EIIOCMT TU have sworn upon the Altai- of God, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Itlaiu" 'HINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN S. INGRAM. BLOOMSBURG, SkUTvOSIA COTOTTY, PA. SATURDAY, MAY tXi,, 1837. Vol 51 1 11C I. IVnmJicr 8. HIMUXG W COJlINf:. HT JAMES .V.tCK. Spring is coming, spring m coming, Uirds nro chirping, inset Is humming ;' Flowers arc peeping from their sleeping, Htrcnms escaped from winter's keeping, In delighted freedom nulling, -Dance along in music guhing; , Sccnoi of latn in doadncsa snddoned, Smile in animation gladdened; All is 1-enoty, nil U mirth, All l glory upon" earth ! Shout nc, then, with naturo's voice, , ' Welcome spring! rejoice! rejoice! Spring is coming; come, my brother, ) Let us rovo with one another, To our Well remembered wild-wood, Flourishing in nature's childhood; Where; a thousand flowers nro infringing, And n thousand birds aro eimring; Where tbo golden sunl cams quiver On the verdure girdled river; Let our youth of feeling Out To the youth of nature shout, While the waves rrpe.it our voice, Woleomo spring! rejoice! rejoice! FISIST liOVM ; Or, Constancy In the Nineteenth Century. The assertion that "What is every body's business is nobody's," is true enough; but, the assertion that "What is nobody's busi ness is every body's," is still truer. Now, a love affair, for example, is of all others, a thing apart an enchanted dream, whore "common griefs & cares come not." It is like a matrimonial quarrel never to be ben efitted by the interference of others; it is n Hwcet and subtle language, "that none un derstand but the speakers;" and yet this fine and delicate spirit is most especially tho object of public curiosity. It is often op posed beforo it exists! it is taken for grant ed, commented upon, continued and ended without the consent of the parties them selves: though a casual observer might sup pose that they were the most iuUujest'U-,'fc the busines;si-w- pogsi ,,0-iMcntion; but never was -so mueh atten tion bestowed as in the little town of Allcr ton, upon that progressing between Mr. Edward Ilainsforth and Miss Emily Worfh ington. They had been a charming couple from their birth were called the littlo lov ers from their cradle; and even when Ed ward was sent to school, his letter homo once a quarter always contained his love to his little wife. Their course of true love seemed likely to run terribly smooth, their fathers having maintained a friendship as regular as their accounts. Mr. Worthing ton's death, howovcr, when Emily was just sixteen, led to the discovery that his affairs were on tho verge of bankruptcy. Mr. Itainsfoith now proved himself a trim friend; he said little, but did every thing. Out of his own pocket he secured a small annuity to the orphan girl, placed her in a respectable family, and asked her to dine every Sunday. With his full sanction, "the little" became tho "youn'g lovers;" and tho town of Allcrton, for tho first time in its life, had not a fault to find with the conduct of one of its own inhabitants. Tho two old friends were not destined to be long parted, and a few months saw Mr. U Rainstorm earned to the same churchyard wintlior lie had so recently followed the companion of his boyhood. A year passed away, anu Edward announced his intention of (pray let us use the phrase appropriated to such occasions,) becoming a votary oflhc saffron god. Tho whole town was touch ed by his constancy, and felt itself elevated into poetry by being the sccno of such dis interested affection. Hut, for the first time in his life, Edward found there was anoth er will to be consulted than his own. His trustees would not hear of his marrying till lie was two-and-twentv. tho timn tlmt Ms fathers will appointed for his coming of t age. i no rage and despair of tho lover I were only to be oqunUud by the rago and despair of tho whole town of Allcrton. Ev ery body said it was tho crudest thing in tho world and somo wontsofaras to proph ecy that Emily Worthington would diu of consumption beforo tho time came of her .plover's majority. Tho trustees were dc Mclared to have no feeling, and tho young people were universally pitied. The trus tees would not abato one atom from their brief authority; they had said that tlioir ward ought to seo a little of tho world, and thoy wero both of' them mon of their word. Accordingly, it was settled that Edward should go to Loudon for the next throo months, and seo how ho liked studying tho taw. Hq certainly dm not like thu pros pect at all; and his only consolation was, that he should not loavo his adored Emily exposed to the dissipations of Allorton. She had agreed to go and stay with heraunt, some forty milos distant, whore thoro was not even a young curate in the ncighbor- hood. 'J'lie town of Allorton was touch- cd to tho heart by the whole proceeding; no one spoke of them but as that romantic I and devoted couple. I own that I have I imown greater misiortune.s in 111c man mat a young gentleman and lady of twenty ' should wait a twelve month before thoy were innrnnd; but every person considers their Own the worst that over happened, and Edward and Emily were miserable to their hearts content. limy exchanged I n hna especially of that attractive sort, locks of hair; and E.'iily gave him a portfo-1 one on your own account even that was I!., nlti-n:1miwl in. linvjrtir In Itilil in lil.ll j .1.- f ' 1-1.1 -CM 1 .. Villi IIH HUU Hl lirwi, ivr lllilll nil IV tors that she was to write. lie saw her off first, under the care of an old servant, to tlfc village were she was to stay. She waved her white haudkerchief front the window as long as she could sec her lover, ami a little longer, arm men bqhk uacic into a Hood of "falling pearl, which men call tear Edward was as wretched, and he. was also exceedingly uncomfortable, which helps wretchedness on very much. It was thought a wet ihv all his things were paekoj up lor ne juniEcii was to start in the afternoon when tlvjinail passed through and never was young gentleman more utterly at a loss what In do with himself. In such a case an affair of the heart is a great resource; and young Rainsforlh got upon the coach-hex looking qiuto unhappily c- nougn to satisiy urn people 01 Allorton. it must be owned Unit he anu the weather equally brightened up in the course of a couple of sti'gcs. . To bestirc, a cigar has a gift of placidity peculiarly its own. If, I were a woman I cdiould insist 011 my lov er's smoking: if not of much consequence before, it will be an invaluable qualification after the happiest days of one's life. Ill these days roads have no adventures they might exclaim, with knife-grinder, "Story! Lord bless you I have none to tell!" we will therefore take our hero af ter he was four days in London. lie is happy in a lover's good conscience, for that verv morniiurhc had written nlongjef- 1 I 1 1 -1 .11 ...M.iirr ter. to hi?. b.eJaxitVrT7Mm .,11 ;.. - twin, no nan nccn lorccu to neglect that duty, so sweet anil so indispensable to an absent lover. lie had, howovcr, found time to become quite domesticated in Mr. Alford's family. Mr. Alford was of the first eminence in his profession, and had two or three young men under his charge; but it was soon evident that Edward was a first rate favorite with the mother and two daughters at all events. They were fine looking girls, and who understood now to look their best. They wero well dressed, and it is wonderful how much the hair "done to a turn," ribands which make a complexion, and an exquisite chaussurc, set off a young woman. Laura taught him to waltz, and Julia began to sing duets with him. Tho- heart turns round, as well as the head sometimes, in a sauleusc, and then it is difficult to ask these tender questions appropriate to ducts, such as "Tell me, my heart, why wildly beating?" "Canst thou teach me to forget?" &c. without somo emotion. A week passed away, and tho general postman's knock, bringing with it letters from his trustee, who, as an item in his ac counts, mentioned that ho has just heard that Miss Emily Worthington who was quite well, put him in mind that he had not heard from her himself. Oh! how ill-used ho foil; ho had some thoughts of writing lo overwhelm her with reproaches for her neglect; but on second thoughts, ho resolv ed to troal her with silent disdain. To be sure, such a measure took less time and trouble than writing four pages to express it would have dono. That evening ho was a little out of spirits, but Julia .showed so mueh gentle sj mpathy with hi sadness, and Laura rallied him so pleasantly upon it, that thoy pursued the subject long after there was any occasion for it. The week became weeks there was not a drawback to the enjoyment of tho trio, excepting now and then "some, old friend of p.tpa, to whom we must lie civil; not," said Laura, "hut that I. would put up with one and all, excepting that odious Sir John lichnorc." Edward had been in town two months and a fortnight, when one evening, Julia thoy had been singing "Meet me by moon light alone" asked him to breakfast with them. "I have," said sho, "somo com missions, and papa will trust 1110 with you." He breakfasted, and attended the bhie-cyed Jtina to owau is iugur s. "iow 1 nave some conscience! exclaimed sho with ono of her own sweet, languid smiles. Julia had an especially charming smile it so flattered tho person to whom it was ad drotiscd. It was that sort of smito which it is" impossible lo help taking as a personal complimont. "1 have a littlo world ofshop ping to do bargains to buy nctling silks to chooo and you will never havo pa tience to wait. Leave mohoro foran hour, anil then come hack now bo punctual. Let mo look at your watch ah! it is just cloven. Good-bye, I shall expect you ex- aetly at twelve."" j She turned into the shop with a most be- coming blush, so pretty, that Edward had 'nail a mum 10 nave lonoweu ner inr anu quoted Moore's lines (ib! let 1110 only brenthfltlioair Tha blpuKod air that's breathed, hy thee;" but a man has a natural antipathy to shop- ping, and oven the attraction of a blush, and lost in tho formidable array of ribands, silks, and bargains "llought because (hey may be wanted, Wanted becauso they may bo had." Accordingly, he lounged into his club, ; and Ihe hour was .almost gone hciorc lie ar- . rivC(1 !lt Swa & piUWs. jij.. tou um , .,, n,i ,u , thmml.tu-hm - sweet temper she must have not to show the least symptom of dissatisfaction? on tho contrary, her blue eyes . were softer than usual. 1'y the time thoy arrived at her father's door he had also arrived at the a- 1 j, Coiir-lusion that ho could do no wronir.They parted hastily; for he had a ! ,;,.,", i..,,,;,,,,,,;, .mnniniimmi- bmvnw.r mov ' ,i,: were to meet in the .evening, and a and little tender things which he in- u,ml(1(, t0 0CCupicd him till the end of j,jg ,.;- When the evening came, and after a toi let of that particular attention which in nine cases out of ten one finds loisure to bestow 011 'oncs-clf, he arrived at Mr. Al ford's house. The first object that caught his attention was Laura looking, as the A mcricans say, "dreadful beautiful." Site had on a pink dress, direct from Paris, that (lung around its own atmosphere dc rose, and nothing could be more finished than her whele ensemble. Not that Edward noted the exquisite perfection of all the fem inine and Parisian items which completed her attire, but he was struck by the general cllcct. lie soon found himseu nqjUiJ.-" i....Mu.B-iov(ueftMo'tierrrind his vanity was flattered, for sho was the belle of the evening. It is amazing how much our admiration take its tone from the admiration of others: and when to that is added an obvious ad miration of ourselves, the ih rn is irrc sistable. "He sure," said Laura, in that low, confidential whisper, which implies that only to one could it be addressed, "if you spc me bored by that weariful Sir John Uelmorc, to come and make mo waltz. Really, papa's old friends make mo quite undutiful!" There was a smile accompa nying the words which seemed to say, that it was not only to avoid Sir John that she desired to dance with himself. The evening went off most brilliantly; and Edward went home with the full in tention of throwing himself at the facina ting Laura's feet the following morning, and, what is more he got up with tho reso lution, lie hurried to Ilarlcy street, and how propitious the fates are sometimes! found tho dume dc sex penxces alone. An offer is certainly a desperate act. The cavalier "Who shall school tho hearts aflectioul Who hhall banUi its regret; If yon blamo my deep dejection, Teach, oh! touch 1110 to forget !" Sho entered, looking very pretty, hut ex tremely pale. "Ah!" thought Edward, "she is vexed that I allowed myself to be so en grossed by her sister last night." "So you arc alone," exclaimed she ; "I havo such a piece of news to tell you! Lau ra is going to be nurned lo str John lie! moro. How can she marry a man she pos itively despise.' ' "It is very heartless," replied Edward, with groat emphasis. "IS ay," replied Julia, "but Laura could not Iivo without gaiety. Moreover, sho is ambitious. I cannot pretend to judge for her; wo never had a taste in common." "You," said Edward, "would not have so thrown yourself away!" "Ah! no," answered she, looking down, "the heart is my world." And Edward thought he had never scon any tiling so love ly as Iho deep blue eyes that now looked up full of tears. "Ah, too convicting, duigcrouIy dear, In woman's eyes, th' unanswerable tear." Whither Edward might havo floated on tho tears of Iho "dovc-oyed Julia" must re main a question; for at that moment most unusual occurrence in a morning Mr. Al fred came into his own drawing-room. "fco, madam, ' ho exclaimed, in a voice almost inarticulato from anger, "I know it all. You wore married to Captnin Darco yostorday; and you, sir," lurniiigto Edward "made yourself a party to tho shameful de ception." "No," inlorrupted Julia; "Mr. Ruins forth believed mo lo bo in Swap and Ed gar'n shopjliu whole time, Tho fuel was, I only pawed through it." , Edward stood aghast. So tho lady, in- stead of silks and ribands, was buying, per- haps, the dearest bargain of her life. A tew moments convinced him that ho was dc trop; and he left the father storming, and j mo uuugmur m m-ncries On his arrival at his lodgings, he found a letter lroin Ins guardians, in which ho found the followinir entered amomr other l(ms: "Mies Emily Worthinginn has been ill, but is now recovering." Edward cared at this moment, very little about the health or sirknoss of any woman in the world. Indeed, he rather thought Emily's illness was a judgment upon her. If she had answered hit letter, he would have been saved all his recent mortification. lie de cided 011 abjuring the flattering and fickle sex forever, and turned to his desk to look over sonic accounts to which he was refer red by hw.gtiaidians AVhilo tossing the papers abuut, half-listless, half-fretful, what should crtch his eye but a letter with the seal not broken! lie started from his seal in consternation. Why, it was his own epistle to Miss Worthington! No wonder that fcho had not written; she did not even know his address. All tho horrors of his conduct, now stared him full in the face, i'oor, dear, deserted Emily, what must her feelings have boon ! lie could not bear to p , TT . . ininlc ul tlicm. Ho snatched un a pern, rdians, declaring that the illness of his beloved Emily would, if they did not jield, induce him to take anv mea sure, however desperate: and that he in sisted on being allowed to visit her. No thing but his own eyes could satisfy him of her actual recovery. He also wrote to iMnily, enclosed the truant letter, and the following day set ofl" for Allcrton. In the meantime, what had become of the. fair disconsolate? Emily had certainly quite fulfilled her duty of being miserable enough in the first instance. Nothing could ho duller than the little village to which was consigned the A ri'niWo' Allcrton. I)a.v nw way she roamed not along the beach, but along the fields towards the jiost oflice, for the letter which, like the breeze in Lord Byron's calm, "came it, -a.-fort-niirht clansed. when one morning, as she was crossing the grounds of a fine but ucscrtcii place 111 tlie neighbourhood, she was so much struck by the beautv of some pink May, that she stopped to gather it; alas! like most other pleasures, it was out of her reach. Suddenly, a verv elegant looking young man emerged from ono of tne 'Winding patns, and insisted on gather ing it for her. The flowers were so beau tiful, when gathered, that it was impossible not to say something in their praise, and flowers lead to many oilier subjects. Em ily discovered that she was talking to the proprietor of tho place, Lord Ehnslcy. and, of course, apologized for her intrusion. He equally, ol course, declared, that his grounds were only too happy in having so iair a guest. Next they met by chance again, and, at last, the only thing that made Emily relapse into ner lornicr languor was, a wet day for then there was no chance of seeing Lord Emsloy. The weather, however, was, generally speaking, delightful and they met, and talked about Jjord Uyron nay, read him together; and Lord Elmsloy con fessed that I10 had never understood Ins beauties before. They talked also of the heartlessness of the world, and the delights of solitude, in a way that would have charm ed Zimmerman. One morning, however, bro't Lord Ehnslcy a letter. It was from Iih Uncle, short and sweet and ran thus: "My dear George. "Miss Smith's guardians have at last lis tened to reason anil allow that your rank is faiily worth her gold. Conic up, there fore, as soon as you can, and preserve your interest with the lady. What a lucky fel low you arc to have fine eyes for they havo carried tho prize for you! However, as women aro inconstant cpmmodilies at the best, I advise you to lobe 110 time in secu ring tho heiress. Your affectionate uncle. E." "Toll them," said tho carl, "to order post-horses immediately. I must bo off to Loudon in the course of half an hour." During this half hour ho despatched his luncheon, and for Lord Elmsloy was a perfectly well-bred man despatched tho following note lo Miss AVorthinglon, whom ho was to havo met that morning to show her the remains of tho heronry; "My dear Miss Worthington. "Hurried as I am, I do not forget to re turn tho volume of Lord Uyron you so 0- bligingly lent me. How 1 envy youjho power ofrcmammg m the country tins de lightful season whilo 1 am forced to im murQ myself in hurried and noisy London. Allow mo to ofl'orthe best compliments of your dovotod servant, Eljisi.uy." No wnnilpr Hint Emily toro the note which sho received with smiles and blushes into twenty pieces,' and did not get up to break fast tho next day. The next week sho had a bad cold, and was seated in a most dis- consolate - looking altitude and shawl, when a letter was brought in. It contained tho first epistle of Edward's and tho following words in the envelope: "My adored Emily, "You may forgive mc I cannot forgivo myself. Only imagino that tho inclosed lotlor has by some strange chance remained in my desk, and 1 never discovered the er ror till this morning. You would pardon me if you knew all I have suffered. How I have reproached you! I hope to see you to-morrow, for I cannot rest till I hear from your own lip3 that you have forgiven your faithful and unhappy "Edward." That very morning Emily left off her shawl, and discovered that a walk would do her good. The lovers met the next day each looking a little pale. Emily returned to Allcrton, and the town was touched to the very heart by a constancy tlmthad stood such a test. "Thrco months' absence," as an oldlady observed, "this is a terrible trial." The guardians thought so too and themarriage of Emily Worthington to Edward Rains' j forth soon completed the satisfaction of the I town of Allorton. During the Bridal trip, tho young couple were one wet day at an ; ini,;. nn.n,i.n. ,.1 I .III. luutllllj: uibl l lllf 1, tllftlllul .UUV'lllV.l, 1UIU i " D, r at;.,. s,;(i, ,;,i, .i, wimi ,i r Miss Alford with sir Jolm Bclniro. j nev. cr heard that the readers made either of thom any remarks as they read. They re turned to Allcrton, lived very happily, and were always held up as touching instances of first love and constancy in the nine teenth century. L. E. L. SPRING. Of all coquets which wero ever court ed, 110 other surely can vie with the nymph spring. Wo frequently meet her in February, uniling, bland & flattering. You feel hcrblandishuienta enter your heart tbo Jiaxt morning her mother winter meeU youin all the frigid vindictLvcncss of her nature y our blood runs cold in your veins, and so stem is tho parent that you dare not even enquire for her daughter. March comes, and ho docs again Spring, just a3 coaxing, deceiving nnd faithless as in February; but who can rcitthesniiIoofi)i"i- N, lr train is as long as before, and altogether as changeful as her favors. Hush! What sound is that! It comcs fitful from tho regions4 of tbo north-west. A chill passes over our veins. We look fearfully arouHtV-fc-exclaim anxiously, "Where is Spring! " A rudo blast stops, and our whole framo feels again the icy glance of Old Winter. April arrivc!i, but accompanied by tho now old & decrepit winter. Wo seo Spring weeping and lin gering behind; and on tbo fuco of her daughter, wo now f.ce more of sincerity. Her smiles are softer, sweeter, and more of the sister is in her mien. Throughout tliis month, the lingering mother seems reluctant lo lose her power, & envious of tho increas ing favor of her daughter. .Naturpmust, however, bo obeyed, and as the bloom deepens nnd the fragranco of Spring spreads over tho earth, old scowling winter venting more and more faintly her evil temper and regrets, Etill breathes. , May opens her portals and Spring, now. ready to enter on her inheritance, like all other heiresses, is followed by crowds of admirers, who aro yet from time to time startled with tho dying groans of win ter ; but Spring scattering garlands on every tide, forgets and causes her mother to be forgotten. On tho first balmy morning of June, nono inquiaes for winter. All is now Joy and Fromisc, and Spring, now the uncontrolled mistress of immense domains, sits in all tho majesty of a Queen. To a young man nothing is so important as a spirit of dction (next to his Creator) to t.omo vir tuous and omiaMo woman, whoso imago may occupy bis heart and guard it on from the pollution which besets it on all sides. Nevertheless, I trus-t that yourfendiiess for the company of tho ladies may not roll you ol tno timo which ought to Ikj ilc otetl to reading, nmabovo all thatit may notacquiroforyou the reputation of a Dangler, in itbelfborderingontho contemptible, and toriously detrimental to your pro fessional character. cautious old Squarctocs. who might have no objection to employing such a one at Ihe bar, would perhaps be shy of introducing him as apraclitioncr in his family, in case ho should have n pretty daughter, sister or niece; although all experi ence shous that of all male animals, tho Dangler is tho most harmless to tho ladies, who quickly learn , with tho intuitive sagacity of tho sex, to make a con venience of him whilo ho serves for a butt also. American Roys. An American of ten or twelve yoars of ago is as much of a young man as an European at sixteen; and when arrived at that age, he is as usoful in business and as much to lie relied on, as a German at 21, or a Frenchman at 50. Something similar lo it may also bo found in England; but neither climate nor education promote it to tho same oxtent as in America. From tho earliest poriod of his life a young Amer ican is accustomed to rely upon himself as the principal artificer of his fortune. What ever he learns or studies is with a iew to future application, and the moment ho leaves school ho immerses into active life. His reputation, from the timo ho is ablo to think, is tho object of his most anxious care, as it must affect his future standing in soci ety, and incrcaso tho sphere of his useful ness. Grund on America. Education is a better safeguard for liber ty than a standing army. II wo retrench the wagos of the schoolmaster, wo must raise tho wagos of tho rccmiting sergeant. (&peccli 01 uuwaru fcvereu. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers