Elll2l —Nothing seems to "pay" these 4tnesi hereabouts, Unless' ire except our county f a ir. That, brought, in cash: both " it'll.. , and plenty. John-C Christy, Esq.; ofßac.coOn town ship,haij II 8 VddlAriirr PrillMrpliiir4nd Washington City: _`Se reports both of -them as thrifty villages(:and . ,reprelents t hem as having slights '*orth . 16olitniak. ..... —The Miss Delia Collins whose mar• r iage was announced' in` last ilea'acl's-is ers AND RADICAL, MIN 110 t As stated, !the daughter of the lafelAtinfrolrina;: esq., 1 1 4 formerly oflialacerntyc i.,, , .r I . 3 ; _ -94 the ip t iatl= re it !had !nog' flelightfid 4 ' *. , If' ' ellen' have not got their potatoes dug, and corn in the shock or "topped," they have not ma de viite, of ttieif oprticip Mei; We are Gear on dila." ' —squirrels are said to be very plenty in the wrire the'llehilpf:of 1:10;ooka town. Sarni off 'hi:enters' went tiowtt :here a week or so ago and returned with ii*nt as many squirrels; as they, could _Braver county standi third In the list the wool producing counties in ,the c ta te. Washington county taking the .eLd with 1,872,752 pounds, Greene :fol. :owing with 444 1 489 ix)14 2 4: 4 . 94! PaaVer ttllrd with" 421,905 pounds Mt. Charles E. Johnston, a fotmerres ,dent of thiß• place, has moved_ to St. Augustine, Florida, where he intends g rowing orange/01nd other fine fruits adapted to that climate. Success attend his efforts. . —lf any of oar readers wish :to know where "Brady's Leap" occurred, and when, they can ascertain tbelacts by ref erence to atiOther - page-in ili t erAftaus R-IDICAL. Judge ?Tampion ) of Pitts burgh, tells the story. —Persons knowing _theniselires indebt ed to-either theArgua or the Radical, or lo both, on stibscrintion, are earnestly requested to call atthis office and settle up until Septeinber 10, 18 73. at least.'''. We want' the, old boiikii,Tall cloud as ; possible. until :bat date with as little delay sii-Posisible. —lt is said that Beaver county has an alive men:ll3(T vf -onft -4tikkun r prttledox churches *lid - tonetincW'ireecirrk. mendedAtteChriptiamkeligion to a neigh bor' on the ground - that he had been a (lurch member him'aelf "for fifteen years and it hadn't cost Mtn hat - IR emits." —Oregon W iieott, a . son of the late Dr. R. A. Wilson orPittiAnargh; died in Cali fornia a oonple of ,weeisa—ago. :The l , de ceased- was-an artist. of . .41he r6pntstion. His father, we beliey4,: . was a native of Ibis conoty;aiid atudant* , one time In tine of tif* ; late. Dr, Brno kdatris !of Beaver:: We ror woolered-'woman:lifillcis ver wdo znatutfill}:4-40.8e1f and child . by washink, - and 'vide $lO per month, regu larly into `one of our bpbk e besides, lieu example ought 'te.i„be - I,gillowed.,by. pater colored paopla hereabouts,: and: thcae 'On are vcii9red might 114 ; as she, ; is sing with no. detriment at' t 0; ttko l - selves antl —§ornebOdt has discoverett_down . 4n Maine, among thei f Elbakera at, /tt . frctli-Atn, old lady nnand =ploy Cangdon Nowell; who a*',alli;;*aii 69 * 0 1 0 111 :04- 4 : 1 haY, iniiii luiwkaiiittovey been in` , a railroad oar, iinefily in Adeltatiettiaiiitii;" and it is proposed, to send her, in a Pull-, man cari;SlSitildl Ritilvw *abide 1-i Oda on the oeoasiiia of the; centennial of4ebrstPtit IT. 11 :1 1- -- : 'I ,ri t..; —The welOittorn:Ory goo#s ho,uaik of licElroy, pieltioa - & Co. of Pittaburgh, has, beoome - involved fininnially, ' t rio partners ink their.i;reciltsirs . ' stocepiam • adjustment or ,their alibis.r.": 14e/34- ti f, roy, the senior . member of t e firm, is well known, penionally, to many• cif oar Bearer people, and his financial ' embar rassment elicits much sympathy in his behalf. . , —Mr. Wm. H. Reed . , - a Weil 2 knOvili for mer citizen_ of this county, bat now of Indisnapolit, Ind:, is at bretierit paying a visit to his friendi anVelatives or this uonnty, notwithstanding . the fact, that Mr. R. bee been in Indianapolis but a few years, he is now one of the leading manufacturers and merchants of that thriving city; and the bulkiness tact end energy tor which Mr. R. has alwaribeen tnown justly entitles him to the -success with which he is meeting in his western Lowe. —At the _State Fair held lui,Erie week before last a purse 0f.17, 4 waa raised for a root race. The eutilei wet. "three In dians, one darkey, two white- l operti: and an l Irishman." The Indlanaad on regular costumes; the other, took off -wets end nett At the tap of the bell they started. tut at the drat. tunrthe.-Irkstunazi: trip? Ped and, pulled down • tha rap ; next ahead, and the two Tolled over and over but atartedigain, when, be repeated the doses putting:both cut of ihe race. One by one the rtinAlera dropped . 0113 - and at the first half mile Only the three • Indiana were running; The best if theha f OW': tiro Jack" "Fistfoot,'' changed Neese once or awioe, and: &nide a aplen- . d id rate up the home-stretch. "Captain J am " whining the 417 in 6x. 7 • Good Prints a}, s, 9 and W "IS* 4111 47. Z. %bar es ugatir‘t les can E save from ‘ik., *v-ciffifimi uYiug your Bonds JET.Sltriaiy, who was In the Zastduring the ilia 111 4 31 3, 1 7 Pink, and who - buying for Ot‘b 14)eured all his goods at prides warranted, 143 aatialy ell who Mai give lira `. oetB4t s etwmis—Brsioe & grierly, ZO4- %1 in Hardware, Stoves P, Gluts slain_ street. Beaver Falls; Ps. Builder's Hardware a speciality. .1 1 0kiiil White Lime, Plaster Paris and Cement. Mep Wood and Iron pumps of the most Improved patterns always in stock. - octB-3t. =I 3 (iii: `- . *1 :4 1; - Beaver ClieUeteloo 31taileitl - ilia "-litirttitie. . comparatively few are aware pf_lise magiiitkihreititt billaty of :thetziw build- Inti itiee i3Vellikkr,:6l' this lostitutiort, its complete appiiihtMents - Tor' eaudationsl pu cpsr" AO vitivikia wiott-., fisqktitleS 'for . 1111patttritithoOtillit f il instruction and home eoustorta to: liapiii: , ' Tbo' . ititisinced 'views and denranda of the sige,;reivire, 4 1 iibe0.*IA*g; 'iiioh 4 ! --. lluntern Iwurea In college strultniee,4o,freln l the. youttrotorttgied::- 'Ltght, , vtiontilitieniind '. l63 !;l l s. l .* : iltifttif I # l okri)4.**iirlii VAC otimforti t tocK-sitissix*nielemilts 1 in praetorian theelaimifofimineti r igtipn. 1 jarth t eselieliiiiiiii2.l4iviiie:::o4lool - had )24fitakisa1 Instinte ispreeminink. endure ! , - fin.itt. l .44 l Ktic - 0 14- " i • -'For a score of:yeers this ineiatutiois has , been an—aduostiousl Center- ofi-loterest. 'Well limited , trona - the first,: suit,' - Ifith good, substantial buildings,.it heaateedi ly grown up from feeblehees - to its Imes- ent greatnese. • In early yearcite threts, to retain being, only ; served to develop its present vigor and healthy condition. The honored head of theinstitution for so many years, and hiaaocompliiihed wife, were long engaged . ' in this .stitiggli 'for the mastery, and now they can well'efford to feel some pride at Its presentitandthg, in'the 'bright galaxy of educational ipi_ti . Lotions In this country. Itsispidgrowth, ana demands for li:imaged flicilitieli;for several years, made idditioiial l s buildings necessary, and finally led to the erection of the .new Striletare just oPehed t 4 the public.' A m ere 4iitllhe of Its proportions and excellencies, is all that is possiblenoir to give some idea of ita superior elaitnajor imparting inc education equal to otlierin iititutlons before the public= The struct ure stands upon the eleviited platten, or le stritthingaieiig' the entire 4 ?far part of the staid and 'high-toned town of Beaver, in a grove coniPlioing five vow' affording ample room for physical exer cise °Ter its extensive walks, -,grluisy lawns, etc. A portion of the building is five stories high. The style of the archi tecture is a happy combination or the English, Noringuidy , The I fall frontage's 180 and depth 75 feet. - the form of the pilaster* op the brick war of the front, is tasteful and Imposing: 'The -cost-a buiiditiggimd: grounds Is estima- ted atm% enty-ftvethousiuiddellars. The elegant new fence, in • course of erection, show the wholeto admirable tiled., lOn the dining-hall,eighty feet. long, up on the basement floor, the appointments are of the most Modern "kind, for eet44ng ,and preparing the table comforts. Attadli ed to this -department. Provialoo IEOIIBO made for heating theentire buildiag,with washiilg facilities, end for fornishlng,hot and Cold 4tapt, to the boarders' z4otile. ItoOU3.B,foithis - nonagon of elassee_are SO arranged es to givee - method to the out 4 4eßaTt..i. l ? 2 _ 4 4, .44001 km, with !yr 114nte•and ether equipments.oftlie‘most and`, approved "kind. There well find )K4ll 6 44 1 ,40-/11 51 *._ A l 4l_ Z 9 r congregating all of the; pupils for general .relakansdsO.depetident r•ofdthir, - ,heantipl hill prr pubile peOrryiptitir' l Paplicip,4B rcaiinit are prOvided for_.theZatitneVof ;Mlring:4 ream 21, Aft oin* •AnT awn- Wks .1 1 4 1 4.4 11 4 Ag PA4ll4.Ferinatlincest & eebcfniniedat e e Ore hundred ts# l kit• file elegant: etilni,idilatiCirli ra,eliow ne ei :memo? Wax*, of departed Worth; 1124 'r00 Ii - . beim - 001)y the baatting 16411 e 'ilia roomy, mealy furnished, 11 0 virall hei A ild incold weather, auto arranged • se to give a cheerful appearanee and' healthy the ; building. and furnit are (pais:isle; that no expense boa been spared IA makelh'e obl ege re in - all its equipments. A comfortable building has also been provided on -the grounds of the President for the male students, who ire immediately under his personal supervision. Tbe Board of Trustees have been man aging their trust well, aud have author ized President, Taylor,till the officers of the Board, to devise life things. Jus tice Agnew, of the Supreme Court, Prop dent of the Board, has loug been a de voted friend of the College, and the Vice- President, Rev. John F. Drava, has given considerable supervision to the late im provements, and also gave thousand Dollars towards the new uildingst just erected. Secretary Weyand and Treasu rer McCreeryi also deserve honorable mention ? Hon. M. S. Quay, Secretary of the Commonwealth, and resident of Bea ver,„has been elected a trustee to fill a vik csineyi • With the opening of the new College year, the Faculty halt been enlarged and enotnecei fourteen • persons. President Toylor,ccnnection with the exacting duties'machos Mrs..T, ItitieSOirLoo do-2 db- :pearstdrsi, James Hardpl. oo ,do ~ 4416. ; plautalldre4 TAT Jobusork Ulo do . - .qUlolrOt re• Joigkao. 00 do .t• 44- fil*Krieit , l4o l JA J°__4 B ,9 l k, .4 00 .dg , ..raaptierries MrutEil Blitai)loo do (IQ , ; I *ack,berfue , milt T 4 /iifin , son • . . • s " . 1loo do do atrawbeiiieslirs4 Beanori,oo do, „do gooseberries Mrs 8 G Bliss roo Xl4. apple - e r tintter Mrli WV Ewing 100 ,`iin'':poscli- r r ailqiiing sad) Thomfl 1 1 00 Aio ' in 1 a "I16 kis TS Johnson' :1 p nr .. .oo 'do - gaince ? liti 4 Mria Eleanor "ljoo do grape do Mrs S G Bliss -- Zoo 'do •"raliplberry ?do Mrs "J Beanor 100 do blackberry do Mrs S G Bliss _Loo Sid° ' • tomato ' - •_, do. Mrs- j 1 Taggart 100 do elderberry do Mrs4 , ooanor too .I.4l;reelded peacliWArs,Lowlslcpight 1 oo k 4 oT 40: • PqaTa .Vtl4v9Pdi V4R}PP. B AOO „do: .. 4 0 ...P lums• 1 .4 14 _ K9_44 * 100 da l , * .dsp , .qujEkces „Mr-14.4artmikn 1,00 11 P/ :4, 19, 4 0 0 0 .E. 'Thit9oB . ~.100 to ; iappfp. J,elliktii Samuel TSylor 50 do ~peaCh r , , "do ` liitzt A Thirithan ' wt" o "Veo l pima i " - ' tiO Wilt Y .Totinison ' l so do, quince do M L Knight Ltpo . do t )3Thiiifiti cribito'•E Thdinii • . 5o ' ad i risisbeniii •dO Mr* II ItllerefOrd /50 ''jii'll iittielitieirry;'ddi-Erlt •HOreford - E 0 1 diOttiisaorrsi `oilloolifts t -J-Skiinbr, • ' , Too do grape -do:10,i althcatael.t. I s .- ;')6O 1'20 ,0 3 l'' CLASS; 11.9-41finoltahoonn e . .- * Bniii4riu4=s - OislidtLibtliktiitelethhi Min hitaioni - , :z.11: :..J.,.. L4', ..-1, i: ... 100 '•'dirty:Wit Or shell bathe, fdririli , Jones •' 1 : ,:i.. - 7 - . : ' - .r , .! ' : 100 7 40 4 111 40 1 a.1 fetlit:birs )3 Si'.4l,erciu is 1 1. [OO .. ,410 :0 0 VPipttqb411M4 1 3.4.1;141PONP-dt 3 , 9 0 ilfte#44o ll 4c gFP I 3IO*-410. qtthit , .l l o',P° API 5Y,Y44 4 '.49I I FAIAIL I4 O6act Ma • „ A ct i n( ti _ .• • ' Ala paper callph49l- ?domed 3 - 'ioliopliiiiii',D4r- T- g to r' 1 71 u bacdcot Jars, .11 Am , 6 0 r -.‘ “..... 'i? AfFklAkin imic4ol3gighim.r :. i. . :II roo - AIrP,Ie9PATS IrtigtYq ISPIP ,„ :.k I ,,P 4 / 1 to t ReY. ( ixYVtRA 1 IF TINT : I I; ~ • PIP flail, *el J9bo , I , cktf.l3. • .. .. V.IP :flood itnilloji:ihir oic`ii Etcott -, ' dip 1 ' ”li " Fl:it' if C i i 'in V do '' do yrs n rw ip dli - do ' 4yriltugh irodtiiro " "Dip Ifeckail l orn blow Sari!' Wittott : Dip (SOW tirriltflinni- Winton ) Dip Bay loader Jas Dillail - • Dip gaglestraw cnttOf /I Linedbrink Dip ' Thresher spud shaker •G R Bastian Dip ) Buckeye mower :& _, reaper : d as. Patter .. - 1 can -. . rap Champion .do- do saga Walton Dip Combineci, mower 4 reaper Boyd, Miller li . 4:t P C) . ~ 7 ..r.A: ,`.' ' P I P •do ,I y) pe4a hi NI aeitine. Cq dip washing mac . h ine J ,W 'Ytunor Di p Autorikatjrrall,rit,q4 , sw ( ltO ,Andy Hart .' 71116'1.6101v:3a p14;11 Lod ' iilia.viiii; T B Chiptinif ' ' ' -1 Dip Assorttnent of seales W A "fiteettirg Dip • • . CLASS2.t—Lidies'' DilicretiOtitiry Y . . ~, S '._.... _ ; outh's school suit. it J, , Swollen , • hirg , , , , . Dip 1 walking coat 'A Wert - -. ' Dip t '''do do 'SA .18041eloburer . DIP 1 chair tidy crochet M e lia Biidie Stewart 50. 1do'• do - do' 'iris's It-Wagner do 1 crochet thread tidy ilia' o G moors -V> 1 • dii. ' yarn • di) 'sirs: CIG !snore - Eko 1 ddtiiihp matt-in.'s SD. *amnia =-scp , 1 -1 cirtistnointil p shade:sat John Uhal ,... 1 , ,t 0 : - "?' , .1 . 'I.I , ••••• . , B o i eizzomo ) tins at , Power . , il oo 1 pencii.driswing ,obaillbaltal . ioo i omunooktipatr,lyarkxre.l ti Jones 1 on A"lr9rit f." 04. syMs44 l l 2 dr4 PPM 4 0 1.9),(11 , 59 i orientaFpaintinF airs John Übaltol 6o 4 lIRI.Re #,?Fer oits'ifi9tilys -.#. 01 940. So shell k?Ffit 1 : vr grit i pPririg4 lB 4° robe I )16wer,0 4 drg,s..B , isrOisi 1.4 .tm , _, )- ).....ti Lo.ts .), .., .1 ~.0 kilett,t4M t el MFG yvlisf.m r „, .50 t - ilie',lfei ) if 1 ) 46e .414811 ;54 '54 lit(ing*ilailir ) ' Cistyliiiiiii '.L :, AO Altifitlifitilii iirß 've II qiiiiiiiit ''-- ' di t (;chtitc Sisiiif *A 6 iiiiiii dad 'if" '`f oti ) c*Shibitideriid it'd' 7 iirili NiirliiidiPtil'so liit itlielo a;tote !ligis sCV Ileilipkil l' fe 4tioitatt vtiaingdir *ft SiWaetsphlltbre 1 laisip matt miss T.Ydougr.--- ,, . I al, 50 ldifitlasd. niald's: estrange. Airel..l7l-Nre %l't its.) Cteet77 1 , 1 - ,,,1,,1i hil , • . .., , Loo 44914 t PqM*rit ktotL,Wpwa ' _ ~ 1,. -1. 04 kgPgfirriA 4 A) igLAIN, *1 Wag9o3r , 7 L ~ 51) 1 1 . 10 0 1 A t I, "V: ,?q,,IP if iVfagfitr-4 .- ' 5p9 il i l eeer rldicUMli t iti kLYS' 44B .9# III3B J ' A l i A it *AP efir l , 71 !! r 4 l - ' 114443 F '- - ' 4.4 r 4 riii i r oe • H p see buylng pays of the 104117 11 sard Names at one - tilde' • Wiir -I tiieelt , 'S pairs extra at A. McDonald's. 1 00 ra 0