amid tho
crimson clouds of evening, or kindling iiv
conso in their altars at the first flame of day,
I was indeed warned of my danger, but I
hoeded not tho voice of God, which thou
cried from tho sky in th coolness of ovon
ing, and bado the sops ot earth 'Be wise, bo
virtuous, and bo bloat.' I hoeded not, but
sought to bring down tho sons of God, and
lead them into the snares of iny wantonness.
I cannot toll how awful tho. result. Thou
knowest, kind stranger, tho wretchedness
which these pure strangers, whencorruptod,
brought upon tho world; they were cor
rupted by my arts! Then phrenzy played
like wild-fire in every city, village, and
hamlet. Order and peace were forgotten;
open riot every where ruled.
"Husband and child were forgot in the
fiery transports of these angel lovers. Then
vainly in thunder spoke the voice of God!
Vainly the symbols of virtue arose all over
tho earth; they wore trodden under foot.
Innocent animals were savagely slaughter
ed; sin ran madly from land to land; war
unsheathed her sword; peace fled from the
earth. All this was my work: I foresaw
the effect, vet shrank not from the cause.
Then came upon me the awful verdict
of the supreme: the globe seerried convulsed
for a moment, then in the awful stillness,
when the heavens seemed to collapse, camo
the still; serene voice, 'wander thou on,
thou wanton one, unfelt, unseen, till ' some
listen to thy talc. Each century attemptto
speak, at length thy penance will be over,
thy wound be healed.'
"No One saw me. I vanished from the
earth which I had so long polluted. The
ground felt not my tread; the eye of Heaven
took no note of me. No shadow followed
when I faced the sun, yet I saw and felt the
hideous desolation I had wrought. Soon
the fair earth was chanced: hands were
murderously upraised; drunkennesb swag'
gcrcd and reeled blaspheming in the streets;
demons mocked and trampled on the holiest
ground, the fruits were turned tp poison at
their touch. Every hateful lust (lamed with
tenfold fire. Molock and Belial lit their
awful fires, till God in mercy sent a flood
torebaplise tho world and quench the flame
Oh, could I have perished, and thus esca
ped the wild sobs of a drunken world, nor
hear the unavailing erics for help, the pray'
era, the curses and the. groans, which al
most burst my heart. Noah's silent ark
floated tranquilly on, bright with the last
hopes of a universe. Long and sorrowful
lyl hung over the wild waste of waters; I
saw the raven arid the dove, which the
trusting patriarch sent forth as harbingers
of peace; the melancholy days-passed over:
faith had its triumph, as it ever will; the
rainbow of promise cheered the old man's
heart when he lit up his altar-fire. I aided
man, with unseen hand, to till the stubborn
soil. I whispered virtuous counsel to his
car, upheld him when he drooped, sup
ported him when faint. Many a germ of
virtue did I deposite on a grateful soil; .the
counsel of my heavenly friends when pure,
was not lost upon my souL Virtue and
lovo grow up again upon the earth; un
seen I nurtured, and unfelt I pruned. I
stood with Zardhusht, inspired his heart,
informed his mind. I watched with Abram.
'Twas I that showed to Jacob the symbolic
ladder, to prove that all raon might climb
high as they would. Many a time have I
essayed to make a mortal listen to my tale.
I have but found it vain: all fear tho un
seen; tho sensible alone attracts their souls.
But as I am the cause of this, I havo scat
tered arts and lettors in the world, as some
atonement for my great offence. Thoy
form a bond between the seen and that
which never meets the eye.
"The great Prophet, whom thou adorest
so devoutly, was raised up at my entreaty,
for Aliah never ceases to listen to my cry.
I know my strength of heart, 1 know thy
love; thoreforo I fear not to addross thee.
Manfully hast thou listened; and now my
tale is done, my melancholy fate is over.
Blessed, kind stranger, bo thy days; bless
ed while on the earth, and Paradiso hence
forth is thine!"
She ceased I heard no more. But a
celestial form, as beautiful as Love, stood
in the air before me. Then tho immortal
choir, that sweep their harps before the
throno of God, slow chaunted forth,
"Thy pilgrimage is done,
The golden prizo is won;
Mount, maid, before the throne."
Tranquilly tho mysterious being went
up the sky, a snow-whito cloud attending
her, and that soft music pealing forth.
When the Prosont wears so gloomy an
aspect, it is not wonderful that men seek
relief from its shadows by a far-reaching
glance at the Future. A writer in the Co
lumbia (S. C.) Telescope gives the follow
ing presumptive extracts from a journal of
the year 4,200:
Astronomical. 'Telescopes are now
brought to such perfection, that last night
vc distinctly saw a fight betwoen a grass
hopper and a spider, in tho planet Saturn.
The battle was a tough one the grasshop
per losing two legs, and the spider thrco
claws and five teeth in the contest.
7avelling. 'Mr. Perkins has invented
a compound which he calls the 'concentra
ted essence of the sublimated spiritof steam.'
A person has only to put a little vial of it
into his pocket, and -it will carry him albrig,
at the rate of fifty miles an hour; or by
morely swallowing three drops when you
goto bed at night, in the morning you will
wake up in any part of the world you
Nautical. 'Ships to go under water in
stead of on its surface, are now brought to
perfection, so that henceforth such things as
tonus and shipwrecks are no more to be
dreaded.' ,
Medical. 'The wonderful medicine cal
led the 'sublime elixir,' is producing most
astonishing effects: A Mr. Jones, of Vir
ginia, walking into a mill, and incautiously
approaching too near the machinery, was
caught between the wheels and crushed in
to ten thousand atoms; two drops of the e
lixir being poured into the pond above, ho
was instantly seen walking out at the door;
as sound as a roach, and has not been with-
thrce miles of a mill since. A Mr.
Smith had his head shot off by a canrtorl
ball; three weeks after he was dead and bu
ried, his 32d cousin happening to hear of
tlic elixir, he was immediately restored td
perfect life and health.'
Geographical. Tho discovery ship, the
'TFhite Hear,'' returned yesterday from the
northern seas; she safely reached tho exact
spot of the north pole, but there she stuckf
held fast by the magnetic attraction. Her
crew found it impossible to get away until
they had thrown overboard every particle
of iron in the vessel.'
Agricultural. 'The Philosophical So
ciety having discovered a method of produ
cing or putting off rain just as there may
be occasion, for the future our cotton and
cabbages will never be ruined by a dry sea
son.' Mechanics. 'The famous architect Mr:
Axiom, who first discovered tho perpetual
motion, is now erecting a machine nc'artho
north pole, upon the plan of Archimedes',
for the purpose of shoving the world twenty-three
degrees back to its original posi
tion, and thus restoring perpetual summer.'
Foreign. 'The weekly balloon packet
arrived from the moon yesterday. No par
ticular news there, except that green cheese
is in great demand. On its return they in
tercepted the wits of thirty-one poets and
one hundrod and ninety-three lover3, and
brought them all back, stopped up together
in a glass vial.'
Most Wonderful of all Discoveries:
'Tho great secret, the philosopher's stone
the elixir vitas, so anxiously wished for,
so long sought after, is at length found out!
The learned alchymist, Dr. Alembic, has
invented a compound which turns all things
into gold, and bestows perpetual youth!
Wo are forbidden to say much about this
wonderful discovery; it was only completed
yesterday, and this morning the doctor's
wife, an ugly old woman of seventy; Was
seen transformed into a beautiful girl of
eighteen! A little child, hardly able to
crawl, was also seen in the houSe, and no
body could tell where it came from until
at last it was found out to be the doctor's
grandmother, who had got at the vial and
taken rather too large a dose. Besides
changing, as above stated, lead into gold,
age into youth, and ugliness into beauty, it
also turns rascals into honest men, water
into champaigne, sand into ice creams, and1
rocks into ginger-cakes;'