The Bellefonte national. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1868-1870, December 25, 1868, Image 2

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FRIDAY Morning: DEC• 25, '6B
On and after January first, 1860, no pa
per will be issued frona this dice, ss
the mthseriplion price ($2,00 per a.:num) be
raid in, a,lrance. No Arial ion from this
rale Trill be made. Ire hope Mal parties
L1200:111 ibfqll,Feire:: in arrears will color
forth promptly and pay vp.
~- „I :VT of our subscribers recall
7.4 ;lig a prpe . r marked with on X - wir l
vi l d k estand that The time of thei. , .:'ubscrip
tion to this journal will expire in two weeks
au ? if desirous of continuing will remit iwo
(10 1(r.!., the subscription. price.
308 NV49IOE.
It is expected that parties ordering job
work will be prepared to settle their bills
on the delivery of work. At the prices ru
ling vow with vs the profit is small, belvg
constantly below any other officein this sec
t ion of the State. Cash is demanded for
the "raw material," «nd we cannot do
otherwise than intimate to our patrons that
flay will consult our cormewienee by acting
:Anon this h:nt. llre don't feel particularly
mc).cena;ll, but «rider the circums:ar ccs feel
01% selres jusiialible in suggesting in this
mild way the propriety of our creditorsren
dering unto Canur the thing swhich are
kurnoucnt there has been as yet
no time definitely fixed upon for the
meeting of the State Convention for
180, it is very generally conceded
that it should be earlier than usual.
Time Is required to perfect our or
ganization, and for the dissemination
of the truth, if we would make the
overthrow of the Democracy com
plete. It should meet with such a
repulse this time as will make fur
ther offensive demonstrations on its
part unnecessary.
WE see that the Phila., Press, the
Xo;tfr _American, and in fact leading
thro - ughont the State are
spt•Aking of the Editorial Convention
which is to assemble in Bellefonte on
Sth of January next. '1 his pro
p !-ed convention, meets, as it should,
with a hearty commendation from
11(nyvnper men everywhere ; and
we trust that the attendance will be
such as the importance of-the mat
iris to be discussed demands.
CoI...FuANK JounAN, the present
eilleieut Secretary of State with
whom we have formerly had very
plei,sant relations, has, it seems, leis
ure to attend to other interests
than those immediately connected
with the Commonwealth. He is
now one of a law firm in Harrisburg
which is doing a large business.
'i-. L. W. Hall, his partner, and
former representative in the Senate
from this District, is thoi•oughly ver
sed in the politics ()Hie State, and
to: , c l her they constitute a :firm of no
small ability.
Ti E Northumbeland County Don
or? (il hoists the name of Asa Packer.
of Carbon county, for Governor. It
matters but little what names are
proposed by the Democratic party
Lc w-a-days. as a matter of form ;
and the ihet that they do it at ail,
only shows the force of habit. This
however is a custom fast dying out.
e don't wish to disco - irage Asa,
but feel it our duty to say to lirrn
and his friends that his - chances are
remarkably .small. • The truth is,
the / toi.le are becoming acdieted to
the habit of doing their own think
and the result of their cogita-
the conclusion that motiei
11‘. , nioeracy is not what is needed t
ty, or to co
I::mcv mil* national comfort.
THE meeting held in the Court
Ilon,e, on Tuesday evening• last, un
dr_.r the auspices - of the Centre Hall
_Agricultural Company, will it is
thonht, result in an increase o
mamifacturing establishments in. our
midst. The a xhibit made by the
company,. ofte amount of business
dont? during the past, year, shows a
)stilt of :113 per cent on the amount
invested ; which during another
year's operations will be largely in
cu•eased, since there is now no ne-
cersity for experiment as was the
case at theoutstarb. Serious thoughts
are entertained of removing to this
place the large factory for Agricul
tural implements, now at Centre
; -or rather budding one here,
wit:le the one now at Centre Hall
v. ill be retained there ac the repair
shop for the Company. Much of
the expense now incident to the
complete working of the establish
ment at Centre Hall, will be saved,
by it:; removal to Bellefonte. By
this means a great deal of transpor
tation now effected at great cost,
would he rendered unnecsssary.
go heartily for anything which can
by possiliility, improve our town ;
and we are pleased to see that this
projected removal is in a fair way to
be necomidished. Elsewhere will be
seen a report of the meeting refered
to above.
It. seems that Alt. S. Kier°lf, now
doing the editorial for . the Watch
man, and who was formerly the inti
mate friend and supporter of Brick
Pomeroy, has, after sundry twitches
of conscience, caused doubtless by
the advocacy of incorrect principles,
and the studious suppression of the
truth, concluded to ease his mind
by a thorough ventilation of Brick's
rascality. We strongly suspect that
liierolf gave no half-hearted assist
ance in matters which the experience
of years, and a calm and unbiased
judgment, now convince him were
radically wrong. Be' this as it may,
we enter.tain the idea that his book,
now in course of publication, and
which is intended as asthorough ex
pos.? of Brick's villainy, will contain
more truth than poetry. And to
those who prefer truth to fiction, in
the selection of their reading matter,
WO would recommend thislook. It
alt - pear, we believe, under the
title Which heads this article. In
this, and possibly in this -only, does
its author err. We never supposed
that Brick wore a mask. In other
words, we have long been of the
opinion that his villainy was, to
those not wilfully blind, altogether
too evident. Indeed, his rascality
has been so apparent that to us it
has always been a matter of surprise
that his readers could approve of his
course; without at the same time
making the acknowledgment that
for them there is an infatuation in
slang ; in vile and filthy abuse. His
greatest strength ass - a journalist has
been found to consist of a style
which a correct taste must ever de
nounce as despicable. His neatest
efforts have been but the ebulitions
of a mind diseased; while his slimy
utterances were but too sure an in
dication of the corruption existing
within, and what, in the estimation
of his worshippers, constitute his
most commendable efforts but too
clearly distinguish him as an embod
iment oiamoral putrefaction. Kier
olf will doubtless make these facts
patent ;,,to all. We would advise
him, however, to not rely for the
success of his book, upon its novelty,
inasmuch as the Republican party
entire, as well as the more respecta
ble portion of the "so-called" Dem
ocratic party, have long'since been
persuaded of the faCt that Brick is
lost to a sense of common decency;
that he is destitute of morality; and
that his highest gratification is an
inordinate indulgence in the basest
passions known to depraved human
ity. "Like priest, like people," is
an expression which has long been
used to express a traditional belief
in the disposition of multitudes to
follow their leaders. May we not hope
Quit AV% liierolf, now that he ha's
engaged in the ventilating business,
will give full vent to his feelings,and
followßup this effort with an exposi
tion of the once great Democratic
party. his intimate knowledge of
that Party, and its inherent rotten
ness, will, with the ability he evin
ces, justify us in expecting some
thing "rich, rare and racy." Go in,
Kierolf. Give them the truth. It
may be unpleasant to them at first,
but then, you know, they should
aconstom.themselves to it.
On Thursday of last week the
proceedings of Congress were of a
very interesting character. Mr. O.
J. Dickey, the successor of Thaddeus
Stevens, from the Lancaster dis
trict, introduced a series of resolu
tions expressing the sentiments of
the House concerning the death of
Mr. Stevens. In the remarks ac
companying the resolutions, Mr.
Dickey gave a biographical sketch
of the deceased. For this duty he
was eminently fitted ; since, by his
business connections with Mr. Ste
ve:lS', with whom he commenced his
professional lifb, and with whom his
relations are been for years of the
most intimate kind, he was particu
larly well qualified to sneak of his
Virtues. And these are all that
should be remembered of one who
is no more. It too often happens
that the good men do, is buried with
their bones, while the sting of re
proach, and the envy which follows
saecess, live after them. Mr. Dickey
was followed by Poland, of Ver
mont, who represents the District in
which Stevens was born and edu
cated. His remarks were accom
panied by a series of resolutions
adopted by the Legislature of Ver
mont, at their recent session. We
regret onr inability • to furnish each
one of our readers with the entire
proceedings in this matter, as we are
persuaded that they could not fail to
be interested in anything relating to
one, who for so many years has been
regarded as their counsellor in mat :
ters affecting the national welfare.
They have ever regarded him as a
man wedded to principle, loydl to
right and justice, as a bold, brave
leader ; radical, it is true,•but as we
are pleased to believe radically right.
He was called extreme by some
we may say by those who arp al
ways in doubt about the propriety
of adopting new measures, it mat
ters not what the necessity may be
which requires them, nor the emi
nent justice of the measures them
selves. In fact his. opponents were
just such means have never assumed
the .responsibility of inaugurating
anything good, bad or indifferent.
It is a noticeable fact that it mat
tered not what reform was proposed
by Mr. Stevens, how extreme it at
first appeared, or how utterly devoid
of precedent it was, the people, com
mencing with its toleration, soon
came to its adoption ; and in time,
to consider it as one of the essentials
o good government
In the very general expression of
'egret fbr the death of the "Old
Commonor," in eulogizing his mem
ory, and paying tribute to departed
worth, Pennsylvania was represent
ed by Mr. Dickey, of whom we
have spoken above, and by Messrs.
Moorhead, Kelly, Broomall, Miller,
Koontz, Cake, Woodward, and Co
vod e. Mr. Maynard spoke for Tenn
essee, Messrs. WTood and Robinson
for New York, Ashley for Ohio,
Orth for Indiana, Donnelly for Min
nesota, Whittemore for South Car-.
olina, and Sypher for Louisiana. In
these efforts, each speaker tried to
outdo, it possible, all who had pre
eeeded him, in, beauty of expression,
in manly sentiment, and in charita
ble feelings for past differences,
where they had existed. This is
right ; it shows the bright side of
human nature, and fosters in us, a
pride in our humanity. The death
of Mr. Stevens is truly a subject of
national grief ; and happy indeed
will be our people, if amongst those
who come after him there will be
found .one worthy to wear his
Omaha. claims a population of twenty
Port Gibson, Mississippi,
is to have a
cotton factory shortly.
One hundred and thirty persons are
now confined in Allegheny county jail.
St. Louis, Chicago and. Cincinnati are
hog-packing for the championship.
The Republican Wigwam at Newark
was sold at auction on Wednesday.
Two thousand widows are left to mourn
the late King of Bavaria.
The Dutches de Morny's jewels were re
cently sold in Paris, for $llO,OOO in gold.
General Butler occupies the former
of Hon. Thaddeus Stephens in the House.
A party of Swedes purchased 20,000
acres of land in Kansas. •
A thousand dollar set of Russia sable
furs is offered for sale in New York.
The shipments of Cimiberland coal, Bi
tuminous,iis 'the largest ever made.
The Pennsylvania Canal is being widen
ed and 'deepened below Harrisburg.
A coal mine has been opened in Alaska.
Boston is still wondering over the feats
of the velocipede.
Papers are noticing tl e absence of snow
birds this season. •
Maggie Mitchell is dancing to hershadow
in Richmond.
There are flowing wells, in Barren
county, Kentucky.
A fox was killed recently in the streets
of Charleston, S. C. •
Acorns have been introduced into the
London corn market.
Michigan has a cash balance of over
$1,000,000 in her treasury.
The construction of the Union Pacific is
delayed by lack of ties. •
New York plays billiards in sixteen hun
dred billiard saloons.
Wheat raising in northern Wisconsin
is largely on the increase. '
Chicago bought nearly $500,000 worth
of postage stamps last year.
The Vicksburg Herald advises ."forget
politics and build factories..
Reading is going to have the Can Can on
its skating park this winter.
A New Haven perfumer has invented an
odor called the Grecian Bend.
Grant is said to have smoked all the way
from Washington to Boston.
Harrisburg is moving to secure the in
troduction and protection of game.
They want oxen in Oregon so bad that
$l,OOO a yoke is paid - for them.
In Hartford, a chimney eighty feet high
was moved thirty feet a few days since.
An old gentleman in Nashville; • pitched
his son out of the window the other night,
while suffering from nightmare.
One establishment in Vermont turns
four cords of wood into_ shoe pegs every
A roan was arrested in PorisniOnth;
Jinia, last-week for stealing an iron railing
oni around a grave,
Ihe bodies of two thousand seven hun-
dred and eighty nine Union soldiers lie
buried near New Albany, Indiana.
The Republican papers of Missouri gen
evally favor Gen. Carl Sehurz for the Sena
"A Green Line" of freight cars is to be
established to bring greens from Atlanta to
New York.
The sate of S. k. Waterbury, at Sarato
ga, New York,,,was robbed of $B,OOO wortli
of watches on Wednesday- night.
Reverdy Johnson carried a musket as
a private soldier in the battle of Bladens
Elizabeth Fisher, a widow, kis been ar
rested at Allentown for murdering her in
fant child.
A New York lady was Mai vied last week
in a white velvet robe which cost $5,500 in
Coll x has refused two him Ired invita
tions from lecture associations since las
It took a Democratic procession in Day
ton, twelve hours to pass one spot, am
that was a rum shop.
At Ridgway, N. C., several gentlemei
have started a peach orchard of over 200 .
000 trees.
Ripe strawberries were gathered on the
James River, Va.; as late as the Gth of No
Three hundred women, graduates of
medical colleges, are now practicing in this
country. •
Sixty-lire years ago, the stove-pipe hats
worn were just the same style as those of
the present day.
A Vermont editor writes obituary - no
tices of delinquent subscribers, and in this.
way brings them to life.
Three millions of pieces, worth nearly .
half a million of dollars, were coined at the
Philadelphia Mint last week.
The American College at Rome wants
the Catholics of the United States. to send.
$300,000 to keep it going.
The church going people of Westport,
ew York, - hold "mush and milk socia
The damage by the earthquake' in Cali
fornia, is between three and four hundred
thousand dollars. •
Conserati. seal now means negro-shoot
ing and school house burning in the
A western farmer has imported and set
out thirty-six hundred apple-trees, import
ed from Russta.
A new ice-boat is being built for facilita
ting navigation on the Delaware during
this winter.
Trains are now running three hundred
and twenty-five miles east of Sacramenta,
on the Pacific road.
It is stated that General Grant is a Meth
odist. Ile evidently believes in the doe
trim of election.
A great many Pennsylvania farmers are
settling in the Shenandoah Valley, Va.—a
prolific region.
Grimes has no hope of being re-elected
to the Senate from lowa. "Old Grimes is
dead," and ought to be.
Vigilants hanged a man in lowa . the
other day for murder before the victim had
died, and he is likely to recover.
A Virginia farmer has raised two crops
of potatoes and one of turnips from the
same piece of ground.
'The Pennsylvania Central Railroad has
532 locomotives—a larger number. , than
any other railroad in the country.
The expenditures of the Patent Office s
durino• b the past year, execeded the re-;
ceiptsby only one hundred and seventy
one dollars.
The tax rate for Philadelphia has 'been
increased from one dollar and forty, to one'
dollar and eighty cents on the hundred
The real estate of Schuylkill coimty is
valued at $55,000,000. Of this sum not
less than $40,000,000 lies in the coal . re
A new disease in swine has made its ap
pearance in England, it is said, caused by
eating too freely of acorns and horse chest
The heirs of the late Baron Rothschild
will have above 20,000,000 francs legacy
duty to pay on the property they inherit.
The Baron left a fortune of $400,000,000.
"Oun life is made up of little things."
Our attention to them is the index of our
character, and often the balance by Which
it is weighed.
Oakey Hall has been elected mayor of
New York city; Tammany Hall governs
Oakey Hail, and Alco-hol rules Tammany
Hall—so says the Cleavelaud Leader.
The large rolling mill now in course of
erection at Bethlehem will contain sixty
four heating furnaces. It will go into op
eration in a tow weeks.
A New York paper suggests as a means
of paying the National debt that every
oflice-seeker pay a dollar a week towards
its liquidation until he gets an office.
The 'Republican tickets for Congressmen
and Electors in South Carolina bore the
device of an eagle soaring through the
clouds with a carpet bag in its talons.
The Ku‘Klux have taken to burning
barns and schoolhouses ill Monroe county,
'Tennessee, and Governor Brownlow oilers
five hundred dollars for the detection of the
L - ruilty ones.
In Doyleston, Bucks county, a true bill
has been found against ten men tbr fraudu
lent voting. Tl.ey are all foreigners, and
possessed of naturalization papers signed
b ' J. Ross Snowden.
Gen. Grant declines, it is said, to con
thine the stay law in force after the fist of
the year, in Virginia. So northern men
can collect.their debts in that State, and
seize and hold lands.
General Grant has decided toattend the*
re-imion of army officers in .Chicago on
the' 16th inst. He will* return - from the
East in time to accompany Gen's. George
H. Thomas and Schofield, and ethers. • •
Mrs Elizabeth J. Pote bas recently re
covered a-verdict of $1,075 against the
city of Portland for injuries sustained by a
fall in consequence of ice upon the side
walk. .
Think of this ye people Of Bellefonte,
"where the hills are so lofty, magnificent
and great," and where skillful ,pedestrian
ism is requisite, to prevent the moon from
getting'undef One's feet.
Senator Wilson has introduced a bill . so,
to amend the suffrage laws of the District
of Celifinbia; as to give, to women Itt all co
lori and races; as well as men, the right of
suffrage.. . • ,
, . .
It is said that Gen: .Grant; is likely, in
his first annual.message, to advocate,such.
an amendment of the Constitution as shall
make the President_ ineligible to reeler-,
tion. . .
The Court at Richmond divided on the
motion of Davis' counsel to quash the in
dictment against Mini_ It will go to the
Supreme' Court, which-met - at Washington
on Monday last. - • 1-
. ,
The ' Rev. • fir' Nasb3i - intimate's that
President JohitS'dn `would lie aii . ,aeeebta.-
h.le. candidate for the Spaiiiila tln•one, be
cause be Las all his life been putting the
Bourbon down.
Wlpter has come iu ed...inest in
Cana:da. The Ottawa :river was frozen
over on 'Deem:idler - 2d, and, at Montreal the
ferry boats havn.ceased,running,; and the
harbor is deserted.., On the' Erie Canal a
number of boats ar ice-hottud..
A . - destructiVe -- .'fire 'occurred at Lock
Haven, Clinton.' cdt , 4Y, on Friday last.
Haviiicr,no lire 'engine in order for using :
the destruction_ .of Troperty was large,
amounting to about $4, 000. Fully in
sured. . . , .
• . ,
The whole territory of Maine, containing
an area of 32,000 • square miles, was pur
chased by ...Massachusetts, of Mason and
Gorges, for the sum of £1,2.50, an amount
sufficient only to buy a decent farm at the
present day.
A levy of four persons in every thousand
inhabitants has been ordered. in Russia;
with the object of completing the full
strength of the army and navy..• The im
perial ukase directs the conscription to
commence on January 15th, 1869. ,
A few days ago, in the 'eastern part of
Jefferson county, • Ky., a , : gang of seven
ruffians violated the •rrsons or two negro
girls, shot them dead and then threw their'
bodies into:the creek. Six. of the gang
have beau arrested and committed to jail
for trial. • . • -
. .
lL.newspaper at Salem, Oregon, says it
is called "the rumor that the
steambOat owners had • employed a street
•sprinkler to lay the dust in the bed of the,
Williamet • river; for one- of the ;con Pahy;
had dampened :his feet in :walking from
shore:l.6 sherein Woolen socks."
Ilanna, the late: Pollard's associate,: is
described as - Very tall and' loose-jointed,.
With a hook nose and very small face, not
unlike that cif`a parrot. with aim Unilumn
beard anti a mass of dry, coarse, tangled
red dish hair, covering his neck and shoul-
filers, which .even the enormousbrim ,of his
slouch hat:does not hide ;. who goes slam
bling along, a moving armory, ready to
shoot or he shot at, if any parkin has a rtl,-
ish for such an amusement.
Will be exposed to public 'sale at the Cour
House in Bellefonte on
at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described rea
estate, late the property of the ltev. James Linn
. .
A lot of ground on the corner of High 'and
Spring streets; in Bellefonte, formerly
Pied by the Be}. James Linn, dec'd., on which
is erected a two-story house, stable and other
outbuildings, fronting sixtc feet on Spring
street, and extends along High street over two
hundred feet to Spring creek, being lot No. 19,
in the general plan of said Borough. Tnis is
one of the most desirable building lots in the
town. Possession given
. on tne let of January,
Also a lot of ground on Spring street in said'
Borough now in the occupancy of John liar
riaand Jainds C. Waddle . on which is erected
• ': ' ' ' a double - frame dwellin',7, house
, - j , ,, : ---',.) and frame stable. frontingsixty
1 . , , .--.-, .feet on Spring Street and ex";
• ....3 , :,;---7
',:- m
, i. ..,-: .
.. tends back 200 feet to an alley.
~. ~. _....,-, being lot No. 32 in . thOgeneral
.. ..
plan of said borough. Possession
_given on the
Ist of April. 1860.': Totals made known 'oh. day
of sale. . .
. .
• WM. I': WILSON, •
Dec 13, 3t Ex'rs of Rec..Jas. Linn, dee'd
: COUNTY. .. . • • .
. -
• Ce.Nrita 'Lau, Dec. 270.868.
The,anirnal: Meeting of the inembers, and
election of twelve Directors to control the af
fairs of the Conipany for the ensuing year, will
be held - at the house of John Spangler,. Ventre
Hall, onNenday, the llth day of January, A.
D., 1860, between the hours of 10 a. in. and 2 p.
m., of said day. The annual statement of the
transactions of the Company* for the past yent
will ba presented by the President. A general'
attendance of members is requested.
. By order of the Board,
Attest, ALEX. SHANON, &try.
Dee 18, 3t •
_ MAGAZINE universally acknowl
edged the Model Parlor Mags.zine of Amer
ica, , devoted to Original . S tories, • Poems,
Sketches, flonsohold Matters, Gems of thought
Personal and Literary f Gossip [including
special departments on Fashions] Instruc
tiems on Ilealth,.Music. Amusements, etc.,,by
the best, authors,: and profusely Illustrated
with costly engravings, useful and reliable
Patterns,Embroideries, and a constant sue
cession f artistic novelties, With other useful
and entertaining literature.
No person of refinement, economical house
wife, or lady of taste can afford to do with
out the Model Monthly. Specimen oopies 15
cents, mailed free. Yearly $3,00, with a val
uable premium; two eopies. $5.50 ; three co
pies, $7.50; five eopies, $l2, and splendid
premiums, for clubs at s3.oaoh, with the first'
premium to each subscajber. .per" A new
nartram &, Fenton Sewing Machine for 20
Subscribers at $3 each. Publicatiol Office,
83S Broadway, Now York. Demorest's
Monthly and Young !America together $4,
with the premiums for each. dec-IS
Charter .of Incorporation of
the Bin ogelical Lutheran Church, at Snyder
town, in IV.alker township, Centre County.
-The undersigned; a .commissioner, appointed
by the COuit of Common Pleas of Centre' Co.,
tot tahe testimony in the above case, will at
end to the duties of his appointment at his
office in . Bellefonte, on Thursday, January
14th, 1869; at two o'clock; p.m. •
docIS-41 • A. B. HENDERSON, Com
Hoffer Baur A C 0.,) In the Court Common
vs Pleas of Centre county,
Andrew Doyle.. . No.. 3, Nov. Term, IS6S,
The undersigned,- au atiditor appointed-by the
said court to make distribution of the moneys
.in the hancls,of D. Z, Kline, High Sheriff of
said cotinty, - arising from the sale • of- the fail
estate of the said Andrew Doyle, to and
among those legally entitled thereto, wilt at
tend to the duties of his appointmenz on Fri
day, January Sth, A. D., 1.569, at 2 o'cloCk,
p. m., at his office in Bellefonte, at which time
and place al. persons interested may attend if
they see, proper.
td A. B. HENDERSON;Auditor.
ICA, Enlargco.. It is the best Ju
venile Magazine. Every boy and girl that
sees it says so ; all the Press say so ; and Pa
rents and 'Da - wiers confirm it. Do not fail to
secure a copy. A good Microscope, with a
Glass Cylinder to confine living'Objects. orVa
good two-bladed, pearl pocket-knife, and a
large number of other desirable articles,given
as premiums to each subscriber. Yearly $1.50
Publication office, 833 Broadway, New York.
Try it, Boys and Girls. Specimen copies, ton
cents, mailed free. ' deal '
tate.of Samuel McKean,deed.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Centro Count hands of
distribution of the balance in the Se., of
Elizabeth McKean; administrator of persons
Samuel McKean, • dcc'd, amongst
legally entitled thereto. wilt i attend. to the
duties of his appointment en Saturday, the
9th day of January, A. D., 15139, at his office
in Bellefonte, at 11 o'clock, a. in.
declS-3t W. J. Enalsh, And.
To the Stockholders of the Bellefonte
Gas Company. Notice is hereby given that a
meeting of the stockholders of said company,
will bo held at the office of E. E. Blanchard,
on Monday, the 3d day of January, fS69. at 3
o'clock p, in., for the purpose of electing a pres
ident, secretary, treasurer and six managers for
the ensuing year. E. M. BLA.NCILARD,
1)ec18-te Secretary.
nual meeting of the Stockholders of this com
pany will be held at their office, - in Philadel
phia, on the THIRD MONDAY, the 18th
day of January, 1369, at 3 o'clock, p. m., for
the election of Directors to serve the ensuing
year, and for the transaction of other busi
ness. td JOHN H. WHEELER, See.
Letters of administration having
been granted upon the estate of Peter Beerly,
den'd,, all persons owingagainst the estate; or
claiming the same, must settlo with •
Manufacturer and dealer in
• Spring Street, Bellefonte, Pa.
Mattresses, - Sofas, Lounges, Chairs, &e. A
very fine selection of the lateststyles of
always on band, reasonably low'. declfily
Cabinet Organs,
with new inventions introduced this season.
Prices from $5O to $lOOO.
Decker Brothers, and Steelman &, HoDyer's
and Howe's Sowing Machines. All instru
ments delivered at the lowest cash prices.
Send for Circulars to
T. M. CHRISTIE, Agent,
declB-3n . 2* . Lock Haven. Pa.
A Saft and Speady Cure for Coughs,Colds,
Asthma Bronchitis, 'Hoarseness, 'Croup,
Influenza, Whooping Cough, Incipient,
Consumption ' and all Diseases of the
Throat and Lungs. Don't neglect a
severe Cough, or throw away money on a
worthless medicine.
dc CHENEY, Druggists, Buffalo, N.Y. Sold
by all Druggists.
In pursuance of an order of the ..Court o
Common Pleas, of Centro county, tho unde
dcrsigned, committee of Nicholas Ilillibish,
offer at Public Sale, RE the Court House, in
the borough of Bellefonte, on the
31st day of December, 1868,
at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described
property, to wit;
All that one-half lot pC ground fronting on
Allegheny street, in the borough of Bellefonte
adjoining lot of J. 13. Butte, on the nor:b,
Perry Alley on the west, and lot of T. R.Rey
nolds on the south, containing twenty-five feet
front and running back two hundred feet to
Perry - alley, and known as lot No. 96 on the
.plan of said borough, on which is
ereeted a large three story
Brick Store and -
Dwelling House,:'l73!----ti.7l
:A large
which can readily be converted into a corn
tnodious ware room. This property, altogether
is one of the most desirable business stands
in said borough.. .
ALSO, A lot of ground situate on Logan said borough, bounded on the west
by lot of Nicholas Powers, on the south by
an alley, on the east by lot of James Kelley,
and on the north by Logan street, being sixty
feet in front on said street, and extending
back two hundred .eet to the alley.and known
as Lot No. 183, in the plan of said borough.
ALSO, Ono other lot of ground in said bor
ough, bounded by the Friend's Crave Yard
oii the south, land of Edward Prdner"_ on the
east an) North, andOn the west by the street
leading to the Friend's Grave Yard, contain
_ .
about ono•half acre, more or less.
TERMS OF SALL—One-half the purchase
Money to be paid oa the confirmation of sale,
the residue in one year thereafter, with 'inter
est to be secured by : . bond and mortgage on
the premises. S. T. SHUGERT;
dec4-td Corn, of N. Eillihrs.:ll:-
By virtue of an order is
sued ont of the Orphans' Court of Centro Co.
there will be. exposed to sale Lypublic :outcry,
in the town of Milheitn, on,
Saturday, Bee. 19-1 o'Clock,
p. In., .16S, the renewing described
late the estate of Daniel' Musser, late of Penn
township, deceased, to wit:
No. I.—ti'lot or piece of ground Marked
on the,plot or plan of building lots laid out
along the turnpiae road leading from Milheim
io Nittany Valley. in the township' of Penn,
in the county of 'Centre, and marked No: it s
and bounded as follows: De7iuninE , at a,
- - -
atone, thence along the turnpike .rood north
15 degrees ITest 4 L. 2 perches to alstone,therc©
along lot.No; 10 south 75' :de6rees, west 10
perches to a stone, thence along an alley south
15 degrees, east 3 1,2. porches to a stone,
thence along an alley north 79 3-4 degrees
east 10 perches to the place of beginning con
taining 40 perches, neat measure. on which is
erected a one and a half story .
-A114! ' dwelling house, &with the ne.'
No. 2.—A lot or piece of ground situate in
Penn township, aforesaid, bounded and de
scribed 'as follows: Beginning at a stone,
thence by lands of Thomas Frank and F.
Cat7mrman rorth 15 degrees west 93 3-10th's
perches to a stone, thence by land of Foster
and Musser , south 72 14 dooroes• west-10
perches to a alone, thence by land of Philip'
High south 15 degrees east 95 perches to
stones, thence by land of
north 64 degrees east 10 8-10ths perches to
the place of beginning, containing five acres
and 151' perches, strict measure: Sale to coin=
mence at 1 o'clock of said day, when the
terms and conditions of sale, will Iva made
n0273t Adminiat'r of Don't Musser. deed
. By virtue of an order issued
out of the Orphans' -Court, in and for the
County of Centre, there will be exposed to
sale, by public outcry, on the premises, in
Potter township, on
SATURDAY,DEC.I9, - 1 o'Clock
P. M., iho following deseribod
The 'property of Michael Mayes., late of
Potter townshipAoceased, to wit:
A certain messuage and tract of land situ
ated in said township, bounded and described
as follows, to wit: On the' east by land of
David Shires;
on the southwest by lands of
Michael Decker, and on the northwest by, the
ro..d leading from :the turnpike to George's
Va ley, containing two acres, moro or less,
having thereon erected a good two storied
frame dwelling house, with
- other necessary out-buildings.
TERMS OF SALE--One-third
.of the purchase money on the
confirmation of sale; one third thereof in one
year thereafter, and one third on the death of
the widomiorsaid Michael Hayes, deceased,
the two latter payments to bear interest and
be secured by bond and mortgage on the.
premises. HENRY OSMAN,
Immediate and
perative Sale
Owing to changcs that have taken place in our firm by reason of the death of one 'of
the members, it has become absolutely necessary to sell out our entire stock of
Rather than send any portion of it to Auction, We will O'er it to the people at
Prices Below the Cost of Maniac-
Dy letting tit, goods, go at such rates ns will satisfy any reasonable purchaser
Suitable to all Classes
Macle up with the 7d7TloBt care
Of the very finest Materials,
, °'.ABIL • •E I 1 -7 2. , %n 111-4,T
3,000 OVERCOATS, made in most fashionable styles, [of all ki ads of Beavers,
. Chinchillas, Incots, &c.
. . .
. . . .. .
3,( 00 SUITS, Coats, Pants and Vest of the same material, Bu tiness, Press, Tray
"Indespen3ible" Suits, '&6. . • . •
5,000 COATS, Chesterfields and Sacs, Morning and Lounging_ Coats, Frock an
'' Dress Coats, &c.
5,000 PAIRS PANTALOONS, of all Materials, and cut on miry approve
,style, Narrow.and . 2%.robby, plain and comfortable
6,000 VESTS, Velvet Vests, Fancy Cassimerc Vests, Cioth Vests, double or sip
gl•; breasted, high or low coat.:
In the
He:e w have a large assortment of Peice Goods that must be disposed: of. To
do which we prof ose to make for a Fe;v Days to order from measure, is our very
best style—making a
jThus we offer clothing es good in point of
Style, material, fit and finish, as can be had
in any merchant tailoring establishment.
Youth& & ChildrenPs Department
This department has been a specialty with us this year. We have had manufac
tured the largest and best assortment of Boys Clothing to be found in the city; all of
which 1.4 - 110 W for ma.le at Greatly Reduced Trices.•
Rar6 Chance to fit out the Children.
Mourniiag Wear—Clerical Ganne . nts—full dress suits,
Any customer purchasing an article of clothing, will be allowed a deduction of twenty
• percent oh any additional purchase made in this department.
Tuesday, December lst.
The store will be opened - early'aild closed, bite.
SEVENTY-FIVE salesmen' will- be in . attendance.
Prompt and polite attention -will- be given to all.
lst. It is the largest, and best stackin this City. 2d. • II
must all be..sold NOW. 3d. At . • prices below even the
lowest current rates
can be fitted.
prices So low, that it will pay You to lay in a stook of cloth:
ing for the next few years.
have another. such chance•
Our Necessity is your Opportunity.
no-27 3t
And tins c'ea? out our entire Establishment. Securing a
Q cim: r~
Our LumelF.e house is fairly loaded with
Cash Orders.
Black Cloth (Wercoats, Black ClOth and Doeskin Pants,'
No customer «ill be unsupplied, if Any, .tea-,
sonable Accommodation of Price 'will
induce him to buy.
4th; That whatever size or shape you
S. E. Coiner Sixth and Market Streets,
In the
Black, Cloth Cassimere, Coats,: Black V" ts
goods .tare so. elegant . and
That you may never
by unprincipled r dealers; 'when you can
buy your Dry
Fancy Goods,
Boots and Shoes, Clothing
&C., and not be
•... •
CiF4 444 ;-0
going direct to the old establisbed stand
Great reductions to suit the' times, ani
enable purchasers to provide for Holiday
C 0
o co„) CD
H . • ck 3 j •
o ,0
CII ckl .
ra.l 0
0 ..-
_Un „PA • --, - ---
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oil .
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I• 4 ( .. .n .r 4 ' . a). .
~ c a E -- ;-‘
Pi in p u i"
g —i ,,. IA .ro i
42)P.. t.,.
D 4 ?4 .4 . 1 0
A -do 2 tZCI
W .0;04 • ,-,
P• • Cb ~ , 2?
CD i s , ',
1-4 i . ' ri )
( ce Z)
r 4 pe l
ce, 44 -..,. „t ~ •
d •
2 F ,l c , . ••-
Manufacturers and'Wholesale Dealers in
Boots and Shoes,
-A large amount of City Made Worl
constantly on band.
Orders from Country Merchants respect
fully solicited.
Guarantees to ; give entire satisfaction in the
Employing none but the very
. .
Ho feels safe in requesting every one who wishes
a neat fitting boot or shoe, at a reasonsbleprice
to give him a call. at the northeast corner of the
. ,
Before ordering your Summer
,• •
. .
The only exclusive boot and shoe manufac
turing shop in Bellefonte.
I would respectfully invite your consideration
to the general satisfaction which in every case
follows my work. Prices reasonable and neat
tits guaranteed. . JOHN POWERS.
5 3 ly. Allegheny St., Bellefonte,
LDIES' GAITERS, Children's
Shoes, and Sundown's, have been add
ed to the stock of 'FAIRER .k CO.
Apr.26;67. ,
and loop Skirts, Hosiery,. -Kid and:
Cotton Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, and all kinds of
trimmings, for sale. by
This paper ling been recently 'enlarged to
mammoth propottions. IT is runlArtogsr RE
LIDIOU . S• PAPER IN TUB WORLD. 18 the leading
organ of the union movement, and opposes .rit
ualism, close communion; exclusiveness and
church: caste. It is the only paper' that Publishes
HENRY WAno BEECHER'S Sermona,7which it
does every week, just as they 'are delivered,—
without qualification or correction by him. it
'advocats au iversal suffrage, a union of christians
at the polls; and the rights of labor. Dams the
.best Agricultural Department of any paper in
'the world; publishes rtories' foitheand
for the distruction of social evils, Its editorial
management is Impersonal . ; its writara and ed
hors are fromevery. branch. of the church, and
from every grade of society. It has been aptly
termed the freest organ of thought in the world, a paper, offering: premiums of Sewing
Machines,Dictionaries, Appleton's Cyclopedia,
Pianos, Organs for Churches, ete.,.makes one or
the best papers fof canvassers in the world. -
Every Congratlon may obtain a Commu
nion Service, an Organ. a Melodeon, a _Bible,
or a Life Insurance Policy for its Paslor, or al.
most any other needful thing, by a club of sus
P. S—Subsciiptlons received at this office.
• Western District of Pendiyl-:.
vania, SS. At _Bellefonte,: the
..18th day of
November, A. D. 186 S. To whom it may
concern.. The un dersigned hereby gives no
tice of his appointment as assignee of Gideon.
It. Wolf, in the county •of Centro, and State
of Pennsylvania; within said district, who
has been adjudged' a bankrupt on his own
petition by .ho district court of said district.
n027-4t W. 11. LA URlMORE.Assignee.
. .
Caine to the :residence of the
subscriber, in Halfinoon, -on or :about the
Ist of November, a Red heifer, supposed to- ,
be two years old, with a piece out .of the un-..
der side of each ear. The owner is requested
to come forward, prove property, pay charges,
and take her away, otherwise sho will be dis
posed of according to law.
n027.3t : . SAMUEL SMITH..
and Shoes, Hats and Caps, at manufac
turers prices. ;With an attraetivejroom,cheap
and desirable goods, attentive and polite clerks,
and a close attention to binineas, the under
signed hope to receive the 88E18 share of your
influence and patrenage, v.rbieb. was so kindly
best/bared heretofore.
LEATHER!—The best Buenos
_kJ Ayres at 33 to 35.gts--no cut up Oriuoca---
no heavy fleshed California-but the real, gen
uine. •
Buenos Ayres Spanish Sole etf.3 to Xi ets. por
b., to he had ut. ARRAM SUSSMAN'S,
High Streel;Bellefonte,
, _,---•
or '}`ernale.-,Cap. clear -$5O per week
at their own home, in a light and hbnorable
business. Any person having a few hours daily
to spend will find this a good paring business.
Address, sending two stamps, for full particu
1016 Gt Detroit,
Why will yon be
41 Pork Bow, New York
Ple\tlL T!TIS
The only
On hinge orders
we' rival *Philadel
phia and New York
Power Presses
Mann Murphy
Priies.77o•oten into the' . Shade on'
I it; antt, Nowittiv-#
Of Every Description.
can be had of us,
paper furnished, as
low as the blank'
paper can be obtain
ed elsewhere in the
We have unusual facilities for FINE
Card, ip Circular and
Our selection of
Type - is unsurpassed, and,Bosters of ereryi
siza,"either plain or colored, are gotten up
with despatch, . n the best style.
Our facilities for Book Work, are also
unsurpassed. . .
We assert, without fear of coat radietion,
that we,have great& facilities fo'r•the mad
execution of every description of work
than any biller office in Central Pennsyl
vania. We guarantee to" o% ; e - satisfaction
in every instance ; oryo charge made.
Bellefonte, Pap