THE NATIONAL. FRIDAY Morning, DEC. 11, '6B. 1100C.E. On and after JanitAry first, 4§69,4,t0 psz per will be isvt'eif*Zl4i,s the subscrip42VV - ic6 1 ,02* lien. an;i s iinil ; :be' paidin cuirqaCe.6 ride be .N a lig,f 7 e hope knowing'.thenzkeives ctrrear will cone forth promptly and pay vp. Ai .:2 7 , . -: ::A11 7 1 7 of our subscribers 'wait: .1 -iv a popga ) ilarli .- ett zaft4 Az ..717,20i1i 7 -i.:, ii. 4. i ; + ~ • - • ' `‘, , il7lt7er.qaml that time of their subscrik . -- :lion - to:this jammadjWill exiiire in two weeks aRtZ-if ilesirogsfof r9ntiniting willjrthilt I . tho tiottars, ilie•sittwe4tion price. iou WORN . it is expected that parties - prdering job' Work will be prepared - to settle their bills on the delivery of mirk. At theyr - ices now with vs the profit's small, being constantly below any other gOice in this sO9- lion of the Slate. , Cash dentanered for • the "raw material," „and. wei cainfce , do otherwise than intimate to our patrons that , they will consult ourconvenience vpon ,this hint. Tire don't fe,4 ,particularly - • m&cenary, but iaidel the circumstances fed ' • oiirseltes jusliafible in suggesting in "this mild way the propriety of our creditors reit dewing:unto CeesaV the things which... J . o :e (Au saes. - , ';II.:N.A.TCDRIAIf; It Is a noticeable.fact that but few indeed we believe: none, of the many individuals ivho havotiVen publicity their views on pie Senafiiiriargiies-.. t . :0:1,•13:1Vc any per'Sniig; n'.lain in the selection pf 4 candidate.; I"._!;',lch has been Said; andithe.grealvr: Of it well said: Anil yet is moat of these efforts, we can detect .no diTosition . on the))artof writm, to commit themselves - Aefinitely to any one candidate.. All .mho are, or who are likely to . become, candidates arc enumerated 'and without :spec ulating upon the probabld chall deFi r of any, the legislattire and The people . axe told what slibuld• charactefize, senator from Snell a • Stateasthiq 'and, at such a time as .the present., , nova little 4ratifYing to know. that: there are so paany,mea scattered here' au s d'there thronghout the-State; who sbow.such an - intimate . acquaintance with the'i Wants ''of :country.. their articles on thl.Ssul*.pt inclfeatp,; and -Ir - ho - '• ., diSOny.. stickan „nccnrate k trpian— .nature,. -an a its possibilities,,as.appeays -di:sit...end •-neriatien.,of;wlfat, is .reqnisite - i a hu - map . weaknesseS, induces ,unto. believe tliat in some Cases at least .th'e'slaridiird.or excellence is-'beyond the reach of-human . - a;t4ipment. For ourselves lye will say, and - indeed feel disposed to be exacting, ,we shall' lin' satisfied with the bestAzian that the times and circumstances of , is • all _welheno ugh; and, , • 1, necessary that •the'nedple shoUld, be fore the assembling . of the , Legisla ; - ! ture; tlioroughlyitaiivas the merits of those who aspire to this ,Irosition, inasriiiioi as it has been. more than intimated that„Legislaturea formel', ; ;O'ccasion: failed tO • - meet the . exacts wishes:of the sovereign ;.and although'weUre not j . ;repared. eV 0 that tegis'iative'bodies are -int.; • maculate:institutions, .We. are' more than half inclined. , to that sattst . d . ctio”,....will he. aiven iti dais inaiter,inasmuchas the IniaieriY fun nished them i§good,.;:and they. can' scarcely fail to make a good selection-. Wre are not without our individual prel•rence; we bell'A;Ofiat Grow, 1lI:u shall, 'Sdott,.,Or : indeed .:almost any one Of the many otheramention ea in this connection would ghe oitr people reason , to feel prOildig :Qt . + represen tati'Ve; And, :is' on a former occasion we will say,that Nl'o, find no small gratification in the fact that Pennsylvania is so prolific of - .good rrrrn. However,Vefeel it our . duty' to nnsel cant:lets, - 'thoughtful ;:n6"-. on the palit of our in this matter: They, owe it to themselves ; and their obligation to the public render it no - less neceSsa' ry.. The number and-quality of Lle candidates •• asking "'their 'attention, make a careful diaoit#iii . ation abso.- 7 . Intely necessary. The following ex-: tract, which forms the close of aar article in tiA.Franklin . .7kiosilO`ri j on this subject; stints up thO entire, affair brief: - ' •: "--" " ' Gentlerifen . of We Legislature ; don't give us a party ,hack— .ve'll pay,. them With places . to which they fit—don't give:us aMan Whose, preT tentions emanate from his, purse— don't give its'alWeal; . znati .. ivhb will be Worked by Otheit-'-=don'tgiVe ris a bad man whO woi.k for himself give us a wiee'inan, an honest mau i an industrious man,,a 'man in whom our . people•will helyrotid, man to whom the country can point'and say: "there is- a' great Senator - from a great State " 0 1 1:1MUNATOBIAJL In neeordmice with the custom, aulged in by the. Republican party, of giving - to otiewhe'has been, tried in office, 'and has given satisfactiOn, an opportunity tO ,do„,better,. the. Press or this State, with ,a unanimity very flattering. to Geary, urge him. as hiS own successor." This expression of the popular will, is, as we have estimated almost unanimous, and we had lon,; since concluded to do nothing that would interfere with what was the evident desire of the people Still,. we shall be excused fo giving vent to our feelings on a mat ter that very closely qffects our local pride.. every man who rejoices hi"ii "local habitation and - a name" . nattk rally feels'a pride in anything whiCh tends to enlarge his estimate of his own neighborhOod. And :although, we have not ourselves beepignorant of our fellow citizens, their individu 7 , al merits, .or fitness for prominent positions ; we are gratiliedin, no small degree, to find that people - in other sections of the 'State,' are not tunni Cl fill of us. We_shall ftip on sharing in any honors - that 'bay' be I:yaped Upon any one ofourfellow. oi`H. , !ls. This we dO on the ground of a community of interest. We quote with pleasure the remarks 'of the Deleware County American, con cerning -our townsman Gee. Beaver. T 1 e 4merican, it sholil4 be bornk. in muul.v maown as One of the ablest • A niOstAgnifiedlOurgais.:'in,AW, .Ittate's.nnd' its sugiesfiAs z ) redeive C arl attention. `BUt9leat. it for . 1 '; 4 •; : Titel Republicans favoring the re nomination of Gov. Geary are active in_nrging his claims-upon the party, and,some of them are ,so impatient] as to Odvise' tlie, State' Convention at an...unusually-- early Wreatern part of the Sfa l fefherefis a movement in favor of div...l!:eKle , of Washington_,county, •l ivtifto" n the North - Repttbli co.lMistArelinitine, npOn Retchiiin ; the man-who first contested the noMinaL tion with'Gbaty . :' manner of iionainating:O'candidate there,should be time allowed for, a fair., _discussion : of ihe l 'of the;„candidates.. and. for that consideration which Will . lead to the - selection , o'fthe'lnan: Whn, will, not only fill the office well; brit Who, will.prove:sriccessfiike hold the . thati , .-where'• 'Republicans are .disposeduto contest the n'onnnation of, Govern Or Geney,:they should` not - volentarily- weaken.--,T .1 3y the:selection of -Civilian. The pl..m rewarding. soldiers .isln good one, and.,works, well.L it -will probs.. ; bly work 3.`flerehe, a. intopejihelide' along la No. eouth , 75 ",,deGreea,-,,ixeot- .10 tlikice'tilOtikan as•lith . • 15-degreeNreitsar-5 Ll:2 iiiedblis to a.' thpnce,,aleag, as !north IV' 3...V:46g:fees , tiasi 19 percl,tes,tp. the, idaop heginolng tatting, ulOasure.,On ' I - .1111',/ , :z/ idory . 41t2. N .. e q 4 ,WY‘t , ..ut -1 . 1 qii 1 4.4 1 g 4 r... .A jot.or,..pieee,pl ground testa . TON I ' bopeded, and de-. 4 n : ;3'1'6;16;1 ' , tt,, j 4inds,•of 1 4 ,1pixiaitt .:Tericrk' !end F" , degrees, weqx perches to''a stonii,,.litencilbi. land of F.ostor i "afid illutise'eLvedfith 72: 1= Bgq6sB' "vieit 10 P6rAhoi; 11,:atone; , ; thence .by , land of Ybilif; ,High ,00uth,i1.5 .11pgropa ; 95.1,perebeti. to sconesflience by land of `north 64 degrees east 10 8-10 ths perches to •t •the place of begitining-, ,, totazittinrflive acres led 15C perele„l„.:%trict nio,asure e: -.^.11e , t0 com mence at 1. •Olti.ktrr'otlaid"ait'i; ;Leo tho r tei-vi t midi:ooll46)4ot jot sttle," , ertlL y , l :1"0114,167TTAN. ,•• :n6273C All i taitilser Mtter se.Aeo',d 11!::itt •••., o of n • .s.• •.. • •• , ITIRPHANS'':COURT - SALE:"" 11 / 4 12.!:;ti nif att ordOr iritite'd ifut ofthe, Qielenf' ,fip A irA, t(uctilfoz Atte:. Co'ui4 v tionlye,, there I)% l .expilled., L toi VtlteCy••; - : -. ort tlio • pfetutses,. Pot ter..t9sinshipi , ou L. L. •• • JI: •,•••= • , •;•;;.;,‘ •• •' ' •. is a'Cio~k tho following duscribed REAL`;' `'..'Ni::: iatillarty_ .r- - Miclivg ,Alayes t , 1149 .: of ;Potter teww4ibiri.,doCeisiid,'ld 'w it I . "•' ~ iiiii elmlqip Ingii;talige:awd trabt'iiitlaWd'Sitct , .atod la . . ,, ,titM sownstt , lp, bounded aplidederibe4 'a's - : follows, Yo'Wit : - qii gm east Aty,,. lait A ...of. &Dit.vialghihif? ; inciA 0: siirtfthiekt. by lands .01 , : 41 iit'll eel Itecicler;:fr,rid•on'tb4liihiittlweiChiAiii :road llading..frpat,.... lto ,„!ot FA pike -..t0 ~.oat'orgies 'V . a, ley, :Co' a triaiiil9s two ..c , 7,,5,, -a19113,:9z,:i.1e5k . 13 a titiff . thiy.tin"i3rietgcip. kosod two, storied [fp . ' ! I:: 4:1L: 1 7 trawl° Alicrelling , Iliiille, "4111' A N,:, ".... - i t .04.1r,neet - settry.'out-bilildisiii.'• 2 ' ": ..1 1 , 2,1 -; ~. l'lfins,,f . T.,..aahn.,- : Que,thirtit I : '' u ivitt,4l;All : „ ' Of Alierretniso in on ey ta•tho 'CO 11 tirind rioil `of sale.; .ono- th int kb ergurf in one. y.eari rhereidteri ' tinfoil& ihiff ''ini ' th et' deathof, ' l ' he % wlibm-.f. ftia(AirdMil llayee; ?de.etis6d,' ;00 iwo . l4Cor payments to., l l)e;tr4Entog : With:. • 'be eeriire'd" bY • b blill . I and .in orAgnge it a, . T th R 'prWolizea:•,lf..nt .. - 3 . : i ~-,',l ngNity.osirkiv,.: -- !..,,,.• I R,,GAA:III'>II , RZ, C:. if:. CI , , "rho-27 ge.--:' • RPIE-il4'S ;COUNT_ SALE,. Os ' 7' rr : -,;'l33orirtile of gli'li.rdoi' l of the. .P—ciart inf4lptfoilegithty; . ; will!Tbit; - ekrifos . i'd to' public sale ou the premises at Shing,lotditti; l natit•Boalabgtg, Pa ls N i'ON SALT'OVE 1%.1 E'ER "- 21s t , 1888, at 110 Otoloellovki. - iltlpthiii - folfoliini'dbiibii'd rt.44,estlAX:.....& i rfertOn Inesinage,: -, tenletifeia,l or tfiet r i 7 fund, stittpto iin tAarrilp.,,Wwrishisty , Cstutra ,fterlbed;ai lot I °Argil' ; o . lll s tillitEfililebY':plieliolas . ,troug, :, p, t.)4. okgr_th , • : brllanda 'of Oliver' on Vitdki by, , } 1.4103, of Jakib auss o r , egcar.; N ‘ itt any: ,about 55Ye1l to In aqua, nni7.11104 bantactest a . f . i(o-si4nl"ftime „. r stable.!er otitbuiltlin*s ~.. • • 51."' outbuilding TER up„thkrd..lon• fritittion-of tehleiloy surrt ; one third,,in, thoiciattarl .l With"iiit:eriat, and did balancp at death of the widow, with. itteitallY l iii&abha annually durinzisails . ,ll.le.laat two tonaturta to be secure a - by Bond and mort g4p., 3 80 3tl; is,is ~.• C.ENT.Rt - "COTYNTIr. ',TEACH-. SS' IN' ST ET lITE. - -- 2 :the'aiih t ita I Criniay:' lu