in , TTT'"I'ivcIy rinJ Pippins; Ami with a ypios tiffi top?f't ; ?ftp imiGifrsiSS'V iFuIianki There wq.-good.inen cv'ory vherciflbn who arc good for goodness' sake. In ob scurity, in rctiromeMi 'scarcely known to the world, and never -asking to be known, ihese are good men In adversity, in povcr-' ty, amid temptations, amid all the severity of earthly trials, there are good men, -whose lives shed brightness upon the dark clouds that surround them, .licit true, if avtj must admit the sadlrulh, ihat many arc estranged from Infinite Goodness; that many are cold ly selfish and meanly sensual cold & dead to everything that is not wrapped up in their own earthly interest, or more darkly wrapped up in the veil of fleshly appetites. Uc it so; but I thank God, that it is not all that wo arc obliged to beliOve. No; there arc true hearts, amid the throng of the false and the faithless. There arc warm and generous hcarts. wh'ich the cold atmosphere of surrounding selfishness never chills, and eyes unused to. weep for personal sorrow, which often overflow" with sympathy for the sorrow of others. Yes," there arc good men, and true men, I thank them; I bless them for what 'they are. God from on high loth bless them; and he givcth his angels charge to keep them, and no where in the holy record arc these words moro precious or strong than those in which it is written, that God loveth the righteous ones. Such men there arc. Let not thclr prc cious Virtues be distrusted. As surely and as evidently-as some men have obeyed the calls of ambition and pleasure, so surely and so evidently have other men obeyed the voice-of-conscicnco; and "chosen rath er to suffer with the ( people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season." Why, every nreok man suffers in a conflict keener far than tho'contest for honor and applause. And there arc such' men, who, amid injury and insult, anmisconstruction, and the pointed finger, and the -scornful lip of pride, stand firm in their integrity and allegiance to a loftier principle, and still their throbbing hearts in prayer, and hush Uhcm to the gentle emotions of kindness and pity. Such witnesses there arc, even in this bad world, signs that a redeeming "work is going forward amid its mournful derelictions; proofs that it is not a world forsaken of heaven; pledges that it will not lie forsaken; tokens that cheer and touch every good and thoughtful mind, beyond all other power of earth to penetrate and enkindle it. An Irisli gentleman once -appeared in the court of (ho King's bench, as a security of n friendin the sum of three thousand pounds. Sergeant Davy, though he well knew the responsibilities of the gentleman", could jiot help his customary impertinence. "Well, mr, liow do you make yourself to bo worth three thousand pounds?" The gentleman very deliberately specified the- particulars up to two thousand nine hundred and forty pounds. "Aye," says Davy, "that is not enough by sixty.',' "For this sum," re-' pljcd the other, "I have the noto of one .Sergeant Davy, and I hope that he will have the honesty soon to discharge it." This set the court iu a roar; ho was for once abashed; and Lord Mansfield said: "Well, brotlier, Pthirik wc-may accopt the bail." The Three Wives. A late ministor of religion in Worcestershire, used to relate the following anecdote of ono of his friends, -n ho had been three timos married. The unfortunate speculator in matrimony had married his first wife a very worldly, ava ricious woman, who grasped at every thing, and never was satisfied. The second was a corpulent, easy, dirty, quiet sold, always in good humor, and satisfied wi;H every thing; the last was a most violent terma gant, who rendered his life misorable while &he lived. The good old man upo re viewing his past life, used to observe, "Aly friends, I have had variety enough in the conjugal relationi and may literally say I have married the -wprld, the flosh and -the devil." A Forcible Mgumcni."Qvnomar ol the jury," said a' lloosior. lawyer addrosn ing a raal shell-bark jury "I soy that arc innfrnnnimous aun ehinos in tlip Heavens though you can't see ty kase its behind a rinndi but voirknowii, though I oan't prove it; so my client who rises arly and hunts koons like an honest man, lias a goon cat.o tho ho run't provp it: now if you believe Avhnt. I tpllrtiyo aljout the sun; you are bound on yVur.bUlQ oaths to bcliovc what I,, toll .abqutany client's pasc,-:.andf if younoii't; jheii you ftilHno a-liary and that I'll .bXtquwa'dtnui stand 'anyl&V so if y'fiu; dgrrS't "want to swear false aiuThayc no r(roublo you'd better give us our case." Expedient of a Needy Traveller. We have heard the story of an English haif-pay officer living at Florence, much in debt, and desirous to get to England, but unable to procure his passport, without which he could not be permitted to depart 'On account of:thc interference of his creditors. lie one day, in a codec house, full to abusing the Grand Duke in very outrageous terms, in conscmicncc of which he was next day conducted to the Tuscan frontier by a polico officer. The following expedient, related by a London paper, is much less obvious and more ingenious: 'J 6hh Kilburn, a' person well known on the turf, as a list seller, &c., Was ilia town in Bedfordshire, and as a turf phrase, 'quite broken down!' 'It was during harvest, atid the week before Richmond races, (York shire,) whither lie was travelling; and near which place he was born: to arrive there in time he hit upon the following expedient. Ho applied tb an acquaintance of his, a blacksmith, . to stamp on a padlock the words 'Richmond gaol,' with which, and a chain fixed to ono of his legs, he compo sedly went into a cornfield to sleep. As he expected, Jie was soon apprehended, and taken before a magistrate, who, after some deliberation, ordered two constables to guard him to Richmond; no time was to be lost, for Kilburn said he had not been tried, and hoped they would not let him lay till another assize. The constables, on their arrival at IJicgaol, accosted the gaoler with 'Sir, do you know this man?' 'Yes, very well; it is Kilburn; I have known him many years.' . 'We-supposc'he has "broken out of your goal, as he has a chain'and padlock on with your ,mark; is he nota prisoner?' 'I never heard any harm of him in my life. Nor,' says Kilburn, 'have these gentle men. Sir; "they have been so kind as to bring mo out of Bedfordshire, and I will not put them to further convenience. I have got the key of the padlock, and I will not trouble them to unlock it; I am obliged to them Tor thcir'kind behavfov.' lie trav elled this way about 170 miles. News for (he Ladies. The following paragraph appeared in an Eastern paper, as an extract of a letter from Chicago, Illinois: "Interesting women arc in demand here for such the market is a sure one. I un derstand when the steamboats arrive hero from ButTaloc and Detroit, that nearly all business is suspended, and crowds of des olate, rich young bachelors flock to the pier, and stand ready to catch the girls as thcy land. AVhclher they uso the lasso, an ac complishment which some of them have ac quired in catching ponies on the Rocky Mountains, or whether they take them by the force of smiles, I am not informed; hav ing just arrived I cannot speak from obser vation; but I, believe the result to be a pretty universal surrender." The Woman who went abroad. A lady who was in the habit of spending most of her time in the society of her neighbors, happened ono day to be taken suddenly ill, and sent her husband in great haste for a physician. The husband ran a few rods, but soon returned exclaiming: "My dear, where I. shall find you when I get back?' I.aconicul. Miss S. S. Will you please conjugate flic word love; as a verb in the subjunctive mood, present tense, first per son, singular, also in the indicative mood, first future toneo, soeo'nd porson singular, and send mc an answer. P. II. Sin: The word love, when conjugated as you request, will read as follows: Subjunctive mood, If I love, Indicative mood, Wilt thou love, Answkk With all my heart. S. S. Ingenious. It is no uncommon prnc tiuo at our Court of Sessions, for tho wives of prisoners who have no children, to bor row a baby for the occasion, in order tp ox cite the tonder sympathies of tho worthy re corder. This ruse seldom fails, and tho fortunate prisonor is discharged, with an admonition to "go home and take care of his wife and family!!' ' ' Question for debating Societies. la a small dog whose tail curls so tight as to lift his hmd legs from the ground, a biped or n 1 quadruped. J TEEMS:, The QOLUMMJ1 DEMOCRAT will be published' ev'tr'ij Satiirduy morning, at Tff'O DOLLARS per annum, payable half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year. No subscription ivill be taken for a shorter period than six months; nor any discon tinuance permitted, until all arrearages are discharged, ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a square ivill be conspicuously inserted at One Dollar for the first three insertions, and Twenty-five cents for every subse quent nscrtwn. gO5" liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. GBOitGE PRINCE, Of Sunuury, Northumberland county, "PpSlKGS leave respectfully to inform tho public, IJjg) that lie is about torclnovcto Harrisburg, where lie has taken that largo and spacious thrco story lirick house, formerly occupied by Mathcw Wilson, corner of Walnut and Third streets, HARRISBTTRG-3 In view of tho State Capitol, which lie intends to open on tho 1st day of may next, and where ho hopes to continucto receive that patronage so liberal ly bestowed on his establishment heretofore. He will at all timos be provided with everything necessa ry to make his guests comfortable. O. PRINCE. Harrisburg, April 29, 1837. HEAD 'She SubscriHicr ESPEOTFIJLLY informs tho public, that ho i has removed to the house formcrlv occupied by John Bishop, situate on the comer of Old Market and Plumb arrets, New-Berlin, Union county, Pu. The House and Stables arc undergoing a thorough repair, which will enable him to entertain all those who may plcaso to favor him with a call, in an agrcc ablo and comfortable manner. The rubseribrr having been long engaged catering for tho public, believes it unnecessary to ftate how his Bar and Tablo will bo supplied: tuffice it to say that the best the market can afford will bo called in requisition, an,t that tho Stable department will re ceive the tamo attention. Thankful for tho public favours heretofore received. lie respectfully solicits a continuance of tho same, fc an lncrcasco, support, as every attention will be paid to tho comfort and convenience of his patron. C. SCHROYER. New-Berlin, April 29, 1837. Three times a Week! NOnTHUMIJFXAND & JLEH'ISTOWN SPLENDID LINE OF MAIEj COACHES. THIS Lino passes through New-Berlin, Middle burg, Bcavcrtown and Adamsburg. It inter sects at Northumberland, tho Wilkcsbarrc and Bos ton line, to and from New-York City tho Harris burg and Wilkcsbarrc, Philadelphia and Pottsvillo linos ; and also the Pittsburg, Harrisburg, and Phi ladelphia lines at Lcwistown. Thrco times a wk J distance fifty miles, with elegant Coaches, sunc- nur norses, anu carciui arm obliging Drivers, ren dering it the cheapest, best, and most expeditious route in Pennsylvania, connecting tho Eastern and Western linos and tho shortest passage between tho Fittsburg and Pottsville lines. FARE 'THROUGH, - -- - Arrivals & Beparlurcs : Loaves Northumberland every Monday, Wednes day and Friday, in the afternoon, immediately after tho arrival of all tho stages : arrives tho next day at Lcwistown, in time to take tho stage or packet-boat for Pittsburg. Leavos Lcwistown every Monday, Wednesday and Friday after tho arrival of tho boats and stages from Fittsburg, and arrives at Northum berland tho next morning in time to take any of the stages or boats that leave that day. Tho pioprictor has inado arrangements to meet tho different linos so as not to detain passengers at cither end of tho route. Every attention will bo paid in order to render caso and comfort to passen gers. An Accommodation Stage Will at all timos bo in readiness fit New-Berlin, to convey passengers to any placo of destination, or to intersect any other lino of stages. SAMUEL AURAND. Now-Borlin. April 29, 1837. POTTSVILIiE AKU General Stage Office, Joseph Weaver, (r.ato of tho Orwlgsburg Hotel,) ESPCCTFULLY informs his friends and tho pul'licin general, that he lias taken tho above three stories, and situate in tho ccntro of tho town, on Main street, and ostensibly built for tho convenient and genteel aeconimodtion of tho public. His bar will always bo stored with tho rhoisost wines, and purest liquors, and his tablo with tho best viands tho country oun afford; with obliging waiters to man his parlors, double and (.ingle lodging and di ning rooms, and first rate cook in tho lutcecn de partment, nnd with his own humble determined cxer lipns to plausc, lie feels ounudont to give general sat isfaction to those who will Avor him with their pat ronage. Largo stabling and attentive ostlow, under tho oontrol of tht proprietor, are attached to the es tablishment. April 29. 1P37. namoU stand, lately occupied by J. Haugawout, situ uted in the borough of Pottsville, Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania. Tho building is very larae. of brick. HEML OCKFAG T Pi2 . .fulling, Dyeing, MMESSIN& of' CILOTEI. THE Sulwcrlbcrs respectfully inform the public that thoy have taken the above fulling ustab lislimont, recently occupied by Solomon NimoJt and John Miushall, on Hemlock creek, in Hemlock township, Columbia couty, Imtwccn Blnomsburg & the Burkhorn, where they nro prepared to accom modato customers in their lino of business. They will attend at the following places every two wcoks for tho purpose of receiving wool, and delivering cloth, vizi At Stacy Margcrim's Inn, in Caltawis sa; at Widow Drumficller's, in Caltawis su township: at John Viagcr's Inn, Roar- insville and at Peter Kline's Inn, New Amelia. gj" The customary prices charged, All kinds of country pnuiuce rcccivcu uy iiieui ior ineir wurK, dj They respectfully uolieit patronage from tho public SAMUEL THOMAS. ANDREW EMMONS. iMay 0. 1837. Tlic Subscriber ESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and , tho public generally, that he continues to ma nufacture 0hairs, Bedsteads, SETTEES, &C. His shop is near Mr. MfcKclvy's store-house, at the B.isin, on tho Pennsylvania Canal. He will' ho thankful for favors, and use liis endeavors to plcu.c cujtomcrs. CHARLES A. MOYER. April, 29, 1837. PHILADELPHIA, HA11RISBURO AND Transportation Esine. THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs tho public in general, that ho has taken that largo and commodious warehouse, formerly kept by Hen ry Walters, Esq. and recently by Mr. Burk, where ho is ready to receive and forward produce of all de scriptions from Harrisburg to Philadelphia, as ho is prepared at tho opening of the navigation to run a lino of Union canal decked boats of the first class, to run from each place and deliver goods in thrco and a half days from tho time of departure. Goods will be rcccivcO at the warehouse of Jaliez Harradcns, re cently Bons.i!l & Rovoudt, Vino street wharf, Schuylkill, Philadelphia. N. B. Goods will also bo received at the above places and forwarded by tho same lino in connexion with the Susquehanna canal packet and freight boat company to Northumberland, Williamsport, Danville and Wilkes-Barrc, and all other intermediate places along tho Susquehanna. By this line mcrcliants may be anured of having their goods forwarded im mediately instead of having them lying in tho ware house waiting for transient boats, as has been the casp formerly. Tho subscriber will endeavor, by strict attention to merit a sharo of tho patronage, which is most respectfully solicited. OWEN M'CABE. Harrisburg, April 29, 1837. THE FULL-BLOODED YOUNG HORSE SPECULATOR, WILL bo for ccrvico during tho present season ending on tho first of July next, at the sta ble oi the subscriber, in Bloomsburg. For Terms, 1 edigrec, and Certificates, sfe Itandbilk. , . NOAH B. PRENTIS. April 29, 1837. TO FMETEIrSS. ,l wmiMW, HAUK1I, respectfully in- 'i form tlm Vrtnlm nf llm rr u ...I unjr mo uccn niuiviuuaiiy Known as established Letter Founders, that they have now formed a copart nership in said business, and from their united skill and extensive experience, they hopo to bo able to give satisfaction to all who may favor them with (heir orders, Tho introduction of machinery in place of the te dious and unhealthy process of casting type by hand, a desideratum by tho European founders, was by American ingenuity, and a heavy expenditure on tho part of our senior partner, first successfully accom plished. Extensive uso of tho machine to cast let ter, has fully tested and established its superiority in every particular over thoso cast by the old p.-ocesss. The Letter Foundry will hereafter be carried on by the partioa before named, under the finuof Wluto Hagcr, &Co. Their specimen exhibits a complete scnes, from Diamond to Sixty-four lines Pica tho book and news typo being in the most modern liaht and style. White, Hagcr & Co. aro agents for tho saloof the Smith and Rust Printing Presses, which they can turnish their customers at manufacturers' prices Chasos, cases, composing sticks, ink, and ovcry arti cle in the printing business, kept for sale andfurnUit cd on short noticeOld typo taken in exchange for new at 9 cents per pound. N. B. Newspaper proprietors, who will give the above three insertions, will bo entitled to five dol- cimens6U "' m'ly ff0m our 6P" tvt vi -E- WniTE & W. HAGER. New York, April 29, 1837. . . -' lu "iiuni A DIGEST of tjii: Revised Code & Acts 1 i i. ,i . . i uusuu iivino Legislature botweon tho II lay of April, 1830, and the lOtli day 5th of ........uou, jointing Wiin I'tirdon s gest of 1830, and l'arko & Johnson's Di- di- ti"'i luuijuuiuiilgCgtOI mo I of Pennsylvania, to the present time. laws Vr,'ijew copies of the above Dices sa c at l his Office ' or JOB PRIWTIWGl SUCH A8 Handbills. Blanks, &c. NEATLY rXECVTFD Attlic office of tlic Columbia Wcjuocrat; PROSPECTUS on Tiir. Atft) Democratic Review. 4"liN the first of July, 1837, will be published at Washington, District of Columbia, and deliv ered simultaneously in the principle cities of the U nilcd States', n new Monthly Magazine, under tlm abovo title, devofod to tho principles of the Demo cratic party. It has been apparent to many of tho rcficctinn? members of tho Dvmocrutic party of tho United, Slates, that a periodical for tho advocacy tuid dill'11. sion of their political principles, similar to thoso in such active and influential operation in England, is a tloidcratum, which it was very important to sup plya periodical which should unite uith the at tractions of n sound and vir-nrnii litnrnfnrn n nn. titical character capable of giving eflicicnt support lo the doctrines und measures of that party, now maintained by a largo majority of the people. Dis cussing tho great questions of policy before tho country, expending and advocating the Democratic doctrine through the most able pens that that party cen furnish, in ai tides of grcntcr length, moro com densed force, moro elaborate research, and more ele vated tone than is possible for lllo news-paper press, a Magazine of this character becomes an instrument of inappreciable valuo for the enlightenment and formation of public opinion, und for tho support of the principles which it advocate. By these menu?, by thus explaining and defending tho measures of tho great Democratic party, and by always furnish ing to tho public a clear and powerful commentary upon thoso complex questions of policy and party which- ro frequently distract the country, and upon which, imperfectly understood ns tlicy often .iro by friends, and misrepresented and distorted as they never fail lo bo by political opponents, it is of tho utmost importance that the public should ho fully and rightfully informed, it is hoped tho periodical in question may be made to exert a beneficial, ration al, and lasting influence on the public mind. Other considerations, which cannot lo too highly appreciated, will render tho establishment and suc cess of the proposed Magazine of very groat imjior tance. In the mighty struggle of antagonist principles which is now going on in society the Democratic Party of the United States stands committed lo Ihc World ns the depository and exemplar of those cardinal doctrines of uoliticnl fnftli will, ui,i.O, ii, cause of the People in every ago and country is i- u..,iiiiiu. vyiin:nj irum me wain 01 a romcmcnt means of concentrating the intollcctual energies of its disciples, thii party has hitherto been almost wholly unrepresented in the republic of letters, while the views and policy of its opposing creeds are daily advocated, by the ablest and most commanding ef forts of genius and learning. In tho United States Magazine the attempt will be made to remov c this reproach. The present is the time peculiarly appropriate for the commencement of such an undertaking. Tho Democratic body of the Union, after a conflict wliich tested to tho uttermost its stability and its principles, have succeeded in retain! ,tivo administration of the country. In tho conso- qucni comparative repose Irom political strife, the pe riod is suspicious for organizing and railing to iU) aid a new and powerfully ally of this character, interfe ring with none co-opcrnting with all. Co-ordinate with this main design orthc United States Magazine, no care norcost vill bo spared to rendcrit, in a literary point of view, honorable to tho country, and fit to cope in rigor ofrivalry with its European competitors. Viewing the English lan guage as the ncjjic heritage and conunon birthright of all who speak tho tongue of Milton and Shakes pear, it will bo the uniform object of its conductors to present only tho finest productions in tho various branches of literature, that can bo procured; and to difiuso tlie benefit of correct models of tasto and wor thy execution. In this department cxclusivencss of party, which h inseparable from tho political department of such a work, will have no place. Hero wo all stand on a neutral ground of equality and reciprocity, whero those univ crsal principles of tasto to which wo aro all alike nubject will alono be recognised as tho common aw. Our political principles cannot be compromised, but our common literature, it will bo our prida to. cherish and extend, with a liberality of feeling an hi assod by partial or minor views. As tho United States Magazine is founded on tho hroadest bam which the means and iullucnco of tho Democratic party in tho United States can present, it is intended to render it in every respect a thorough Aatwnal Work, not merely designed for ephem eral interest and attraction, but to conlinuo of perma nent historical value. With this view n considera. bio portion of each-number will bo appropriated to the following subjects, in addition to tho general feu lures referred to have. A general summary of Political and of Domestic Intelligence, digested in thoorder of thoStatcs com prising all the uuthentic. important facts of the ,irc. ceding month. 1 General Literary Intelligence, Domestic and For eign, General Scientific Intelligence, including Agri cultural Improvements, a notice of all new Patents, A condensed account of all new works of Internal Improvement throughout tho Union, preceded hv 11 genera view of all now in operation or in progress Military and Naval New,, Promotions, Changes Movements, Ac. "0-I Foreign Intelligence. sons'051'1""11 bUUary 110,iccsof distinguished pcr- After tho close of each session of Congress, an ex raoran enlarged number ill bo pi.'.IUhed, con taming a general review und history of its proceed ings a condensed abstract of important official docu menu, and tho Acts of tho session. Advantage will also be taken of tho means con centrated In this establishment from all quarter, of ho Union, to collect and digest such extensive sta tutical obscrvutionsoTi all the most important inter. grMthle C0U"try lU'cannotfuil Prove of very This portion oi tho work will be separately paged fi S . th .a cox.ioiih index, so that tho UniteU State Magnzmo will ab,o constitute a Complete An nual toguter, on n scolo ui.attemptcd before, and of very great importance to allclcmcs, not only as af fording a current and combined view, from month to month, of tho subjects which it will comprise, bu also for record ,md refc.encO through future yau,! thork. 0fwhidMvi,li'lcFa6i'l'l'o.lura.Cor In return for a remittance of $50, doven conies m Ihc sent; for S100, twonty-three'eopiw? C certificate of a po.tinattcrsof tho remitu ofn sum of money will Loasuuleicnt receipt, all dangers Sf the mail being at the risk of the publishers. 8 nJrt 1 com'?u.ic'"i0"vil bo addressed post miton, D C.U S'8n ' U VMi Wash- LANOTKCB & O'SULUvan. April 20, 1837,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers