COCIIITING tiNDEISINUMCULIFIZIL *ow truer Green Was-neared Gat of &entail & wiry • Ti fr narrative which I am about to write was told ( me. one bleak, cold night, in a onuntry parlor. It was one of those nights in midwinter, when , the wind swept over the land, making everything tingle with Its frosty breath, that t woo seated before a blazing fire, surrounded by a jolly, half-dozen boys and an old bach elor—Peter (treen7 sbont forty and eight years old. It was just the night without' to make those within enjoy a - good story, so each of us had told his favorite story, save Mr. Orion, and as he WU a. jolly old fellow, .. we all looked fstra jolly story.:,We were risomewbat surprised to, bear , him say, "I have no story that would interest you," so we bad to find ether entertainment for a while, when one °file boys told me to ask him bow it happened that be never got marr:ed. Boilid I. "Well; 'gentlemen," be began, "it don 't seem right for me to tell how that - hap pened, but as it is about myself, I don't sate much. Yon see when I was young we had to walk as high as five miles to church and singing school, which was our chief enjoyment. ; But this don't have anything to do with my getting a wife, buil just wanted, to show you that we had some trouble them days in getting our sport. John Smith and I were like brothers, or like "Mary and her little lamb." Where one went the other was sure to go. So we went to eel two sisters, and as we were not 'the best boys imaginable, the old gen tian= took Umbrage and wouldn't allow us to come near the house, so we would take the girls to the end of the lane, and there we would have to take the: final kiss. We soon got tired of that sort of fun, and I told John, on our way to singing schootOne night, that I was going to take Sadie home, and that I was going into the house too timid the old man would run me if I did. I told him I was going to risk it any let come what would He said he "would risk it if I would." So home we went with the girls. When ' welgot to the end of the lane I told the girls we proposed going all the way. They looked at each other in a way I didn't like to well, but said they (the old folks) would be in bed, so they didn't care if we did. - They were a little more surprised yet when I told them we thought of going in . a littlioshile, tint as all was quiet when we gotta ibeltouse, we bad no trouble in getting intaiie kitchen. Then and there .we had our first court; and I made up my mind to ask Sadie to t be my wife the next time I came. It WU now put the turn of the . night, end as we bad four miles to walk, I told ton we Would have to be going. 130 we stepped out an the porch, but just as we did Sao, the aktwits lit - op by lightning, andeoeiretisandatppeal of thunder rolled ilourthe mountain sidel. Its 'echo bad nnt.died out in the far-off vales until thi iliesbegan to pour from the garnered ful)nessof the *loads. We . waited for it to stop until *ewers all Sleepy, when the girls said wellmiid go to ball in the lithe zoom at tie bad to .the WWI Which led out of the kitche.n, es their father didn't - get up early we . *ld be home befOre the old forksweri a stir.. So alter bidding the girls a sweet, good night and wishing . - them pleasant dreams, and promising them to come back on next Saturday night, we started for bed. We didn't have far to go, as the bed stood near the head of the stairs. John -was soon in bed, but as I always was a little slow, and full of curiosity, I was looking around the little room. At last I thought I would sit down on a chest which was spread over with a nice white cloth, while I drew Oft my poots. So down I sat, when stars of the east,,,,l went plump into a big egg•custard pie ! thought John would die laughing, for ,•,,,he -c said I had smashed that custard all to thunder, and the,plate right in two. You see we had to be awful quiet so that the old Man wouldn't bear. I was now ready to get into bed, so I put the light out and, picked up my boots thinking to pss- them in a more Convert lent place,.wen dOwn my one foot went - through a pipe bole, which had been coy .ered by paper, up to my very hip. Now one putof me was up stairs while the longest part -was-in the kitchen. • As my leg was very long ' it reached a shelf which was occuOied by dishes, pans, coffee pots, etc.,•and turning it over, down it went with a tremendous crash. The girls had not yet retired, and I could bear them laugh fit ;to split ' their I telt ewfal ashamed, and was seared until my heart was in my throat, rex vented the old man, everfmoment. I extracted:my leg from the confounded tole just in tinyi; for the old lady looked into the Wien from the room door, :and asked, “Ir,:allibit noise was abonti" . The &UP* her off sa best they could and, 1.-went beg, while. John was strangling himself under the cover. to keep from laughing •slondi ` 4 • We soon went • off into the land -ol - dreams, with the hope of waking 'early. I wishl. could tell yira iny dreams, but would take me too long. One moment I - would fancy' myself by the' side of Sidle, sipping nectar from her heaven:bedewed tins, the next I *mid be flying from the ,old man, while be would be floulisppg , Va cave above my bead. • -1•' esinopul ati-tedirritobn giving me a kick. . On waking up ani looking around I saw John's eyes as big witty Aka. while . the sun was beaming irk at the Window. What to do now be couldn't tell, for we heard the' old man _ having foully j prayers in the kitchen. :obi looked out of the window and said we could get down over the' Porch roof. , , "Get out and dress as soon to possible * " he said. So in My. hurry my feet,,got fastened in the bedol,othsi aud- out,: I, Ambled, head foremost, turned aver,: and down the steps: until I struck the door, _which was fastened by a wooden button; and it g!v Ing way ontliolled right: in front of the old tam - • - He threw up both hands and cried 'Lord,- Bare us I" for he thought 'I was the devil. The old lady screamed until yon could have heard her a mile. t I was so scared and bewildered that I couldn't get up at once. It was warm weather, and I didn't have anything on but a s hirt . When I beard the girls snickering it made me mad, and I jumped up and, rush ed out the door, leaving the greater part of my shirt on the old iron door latch. Off I started for the barn, and when halfway through the yard ; the dog set up a howl and wade for me• When I got into the barn-yard I had to run through a. flock of-sheep, and, among them was an aid ram, who backed off a ttle and started for me. Witb one, bound I einiped his blow, sprang into the barn, and began to climb up the logs into the mow, when an old mother ben pounoed upon my legs, picking me until they bled. Ithrew myself upon the hay, and after John had slid down tie porch into a hogshead, of rain water, he clone to me with one of my boots, my coat, and one of the legs of my pants. 'He found me completely prostrated, Part of my shirt, my hat, one leg of 'my pints, my vest, stockings, neck-tie and we boot were left bekind. I vowed then and there that I would over go to see another girl, and die before I will." A FAST CostPosrroa.—ln the officer of a Wisconsin journal there is a compositor who sets type so rapidly (says the paper) that the friction of his movements fuses tie leaden emblems in his. stick, Making theM solid, like stereotype plates. The only iv4f to prevent this is to have his case sibiGerged in Water; and the rapidity of his motions keeps the water boiling and bubblinu that eggs bave frequently been boiled in the space box. Pipes lead from the bottom of his case to a boiler in the press•room, and the steam generated by the fast compositor's movements runs the power press. in one day be set so much that it took all band*, from editor to devil, two weeks to read the proof, and itrwash‘ his good day for setting type, either. ' . . ‘,,iur - glattlistattos. NEW CARPETS. A Very Dirge Stock DEPORT= AND DOKEBTIC CARP ETS. Oil Cloths, &o. LOW PRICED CARPETS, Of grad kind, WHOLESALE and RETAIL, HENRY. McCALLUM, 51 FIFTH AVENUE, Misr Wood Street) WrieVinitartiVß 5' A selOrai T. F. PHILLIPS, .~ i S : Y y +: ,• Fine Dry Goals, fr-. _..•• sixth ilia liberty ttreetsi Pittsburgh; Pa. my •38.1, THE ARGUS .AND lIM . ISM Oa. .is— = = , , 4 4 , . 1 MI EIS .11111.X.111 PARLOR TILEATORTriI Opal Doll" and - EveniVll uil the. TEE CECIAPESI i AND BEST PLACE OF PERFORMANCHE from the Stage DAILY 1- .. `TWO IN THE FORENOON, MO IN THE aummooNt Doors open from 8 o'clock in .the morning un til 10 o'clock at night. . IN - Admission to all, only 25 eenighisi When visiting the - city, ddn't tail to visit BURNELL'S MUSEUM, 6th Ave., between Wood and Smithfield Ste., , ma*73-1j ARBUTIM"' SHANNON, &CO . DRY .131.430X1S • AND N 011 5 1 S WHOLESALE . EXCLUSIVELY, AT LOWEST EASTERN , PRICES. Largest Stook and lNewest Goods. BOLE AGENT FOR FULLERTON'S GREEMILLE AND ALLEGHENY BARRED FLANNELS. Blankets & Yanu3. Bunts are invited to evil st 289 AND 241 LIBERTY STREET, . . , Pittsburgh, Ps.. et C. Arbuthnot, J. G. Stephenson, W. T. Shennan. sepl74lnr FALL SEASON. THE PEOPLE'S STO4E, No. te n ant; 57 PifthAvaitit e 1" . =BONN RA =ITN% PITTSBURGH, PA. Ladies sea Veidiesua itritlair Pitialaugh, are Attniipectitin7 111VISO WlWlrePles Store. They will ilaa the yoaW .hor s ea salesmen am tesaa ass otglathy4TTS PSI law um; right a tio etW, ilia 11111 iiiellabill!-Alir sad, \, _ . ONE PRICE TO ALL A splendid assortannit and i tarn Linn styles o f nbanl, si iskats. and aalr antsta boasJiiss FALL 21119, • Buritti; . :liiiiki 000133, WM= ' FROOI O II/4 . . morn& • 3 LIMNS, KOBUK awns. •, t man= ANDZOTIoNS, sracut. Armless - 1i csLuns so a= noes or COUNTRY MANiCETP. Barred Shirt ft - and Eros Flanntis, 11199 4 White, Red &-.otvp Votteary Pianneic ammonia cri.3 PLC;; THE PEOPLE'S STOttE, 55 a 67 FIFII2 I AVENTIB, CAMPBELL, WILLIAMSON & DICF. eepT?•sm, GILL & BRO., . • WHOLV4kT R _ Boot Et Shoe House, • No 258 LIBERTY ST, or. front head ef Wood : l3tr!et, PITTSBURGH;'' PA ( Are now receiving one of the ingest -t FALL STOCKS OF BOOTS 4r - S'ITOEO Eves brought to this market. • Particular attention is called to . oar own inah) and brand of Goods which have obtained' an an SumumPd repststlo 41.EralifloW9u, solicitd - • WS ARIL • RUBBEB BOOTS.;AND SHOE' AT ILLNIIF&O'n7RERS' PRICES. R. B. asetairs dapAcceect, sod orders.% via Weald aftwaSosh . , (ssylNlna =I ocma° , =I .yea• for the ditemagb practical e 4 mlaticsi of yousit and 1' .•• ' I 7 :mama' Doane* college iitbe Unito4 Sta *Miran an eater *ee them. . =I 'For large descriptive circular giv Porter, Donaldion & Co., successor to fug 'full intormation, address J H Hawkins & Co.,(Steubenville) 127 J. C. SMITH, .1%.. N., Principati Wood street. npr2.73;ly suglB4lm ICAL : MMNEI3DAY, Ell El MR/kOEI AND TWO IN 21131 EVENING. PrITSBI7RGIi, PA. PrITSIWRON, .PA •ci MEI ' - AD TII3 0 AGENCY. ' - ..Thoe.-L. cClelland, Dispatch Building, 167 , . and 69 Fifth • venue, ant 'mired 1,. a r t ( all leading newspapers in the rt ~1 . . t/ ited tides. . , 1 • Ali ON I DI,AMOND_ JEWELRY. 'Set in soli gold, 27%' 6th strt. , .. .AWNIN. 0, TEN T S& TARPAtiIINS. E. Mamajit & ric, ni, Ir'i3 • &.177 Penn St. .ARTIFICIAL 4 4 1.158 - 14 1 .XF!G 'CO: Tesllo .in Crlttc , hzh nc 'Ernsses. eio I 219 . Penn streets. , . . 4 urrorrr awrolun Jur me . . Geo. W. Backofea 161 Suilthliel 13 AMUSEMENTS. ‘ '. Library'Hall,Tenn St. • BUrnell's Moetiriti, rift Ave. Fre& . Anne Amerlean Theatre, Fifth Avenue. Pittsburgh Opera Home, Filth /Ave. Trimble'); Varieties, Penn St. BANKS AND BANKERS. • ' i:Dismond - Savings Bank,' 6 - Diamond, (over s2s4loo,ooosocurity for. De is ..Untted- States Bank, 128 4th Lvento,3, Duquesne Sayings_ Bank; 44 FoUrth Ave: 'Geo. B. Hillk Co., 58 Fourth Avenue. . - MOLTS; NUTS . dt WASHERS. Hubley7Adams & Co., 5 Mar.cet strca. . ' BUSINESS.. COLLEGES. ~ .tron City College, cor.. Penn , & Sixth St P. Duff &Sone, 87 Fifth Ave. BRUSH MANUFACTOREES. ' . P. H. 'Stewart & CO., 120 Wood St. BROKERS IN BONDS, NOTES AND STOCKS Isadore. Coblens, 58% Fourth Ave. Isaac-111. Pennock, 114 Fourth Ave. , BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Gildenfeny & Hess, 45 Fifth Ave.. BOOTS AND SHOES. B. Himmelrich & Son, 86 and 100 Mar ket $ t. ' , CIGARS & TOIACCO. --\ T J Wallace, 81 6th St. (wholesale) . Piper & Co., 282 Liberty St. (wholesale.) 8. - F, Brown, wholesale, 40 6th St, cor. Penn. - , ( NEM Workman & Davis, '167, 169,, 171 Penn Avenfie. ,__ CONFECTIONERY & FRUITS. -,Xinderi_Blair, 62 sth Avenue. CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS I Boston One-Price Clothing House, 95 Smithfield St., and 178, Federal St., Al- ghen. T. l Tobias y , 18, 6th St. (Merchant Tailor.) • DRY GOODS. J. W , Spencer, removed to 95 Market ' St.,' formerly M'Fadden ' s lewelrylStore,„ DRUG% MEDICINES AND - PERFUMERIES 1 James E., Burns & Co., Penn & Sixth SO ENGRAVERS ON WOOD. C D Dialer 2 sth avenue rusAfsTs AID SEEDSMEN; ' James Bennett, 132 Smithfield St. Send for Free Catalogue. - - FURN ITURE. ' • T B Yong O ', 21 Smithfield St. -: J. W. W _well* Co., 97 & 99 Third Avenu TL GEN ti im ' 13 , FURNISHING 1 GOODS. a J. Adams.'72 sth avenue; (Irriporter; Shirts ipecialty. ' , ' GUN , AND' FISHING TACKLE. IL H. 4a ulte4l3o Liberty Bt. , , Arm Chas. Gordnian &.Mackley, 117 Wood Bt. Wholesale and retail. , • HATS, OAPS & STRAW' GOODS.L It ll:Palmer, 151 Woodlit. (Whblesale.) HAIR 'GOODS. Julien Itlbir6ir Mariet St ' isoTELS. Whir Hotel, coiner 6th and 'Penn Sts 'American House, 50 Liberty St. JEWELERS. D. P. - Hoyle, 85 sth avenue. Oft W. 'V 159 Smithfieht Street. JOB P and STATIONERS. Stevenson & Poster, '• Third Ave , and Wood St. KEYSTONB BURNING FLUID. P. Welsenberger4 124)Smithfield LOOKING CAA& & Fauna. Boyd. & Murray, 58 sth avenue. J.:oll*ie & C0.,86 Wood Eit. W. W.: -Barmy, 81 sth. avenue-, Louis I: Brecht, 128 , Smithtield __ LUBRICATING and BURNING. OILS. G,G. Pennock.2B , Ittustreet , MINING & s SPORTING .:POWDER Arthur Kirk 19, Agent for Han esd Pnwder _ MANUFACTURING JLFWELKR. C. Terhe3rden. 180 Smithfield St. MACHINERY AND.STKAM PUMPS. Hutchiso Eß & n Co., 28 T-TAILOR Wood St.. S. cor. 2dave MCHAN Many Meyer, '73 Smithfield street. James Gallagher, 10 Sixth street. P. McAifilicB2 Smithfield street. syrne dt Urling, .1013 sSmithfield, street. t Urling_& Bnchlon, 54.6 th St. 'NICE GOLD AND SILVER PLA TING. Walter E. Hague, Virgin Alley, near Wood street. L ATE GLASS & 8 110 W CASE& GilleEpie & Co., 86 Wood street PHOTOGRAPHS. Central Photograph Rooms; 12 sth eve' L Strub, 69 sth avenue B. L.U. Dobbs, 46 6th street. I L W. Whitehead, 29 6th avenue. J. 'Pe arson, 70 sth avenue. C ES, 1 SAUCES, VINEGAR, &c. # i fj o iictl i r G t C s o it , n 2.6j6ll c lC2 : 2d .Ave. i J. M. floffiniin,‘62 sth Aye., (Impor ter. ) Ban At Knake,l2 Sixth St. RESTIJARANT &BILLIARD ROOMS . . 0 lilashY, tinier Pittsb? 1 4 x1 r (lwra house STENCILS' -finny _ 8 , - AND - • • ' 'SEAL PRESSES 3 D blathers's, 73 3d avenueimear Market W A Bunting, 184 Liberty street, i . SPRWGS ; AND AXLES. Duquesne Spring & Axle , Works, 171 Penn Ave. 1 . TRUNKS, V. LISPS AND LADLE'S SATOHELS.. Joseph Liebler, 111 Wood street W J Gilmore, 38 .oth avenue Vogel & Graham,4lB : and 146 Wood St A Tindle, jr., 89 Smithfield street. THROAT, 'VUNG'i& TAR' IJISEASES. Di. LI. Hunter,2s6 Penn St. ' , TrPTILSTEREIIS. • . • R. W. Roberta,. 1,58,,W000t St... Wilts , Wilts Upholbtery, 44 Smithfield street, WRAiTHER . 1 4 STRIF'S op :.• 10,0 E, • 11 r CARPETS.. i Willa' npholstm—Agent for lirestern Pentea and Eastern .01110-44 lElmith - field street WOOD AND IRON WORKING MA. - MUMMY. . . i . . M. B. Cochrane* Or'., 121 Liberty St. WHITE LEAD AND 110LORS. ; T. H. Nevin & Co - ., cor. Third 'ave. and Market St.- • WINES & LIQUORS, (WHOLESALE) il & Stevenson 87 Second Ave., WHOLESALE MILLINERY & FAN CY` GOODS. - o r i 'BEE, 15,11878. .. 41..iim r• • , , 1 s b'• • CARRIAGES. MEI H. Atudaw•& BUCHANAII I I, 1-71, Attorneys at Law, Third Str eet, Bever, Pena'. tett4ty ; ' • - Opposite the Argus office. AIOUVIES H.CUNNINCHAM ,Attorney -at Law,. Third s treet ., Bea4er, -1 , • door beloisVilloore's drug store. , • & 24W :1 .-, rhyliciattsai Burgeon& miaktorperly occupied:llr U. S• ROY nue Asilbisot, Third Weft, Beater, Ps. aprll-17 rr HOILIS-DONJIMOU, Mee lower door 1 la 0) bnlidlog, Bearer, Pa. ap26tl M" • NLRaysielan and bvilyin face that Maids o d by Drs. Malin' y and wszvaftea. tzteskinnto,,m - kciitt's bons.. TA ItLAP, j..F., , : ./XOEAIT at law. Office la .11. J the Coulkhease, _Beaver, Pa. , All legal In* nesi tromplly atVw&F to. = myBlll-1y I t OW* Z. AU Sealer Is Yaw Dry - Goode, I Choice Groceries, aad Notions. (Sped titat— , sad filtgari) . PlOar, Feed; and Wden-ware, Casier`of. Third and Dahl* etree* Deaver, Pa. novlOwil - ON T11013.,_ dealer ,* ry. WA* and Groceries, for Third sad Ellt streets. rthmuf.J. 1i.,-'dealer in Groceries -and Prorls iens,_Third street. • . 029'10 QIIITGEII S. & CO., dealer in Groceries and Pro. 1.7 Vidol2o. Third street: - ZACOX Mac E. li.„ dealer in Millinery Goode IX and Trimmings, cor Ad et. and Diamond. jr4B A NDELSSSBN Ul7(o,dealei in Drags and Med icines, 8d .t. See advertisement. )y29 Z 0 MN ROBERT. manufacturer and dealer In e and Shoes. Third street. jy29"10 MERTZ H., manufacturer and dealer In Boot* and Shoes, Third street. ,p 29,70 AV ALTER F. taker and Confectioner, north- V V east corner of the Diamond. jy2Blo A 11811UTZ 0. it., i detler in Tin, .Copper *and Sheet;iron Ware,Third street. 13029•10 n.stes. !SANK WILSON. 'H. U. moons. rfICE, WILSON &ICKIRB, Attorneys at Law Mee: Rear of the Conrt•ho`nse. LP. WIMMAN, kansfactore of Boots and • Shoes. Bridge St.. Bridgewater. (sepnly Amaim Bridge street, Bridgewater, Ya., • Dealer in Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Jewelry' and Silver-Ware,Bpectaelea, Ic. Walth er, Clothe and Jewelry repaired. [feb36'7l;ly ?lAN. • MILLER, Fashionable Tailor. None ill but experienced workmen employed. Shop Fridge at., Bridgewater, Pa. febirtlay. JUBALTO I I3 Shady aide Photograph t llery. .' second Floor, Danlap's corner, opposite the toll bridge. aprll•ly OLTBM, J. C., Market street. Bridgewater, LU dealer in COAL from Bank at McKinley'. jr MIST A. C., dealer in Dry Goods. Hats and 11 Cape, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Trimmings,. Bridge street. ir/910 ILES AI CO., deaiers in Groceries, Pre . one ST Quensware, Bridge street. irisrTO MIILBEI3I 8., dealer Clothe sad In Ctil Varlety Goode, Bridge street. jy2F7O J , J. 'POWER--Cifii_EngineOr Snrreyer. • Office near Depot, Rochester, Pa. 6-4-tf . ELIA. P. BRODECIE, Dniggiat dr Pharmacist, dealer in drop, medicines, perfumeries, toilet artielesJ chofeebrancia of tObaCCO, cigars, ac- Op ite depot., Bodo** Pa. dug& 73-1 y ILL SMITH a CO.. Irea lo Dry bloods, No. Ilona and Millinery. n it., near Dia mond. Rochester. Pa. ( illy jar igNDY. LAPP, Manufacturer and Dealer In JUL Furednire of all kinds. Brighton st., above Plow Factory'. Bee adv't. (aepl4;ly (aAKUBL C. HAMMEN, Druggist Preacrip -1.3 boas carefully compounded. Water at., Ro chester. ' (Replay VT • - A: & Contractors and Builders, emigrant of Bash. Doors, Shatters, &c. Deal in Lumber Lath &c. Rochester. fsep2l;ly Scart, BMWS & WILLIAMS; Successors tog Lakins & Co., Degas La Sawed and Plan . • Lumber, Lath £ Shingles, Nadu:tater. eptitly J RN F., (New Stare ) dealer In Giro -10 caries, Flour, Feed, Nails, Varieties sad No tionst.., but ;militias sad /mess prices. .New Bright4a and WssidagtOlt street*, Rochester. sailt„ls.l7 SF • a BONO, wholaaaloland retaildeal en ta, Dry- goods, atomism Flours Grain. Boat Kam, Iron, Nails. Water at. oetT7o DEM Re: par: atraiIiDS'ORGAION - seperte ,/IaIITKILN • 00.,(eseeeenees teiVetamik. Par %.J sou Maser) obelus, la Node msgb sad dressed leeiber. seIVW • QCNNOPP OHM, asaatietarer Giant dealer in 0. nal (MAW laid WSW kin Ware.: spouting, ike., attoadoit to. N. York st. TO -" dealer Csaw • to. OttOotks, tJ Wan PaperilViado*Shades, Vomits and-Vari ety e• • sear ER • . KIV,TO IaTAKIT GRUA& ataaataetarer .aad dsaLer 1111 ' Boosts, Shoes, S4pers, Le.. Water it. AVID ATIGHINBAVGN, man ak .ou(r of Tim, D _Car sad Sbeet Ironware; dealer Id Stamm Tin StwAag made to order* Water at; eaB'7o D. CONS, Br late of Darlington 2.‘ • having removed - to Nevr-Drighton offers his medical services, in all its branches , to the PeoPie of the city and surrounding country. Office cor net of Butler and Broadway. atipl.ll4 VISBN= it BINGHAM, Ai 'attract:mere or car riages buggies, spring-,wagons, bsck-wag ons load vehicles of every description, Bridge St. Both practical workmen. Successors to George Metz. ILANGNRCEE dealer in "steles, Clocks E • bad Jewelq. Repairing neatly executed, Broadway, near Fails-et. novrll-1y T .•. IPPERT, Baker & Confectioner; Im q • s oream, Oystees and Game in season. Balls, Widdirign, &c., au piled. nova liVid. WALLACE. Dealer in Italian & American Marble ; Manufactures Monuments, Grave stones I slabs at prices. Railroad st., near new Depot, - New Brighton. iseo7 & J. SNELLENBERG, Merchant Tanen,- 1.3. Broadway, New Brighton. See adv Lapl4;ly .. NOSS, Photographer.' Willson`a Block, LI. Broadway. Beet photographs from re-touch ed negatives. ' (sepltly LON (TON 112STAIIRANT and BATING SA. WM.—Meals at all , houra„ table supplied with all:the delicacies at the season. Prices low. William Strickland, corner of Palls and Broadway., , . . • . "AMY G, generat dealer In Grommet, Feed, Oneensware, Glass, dm. Rags, Iron and. Ron taken at highest prices. Railroad at. octill • • IZAIBN. WM F., manufacturer-of Caicos and S Confectionaries. Particular attention paid to partiesand wedding orders. - octrlO IL LEL AND A. D. Co., dealers In Pan _ as k3l" Domestic Dry Goods and Grocories,Brwar , ROBERTSON, Mth ales in e justlycele- Ttasted Domestic Sewing Ma.shine. Wits esU and be convinced. Main et, (spfl STEWARTA SON, , Deakite Itsatee NO. , tions, Ic., Main St,. Bower YAM. 14918;1Y, 'MEY BRIM., House and Slim Pidiithhd. au/ L and Glasing AIL their, branches. Also Fresco Painting In Oir,Dlatemper and Water Colors. Orders execnte4 ;molten 1110tiCe_, is OW best manner and on reasonable _tams. Main St. t Beaver Falls, Pa.• • • • inevlo.ll. QtEVJENSON& WITTISH, Land Milne No. i 913 1.7 Penn street. Plttiburglt, Pa.. and Detterirells fvsepttilintil F 23 IN(? Mr5..01.. Milbser_and deals: Is 'Dm _O&M& Notioss, Vieenswareattc. Corne r _ X LVIL43!,d Baker et. setto. TIIINICAL W. W., manufacture* of and dealer in 800t5,.-Shoes, Gaiters, Au. Corner - Rice and Main at's. • • , , • jaaptlirfa B dealer In MUlinerf, CLARK Mrs. ~ Goods ant Notions. Maw hti• searlo LocsBART. DR. J. R. =CU 00 • J., dealer in Drape and Medicines, Third street. _ • - jy2910 BRIDGEWATER. NEW BRIGHTON. C. BEAVIB 1!1LI:11. =I • • FILBSDO3I., . - -_ _ _ -wl4 , •• J. M. ittrcautax. seCO l 7O -. ' VANPO ........_ $ T• wAGGGNER, dealer In gencral Me rchan • D ry . Goode, Groceries, Queensware, dlt ! Highest ritiaS paid tor country produce. Rii sold street,Yarrport. u . :fir• sprit wcELLANziiiis. TOHN THORNlLEYKanulhaturer of the = o,, A , u Republic Cooking Stove. and Patentee, ofW table extension top and - centre. Fatback pa, 'EMIL BOTT, ARTIST, will give. private 1E1 404 E l i a Drawing and Painting at his res Roetkeeterja.. In the building knurly oidece,tenpi;l by N. /Frasier' d e"' i3e24,gta•% TBB-fiIIEATEST WAINI Cum into oar midst at INC A. M'DONALD, 3 DOOll3 WEST OP au Ytili tin! Amin IlleCtterre Bank, f t PL Has opened a Harness and Saddle Store-1p room 'formerly occupied by Mr. James phill,; where he is prepared to furnish Harness, Saddles And everything usually kept in a iika ' Hamm; and Saddle Store, He le prep .1 manufacture HARNESS Of the corseat wagon Winless to the net eo harness the world ever saw at very luw prick. a a X 3 3 Hu been engaged in the manufacture of Holm and Saddles for upwards of thirty y_ ear s , during which time he has manufactured Harness and Saddles that compared with any that was ever pct on exhibition In America. tarchaiers will do well to give Min a call before pnrchneng ek e . where. augl34m J. F. MATO. J. H. MCCRISItt J. B. aLleitii, Taos. McCann, Cog? Beaver Savings Bank THOS. McCREERY & CO., DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, COIN, COUPON S, And Bankable Paper. Collections made in e,, parts of the United States. Special attention to Collections and Remittances. Interest on time Deposits. Open from 9a.m.t05 p. m. ijyl7.ll ALPS INSURANCE COMPAR OF MilE, PA. Cash Capital $250,000 00 Asssets. Oct. 9 '7l, 311,948 29 Liabilities, - 5,200 00 0. HOB PreeldenV, J. P. VINCIENT, Vtce Ft. W. WOOD., Treasures: Thos. P. Commies, Secretary. DIRECTORS: Bon. C) Noble, Brie Htm. Geo. a Deloiterer, J W BaasMond, do litadville, PL Hon Seidel" Mania, do Hon J rift:lnk Erie ' Hiram Daggett, do Hoerr Boole rez. Charles filiteed i , do G T Caurchill., , do ti S Southard, do Copt, IT S Hichania do W B Sterrat, . do. Rickard O'Brian, do II W Noble, do' P 114ibba, da 1 ftgleitart, do John R Cocbran, do JH. ltdl, de It Ilartlebb, , do W H Abbott, Titusville. Copt D P Dobbins, do - • tusville, Policies issued el. ihit r ates liberal terms Insures against damage by Ughtaint _fts well b Firs._ 2 , 4 • =MI6 B. iIIiIIRM Aft Rodman. Pa.. Dec. 10. MI; 17 Homes Still Larger FOR THE MILLION! Hare opportunities Are now offered br secarig homes in a mild, laranlsp, and congenial clime, for oncotbird of their value Asa_years tones. THE NATIONAL REAL BSTATI AGENCY hal for vale real estate of every description, locat ed in the Middle and Southern States; improved stock. grain and fruit tome ; rice, sugar and at• ton plantations; timber and mineral lands ; City. tillage. and rural residence. and bUlifitlB stands, mins and twill sites, actoriee, Write for Land Register containing deserighoL location, price and terms of properties we We for sale. Addresa—B. W. CIA JUKE a CO. The National Beal Estate Ageney, 417 and 479 Anoka. Arenas, Washington, D, C . may B-11 COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE SITUATED 14 NILE BELOW BEAVER, and having a delightfal view of the Ohio ricer and stuTounding two 1 mile from R. R. 13ta• lion; house Melt, two stories high. 4 roome,attic , hall, cellar, porch, etc.; all finished; wasb-bonie. amoke-honse. well of water at the kitchen door, new barn and stable with cellar. Nice • paling fentain rroin of rry; all well painted; good orchard in _ g condition. grapes. Plumb° , caudal , gooseberriek, and all kinds of small Ma. Will Witold on reasonable terms. Apply 0 1 0 6 pratolkes to the owner, J. M. GRAHAMmatS4 Agents Wanted. Wanted immediately, four active, _energetic:o n to act se Agents for the "NEW" WILSON SEWING 'MACHINE in this count 7. Only such men - as can give good reference , as to character and ability, and furnish a Bond seed ' apply. We will pay guarantud salaries, o f t Aber' W annorintons; to proper own. Only such met as really_dssirs to enter the business need W l l' Smiwalt A CO., No. 140 Wood St, Itt burgh. Pa. Duro AVOID QUACKS AND IMPOSTOR S ' Ho Charge for Ude. sad Ooniultit „Dr. _Dyad& W Graduate of Jd'erson v ag u11501"0141,401111 author of serail nitre WOrtCan ea ~. be consulted on all diaess , of to or Urinary 010ns, (whidrlie has cuule elliww"► swig) eitherin male or female, no ter from what mite originating or of now long to standin, A practice of 20-veaus enables bits . „ treat d lsesse with success. Corea guallg gcla- , reasmtable. Those tit a dbstaace an ' pr. cf C r il arnsters describing symptoms and encloill stamp to prepay postage, Send t o t the litskte to' HealtA. Price 10 c ent "' ft. J. 3. DYOTT D Pbyrlcias a:4M °— fob& 1 /1 I CA CDL it,sa V a l 0 •the d r at m. 0. ‘olltiOn.g atiet ASIIIIO WWI Call My and th e e 111 thcbsstOemilblemansar and the Wet t ee able tams. Th. bookioi the' late firm of T. J. CS* 1324 SON ary to lan Itende l _w_Per e hrm Smut" will Omer cell immedittel7,, 'teat* MR +mese. • • • , AnIyLILT o 1 ---------------- he Nervous l ff Both Sexes. The frequent repents o ureters WM ver o netrilW„, and Weakened' tenditione 'or the efr tint bp the mom n which restored the pd. I,,,g u i eu to nesikiih many *ears ego, has aglu him blink's known publicly, hislntention to be' eat t 6 re, and ke will therefoce. on receivirg : post Old directed envetopb. send free sfeha r l i , f ony of tee treatise &hallo,' the dlscaverv.,,,, a `;d, aid pretkription Of the herb& ramedy eloPm Addrel% JOHN M. DAGNALL. M. l) ~ q, marls - 6m 31 Clinton Street, Brooklyn. P* ' -07-- BEAVER, PA. El