ES a , Fieultural Dews. CULTIVATION OF FOTATOES IN AUGUST The potato crop has risen to such importance that all facts and sug gestions tending to increase the yield thereof, will receive wide attention. It is the custom generally to culti 7 vale and hoe them more or less Oar- - our-111y before harvest, finishing by billing, when, if the ground is free from other plants, the cultivation is considered finished. But our fields, unfortunately, are full of weeds, and July showers bring to life and vigor ous growth as bountiful crop of pig weeds, barn grass, wild buckwheat, Sze. Before the crop is harvested, indeed. in the month ofAugust, the po:ea., geld assumes an appear ;,,ec that annoys the tidy farmer, th,• weeds appropriate a large s, ;e•tthe fertility of the soil, di : the. legitimate'crop both - • quantity, and rendering vest more laborious and cost ' l bun:nnee of weeds in the puta • August is indeed a se ,:rawhaek on the crop ; they abstra t moisture as well as fertility, nod e tubers sutler accordingly.— : „ere is no doubt that •many crops , 1(:uld yield quite remuneratively if cean, which, being weedy, promise a 1 rare proportion of small potatoes. - ft ;s, well to consider the fetthibili t •f cultivation and cleaning potato fields in,August. - With most varic ....wt.:, especially the late kinds, this operation can be readily performed. The shovel plow will loosen and roll the dirt to the vines, and the laborer, following with a hoe can clear out weeds with rapidity. It is a work that pays in more respect than one. First, it is good cultivation which is always pleasing; second, renders the harvesting of the crop easier and, to quite an extent, less costly ; third, the size of the potatoes, will certain ly be increased, and to an extent, v;ithout doubt, to amply repay the expenditure. Late planted crops, especially of 1::1 - e varieties, like the peach blow, often do not set, if the summer is until about the first of August. To such it is vitally impottant that the Soil is freed from weeds at this linie of the year. We once harvest ed a very large yield of this variety —which were very weedy on the tirst of August. The tops were stocky and large, but not -a potato was formed at that date. We gave them a thorough cultivation and hoe ing and felt well repaid in More ways than one for the expense.— J iowl -Veit; Yorker. SWEET CORN IN WINTER Those who do not know what a winter luxury sweet corn is, rightly prepared, ought to take the word of those who do, and this month pro vide some for themselves. Canned sweet corn is very apt to soul better way to "put it np" is to dry it. A lady contributes to the Amer ican Agriculturist the following direc tions ter drying, as well as instruc tion for salting it—new idea to us : It is a wonder that so few should have anything but field corn for ta ble use ; and for drying there is a still greater contrast between the common field corn and the garden varieties. I hove been used for years to dryinx corn. Boil the green ears tiff a minute or two, just to harden miik, then cut from the cob and rt.:A on a cloth in the sun for two inkinn - it in at night ; it will anywhere. When cooked it is t= rto soak it a few hours, .n the same water. In cold ....t all that is wanted for a c+e k .1- two may be wet. It cooks quicker and tastes better. . A little and flour boiled in it is almost g,,t(l as cream. I have not given up drying corn, but fbr two years past I have put some down in salt, which gives another variety, and is more easily prepared. At first I had difficulty in freshening it, and then it was comparatively tasteless, but now I boil the corn in one water a minute or two, turn the water of, add a iew sliced potatoes, boil until they are done, drain off the water, and add cream or butter. We think this preparat:on tastes more like summer corn than the dried corn does. In salting,l cut the green corn without boiing, and pack it, alternating one pint of corn and a small handful of salt. When the vessel is about full, put on a cover that will fit tightly down to the corn, and place a small weight on it, as it must be kept under the brine, which it makes from its juice. LARGE farms seem to be attracting we attention of Agriculturists. Two thenithy enterprising gentlemen of county, Ohio, have pur chised a township six miles square, in T..: - cbraska, of Government land, anal purpose to convert the whole into one grand farm of 23,040 acres. They intend to inclose it with a hedge of the osage orange, twenty-lonr miles in extent, and will put up cross hedges twelve miles in length. They will hireall their labor and most im proved agricultural machinery,intend ing to put the whole farminto wheat,as flist as possible. It will require about 20,000 bushels for the seed of such a thrm, A colony is also being form ed in Chicago under Mr. Amos Duf field, for the purchase of another township, in Nebraska for the same purposes. Eastern Florida is also being laid out in large farms, for the purpose of cultivating fruits and ear ly vegetables for the Northern mar kets. Jacksonville, the chief ship ping port of the State, - is but four days from New York by steamer, and still lessby, is estimated that tifty tlipusand young orangeand treiii . have been set out since die \v.•. and that ten thousand are noe, in bearii]g, in the northern part the :State, the fruit selling at $l5 • r thousand, as it hangs on file settlers at the extreme ,1 part of the States are chief g • , ..d in the manufacture of , a ii:ch root, as well as all . , tiopleai plants, grow there • \ LES' Cow MANAGEMENT. -- - - , ~nould rim dry six weeks be c:aviug ; if milked closely calv ,g, the calves will be poorer. Heifers dried up too early after calving, will always run dry about the same time in after years—there i,,re be careliil to milk closely the first year, until about six weeks be foi'..• calving. 1==711:1 LITTLE alum mixed in chicken ibizy,l is recommended both as a pre ventive and cure of chicken cholera, by the Prairie Farmer. Lie that by his plough would thrive, iiinself, must either hold or drive. TINWARE. NEW TIN. AND SHEET-al - lON. WARE.,M;XICUFACTORY??.`; y , . • Immediately opposite 'Bush's IBuildit4g,-: on the west side d Sprin:Creelt, • . 'Bellefonte, Pa. • - JOHN H. LONEBERGER, . formerly doing business in this line in Bishop street, has again established a Tin and Shoot Iron Ware Manufactory. in the locality above mentioned, where he is pie Pared to the public with every article d sirahle in his branch of the trade at Livi PRICE 3, and wares made of the b^st materials. ROOFING AND SPOUTING will receive prompt attention, and at reason able rates, and everything desired in this lin'e will he promptly made to suit parties.( AtrC. n 3RON, COPPED, PEWTER AND tahen in exchange for manufactured nrikles. MARK THE PLACE! - NEAR .NEW LO AN FOUNDRY:- - June N lIILLIBISII, • „ 'holesale And retail dealer iii *TOVES AND TINWARE, Allegheny St., Bellefonte, Pa., would in%ite the uttentiion of the public to his elegant stock of goods just received The the fall and winter trade, en:larpcing . . . , PARLOR AND COOK STOVES, Tin and sheet iron ware, japanned ware, tamped ware, seamless tin ware, enamelled; tinned and plain hollow ware,, and everything to be fhund in a first tin ware matnfactory. Also, fruit sets, coffee mills, teal hodsham tuered pans, (round and oval) dripping pans, brass and copper kettles, spoons, knives,and forks, and a full assortment of house-furnish ing goods, generally. Special attention, is directed to the MORNING 01.011 Y STOVES, uldeb we hove of all sizes. They illuminate, are self-feetiers'and perpetual burners. They are unequalled for beauty, neatness, durability and saving of fuel. The WELLINGTON AND IZOY4L COOK, Oriental 27111 Ornamental Cook Stoves, with improvment.s of 1567, are unequalled y any stove in the market, for large flues, heavy elstiugg, high ovens and strong drafts, and are the most durable in all respects, and aro war ranted perfect bakers. All kinds of Steve Trimmings constantly no hand. at low figures. -t ROOFING AND SPOUTING promptly attended to, and special attention paid to repairing stoves, and jobbing general- Call and Fee our assortment before prircims ing elsewhere, as we are prepared to offer great inducements. N. HILLIBISII. Dec.20;67-tf. DRUGS FS. WILSON'S DRUG, STORE NEW LOCATION S .tillt-veest corner of lcigb and Alle gliany Streets, Bellefonte;'Petin'tt. (No. 1, EIIOICERHOFF'S Row.) The subscriber respectfully announces to his many acquaintances and the public, in general that he has removed his Drug and Medicine Store into be corner room of Broker hors new building on the Diamond, where he has constantly on hand a large stock of DE CGS, MEDICINE'S, CHEMICALS. P FUMERY, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, GLASS, INST 3,UNIENTS. VA It- NISH, TURPENI Es 8, Linseed Oil, Coal Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, Crushes, Hair Oil, Extracts, Toilet Soaps, Tobacco, Seo ' nrs, &c., Ace.; &C. , - Also a variety of fancy articles too 1111Pier "us to mention, which he offers at low rates, end warrants the galities of the articles as represented. Purchasers will please remem ber this, and examine the qualities and prices or his goods before purchasing elsewhere. Air Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Iteeipes carefully compounded at all hours of the .lay or night, by calling at his store oppo. aitr Reynolds' Bank. The most celebrated and popular Patent' Meth cities arc constantly on band:and fer salt:* jaw 5.'66.-Iy. OILS, PAINT, VARNISH, GLASS and PUTTY by F. S. 'WILSON. apl3 'f•6 BOORS AND BOOKSTORES: ' IVINGSTON'S BOOK STOKE. The undersigned at his NEW ROOM, in the North end .` of the Brokerhoff row,' on the Southwest Corner of the Diamond, still keeps on hand his usual assortment of THEOLOGICELL, - CLASSICAL,, s uND tY. BCIIOOI., MISCELLANEOUS, ur•l a 1 tho various School Books 110V1 1 111 use BIBLES, arranged for family photographs; also other Bibles in great variety, varying in price from 60 cents to $3O, Photograph Al bums, Rotary Albums, (a new intention,) Blank Books and Stationery, Le. al Blanks,- Metallic Slates, &c., &o. He is also the Agent for Centre County for the introduction and sale of Parker ,t Watsons, Readers..Raub's Spellers, Clark's Grammars' Brook's Arithme ties, Montietb's Geo g raphies, Martindale's Ili>tury of the United States, and Whright's Orthography. Aog23 GEO. 1.111 U. titiTON. BIBLES i No.. 9, containing six plates, Psalms in Metro, Family Re cord, Gilt Back and Sides, $3 75 No. 11, containing ton plates, Apocrypha, Concordance, Psalms and Family Re cord, 4 25 No 11, P., Same, Arranged for Photogra phs 4 50 Same, with Photographs and Clasp... 5 00 No. 12, containing twenty plates and same as No.ll, 5 50 No. Id, containing same a No. 11, P., Gilt Edges . ..... ... 6 00 Same, with Clasp and Gilt 6 75 No. 22, containing same as No. 13, Fine • 7 50 Samo,Fine Morocco, full Gilt and Clasp,9 50 .. The subscriber has also for sale Biblos of a better quality and higher prices. They are all iIARDrN WS BIBLES, Binding Warranted, and are far superior to those gotten for the purpose to be hawked about the country, and sold at extortionary prices. gEO. LIVINGSTON. N0r.15,'67-tf. INSURANCE I NSURANCE.—Joseph A. Ran kin, of this Borough insures property for the fo!loivinr , Companies, viz: Lyeotuing In surance Co.,York Insurance Co., Pa., Colum bia Insurance Co., Pa., andfPhiladelphia Com panies, viz: Insurance Company of North America, Enterprise Insurance Co., Girard In surance Co., Insurance Cotupary State of Pennsylvania, and Enterprise. jnsurance Co., of ciucinnati, 0. Also,Etna Life Insurance Co., Hurtford,Conn., utual Life Insurance Co., of New York, and Provident Life Insur ance Co., Phil'a. Be has also Books of Pres byterian Board of Publication for sale. Au g .30,•67-I.y. Ci 1JA1.13 .;11.LAND VALLEY MU TUAL PROTECTION COMPANY. This Company, which during the past twen ty-6,14r years has earned an enviable repu tatt.,o throughout Pennsylvania, has rendered its ty-fourth annual statement, a gene nal summary of which is here given : A nwunt of property insured at date $7,426,622 On Amount ut premium notes in force at-this date 615,17,S Ameunt of looses paid during the year f,dlii 2 A mount of losses occurring dur • ing the year 1.1,4% , no Cash income of Cu, during yeAir, nett 41t,t-:.Se 29 So. of policies issued during year.. 2 ,0.49 t•• Losses 10441 since organize. • ion 02,400 00 R. WOODS, ocey. A 4. 11. MULLEIN, Pres. zAdrISA AC II iI!PT, Agent for COMM COl.lll ty. Ultieu neur the Lelleento, Pa. JA0,10;68 lylo jUSTii..:E OF THE PEACE 5.A.:013 . EL L. BARR, Justice of will attend to the writips of duff.;:, :ft ',vies of agreement, tire. Collections ,!I ot..ef huffiness entrusted to his care .i . fended to. Office one door north lintehlson's law office, Belle fonte, l'a. A , say 1141,.61. ' 4 . ' • . . 5* 4 . • • . _ „ TALEFON-TP - • R:-IDAY:-MORNING, SEPTEMBER . -4, 1868 9• , • HOTELS ,CLEARFIELD HOUSE, ropt - by JAMES rt. GALER, . tito.W.P.STREET ; tiI_LITSTSURG, PA. tied *ilMOpeach hz.ari - who says Ave fail to give direct and 'prompt_ attention to Au,. custpiners, - nr fail to cause them do,rejoico over a, well furnished . table.lanp:letinTnotas with now bcds,.where all,marfenLat hoine r ind the. weary lia - at„rest. NEW - STA - BEING A" - ND:SII EDS for Dor oar and_garriages. .• • PAIN ,VcLAUOIILIN :Tune 12,'p-t . f. • •,• • • Proprietors. FLpfINGTON lIOTEL, FLEMINGTON ) PA.. • IL. ,GEPILATIT; Mr. Cephartwould respectfully luferm .the public generally that he now, occupies the :Above named Hotel, whore he will 'be gladiti meet and greet his Termer friends, and receive a share of the public patronage. =By strict personal attention to 'the details of- his' busi ness he to - be able to-render satisfaction to all who may favor him with 'their patronage: His bar and 'table will be made a speciality. His stable is good, and will be attended by - careful and attentive ostlers. An excellitit LIVERY is attached to thiS establishMent, wide]) strangers will -find to their' advanttwe. Give . him a call, one and' all. lie feel:s'o°A dent that all Will be satisfied with their accome modation. June • 5 / 6 8-10m. BROCICERTIOFF ' • BELLEFON TE,:PA HOUSEAL -KRUM, Proprietors This is the only tint-class Hotel' io Bellefonte; It is:a largo . and finely ; located huilding,.possessieg all the Modern iulp,rbva tnents necessary to the comfort of their gtiests May 1,458-1 y GARMAN'§ „ ? Southeast corner of the Diamond, 13E . IIEFONTE,'PA. DANIEL GARMAN, Proprietor Excellent aecommodationF, good table and 'bar- May 1,'68-Iy. A. R. CURSCINGS. C. U; KELLER EAGLE _HOTEL. 227 NORTH THIRD STREET, (pet :Teen Race and Pine,) CUM lINGS KELLER, Propt:ietora Sppt.6,'6l-I.y. STATES lIN.CIN"FIOTEL, . . PHILADELPHIA: This Hotel .is plensently . 'situsted on the .south side of Market Street, a few doors. aboVe Sfxth Its central locality makes it pat ticularly de sirable to persons visiting the City On busi. nose or pleasure. W. D. ROBBINS, . • A. BECK, Proprietor, Clerk. Formerly of the Merchants' (louse. A pr.2,'68-1y.12. MEROZtNI'ILE. - 1131f.A.RDWARE, Knives; Spoons, I Coffee Mills, Shovels. Spades, Rakes, Roes, Lamps, Forks, Chains, he.; at BURNSIDE'S ,k"THOMAS. TI O R S E COLLARS.—If . you don't want your horses'.ihouldere gall ed and made sore, get good Horse , Collars at EURNSIDE'S do T . IIOAI AS. TJARNESS, Collars, Cart Whips, Carriage Whips, in great variety, Gov ernment Gears Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, ( Cheek Lines, dart Gears, Tug llarness P Buggy Harness, Barnes.; everything in the Saddler's line, at BURNSIDE'S f t _THOMAS JISHINGTACKEt, Rods, Lilies, Hooka, Flies; Sea-Hair, - .BaAiets, (ri g you out to catch trout,) at TIMINSIDE'S cf THOMAS. A - VINE GROCERIES—Mocha Cof- A: fee, old:Government,Java, best n o tziality of Rio Coffee, brown Coffee, Pettgolong Black Teas, Green Teas, Lovering Syrup, .:olden Syrup, Drips', hne article Baking Molasses, Rice, and everything in the Grocery' line, at the. lowest cash. price. If you want the 'best aftiefe . of GrOceries in the' niarket; BURN SIDE'S A TLI9MAS' is theptace. '; • . . .. • ITT is proverbial bi . .l3ellefOnte and throughout the county if you rant a good article go to . • BURNSIDE'S 4i, TiIDSIAS. • lIITMAN'S Celebrated ~ Con- TM fectioneries,- Whitman's :celebrated Chocolate; Baker's Chocolate, 'Smith's Choco late, China . Ginger, English Pickles, American Pickles, &,e:, at BURNSIDE'S 4 THOMAS' T EATHER of all descriptions.— ..Ed • French Calf Skins, Spanish SJli,,Lea they, Moroccoes, Sheep Slkin,, Linings, and everything the Leather line. Warranted to give satisfaction, 131HINSTDE Ay THOMAS., SHOE MAKER'S TOOLS_ and Findings in all their varieties. Saddlery, B u ckles, Ho u k Bits, Spots, Rings, and every thindn saddior wants in the tuanufaeturing of harness is to t• e found at BURNSIDE'S er.IIOMAS' BASKETS in all their variety, .Children's Carriages, Willow-Ware, Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot and 'Caps, :Car tridges, ,Le. Also, Toys of all kinds, at ISURNSIDE'3 d THOMAS'. NEW PATTERNS of Oil Cloths at reduced prices at BIT RNSID E'S Jr, TRO:‘fAS. NOTIONS of all kinds, Stockings, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Combs; Pocket books, in all their variety, end very cheap. Turkey Prunes, Raisips, Peaches, Apples, Oranges, Letuons,all kinds of foreign Fruit, Hauls, Bacon Canned Fruits, Peaches. Tomatoes, Pine Apples. Peas,in great cari et y. Barrett's Soap, Van Ha gen lieniCk Olive Soap, Dobbins' Soap, Jcp Oakoiy Soap! Old Castile, Valle Soap, Elderberry Soap, and a great variety of other soaps at BURNSIDE'S 4 THO THE highest market price paid for ali Iducts of country pro Luce by BURNSIDE x T//..)31A5: rr HE largest and best stock of JL Beets and Shoes, warraided to give satisfaction, at reduced prim., only to be found at 11UR NS I E'S J TLIONTAS'. SPICES of all varieties, ground to order, and warranted to bo strictly pare. It is the only Om: you can find unadulter ated spices. Iry them for your own satisfac tion. BURNSIDE t THOMAS. 11;1 - atING, White Fish, Mack erel, 5r...., at Apr , 4.'68. .1; URNSIDE'S . S Ti/9".1 AS. 4 THOMAS offer to j) tho public o tie of the Ist... ° est and best selected stocks of merchandise in Centre coun ty. Call, examine, and see for yourselves. ORODIJCI? OF ALL KINDS, and good quality, wantei at the highest market prices at the cheap store i❑ Bellefonte. A. ,STBRIVBER(i. TTF,AT.--Theundersigned wish to inform the farmers of centre comi ty that they will pay the highest market price in cash for all kinds of grain. Aug.l6. ZIMMERMAN BROS. (t CO. G T L-F, M RN' S DRESS Goups, aDoh as Cloth's, Casiniers, Casineti, Vestings, Hosiery, Collars, Neck ties, dce., very low at inar2 A. STERNI3ERG'S. TAMES' GAITERS, Children's J Shoes, and'Sundown's, hese been add ed to the stuck of FAIRER. k. CO. A pr.26,'67. ‘V A`l'CiES AND CLOCKS large los Jae nicaired by P;0. w. P•TTOL. , VISH, 'S - AL T AND BACON 42 constantly for sale. A. STERNBERG SPRING, -. 1 - ENTIRE: NEW STOdE: Arr- ;i 111 ~ ; c Trimmings. . Hosier};, - -• i-, .. ..- 016!ves; ..---; "'• - - lianilks;rebiefs -'' -- ; Buttons, Zephyr, I Yarns, Shetland, • • • Germantown. and, . , ~ • !'-• ' ' ' 1 Oril er Wool; 041-' • i tars, Ribbon 4, : ..-.. Velvets, Doll 1 .. -- ----- Babies, Pa- i per and Zeyhcr :. i patterns, Corsets,'' Work BaskCts, ; - ''' - i buck Skin Gloves and Mitts.. i , ! 3 ' • LADIES, GENTS AND MISSES UN DMZ, oLonms:G. • _• : r I . It can be asserted without danger of con tradiction the: life like cfalisplit.c.nroix arie ty is nowhere to be found in Centre county. and it is useless to attempt a proper elosorip tion. We have also no hand and ju 41 received a largo - stoc;k• effiv kick : s - LADIES' AND GENTS' WIN- such as &cis' intd" 1:w not silks, Alpeccas. Merino, Calicoes, Mustins, Flannels, - cossizueres vestings, f tto thildren'sdipoi) Skirts.. =153 FUR T.II,IgAIING AND . sWAN,s DOWN ~ , ~ Umbrellas;' ' ' Edging and . ... inseqingLaces,„ ~1 • ' '-EanOt Wood' , and Willow . • • . , - .. ''' l * ' Wate;=.l3ianketS." ." • of all kinds, Shawls, , .. ''' - -• ' ' 'Nitlnas,. . ..Suntag,s' 4356. LADIES', MISSES' AND . CHILDREN'S' SIIOES. ;: • Carpet = Bugs Colla7rii, and' id fect.every eoncolv'tible article in the line of ladies'ilMd gentlemen's furnishing goods. CLOTH AND CASS.INLE,RE • ; • AI•o a large stock of iteady made Clothing „ . , , Comeand seeps. .I .; don',oyristi to :buy it will pay to look at our atocar and learn: the prises. Again wo, cordially int..t. , e you to call. NO. FOUR BUSH'S ARCADE.. ,GEO. FAIRER Co May 12:67-Iy. ' O- TO, ; •. • •<.• ROWELL, GIIALILAND It CO:, SA E ,yOUR.,ItOr E 'io,l - ) iiji' V ST . llll3fER . • DIY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES QUEENS, WOOD & WILLuI; WARE We would reepeedulty 1.41; general aitcn Lion ;.9 Flt ESII G.OO 1) s just rec..ived ae ~ 111' C , •11111.10dlotli. 71.1: e for the I.ll—rd set t helicriq_ that t! til people etttl and tttat , whit oar Bret Variety e., ,, 11,1:1$ they will be convinced ci the fall , that OURS TS TUE PLACE to . lour etiatte at , yriccs,tbat will SAVE . THEM TII E *SI6:4 t• lttr /NY?: • • • - POPLriNt' CALIcOES,• • • 'Sri:AWLS . ; .ie GLOVES, . - . • HOSERY,' BUTTONS, TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES, LINEN AND WHITE ...GOODS..-TABLE LINENS/ TSAP- K INS, TOIVLINGS, AND HOUSEKEEPING , GOODS GEN-ER-ALTAI CLOTHS, CASSINERES, SATINETS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. A in assortment of late stile T.I::AVELING BAGS for ladies ami..lgniltlem6ri, of the best leather and make. . In 0 roreriee • and. Provisions, 'Preserved Spices, 41,c,, we cannot be excelled, if equalled, and are able to sell both WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at lower rates than anywhere else. Coffees, SUgars, Teas, crackeis, Salt Fish, Dried Fruit, Hams, 13n con Flour, Chop and Feed, ; • • ,always,in 41.muida,nee, • and atiOlsrfflguris. FAR3IERS • are particularly invited to ecitattgo with us their produce. Ministers, Lswyers, Doctors, Farwers clianies, Laborers, and '.la4hie arid gentlemen in viand, are invited -te., ova store, to take our goods, and learn us tbOr cash. BUSH'S Alt CADE—LOWER- -ROOMS, (35 . 0rir BELLEFOiIIirE, PA & -ly IYLEIiycAicTILE, , AND sTTIhiEI'L '~' PAIREII, CO'S. _ TOTIo NS~.&ci'&.o:.. . r.; . J —Only complete stock in town.— /1111101 Tgrt:DßEss GOODS EMI AND TIATS ANp, CLOTHING, GROCERIES,: PROVISONS, SPICES, • tVe have every description of LADIES' .pil4‘,ss GOODS fur the se4sou, such es 'ntaß RESTORER.. - . - --- . - i - --' ---- .•!:' - '._= - 1 - - ' - - "- - .7.--_-:. - - ::-_-.=::_-_-..=._ '' ,! •:•'-: .UIR 'nn , • . . .. '•'- 1% • 4 5' . 7, ... ~. .... :: : :: A, ).1 ,1,001p z2??.. ..,4,.., .. ' ' A i,''' BARRETT'S 2)0 ,0_,,./21 . :•„„_ ,, q;', I . IT R e E g s et ir a o ble ßAT . nr u.-. v.- . A o t. •,,,.. W H l7e A do l c ß ided by the N. H. State Fair i 3, and is nownoneeded by the pubic to be the very best Preparation for Restoring Gray or faded Hair to its original color; t, , 3 promoting 11 . 7 1 l i t i s?j . owty, ll ejleagrzy n u a . ~._.,.. t . '.: and Beautifying the lair. .It to five e....r..3 .F.q `.: from polsouous drugs, does not 4 :Zzl . e • 7 „„., stain the finest fabric, and ot:Z... i .....; 4 r leave, the deep, .d,o,V • . . the lair Amu, and •," _ .—.:4 , ••• •..•Pipigp v •• 4' 4., -, ~-, ...,,p. 4 e. , --- ' . - .1 . :: R. BA RP. ETT. & . CO., , Proprietors, • : . ,31A:scrtunsu, x. nr - . . ' 11fitv 22,'65-13.. ' • ..,1•' .. GOODS! The Last " 5 ill-Tapp - r4ußryi •• . ; ~; : IrfDRESSIN j vi w ptylg ill onßalete Will quickly restore) Gray Hair to, its.naiural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant. growth,. It is perfectly harmless, and is preerred over every other preparation by ifthose who have 'a. fine head of hair, as wellns those who wish to restore it.' The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the Hair make it desirable ' • • Tof old and yOung. For Salo by all Dragelsto. DEPOT, 19S ( . 81,EENWIC11 ST., N. Y. ::::IrWt:VitiMDolitA =I ; -6'. F. .1..1 1 4 (;) II IL A-I) ;ci., - jli A i SUMMEIit TIME TABLE TRROUGU. „AND DittECT ROUTS RE TWEE'S., ItitILADELPBTA, , %MORS, UARRISBURG, • ; •• .' • LIAMSPORT, . O.RPH E:S Cutrs, GREA T T7O - IL - REGION . . . . Elegant Sleeping Cars ,ou all - On and after 11.1014 DAY, MA'Y 1 I di, 1864, the T tains . the 'Philadelphia 'Sr, Erie. Rea& will ran as Cilia w s : . • • ' ..IVestWargi. itaveg, lattiol ph ip in ,". .Lick' art. s .la.t Plrio. • , '3.50 Erie Exp'ss PhiladelPhia...,l:2.oo noon Leek 11aven,....10.11 p " . ...". . nt:r. at Erie 10.05 a. In EliniraMail leaves; Pliila , lellittia " 8.00 a. in. " - 1 ' arr.•at . Loe!.; ilaven..... 7.45 p. n. 'i . : - . . Ea:Award. _ „ , i f Mail Train leaves Erie ILUO.a. in. , . "Lock pacer '8.55" p. m " ' arr. at 7.10 a. in Brie: Express leaves:l , lth; • 7.40 p.m, "!„. ,": • Luck fi.,40, a. in . . . " • 'ALM 'an'il enfintiA' with: ("ii c ro ak and 'Allegheny :Riv r er. Rail itothl. 'Bag?age el.ttleke4.threngb.r. , •;! ~... :,.:• '1: - ; • ..ti.LFI-.11!..1.),L. ; TY7 / 11ft, , ' Ithiy' 2;'llS'ly: 'l3enefa.l:s4;tririfendent rOAUGEVSI CQIIIKERCIAL MAii TIRES • • - • r ,••• 1,0,11 K • • • • • 1 . •,:\rEl',.l7 i'ACRAGIF , SU:NS, • AND _NORTIIIVESTETIN FERTILIZiNG CU •.8AT..44•13!:3,1cAW. BONE P Al 12:: 556 per 2isoo I ,ccmos,. ! • 8AUG: 1 1%.:7 , .. BONE FERTII47.;;I:, i. $5l l per 2t100'1.f.erk ,, , , lIWYS.ChIUMW R . - T . ;`, 1 3f,t) prty 20VA). vittll;'l,. ;the 03(,ve , 1 4 {Mil li1 4• 1•( % C.• 1.1 are i - 1 „la '0 pouthls:_eal „ 1•;- ••• • •••• -• , i••••••• ,•! r;‘, • • Nl:it,rial of w:iie 1 th- k 1.:1i1i% t .• 2.i. , 1,:,• • • • :• • a• Car -:•I t • •.; prJetirett LoW US it, the tUL Qiliiraes or Doill in ion ca!Ol.1:1. For Fate by IRV; N I L SON, 11Q1lefltite p,. • , , , jUry3,%ti pELLEFONTE FOUNDRY :47•'!.; . ; • . • : = 0 "D . A. DUNCAN Baring leneed the Bellefonte Puunthy rre. now ,prepared to manufacture oG ail . KINDS OF, MACHINERY ,t_ CASTINGS , T,hey, atan ufa c tuse Ate 11; , :•; IN I 4", PATE NT XIMBINE WATER ,VIIEELS, GEIST AND SAl‘ MILL uz , ..;TlNu.s,:., or ALL RINDS, Circular Saws, 74 i'l anti Stc,ari Engines with FixtureB furr :3Zutl at E hurt uutice Thdy:willalso hare cOnstantly on hand an as sortment of COOKING AND PARLOR STO,ViiS., - PLOtitillS and SIIARES. IRON ILIN VraAND - AIl; POSTS, de. Mr. Todd will also be prepared to do Millwright work at all times • junel7,lSl4.-ly. FEIHE HERO THE HERO TtlE LIERO 'SELF-SEALING FRUIT JAR . • . .TILE BEST .NOW IN USE. For sale by - • • BRO'S h CO. ITEYNS, GLASS and CROCK - - Not : cry-Ware. - A. :4T ERN IlEtt(1 ATTENTION CARPENTERS! valuablt lot of Carpeutets' _Cools are caw ea' tursliits. elle:Woe ZIM:•4I:RMANTROS. S CO. July3,'dS. 3t. Ucte4'6* EINE BEBE vi "rsN SYIXA Lt Trains =ENE FERTILIZES , • 'on tbACQ, Solo 7. it fliel urers MEM FOUNDRY SMUT MACHINE HARDWAP , E RWIN & WILSON are con- SULlltly receiving now goods in their line II A R D A R E of crery'Lleseription at reduced priczL-now being every day. a tar29th AMPS - 11 - OF EVERY VARIE- A-4 ty and Mild at TAW 1 &'W ILoON'S. 1),A11,0111EtElli.3 and Thermome ter. at IRWIN & WILSON'S. gIITICKNVIL STORE is now re ceiving a large and well assorted Stock of ilardaare, Stores, Nails, Horse Shoes, Saddlery, Glass, Paints; Sheet; liar and ;loop iron,also Iluggy and:waggon Stock of every desription.—Gall and supply yourselves at the lowest possible • rates. nov9 IRWIN WILSON. IUALES, at Wholesale and Retail, cheap, by . 111 W IN k. tF ILSON. ace,' '6(i '7 4 I NE TABLE Inoue:lug Plated faits, spoons, &0., at tn4r2 IRWIN k WILSON'S. F.OOKET and prices at IRWIN .ti WILSON'S. DOUBLE AND SINGLE BAB: rui fowling pieces at wart . IRWIN d; WILSON'S. - - CIROSS-OUT AND MILL SAWS, best wake at litWIN 4 . WILSON'S. wart COFFII.T 'TRIMMINGS, ' large •ftssortment IRWIN t WILSONS. • uint‘,2 , • . , 'ILrAND , ;BELLS AND DOOR :Rots, iil.4jzos and kinds at in,a2 ERWIN 5: WILSON'S. RY BQAItI)S, Plank and Scant , ling twr :±ale by 11: 'WEL:3ON. EAPANNED TOILET SETTS.. and other Japanned ware, at the Anvil .tore. WILSON. may I I ,c.fl PI:SiDLE SKEINS for wagons, sir•zs, at the sign of the Anvil. may L MI IRWIN 44, WILSON. f °OKI - NIG-GLASS PLATES of 2_,1 :1.1 Fi4ilN mr sale by IRWIN ‘tc; , .WILSON. OLTS for Buggies and Caliiages, 0;C ; Fire Bolts, itittto, ct tn. CZ ;;W IN ,t; WILSON'S. UF. I" .A . L . O SCALE l'rm up to 120,-. f;:. IN ~ L 0 I{ COOL if STOVES, •.• • . • 7 ..7 :• 77. , • ; 1 - )IZN /:I„ & SLEIGIT .;.: ...', :: r It ..-. ptier. ." • r:'-,r -. -11:V) .1.:; 4; WILSON[ , :'. -::;-,,- T'2 , 'l..'EN'l' (.'51131 - {..1:; - , tile a 1,,•,m ili ••:, f ~. iv i.1..6 ON MEM E 11.A11, S'TOIZE! 7. k J. HARRIS NO. 5, BROKER - HOFF ROW A 'new and c - otuplete llaplivara Store . bas been opened by the undersigned in Broker hofrs new building—velure they are prepared to sell all kind , of and House Furnish, big Hardware, Iron, steel, Nails and every variety of goods in chair line, ar the lowest rates Confident ex giving entire satisfaction We would iespectfull3 Juneit thepublic patron age. .janfo'fifi-,ly pUGGY. WHEELS, in setts, :re dy-made, for ato by J. e 6 J. DAR RIB. 0ef.4,'67 CALL AND SEE THE CHAM PION CLOTHES WRI.NHER !—The best article in thatline eve; offered to' the pub lic, now for sale by J. F.epn'Edi • . MILL SAWS, .CIRCULAR aud Hand Saws, 'Cannon Saws, We 1.03 6ams, rEe , for sale by. T. J..IIABIUS. may 10"61, fCE CREAM FREEZERS, Barn Clothes Itnen •and I.lnivastil Lathes Ringers, for sale by. inay4'66 J. J. 1-111 IS.. A_ ULL • ASSORTMENT OF GLASS and Mirrror Plate of all sizcs, and glass out to arty required size or sliapel;y J. J. HARRIS. pICTURE, . FRAMES of ALL Sizes and Styles furnished at short no tice and low terins and all kinds of nioulding , onstantly on hand by J. J. HARRIS. WIIEELBATMOWS • Wheel born.w:i .!_ sole low by •. • 11i,'117...„ .1. HARI{ fie,. • AMPS, ,COAL OIL LAMPS, ]:rackets, flaming Lamps, Sive Lai Lanters., awl all kinds of tanter.4, .4' sale I.y • J. & J. 21'66 • 13ELTING BELTING ! A Clue let el' the. best 'eah. tanned !math r Beltitig just received dnd for sale at thane arturers priees by .T. inev2.s - - - POKES, 1:?.elloes, and Hubs, a lin ge ,1.,e% of wood [lima ttir u s,. - • '3 .1-.. J. 11.A.1011:-... I.)T.OWT. :7 Ftd\lr,q! -7- Pt 6 WS:: •, ..n . .• , :Uivaror leeth, for ' • •. o , .1 , - ;, A I ')I.11: CUTI, E 1 Y—A tine lot hr, OVILI,S,Sj'AT_)I?..S FO-111.ti .1. tiarris f" , r !' r.•,- • l't" ti..r tat .;•• .i; it • _ . orsr NAILS, and . rnvu lltvls for al, - ; by marll3.'llfi J. & J. IiARRTS. t OILS—Lard, Lubricating, Coal, Litt:;erd, Tanner, fur saie by • seilt2l.li6 J. & J. DARIUS. A NVIL6, VICES, BELLOWS, Screw - Plates, and ail kinds of Black smiths Tools for sale by J I J. HARRIS. ma3-10.'fi7. VoELLS,BELLS, BELLS.—School )House Bells, Factory Bells ' llouse liner Bells, Gong Bells, Tea Bolls, dc. for sale by J..k J. HARRIS. mayl 0,7)7. . RINDSTONES, Scythe Stories, k_A and whet stones ter sale by J. J. HARRIS. IAII,PENTER, TOOLS for sale at ‘_/ the hardware store of J. S J. IiAItRIS. 1, -I RUIT JARS CANS. • ROUSE KEEPERS TAKE NOTICE ! A lavge lot or the most inaprovtd kinds for sale by J. 44, J. HARRIS. T)AINTS, OILS, Varnishes, received and fur sale bti• war23.'fi6 • J. 3.IIABRIS. WEAVING. COVERLET Sr, CARPET MAN UFACTORY. WILLIAM ETTINGER, .A.4IIONSBURG, Pa., Proprietor of the old and and well-known Wea ving Istablishmenr, in Aaronsburg, has in-: creased his facilities for the manufacture of every description of CARPETS AND COVERLETS, ;and will sell them at the lowest possible rates for cash or exchange them for wool. flis work has the reputation or being well done, and prompt attention is given to all orders.. attended 'to at reasonable rates. Address or apply as above. • . WM. ETT.IN GE R. inayl7;is7. • 09 , . HOOP SKIRTS. 628 V Am , kj • W.M. T "KEYSTONE SKIRTS," are the best and CREA.PEST Low PRICED Hoop Skirts in the market. Trail Skirts, 25 springs, $1 00; 30 springs, 1 20; and 40 springs, 1 45. Patin Skirts, 6 tapes, 20 springs, 80 cents; 25 springs, 95 cents; 30 springs, $1 15; and 35 springs, 1 25. Warranted in every respect. "Our OWN Make" of "UNION SKIRTS," Eleven Tape Trails, from 20 to 50 springs, $1 20 to 2 50. Plain, Six Tapes, 20 to .50 springs, front 95 cents to $2 00. These Skirts are better than those sold by other establish ments as first class seeds, and jut. much town'. prices. "Our OWN MAKE" of "CHAMPION SHIM'S" are in every • way superior to all other Hoop Skirts before the public, and only have to be examined or worn to convince every ono of the fact. Manufactured of the heat linen-finished English Steel Springs, very Superior tapes, and the style of the metallic fis.tenings and manner .of securing them sur pass for durability and excellence r any other Skirt in . this country, and are lighter, - more elastic, will wear longer, give more satisfac tion, and are really cheaper than all others. Every Lady should try them. They aro being sold extensively by Merchants throughout this and the adjoining States at very moderato prices. Itlyou wart the best, ask for "Hop kin's Champion Skirt." If you do not find them, get the merchant with whom you deal to order them for you, or, come or send direct tolls. Merchants will find our different grades of Skirts exactly what they need,and we espe cially invite them to cull and examine our extelisive assortment, or send for Wholeiale Price List. To be bad at Retail at Manufactory, and of the Retail Trade generally, and at wholesale of the Manufacturer only,•tu whom all orders dweld ho addressed. . . Maiwfactory, and SalesKooni, G 23 Arch St., L'etviecix Oth and ith Philadelphia. • . Mar.6;63:lomawl 6. ." - IV M. T. OPKIN'S. A B ATM, AGEr, ILEYBoLns' NFw MARBLE PitoNr, Inshop S: t„ WINES AND LIQUORS p •• 1. • •Itt ) \:;;;;.;,, , • itr rt.. N., .ally kill I 1ig441}4.1. calls the nitr': (ion of the public went, i r : . ; ca l r te et r i e o e . 'hi: . -11- i ,axi.•-• • A• ft:Thief; oil kind. . • t .•reern anil r t D 41111 a. te Lig u - 'ors, WY:eh:Saco anise tow cst each },rice=, which ate wart - anted to lie ths Lest qualities areortl int; to Cle:r rriTeetiVt, pule' o. iliastock eon snits ef Lye. .:+lieicit , :i.lll ;a. Irish and eth er Whiskies, all kinds Iloiland Maileria, Cherry. i'llaeid„rry an d or h er Wines—the heet :allele s —at rot:am:ll4le tan 1.1, had in tht• city, Chartirougn,o, Gin. , rer and Catraway Par- and :Non- Encliind partiett-. Keeper , and wools tO eai; and ., xainiu- Ids is jadgo for thc,a,eice.; , .a'u.! la, certain of pro euring• what , ' 11.1,..y mmbieh cau eelifium be done when vurehasing iu the city. • are rt•spt•eqully requested te give his varnrs a trial. • • Ir. um" & TOBACCOS AND SEGARS of every description. Best Snuff extant. . Pipes of various kinds, and all articles belonging to the Tobacco Trade, . wholesale and retail, at the very lowest pricer. Also, Paper Collars, Cigar Cases, and No- Moir; or various kinds. Ft:U.21768-Iy. w H9LESALE WINE . .pTD E L .L ,E F 0 N T E, P A. , Etone Building formerly. occupied by the Keystone Bakery. (0'; 71) All Barrels, .Kegs aad Casks war ranted to conta in the guard 'fly represented. The proprietor of this establishment takes 'pleasure in • informing the public that he hai•rorn.ziantl2, - on hand a sit - prig of choice foreign and iloimastie liquors such as - .: OLD Ii.hCTAR., • - OLD RYE, MONOiVOMIELA, AND - •COINAC, BLACKBERRY; CHERRY, GINGER AND. COMMON BRANDIES PORT MADER lA, SHERRY AND LISBON WINES. SCOTCH AND HOLLAND NEW ENtiLAND RUM. JAMAICA .RUM. CORDIALS Pepper- Thu attention of practicing physicians is ca ll e .,l to our - stock of liquors; suitable for utCetioar purposes. • Bottlujugi and Dem ijohns constantly oh tuna. • linco the ONLY PURE :Nectar Whis key it town. Ail our liquors were bought when liquors were low, and we sell them accordingly. - All liquors are warranted to give stitisfac tion. Confident that be can please ettatotners be respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Liquor will be sold by the quart, barrel .a- tie Ten. 'have a large lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS fir.„" 4 niaes. tag hand.. ! . 2 .411'.• .BOURI3ON RYE ,NATitismusr: ti A (.1".1, tvr :)ruler in WINES, .1. 1' N ;;, !22 1.1.0 'X 1111,T. S riel rl l II E 0L D ESTABLISHED i riii-o, J. J. RICHARDSON & CO:, Ile ,k 11: ET STREET. Is the ?ar , rt 3!;thutitrtnring Confectioner:l , and Wiodt , ,itie 1 , ....den , in Fruits. Nut; , , in the I.:nitcd S 31 r. 6,•6S- wa,:o ADIFS take pm-flail:lr notice - The Beal VELPEAU FEMALE PILLS. (wA RRASTED PRENCII.) These Pills, so celebrated many years ago in Paris fur the relief of female irregularities, and afterwards so notorious for their criminal employment in the practice of abortion, are now offered for sale fur the fast time in Amer ica. They have been kept in comparative ob scurity from the fact that the originator, Dr. Velpeau, is a physician in P aril, of great neaah and strict conscientious principles, and has withhold them from general use lest they he employed for unlawful purposes. In overcoming Female Obstructions, Falling of the Womb, Whites, Green Sickness. Sup pression, Iletention, or Immoderate Flow of the Monthly Discharges, Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the Back and Limbs., Fa. tivue on Slight Rvertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, ,tc., and will effect a cure when all other means have failed, and, al- though a powerful remedy, do not contain calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. • To ivarried ladies and young girls who have never Leen regulated, they aro peculiary suited. They will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. CA UM/N.—Married ladies should never take them when there, is any reason to believe themselves pregnant, fur they will be Cure to produce a miscarriage. These Piils•are entirely safe, under all cir cumstances, being composed entirely of sub stances from the vegetable kingdom. Bach box has a coat of arms for the eity'of Paris stamped on the box, with the words "Trade illark," in French, to counterfeit which is a misdemeanor, and all persons will be dealt with according to law. Full directions accompany each box. Ladies can procure a box, see ed from the eyes of the curious, by enclosing ode dollar and six pottage stamps to M. W. MACUMB ER, General Agent, for United States and Can adas, at Albany, N. T., or to any authorized agent. For sale by F. P. Green, and P. 5. Wilson, Bellefonte, Pa., Adnms . 4' Co., Lock Haven, and all druggists throughout the country. Aug.9/67-Iy. U 0 OP SKIRTS 1101)KLNS' ggOWN MAKE" LIQUORS. DEAI.En IN ,\Jso Dealer in LIQUOR STOR E ! J. B. ETTELE. BISHOP STREET, i`Ar'~, .:'f'= mint, Annisee,d and Rose BRANDIES AND GINS, COIC:PECT . LONERIES MEDICAL HOOFLAND'SCOLUMN INTRODUCED INTO AMERICA FROM GERMANY, in 1835• 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, PREPARED BY DR. C. 21. JACKSON, PIIILADELPIIIA, PA: The greatest known remedies for Liver' Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, •• • • ERUPTIONS of the SKIN, and all Diseases arising from a Dis ordered Liver, Stomach, or LifrMITY or .271 E .73100 D. React the following symptoms, Out if you find that your system is affectedly any of them, you may rest assured that disease • has commenced its attack on the most 'important organs of your body, and unless soon checked by the use of powerful remedies, a miser Ale life, soon terminating ire death, will be the result. . Constipation, Flatulence Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, ' Sour Eructations, Sink ing or Flattering at the Pit • of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Dall Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc., Sud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the ' Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. these indicate disease of the Liver or Diyestive Organs, combined wait impure blood. 'QralfianYs arrman Bitters is entirely vegetable, and contains no liquor. it Is a coutpa and of Fluid Ex.- tracts. The Roots, Herbs, and Barks front which these extracts are made are gathered in Germany. All the medicinal virtues are exiracted from them. by a scientific chemist. These extkaets are then forwarded to this country to be used expressly for the manufacture of these Bitters. Thera: is no alcoholic substance of any kind used in compounding the Bitters, hence it is the only Bitters that can be used in cases where alcoholic stint. 'alluvia are not advisable. Oetinfut 'Tonic is a combination of all the ingredients of the Bitters, with rune Santa Cruz Rum Orange, etc. It is used Jr o the same diseases as the Villas, in cases where sum, pure alcoholic stimulus is required. You will bear in mind that these remedies are entirely' different from any others advertised for the cure of the diseases named, these being scientific preparatiww of medicinal extracts, while the others are mere decoctions of rum in some form. The TONIC is deciiiedly one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the public. Its taste-is exquisite. It is a pleasure to take it, while its liji-giving, exhilarating, and medicinal qualities have caused it to be known us the greatest of all tonics. CONSUMPTION. Thousands of cases, ivhen the pa tient supposed-he was afflicted with this terrible disease, have been cured by the use of these remedies. Extretne emaciation, debility, and cough are the usual attendants upon severe cases of dyspepsia or disease of the digestive organs. Even in cases of genuine Consumption, these remedies will be found of the greatest benefit, strengthening and invigorating. DEBILITY. There is no medicine equal to ilooftrnd's German Bitters or Tonic in cases of Debility. They impart a tone and rigor to the whole system, strengthen the ap retite, cause -an enjminirmt of the food, enatqe the stomach to digest it, purify the blood, give a good, sound, healthy complexion, eradicate. the yellow tinge from the eye, impart a bloomto the cheeks, and change die • policed from a short-breathed, emaciated, weak, and nervous - invalid, to a full-freed, stout, and rigor ems VerSOU. Weak and Delicate Children are made strong by using the Bitters or Tonic. lit fact, they are Family edlines. They can be administered with perfect safety. to a child three months old, the most delicate female, or a man of ninety. These Remedies are the best 33lood...1Purliters evir known, and nal cure all diseases resulting from bad blood. Keep your blood pure; keep your Veer in order; keep your digestive organs in a sound, healthy condi tion, by the use of these remedies, and no disease will titer assail you. TZ3 COUPLiZZION. Ladies who wish a fair skin nod good complexion - , free front a yellow ish tinge and all other disilgurecaent, should use these remedies occasion ally. The Liver in perfect order, and the blood pure, will result in spark ling eyes and blooming cheeks. C .14.111"X` X 0 V "coofland's German •Remedies are counterfeited. The genuine hare the signature of C. X. Jackson. on the front of the outside wrapper of each bedtte, and the name of the article blown in each bottle. all others are counterfeit. • Thousands of letters have been re ee ived, testifying to v I rtne of these remedies. . BEAD THE RECOMMENDATIONS'. FROM .1-10. N. GEO. W. WOODWARD, ChlefJustiee of the Supreme Collet of Pennsylvania. rItILADELPIIIA, IGth, lfind "Hoyland's German Bitters" is slot an intox icating Leverage, but is a good tonic, use:fal in disor ders of the diVestire organs, and of great boujit iR eases of debility and leant of nervous action in the system. lours truly, GEO. W. WOOD WA RD. FROM JAMES THOMPSON, Judge of the Supreme Court of Pernoylvanht. PutcloetPUlA., APRIL 28th, 1866 I consider " Ifoolland's German Bit ters', a valemble medicine in case of at tacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. can certify this from my experience of it. Yours, Irlih reswet, JAMES T1101111.40N. From REV. JOSEPII H. K ENNA RD, D.D., Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadidphia. Da. JAcmos—MAr. Sit hare been fr.quen tly re quested to connect my name with reconweendati•ws of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the practice as out of my appropriate sphere, 1 hare in all cases de clined; but with a clear proof in carious in dances, uml particularly fumy own family, of the tisifalness of Dr. Hartland's German Bitters, I depart for once from my usual coarse to express my full conrictbm that for general debility of the system, and especially for Liver Complaint, it is a safe and valuable preparation. f., some cases it may fail ; bra usually , I doubt not, it foul be very beneficial to those who suffer from the :goo. , Causes. Yours, very, Lrespe.ctfully, J. It. KENNA RD, EOM! I, becia Cultte.; .9 Price of the Bitters, $l.OO per bottle ; Or, a half dozen for 85.00. Price of the Tonic, 81.50 per bottle; Or, a half dozen for $7.50. Tho Tonic is pot up in quart bottles. Recollect that it is Dr. Ifoujianits German Remedies that are so universally used awl so highly recommend ed; and do not allow the Druggist to induce you to take any thing else that 110 may say is just as !mod. bi cause he makes e larger profit on it. These h'eniedie, will be sent by express to any locality upon application to the, PRINCIPA.L OF'FICE, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, /1"0. ASCII STREET, Mamielphfe. CHAS. M. EVANS, Propri,!tor, Formerly C. N. JACKSON & 00. These Remedies are Icor sate by Druggists, Storekeepers, anti eos clue Dealers everywhere. Do nol forget to examine tech the article you order to get the gouttne. May I,'I;S-Iy. Wit and Unmet WE have a record of a colloquy between a gentleman and his son, both lawyers, the father having re tired in easy circumstances to a coun try-place some ten miles away from the scene of his professional labors. One Sunday morning the young gen tleman, homeward bound, met his father and mother on their way to the church where they regularly at tended. The father said : "Mr son, I am delighted, and so is your dear mother, that you are croing to hear our good man preach. You will be highly pleased with him." While the conversation was going on, a tall friend of the son came up, and familiarly addressing him by his christian name, said, before the la ther: "I have got the bar opep,.s'o that we can have brandy-and -water when ever we want it." The friend, observing the solemn countenance of the father, beat a hasty retreat. 'When he was gone, the father put up his hands and said: "My son, I could not have believed this of you! Look at your poor mother, and observe how she fuels your wickedness." After a minute of dead • silence, the father said : "Who is that bad companion of yours?" father, if I must tell you, be•is my best client, and the richest man in town." The old gentleman thereupon slap ped his son on the shoulder and said : Stick to him, my son; stick to him, and never leave him !" Wicked world! • QIC:b A GENTLVZTAN who is rather given to story-telling relates the following: When I was a young man I spent several years at the South, residing for a while at Port HudSon, on the Mississippi river. A. great deal of litigation was going on there about that time, and it was not always an easy matter to obtain a jury. One day I was summoned to act in that .capacity, and repaired to the court to get excused. On my name being called I in formed his Honor, the Jude, that I was not a free-holder, and therelin•e not qualified to serve. -"Where do you reside?' inquired the Judge. "I am stopping for the time being at Port Hudson." "You board at the hotel, I. pre sume ?" "I take•my meals there, but I have rooms in another part of town where I lodge." "So you keep bachelor's hall 7" "Yes, sir." "How long have you lived in that manner " "About six months." "I think you are qualified," grave ly remarked the Judge: "for I have never known a man to .keep bache lor's hall the length of time you name who had not dirt enough in his room to make him a freeholder ! The Court does not excuse him." THEM is nothing more delightful while traveling through romantic regions than to meet by accident with some soul kindred to your own who is, like yourself, inspired by the picturesque prospect. An artist on a recent visit to Catskill was -con templating with rapture a rare sun set. - The heavens were flooded with golden and purple light, and field and mountain glittered with the re flected glories of the sky. Suddenly he perceived a person standing by his side, and, turning to him, ex.. claimed with enthusiasm: "What a magnificent picture you have here, my dear sir!" "Whereabouts?" was the very in different inquiry of the stranger. "Look all around—the mountains, the heavens, the settinc , sun. What picture can surpass such a view ?" "Why, yes," replied the stranger, in a deliberate way ; "I have often thought that if I could only raise money enough to set up a cake and beer stand in this location it wouldn't pay bad, because lots of folks travel along in this neighborhood." =Z=ZZ:2:I "Au 1" said a mischievous wag to a lady acquaintance of an aristocratic cast, "I perceive you have been learning a trade." • "Learning a trade 1" replied the lady, indignantly ; "you are very much mis:-aken.". "Oh, I thought by the looks of your cheeks you had turned painter." The lady waxed wrathy, and the wag vamoosed. I=l A cr.EnnYMAN, catechising the youth of his church, put the first question from a catechism to a girl : "What is your consolation in life and in death ?" The girl smiled, but did not answer. The clergy man insisted. "Well, then," said she, "since I must tell, it is a your; printer named F—, in street." =I A GENTLEMAN traveling in the country, rode up to a farm house and accosted a tow-headed urchin seated on a gate post, with, "Bub, where's your pa?" "Pap's just gone there beyant the old cow-shed to dig a grave to bury our (log To user. The old fool killed hisself a barkin' at candidates for. District Attorney. Be you one?" Our friend rode on. - -•-•.-410>-• "Do YOU observe how devotional Deacon Buffer is'?" asked a good lady of her husband. "Yes, my dear, the Deacon is very devotional. He always keeps his head bowed in prayer till the contribution box has passed." =I ANT old Jew, while indulging in a morsel'of forbidden fbod, was over taken by a terrible thunder storm, and as the thunder roared and the lightning dashed around, lie cried— "Plesh my soul, vot a pother about a leetle bit of bork." CZIM ONE of Josh. Billings' maxims: "Rise arly, work hard and late, live on what you kan't sell, give nothinl4 awa ; and if you don't die rich, and go to the devil, you may sue me fix- damages." AN Irishman said, "No printer should publish a death unless in formed of the fact by the party de ceased." AN old Indian Who had witnes.ied the sale of whisky for many years, said a barrel of whisky contained a thousand songs and fifty fights: MAN of ample means—one of large proportions.