The Bellefonte national. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1868-1870, December 11, 1868, Image 3

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SlTObitoarles puler wee fire It mug be pe d fee at the rote of r 7;
its pa-line.. Alt eolety reioletfou trbitense eonntenniestiene mete
.. ta dj„,,,,..didela tor Moe, suer ec ir.tan Fos t eArAlect,itt the tote
Noes eetteper ar',llr.t,tlrtbl *Ajar , L"
, •
PHILIP PinLirs• the •world renowned
singer,•it is, thoughti be with us soon.
Tile necessary" preliminaries are being
WE..inyite,the,attenOon of, the Ladies of
vicinity, , to , the large : and
splendid ; assortment. of Ladies' Alises,aud
E;LtildrenS Skating. Boots, which are:selling
cheap at the Bellefonte Boot and' Shoe,
Store of E. Graham S.-,Son.
s. • MR. IDOL'S', the jewelry man, ' No. , 4
Bush's ; Arcade,
announces in -another
column: a number of articles suitable "for
christrnas presents, rings, watches; trinkets;
etc., are among the number • and' one . can
not do , better than purchase, ,the, abovei
articles of thg gentleman, :if want of
, • •
them. ' ' •
A fine lot - of Segars and Tobacco just
reeieved at• Green's.
_ .
PROF. DAY'S •LROTURE.---The inclem
ency of the weather' on last Tuesday even
ing prevented the above named gentleman
delivering his lecture. Next Tuesday eve
ning is thelime appointed, and the weather
being favorable, we hope .see ;Bu t shYs
Hall crowded. The reputation of the.ilec
turer is,well-known, and the evening can i •
fibt be sPetit more profitably or pleasantly.
Ws would recommend to our friends
visiting Philadelphia', ar:eol. Upon Mr. Win.
A. Shermer,`Pluinber and Gas Fitter, N.
cor. Sth and South streets. Mr. Sher
has an agent in this - place wlio is
doing a lary amount of .•business. Chins.
N. Apple at 1512' South Street,
of.PaperHangior , notofiety, is ;igen
-2.n an• who al ways • renders - satisfaction in
110 line.
, RC - NUMBS' stock of musial, instrument's,
in. Lock Haven, are'unsorpassed,
WprAbl the wizard,• and yrerry
•cions 'wentrilequist, will ventilate wonder-
Ifta-Nyonciers; and, visible visions in. Bush's
"fall to-night. We will all go to see him ;
of course we will.. IWhy not ? -' WO will
state in this connectiomthat it will be well
- worth the while of our people ,to see him.
He comes well' recommended;
dbes the one tenth' Pali . , of *hat he; pro:
poses. to do, his performance; will.he 'atreat_
W.a had occasion lately, to yisit Erie,
and 'While there, had business transa.ctipps ,
with Mr. Baldwin, Acting Sniierintendent -
of: the P. 4.C:, E.1.1?..P.., whom we. found: _to,'
lie perfect gentleman.. We . :Zon't, men- ,
tion,thiS fact, as eolistituting, .rematkable•
exception in the case of the people,of-Eriei
;nor indeed of any other locality. But as
ithe.eltperience of many'peolilelias induced
, on their paft;itherbellef 'that , all '''rail-road
(officials have-an anlarged'idaa of their own
iiinhortance'rate •frequeiitly insulting . in
their, matine`r, and always 'ungentlemanly,;
. 11A3 lire tnehtionoil" the andre' da4c,, as .a
noticeable exception to a too goner:ll'Vdc."
RYNTOrdt; Pt toek Maven, is ..a,g4nt..fik.
all the Lest-Z ands,inattufacture4.ii..-
_ .
Tint fors which otcured by the fire at
Lock .I.lardn, las!;, is
estimated a4^iiboitt'S4o.o.oo'. W. L.
ton, better ktiily, Great Adyirtiser.
showed' itlarge.afitoll,lit of gOod. • sense, as
xaig'at ha've been:expoet:6,d to judge froiu Lis
Jib .!ralitylidrertisingi 41.,Fpfitsing
age his. gOodS by •an miinessary rernovg...l
The lire • stopped Its'taxage 'alter' hi
.the doors, and:cnicki.w ,window glass in the
:rear 9f. his .esfablislinient.- . Think .-of, : this
ye Wren 'shOuld . adyertise :tore largay
ititaii.yoi: taken.-an
entire page in. the.. Clinton Deptocrqt :at
4310C6,,....Per. year.. • .•
Macedonian 'big for. %sale ,at
Wig, might .reqiespab/r"he exiiected to
say something of 'the. great
„ quantity of
snow we-haire. -had -' 7 fOr =some-'tiine -batik ;
and the sleighing Which tailfeeri so reck
lessly indulged in ; but we shall refrUin , ,fiii
the slinple reason that every one -AR; dai
his own thinking, hasli . is-.6wn pet belief
concerning these:tkatijkS . ,, as to the
uniform chilliness-of the=: snow ; and the
;propriety, the general_eoinWirt, and occa
isional delights of sleighing: Tien Loo, we
:are not persuaded that attempt to uproot
'long established the.opieS ai•e i Universally
:successful. We are - -*.strretlyl,)*lnpartial in
thhi matter, and consequently are prepared
to make any:retildred.admiSsions: cipher
to fle , itidescribhble estacies, -or-Yet&-'
sible•aganies attendant-'upon an, ordinary
case of sleigh" - riddl• The popular belief
amongst those who indulge in this amuse
ment, or iwitaLever it may lid ailed, is
'favorable iW;xt
.. Those, who .de,n'tfitidulge,.
in it ha\ , ,e - 'nei xigitt
on it ;;thells,Aley have ~n o
we are bound is Xilspecf."
eleighed, -- sand have been slain_ iii conse
quence ; and since it IS evident tbal peiplet
will sleigh, we must coi.itent pigseiVes with
advising them to "bundle tip; that ib6y,
may be saved from taking. tlib,ll. : =, death a
cold. We feel that we have, d'o'ne our duty
in this • matter, _.and arez" coil;;
sequence: •
e AdIZIED Organs
Store in Lock Haven.
' •
C. Haines, esq, returned on Monday last,
from Springfield, Illinois; Where
tion of delegates from Caiaatli: andrmasiy: of
the State,,Wasrecentlydield,,to peNfectsoniq
plan by which toyievent or stay .t)ie..mfeer,
tion that seems to folloWin the - tritelt . 'of
cattle from Tevas. - The excitement - at tlie .
convention, where sd. Many ditTerantwarol ,
antagonistic interests were. represented' . :is
reported to have been intense. .SomeTdel
agates advoCated no - reityaiiie4tiaffiejVhile
others - pressed - their' Ideas . for' entire.'
prohibition. Tliese 'opPosinc,; 'elements
were reco»cfleft.finaliy, rasinly by thern
iluence: of the Penlisylvatlia,ldeletration,.
which was composed of A, Boyd Hamilton
of Dauphin,. Edward 'C. Dimes 'or-Centres,
Dr Hiram .Corson, of - Montgoiner& , ....A7
draught of law to,he,submiSed-tu,the Leg
islature of the several States and the rani
mem; of the Dominion of Canada r intended
.to secure proper , sanyary,..regulatiowiwas
adopted. A report will be made by our
;State delegaiions to Governor, Geary, :wholt
Ile underkoOd,Will . give
,it to, ,the public,
Ithrouill'tki public, press. ~We'.llaye no
doubt but that it will be full of interest aml
.Trousseals C;arbonizen. Meat at Grettri's
, „
.in Unie Q1,13138.-7: -NOW that tie
Oecticin is past and - "the long winter
t-retv:illi , s are setting in, it is a good time
for aie." flirmation - a Malin:vs? Cloh,
These Clubs are of inestimable valise to
every farmer who has. a particle of enter
prise or ambition to become sticeessful in
Ids vocation. For a whole neighborhood
of farmers to cluli together, meet weekly or
fortnightly, and disensa questions of stock,
tillage of the grofmtl, raising crops, etc.,
will tendmore to the deveollment of as
Aood farmer than any other Means. Ag-
Jrieultural papers and set speeches are good
in their way, but, 'a' friendly Meeting
together of farmers to compare notes and
ideas and relate experience in a conver
sational way, is the best of all. Hints will
be thrown out and suggestions made at
every meeting which • may prove of imm
ense practical Value . to sonic one, if not all
present. Besides, these Clubs will tend 1.6'
a higher.state of social enjoyment in any
:neighborhood where they exist. , Farmers'
will become better '.acquaitited 'with one
Another, prejiMices will get Worn' - iift.and
what were only slight acquaintances Will
- Nil arm into gennine and lasting friendship'.
We could wislf then that a Farmers! Club
-might be forined at once in every town in
the county, Don't wait for your neighbor
to take the. initiatory steps. The winter is
advancing, Call in two or three of your'
geighbors, talk the matter over, fix on the
place and evening, and then give a general •
invitation. A ,President, Vice. President'
.and Secretary are all the officers yottw'alft;
give Out a question, and go, to wort: ,at
Once. In a vefy Short time you will 'be
-.Surprised at the benefits derived fimn such I
An association.
Tam posters are up announcing-'the'
coming of Sanford on the ?Ist instant.
-4Laugh and , grovrfat,"
the day duxina his:stay berep - Prepare for
PISOS Clll'o fdi. 'Cotigumption-at Greerl's
• : WE eallet.l;to'see then& Mf:l3Ownian., of
the Clinton l?epititlicaivtlio*as alose4 to
- some extent by the fire. ftunituii'e of
his Offiee,'*as'bacily "pied" iri'the"ooilf4si.cin
lattendatit-thion the . •
Tat sale of ti e.persorial'ipi:qpqrty of the
howard Iron Company . rwhigh took plare i on
*Satuiirdi • last, .; was (Like) atten
ded, "itotwithstanding the incleineqo of
- -
"WE have a very intimate frtend•Arbb
ea,me uncomfortably near breaklug `his val
uable neck 'tother evening while Aryht to
, elfeef , a erasing. of the glitter at tt.e, north
.e - orner of the Diamone "That ,i3h . Lee'.
sadly inseetl'of a platforiu,“ t).MS we feel
aspur r etEttatthe proper authoritl4,AvillpOt
31) . .ueb' neglect ~‘ ,
immense; ;stock.:.: of ~
...011ickerin g
Pianos:, !rApacricau. Organs, and
Fanersons Parbk Pianos, now on fthancl;;at
Hyliders ,Music ,:..Store, in Lock Haven,
which will be sold for eaali dining the
Holliday season. at ti great reductionfroth!
ordinary retail- patts. '' • •
Try Vest. ChriStmas presents in - the
coliptry: are. to, be Pound;'` at :Rynders
liusip•StOre. —" • „ , _ •
. RY Tifuf?... 7 —The all prevailing ,slifshi
Which existed for some days, and "by : the!
&line token" may exist again, ; to the great
detl:inieut of. trailing. dresses andliglitimotsi
is a.stireprocbieer ace! ds. • _And'as. there'
is . no telling )vi4ure a cold will stop if,leftto.
itself, W . e.b.lrotild 'sfliOsti the' PrOPrietff
preventing their accurrence. The reniedy;
we prescribe is , like most other effective
ones, quite . and, oftliiequires.that
one's feet should be kept 'dt'y. - TliN is
done by wearing good boots Or water proof
over-shoes:.:'i c•Lots and gobs" of these
artielestr&to'be had in town, "as bY.'FP . fe4'7
enee to our advektiSiq'cblititifis,'Will more
clearly and at length appe4r...
GerinantoWn Chrimide, that a gentleman
named Collum,;llVing_iii:Oditnautown,and
as we presume the owner of some lots
there' takes what occairStchis Asthe prop&
couiSe7to • benefit himself and others; while
his ellbrts.eannot-fiail to ; lrenelit,the neigh
borhood in Which - 11(i liVes. 'He Proposes
to give free of all - es,Aferkses whatever, a
building lot Sfixdso : feet; to - gay party who
will build a faCtd . ry, and- employ :therein
twenty hanclS r in any laWful'butiness. fl
f..144P proposes to increa.te - the Tot three
dred square feetforseverr additional hand
employed up to one hundred. -. ilien
ltionthis, that some of our public -spirited
!citizens maY,;See what course
I shrewkbtisjaess men elsewhere, to - believe
S. 5... 4 ‘. 1 -
, .Rtrbctox: , •Qn` uesday,,l4C; : ohrkWoo,ds
!bud Henry Martiit;'~sco cry.. disremtable.
characters, sticceeded igettirig
;,no . dtinbtsOcCurr.4d t . .f.),(4i0n3.4,,5.a-satisfactory:
;row in tig Arcade- 7 , ,estouguit, A linife*
;was braudisbeitlYy, One .ofthes. parties, and
;by a effort,united: n.throWiligt.Stones they, Aitite. unconifol-table ;fen PolleseMan,
pet t ,Y, .to ;effect as. , captitri3 - wbrolt„, however
was accomplished in.llFalitTni'StYpa',Zi For
Os part of - the ..dat,iobUW.Muti.s*.inent, he
was sentence - as-to tweittiefthir t hoftr,s
pone that.a greyt regardAvas'entctftaiiiedf,or
the ruffian's 'finer feelings:, . 1 01i 9 iin Uthbr
n utl. can: we AccOunt -fin'§iteh i'dispsoty
hetweeittheotfence;liul its.A*lshrnent: •
there e.Fists a class of Reptile wl4i _regard
i i ewspitlefs, railroads; stetifulMats and other,
kreat impreveinents - pf the, age as. ii uiti
'' ""‘
• They cad givt, no lesson o irt
fyl at they them-selves are. too far:beland..the
tithes" tO :CcinPrehehd the use of suelrinsti
tiitiOaS.-. They neliber patronize sine or. the
ofliedf these grata' vers of :eivillization,.
and .always avoid nAkipgi them,:
selves acquainted i the Outside. world.;
These persons are tote known; ?its!:a sea--
Prat -thing, by-a. certaiwbomhastic ' , swagger
~yiiey have, cudeavariyg .tyo , counter
tLit or 'gas' - for genuine information:-
They are like the Indian, forced to fafl ; back %
before 'the enterprise of men who see merit
lb these things, and turn them. to their, own
lienelit. -Bearcely ever k nown tecidrertise,
as a natural consequence their business is
limited. In time tkeyldie out; others of
a different Oat actor take their places and
reap the benefit of their folly. Millions
hitve .been .Inada by- a'judielotiS.,nse
printer's ink. The result of an. kitherase::
anent may not be.seen innuediately, but it
will show itself in time, mid for one dollar
invested in adyertising, t 0 advertiser -will
lain tell. Ontgide of Mere Selfish 'motives,'
it should be the pride of all to have in their
inidst ` 'goal Weal • lie viSPapth.; one that
will reflect credit on the community. . .
, . ..... . .
I.E.sitto.;,vrtox .I..x'.Bbr,r,Fa 7, 3l'..rrE:—A cifrSeL • '
. . ,
ry glance over "(Air' town: and its :StirrOutal,
inns reveals a condition of things whin ,
gannet but—increase-our sel-respectf and
iottr hopes of its future. The hills,. , arld
streams, and forests about us' furnish un T ,
lithited material,rescource,s, , and precisely
Italie degree' that these are developed and
alined, do our moral,-ihtellectual and spin-i..
itt al tvauts.multipiy.. ;' ' ,I , ,7,--; •,,- • „.:.:-:
A. sUpetior elasS of PoPulation is attract
•e,d to our midst. Elen - aut mansions, spa.,
ciou:s.tOre hOuses, and factory , arid.lnitels,
'largeg and comodious School .houses` and
.beautiful• churches spring up pn every
~ - h and. Otii'Maternal . wealth *Ms becomes
;the fon adatnon of a higher grade of spirit
ual life, even by its.very reaction upon that
life. Our taste, our' huibitihn'•for higher
.achievements in every direction, are , inev
itably cultivated anti, stimulated by the
;simple sight. of what we havealready ac
In thete and the remarks that,JolloWfs,',
our ain't' is' to direct' . the alttentiOU_ of the
public more our • Academy, au
justitution already pleasantly familiar to .
the° lder, • portion 'of our popidatiou by its
association with names eminent in church
and State 1 big:now, on account of its ep,
fry' upon a new end' higher plane of activi
ty and nsefulndaS, deserving our special
consideration and cordial support. We
,hail it in this fresh -stage- of yits .career, as
one of the most hopelid. towns of our'. pros
- ..
.perity ; an index, as already , hinted that we
'eurselves have risen in the Seale "of Vital'fectual life. In this view it will be „seen at
a glance that,it is,„as it.should,he, ~an em
tirely liarmonidni element , in the eshic,a;
tional Systenrof our town': — lf ia.uotlnten=
-- ad to be in opposition to any of our State
_schools, and in fact is not. It does not en
trench upon the held of the latter, but occu
pies one totally distinct: - This is the theo
ry df its revival under its new aspicious,
and. will be the end steadily kept in view,
anill as rapidly As possihle approached. -.,-, :.. , .
It propeses to tneet,py .a high ,Aeadem
ic„- cburse, and theronghtraining, a degree
'and kind of intellectual want developed
only by the negro mature‘mind,; \tefuriiith,l
in short, to 'our young meinthe: be4e , oppda'-
tunity of preparing for college, and to our
young , ladies .. the facilities„ they. need
for hitisbing their • ethic:al:lon in an ad
vanced curriculum of studies._ It, is not,
.however, proposed to neglect the younger
members of the families is the cont-
bat rather to atibrd.. ,to alittor
whom it is desired a special culture
adapted to prepiu;e them for ,the 'higher
Academie course, and to enable them to
eater upon it with superior advantage.
is therefore tivideht that our
Academy is in no sort of antagonism with
:our pithlie.Aschools.i - it- rather. supplies a
mint which the loiter in the nature of
things could not be eNpected to-. meet, and
taken tolgether4ith'.. - therri, .it 'furnishes
completeness of educational privilege
whielpwe should not be slow to appreciate ,
and to'lie Proud of. `The Academy should
thus excite.otir-complaceney-.not only
the relation lialleated,' but alSo in its char
acter as an architectural
, oriminentto our
Situated upon a cOminanding
eminence, it is one of the most prominent
objects in every approach to the place
where the repairs and improvement upon
it shall ,have2been: completed; fill! be still
more pleasant and attractive to the eye.
Finally, through its department .for ,the.
• accommodatiomof boarding pupilsovhich
will be put in operation at the begining of
_the new year,-it will exert on;ottrinterest
a-stiOnfj; anil growing influence upon the
whole surrounding region of country. In
cleed.there is no reason why,' with all our
natural advantage and attractions, it may
notbecome.the first Academy in the State,
siiitaioing to it the same relation which
Phillips ilcapemy does; to,. the .State . of
• 13143'.0rfera agent for th rastrirfuents •
he sells Rynder, of Lock Haven can sell
musical instruhuneuts a lower figures Mimi
any other eitaWishnient laCentra.l Pentea.
TilE NATIONAL, BELLEFONTE, PA., nupiu„...)lMtNiNG - 1. mcENRER,A„,IB6.B,
1 . 11
3 IT iVnlposAble - to ,thoronghlji master 'a
silbjebt trona-a ,
"-• ' ' '
Masonic Supper on last Tuesday
night was prepared by Messrs Maliphant
& Pile, the enerjetic proprietors of the (ern
Restaursnt, corner of Race and High
streets. A word to the wise is sufficient.
How long, how long 0 Israel, that is to
say, Borough Dads, of Bellefonte, v4ll
Spring and Howard streets at their junn
tions, remainliin their present impassable
Fonrux - Es.—Printer's ink has made ja
fortune for good business men, built Up
cities and towns, put into office many god
men, and some not any better than they
should be. It is the life of trade—the life of
polities. Use it properly, and it will add to
your pleasure and wealth.
Com,--The srpply of Anthracite and
Bitumious ,goal. ba,43eliefcnte .is entirely
stdelcat the iikineS' is add
quate to supply the demand but tbe` Rail
R i oatt emppanicsivfooe to .furitish the carsld trAsport ' A eortniany Of Coardealers
at Erie have bad a monopoly of all the car's
on the Rail , Road, Aiming the
past'four 3110,11p.1),.; I:4e . ,consequence that
the coal dealers have been unable to get
cars to supply, thekr,trade4 Pennsylva
nia Rail Road Company, the great mono ;
pp,ly of our Stage seem ..disposed.t , o. saeri;
JICe the loyal trade, and-..•give. theft.: whold
attentiou.Se „through ,:tralic, • which must
eventually, bring .the.people.of, our,:Slate iii
'dirCet"' -contliet With them. • •
. ,
. CoxsthEarxo the fact
great many people this year ; that oPportui
nities for doing good, are found to exist
a corresponding frequency ; and that meics
natures should be constantly undergoing
improvement, it occurs to us, as rather!
remarkable, there are about as many bur-:
glaries and robberies committed ; as much!
general thieving done, as much personal:
detraction indulged in ; as much selfish- 1
ness displayed : and about as many inegu
larities occurring now,a-days as have char
acterized any period of the world's history.
We incline to optimism, inasmuch as it is
seemingly a very reasonable belief. Still
we are not so strongly wedded to the this
faith, as to think that the human family,
is not, susceptible to great improvement in
some things, as well through individual ef
fort, as by public legislation. However,
the people of our town and county, wil!
compare very favorabley with those of any
other locality ; and until we find ourselves -
being left far to the rearward in the great
race of moral improvement, which popular
supeastitlon insists is taking place, we will
try to be content. We see no reason why
Bellefonte should be More wicked than
otherplaces, and for the present we refuse
to believe that it, is. -
„:,N - Awsr4p,E ; 333 IN TILE FAMILY:7-4C is not
every one that appreciates as it should be
the value of fanialy,newspalieri; Its visi
tations bathe Inime.arele Are; atlall times
Interesting and agreeable. It is a friend and
companion thatis.not pa.sily dispensed-with
To the seeker'''after 'kcitOledge it is 'ever
welcome. To father, and child all like to
bear and read the newS - oftlie Week. Their
paper is looked upon as any valuable educa
toy,ofthe fanAly., pit t i iiptc.t - *+.llllo
iread; • 'llbi'fo• - think - and licivY t o use and
Ivalue facts. It is a stirezuidp,in business.
It generally einthilas infokination of a prac
tical character upon- almost every topic.
iThe.far,meK gets, information: :from, As!cdi
tutting, Inf teferehee' Weiriaritets and his
!business worth ten times its . , au,nual cost.
;The housewife ,reeeiiroblzints - -ilf=reference
Ito household affairs. The interests of the
lcomummity i arp allays/Install:tell/ by A 'live,
rogidssive`rietv.lPape'r. The laboring man
is benefited by its teachings and the man ,ef
wealth and property is cared Tot la” in
btructions. The newspaper is alAo a pleas
ant literaty,_ Companion. .while read
trver its well filled pages, it seems like hold
ing converse with a familiar and intelligent
thelt improles the heart. It elevates
soul and enlarges the •afibctions. No
one should be without a well conducted,
carefully edited newspaper. It is the corn
panion of our solitude, the consoler of our
spirits, a trueland valued friend,whose pres
ence has aretining influence and whose in
tructions and words are invaluable and
immortal. •
( TuE following, taken from the Repos
itory, will with a simple change of names
snit admirably for this locality
"During the political campaign many
tiersons subscribed for the campaign RE
14osiTertY whose term of subscription has
expired. After this date the paper will not
be sent to their address, but we should be
,pleased to retain the names of all such on
.our list as regular subscribers ; and shall en
deavor to make it both pleasant and profi
tably for them.
ilt is a healthful sign to see persons read
.newspapers when important elections are
approaching and grave political questions
are agitating the people. But this is only
one of many reasons why every man should
take his county newspaper. At all times
newspaper is needed in every family. In
.mi other way can'so much - valuble rea.dine:
, inhtter be obtained so cheaply as through
the newspaper. And 120 W that the long
winter evenings are approaching, when
leisure is abundant and sources of amuse
rents and,instruction are not easily obtain
ed, in the country, an abundnace of heath
fuircading matter is necessary. There am
hundreds of good, loyal Republicans in
Franklin county_who do-not take- the fir=
rusurocir, and many, ,of them zio Tiesirspai
p3r whatever. This should not be the case,'.
when there is such •"eneral intelligence, so
much prosperity and comfort as are found
among our country people.
.No,one can de
prive hni eJf of a goptl; newspaper. oni
grotind of inability to pay for it, for every
year it will repay the subscriber Mu fold
its: cost if lie will but read;carefullY "what it
•;aicqn, Die:B4 l l / 11368.
• KM LEv> i FiMtiNii.—Dei brief is
foigeshtgr ten bond cumin a. , Ich, bin Bare
fro, fOOn; diet' Ist]: lAren; ads de lite 'in Brush
Wally ol gasimd sin.
Du dateght glieba .tsfi wissa woe . dtie nei
goets wolfeil caulfa consht. Ich wil dier
sarca,r-de lite do room: ol )srana. Vien- f
4nertnons lietta der besbt store in dem
shtettle an es se wolfeiler fercauffa duna.ns
twiner oner shtore. Se hen °lles us mer
breachtt ebn;fel - goets far weibslite glader,
dame, cordu, musleen, flannel!, fie dooch,
cassiriett, Kentucky chane, mons glacier,
Miner hemmer, miner hussa, sbtrimp, nen
shing and shaWls, iver reek for menner
and so wider. So ben an funs beshta mo
lbssiah, stkooker, coffee un to. .
Sc lieu melt so shana, goods shtivel un
slin for menner, weibslite un knitter. Do
malt slipringa sich de ba sheer up for dee
shatia shu tsu cauflit.
ICA will now mi brief tsum end bringa,
won ich deer widder Shripe will ich deir
ma sawga fan dens wolfeila. shtore. Cum,
arnolo mull und sane fur dick solver. Goot
Blair County Items
Afestival will be held in Altoona during
the Holidays, for the purpose of raising
funds to fence in, and beautify the grounds
'orthe Seminary building. We hope tho
praiseworthy ailair may meet with success.
The "Prettiest _Lady" in Altoona, has a
letter in that post office addressed to her.
don:t she elsim it?
John Christy has been appointed i,gent
for the Pennsylvania railroad at Alfoona,
rise S. P. Downer, resigned. William
Lovel, late ttgent Duncausville, has
beemtransfecred to Newry; Jones Rollins
succeeds Mr. Lovell; and R. Roelolis
takes the place of Mr. Rollin.
Finn Ix AriroosA—On 15reduesday
Morning last, about f,'o minutes past
twelve o' clock, a fire was observed in a
,small warehouse, adjoining the shoe store
of Mr. Valentine, which speedily extended
to-the Railroad House, kept by Alex. A.
Smith, soon Spreading to the house of
Mrs. Marshall. The hotel, shoe store and
warehouse. were entirely consumed, the
building of Mrs. Marshall was only par
tially 'burned. The lire companies were on
the ground and rendered valuable service
in keeping down the fire..alltl preventing
its spread. The total 'lag's is Jestininted -at
,aboutlive thousand dollars—no insurance.
;rile buildings were fraria6,..iii[diall except
that of Mrs. Marshall, belonged to Wm.
Lyeoutfoux c,oloTts, items.
A NAindii - ESCAP.E.—At the time of
the alarm of fire o.n •-Sunday morning,
Miss.liowel, a 'student at Dickinson
Semi»ary,,apd .lei:- roop-Matei arose, alla
after ,lighting a ramp, commenced, to dress.
BS some means the kerOseene larup , fell
frotn,tbe window to the floor and broke,.
sLith4the carpet 'on' , fire,' in an 'attempt
to an* the tames,lfiss Vowel caught u
.the. lamp, and pa •her The 'b
mad over the wounded arm, and too
fire, b - Yivbichfslfe wa's considerably buinec
Heozipmfmnatermaightsome — b - eif • AifitTiae
and threw them over the carpet and Miss
H., and extinguished -- the flames, .b!er
presence of mind probably, savecj. c a serious
conflagration if not the destruction
of Dickinson Seminary.
SUDDEN D.EATrf.--:•-31r. Frank Rlsbil,
who resided on William „street,: near , the
lecalify of the 'fire, on Sunday' minting,
died-very-sudilently - and - t - omeWliat nly'S •• I
misty. It seems that he was ,wakened
the alarm and went to the window, to 100
out, at first thinking that it was the hot+
in which he lived tli4t was burning, . After
looking, a- few moinents he turned, round,
and had only. in a short diStimee from
the Window-when be fell dead: He was
apparently in good health, with the excep
tion of an occasional touch of something
like heart disease, which he had complained •
of at intervals. Deceased had been in the
city since last •spring, - and = was much
respected by all who enjoyed his acquain
tance. lie leaves a.. wife • and two
13OtitwEr.a. CommiG.--The Y. M. C. X,
lecture committee have secured
,the services
of noti.. s 'ar.o. BotitwELL, ex—Gov. of
Mass., who.will deliver a lecture "in the
Court tionSe, on the evening of Dec. Stli.
The yeprtation of the lecturer , is sufficient
guarantee of what may be expected. W 4
trust our citizens will turn out in force.
A young man-3.1r. Sanmel Harris—had
the third linger of hiSifind: - - taken off yes 4
terday, by being caught in the press at the
Gazettiqulride: vas au 'employee id
that establishment.
TT is said ultiibbDc;E; '& - Co:; the exten-i
sive lumber firm of Williamsport, hare MI
contemplation the erection of a Saw mill at;
Northumberland for the _Sawing .of logs
that , eictip'e thebdotn - at Villianikkort.;
Clealefielit Countiitems.,
Ous RA.tiatoAm•--The work on tbet
Tyrone.: and Raillioad, • is still I
progressing. The track is laid 'to withino
aboAt%;thKee ;miles c•P And, it is
said, an effort will he made to complete its
this fall. • T,elevaph, poles .have ;also; been
put - up most o the way, but whether the
telegraph wall UG . extendeA. bete this fall,
we have not iearneo."
. • Maria 'County. • ,
FATAL ACCIDENT ;--'3lr,,..F*Pitciliglit,
one Of the' ling' respeetiible,:arid
farmers of Granville township, Mifflin
county, residing .two or. three: miles from
LeWistown, bad been in that place on Sat
urday, atternoon on business, and'retnitiirig
hrime betWeen'six :and 'Seven
Walked "On the iailread track, and. whets
near the bridge that crosses the river about
half. a mile above the station he noticed a
train approaching iron the:west, arid .steir ,
ped on the other track, when the fast line
frail. the east came along run ni rig o ver,i and
killing him instantly. His head was sev
ered fromildsh i odraMl was- forfilif 'ifinc-the
inside - of the tract: rind" body oWiile: Mr.
Brought leaves a wife to mourn his unthne
y end.
11 1 .F314- 1 0 3 P.DY
Vas' Denioerrit - says . : Items appear
from time to time of cases.of the bodies .of
perSonS'Wholiate'been' long dead and bur
tied, on being raised. for removal and re- .
fintermerit tb,iind, to .be in a state of petri
ifaction—ir as 4,11 e cord Means, turned to
[stone, and in perfect preservation. Such
!was the case in the instance of the removal
!of the body of a child from the Presbyterian
ICemetry, of *is:ph - tee a few days:ago, after
;a repose of thirteen years. The entire up
-Ipar portion of the body from the little thigl
had returned to the native "dust," nothing
Iremaininz to, holicate the form of a human,
Wilit011 ; 07 . 11, tbi?, downward was
;the- mtist ethe plump, beauti
!fully roundeiLlinths of a babe: everything
:delineated - to perfection—perfect as in life—
fret solid Land white as Parianinarble ; 'even'
ithelittle•Sheies Prserva upon its feet
the closing Of tli little coffin thirteen
-• •
age!' How . •
_ . .
GT:obe says
Goodnian, e carpenter of this
iplate; iihire, at A.I.T Ci'eek, - On nd nrOrn-
Ing;niet •):;fe was
on his, 'way. to ,U.TC,Abwn, 'at - id - the train
. .topped at Mill Creek for the, BaltintOrOx,
'press. to pass. tre.,yas standing. ,on , the
hortliern track, and discovered the-express
train- coming„- when:he got on . the, other
track.behind.the caboose car. As lie WAS
Otanding there;:the engineer of the, freight
traim backed up against the caboose, which
strucfr Goodman and:knocked...lAM down
across the track, and one-of the trucks ran:
ovb-thdtli his legs, 'and' brbke Mena belOW
the knee: He . Was."-brotight 'mie and his
rounds dressed by Dr. D.P. Miller. —
t A railroad froni Tfuntingdon to . Johns
town, via Williainsbni.'g - and - Newry, is
talked of:
; ,--''' • "z oiiitri'oN.Tg, Dec: 4, 1)36.§,; .
GrAin and Flour Market.
Flour p.e,r,barr4l'•! . • '
White irlflat tier lnishel - 1,90
Bed wheat " " 1,80
Corn (new) " " --- 3,00
Oats •, 6: 55
ItTe,per bushel • . , • :1,25
13uelovheat.per bushel..'..... . 1,00
efoverseed. ": ."'•' '.* •
• , ••. . .
. • P market. - •
APples dried, per pound . ' • : $0 12, al5
Dried Peaebes, per Pound ...a 18
Dried'eberriek'" " . . 22 a 25
Beans per quart .-.-. . z., i : .,.,....: L .'..12.a . 25
BiAtter per pound • a 45
Beefsteak per pound 20 a 22
Beef roasts . • . . a:2O
Chickens: each', l'iyq • ' • , ' 40 :1;50
:Tiirke3;s 4 lii* each .. . ' ..' I'oo a 2 'OO
C4aee..per,poluid 22 a 25.
Hams per" Voulo , 20
13ticoti.; a;10
Laird, perpounil • • •• i 5
Eggs per dozen -•: • 20 a 25
Mutton and Lamb per pound 10 a 20
Veal cutletTer • a•2O
Potatoes, per bushel • ' .$:1-23
Coal by
,Shortliflge Co,
Anthracite coal at yard.
Shamokin Pen Coal ..... 1 ... t s4 . oo.per..tort
Silinnokin Nut . 0 SO per ton
Slls.mokib Stove 800 per ton
. ..
Shamokin Egg 00 per ton
Shatno,k4l3yoken , '7 SO per ton
Wilkesharre;lNOt • ' 800 per ton
Wilkesbarre Stone S SO per ton
Wilkesbarre Egg S SO per ton
Wilkesbarre. Broken SE& per ton
kal - N!fiiNG
Vl> AND..
crEA.t .. ..II9NER
‘((ii.c IN'Tms
As a matter of Inteies' to,tWet.
•r ice t`li fsllowmg-noEe o -sitic es in their
line, just yeeeized at Green's Drug store.
For the complexion he . has 'Upham's
"Email Blanc de Paris, , • , nut ' sr , ; ; Virgui
Was of Antilles," q , Laird's 'llloOrif of
Youth," Gregoire's.ii Ecianwl, of Anurfcal,"
Burnett's “Kallist6pf' t ,Ltibin's;,`llthlit!s,
Bazin's, Savourninli,, FettoWsittid'
toilet powders, Redeyosmia Lavender,
Florida and Cologne Water, besides ex
tracts for the hankerchief and toilet soaps
in great variety.
WEITITM, Desksi Work Poxes, Domi
noes, 'Chess . ; Pocketbooks ' &c for Holiday
Presents at Green's Drug Store.
51,6 •NoLt Arivrittc,?—A' toilet arti
cle—superior to Cologne and at half the price.
Pintlac attention is invited to vibe House:-
hold Gas Machine advertised in another column
by David Jones, of Philadelphia. /
r StlOokssrpt,, opauso of, superior merit. Mrs , .
S. A.:Alien's illapreTed 1/.OW" style Hair restorer
or dressing, in one bottle. Every Druggist self
it. Price One Dollar.
"BAnnErr's `repeatable Hair Restora
tive" tocktb,e:Erstl',renthun over all'coto,
petitors the,liew,llanlpsl&e , State:Tair.
It stands confessedly without a rival
throughout the country, and is driving all
other preperati o as fromthe market.—Phila4
drlphia Ledger.
iritiy sear and: blanCh your brow,"
but it cannot silver your hair, if you use,
that excellent renewer known. as "Barrett's',
Vegetable Hair Restorative" to the abso 2 ,
lute exclusion of all the vile compounds',
witb.which thelnaret .floodedr—Ports:.
• ; ,
mouth- Jottritaa • ;
~.... - ......
TAKE Plantation Bitters, andwith them a newl
lease of life. The old aro made poring again 1
the middle-aged rejoice, and the young become!
doubly brilliant by, using tbis r slendid. tonic.
1 .)
Dysp t irisia,:lleart ur Liner qom 1014plead
ache , h tlie siAe, "orieltin t ‘baclf.." and
ad symptoms of Stomachic Derangement, yield'
at once to the health giving influence of Planta
ton Hitters. They add strength to the system
and buoyancy to the mind.
TO 06:06.r82ivini. 1 -Tlie Advertl.s9F, having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a
very simple remedy. after having suffered sev
eral years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make
known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure.
To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of the
Prescription used free of charge,) with the di
rections fcr,prepMnig and:rising the sato°, which
they will find a'aure Cure for Consuption. Asth
ma, Bronchitis, &c. The only object of the ad
vertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit
the afflicted, and spfead information which he
conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every
sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost - them
nothing and may
.prove ,a ,blessing.. Partie§,
Wisliitgllie ; WscriPtion pees§e - adailis - 8
165 South 2cl. St., Williamsburg, Rings Co. N. Y
DSAPNESS, BLINDNESS and Catarrh treated
with the utmost ruccess by J. Isaacs, M. D.
and Professor of Diseases of the• Eye and Ear
in . the :Medicell College of , Teranilyfrania, 12
years experience, formerly of Leyden, Hot
.1 No. 805 Arch street, Philadelphia.
Testimonials can be seen at his office. The
ine-lical faculty are invited to accompany
their patients as he has no secrets in his prac
tice. 4 . rtificiq,.ey.ea .without pail.
No charge fOr exa mination. Doc 4 If
; Wa wish to call particular attention to Sew
aril & Bentley's Constitution Bitters, adver--
;tisal in our paper this week. ,Their Bitters are
said to be the finest tonic and most agreeable
stimulant for the weak and detie f ste, of any bit
; terstteretOtere in use. :•They 4tave been used in
• many localith s with the most gratifying results,
and are highly recommended by physicians for
the preventing of Fevers, Fever and Ague, and
alt malorious diseases. They create a healthy
tappetit •, and strengthen the whole system. We
Are glad to have them introduced al thil,see
ltoriilt..tlfq.-thS'Y Mill 4 talc& the:Yilade
Ithe poisonous compounds heretofore palmed off
'on the invalid as Bitters. Prom what we have
hoard acid of them by those who ought to know,
ewe a,re,satio ; e,d - pat, afair iconyiitoir
!an that thr4y areas ibinesented=a'suierior me
tlieinal. preparation. They are sold by
For a Cough, use '•Seward's Cough Cure."
Tea DYSPE rrlC.—Tht trials and sufferings
of the Dyspeptic can only be realized by those
so unforturate, as., to- . .be,ad.lletecl k hy this di-
Sease, and. yet how Many of them suffer and
continuo to suffer ? Why they do this so pa
tiently it is impossible to tell. It may , bc from
iinoranbe..cif Srk.. Wrtaitf" , feu ,
redy'Or"it may
Co front prejudice against the use of a Patent
Nedicine. Hoolland's German Bitters has
kored y _thousa.nds, ,of, the w o rst os:ses: - of Dye
;'pepsia.; Cacti , dl4..acblS - new names td the
Record of its usefulness. Give the Bitters a
trial. floolland's Bitters contains no Liquor
in any form. litiolland's German Tonic is a
'ooinniitatiott ,of. all shinvArtitredieiiteafi /the
Bitters, with pure Santa Cruz ruin, anise,
Orange, &e., making a preparation of rare
medical value. The tonic is used for.the sago.
Oise-Ases the bitters, in oasesslier . titatrirel
Alcoholic Stimulus is necessary. Principal
Office, 631 Arch St., Philadelphia,. Pa. Sold
by Druggists and fitfferileViiiv
While we sympathize with our friends of
PaWHO' in the ;losS-iif one of their firm,
We appreciate the opportunity that is now
for a few days offered to our readers to se
cure a bargain in clothing which will repay
ten-fold a visit to the city.., We,. the-editor,
of this-paper; • Certainly not lose the
el ' , lee, but will either go or send for some
alint from Wanamaker Sc Brown's. We
advise you all to do the same thing, for sure
are ye that if you
,don't you,,will-regret it.
ail wintez_
1 It will not be a bad idea for us to go "en
masse" and get the whole county "dressed
up" for once—cheap for cash, and if any
cannot go let them send their orders along
witlrtth, acid bir getting,,Such a ltig lot at
once, no doubt otillAelegationcolildsecure
even better_ terms_ ' than will be current,
:Whether We go it singly or together, Ideals ,
"goat once, for first come is first served,i
and we all know what a rush there will be
as soon as this announcement is made
.. • , • .
PiiibAnxt.sltrA, Ararat 10, ISOS,
JAcon Strattvz, Esq.—Some eight months
age when suffering-4pm great .nerrous pros
tration, the restift of i expesure and ovellasked
energies, I was induced by you, (an old
frieng) to.,tutee as 'a tonic. :your , celebrated
nitter,poritial t ; and so , pgreeably:. surptisifig
haVe . been its beneficial effects that I cannot ,
refFa'n front thus bearing testinionrin , ita
favFor. As a beverage, it is as pleasant and
delightfu!. 9f,;rich„; . , darlc;, brOwn.
sherry an appetizer before meals, per
leetly magical; and as
. 1) diglter:of food, the
most potent compound I ever knew. Alto
gerher, I consider it ofie,of the,happiest corn,'
b iciatiens of "Medicinal Iterbti e%or offered
.t 4:,
the] publie a "curative: I ,'most cheerfully
and confi i dentix.,.r.ecommend it to,evory ;BO)
ferer-frbio'behilitY, I; o l.sfefisia artcl Itliettnia.-
tism. As usub?titntefor the villainous
holic I!.pityii;!ops concoctions, imbibed ati..too-:
many.of: 010 b4Pf.o.f.,tl3.sWeseurdifyi:;
it,fnust . .!;ll9) prove 41 blessing.
; A. I.ILACKBUttN, -r.
Fire harshen.
Road Sheets's stail4i2}g'liiavertiectiteiit
iu another column.
Tun " ALL-EsoLAND li:Lv.vitx,".—The
famedi.ericketers ; ‘sYe, Briftw(inie r6:altris"
have btieit'playing a series of Match games •
inphiladelphia, to " crowded houses." The
game of cricketrwhich is-of-great antiquity,
andlnow n round the world as the national
game of ' . 'Merrie 4!higland,'! is of itself typin
cal of linglikh\eharadter, &inibining
wonderful degree, patience, skill, strength,
courage, alai : withal : chance and tpiertall..4s:
enoughto vender it friferesfiqabil ..
These swine ingredients, patience, skill,
strenth, etc., so essential to successful crick
eting, are required to a large extent.
In the niiiniitactithiig col - lime:rend
World, and as the result, of their persistent
einployment, Ave haye to.-ilay,:amo!kg-many
other achievements, '{lie wOndrons “barley
sheaf". cooking stove! All hor . ioa their, to
the . intelligent' laikild Arid \tilling hands that
bave 'brought about so great a result!
• The" barley sheoP:is , ;both a*wdocl , and
coal burner--a grert economizer, and in all
respects , the handsomest and, most
complete cook :in the market. Messrs.
Stuart, Peterson &
are the
m m
anufacteS. 'For Sale
. Wetsler, Milesburg, Pa.
cr.I.IgMEND,OUS Stock.- of Horse
731anIcet.4;. Bui6lo ) Robesfau'cl.
0 loves at
A , B. U • •
`e.t A GEN T; 14111
attend to ail . Business
.entrusted i to hi,sl care:
Offir.e with
• Pa April 28th '65.
than can earn
from $55 to $lOO a month at their own homes,
and all'expenses, paid. , For full
dress with two stsurps. E. E. L 0 CR - WOOD.
1010 6Le# • Agent.
A"- A large lot of Sash, Nors. Floorifig,
Moublitzes SL'e., will be sold beThw the regular
Planing, price,. for path. ;
' ' • -• • A VALENT . IRE
. 92l . • J.:if VALENTIN../....• •
~li‘ o .;•js.ravasvt:veT -
RWINWIEO - •dre con=
stantly goods in their Eine.
of every description at reduced priees—now
being opened every day. raar29th
ty and kind at IRWIN WILSON'S;
and Thermome
ters at IRWIN 3; WILSON'S.
rpHE ANVIL STORE is now re
cciving a large and well assorted Stock
of Hardware, Stoves, °Wails, horse Shoes,
Saddlery, Glass, Paints, Sheet, Bar and Hoop
Iron,also Buggy and waggon Stock of every
desription.—Call and supply yourselves at
the lowest possible rates.
SCALES, at Wholesale and Retail,
cheap, by IRWIN 4k. WILSON. •
r.•i 1 P4r,t 3,8 :
.F T"E'
Ptsaa , l'oM,ikon - s; &C„ at
VOGICKr:C.SUTLART- 4 iair i: 4:4 o
t - • Adiriee:g 'tte - ' lenspies:
lexlD S-DTT•
D; es Ati . •
In •
man .2 ta,:,
.liasortnierit nU IRWIN A: wasoNs.
-rmipp.s, sizes And
titVi!T VNlTA:L§oxs : marz .
a • t ARDS, Plank and•Schnt
gitie Mr 'sale; hY :111.WINAct , 'WILSON.
•andASitter iiyanned Avare,iit the Anvil
SAereZ•.•••''' '''S:'.lftW4T N. 1 W N •
ithi;jl,l%CH' 11.
PINDLE SKEINS for wagons,
sthe. sigekifithe c 7,
T 001pligiaAss ;PLATES of
I.A air aiiiti'.W.fAlkt.S.oo:43iilLsos.
1111 . 0V4 3 $ 3 ,04, 4 ,00,iietWilciAip.geS,
Jam: uA`afeacin asalv:Fir's BoltaiAlittto, at
liAlitit'll6ii:l449-,-;64a4lb;iiptet)i 20,-
mara 0.c.1 "to c
T..)" A;gl;:ag-1 , 00 I K S oNI ES,
JL .1 "1 1 ;4'itoli - f.0i43,-,e , tri,ivity_fovsizel , 9f •
11a,1941 . 9)301:,%,k4 ion--band Akrld , fprA4e ae, , 1
• ". .841,L5, ut low piioes,. at.
decZl'.66 • MARWIN4 - I.:WaISO : SS'.
rflitOTOATF,*l , olll , i l N;alca
be9t+•ict aVIANVIN. &MilL8010:82
odeartsge 0.0,t t .ttoEfiva uto A
• "TR ilia 'rgleikhilg, l ,tire - et:
.1149 V;, AN'svottes
iNICIPITA; W*4611104
• sr.lainoiranut o L ts
all ones ibti limn:tent
f 466) >to fa.. -.II•RIiSM*4I 4 .ILS ON: ' •
1 --- .
ti ! , ,, _.,) il i)iii - 1 . ; - .11 'Kf• f,l It I . !'• (j .
Q, ', c 1,.. • ~ y 4 ._-.:-.--..--,-.7.,.,....;-7":;,',.: . ;',: .
w- , ,11.:_/...s ..J. , ' a i,
~;.....,,•.-:-.... : C.,•.:,.... , .: ! „,:... ,, i
) .:,.-..• ......, .; ~ -.,..! -':., ,t , r%...f;L:1110.1 . .t..?..!!! , :: 1-.1 .., .• P
I ::•'., 1'...,1't - ~., • `.. .._ : •:1, ~ - A 5...;:..,, ....
4, :3•.:!.. .. ,1 ".? nt , %lir "::•; .‘ .0 /.1 -A .)1 , .. , ; ,, ` ' ~, '-,
': :::,:.; \.;.1. "% .(1 , 11 , ::. ~ . •
i The Anvil Star,o-iseterreeeiTingtthe largest
.•1•1 best lot or %Went; il*et the max
iFetekthaligywhitll is I t lta j ustly -celebrated; is ..:•1 -
1 Ali a' tei , l , ii.ln , l' , 31•) , .3 .r. 11,i l! , 1 , 171 tt ~1:1;
oRIENTAL - :liAnoii' gioyt d ,''''
• •„.„,_,•,, .2, •s• . . • ~. •k .. ~ , J •/...a: - .P.
1 .. .•: t; 'gift," i.. • .-: : - I.i li , i> .1:1021....i 'SG Aii
Sib SIZEMI -Parlor aleetere,lifor thanibev abate;
Thesstares have trio eqnaVfor beitit*'‘i•rutillty
1 1 " IsIT,SGA.IiA ; tOttIE "Xon,l' 'sizes '‘"
, .. , ii . ...,... • ........i:r ~... 1 •:... r.../ .;.,‘ at - ,
! .rS USQUEBANNA. COOlO Faureizen. . 1 ; i
4 , F, IV Allt , ":Elf Pk' itlViti "iTittidif IVA .
BU RN R , RS; Toelfries.
NEW B):Y t t,ES _EGG sl'l"./VE.
i:, .., -..:Zi..811f .39.riLR41.:R0 4 11 - 0.. .'‘ ,• • ,",''
' 1 :- NE NlT'AVXllr,i i ife Ittt slig,'Nrv i s - J .
anct itailous,•,calleTr patterns %Also Ifenting 1 . 111% ,
rince,s fOr.atvellings,and ehlarehes,:tahe init.tip ,
..witibrleks, and portable; cast'd witlx,golvanized^
'sheet, to be.used withoutbrickek arhielityditheat•
ftoirq,lnitr.te eight ,roomn,,nocortittiptii , siee. , -. , ~
;9 25 fit; .rliwiN As WLLSOIf• t ''.
1 • .• •••• .. k _ ' ~. ••`,..: lA/
14:4 !.4.11 sit
3 .....01 rgre 4, HARRIS )*St est .
7,.1 13 .6 - 04 .0 7". !I.
13.0. - 01 :I'
,••-• .2 tr2.1:14b obit. 4...5.1 , 0.
41 1 J t. , 2: ' 1. 1,11 5t
s 1 4 3: bos3Vi_C.
n ' •
. •)
140„5;iff"ogicerilgr 74 " fA Nit
1 4 !,: 10 . ' - '
f:ltrf I -)
~.2/110.11.A bit:ft 0`4,/!: /
01, -BELTigpoiyil# s h.tsp tr
7.•>st ?.:`.) 3) ‘A) Z .ZT
431 3i.“,94.1!,1'a 0.91
•• I.....S.ll.titekolzi 3.1
. r. 4
• ••••••••.S. fI.C . rer.l4!
r±9; tit - 4
etc. constantly on hand:"'`
• •
Atlkr.grg,T QAS"PI7IININO'
.• . r
f ..,,W.IkttIUNTEP`
•tro V.IA !WV., 11..4 ,
_ ~* “..; • • : ,.•1 mi;
Satisfa,ctibii- .- Gtigila`litOefcr:_,
RANP,: - PERKINS . & -CO:;
,Low Grates,
Magee Patent Heaters, Ran
ges and Stoves.
eud for descriptive Circular.
2,56 in
• r,
T/ ^
V ) r r
;, - •1, % '
Oz - s , ,lt - mtzz;s 3 .:
yve cointan lyon,liand a full and well sleeted stock of
StITERFINE' :•: .i.„
STIOAR.CURED.. , HAMS, - ' • - '
• - •:, - • . NEW /NO. '1 'MACK : ER - EL,
COAL, 9.1.1; , - AND 'iLiAr.IIPS; ' '
CANNED of ' +:
1 .100EIGN 'Of„
'HAND-'l3,lCl(tDiVitfli,rAt - tikfitf2s,
Loh,: , •
• I • fw • •,, •
oilier Icljici.‘,9f : g-,o9clsltlid ate ireaeg'sifeto'm4e t he
cmpe6 . hiid the'talile
• olt •
ia - 1 -6 9
, .
Tl - mArltsgP4.l3 , 4 7 .lpl3§-,
irj G , eisers,Puferit .5"-If••ll:egtiiating
Sepaisacir, Cleoineetiitcl Ilifdgei; with thegitteSt'i
im . proveti:Tr.ipier,Oeare4
k i0r0..,-epsTer,..llr.ii;ell,;
bjr - lear :This: meehi'ile wi
thresitiodeleentYdurA'rain'-iseirbitYi ,- ' 4 & l9: '
for tottrite4,. j),) , on e i.terp.t)on, with. Lark,
1 4atibiAdik t o ' th'id - tlid ad* ' wiey
tWsAl'.. ia gia les • : 1
• • DRII:LS.
es44(.bit bewail hintlkyg
editii try for rocky oc )3tutniily, grourld•*,lfo
Ibreikitiedr 00141 1 'lNOT)llii6hitti
‘ WVARS: pc• ••
The Ohio jlar!iell,, ster IS, now takiaglhp lea.d
%arctooi rstriergerit)
', 11 91,an
qrd, slo #-er , • ll : , !i "I'v 44 , l • l ) 7o ,VA e Al s, A.
;d'r'op itnifiiiistforiii,•and • g,ieSeithtir side or
reeßtielivery., -mitraigelk fdr:
f ond wan.
s y
: S. / .11
• * riatt'h ritiettt lieriblijty,•••ituito he best
irk ihgOnarkei 21:1,00117 . Of:thein afeixbwirf-tiseY
and give unirergals,stisfactio.p.,;, T • • • •••
" - „
;Prladdittglei 1 - I,nrse. ,
11 .
Forks, Witt( thblabliii
named machines. with - ,ropAr.7„ • I,or the. Isaia k ere
ariP all" tan gl hlti J. P.: trdiSigitNlS.X,
Who r cans ; g isephl at 43iisti a arsavahi.;l3 l 4o
ka .• . ' • •
A pr il o; •waj h o
" -
•• • '' s- •
~•„•• • •
-LIA.ZARTIS elfo.ll3lS"'''
' -p. r.;
emze A.l en , •
t ;•••; IL:rt
~• .
17.51 .1r) :•••• ;.•
r ;
;quo of the firth r will be th f i Stor A -of tfioirc
s ss••
1- '"
Sole AgenriefiteffeteirTeTl'ti..,
7.7'etithio'tle;y4 batil'%Yriki&Y; ati3
s • r `4,PMCYfiLI3 and 3° 11 1,4.'1
attend -for .the ri N pps.o
;PattoriAn Aitingliheile 'in' diftienit diAidasnal
o4es, sniftring„trom iuipired ordieetier , l
visit,),A„ge„ roesankuended-to„,avail thew- ,
selves of this opportunity.
Vilr'§P,ee,t 4 aAfsdafia EY'ergiVS:liWO
.— AC . kllOwla,geil to be
v. • e Perf,t„ „
11. 1
assispitice to sight ever e eanu.actur,ed , and. eon .
alwayspeefeci and, '
and norilkrt. 4 l.Y.hilq•skrenkthe!k4:tid:lrOsizirsirrs;:
the E vr , 1 60, 3 :
'' , and toloaution 01'6'117
ittiose pretpridiug ,to ' , have. ,
o)i,r goods
OetJgh! 6B- .: 13 %;
7in • 'TIVEt.sTABEE:,. ••''
VEi , it
*l ; X . r.k.V4l)
..:): 1 ,1 ME TABLE:
T 114911011 4.141:). 1) 1t13131 4 . 11.0f3T8 A 47
TifEEN :Pll IVA-DIU; lA;` DA4 . 2k.r=
' I LAI pits, „,.HARJI.E•y3,II.Izg,
- " - " - tritAlgpolisT
ry: • • :1 ;- • . •
G R EfltT: , 0 1 .14.; . :1 R'E 4 f . CiN
~ ;
il;i- ir, Or: 7 PE.SSVCI:XrANIA:i '• 1:: ,_ :,
on . ;411 ( .1fig - 1.4
• tAiti c s: • -
,On. and after MONDA Y; ;23td, I SilB,
Trains_en ,the•lPitliadelphia k Erie*
Road will rinu as:foll;)ws: •••
• ,• S •
'Tra leaves J'h
. Is" • • t , ';' Look'llaren, 0.31 a. nt.
arc. at 9:50 .
Erie Eip'ss leaves l oop:
",: •arr.: at .Erie' -• ; 10
'lO a.-rn •
m ira.Mail lea vaa.l'hilsOctplkil..... B.ooa. m.
• ;Or. 'at Look Daven : ,... 7.45 p.
Mail Vain leaves Er"a lli .50 a. ru
t' " • " Leek 'llaven p„
Arr. at:Ph aniit:triat,„...: iThgt. a. tn.
Erlc Eipreis leaves Ekie 6.25 r.
'•Laek 6.10
•••• " arr.: at Plii;-delph' t 4.23 ;
and 'ExpreSs'eunneet with Oil Creek
and 'Allegheny River Rail Road Baggage
checked through.
May •22,918.1.1'5%
,•••• intendant
E°: Pr '
()TVS li.glV •
• , • . -.• • •••'.--
'l.l;%\i'N S A.' L . 0 Q.N,
TOOM fOrlnt:t ty occupied
.bv,.C. §toll
under Bug's :arcade. Ireparesl at all
hours.. A first l elabs.. ;: , • •
conimeoted with the 1.1,.. , 5ta xtrArtt. .
7 1 iy
"PATENT OFFICES,ven t . ors
who ivish•to takeout Lettets Patient are ad
vised to counsel with Ai U 1 & CO:, Editors of
the A•eielaifie Aniericae; who have prosecuted
claims before the Patwit Office for. over Twenty
Yeara. Their Anierican and Luropean Patent
Agency is, the Most' the :world.—
Chargesless than any other reiable agency. A
Pamphlet containing falLiriStruetions to inven
tors is senfgratis.
. - - - -
A handsome..Bow:ld soltune;Pcontitini»g 150 Mechanical engraving‘,. and Jae .United Staten
Census by Countiesiwidi Dints and iteccipts for
Mechanics, mailed on receipt of 25 cents,
AddresS, . MIJYX & CO - 4
oct2-tf ' 37 I% l * itCiW,/..1.Y..
-5ct , ..11..c1 -7.
Ir; e 6hlet &
l e
Ref 9161111
A '
7;:z •!.:p;
INE. eiROCERIESL-Mocha Cof:'
.-}'fee, okl:icley,erngtpTit qevapfleet,qettliti.
kifiltio Cabe, Biown Coffee, Beat Oolong Black
11this;Hafiten. Bolden
ISy;l4 . ;,, ; Dzips,, : ;fi i no t nrticlo,Baking-; .10.1aascsi;
;Rind, andleicentltingin tho ;Grocery line, at
the-lortai kaelvpiico'Jf i.tr3foit Itsrant!.`theibilit •
article of Orcocries the casrMt., t ,Bl.lll.ll: - -.„.
:6'fßß'S •-• & TictOlWASqk • ,
t;ik ipiovtgibita I.l3`elle'f6nte' . and'
throng,bootdkho..cottnti4.if 'god: wait it
good article go to ,
1 - - ;: - ' 11 "J'I'' 14 9 (DEIENS-IDE's' 'THOMAS.
HITIVEA,N'S Cele,Drated Con
' lfr iectatieikes, "Whitman's celebraied,
P l Moitai;Balt:er's , (3lidcollite;
)ato,. Cllna Picit t leq, A unTlcan .
prdklel, • " , • _
R'bt' all' -
i Trench: Calf :Sitio, Spanish' BJle
Moyoncoes,,Sbecip., Skin:,, „Linings, ,and ev'6ry~thiiig in the lefither Tine. Witrninied
to tOr 3 r •I•
r I3UR . :I!I"§:EDN . T,ll - oblA'B. ,
; •.• • ;"f , t11..1..
310 ILRER'S TOOLS. an d
~ 01.fnati,;6:6 efiheiiyariet.les. 'saddle‘ry,
•8uq4.1, apots, Ririgs;aind'evety-:
Itthing a saddler wants in thp f yianata 4aring
Of iltienesiii'Vd Al
-t'o'-Le and
4TitOgAa'. :
- - "
. .
, i .:..! :;17!! -7: >:: ...);—.... • . ~.. :
ITARDWARE, ,i' raves; iSpoons,
: - -
Coffea.N . Ris, Sl]. , rys, qp q _ c i- 9 ,-„
~ Rakes,
hoe's, Lithips;'Foi•gs, bfilims, &c.,at . "
.. add 1c..1 . J.R.IIRNSI.D.B'S , STllOlltlA.g. '1
'CIISHrNG TA OKEIi, Re ds;tr . es;
Rooks, Flieof Scwßair 4 -Baskets,
, (rig
outchnrootpai . • • . r.
11011AaltiEXS il2„.111 , their 1, variet,y ) ;
--41.1.Y"'Vtitdrefi'; `ddrriiiges;"Widow-lar,
Gtins, Pistols, Powder, - Sheet:lila
Alaqi,TPYlaLall kindkilik •
" i,rf'•
A 81111.7.511Dtt:',4; TflO.lllAS'. •
„ ,•
- • jLi:_•;•,` •'"
iivVV• gATThuNs mats
Q,TIONS , epfall , kin ds,StoCkiings,
-,11 Gloves Handkerchiefs,
kooks:. var'i'ety,' arid' %Fork Otiettp.
Frumisnai4isids,, ;1 s oebes,
o.;a4tges,Lernone ; all kinds . of. ; foreign.
Caziied . 'Pro Peete4e,s,
•Reasg great.
136rott's Soap, Van flogan , Soap, lcerin's
Olive l Bl3dpi'Dobbins' OBI ; el
01 a*astily ,, P 1 s 11 1aitSQ9,; 1 4f4 0 171 •)SaaPi and
eat variety of otberipaps at ,
•)i 111.1.RNSTDE'S & ir/ONikS.
HE: hiahegt markot 'pride 'phicl. for
4thhof co
itcountry, prbAuce
" 73 UitNSIDP d T.HOIVIAS. •
;d•gest and best stock :of
4:64:48 and ' to' giro
2 X t i Si keltißDJ: ti t ,reolleqd: Rittd"4 ., only to - We
knoll at '
; , iI3IJRNBI DE% ',V
.QPILES of all varieties;' grdond to.
order; and. warrnat9A : ), ' o.atrictly.pare.
it is the only plaeu you can find unadulter
ated spices.' Ti's Wulff - your - Oyin 'satisfae=
tipn.' 13U1tNSIDE Sc.T lUMAS.
.ITERRING, White._ Fish, Mack
erof, se., at
attrliNSIDE'S ,t'T/iSMAS.
I ihc.;liblig a ne• o . Alte-rargest anti best
sfiegiect:s . taci9 of meratandide iu Centre coun
ty. gun,. examine; mitt. lac; foi'iotirseive.i.
. .
DRY 'GOODS, ' • ."- • • • •
lONS, &c., .i,f,
NO. 5,, 4'S ARCADE,
My entire stock of Ladies' Dress Goode,
Diy Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnoishing
Goods, etc., etc., for cheapnessand durability °
are not eciaalled Centre
apri t'os-tc. ' C. DERR;
• Are meting with rare saccess itt sell=
ing . Sr S. W. Baker's Exploratiom; and Adven
tures among the Nilo .tributaries of Abyssinia
to which is now added an account Of the Cap
tivity and release of English subjects, and the
career of the lice Emperor Theodore.. No book
is received among all classes of people wi It
such unbounded favor, or so fatty combines
interest with - solid insruction.
male and ;fema.le. sell it rapidly.
"An ndrhirob;e record of saentitie explora
tion, geographical discovery, and personal ad
ven Y. Tribune.
"It Wined in a :very attractive form; tun] is
as entertaining as 2 romance."--Boston Journal'
Full particulars on RipticatiOn to 0.13. Oise.
.N Co., Pablisivzs, Hartford, Coin.
10 16 at
- ..
, .
. .. „ . ..
An entirely new stock - Of nerses, Carriages, . g,les, Zit:, ft- , r ate, Private families for
nisliedvitit safe horses and good carriages.' The
stoet: is entirely new and the best in Bellefonte.
inquire either at the Brockerhoil house or at
the.stable. , • ' • •' . i3lltf
C A.
No. 23 lc 25 assail Strad, New. York.
Orgaaiztal had& arteciai charter Amu the State
of New York. •
$50,000 SIIARES, too EACII.
tibia .
PA S. FORTIES, cif Rusieß Jc Co., chi na .
-FRED. BUT'I'ERFIELD, of F. Butolriichi
Co„ Now York.
-ISAAC _LIVE ItMORE, -Troisurer Mic
boatral Railroad, :13 . u.ifon. • . - .
ALEXANDER"tiOL I ; rea.airer
Amocican Expross, Comp New York.
JAMES NO:.YOI`./, Syracuso; N. Y.
.. 11. PALMER; Tie:asezter IVOstorn Union
Telegraph l.larapanv, Now. Yo rk,, •r: . ,
PI, ETC ESL , liTBl'ltA I', 'of Wo.n.r.v,
Gibbs 4 , .tiviflle4st.ln, Nrov York.
.1. •• • . .! • -
• A. G.. CURTIN . , PreAtient. •
tsetrinienweilth,) ' • • •
1403 i.
• ' . •
Tht - ChinnFe Govern oht hztvin•,:
the. Ilan. ,
settpcirtA,of .th ei EirrUiro by .sulmj:tri m , elect rie.
telegraph 2al?lc,Arepruposo culaznetiebv.r
atisitm in Chiva"and layinl.; down. a lice of
nine hundred miles at once, between - the
lowing ports, Kiz
, . • •
Pcaml a tipn.
-•'- ; ' • ' - • 1 - ,0.,10,6 , )(1
blame 60,000
- • ,
Iliiiiii-Kotig i; ' • -". • .7-dl t ono
Swaton . . 4 : ... . .•. . •• - • , •11,9o0
A inoy ' .1 - o:,s;:pi
rod-Ohoii ; ' ;• " ' • lj- ;,' .v l l•.'.iylo
Wan-Chu • 1.:;1)))01)
. . . .
IN ii;ii psi !.i)11,0110
Hang Chenqs.:,;' • '-' '• ' ' ';: .1,;. , ,u17,0i)i)
Shan nilai - , 1,1.0 0,00 0
. .
hese„np. ,
-. Torts 'have a' fornign. 66:amerce of
'59(10,060,000, 5 and: an enormous domostio
trade,hesides which. we have thejuitecuso in
ternal comments' or the 'Empire, radiating
from these poiats, through its canals and nav
igable rivers.
The cable being laid; this Company propo
ses erecting ! leap •':lines, and establishing
sP4edi and fritstworthy means iof communica
doh; which must command there, eh every
where else, and „of, social
.life, especially in
China. ShC has 'ire postal system, and her
n/y.froang now of , communicating. inflirma
on couriers on land, . and by steamers.
on 'Water. ." • -
• The Western World knows that China is•a
• very largo country. in the main densely rip
pled bittifew ' yet -ivalizo ttiat she coutams
more, than, it ! third of the human "race. . The
latest returns mach; to her central authorities
for taxing' purpoiee - • by the limal-magistrates
make her populationn. Four,liundred, and Four- I
teen' Millione; and 'this - 1i more likely to ho
mrider•thairever the actual aggregate. Near- •
!iy all of these , w b ottre,over ton years old, not •
:only can but do road and write.' 'ler
zation. is Tpectiljar, - ; b:ukher, literature:is as ex
tensive as that of Europe. China,isa land of
t.P.,:ehers and - traders! and the latter are ex
ceedingly quick to avail themselves of every .
proffered facility for Procuring early informa- '
lion; It is , eitiserved in: California that the
Chinese : make great 'ye . of the telegctiph,•„•
thouglit there transmits 1213091Saiiehl ih English
alone.' If ibb,teleoaph tie, propose, conflict
iug all their great- seaports,:were now in ox-,,
isteuee; itf is believed limit its' business would -
pay the nosh within. the nest twe'years of its
, pperation, and would steadily in.
crease iliac • •
to enterprise ,commends itself as. in a
grealer degree remunerative to capitalists,
and' to oar whole people. It is ofvast na
tional importance commercially, politidally,
and evangelioally, '
AVP'.rho , stack of this Company has-been
unkualifiedly recommended to capilalidts and.
busichts men,' as a desirable investinent by'
editorial ,urticies• the ; Now York - Herald,
Tributi4,'Worla, Times, Post, Express Inde
pendent, and' in tho Philadelphia Nor (II Allier
Man: Press, Lodgers Inquirer, Ago, Bull oti
and Telegraph.
• Shares of this Company, to a limited num
ber, may he obtained trt.sso each, $ l O PaYn
hie 'down; sls'on the Ist of Noverliber, and
$25 monthly instalments:Of $240
p eac c h ado ,e a = to 'meing December 1, 1,968, on
34: 'SOUTH' Tifillb ' STREW,
ShareS'ean be liblaineclia la^iinfunte by,4•;:
plicat t ion td..l.Vt Rey.nololi r c.:• Cw,,Ban! . ‘dr-.
who ago authorized. ,to rec,:dve suf•e.riptitnts,
antl , eari give" all necessary' larnmation on th l l
subject.. t z, -*,
9 25'69:
TitIBLES! con - hiving six
pI a t e "s; Psalrai lit illatre, Family Ito-
cord, Gilt Back and Sides,
Rio. 11, contain ing ton plates, Apocrypha,
Concordance, Psalms anti 'Fimily lit
' curd,' • "
No.ll l P., Same, Arrangod.for Ph etogra
•- •
„Same,- wit Photographs and Clasp,..
No. 12, containing, twenty plates Ald
gauraras•No.ilip • ' -
No. 13, containing saap, ; # No. 11, 1-':.
. Gilt Edges,
• ' Satne,iwithl Clasp 'aria Gilt, -
No. 22, containing ,4p,ate, as. ,No.
Sittne,tine Albreceu, full Rill n
• •
.•44set liter has _ttl§e for ; sale. rate • •
Betterquitity prices. 'Chey
:; • • , H:AILDIN G'S , J3IBLES;
Binding Warranted, and,are far •.
those' gotten"for • tint' purplpse he 1; . t
klloutthq; ewintry; j andt Bola exter - ,:- . •
priced. EO. :LIYING.ST
•N0V119,'67-1.f.• .'" • • • "
Inimddiately . ppposite.Busles . Building, on
the west•side of Spring Creek,
.. Bellefonte, Pa.
formerly- doing business in this line in Me'
_street, has again established a Tin and
Iro'n Ware Mtinufactory. in, the locality a' ,
mentioned, wboio be is prePaCcid to eupply
public with every .article- desliable
branch of the trade at.LtviNn PlllOlO,
wares made of the best materials.
will receive precept attention, and at yes , :
able rs.tes, and everything desired in this •
will he promptly made to suit parties.:
.FeCrOun Ines,; COPPOR • PAWTSI2 - •,t
RAns, taken in exchange ior manufactu. -
June 19,'68-Iy.
. , •
. •
FURNISHING -. .G001):-;
gOV;Brockerboof Row
"7:.A. new assortment of Gauze. Merino, Uncut ,
and dean undershirts and drawers. Neckties,
;MIL bows of every description, gloves, swell..
ders collars, hats, caps, &c., by
AgetA for the celebrated Sihger &wing Ara
chine. D •I'6B t
11 0 AP ! SOAP! •
0 "'Rich as - Croesns," Treinentlous
citentent ! Unprecedented rush for the new
Thu washing powers of this Soap sro tt-nly
rnarvi:touk. No portion who ilat eve:* tri , :tt: , .
wig do withont it. „il3 1T...01i/114,11 :ons. artt
pdrfect Pl.lltl'l l l - , utter (1 , l
wonderful BP . ,' 1 I't - nrr,,nt. - .11 to eon
tutu rnore wttshinl.; to 111,•
Ibar/ any 0111::r 1. , 0it010
the Try Snrisi:te,;on
according to clivuotk-o,
funded. „AKI: :guy groeor It.
only by , . T.,EV &.
(Clll.l;Sti . SO et worx.s.)
No. Vod Acenne, (01a York Road,] Phila
.10 9,5 m, jw,
CONRAD 1101361.1
.lIAI3,RY KLINE, Pito'vr , i ,- -0::z.
Fresh oyster:, shell and t ;11,y .11;z:it
hundred or - plate. Partico. can
rely upon these being fresh and 12:;:e,
Oysters served in every stile
.15,000,00 p
....5,f01t1,000 .
5 OD
11. ,; ty