THE NATIONAL. FRIDAY 2141141,g,3,34.q. iiroTic*ll On and af* i atano per will be issued frOM this Office; tenles s the subscription price ($2,00 per annum) be paisl in_attcance. No deviation from this hire will be made. We hope that parties knotting ;Kennels Tcirri:cpi& ,to il Come; J. I UTVIL prompt/y an pay Vp. receiv of..of puilstOseribgrs 'itg a pciiier un d ers land-thatilie , tinto.of tlicir,subscrip Von. s to this journal will expire in two weeks ang desirous of c9r4in , ating will renal two dotlars, the stil?seription,inice. JOB' WORK • • It is expected that parties ordering 'sob work will be prepared to ' : settle their bills on the delivery •of work. At the prices 2.0.- ling 71010 us the profit is small, being' constantly below any other office in tkissec tion.of the Slate. Cash is- : demanded, fur tlw. "1 7 010 9)ialcrial," -and We cannot • do otherwise than ;intimate to,:our patrons ,that they will consult, Ott convenience by acting upon this Md..: Weidon'tfcel. particularly. 'mercenary, but muler , the circumstances feel ourselves justiafible-in :iuggesting in this mild way the propriety of our .cmditors ren ckring;vnto eO2BO/* the things - .which -.are Ccesars. . _ , . Tim original poetry contributed by "Alethe" was received too late for an appearance-in this issue. It will be given in our next.. _ .• O ri Wedpsday : last the electors of PenmsylVania met at Hartisburg to cast the electoral vote of the 'State for Gen. Grant.' Their N i OtC will be sealed.,and transmitted to 'the Pres ident, of the Senate: ' : • . rljnosE of our readers who . have been pleased to , sing of the beauties of a; hardcurrency, geem . to - forget' that the object of their ,wiSbe'S is 'al most continually ; since a : great deal ofthe fractional cur, reney r afloat at present is such "bard" looking stuflas :should,: satisfy its• most.'extravagantadmirers-: rrnElttentionbfall.parties.intereg= ed is call edto the fad, that tO-morromi evening is the tine fixed upon, for compl2ting the reading room ~.or- (Yanizlitibil." This roe' wilt. .here - after be kr4ll as the Republican Reading Rootni, but will .be open - Wall. Good healthy 'reading matter will always be alnittdant, and all then; 'without regarc `.political_ preferences are respcctfufli invited. Sou : serious _talk .is indulged' iii' by the =hifineStmenr. of New 'York, concerning , thepropriety of sephya- , ting :by te'giSlaiide. the State of New YOrk,' froth New York city,. in the hope that by_such Means the city will be prevented from' 'over-balanc ing by its well known prOcess of. vO . ting early and often, the 'fait; and square majorities' of the State, If this be done, we.. Would beg leave to suggest, as an appropriate name fo r the city government, the- State of anarchy. . E HON. REVER.DY JOIINSOIC r .rl u spirit of flnnkeyism, by. whiel the American - 1 cople 11 1 ftVe too 'often distinguished themselves, • Las,. it seems, not entirely died.ont. 'W en the appointment of the I-lon. Rever- . cly Johnson, Of Maryland, as ARMS- , ter to England, Was'abnfirmed by the . Senate, was thought by Men Of 'all parties, that . his deservedly. great reputation as a lawyer, : and / his long •experience in statesmanship, Would prove a sullicient.guarantee,fbe the faithful and able reiiresentation : our-government, at.the court of St. James. Butt with many tiien there is fbund an inherent desire. to court the litvor of those in authority ; and a predisposition to yield to flattering attentions ; and this, too, at the ex-: pence of their own self=resped. .It was fondly hoped that Mr. Johnson's age, not less than his own prominent position ‘yould render him proo against the blandishments offiattery from whatever source they might • come. But it seems that his age has proved his weakness. The •dignita:' ries of the British Governthent fon dle and cajole him, while lie, forget ing the dignify Of his position, and the desires of the government he rep resents,- Yielded to the frailties of his nature, and ackloWledges by his ac tions that these attentions are soot]]-: ing to his vanity. Far be it from us to of ject to him receiving - kindly - any' well meant his shown hian, either for his own sake,oron account of the position which heals ;' but in common with . a _large Majority of our countrymen we see an impropri-' ety which is' quite evident; in his ranging himself cheek by jowl with Laird,the rebel ship builder; in his selecting his most intimate friends,- from the ranks of thoSe who durinc , our late struggle for national exist ence did all that their wealth and influence permitted, for the success of the rebellion and the diccourage meta of the friends of the Union ; and whose half-hearted acklowledge ments of our success had to be forc ed from them. We see but too plainly in his proposed settlement of the Alabama Claims, the success of the after dinner diplomacy of. those fine • old English gentleinen, in • the sunshine of whose smiles, Reverdy so much delights to bask. Ills course of conduct, has tabled to meet 'le approval of those who were in oriental in affecting his appoint and by no means gives satis act,‘A t o the.public which he rep : resents 'Van we.-hope that &Om amongst the " . )911y statesmen with which our comito ws i s bl esse d , a nd who possess abiliti&s o f ,the highest order, some one will :selected for the position which Mr. JOl,son new occupies, Who will prove rto the goverment, that sends him, - -. an d convince the aristocracy of EnglarKi that, a faithful - discharge of pnplic services is not in compatable with the dignity of manhood THE STATE OVARD With last Tuesday's issue Messrs. Forney and Kauffman, closes volcUme . one.of the Guard. The:firsto ear ? y , its existence is numbered with -the ;Bast .; and those gentlemen, in re viewing their achievements find good reason for rejoicing. Almost all newspaper enterprises meet with ; difficulties. in:their beginirg, - and the. duard was no exception to the gen eral rule. . Its ways were not al 'ways of pleaSmitness," nor could its .paths betermed .!fpaths :of peace." It encountered in. its very insipjency . . _ an OppOSitiOn thoroughly organized, and by no means non-combative ; and although their opposition has not been entirelyallayed, it has been foreed to acknowledge the success of .the Guard, WhoSe proprietors, haVe by their tireless energy; their un doubted abilities,.: and uniform straight forward course of ..conduct, won both fortheir journal and them- Olives, host of friends. With 'an un :favorablebeginning, they haVe made it a' financial' success, and not only so but is now 'the' acknowledged power in the land: They Make no war, for or against, any individual ; ,but by a dignified corirse, of action have . won flit. their journal the enviable title :of "a fearless advocate of Republican . principles." At.;the outstart. they aimed high. - They made . ' ef forts correspond. with' their aim ; andthe result is', a success unpreced ented in the history of journalism. Their original aim . is now a fact ac complished, and the "Guard is now and. we trust ever will be; knOin as . . "a stalivart•defe4ler of justice, and an : unflinching advocate of the right. Those of our people who wish to-fa miliarize themselves with tbe:doings - Of the Legislature during the Win ter, can do no better than become' constant readers of: the. &cite -Guctri:7. do AL.LThe s o • lushes us. with the 'followineactajn relation, :to,* Anthracite:Coal Trade: which...we publish as alnatter of inter-' est to - our . .readers taking 'in Con sideration the late advance in coal "The . season :is rapidly drawing '"to 'a close by the, Canals, j and the. "demand_ : is slacking eft . at. present, "owing to the extreme high prices, "caused by the Scranton. :Auction 'Sales of Oct. 28, in . New,. :York, "Whidi'iyas the'result of specifilation "on the part of those Who had..aoal "to . reeds:T. from, the Scranton COm- . "pany r . purchasing at' lower rates._ "Prices are now receding, and there "Will probably, be another . contest, iri " - Ijecember,. before wages can be, re "duced to meet the reductions on "coal. It seems strange to us that "the Scranton COMpany'Sbould have "had so large' aluantity 'of coal to "deliver on their sales previous' to "to. the sale in October as was repre . "rented. C * C C * "Under these Circumstances, we ."cannot understand - Why they should "be so far' behind hand in their de "liveries as represented: ' Can it be "possible that a 'ring' Was formed in "...New York to run up the prices !? "We should like to be enlightened 'on the • subject by • those Whir - are iposted•up. There is always' a ter:. 'rible outcry when the prices of coal 'are run up in Schuylkill • county 'Caused by a legitimate:demand; by 'the New York Press generally; but 'when the price was run itp •at the •New York Auction Sale ; totally un-: "Called for by the state ofthe tradei- . "and condemned by the producers - ' "generally, the. Press in.N6v York "appeared quite mum on the sub ject," Cars are still hard to..get, in eon tsetiktenee'ofwhich the gupplYis ital. Many of onr eitizens"shnllbeing tinable . as.yet, to get in their winter stock Winter 'is now at hand, and unless the RailroalConipany can be pre upon;to furniSh the lOcal deal onthe line of their road with the cars, consumers must adopt the. old method of heating their houses hy using wood and Snow Shoe . coal. We are informed however .by Messrs. Shortlidge & Co. that the nail road officials have promised' :to fuinishthem with cars, which we we trust will enable them to keep p the supply—at reduced prices. It is well known to our readers that the P.resident of Dickenson Sem inary has brought suit against the editor .of the rebel organ in this place for publishing a most. unwar rantable and uncalled fur article in defamation of that institution, some w‘eks since. No sensible man. will presume 'to say that Dr. Mitchell has net 'done exactly Tight in .:defending . its unimpeachable reputation.' The suit was to have been tried at the present sitting of court here. Dr. Mitchell with several witnesses, among them Benjamin B. Hamlin D. D., a director of the Seminary, were in consequence in attendance at court last week. The fact Of Rev. Mr. Mullin being subpnced as a witness, was the in stigation of another contemptible sling at that gentleman. While we do not censure that organ - for its wholesale political personal abuse, we do think that the liberty of the • press is certainly abused in thus be rating a gentleman and a christiad, whc has long been known to our citizens as a zealous and exemplary ambassador of Christ, and it is grati fying to know that Meek, instead of doing Mr. Hamlin any injury, only dr•iws upon himself the censure of the intelligent public. Guink;Anns.—The law requires guide boards to he placed at the forks of every road, and it is the duty of constables to re port to the Court cases where the law has not been complied with. When speaking of the law, a contemporary says it is a use ful provision, and beneficial to all classes of people. Nothing is more unpleasant than not to knotty which of two roads to! take, especially when a long distance from a place where inqt . dres can be made. Many .townships of this county. are entirely dpft ewittin this respect. We would respect fully call the attention of road Supervi sors to I he subject. THE NATIONAL, BELLEFONTE, PA., FRIDAY MOPt,NING, DECEMBER 4, 1868, PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 1.1868 DEAR SIR : The denth-of one of our,: firnal,.oc casiens 'ohaoges: buSitieSs, which will necessitate our immedi; ately-takiug, account of 'stoolc'. the.disposal ofonpentiree sUpPfk: of Fall and Winter Clothing. Of this immense quantity of ready-made goods,—the largest, most varied and cheapest ever offered to: the . ,public, you have i itready spoken readers through your excellent pa per, and many of yofir friends and neighbors have already visited_ nS• and can testify to, the . truth ,off ; all that been said.. Will you please. say to them now, that everYtliih4, that is in our Immense' -establish ment, thousands upon. thousands. of Coats, pants and vests'must.:be' sold, off any:price we can: get for theru,in.ordertthat the prop. er settlements:ofour.-; business may be made. Our necessity is their opportunity;: There is not an-article,•.the•prico of which shall: not be reducedi• and . rather than:miss sales we will let:the goods go at their :own pribes. —Add to'this the fact that shch ready;inade clothing, so beautiful, so 'durable and so well made, has never before been manufactured in Philadelphia; and all see that this is an opportuni ty, the like of which they may not find again in their whole life.• There is not a manor boy' in . your, County whom it would . 'not' pay to . s lay in s a stock, of clothing 'for the next ten years,, and' ,we will .cori,fi- . dently expect ;to sell' at least suit to every reApi:of your paper. ss The sale Will. cdninience on Friday, peceinber ;4th.' Abotit SevattY-five saleSMen will be einplOyed, so that any number of customers can. receive promp and polite attention. The store, will be Opened .early and, kept open: late, and nothing will be , allowed to stand in the way of the immediate cleaning :out. of our. whole,..stock. Please insert. the. enclosed: 'advertise ment. and, make any use. of this:letter that may serve: the interests. of your readers and:friends... •. .• • -, ; Yours,•,very respectfully,; ..•JQIIN WANAMAKER Wanamaker ,&,Brown,• •; . ` Oak .11a11 Clothing i.• Sixth and Market Sts: i Phila. While we sympathize wlth (Air friehds of irtthbilbss of one Of theliTyrdtie appreciate the 'opportunity that Is ate4-days'offered to our 'readers 'olseeili!: Inc" a bargain hT•elothi.ig which will - repay teh-fold a visit to the - city. We, the edithr.4 of this paper will: certainly . - riot lose - the chance, but will either gb . 'sbridfor• some thing itrom -Watiamakerli& BrOwn'k. advise you all to do the same thing, sure are we, that if you 'don't ibit 'will id' Bret it all ivinter: .• : It would not b6li'bid''idea for usl6 "en masse" • and . tot the eon* "dressed up " ; for once''—cheap for cash, and if aiiy carrhiot possibly go let . then' sell(' -their . orders . along o With iii; * and I.)' getting' such' a big jlot at- once, no' 'doubt Og . del,9gtioii . could' secure even' better terint' thaVi Will be current[litliether . we gtisiii,gl3i or together let us *go . . at once; . ..ibrfirst • conic' is .first ti: served 'and We*filrknoW what a rush there will be:Fhs' soon' as this amiuncenient is made public. • • "No customer ninit be . 'allowed to leave the store unsupplied." that is one of ibb 'order.4 given at Oak Hall for the • present crisis. Not that , - the saleSmeii- are to be rudely' importunate, or to 'overlier made. any one, but that 'suclipains shall be taken ; to' suit, and such accomodation made . On Prices. that all - ill, of their • own free accord, desire to buy. It is in many respe6ts unfortunate to have to interrupt the regular cnuzse of: their fall and winter bnSiness wideli was so briskand heavy; yet the' mis fortuneofthe death of a partner is iniavoi: dable,, mid 'Lone compensation which the . house will. .re'eeive for its present • ;s'acrific'e . of goodS. will be, many new, customers :who will ,be first brought to .Oak Hall,:by this opportunity of inning. a good trade. UNCLASSIFIED 8i NEW ADS THE CHURCH UNION., 71his paperinis been recently enlarged to Mammoth proportions. IT Is TILICLARGIIST LIGIOU .PAPBI7. IN THE WORLD.„Is the leading ; organ of the union movenient, 'and' opposes rit-' uatism; close communion, exclusiveness-.and. church caste. It is the only paper that publishes lIENav WARD BIiECIIER'S Sermons, which it' does every week, just as they are delivered,--, without .qualification or cbtrection by him..l.t advocats universal suffrage, a union of christians at the polls ; and the rights of labor. Rims, the ; best Agricultural Department orally . pallet' in the world; publishes steriestoftbe family, and' for the deStruction of social evils. Its editorial management is impersonal ; its writers and ed itors are from every branch of the church, and from everygrade of 'Society. It has been aptly termed the freest organ of thought in the world. Such a paper, offering premiums of Sewing MachineF,Dietionaries; Appleton's Cyclopedia, Pianos, Orr is for Churches, etc.; makes ono! of: the best'pli . ).rs fof canvassers in,the world. , Every Congration may obtain a - Cornifin irlori 'Service, :tin Organ. a -Melodeon: , n Bible; or a Life Insurance Policy for its Pastor. or al, must ally other needfulthing, by'a club' of sns svribers. • Paric: ; ',l?ot.o, Nem.York t...77P. S.—Subscriptions received at this office, IN .BANKRUPTCY: - Western District POnesyl vaida, SS. At Thiligfento,, the 18th: day. of November, A. . To. whom it may concern. The undOrsi•;Mid hert;bY gives no tiee of his appointtnent us ussignep of Gideon R. Wolf, in the county, of .Centrei and State ,of,Pennsylv ania, within said district-;who has been adjudged a ,bankriipt on his ,own petition by •he district cottrt of n 027 —lt W. 11. U RD; ORE.Assigneo. ESTRAY: . . Came to the' residence of the suWeriber, in. lialfumou, - on or about the ht of November; a lied Heifer; supposed to be two years old, with a piece out of the un der side of each car. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay eh:urges, and take her away, otherviise she will 'be dis. posed of according to law.. • no27'it SAMUEL SM IT IL GRE AT VARIETY of Boots xi_ and Shoes, Fats and Caps, at manufac turers prices. With an attractire i routu r cheap and desirable goods, attentive and polite clerlt, and a close attention to buainess, the under signed hope to receive Hai satin share' of your influence and patronage which was so kindly bestowed heretofore. STERNBERG d.• BRANCEIS. T 4 EATHER':—The best Buenos Ayres at :3 to 3.iets.-no cut up OrihOca— no heavy fletzhed Coliforniabut the real, gen uine. Buenos Ayres spaursh Sole at 33 to 35 cts. per b., to be hall at ABRAM SUSSMAN'S: • Iligh Street, Bellefrinte, Pa: Mar29'67 wANTED.—A situation as Salesman and I.looli keeper in a store or manufactory. Can furniih the very best testi mound. has been engaged in the mercantile usiness as salesman for twenty five years. nciure at this office. WANTED AGENTS.-MALE T , or Perna clear $5O per week at their own home, in a light and honorable business. Any person having a few hours daily to spend will_find this a good paying business. Address, sing two stamps, for full particu lars E. E. LOCKWOOD, 10 10 tit Detroit, Mich. E. C. HumEs, Pres't. I J. P. HARRIS, Cushier. FIRST NATIONAL. BANK OF • BELLEFONTE, PA. (LATE MIMES, 'MCALLISTER, EALE - .6:C0.) Particular attention given toile purchase anp sale of Government securities. W ANTED. Three First class b)ot and shoe makers can obtain as good wages as are paid in the State, and permanent work by calling upon 11-13-tt PETER MCMAHON. (ILS, PAINT, VARNISH, GLASS and PUTTY by F. S. WILSON. apl3 'ea NEV__•AIIy 7 ,E•ItTISII4NTS. ATALTTAIILE _-PRORTY AT •)„ ' - PITELIC SALE In'-pursuance of-',an lsrder tifqthe 'Coid) Of. Coinmon Pl4.siurCenfre county, tho under: dersigneti t. committee of Nicholas offer at Public-Saler at the Court House, in the _boroagh of Bellefonte, on-the 31st clay of December,,_ 1868, at 1 q'clpoktP: in., - the 'described property, to wit: All that - one-half ` lot of ground fronting - on' .6.llegbenyestreetrinithothoranglt onellefonte ilijo.irlingflet of (Z. 133._ _Untie bri ithe, Perry Alley ,on the west,.atilio4 nolils'on this siiiittr, inintluitinglni . eiftY:five feet front and running:. back mra:Kußdied feet . to Perry alley, and known, as lot No. 96 on the general plan of said borough, on which is erected a large three story' ' Brick Store ,and Dwelling Ho.use,,,t;- A large . TRAME.STABLE, which' can: readily her converted into u corn, modious ware room. This promty, altogether. •is one moat desirable besibess stands • - " in said bon:high. 'ALF..O,.A) lot' of . ground 'situate on Logan street, in. said borough; bounded ; .on tho.west. by lot of ;Nicholas Powers, on the, an iin'tim'abit 'by l'ot'of JiiiMs Kelley, crawl the north by Logan street,: being silty feet• in: front, on , said: street,-;and. extending. back two hundrucl feet. to. thealley,snd kimwn as' Lot . pltui - of, said I•bre'ugh., ALSO, Onelither let Vl' , g'iMind intsuid be •=' ough,'boutided by the tr.rierldls.:Grayie Yak& on the south, land of Edward Pruner, on the east and North , and'on 'the' west hY thestreet leading to tte'rrielid'a -. Grave ... Yard, Contaiii. ing abod. One. half acre, More ortless. TEnws. ESALI. 7 -One-half : -the : purchase money . to be paid. oa confirmation; . the residue in one 'year theroidfier; - with, inter est to be seelieed , l4 l l6cia and - rneitgaga ' on the' premises s i • S. T e i SILUGERT,' decl-td, „ „ Qom. of V., siltlbiab.. • ( T A RTU/ANS' COURT •SALR ,•,'' • •y By —Yhtue::of order, is sued out qt : tke. Orrhans' Court of Centro. Co„ there will be expe§ed to sale by pOlic !outqri, in the" towni orMilheim; on 's''' _ s , " • • • Saturday, Dee..p-A °Thick, p. in., thyfollowhg.dpderibed, REAL EBTATE late the estate of : Daniel:Musser) late df Penn. township, deceased, to wit No. I.—A let'or piece of gionnd 'marked on the plot or plan of building lots'llihr out along the tornplue.road,li'ading frO Milheiin • 'id Nittuny • in,lthe ,townshik of,Pqnn,. • iii•the county'' of Cilftri; 'and niarka No. 9,." and ; bounded •• Ad loWil at ir stone, thenee along lihet turnpike :roatlmOrth' 15 degrees west 4 1-2 perches to a stone,thence along lot . 10,.soutli 75 degrees, ,wet 10 .perehis to a stiie;*th6ded'ahnig an 15.. degrees, east 3 1-2 perches to a stone, thonce..along..aa. alley . north ,7P. r 3i4: degrees. east 10 perches to the heat of.heginaing con-. taming 40 perAes.'ne'it nidaitikii. on which • • 11. • :•ereeted arena! tind a Inlf 'etcity_ dwelling- house, with the ne i•;,Ws9 ' cessury out-buildings. . • . No. 2.—A lot Or, niccepf-ground situate •in Penh township, — areresaid; bounded and da Peginifing- ;World, ,thenc'e,:by lands ::of Thomas . thitherman.uprth I.s,.degrees,iwest 03 1.9 two: perches to thence a stnin, enceby- land of Foster ; .and Musser south 72 1-4 degrees .west 10 perches to a stone, thenee raniForl Philip' High south 15. degrees: east 05 . perches !to stones, thence by land of north' 64 degrees • east 10 S-10tlis perches to the place of beginning, eontaifiiiig five * acres and 15t' porches, strict, measure. "Sale_to nom , - mence at 1 o'clock of said day, when.: the terms and conditions of sale will he made known. CHRISTIAN MUSSVR, '•"' n0273t , A dtniniber of Dan Musser. (Weir' ORPHANS' COURT 'SALE. By virtue of an ordiir issued out of the: Orphans! • Court, in' and foi thd County of Centre, there will be exposed to sale, by public outcry, on ; the premises,.-,in Potter township, oa . . SATUI{DAY i DEC.I9;-1 o'ClOtk P. M.,: the followitig described • hi REAL ESTATE, Tho .pso.perty. of ..iMj9l lB .:£.ll 1 1 1:41Yes,Llate. of 'Potter township. doceased, to wit: . A - ceetain Messuage* aria tritct • of lanCiital" ittedlin said township, bounded-and - I described ,aajollows,:tuimtit; On;the!:eatt7by land of David Sitireo; , ..On the . . southwest by lands,,ofo Michael Reciter, anti:coritlie.noithwes:t by, the .road leading 'ft Om the'4urnpilfe to acori•e's * Va, ley,eduttlining inorbi'or • less; 'having thereon erected..a, gpo,d,. t 59,, storied in frae clivelling, house,, t ()tier nicessary"aut-builtlinis. u. TERMS:Tr SALit One- third thepurebase money.,on the con tir inn Lion, palei,ono-third tb.ereptin one year, tliereaft.ei, and one third on the-death, of tlie.vgidow Of Siiid'lfichdf . 114ei, j 41,t'C'eased; -the tiro lattei 'payrtients ifs betir'intereseiUnd' be'. secured by bond and mortgage on,•:the premises. IIENILY OSAIAN, :I: P. GEP ILEA RT; (3:4. • ' ORPHAN'S Pgria SALE.: BYrirtec , Of nn 'Order Of the OrPhans' Court of Centre !county, • wilt ilie'lexpesed to public sale: otr,,tir prentises,at., ; Sbingleteten; heariloalsburg, Pa„ „!.. ON SATURDAY,''NOVEMHEH - 15i,68; at' 10. o'clock, A.. M., the folloWing Ileserib r ed 'real'estate A certain„messuage, tenement; or.traet Of Situate in Harris township,. Centre eintittv,• Penn'a.;''beunded de scribed as follows: Oh the eak , by•NieholUs Strong, on the north ; , by : lands of Oliver. Campbell,''''on the west by, landa of Jacob :Musser's' heirs, '4ind `iin by..Nittany, mountain, containing!: abotitSeverateen acres, on which is erected a.two-story , frame house', frUme stable and other outbuildings . TERMS '6I..?"SA-LE.-Oue . third. con-- firmation of:sale by , the:Court ;- .one-third One year thereafter, : with .-interest, 'tun/. the. balance at death of the, widow, with f iptcrest,! payable linn'tially during-her life, the last tenements to, be seettild by Bond' and Hied gape. OILO. W. Guardian 'of Ana:: Fo'x and Lawrence Pot. • 10 30 3t:! , ' . • ; IENTRE, COUNTY - TEACih tli.S' - &SIITAITkL-Tlie anituult'ourttY Inititirto will !be held tit:Unionville, entiiniene,;. tag on MONDAY. Dec... 28; Anil. closing , on Friday evemit,g,. Jon. 1. ,: i l'eachers and ethers iu atteit4tineli will be acceinfitadafed 'at eent's per . day. Free'retarn •tickets will be givan- td those wile pay MI fro in coming to the' Institute: • The Jaw instincts directors to allow teach ers; for the thee they are in altendance, at the. Instiinte, anil'connt itthe Same' as' 'teachini; but wneth'enldireeters alloW. the time - or not, it is the duty of all teachers to be present. (See iP,CTJu'a• Sell col Journal, May, 1867.), Diree 'tore, parents and friends of - &Ideation goner.. 'ally, 'are inVitcd to meet with us. By crclet' of.: • ExE CLITIVE COMMITTEE. dec.l.-tf : : ROPOSAL. ' 2 " " .Proposalsr. for the bolding of n.STONE CHURCH for the Spring Creek Congregation, near the. cite of: the. present Spring Creek Presbyterian'ClifirA' in Harris township. will be received up to the 15th inst. For plans and , specificAtiensi , op.ply.te : . REV. MR.-HAMILL, dpes St* Committee., TURNPIKE -NOTICE. , ::* _a. An election for officers of the Bald Eagle and Nittany Valley Turnpike company, ‘Vill be'held at the Office Of Ilfm, P. NY , lson r esti., in Bellefonte, on Monday, the 28th day of December, 1868,-for the election; of President, Managers, Treasurer, and. Sec retary. to servo for the ensuing year. or until other.:t are chosen . clec4-3t° JNO.,IRWIN, Pres't CAUTION.' • ' Whereas my wife ll•trriet Williams has left my bed and board • without" cause, I hereby give notice to all parsons •not to harbor or trust her on my account, as I will not pay or be liable forany debts contracted by her, . WILSON WILLIAMS. Milesburg; Dec. 4,.3.* ESTRAY Came to the residence of Jacob Eckley, in Houston township, . about the first of August last, a Red Heifer, about one year old last spring, marked with slit in both:ears. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away, otherwise she will ho disposed of according to law. n027.3t . UNAWAY 'Notice le hereby given to'all 'persons not to trust H. 0. Smith. a lad aged 16, who ran away from - Unionville, on the 17th ult. Clinton Itepubliean please copy and Fend bill to "Na [ll-6 at] REN.T. RICH. " • 9.0 - A - 3 4 e n I„ e a P. 4 ' • • r; l),. - - : -, t •-• `, .. .;. ," : ' n , .... 1; , , a l e • t •,. if } ;: - .1 , -;" :'),; .: I "IC! t i ifl...;:i! .ll:ii_ )1r....: - .. `A -- il , : di,:i, ~, .. , t . ~ . ~,;. 1 (01_ 1 T IL ' ' ki '.;. - 1111 = ~;_;;-~ . . - 'Owing to changes that have.taken place in our firm by reason of the death of One. of • the members;'it has liee6tne absblittely necessary to•Sellout'onr entire stock or '. • FALL .WINTEIR7' GLO TWIST G "-. ; . . Rather than send any portion ot'it to Auction, we will offer it to - tbe'ppople at . . Pr peso Below - tke Cogi of Maaufae- • And rrear out our entire EstaTiliniiierit:ecun - . . . . . • . `:im..4 • =1 • • I,f By, letting,the goncrs,gc9.t such ,rates as will satisfy any reaonuahln pup.chagnyti . . . • • Our. immense house is. fairly loaded -with CARMINE or HOW DESCRIPTION. suit' zi p -zvit7Z.,tite Of the' vei'y ~llcctez;icz s; INIMMEEM NM „i. oalimmim KUM ' '.. - . . ~t• ,_• •AI ... ; , i •, ;:i;n•i..::i. .....z... , ,t,..0;... , .•,::: :..;••: ~:.,_, i .i 3,000 QVERuma. p, =ape. in most .fashionable-sty,les;.• of all kinds of Beavers, . ::•••• • • •••• - •- • Chinchillas', Incots, &c.. • _ . , "• - ;••, . • ..• r• 'l-ii••,•!• . , .• ..t.ii ~i i ~ • I';. , i ;••••• ' i ir)i ; 3,000.,W1T5; Coats, I?aots 4nd Vestof the same material, Business, Dress, Tray '. •• • :' - clin. "Indespensil4e7'.. Suits, &c. . i •'-gu ..i.: •• -:, ' - ''•' '• -'''. "' ,• i 1,!,, i••. 1 ±.2 . l• • . 'S,OOO' . 'COAVS,' Cli6seerffelds 'and Sfi.6; Morning and Lounging :Colilsßlikk. and s'i a- • • " --- DiesS Cdats - &e.'"" - - - ' " 6 . ,009 PAIR§ PARTALOANS,;of l all materials, and cut mr - eycry approve( " " • - ,style, NIUTOW. arid,-Nobby,ThfitrOnilebinfata.l)ld. „629,00 VESTS, VelvetiVeSiViruncy'Caisiirtere Vests, Cloth -Vests, double .or - §itt4 gle breasted, high or low editt4 l „.. MEI -:ST:0"; . .. • .., . . .- .ilei6"ivdtlifii - W'a•lat'gd,a§ortme*Eit of Pelee Goads that must be, disposed al pf:-..0 . do whiolr - we propose to make fo'r a Few Days to order Mini - Meristire, in . our very lest style—making a' ~ ' • . . , DEDUCTION Cash: . Otdem c,lg . tiliing as good•in :point of Style;:"intitez al t fit and finish, as- - ' hA "41. Pay. merehant,tailfotitig IBM . . -itouth& i ar t Childreti?s-Deixit;4ont ..This department ha's leen 4spetialty bad manufao: Lured the; latzest:an4 best. assortuient of Boys Clothing .to be colind hi: the 'city, all of whielliis :now fon ip.le at, kreatly, Be laced Prices:: •,...;.. : .• _ . .; • is . . • , .• • • A Rare ' . .Cliailltee Itilit:ont.the Children. =ILI ~:... •.„.•. A r , • t '•;• • 1• • lioui hind Weal'—Clerical Garmerits--fulhlregs' -I>lack,ClQtL,•Civereoats; ;Black Clot i and Doeskin Pants . „ GENTS' -FURNIS4ING,.pEPARTMENT; Any 'e'ustomer purchasing an 'article sot fltitliing;'ll. be,allowed m-deductionn of 'lttrehlyf - • • permit on any additional puraiiise niltde in this department. HANDKEKCHIEFS; , SHIRTSc OVERCOATS, HOSIERY,. &o. ,COkIVIENCES Tues a ~ I eeem er • • 1 .:•.;: , .,, early and closed late. About salesmen will at2ndanc?. . Prop(.a4,lsl polite attention will be given to all toinei• iv ill be . unsupplied, if any reaL ,sonable Accommodation Of Price 11•1 REIVIEDIBER Ist [t is: the largest .and best-stock in this City. must all be SDld. NOW. prices . bel(sw even the owest cu rent. rates. sth. The , goods' . are so elegant and the can be fitted. • iniceS so low, that it willpay . you-to ltiy in a stook of 'Cloth- lg . fOr -the next few '..years: - That you may never another such.chalice' Our Necessity is, your Opportunity. wANAMAKER & BROWN, S.. E., Coriaer Siiih and Market Streets, ; TIMM hiring. =I .CONIPRISILVG, IN LTHE. atalA t pg' Eez.,= ImazamV4,2 IM MENT. Of FEB PER hi the Black, Cloth and.eassmare.Coats; Welt Vests IN TIIE induce. him to buy, Ing THESE. PQINTS. 4th. That whatever size or-shaperyou ;+ - ~ 1!S of - BEE =1 rali2ll v 3,a.. ~ ENE -rr MBE EN .:i 1 , '\t .a :t =EI 3 DEPART ~:~ „t ..~'i? MEI CENT ON s: .~ ~ i, ~.~.^ ', i.. 1 , i .! . `, .1.. ',_ '.., c MEI , -41 NEN . i EEO PHILADELPHIA. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. ch it ( 4 ,1 0 C) . *.1.- ! . .' i i -7•.": LI ,. ti C) • 0 Ctn 51 ,' • . . , 1-3 1 .. . I. g : .o P.I -tT bJ J. . : ! 7 ; . 0: 3 " • ..-. • b i t X ; H t al . ' H • l.‘ 02 ti 0 tA /*, r• t 4 Cf) C/2 sj, t 4 ri 14 1-3 0 ..H . tiri • pe al 1-g :- 1 . 1 • rj,,.:OD so• - ' ' ••• 'e - cl . ) • - 1-'4 - - I - 1 ' ' Pl' • - • , t:, b t •--,i , on, , i .. , . . ME y n :i... FMB 11•11 .., ril , ~., ;•;:t 0 t :•-• ' • , .., .!" E-1 . 1. .. 3 b. . , I d ej • 0 -• 'li • 0. d,o' , ti) - p , o •:::., CL3 )-I o, '- A -UD . • P,`.4' -r• . • g ---4 H. CP •?.. , ..- 14 -'l , C . , . O• ~.2 , • ' $,) --.: • E -4 .•;,-. - 1., 1. :. G.) p. c .. .1. - ! • . - z ,r., . ... - PI !-..(:z -, 5 , - --- 1P g g ..,;,•.! ...AIN., p. -I ed : - u2 - .• cs2J. i -.tio: ~ r., 1I V '07 4 •,. v''Ct. ~. .Q. I • : • ..• •4 (1), ~‘. t . ! ) ..P - i l/ . ..g ~ 9 , :-- W.. , -. ca? ...• ~: :Lial.ten — :,:.,C-0.; - .. H rn r.Li • • el Z•• g o ... : " ~...,.,,,..-. 0. t% p........_ ~ 14 4 . 3 ,11 .._ i CO U/ r•-• ••4-+ ''. P ri ..• 't ; ' ',s' 12 Li ; f.:f.i f ~.. i i .1 ,.. N ~ - . ,p.;•- " . , ' - toARDING . R SCHOOL FO , YpIENG.LADIES. HOLLIDAYSBURG SEMINARY Hey. JOSEPH WAUGH,A. M.; Pm:ref PA t. :t. 'CARL F. KOLBE; Prof: .illm.zie, French and German. _ . . . . 1 Competent Assistants in other Depar meats. None but experienced and..snecessful teach ers are einployetliCilhis , .The situation beautiful and healthful and. COURSE OF STUDY T 110110,1.1011. All •.The BUILDING is one of the finest in the country ; near the various churches ; supplied with Gas. Water,,,Path Rooms, Wardrobes, ILack, all home comfo'rt's. Next SeYs.ioiii bikes 4inuary 13th, 1569. 11 13 sm. BOALSBURG •ACADYZIY. ai • rrB 4 OASBUP , G, CENTRE. CO., TENN'A The Winter Session of this Institution will cominenmx,onilVionday, Win. 2d,:186 . 6*, and con sists of two terms of ten weeks each, exclusive of atacation of two weeks during the Hollidays. Male and Female pupils received atlitted far th:, higher seminaries of learning, or the active business of life.. „, •.,. • .- !Rates of Tuition from 5r,.00 to 57:00 per t6rm. Fuel, 50 cents per term. Pupils charged from the tone of ankring tilt the eitclot•thc;t3rne, e,- 'dept id cases of sickness, or by special agree- Ment:!Boai'd in privatifrom.s'.3.oo to :53.25 week. • • ' • ' For further particulars address the principal. . 10 10 It - MITANY VALLEY INSTITUTE . JAcgsogviti:E;Vtgilt - E CO. ..• This Institution will open for the admis sion of students fur a term of twenty weeks, on the 4th day of November, ISCS. . Superior ; facilities afforded. Foraddress any. of the undersigned at Walker P. 0., Certre county, Pa. ; 'Prof. S. M. OTTO;• Dr. J. RHOADS, ' 7 . Rey. J. K, MILLS, 'VI 30 3t It - a. , " D. ' AIRY VIEW ACADEMY 'FOR MALE - A L 0 FEMALE 'PUPILS, Near the P[4y4ille station Of -the-Penn'ttil: 'in Juniata county. 'Winter session coin . mences Nov. 1, 1868. All the-branches Ora first rate education thoroughly taught. and the ut most care taken to promote the comfort and im- Provementof tho • DiftWing and *Painting Department' tuidee the care of Prof.; C: F. • Kalbe,and Miss A. L. Elliott. Send for circular. Address ' DAVID WILSON, Principal. •' , ~ .A.- J ., P ATTERSON, co-Prin. ,13 Ts. ; Port Royal'E.O.Juniata Cot7Pli THE EDEN SCHOOL. . This Institution , situated . in. Union ville, on the Tyrone 'and Lock Raven Branch lroed closes its Summer S2sAon the 24th of Oeltiber: The Winter Session commences the 16th of November. .. Good Board and accommodations furnished students at $.7. 1 10 per ' eek.., Tetras of Tuition per term of twenty weeks, $14.00. -- For Further particulars address, WICKEItSIIAnt . 10 16 4t • Fleming. Centre Co2Pri. Ist. - BOOTS 4 . SHOES. NELAN. J. NICICERSION. WESLEY a. IfOSELEY. NICKERBON & MOSELEY . Manufacturers and Wholesale'Dealers in Boots: . and. Shoes 2" NO. 935 MARKET STREET, • NO. 435 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA. -A, large amount of City Made Work constantly.on hand. - . . • OrdFrs from Conntry Merchants respect -10 30 1y ' AUSTIN CURTIN..:. . „. 'PETER 31c.111AIION, Guarantees to give entire stitisfaation in the 'BOOT AND.-SHOE- P.U.SIVESS. Employing none . 1474 the very BEST WORKMEN: re feels safe in requesting every one who wishes a neat fitting bootor shoe, at a reasonablerriee to give him a call, at the northeast corner of the d niamen. • • ' ATTENTION; PONDER, - 2d. It Before ordering your S'ommer B 0 SILGES The only exclusive boot and: shoo manufac turing :hop in Bellefonte. • I would respectfully invite your consideration to the general satisfaction which . in every cme follows my'yni2y. reasonable and neat fits guaranteed. •J WIN P.OW4aS. .5 8 Allegheny St., Bellefonte, =MEE • - • - • • , ADIES' GAITERS' qhildkan's, Shoes•ftnlrSiitictsA's_ r ;:ho tekp..pici,sl;2 114‘. t9Jhe sttidklif . ~011 Apr.26;67'" T J ATESTSTYLE BALMOrtAL' Mu and ip Skirts, - Hosiery, kid and Cotton Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, rid all kinds of trimmings, for solo by STERNUM S. BRANDEIS. - EDUCATIONAL- PATENT MEDICINES. D R : TAYLOR'S ~ OLIVE BRANcII BITTERS. - . A MIANGLLEADD BRAE B TONIC STIMULANT, STOMACH IC AND CARMINATIVE BIT TEM, EXTRACTED ENTIRELY FROM' HERBS AND ROOTS. HIGHLY BENEFICIAL IN DYS PEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY AND LOSS OF APPETITE ; AND AN EXCELLENT CORRECTIVE FOR PERSONS SUFFERING FROM DISORDERS OF THE BOWELS, FLATULENCE, S:C.' SOLD EVERT WIIERE. Depot, No, 413 Market Street, Philadelphia. T. TA'S:L94J: CO 100 CO ly gd. cGUIRE'S SPANISIIIIAIR DRESSER ! For promoting the growth, beautifying the hair, and rendering it d ;tic and glossy. No other compound "possesees 'the peculiar pro perties which so exactly suit the'various con ditions of .tho human hair. The use of this oil es . , a hairdresser , has been universal in every 'iectinn of the country in the Spanish Plain for centuries. Tho oil is highly and delicately crfutned, forming an article un rivaled in excellence.: McG LURE'S: MEXI CAN WILD FLOWERS SHAMPOO LOTION. For removing dandruff and scruff from the head, whitening and perfuming the skin.. This valuable lotion was used by the Emperor and the Empress Carlotta, of Mexico, and universally used by Mexicans fur three hundred years. McGuire's - WILD FLOWERS FOR THE TEETH. All those who aro in favor of. while teeth and a pleasant -and perfumed breath, should. it once use this for the Teeth. All these pre n;irations are put up in. , the most elegant and ornamental manner. The handsomest present that can be made 'to either lady orlentfeinan fur the toilet table. McGUIRE'S INSTANTANEOUS HA RESTO RE • Will.restore gray hair to a beautiful black or brown. Warranted satisfactory or money. re- Tuaded: • Dealers Will bear this in mind. , Sold by all respectable Druggists in the a: r and CanadaS; AddresS orders tu" RICH4RDMcG HIRE,. . . , Depot and Manufactery, in • 63 N. 2d St. Philadelphia, NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER SCIIEETZ'S CELEBRATED Cordial.. This medical preparation is now offered to the a reliable substitute for the many worthless conipoundi' which now flood the market. It is purely. vegetable, composed of herbs, and selected with the utmost care. It is tot recommended as a 'pima ALL, but by its direct and : salutarv: influened upon the Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, Stomach and Bowels.. ,it acts both as a prevention • and a cure for many,of the diseases to which those organs are subject. It can be taken by either infant or adult with the same beneficial re sults. It is a certain remedy for Diarrhoea, DysentarY, bowel Complaint, Dyspe pole, Lowness tif Spirits, Paintings, Sick Headache, lc, For Chills and Fever, it is fur better and saki• than quinine,' without any of its per nicious effects. It creates an appetite, proves i)owerful digester of food, and will counter act the effects of liquor in a few moments. Prepared by JACOB SCHEETZ, Sole Pro prietor, N. IV. Corner sth and Race Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. SOLD BY ALL•DRUG gisys. 11 13 . 1 y jw. MISCELLANEOUS. ~.T , ...,,.,v...,.,. N E~'9" BOOP STOPE WHOLESALE .ti RETAIL BOOKS; STATIONARY, NEWS EMPORIUM. JACOB •D. MILLER, has purchased the Look, Stationary and News 'Establishment of Ringo° & L'rother,. on Alleghany street, near the Diamond, to which he has just added a large invoice of goods such as is genera Ily kept in a well conducted Book and Stationary store. IlisKttock con sists of THEOLOGICAL, .LAW, , MEDI. CAL, MISCELLANEOUS, SUNDAY scHaoL, and SCHOOL BOOKS Blank, Time, and pass Books, Diaries. Every grade and price of Cap, Legal, Bill, Letter and Note Paper' . • Fine Fruch paper, envelopes of every discription and price, pens, ink's, transparent and common slates, pencils, &c., S c. • • DA I LY:A. WEEKLY P A P.ll Rq , MAD A • ZENE3 AND SIIt:EC3 MUSTC. ".:A large supply of Legal and Justices, blank constantly on hand. U. S. INTERNAL' RENENUE STAMPS. He is alsn agent for . Loch man's culebratu WRITINGTLUIp3 Country inerehants would do well to exam - ins his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I can sell at maeufaeturers price?. BOOKS GOT TO ORDER W TIEN DESIRED. • • Augly S - • • WHO DIDIT.? SPRY . • OWE , 210.RGAN AND TREY DID' IT JUST RIGIIT ' They believe that whatever is worth doing a all is worth cluing well. ~ ‘1. 1 ”1 upon•tihs, prin ciple they have Opened 11. FIRST-CLASS MEAT .MARKET; In Mrs. Irvin's store room on the north side or theylinmond, and two doors north :or Alle gheny Wept. They will slaughter good cattle every clay, and will therefore have. constantly on hands good fresh moat of every description. They will also keep for the accommodation of customers chickens, eggs, ,butter, Whenever {he people want something real gooil-:-a little extra nice, let them call at CLINE MORGAN'S 'CITY MEAT MARKET 9 18'68 628 HOOP SKIRTS 628 AND CORSETS, CORSETS, CORSETS • W3l. T. 'HOPKINS, NO. 628 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Manufacturer of the celebrated "CHAM PION" Hoop Skirts for Ladies, Misses, and Children. The largest assortment,- and best ,quality and styles in the American Market. Every lady should try, them, as they recent. mend themselves by wearing longer, retain. ,ing their shape much better, being lighter' 'and mote elastic than all others—warranted in every respect, and sold at very low prices. Ask for Hopkins' "Champion" Skirt. Superior Hand-made Whale-Bone Corsets in Fifteen different grades, including the "rm. Pgrial" and Thompson • ,S; Langclon's "Glove F s itling". Corsets, ranging in price from SI -Cents tc,' ; together with Joseph Beckels celebrated French woven Corsets. superior 'shapes and quality, ten different grades, from $l.lO to $5.50. They are the finest and best goods for the prices, ever imported. The -Trade supplied with Hoop Skirts and Corsets at the Lowest rates. Those visiting the city should not fail to calf and examine our goods and prices. us we defy all competition. THE HOUSEHOLD GAS MA cHINE. . . . ~ For supplying Dwellings, Stores, Factories, Cliniches . and Public Buildings with' Gus I GENERATES vAs.7wrrnour- FIRE OR BEAT I The •S'iinolicitrand 'en.s by which this Ma ichinals managed, as also its economy and great anerit,tecommends it to. puhlie favor. , Call and, S ep =aline iM6paration MAIM stor e ! •' ' • ...411anufacturen and solo amid . ; • DAVID J ONNS, Tin Farnishiag Stot e, 733 Green Street, Phil'a. 11.7 - Sond for 'lllustrated Circular. 10 9 3111* 111Z11 AND ALSO DID IT DRY GOODS & GROCERIES ATTENTION ! MONEY AND TIME SAVED ! By going direct to HOWELL. GILLILAND & CO 1 & 2 BUSH'S ARCADE, BELLEFONTE, PA To purchase everything In the line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, • • GROCERIES, QUEENS'S% ARE, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, &C., &C. "Our 'stock, is without doubt, and we Chal lenge denial, the largest ever opened in Belle fonte. Our DOUBLE STORE Is literally packed full of the finest and Cheapest articles in our line that can be obtained in the eastern markets. In Ladies' Furs, We arc ahead of any merchant in the County Although our stock heretofore has been large, the present completely eclipses anything ever before attempted in this section.. An. examination will prove the truth of our assertions. Remember the Place I HOWELL, GILLILAND ,t CO. 941 y , - • Bush's Arcade GEO.. W. FAIRER & CO. Ho. 4. Bush's Arcade. Etas just received the largest stock of F It 8 Ever brought to Centre county. Their stock comprises some of the best material in the New York and Philadelphia Markets, and ranges in prices from $4.00 to $125 PER SETT. Not only in the Fur. Line does Mr. Fairer excel other establishments in the County,tutin Zephyrs, Saxony Wool, Germantown Wool, Cashmere Yarns, Factory Yarns, Shetland Wool, Zephyr and Paper Patterns. In the Ho siery Line, we can supply Ladies', Gent's and Misses' Hose, Insertings and Edgings. Also, Ladies, Gent's and Misses' knit Pants and Vests Paper Collars and Culls, Scarfs, Buckskin, Fancy and plainer styles of Gloves. Also, Cambric Buntings, Black and Fancy Silks, Repp, Poplins, French Metinos, Wool Delaines, Calicos, etc,, etc., etc. LADIES" FURNISHING GOODS Embracing a fine assortment Of 'Patent Breast Protectors, Chignons,Bair Plaits, Cot ds and Tassels, Hoop Skirts„ ind the best assortment of • LADIES' . & MISSES SHOES To be found In iyilerpnte t . Also a tine assort- meet of Ladies'. Fall. and Winter Hats and 'Feathers. Also a large assortment of • Black Alpacas, Fancy Plaid:Cash ' mere, Stamped Aprons,Knit Sacks, Fur Hoods, Worhing - • Canvass, Black and Col ored Velvets. Bonnet • • Ribbon. And every thing kept in the FANCY LINE. FANCY DOLLS IN ABUNDANCE fl Desirous of Selling our entire stork of Gent's Clothing we will sell it ott2o per cent Below Cost. GREAT BARGAINS IN CL 0 HING Arenow offerc4 at a. W. FAIRER & CO. THE LATEST RETURNS THOMAS HOLAHAN of Milestmrg. would respectfully invite the at tention of I•is fri•:nds to the Net that he has parchns.•d the handsome store of William J. Cooke, and has just replenished it with a fine stock of new ;nods which he is prepared to dispose of on cash terms at the most bon crab:a prices: With a reasonable share of public patronage we hope to make this estab lishment compare favorably with the best in the eount::-, and will undertake to furnish all kinds of - DRY GOODS, • • G R OC BR HAR DW ARE, Q EGNSWARE, BOOTS 1.; SHOES, FLOUR, FEED,• &C., As low us they can be purchased elsewhere. All are invited to call and examine our stock, while they are left perfee ly free to purchase where they'eun do best. 11 13 tt* THOMAS !lOLA HAN. G RAND ST., CIIEAP STORE. Edward Ridley, Importer anti Jobber of BONNETS, FLOWERS, LACES, SILK R BONS. EMBROIDERIES TRIMMINGS ' VELVETS, HOSIERY, Straw Goods of Every De- s6riptioil YANKEE NOTIONS, Knitted and Woven Worsted Goods, .te.. Nos: 309, 311, and 311 1-2 GRAND St., and Gli, US and 70 Allen Street, • 11-6-31 u NEW YORK CITY. SUGDEN & BRADBIJRY, ;(Late with tor.] &Taylor,) • At their new unit elegant establibliruent Nos. 312 and 314 BOWERY, Nearleecker Street. Are constantly receiving the most approved styles an 1 qualities of seasonable DRY COODS, ctlsis.ling, of Silks, Shawls, Dress Goods,- Cloaks, Fancy Goods, Lace Curtains, &c. Which they are offering at prices ungiles iionably MICR LOWER MAN . ANY OTHER FIRST CLASS HOUSE, • 11-fi.itat BURNS cC SMUCKER, WIIOLESALE GROCERS AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS NO. 605, MARTiET ST., PHILA. J. Morris Borns, of B. S. Janney, Jr., ,L Co. S. Smucker, of S. Smucker, Jr. Jr. Co. 11-n tf KyRE LAN DELL, FOURTH A; ARCH STS., PHILADELPHIA Good Black SILKS, Good Colored SILKS. n6B. 832 FALL GOODS OPENING. FANCY AND STAPLE Lyons Silk Vel vets, New Style Shawl , , Nett• Dress Goods, Good Blankets, Table Linens, Sli,,etings and Shillings, Cloihs and Cassintert•a N. H. .New Guedi received daily in large. ots for Jobbing. EVIU .f: LANDET.T., -ith 4: Arch, Philitlelphin 10 1' fit jw GROCERIES, such as Sugars, Syrups, Laq,ura and Rio Cufrdas, Ric„, Tobacco, Spice, Impuriul, Yvung Ilyson, and Oolour , Tta, for sale by • STERNBERG BRANDIIIS. WEENS, GLASS and A. sTRRNBEno 1:4 1 ISII, SALT AND 13 A C ON allay fur sale. A. STERN K} 1 ((4 4 . Z . 1 - 00 A AIONTIL —MALM OR FE %) • male Agent.: wautoil. E. E. I.Ol`K WOOO, U MAN' $5O ii:vestyd -kinds of glain front furtnerallnure'ettllstL c(o)funzt;,l ,000 tt,`:. be Call at the storo of A. STERNBIARO. Aug.9,'67