POLITICAL. THE Y32TOftIESSAC2-. Wc cin scarcely ifrffcjjinc how dolnocrats arc induced to sanction thc,vlo message of .Gov. Ritner upon thoImproM'nlcrtfbill, siftcf his having siimcd the IMammoth Bank bill especially when his reasons Tor vetoing the former arc founded upon decerti. n and falsehoods. "Vhrn the bill j-o'urteriog the United States Bank was presented to him for his signature, he could see nothing to disapprove) -although it enrjodic(d a host of other acts, both public and private ; and yet when the Improvement bill is handed him for executive sanction, he sets Iris foot upon it, because, of the different appropria tions in the same bill. AVhat glaring de ception ! Arc not all the appropriations for public purposes, and do they not embrace the same objects of utility to the public ? And were not the different acts attached to the omnibus Bank "bill as various -in charac ter and design as the kitchen-cabinet of his Excellency! "Wc have not time for any fur ther Temarks of our own upon this strange document, and will therefore subjoin a few -extracts from exchango papers to give 'our leaders some idea of public opinion. From the Lycoming Chronicle. Gov. Ritncr, (not to speak profanely,) cenqmaj Knows more man an xne worm oc Sides. r p W, ","pCr-n"0US r i V' 'i . ' 1 16 of Pen.Hylvan.a is enlightened by the of iu present br.llmnt ovo.el.Uve, to elect state rays men to legislate and make laws. .The ses- Au u T" Jcsl. " 4Vir nil iln lnhmir. f linn mid rniionlniilinn r. P ' 1 a... i . 1. "-"J VI the senate, os it speaks of appropriations which were stricken 6'ilf". But it is not to be supposed that his excellency, WOiild so much flnfFMfln lllirt tl P M flint tlln ft ll -rt tne-i -r-.i 1.! powerful mind , examine personally a doc-' umcnt coming fi f , "J? lltanVC of so much more important." The veto nu1 il-u nc. wiiun nu is enira!rca on nmiinrs was-handed to Gov. Rr,!.fVe'.cr:dd-.vR be- fore the passage 6f. the bill abead, cut and , dri- d, with the injunction- that it should be ! t to the house lileralin, , ..lie of course . tAXt ZLZZ. P I,, ' 1' 1 J: "III " uc su&pcnucti Diisincss paralyzed con ductors made bankrupts' laboring men thrown out of employ produce reduced and pressure m tho money market increas ed. The proclamation, which is tlic off spring of a deep sense of the injustice done the citizens of this htato, amounts to nothing n mere declaration- tha there is a' sum of monc-y in' the- treasury unexpended, but which is in .rcalitv appropriated to specific o'-iccis, emirciv uuconneeicu Willi Hie mam ' -. : 1 ...... lines, which tlic vetoed act contemplated chiefly to benefit, From the Grceniliurg Argus. We would'bcg leave to observe that we entertain some doubt of 'the governor's sin cerity, when he displays such a "holy hor ror" of the spirit of speculation, and .such a drrad of ilsoflects upon the morals of the community. When the charter of the U. S. Bank was presented to him for his m;:- naturc, he could discover nothing dangerous III nnrl rr mnocitPA r vnv nrlnntiifl in ... .., .... ...... y,,, , j.i-ijniuni:i, i uuiicr rmeuiim-u 10 creuio tion, than the erection of an institirion -wall eo large a capital, and such immense rotour- fs. It providcs-thc funds for the .t-c-da-' or, and it controls the mtjrkot of our s'.uc; j - ... uuuaw ugii Ul no uu guU I" uui wiitu up is caueuupou xo ...ii ,. r 1 xi - 1 capitaimrrirnHjault to-state pnrpo- efSj to ue exicuuuu iii anu omong our own i I ill 1 I citizens, lor xno ocneiu ami prosperity ot t the state, he suddenly discovers iu it a irreat sourer ot speculation, and all the dangers attendant upon an overstocked market. lix traordinary neutriipss? "W hat are tho eonsoquencM of this veto? hy thr progress of the public works will most likely be retarded, if not entirely stop ped; the enterprise of the community rfi ceivo a sudden check; our common wealth is thrown perhaps years back in the march' of internal improvements, and tho credit of thn state is likely to receive a shock, whose inj'-rious effects may be felt many years heir after. Let tho blame of all this, rost wlir rp it ought. So iiwfli was tho irovernor frightened at the mischie f lie had dono, that he immdi ately follows it up with a proclamalio'i (which will also be found in this paper,) to sustain the credit of the stato', sotting forth her available funds, which display is rather unfortunate, as it clearly shows their inade- imrv in mnni um tinmrmns ni inn .rnsinnt L"inn. 1 irim nnn Hnnnn nrp.vnnis us irnm i. 11 - i who inirouucuu mis cxuinsivuBysicin nics. Was jt not the iCitner party who had a majority in the last legislature? For the purpose of chartering thp bank,, did thoy notgive a bonus to almost ovary turnpike road, evory railroad, in the state, and to eve ZTTla I tho following passage ton&r. iVit- u,.v. ......uw..H .... u . ,i niumi" uill, lirailill ,,,', I--, .,,, !....:.... V- from Ihe governor the most formal manifes-, lZ 2 'C " '-i?lbor. S. -r'r; la.ivc aid, the very apnro,.riatioi on which I M iiunauiv wrmuu ueiorc mo uin una nnsspn ry company that teas to be chartered by them, to buy votes for a corrupt monlod jnon storj ; rhon" thoy could appropriate near thrccMiflilUoua of dollars, sacrifice every principle ofdioiinr .arid integrity violate tho mtrtt solemn pledges and laugh (o scorn the .voice of 4he people lo carry a monopoli zing bank. Ami why forsooth it aids our public improvement roll-roads nnd canals, the arteries of our wealth nnd prosperity will be brought 10 eery man's door and most contemptible, degrading and odious of all apologies, the bank will eehoid our chil dren. Then . wo had no squcariiiiIme?9 on the part or ihc governor lie gh.lUid the whole with dofrglH.-nnd bus1 been euloping himself and the late legislature ever since for tlmact. I lo could sanction u bank which has been grindinii this people to iltist and making crouching sla'cs of freanien he could sanction every turnpike, railroad, ca nal or rivcrimprotomont, and appropriations for thorn; but when bis enemies have the power (in the house) he hypocritically-talks about economy, retrenchment and reform. This Is consistency, indeed ! 1'rom the V'ct Uranch Farmer. The infamous law incorpararinjr llie U. S, bank in this .state, was the beginning of tho difficulty between the governor alul the le gislature. That law, by way of bonus and to enlistthc rechmrs of diflercnt parts of tho state, for electioneering purposes, give to turnpike and railroad companies the neat lit tle sum or about $l,.r;00,000. Notwithstan ding the people would not be bribed, but at the last fall election plainly told Ritner and his advisers that they plainly understood 10 0,1 1,10 othcr tfack alld wait till after WKt filll cIocti nJ mattcr who auff , i,cfiiro ,.. pnlls ., . ., , their motions, lie now seems determined ; ucturc nc rails an extra session expecting iiiui iii cm; n in hi -t JIIUIJIUUIB iilVUrUUlU lO any wild v i.ionarv scheme, Stevens and oth- J . ' . T w l,u l nrni l icoi'fc ninr tint ntn x ....j.jwi.j lltui 4.1V- IlllU L1IV II rests ms objection to the bill in question. uiiaisi-w-uj io nut uuu vi unvt. lUliier S sins. , " Whilo oii the subject of internal. im- ; Z T ' " 'bll, n, crmit thoug uOpoli I lold not monopolize ouratiention and cart ! " "u.b .r Z X ,, IT .1.- ..... .. "V 1 .1 ' """" i ,B Stt' ""f man' CU"' "1," " " "J.1''0 m a.c?cs? t0 JA m T 'pSffi Ad-, Yorh, luive bad, "avc seyrcciynny other reliance. Tlie.fos- tcrmg cure of the legislature should.be con tinued lo them, and an enquirv instituted whether tho tuiumkc annronrtation made by lha lat s'-moii', was siifiieicnt to relieve Ihoo bcnefici:d comnanies. and to nut ihe roads in a slate of rop;iir calculated io ron- dcr them usoful lo the public. It should al ways be kept in mind that the counties which principally rely for an outlet to mar- kct upon roads of this description, have do- ,;,.,ri:i :c 1 c. r. .1. ' 1 , rililroail oxriendiiiire." Gth inst., proclaimiiiir "Thft tlu' lorirt . hire had adjourned 1 witho'ut makintrai pro-, vision for carrying on the internal imirovo mcnt of the state, or paying . tho laborers' for the work actually under contract, and for which the faith of the slate is pledged" &c. See the deception that he is' trying to prac- Mlf IPI-itl tlin nrxttllaf To nnf iliA nUn...... l.. - . .. . . lallnil ., prnr.'iioa ot the trutli! Yes! Did ot improvement bill, nrmronnalmff 14,1 1 1. 10 vn cxncnueu on llie miurent cr mv'imlam, &4..f ,,, Il0U60S oft,0 1(iisIaturc? al(1 :,r .KlMin(r was t t 6ent t0 hi, exce)r,cl. for eprovnl.' Did he not vjii u il: Uiiluot the Iwisl.itnre pr.s n hill amnlv reJaeniinf llie plmhjc I i'tith of I . r 1 " ' vr toed a hv l,,m' l i. .tuj..-.... J I rii IIUIUiU 7;;,,m7:S'b . 11 . . 1 DHMffnot Know that no an( tfd he no 1 mo kxjow inai, in 'e:oiii''itr i the improvement sy-teni would be c.nsiiuJ.' Why all this deception.' Why did ho-not say, (as he undoubtedly did do,) that ho pre vented tho legislature from making a law for the necessary provisions of carrying on internal improvements, which he charges that body of neglecting.' . A dinner was iriven on Thursday last, at die City Hi. ml, Philadelphia, to the Hon. Gcohgi; M. Dam is, before, his departure on his nii'bioir u ftussia. It was vorv Hu morously attended, both by bis personal and political friends. Fcnnal Jhpqrler. The opposition of this state, are-oxultlng over the election In tho city of Now York, by the federalists, of a minority Mayor. This is in' perfect .accordance with lho prin ciples on which (hey elected Gov. Ititncr, Tho democrats of New York ran two can didattsrcoiiscfUontly tho opponents of Van IJuren.'carn'ed their candidate, and at this thoy shout victory as loud, as if they had obtained a largc majority of all tho votes. A victory is a victory to them, no matter in what way obtalned.r--TZi. In Connecticut, tho friends of Mr. Van Duron, have re-elcclcd all their congression al delegation", and tho democratic state ticket is elected ontiro, by a large majori ty. lb Fncm-nicK IIuMJini. has boon appointed an associate juuge ot uaupnm county. l.,o.l -xr THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. tuctii nirnorx rtiii. Sntm'tlny, April 21), IS 37. TO OLTIt UUAIJ12US. On again assuming the control of a press wc consider it unnecessary to make many promises - in regard to ouf future course. Wc were amongst tho early and zealous supporters of the patriot Jackson, and coit tribulod our humble efforts to sustain his ad ministration, which so eminently added to tho honor, prosperity and happiness of our common country. Wo were amongst the advocates of Martin Van Ihircu and Richard M. Johnfon; and wc uniformly' supported tho Democratic candidates for ofiico in our state and county elections. The same prin ciples which actuated ub in supporting dem ocratic candidates and measures heretofore, shall be our guiding-star in our present-undertaking. In launching our little bark, whose tide" indicates its character, upon the troubled waters of the great political ocean, wc must anticipate some severe gales; buthowevcf much we may secure tho censure of politi cal opponents, as a party; wc s-j' ll endeavor ...w. ua .ill iiiun lUllill UI1U The "Columiiia Democrat" fearless and faithful in sunnortintr i those principles which the editor may deem essential to an honest administration of the government; Uiit shall strictly "avoid the vul gar and abusive cant which characterize sc onic presses of the present day, at the sne:- ri lice of their own reputations, and the dis- I Purc of their patrons. "The Dkmochat" will contain as much variety of subject matter as its limits will permit; and having been influenced to estab lish itbymany of the oldest democrats in the county, wc solicit tho'patronage of the public, and will promise every exertion on our part to deserve their' liberal support. Wc cordially extend to all lite right hand of I fellowship', and shall feel grateful for their ..... lavours prosentincr t he nrcsent number n a specimen of those wc shall issue hereafter. tCpWc feel under maily obligations to those friends of this establishment who have used such efficient exertions in our behalf; and it is with, feelings of gratification and priJo that wc can already amiounce an am- f'lB 11,,"lber 01 "amos On our list of aubscri- ljurs t0 nsurc thd permanent establishment of the 'Demociiat, and render bur labours both pleasing add profitable, tCJRei'Sions holding subscription papers for the 'Democrat,' iu'11 much obligc-us by sending them, or a list of tho names 'attach ,cd to them, as soon as convenient. $C7lf any of our papers arc mis-senf to subscribers, they will please notify us, and wa shall promptly make such alterations as ! they may direct. Those of our patrons who ,nay ll!lV0 changed their places of residence iioiice 01 uiPir nrffinnf niufoc Mrrtd r,ii n a . ,,..., ,,,! , -t.w lO-Wc return-thanks to those of our old friends in Union county- who have attached their names to our subscription list. Al though debarred from a participation in the political transactions of their Congressional, Senatorial and Representative districts, yet wc shall always feel an interest in their sev eral results ; and wc shall always remember thosp friendly associations, aside- from poli tics, which gave a zest and pleasure to life, during our residence amongst them. ICpOur editorial brethren .to whom wo send this number of the "Dumocuat," will confer a favor by sending tholr papers in ex change as soon as possible. Thoy proba bly have experienced a similar difficulty in selecting eopy. 1 un benoor. Svstjw. An election will be held at the house of Jacob Keller, in the township of Bloom, on Tuesday next, for the purpose of ascertaining whether tho ci tizens of said township are in favor 6f con tinuing, or rejecting tho present system of common schools. They -will also bo called upon, if they continuo the system, to say what amount of tax shall bo levied the cx uing year for school purnosos. All taxa- jble lnabitants arc permitted tovote. l)I.()t)-4HU(JHCli Wc would be doing injustice to our vil lagCjTas a faithful chronicler of the times, waife-wo lb neglect -an' early notice of tlic immense mineral wealth w lich surrounds it, even should w poslpo'tlc a description of its beautiful nndlicnWhy situation, until a more convenient soason Rut the discove ry of numerous and extensive strata of Tfon Ore in this vicinity, covering a vast territo ry and extending along the whole rangb of ridges, from Fishing creek to Hemlock a distance of about four miles has given an' impetus to the spirit of speculation, and in a few years will guarantee the erection 6f ex tensive Iron Works on all tho streams pass ing through the Onn heciok. In several places a great number of hands are chlptay cd in excavating these rich and long-hidden treasures of the earth ; and, amongst others, the Farrandsvillc company of Lycoming) arc very extensively engaged in excavation, upoll a tract which they 'recently purchased, bordering on Hemlock creek, alld about two miles distant from Rldomshurg, Wc saw several specimens of iron" ore, similar to that found in ouf neighbourhood, which were dug from the same mountainous range iu tho vicinity of Danville. It will yield from GO to 70 percent; We congratulate-the people of Columbia crtuilty on the glorious prospect df" increasing wealth so abundantly promised in the discovery and use of thesd mineral treasures. tC?pur Mechanics appear crowded with the favours of their customers, and our mer chants have been engaged al Philadelphia in purchasing their Spring and Summer as sortment of store goods. Wc anticipate a lively season for lHoomsbufg, and art ad vertising harvest for ourselves. ; - - - THE CONVENTION. On the second Tuesday' in 'May next the Delegates clcoled by the people to alter and amend tho constitution of Pennsylvania, will assemble at llarrisburg. Although we apprehend -ilAit but few al.crations will be made, yet the acts of so many distinguish ed and- lakmloJ gendemen as" will occupy scats in that bodyt must render" Ihe pro coedingi of great interest to every citizen of the commonwealth; and wo shall therefore use our endeavors to present our readers with an early and regular detail of ihcir do ings. Jf nothing else be transacted, we sin cerely hope the patronage of thu Executive may bo curtailed that the time for the meeting of the legislature may be fixed af ter the holidays and that "all offices for life may bo totally abolished, as Inconsis tent with our republican form of govern ment. These amendments would bo a be- gaming at reform, and we have reason to believe would lie sanctioned by two-thirds ot the people of Pennsylvania, when they vote for tho accepting or rejecting of the amendments on the second Tuesday in next ucioucr. T1IE I.EWISTOJVN ItANK. It was currently rumorcda fewdayssincc that tins institution had closcdits doors; but the last "Union Times" contradicts the re port, and adds "It ha's ceased for a while to discount paper, but has not failed to re deem its notes." Now wc apprehend that this Bank never had occasion to cease discounting paper in (Us own neMibourhond.' for uT(s ft 1,., I't.',.i 1 1 . - " i I is a com-; jMeic "snaving shop," and (Jurm" the last six months has used most of its funds in tho hands of Philadelphia Drokcrs, where two and three per cent a month is as easily itjjoi liuurusi W0UU1 lie ill the vicinity of Its own location. And from tho following we are inclined to think that its agents in the Cily arc amongst the "un. fortunate" class who havo recently failed for enormous amounts, and who are now offering to compound with creditors by paying io and cents in the dollar, in or ffpr tit Itlfirnn.A limit. J..-.!!!'.! V . ...wi..uu uiun lutuuius ior carrying on the same game. Wo extract from un- questionable authority. I-ram Ihclm'U's Reporter of April 25. Our Hanks refused yesterday to receive deposite, as heretofore, the notes oT the Manc oLewhtown, at Lewistown Pa, Advcttisino. Tin's .paper will contain tho Sheriffs, County Commissioners, and Treasurer's advertisements, in order to give our readers a full idea of our own county affairs; and for the convenience of tho Bar, wo shall insert tho Issuo Lists for tho dif ferent courts In this judicial district. lC7Wc learn from the Kemlone of last Wednesday, that the individuals indicted for an outrago upon a young female wero j severally tried and acquitted.. THE M25IOVAL (lUI'PlON. It may b0 well enough, in the first um bqr of'thO ''Democrat," to inform its lead c'rVih-tt onS'oflltfc primary objects of Ihis paper, distinct from 'tts political character, shall be to urgo the removal of ihe scat of justic'o from Danville, to some more central iiiv wuuiuiiiuni n.,i--, 11 h;is ucen an 0 .(...... ... . joct 01 deep concern for ntahy years-a object dewvully wished and petitioned for by a large mnjorily of the people of Colum bia county; and the consummation 0f wHcty 'll!l tiTnnr. linrti, iii.-Ai.l.wl 1... ll... 1! nary exertions of'ri few indfviduals whose priatcintorcsis are indenlified with acontin- uan'ce- of the prCsoirtoNn-coRNcrfED location. We shall pureuo tho course dictated by our prospectus, to ""ask nothing which is not clearly right, and to submit fo nothing which i3 wrong;" and if tvo do nolproyc our course a just one, wc will freely give up the con teat to our oppoiiclds. It is with reluctance, however, that wA ! ar6 conrlr.i'incd by :i spnee df dutf, to com- mence this campaign in ihc ti,-5l number of ouf paper; but the course pursued by a few cf the '"conservative'' party in Danville, during the silting of ouf IaU term of court, have rendered Ihis early tlcf-ncc of tho fights and jnkrCsfs of the pe'opfp both 11c ccssafy add expedient. Ify a system of mireproceiih-tiftil, which li'ing practice has rendered almost perfect, a majority ofthd Orand-jury uero induced lo vole for the erection of rms-rnoof iiiur.oivosi 'J'hcy were told Hint C2000. were ing in thd coilnly treasury, unappropriated, and not needed by the comity, u hen, in fact, this same !?'iOOO has bedn borrowed from the Hank of Northumberland, and for which the County must pay a regular interest of six percent, per annum. Ihit a majority of the Grand-Jury were opposed to t'u-erection of lire-proOf building, in Danville, im dcr am circumxlautts and as will appear" from the following recantations Were de ceived into a support of the measure by means which we may hereafter state more fully and more salisfaciorih-, 'Flic bill was carried by a majority of two twelvi: vo- ; ting iu favour, and tun against il; and had .Mr. Carty been present, (who was ab--cnt on account of sickness in his family,) and had not Air. Kressler, and some others, been brought into the support of the measure' by misrepresentation, the Avill of the people would have been sustained, and the present county buildings beeii considered sufficient to retain the papers in the different offices until after thd removal of the seat of justice which, in all probability, will not bo .1 long time hence. Wc, however, submit the subjoined notices to our readers, apologiz ing, for want of time, for saying so little on the subject, and promising a little more when our leisure, and a better acquaintance? with the subject, may fit us for a full detail of these proceedings, and the privileges the are intended to jeopardize. TO THE 1'imi.lC'. The undersigned, wishing to disabuse public opinion in respect to his vole as a Grand-Juryman, on the subject of the crcc--lion of Fire-proof buildinffs at Danville, will now state that he was influenced to do so by misrepresentation, and that ho is not only opposed to the project himself, as an individual, hut feel, confident that a laroc majority of i!U! people of Columbia county are openly hostile lo the measure believing it a mere trick in some euunin.r ones of Dan-- ,.!,..Trp "uu ,"'i"''--'1"'gonesof Dan- wiie (onrevcit :i i':ninv:i r tUr. r:..- . . ..it. .-.i-.it ut jus tice to a more central r.nrt .r il,- : conformity with the nienco of its ciilz"ns. ..r, :., ., ' . .' " ""Vi "t-i wishes mid convc- SVML'BL KKESSLER. Espytown, April 'ZZr TO THE l'UIlMC. It was with no little surprise I received the information respecting the vote of tho Graud-Jury, at ouf last term nf court, on the erection ofl'Irt'-proof Imildinrrg at Dan ville, I feel confident that a majority of t he.Ti.rv were onpoM-d lo tho measure; and that if they h!lf lin,!er,ood tho question,, would have voted against the bill, I was member of the Jury, hut could not be pre sent wheir this voitr was taken, owin-r to sickness 111 my family. If J ,nil been scnt l would bare recorded mv vote neaiiwfc tho- iniquitous hill, nrfd by reprcaentiii" to others ihrrnaluro and design of the proposi tion, I have no doubt but it would have beeii lost by a large majority. ALEXANDER McCARTY. Bloom township, April 25, 1837. . jCJTho Reading- and Catlawissa' Rail Road Company havo received a new im. pulse to their enterprising operations. Mon cure JRobi'mon, Esq. it is stated, has ef fected' a salo of the stock in London to thtr amount of one million of dollars, and lm also obtained a loan of the samo amount to further tho object. May success attend their exortions in promoting the public wcl-fare.