The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 13, 1837, Image 4

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    Laboring classes in Eunorn Tim Tnl
low,ng interesting article S? $mth
Amcncan Itcview, Tor October, give 5
glowing description of the -condition5" U.o
laboring classes in Europe, i nga d0
ancans of -subsistence, the facilitiea 0f cdu-
clasS if -Wei? tSo
classes have m the government. It ought
o every dtfzcn of this free an
happy republic to guard with constant vigi-
S,ral"St encroachments upon the
institutions which guarantee to us the blcs-
nuuui our oretnren beyond the sc
arc destitute of. NL K rJ...
In NonwAY, the ordinarv fnml nf ,o
peasantry is breadimd gruel, both prepared
ol oatmeal, with an occasional mixture of
vuiuu i su. meat is a luxury they rarely
In SxvkdvH, the dress of the peasantry
is described by law. Their food consists
oi naru urcarj, dried fish, and gruel -with
out meat.
In Denmark, the .peasantry arc still held
... uunuugc, aim arc bought and sold to.
gether with the land in wbinli fim,.
In Russia, the bondage of the peasantry
is even more complete than it is in Den-
marK. i ne nobles own all the land in the
empire, and the peasantry who reside up
on it are transferred with tho estate.
A great majority have only .cottages,
'One portion 4)f .which is occupied "by the
family, while the other is appropriated to
domestic animals. Few, if any, have beds
but sleep upon bare boards, or upon parts
or the immense stoves by which their hou
ses arc warmed. Their food consists or
black bread, cabbage, unci other vegetables;
without lira addition of any butter.
In Poland, the nobles are the proprietors
iof the land, and the peasantry are slaves.
A recent traveller says, "I have travelled
'in every direction, and never saw a wheat
en loaf to the eastward of the Rhine, in any
part of Northern Germany, Poland or Dcrl
anark." The common food of the peasant
ry of Poland, "the working men," is cab
liagc and potatoes, sometimes, but not gen
erally, peak black bread and soup, or rath
er gruel, without the addition of butter or
In AusTKiA, the nobles arc the proprie
tors of the land, and Hie peasants arc com
pelled to work for their masters during the
day, except Sunday. The cultivators of
the soil arc in a sunt- of bonJogo
In Hungary, their state is, if possible,
still worse. The nobles own the land, do
not work, and pay no taxes. The labor
ing classes are obliged to repair all high
ways and bridges, are liable at all times to
...... U,nriiKul nnnn ttin.v.. .nrwl. n
compelled to pay one-tenth of the produce
of their labor to the church, and one-ninth
to the lord whose land they occupy.
Of the people of France, seven and a
half millions do not eat wheat or wheatcn
bread. They live upon barley, rye, buck
wheat, chesnuts and a few potatoes.
The common wages of a hard laborer in
France, is $37 50 for a man, and $18 75
for a woman, annually. The taxes upon
tthem are equal Jo one-fifth of its nett pro
duce. In 1771, there were 700,000 houses in
Ireland. Of those, 113,000 were occupi
ed by paupers and more than 500,000
had no hearth. Tho average wages of a
laborer is from nine and a half to elev
en cents a day.
Among the laboring classes of the indus
trious Scotch, meat, except on Sundays,
is rarely used.
In England, the price of labor varies;
the Notingham .stocking weavers, as sta
ted by them in a public address, after wor
king frem 14 to 10 hours a day, only earn
from four to five shillings a week, and were
obliged to subsist on bread and water, or
potatoes and salt.
i n
London. The following paragraphs,
showing the vast extent and population of
London, are from the lately published work,
entitled the "Great Metropolis."
"The area of the great metropolis is cal
culated to exceed 14,000 square acres. It
is divided into 155 parishes; and the com
puted number of its courts, lanes and alleys,
and rows, is 10,000. The houses are be
lieved to bo 250,000 in number, the rental
of which is 7,000,000 sterling. The
population, 2,000,000!"
"In proceedir along tho great thorough
fares, the stranger is astonished at the vast
.crowds of people be meets. "Whichever
side of tho street he is on, in whatever di-a-cction
lie looks, he sees nothing on the
pavement but a dense mass of human be
ings, not stationary or inactive, but all pro
ociWnf on their respective errands with at
much expedition as the crowded state of
. 1 1 11 T . . i i 1
the thorougnlaro win aiiow, in iaci whuh
a man has nothing to hurry is so
imuch theicustom to walk at a quick pace in
ihc crowded part of the town, that ho ap
pears to bo in as great hasto aa if ho had
just received intelligence that his house
was on fire."
The late William Cobbctt, paid an En
glishman, particularly a cockney, always
if lin had been sent on an errand,
,l mnke haste back. And tho cclc-
l.-nin.l tninns Iloinr. the 'Etrick Shopliord,'
observed, on his visit to London, in 1832,
n d.n r,,lfc his saw in the principal
streets secmod as if death lunwolf was fol
lnwinir at thoir heels. The number of per
sons who crotcd London bndgO ip one
day j . counted, and toimd to oe ncanv
1)0,000. SOO.OOO persons die annually; but
l ie yearly number of births exceed the
earns by two or three thousand. It is mat 120,000 strangers arc at all
times stavinrr in T.mwlnn r.n .i
1 he number of Scotchmen living .in Lon-
.o vuu.jnucu iu ue iiiu,uuu, being witli
" l ,v thousand of the wholo population
of Edmburir. The Blimlinr nf Trielunnn
20,000, nealy equal to tho population of
numocr ot JL'rcncnmcn 4)0,
Emigration to the United States. 1
ine number o! passengers who arrived
from foreign countries into the U. States.
during the year 1830; was 80,9523 Of
whom were males, 01,912; females 29,010.
Of these there were born in tho U. States,
4,913. Of this number there were natives
of Great Britain and Trnlnnrl. aii$c- new
ish American Colonies, 2,081; Germany,
r ranee, i,44a; Prussian, 208;
Switzerland. 415: Tlmimnrlr. A1A. Tlnllmwl
297; Mexico, 797; Texas, 008; Cuba, 510;.
an omcr countries, 2,152. Of the above
were landed at Nriv Ynrl.-. rr Met. tuii;.
more, 0,058; New Orleans, 4,900; Boston
z.uuu; riniauclplua, 2,147; Portland 1021
Passamaquoddy, 1401-; all other ports
1408. Total 70,930.
Tho Washington correspondent of the
Baltimore Patriot, lias (lie following inter
esting statements, in relation to a new meth
od of conveying intelligence. The cxperi
mentis to be first made between New Or
leans and N. York. It is said in the arti
cle below that news can bo carried from
one to tho other of these places in half
an hour!
"I had great pleasure in meeting with
Mr. Robert E. Hudson, of tho Merchant's
News Room, New York; and Mr. Gonon,
formerly of France, but more recently from
Russia, v;ho arc now in this city, making
arrangements for the establishment of a line
of telcsraphs from New York to New Or
leans. Mr. Gonon and his associate. Air.
Servell, have after many years amplication
tc-Hhe subject, invented an important system
of Telegraphs, which casts into the shade
every thing of the samo kind that has ever
yet been attempted. By their admirable
plan, they can communicate every kind of
information, word by wordf and punctuate
the same, without usimr more sicrnals than
words, and with as much rapidity as a
have received the most flattenng'uiii.ou..1
mcnt from those literary and scientific gen
tlemen to whom they have explained the
system! and not a doubt is ascertained that
it rriii accomplish tho purpose of the inven
tors, and realize all that has been anticipa
ted from it. Mr. Gonon assures me that
he will be able to communicate a despatch,
of one hundred words, from New York to
New Orleans, in HALF AN HOUR! and
those who are thoroughly acquainted with
the system confirm his promises. How ele
meutary does every other system appear in
comparison of that which can accomplish
such an object? The imagination is over
powered in contemplating tho consequences
of such an achievement of human ingenui
ty. Distance is annihilated. Thousands
of miles no longer divide us. "We know
on tho instant, as it were, tho actions, the
wishes, the determinations of our fellow-
beings of other states. Fortunate it is that
wo live in an age for whose intellectual pro
gress nothing is too ripe!"
Horrible! A young female who was
servant at an inn near the custom house, at
Copenhagen, was lately torn to pieces by
some ferocious dogs kept at tho station.
Tho animals had been let loose in tho night
and having got over a wooden paling into
tho yaru ot the inn, killed tho poor girl be
fore any one could come to her assistance.
Her body was mo3t frightfully mangled.
This is suited to be the third accident of the
same nature that has recently' happened at
Copenhagen. London paper.
Single Blessedness. Wo learn from
the Southern Literary Journal, that there
arc now in Charleston, S. C. four thousand
three hundred and twenty unmarried ladies
between tho ages of fifteen and fifty, nine
hundred and seventy-ono from fifteen to
twenty, one thousand five hundred and sev
enty-eight from twenty to thirty, one thou
sand one hundred and twenty from thirty
to lorty, anu six hunureu and tilty-sevcn
from forty to fifty.
Remedy tor influenza. The disorder
being one of obstruction of perspiration,
and of tho customary evacuations, the pro
per remedies, ought to bo administered with
out delay on tho first appearance of the
usual symptoms: the action of tho skin is
to be restored by an early application of
the hot bath, or by the uso ol suiionuc dil
uents, as hot tea, barley broth, treacle pos
set, mulled and spice wine, or that which
is best of all, a basin of warm gruel at bed
time, well sweotened, and containing from
20 to 25 drops of iintimonial wine, and 10
or 12 drops of laudanum. Tho bowels aro
to be well attended to; and all intemperance
in eating and drinking, as well as cxposuro
to damp aim night air, ought to bo carclul
ly avoulpd.
The Mprmons are gohjjj ahead. They
hovb erected a church in tlio town of Kirk
land, Ohio, at tho oxpenseof forty tliuusatiU
published every Saturday morning, at
TIFO DOLLARS per annum, payable
half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars
Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year.
No subscription will be taken for a shorter
period than six months nor any discon
tinuance permitted, until all arrearages
arc discharged.
ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding a
square will be conspicuously inserted at
One Dollar for the first three insertions.
and y'wcnty-fwc cents for every mbsc-
qucm nscmon. fcrvz iiucrai aiscoum
made to those who advertise by the year.
Of Sunbury, Noi-lliumucrland county,
EGS leave respectfully to inform tho public,
holms taken that large and spacious three story brick
house, formerly occupied by Mathcw Wilson, corner
of Walnut and Third streets,
In view of tho State Capitol, which he intends to
open on tho 1st day of may next, and where ho
hopes to continuojto receive that patronage so liberal
ly bestowed on his establishment heretofore. He
will at alltimcs bo provided with everything ncccssa
ry to make his guests comfortable.
Harrisburg, April 29, 1837.
uiai no is nuout io rcmovo io llnrnsburg, where
'The SuKiscvilier
TO ESPECTFULLY informs the public, that ho
Mj&j has removed to tho house formerly occupied
1.V John Bislmil. sitiinfn nn tlio onmnr ni.l frl,t
and Plumb streets, New-Berlin, Union county, Pa.
ne iiouse anu oiauics aro undergoing a thorough
repair, which will cnablo him to entertain all thoso
Who mavnlcase tn f.wnrbim with n -n11 !n nn nnr.
able and comfortable manner.
1 ho subscriber ha ing been long engaged catering
10r tho milllir. ltplinvoa it linnruivefinr In efttn l.ntn
his Bar and Tablo will bo supplied: suffice it to say
that tho best tho market can afford will bo called in
requisition, and that tho Stable department will re
ceive tho panic attention.
he respe'ifrufry fefltMiVsAmuatebatem
uii iiitrcuseu support, as every attention will bo paid
to tho comfort and convenience of his patrons.
New-Berlin, April 29, 1837.
Three times a Week!
MAI1L coaches.
THIS Lino passes through New-Berlin, Middle
burg, Bcavcrtown and Adamsburcr. It inter
sects at Northumberland, tho Wilkcsbarrc and Eas
ton line, to and from New-York Citv the Harris
burg and Wilkcsbarrc, Philadelphia and Pottsvillo
lines ; anu also tlio l'lttsuurg, Harrisburg, and Phi
ladelphia lines at Lcwistown. Threo times a week
distanco fifty miles, with elegant Coaches, supe
rior Horses, and careful and obliging Drivers, ren
dering it tho cheapest, best, and most expeditious
route in Pennsylvania, connecting tho Eastern and
Western lines and the shortest passage between tho
Pittsburg and Pottsvillo lines.
FARE THROUGH, - - - $3
Arrivals fc jDcpnriurcs :
Leaves Northumberland every Monday. Wednes
day and Friday, in tho afternoon, immediately after
ino arrival oi an mo stages : arrives tlio next day at
Lcwistown, in timo to take tho stago or packet-boat
for Pittsburg. Leaves Lcwistown every Monday,
AVcdncsday and Friday after the arrival of tho boaU
and stages from Pittsburg, and arrives at Northum
berland tho next morning in timo to take any of tho
stages or boats that lcavo that day.
Tho proprietor has made arrangements to meet
the different lines so as not to detain passengers at
cither end of tho route. Every attention will be
paid in order to render ease and comfort to passen
gers. An
Accommodation Stage
w ill at all times ho in readiness at Ncw-llerlin, to
convey passengers to any placo of destination, or to
intersect any other lino of stages,
New-Berlin. April 20, 1837.
General Stage Office.
Joseph Weaver,
(I.ato of tlio Orwlgsburg Hotel,)
MESPCCTFULLY informs his friends and the
public in general, that ho has taken tho above
named btand, lately occupied by J. Haugawout, situ
ated in tho borough of Pottsvillo, Schuylkill county,
Pennsylvania. The building is very large, of brick,
thrco stories, and situate in tho ccntro of tho town,
on Main street, and ostensibly built for the convenient
and genteel accommodation of tho public.
His bar will always bo stored with tho choisest
wines, and purest liquors, and his tables with tho licst
viands tho country can afford: with oblicinir Wnileru
to man his parlors, double and i-inglo lodging and di.
ning rooms, and first rate cooks in tho kitcecn de
partment, and with his own humblo determined exer
tions to plcaso, ho feels confident to give general sat
infliction to thewo who will favor him with their jt
ronage. Latao stabling und atlontlvp ofller, under
me control oi uivi proprietor, lire altatiiqdto the
April 20, 1837.
Transportation Line.
rrUIE SUBSCRIBER respectfully informs the
JL public in general, that ho has taken that largo
and commodious warehouse, formerly kept by Hen
ry Wallers, Esq. and recently by Mr. Burk, where
he is ready to receive and lorwanl produce ol all uc
scriptions from Harrisburg to Philadelphia, as ho is
prepared at the opening of tho navigation to run n
hue ot Union canal decked boats ot Uio hrst class, to
run from each placo and deliver goods in thrco and n
half days from tho time of departure. Goods will
bo received at the warchouso of Jabcz Harradcns, re
cently Bonsall &. Rovoudt, Vino street wharf,
bchuylkill, Philadelphia.
N. I). Goods will also bo received at tho above
places and forwarded by tlio samo lino in connexion
with the Susquehanna canal packet and freight boat
company toTn'orthumbcrland, Williamsport, Uanvillc
and Wilkes-Uarre, and all other intermediate places
along tho Susquehanna. By this line merchants
may bo assured of having their goods forwarded im
mediately instead of havjng them lying in tho ware
house waiting for transient boats, as has liecnthe
case lormcrly. Iho subscriber will endeavor, bv
strict attention to merit a share of the patronage,
Harrisburg, April 20, 1S37.
Military Trainings.
THE enrolled inhabitants residing within tho
bounds of the 1st Brigade, 8th Division, Penn
sylvania Militia, aro hereby commanded to meet, a-
GTCCablv to law. fnr tbn Tlnmnsn nf (rniiunir miw!.
sing and inspection, in Battalions, to wit :
,111. . 1 .11 1. r ., i ,
i no isi uauaiion oi ino 7tn Hcgimcnt, to meet at
Straubstown, on Monday, tlio 8lh day of May next;
and tho Arolunteer Comnnnv nltnrlinl flinrpt to tn
meet at tho samo timo and place.
ino m uattanon ot tho 7th Regiment, to meet at
Swinnfnnlsfmvn. nn 'Pnnc.ti.r 4l.rt nil. .I-.. r ,T-..
next, and tho Washington Rillo Battalion of Volun-
uxrs, commanucu oy Lieut, uol. lloucrt J'. Alaclay,
is to meet at the samo timo and place.
Tho 2d Battallion of tbn 4n,l I? pfT? trirni in tni-n
nt Mifllinburg, on Wednesday tho 10th day of May
in;.; unuuio v oiuiuccr uompaniw attached thereto
aro to meet at tho same timo and place.
Tho Ist.Battalion nf llin ASA If;,,,,
--(3,"-.. IV Jllll.,
atLcwisburg, on Thursday, the 11th day of May
iwai, uuu uiu uiucpcnucnt uattanon ot Volunteers,
commanded by Lieut. Col. James S. Dougal, is to
meet at tho same time and place.
The first Battalion of tho 48th Regiment, to'mcct
at Milton, on Friday, the 12th day of May next.
The 2d Tlnltnlmn nf ll, -lOll. !:.. .
- -.u... jviuui-ui, iu UlUC'l
at Woslnngtonvillc, on Saturday tho 13th day of May
uuu uiu , uiumccr companies attached Uicrcto
aro to meet at the same timo and place.
Tho 1st Battalion nf tlin U;,,.t .,.
- "fc mini, IIIWl
hcxt"lfu"HUCven Monday, tho 15th day of May
arc io meet ai incfiame lime and firaW.v!u.llicrcto
The 2d Ilnttnlinn nf llm 71ct llnmi
at the public house of Jocn Ycagcr, in Roaring creek
luwnsnip, on i ucsuay, ino luth day ol May next;
and tho Volunteer company attached thereto is to
meet at the same time and place.
Tho 1st Battalion nf tho 45th regiment, to meet
atSunbury, on Wednesday, tho 17th day of May
next; and tho Volunteer company attached thereto
is to meet at tho samo timo and place.
i no Northumberland Independent Battalion of
Volunteers is to meet at tho samo timo and place,
and on the. same dav AN P.I.Kf!TmiVw;ill,A l,i.i
at tho public houso of Gcorgo Prince, between tho
nuurs oi icn in mo lorcnoon and six in the after
noon, to elect by ballot one person for MAJOR, for.
said Battalion, in tlic room of Frndnrirlf T.n7nma re
Tho 2d Battalionof tho 45th Regiment, to meet
at the public, house of Samuel Hcrbst, inLittio Ma
hony township, on Thursday, the 18th dav of Mav
1st Brigade, 8th Division, P. M
Brigade Insnector's office. 1
Limestone, April 29, 1837. $
ILL bo for service during tho present season
Cllditlir nil thn drel nf I,, I. ....... .1
hle ol tho subscriber, m Bloomsburg. ForTcnm,
i euigrcc, and Ucrtihcates, see handbills.
April 20, 1837.
WHITE & W. IIAGER, respectfully in-
-....w w u. iv wiium
tllCV ImVO bccil lmilViilnnllir knmrn na l..l
Letter I ounders, that they have now formed a copart
nership in said business, and from their united skill
and cxtensivo experience, they hopo to bo ablo to
give satisfaction to all who may favor them with
their orders.
Tho Introduction nf mnflnnnv.. : r.i.- i-
w J(1 j(m0 ul ulu lt
dious and unhealthy process of casting typo by hand,
a desideratum bv tho Knrnnoiin f,.,, .), ; i...
r m t tvuiiuvtD, ITUD ,1V
American ingenuity, and a heavy expenditure on tho
1 r. , , ul "tluul iiw, nrsi succosslully accom
Dlishcd. Extclliivn llBn nf llm ,.,!, :., .
I i i. i . . , ..i.iiiiiu iu tusi let
ter, has fully tested and established its superiority in
Tifi l""-""" "ul "'u"" csi ny uie old piocesss.
I ho Letter Foundry will hereafter bo carried on
by the parties before named, under the firm of White
linger, & Co. Their specimen exhibits a comnleto
scnos, lrom Diamond to Sixty-four lines Pica tho
book and news typo being- in tho most modern light
and style. "
White, Hager & Co. are ogcnU for tho saloof tho
wiiiiu uim uust rrintmg-Presses, which they can
rurmsh their customers at manufacturers' prices
Chases, cases, composing sticks, ink, and every arti
clo in the printing businoss, kept lc Jind furnidht
cd on short notice. Old typo takcli in exchango for
new at 0 cents per pound.
N. B. Newspaper proprietors, who will glvo tho
obovo thrco insertions, will bo entitled to five del
lars m such articles as they may select from our spe
cimens. 1
k via .,E'nWI"TE&W. HAGER.
New Yoik, April 20, 1807,
nhati.y i:xi:cun;i)
At (hoollico of the CoIumbla Democrat."
Democratic Review.
,N the first of July, 1837, will bo published at
' Washincton. District of Columbia, ond deliv.
cred simultaneously iu the principle cities of the U
nited States, a new Monthly Magazine, under the
1 1 .-.1 i n .1 1
uuuvu line, uuvuieu vo uic principles oi mo icnio
erotic party.
It has been apparent to many of tho reflecting
members of tho Democratic party of tho United
States, that a periodical for the ajvocacy and diffu
sion of their political principles, similar to those in
such active and influential operation in England, is
n desideratum, which it was very important to sup
plya periodical which should unito with tho at
tractions of a Bound nnd vigorous literature, a po
litical character capable of giving efficient support
lo the doctrines and measures of that parly, now
maintained by n largo majority of the people. Dis
cussing tho great questions of policy beforo tho
country, expending and advocating the Democratic
doctrine through the most able pens thot that party
can furnish, in articles of greater length, more con
densed force, more elaborate research, and moro ele
vated lone than is possiblo for tho news-paper press,
a Magazine of Ibis character becomes an instrument
of inapprcciablo value for tho enlightenment and
formation of public opinion, and for the support of
tlio principles which it advocates. By theso means,
by thus explaining and defending tho measures of
tho, great Democratic party, and by -always furnish
ing to tho public a clear and powerful commentary
UPOtl thoSO COlnnlnr min.tiiml nf nnlfov nn,1 nnriir
which so frequently distract tho country, and upon
wmcn, uiipuriciuy unucrsioou as ihcy oltcn aro liy
friends, and miRreiirpKpnln,1 nml ilUinriiwl no ilm..
never fail to bo by political opponents, it is of tho
uuiiom importance uiai me public should ho lully
and rightfully informed, it ishoped tho periodical in
OUCStioil mav bomndn til nTort n linnnfminl rnlinn.
ul, and lasting influence on tho public mind.
Other considerations, which cannot bo too highly
annreciated. will render tbn pclnlilislimnni n,..l ex
cess of the proposed Magazine of very great impor-
In the miubtv stniirrrln nf nnlmrnnict t.!, ,;,.(.,..
, . . . O-- t DO'" - ....... .111.-,
which is nnw frmnrr nn m snnMir thn HmiMitA
Party of the United States stands committed to tho
World as tho depository and exemplar of thoso
cardinal doctrines of noliiienl fnitli ni'tli ultint. l.n
cause of the People in every ago and country is i
dcutified. Chirflv frnm flm tumw nf n nn..A..:...
J ....... . . . ....... . i.
means ot concentrating the intellectual energies of
its disciples, this nartv linn Mil.fn l.n,..i l,,.t
wholly unreircsentcdin therqiublicof Ictlers, whilo
;" uuu jioucy oi ns opposing crccdsaro daily
advocated, bv the nblest nnil nine! rnmtnn,lin. ..f.
forts of genius and learning.
in tho United Nates Magazine the attempt will
bo modo to remove this rmrnncli.
J ho present is the time peculiarly appropriate for
the commencement of such an undertaking. Tho
Democratic body of tlio Union, after a conflict which
tested tO tho UttCmiOSt itH Stnllililv nml ita nrim-tnl.
have succeeded in retaining possession of tho execu
:, i. i '. r . i .
in u uuiiiinisiruiiuii oi mccountry. in tho consc
OUcnt comnarativc rennsn frnm nnlii!il ttrlf..
riod is suspicious for organizing and calling to' its aid
luiKvwmiiun'LTiuiiy aiiy oi mis character, mterle-Co-ordinato
with tins maiiluiMnji.
States Ma?azlnc. nn rnrn tmrrnuf urill 1... BnrTr tX
- - ' ' Oj.l.W W
rendcrit, in a literary point of view, honorable to tho
miintrV. nml fit In nniu, in -' .,(".' I M. I. .
j , ... Mjm .i. nui ui ,1, uuy Willi iu,
European competitors. Viewing the English lan
guage as the noble heritage and common birthright
oi uii wno spcaK ino tonguo ot Alilton and hakes
pear, it will bo the uniform object of iu conductors to
present onlv the finest urrulnrt inna ill tltn vnn'fiita
branches of literature, that can be procured; and to
umu&i; uie ucneiii oi correct models ol taste and wor
my execution.
In this department cxclusivcness of party, which
is inseparable from tlio nolitiml ilni,nrtm.n nf .li n
work, will have nn nlnrn. Ifnrn -n nil ri.,,l
neutral ground of equality and reciprocijy.icro
those universal principles of taste to which wc ato all
oliln c.i.:nn. ...:n l 1. .
uyi.wiiiaioiiouo recognised as 4 ne, common
law. Our political principles cannot bccomioinlsed,
but our common literature, it will bo our. pride" to-
mwisu mm cxicnu, wmi a uocrality ol lceling aif bi
asscd by partial or minor views. ' .
As tlio United States Miwn,! nn !a fnimdml nn ll.n
O ... ...... ...i u. Wn mu
,wi. uiu iiiuuiis aim inuuenco .gt thCj
uuiuiuaui; puny in mo united Biatcj can present,
it is intended to render
y National Work, not merely designed for ephem
eral intorost nml oltMi!nn l... ! ?
ncnt historical value. With this view a considera
ble portion of each mimlinr win W mi-f.nti
tho following subjects, in addition to tho general fea
tures refniWil tn l.nim
A eoncnil mimmnro nf Pnlitl.! c ii
T ii; ,. J " u,i mm ui xuiiii'iiim
Intelligence, digested in the order of the States com-
i",mg uu mo auincntic important facts of tho lifc
ccding month. f
General Literary Intelligence, Domestic iTnd For
eign. -
General Sc'snUfic Intelligence, including Agri
cultural Improvements, anntirn nf nil
" ,
A condcnscdaccountofallncwwwksoflntcmar
improvement Ibrnnirlinnt ll,n lT..i... 1.1 ,
, ... ... Q....u. v,.w wiiiuii, juuvuut'u py a
general view of all now in operation or InVogrcss.
Military and Naval NejvS,lr'8motioiij;' Cbangl-s
Foreign Intelligence, t 4
Biographical bituary notices of distin'suishod -persons.
After tho close of oaeb
traoran enlarged number will bo pumhcdco"n-
; - fa...iu, ii.uuy uuu iiiKiory oi iisproceed-
nigs, a condensed abstract of important olHcial docu
ments, and tho Acts oftho session. -
Advantago will also bo taken oftho means cdn-
ccntrated in this establishment from' all quarters of
tho Union, to collect and digest such cxtensivo sta
tistical observations on all tho most imiiortant intcr
oots of tho country us cannot fail' to provo of very
great value. 1 '
This portion oi tho work will lio separately paged
so- ns to aihmt of binding by itself; and'willVo fur
nishcd with a copious index, so-that th,Unitcd
States Magazine will also coiibtituto a Complete An.
nuaUiegistcr, on a scale unffltcmptcd before, and of
very great importance to all classes, not only as af-
ording a current and combined view, from month
to month, of the subjects which it will comprise, but
also for record and reference through future years:
ho valuo of which will incrcaso with tho duration of.
tho work.
In return for a remittance of $50, eleven conies
Will bo sent; for $100, tweuty-three copies. Th0
certilicate of a postmasters oftho remittance of a sum
of money wlllboasuflieient receipt, all. dangers of
tlioinail being at Ihoji.k of thepui;iiau.r. k
jT AII coniimmieutloiw will bo. addressed post
daid, to the undiwifiiioil, tho Publishers.
I.ANG'J'REij it O'Sl.'LhiVAN.
Washington, D. C. April 2018-J7.