y'' i ?ii ~. i;;5 IMEZ i fe t pl.!' -•)';:'.., , *, , r c ,l • t,t' t' eV - '•.' S' . 1 , : , , kt;',4 , , Ihi .. ,::7-... , ,: J -„ 1 :11, • ' i",,.. -•i.- - ;Is orni TEE Democratic Journalists gen erally, seem to.havegonn.out of the Ts:.• name of the TVatchman maw is INfeel, - but ricdoe - s- ot follo~c from thjsthatbeisat,,all - _despondent . at. the result of the. election. How, ever, which is to : say, ve ,know 'he_ nLI SII .bo ad Mi. SEY*Crun. feels disappointed. He is forsaken by his "friends," In the "muchness" of his •glief,- he re sorteth to his '"melon patch," and induigeth in most melancholy ' re flections. "How are the mighty fal len." • Iris: a fact, that although , all the 'Democrats do • not. profess, to have toted for. Grant, 'most .!Of them= Say that they -never were satisfied with the Tionlin:iiietr of .Seymour and 2°- Confidence. in .th.eir ..„ sueeels.ci: We‘ believe thatisonze; of. them tel),the truth:' -• 0; - TEAIPOII, I I.,! 31.0RE5 1 ., or, in 0t134-:Woyds ; how -sick , the Denid- They are nigh' • unto ati death:;' and we "feel , , 'our ditty 'to tell them that there is "no" balni in ,s: . Gilead" to . case. and EN , • Connectiet haa failed, ,?I`=the Ilienuicfaiko:Parti,4n4 at a - time ni ;w/1-PlitEla.ssi§tfonce was most meeded the speakers and writers of iNt .. 3 ,:p;al4y--, can again_. :resort fa' 'their t"woode,rinnutniee arguments, ,and bL. 71 eed-horion excePt, 'it froin • the creneral - eon enniation which ;they 11; , nped ppon New.,England., gains, I • r . nis immense (11!;:rterti atthe. - election ~of .Tuesday iltruish indubitable evidence - of Ls . .:act that theperiple are satisfied v, -the correctness of Republican ri.3lir: . „ "Ties; and Should encourage, us to l' , ntimpimis effort. Let us not stop . sAiorp of'he entire political re c''''ileinptiori.of this county.' . • is feared 'that' 31f. 7 Gen. Frank , the : roving brother ,of O'ine6• - Blair; and : the • favorite -` son Of tile. notorious Blair family may, by the.magnitede•of his • sorrow, be 1,,, induced:to foregolis usually'.abste ,,,,lnious habits and indulge in . the use Lr.7of ai•dent, spiritS. — lrfdy : not. hope -"that frienda'will save him ,from 'liimself. lie,will. 'prove •an invalu- able acquisition to an itenerant tem -s,lperance lecturer, representing, as he r., : icauld most effectually, the "horrible filtxample." , '.I.PONE.III' OF DEMOCRACY. The "unterrified," or to tise• the term most musical' in their ears, the -•"red hot" Democracy, found in the ,p,erson of their great exponent, rT • who -- by - - - nit .extreme unreasonableness,' his bitter . ..denunciations, and vile slang, has shown himself in every way worthy :.:of their adoration; and to show their appreciation of genius like, his, Sill pnd'tlieir gratitude for his volunteer s• ervices in the dirty • work of their „Tarty, have so enlarzedlissubscrip.- v Aion list thakhe now, and with rea -?vm4-claims To be•the mouth-piece organization. He is fast over i'ihin . iii matter of. influence,' • • , other Democratic journals that ever:made any pretensions to ,;2deceney; and as we cafinot say any - A• iling commendable . of 'a' literary ift.iike 'that approves his style, we. will. 'll6lt'liddertake its condemnation, but • • • shall leave it.. to work out its own ~YlDlRtion- u nder the enlighteriing**in' r fluences of the presents age. 'lf the filthy expressions in which he luxu riates, were c'o'nfined to his own columns, leSs - liarEn would result - from their use than is now the 'case, the, `.gesser lights" of Demo cratic journalism, which Mast' Of ne .,v.,:=4,ity, shine--by reflection,•eagerly %.rzeiv2 upon the :choice bits- of* his . Vul g;:::ty, and by their reproduction adoption_, wriggle , themselves , unenviable, reputation for It is true that their ty is,confined to those whose calibre unfits then for forth it respectable 'Opinion; but no i in':'!Aer, since they .. have attained iVeir Object, and with them success is Jim, tarnished by, a disreputable cause in _which it is.attained.. But :i ;• . • ••, •• • doesn't confine his efforts i: 1 ::., 0 I ity htioa3limy abuse,•there are' occasions -low . which he becomes 'elevated; Iliat . .We. perceive a. notice- -atleiel.i a ne in the. temper, of his..ex arespions;..his ~arguments• assume a higher tone, for it is then thatbe in duleres in direful threats and portent op s . declarations. • .:.„11)uring— the impeachment " . si4ien it •was probable that Mr. Wade. •iiii .? lit siicdted Andrew Johnson, • • ~ • . said in the La (rosse Democrat : • There is need of Mr. Ben Wade to beware. The people of this country have horse -innch!.from obscene clowns; drunkards, .apailmatics ; very much more than they wllrkver bear again. It were fat better tharfhe - tyrant who is forced into the poi iibiiib'tice held by Washington, Jefferson, andi Jackson should be hurled out of ex ,istence by the bullet' of the patriot than that. ,thirty-five millions. of Americans should sutler under his despotic dynasty. Mr4illade will stand upon tender ground; ,ci.,4ingle false, step and .the mine may. be uniinig, It requires, bnt a spark to.set the vlole'wintry on the. Remember, sic senuiei• tYrini?iis 1 , I „4o . sl,pgain,,,iii his New York daily 014117,'13th . -tilt:, when speaking of Elie futbable :election. of Grant, he said, thatiii 'the 'eiient that "he - does nlibtiteceive.a..majoritrof the. three bolt tiakilredand^ seventeen etes of @l.ifkmelectotal college; he 'dies be- Office shall. oiise t• fourth expire," He . tells us also, tkie.party, l yicl).proppt . 3s,.tociq n -49 .power,. "shall be stranghl "ed in the blood it 'crieS4Oi.." • • May we now ask him, in all hu mility, what he proposes to do, and when he intends to et about it? Irr , ••;:n -.., `Tk.,il,fr4.! in the .f,teculiariy original;; angiia, 'of Sir':;:s9ll,44civirillla*, mien addressing his demoralized Clans, "now that the smoke of battle has cleared away," and we are able to : see the,ezten of lye dan4ge in ; !Tided iv - On tlie enemy, it behooves -us to form our lines anew; to ascer.-- #ll . l if - possible, what remains to be na.then. to set about it with.an earnestness that is itself a pre inonitioikof "Succeis. what has . been done. we :find: good cause - of rejoicing. Much has been' accom plished-, 'and - naiichi , et . remains to be done: . the'lie'mY - is only stunned . ; it still' retains:Sufficient yitality to work mischievous results. It re mains for us, then, to be on the alert, and to repress its destrUotiite tenden- kMI ; NOW o,`-'6Bt In this county; we have done well, very, well indeed, and :feel that we may .of right be joyful. Mr. Wal lace Offeied ? lte an incentiVe'tb ener getic-aation, $5OO banner to the ,county making the _largest propbr: tienate increase .on its Democratic, yote, in. October.”-, . The Democracy of-Centre wentto work to win, and with the . ' , agistince . we iendered, have' succeeded in reducing theii October, 'thajbrity. to about one-half its former proportions. They' own' acceptthe situation.- We must not be content with what we have. done,' ,but should•rneve , on from• victory to, victory. "Conquer we must;:' for, our causeisjuSt."'l r . "" Other conquests are to be !ichieved:' 'Or,ganizAion'and action 'are — sessen= tial. Let us be failing ~iu. nothing, that is necessary to a retention, of the ground we have., gained...-. We should 'not be unmindful , of , small ,things, and, althongh, we lave! swept the country from Maine •to nia, convincing, as' we may hope, the firm of Blair, Hampton Co., that theli' "unconstitutional, revolii tionary and void" dodge was not the appropriate thing.; we Should not forget that . in the matter of the op- position in 'OAS conniy,rwe must say, as ,did the "razor, strop , man,7,,‘,there: are a few more left of the .:same on " We•have almost entirely de livered this. county from' the -bond; age of Democracy. -Let Us labor for its complete'redemption. '"Now is •the acCeptal3le tirite. 4 ' Clubs should be . foirned and kept in work ing order forrthe, coming campaign. Our, friends then, throughout the county, should fill up their ranks, complete their organizations; and work. We noticed an article in the Pitts-' burg Commercial, of Tuesday last,. taken from the Philadelphia Bnlletin, which contains a list' of the most thriving towns and young cities in our grand old State. We belieVe that we have the best State, as it is ono of the largest, in the Union, and we take pride in anything that en hances her glory. In proportion to her increase, in wealth and popula tion, her influence amongst her • sis ter States is extended, and our share in her glory enlarged. We are then, f you ',lease, just a little selfish in this matter, and feel somewhat sen sitive, when in the. summing up of her honors, neglect, either intention al or otherwise, is shown to any section.. We rejoice in the fact, that in none of the old • Statekis. there such rapid groWth,as in Penn sylvania, "in the rural districts; ..as' well as in_ cities and towns," . and that "we have more fast growing. towns than any other .State." We find comfort also in . the thought that the census of 1870 will. show• Penn sylvania to have a larger 'population than 'New York. •-• The - :l3tilletin arti cle cthitaini a table tili . oWing the popu tiori„ according to._ the.. census:. of 1860, of the following named cities and towns :..Reading, Scranton, , Har risburg;.• -Lancaster,• Williamsport, Wilkesbarre, AllentoViti; Ydrk, Erie; ;Pottsville, NerristoWn,., Easton, and Chester, gives an estimated popula tion for each, based ..upon the Oc tober. election returns, and then shows the per centum • of increase since .1860." The highest' rate 'of 'in - • crease is di'velit9ScrSmton,Wiliiapis i)Ori, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, and Chester. Leaving the: other towns named, an average per centum of in crease in population' sinee ' 1860, of fifty-four and seven-eighths. , Our readers will bear in mind .tbat..in this estimate,. one voter „is allowed to .every iiix,and.a half of , the popu-, lation. . T ow, in 1860, ..the• white population of Bellefonte' 'was 1460; the ' vote polled on TnesdaY'lak, althoUgh not all out, ,was, 527, which allowing one voter to represent . sir and a half of the population, shows the number of .white inhabitants to be THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED HUNDRED AND SEVENTY, or a per cen 7 turn of increase of 135. . This, ; too, it must not be forgotten, is excla . .sive of the colored people, who are not voters, and of course • could not he included in this calculation, al though they number Now' three or four hundred. Now we hope, that hereafter, the public journals -At tempting to show the great growth, and enterprise of the State, will do us justice. It is true that hereto fore we have not been 'very bnt we are determined that here after we shall make oarseiv.es heard. So, stand. from., under. ~All„ we ; ask is aifair show. •., • • 'LEr us rejoice, andl)e exceeding glad." Right has triumphed. 'Jus; tice itr ill be4one; . We'veOrant:eii . „the opposition that was needed.. , DO VS JUSTICE AND ThIRTY, an increase of NINETEEN "Comu,. I E Discoi;sOtAls"-- . -ThiS remark is addressed to such of-the Democracy as are heartily tired of their political sins. 1— 77% ; , f?) MEN OFFICIAL =I . . . Bellefonte, - • 281 236 288 229 283229 282 238 288 ' - 229 296 219 291 225 293 r. 5 289 229 Milesburg, e 2 48 . 'Bl •48 81 48 80 49 81 48 • 81 -, 48.7; 81 48 81 - 48 80 48 UnlonYille Bo •33• 23 39 M-. 39 2:3 39 -,M 39 ..23 39 28 •35 . 27. 39 ,-.23 .39 23 Howard Bor •53 :34 M 34 53 34 53 34 "32 53 34 53 34 53 34 45 42 Philipsburg, . 146 136 344' 138 144'138 144 138 145' 136 :145 134 '147 134 144''138'144 138 Boggs,_. 326 .121 ..322 122 322 122 321 125 326 .120 .325 120 .325. 122 32.5 122.321 122 . • 'lO6 177' 108 172 108 172 106 176 104 178 105 176 'lO6 175 105 '176'105 :176 Burnside,•; • .51 , 37::54:• '37 • 53'. 37 50 40 52 52 38 •. 52 f3B- 52 '1,38. 52 38 curtin, • .40 44 40 44 .40 44 _39 45. 42 .. 42 40 44 49 44 40 . , 44 40 , 44 Ferguson, • ' - 18V223 187 . 221 187'221 185 '223'200 '2OO 187 222' - 182 222 187 '222187 ,222 G regg ., .., 68 ,293:,88 292' OS 292 01 293 69 291 68 292 68 292 "08 - 292 ..68 292. il a umooo, • 94 41 94 41, ,94 41 9145 93 4,3 95, 39 91 43, 92, 92 42 - Jiaines; • • 101 106 ilO5 ;205:'105 205 '103 .1 205 104'' 205 f; 161 , 209 'lO2 :209'102' 204 102 208 Harris,, • . 240 177. - M 9 ,179.. Z 9.179.24 0, 176 242 17,6 <24U-177. ; 235 178,.'99. ;177-238 177 Howaidto•Wiiiiiirq 65 111 - - 65 - 142 65 138 - 69 141 65 ,141. 4 66 141 66 141 ,66 140, 67 Hustob • ,;123.• Nl5 . A23 1 :45'123 45 123'. 45 .123' 45 ,- 12.3 f- , 45 123'. '45 123 Liberty ,' „ . 141. 84. 149;,..75 ,149,•75.151 75;150....76, 159 .16 .150 .76150 70 146 jy[aricm, • • ' .53 '9l' '53 91 53 91 54 - 91 - 53 92 - -53 92 '53 92 53 '92 92 • 60,,223: , , 58 . 7 :r35 - ,; 58M5 56 235 58 231 582;34 58 235 58 235.,.68 234 Pafton, , 71 •61 .61 „ 7,1 61 • .71,. 61:70 62...71 71, 61,.71...71 61 -- 29 . - 265 ' 30'265 1 ' . 30 265 '29 • 266 29 ' 2 54' '29 Ml' 29' 263` 29 , 165 '29 265 Potter,. ..139.;362 ~138 360. 138 - 369 133 366 .140„,•359.; 1391361 , -1392:301 .1.7 1 ' a 6 L / 37 3112 Hush, - • '-142 164 - 143 166 143'166 143 ,"167 145 • 167 .143 167 144 ,icp 343 167.143 167 Show Shoe{ • • 97 132'. , 96•;129 :f'96 'l29' ; 96 '133`104 - 125 ' l 9B 121 1 ,; 96 TM's 97" 152 r 95 133 Spring, 190 128 189 133 1.89,134;189 .130 187. 130 ,-189,130 1188 131 187.- 131:187; 131 Taylor, 189 130 188 131 - 139 31 189 130 188 1130 189 130 187 131 188 131 1618, 131 :Union;• - • 112 , 56 • 110 -.110 58110'''65 11 1 , :"57 110 '5B 107' 61.110! '5810 9 58 Walker; . 140. 197 142_197 1.11 197 140 198 142 196 141 196 142 196 142 196 142. 196 WOrtby'' * . 67 . - . • • ' 65. 67 " . 65' 67 61 68 65 67 66 66 64 67 65 67 85 07: ,!: Total,. ~..1489. :' ,1172 3388 76.133,86,3764 *Ai 3729 33.91 3759 A 7,2 ;3741 ~3fq?,7.7.!3:3643789 - OFFICIAL''' VOTE 'FOE -AVEITOEALEE.: COUNTIES. , i -Adair's ) : . .. ; ; :2, 4 332- '• Allegheny;:.::::2 3 ;8 80 Beaver, Bedford, ' • .. . ..... 2,625 • 'Betio, • 7,413 ' Blair, • 3,841` - Bradford, .. . 7,612 Btteks,.., 13,981., Butler, 3,723 Cambria, • '' 2;849 Cameron, 537 . Centre,- • 3,388 Chester,. . Clarion; Clearfieid, ' • . 1,895 Clinton - ' • ' 1,992 Columbia, 2,077 Crawford,. . 7,026 Cumberland, 3.501 Dauphip, - 8,190 Delaware ' • . . , '4,016 Elk, • .• - . 508 Erie - 7 , 702 Payett, 3,745 Franklin, - - 4,321 Fulton, • :.. 782 Forest, - ' , 352 Greene, 1,722 • Huntigdon, . 3,4. Indiana, 4,842 Jefferson, - 2,075 Juniata, 1,467' Lancaster, . - .... .-5,813 Lawrence, ....... -3,691. Lebanon, 4,267 . Lehigh,, . . 4,733 Luterne, ' 9,992 Lycoming, • • - 4,680 McKean, 988 Mercer, 4,793 11Tifiliri, 1,858 Monroe, 735 Montgomery, 7,943 Montour, - 1 7 104_ Northampton, 4,452 Northumberland, . 3,694 Perry, 9 570 Philadelphia, -1 60;633. Pike, 338 Potter, 1,604 Schuylkill, 8,192 Somerset, 3,195 Snyder, . I,46l Sullivan, Susquehanna, 4,682 Tiosa, 5,410. Union,. 2,054. Venango, 4,431 Warren, ' 2,990 Washington, • - 4,946 Wayne, 2,698 Westmoreland, 5,335 Wyoming, . 1,549 York, 6,053 Total, Majorities, 9,677 Tux following which appeared in The Nation last week, will give our readers a very clear idea of "how' the thing was done" in New York:, The naturalization mill has finish ed its, work for this ,election, having ground out 35,000 voters in, this-city alone, Of these, . 10,000 . are per haps rightly admitted, 10,000 have passed through the machine without, ,having been, here five years, and the other„ls,ooo have_never, at any rate, been near the court room; indeed, from ,5,000 to 7,000 of these latter are non-existent. This is what one of. our "upright judges"—he was up right at the moment--did one day last week.. He invited a friend who happened to be in his court-room to sit by him while he played a little joke. Then he left off calling the names from the list before him and proceeded to call off a long.string. of purely imaginary names invented by himself on the spur of the. moment: John Smith, — darnes Snooks, John Jones, Thomas Noakes, and the like. For every name a man instantly-ans wered, and took a' certificate! Final ly, seeing a person on the' other side .of the room scratching his "headi•the judge called out, 'George Scratchem !' 'Here!' •responded a voice.- 'Take that man outside to scratch," said his honor to the usher; and resumed the more regular manufacture of voters. Yet there is not a 'single Democratic lawyer of any - weight in this city who dares to come out and run for a certain one' of our judge ships against this audacious ruffian, who might as well as not be defeated had any 'of his' nominal party"associ ates the nerve to face him and' his backers' It is notorious that even among the nominating leaders; whom he purchases with services such as we have been speaking of. and - with money, he has not one friend , and many enemies... At least 10,000 cer tificates of naturalization have been issued for the use of 'repeaters,' and scattered through. the. State., ,The total number of certificates fraudu lently obtained, in :this and other cities, is at least .25,000 to 30,000. This is a heavy, load for .Grant to carry in this Statej: and may be too much for , him. , Although, had we known the dimensions of the fraud perpetrated, - ciiir `tone'in predicting the result in this State 'hive beeti• even leas confident'than' it has heen;we are 'reasonably hopeful that this enormous" Wie,kedtiess will fail-to .achleiemaitirpilifiZa. Thou * sands of Democrats haye been gustPOY:the shaMPl.eso..c.ol34ll4„:o their leaders, and :Hoffman will lose ' more votes than he suspects, even in this city, as a consequence of the Meta which are need for hie election: ENE =II Mina jigi lEl_l : Tr LE - 0)x x A r.riti t iw 1604.11-: L-L CENTEZ3E J i, ugg p e.:A . 1 ;4. 5. ‘.4- R' • ' M 7 ° ;!. ' •g" •_•• s aQ • 4f t...2.-..,• tt •...P• • !=•• =, •" i .•,0 • 0 ••••- tt'• • • - 'l4 • • !at . - - 3fITOB+GET ME .~; =BM BIENI f .p , 1111 8,350 1,903 -.331,417 RETURNS =lf= I'Ve„have. a word ; JO. Car ;farmer -.friend/ ~.,,W,e.-..stated a• (former, issue that' &out-farmers-would': Con sult their bwn interests ing'clubs in their' iieverartoi-nshilis, and furnish us, with_their, proceed- Ings in a readable shape, we.-, : would gladly' -publish: Bathe; ~ 'in sponse . to this proposition, .we're-. caved ckri: Afr:lc, ,t).l,q, of liarris township,. asking were in earnest in the.patter,:and ,stating that there was at one time such•: - an organization - 'neighborhood,. butthat in consequence of . a' . ',failure on the part Of:the, county' paPers . ,to' how any interest in its proceedings,- it was. concluded -that but little . good, comparatively, cOuldlie acconiplish— ed, and the affair. "went:jby' the hoard:" Now we - repeat: in.. sub- . stance, what we have said : hefore, Let the farmers, of : Centre .county, meet in. . their, several' , -townships;: form agricultural Clubs;'apoint:Sec retaries. Who' . eaii put the., proceed-` ingii .a Cenci - en - Bed. an a Yet readable shape, not a svery difficult matter, and we shall with pleasure publish • the•same. 'When we' sap that we. propose to identify but' 'Paper, With . the . lntfrgstspftheeortrity,..we.mens . it; we. mean also .every •.branch of induStry. have just • as - good land, and a people just as intelligent as any to be found elsewhere. .Let us then male the most of ourselves. Tinpriciemeni — Order of . th r e day. Throw aside the customs' of the ancients, and let us make ens toms- for ourselves. Our,. soil, cli mate, and the age in which we live, are to be consulted in this matter;' and are not to be regulated by - fixed rides. established elsewhere; and in the misty past; •Fori - n . ,y,Onr clubs, gentlemen, and then to work. - NMI 14;923 , 3,459 2,675 at)l9 33,921 ' 1,183 3,863 7,838 3,292 3,587 13,420 5,031. 809 4,177 1,828 2,789 8,t,05 THE AiTHRACITRCEAt TRADE. . . We copy, the following item from the Miners', Journal, in reference to the ,Anthracite , coal market, which is anything but gratifying 'to consum ers 321,739 . "The Scranton auction sale took , place in New York on Wednesday; Octoher and prices ranged from $7 62 to $0 20 for .egg and stove coal,. which is an unusual high figure. The average advance •in ..all sizes was seventy-four cents per ton over October 'priCes. - There - hai been qUite a coal panic in the market' with `'regard • to stove coal, which daused•the prices to - run up so high.. • . . .• The .trade is in,o,very., -ticklish and . cited state, and will require p rudenee. on the'part of all bitereited in fixing prices 'for November. • -• • Under. the circumstances -it .is -difficult -to advise, except to. caution all parties::not to the prices too high. • ; ..; • The press abroad, in June last, keptptir ehasers•back•--by creating the impresSion :that coal 'would-he liiiver as the season ad vanced, (as such-was the case last • year), until the market was completely :broken down, when a conflict on tlie,,,Oglit hour law occurred •in tile coal regionsand a stoppage took pla•ce•fornearly Weeks." 'When the trade opened, the ern, dem and:, was so great„ that ..th e Philadelphia and .Erie• .railroad• put 'all their cars into that trade 'Hence, 'the l'oefil dealerSOn that,line . and : 'its branches, have:beep , Unable to get anything like ; an.: adequate, supply. 'The cars:have been taken-out:of the local 'trade; as' We 'understand, for `the 'reason that ttip' 'preferthrongli . „ „ P.cl • the. fall of. the.,year :.15 . the.: only .time that they ,can.. do-ra .successful through business.- - ' The' 'result” of this Movement is to , compel local dealers to purchase ~ their. . stock early in the: 'season. or -go without coal.' If this snicidal•policy 'is sisted in by • the railroad - company, tbe.,dc*rs. of :moderate ,means ~will be compelled to abandon: rand give up' the trade to men of capital, who wilt necessarily require laiget profits, in consequence Of their . , capital, being invested a much longer . time than if the coal eould.be supplied- as con sumers require'it. In view of the fact that so. many men voted for Grant and Colfax on -Tuesday last, we must conclude -that American society is" iii' a~ frightful condition; • ' p according to. the Tl!atc7i~iidii; the" supporters. of Grant: and , Colfax , comprise , a ;.very slippery-'set of fellows. And- then, too; we "must Condude that lionestY rs ','3Ut hear R e r electiOn: ,1 tag Who stole stmons'wlllfvote 'Grant- arid: ColfaT. So will the fellow who fed the soldiers on rotton bacon and wormy biscuit. So will thebondholder who gets gold for the rags he loaned the government. 8o wtll the Teta' who bung au innoceri x - 797.,:r1 is rtrt rl 44 , ,2 1 g jrilt: PA I •U . 1 ~ ..,c..... ,;. ~ 4 ' -,t• i „:- %-• , ~, / • ..." , •,}' El FRIGIIITFUL • . NOVEMEEII,4_ Stfg.evittP)rieer ..10val*d 111 :aik Viru kol+beilki or-the.'“G. ie hospitals as nursesi e in the quartermast • Oman .g. an oninisuineel Ala will sneak' 4.!, , perbea'arofon.,,Tapail will tteibultin who saw service in and weighed salt hote m _ ter's department. So will the nationa bankers vflio get e-lit jAli,trs froptAte PC9O 3 ftir-thivil6ge of-Ming Their raes -- ai env , ' rency. -- So will - the - poor de v il who is afraid to c4ll..hisrsonl bis r: 3 r . 7 ignbrhut toot- wild - says .den!t r ppy r m . ..4i.ta . the,_Qovernment.7-• , :-. - So will every scroundrel who stole him self riebdurbtgtbe war. , ESo will tbeltatir of the: UttileiLand the „.. Constitution: the y ,cr - ture rt whp no state - lig'nhsylvania readee r d,l9: ,Thinii:deiieneir. like the' South effi.Seates.., • . • Soyilithe - adficaternrliigk: iirieei. 'and • S 6 will John Biehnarrand other•ilads who want. the , word , iwbite" , struct from the State. Constitution.; "- ' So will ;:ever3r., traitor wants this government , .destreyed i the ballot-bo ished, and upon: tbe ruins of • his country desire to see erected , a milatary .. despotisM. So will the groveling creature - who says e is no betterthan a negro, and Somill every! scampi who' stele a Sheet or rohhedla-henroost:'" ''• - • • Under these eirciunstances every honest , man who values his:character and 'desires to better his condition and - bergetuate his .Government as- it:.,was landed' 'dovin to him ~win -vote for,the - , siatesman. ,- Se:rneur and.the -soldier hero - Blair: 1 - .": 'CZNTBE COUNTY;;;ESTIXAMi'IIiii,TO.4._ ITIESi :'• MM 65 •••• , 23 , '''''''''' Bellefonte.Unionville , • Miiesburg _ lE66 . aic7' • 1:4- PliilibsUitrg Boggi. Beri6i. : . Burnside::::. Curtin Ferguson .„. Gregg; ; . Huston. Mario& • " Miles.... Patton. Potter Snow, Shoe . . Spring.. ..... •• • • :.(33 IMRE Eliii . 05 .'7B ..,9Z MEE Taylo r ;. Union... Walker.. Worth... FEE . .113, qnpgrAtic,.trpjority .. , .. 222 • THE NOTE SY , STATES, • FOR GR.LNT AliD"-COLFAX' Electors: , Populdr Maj States • 28.000 ... 8,060 - Mil - New Ilayupshre... ....- 12 80,000 Rllli6e Island;' 4 6,000 _ _ Connecticut 6 Vermont ..... ..-.. 5.... : .... :.. 30,000, Pennsylvania 26 ..... „....... • 20,000, West Virginia .... 5 .8,000 Ohio ' • ' 21 • 35,000 Indiana • -. • 13 1 • ' 5,000 Illinois 16 ' 50,000 Michigan. . .4 . 25,000 Wisconsin - • 8 15,000 lowa • • : 8 20,000 Nebraska ' 3 • • 4,000' Tennessee • 10 ' 40,000 California • 5 1,000 NeVada 3 1,000 Missouri ' 11' 10,000 - KanSas • • '3' ' ' 5,000 North Carolina . : ~ 10: .•.•.''.. ..: ... .' 20,000 . Minnesota - 41 - Oregon I, 3, , 1,000 Ailtanids . 5' 20,000 South Carolina ..' .. 6 1,355 . Florida . 1 3 • .'2lO • 440,000 FOIL SETM.(4.IOiD-BLAIRi Total Kentucky Maryland Delaware Louisiana 6 Georgia (probably) 1( New York 83 New Jersey Alabhma Total 144,000 Total number of vo s in the Electoral College, 294. Necess 1 ,to a choice, 148 Total for Grant and Colfax 210 Total for Seymour and Blair - 84 Grant's Electoral 314jority .Grant's Popular Malurity: , .1 I ENNBYIVANIA , ESTIMATED MAJOIOTIES BY. COUNTIF,S. ,Counties. . GMnt.. i. Seymour. Adams . . 280 Allegheny.. Armstrong. Beaver • .Bedford.... Berks.., ...... , . Blair... Bradford ' ' 4OOO 'Bucks .Butler Cambria Cameron Caibori • Centre' Chester 2400 Clarion.- • ,C,learfield • Coliuihliia Crawford ... . • Cumberland •• . Dauphin Delaware Elk ' • •Erie Fayette . • Forest. Franklin Fulton • Greene • ' Huntingdon 1050 Ludlam • • . 2018 Jefferson . 100 Juniata -Lancaster.. .... . . Lawrence ' • Lebanon. • Lehigh Dizerne • . 11000 600 .... '6OO 1800 2100 1000 3700 7300 2150 1548 Eye Cullin— g Mercer ••'• Mifflin • Monroe m ......•..- Montgomery Matour • * .Northainptoir. • Northumberland;' Perry ... .. 100 Philadelphia . 1502 Pike Potter • 850 Schuylkill • • • • Snyder • • 050 • Somerset 1450 Sullivan • • SuS(PmaaMia ..... 1050 Tioga -• • .3850 Union • • ' 400 Venango ..... ..••• - 900 Warren. 1200, Washington Wayne Westmoreland:— • • • Wyoming • • York Tofal . , . GRINDSTONES, Scythe Stones, and whet stones for sale, by • . maylo.'67. J. J. BARRIS. CARPENTERTOOLS forsale .the hardware store of J. & J. HARRIS. :FRUIT: JARS & CANS. , • • .;;I,O;USE KEE PEES TAKE .NOTICE. A largo?. lot of wa., *toe , improved. kinds ,fo sale by ' -- "',- ' J. HARRIS:. HORSE7SHOES,---NAILS, and .Norway Rods for sale b) , _ - ;!idier23s'64l 'I - • , 0 rr;a1.4;.141. IS*4°4gi '" PP44-': 'Litiseeci;Taniiers, for sale bar. . • sept2l.'66 •-•'• J.' &: l i. DAItRIS. ANVIL, VICES, BELLOWS, Screw Plates, and all kinds of Black smiths Tools for sale by J. .t J. HARRIS. meylo;67. \ At*T4tpV.iiii I II,ETIONTS re:t atrisayMYl - • ; Notice is hereby given to all persons not to trust H. 0. Smith. alad , agedl6, who ran away from - Unionville, on the 17th ult. Clinton Republican please copy and send bill to "Na tional.r [l.l-6 3t] *-f-T BENJ. RICH. • ;rtmegg rcre:Kigß, ! WHOLESALE - r WK r.- 0 E R S . GONESSION-iiMERCHANTS N.U. - 605, , A1ABEET BT., PHILA. • J. : Morris , ißurus, r 9f- 8., . S: jemmy,- Jr., do SuittoYer, of S.; Smucker, Jr. Ai: Co. GR,AISD, ST, - CHEAP STORE. • —linporter and Jobber of 33rONNJ3TS,••• ,• :RIBBONS, -:PLOWER,EMBROIDERIES, LACES. - • • - TH.T . MMINGS, SILKS, 'VELVETS, ----HOSIERY,, • .Straw of:Every De •- - . 14Nitil KnitteCancilVoirerrlVOrsted Goode. •t,e. N05..309i-311, and 311 1-2 GRAND St., and. ..66.6• and 70 Allen Street, "NEW YORK CITY. SUGDENBRAPRU.TtY , .. • sr;th Lo -.•••••••4t•titeir.pes.:•l el.: Nos. 312 .3-31'!. • ! Are constantly: reeeilvir.,•'-' -approved styles and, qualities, ; 1' sea : able - ' ORY COODS 5 consisting of ' Silk,": ' Dress.::Goods 7 Panes , Goods, Lace Curtains, ko. : -Which they are offering at prices unques - tionahly _ _ MUCH LOWER ITGAN; ;ANY , ,SITIIER FIRST CLASS'IIOIJSE, - .• - :7 • 17 226 In=l 37 190 236 21S 29 11 ettgi- - EOR ' SA - 14E. A pair of Mules that will work eithei single ; ; or double,.ean E' be obtained ::.on east terms by enquiring at this office, 10 30 tf., • .• ; • , • r INSTITUTE JACKSONVILLE, - ,CENTRE CO. FENN'A. This 'lnstitution , vrill"oPen — foi-,thOtdinis- - sion of students fora term of twenty 'weeks, on the 4th dfi.yrof, November, 18.63.,. Superior facilities - For - particulars particulars iddiess' any of the undersigned at, Walker P-." 0.; Cer tre'evaittj , ,• Pa:. - 10 30 3t 1,800 'NELSON J. nickteuscin. MOSBI#Y. NlCltEttaM6i MOBFILtY , Manufacturers And ykolesale Dealers in Boots;' - arld: . -Shoes NO. 435IMARKET STREET; !if- ,_;: NO. 435 MARKET STREET, . , ..• .; .• • 'PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA. 'Or A large amount of city Made Work constantly on hand: Orders from Country Merchants respect fully solicited. • __ ••1030 ly • ' AUSTIN . CURTIPT. ORMAN'S COURT.SALE. . By. virtue of an order of, the Orphans' Court 'of Centre county, will be exposed to public sale on the .premises at Shingletown, near Boalsburg, Pa„ . . ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, - 1868, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described real estate : A certain me.suage, tenement, or tract of land, situate in Harris township, Centre county, Penn'a., bounded and de scribed as follows: On the cast by. Nicholas. Strong, on the north by lands of Oliver Campbell, on. the west by lands of Jacob Musser's heirs, and on the south by Nittany mountain, containing about seventeen acres, on which is erected a two-story frame house,• frame stable and other outbuildings. .TEAMS OF SALE.—Ono third on con firmation of sale by tho Court ; one third in ~no year thereafter, with interest, and the balance at death of the widow with interest uy able annually during her life, the last two P merits to be secured by Bond and mort gage. • • ; :GEO. Wi SWARTZ, . 75,000 . 25,000 . 2,000 . 25 000 10,000 .... 5,000 1,000 .. . . 1,000 126 235,155 628 HOOP SKIRTS 628 N 0.823 ARCH tirREE • di• . oELPHIA. Manufacturer of the !'CHAM PION" Hoop Skirts' for •Ladie,Ses, and Children. The largest •assurtiliont, and hest quality and styles •in the 'American Market. Every lady should try them; as they recom mend themselves - by - wearing longer, retain lug- their shape' much better, being lighter and - more elastic than alt others—warranted in every respect, and sold at very low 'prices. Ask for Hopkins , Champion" Skirt.. .Snperior IlanthmiulO. Whale-Bone Corsets in Fifteen different grades, including the "Im perial" and . Thompsonn' Lungdos 4 ,'Olove Corseti, :in: price - -front SI Cents to $5.50 ; together with Joseph Beekels celebrated French woven Corsets. superior shapes and quality, ten different grades, from $l.lO to $5.50. They are the finest and best goods. for, the prices,. ever imported. • The Trade supplied with Hoop Skirts and Corsets at the Lowest rates. Those visiting the city should not fail to call and examine our goods and prices, as we defy all competition. 3IC GLUM' S 336 6000 ¶OO 200 1000 1100 650 1700 .30 200 300 1300 SPANISH HAIRDRESSER - For promoting the growth, beautifying the hair, and rendering it d rk and glossy. No other compound possesees the peculiar pro- Orates which so'exactly suit the various' csn ditions of tho human hair. The use of this oil as a hair dresser has been universal in every section of.the country in the Spanish Main •for centuries. The oil is highly and delicately erfumed, forming an article un rivaled in excellence. 1200 3000 300 200 750 75 • 2200 .900 800 3100 400 1000 1300 400 675 1200 200 2700 c Prof. S. M..OTTO, 'Di. 7. RHOADS, Rev. J. K. MILLS, ReT.::.•D. , G. KLEIN Guardian of Anna Foz and Lawrence Fox 1030 3t AND CORSETS,. 00R.::.` WM. T. F 1 .i .;; , DIcODERVS.MEXICAN WILD FLOWERS SHAMPOO LOTION For removing dandruff and scruff from the head, whitening and perfuming the skin. This valuable ; lotion mad used by 'the Emperor Maximillian, and the Empress Carlotta, of Mexico, and universally used by Mexicans for three hundred years. McGuire's . • WILD FLOWERS pait THE TEETH. Allthose who are in favor of white teeth and a pleasant and perfumed breath, should at once use this for the Teeth. All these pre parations are put up in the most elegant and ornamental manner. The handsomest present that can be made to either lady or gentleman for the toilet table. McG UIRE'S INSTANTANEOUS HAIR RESTORER Will• rest:orb gray - hair to a• beautiful black or brown. Warranted satisfactory or money re funded. Dealers will bear this in mind. Sold by all respectable Druggists in the U. S. and Cattadas, Address orders to RICHARD McGUIRE, Depot and Manufactory, 10 30 1y 263 N. 2d St. Philadelphia. MALIPIIANT, VENDERS IN FISH, OYSTERS, VENISON And produce of all kinds. These Gentlemen intend supplying Bellefonte, Milesburg and Snovi Shoo with the above ar ticles, always fresh. Fresh .Fish received every Tuesday',• Thurs day and Saturday. •••OY S T E S To be had of all times,—Can, Tub, Keg, or in Sholl. Trado and eaeh given for all kindß of country produce.. • • • . . • . ' KEEP AN EYKON 'THE' D„ P, INattivr gh to secure pargalus in and fish line, .iTzc; • = 2 10 16 4 BOALSBURG - AOADEDIY, PENNA ..The Winter Seasiori In.+ thtiOn commence on Mo:.clay, -. 3 and coriJ gists of two term. ten ixclusive of a.,•tacation oft, _Week "allele and Fe&a 40upli kJ. • - fitted fOr the higher serninmies of i no, die active business of life.. -• . • Rates of Tuitionfrom•s! , . r. 'to $ • 53 per term. Fuel, 50 cents per term. Pa pils charged from the time of entering till the cnd of the term, ex cept in cases of sickness, or by special agree ment.: Board in - private families from $3.00 to 83.25 por week. For further particulare address the principal. 10 4t E}- W. TAtilatlEll. MISCELLANEOUS JN ;BANKRUPTCY,. j •,_ 1.1;•:-S: Diatriee . Court, Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania. This is to give notice that on :the 3d day of October, A. D. 1968, a warrant iii Bankruptcy . was issued against the estate of John Edman, of Miles township, in the county of Centre, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged -p. Bankrupt on his own petition ; . that the pay mentaf any debts and delivety of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their, debts and choose one or more assignees of his estate will be held at the Brockerhotf Bons,. at Bellefonte, before T. E. Smith, Register, d o the Bth day of November, A. D. 1968, at 4 o'clock, THOMAS A. RO[iriier, Marshall, Messsengor • • _ DAVID'OAMERON, Deputy. 10.9 4t TN THE PHAN'S COURT OF Centre county.. - In the of the es tatoef William Bally, dec'd., the nn Auditor appointed by said Court to hear the exceptions filed to the account or 'Jonathan -and to settle and' djust the same, Will attend to the duties of his ap pointment at his office in Bellefonte, on Tues day, November. 10th; I 868; 'at 1 o'clock, p. m, at which time and place all parties interested may attend if they see proper. A 13 HENDERSON, 9 25 4t Auditor. IN THE COURT OF COMMON Pleas of Centre county. Smith, Seltzer . Co. vs. D. W. Zeigler. The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, to distribute the money now in court arising out of the sale of the per sonal property of D W Zeigler, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Bellefonte, at I.o'clock p. m., on Tuesday, the 20th day of October, A. I).1868. JOHN G. LOVE, Auditor. MB IN THE COURT OF COMMON • Pleas of Centre county, Fi Fa. No. 47, August T. 1868. Weaver, Davidson & Co, vs. G. R. Wolf. The Auditor. appointed by the Court to make distribution of the fund in Court arising on the above writ among the lien credi tors, legally entitled thereto, will meet the par ties interested' for thelpUrpose of his appoint— ment, on Monday the 19th day of October, A D, 1868, at 10 o'clock, a in., of said day, at his olflce in Bellefonte, ' sep2s 3t AUDITORS NOTICE. ,Tl 4 e,undersi g ned, an Auditor ap pointed by the Orphans' Court of Centre county to make distribution of the money in the hands of Abraham F. Reynolds and G. M. Yocum, ex editors nf thelast :will and testament; of 'John I. Duncan dec'd, to and among thoseversons legally entitled thereto will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Bellefonte on' Tuesday the 20th day - of , October' A. D., at 1 o'clock p. m. of Said-day,' where and when all persons interested may attend if they see proper: sep 25 3t .4. 0. FURST, Auditor. ESTRAY.. ''''' • Came to the 1: mises of the subscriber ,in.Unien township,.a po nt the first of July last, :a red and whitespotte.l coW, suppoeed'to be live years old. The war is requested to come for wardcprovepro ps rty'.: pay cliare's and take her .awayotherwises't will be 'disposed of aceord ing to law. . JACCB.HOOVEit, Jr. '9 18 '6B St 'Cahill township. . • - _.„ VOTICE.—A meeting Of the Direo- II tore of the Boalstoarg and Bellefonte Tut n. pike Road. Co., at the.BrockerhOtf (=tense, on he let Monday of November. • - 00.2.'68-tm MOSES THOMPSON, See ../c• 13:11H ITOWSNOTICE: . In the Court of Common Pleas of Cen tre county. , The undersigned, an AOditor aPPOlitted by said court tO'nlake'distrilintion of the in the hands of D. Z. Kline, Sherif, arising fromtlie.sale,of-thePorsonal property of Ritz man-B;-Keller, - will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Bellefonte, on Wed nesday, Oct list, 1868,. at 2 o'clock, p. in., at which time and place all parties Interested may attend if they see proper. • r • . HENDERSON, 9 18; 4t Auditor. J• OSEPH A. RANKIN, . of this Bordugh insures property for the fol lowing companies, viz; Lycoming County Mu tiial Insurance Company; York Company, Pa.; Insurance Company ofliorthArnerica ; Enter prise Company, and Girard of Philadelphia, Pa. 911 '6B-Iy. , FSTRAY. Strayedfrom the residence of the subscri ber,: WM. • SHOWERS, near_Boiling Springs, Spring township, August 2, two cows—Ono a red and white spotted cow, very few white spots, with straight horns. The other is spreckled cow—red and white—with crooked horns. Any person knowing of the whereabouts of the above described cattle will please inform me of the fact. 9 113t* • NOTICE. -LI There will be a reunion of the Literary Societies of the Centre'County Normal School, on Tuesday, the 29th inst. A cordial invitation to all the old students is extended, and they are expected to be present. The invitation is also extended to every person interested in education. 9 I'2 '6B-3t* R. M. 111AGEE. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Whereas, Letters Testamentary on the estate of Philip Sheneoerger, late of Harris township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims to present them duly authenticated by law for settlement. GEORGE SIIENEBERGER, DAVID KELLER, IN THE MATTER OF-THE ES TATE OF JACOB HOUSER, late of Harris townsnip, dec'd. The undersigned appointed by the Orphan's Court of Centre county, an Auditor to make distribution of the balance in the hands of Geo. E. Wasson, and Wm. Thompson, Administrators of said estate, to and among those legally enti tled thereto, will meet the parties interested at his office on Tuesday, the 27th day of October, next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. JAS. H. RANKIN, Auditor. 911'13 IN THE MATTER OF THE ES .,TATETT_WILLIAM H. COOKE. In the Orphans' Court of Centre County, August Term, 1868. The undersigned, appointed by the Court. an auditor in the above case, "to hear and dispose of the exceptions to the accounts of Itobt. Cooke, Executor, filed July 3rd 1862, and July 24th 1868, and make distribution of the. balance in the hands of the accountant; amongst the par ties legally entitled to receive the same," will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office. In Bellefonte, on Friday, October 16th, at'2 o'clock, P. M., at which time and place al parties interested will be present. THAD. P. STEPHENS, Auditor! BE 9 11 '6B-St H et tri ,t 5 ti ril C :..: C tt P 4 c ..e. t 4 a y ,„ ,o. w , •., ;.- cc 0 ).• -1 P-:1 Ro i F-24 t - i g 0 0 C t4tt . rit JAS. CLINE P SIXT EENTEI QUARTERLY STATEMENT of the Ist National Bank of Bellefonte, for Quarter ending Octo. ber 3d, 1865. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts, Suspended Debts, Bonds to secure circulation.... Other U. S. Bonds Due from National Banks Due from edict Banks and Bankers. Cash; tems • Expense Fixture ;and Tax, &c Legal 'Tender, N otes, • &c i . . . : oLJA.BILITIFS; ••-•-.'• • CROW . ... 10000 pi) sa l via Fund . - • X 30,00000 liueNOtes - rdeeiVed , fron3. - .COriantrolier..:. 87,500'60 Delxisitdrif . . 4 177;636:61. Due:National; Dm:am • • . .89,4,63 69 Due other Banks and Bunkers .; . :5,390.71 Intereit and Exchange „;46,691 40 „ . . 8450,659 41 JOHN P. HARRIS, CASHIER. . Sworn to and subscribed before me this Sixth day of October; 1868. EVAN M. BLAN HARD, -,.-:.......: ... Nolc . tißt46‘ ATTENTION ! MONEY AND TIME SAvEbl 5. 13..QRAY, Auditor ti 1- '74 an c . ) PeT, 2 Li u' '"til" 0 .4 0 t t n 4 '4 o ( I ") rt rn ) 1 ( 4 . tri ' $228,397 45 14,277 23 100,000 00 30,000 00 20,617 £9 • 1,421 18 13,804 33 10,862 69 22,271 70 • £4FM659 41 13y going cittect to HOWELL GILLILAND & CO 1 & 2 BUSH'S ARCADE, BELLEFONTE, PA. To purchase everything in the line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, . BOOTS .AND SHOE'S,: • - - GROCERIES, • QUEENSU ARE, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, IC., 10 Our stock, is without doubt, and we chal lengo denial, the largest ever opened in Bolle fonte. Our DOUBLE STORE Is literally packed full of the finest and Cheapest articles in our line that can be obtained in the eastern markets. In Ladies' Furs, We are ahead of any merchant in the County Although our stock. heretofore has been large, the present completely eclipses anything ever before attempted in • this section. An examination will prove the truth of our assertions. Remember the Place.. HOWELL, GILLILAND & CO. 94 ly Bush's Arcade f ) HILADEL.PHIA. oxn:ole4 S ont trrt Ct v 31nil, vt Inn ordered 10:9:%?,ly as 0 r.. 1 ~-I .8" c) CO H c• 6 .i 3 O cr.i -4- ''' w QI4 04 pr o % . C ',... c 45 1 :4 r—i • Fi l i rtS urY l . 159 r im) 0 0 C,..) W .411 "" 74 8 P l 'q 4 1 ppC` N. 4 Cb CZ Ci ''• , cn .- 5 PG t... .' P tic 02 CI3 I)4E-‘ a ,- g r—i 4 0 8 g ... A 0 ... A . 141. ci2 r I 2 .' C • 1 : > 0 c e, A ~..,zca .4 g ;4 ck 3 iCj .tpl or th 0 C. g 0 1 )....i".l 2 Cb flmi i N ;-. A TREMENDOUS Stock of Horse Blankets, Buffalo Robes, and Buckskin Gloves at 10:V68 BURNSIDE & THOMAS PHILIP HILL, AIANUFACAURER OF )I , 7'Send for Engraving and Price List. N. E.--PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN TORCHES, 25, 28, 30, 35 and $40,00 per hundred. 10 04t jw. BAND'S AMERICAN AIR-TIUrIT HEATING COOCING: R A. N G E We invite examination snd warrant every Range which we set to give entire satisfaction. Also Manufacturing Dealers in LOW CRATES, REGISTERS, And Agents for the Celebrated Magee Patent Heaters, Rangel and Stove■ RAND, .PERKINS & CO siit4l.str'et; • IMO PHILADELIMIA, PA Send for descriptive Circular. Octv3 -11 GEO. W. FAIRER t. 47 CO. No. 4. Bush's Arcade. Ever brought to Centro county. Their stock comprises soma of the best material in the Now York and Philadelphia Markets, and ranges in prices from • • $4.00 to $125 PER SETT. Not only in the Fur Line does Mr. Fairer excel other establishments in the County, but in Zephyrs, Saxony Wool, Germantown Wool, Cashmere Yarns,Factory Yarns, Shetland Wool, Zephyr an Paper Patterns. In the Ho siery Line, we can supply Ladies', Gent's and Misses' Hose,' Insertings and 'Edgings. Also, Ladies, Gent's and Misses' knit Pants and 'Vests Paper Collars and Cuffs, Scarfs, Buckskin, Fancy and plainer styles of Gloves. Also, Cambric Hulllings, Black and Fancy Silks, Repp, Poplins, French Merinos, Wool Delaines, Calicos, etc„ etc., etc. LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS . Embrai ing a fine assortment of Patent Breast Protectors, Chignons, Hair Plaits, Cods and Tassels, Hoop Skirts, and the best assortment of LADIES' & MISSES SHOES To be found in Bellefonte. Also a tine assort ment of Ladies' Fall and Winter Hats and Feathers. Also a large assortment of Black Alpacas, Fancy Plaid Cash mere, Stamped Aprons, Knit Sacks, Fur Hoods, Working Canvass, Black and Col ored Velvets, Bonnet Ribbon. and every thing kept in the Wir Desirous of Selling our entire stock of Gent's Clothing we will sell it oft - 25 per cent CLOTHIN G THE BLESSING OF PERFECT SIGHT can only be obtained by using PERFECT SPECTACLES. The difficulty of procuring which Is well known TFFSSRS. LAZARUS & MORRIS, OCULISTS AND OPTICIANS, BARTFORD, CONN., Manufacturers of the Celebrated PERFECTED SPECTACLE% hare after years of experience, experiment and the erection of costly machinery, been enabled. to produce that GRAND DESIDERATUM, • PERFECT SPECTACLES. which hale been sold with unlimited satisfac tion to the wearers in New England, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and British Pro vinces during the past nine years. Those Celebrated Perfected Spectacles never tire the eye, and last many years without change. G. W. PATTON, DEALER IN JEWELRY, WATCHES, ETC., Sole Agent for Bellefonte, Pa., from whom only, they can be procured. 117" WE EMPLOY NO PEDLARS. ID! Oct. 2, '6B-Iy. DR. TAYLOR'S BITTERS. Depot, No, 413 Market Street, Plffacterphia THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOUR NAL and LIFE ILLUSTRATED, is a first class Monthly, specially devoted to the "Science of Man." Contains Phrenology and Physiog nomy, with all the "signs of character, and how to read them ;" Ethnology, or the Natural His tory of Man in all his relations of Life ; Practi cal Articles on Physiology, Diet, Exerci, , e and the Laws of Life and Health. Portraits, •S ketches and Biographies o 1 the leading Men and Women of the 'World, are important features. Much general and useful information on the leading topics of the day is given. It is intended to be the most interesting and instructive Pictorial Family Magazine Published. T iatArS.—A New Volume. the 49th, commen ces with the :January Number. Published Monthly, in quarto form, at fit 3 a year, in ad vance. Sample numbers sent by first coat, 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more, $2 each per copy, and an eztaa copy to agent. We are now offering the most liberal premiums ever given for clubs. for 1869. Inclose stamp for list. Address, S. It. WELLS. Publisher, 389 Broadway. New York. oct2-tf SOAP ! SOAP ! “Rich as Croesus." Tremendous ex citement Unprecedented rush for the new Croesus SOAP ! SOAP ! ! The washing powers of this Soap aro truly marvelous. No person who has ever tried it wilt do without it. Its recommendations aro perfect PURITY, utter HARMLESSNESS and wonderful EFFICIENCY. Warranted to con tain more washing power to the dollar's worth than any other soap in the market—thereforo the cheapest. Try it. Satisfaction guaranteed, if used according to directions, or money re funded. Ask any groder for it. Manufactured only by lICECKLEY & HALL, (CRCESUS SOAP WORKS.) No. 448 York Avenue, [Old York Road,] Phila -1.10 9 Lm jva. THE HOUSEHOLD GAS MA CHINE. For supplying Dwellings, Storer, Factories. Churches and Public Buildings with Gas! GENERATES GAS WITHOUT FIRE OR HEAT Tim simplicity and ease by which this ma chine Is managed, as also its economy and great merit, recommends it to public favor. Coll and see machine in operation at the store ! 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