TILE NATIONAL. 0111 — Clnituarnie longer than gee lines mod be pa d for .t the rate el Eq. Main per line. All Society moludore whateres rotnntuniestione MOM moding candidate* for Ma, noir Os rap Nat ADTAIICS, at the :at. o !Pte. cents per line, or not b. publlaned ..2911 LOCAL NEWS A GOOD pair of mules which will work either single or double, are advertised for sale in this issue. They will be sold on easy terms. • Particulars can be • obtained by applying in this office. WE accept the blockaded condition of our streets, as an evidence of improvement, not of the streets, but in the matter of our buildings. If this were not so, we should indulge iu the luxury of a growl. Masses. Maliphaut and Cline who have for some time been getting along so swim mingly in the fish lousiness at their stand in the Diamond, have removed to the new hotel building on corner of Race and High streets, West Bellefonte. Tins is the day fixed for the grand mass meeting at Tyrone. A large number of prominent speakers will be present, and an immense torch-light procession, will consti tute a brilliant feature of the evening's en tertainment. Who says Grant won't be elected. fits. Sourbeck, has just returned from Philadelphia, with an unusally large and well selected stock of Millenery goods. This will be news to our lady readers, and they would do well to call on Mrs. S. at once. Her rooms are in Reynold's new block on Bishop street, second floor. TEE temperance lecture delivered by Mr. Thomas Roberts in the Court House on Sunday evening last, wasell attended and Robertsß in itself a success. Mr is, we un derstand, one of the four efficient lecturers now travelling in this State under the aus pices of the Grand Lodge of Good Temp lars in Pennsylvania. WE are pleaSed to see that the new foun dry buildings of Messrs. Todd & Duncan, •in West Bellefonte, is fast approaching completion. May we hope that other man ufacturing establishments will speedily fall into line with this, along one of the most convenient streams for water power to be found in the country. WE unite our regrets, with those expres sed in many of our exchanges, at the with drawal from newspaperdom, of Palemon John esq., for twelve years editor of Columbia County Republican. ' May he meet in hiS retirement with the happiness that should succeed a fearless and persist ent defence of the right. GEORGE PECK, ye genial host of ye Ar cade Restaurant will have fitted up by nest week, a first class dining saloon, which will be run in connection with the res taurant.' Everybody knows George to be a tip-top fellow, and there's no use in pro phesying anything concerning his success, which is conceded. to be a foregone con elusion, SHEEP, SHEEP.—We mean by this that Mr. Bond Valentine has on his farm about one mile from town, forty head of good sheep for sale, and we would advise pur chasers to call early, as sheep may •'go up.', They do sometimes. Unfortunately, we are unable to state whether these are stock or fat sheep, but we don't doubt that Mr. Valentine, who is a very urbane gentleman, will give inquirers all the information de sired. . OWING to the immense through ship ments on the P. &E. R. R. as well as on the Penna Central, the coal dealers along the line of these roads have been deprived of their usual supply, and although Shortlidge & Co., of this place, have made strenuous exertions to obtain cars, they have up to the present writing been not a little inconveni enced through want of coal. 31r. Short lidge assures us, however, that the people can from this time forth be regularly sup plied, as his stock is coining to hand. WE are glad to see onr friend Felty of. the marble cutting establishment doing so well. He is over-run with business. His aim is to give entire satisfaction, hence, his success. Located as it is, just at th R. R. depot, his shop serves as a strong re minder of man's mortality ; and although the individuals who is about to trust him self to the uncertainties of Railroad travel ling may feel a momentary squeamishness as he views the shop and its surroundings, we are assured that Felty's being near the depot don't make Railroad accidents one whit more frequent. ADVICE TO VOTERS.—On the 3d day o November the voters of Centre county will be called upon to discharge a sacred duty they owe to themselves. There are two parties in the contest. One of these two parties is doomed to defeat, and with that defeat there • will be a great depression of spirits, superinducing a loss of appetite and an entire derangement of the digestive organs. The unfortunate in the contest, aforesaid, will find a wholesome panacea in Hoofiand's German Bitters that will speedily restore the tone of their stomachs and enable vthem to resume business. These preparations are for sale by Drug gists and dealers in Medicines everywhere. WE invite from our friends throughout the county, communications of interest. State facts, mention the occurrences, and we will put them in shape. Incidents which may seem quite common-place in your estimation, and which you may think devoid of interest entirely, may be of vast importance to Our readers in other sec tions. It is our object to furnish a paper o' general interest. Let us effect a mutual benefit arrangement. We'll endeavor to furnish a readable paper, thus contributing to your pleasure; you can give us an oc casional item, and in this way assist us. Our purpose is to identify our paper with the business interests of this town and county. The town as is well known "is on the improve," and we are determined to keep pace with it, so we say again, 'chuck' the items at us. Poou norsE.—Do our tax-payers ever think of the propriety of -establishing a county Poor House, as a means of lighten ing their own taxation, and providing more comfortable for the unfortunate, of whom it is said "the poor ye have with you al ways." Other counties have tried this matter and found it a success. In deed some of them report their "poor farms" as not only affording