fcC? Wc have been requested to Ktute that Mr. Jacod Hahts-el, a mclfibor "of the Grand Jury from "Miftliiiviltd; was fed iilto a support of the bill lo creel FircJ-.riroof buildings att)fttivillc) hy inisrcprfcsciilntibns; 'and tliat wfc may d.vpccl'froru him, ;ind rtnc or two others, a similar tioininuhicatioit to that of Mr faJft'ci. IvnifssJ.Kit. The (jt'iooo, which arc borrow ed froln the llanlt df or Uuimbeflaiul and for which the ptinjilh at'd taxed to pay interest, is a luimbittr scheme, now completely exploded, and which will only nrouSc" a large majority'of the citizens "of the county 'o a knowledge of the devices which arc tisddby the "eonsdrvativo" party to thwart their Wishes, and operate against Their interests. ICT'Wd have not yet fixed tipon'a m:cu h.n day of publication. Our next number, "however, will bo issued on Saturday, when wc shall make such arrangements as will best corrcspond'ith the' diflerent mail alul 'stage routes, and thusafl'ord the greatest fa cilities for giving an early circulatiun to our paper. We shall spare no reasonable exer tions to please our patrons ; nna should our list warrant the undertaking, wc shall pro- cure a Carrier to deliver the Dhmociiat' to . all our County subscribers on the day of its ' pu1 -ligation j A J I r. . Lj A 1 uu IWV.NUU. 1 lit; uriiiucniui: f members of the legislature held a meeting 1n the state capital at Ilarrisburgon the 30th Tjf March. Isaac Lnr.T, Esq. presided, assisted by PmT.n Nr.wiiAni), William F. Copi.an, and Hamilton Auiiciis, Esq'rs. as Yiro I'resTdcnfs. and Messrs. W, T. Rogers, William English, and William Gari'il.'iiA, as secretaries. A committee was appointed to draft a preamble and re solutions, Who reported the following which were unanimously adoptrd, and signed by toll the democratic members : The democratic incjnbprs of tho'jctrisla turc, in tho capacity ,of ei.iizens and mem bers of the party, being" deeply imprsed with t'jf propriety and expediency of ail'ip ting inc ""tu'ris Uj ecnro-a eo-oprn'ation and "concert of alion of the whole party, in relation to tho approaching gubernatorial election, would, without adverting to the cause of the Into, unfortunate divisions, which resulted in placing a minority gov- Priinr in tllf phr,,- nf al-tln rlnnm itcnnlnni that the fuel is 1 nuwn, to induce everv ' mcaiber of the great democratic party to .'exert his influence- to prevent a similar re sult. Thcreftirc. , . . . 11 solved, 'lM'at it be. rV-commcndcd to tbc i''uincrafii: citizens ol the several conn lieu of tH I'ommotrvealtl", to make" choice of, and elect, according to 'the csinhlipVd rules mil customs a . number" of delegates equal to the number of the members of the senate and house of representatives, to which said count' or counties may be enti tled; and said delegates to meet in conven tion at Ilarrisburg, on the 4th day of March, 18U8, to nominate a suitable candidate to bo supported by the democratic party for" the ollicc of governor. Tr. Citors. Our grain fields, owing to a cold and backward spring, have a very salid complexion; and unless warm rains and sunshine give a helping hand to vege tation, wC cannot, frpm present appearan ces, anticipate much of a .harvest for our farmers. CT Oil Sunday last We had a severe snow storm, which continued from early in tho morninsr until night. Some of our" folks arc almost despairing for warm wea ther. Tfic very large sum appropriated by the Legislature of Virginia, at its last session, in aid of Wdrks of the internal improve-' mcnt, furnishes c!orie"hf?ivo evidence that the; "Old Dominion" is wide awake on the" subject. Wc leant from the Richmond "Whig that lia total amount of appropria tions in favour of varipus works is no less than four and a half million of dollars! In the list given in the Whig wc notice the 'following "Richmond and Peterburg Itail Itoad Co. 200,000 "LoHisu Hail Road Co. 120,000 I'orhnnti.ha'nd Rminuku Ttuil Road Co. 60,000 North Western Tcirnnikf. 05,000 Iifcanoke, Dunvilln and Junction Kail Itoad, "120,000" Dismal Swamp Canal, Falmouth and Alexandria Ilnilltond I,ynchburg and Tcnnestee Kail Rornl, , City point Rail Iload, Now Shenandoah Company Baltimore and Ohio Bail Road, 120,000 400,000 200,000 co.ono 'ffl.GGG 302,100 James River anct Kanawha Co. 1,900,800 Besides smallersunu.Air various turnpike roads. Halt. American. The Intelligencer and Jlntimasome State Democrat, havo been consolidated, and is now issued nndcr tho title of the Pennsylva nia Intelligencer and State Democrat, and conducted bjr Samuel II.- Clark. The word "antimasonici"' hai been eased off,- to ron dor tho title a littlo" more palatable to the" "Whigs, (hey having now, no paper, publish ed wh& (hett avowed principles, at the seat of government Pa. Reporter. An Jruh Rank failed. ThsDubWnAg ricnltural . Hank stopped payment on (ho l oth, vhieh created a great s'ensatioh. Ma ny opulent Individuals had sent in large sums td'fcuslain'it, a'nd among others 'CJr'es hitln K'tit in i?25,000. The secretary states the liabilities of the bank at jOJMOjOOO, to tiicfel which there were assets of 080,000. Iltckncll's Reporter. HT-ME1TXAL. "Tlio silken tie that binds two willing hearu" MAUUIED On the, 11th inst. I;v Ste phen Haldy, Esq. Mr. Samit.i. fe.r.xilrm to Mtts Si;SA. HXt'cicboth of Koarlng creek township, Columbia county. On Sunday the 9th inst. at Frceburg, by the llav. J; Seibertj dipt. John Ri;U-8nv-iie.t., jncrchantorr.il rrpno'i, to Mis3 I'iiedi; Ann IIu.msii, of Union county-. On the Olh itit., in "Stras'-urg township, Lancafter .oouiitv. bv ibn T.'. A' n , ; ll-"T 0WI:s.sn- accrc tan ollliet. ommonwealth.toMiss Salomk, (laughter of the late Dr. John S. Carpenter. 03ITA?wY. ,"In tho midst of life w c arc in death," DIED On the 15th instant, in Hemlock towriship, Mr Matthias Avi'm-.ton, (son of Ilrltis Apnleton,) ated about 30 years. , On tho Kith inst.. in llenilock tdw-nship, Joan U6aTi:, a'r",d 2S years On thcUIkl in-ilani, in Madison township, John iSwtsiir.rt,.ii,ieA 2"2 years. On 'J'huroday afteniodn last, Mr. JAcoff D wis, an aged and respectable citizen of this village,."' J0IL S. I.XGKAM, VI-'EItS his professional services to tbc citizens ol "OolumbM countv. Ho will also attend to business in tho s?vt'rM courts cf this Judicial district. Law olTico in the i;a-ne room witli the printing office of tho "Columbi.i Democrat.7 Bloomtbnrg, April 20, 1S37 V virtue cf sundry wriu t'f Venditioni Expo nw, issued out of the court of Common ideas oi v-oiumoia countv, nnn toinoiliroctctl, will beci- poc.l to pubhe sal.-, at the court-house' in DanviiU iii th.c afternoon, the fjjlowing property, towiti A certain Situate in TJIooni township, Columbia county, ad joining lands of William Clark, John Count r, John Vance, Conrad Adams, & others, containing ElUil T V ACHES, more.or lees, whereon is erected a Loj fffWIa house mm, if& mm w'nnT'Vw"",'"? 'an' an 0n l'lc l"rci"'sus cution, and to be sold at the proiicrty of Frederick KanWainl Peter ItanU, Executors of tho estate of 1'ivdrriek Itaiilz, doe'd, ALSO, : certain TJftACT OF LAND, Situate in Hearing Creek township, Columbia coun ty, adjoining lands of John Cooper, J.llurly, Adam Starks, Leonard Koi'p, O'corgc btine.itnd others, con taiiiiiigSE EST -SEVEN ACHES, more or less w hereon is elected one A$I) A LOG I5AIJN". About forty-six acres arc cleared land. Seized, taken in execution, and to bowId as tho property of Jacob Itoup,- Ily . .-. ISAIAH SALMON, Sher'ff. SherifT's oflicc, Danville,) April 20, 1837. $ Valn:il)lc Kcal Iropery TOSS BJlSS''o fALS w ill be received by tbc mbseri- ber, at hU residence in Espvtown, until the Fourth dati of Juhi next, for renting, for one or more years," the following property, to wiu A Croocl XMrm, situate in IJIi.iai township, about two and a half mil, s froni llloomt.burg. Alw, a MEKCIIANT 3IILL, situate on said farm, together with a FULLING MILL AND FACTORY", on the same premises. Also, a DWELLING HOUSE, 8 JO mm STORE HOUSE, S J with ncfcbsary ouf-lmildinpw, m Bloomsburg, now in the o'-cuj auey of Mr. C. B. Fisher. (Cj "The preference will bo given to thosowho will rent the w holo property. Possession given on tho first day of April next- JOHN BARTON.' Espytown, Arril 20', 1837 The Siihscrillier ESECTFULLV informs his friends, and tho public generally, that ho continues to ma nufacture Chairs, Bedsteads, SKTTI3ES, &C. His shop is near Mr. McKclvy's storc-houso, at tho Basin, on tbo Pennsylvania Canal. Ho will be thankful fjr favors, and uso his endeavors to jdoaso customers. CHAKLESA MOVER. April, 20, 1837. JOB PRINTING, NEATLY EXECUTED At tbe office of Ibe ''Columbia Democrat." PHILADELPHIA, HAltltlSBUltG AND Trahsportatiori. Line. T'lIE KIBSC'RIIIER rcvpcctfully Informs tho public la general, that lie has taken that lame ami commodious warcbouo, formerly kept by Hen-' ry Walter. Esq. hud recently by Mr. Burk, where be is ready to rcccivt mid forward prodnco of all de scriptions from llnrridurg to Philadelphia, as he is prepared nt tlio opening of tbo natation to run a' line of L nion cana decked boats of tbc first class, to rim froiii'cacli place and deliver (roods iri llirrn hn,l n , I half diys frotn tbo time of dcpaiturc. Goods will iiw rcccivcu ni me wnrcuouoot Jabez llarraucns, re ecnlly I!on.all ft; lfovoudf, Vino street wbarf, Scbmlkill, 1'liHadeIpbia. X, DiGniiids will also be received at ibn nbnvn ! pl.lrcyiid forwarded by tbcpamo lino in connexidn wiibtbo fc'iisfnicbimnii cnnalpacket and frcigbt boat , compiyloNonliuniberland, Williauisport, Danville, fund Wilkes-Uarfc, and ull other inlcniiediate places aIo"3 1110 Susquehanna. y this lind merchants I inay lio assured of .hu'viiifr their goods forwarded im : mediately instead of bAving tbeni King in the ware house wailing for trannc'iit boats, as Iras been tbo cavj forlhct"ly. ' Tlio subscrib.T will endeavor, by strict atntidn to merit ft share of the patronage, which is mokt respectfully solicited; OWUN M'CAUEi Harrisburff, April 20, 1837. Military Trainings. THE enrolled inhabilrtnts re. iding within the bounds of thv 1ft Drigade.Mh Divuiou, Penn sylvania .Mililia.aroherejy co.innandi'd to meet, n grcrablj to law. f.,r tho ..purpoi:- of training, exerci sing aim ni.-prclioii, in lIutlaliniM, to wit: Tho Ut IKitt.ilion of the'7tU Itrgimcnt.to meet at Straubstown. on Monday, tbc 8th day of May next; and tbo ohm leer Company attached thereto is to meet at the same time and place.- The 2d Dattalion of the 7thlIogimcnt,tomect at. Swincfordstown, on TuCiilay, tho Otb day of May nest, and the Washington Hide Battalion o'f Volun Jecrj, commanded by Lieut Col. obcrt P. Maclay, isto melt at the "ame tlms aiid place Tho 2d UatUUion of the -13d lieginicnt, to meet at-Mifllnburg,.(;i Wednesday tho loth day of May next; jnid the Volunteer Companies attached thereto are tojuaclaltli; same lime, and place. 'J lie HtJJaltalion of tbo 43d Keaimcnt. tn men at Lewisbur,', on Thursday, the Uth.diy ofMay act; and tbc Independent Uattali'on of toluntecn, eo.nfcianded by Lieut; Col. Jam'ei S Dougal, is to 1 eo.nfciandedby Lieut; CJl mrct ai me same timo and place. ' ' Tbo first Dattalion of the ! StH ncgimerit, tomet at Milton, on 1'rid.iy, tbc 12lb djy of May next. The 2d lialtalion of the ISth" Ifegiirient, to meet at Waihingtonville, on Saturday the 13th day of May nc.-.t; and the Volunteer Companies attached thereto are ro mc- l at the s.irlie time and p'mco. 'I ha 1st Uattalion of the 7Ut ltfgimcm, to meet at Orangeville, on Monday, the 10th day of May next; and the Voluntrer Coiiipaiiiesat.tached.lhereto are to meet at the 6ame time and place.' Tho 2d Battalion of Hie 71st .Regiment, to meet at tb6 public house of Jojii Yeager,yiItoarinvircjfvjl; tovvntbij), on Ti.esday, the ;ii!uiclicd thereto is to meet at tlie tame time and place. Tho Ut Battalion, of tho 'loth regiment, fo meet ntSunbury, on Wednesday, tho 17th day of May next; and the Volunteer company attached thereto is to meet at the tame timo and place; The Northumberland Independent Battalion of Volunteers is to meet ol tho f-amc time and place, and on thasarrc day AN ELECTION will bo held at the public house of Ocorge Prince, between (he hours of ten in tbo forcnoo'n and sit in the after noon, to c!ci.t by ballot one person for MAJO'K, for said Battalion, iu'tlie rdom of Frederick Lazuras, r Mgncd. . The 2d Battalion of the -10th licgimcnt, to meet at the public house, of Samuel Hcrhst, in Little Ma Jiony township, on Thursday, the 18th day of May next. DANIEL rOLLMtfJ, BnS. Insp. ltt Brigade, 8th Division, P. M Brigade Inspector's office, Limestone, April 20, 1837. 5 THE FULL-BLOODED YOUtfG HORSE jt. CI ?)1 SPECULATOR, V . 1 1 "ILL be for tervico durinithe present season ending on the first of Julv next, at tho sta ble of tbo subscriber, in Bloomsburg. ForTerir.it, Pedigree, and Certificates, ice handbills. April 20, 1837. TO 'PRINTERS. f-fi AVIIITE .t Vi'.- H VGER, respectfully in 2J t fjrm the J'rinftrs of the U. fc"., to whom tbey have been individually known as established Letter Founders, thatthcy have now forflied acopart nersbipin said businet-s, and from their united skill and extensive experience, tley hope to be able to give Mtisfaclion to all who may iavor' them with their orders f The introduction of machinery in place of tho te dious anil unhealthy process ot casting type by hand, a' desideratum by tbo European founders, was by American ingenuity, and a heavy expenditure on tbe part of our senior-partner, first successfully tfecom jilisbed.' Extensive Uto of tho machine to cast Id ler, has fully tested ard established it superiority in every particular nverth sv rust by lb old pi oces. The Lcller Founifry will hcrcaftqr be carried on by tbe parties before named, under the firm of White 1 lager, & Co. Their specimen exhibits a complete scries, from Diamond to Sixty-four lines Pica the book end news typo being in the most modern light and style, While, Hager & Co, are agents for tho salcof tho Smith and Rust Priming 1'ienoes, which thoy can furnish their customers at manufacturers' prices, Chasee, Casos, composing sticks, ink, and every arti cle in the printing business, kept for salo and furnish ed on short notice, Old type taken in exchange for new at 9 cents per pound, N. B. Newspaper proprietors, who will give the, above three insertions, will bo entitled to five dol lars in such articles a3 they may select from our spe cimens. . , E. WHITE & W. HAGER. Now York, April "0, 1837. (KEPif MOTE No. 41, North Third Street, Philadelphia. ROJ3EUT Wt 1UJTLAP. POTTS VIIL13 AND (reneral Stag Office. Joseph Weaver, (Lato of tho Orwlgsburg IIotcI.1 TO ESPCCTFULLY inform. M. f.i.l- .1.. public m general, that ho has taken tbo above .... ...j iinuuo aim iiiit nnd Rtiitccl accommodation bf the public, insuarvyiu anvays i,o stored with tho choiscst w;iues, and purest liquors, and his tables with tho be6t viandsthe country can alTord; with obliging waiters toman his parlors, doublo and single lodging mid di lung rooms, mid firbt rate cooks in the kitccen do partincnt, and with his own humble determined excr tions to please, he feels confident o gi c general sat isfaction to those who will favor him with tbeirpat ro.mgc. 6tabling all(1 tttlcntivo 0, lie crtntrol of tbo proprietor, arc attached to the es tablishment. April li'J, 1S37 IPTISffiS fx GEORGE PRIIVCE, df Sifnbury, Korllnfmijcrlaiid countv. KGB leave respectfully to inform tho public, that he is about to renin in 7 tar.;..... .'i. ' ho lias taken that larec ntul houc, formerly occupied by M.tthcw Wilson, corner of alnutaud Third streets, '-itoirJi5 U JrsJ In view of the State Capitol, which be intends to open on the 1st day of may next, mid where he hopes to continucjto receive that patronage so liberal ly bestowed on his establish will at all times be provided with every thing necessa ry to make hi.i gUcofs comfortable. it -i .... G. PRINCE, Harnsburg, Aptil 29, 1837. BUL.I8 HEAD HOTBIa. The Subscrilicr ESPECTFCLLV Informs thn r.nWIf Tifi lio ; hai removed to t!ic house f.-irmprlv by .iolm Bishoiuf,ituale on tbo corner of Old Market ami Plumb MrecN, New-Bcrlin, Union county, Pa. J lie House and Stables aro undergoing a thorough repair, which will . la'Je him to entertain nil those who may please to fiv ar him with a call, in an ngree al le and comf.,rtabb iiunncr, The subs-ril.er luvl ig been long engaged catering for the public-, believe- it unnecessary lo state how his Bar and Ta! le will bo supplied: sufiice it to w -.,; ... t tho inarjiet mn.j,iralni c'iv e the f nine attention. 'J'liankfulforthcmblic favours heretofore received, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same, & an iiicreased-support, as every attention will be paid to me CQiniort una convenience- ot ins patrons. C fcCHROYER. New-Berlin, April 20, 1837. Three times a Week! NOUTIIUMriKLAXD & r.UWISTOtVN SPLENDID LIND MAIL COACHES THIS Line passes through New-Berlin, Middlc burg, Bejvertovvn and Adamsburg. It inter sects at Northumberland, the Wilkesbarrc and Eas ton line, to and from New-York City the Ilarris burg and Wilkesbwe, Philadelphia and Pottsville lines ; and also tho Pittsburg, Ilarrisburg, and Phi ladelphia lines at Lcwistown. Thrco lime? a week distance fifty miles, with elegant Coaches, supe rior Horses, and careful and obliging Drivers, ren dering it tbo cheapest, best, and most expeditious route in Pennsylvania, connecting tho Eastern and Western lines and the shortest passage between the Pittsburg and Pottsville lines, I?ARL THROUGH, - - $3. Arrivals & Departures : Leaves Northumberland every Monday, Wednes day and Friday, in tho afternoon, immediately after the arrival of all the stages : arrives the next day at Lew istovvn. in time to take tho ktago or packet-boat for Pittsburg. Leaves Lcwistown every Monday, Wednesday and Friday oftcr the arrival of the boats and btages fiom Pittsburg, and arrives at Northum berland tho next morning in timo lo take any of tho ttages or boats that lcavo that day. Tbo proprietor has made arrangements to meet tho ililferent lines so as not to detain passengers at cither end of tlfo route. Every attention will be paiil in order to render ease and comfort to passen gers. An Accommodation Stage Will at all times bo in readiness at New-Bcrlin, to convey passengers to any place of destination, or to intersect any other line of stages. SAMUEL AURAND. New-Bcrlin. April 89, 1837. HART, CUMMIiVGS & HART, WHOLESALE No. 70, North Third Street, Philadelphia. (Between Raco and Arch streets.) John V. Hart, J. A. Cxnmnings, Francis Hart. STEVEXSON & CO'S. WHOLESALE No. 25, North Third Street, PlilladelpUIa. Augustin Stevenson, Robert T.JDoran, Joseph Rank,- ...... laieiy occupied by J, llaugawout, situ atcd.ntbeboroUKliof I'ottwilld, Sclnuikill county, 1 mr..yUania. TJ.o l.uil.lirifr is very larRc, of brick three ttorics, and situate in the centre of tbo town, on Mam street, ondoslrnisil.lv lniinr..i ,r. 1 ..UUVUIUClll OF PROSPECTUS or THE AND Democratic Review. N the firft of July, 1837, wil) bo published at Washincton. District nf (:li,:. crcd hlmultincously in the princrjile eitit'of the X. nitcd fetates, ti new Monthly Mngaiinc, tinder thd aboyo title, devoted to tho principles of the Demo cratic party. , It has bceti apparent lo many of the rcflectini? mcinbcrB of tho Democratic party of tho I'nitc'd States, that a periodical for the advocacy and dififu sion of their political principles, similar to thoe in such octivo and influential operation in England, is a desideratum, which it was very important to sup plya periodical which should unite with the at tractions of a sound and vigorous literature, a po litical character capable of giving efficient support to the doctrines and measures of that party, now maintained by a large majority of the people. Dis cussing the great questions of policy before tho country, expending and advocating tho Democratic doctrine through the most able pens that that party can furhish, in articles of ercater Icnoib. mr, I denied force, more elaborate research, and more ele; i vated tone than is possible for the news-paper press, I a "iSMinc- Of this character becomes an instrument of mappreciablo value" fdr the enlmblnnmT, j formation df public opinion, end fur the support of the principles which it advocates. Bythcso means, by thus explaining and defending the measures of the great Democratic party, and by always furnish ing to the public a clear and powerful commentary upon those complex questions of policy and party which so frequently distract the country, and upoil which, imperfectly understood as they often are by friends, and misrepresented and distorted as they never fail to bo by political opponents, it is of tho utmost importance that the public should be fully and rightfully informed, it is hoped the" periodical in question may lie made to t xert a beneficial,' ration al, and lasting influence on the public mind Cthcr considerations, which cahnot be loo highly appreciated, will render the establishment and suc cess of tho proposed Magazine of very great impor tance. In the mighty struggle of antagonist principles which i3 now going on in society tho Dcmbcratic Parly of tho United States stands committed to tho World as tbc depository and cxcmDlar of thosn cardinal doctrines of political faith with which tho can:e the 1'cnple in every age and country is i dentified. Chiefly from the want of a convenient means ot concentrating the intellectual energies of its disciples, this party has hitherto been almost wholly unrepresented in the republic of letters, whilo the views and policy of its opposing creeds aro daily advocated, by tlie ablest and most commanding cf f iris of genius and learning. In the United Slates Mogasine the ntlcmpt will be made to remov e this rcproa.-h. The present is the time peculiarly appropriate for the commencement of 6uch an undertaking; Tho Democratic body of the Union, after a conflict whicli tested to the ntlt-tmbit its stability and its principles; have fcucccedcd in retaining possession of the execu tive administration of thecountry. In tlio consc" quent comparative repose from political strife, the pc nod is suspicious fororganizing and calling to its aid a new and powerfully ally of this character, intcrfc- niigwitlinoncco-c'peraiingwilh all, rcn VjtO-oruinain -num. t uuv luorit, In ai urarii point ot view, Honorable to tho country, and fit to copo in rigor of rivalry with its Lnropcan competitors. Viewing the Lmglisli lan guage as tho noble heritage and common birtjiright of all who speak tltc tongue of Milton and Shakes pear, it will be the uniform object ofits conductors to' present only the finest productions in the various branches of literature, that can be procured; and to diffuse the benefit of correct modeh oftasto and wor thy execution. . In this department cxclusivcness of party, whicli is inseparable from thopoliucal department of such d work, will have no place. Hero wc all stand on a neutral ground of equality and reciprocity, where those universal principles of taste to whicli we are all alike subject will alone ba recognised as the compoii law. Our political principles cannot be compromised, but our common literature, it will bo our prido to cherish and extend, with a liberality of feeling an bl assed bv partial or minor ievs. Astfio I'nited States Magazine is founded on tho broadest bais which tlie means a'nd influence of tlio Democratic party in the United States Can present, it is intended to render it in every respect a thorough ly National Work, not merely designed for ephem eral interest and attraction, but to continue of perma nent historical value. With this view a considera ble portion of each number will be appropriated to the follow ing subjects, in addition to the general fca turcs referred to have A general summary of Political and of Domestic Intelligence, digested in theorderof theStates com prising all the authentic important facts of tho pre ceding month. General Literary Intelligence, Domestic and For- tin." . ,... General Scientific Intelligence, including Agri cultural Improvements, a notice of all new Patents, &c A condensed account of all new works of Internal Improvement throughout the Union, preceded by a general view of all now in operation or in progress. Military and Naval News, Promotions, Changes Movements, eicc. Foreign Intelligence' Biographical bituary notices of distinguished per sons. .... After tho close of each session of Congress, an ex tra or an enlarged number will bo published, con taining a general review and history of its proceed ings, a condensed abstract of important ofiicial docu ments, and tho Acts of the session. Advantage w ill also bp taken 6f the means con centrated in this establishment from all quarters of tho Union, to collect arid digest such extensive sta tistical observations on all the most important inter ests of tho country as cannot fail to prove of very great value, , . This portion oi the work will bo separately paged so as to admit of binding by itself, and will bo fur nished with a copious index, so that tho Lmted States Magaziho will also constitute a Complete An nual Register, on a scale unattcmpted before, and of. very great importance to all clatsct, not only as afj fording a current und combined view, from month to month, of the subjects which it will couiprisc, but also for record and reference through futuro years? tho value or which will incrcasewith tho duration of tho work." . .... In return for a" remittance of $50. eleven copiea wnllbeeont; for S100, twesty-thrco copies. Ibe certificate of a postmasters of the romlttanco of a sura of monoy will boa&uSicimit receipt, all dangers of tlie mail being at the rik of the publishers.- . t (X3A11 communications will be auJieesod post paid, to the undersigned, tho Publishers. , LANGTREE & O'SULLTVAN." WnjhinstomD. O. April 201837,