U ES F h 7 R , NATIONAL. Morning, OCT. 23, '6B. NATIONAL TICKET FOR PRESIDENT, GEN. U. S. GRANT, OF ILLINOIS. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, SCHUYLER COLFAX, OP m-DrAxA. 1.1111011 EA.ECIITIVE COMMITTEE. The following named gentlemen con stitute the I.7nion Executive Committee of Centre CC11111:y for the Cll.s"inz year: 13ellefonfr—Wra. P. Wilson, Chairman. Mi/c. , :burg—J. B. lalm, I'dionei!le—Gee. Alexander, :Mitt:v.l—W. L. Gordon, i'irllipsburp—llobert Lloyd, Benncr—Capt. C. Dare, iortgx—Wni. Curtin, liurnsi , /e—Dr. 31. Stewart, Curtin—Jacob . Knoll, Fregneon—Jos. B. Erb, Grryg— John D. Lana,, Ilqine—Dr. I'. T. 'Musser, itoon—Wm. L. Wilson, 11;:iris -John J. Thompson, 11:oi,:ard—David 13. Pletcher, . 'on—John J. Thompson, !y—\l'in. F. Court er, . .'o;:—John Strunk, [—Col. h. 11. Strohecker, B. IVaddle, I . 12.Yillinger, L. Leitzel, • —liiehard Atherton. . • ,n7;hoe—lVnt. B. Savage, Jodon, • .Merryman, M==ll --W. VT. Ro: , ers R. Barlow. engage as actively in the for the next two weeks as :evious to the October elec.:- ..an carry Centre county for Colfax. But once carry can hold it for evermore. '.?publican should see the im ofvoting himself, aud hav leighbqr vote. ■ V:: wonder how the Watchman star ck: on the question of the with drawal of Seymour and Blair. The ll'or/c/ is in favor of it; but of course, the 1 ride4man, 119 porter and the other Rapers of like ilk will remain quiet until their leader, Mr. La Cross Dem ocrat comes out• For shame, that these palters cannot have an opinion of their own, and express it. A GREAT number of Democrats in this county are anxious to vote .for Grant, and are patiently waiting for something to turn up in:order that they, may do so. The withdrawal of Seymour mid Blair will give them this opportunity. Truly, the De n ocracy never before were in such a sad plight and is it any wonder, when such another defeat—no hope of success at all--stares them in the face. Gr.onv r.—We felt like shouting when we heard of the handsome majority of Hon. Win. 11. Arm strong., the Congressman elect from the 18th District of Pennsylvania. Only Two Tuou.s. , ,ND AND TWENTY- Certainly this is glory Pnough for one District, considering the amount of money that was ex pc.elkd by 0;11. renegade Republican fl lend Zit' Loek.lla Yen. PUI:LICAN MEETING —We are informed that the efficient Chairman of (1111. County committee has called a series of meetings throughout the e:.)iiii!y for next week. We trust the Committees in the different will see that they arc well :a te:, led. Republicans, turn out. fhinest Democrats, who desire peace an prosperity for our country, turn oui these meetings. CAPES AND CAPS.-If Mr. ill attend the gathering of :ers Clubs, at ALlesburg, on - evening,,Oct. 24 , 180,11 e able to. ascertain how the .ocured their capes, caps, . He might also, at the y find out what amount o :Is expended by the Demo lb of Bellefonte for paper and where the money thus I came from. E In:TY or THE ILOti As a party we are prone to feel too : , cure in the election of Grant niid Colfax. Now, although there is not the least possibility of their defeat, yet their ultimate election is not all that we desire to accomplish Centre county must be grasped from the hands of rebels and trai tors. It has been too long in their hands for the good of its citizens. Through their mismanagement we are compelled to pay taxes, that, if the administration of our county's affairs had h?en in our own hands, we should not no w b e paying. In order to carry the county for Grant by a large majority, we must in the first place keep up our organ izatious—keep up the enthusiasm. Let us cease not in our labor for the cause of truth, liberty and justice. Let us go actively to work. Let our chairman appoint another series of meetings throughout the entire county. Already our enemies are at work. Saturday night last another campaign fund was raised, and ar rangements made for the carrying on of the presidential campaign with such energy as was never before done in tins county. Every artifice will be resorted to in order to ac complish their designs. They must be !mstrated at every point—on eve v hand. We have beat them— whipped them heretofore, and shall we now, for the want of a little eacyl;y, let them regain a hundred fold what they have lost. By no means, no ! Then up! In the lan gunge of our gallant leader, let us "push things." AFTER THE ELECTION Now that the October election is over—the smoke of battle cleared away—let us see what we have ac complished in the late election, and what is the duty yet to be per formed before the presidential elec tion. That the Democracy have been whipped, defeated at every point, whipped beyond all expecta tion. there is no doubt. First, we have redeemel our noble old State from the hands of rebels and traitors, and shown to our sister States what they can expect of us at the next election. By so doing we have completely demoralized the enemy's forces ; have thrown into their camp a fire-brand from which tnere is no hope of escape. Wit ness the stand taken by the X. Y. Wort, , the leading Democratic pa per of this country. on the morning of the 15th inst. But here it is in black and white : If, in a review of the whole situation. 1: shall be concluded that mistakcs have been made, it is better that they should be cor rected now, than that the country should be dragged through four mon , weary years of strite, to be redeemed then by meas ures of the same kind that might, by a magnificent exercise of pluck. be as easily aaopted now. Whatever a sagacious fore cast miy - perceive to be the proper course for the ifemocratic party four years hence, if it should be beaten now. had better be pursued at once. The time has come—the hour has struck—when we must turn our faces resolutely to the future. This is a young country, with a great career before it which no imagination can grasp ; at ma jority of our voters are young men abound in hope, enterprise. ardor. activity ; and the country being in the dawn of a new era, when all minds are tilled with ex pectation and excitement, that party has the best chances of a great future which is most in sympathy with the youthful, irre pressible energies of the nation. A grow ing nation, like an improving individual, has always something to learn. A political party which does not advance with the na tion, and enter into the fatness of its ex panding, exuberant life, is on the declivity which descends to decadence and decrepi tude. The Democratic party is fttll of vig orous youthful, aspiring elements ; similar elements in the other party are yearning to join it, if we will but have the boldness to build a bridge on which they can cross. The Democratic party cannot die ; its vitality, its invincible tenacity of life, the sanguine confidenca with which it gathers energy from defeat, bespeak a great destiny still in reserve. . If our leaders should be con:•inced by the result of the late elections, that some mistakes were made by not following their original judgment; if those who disagreed with them in opinion now see that they hi. -judged ; if there is any impediment to suc.!ess which can yet be removed by noble daring, or self-sacrificing virtue, or a bold stroke of policy, now is the hour for action! It would be an infinite pity if, when we are so very near success, we should fail to win it by a lack of a little boldness." In the above, two admissions are clearly made. First, that with Seymour and Blair there is not an earthly chance for their success at the next election, and second, that if elected, they are not fitted to occupy the responsible positions to which they ask the people to place them. Neither one of these admissions do we pretend to contradict. They are both true—true in letter and spirit. But, the inquiry may be made, who shall be their .candidates. Will it be Frank P. Blair, of Know-Nothing notoriety; Forrest, of Fort Pillow fame, or Breckinridge, one of the leading rebels and traitors of the country. Either one of these men would make fit representatives of the latter-day Democracy. No act, however • mean, low or contemptible, the party would wish done, but these rebel leaders would be willing to perform. Treason, no matter how odious, would be made respectable, as far as the Democracy are interested. Let us wait and see in what manner the copperhead party will squirm out of the scrape they have got into. HEADQUARTERS OF THE UNION RE- PtiELICAN COUNTY COMMITTEE. BELLEFONTE, Oct. 1(, 1868. To Ike Republicans of Centve County The Republican Executive County . Committee tender their hearty con gratulations to their Republican friends throughout the county upon the glorious results achieved by them on the 13th instant; IT IS A VICTORY. A victory of which we may well be proud. A victory in favor of law, order and peace. In face of the most vigilant op position we have reduced the Demo cratic majority of old Centre from 683 last year to 377 this year—a gain of 306. We can congratulate ourselves that no other county in the State, in proportion to her vote, has done as. well. This fact alone should stimulate us to greater efforts for the final battle on the Ist Tues day of November. By active and earnest work on our part, Centre county will give a majority of her votes for our noble standard-bearers, Grant and Colfax. We would admonish our friends not to be over confident from the net that the success of our ticket is conceded by our opponents. The enemy are on the alert, and will fight with desperation, in order to save their sinking ship—but if we con tinue the work, so well done in the past, until the closing of the polls on the 3(1 day of November, a grand and glorious victory will be the re sult. The apparent concessions of the enemy are for the purpose of lulling yon into inaction. Be not deceived. Come out in your strength and assist in elevating to the highest offices inithe gift of the American people, .Gen. U. S. Grant, and Schuyler Colfax—one, the greatest chieftain of the age, and the other the wisest and noblest statesman of the country. Then we say "rally once again,'' and when ' the ides of November shah have passed, and the victory so much desired shall have been thieved, we can congratulate the true lovers of their country that the sentiment of our standard-bearer, "LEI us HAVE PEACE," has prevailed, and peace, prosperity and happiness will continue to reign throughout the land. Then, again we say, to work. WM. P. Wasow, Chairman Co. Rep. Corn Subscribe for the NATIONAL at once. THE N A TI ONAL, BiuLEFoNTE PA !, j'RMAII. MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 18680 Arr. MEEK. That repiiblics are ungrateful, or at least that the people of a repub lican government are ungrateful, or perhaps, more properly, that the Democratic party is ungrateful will not certainly be denied by the gen tleman whose name heads this para graph. After eight years of politi cal drudgery and dirty work—after sacrificing all claims to decency— respectibility—after pros.tituting the influence of a party O' to the basest uses of partisan politie.S-after a treasonable course Which . must have done credit to a palter publish ed in the very hot-bed of di s union —after his etrorts in counselling re ristance to the power of the govern ment, in recruiting its armies—after a personal abuse of the patriotic men who were serving in our armies, which was viler than the Billings gate of the vilest fish woman. Atter, and notwithstanding all these valu able services in the cause of rt - ta: Democracy, he receives from the Democrats of Centre counts-, 14_ 2 votes less than a man, who, during all the time that Mr. Meek was so fatkful, has been Know-Nothing. Abolitionist and everything else which democracy hates. How hu miliating to a man who must cer tainly feel his degredation, if he has any . ievling. This result is attained, too, after a most vigorous campaign, in which not less than 1,000 extra copies of the Watchman have been gratuitously circulated. Falsehood, treason, treachery and deceit never can win long. There is in the hearts of men an innate sum of justice and love of decency which party drill and party discipline cannot eradi• cate. The people of Centre coun ty have done themselves credit by this open and unmistakable rebuke. Mr. Meek may yet find, as many men before him have found, that decency and purity, and truth, are after all, not to be despised. DEMOCRATS, ATTENTION ! The following (German) circular was handed to us by a friend, on last Monday. We present it to our readers in English. Can our Demo cratic friends deny but there is more truth than poetry in it Let them, if they be men, step out from the ranks of such an unprincipled and ungrateful party. Show your man hood by voting for Grant and Col fax at the coming election : To THE DE3IOCRA.TIC VOTERS OF THE TOWNSHIPS OF IL&INES, MILES, PENN, GREGG, POTTER, AND PERE ESON IN CENTRE COUNTY Where do we stand? Have we been justly regarded in the formation of our County Ticket? We form the. majority of the Democratic townships, and have saved through our majorities, year after year, the Democratic ticket in this county. How have we been rewarded for the success of the Democratic ticket in this county? The answer is—by base ingratitude. There exists a clique in Bellefonte, which would undertake to lead our nominations to serve their own plans; and it has succeeded. This makes them bold, as you can see by the proceedings of the late County Con vention. Look at the nominations : For Congress—D. G. Bush, Bellefonte. For President Judge—John H. Orvis, Bellefonte. For Assembly—P. G. Meek, Bellefonte. For District Attorney—Henry Y. Stitzer, 3ellefonte. For President of County Committee— J. Dunlop Shugart, Bellefonte. For Conferees for the nomination of a Candidate for President Judge—S. T. Shu gart, C. T. Alexander, and John P. 3litehell, all of Bellefonte. For Conferees for the nomination of a Candidate for Congress, John T. Hoover, of Bellefonte, and hon. William Allison, of Nittauy Valley. For County Commissioner—John Bing, Union township. For County Surveyor—Wm. T. Mitchell, Howard township. The districts out of which those nomi nations have been made, are all Republi can. Our delegates demanded the nomi nation of Dr. Deschner, but this did not suit the plan of the Bellefonte clique. But they conceded to our live Democratic townships, who control the power in Cen tre county, the nomination of Johu Rishel, for County Auditor, and carried us thus by storm. Is this nothing? What is our duty as Freemen? Are we to submit to this Bellefonte ticket ? No, fellow citizens ! Let us rise up in our strength and teach the Bellefonte clique that they can no longer deceive us by the cry, "Stand firm by the ticket," while their intention is only to make their living from the office fees. Let us make them feel and know that these nominations are not the choice of the voters of Perm's Valley, who are going, on the 2nd Tuesday of October, to cast their vote against the Bellefonte nomina tions, P. Gray Meek:, Stitzer, & Co. No other election will suffer therefrom. We can all be united au the first Tuesday of November for the Presidential election. But their cry is : "Five Democratic town ships will give us a majority of one thou sand, and we are safe. This game shall last no longer ; we have now an opportu nity to convince them that we know our rights and will support them by voting against every Bellefonte clique candidate, and thereby forcing them to acknowledge our interests. JUSTICE. IN all probability—judging :from the tone of Philadelphia papers, the municipal elections of Philadelphia will be contested, for the following reasons:—lt has been proven that fraudulent naturalization papers had been in existence ; that whole car loads of Baltimore and New York roughs, gamblers, pimps, &T., were thrown into the city on election day; that boobies of men calling them selves sheriff's deputies, but having no authority whatever, composed of the roughest characters in the neigh borhood, crowded around the polls, and prevented men from voting, at . the same time wounding and killing both citizens and the duly commis sioned officers of the peace; that at a great many polls the returns show an utter disproportion of the assess ment list; and that the grossest ir regularities are alleged in a great many wards. Now, shonld these worngs not be righted To do this they must con test the election, and the election should be contested in every voting precinct in the State, where frauds have been committed. RErunracA.As of Centre county keep up your organizations. Where you have none, organize at once. We have fougth one battle—prepare for another. OFFICIAL returns give us a Republican majority in the State of over Ten Thou sand majority. With a little effort we can double this for Grant. OUR DUTY We owe it to ourselves—we owe it to our party—we owe it to our principles—we owe it to our candi dates, to carry Centre county for Grant at our next election. It is not a question of ability, but rather one of willingness or desire. A vig orous and organized canvass of two weeks will not only enable us to win '2OO votes front the olmosition, which taken from their vote and added to ours, Nvolthi give its a small majority, but it will enahle us to carry this county by at least "till ma jority. Such a result will break the charm of Democral..v and enable us, with moderate exertion. nest; year to give 1110 naminktrAtion of local all'airs in this count v to 1 lik , friends of enlightened pro.iresq. The in terests of our comity demand change--the people in their heartm demand a ehang,e, :ma it only re mains for us to infuse into the peo ple the cour:pre 10 demand at the ballot box what they really desire ill oTtler to wrest forever from a cor rupt party the management of local atrairs which they have controlled too long. _ _ SOUND THE ALARM ! HErumAcNS TO l'ul'l: POST The following, taken from a pri vate letter to the Editor of the Pitts burg CommEuci A 1., contains :t 'timely warning, which Republicans should heed: "I fear our ffiends have stacked arms, and will be found on the day of the Presi dential elention without organization and enthusiasm. This should not be. Where are our speakers? Ibis not Frankßlair, the predetirmined assassin, given us anew and startling motive to exertion ? Could any thing be more horrible than his late St. Louis speech . anti still it was received by American Democracy with shouts of ap plause. Let Republicans slumber not a moment, but at once to the work before them." 2= HOME AFTER BUSINESS HOURS.—The road along which the man of business trav els in the pursuit of oompetence or wealth, is not a macadamized one, nor does it ordi narily lead through pleasant scenes and by hell springs of delight. On the contrary, it is a rough and rugged path, beset with "wait a bit" thorns, and fill of pitfalls, which can only be avoided by the watchful care of circumspection. After every day's journey over this worse than rough turn pike road, the wayfarer needs somethihg more than test; he requires solace, and he deserves it. He is weary of the dull prose of life, and athirst for poetry. Happy . is the business man who can find that solace and that poetry at home. Warm greetings from loving hearts, fond glances from bright eyes, and welcome shouts of children, the many thousand ar rangements for coinjort and enjoyment tha, silently tell of thought and expectant love the gentle ministrations that disencumber us into an old and easy seat before we are aware of it, these and like tokens of affec tion and sympathy, constitute the poetry that reconcile us to the prose of life. Think of this, ye wives and daughters of business men !—Think of the toils, the .anxieties, the mortification and wear that fathers un dergo t secure for you comfortable ho mes, and compensate them for their trials by making them happy by their own fireside. The sober and industrious man's home should be made a happy one.—. Pitt Eng. Advocate. Frederick F. Packer, nearly SO years old, lives a hermit life in Quiduit village, Nan tucket, Mass., with a parrot and monkey for his only companions. Ile visited the main land, recently, for the first time in more than twenty years, and was badly scared at the locomotive as it rushed to the wharf. • Sir Morton Peto has passed through the Court of Bankruptcy, and been discharged. The father of Robert Bonner was al innkeeper in Raymelton, Ireland. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS `STRAY. cama to the residence of Mart la Dolan in Central City, Boggs township, on the 3idli day of September, a Focrel horse with a white stripe on his face, about fourteen hands hizh. Tue owner is requested to corn,: forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or lie will be' disposed of according t) law. 10 23 at MARTIN DOLAN. DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore existing between C. T. Fryberger and Henry Na,e, of Bellefonte, ha, this day been dissolved by mutual consent, October 15th, 186 S. C. T. FRYBERGER, 10 '23 3t HENRY NACE, THE EDEN SCHOOL. This Institution situated in Union ville, on the Tyrone and Lack Haven Branch Railroed closes its Summer Sest.ion the 24th of Oct Men The Winter Session commences the 16th of November. Goad Board and accommodations furnished students at 5:3.90 per week. Terms of Tuitian per term of twenty weeks, $14.00. For Further particulars address, EDITH WICKERSHAM, 10 16 4t Fleming. Centre Co. Pa. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF The United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Nathan .McCloskey, a Bank rupt, under the Act of Congress of March 2d 1857, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, Notice is hereby given, to all persons who have proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the sth day of November, 1855, at 4 o'clock, P. M., before T. ti. Smith, Esq., Register of said Court, at the Thockerhoff House, is Belle fonte, to show cause, if any they have, w hay a Discharge shoul•l nit he granted to the said Bankrupt. And further ileac is hereby given that the second and third meetings of Creditels of the said Bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th Sections of said Act, will be held before the said Register, at the same time aNd place. S. C. McCANDLESS, 10 IG-2t Clerk. BOOK AGENTS, Are mceting with rare success in sell ing Sir S.W. Baker's Exploration.; and Adven tures among the Nile tributaries or Abyssinia to which is now a•.ided an account of the Cap tivity and release of English subjects, and the career of the late Emperor Theodore. No hook is received among all classes of people Zvi h such unbounded favor, or so fully combines thrilling interest with solid insiuction. Agents : male and female. sell it rapidly. "An admirable record of scientific explora tion, geographical discovery, and personal ad venture."—N. Y. Tribune. "It is issued in a very attractive form, and is as entertaining as a romanee."--Bustou Journal Full particulars on application to O. D. Case S.; Co., Publishers, Hartford, Coon. 10 10 4t (Zi 00 A MONTH.-MALE OR, FE- Male Agents wanted. E. E. LOCKWOOD, 10 16 6t* SlOO PER INIONTEL—AGENTS want3d, Male or Female, that can earn from 5.5.5 to 5100 a mouth at their own homes, and all expenses paid. For full particulars ad dress with two stamps. E. E. LOCKWOOD. 10 16 Ct* Agent. WANTED AGENTS.-111 ALE I I or Fetualm—Can cigar P. 50 per week at their own home, in :t light and honorable business. Any parson having a few hoa r; daily to spend will find this a 'good paying business. Address, sending two stamps, for full particu lars E. E. LbCKWOOD, 10 16 6t Detroit, Micit. JNO. MALINIAN T, VENDERS IN FISH, OYSTERS, VENISON And produce of all kind=. These Gent: einen intend supplying Bellefonte, 11Blesburg and Snow Slice a ith the above ar ticles, always fresh. Fresh Fish received every Tuesday. Thurs day and Saturday. OYSTERS To be had at all times,—Can, Tub, Keg, or in Shell. Trade and cash given for all kinds of country produce. KEEP AN EYE ON TETE DIAMOND, Ii yon wish to secure bargains in the Oystlr and Fish line. ,Re, 10 16 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS AU DITORS NOTICE. The undersigned appointed Auditor by the Orphan's Court of Centre county, to make distribution of the balance in the hands of Joseph Ildcer, executor ire the estate of .Toseph linker, executor in the estate of Abraham Haldeman, to and among the parties entitled thereto, gi ll attend to the duties of his appoint ment at his ollic in Bedefonte 4 on Thursday, Nov. sth, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and whero all interest .t 1 therein may attend if they see proper. CHARLES 11. HALE. 10 hitt Auditor. COPPER KETTLES OF IMF FERE_vr 'Az .s and weights, direct from Ihe Factory, at low rates by 10 111 BLWIN & WILSON. I)OAT,SIiITRG ACADEMY. BOALSIIIIRO, CENTRE CO., I'ENN'A. Tim Winter Session of this Institution will roitutienc! on lonilay, Nov. al, Vitie, awl cunt- Nists of Iwo terms of ten weeks each, exclusive of a N.:Le:aim' ol 1151) weeks during the 11011kt:tr.:. Iklule null Female pupils received 111 tell for the higher wininaries of learning, or the active lonsiness or tiro. linlnv or 'Coition from $5.1111 to f,;7.00 per term. rin cents per term. I'llo4 charged front the Inge of entering till the end of the t rept• in ease+ of sickness, or by special agree -1) pri yak, families from to loor further particulars address the, principal. In Pi 11 \V. THE ANVIL STORE sTovEs, STOVES, sTovHils The Anvil Store is now receiving the largest and best lot of Stoves ever brought to the mar ket, among which ii the justly celebrated ORIENTAL PARLOR STOVE, all sizes, Parlor Heaters, for •chamber above These stoves have no equal for beauty or utility NIAGARA COOK, Poor sizes. SUSQUEHANNA COOK, Four sizes. NEW AND INIPE,OVED PARLOR GAS }TURNERS, Four Sizes. NEW STYLES EGG STOVE NEW STYLE AECTIC. NEW STYLE PICKET STOVES, and various other patterns, also Treating Fur naces for dwellings and churches, to be nut up with bricks, and portable, cas d with galvanized sheet, to lie used without bricks, which will heat from four to eight rooms, according to size. ti2stf & WI LSON. WI -I 0 DID IT? WHY CLINE AND THEY DID IT JUST RIGHT They believe that whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. And upon this; prin ciple they have opened a FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET, In Mrs. Irvin's store room on the north side of the Diamond, and two doors north of Alle gheny street. They will slaughter good cattle every day, and will therefore have constantly on hands good fresh meat of every description. They will also keep tier the accommodation of customers chickens, eggs, butter, &e. Whenever the people want something real good—a little extra nice, let them call at CITY MEAT MARKET 918'68ff RAND'S AIR-TIGHT GAS BURNING A M 1"n nn, WARRANTED TETE BEST. SE FF-FE EDING .F,VAPORATOR ~-:z ~ :::,.i r 41 - mo w . -, ,-,,, --,--------------- ;.-5 - _ ---,-„,,,.... ~ _ 1 ,..;......,., ; , ;1 1 , __.,___;, ; ,;l;;,ii,, rxt; -I , 0 , I -: .--.-_ 'e-- --------- t: '-'ri 1: ! - ' 4- b 1) -7 ' 7677: -4-IA2R4:- ::"lIIIIIIIIIT Mill ''' , 11l ' . 11 . 1 , , - =-- „, ~.if , n ' " I : Ye, LL A4'..' '-' 'llli E l :'' , *:- V. 515 ,; 1 . ; law, ..iii 11 it ,:. 't;: ,, - -, -4.,. ir. , ,,p -- _ , - , i ii,p?„..,,,,p, --07,--0,,,4 J i ~,i i, _ r.,,t.:1g, ' - tipa0d.44,,,4,11i'r,!;i. ‘._-__,.. i7t -17::fi .• ~ igiLh-416:6fer:-=•,-:,'1.:2----:- -:.----.---,lo::gisf__;,__--iii,gr::,:„?,,.., ~1 0 ',”,-5, ,,i ,, ,, i ~,,..., ~ .-''' _,--_-_-----_;-----i - ----,---__ --i Satisfaction Guarallte2d• RAND, PERKINS MANUFACTURING DEALERS IX Cooking Ranges, Low Grates, Registers, Ventilators, AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED JAS. CLI \ E Magee Patent Heaters, Ran- cres and Stoves b NO. 124 NORTH SIXTH STREET 0.0.124 NORTH SIXTH STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. Send for descriptive Circular 825 Gin AIORGAN DID IT CLINE Sc MORGAN'S f ; !••,,sy , hZ . wA 17..211d_ ALSO MISCELLAITEOUS. IN BANKRUPTCY. In U. S..Distriet Court, Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania. This is to give notice that on the 3d day of October, A. D. me, a warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of John Edflaan, of Miles township, in the county of Centre, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition; that the pay- ITI:Mt of any debts mid delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him. are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and choe:4l one or more assignees of his estate will be held at the Broekerhotf House, in Bellefonte, before T. E. Smith, Register, on the oth day of November, A. D. ISGS, at 4 o'clock - , P. M. THOMAS A. .1101VLEY, Marshall, A•i M•sssenger By DAVID CAMliltOlsT, Deputy. MEM 1N THE ORPHAN'S COURT OF Centre county. In the matter of the es tate of William Railv, dmi'd., the undersigned an A editor appointed by said Court to hear the exceptions tiled to the account of Jonathan leWilliams, Executor, and to settle and adjust the same, will attend to the duties of his ap point silent his Mike in Bellefonte, on Tues day, November huh, ISIS, NI 1 o'clock, p. in, at winch ti MO and place all parties interested may attend it . they :gin proper. A I; HENDERSON, Auditor IN THE COURT OF COMMON Pleas of Centre county. Smith, Seltzer 6'..; Co. v;. D. :V. Zeigler. The undorsigned, an Auditor appointed hy the Court of Common Pleas or Centre county, to disiribute the money now in court arhfing ‘mi, or the sale of the per sonal property of I) W Zeigler, will attend to the 11111h,i 01 his appointment at.his (Mice in Ilellefunte, at 1 o'clock p. In., 011 Tuesday, the 201 h day of October, A. 1). 1868. JOHN 0. LOVE, Auditor. 11031 IN THE COURT OF COMMON Pleas of Centre county, Fi Fa. No. 47, August T. Weaver, Davidson & Co, s-s. C. R. Won'. The Auditor appointed by the Court to make distribution of Um fund in Court arising on the above writ among the lien credi tors, legally entitled thereto, will meet the par ties interested for the purpose of his appoint ment, on Notids y the 19th day of October, A 1), IS6B, at 10 o'clock, a m., of said day, at his office iu J3ellefonte. sep2s S. D. CRAY, Auditor. AUDITOI.B - NOTICE. The undrsigned, an Auditor 3 1) - pointed by the Orphans' Court or Centre county to make distribution of the money in the hands or Abraham F. Reynolds and G. M. locum, ex ecutors or the last will and testament or John 1. Duncan dec'd, to and among those persons legally entitled thereto will at tend to the duties or his appointment at his office in Bellefonte on Tuesday the 2Utlt day of October' A. D., at 1 o'clock p. on. el said day, where and when all persons interested may attend if they see proper sell 25 3t A. 0. :PURST, Auditor. ]STRAY. 1.4 Came tot' gin ilses of the subscriber in Union townsh , . the first of July last, a red and whites t ow, supposed to be live years old. The • lir requested to come for ward, prorepr i ,ay enarzcs and take her away, otherwis. be disposed of accord ing to law. JACOB HOOVER, Jr. 9 18 '6B 3L Union township. KToncE.—A meeting of the Three -10. s of the lioalsburg and Bellefonte Turn pike Bead Co., at the Broeherholf [louse, on the lst Monday of November. oet.'2 '6B-tm MOS ES T fOMP S ON. See. A uprrows NOTICE. In the Court of Conunoo Pleas of Cen tre county. The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said court to make distribution of the moneys in the hands of D. Z. Kline, Sheriff, arising from the sale of the personal propel-0 of Ritz man & Keller, will attend to the ditties of his appointment at his (Alice in Bellefonte, on Wed nesday, Oct 27st, ISCS at 2 o'clock, p. 711., at which time and place all parties interested may attend if they see proper. A. B. HENDERSON, 913 ; 4t Auditor. lOSEPH A. - RANKIN, of this Borough insures property for the fol lowing companies, viz : Lycomiug County Mu tual Insurance Company; York Company, Pa. Insurance Company of North America; - Enter prise Company, and Girard of Philadelphia Pa. 9 11 '6B-Iy. puRAY. JU Strayed froM the residence of the subscri ber, War. SHOWERS, near Boiling Springs, Spring township, August 29, two cows—One a red and white spotted cow, very few white spots, with straight horns. The other is a spreckled cow—red and white—with crooked horns. Any person knowing of the whereabouts of the above described cattle will please inform me of the fact. 9 113th 'NOTICE. it There will be a reunion of the Literary Societies of the Centre County Normal School, on Tuesday, the 29th inst. A cordial invitation to all the old students is extended, and they are expected to be present. The invitation is also extended to every person interested in education. 9 12 '96-3t ii. M. MAGEE. FA AXECITTORS' NOTICE.. Whereas, Letters Testamentary on the estate of ritilip Sheneberger, late of ilarris township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims to present them duly authenticated by law for settlement. GEORGE SHENEDE.RGER, DAVID KELLER, IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF JACOB HOUSER, late of Harris townsnip, The undersigned appointed by the Orphan's Court of Centre county, an Auditor to make distribution of the balance in the hands of Geo. E. Wasson, and Win. Thompson, Administrators of said estate, to and among those legally enti tled thereto, will meet the parties interested at his office on Tuesday, the 27th day orOctober, next, at 1 o'clock, P. al. JAS. H. BASKIN. 9 11 ' t 3 Auditor. TN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF WILLIAM H. COOKE. In the Orphans' Court of Centre County, August Tenn, 13.6. The undersigned, appointed by the Court, au auditor intim above case, "to hear and dispos of the exceptions to the accounts of Robt. Cooke, Executor, riled July ir,l 13C2, and July 24th 1863 and make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, amongst the par ties legally entill«l to receive the same," will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office. in Delletbute, on Friday, October 16th, at 2 o'clock, I'. 31, at which time and place al parties interested will be pros , TIIAD. P. STEPHENS, 9 11 '6l-3t Auditor' t i; ~ )--i U2eat. 8 L... 1 0.... 1-4 --. - ,--i . _ - Gfo r 0 ) 7.1 C 4 ). ?-3 eTh : = -L. ty) L i t I , A r*, F= ,:-...... ; , .7 1 t. - 4 . . . 4 . 1 -. -- ,- :-. r••••• __, ... ri t-e i 4 - r - r - i ri .-,. t...--i ~, 0 C LJ -1 P cI SIX TE NTH OITARTERLY sTATEmExT the I: , t Bank of B!lleConte, Quartet emEn , 0 to_ RESOURCES Loaus and Disconuts, f,2213,:;97 4:5 Suspended Debts, 14,277 25 Bonds to secure circulation ICO,OIO Ou Other U. S. Bonds., :iii,otO O 0 1/tie from Natioeal Barl;. 29,417 So Due from olluir Banks and Bankers 1,427 1S Cash It:uns 13,5u1 33 Expense Fixture void Tax, 5c..... 1e,502 59 Legal Tender N otis, ,Y.,:c 20,271 7U LIABILITIES capital Stock 100,000 00 Surplus Fund 00,000 00 Notes received from Comptroller.. 67,5)0 00 I)ne Depositors 177,633 61 Due National Banks 33,453 69 Due other Banks and Banlmrs..... 11,300 71 Interest and Exchange 10,681 40 4450,659 41 JOHN P. HARMS, GASUIER. Sworn to avl subscribed before me this Sixth day of October, IIGS. EVAN M. BLANCHARD, NOTARY PURI.W. ATTENTION ! MONEY AND TIME SAVED HOWELL. GILLILAND & CO 1 & 2 BUSH'S ARCADE To purchase everything in the line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, DRY GOODS, EATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, QUEENS‘‘ ARE, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, &C., &C . . Our steel:, is without doubt, and we chat lengo denial, the largest ever opened in Belle finite. Our DOUBLE STORE Is literally packed full of the finest and Cheapest articles in our line that can In: obtained in the eastern markets. In Ladies' Furs, We are ahead of any merchant in the Count Although our stock heretofore has been large, the present comple.ely eclipses anything ever before attempted in this section. An examination Avill prove the truth of our assertions. Remember the Place 1 HOWELL, GILLILAND dr, CO. 9 4 ly Bush's Arcade THILADELPHIA. im Ala; S ent Free by Mail, when ord red cN o tn c ; C 0 -1 55 4 0 C.) H '.?-) 0 O cz ? w 0 . " 4 % 0 q. 3 i:4 4 CC Ir'- .-. r-4 ( 4' N . Ell ' t ,4 .• ..../ 0 8 „., ;--. F • pe , c.... Uri .1 H.-.) '-' itioll 90 — O r . " - 1 6 ctr-4 CO ,--t g g Cs' r 4 u2 ^ 52 . a ~... ,-. ci3 •.-1 4 -, PI ---7. pq 0 CI) q .is l g: 4 0 2 c:Z ... "6 F P S rj; U 2 UP CD C.>U2 r_'..` i c 3 P ZD pir4 c ' Ur ' L/2 0 (D'-' lyi 1..1 IZi pi 0 - Cb I ME I '- '1 N A ;-, TREMENDOUS Stock of Horse .IL. Blankets, Buffalo Robes, and Buckskin Gloves at 10:2:'68 BURNSIDE k THOMAS' PHILIP HILL, 31..9.NUFACAURER OF NO. 204 CITURCII ST., PAILADELPIIIA ta - Sond for Engraving:m(l Price List. N. 8.--PRESIDENTIAL (.I.I3IPATGN TORCH ES, 25, 30,35 and $40,00 per hundred. 10 Jot jw. DAND'S AIR-TiuilT HEATING A; COOCING: la A. N G E. We invite examination smi warrant every Range which we set to give entire satisfaction. Alo Manufacturing Dealers in LOW CRATES, REGISTERS, And Agent? for the Celebrated Ranges and Stoves 8450459 41 RAND, PERKINS & CO., No. 121 N. Sixth Street, PIIILADELIIIIIA, PA Send for clescriptiTc Oct.:, -IS -- By going direct to BELLEFONTE, PA VENTILATORS, Magee Patent Heaters, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GEO. W. FAIRER & CO. No. 4. Bush's Arcade. Has just received the largest stock of FURS Ever brought to Centre county. Their stock comprises some of the best material in the Now York and Philadelphia Markets, and ranges in prices from $4.00 to $125 PER SETT. Not only in the Fur Line does Mr. Fairer excel other establishments in the County, but in Zephyrs, Saxony Wool, Germantown Wool, Cashmere Yarns, Factory Yarns, Shetland Wool, Zephyr and Paper Patterns. In the Ho siery Line, we can supply Ladies', Gent's and Misses' Hose, Insertings and Edgings. Also, Ladies, Gent's and Misses' knit Pants and Vests Paper Collars and Culls, Scarfs, Buckskin, Fancy and plainer styles of Gloves. Also, Cambile Bindings, Black and Fancy Silks, Repp, Poplins, French Merinos, Wool Delaines, Calicos, etc„ etc., etc. LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS Embracing a fine assortment of Patent Breast Protectors, Chignons, Hair Plaits, Cods and Tm,sels, Hoop Skirts, and the best assortment of LADIES' Sr, MISSES SHOES To be found in Bellefonte. Also a fine assort ment of Ladies' Fall and Winter Hats and - -Nr,l.Teathers. Also a large assortment of Black Alpacas, Fancy Plaid Cash- e la _rnere, Stamped Aprons, Knit Sacks, Fur Hoods, Working Canvass, Black and Col. ored - Velvets, Bonnet . Ribbon. and every thing kept in the FANCY LINE. FANCY DOLLS IN ABUNDANCE irir Desirous of Selling our entire stack of Gent's Clothing we will sell it off2s per cent Below Cost. GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOTHING Are now offered at O. W. FAIRER & CO THE BLESSING OF PERFECT s t GILT can only be obtained by using - 3 1 4 . PERFECT SPECTACLES. The difficulty of procuring which is well known MESSRS. LAZARUS & MORRIS, OCULISTS AND OPTICIANS, HARTFORD, CONN., Manufacturers of the Celebrated PERFECTED SPECTACLES, have after years of experience, experiment and the erection of costly machinery, been enabled to produce that • GRAND DESIDERATUM, PERFECT SPECTACLES. which have been sold with unlimited satisfac tion to the wearers in New England, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and British Pio vinces during the past nine years. Those Celebrated Perfected Spectacles never tire the eye, and last many years without change. G. W. PATTON, DEALER IN JEWELRY, WATCHES, ETC., Sole Agent for Bellefonte, Pa., from whom only, they can be procured. IQ" WE EMPLOY NO PEDLARS. "IA Oct. 2, '6B-ly. DR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS. A MIANGLLEADD ERAE B . TONIC STIMULANT, STOMACH IC AND CARMINATIVE BIT TER?, EXTRACTED ENTIRELY FROM HERBS AND ROOTS. HIGHLY BENEFICIAL IN DYS PEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY AND LOSS OF APPETITE ; AND AN EXCELLENT CORRECTIVE FOR PERSONS SUFFERING FROM DISORDERS OF THE BOWELS, FLATULENCE, AC. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Depo', No, 413 Market Street, Philadelphia. J. R. TAYLOR 1 CO. 10 9 68 ly gd. THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOUR NAL and LIFE ILLUSTRATED, is a first class Monthly, specially devoted to the "Science of Man." Contains Phrenology and Physiog nomy, with all the "signs of character, and how to read them ;" Ethnology, or the Nati:mi. .His. tory of Man in all his relations of Life; Practi cal Articles on Physiology, Diet, Exercise and the Laws of Life and Health. Portraits, Sketchee and Biographies of the leading Men and Women of the World, are important features. Much general and useful information on the leading topics of the day is given. It is intended to be the most interesting and instructive Pictorial Family Magazine Published. ERMS.-A New Volume. the 49th, commen ces with the January Number. Published Monthly, in quarto form, at $3 a year, in ad vance. Sample numbers sent by first post, 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more, S 2 each per copy, and an extea copy to agent. We are now offering the most liberal premiums ever given for clubs. for 1869. Inclose stamp for list. Address, S. R. WELLS. Publisher, 389 Broadway, New York. oct2-tf SOAP! SOAP! '"Rich as Croesus." Tremendous ex citement ! Unprecedented rush for the new Croesus SOAP ! SOAP ! ! The washing powers of this Soap aro truly marvelous. No person who has ever tried it will do without It. Its recommendations are perfect PURITY, utter HARMLESSNESS and wonderful EFFICIENCY'. Warrented to con tain more washing power to the dollar's worth than any other soap in the market—therefore the cheapest. Try it. Satisfaction guaranteed, if used according to directions, or money re funded. Ask any grocer for it. Manufactured only by lICECKLEY HALL. (CRCESUS SOAP WORKS.) No. 449 York ATenue, [Old York Road,) Phila WO 9 5m jw. THE HOUSEHOLD GAS MA CHINE. For supplying Dwellings, Stores, Factories, Churches and Public Buildings with Gas ! GENERATES GAS WITHOUT FIRE OR BEAT ! The simplicity and ease by which this ma chine is managed, as also its economy and great merit, recommends it to pnblic favor. Call and sea machine in operation at the store ! Manufacturer and sole agent, DAVID JONES, Tin Furnishing Store, 733 Green Street, Phil's. tar - Sind for Illustrated Circular. 109 3mjw PATENT OFFICES.— Inventors who wish to take out Letters Pattent are ad vised to counsel with MUNN .sz; CO., Editors of the Scientific American, who have prosecuted claims before the Patent Office for over Twenty Years. Their American and European Patent Agency is the most extensive in the world.-- Charges less than any other reliable agency. A Pamphlet containing full instructions to inven tors is sent gratis. _4 handsome Bound volume, containing 150 Mechanical engravings, and the United States Census by Counties, with Hints and Receipts for Mechanics, mailed on receipt of 25 cents. Address, MUNN & CO,. oct2-tf 31 Park Row,N.Y. GRAY'S PERRY • PRINTING INK WORKS, Grays Ferry Road and Thirty. Third St cots, P RILADEPPRIA, PA. C. E. ROBINSON, manufacturer of BLACK AND COLORED PRINTING AND LITHOGRAPRIC INKS, VARNISHES, &C., &C. 10 9 3m cw -R O R S E COLLARS.—If you don't want your banes' solder, gall ed and made sore, get good U Collars at BURNSIDE'S 11011 AS. E. C. Humus, Pres% J. P. HARRIS, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BELLEFONTE, PA. (L.thE HOMES, MCALLTSTER, BALM 11:05.) Particular attention given tothe purchase anp sale of Government securities. F"ll' SLTANDBACON constantly for sale. B. STERNBERG MERCANTILE. NEW HARDWARE STORE! J. & J. HARRIS. NO. 5, BROICERHOFF ROW. A new and complete Hardware Store has been opened by the undersigned in Broker hoff's new building—where they are prepared to sell all kind• of Building and Honse Furnish ing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails Riad every variety of goods in their line, ar the lowest rates. Confident of giving entire satisfaction we would respectfully eottoit thepublic patron age. jans'66—ly BUGGY WHEELS, in setts, re dy-made, for eale by J. Jc J. HARRIS. 0et.4;67 CULL AND SEE THE CHA3I - PION CLOTHES WRINGER !—Tbe best article in that line over offered to the pub lic, now for sale by J. & J. BARRIS. sep2l '66 MILL SAWS, CIRCULAR and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws, We Saws, the., for sale by J. et J. HARRIS. may 10"67, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BATH Toss, Clothes Racks and Universal Clothes Ringi rs, for sale by may4'66 J. 41 T. HARRIS. AFULL ASSORTMENT OF GLASS and Mirrror Plate of all sizes, and glass cut to any required size or shape by sep2l'66 J. et J. 11ARRIS. PICTURE FRAMES of ALL Sizes and Styles furnished at short no tice and low terms and all kinds of moulding constantly on hand by J. &J. HARRIS. NVIIEELBAR,ROWS ! Wheel barrow ! For aale low by 16,'117. J. 41, J. HARRIS. LAMPS, COAL OIL LAMPS, Brackets, Hanging Lamps, Sive Lamps, Universal Lantern, and all kinds of Lantere, for sale by J. A J. HARRIS. 21'68 BELTING i BELTING A fine lot of the best oak tanned leath er Belting just received and for sale at manu facturers prices by J. d• J. HARRIS. may2s , 4 ,...ewiES, Felines, and Hubs, a kJ large and well seasoned 'stock of wood stuff now on band and for sale by Aue.l6.'s7. J. A. J. lIAIMIS. j_joLol4 S PLOWS! PLOWS! Culivators, Corn Plows, Plow Points, Shear Mold Boards and Cultivator Teeth, for sale by Maylo,l7. riIABLE CUTLERY—A fine lot 11 just received and for sale by mar2324lS J. A. J. HARRIS. IHOVELS, SPADES 4L- FORKS I►JJ for gale by J. Al. HARRIS. mar23.'llll LOCKS, JANGLES, SCREWS, Latches and builder's hardware by mar23.'B6 LASH SPRINGS.—J. &. J. Harris ►.7 aro sole agents for Brown Bro's. improv ed Sash Spring. The best thing of the kind ever offered to the public. Builders call and see it ! Ang.16,'87. HORSE -SHOES, NAILS, and Norway Rode for male by r0ar23.'66 J. & J. HARRIS. OlLS—Lard, Lubricating, Coal, Linseed, Tanners, for sale by sept2l.'66 J. A J. BARRIS. ANVILN, VICES, BELLOWS, Screw Plates, and all kinds of Black smiths Tools for sale by J. AJ. HARRIS. maylo,'67. BELLS,BELLS, BELLS.—School House Bells, Factory Bells, House Bells, Dinner Bells, Gong Bells, Tea Bells, duo., for sale 'by maylo,'67. GRINDSTONES, Scythe Stones, and whet stones for sale by maylo.'B7. J. 4 J. HARRIS. I,PENTER TOOLS forsale a the hardware stora of Ip.RUIT JARS & CANS. ROUSE KEEPERS TAKE NOTICE A largo lot of tbo most improved kinds for sale by J. lc J. BARRIE Aug. 9,'67• NEW BOOK STORE WHILESALE & RETAIL BOOKS, STATIONARY, NEWS EMPORIUM. JACOB D. MILLER, Rae purchased the Book, Stationary and News Establishment of Kinsloe & Brother, on Allegheny street, near the Diamond, to which he has just added a large invoice of goods such as is genera Ily kept in a well conducted Book and Stationary store. Blaktock soa sists of • THEOLOGICAL, LAW, MEDI CAL, MISCELLANEOUS, SUNDAY SCHOOL, and SCHOOT, BOOKS, Blank, Time, and Pass Books, Diaries. Every grade and price of Cap; Legal, Bill, Lotter and Note Paper• Fine Frnch paper, envelopes of every dieeription and price, pea s, inks, transparent and summon slates, pencils, &c., ho. ALSO DAILVA WEEKLY :PAPBRS, MAGA ZINGS AND SHIMS MUSIC. r n et large supply of Legal and Justicas,lslaak constantly on hand. U. S. INTERNAL RENENUE STAMPS. lie is also agent for Lochmaa's celebrated WRITING FLUID Country merehants would do well to exam ine hie stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I can sell at manufacturers BOORS GOT TO ORDER WHEN DESIRED. Aux• 28,1888.1 y. NEV GOODS A large assortment of new spring and sm. mer goods bare just been unpacked at the +tore of J. B. AWL, Allegheny Street, Bolefonte, Pa., and are now offered to the people at the most reasonable prices. Ilia stook comprises! DRY GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY, •ueh as MUSLINS, CALICOES, DELAINES, SILKS Morinoce, Gingham, Chocks, Cassimare, Ac. Alec, GROCERIES, ALL KINDS, PRO VISIONS, SUPERIOR DRIED FRUIT, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Queenewaro, and in fact everythingusually kept in his line. J. B. AWL. May 1,18-1 y JOHN H HAHN, PRACTICAL WATCHNAERR ARD JRWRLIII, No. 4.Bush's Arcade, [with ( 3. W. Fairer &Cu The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity, that ho has permanently lo cated us above. As a good and reliable watch maker and jeweler is greatly needod in this lo cality to meet the increasing demands, he takes this method of introdueiog himself to the public. Repairing is a speciality with him, and hay. ing no other business in connection therewith, he can give his entire attention to this branch of business, and respectfully solicits a trial to prove that all 'p ork entrusted to his care give entire satisfact on. All work so. h as Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., will be promptly, and carefully executed, Also, Musical Clocks and Boxes, skillfully ran paired. Don't forgot the:place,:No. 4 Bu Arcade. Aug. 21,N58.1y, cHEGARAY INSTITITTFb ING LIND AND PNINGI, FOR YOUNG LAES, BOARDING AND DA YPUPILS, 1527 and 1529 Spruce Street, PIADELPHIA, Paaa'.a. Will reopen on Monda ll y L , Sept. 22d. Prenth la the languake of the family and ie souse:lnt* spoken in the Institute. MADAME D'RERYILLY, Jude 17,'68:32915:cw're: Prieretpitl. J. & J. HARRIS J. A . J. HARRIS. J. 1 J. HARRIS. J.. 1 J. HARRIS AND