THE NATIONAL 03-obiruar!es lon,ler t h an five lines mast be pad for at the rate of :4 cents per lino. All S o ciety resolutlona whaterel cornmunleatiena Taco.. mending candidate. for .o.ce, NOES LI PAID TOR 1 ADTI,IICI, at the rate afteen cents per line, or'not be publlsbed.4lll • LOCAL- NEWS. GIRARD'S SECRET..--I-HAVE ALWAYS OONSIDERED ADVERTISING LIBERALLY AND LONG TO BE THE GREAT MEDIUM OF SUCCESS IN BUSINESS, AND THE PRELUDE TO WEALTH ; AND I HAVE MADE IT AN INVARIABLE RULE TO AD VERTISE, IN THE DULLEST TIMES, AS WELL AT THE BUSIEST; LONG EXPE RIENCE HAVING TAUGHT ?1E THAT MONEY THUS SPENT IS WELL LAID OUT. THE cotillion party at tae Pile louse, in How ard,• ast evening was largely attended and proved quite a success. The 'handsome iron fence around Mr Bush's residence, was not a 111.4 dannved on Sunday last, by a runaway hdrse and linggy Look out for new counterfeit WO &Mu bills on the Sixth National Bank of f hula delpina. They are not well executed, ant with care may be easily tletecied. THE rain had within the last few, day: has had the effect of raising the various streams to a height not excelled since the spring floods. IT will be seen by. reference to another column that the Centre County Teachers Institute will meet at Unionville, on Dec. 27th and continue in session until Jan. Ist. COURT.—In consequence of the contin uance of the civil list for this Term, no jury was retained for this, the second . Wdek.-:-; The court sat however on Monday, Wed nesday and Thursday, for the - hearing of motions, petitions, arguments, &c. Both the publishers are. away and have been for, some days. We simply men tion this fact, so that in case there should be any irregularities in the make III) of this number, our readers, will not be:entirely at a loss to account for them. TILE laying of the gaspipes along the New Hotel building is about completed; and we hope the ditches will not be allow ed to remain open longer than necessity requires. The pipes are now being placed in the building, which will have gas on each floor. THE Phrenological Journal is a publica tion whose advent we alwa.ys . with•pleas me. Its matter is unitbrinly readable, be tokening thought on the part of its contri butors : and its neatness of finish, taken in connection with the pleasing variety of its contents, will always insure it a hearty welcome. Ti N.Y.lndependent,which we esteem, as one of the most valuabld of our ekehau ges,comds to to this Week !greatly enlarged, and if possible, improved in appearnce. Its publisher Henry:C. Bowen, claims for it, that its subscription list at present , is, near ly, if not quite, three times as large as. that of any weekly, of a similar character,' in America or Europe. INFORNENTION wanted of Willie, Millard, aged ten years; who left his home• in Williamsport ou Tuesday Oetobet 6th, and has not since been heard of by his parents. Ile has sandy hair, freekled face, and:light complexion. He, 'Was dressed!in a long, light colored roundabOut,liiht salt and peppWhantaloons, patched one . knee, a straw' - hak, and old. boots. , . Air information concerning Litre will be thank:. fully received byliis - father, W. P. Millard. Williamsport, Pa. I=l SA.NFORD.—The State Gaud says : The "gay and incomparable-Sam.Sanford, with a talented troupe, -is now inft4in,g tour of the State, and will visit our ,city• early next -month. T4eir perform - .. , three nights tlii3 Week la jOhOtoWn; going fromn thence to Altqima, where they perform Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. They open is Bellefonte on the 21st .inst., for the week, appaaring in Williamsport on the first and second of January, and from thence to the scene of his former success in this city, where a host of familiar friends will cordially greet him and render his stay a campletl tritanph. =:11 young men of town are, it seems, remodeling the band. This is a move in the right direction,and we shallbe, glad to believe that it will ; prove sne2egal;,. Enough members are diititillea, We learn, to inc all the- necessary :iiiittunkents.— lfuntingdon has a bind, of whit it is justly proud. Ilelletbnte, we would fain , belieye,posesseS as lintel' musical talent as "Mother lluntingdou l l and sholdkin no particular tallbabind. It wont do geutle:- men live upon the recollecteons : A ra former band. It was no doubt all very well in its way, and since •it baS" deinonstrated the possibility of getting up in the town of Belli:lb:Ile, a really good band, you should be eacouraged to greater effort. . • • IlEzcimrt - § SEumoxs IN THE "Cu linen . UNIox."-=Many papers having - announced that these sermons would nok be printed air in the Church Union, we talt pleasure, stating that the SC . /111011S of this preachar do appear in every issue ofthis Paper., mid that they are to b 5 'whited liSra'after 'twelve o'clock ounlonday; gAting the sermon of Sunday out on the: nekt 'day.' We under stand the publisher of the• Church Union promises to print Mr. Beeelie.r's - serinons: so long as they are accapLiddeto the &lima and request; all otherplipers to lisbliah thein from his own pages freely. - • - if our friends want a • wide-n\ - i - zike l'elig- OttS paper,. unsectarian, and of inter esting matter, the largest :Ina most catholic paper in the world, let theni semtio RebrY- E. Child, 41 Park RoW, for-a. copy of thiS paper, enclosing 110 cents. • - WE have at other times, and repeatedly, registered our opinion of Bellefonte. We have more than once taken occasion to speak of its location and surroundings; and have prophesied largely concerning its fu ture. Not long ago we, by accident, over heard some gentleman, on:: of whom was a Philadelphian, and the others of Williams port, discussing the improvements- of the &IV, when it was remarked by one of tip) party, and agreed to by the others, that Bellefonte, in tha number and quality of. its improvements was not 'excelled by any town in the state. The permanency of its buildings is a feature of the town, which at once attracts the attention of observing visitofs. We felt oar pride in the immen sity- of our town incease ; and were con . • strained to say that these gentlemen were right. They had noticed, what some of our capatilists seem ignorant of as yet, the unequalled facilities to be found within our borough limits for great manufacturing en terprises. As we have remarked on other occasions, our valuable water power, our ready access to inexhaustible supplies of coal and lumber, are items of interest to the shrewd speculator, and arc not passed unnoticed by the observing strangers who come within our borders. So that we feel constrained to say that unless those of our Own citizens, who possess ample means, take speedy action in this matter, they will be unknown in the future history of the town. This is an age of improvement, and the moeume Las which men erect to their own glory, being perishable in their nature, soon pass away. It is only by . re peating them, that the names and deeds of their projectors are perpetuated. lbar this in mind, ye men of "stamps," and tact in the living, present." TUE OLD JAIL.-,This, to souse, well known institutihn, with all its : pleasant reminiscences,its happy memories and sad dening recollections, was • sold at auction ; on Monday evening last. Jno.ll.orvis,esq , was the purchaer at $3,150. If we mistake not, this will prove a very valuable property GIL & COLFX CLUB.-LA full atten dance of the members of this Club is re quested at the meeting to be held on Satur-. day evening, sth inst. The organization for the ensuing year will be perfected. By order of JAMES A. BEAVER, • " President. IF any of our readers have not seen the great advertisement of Seehler & Ziores in to-day's paper they will find it to their advantage to look it up and read it as , they advertise to ltae "everything that is neces- sary to make the culinary department complete and the table enviting." Give a (al]. WITHIN the past week, we had occasion to visit the Allegheny monntains. We found a quantity of snow ; and saw innumerable deer—tracks. We Pursued at short range, a herd of eighteen, and although our armament consisted of a hand :Iv, and clay pipe, we felt all the enthu siasm attendant upon the situation. We don't feel specially called upon to say that. we did not kill more than three. I= NEW Sroim.—P. H. Haupt Co., have opened in the room formerly occupied by E. L. Greenc,of Milesburg,a complete stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, and in fact every thing necessary to a country store. 0. D. Hoffer, one of this firm, is a gentleman of twenty years experience in the business, and. this fact alone, should, with a fair show ensure the success of the firm. We feel' assured that the people of - Milesburg, and indeed every other place within reach, will exhibit a due consideration for their own interests by giving this new firm a call. NOT a little disgust was felt by the boys of this place, when, during the ;,trial- Of an important case , in court, last week, were requested to leave in a body: They thought that by their presence they showed a lauda ble desire for information, and were at a loss to account for the failnre on the part of their seniors *to appreciate their motives. The defendant in this case was charged with the commission of adultary ; and the boys, it seems, only desired to familiarize themselves with the theory of the law on this subject. In this case, we see ulearly e xemplified, by the expulsion of the boys from the court room, the familiar sayings that there : is no royal road to learning, and that the pathway to the temple of knOwl- Oge, is thick set with obstacles. Tub: Publie Schools of the borough will open for the winter Term, .on Monday next. They will be d as ,heretofore, under the pervision of Prof. D. IT. Hastings, - Of this gentleman, we must say; that;slnce'we be lieve in rendering unto' merit that whicb,is is due, .we feel constrained 'to , say 'that . during the past year or more in . Which he has had cluirge of the public schools of the borough, be,has gained for himself - anany and warm friends; while he has convinced - all who era interetted in . the * cause of edu cation, of his eminent, fitness for the posi tion be has oc2apieel. He is a yoting mail . of whom we CA:I . without reservation, say that he is earnest, straight-forward, an I ca pable. We can but congratulate.our school board npon their 'SWMSS in securing the services of a : gentleman so .well i quallified in; every pa'rtioular for the poition, as is Mr. Hastings. THIEVES.—SouIe individuals who: . ,have .entirely lost theli• owl; self-respect, and who fano put a proper estimate upon the res pect of others, are now engaged in replen ishing their wardrobe, and preparing for the rugged blasts of wintm:. In this, they may ,possibly think that, they but _exercise an ordinary prudence; and we'should certain ly agree with them, were it not for the fact that their method of recuperating their stock, strikes us as not a little irregular.— In fact with the most favorable construc tion of which their acts are susceptible, they only amount to downright, dastardly theft. ?he stripping of clothes lines has fou•. some time been the chief amusement, but we by no means intimate that their ellerts are confined to this branCh of their busi ness. We should be tempted to read them a lecture on the enormity of their moral turpitude, where it nut that from their acts we'are inclined to think them beneath re troach. GRAND SUPPEIL-011 Tlnir. day eve.t ing of last week, Thanksgivin,g evening, the many friends of Captain 'Dolan, of . 11ilesburg, pare hint a benefit in the way - of a'supper. Three or.four days notice had been given the Captain, of the intention of friends,so that on thick arrival, although there were perhaps a hundred or more, they foand everything in "apple pie or der::' A delegatioa numbering thirty or more, went, from this place, and on their arrival foam: many-others already waiting. The sapper was complete in every particu lar:. We've known the Captain intimately 'for years, and although we had expected something "very nice," we were altogether unprepared for such profusion as Was vis ible in the dining room. There was an abundance of everything eatable, while a very noticeable feature connoted with the entertainment was the ihet.that, the •euli nary skill which .hal been .brotight, into requisition was of the highest order.— Everything was just right, ;nothing was overdone; and the entire feast, for such it .Was,was one of the most enjoyable we have ever 'taken part in. The waiters on the oe-_ . casion were uniformly attentive, Ond indeed from their alacritty, we feared that they Vere 'disposed to kill us by kindness. The whole affair passed of agreeably, and will -ever be regarded as a particularly bright spot amongst many pleasaat recollections.. . TROTTING at the Bellefonte Park; on the grounds of the Centre county Agricultural Society. Ali exciting and interesting time 'of it. The largest assemblage of spectators seen for some time on the grounds of the Agricultural Society, near Bellefonte, was 'assembled on Thursday, Nov. 12th. The day was not all that coal ha wished, yet was cool an I bracing, and the sport gave evident satisfaction to all who witnessed it. Much credit is due the several gentlemen who came here from a tlistana3 with their animals, thus adding zest to the day's en tertainment. In the crowded state of our columns we can bat give a com2letc sum mary of tho Sevval trols, .with the time made. The foll3Willg tells the tale, from which it will be seen that Bellefonte went under. Mile be:zts, three in II in harn:;ss, for a purse of $l.OO. • • Jaz. Clark's bay nyare_, '•Jennie M tv," 1 1 W. D. Ilikard, g, g, "Watchalau," 3 :2 I Frank Herdic, s.b. ' , Andrew Ja::ks - in," 2 3 3 TIME-2:35; 2:33 1-2 ; 2:43 . Mile heats, three in five, in hay.i. 3, for a a purse of ti:3o. L. C. Smith's,. g,. g. ":grey Sluirrd, 31 1 1 Frank Mullen, b. g. Tom," 1 2 2 2 TIME-3:5; 3:3 ; 3:2; 3. Mile beats, three in five, in lia:us33, for a parse of $2O. A. 0. litrvey:s, b. in. “Lady May" I 1 1 Arno; Mune, - s. g. "Dan," 2 2 2 Geo. Lose, b. in. "Jennie." 3 3 3 P. B. Wilson. g, g. "Wu'," TrnE,--3:15; ; 3:06. . On the same day a match for $5O, utile heats, two in three, in harnes s. L3Wii H.313A21, b. P. B. Wits3ll, g. g. tipan , t) TIME -73:55; 3:0. This last trot caned the greatest - inten3t as the owners of the animals ar.3 1113.1 of note in the sporting world, and the 110 . 1'8:33 both roadsters, kept for use and oat pro fessionally. • , , THE NATIONAL, Brj:JLEFON..TF, .PA...i..!.FR1DAY!,,,M.013,..--NTIYS.i4,:IL-10TA04.ALBER,-';.::,4:186.8.7, TElt. scareitfof reading Matter in this issue is accodnted for; bY the Tact; that we have had a rush of advertising, which could not in justice to the parties interested, be postponed.. Hereafter we shall endeavor .to have our usual complement, and variety. HURRAJI FOR BELLEFONTE AND BAT TON'S JEWELRY STORE. //0//07 to wh onz honor is due. iWe have just learnej that Mr. Pattoii has made arrangements with Lazrus Morris to send a regular optician here ev ery three months so that persons having weak or cataract eyes can have them sui ted. Mr. Patton has spared rur trouble .or expense to have these arrangements made Mid we hope the people will call and see his store—by far the neatest in this place. THIEF GAuctirr' rough looking - chap entered the boot and shoe store of Messrs; INlceaffry &; Co., Wednesday" morning,,on the pretence of being a rheumatism doctor. He remained but a fey moments and then went out. The clerk discovered that no key of the outside door, which he had ; laid on the desk a few moments before, was missing. The doctor was suspected of having taken it. Mr. Alcaadbry immediately followed him and found him in the store of Abiath Sussman, and charged him with the theft 7 which he stoutly denied ; but on examina tion the key was found in his "bundle.'' He was taken before Squire Klinger and gave his name as Samuel Hanpt trout lowa Ile was committed to jail for trial at the January court. • We would, -rarn our citizens to be on their guard for such chaps, and Urge them to notifTthe police, giving them a descript ion of all suspicious looking persons. The season of the year is now at hand when thieves and burglars •go into their worst operations, and by all persons interested cooperating with the authorities much can be done to deter these scamps from car tying out their unholy designs. • We notice by our exchanges that horse thieves arc operating very extensively in several counties of the State, and would urge the farmers and owners of horses in our county to be on their guard. WATSON'S' PUILADELPIIIA BUSINESS DIIIECTOIZY,—for 1860. We call the at tention of our Merchants to this new and valuable little work of reference to the Trade of Philadelphia., and commend its utility to every merchant buying goods, or doing bitSi ness with Philadelphia • to. the extent of a thousand dollm ; s. a. yeai. will: ,contain cassified list or all . the Merchants, Manu facturers, and Professional men of Phila- . delphia, arranged ,in .sy . Stematid alphabet ical order, a well executed Lithographic Map of the City, aad views •of ,the Buildings, with ether Ants of interest in and.around the Quaker City. ,In ordering goodsoni•ecting , correspondence; !or ascerJ tabling where to obtain any article of trade, or Manufacture, it. ill be, indispenSible to to our Merchants. Such a work is much needed,, and its popularity, and the standing of the 'publishers, is vouched for' by the Daily Inquirer, Telegraph r and the leading Daily and Weekly Press of ,Philadelphia. Messrs. Watson . & Co., 219 Dock Street, Philadelphia are the, Publishers, and; will Send the work :as goon as issued,'"by postage brepaid, upon the receipt of -One Dollar. Send your subscriptiooB in int, mediately. BURGLARY. The Cummings House was entered on Friday night last, and robbed of some sixty or seventy dollars.— The money was taken from the bar tender Wm.' Carr, who was at the time sleeping in the bar-room. He discovered the loss as soon as he awoke in the morning. He recognized an empty bottle lying near the window' through which the thief gained admitance, as being one which he had filled fbr Jack Turner, the evening before. He immediately informed Police Officers Mullen and Felty, who captured the coffee colored individual about six o'clock, a. In, and lodged him in ditrancevile. Jack seemed quite surprised, that the officers should gobble him up so early in the morffing, at the same time assuming himself as limo cent of any such charge. They imme diately visited the shanty in which he lodged over night, and found some six or seven dollars in currency lying on the floor where he slept. During the forenoon be acknowledged to the Sheriflithat the police had got all "de scrip" but he knew "whar de big bill were and would gib dem up if dey would let him off. At the hearing he confessed the deed, told where the money was; and was committed for trial by Esq., Klinger, which will take place at the Jan uary Court. THE NEW JAlL.—Sheriff Kline took charge of the New Jail about two weeks ago, and is now prepared to take charge of all the "dare-devils, thieves, liars, &c." who may be placed in charge of him. This•in stitution was commenced about two years ago under the direction of our county fathers, who are strictly in favor of "white men's institutions." They awarded the contract for the building to "fob Con tractor," whose zeal for "scrip" is only ex celled by his energy 'in building up the the town. it gives us pleasure to add that the contract was faithfully complied with and . the building'*as finished long before the time expired for its completion. It is an ornament to our town—and we give notice to the old jail birds that if Sheriff Kline turns his key , on them now, that.they : will, stay there 'Until the law sheik, haVe been complied with. Notwitlistanding,lis con sidered a white man's institution the Judges of our court had the assurance to sentence a white man and a nigger, each thirty days, to jail at our last court,. Will the Watch awn read the associates out of the party for bringing a white man down. to the level of a nigger In conclusion' it 'gives us pleasure to add that Sheriff Kline makes a most excellent officer and deserves the thanks of all good citizens for the manner in Which he has co-operated with the Bur gt!ss and Police in maintaining the good order of our town. 'P. S.—Since the above was put in type, we learn that Jack Turner made his es cape.from the new Jail, by butting a hole through tlir partition wall with his head— ye Gods! what an immense amount of pro tection this "New Jail," contracted for, and built by, Democrats—secures to the cit izens of our county, whose taxes have been to meet the expellees incnred by the erec tion of this building. Our readears may form an idea of the security which the walls of this massive structure offer against the acts of wrongdoers, when they arc told that that the division walls between the cells are made of brick. . BELLEFONTE MA.RKETS. 13ELLEFoNTE, I)ee. 1, 18.08. Grain and Flour Markot • Flom• wm. barrel $ll 00 White wheat her bushel I,SO lied whit - tat I,SO Corn (new) c: 1,00 Oats " " Bye per bushel 1,25 .Buckwheat per bushel . 1,00 Clovers: e 1 • Provision Market Apples dried, per pound SO 12 a 13 Dried Peaches, per pound a 18 Dried Cherries ~ , c 22 a 23 Beans per quart, l2 a 23 Butler per pound a 45 • Beefsteak per pound 20 a 22 Beef roasts a 20 Chickens each, live : . 40 a 50 Turkeys live, each 1 00 a 2.00 Cheese per pound - -•29 a 25 Barns per pound 20 a 22 Bacon a 10 Lard, per pound 20 a 25 - Eggs per dozen 20 a 25 Mutton and Lamb.per pound 10 a 20 Veal cutlets per pound • . a2o Potatoes per bushel. .$.l 25 . .. . Co. • co .1 by Shortlidga & Co. Anthracite coal at Yard. • Shamokin Pure Coal 00 per ton Shamokin Nut . i 00 per ton • Shaniokib Stone . SO per ton Shamokin Pin - 7 90 per ton 13 Sheinokin Broken i 30,per ton Wilkesburre Nut - • ' • 8 - 50 per ton Wilkeeburre Small Stone WVilkesbiu•re Stone Wilkesburre Egg •6 70 per ton -Wilkesburre Broken . 6 70 per ton PERSC&SN - vishing to economize in cloth; hig their Children, will do well to try metal tipped shoes. Children -invariably wear Out their shoes at the toe first. Metal . tßis never wear out at the toe,and a pair of tipped shoes at an additional cost of a 1 . 3 w cents, will more than outwear three pairi of the same quality without them. SPECIAL NOTICES. MAGNOLIA WATEI3,—A delightful toilet artl elc—auperior to Cologne and at hall' the PUBLIC attention is invited to "the House hold Gas :Machine advertised in another column by David Jones, of Philadelphia. SUCCESSFUL, because of superior merit. Mrs. S. A. Allen's Impreved lICNV style, hair restorer or dressing, in one bottle. Every Druggist sells it. Price One Dollar. EYRE AND LANDELL, 4th and Arch Ste. Philadelphia, arc now offering a large stock of Tall Goods to purchasers. This is an old es tablished and reliable Dry Goods House 1 Rawl their advertisement. Ir is not probable that Absalom was obliged to'use any hair preparation to force his hair to grow to such an extreme length as it is said to have attained. In our day. however, people quite frequently find it necessary to call scien tific skill to aid them iu this respect. Such will find their every wish supplied to “Itarrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative." TAKE Plantation Bitter,, andwith them a 11 ,, w lease of life. The old are mad.) young again the middle-aged rejoice, and the young become doubly brilliant by using this splenuid tonic. Dyzpepsia, Heartbarn, Liver Comp hint, Head ache, Pains in the side, "Crick in the back," and a.ll symptoms of Stomachic Derangement, yield at once to the health giving inflacnc... of Pianta ton Bitters. They add strength to the, system and buoyancy to' the mind. D.ISAFNaSS, Blindness and Catarrh treated with the utmost success .hy J. Isaacs, M. I): and Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the Medical College of Pennsylvania, 12 years experience, (fortnoly of Leyden Hol land.) No. 805 Arch street, Philadelphaia.Tes timonials can b.) seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his praticc. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for ex amination je-ly TO CONSUIPTIWES.—ThCAdvortisOr, having been restored M b alrh in it few week's, by a very simple remedy. after having suffered sev eral years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge.) with the di rections forpreparing and using the same„whicli they will find a sure Cure for Consuption. Asth ma. Bronchitis, &c. The only object of the ad vertiser In sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread informa!ion which he conceives to be illy:1111;1We ; and be hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it Nvill'eost theW nothing and may prove a' blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Riv. EDWARD A. WILSON. 165 South •id St., Wiliianisburg, ing3 Co. N.Y . TIIE DTS.Prz,ic.-:—The trials ond sufferings of the •Dy - spoptiecan only he realized by those so unforturato as to be afflicted b: - this di• sense, and:.yet how many of them suffer and continue to suffer ? Why they do this so pa tiently it is impossible to tell. It may be from ignorance. of: any certain : niedy, 'or it may be from prejudice against the use or a Patent Medicine. Hooflaad's German Bitters has cured thousands of the, worst cases of Dys pepsia, and each day adds new names to the record of its usefUliess. Give the Bitters a trial. Headed's Bitters contains no Liquor in any form. iloofland's German Tonic is a combination of all the ingredients of the Bitters, with puro Santa Cruz rum, anise, orange, &c.,.-"making a preparation of rare medical value. , The tonic is used for the same diseases as the bitters„ in cases where some Alcoholic Stjmultis is necessary. Principal Offlco, '631 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Drnggists, and others, everywhere. DEAFNESS,, BLINDNESS and - Catarrh treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. I). and the of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the Medical. College of Pennsylvania, 12 years experience, formerly of Leyden, Hot tandd No. SUS Areli street, Philadelphia. Testimonials can be seen at his aims. The medical faculty arc invited to accompany their patients as he has no secrets in his prac tice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge fur examination. Dec 4 if Ir is Grant ed that you will See-more po litical turbulence or tranquility , after the pre sent Presidential campaign than at any time since the .death of Washington ! We trust that, for the sake of trade, and all that con duces to the prosperity of the-country, all par• ties will favor the pence policy, and quietly turn to their ordinary business pursuits. Long continued agitations are not bealthY, either individually, commercially, or nationally, and therefore we condemn them. But give us any amount, any continuance of sound business excitement, like that 'Whieb has been created throughout the country by the introduction of the wonderful ''BARLEY SHEAR" Cooking Stove, the great triumph of modern science and skill. All parties unite in awarding the palm of superiority to tho;"Barley Shoal," and richly does it deserveit. Messrs. ,Stuart, Peterson R Co.; Philadelphia, - are the manu facturers, and they will promptly respond to any applications for information concerning the stove named. Beware of imitation "Bar leys." For sale by W. W. Wctsler, Miles burg, Pa. It PHILADELPHIA, March 10, I SGS trACO/I SIIEETZ, lisq.—Some eight In onths ago when suffering from great nervous pros tration, the result of exposure and overtasked energies, I was induced by you, (an old friend) to take as a tonic your celebrated Bitter Cordial; and so agreeably surprising have been its beneficial effects that I cannot refra:n from thus bearing testimony in its favor. As a beverage,, it isams pleasant and delightful as a glass of rich, dark, brown sherry ; as an appetizer before meals, per leetly magical ; and as a digester of food, the most potent compohnd I ever know, Alto gether, I consider it One of the happiest com binations of medicinal herbs ever offered to the public as a• curative. most chectrully and confidently recommend it to every suf ferer from Debility, Dyspepsia and itheuma tism. Asa substitute for the villainous niche hullo and vinous concoctions imbibed at too many of the public bars of the present day, it must also prove a blessing. • • A. W. BLACKBURN, Fire Marshall. AV-Read Sheetz's standing advertisement in another column. TUE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD we esteem to be the greatest industrial triumph of the age —a triumph that will attract the attention of the world, and of which the nation may well ba proud. More than 12,000 men are engaged in constructing this colossal road, and 8U miles of it have been completed, to lip equipped, and are in successful operation. In a few more months the, whole line to the Pac!fie will have been opened. and the mammoth work of modern Ammica achieved. And then in the enormous freight from the East, what hundreds—what thousands of the "BARLEY SHEAF" COORS will be found hastening on—on—for distribution in distant Stat , ...s—two great modern ti inrophs of art, science, shill, ingenuity, journeying on to gether, hand in hand, as it were. The "BarlCy Sheaf" is beyond all doubt the best planned, the most admiiably coostructed mid quipped stove ever invented. Its b,:auties as a baker alone, are worth its entire cost ! Its oven doors being double tin lined, render it a splendid baker, and thin, too, at an immense saving of fuel. The Bat ..y• Sheaf burns both wood and coal. A vo:d imitations ! For sale by W. W. Wetsler, Mile: , burg, Pa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TREMENDOUS - Stock of Horse Blankets, Butlldo Bo d es, and Buckskin Gloves at ll:•9:'GS BURNSIDE 5 THOMAS' A B. II U T II ISO N, 111IL1TAR'Y CLAIM AGENT, will attend to all business entrusted to his care. Office with W. P. Wilgon, Esq., Bellefonte, Ya April 2Sth '65. I\I ULES FOR.SALE A pair of Mules that will arork either singly or double, can be obtained on easy terms by enquiring at this office, 10 30 tf. 100 PER MONTH.—AGENTS w:thod, Male or Female, that can earn from 555 tc $l.OO a mouth at their own homes, and all aspens paid. For roll particulars ad dre With two stamps. E. E. LOCKWOOD. 1U 16 Wt. Agent. BARGAINS. A large lot of Sash; Doors; Flooring. Moulding' &e., will be sold below the regular Planing dill price, for:ero:h, A S VA LENTIN b:, 9 25 3t E M VALENTI:s.:E. WANTED. • One hundred Tons of Oats or Barley Straw at thQ.Glitss Works.. Also one hunre cords good seasoned .wood. I),dtf A MEETING. • Of the, board of School Directors of Spring township, will be held Oct. 3d, 186 S, at 3 o'clock, for the purpose'2f hiring teachers. 'Salary,.s-10.00 per month fof`four montlni. 6 50 per ton 6 70 per ton =I = I=l PRINTING. '. I • JOB AND BOOK' 1 E ~4 TEA • lOWER :ITAN ' L OWER ND JOB BOOK A c c , mnr PITIES OFFICE The only thatitpoitint PDIATIM DPMBE ,BETWEEN PITTSBIiBri t% riAItiIISBURG/ On large orders. we rival Philadel phia and New York prices. FIVE Pawer Pres,o,s PATENT i4EDICIRE M~~~:~~~ OP. EVEILY DESCREPTI:ON AT VERY IJOW RATES 1;i!I iVra.nn IVEttplisTs Prices Thro2 , :n into the Shade on O EZ Tart Of Every Description LETTER,-HEADS, 14 0 lE-HEAD3, B/LL-lIELDS, EKLELOPES, ca be had of us f paper furnished, as low as the blank paper earl be obtain ed elsewhere in the county. We lbar•e unusual facilities fur FINE Carci, Ci7ezdei7. cr,7id creoz,a ,t:n111 . . --,......"—'....---... - ..-.= .....2.V4,-, --,...',",",.--j .....' ' ''''• 1,-,......-,,:',..',A*7p0rt.:,..:C .':-, t. : ••.: ....-i7..r.j‘,..,i... ..,,, t ,z- -,_•• r .,. s: /« i„,,,,,,51 _ .', i• - • ..,;,..--•., ,- •• . !•_•••=••• ;:,...... • "Cf•:?':::-*-7j..:,z`:=7 •-i' - ' "j. :"..."-''' • - kr • ", ..: ,'. t . - • .',, ('.. ' t‘. :,,::" i-I''''. " ,'.''' ~ , C I -''.'?-:: :(ii 1-',5:- rl:';,:, if i -•.':.1.1 '• , .....ii• t., • : ~t. .3.-,,,-..i•-' -711.------- ..-•;,'-' I'; .'.c...,:-.•:1"--;",' ,'-i .-; 7, 't' 7 •••':'. : ::•', ' 11 -••,l•''''''...•,?;,-.l'"'.! i 0 -;.,;', p - . f... i- t ; _ •-•gal-_ --- - .2i..! lelfr:::-._1_;. irr. ~ ,I[ll, 4-:'''').- '4'..'.-=--;•4 ckti:" .,_ -..• • "•,..---11----4----_-•:;;- ©- Our :wlecl lon of - _,,. 1 . ......z,.., , Iv . ~---- , _ ps.,- , ~ Type is unsurpassed, ItiM Posters of every size, caller plain or colored, ai e gotten up with despatch, in the Lest s!yle. Our facilities for: Bo . ok . Work, are also unsurpassed. We assert, without fear of contrad!ction, that we have greater facilities for the rapid execution of every ' description of work than any other (Alice in Central Pennsyl vania. We guarantee to give satisfitcticin in every instance, or no charge made. Address, • 44 KINSLOE PP JOB PRINTINC OFFICE Bellefonte, Pam HARDWARE, fFI. 1 0,V.:ES, &c &- WILSON are con- stantly receiving new goods in their line II A It D IV A It E of every description at reduced priers—now being opened every day. • mar2Oth AMPS OF EVERY VARIE . ty and kind at IRWIN WILSON'S. AROMETERS and Thermome ters at WILSON'S. riILIE ANVIL STORE is now re eeiving a large and well assorted Stock of Hardware, Stoves, Nails, horse Shoe', Saddlery, Wass, Paints, Sheet, Bar and Hoop Iron,aiso Buggy and wazion Stock of every desription.—Call and supply youmlvos at the lowest possible rates. nov9 .T.ItAV IN h WILSON. CALE'S, at Wholesale and Retail kti.ap, : by . IRWIN g WXLSON. ded2P66 • fl IN E 'PALLE - CUTLERY, including plated foltb - , - spoons, &a., at nutr2 & WILSON S; D ociirr.CUTLEßY—ftll InAkes and Ii sv Sc WILSON'S. r WUBLE. AND' "SIN_OLY BAR, foisiirig"pkees'at • mar 2 — liiivisr& WILSON'S. eiROSS-CIIT AND MILL,SAWS, vV best make at IRIVINW)i.:.OI'S: mar 2 . 4,3 i riOFFIN • TnEVIMINGS, a large X.J rioitrucut , at IRWIN WILSONS. umr2 • - - lIIENTY - E•ELLS AND ; DOOR _B e115,.111 9 i Z ' Q ' S and ~"„rwtlN rt RyBOARDS ; :PIarik Scant= JUlLling for sOle•by .IRWLN.& WILSON. T.AIsANNED TOILET SETTS. fte and other JOnnnoil wain, at the Anvil IRWIN ct: 'WILSON. Store. ' ' may 11,66 QPINDLE SIMNS for-, .wagons, nil 'iliesVat toe sign of tb may 11,136:„ • •/-IVILSOR.. T .OOKINGOLASS PLATES 'of JLI all sizesAr sale by imyrN . ! t - 7FLSO.N. 01,T-f • 13 - or , Buggtos and Carriages, r , all 'sins in use; Eire bolts, ditito, tuar2 : F:F.A L:C+Xt. S OA: LE S, LI- of thobostAnalce,.frimn 4 - -15.1'. up' to' 1 . 20,- 000 .ths. • I ,E 'WILSON AR L 0 11 - .O.OOK • STOVES r.4•FIOis to Va , ,, And 7 - 11)u r. sizes:.of ?Gas-, Burners conskantly,on band and for.salo at . mkr2 _ IRWIN • Sr., WILSON'S.' TTORN BLANKETS _ BES1;8, 1 ailow pric'es, at '' dee2l'l36 'ntWIN ct--WlLBols`..ts'' TTNIO:ST PATENT CHVIIN; tife LJ lidst lIOVIN, ITATAWS.' dec2 . 1.'066 ;.: . . COPP,E - 3 'KETTLES. "OF-DIE-;: . .F.BRE ST sizes . a - id weights, direct from tlleTaetory, at 10NY-rates by • - ' yuiti • Iltly . 114;& NVILSON:.!; • - 1/r i oodtsi. - Plain liialnitt of all siztra tn ay 11,66 IItIYIN & wltsox • T ILE ANVIL STORE ; • • • . - STOVES •••• STOVES, • - STCAVII('I • • .• The Anvil Shwe rtai3Oing' the largest and best lot of Shres, ever' brinlght tu the mar ket, arnoiig which isThe justly celebVated • . . . . • •• OPANTAL.PARLOR.STOVE,• " . • :3 all sizO, "rafliw Ifmteis, .'for 'clialnbgr fib }ve These stoves hake, no'equal fcir lieutity or utility; NLADARA-CGOK,•Pour •sizes:4- SUSQUEHANNA' 650 K ., Fuuf 'sites. NEW AND IMPROyED::PARBOR GAS BURNERS, Four Sizes. ~.. • NEW•STYLES 'EGG STOVE. • • NEW STYLE' ARCTIC. NEW STILE PICKET'STOVES, and va,rionS other patterns; also Heating, Fur naces for chvelling,S and churches to be, put up with bricks. and portable, cased with potil.Vanized sheet, to be•iised without bricks, NiThich will heat from four to eight rooms, according to size.. 9 25 tf . ' WI,L,SO2'. • ' .‘ cV„ . J. Tagil:lS; Dealers , ri.DWAS 3 STOVES,.. No t, Brookerhoff Row' - ,BU,LEPq.I4 7 PEI 'PA, WM A iorge-as,gorttacnt.of BUILDEIIS.rikADAK44tg Cutlery, 4c., euustat4ly. RALTO'S AIR-TIGLIT GAIIWRNING II E.A,TER. \ATAOANTED T RV/LB-EST. SE IT-FEEDING EVAPORATOR. , A 1 Satisfiletion RAND, PERKINS co., MAN[/ PAVTIiItING"]jEA4ERS.IN Cooking Ranges, Low Grates, ReHsters, ME AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED A.Tagee Patent Heaters, Ran ges and Stoves. NO. 121 NORTH SIXTH STREET NO. 124 NORTH SIXTH STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA, Scud for descriptive Circular 256 in II 1 1 We keen , constantly bn hand . fall and well selected stock of FRE FAMT,LY FLOUR, LIGGET'S BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, NEWCORN MEAL, SUPERFINE PRIME RIO COFFEE, OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFE E, • XX PORTO RICO BAKING - MOLASSES, SUGAR CURED HAMS,. NEW NO NEW , SMOKED HALMBUT, • • '• • -" • PRMIE. , FACTORY CREESE / COAL. OIL :AND LAMPS; • • • r • . •-• '• • 3 ' • DRIED .FRUITS, of all kinds, CANNED FRUITS; of all • ' •-• FORialdN iIATIITS, :Of kinds, HAW:P-PICK - ED WINTER APPIXS, And all otheikilid..§'6f Goods that is. rieceSsaty tes i3l - 4 . 4.e the Culinary Deiiii"rthlent coinlilete . alidthe table -cs,- - EciTLIER - 111004 g, Allqe.ramsfo - 1. 7 .13,n1leiuzite. 14.,$,F.ettft ' SSi' i , • - trf —,• • • . EPARATOP I ,S, 11E-AT'EF,„ : S., ag: SEPAIIATORS. = • • LA. • qciser:syittept i*eir-it.e:4:lll.ttino• Grain . .S'CiSaratbr; Cie:aver . aid a r er,, with the latest jippioi=ed Triphi-aciireat;ii , .r,:c;,Poweii: driven tither by., gea t r This machine , trill ."-timesl'a P. d clean ybtir grain . for t market, liy end `nporatlon, wit ..Ariore ,rtiyeeablences to hands than the old - Iyay,of Threshing. MILLS, , The celebrated Willoughby Patent Gum Spring can't • be' -beaten:ln-Aim country for, rocky or stumpy ground. No , breaking of - Lins'! No bunching of grain!` r. REAPERS - The - Ohio ilarvestey Is . no Iv.taking ihe lead 'among reapers 'and:nil:A*l - s. It is a'eatabineci Poniper, and Uower, has two drive urbeels,,a drand platfulin, arid - gives 'either :side 'e l f rear delivery.: - Is' easily.' mil:liked for -.hers° and man. • RAK . Es: - Pratt's Patent 'Horse ala,;-I.lal:o;ls.ihe •best in the market. 20,00.0 of them are now inuse, .and give universal saifaae:tiOn;' • ' • FORKS— . . , ~. . . :' ' Gla ldiug's IloKze Bay Poi ks. with the above, named machines. with rep:th's 'Tor the same, are.all being . seld.hy J. P.. ZIAIMP.MAN, who can be sere At. 1:11S11:8 Arcade, • NO. .6, Bellefonte; -I.!ii. '',f.ail 10, 'GS. if. , - ZERFECTED: . SPECTACLES . arid Es-e.;Glasses... . . T . 0 . 4e0f the firm will , he at.the Stem -of. their Annt 111 MEI . inu,r,En 1N JE)VELRY, WATCHES ; ETC., •• Stite . kgt , fit inrl26 . llelonte;Tc., • POI. two ditys 'only, „Friday :mil Sntoarday, January Isi anJ 2nd. pre attends fc.r the iiurpose of assisting NI:: ! ..Patton;infitiing •the , eye• un usint 1 -eases. T,iose suff I,• w ll4 . !'!lr94 dtllv . ision are receuanc;udC:dlto 'tel.i.os of this oppottanity... " Otir spectacles and Ere-Glasses! aide ..• Acknowledwed to be the liloat.Perrect . „. • as.sistaece sight { ever tnannfacturcd,.and can • alvkays ,lie 'Mkt! nliuu s'afordiu,g pfr'cct case and:antnfort . whilo Stren . ;tbari and preSE.r.Lig-: ink the IT..yns,inost theraughly. We lake nee'tiloti . to netif . V the „lie that pedlars, ' -and , tititantionithem against. - - have: • . -,ourza.eds for • •.. Oct. 2, Te-ly„ . • , MEMO CM= p H I M L A R D O Ej., P ERIE WINTER, TOIE °TAI3tE, TDROlithl AND DIREC r ROUTETWEEN THIDADEC,PIIIA, DAM " :MORE, • DARRISBURG, - W 1147: • LIANISik)RT, • • • TO TOO • :NT co B e T WEST, Tug GR : EAT-OIL'•REGION . Or PENNSTISANII. Elegant Sleeping Cars on all TrainS. On and after MONDAY, NO7. 2:led, MS, the Trains - on• the Philadelphia, k Erie hail Road will run as follows: Westwarl I Train lt;ares. Philatielplti.t 10 50 p. " " " Look 11a 9.31,4. In " '• arr. at Erie '9.50 p. Erie Exp'es leaces noon c. " Li/Ch. liarun,.., U. 55 p , cc arr_ at. Erie 10.111 a. m Hlinira leaves :i•0 0 a• m • 'u , " arr. at Lock Haven._ 7 15 p. at _ • • 'Eastward. . Wail Train leaves Eric. 10.50 a. m " s " Lock 11:1 van 11.21 p. to " " arr. at Ph L.... 1.0.00 a. n 7. Erie Express Naves Et in 1'1.25 p. " " • " Lock Haven_ 6.1 n a. tn. * " " arr. at 'Philadelphia_ 4.24 a. te. Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Rail Road. Baggage checked through EO. PECK'S NEW 1) I lIN G S , sl. I. () N, In room furinfuly 6K , etipir,Ell.y C. If. titanrroad, wralt.-r areade. , Ata.!,; prupacell al, all hours. A lirA, chnia Ventilators, connneeted with the It 7 1 ly PATENT OFFICES.— Inventors who wish to take'out Letters Patient are ad vised to counsel With 3i UN & Co., Editors of the Scienbyic vii have prosecuted claims before the Patent Office for over Twenty. Years. Their American and It uropean Patent Agency is the most extensive. in the world.— Charges less than any other reliable agency. A Pamphlet containing full instructions to inven tors is scut gratis.' A handsome , Bound volume, containing 150 Mechanical engravings. and the United States Census by Counties, with Flints and Receipts for Mechanics. mailcd.on re;eipt of 25 cents. Address, & Cll,. oct2-tf :17 Park Row,N.Y. CI-5.010 ra7 c tler Inv mum eL 5 FR 'T'T_T - 13 O'l7.'SrrMRS. FREW fAIIKY ja-1 SPE MAL . NOrPI.L E . 1 LAtARTJS & 11111311MEIll W. 'PATTON, TIME TABLE. ALFRED May 22,'65.1y. Geueral Tin: oItEA u - AND BILLIAiID TABLE l IC y ' Street GROCERIES. ME „,,,,--_,. , . . : ~,,e,:- : -.:-:r. • , ;,141 , ' ; • ~T ,- ' 7 _•:-4.., /., 3 , 4 7 3 : _ . ~,,,,.........„....7,.*- ../71- te,._14,1 , 1,7 ~..,,, t,, e _ . , L .N„ .; : ...-, ..).. „, -,..- ~. „... ,-,,,, tr•I” ,•.- 1 4'--i J• Il -- lufs— fm •- -,• . 1 -";24 2 _,,,, , , ~_:- .. ..j. : 1, ,: c:5- 8 1',,.' ), ' - '''', :-- IF•-•Iff•—: 1 t-ZIAP . e -' ,. ;l>! • (1.-.- I Vii , "±..-: :i" - - • tli. - _ , : f.: L'---:liiti', = ItTISCELLANEOUS • I INE GROCERIES—•=2Iocba Cof j: oid:qpy,erntrient Java, hebt:tinality of Rio Coffee, Drown Coffee, BesCOolong Week .Teas, Green Teas, Lovering Syrup, Golden Syrup, Trips, flue .artiele Baking Molaeses, 'ltiee ' and everything in.tho ,Grocery line, at the letsi6t• cash pliee. 'want the best article ,of . Groceries in.,the -market,. TT 'ip,priiveibial in Bellefonte, and thiiin g hout . tho 'co'untY' if you want a .koott sty . tis,le go to - •, , • • . • ptiRNSIDE'S S 5 T.LIOgAS. •WITIT.MAN'S Celebrated Con- YY 1V; . fectioneiies;;' Whitman's cclebrittod Chocolate, Baker's Chocolate,. Smith's Choco— late, China Ginger, English Pickles, American Pickies r , tte., . BURNSIDE'S & THOMAS' LEATH - RR of all descriptions.— French Calf Skins, Sparkish. SJle ,Lea ther, Moroceoes, Sheep Skins, Linings, and everything ' the Leather line. i Warranted to give satisfactiOn. lIOE MAKER'S'. TOO LS .and kj Findings in all their vorieties:• S addlery, Buckles, Houk Bits , Spots;.ll,ing,s,: And. every thing a saddler wants in the manufacturing of harness , is to IT ' found at't • HARDWARE, • . nines, Spoons, coffee igins,.sh v. 18. Spades,. Hoes, Lattips;FLirks; • ChainF.,,te., at .;-,BUJ NSIDE'S .t THOMAS. :FISHING TACIiEL, Rods, Lines, Hooks, .„Vlies, Sea-Uair Baskets, (rig yotiVut to•eatch trout,) at • ; i.BURNSIDE'S'cr: THOMAS. .BA . SKET in all their variety, Children's ' Carriages, Willow-Ware, Pistols, Powder, Shot aqd. Caps, ' Car tridges, &o. Also, Toy& of all kinds, .nt .• . IsURNSIDE'S 4: THOMAS'. ENV PATTERNS of Oil Cloths. N reduced micas at • ' • ' .111J134 , TSIpE'S & THOMAS. IVOTIONSof all kinds, Stockings, ill • Gloves, Handkerchiefs; Combs, Pocket- books, in all' their variety, and very cheap. Turkey Prance, Raisins, Poaches,. Apples, ,Oranges, Lemons,all kinds of foreign Fruit. Hams, Bacon d; c. Canned Fruits, Peaches, Tomatoes, Pine Apples. Peas, in great vari ety. Barrett's 'Soap, Van pagan Keen's Olive Soap, Dobbins' Soap, Sep Oakely Soup, Old Castile, Palm Soap, Elderberry Soap, and a great variety of other soaps at .BURNSIDE'S d T :41AS. THE highest market price paid for all kinds of country produco by UItN6IDE . 4I; TROMAS. THE 'lamest and best stock of Boots and Shoes, - warranted to giro satisfaction, at reduced prices, only to be found at BtfItNSIDE'S S; -THOMAS' -SPICES of all varieties, ground to :order, and warranted to be strictly pure. it is the only idaCe you can find unadulter ated spices. • Try the'm for your own satisfac tion; -BUR SIDE it THOMAS. TTE , White Fish, • MaCk et6l, at Api.lo,liB. BURNSIDE'S THOMAS. I_IFURNSIDE & THOMAS offer to e . The public ono of the largest and best seleetcd:stocks of merchandise in Centre coun ty. Call, examine; and see for yourselves. DRY GOODS, GROG ERIES, CLOTHING, PROVI- SION S, &e., at NO. 5, 'BUSH'S ARCADE, BELLE,P):crE, PA My entire stock of Ladies' Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Cloth Clotliori. Gents' Goods, etc., etc., for cheapness and durability are not equalled in Centre connty.§ aprl C. DEM.. IOOK AGENTS, ) • Are in..eting with rare success in sell ing S:r S.W. Baker's Explorations and Adve ntures among the Nile tributaries of Abyssinia to whielt is now added an account of the Cap tivity and release of English subj.:cis, and the career of the late Emperor Theodore. Nu book is received among all classes of people Wi h such unbounded favor, or so fully combines thrilling interest with solid insruction. Agents, male and female. sell it rapidly. “An admirable record of scientific explora tion, geographical discovery, and personal ad venture."—N, Y. Tribune. "It L, issuedin a very attractive form, and is as entertaining as a rumauce."--Boston Journal Full particulars on applicati , 311 to 0. D. Caso & Co., Publishers, Hartford, Conn. 10 11i 4t GEORGE A. LOSE'S NEW LIVERY STABLE An entirely nee• stock of Horses, Carriages, Buggies, &c., for hire. Private families tar nished with safe horses and good carriages. The stock is entirely new and the best in Bellefonte. Enquire either at the Brockerholl Ilonse or at .the stable. Sint 1 MACKERAL, 'MU lINSTDE THOMAS BHIINSIDE'S &THOMAS': MISCELLANEOUS. LECTI9. TELEGRAN FIN CHINA. THE EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH COM. PANY'S OFFICE. ri) NJ Nu. 23 Ic 25 Nassau Street, !NeelYark Organized under special charter from the Slats of New York., I cur ITAL 6,000,000 $50,000 SHARES, $lOO EACH. DIRECTORS. lION. ANDREW G. CURTIN, Philadel phia. ,PAUL S, FORBES, of Russ. A: Co., China. FRED. BUTTERFIELD, of F. Butterfield Co., New York. ISAAC LIVERMORE, Trt :Ismer Michigan Central Railroad, Boston. ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Treasurer American Express Company, New York. LION. JAMES NOXON, Syracuse, N. Y. 0. 11. PALMER, Treasurer Western Union Teleftroph Company, Now York. FLETCHER WESTRAY, of Westray, Gibbs & Ilarcleastle, New York. .NICHOLAS MICNLES, New York, OFFICERS. A. G. CURTIN, President. N. MICELES. Vico President GEORGE CONANT, Secretary. • . GEORGE ELLIS (Cashier Natio/TA Mink Commonwealth,) Treasurer. HON. A. K. LfeCLURid, Philadelphia, So licitor. • • The Chinese Government having (through the lion. Anson Burlingame) conceded to this Company the privilege of connecting the groat seaports of the Empire by submarine electric telegraph :able, we propose commencing oper ations in China' and •laying down a line of nine hundred miles at once, between the fol lowing ports,. viz : • Population. , . . Canton - . 1,000,000 Macoa - - 60,000 Hong-Kong 0 50,000 Swatow 9 '00,000 . Amoy 250,000 Foo-Chow 1,250,000 Waii-Cho 300,000 N.ingpo ' 400,00.0 Haug Mean - 1;200,000 Shanghai 1,000,-063 Total 5,910,-600 Thee!, ports a .fortigu commerce of $900,000,000, and an enormous domestic trade,besides which we have the immense in ternal commeroe' of .the Empire, radiating from these points, through its canals and "nay.: igable rivers. ; The cable being laid, this Company propo res erecting land lines, and establishing a speedy and trustworthy weans lolcominunioa tion, which must conanAand . there, as every 'where else, and . of, social life, especially iu China. She has no postal. system, .and • her 'city means now of communicating interims on, is by enariers on land,. and by steamers On water. The-Western World 'knows that China is a very largo country, in the main densely peo pled; but fiya yet realize that she contains more than a third of the human race. The latest returns made / toher central authorities for tuxitig purposes by the local, magistrates make her, population lour Hundred and Fear -teen Millions, and this is more likely to be under than over the actual aggregate. Near; ly all of theseovhe aro over ten years old, nos only can but do read and write. Her civili zation is peculiar' but her literature is as ex tensive as that of ? Europe. China isa land of teachers and traders; and the latter aro ex ceedingly quick to avail themselves of every proffered facility for procuring. early informa tion. IC is observed in California that the Chinese make great use of the telegraph, though it there transmits messages in English alone. If the telegraph we propose, connect ing all their -rent seaports, wercrnow in ex istence, it is believed that its business would pay the cost within the next two years of its successful operation, and would steadily in crease thereafter. No enterprise commends itself as in a greater 'degree -remunerative to capitalizit% and to our whole people. It is of a vast 'la - Hone! importance -commercially, political;. , and evangelically. "0 - The stock of this Company has lictql unqualifiedly, recommended to capitalists and business men, as a desirable investment by editorial articles in the New'York Herald, Tribune,, World, Times, Post, Express ' Tajo-- pendent, and in the Philadelphia Nor tlt lean, Press,-Ledger, Incttirer, Age, Ball and Tole ,raph. Shares of this Company, to a limited nna, ber, may be obtained at $5O each, $lO pa) a ,ble down, $l5 on the, Ist of November,s2s payable in ninthly 'instalments of $2 „,, each, commeaeing December I, IS6S, oa ,Lp. plication to . • DREXEL & CO., 34 SOUTH , THIRD STRIA T, PHILADELPHIA Shares can be obtained in Bellefonte by ,p plication to W. B. Reynolds & Co., Bar who are authorized to receive subscription and can give all necessary information ou t subject. 9 25 'OS. BIBLES! ; No.. 0, containing six' plates, Psalins in Metre, Family It,. cord,. Gilt Back and Sides, ;:43 No. 11, containing ten plates, Apocrypha, Concordance, Psalms and Family Ito cord, No.ll, P., Same, Arranged for Photogra phs, • • .50 Same, with Photographs and Clast,.. aSlro. No. 12, containing twenty plates and same as No.ll, No. 1:3, containing same a No. 11, P Gilt Edges, Same, with Clasp and Gilt, No. 22, containing same as No. 13, Fin.. 7 5:) Same, Fine Morocco, full Gilt and Clasp,. J The subscriber has:also for.s.ale Bible: 01 better quality and higher prides. They 11 HARDING'S BIBLES, Binding Warranted, and aro far superi those gotten for the purpose to be hat: about thee, country, and sold at exturtiw prices. N0v.15;67-0 MERCANTILE. NEW TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE MANUFACTORY, • • Immediately opposite Bush's Building., on the west side of Spring Creek, • Bellefonte, Pa. - JOIN 11. LONEBERGER, formerly doing business in this line In street, has again okablishod a Tin and Iron Ware Manufactory, in the locality t,b,-.0 mentioned, where he is prepared to suppl.; to, public with every article davirable in it:J branch of the trade at Livisa Paulus. Ir. wares made of the bast materials. ROOFING AND SPOUTING will receive prompt attention, and at re able rates, and everything desired in th's will be promptly made to suit parties.' .70 - 01.0 IRON, COPPER, PEWTER A vt.. ltic:s, taken in c.? for manufactarr. articles. MARK TILE PLACE! NEAR NEW LOGAN FOUNDRY. Juno 19,'GSAy. .HEADQUARTERS FOR GEN TLEMEN'S FUBNISIIING G 001,) • z0.. , ,1,DT0 el:m.110ot Row. Anew .^..s.sertment of Gauze. Merino. Linen, rind Jean undershirts and drawers. IN eekt'e . and bows or every description. gloves, sl-p , n. dens collars, hats, caps, &c., by W. W. MONTGOMERY, 3IIIRCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. Agzlit for-tho celebrated Singer Sewing chine. 9 4't* t SOAP ! SOAP! “Itich 2, Croesns." Tremendous ex-: citement - Unprecedented rush for the Lew Cro::sus SOAP ! SOAP ! ! The washinz powers of this Soap are truly marvelous. No person who has ever tried t will do without it. Its reeommendations perfect PUP, ITV, utter HArtm LEsszr Ess nti wonderful EFFICIENCY'. Warretited to con tain more washing power to the dollar's worth than any olltar soap in the market—therefore the cheapest. Try it. Satisfaction gnantntee/:, if used according to directions, or money re . funded. Ask any grocer for it. Manntitetur,d only by HOC ii LEY & HALL. (aVESUS SOAP WORKS.) No. 443 York .A.venuo, [Oh York Road,] Nina I j W. CONI{,AD RESTAURANT. HARRY KLINE, PROPEIF:COR Fresh oysters, shell and tub—sold by the quart hundred or plate. Parties desiring oysters ca❑ rely upon these being fresh and nle., Oyst:nrs servM in every rei =1 IEB MI GEO. LIVINGSTON 1113 ly