The Argus and radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1873-1903, October 15, 1873, Image 8

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HERE AMP • TillEftEr-
BY 3E. TYPO .r
..—,-----. • .. . •
_Mr. J. W. Haolcinla, of Rochewittlr,,l*-
tumid Prom the - east liplie - ral dais ago
with a large and haled stpock t pf
—Horri . e'svOoa "teinale"
tress, a good set of busjops meo l ,Ey;ld is
one of the most thriving - towns on the
- -
P. V.., W. &G 1.1.91,1 ch;
—At': W. C. Bloloch, agent for • R; S;-
3{enarnins pritttiug warehous e. delphia, was iu Rochesier
ing after - gigit,A rnVlAnteir9 41N . Ftrelitte
lamented incy.Rewitn4.
istottek panic ..has affected' :Free=
dam toll c°Poder,ab/P 444 a; 1 ? 11 0, : ' ^
ber.ofthelire!Pkittopt tkaPire .been: , ;etenc,t,•;
on f r iiiCiant of the ittaWtity of the 8 . 0440-1 ;
era to pay tbe bands, •z.c: •• ••••••• - t; -. • ,
--The aturdf and prosperous': farmers'
in and around Ilarllngtiii3,k 'were- bilsilyr
engaged "raising" their r potato crop
week, and pionoupl%
_the yield' tol:be
quite baycind*e!r:evpotatiOns t
ering the vierotta operations of. the-po
tato' buk t during' the season: •
—At a late meeting of „gip . presbytery
ni Pittsbu l ith, "Rev: J. P. dunithinis*
New Sheffiela s i.W.; hp jgrr isome;_time
past,has had..9harge of We North
,r!•rane h
and Mt. Carmel churches of this oicinty,
dissolvtd his connection with the former
in order that" he may devot:3his entire
attention tb the churqh 'of, 3/t: Carmel at
New Sheffield I ti thil i fAture. ."'
—Vanderslice's livery, stnhle ) 151
Mace to rind a number ol f rt, the
best norsei, most gentlemanly. treat
men t, and in 'l3,rit't the b6st Ii OA arconi
modations to be hactin the county. -Mr.
brt:i Roche : stet,
near tile depot, and those wi.dinig a reli
abie ttonveyance at the lowest rates,
~tiould not fail to give hiru_a:ic.ati. ./.
—Lovers of the "ivories and cue" sa3'
that,JamaaOAbuLnAt the end of the i 1 g.
Beaver bridge kieepp.the tlest billiard ta
bles and accoutretn'envi to'be fotind in this
vicinity. Ali of the latest and-most pop
ular - newspaperp, in luding the _ Us
AND RA INCA t", SO be . found onfaci.a!,,this
roona, making it o'ned thti ) nztoit 'desira
ble pla7es of atnusernetp andpleaaumta,
be fotind anywhere:. 7 ,
, ...
—A shoreslHneeive accepted an ins
vitation to fsit Trinity Episcopal Church
of Rochester, in. order : to juspect the in:l 7.
proverUents, which . have been \ recentl,y :
made on that fifrtletureiv and 'on en teribg
the church were very much a ) urprised to
note the many needed improvements
Whi .; b have there. taken plaba - with/ a the
ia4t few montili. Tne church has been
now 1..,t-.e.arpete4-afid-papered in -a nea trend
ekgan t manner; new and costly windows
have taken tire places of old dilapidated
one', and the church thrAghotit has un
iergotte a general improvement, The
C-nnfort and appearance of this church
have - keen - somewhat neglected in the
past; owing to a • limited congregation;
hut is now one of th - e most desirable
places of worship in the county,..and it is
bat fair to ; add that this great improve
-1 nent, is solely due to the; persevering ef
forts and able management of Rev. Wm.
Bollard, the present Rqctor of the church.
Lim. 01 Graud Jurors for November
Term, 1873.
David Scott. foreman, Brighton tp; James An
cl•_:r-Lnl, Raccoon tp; Robert 1304,g3, New Sew
•ckley tp ;.W II P Brooks. Beaver Falls boro; Wil
-1 lam Cary. Rochester born; lienry,Donalth-on,
New GLI!li lee. born ; A lexander Davidson, Roches
!or !i, ; ItaukinElder, South Beaver tp ; S C Fog
Darlington tp . ; Hatxton Grove, Brighton tp; An
i••rtou flout:gloom bnro; John Hictid, Ba
.l,'n born ;. Robert Hayward, Raccoon tp; John
Knoveltthoe, New :..i.ewiekley tp ; John Moore,
(;reen tp ; Jamttl Ita 119 ton. tconomy tp; Hugh
R red. Ecolionly tp; IZimert P Scott. Hopewell tp;
Da'llie I B M. , )un tp ; Ditcnore Nsv
•-wicklei: to William Sian ii3h, Hanover tp;
(1 - ,:tt!et. Wa , sor., Roch...,ster )ro; John Walker,
w tp ; Robert Whiteh)ll, Hanover
r Fr; 1 0 14 ST WEI-.K. NOVEMBCR 10Thi
.-e - phlersoo, Dasliticton boro ; Samuel
•v i on, Brighton tp ; Philip Baker, Industry
tp ; Sauuu l Youp3. Hopewell tp ; Thomas Barton,
North se%x ickley tp: George thinks, Frankfurt
burn ; Baru....s, Ohio tp; John Black, Moon
rp ; Robert Craizheid. Fal 14 boro ; Abijah
Cuatley. Darlinv:ton tp ; Louts F Cramer, Bridge
water boro; Jacob Cline, Marion fp; J P 1 Uworth,
Darlington tp; Henry Douthil, Darlington tp;
J H Ewing, Raccoon tp; John %V Engle, - Itdiu try
tp; Itich.:rd Ervin, Rochester tp; Nicholas tirind•
,• r, Moon :p ; Herfora Hays. Beaver boro; Wallace
Hunter, Ohio tp; Clark A Hunter, Ohio tp; David
S Hamilton, Glasgow boro; Robert llirsbea, Han
over tp; James J trouts, Hopewell tp; John John
ston. Ll 4, Bearer tp; Thomas Jackson. Moon tp;
Robert K-unedy, New /Melton boro: Samuel
Kennedy, F.illston burl); John Linton. Rochester
boro ; Samuel Lawrence. Freedom tp; Allen Mc-
Cowen, Darlington tp ; Fi B McCreary, Frankfurt
boro; Henry Mo)er, Franklin tp; Jacob Mark*.
Darlington but-u; Georze Mclflheny, independ
ence tp ; .1 C Molter, Bridgewater boro; William
Nanua. New Brighton bore; Evan "Pugh, New
Brighton boro; J W t'auder. Franklin tp; J It
Pendleton. Rochester boro; Benjamin Pontefract.
New Brighton boro: Scudder H Piersol, Bridge
Thomas Russell. Bridgewater born;
Thomar. J lteccoon tp; Ira Ransom Jr.,
Beaver Falls buffo; Johnston Small, Bridgewater
bor.() P 'rowdy:lid s New Brighton bora; Ed
ward P Townt.eud, New Brighton bury ; T J
Pat.e.ri=on tp ; Jacob Yoh°, Herter Fallr
?Ertl bi;COND WCEK, Nevesnen
Allen firooi,t../doon tp Joseph Briaer, Leaver
boro Conrail Blst, Now ben' ickley tp ; John
k. Boole% Freedom boro; A 1' Erpton, Beavlr
lz• noro: E W Barns. Marion tp; Marlon Black- !
more, Hookptown boro; John Bra ion, Chip,tewa
dr.cob Winn, Marion ty; 'faunas earrinhell,
i•alletkfru boro; Michael - Camp Jr., lt:/chester boro;
I-.ruc;i'D4gpn, Hoche.ter bocci; J 8 Dickey, Bridge
w.avr hon.); Agnew Duff. New Brighton horo :
Niattiton DarrWtN4Bridenwater bolo; Alezhoder
Dunn. Lig Beaver tp; Jitnpm Dotuit; Brighton tp;
Lowtrli Evans, Failston boro; A BUubeun, Beaver
Fall: , Duro; David Gtiroble, -Ratoon cteorge. ,
Good. Economy tp; Henry Grog", Economy tp
Geo.g. , Hart, New Brighton born; John Hopkins.
reaver I'' J) boro leasc Harvey, Beaver Fails
hero : llnberairal.tfanover tp Janine Bail, Ilia.
over tp ; Williain Jobtston. Glasgow boro; }:otter
'Marlton ti,!•;:n'ytoßtr Iti . eqe . r . y.- . Beever barn:
T L McKo.b.n. New Brighton nom; John He
A. I Tr l . l ', it (kph:o4/4)4e ti:;; J
,t4t 'tenor, e***
Rochester two ; John Purdy, Brighton tp ; Wan
terPartington, Chippewa tp; Robert Ramsey,
Cheater tp ; ?red ic Suitt Bearer born. Jo
- torbarg.
!end, New - Brig
tp John Vir'
Wagoner. Ne .
NeW Bnghton
Jotin Wallace ,
kliopn tp.
ing harness'
v iing,
‘'tif hi,
Sollae .
fat 1:
;its ow
tbe fr
and tl
ore, tr
I for e :
E .the specimens scut him to be the genuine artlicie
jl.—since which time Mr. Anderson has been enthu
-lalit i e;:grlVllVinantrg r : 7 6:ANygtricr opera l . hsr
f t o thor&sgbly 'test- bidA 1101 1 1k4S lon d.. ' 11q . h:as 'esll2:
, p;cp 01 the ore on band at hia home, and-many p;dr._
i ton., haVe . examlne4 Nat t - 1 -4U. it ii 'kid. emit u rh.
ring In thtt opuriou that s. , r‘,0:11 :„Ityneral,tieid-bas
tr.;en cliitilte red. 11-11 0e6.1-cif a iidntiteff
5w411 4 ,- 1
L — 4 — r , -
r e. __To t
lik yoliii4 °rive
*e tteu. and two caw; of %vhi:e. L'agar, three-quar
ters cup or [alter, one cap sweet milk, four cups
flour, having- 4 14 Corm nue measure .B.tninv Prrt!l3
Powder, w'hite:, of hre beaten, two cup.
cf,:arrants, waehed, dried, picked, and we t, clredg
id with flour, this prev.:uts them from sinking.
tihey should he ktiFrea in-last. Bake in s hallow
..E.tch can or the Btn - ier Biking I'onder contains
11dmttl measure, to be used even full, according
to printed tkirectio2s. /f you, cannot obtain.,this
really vain ible article from your grocer. rend
we ti -Aire co)ate, by mail,: aci4t . " mod .to ',l3attec•
Baking Powder, P. 0. Lock Mx, :317, Pittsburgh
pa., roPelve, poaVtge quarter . ,
;pouted package, tozether Kith a lilt of fifty valua
'-ble reolpee.
Natural Decay Protect the Systeut.—
huirana body is a machine, and thereto're can
not endure forever, but, like a watch or sewing,
machine it-will last mach longer if properly rev
fated and duly repaired, than if no pafneweri• ta
ken to keep it in order. The great object of ev
/14 one who desires a long att&haalty life shou'd
he to put his bo ty in a condition to resist the life
threatening intlue.nces by which we are all more
or less surrounded; and no invigorant and corect•
-ire at-present knoun so effectirety answers this
purpose as to the vinilizin.; ells ir which, under
Ilte unpretending name of Rostetter's Stomach
Bitters, has been for rnore that twenty yearn the
standard tonic'. of America. In crowded cities.
where thl atmosphere is contaminated with the
eplavia inseparnte from large populations; in mar- .
eny regit,ne, where the sogio , so it reek with
tatasma; on the prairies and in the fo_reso.a. where
every fitll.the air is.tainted with esnalations from
j t ratting Nvecd:. , and ,giareet.=. or decomposieg leaves
—ins host. in every locality'ultertt malaria exists. ;
.this powf”-:111 vex etsbie nntodite urgently - need-:
ed. Fever ant:lag:rte. billibus I vere, dysentery+
congeauon of the liver, jaundice. rhenmati,m, and
ail diseases which are generated . by,...liacted air.
impure water. Or au ide n changes of temperature,
may be averted by strength en ing arte regulating
the system in advance \vial liostetler's Bitters."
Autumn is always at B eason of peril, especially to
weak, susceptible organizations. Even the more
vigorous are apt to he la some mencrt re depressed
by the humid atmosphere, loaded with deleterious
gases p roduce4 , by vegetabie-detv. - The fail •IE a
period oftbtr yoalr-wheil the Tenovatiorr-sed regu
lation of the lining machine is peculiarly impor
t ant, and the Ditteis t•hould therefore be taken
daily at this CHUM! Season. oc.lB-4t
'•Go ,
MILLER—GRIM—On Septem')er tlsth, H 73, at Se
wiekly, by 'Squire Smith, Mr. A. B. Miller and
Mlt.s Mattie Grim, both of New LialifeL:, Beaver
county, Pa
Dl EL'.
Wl.l 41—On the sth of Ottolyer. 13':3. at Eat Pal.
ee,tine, Ohio, Mrs. Beulah Welsh, in the nst
year of her age. 3ort.
The deceased, was formerly a reAdent of this
county, and wati buried at Fre-dorn, on the oth
met. She hnd been a niember of the V. B.
Church for 51 years.
SI'ESCE---1u Georgetown. Beaver Co., Pa.. on
December 14th. 161'2. Mrs. Ann Spence, wife of
Edward Spence sr.. aged 81. years and 3days.
SPF,Neff.--In Georgetown, Beaver Co., Pa., on
October tlth, 1873, Edward Spence sr., aged 81
years 3 months and 10 days.
SYRNCK—Ou January pith, 1811, in Louisville
Kentucky, .Edward Spence. son of Richard
Spence, aged IS years.
jtw Adutrtigtuttutt.
Dr. .D. HOWE'S
And all Dipettaea of the THROAT. CHEST' atAl
LUNGs. (The on:y Medicine of the kind ID the
world. )
A Sulmut ute for Cod Liver Ozi
Pe mom ully cures Asthma. Bronchitis. Incipt
et,t Con? , timptton. Loes of Voice. :shortness of
Breath. cntarrh. Croup. Coughs. Colds„ &c., in a
fLAc days, like magic. .Price S 1 per biotin. ALSO,
Du. S D. tiwNE'S
A rabiiln 'tonic Blood Purtfler
I t Which DIFFENS from ail other preparations lu its
lailtaolvcr Acrion noon the.
It to purely veretatable, and (Alit:sea the wystem ;
or all impurities, buluis it rizht rin,_and makes JA S
l'ure. Rich Blood. It curer Scrofulous Direases of I
All kinds, removes Constipation. and ref:ulster, the ,
11;T1uNs," I -al:We:igen:le 19th Century" to find
its equal
Etery Bottle is Worth its Weight in Gold. . .. ..
Price siprr Ruffle. TOßAC(,7o AND -._. CIGARS,
Sold by SAMUEL C. HANNAN. Druggist, Wu. Constantly for wile. - - • •
ter stret, sole.Ageut for Rochester.
.., .
Sold by 111.769 ANDRIES.II.N, Druggist. Sole The leading spoitutg Pipers kept eh fle:*
April rOT Beaver. • -- ~
Sold by W. (iILLILAND, I.)rnzgist. Sole AgentDßOP IN' ' ~, .A ..
VD ' , Vit - - -US
for ..v kirijhtou. *
Z... - ziaLL. S. U. 1.10W}., Sole Proprietor. ecti.3-Bas . - -1. -,. -- . - -. • ,
.. ...
I'%l Chambers t4t, New York: 1 -------- -L-_ - _:* ...:—.-____........::_ ...._._......:_. .:;,,
F.ll 1 L -$ o.l i . 2",':'
'l l 1 1 . tDXLIft - efk,
i_ • . _ . , _ '416.-3E4 1."4,1 14. V........
PLAIN Aii.l) Dzeult .41ir IF 4/ V 71117/. L t: ",- Will give peva% Woven, in
4 , 1
•9 ; ri o. ibiumnie AND PAurnire
• ii(grket Street: neliiSterger, k "
111 7
~ ,,k , .2-,: at his residence in Rochester, Ps. In the battdlng
V .r.'..i r ..eir - r)t.C.f. it: 1.,w 0 r E r i iri.fornieri cpernratd by 13.5. I inyttirr. Geed.
t, ii-,o:iy sett ?reel? etecert . re 1 t. k
• : s ;ik ,
If half
lob da to
1111 #
of tb
I7'. • . 1'
1 1+
I=b l NOi ft
Hoyt, 'd,
F ala 7.,, ant ( •
e I 1 ."
Final account of
Sterling, dec'd.
anal account of R. A. Moon, executor of Ales.
at account of John C. Reed, execakor of
11 ucl Twiford, deed.
al account of Charles Given, executor of
:as Givan, decd.
account of Rebert Gorsuch , executor of
Mart . McMurtrie. deed.
Final account (Perizocal) of Robert Patton, exec
utor ofJoseph Gibson. dec'd. . •
Final account of Jacob Nicely, adnalnistratoi of
i t Final account of Thomas lireCrefirr Ottirru,
a r [IPS M
or son of Jane ay . deed.
• Filial lic ou t of Thorns* iic C.teetor_ i Ngsrl&fati 4
Matthew Broom Yet, thrttdriorr - ol t Viagial Ilirobl
nyer. dec'd. •
..I. l iral account of Fleury thee. Guardian of Cisr
'unt,.3 May, minor sou of Hien K. May. deed.
Falai account ot .lohn Slentz, administrator, as
to proceeds of site 'orrai:iildteaist. Wan) Elliot,
accoapt of Soup•*on Stt*plornson, Guardian
of flaw 11.? and Jane )14sphenea - 11 Ittpw Wbi4e
; toil) minor children of Thorns.* Steplilifon. dec d
octls it. J. t. '.11:114;:gttl, iteg,ister.
LltiT OF A P RAlStait
vermaff i gue rth of
AssChil97 uf = t rip
(viewed to he retained b7 * tre widow or children of
deced3nt to the value°, threettundred dollars have
!wen 1110,in - the office of the Cie& et Sher 9rphatia
Court. and confined WisiOritr.
er,onal property to the-amount of $llOO, retained
by' widow of William Kennedy deceased. Joseph
C. Wit on, Es.scntor.
Persona} pl ui ")lll l 4t i ari4O. „ wi t =
.by wi BIC
W . 11. Frazier, A m la tor.
• Personal property to the amount of 095.86. re•
Mined by widow. of. Rey., William Adderis,, de•ed. finettanan. , /iihntaistrifor. •
Personal property to the amount of 11:300, retain
ed hy witior of Frederick tkhubmaker, deceased.
John Wagner. . Adidniatrator. r
•PeittionaAp r Operty tw• the amount of Valk rep.
tnin4'd hy widow Wit: P. Martin. decease& Liz
zie Martin. Adminivtratrix .
Periolial property to the amount of PO% retain
ed by widow of Jackaon Sprigga, deekastid.
Personal property to the amount of 15300. retain
ed by widow or William Wagoner; - deceased .
Samuel PierAol. Administrator.
,Notice is hereby given to heirs. legatees. distrib
deed. and ail other& intent:Med, to ati the
tfext term of said Court, not later than the third
day, it being the 12th of November. 1873, to show
tiath-e. It auy-rthvy have aptinst the - 191AI copfl.rm
talon of the above appraisenlentst.
JOII3 C. II A kr,
oct 15 3t Clerk, O. C
List of Causes for Novomber Teim, 1873.
J Woodruff et al ye 1' F Robitteran -. ' •
County of Beaver vs C &P R it Company ~.
Jacob Wagoner .vs Jahn Drinds ti.
Daniel W Blackford vs Andrew. jobn:3lon ~___
M H Jones Vs John Grtebing :13 .
W W Dunkle .vs John Gratiehttir et -at
T W Anderson vs Bendel & Letz Tits
Miller Dobson & Trax vs Kooken& Brobeeit .
George Graham vs John Carve) ,
.. .
Mary Murray's ei.ra vs Joseph Sharp
game vs Jatnes M Irfabrie
Jolla 'V Cook et of vs John Allehouscr'' ' ~
smile ye Magdalena Shreck
John D Coffin vs Samuel J Cross
John Eaton's adm'r vs A J Pettit
Pitt's National Plow Co. vs Jonn Weddell
Daniel Eisenbratin vs Samuel C Russell
John J Mitchell ' ' vs James R Gillis
Clark Usseiton - vs Joseph Morgan
G S Barker & Co vs John A Klein
.1 Walter & Bro vs George Poe
John McCown" vs A J Cook .
David Musser . vs S hi Gordon
New Brighton Water Co vs Charles Coale
Bentley & Gerwig vs same
Miller Jr Trax vs T J Chandler
Charles Coale vs A Bentley et al
G S Fulmer & Co vs T McCarty et ax
• Noble &Co vs Sylvester Hunter
T W Williams for use vs George S Porter -
Charles Grim vs Perry Brown
Coy Noble & Cc vs J K Crane
same vs NolVe Anzol & Co
E 11 Alt mander vs tieorge S Porter
5 11 Andrews et as vs The Auburn Coal Co
James Nickle' etritt • r vs Hobert Ralston et ax
John Boswell ' vs John Embangh
S Hamiiton & Co vs George W McKenzie
.Jamvs Allen for,use vs Peter Wilk•ns
JOHN CAL - OBEY, Proth'y
- - -- —'
i I. ,
Furniture, Chairs,
Corner Brigtion and Bridge Streetvis.
Rochester, Pa.
Particular attentioopaid to Undertbiting, on abort ,
notice and reasonable terms. octls-11
At that Big Beaver Bridge. The Bast
bTr&SD.4' OCTOBER, 15
~-.4.., . 1.::vt g'.l t'-'r
_II • / . '
r: .i:-0. -,.r. :1 -21 :1
Alt persons ladistoted; ivy: Sidgment Note or
. .PrAi -4 7. Ainut P Wok . • '
Rbbe;t**str; ' • , • . Allii:iiiirl*Plerial*
invoPts4 l ;ire. guitUtei. 2n4s, ' ~04Ingiotoorit.:494,ti
MAIO 4 - 407-' . .'4 0 , ' • - 00: 1 0 !poltilke : o l 44 t
mari,99)1(.14141; .:. AO' i d11?1u5P41441. 1 7 4f l
ed„ 4y r coneerpe. ~i. ;V f 42 likk u te o_ll ,?, et,
tion— - • , ~_., ly r , , ...*
.6,w.. , % am
~ , ~/1 1 ,
oettS•it ; "- .
No.pia --- 17r.
-4t , .7 - ',. — A V L . : AliiiW ':? , -14,•. - -4;.. ,• -;:* 4-, :+4 vti,l;•,.
i y - ft 1,:::: ' ) 'e.' .11.1740 - 46.• ti - . , v.-.1 , 1 / 4 1 , c - 4 4'41 t,r;
toltintintabsze oft! 4n z the ti Court:A ttf
Satexiei:Massanr -Meatlisrbtotnot Pleasut Wee
Misoe4."l:Atur;) V. flbtuotg. vet..Countt,! No. 419*
Jacob:B4lPridaleid4onter: Septenzbeerethr WM
POO In Aittbeet! .1,.t , Snow: V vv:-.4.-.k.
e e i , n :.
hattaloubtotelitiW t
tza .500.1ie,„,7; ,ir4D sl.
ori e nt• 4 tv. 1 ,
0.4. to, -3,ti trc :tut ( ex)atil :'•2":At '
intirreWitliinti.ari 316eilitzinkitided ) Mat the:
tlnaleakcosilmitallbests .11,041nbiAtimisittraseeor
IS eittoefrillekeftbeonisto liMent*Medlitio(
eopoineubtgoitetcemdtkaolttoftalirtebrOler teen
AU ditsfikerAMAP Write .tonetif ate - Saver;
stO?diiketititemeaitlielerttesktunevlse!ikkotornz.te 'thy
cop enottiatt.sii atiottensultigettlekitsto blonde's 5
otritt.tains trfrz.t , '-iii imitnitt COIMEINS . ~.
Alait,U4 4 .- ::!Errbthtnioter.' n •
of Hugh
Le nand.
TIN BA.N A Iiti.UP rello .freC,
-ncz> • •WMIIIIMDINNIgIit eit:PAo as: -- , •-•;:•1_, 1
';' l2 ' cul: Demtvitlej , rtilleosolnUe s e. l 873:. it-• -
Ttrisietudenstgadd lieskthrwieles name 0 Ids Upti
po)Utalli illrift.stignet 01 4 dittlitatfutzoof . ..ate Icn, IV.
ehip el titikWti ttifiegtufft . 11 4'irMieirveig; slut 'Wats
oil PiistolytidettilL 31eittaw-rwittl4DlstrlcA who b 5
bepii adjudge** ;•`ltikiltrutsir on tsktreditorppettitar:
byltttiCiltiAttettVolttlkif tottliUtktticrte t : .*. ..-. . --, ,1 ,
0 4 96 - ' 11 " - 1340CIUSISINGQITOlitVi t tsalgnee P , '
, 'Se , ' - 3 4. -tAtaris•=-4-v5...-5.t.g.4::-.2‘...„.4. , ...- 7 ..a.:
etibittiVAlN4`dttidt ,'7o.l!llii•iti -7: -. • -....i,i_
.• •.. . .4,-, ....L....- ~.... ; • ! r .;
it) 1 • 434-
U)1 QUO • t' .. )l' Oa .. l . '4) '..? ;it k ! !,..: 4; '•: •"`
.1' '.,' '
liCp4VP6kat vei lint,TtneigieK . ' In : L . „ tile . ( TdiniioD
t ,
.•7zl ^, III.; 0-zol *,.. -la f Visit istilifey'luis),•l
NV: / tr fyitidei . , 4c sir . FIFE% Net as iithi 86: -1
a•C i 4 ' ... f-: ''' -? El•• ...' " clitarth l: TtlVtit; tfitlll; ', '2
ti B 44iic #e t#l4/ii : t * : :: : (11 ,t . 4440*Al i tk:
, --..r.v.11 . :;(1 , r •-,. , r• A .. -1 71 1 ; . ,: i .• ••••• ' --- it s . , „•l. -
. . - ... •.. . - ~...l.: • . ~. il. 4 .. C . i. ' .. , :_ic . t. 4
1 , olobsk 'Miller- i 1 .:, . , Ric 'Fs, N.waisomarcik ,
__,..- :•0. ye.s—: *- :-.•.- . 2,e_rte.t!trav , ~:,• -..- ..
And now to wib:'Atitiloo„llVlB.44).4o‘l"L*e.licorii
appotnted an Audit 01 Ittrlkroceede or sale of
persona.o4wper., - ILO , p117170t0, .writs,ardAotv,„l,o
the , White.- . Bp-lb** Cott t:- --
BRAVEIt , WRY, - es :- , --Alr. true outset. _from
the record. •:: •,.: .:. • !• (4 A. tree: it-__.L. ~.._ .. ' :t. ~- ..
L• , . t •J 01 4 14 OAIII.IHVI, fin911ey:.... ,
i t
'ill& iii6ttoi al)ote uhmid viftlfatt - 4 to Me , du= d
e 4,
t 1 es Alf titei Odin t me at nt 'tie Ofikik. ' ate r, b?
Thtlo4# 2 .oool2eemjgra. c atvetft , %ie .
noon-' '..: * - , 31113.811.1 CM OU% Audifor
neri :o. 4 . c•‘:. r . .... . ~... ,• —. .. .t. , ....-. r. ... ... , .'
s ' ..,.. f . p !,- , 1. t .... ~-.. ' '1: :.1' . :4 ..• r •., Z. ;;./1.1. ..- „
of Sam
► Moon.
of -MarY
40 1-W: t r Al; t k - r.
fitkivmlio•P -4 64 Atb
tricoliti&ALia t . lb es 4ekislirgire Of.renr4ll4'El-t
nin, February , 18'3. Office onn door east et-Mick
ester nalibigti Bank. &whaler, Beaver
Pennac • 0, 4" •
Perri:its - of lletvertrittts Tint TiOVi. tts;te their
property lingered againsillessoeduiliarlby Are, a
fair rates, in a ran and.
. 1
therehlAvoidfn., , tlie expense, 4rouble, and,dalay/
ircident tte the elyistment oP losses by companies
/located at a distauctt,
tieahn ae-nrukt4itst
M. S. Quay. tie ergo .C., Spey erer.
14ainuot;13. )•y0 , ,,9a, LewliSchnelder.
Kennedy, John Greb:ny.,
J. Wark. J. S Srodee
Camp.ii.„ • ' O.'
David Lowry, Henry Gcehring.
J. S FEY enr.n, TreBP.
In the Orphans' Conti of Beaver County, in the
matter of the anal account of Marmaduke %Term,
administrator of the estate of David McCready; late
of Bridgewater Ixwou2ll deceased.
And now. to wit: Septereber 4. 1373. the Court
on tnotinn appotnt 0. A. small, Er-q, an Auditor.
to distribute the balance to the hands of said Ad
mtnistrAtor on s ettlement of hie dual account.
From the 'record
Attest-- JOB:S r Cr. 'HART, (lent.
The Andlfni above named will attend to the -du
ties of has appohannent at hie otlee in the Court
BiniAe, Beaver, on Tharsdaritne 16th pay of
October. at 10 o'clock, A. BE, when and where all
parties interested My attend.
0. A. SMALL Aucktor.
Will purchase in the tiiourishing city of FOrt Sew t,
Halms. a Substantial One-and-a-half story *tone.
house (two lots) containing s.tven well-dtiltahed;
rooms mostly oak-grained. 'Pie lett* are neatly
and substantially , enefesed. and have on them
nearly a Thousand dolts:its' worth of shrubbery and
young hearing fruit trees. Grape arhor cost Etso
There is also a tine, large cistern which cost *430.
a good frame - sable, and wo( d and coal house
Title perfect•
The house has been insured for upwards of four
years for MOO.
Price VAN*: s2.soovas'n: balance in one, two and
three yearn. , For full particulars address
rare Penavwitt
Lock Bfax ,c. 419 Watt ingtoulf. f;42
Fall' Session Opera , September 9th , 137
Primary. English. Colle7l, - anti MUSieal De
The buildifig has undergone a Inol'Ottih repair
ing. Rooms newly furnished. For particulars,
Circular, etc., apply to
31..7x. SCHEIB:NB/I, Prinripal.
In the Ciurt of Common Pleas) of Beaver _Coup.
ty..11 „fa N. 2. September term. HITS
tomes Johostou Milo Beed.
September 3..1878. 'Go Petition of Chamberlin
White. Seq.. Sherfif of Beaver county. the Court.
mpohnt 0: A. Small, Esq.; an Auditor to make Op
tributioa of the proceed. e(sale on the above re
cited writ.
A true extract from Ste record.
Atteat— , JOIIN CA VG H
The Anditoeabove named will attend to the du
ties of Ma appolntmest at ?ri s e ()Mee in the Court
House. Beaver. Va.. on Tuesday the 21st day of
October. 187.8; at 10 o'clock. A. M . when and
where all partlee interepted may attend.
0. A. SMALL, Auditor.
• . W. Cor. Leopotrel & Otter St.
Workers Wanted!
For Woods'. Uousehold
which. with its Premiums. is one ante most at
tractive in the country. Price of htagasine One
Dollar a year. Commissions liberal. offering a
incrattse and agreeable business to those willing
to save It p roper attention.
Vol. begins with Jaly. , lBa. Examine our
Clubbing and Premium Lists . - Two ffrst-class pe•
del:Heals for the prig of one. For specimen Mau*
Asine and farther information address Pi r oon's
Household Magazine. Newburgh. N. Y •
zXl•dral S. X.S111:171S. Publisher.
, JOEL S. GOB it CO .
-,ailfactaxern and 'Wholesale & Retail Dobiltta la
Paarret St.,- A illeghPal My:
141/7-o..l4a4taalritapn, Stift it . 'riatimalan
L 519.41.
Glld. C. stiEtkusn.
S QUAY, Vice Preel
1314 - AVFII?, PA.
MM .
,Oinfalting llook,B Oat pla fiar , ,
F' OF . FOWLER'S - 11‘tEAT* 'wing
oh :sfivikLitniiiiiniliziiiiiiifitiiiittuittiviiiii ,
re t usio nx Ittwe,,4texiorsi:)4m 9 cfsik,,
' *tilling Trom 15 to_.24opies a day, and we eepd a
-..CatAtitestfit tiook4reeo totabPlitok%tOinf: ' Addrelti
iltatif/g 'Llx±PQrieuCkft.P i t. (4l2l ,/ - - , 41 it t 1: 4 1 ,:g VP'''
;fbilfidetpDra; Pa. "
' Irr - uirzi --- m - o - 0 itV - 6ittnekinkunist yoitt!
, a lc.. . z tit L i m Gge4t, allusittelaAlt -
nautili and mily Weelayla "tties - Sta (la =
thority upon practical atikiectta. and.laz:highgo
! rc,.d
"/Atqral2.4o,utital• Only . 0V) aynat--Joas to cia
",Great ereralarns oi Vat& Coinillibeions . tt• I. Ageiit
glitteen nurnber. (Oct. to Jap,)qa , tr)Kl dor wily
.6ocentP. Proud , A. Lietl. dbo.,'aent fee Will trial
tabelatbers;p ~ , rev,. - ' :,_!..„- -.::: i - -?. *: • ' - f '.
- , O. D. T. 3100: 1 31c. :UP 7 -470 0 i, ' * ItY •, .
,WAV 4 4i0 tr fr i ll )
k ' • S$ ti, „. ..‘ A. ..
I :TA i3litei - iiristi f kii;iti' Ail :"Ctottiita'a 21 'tit iliir!‘ iidoiriE
itthaewlespiffint wprat_ttik-ti :.; lt , 40 u*!4 r , to
Aclute cnvals Inv §." 0).04 in vne wre k: Was
2'; * , I F ;: ' .: A:GENTS AVANNE D:, ..! .
For terms and territory ppit.FOßrot:*
CO.. New Yoik,..tioston. chisogo at SaufFratiCiSC,Q.
- • „ .1 „ ,
pisloattlig - 2t
1 6 , .11
A 11. - w Wing i Selkoof N'outlig,itelroliatyli• • For,
Cirdlifts addiess Ir4y.lf: -S. - ALEt NEL Co-
Wheat :
Agents: .110114 . 10
cif "Nig - nt Scericsji) the Bi-
Fatheekliontk., ne.irly 100.000
gpples each Send ..for . Clrovitir.
.$101.1114 . 4 tAtkltlft,OY"Se CO., 51, 1 3 ltrOi ttreet,
" r „
100 Priers and Farmint Stine tinting) ; the fail
and S'iciter montha w ,dot.ltuAnetia 10 their own
Ati4 adjotniqg toynothip. Biptineas reepectaliie.
? easy aud pa} *ea. — pNitientara•n4doOS S.
geRANIV:i At CO., Dartford., tf'uno,,
t •
Is 'I./he Scientific _Americani i the cheapest and bez•L
ftoaritted-weekty'papeis piiblltled. .Kvery na,,)-
11,.5t goutalps, Irsom.lo.lo, L.') kAi4inta- /ngr4v431.:1 of
mac trf next; Novel
~Inve'nti ans.. ' Bisfcrges, Enzi neer -
i nqr M arks. A ichi t 'et a ro. Impriared. , Form Imple •
-menitl, Itut.e . sio:',,y• new,disco.very fn Chemistry. A
,yetirtitrtbAri coittnin .T3•l'fittpes &int several 'nun
`ily ed ..ti t gravfn,2•2., : 'fhoulands."-ofiiptu r ge4 pre pre c
r ee r t s.:et ii ' ) l t,, fo a r re b „t in ve d i i i i 1
co I c l r i t il l
,t r e e l f i e t rrn , e l. ri
the s l i e lbs P e r r A i e pt l i t n a n i
'4itice Term-. t 43 a year. by writ. . Specimen. '
Wlt free, May be and of alt NeAtOeti'ers.
ealts•ofit?inett7sm Lie' be*; terms, Models ot: i l ew
ihvettroilis rind ekttche) , examined, .and alvice
0 *fret: -- All Oat ems acts publiabed,in.. Om 'Seient Mc
4.l.nerico4 the- xv* they. 4,sutr. _4_At4nd fur paw
,,,phlz.i.qin pa;zett, clintainftig inw4 anti" fug direc
, dem, LO,T illialuiptl Paige:ill. A•biretke. for ilpiaiiper,.
:Or coucei ult.; Parent=, Mann it Co., 3' P:irt,t7vow
N. V', Briinch•Uffle,), corner F and IthSts.;• , ..Wah"
illgli-q),,D• U. -• • .
. , • •
The cheApeAt and best in thtl Tii;trketi. Warrant
ed tettlfr Ir - lr-adjuerini.:::l4lpeciat indt4catnentsiti
Wast)lng.3l4chino Agent.2 , „and the .Cantry Trade.
Liberal tennis. Areent,4 watitiql. Senu for Circa.'
'tar. AMEEtIeAN MACHINE VU., Manntacturera
d Patentees, Office, 43!.) Walnut St.. Philadel
fa. P 4.
_ _
. ..
Gl i
t 7;: lv i , :I ; V ol .. : 1 4 7) . : 3 0 g n i
I m h;e r
e. L t e ,! .c u l r A : :;,: os p i fistedrE lees,o'
country by express C. U. 1.):.
to he examined• befOre' paid
I tor. NA e send a genuine W. & C. iScotr& Nome
'Muzzle Loader, witiirlask, Pouch and Cleaning
Hod, nicely boxed, for *35. Bend stamp for Price
1 List. SIIITII & Sc_TittES', 523 Broadway arßitiO
F. Chatham street, ;Isl. Y. ,
\o-Tar naedl. for outside work atilt! inside, In
#iestf of plirter. Felt Carp:tiiigs. &e. Lei il two
scerittsthrup,4or circular ::n tnirtlip4es. C. J. FAY.
Cat:seen N. J. . .
_ ___... .
FIIIESIDENJIG4tsit'S-4:5.11-12Eblvl Plilie
t, Atwood. produces the . largest. light. Can h
used on any coal oillavap.' For sate- by :ill if nip - ___ _ ____ .
Gooll, Cider , all Tile Year ICettittd,
'P (
ie Sentrnt ,ntpho tv.; e of time. prepn. .d by
Billi,tr.:,+, Clapp & Co . Wintol,. fornikrrly J. I t L. Sic , -
of, ,t.,- co., k A...e pi: CID Nit it'EET ALL 14.11. YEAR
I:01 "ND. Sew York otlice Colli . tge Mace .0
it2ArniiiiVgirffirili tr . Fr:Gir _ $1,006:
By nil who will work for t. 4 . If on wrltiti; yon do
not ;Rid at. nit -qture tve %v ili-zivc yati on dollar
for yorzr trotillitt. Stt-t •,I:lttip ler circular! to
0. IL 11( 7 rfiLEYX CO . Tel
5.117 i m mv,jti WitYPE'S
7..1:114 I , ,NSTITUE, 4:7 Fourth avenue. N. Y.
He-i referncez. N! NJ. nt)tii culA. :4+.11(1 for
WIA 11 . LA MEN. Girk fineLlP•oys ;wanted
1j 111 to SOI our Frynch and /Ameri—
can Jewelry, Boob., (Limes. etc irratten 'own 10,
eatites. ) capital needed. Catalogue.' Tenn.,
&c...nent Faux. P. 0. V I.CKERY itlz CO., Angutta
Qt' TO *
4 qil porday !. .k4enra- wanted! All
a 41.11 elasaes of workmg people. of
either rex, yslaug or old. mike fnotey et work for
no in their spare momontr. or Rif tte-ctme, than at
anything else. Partienlsrs tree. Address G.
S'IZNS4II4 & Co.. Penland. Ilaine •
Beaver, pp..
The undersigned takes riesmire in in
forming his friends and the public gener•
ally that he has just rerAved and opened
A New Stack of Goods,
Fall and Winter Wear.
He keeps the Oast of workmen in his
employ, and feels confident of his ability
to cut and makeup garments both 3.-
anti in such a manner as will please his
and see us Wore leaving your
Orders ELI each ere- -
trlay4;7o:ly Bridgewater, Pa
11. ,
1 4 e - 0153 Els
. _
.... t ,. . ~.....„
p,0t,,,,,-...1,.: :•
~..„ ..... ...,,..
AGgNTS , OF ,'
. t ~,,:, -,...,,i,1. -. 1:...-q.,5
. .'"
i r 04 ifOr44 4 9 .E.4.745,ii Pa
1 fv,itr ..
; •e!
7 , l4lgr,hale the; fonarlng deacra
Tiird Street:ated• re p p.•
it'or nilfttalniculati c 413 qt our
• , ..• - .4 • it
I - 49 4
4 r4L - brAziztfc , itiniir, FOR 844
_ Tu t t tam is - eitttate, in Brighton tp.,,kcer
ciilAtty; Pa.,lon the New Ebibou-road , 4 117 , 1%4 t.:. _
BeA LWIP: I nt III 4, 74-;sel!Als)3300 o ge B o, van `•' t
te , erocted d tWo-s ors kit nie dWellin" house, ta.
titWatirniti Znilnitt, klithekCi ndl ) initY (lit :NI
,41or,ptI t twv rußpt,,,T) rt.v,mloor: a pod v„ 4l ,
umrevh." the ttltie Wirtifiltiztue. rh. ittla`stable' ra
' oth ez t leCteracyogatt, 1 64141i1ip•- 'al 6. fOrtrf, kir tit
,}cater t : tioelithnfietrecr and undk.r ,i) ~, ,0 0rt a,. , 4
cUilchrati ol : l ‘hotam tm,:worked by niseuth er*:
u _ .
cellent fruit on premises. Pric,e 4 , ,,,aii,,,14 1; 4 ,!
, of J ohn
A....Enkftv+tin i tie farm, -or DAWSb:, s t
EAI, Beavar, Pa. ;-. , ',
, .
• No:~ 3.
• zio uss .14D Lox &1j E,
Thip property Is eituated otz;#th "tirtlle tit!
borough of Bealmr, Beaver c6finty. 40x1;30 then v
with n 1 5iltoittltarne tiottselcod ttatA sill other
trnhoilding. ereed there,on. Good fruit ot
pre ro t -ea Price'' 111 4 11 fre'6 Hic'e. tEe
Pdoo.N itzln Q. 1.1.-Ite,yB();C deltydr.snn
House,:wad aitulted,ou Faiirth etrect, 'in th.
boroughtst Beaver, ikiairer eouuty, jai 1 1154
eet..oo Mach' Isvraeted'a two-story frame honk,
tontainbee two roams, kitcben, ball and .antry
altache tire floor and tw attached. on rogi,
ad bail i N ta A con . d or;godcellar ii nd?rn.”i',l
and 4p o
EAKIN Beayer
menrs. Inquire lit Joseph White,(lr pt ._
No. o.
• - .. SALE.
This prooerty t 4 situitteti aiti B , iaver St:, * ln th ,
boroticih 'A - Belver. Beaver cmi N ty. Pi. Lot 17: ,
h y INS feet, 011 %%titling erected zi new ina ne 11 01 , 4 ,
contairon , three rouray cud ball on tir,t, tinot Ind
riirve rounie and'hall mi r•ecotiti tiot,r. ivi:h ce,w,
- tincturreAtti.-ctic.e.ri i at thil kitchen dtioi, and ao
tv2cesssry oiithutlchnl.;,.,
Price $.1,000. imiutre ilfAndrerc. (;' whit t ; . ~,
- the pren - A-e!*. or 1)..1, WSO IS' S: E.i KIN. 8'..?.*:7
•- 7.
A VA Lii4 M.P.; PA RIK FOll
Th ;aim -stunted :ti tar;,:4htun- tolvesttin.
Beave r county. Pa.. on a good r.earl." fuer:
from Beaver.; contain ine , 1.56 acres, more or 1, , ,;` 4, -- `
no acres ea ilted and th e ; Imiartge wel„i Umberki.
on whirl] iltorected two-tittbrylttune hsrl
istable anOckaber goort-springlotv,,
cuovenforitato bon 4e; aNn spring Ivan yani.
Tbid .hirrn „is we.l wiiterrd, being e?pecial!Y
d to the rafeing of :tack; kid wider a good :yeste
of cultevattan.'aod can be . worked by mettinery ;
eood fruit tm pretniber.. Inirtire of G. W. 'Walton
or DAWSW.I%/*EAKIN, Beaver, ea.
NO 10,
BPRING Gi?0174.: FARM,
Th 4 valuable property Ss - situated in (reeve
towniihrip, • Beaver county, I'a., on. the llool4toinl
and . btlippingsport road, one-ronrih of u Mile from
tiookvi own. four miles Irom'l3eor , etevrn, and .two
i,nd a halt miles from the C, P. railtoad,ron-,.
tattling. 410-ages. 11r acres elettred and the toitlenrt
well tirii4erett; three-touribs of the cleared land
is in gi on i, erected a good brick
bonne. confainin. , two rooms,. half and. kitchen nu
first' !loot: and r iot' r rooms and triil on t;ecotar
floor, with an exceltent cellar under-eat:l.
two vpringri convenient{ to hiJum!,
barn, kratq c . "x7).?.:},/ honr‘e. tri in - W4tl
houve.- and • vpriiig Loupe. TAN 7 i!.. orchards on tae
premisesf the rt.e are all in goori bearing coru.l:•
Th i. rarai it in, gi.u.l r e•pa fr. veil warerm.
and tinder a gniid I , tute, ot et/a/Tamil, and call iv.
worked by machinery. schou's- and churches coo
venie nt. I titi,n4e 4)1 W. H. Trmble on the preny
tes. or DA %VSCIA' EAKIN. ver,
• We reler . to Latt rencv. Pr. J. ri.mteth%!,
and John iligg,er,
NO, 11.
This property 14 wirtutte(l on Filth t±tTe.•t sb,
oro gn q f Boa vet - . 13L:aver county, P 64; bk. n
is erectedaa good Swo rory formt r;.celling hour,
'rout:lief:l,qt; rooms, tr t Z/ '/10/t UN' ra;dehlert:
all4o 1 nail 4.: Pita I'le, tee hootde cut4k itnnzd, ehop
by 14 feet, and other otribitlidiero±
ter a t the door ; gout fru4 vz, preiritirl. Yntu
$1.61:0. log:tire al'. clu 11. 31r Creery, Etcrt., or
DRAVSON fleaUer, -
NO. 12..- ' -
. _
- This property,l.4 .- iiftianted in the town of Indu , -
try, I.l . e.iver cow. ty, Pa. The Flour Mill
feet, 2 stories high, 2 run of burs w lin modem Ira
prevemeuts, 4 Lt+v 14111 - ,MX9O feet.l. 2 stories.
with mu ley suw: aleo planer and circular saw
ita.4s feec: boiler. furnace and coal lieu,
12X-10 lee 1,0011 r r :12 feet long: 1U leche,a in diame
ter. 2it flet4. Ail bring in iirst class running otdc,
wilt a good run 'Ol buz.ftiess. Lot 2110 by 2& feet
00 111 , I),rtlik of the river, 130—rods from depot of
C. ,t P. 112
yviee $1.04A) is hand. and the halame to
fait the purchap•er given at any twit.
It:quire:l4J. W. Efick-la. in IridugrY. or V-AWSON
tt. - EAKIN, Heal .14atatt Agenia, Beaver; Pa.
, .A\ NO. 13.
The undividetlThbe-ha.ll ()fa vulutiive propeel,v_fa
Bridgewater. Beaver Co. t mbracing a Brier bi‘til
ling H'ouse. %y r.( tiniste4, containing 7 rootniiratal
a cellar underneath. Also. 4(oil:l
-ing the Ham.... a new frame building. ‘Cilti tan
store rooms aa first :tom., and trio rooms
lot has a trout of 5l !cot, and extends laic;
140 feet --is planted %vial [revs, vines, shiaV3ery.
(t,c. has a well, clsterP., good stable,
tr , 1,400,
Also, a Lo! in the tolvn or 110:okt - r, near *..:e
River hank, within a I.sw minutes wait: of th , ti
R. Station—has a front of 12I) frit. and n11;1111:7
back3otueet enc lose twit h board fenze, and ter
nislling an excellent site for a residence:. t' ice
$6410. Inquire of DANIi.t•ON a EAKIN, Heaver.
GEO. C. W. J. Eirr.YEREE.
Bl'EYEßlißlkt CO.,
Dealers in exchitup*, Co m, Goverumert Secati
ties,utake collectiora on ell accessible points in tat
United States and Canada, receive money on depos
it subject to check, 9Zd receive time deposits is
one dollar and upwards and allow interest at a pry
By-laws and Ruleatarnished free by applying a
at the bank.
Bank open daily from 7 a. m., 0114 p, m., and
Saturday evenings- from 8 to 8 o'clock.
narzn, BY PEW" WOMB, TO
LA li °atrium & Co, lion J S Bnian,
Algeo, Scott t Cos 1 Orr & Cooper !, 5,.,
SJ - Cross& Co, IWm Kennedy, -'
Snieder & Wracks,. John ' , harp,
B S Ftanger, ;FIB Hdgar,
A C Burst, .T-04.esmen's lia.tinaN
S B Wilson, ; bank, Pittebnrgi. rs•
CSEA In the Orphans* Court caße:lva
County. In the matter ei the Pen
1 4 rion for partition of the• real es , ate
ofJane Sample. bite of Freedum.
borough. in said county. deceased.
And now to wit: September Ist, 157.1.--Vale DP
the heirs an legal representatives 4t Jane Sault?".
deceased, to wit : Washington )Ig-Cleary. rel.'
deuce unkaonn: William W. W illiazigon and Ifaryr
Wil Samoa*. residing in Allegheny Ctty. Fa.: tiltriJ
Tait and Minerva. Intermarried with Jame? 1- '`'
hill, residing in Sr, Lorth.4. 1n the State of lilf.tour ,
Thomas Ayers, Lizzie Ayers and Lawrence Aytr' ,
residir.g Ix the bo.ongh of Freedots. and Jennie
Ayers. resoling in the county of .Alltrghenl• °:.
last three named being miners. and having f°'
their truardiatt ad Jinni John C. Hart, and alt others
interested to appear and show cause, if anY- 111 ` 1 1
'lave, why an inquest to make partition of tbe' rot
estate of said decedent atiodid not be. mkarded 3:
,an Orphans' Court to be held at Beaver. lestd f ° ',l
the county of Beaver, on the Set ond MonclaY e.
November next, (it being the 10th day tlicreol4 A
D., 1873. A true copy of rule.
Attest :
.101113 O. HART. Clerk.
Sheriff's Office. Oct. 6,1:+:3--8-$t
NEW. CASTLE. PA, October 1. 1-7- 3 .
The nederognall hereby gives notice vt sP .
pointment a* aistirnee et William Rbelles,Arl
WoruPtint. 14 the cousfy of lawmen*. and sls"
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ronnaytranta, *Rhin laid t ietrict, Kbo bss
:MlJudiresei a bsaktopt.oo (minor's petition b 7, t"
Diattict court of ea Piotrtet.
uetti Sw. , OSCAR JACKsON. itis64o°'3'
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