TILE NATIONAL. eiarObltoarlea longer than Iva linn must be pa d for little rata ot.th; .ur per line. ♦ll S o lety resolution whatever onnannleatlona . leak mending ...wastes for 1801, 110117 as till, lOU 1 at the rate fteen D ont,* Entyernatint pablWA_lvet • . J LOC=AL' NEWS. GERARD'S SECRET.---I HAVE ALWAYS OONSIDERED ADVERTISING LIBERALLY AND LONG. TO BE THE GREAT MEDIUM OF SUCCESS , IN. BUSINESS, AND THE PRELUDE TO WEALTH; AND HAVE MADE IT AN INVARIABLE RULE TO'AD-' VERTISE IN THE DULLEST TIMES; AS WELL AT THE BUSIEST;, LONG EXPE RIENCE HAVING 'TAUGHT :ME THAT MONEY THUS SPENT IS WELL'LAID OUT. - SEND to T. M. Christie,Lodk l Haen,Pa:, for the Mason & Hamlin• Organ : announcing new inTrovements and redui, tion in prices, and compare; them with the price lists of -othek organs. TIEN Mnson & Hamlin Organ Company, winners of the Paris Exposition Medal, and secenty-fie others. They are the. improved :Vox HUI - liana or fan tremolo. Circulars Sea free, by. T. M. Christie, Loci: Haven,Pa. - . : REPUBLICANS, ATTENTION:-,A meeting of the. meinbeis of the Republican Read ing ROOM Club, will be held this (Friday) evening, for the froushelion of important business. Let every member be present. By order of. the Committee on Regnk tions. • . . . . EVERY family slionld baire a bottle of Green's Vegetable Paiii Killer. . IF you have brash, dry and Wiry hair which you wish to have changed to soft and &say locks. If you have gray hair which . you wish restored to' -its natural color ; use COMA RESTITUTOR, the great hair restorer. For sale at Green's‘Drug Store, and by dealers and druggists gen erally. ~ • , LAwYfinis—Troii 'ar& requested to call and examine - the large and varied stock of legal envelopes `just-received at this office. They will be sold in lots to snit the pur chaser. With card printed on, they will be sold about twenty-fiVe.per cent. below the • . Government price. • HOLIDAY PRESENTS.-AS: Christmas is drawing nighilt behooves every one to re pair without delay to Zimmerman, Bros. & Co., and secure at least one of the many useful and fancy articles suitable for pres ents, that are there eiposed for sale cheap for cash. Aiiirie lot of ladies'. furs, at re duced - pricei. Collie bile, come all, and buy, some - nseful article as_ a gift for some friend's Clirlatnins meniory. RninEll, of Lock•vilaven, is agent fcu all the best. Pianos manufactures. • • THE Souosts.—This , literary association recently organized; we are happy to learn, is succeeding admirably. The attendance last evening waS large;tliesandienee atten tive and the reading all that 'could be de sired. • Thid occurs to us 'as the correct way in which 'to spend an evening,' both. pleasantly and profitably. May. success at-' tend the movement. I= GEORGE•ECK.ERT announces to his ..pupils and those d'esirhig to beco me that he Ali will be In Bellefonte again on Tues day, 29th inst. .The lathe.* will meet at the room engaged.as the daneeliall, in the new .Bnsh Winding,. at 4 o'clock in the AO . - noon of that , The gentleMen,will as semble at the same place in the e:imin:g.— Spectatora.will.not_ibul,itjnecessary: to be presenkin eitliet case., . . PATENT NeAlicirke of all kinds for sale at Green's: . • WE make it:a - point to sPeatOccasiorially of our succeisfill huSiness men. . This we .do in juStice'ito"; them, "and as ;.well, that others-may be eimouragedio•pdt:forth like efftirt, andif.possible attain , a slinilar suc cess. • The well hmown . firm . 7 - pf Loeb, -May and Loeb, whose- advertisement ap pears in another column, is. to=day a verifi cation of the oft-quoted maxim, - that; "dili gence ensures . success." They: combine with a sterling . honesty, a• close attention tobusiness, ...re 'prompt, efficient, and re liable. Flaying by long practice established their reputation,sit.otily remain* for them to - reap the .keward of its continuance. SANFOBD the inimitable, will be with us once again,: He comes on Monday next, and through - sh6er kindness: to 'our people will•remam during-the week. What a world of merriment this announcement fortells. Poe never said anything like this. Poe was melancholy; in all probability was dyspeptic; certain it' is he died young.— The fact is he never .saw Sanford's Opera Troupe, or he would have been living to day. His whole nature would• have un dergone `a- change. • Instead of being morose, he - Would hate became jocose; his melancholy 'would have been exchanged for joyousneSs,.and his-" Black Cat" story would never have been written: Let ns say to allwho wish to:enjo'y-alieartylaugh, who desire to store up pleasant reminiscen ses, and ensure a king life, go to see Sanford. OUR BA . O.—We have a: band now, and no mistake.:- We may beliei , e. what was told'ils; of its perforniance about 11 o'clock the other night, - the fabled: "music of the Spheres" was nowhere.„Music is a big thing; and requires a big heart I,o' appreci ate it properly. Just herewe must indulge in an extremely original exPression ,to the effect that "he who has no music in his soul, is fit fcr treason, stratagems and spoils,” or words to that effect. heretofore the band was composed.of -married gentle men whose dothestie cares. precluded their absence from home at night; 'cOriseqiiently no time was had for practice ; and after an enfeebled existence, the affair beanie pros . UAW, and finally tuckered out. ,The pres ent members, however, arc young Men who are not: distracted . with subldnary cares ;. whose aim is to excel ; and who , will we are assured throw their souls into the work. Go in boys and win. BEING general agent for the instruments he sells, Rynder, of Lock Haven can sell musical inztrumments a lower.figurea than ally other. establishment.ineentral Penna'. _ . LEcrunF..-Prof.'. Wm "Howard Day-. who entertained our peOple on Tuesday evening last;' by a deliVeiy of his "celebrated lecture entitled "'The APtreb of_ Freedom around the world'? is deserving the thanks of this community.; .-The-:audience was large and attentive; 'and:,oo_leeturer in consequence was in a comfortable frame of mind. His delivery was:.all that.dmild be desired ; while the subject .matter.. of lila: lecture wasfull of noble . thoughts, expres sed in Most beautiful - language. Those who had the good fortune to: hear felt that their estimate of humanity was en larged,; and they who for years, t have been influenced by a prejudice against color as dangerous'as it is :unreasonable, felt, the. ground work of their ancient: superstition fast gliding from under then - I.' They felt that there was a nobility connected wilt manhood, that it was in fact inherent with it, and not dependent upon the various shades of color. Take it all in all, we believe we take from no one that which ls,due, when we say, that beauty inf ex pression, for manly thoughts, and enno bling sentiment this eflort excelled any sim ilar one in our place. Misni,En's Herb, Red Label, and Green Label Bitters for sale at Green's. WHEN Col. Miller was ordered by Gen. Scott, at the battle of Lundy's Lane, to capture a British battery which was deal ing death and destruction on all sides, Ins reply was "I'll try." He succeeded, and his replybecame as famous as his achieve ment. This occurrence suggested. itself to us the other day, while we were thinking of the great success which attends the bu siness efforts of the firm of Sternberg and Brandeis. There must be incorporated in their rules of action some such expression as that attributed to Col. 31illor; for cer tain it is that they never fail to please in their business transactions. We strongly suspect, however, that not a little of their success, is the result of the shrewdness they display in the selection of their assis tants. Mr. Levi A. Miller,.so long and fa vorably known as a clerk in ttat establish ment, possesses in an eminent degree, that certain something which men call popular ity. His unobtrusive manner, strict atten tion to business, his aptness for anticipat ing the wants of his customers ; and his uniform gentlemanly deportment, have_ won for him a friendship which is not con fined to mere business transactions. We make this special reference to him for the reason that we dont belive merit should go unnoticed. Ilortil'Hos. -- .lluxtupyp, was in: town a few'dityS"a4o, , - connected with the College.. , institp.tionTitnOer his managzmeht,alidat - career of heret4ore,,puprepedented iu ifs history.' •, " WE noticed ou,Sunday last between one and..two e .o'clock, some imitatoi :of Andrew Johnson, trying - Manfully to tear:tip under au :alrhost- overwhelming load of the 'ardent." lie seemed' quite joyous under the; circumstances; ',And: ;yet, we' :coUld'nt refrainfrOM saying "poor fellow, ..pity he ,drinks." ' • ' 7 • : . . , - will be seen by refeience,to another column thatMr.lT. .Qhristie, •of Lock Haven, is the agent for-the justly celebrat— ed 31ason and Hamlin Organs; and- that he is now selling•at greatly reduced-prices. Parties..desiring4one of -these instruments would do wellto call on Mr. Christie, or send their - Orders. - Catalogues. of prices will be furnished when *pieefe4:'-` THE best. Christmas "pees:ents in, the country ure to be . fo4u4 .st Music SWe. r:m I.llm - fsaxa- FlonT.-NiTe are, ,inreceipt byithe oi , erlald.okpreSs; -of the particulars of a fight a 'mile lokq, 'Lill • other Words extending4froni the. Old Fort to - - Earlfs. Town. Ncrscalps Were taken.; - and the . wounded picked' himself-lip after 'every :• ItseeitieS to liavelfeen rather a sociable figliethan btlierwiSe, "as one .of. the parties nuide' no resiStAnCe whatever. Tins SmLING PILG 1113 i, by which 'name Philip Philips, - the' world renowned singer is knoWn "acrosslbe water," has been en gaged forthis -placa• on' lbe• twenty;second of January next. 1116 have in our posses sion many. eloquent laudations showered upon-him by the :London Times, Belfast Journal, Manchester Guardian, and a great many. other leading journals,, both in . En rope and. America, which we may give our readers at another, time.. • OUR Sumuit.—We are not &little pleased when .w see in our. exchanges, commen datory notices of any of our fellow citizens. Some :writer - In . the - Lewisburg • 'C'h - fonicle, in speaking, of a,-.Mr - Schwarz, of that place, who seems to be - building for himself a very enviable reputation, while improving his own fOwn,"takes 'occasion tb say,— "Williamsport has her.Herdic; Bellefonte her Dish, tin& Leivisbnig her Schwarz." Go in Mr. Schwarz; take Bush for youol model and you can't.7do otherwise than well. "We Bellefonters think Bush is con siderable of a twig. 11n. J.. Mu.i§ connected with thewell known hat house -,of, Barnes, Oat:about, Herron and 'Co., of.,Phila delphia, has been in town for:Abe:Pak, • feiv days., Miles as we familiarly,., call •bina, is . aslandsame as ever; ancrfet We, are per sutided- that 'he has not relied entirely upon .his good looks, in the building' up: for his house a more extensive trade than is: en joyed:by any similaV establish - Muth : in the country. His extensive.. aelnaintance has made him tiable acquisition to the firm, which : as wU.haiesaiir on aformar occasion should esteem theinselires,.oiticularly for-: Innate, in having secured his services. • I . , . T may-not be generally known that, our Jail dees ntl at:: - present.. contain a single prisoneri Its grated . windows no longer - serve as lookouts :for: unwEling inmates; nor dwthe:walls_ofits!empty, cells re-echo the . .plaintivp ; song : of the captive. The sad stories of its occupants now form matter of traditieh, while the harsh clanking of man-,,i ;axles, has yielded to the music of the:winit : which rushes along .its :deserted • corridors &c.,&c. The' act-hiove have a new. jail, and the above remarks are specially adapted _to the bld:one: • • . . • Si of • our people who have an insane fondness, for getting their - feet cold ; who persiSt in - running all the rislth attendant upon innumerable falls, (whiCh falls be it 'understood, arc always ,intentional,, for Who ewer knew. one to :acknowledge that'll' fall while' skating was the result of his Own aWkwardnessS and who in short insist .that it is right good fun to get a right good . chill while skathnhave had splendid opportnnitieS' to indulge in their favorite amusement for some time past.. The skating club of this place com pleted an organization 'tother evening; and the proper committees'.were appointed to "raise 1 , ,_4,e,,wind," for the purpose of sweep ing the onar offthe ice. We shiver When we think of the fun iii store for us. WE are no longer in doubt as to what constitutes a "pea nut bummer." He, (we say he, because ladies, to our certain know ledge, never do anything reprehensible,) belongs to a numerous, class of bipeds which infest public Places of entertain ment, for the express purpose of munch ing peanuts in _ a :frantic manner, and to the great disgust of all within ear-shot of them. We say their purpose in attending these places is the destruction of pea nuts ; of course we can only judge, of their mo- ' tive by the earnestnesS•with"Which they do ,their. _work. This practice, it is true, is not confined to Bellefonte. We , have in city theatres and lecture rooms, detected its prevalent by the crunching and-.snuf fing . soundseemanating from the -,upper tiers, and particularly from what is dis tinctly, known :as the .pea nut : gallery, which; as is well known; is occupied by the: less enterprising class of boot blacks. It is said also that this habit constitutes one of 'the luxuries peculiar to. very low concert "saloons. During Prof. Day's lecture, on lasturuesday evening, those who were so unfortunate as to occupy .seats furthest from the Stage were annoyed in no small' ileg,ree by • these pea nut epicures. Our police would do a commendable thing by the suppression of this nuisance. RYNpERS' stock of musial, instruments, iu Lock Ilaxen, are unstupassod, CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS.—On. Friday last Benjamin Housel, had his hand badly mangled in a threshing machine, at McKean's, near Zion.—While we were in Tyrone, on Saturday last; an unfortunate ocearrence took place, by which Mr. Geary lost his life. We believe he was engaged in work at the Round House. in that plac - e; and while attempting to cross the track in front of an engine in motion, was knocked down by it, and his body completely severed. Mr; Geary had a wife and six children on their way from Germany who will - learn of their loss when they,areleast able to bear it: '• . . , Policeman Mullen whose 'prompt and fearless conduct has justly made him the terror of evil doers in our midst, was severely bruised - about the head by a' pistol in the hands of Fred Stanley whose arrest he was attempting to affect for out conduct on Monday evening last. Mr: Mullen is getting airing quite cOmfOrta bly, while Stanley is now in meditating doubtless upon human depravity, and the inconveniences to which it subjects one.— Wp have not ; yet learned - whether -he is a lineal descendent of the "On, Stanley, on" of whom we read in Scott's Marmion. On Tuesday' morning last, Christian Schweiler, engaged on the early freight train which leaves about. 6 o'clock, met with a horrible death, while attending to the coupling of some cars. He fell through the false bottom of one of the coal dumps connected with the train, and the cars passed over him, mutilating him in such a manner, as must have rendered recogni tion impossible had the accident not been .observed by others. His arm was torn from his shoulder and carried a hundred yards or more from where the body lay a shapless mass. lie resided at Roopsburg, and has left a wife and two 'children. ON - Tuesday evening - last as we sat in our sanctum cogitating upon the final dis position which we - should make of the various European Powers, and occasionally indulging in a thought more immediately concerning our own national affairs, when the door opened. and some half dozen ladies entered, who came to see the new office. Unfortunately the stairway lead ing down to the press room was without railing.a This is to be accounted for by the fact that the carpenters having in charge the completion of the room, were so occu pied as to find it inconvenient to attend to this Matter; although wesivere in daily ex pectation of having it done. Mrs. James Furey, Who was with the party, immediate ly upon entering the door way, and before we could notify her_ of her danger, stepped aside to make room for others• coming after, when she fell down the stairway, bruising herself most painfully. We were extremely sorry for this occurrence, and took steps the next morning, (too late, we regret to 'say, in this case,) to prevent a similar. accident. ) ,MrS. .FureY, we are happy to learn, is getting along as com fortably. as Is possible under the circum stances ; still we shall 'never forgive our selves for being. connected, although unin tentionally, with this nnfoitunate circum stance. .'''i - TN - Ei.NATIONA.LI. - TELLEFONTEc.Pk, ERIDAT.,"I. 7WP:w.e,r9 - _grjPyekttg Jeep, just before doing . tO.press.,-Ofthestidden death. of Mr. James Gordon, of Walker township; who it seems fell dead while getting into • his sleigh to come to town. Mr. Gordon Las been long and favorable known to the citi zens of our county; and his loss will -be deeply regretted. SomE of our subscribers it seems have been laboring under a mistake, concerning the mark at the bead of our editorial-page. This is to be found on every paper we is— sue and its object is to call attention to the fact that the subscription of those who find in connection with their ?zanies; - will expire within two weeks. next succeeding appearance of this Mark. It was rumored last week, that Mr. Wil kins, Superintendent of the T. and C. 11. 1:. entertained serious thoughts of resigning his position. i ThiN inovempt. is: deprecated by his many friends. During his connec tion with the i'oads•he has ,won,the esteem ;'pr hale hatl'offichtt relations with him: - " Jr D:'-tErra..hn, thd hook-store man, is d authorized to receive, and receipt for subscriptions to theNATiox.t.L. While our friends 'are; leMrinc% : :their subscriptions there, they would d'o well to examine his telecto - gtoek , Of gitieds; He. has +still on hand a - fewof 810.4" w -elegantly boUnd'coPies of •Websier's Unabridged 'Dictionary, one of which,,at least should. be in . the ; bawls of every-man-who desires tki enjoy good health His stock is .complete, and . . prices, moder ate; Try him. • MORE ENTERPRISE.—We• understand that some parties in town are showingtheir appreciation of the good things of this, life, by prospecting in the various cellars round about. Strange that they should prefer the darkness of night ratter than the light of day, for these explorations. But : pe'r haps they don't wish to disturb the inmates of the house. This we believe is the cor rect theory. The same, or soma other parties, we don't wish to be positive you know, feloniously, surreptitionily,:and 'as it is sometimes put "unbeknownst" to Mr. Henry Harris, "took ,and carried away" his coal, or so much thereof as they could conveniently. The demoniacal attache of this office dark-ly hints that somebody will steal our coal next. We hope not. Good Mr. Thief well tell you where there is "slathers" of coal if you will only spare Ours. • IT is said that the people of New Eng, land, generally, when they die, go tit Bos ton; while the residents of Boston proper, upon their demise, go to Paris. Now this, as we once heard a minister say, only once mark you, "brings us to notice in the first place" that those of our people, who wish toattain.a,ripe old ages„ .: and ,w 139 more over are desirous of extracting from life as , they go:along, as much luxury, juicy com fort, or so'id enjoyniefit; hi is possible, go straight to the Gem Restaurant, corner of Race, and. Ugh. streets, .where. Messrs. Miliphaeand Pile accomplish wonders in, the way of assuaging the appetite. They have a,regularibill Offa;re; including all the good things imaginable; and as we said in -a former-,.issue, theyfiraye,.. :dining ioorii in — donneetion With "their establish ment, which _is, a' models of comfort j and convenienCei Ciiir.aeAnesday evening last, he fed and clothed internally "all con nected withcor-in anywise appertaining to the neW Turkey and "s jell" Trcwailad. Dxxotxu.—Solomon is charged with saying marmapparently , wisei tliirkgs which lie riever Uttered: fiideel veil good men and ministers, who should know better, in the excess of their admiration for , his char acter, attribute sayings to him of which he would have been ashamed. They deliver themselves of what occurs to them, as a. very sage remark, and follow it up closely with "as the wise man bath said." They don't stop to consider that "the wise man" in all probability never thought of such a thing; and that they themselves are guilty of downright lying. This we say softly.— But Solomon, or some other man did say amongst other things that "there is a time to dance." Now it strikes us that the proper time to dance, is when one can con veniently; and not after the decrepitude of age has wilted one's energies. To para phrase our friend Patrick Henry, shall we, acquire grace and activity "by irresolution and. inaction." In a voice of whispered thunder, we say no, certainly not. Mr.. George Eckert, of Northumberland, who comes to us well roconunended, and who is favorably known to many of our citizens, ha y s opened a school for dancing in the Bush building. He will have several elasses.• There is no lack of gentlemen who are anxious to improve their ways; but as yet there has been a dearth of ladies. We are acustomed to speak of the ladies as the embodiment of all earthly grace and beauty, and perhaps it will be wrong to intimate that their style:might be improved; still we would like to have the light of their countenances to shine upon this movement. Let us hope that they will think favorably of it. I==ll WINTER EVENES - GS.—The York True Democrat in its: issue of Tuesday last, makes some very pertinent and well de served remarks, on the impropriety, to use no harsher expression, of some of its ex changes appropriating its. locals without giving 'due credit . therefor. This practice of pilfering the 'result of Otherecogitations, is one indulged in by many only toe fre quently, and is deserving of the strongest censure. The. "local" of the Democrat • "spread" himself some weeks ago, upon an article with the aboVe caption, and when felicitating himself, as he had good reason to do, upon the pleasant reflections to which it would give rise, bad the mortifi cation of seeing it, appear in all its pristine beauty, in tiventyseven -of his exchanges; whereupon he justly.tgrOws indignant, and gives vent to his feelings, as we have in timated, and in the.same,- connection pro ceeds to express the beautiful thoughts : "Our 'a'rt'icle on 'Whiter •Evenings was written in anticipation of. the_ coming of that delightful period; for, -at that time, the varied tints of Autumn were still here and the mellow beams of the Indian Sum mer shed their golden treasures upon the - earth. Now those evenings are present with us, and while we write we feel the cheerful influences of a warm coal fire are diffusing their tributes around us. rn our comfortable apartment, made even more comfortable by the smiles of an approving conscience, we would once more admonish our readers not to neglect any of the pre cious privileges which our winter evenings bring. They are treasures sent from heaven to mellow down the excitin ,-, interests and absorbing cares of life. They are not only a period of infinite repose and delight, but one of meditation and reflection, when the turmoil and anxieties of the world may be forgotten and we may lose sight of. tempo rary ills and afflictions in that calm and undisturbed enjoyment which can only be had at the fireside and family altar. It is here that the miser will forget, for the time being, his heaps of gold, the man of business and enterprize his thoughts of. gain and emolument, the laboring poor their struggles, the aspirant for fame his overreaching thirst for preferment, and it, is here the sinner even will sometimes recognize the presence of his God. Those precious evenings are full of interest, admo nition and instruction. When the storms rage and the element's contend for the mastery, the delights of home and the presence of our loved ones will come over us with all their cheering and consoliug in fluences. Securely sheltered from the . wintry blasts and blessed with peace and comfort, we can treasure in our hearts those emotions of gratitude for the provi dence and goodness of that God whose favor protects us now. 'Who would leave a circle like this for the shallow anmsements of the outer world I' 'Who would turn his back upon such a scene—a scene which is met with only once this side of heaven ?" Blair County Itesug The dwelling of Mr. Stewart Cowan, of this place, was entered by burglars on last Friday night, who appropriated fifty-three dollars of Mr. Cowan's money to their . own use, and then left, -The entrance was effected by prying (!)pen one of the hack windows with an axe.—Tyrone Herald. The contract for building the new Pres byterian church in Hollidaysburg was awarded to Mr. Jonathan Rimle, for the sum of $32,557, the contractor to have all the material of the old building suitable for use in the construction of the new church. • ' - - - - - Report says' that the snow of Monday last crushed in the roof of J. S. Reed & Co's, Saw, mill on the mountain, injuring some five or six persons in the fall. We have not learned the extent of the injuries, as medical aid had not arrived when our re porter heard of the accident. Mr J: ;BOsrp7of Vie "Ward House" killed two hoar a few days since . wieghing 1149 lbs., one Neighlag 620.1b5. and the othei 529 lbs.- - Who can beat? The Hollidayilitrg,. .papers announce that et son of John Sbalier, oa GaYsport, Blair county, aged Lone year and eight month, died from hydrophobia on the 7th inst. - , • lie %vas bitten - five weeks:, before, through the hafid, by a „triad dog.: The wound healed up, like any other wound and no peculiar or constitutional effects were experienced till the beginning of last month. On Frichiy night week,some persons '"went Sanuiel Spraiikle's store, at t.helictur[ot.Tirginia street, .1111(1 relived him of nearly his entire stock of boots and shoes, buckskin gloves woolen stockings, h and notions, suckas pencils, knives, spool cotton, silk thread, buttons, ed., a ladies fine.shawl, a quantity of fine;black alpaca, and likely other articles which have not _been missed, together with a small quantity of change, and a shawl belonging to Mr. Cherry, a clerk in the store. Cherry. usually sleeps in the store, but was absent on,lfriday night, and doubtless the dePre dators. were aware of this tact. They made,several ineffectual attempts to force the front and back doors, but both with stood the pressure. They piled up boxes at the front doore and cut two lights out of thd ; transom, and through this opening gairied access. The goods taken were also _passed out through the opening, as the doors Were found locked in the morning, with a chair standing against the front door;on the inside. ken engaged about _the Company, shops, and on the railroad, are passing by the store every hour of the night, and it would seem to be almost im possible to perform so much work without detection. 1 1 Te consider the robbery a very 'bold one, under the ' circumshinces.— Tribune. Clearfiekil County Items Certainly the charge of heathenism will not apply to our town, if the church build -ings are accepted as monuments of god lineSs. Within a period, of three years, from $75,009 .to 550,006 has, been • in vested lii church property hi this borough. The Catholics were tin first to move, by way of imprOvement, entirely remodeling their building at a heavy expense. Next 'the Episcopalians refitted theirs in a mag nificent style. Then the Presbyterians and. Methodists followed, by each erecting a grand building, not equaled in any , town in the State of like population. The Baptists also repaired their hand-some brick Structure during the Past year and within - the last ;feW Months the Lutherans have given their building . a complete overhauling, until, externally and internally, it compares fa vorably with any of them. The painting and frescoeing inside leads one to believe that helms got into the wrong chin-ch.:and adds mach to its grandeur. Now, if the membership of these-respec tive churches embellish their. walk .and ;Conversation as highly :as ; they have their church property, they will be as readily distinguished from the worldlings as their churches are from saloons or the jail.— CleaKfield Republican. , . DLilllin ijount3 A wolf has . been killed in Lickug 'Ceek " Valley, - Mifflin Coudty. Xs .Mr. George Rittenhouse and others were out hunting, deer, the - , other day,:_they: were chaSeeby'eight ten wolves, of .which number the hunters killed one which measured six feet from the nose, to the tip of the tail. It had been feeding upon deer meat: :This' we learn from the Lewistown Democrat. OUT BOOK SAULE liIPAINCOTT'S Janu 'ary number of this 'Magazine is on our table, and contains "Beyond the Breakers, a.stori, of the present dity, with a full-page Illustration.; Poems for a Golden Wed ding, by R. EL Stoddard, Geo.H..Boker, and Bayard • Taylor ; • Christmas Panto mimes ; The Blue Cabinet '• The Old Year and the New; The Secret Agent ; Justice forDlue-Beard ; Cross and Crown ; Pearl of Great -Price ; The Parisian New Year's, by Gob. M. Towle ; Neither Dead or Living; Spain a Repta)lic, by Karl Blind ; Golden Dreams, a Christmas Story; by Albert Fabic; Our Monthly Gossip ; Literatme of the Day: Subscription price, $4.00 rer aumini.• Single numbers, .85 cents. • THE NEW ECLECTIC.—The first number of Vel. TV of this live magazine is on our table; and as usual replete with readable matter, The present number contains ieresting articles from the pens of William Head Brown, Anthony Trollope, author of John Halifax. Editorals of interest, and choice selections from "The Fortnight'y Review," "The Round Table," "The Sat urday Review," "Once Week," "N. Y. Tribune-," "World," "Times"- and other able publications both in this country-and Europe. Published by Turnbull and Mur doch, 54 Lexington Baltimore, Md. MARRIED On. the 26th ult., at Snyder'., Hotel, in Cen tral Oity,; by elder W. A. Ridge, Mr. Andrew E. Bowes to Miss Hannah Melissa Wittts, all of Celitre county, Pa. On the same day, by the same, at Eael.wil le, Mr...Cyhts W. Walker to Miss TmeAta Dehasse, all of Clinton county. On the Sth rout., at the house of Mr. George Swartz, in Ilablersburg, by the Rev. J. E. Long, Mr. Wm. S. Search, of Prairie City, lowa, to Miss Elizabeth A. Binkard, of Iludersburg,. Centre county. On the 26th ult., at the residence of the bride's mother,-by the Rev. D. Castleman, Mr. J. T. McCormick, to Miss Henrietta B. Cot 'till, both of Potters Mills, Pa. On the 17th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the same, Mr. James Bouse to Miss Elizabeth G. Armstrong, both of Potters Mills Pa. On the Mb., by the Rev. Alfred Toerdans, George M. Tibbons to Agnes A. Morrison. both of Bellefonte. DIED. • . " At the residence Of 14Irs. Simlccy, Edmund Gibson, of lung disease, aged 18 years. RELLEFONTE MARKETS • .4h.r.LE.Foxy.E, Dee. 4,186 S. Grain and Flour Harlot. Flour per barrel $ll 00 White wheat be r bushel 1,00 Red wheat cc " Corn (new) cc cc Oats Rye per bushel 1,25 Buckwheat per bushel . 1,00 Cloverseed Provision Market. Apples dried ; per pound SO 12 a 15 Dried Peaches, per pound a 18 _ _ Dried Cherries " " .... Beans per quart Butter per pound Beefsteak per pound Beef roasts • a 20 Chickens each, live 40 a 50 Turkeys live,.eacli 1 00 a 2 00 Cheese per pound 22 a 25 Hams per pound 20 a 22 . Bacon a 16 Lard, per pound , 'l5 Eggs per dozen 20 a 25 Mutton and Lamb per pound 10 a 20 Veal cutlets per pound a 20 Potatoes per bushel .$.l. 25 - Goal by 6hortlidge & Co. - . Anthracite coal at yard. Sliarnokin Pea Coal $4 00 per ton Shamokin .. 7 00 per ton Sliamokib Stove 800 per ton Shamokin Egg- S 00 per Una Shamokin Broken 7 SO per ton WU kesbarre Nut S 00 per ton Wilkesbarre Stove S SO per ton Wilkesbarre Egg S SO per ton Wilkesbarre Broken . SSu pe6ton SPECIAL NOTICES Irrin.m.'s Antidote for strong drink for sale at Green's.. I=l MAGNoLi.a WATBI,—A delightful toilet art! ele—superior to Cologne and at half the price PUBLIC attention is invited to "the Hems. hold Gas Machine advertised in another coltnn by David Jones, of Philadelphia. S ticonsspur,, beemue of superior merit. Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved new style Hair restorer or dressing, in one bottle, Every Druggist sells it. price One Dollar. "IVILL wonders never case ?" is the uniform exclamation of the millions who constantly use Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative." One bottle will convince the most sceptical of its miraculous effect upon the human hair. 1E721: DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and Catarrh treated with the utmost F ucces s by T. Isaacs, M. D. and Professor -ofiseases of the Eye and Ear in the Medical College of Pennsylvania, 12 years experience, formerly of Leyden, mei land,l No.. SO5 Arch street, Philadelphia. Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients as he has no secrets in his prac tice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. Dec 4 tf "TatUfibay SeiZallil.blanch your brow,' but it cannot .silver-your- hair, if you I.le that excellent' fene,wqr 4.newn-Fie".ll;arrett'S Vegetable Hair HestoratiVe" to the iabso e exclusion of all- t e..viler,cQnifounds with which the n4liset . is mouth Journal. • Thick Plantation Bitters, andwith them. a new lease of life. The old are made young again the middle-aged rejoice, and the young become doubly brilliant by using this splendid tonic. Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Liver Complaint, Head ache, Pains MUIR. side, in the back," and ad symptoms of Stomachic Derangement; yield at once to the health giving influence of Planta ton Bitters. They add strength to the system • and buoyancy to the mind. • ALlpl4.—Last week we called attention Constitution Bitters 'of!Seward & Bently, and now we take pleasure in noteing their Alisma for the 'hair, - Which is said to be a very fine article for the toilet. We arq, of the opinion that the preparation of S. & B. are all good, for the reputation they, they as',Drungists is good evidence that they would', not7put any thing in.the, market of an ordinary character. F. Green has it for sale and we hope our - friends will try it. For all Bronchial affections,tryiSeward's Cough cure. To Cox9ysrex.T.v9..7-The Advirtie.Whaving, been restored to health in a fevi weeks, by a very simple remedy. after having suffered sex? oral years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to Make known to his fellow sufferers the means of.cure• To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription; used (free offh - barge,) with the di rections for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure Cure for Consuption. Asth ma, Bronchitis, &c. The only object of the ad vertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost theili nothing and may, pro,ve a, Messing, Parties' wishing the perscriptimi will please: address t ff -,, ' REv. EDWARD A. WILSON, . ' 165 South f.ld St., Williamsburg, Kings Co. N. Y Wu wish to call particular attention to SeV`i: aril & Bentley's Constitution Bitters, adver tised in par paper this week. Their Bitters are said to lie the finest tonip and most agreeable stimulant fo , r ther*eak and delicate; of any bile- . ters heretofore in use. They have been used in. many loc alitir swith the most gratifying results,, and are highly recommended by physicians for ; the preventing of Fevers. Fever and Ague; and all maloridus diseases. They create a healthy appetit ' and strengthen the whole system. We . arc . glad to have them introduced in this sec tion, and hope' they will take the place 'of all. the poisonous compounds heretofiire palmed off on the invalid as Bitters. From what we have heard said of them by those who ought to know, we are satisfied that a fair trial will convince ali that tiry are as represented—a superior me dicinal preparation. They are sold by For a Cough, use "Seward's Cough Cure;" Ton DvsrErne.—The trials and sufferings , . of the Dyspeptic can only bo realized by those so unforturato as to be afflicted hr this di sease, and yet how many of them suffer and continue to suffer ? Why they do this so pa d.iently it is imposSilire to tell. It maybe from ignorance of any 'Certain remedy, or it may he from prejudice against the use of a Patent Medicine. llooflantPs 'German Bitters• has cured thousands of the .worst cases of Dys pepsia, and each day adds new names to the word of' its usefulness. Give the Bitters a lloofland'a Bittericorititins'no Liquor in any form. Ilooftnd's German Tonic is'it combination of all the ingredihnts of the Bitters, with pure Santa Cruz rum, apise",, orange, Atc., making a preparation of 'rare medical value. The tonic is used for the same dise•Ases.as the bitters,• in cases .where.sorna Alco'h'olic Stimidui: is necessary. Principa. Office, 63.1 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists and others, everywhere. . • While we sympathize with our friends of Oak Hall in the . loss.of one of their firni, we appreCiate the opportunity that is now for a few days offered to our readers to se cure a bargain in clothing which will repay ten-fold a visit to the city. We, the editor of this paper, will certainly not lose the. chance; but will either .go 'or. send far some >thing from Wanamaker & Brown's. •We advise you all to do the same thing, for sure atexe. that if you don't you will regret it all winter. ". " = It will not be a bad idea for us to go "en masse and get the whple ,county "dressed up" for once—Lcleap for - cash, and if any cannot go let them send their orders along with us, and by getting such a big lot .at. once, no doubt our delegation could secure even better terms than will be current; Whether go it singly or together, let his go at once ' .forilrst scome is :first serred, and we all 1: - now what a rush these will be as soon as this announcement is made garCh 10, 1888 JAcor. SHEET; Esq.—Some eight months ago when suffering from great nervous pros tration , 'the result of -Akposure and overtasked energies, I was induced by you, (an old friend) to take as a tonic your celebrated Bitter Cordial; and so agreeably .. surprising, have been its beneficial effM3l - . tliat refra:n from thus bearing testimony in its favor. As a beverage, it is as pleasant and delightful ds a glita's of rich, dark, brown sherry ; as an appetizer before meals, per, lcctly magical-; and as a digester of food, the most potent compound I ever knew. ARS gc:ther, I consider it one of the happiest com:' binations of medicinal herbs ever offered to. the public as a curative. I most cheerfully and "conadently recommend it to every suf ferer from; Debility, Dyspepsittoancl Rbeuma -iisni. As a substitute for the villainous nieho (Moho and vinous concoctions imbibed at to ,many of the public bars of the present day it must also prove a ble3siog. E. , 1 1 7; BLACKBURN,' • Fire Marshall. V3'..R.cad Shectz's standing advertis.omer.t u another column. rUIA - ‘ Is 1:V1'11'13E1E111'1S TN THE MATTER OF THE ES!:- tato of Archibald Dean, decd. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Contra county,to mnitb distribution of the balance in the hands of Josiah 11. Brown, administrator of ac.. to. the parties entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Belle fonte, on Friday, the Sth of January; 1560, at 10 o'clock, a. m. J.N` O. G. LOVE, Auditor. • dee 11- is • - • IN THE MATTER OF THE•Ee . tato of Jacob Stover, , dee'd. The undersigned, appointed by order of the Orphans' Court of Centre county, to. make distribution of the balance in the hands of B. 0. Deininger. administrator to and amongst the persons entitled thereto, will attend to tho duties of his appointment at his office in Bellefonte, on Thursd , iy, tho 7th day of Jan - uary, Ding, at 1 o'ciock, p. tn. • deed 1-ts • JNO. G..LOVE, Auditor. ORPHAN7B.COURT.SALE.. LSO 1,00 By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of-Centre county, will be exposed to public sale on tho premises at Shingletown, near Boalsburg, Pa„ ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1868, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described real estate : A certain 'rnessnage,: tenement,. or tract of land, situate in Barris township, Centre county, Penn's.., be coded and de scribed as follows: On the cast by Nicholas Strong, •on :the north, by lands of Oliver 'Campbell, on the west by lands of Jacob Musser's heirs, and on the south by Nittany mountain, containing about seventeen acres, on which is erected a two-story frame house, frame stable and other outbuildings. . TERMS OF SALE.—One• third: on con firmation'of sale by the Court ; l Ono third in one year thereafter, with interest, and the balance at death. of the widow, with interest payable annually during her life, the last two tenements to be securqd by Bond and mort gape. _ _ _ .22 a 25 .12 a 25 . a 4.5 20 a 22 GEO. W. SWARTZ, Guardian of Anna Fox 2.nd Lawrence Fox 10 30 3t c - IriTTRE COUNTY TEACH . ERS INSTIT UTE.—The annual County Institute will be held at Unionville, commenc ing on MONDAY, Dcc. 28, and closing on Friday evening, Jan. 1. Teachers and others in attendance will be accommodated at 75 cents per day. Free return tickets will be given to those who pay full fare in coming to tho Institute. The law instructs directors to' allow teach ers for the time they are in attendance at tho Institute, and count it the same as teaching, but wnother directors allow the time or not, it is the duty of all teachers to be present. (See Penn'a Sch 00l Journal, May,. 1867.) Direc tors, parents and friends or education gener ally, are invited to meet with us. By order of Ex SCUT' YE COMMITTEE. decd-tf . TIROPOSAL. Proposals for 'the building of a STONE CHURCH for the Spring Creek congregation, near the cite of the present Spring Creek Presbyterian Church in Harris township, will be received up to the 15th ins For plans and speeille4tions, apply to • REV. MR. HAMILL, decs.3t' Cbmn Building. Committee. ESTRAY Came to the rosidenco of Jacob Eckley,. in Houston 46wnship, •about the first of August last, a Red litifer, about one year old last .spring, marked with slit in both ears. Tfie owner is requested to .come forward, prove 'property, pay charges, and take her ( away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. n027-3t == MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1868. N THE MATTER OR THE ES - - - ate, - of Elizabeth Rockey,. dec'd. The tuMersigned, appointed by ,the Orphans' Court of Centre county, at the ,No vember Mins, 186 S, to adjust the exceptions to the account of John Rockey, executor; 6e: of Elizabeth Rockoy, dec'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday, Jan uary 7, a. d.,1860, at 2 o'clock, p. m., at his office in Bellefonte, at which time and place all parties interested may attend if they see proper. td A. 11— HENDERSON, Auditor. NOTICE. Remy 'Fleisher In the Court of Common vs) }Pleas of Centre Co. No. 3S, Sarah Fleisher Jan. T, 1863, Subpoena in Divorce. The undersigned,. a Commissioner appointed by the said Court to take testimony in the above cause, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Tuesday,January 12,1869, at 2 o'clock, p. m., at his office in Bellefonte,at which Limo and place all parties interested muy attend if they see proper. decll-td A. D. HENDERSON, COM. WINPIKEt NOTICE:: _ . . An .election . for 'officers' of the'Bad'Eaglti , and' NittanY Valley Turnpike company, Nriltbe . held at the office of Wm. P. pact.,. in _Bellefonte, .on. Monday, the 28111; Amy of;D.eeetabc:r,•l B 6B, for the - election of Prasidenl,. Managers; Ttea§hier and See- retary, to servo for the ensuing year. or until Atliers n're acc4:..3 s: .; 5 riAIITIOR: - ' . . 4 ` Whereas:My 'wife Harriet Williams has loft my bad.and:buard:,withont cause, I herelly i give-nacos-to, all parsons 'not to harbor s or Mit tier on my account, as I will .nOtp'dy'br be%liabla for any debts contracted la - htT/;":, WILSON WILLIAMS. - gilesunrg, Dec. 4„3t* IakiDWARB,.STOVES, &c. "`— -----• TAWIN WI. SON are con- staiitly - reoeiving now. goods in their lino. :4" - A . .41: of every description at reduced pricas—noW being opened every day. mar29th AMPS ,QF EVERY VARTE ! and MO at IRWIN Sr, WILSON'S. BAROMETERS and Thermome iers at , IRWIN, &WILSON'S. THE ANVIL STORE, is now re _L. ceiving a large and yell assorted_ , Stock of Hardware,, Stoves, Nails, .11orse Shoes, Saddlery; Glass; Paints; Sheet, Bar And Hoop rron,also Buggy and Waggon Sto - Ok of every dcsription.—Call. and • supply yourselves at the lowest possible-Yates. nov9 _.:• NVINA WILSON. S: C.49av,Whigegale and _Beta .cheap, by & WILSON. - 1 1 P, 1 dec2 1'66 VINE TABLE CUTLERY, inchidirigplatedlotlts',.spoons, aa., at. .mart , IDOCETIT. U..CLEICY.-:, alt,niakes and prices at -- &Wir.oiores. TIOITBLE ANWSINGLE :renowling pica& at mart OROSS,CITT AND. MILL SAWS, kJ. best initlie at IRWIN 5c WILSON'S. mail ' • ' ' ""'" e cQ . F ss r or , tmen O IN TRIM lINGS, a I N aI S7. e mart , , . - 1111111 AND BELL ; - ,ANp. DOOR Bellap ill sizei.anCl . kinils.rii: . ' mart:- • r • IBWIN k IVITAa'S. • . 1 - IRYBOARDS Plank-and Scant sOF•by • .1,4,w.rN it- WILSON. .T.AP.A.ISNED TOILET :SETTS. and other Japanned: ware, at th'e` Anvil IRWIN Store mayll,Gll QPINDLE - SIMINS_Abr wagons, L) . sizes, arthe sign or tiro -Anvil. rftwaN t WILSON. °KING:GLASS PLATES of T alPaizes for sole , by IRYTIN la WILSON. OLTS for Buggies anaCarriaggs, _PLY au.siias iii.iisco; :Fire Bolts,ilittto, at 'mart IRWIN WISON'S. I_UFF.'-ALCY: SCALES, of the best make, from 4 lbs up to 120,- 000 lbs. 18,W.T.N /6' WILSON. mar 2; pARL COOK STOVES, Parlor Stoves, and four sizes of Gas- Burners constantly on hand and for sale at roar 2 ..t." WILSON'S. , -- croRN BLANKETS tr . SLEIGH BEI,Lp, - (ct low prices, , _ dec2,l,'CO „ , WILSONS'. FTNIQN;PATENT C.A.UJIN, the IL) • .bast'in use at IRWIN.4.t . WILSON'S. dee2l'lB66 • - COPPER KETTLES OF DIF FER:II •IT :sties and direct from the Factory, at low rates by 10 16 tf • ' WILSON. 11[01.11 4 DING--:Gilt,"Ilos ewood & Plain Walnut of all sizes for frames. tnnyll,66 IRWIN Si WILSON. 4 .AN STORE. - . . .• • STOVES • • STOVES,I • STOVES. The Anvil Store' is now receiving the largest and best lot of Stoves ever brought to the mar ket, among which is the justly celebrated .ORIENTAL PARLOR STOVE, all sizes, Parlor Heaters, for &amber above These stoves have no equal for beauty or utility NIAGARA COOK; Four sizes. SUSQUEHANNA COOK, Four sizes. NEW AND IMPROVED PARLOR GAS BURNERS, Four Sizes. • • NEW STYLES EGG STOVE. • . NEW STYLE ARCTIC. • NEW STYLE PICKET STOVES, and various other patterns; also Heating Fur naces for dwellings and churches, to be put up with. bricks; and portable, cased with galvanized sheet, to be used withoutbricks, which will heat from-four to eight rooms ' according to size. • 9 25 tf IRWIN &.• WLLSON. • 11 A1C P 'S AMERICAN AIRITiui-IT HEATING ,t, COINING I?, A_ IN G FI. Jr IN • or- T -1 t. • • - • • • vu ‘. • i 1 4 41 1 - • X•'.1 . • 1 • : •''A.'4,..41.13 " • .1 - -2 - ERR • • _ • ' • •,,•3=---•• - • • _ _ t _ _ If 4 ;i• _ .• 4,0'4 invite eisanination sad warrant every Rano which we set to give entire satLsfaction. Also Manufacturing Dallas In LOW CRATES, REGISTERS, And Agents for the Celebrated Magee Patent Heaters, Ranges and Stoves. RAND, PERKINS & CO No. 124 N. Sixth Street, PHILADELITT - TIA, PA Send for descriptive Circular. Oct .3 -18 Pres't VENTILATORS, 01-10I0E1 y ~~. 0 '1 co FRESH '1 1 1733 OYSTERS. We'keep constantly on hand rt full and yell selected stock of FRESR FAMILY FINE SUPERFINE FAMILY FLOUR, LIGGET.'S BT.TOK.MTHEAT FLOUR, NEW CORN MEAL, PRIME RIO COFFEE, OLD, GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE, XX PORTO RICO BAKING MOLASSES, SUGAR CURED HAMS, NEW NO. 1 MACKEREL, NEW SMOKED HALLIBUT, PRIME FACTORY CHEESE, COAL , OIL AND LAMPS, DRIED FRUITS, of all kinds, CANNED FR TITS, of all kinds, FOREIGN FRUITS, of all kinds, HAND-PICKED WINTER APPLES„ And all other kinds of Goods that are necessary to make the Culinary Department .complete and the table inviting. SEMLER MOORE D . Allegheny St., 'Bellefonte. jR-1-69• MISCELLANEOUS. SPECIAL NOTICE ! • . . - • _ .• - LAZARUS & MORRIS' CELEBRATED • PERFECTED SPECTACLES and Eye Glasses. One of the firm will be at tho Store of their Agent - - Q. IV: PATTON, DEALER IN TEIVEIr.RI - , WATDRES, rTc., Solo Agent for Bellefonte, Pa., • .For two days only, Friday and Satuarday, January Ist and 2nd.. • 110 . nttends for the purpose of assisting Mr. Patton,in fitting the eye in difficult or unusual eases. Those suffering from imoared or dioaas ed vision are reecommeuded to avail them. selves of this 'oplitirtuiiity : Our Spectacles and "Eve-Glasses are Acknowledged to be. the • Most Perfect assistance to sight ever manufactured, and can always be relied upon as afording perfect ease and comfort while strengthen and preserving ing the Eyes most thoroughly. We take occasion to notify the Pub lic that we employ no pedlars, and to caution them against ' those pretending tp have our goods for srle: Oct. 2, '6B-Iy. ei to. PECK'S NEW - lOR CREAM AND, DINING SA,LO"ON, In room formerly occupied by C. H. Stoneroad; under Bush's arcade. Meals prepared at all hours. A first - clams BILLIARD TABLE connnected with the Restaurant. 711 y PATENT OFFICES.— Inventors who wish to take out Lethal Pattent are ad vised to counsel with M UNNM CO., Editors of the Scientific American, who have prosecuted claims before the Patent Office for over Twenty Years. Their American and European Patent Agency is the most extensive in the world.— Charges less than any other reliable agency. A PaMplilet containing full instructions to inven tors is sent gratis. A handsome Bound volume, containing 150 Mechanical engravings, and tho United States Census by Counties, with. Hints and Receipts for Mechanics, mailed on receipt of 20 cents. Address, MURK CO,. • Oct 2-11 37 Park Rovr,N.Y. CONRA_D HOUSE • . E ST At RANT • HARRY KLINE, Finorrawroß. Fresh oysters, shell and tub—sold by the quart hundred or plate. Parties desiring oysters can rely upon these being fresh and nice. Oysters serv,:d in every style• 11 13 1 , . f r, FOR THE • OiaLIIDAYS. J. H. HAHN, No. 4, Bush's Arcade, (with G. W. Fairer C 0.,) Bellefonte, Pa. The best selection of Watches, Chains, Rings, Brooches, Thimbles, Sleeve Buttons at SU.VER PLATED wAtir. MUSICAL BOXES, And trimmings of all kinds. The above goods are the most suitable Ilolliday Presents than can be made, and in. price, Mr. Hahn is not to be undersold in the county. All work such as Watches. Cloaks, Jewelry &c., will bo promptly, and carcrudy executed, Also, Musical Clocks and Boxes, skillfully re paired. Don't forgot the plate, No. 4 tlushs' Arcade. Ang. MULES FOR SALE. _ A pair of Mules that will work either single or double, can ho obtained on easy terms by enquiring at this office, 10 30 tf. MEAT MARKET The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Ilclietonte and vicinity to the superior quality of FRESH MEAT constantly to be found on hand. Beef, Pork Mutton, Veal, Poultry. he.- always on hand. JESSE ;+lol[ :AN, N. W. Cor.Diatuond, opposite Cum t House. jan 13-ly T't J. .11..A.RMS, Dealers iii STOVES, &c., No. 5, Brockerhoff Row BELLEFONTE, PA A large assortment of BUILDERS HARDWARE Cutlery, eze. constantly on hand.' jar. 1.69 rjohler& (FAMILY HOtERIES, Al legheny Svreot" F' GROCERIES—Mocha Cof fee, old:Government Java, best quality of Rio Coffee, Brown Coffee, Best oolong Black Teas, Green Teas, Lovering , Syrup, Golden Syrup, Drips, fine article Baking Molasses, Rice, and everything in the Grocery line, at the owest cash price. If you want the best article of Groceries in the market, BURN SIDE'S ds THOMAS' is theplace. ITis proverbial in Bellefonte and throughout tho coanty if you want a good article go to BURNSIDE'S S: THOMAS. WHITMAN'S Celebrated Con , y fectionoriesWhitman's celebrated Chocolate, Baker's Chocolate, Smith's Choco late, China Ginger,English Pickles, American &c., at LEATHER of all descriptions.— French Calf skins, Spanish Silo alma ther,-Moroccoes, Sheep Skin:, Linings, and everything:in the Leather line. Warranted to give satisfaction. BURNSIDE & THOMAS. QIIOE - MAKER'S TOOLS and. k.. 7 Findings in all their varieties. Saddlery, Buckles, Hook Bits, spots, Rings, and every thing a saddler wants in the manufacturing of harness is to be found at BI3I:NSIDE'S &MOMS'. RARDWARE, nives, Spoons, Coffee Mills, Sli v IF.. Spades, Rakes, floes, Lamps, Forks, Chains, &a., at BU !INSIDE'S THOMAS. FISHI.NG TACKEL, Rods, Lines, ; Hooks Flies, Sea-Hair Baskets, (rig you out to catch trout.) at r:BURNSIDE'S & THOMAS. BASISETS in all their variety, Children's Carriages, Willow-Ware, Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot and Caps, Car tridges, &c. Also, Toys of all kinds, at eurorspE's & THOMAS'. NEW PATTERNS of Oit Cloths at reduced prices at . BURNSIDE'S THOMAS. NOTIONS of all kinds, Stockings, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Combs,. Pocket books, in all their variety, and very cheap. Turkey Prunes, Raisins, Peaches, Apples, Oranges, Lentons,all kinds of foreign Fruit. Gams, Bacon dx. Canned Fruits, Peaches, Tomatoes, Pino Apples, Peas, in great vari qty. Barrett's Soap, Van Kagan Kean's Olive Soap, Dobbins' Soap, Tep Oakeiy Soap, Old Castile, Palm Soap, Elderberry Soap, and a great variety of other soaps at BURNSIDE'S tt . THOMAS. THE highest market price paid for all kinds of country produce by BURNSIDE THOMAS. FFIE largest anii k best stock of Boots and Shoes, arranted to give satisfaction, at reduced prices, only to be found at 'SPICES of all varieties, ground to order, and warranted to be strictly pure. It is the only place you can Lind unadulter ated spices. Try them for your own satisfac tion. BURNSIDE do THOMAS. HERRING, White Fish, Mack erel, &e., at - Aprlo;6s. pURNSIDE'S d THOMAS. BURNSIDE t THOMAS offer to the public o re of the largest and best selected:stocks of merchandise in Centre coun ty. Call, examine, and see for yourselves. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NO, 5, BUSH'S ARCADE, My entire stock or Ladies' Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnnishing, Goods, etc., etc., for cheapness and durability are not equalled in Centre connty.9 aprl 6s-tf C. DERR. BOOK AGENTS, Are meeting with rare success in sell ing Sir S. W. Balzer's' Explorations and Adven tures among the Nile tributaries of Abyssinia to which is now :Wed an account of the Cap tivity and release of English subjects, and the career of the laze Emperor Theodore, No hook is received among all classes of people WI h such unbounded 'favor, or so fully combines thrilling interest with solid insruction. Agents, male and female. sell it rapidly. "An admirable record of scientific explora tion, geographical discovery, and personal ad venture."—N, Y. Tribune. "It is issued in a very attractive feral. and is as entertaining as u romance."--Boston Journal Full particulars on application to U. D. Cas & Co., Putiliatters, ltartiont, Conn. 10 10 4t CLB. HUTCHISON, • MILITARY CLAIM AGENT, wil attend to all business entrusted to his care Office with W. P. Wilson, Esq., Bellefonte Pa April 28th '65. Sioo PER MONTH.—AGENTS Wanted, Male or Female, that can earn from 555 to :. , 100 a month at their own homes, and all expenses paid. For full particulars ad dress with two stamps. E. E. LOCKWOOD. 10 10 Gt* -Agent. BARGAINS. A large lot of Sash, Doors, Flooring, Moulding,&c., will be sold below the regular Plaiting ill price, for cash. A S VALENTINE ' 9 25 3t E 31 VALENTINE. TREMENDOUS Stock of Horse 1 Blankets, Buffalo Robes, and Duckukin Gloves at 3.0!2:'133 BURNSIDE & THOMATi GROCERIES. MISCELLANEOUS BURNSIDE'S & THOMAS' BURNSIDE'S 41: TUOMAS' CLOTHING, PROVI- SIONS, &c., at 13ELLEFONTE, PA DRY GOODS& GROCERIES ATTENTION MONEY AND TIME SAVED I (i) hi By going diroct to HOIVELL. GILLILAND & CO I 1 & 2 BUSH'S ARCADE, BELI.EFONTE, PA To purchase everything in the line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES,: GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, .l, C., ctC. stock, is without doubt, and wo chal lenge denial, the largest ever opened in Belle fonte. Our DOUBLE STORE literally packed full of the finest and Cheapest articles in opr line that can be obtained in the eastern markets. In Ladies' Furs, • We are ahead of any merchant in the County Although our stock heretofore has been ;,large, the present completely eclipses anything ever before attempted in this section. An examination will prove the truth of our assertions. Remember the Place ! HOWELL, QILLILAND Jr. CO. 941 y Bush's Arcade THE LATEST RETURNS THOMAS HOLAHAN of Milesburg, would respectfully invito the at tention of his friends to the fact that ho has purchased tho handsome storo of William J. Cooke, and has just replenished it with a fine stock of now goods which ho is prepared to disposo of on cash terms at the most hon orable prices. With a reasonable share of public patronage wo hope to makatbis estab lishment comparo favorably with the best in the county, and will undertake to furnisk all kinds of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, . QUEENSWARE, BOOTS .b SHOES, FLOUR, FEED, &C., As•low as they can be purchased elsewhere. All are invited to call and examine our stock, while they are left perfec.ly free to purchase where they can do best. 1113 tf THOMAS HOLAHAN. GRAND ST., CHEAP STORE Edivanl Ridley, Importer and Jobber of BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, LACES, SILKS, :HOSIERY, Straw Goods of Every De scription. YANKEE. NOTIONS, Knitted and Woven Worsted Goods., Le. Nos. 309, 311, and 311 1 2 GRAND St.;, nd 166, 63 and 70 Allen Street, 11-8-3 m NEW YORK °ITV. SUGDEN & BRADBURY, with Lord t Taylor,) At their new and elegant establishrimt Nos. 312 and 314 B 0 E R Y , Near Bleeelter Street, Are constantly receiving the most appl, ed styles and qualities of seasonable -DRY GOODS, consisting of Silks, Shawls, Dress Goods, Cloaks, Fancy o°o4, Lace Curtains, Which they aro offering at prices nth . , s tionably MUCH LOWER THAN ANY 0::; R FIRST CLASS 110 USE, 11:6-3ua BURNS & SAIUCKER,, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND PRODUCE COMMISSION VERCHAI NO. 605, MARKET ST., PBILA J. Morris Burns, of B. S. Janney, • Co. S. Smucker, of S. Smucker, Jr. 1.1-6-tf EYRE lt LANDELL, FOURTH. ,t; ARCH STS., PIIILADELP Good Black SILKS, Good Colored Sli 186 S. PALL GOODS OPENING FANCY AND STAPLE'. Lyons Silk Velvets, New Style Shawl . Now Dress Goods, Good Blankets, Table Li Sheetings and Shirtings, Cloths and Cas,o:l •i• N. B.- New Goo 4116 received daily ots for Jobbing. EYRE tf: LANDEVL, 4th Jr. Arch, Philadeip' 10 16-6 t jcir GROCERIES, such as Sui• Syrups, Lagura and Rio Coffees, • , Tobacco, Spices, Imperial, Young Ilysoi , , Oolong 'roa, for salo by STERNBERG BRAN,IiI:;•z. fIITEENS, GLASS and CRO. - 100- A. STEBNBE - LUSH, SALT ANDB A N constantly for sale. A. ST.ERNI• • . SIOOA MONTH -MALE OR FE- Male Agents wanted. E. E,LOCKWOOD, 141661 • $5O to be invested :it 9000 the purchaso ut kinds of gram from farmers in Centre coo. Call at the store of A. STERNBER‘. Aug.9,'67 NEW TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE MAN UFACTOItY, Immediately opposite Bush's Building, ~t, the west side of Spring Creek, Bellefonte, Pa. • JOIrN H. LONEBERGER, formorly.cloing, business in thii lino in nisi. •treot, has again eAablislicil a Tin and Iron Ware Manufactory, in the locality abi, mentioned, where he is prepared to supply public with every article d Yira bin in i• branch of the trade at Idvt:Yu Prtiens. ways made of the h-st twiterial4. ROOFING AND SI'ot7TING will reeeire prompt attention. and at rew.o; . able rates, and everything desired in this li.• will be promptly mad,: to suit partici" 'OLD IRON, COPPER, PRWTER AAO RAGS, taken in exchange for manufUcturt , : articles. MAUR TILE PLACE! NEAR NE\\ LOGAN FOUNDRY. Juno PJ,%S-Iy. 11EAD I VAT s ERS FOR GEN FURNISHING GOODS, ICo47,Brockerhoof Row. . A new' assortment of Gauze. Morino, Litwin and Jean undershirts and drawers. Neckties and bows of every description, gloves, suspen ders collars, hats, caps, by W. W. MONTGOMERY, MERCHANT TAILOP, AND CLOTHIER, Agent for the celebrated Singer Sewing Ma chine. 9 4'68 t RUNAWAY. Notice is hereby given to all persona not to trust H. 0. Smith, ajad aged 16, who ran away from Unionville, on the 17th ult. Clinton Republican plowe Copy and tend bill to aiN n . [1.14 Ut] BENJ. RICH. EMBROIDERIES TRIMMINGS, VELVETS,