El A JAM OP WOOD RAISIIPIO. "les no Joking matter, - Ar. Albtire," said demima Pendexter. "Of course it isn't, Jemima," said Mr. Allaire, rather more soberly them he bad spoken before. "But if you wine to that, isn't it a deal jollier, and just as Cheap, to laugh as to cry?" - Jemima Pendeltter Wig `.4t Mll, blaong brunette, - With dark -brown e yes, h air satin black, and a healthy bloom ot , either cheek, and her green gingham dress fitted her as perfectly as if a Broad. way modiste had cut and made it. Per. dinand Allaire was a handsome plum fellow of some five or six and twenty, whose dark eyes sent out roguish gleams from beneath a pair of arched brows, and w hose teeth were as white as a fresh-cut slice of cocoanut. "But mother wants the money," Per sisted Miss Pendexter. "Not half so badly as I do, Jemtma." It's Too bad," pouted Jemtms. "So it is. -- But really, Jemime, don't ru suppose I would pay her in a minute if I had the money ? If. For lam not a magician whose word can turn a basket o f scr ap paper to bank notes, or make coined gold out of the cinders under the •rate" "That is nonsense," mid Miss Pendex. El "Neourse it is. Sense is at a discount just at present. Look at this pile of man uscript, if you don't believe me, that no editor wi,l buy; see those elegant oil paintings that De Beaudin declines re spectfully to hang up for ,sale ! What's a fellow to do ?" dAt least," said Jemima, tossing her handsome head, "yon ought to pay your honest debts !" "I know that, my dear," said Mr. Al gravely. "And I've written seven earnestly entreating lettere to my hard hearted old uncle, and of the seven an swers that ought to ha ye COMO back, the first one hasn't made it appearance yet. Jemima, I've and idea." "Pshaw !" saiti Miss Pendexter, trying to maintain severe gravity of aspect that wa. , rapidly thawing beneath the merry sparkle of the sloe -black eyes. "But I have, really. Suppose you take me in part payment of my bill to Mrs. Pendexter. Pbelieve I have the elements of a first-rate husband about me." 3liss Jemima turned resolutely away. "Mr. Allaire, I believe you'd joke i you were upon youi dying bed !" And she went down stairs. "A man might do worse than to marry Jemima Pendexter," said- Mr. Allaire, meditatively. "She's pretty, and she is spirited; and as for her mother 'keeping a boarding house, that'sna:Particalar ob jection in my eyes. Halloii ! what's that commotion outside ?" He threw up the window sash and Acetched himself half way out. Mrs. Pcndexter, a stout, thrifty matron, in a frilled cap and lilac ribbons, was bargain lag with a ragged itinerant of the gipsy order to have a load of wood, which had just been deposited at her door, sawed and split, and stowed into the cellar. "Couldn't do it for less than four dol lars, mem," said the Bohemian of the cree ts "It isn't worth three!" cried Mrs . Pen- dexter. " Worst kind o' knotty wood, mem." "I won't give you more than three," persisted Mrs. Pendexter. "Ferry well, it'll be to somebody be des,me," said the man, shouti . ering his ate and pas Sing indifferently,on. He suppose 1 Mrs Pendexter would call back and accede to his terms, but he was mistaken in the buxom widow's men -1,41 calibre. She was turning in doors when, to her surprise, she found herself confronting Mr. Ferdinand Allaire ;s shirt sleeves. "I'm your man, ma'am !" said he rut,- b::14 his white palms briskly together. "‘lv goodness, gracious !" ejaculated the wil , )w, - what do you mean, Mr. AI. I= 'I mean that little job of wood-saw :Liz said our hero. "Bring on your axe ;:w. I'll do it for three dollars, and turn it in toward our small account. Now I Len, ma'am, wide awake, if you please !" 'But—l beg your pardon, Mr. Allaire, please, you're a gentleman !" "Very well, what of „that? Is there to prevent a gentleman split tin` up a cord of wood ? A great deal 2 ,, re strengthening to the muscles of the m . ,r, than ,damb-belis and Indian' clubs, lau surle." Are Yee, really in earnest ?" Y"F, I am- - And then Mrs. Pendexter, seeing no :1- 'n why she should not realize a por ' at least of the back board of her third •t r‘ bedroom in this practical manner, rj: - .1,-_!k, the errand boy, down after the .Iy.e and saw, and Hr. Ferdinand Allaire brlskly to work, whistling "Banks and Braes" most energetically as he toiled. Miss Jiiminpt came and looked out of windpw, her ayes shining merry en c.)uragemertt,-aid I:nisei:ll6l7°ns mouth framing itself in dimples, Miss Lavinia haei, the elderly maiden lady who, ric copied the back parlor, parsed up 'her lips and wondered "what ridiculous freak that madcap of a Mr. Allaire wonid be up to next?" YouniJessamy, of the Occi dea,al Club, nearly got run over staring back in amazement at seeing _Ferdinand at Work; and 'Miss Adele Maurice with "whom be bad led the German,, three nightt, before—for our hero was called a `'society young man—stared with all eyes, and like the priest and Levite in the par, able : pissed by - on the other side. "Let her go," said Mr. Atlaire to him. self; !!what do I care,r , Bat as ao Open:bareuche rolled by, and stick of viciously minded wood spun frourthe rending stroke of the axe rectly into the velvet Cushioned seat, op. polite a tall, white-haired old man, who, sat there in dignified state, our he:o IQok ed up apologetically. "I begiour pardon, sir,—l didn't mean —" he began politely. And then be stopped in amazement. It wan Mr. Laurence Atkin, the very grim old uncle who had relused Ile coun tenance the unreakTable nephew who who presumed to preter literature and betlerkitra to a seakln the banking house of Allaire & Algrove. "Now I'm done for; past all redemp- tion," groaned Kr. Ferdinand to himself: "Uncle Laurence waaquite angry enough with me before, but now he'll have a test to preach a sermon that will last tam the rest of his life. The prodigal eating husks--the Israelites making bricks in a land of captivity. told you so, and it serves the young scapegrace right' Niw what evil genius sent tay, uncle lAurence down this street just now, of all times Is the world II lie cat me out of his will three months ago; now be will add a sp r cial clause of obloquy and disgrace. Well, I can't help it."l 011 Mr. Allaire had opened his keen blue eyes very wide at the unwonted sight of his aristocratic nephew splitting wood; but = it had not produced exactly the effect upon him which Ferdinand se darkly prophesied. lite sat up straight as ever in his carriage, gtsvely meditating. "Stokes!" said he this coachman. "Sit ?" said Stokes. "Didn't know the boy bad so mach pluck in him," said Mr. Laurence Allelic to himself, stroking his frost-white mut trche. "The only relative I've in the world, after all; no use in making an ob. stinate old stage uncle of myself. Pen newinks ?" "Yea, sir," said the lawyer, from his , leather covered clOr, as Mr. dilate walked into a stuffy little office, smelling of law books and Azle cigar smoke. . "I want my will restored tOitil original form, Pennawinks." Mr. Pennawinks elevated his shaggy gray brows, but had no other sign of amazement. Na admirari was his motto in legal matters. "Very we 1, sir. I'll bring it round to morrow," he answered. -No, yOu'll not You'll not. You'll do it now,wbile lam waiting. Now is the accepted time for* men like you and me, Pennawinks."'' "Exactly sn," said Mr. Pennawinks. "Sn Mr. Feadinand has reformed ?" "Well—no—l can't say that exactly," said the old banker stiffly. "But there's more genuine stuff in the lad than I bad any idea of. I shall invite him to dinnef this afternoon." But Mr. Allaire had issued his last in vitation. "Apoplexy," said one doctor. "Heart disease," said a , (kwnd. "Paralysis," —clearly paralysis," assert• ed a third. And Ferdinand Allaire heard the news just as he was buttoning on his gold cuff studs, after finishing the job of kindling wood—the best job, had be known it, that ever he undertook in his life. His uncle Laurence was dead, and he was the heir. "Jemima," satd'Mr. Allaire, composed ly walking into the dining room where the pretty Jemima was polishing goblets. "I'm going away." "I've heard it all, and its like a story paper exactly. Who cou'd have thought things were going to turn out so! Not I, certainly !" "Nor I," said Mr. Allaire. "Jemima ?" "Nrell." said Jemima, surveying a flaw in the glass of one special chalice, with dyes full of resolutely repressed tears. .'You wouldn't take me this morning, when I offered myself to you." "Of course that was all nonsense," ssid Jemima. "It might have been none-nee then," said Ferdinand, "bnt it's sober earnest now. I can keep a wife decently now. Jemima, will you have me ?" "Yes I will," said Jemlma, laughing and crying at the same time. And that was what c-tme of Ferdinand Allaira's job of wood sawing. A GREAT many people are apt to hit on happy ideas in society, and when they go home they write them out for publication, and most of these good people know how hard it is to begin an article satisfac torily. A word to them: Commence with your very finest writing and most beautifully rounded : ntences. Introduce your subject in your most elaborate style, be poetical, rhetorical, didactic, as your mood may be, and when you think fit, gradually drop into the discussion a - the - subject-matter. 'When the article is fin ished, begin at the open ing_sentence, and. read it until you find you have com menced to say something to the point. Stop at this place; strike Tout everything before it, and let your article begin just there. You w'll then probably find that if opens well, and that by collecting_all your labored (=position- in one place where it can be readily stricken out, you will have saved yourself all the trouble that would have beeh r.ecessary had it been scattered through tha,article,", A ItAli has been recommended in et ernising sehOcilthildien;Olet each child reai,a paragraph fronts? current current: n p~cy_ add itter~ratd to etplabi allusions to events or persona it may con. tain. =I 11{t v.. , • e. IA S Pomiet a (near_fit. Clair llotel).PittabimM, . Strlnsire Agents toe Ailegung Bearer lied Lamina counties of the Lads ettbli A. T. ai Ban ta re ft. B.: (can give tickets at reduced rates to go and see these Loft) alas lands of Union N elda-end Iron II Art. Railroads. Rave over SO Isms for sale. - toil/ st either ears and examine our register. - 'Weolkrforeide the following prop 2toane etc iatty P located Arm, situate in North 13e scrwanift uma Omit y. toe salt. • Cos tal' terse. nee on annoy. New Castle and Botilhton roads, so sale Norma, halms to do* her. otClak. Med. Chestnut, he.; am all be machines& soli is My mredan live, excellent r grain or pest • kind lies un dolottod_ _ C 904 lIPMIPSH one Ms • underlaid with oass, =maw and or geed sand aid Whi ne stone; fence* ars rail mad beard, in good con. good ainhard - otappin. punt im aim its. Agues of chides - link games. iihrabbery, ht. Is. provearsats eintumuimi tame sit rooms. good aneroid lignilan, smoke Muse, eon nth, new ben 1100111 het, steno mats* balsa, eon to as saw am, MINN II Mos Biletitati Um aid ` from thelins et "M . as and cu. cage Rallroad. Prise M A GOOD DAISY. MOM OA (MIA ALM la Jig Deaver towaship, Dwelt mat", esa =about 14h anne-ent "bid LW acres are It scree lief batten teat: SO scree is oak timber: beaus et dared last, gestlirollig all nadir ewes. es the P. PL W. aC. HaloW • buldtag on a good Smash* road amo.intif mile from Homewood states ; serfs list due sad all au be waded by mobilaell. Impeirveseats, one mewl, weetbst-beended laghease at l room, two stories Met, versada s s fuss Mhos, with pleasant sarroudiags, earn sew Mao bus of 4 roans, poetise Infest ; a good cellar ; spring of water sat .waU dos to house • , oae sew bank bar% with stone fooadatlon„ 4WD, with plenty of Malang fa bones sad claws ; onra crib, snooks house. mai all nasal oatballdlagik a rate orchard (Ovation kinds of trait trees la rod bearing condition. dd a young embard. This plaice is la a planue part Inf tke county, silk eve- T 7 sirs nodmg °Wet to make It agreeable sad at tractive, and la ahnit-class Stan ra a good asigb borbood, elms* 'doe* _ditches. post -cake sad mtbdtvide tract if desired by tee X parclusor. for sale. Price. ISO pet ame, is p ay . ansoli. Guile S. eCrosAy, owner. N 0.711. , A SPLENDID 'GAMIN OB DAIRY PAM coat/dams about 1113 acres, of wille4l acre. Sr. cleared and under a blab state of culttvagoa, wall fenced, mostly post and rail, and is splendid order; tan springs on tba place, two orchards costaintan 110 apple and 100 wadi tines, bead in and In food condition; about IT acres of the beat quality of thaber; a good frame bars I*, with dahlia* underneath: • new has stable 16d0 a my corn crib, a good frame haus arbour rooms and a good milk bones, an excellent encimod garden patch; plenty of small trait such as cherries, plum qatnces, grapes. Le. Near to a sew school loam. 1% miles from Indiums on the 11 P. ltaliroad. rood roads to station Tim soil le good sad the bra Is well adapted to dairy or stock parpopss. and is emesidered ape of the beat. OW sae, in_payments. ?oak Owasr UMW/7' EN T RP SALOON AND RESTAURANT. .'FL RAT AND AMT. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Igo. 19 SEEM BT., OM St. Clatej PTITBI3IIRGII. • blOll-1y NSAL McCALLION H OLLIDAYSBURG SEMINARY, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA. REV. JOS. WAUGH, Principal. ADvANTAGgs. 1. A Christian home. 2. Thorough and saccessfal teachers. 3. Philosophical and Chemical apparatus, Maps and Charts. 4. Thorough teaching In Music. Good Pianos. 5. Rooms large and cheerful. Ventilation per fect. 54. Gymnasticts without extra charge. Gymna sium. and ample grounds. beitutifal scenery and opportunities fo w r a r t t e rling. flatting &c. Puresoft Bith-room for ,pupils. 8. Admirable location., Entire freedom frOm smoke. nobstrand duet. 9, Near to variommtinrches. 10. Gaslight—no danger from limos. 11. Weekly class In Etiottettesuid Propriety. School year betizus Septembar 10. 1878. Boarding. Tuition. Fuel. Gas and faintshed,risom for school year $2OO to $250. septLl-lm INSTANT RELIEF FOR THE ASTHMA. Any person troubled with that terrible disease will receive immediate and complete relief by us ing nu ASTEMA REMEDY. - twits afiticte&with it for twelve years. entirely unfitting me for business for weeks at a time; and discovered this remedy by experimenting on my self after all other medicinta failed to have any effect. I WILL WARRA. NTRELIEF IT TO GIVE INSTANT n all eases of Asthma not complicated with other diseases. ANY PERSON AFTER ONCE USING WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT IT. Pamphlets containing certificates by mail FREE, FOR SALE BY Hugo Andriessen.l4eaver,t Pa. T. G. Waddle, Nol,viirighton. W. Gilliland. New Brighton. H. T. McGotin, Beaver Falls. G. McC. Smith. Bridgewater. T. Kennedy & Co. Rochester. Samuel C. Hanuen, Rochester. S. A. Craig, Freedom. Thomas Swearingen, Eivokstown. AND DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. Price by mail. postage paid, $l.OO per box. Libel. al terms to druggists. Address CHAS. B. HURST, aprll-Iy. - Rochester, Beaver Co.. Pa. Ittavtr & 00 dvtrtiotounto. T iti c V(• (1 rA WIGAN :) 7 7\likli BITTERS one Bottle is worth more than a dozeh 0/ other Bitters. For sale at all Drug Stores, Groceries -aminDeal stra In Medicines; also, wholesale and retail at HARRIS it EWING'S, Wholesale Drufkists,oor. Tenth and Liberty streets, Pittsburgh, AMERICAN ' ST OMACH BITTERS MFG. CO., $W and lin Liberty strPet. _ Pittsburgh, Pa. octB-6mW TO THE TRADE ONLY! 1873. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Clocks, Jewelry, Watch and Clock Mate rife, &c NO OLD GOODS, EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH. New York Bills Duplicated Orders promptly attended to. WHO NSA 111 E EXCLUSIVELY. G. B. BARRETT' & CO., 60 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. octS-2mW KN'A.I3E & CO.'S PIANOS, HAINES BROS'. PIANOS, and GEORGE A. , PRINCE - CO.'S ORGANS, The three beat and most popular Instruments now in the market. Catalogue acrd Price•Liet contain. log hill particulars mailed to any address: CRABLOTTWELUILF N 19 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. oct9.6raW . Sole Agent. 10. 0 ''. .' RARE , CHANCE tic a tralim ez Pu s aLitra ti rr i ; tl 7 (1... burgh, Pa. oithe , l-7 LIE MOIMM =1 1847 1873 FALL mWINTSR, 1873 BOOT AND 8110 E HOVSE J. Hs BORLAND, Masubetunt sag Altoloots Dealer, 152'4*A MS Wood greet. ts now receiving ona ot tha Byer broaMit Ito the City, condisting of Yeas' Boys' and Touths' Boots, Brogans lead Balmoral& Ladies; Nimes and Children's Gaiters, Balmorals and Slipper. of every style and guilty, .bought &or cash and will be sold at k. The trade Is sped:* invited to call and exainTne my stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the country filled promptly at iiasterti prices. Family retail store 98 Market Street. a hez t • J. Ef. BORLAND, octErlzo 55 &55 Wood stmt. Pittaburgh. PORTER; DONALDSON & CU., Successors to Q. Scott & Co. and J. H. Hawkins & Co.. Steubenville, Ohio. 197 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA, Wholesale dealers in MILLINERY tt STRAW GOODS, AND Fancy Notions, Offer an entirely fresh stock at the closest tlgtres 11 the Novelti- in their line rer.eived as soon • • Imported. Milliners and Merchants are invited to examine tte.s stock before purchasing. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO OP DEES. J. H. Hawkins. D. V. Donaldson. J. J. Porter, C. E. Patterson. oct&2m. F IFTH AVENUE Clothing Hall, Cor. Sth Ave. and Market St., Pittabu.gb, Pa. 1873. FALL STOCK 1873. Is offered lower than any other house in the city. Buyers study your own interests Sand examine the stock of J. Hanaach before purchasing elsewhere. The stock comprises Men's Boys', Youths and Childress Clothing at Wholesale and &LIP Prices. J. Hannachir larßring this invitation with you. octS-3mW H LT OUTZ'S PATENT t 1.4 Spring. Bed Folding Lounge.. moat durable ev lnven• ' IMME ME .../if/ : ' ?/• . . et° ) 1 / 4 AP Age, • . , . . . A. • , . CMILPSEIT WBOLSSiag 14 ttus city. Largest Stocks OA BOOTS. SHOW &ND IMMO EASTERN PRICES. Particular attention is called to oar SMOKY CITY BOOTS. Also agettta for Rubbers at Factiory Prices. 1 a,' Cf 5 •' = 11 V._ HOOKRE PRICE CLOTIUNG U • , 96 ithisiajtiki irid, PiathwiA, Pa The best pisee la Os oft 41) boy Mtn' sad ihuataildig pmts. Ora a/ha glib. 1n7,13' ;JOHN'' P. DEAN aiRDwARic A$D CUTLERY, 81 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa Carpenters' and Blacksmiths' Tools Shovels, Spa,. Scythes, Scathes, Hoes, Forks and Rakes, together with a large and varied stock of Hardware and Cut lery, suitable kir the trade, at greatly re dined rates. \ jy2-ly ESTABLISHED IN 1888. 113-38TABLISHED 1N 1869. (I. H & M M E--Rt S 0 N 8, C. Manufacturers oaf FINE AND MEDIUM FURNITURE, Of Every Deecription and Price, Handsome and Superior in stle and quality than found in most or,siny other Furniture Rinse this side of the mountains. Photographs and Price Lists sent on application, or when in the city don't Anget the place—sign of the large Golden Chair, 46, 48 and 60, Seventh Avenue, mar9B.ly raTiatt ROB. PA. WORKERS WANTED ! FOR WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZIN& which. with Its Premiums, is one of the most at.' tractive in the country. Price of Magizine one dol lar a year. Commisaionclibeml, offering a lucre crative and agreeable Wildness to those willing to give it proper attention. Vol. Ern begins with July, 1878. Examine our Clubbing and Premium Lists. Two first-class pe riodicals for the price of one. For specimen Ma gazine and :arther information address. Wood's Household Magazine, Newburgh. N. Y. septl2.4 m S. E. SHUTES, Publisher. lEENY CITY Stair Bailin aml Wood Turlliill Shop NEWELS, BALUSTERS, RAND RAILS, with Jomts Cut and Bolted, ready tO hang, tarn !shed on short notice. WII.JJA Id PEOPLES, 54-IY.I Cor. Wager St. & Graham AL/v WHEN IN PITTSBURGH PATRONIZE CAPERTON'S DINING ROOMS. Tables furnished with the best the market of fords. Fast class table, rates reasonable. SINGLE MEALS 50 CENTS. Meals from 614 P.M.until 12 o'clock at night. Remember the place, No. No. 60 Market st. lar - ent this oat and bring it with you. septl2-1m THE ONE PRICE, SQUARE DEALING PITTSBURGH HST ' HOUSE. HEIMBERGER LOGAN, a Dealers in HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, CANES, UMBRELLAS, &C No. CJ Smithfield Street. four doors from cor. Sth " 'Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. W. A. Helmherger, W. A, Logan. oct&Gm VIENNA PREMIUMS. THE WILSON SHUTTLE Sewing Machines e. ReedVeit the Grand PRIZE MEDAL AND\ MEDAL OF HONOR FOR THE BEST SEWING IiACHINE, Over every coinpelitor, European or American. LEE S. SMITH & CO., No. 14 Sixth Street, 4 • rittatuirgh, Pa. 'AGENTS WANTED. ocliWinaW DAY to oar - Agents. Bells to eve. 55111.40 r dreu ybody at sight. Ad 11113111101L a =OM octS.ll2 Pittsburg% is. OW IRENE =I MEMO ' r , • =I *t • • SanlegiL" ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wall T.. 131001110, ?ILLS. Writ jOgiErI7LNDLIA, ATTtoRNET AT LA W,_ (Qe*, is the Wks) BoUMW /32AV18, PA: All bmesum ingrostod to ha awe sill metro prompt ottostka. . &WOW JOHN B. YOUNG , ATTORNEY y AT LAW, • BBAVAZ, PA: Moo sadroddezialas Third Wait ottho ORO Roue., All kW bilabial. *Unsaid to sears oboll - aloe moot 4U:dip& Also,„ gimes Baal *data Illor UI., and those *Mtn to bira t artycar alarm lands, my me' thee money wall ngst say cam. (s *%' 11. 4 JAMB CANUIRON. JOHN- T. MIXES. CAMER-ON & MARKS, 4TTO.RNEYB AT LAW AND REAL IMAM AGUINTI!, ROCHESTER, PA. Will attend , promptly to all losteedsaaraseed to their cars and have superior limllities for aod sel li ng real estate. &WWI G iLBERT L. EBERHART. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will elvaloompt Attention to Collectiocui, curing Bounties Bounties and Panalons, Buying and Belltrig Beal to, etc. OFIFICE ON BROADWAY, Opposite 8 B. Hoopes• Haeldag Bosse, NEW BRIGHTON, BBAWIR 00., PA. sepirMis T FL M'OItICERY, 0 • ATTORNEY. AT LAW , THIRD, STREET, (71rd door bolowAtto Court Rouse.) bll O -17: =AV= PA. A. SMALL, 0. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEAVER, PENNA. OfIICZ ill TWA COTIZT BOUM Relloo V. s. A.GNillr. Z. X. 817011.11W1L A GNEW & BUCHANAN, kt. ATTORNEYS AT Law. (NEAR THE POlat omcz,) oct4 BEATER C. H., PA. rr7IW7M SWARTZWELDER & BARR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NO. 66 GRANT STREET, -rairaisuitGlL. A ln; Zdvationatsts. P L 0 X- -A. Awarded by the American Institute to 1. W. McKee for Embroilerint and Rain Machines, "It is ingenious \ and will meet the' wants of eve ry matron in the land." EXHIBITION OF 1872. John R. davit, Roc. Sec. F. A. Barnard, Prea. Samuel D. Tilman, Corresponding Becy. New York, November 20, WS. This simple and Ingenious Machine is as useful as the Sewing Machine. and is fast becoming is:T oler with ladies in the place of expensive needle work, Its work being much more handsome. re quiring less time and not one-tenth part the ex pense. No lady's toilet to now coroplete without it. A Machine with illustrated circular and full instructions sent on receipt of fill, or anished in silver plate for $2.75. Address THE Mc KBE MANUFACTURING CO. 809 Broadway, New York. AGENTS WANTED. DR. GARVIN'S ELIXIR OF TAR, Is recommended by regular Medical practionera and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis. Spitting of Blood,- Consumptior and a11,.-Pnlmonary Complaints. Scrofula, .Erysipelas, Dyspepsia and Gout. Dye pepsia and gent. Dysentery, Cholera morbus, Cholera and all liver and bowel complaints. Sid ney diseases and all affections of the urinal Or gans—perfectly harmless—free from Mineral or Alcoholic properties—pleasant to take. Full par ticulars with medical testimony and certificates Benton application. &Arm L. F. Hyde & Co., 195 Seventh Avenue, N. Y. Darts Ihm the Doti or Cupid Abused, A book plat issued exposing the "Personals" that. hive appeared in the Nevg York Newspapers; their history and lesson. Stylish villians fully exposed., Advertisements rom desperate men to beautiful women; clandestine meetings; how frustrated. The history of the Goodrich 'tragedy the result of a personal. Description of living Broadway sta tues. b:xposes social corruption. Sent on receipt of 50 cents. Address Unique Printing House, 36 Yesey street. New York. TILE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS. An Important Invention. It retains the Rupture at all times. and under the hardest exercises or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day. effects a permanent cure in a few weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by Mail-when requested, cir culars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co.. No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. city. Nobody uses Me.al Spring Trusses; too painful; they slip off too frequently. THE BECKWITH no PORTABLE FAMILY 1 SEWING MACHINE, ON 30 DAYS TRIAL , many advantages ow all. Satisfaction guaran teed. or 20 refundW Sent complete, with full directions. Beckwith Sewing Machine Cu. 862 Broadway, N. Y. AL. IZONA DIAMONDS SET IN SOLID 14 hAiIAT GOLD, (WARRANTED.) WATCHES AND JEWELRY Of Every Description. NO. 38 'FIFTH AVENUE, :ALLEGHENY 1 1 1 0 Ardl L BA .74 1 ° K, NO. 33 FIFTH AVENUE, B URGE PA. J. W. COOK, President. R. W. MACKEY. amhier W. MoCANDLESS; Aut. audio. (del B ANIaNG HOUSE R. E. a; H. HOOPES, Cons sposemos of aka:a, Bankers and Mar skint, sallettad. Collections promptly nada f an rearktad. Uy2S'ltt. MIEN 611 Mil ZS J 710: C. P 474.14. pgexrii-ly OP' NEW MORTON, Pk Eil i!!1