The convention to reform the Constitu tion of Pennsylvania, assembled at the state capital on the 2d instant, all the delegates being present except Thomas Hastings, of JclTcrson county. Gen. Cunningham, of Mercer, was cho sen chairman; -and J. C. Middle and'CirAs. A. Barnitz, secretaries pro tern. Tire secretary of the commonwealth then presented to the convention a certified, list of the delegates elected to the conven tion; after which the convention proceeded to elect the presiding officers. The vote for president stood as follows: John Sergeant liad GO votes. James M. Porter " 03 'So that Mr. Sergeant was declared du ly elected; and after being conducted to the chair by Mr. Porter, made the following brief address: .'cntlcmcn, Members of this Convention. 'The station yon have called me to by your election, is one which in this common wealth, and elsewhere incur country, lias occupied by the most eminent citizens. However unworthy I must feel myself to be associated with tho illustrious names which form the roll of Presidents of con ventions, it cannot but be felt as a high honor to have a place in tho same list with them. It is deeply felt to be so, and I beg you to accept for it my most sincere ac knowledgments. The subjects we arc to deliberate upon are of no ordinary character. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are of trans cendent importance. Tho commonwealth at Pennsylvania was one of the first, if not flic very first, to imitate the example of the whole people of tho United Statesj in taking down the fabric of govcrment which had been provided amidst the exigencies of a new and disturbed state of existence, and in replacing it by a solid structure, deliber ately formed, and intended to give perma nent security to all the rights of every mem ber of the community. At the end of fifty years, the system of social order which was then framed, is committed to our hands that we may examine it, and if need be, propose to our'fellow citizens such improve ments as this great fundamental law may seem to require. Such a work, it must be acknowledged, demands the utmost exer tion of wisdom and exemption, as far as possible, from the influence of prejudice and passion, and every disturbing motive and..withall, a spirit of pure and generous patriotism whlcir seeks- nu uihcr grminca--tion than to promote tho lasting happiness of those who are, and those who aro to be in habitants of this great and favored com monwealth. A constant sense of the magnitude of the duty we aro called to perform, and of the grave accountability we arc under for its faithful performance, cannot fail to produce calmness and order in our deliberations; while at the same time a becoming serious ness, with mutual kindness and respect, will be an earnest to our fellow citizens of thc-singleness of purpose with which we follow the path of that great duty; and with the blessings of a gracious Providence up on our counsels, the best means of accom plishing good results. To the utmost of my humble powers, I promise to co-operate with you in whatever will tend to give character and efficacy to our proceedings. With but little aid from experience, I am very scnsiblo of my defi ciencies, and how much I shall -stand in need of your continual indulgence and sup port. My hope, and my belief is, that they will be liberally extended to uninten tional error, and further than this you may be assured there will bo no claim. Pardon mo for detaining you a moment longer, to express to you my heartful wish that all who aro here assembled, may, to the last day of their lives, have cause to re joice in the acts of this convention, with as firm conviction that they have done nothing to weaken the foundations of human free dom and happiness. The convention then adjourned, to meet again at 10 o'clock on Wednesday morning. Wednesday, May, 3, 1837. The convention met at ten o'clock, and Rr(nt the whole morning in electing a Sec retary, arid resolving the appointment of three assistants. The vote lor secretary stood as follows : JFor Samuel Shoch, 07 votes, Francis II. Shuilk, 05 " ByUhc resolution Francis It. Shnnk was mrwln an additional secretary, and George L. Fauss arid Joseph Williams assistant secretaries. Mr. ' Shunk, however, has tince declined the honor of serving under ni nntlmnsoil. In the afternoon tho convention elected -James E. Mitchell, Sorgcant-at-arms, and Daniel Eckels, Door-keeper; ana oy a res. olution Andrew Krausc was appointed as sistant door-keeper. m,n rnllnwinsr resolution was then offer i i. at,. Tvoersol. and laid on the table : IM "J . , . , Resolved, That it be referred to a ppccial committee to repent what business it is pro er for thin convention to lake intoconsidc- i . j .t. il.n uoid rnminitlpfl be in- tationi ana uim v - strutted to report a rcfcrcnee'of tho follow ing several 'subjects, each one to a special committee, -to be appointed by the president' of this convention, viz : J st. 1 no subject Of Legislation. 2d. The subject of the Judiciary. 3d. Tho subject of the Executive de partment. 4th. TllCv Sllhiect nf VAnniinna .nnA ..Qui. frago. 5th. The subject of a bill of rights. Gth. Thcsubjcctof constitutional amend ments. 7th. Tho subject of the Cutroncy. 8th Thcsubjcctof Corporations and Pri iclges. 0th Thc subicct of Lenrninrr. TMnnntinn and Science. 10th. Thee subiect of Offipinl A nnnint. ment and Tenure. 1 1 . The subject of the Militia. 12th. The subiccf of Pnhlm Wirlm-rivo by land and water, and tho eminent Domain of the State. 13th. The subject of Internal Imnrovc- mcnts. 14th. The subject of the Political Year. Tonother with such other Kllhipfits ns the said first mentioned committee mav think- fit to report for the action of this Conven ts! '.in ... ' . . uon, anu mat inc sam committee be instruc ted io report whether this convention is. nr can bo restrained by any act of the legisla ture; in its power to submit amendments to the constitution, or a new constitution for the acceptance of the people. air. Hopkinson ottered the following, which was laid on the table : Jicsolved. That so much of tlm r (institu tion as relates to tho legislative dnmrtment. be referred to a committee to take into con sideration the expediency of making any, and if any, what alterations and amend ments tncrein, anu report thereon. Resolved, That so much of tho constitu tion as relates to tho executive department, be referred to a committee, to take into con sideration, tho expediency of making any, and if any, what alterations and amend ments therein, and to report thereon. Jccsolveu, 1 hat so m'5h of tho constitu tion as relates to matters not referred to by the foreffoincr resolutions, bo referred to n committee to take the same into considera tion, and report whether any, and if any, what alterations and amendments thereof arc expedient. Resolved, That the Bill of Rights be re ferred to a committee, to consider and report whether any, and if any, what alterations and amendments thereof are expedient. The convention then prov-ooj,i tn hnlln for printers of the English Debates, but ad journed without accomplishing the object me isanors oi tne "licystono," and l-'cnn of tho "Telegraph," having an equal num ber ot votes. Thursday, May 4, 1837. A communication from Francis It. Shunk, resigning the office of additionol clerk was read; and a resolution electing Packer, Bar rett and Parke, printers of the English De bates, Thompson and Clark printers of the English Journal, E. Guyer printer of the German Debates, and Joseph Ehrenfreid printer of tho German Journal was adopted by a vote of 93 to 37. Friday, May 5, 1837. After some preliminary business Samuel A. Gilmore was elected an additional Sec retary in the room of Mr. Shunk; and the present constitution, together with the bill of rights, and constitution of 1770, ordered to be printed for the use of tho members. Several resolutions were offered, which were cither laid on the table or indefinitely postponed. Saturday, May 0, 1837. The committee appointed to report rules for tho regulation of tho convention, sub mitted a great number, which after much discussion and various amendments were adopted. The following just and highly merited tribute of respect to the memory of Dan Caldwell, dee'd., was delivered in the re form Convention, by E. Banks, Esq. of Mifflin on the 3d inst: Mr. President: Before proceeding to the business of tho Convention this morn ing, allow me to remark, that although there is a very full attendance of the dele gates elected by tho people on the 4th of November last, to prepare anu propose a- mendments to the constitution oi the state, there is one absent, and who never can bt here. Ono who, on the day of tho election which made you sir, and every gentleman on tin's floor, with one exception, (tho gen tleman who fills his plucc,) members of Ihis Convention, had as fair a prospect of bointr ncre. as any one now present. Unc who could not havo been detained "by light and trivial causes," from being here ihis day, if in being, but who submissively bowing to tho will of Omnipotence, said as his relatives and friends havo and should individuatly say in relation to his loss, "tho will of my God bo done." I will be un derstood to mean Dan Caldwell, of Union county. It is not my purpose to eulogize Mr. Caldwell, Hit I may be allowed to state, that in nil the relations of life in addition to being affectionate and kind, he was active, energetic and useful, upright m his deport ment, a good citizen and an honest man. Therefore Resolved, That tho Convention, as a to ken of their regard for the memory of Dan Ualctwcll, allow .tins notice ot his death to be placed upon the journal. Mr. Merrill did not know that he could suggest any thing to whatliad been presented by the gentleman on his right, Mr. (Banks.) lie deemed it proper, however, as a citizen from tliC'COunty where tho deceased resi ded, to say that in all tho walks of life he had been respected, honored and esteemed. Ho had known the deceased long, and al though they differed on some points, yet as intimato acquaintances and friends, they had always agreed; and he could say with truth that thero was no ono among his friends for whom he entertained a higher regard than Dan Caldwell. The convention in the death of this gentleman had met with a serious loss; for although ho was attached to a party, he held the interests of his coun try above any feeling of party; whatever respect therefore could be paid to his mem ory by the convention, he hoped it might bo done, as there was no one more deserv ing of it than the deceased. Wc shall continue our notice, as above, of the diurnal proceeding. jC7The "Integrity of the Union" con vention which we noticed in our last as hav ing adjourned without accomplishing any particular object, must have transacted much business in the absence of our correspon dent. About 100 delegates attended, rep resenting 37 counties of the state; and with the exception of a few unsuccessful attempts made by disguised abolitionists who procu red seats in the Convention, to disturb the proceedings, there existed a perfect harmony of feeling, and unity of action. The Hon. Thomas II. Baird, of Washington presided, assisted by twelve vice presidents and five secretaries. Wc extract from the proceed ings tho following preamble and resolutions as reported by the committee appointed for that purpose, and which were unanimously adopted by the Convention. The cautious wisdom which distinguish ed the framcrs of the constitution of the United States, is strikingly manifested in the reserve with which the instrument al ludes to tho existence of domestic servitude amonu ii.t. - i , -i . . . n., sarily presented to their view, and exerted an important influence on several articles of the compact, mo lorm siavc or slavery no where occurs. The appointment of representatives and of direct taxes, is required to be made ac cording to the population of the states re spectively, by adding to the whole number of free persons, including thoso bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other persons. Tho migration or importation of sucu persons as any ot the states should think proper to admit, is not to be prohibit ed by congress prior to the year 1808. No person held to labor or service in one slate according to the laws thereof, esca ping into another, shall in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharg ed from such labor or service, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party, to whom such labor or service may bo due. By this carefully varied but clear phrase ology, it was sought to protect the interests of the slave holding states, and to secure tho right of the master to the services of his slave. Congress was vested with power to proliibit the introduction of slaves after the year 1808; but in all other respects, the subject of slavery wa3 included in the general reservation of powers not delega ted, and was left to the unrestricted action of each state within its own limits. Such arc the articles of the constitution, which relato to slavery within the United States, fully rccognisinsr its existence, and guarding against any legislation which might liberate an absconding slave. When it is remembered, how many con dieting interests, and how many variant iwuibui uiuugiu unu inu, were reconciled by the spirit of mutual coiiccssion which is embodied in this compact, no argument should bo required to enforce all its provi sions, and to rescuo its principles from Vio lation. Nor can it bo necessary to demonstrate to tho candid and the honorable, that the spirit of this compact is opposed to meas ures by winch the rights it recognises aro disturbed in their exercise, or impaired in their security. Principle cannot sanction an indirect interference with relations. which are thus formally vindicated and es tablished. Slavery existed in the District of Colum bia at tho time of its cession to the United States, and the rights growing out of this circumstance have recently been made the subject ot highly excited discussion. It is not however necessary, in tho judgment of mis convention, to inquire now lar those rights aro protected by tho terms of the con sttiution. It is enough that, whether so protected or not, they ought in no wise to be affected by an act of legislation. Were even tho power of Congress' unquestiona ble, its action on the subject is forbidden by considerations of tho highest policy. Suck it is believed aro now tha views and opinions of tho people of Pennsylvania, .i a state which actu'ig for itself, lias ifithinits own borders treated slavery as an civil both in tho abstract ahd in practice, ahd It is for tho single purpose of expressing tlicrh that this convention has been assembled. Its members have been chosen tit meetings held without distinction of party in the sev eral counties of the state, and most of them have been especially charged by tho lan guage of their commission to "assure our brethren of tho Southern states, thatwc, as a state, are opposed to the schemes of the immediate abolitionists, and that wc will to the utmost of our ability defend and sus tain the constitution of tho United States, and that compact by which wc arc unitod as ono people." Scnsiblo of tho importance of declaring frankly and accurately the general senti ment of Pennsylvania on tins subject, the convention, after a full consultation; has a doptcd, in the name of its constituents, the following resolutions: Resolved, That tho government of the United States, has no constitutional power whatever, over the rclatioh of maslcr and slave, in any of tho states of the Union. Resolved, That Whether congress docs or docs not possess the right of legislating on the subject of tho abolition of slavery within the district of Columbia, it would be unwise and impolitic in the extreme, to as sert or exercise such right; as any attempt to do so would impair the harmony and mutual confidence of tho states, if not peril tho integrity of the Union. Rrsolvcd, That each state has tho ex clusive right under tho constitution, to judge of, establish, and maintain within its own borders, its own system of domestic rela tions and domestic policy; and that every attempt by the citizens of one state to de nounce or invalidate the established institu tions of another, i3 unwarranted by the constitution, and hostile to the peace and harmony of the Union. Resolved, That no state could be justly required to recognise as valid, under the constitutional compact of the states, a mea sure which should violate its internal secu rity and peace, or abrogate the rights of property of its citizens; and that we nledire ourselves to unite with the people of the other states, in opposing such infractions of the constitution, and in maintaining the do mestic repose oi every member ot this con federation. Resolved, That the project of colonizing. on the coast of Africa, free persons of color and manumitted slaves, to be carried thither with their own consent, does hold out to the patriot and philanthropist, the hope of the ultimate abolition of slavery, the eleva- mtli"1? tension of tho blessings of cfvWihAii? x: self-government, and the diffusion of the principles of the Sacred Gospel of Peace within that benighted region; and that the praisworthy efforts of the colonization so cieties, to bring about these most desirable results, arc entitled to the best wishes and the hearty co-operation of all the friends of the peace, order, harmony and integrity of the union of these states. Resolved, That a copy of these pro ceedings be forwarded to the President of the United States, the governors of the sev eral states and the members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uni ted States. From the Pennsylvania Reporter. THE NEW SCHEME. There is, wc doubt not, a settled deter mination on the part of Mr. Biddlc, and other leading individuals connected with the United Stales Bank, to procure, if possible, a re-charter of that institution by congress. To this desire may be traced, in a great measure, the cause of the pressure which is now o generally complained of in our business cities because, a part of the plan is, so to unsettle and derange all business regulations, as to induce the belief, on the minds of the people, that a prosperous state of affairs cannot again exist, until a new National Bank shall have been established. So confident arc these gentlemen of the success of their scheme, that they aro al ready beginning to let their humdlo satel lites into tho secret, and wo have been in formed through a source entitled to credit, that a wager to a large amount has actu ally been laid within the last two weeks, by a zealous and active partizan of tho Bank, that this design would be accom plished, and a National Bank established bxi Consress within two nmrs! The pressuro under which tho individuals very extensively engaged in business in tho commercial cities of the country, for some time past, has been attempted to be attribu ted to a variety of causes, the principal ono of which, appeared to bo tho operation of the Treasury order issued under tho direc tion of Gen. Jackson, a few months before his retirement from the presidency. To his "interference," as tho Bank Whigs arc pleased to call it, with tho currency and bu siness relations of the country, all tho evils were traced. The abuse which has been heaped upon him for several years past, was redoubled, and threats aro now openly made, that unless his successor consents to an abandonment of his policy, "pistols shall flash, and dirks gleam, and a commit tee often thousand armed free men" pro ceed to AVashington to "relievo the coun try from tho grievance" complained of. A fire-eater named Gould, belonging to the city of New York, has avowed his rcadi nessto engage in the enterprise, and more than one incendiary Whig press has openly advocated the adoption of such a course. Tho object of tho Bank ami its satlolhii Sj is evidently to create a "panlc" to Rprcail confusion throughout the land, and force, if possible, from President Van Burcn, a rcpcnl bt a salutary and wise regulation, and froin Congress an act of incorporation for a National Bank. Those who havo read the nfllclCs upon the subjefct of the pressure, wliiclt wc have fCccntly laid be fore them from Aid Washington G'.obc and other able exponents of sound principles, 'understand perfectly well, how the Treasu ry order,so obnoxious to greedy speculators, opcratcsj and tho beneficial results which must necessarily flow from Us continuance"; and it will also atipdar perfectly evident to them, that whilst it affects Injuriously, only the few who sought, by a system of specu-i lation upon the public domain, through Aid medium of fictitious capital, to enrich them selves speedily at the expense of the many) it is calculated materially to improve tile condition of the poor man, and secure tho ac tual settler of the public lands in the posses sion of his rights. With this knowledge before them, they know full well, how little truth there can bo in tho declamatory assertions of the Bank Whigs, that to this cause the existing mon etary difficulties aro attributable and they will, we arc confident unite with m in the hope, that the President will, under no cir cumstances, take any steps in relation to its abrogation, which would have tho effect of again awakening the extravagant system of land speculation, which the order itself so effectually curbed. It is not the effect of tho treasury order. but the operation of the United Suites bank itself, which has produced the present de rangement in the monied affairs of the coun try. Its object is tho one wc have already adverted to, to grind and oppress the peo ple, until it forces achartcr from their rep resentatives in congress. The bank has found that it cannot act as extensively and profitably as it desires to, under the charter granted by the legislature of this state, and it now aspires to be at the head of affairs, where it may exercise unlimited power, and "make money plenty or scarce at its pleas ure." What do the people of Pennsylvania think of this project? They havo been ac tively engaged for several years past, in combatting this monster in all its forms. They condemned in loud and emphatic terms, the recreant representatives who vi olated their solemn pledges, and gave the bank a now existence They instructed their delegates to the reform convention, to use all proper exertions to repeal tho charter so mysteriously obtained; and they have on all occasions, manifested a most dnniilnil and uncompromising hostility to every mca- a slate institution.' caffiA'fionsylvania, as mit to sec the bank thrust itself fo'rwarir, and forco from congress an act of incorpo ration which would establish, at once and forever, its supremacy over the nation, and bind the government in chains? Never! Pa. Reporter. THE PHILADELPHIA BANKS. For tho information of our friends at a distance;, wc may state that not a doubt exists in tlw minds of tho community, as to tho entire solvency of nil these institutions. They have no doubt suffered some what hy the failure of some of their customers, but they arc all well managed, and under tho' control' of skilful and experienced financiers, and enjoy tho un bounded confidence of our citiicns. If it shall lie determined on tho part of tho New York or nny other banks to suspend specie payments temporarily, wo feel satisfied that tho Philadelphia iustitutions will bo tho last to resort to sucli a remedy, although from present appearances, it is our conviction that no such remedy will nt any time bo rendered neces sary for them. Wo believe it is an admitted fact tlat the amount of specio in v: -Its at this time, is larger than at any former period for a number of years. Uicknell't Reporter. BANK NOTES. It will bo seen on reference to the tablo on our fourth page, that wo havo given quotations with re tard to a number of tho eastern and western Banks. It is proper for us to add that littlo dependence can be placed upon them, as such is tho deranged con dition of exchanges, that notes which tho brokers purchase readily and on liberal terms ono day, they refuse on any terms the next, Yesterday, for exam ple, they refused on any terms, the notes of tho Safe ty Fund Banks of tho state of New York, whilo on Saturday they purchased them at ten per cent, dis count J ho reader can readily pcrceivo tho melan choly condition of aftiirsfrom theso facts. Ib. HYMBWIAIi. "The silken tic that binds two willing hearts." e."nH'o Fr-n Thursday Ixst, by tholtcMr. KY BOON, all of Hemlock township. u ilU.?1'1 U'J-l'y John I'nich, Mr. Wm. ll. itlbllbL of Liberty township, Columbia coun ty, to Miss MAKY ANN BTLFFEB, of Union county. On Wednesday, tho 2Gth ult. by tho Rev. Wm, Codcr.Mr. HYHAM HUGHES, of Steuben coun , N. Y. to Miss LBWIUSSA BOONE, of Oat tawissa township, Columbia county, Pa. In Muncy, on tho 22d ult. by J. J. Course. Erf I ty, to Miss SAIIAH MERRILL, of tho former place. In Jersey Shore, on tho 25th ult. by tho Kcv. 8, f. bhedden, Rev. JOHN H. GHIEIt.of Pino creek township, to Miss BAILY, of tho formerplacc V 0W10T,4.l!!,i"St, '1,?Ilev-J- anks, Mr.JOHN ,Sen .nelto Mis HELEN DAVIS, all of Berwick, "hvthe midst of life wo arc in death," In thia place on Thursday tho 4th instant, Tiioa as, the eldest son of Mr. Philip C'luUtman, in tlus tenth year of his age. OBIT IT A TV-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers