ME 19 TEE BEATER ARGUS AND RADICAL BM - AA - ER, PA... Wednesday Morning Oct. 15th 1873 ONE of the working members of the Constitutional Convention, writes usthat it is almost impossible any more to get a quorum with which to dobusiness; .that the. convention will not complete' its labbrs for weeks yet, and he is disgusted With the Convention and much of its work. Judge Black, the ablistatnember of the Convention, ; Hrimo robbed the Indians of :iiiiithiii:tiieyliel44 * elii: Or we eon._ eideresi worth taking, oar policy now is to . eiterininkte therii. 1 Their constant complaints are 'unpleasant tine-delad - m'en tell lao '4l'4, ' IV Modocs won't trouble any more, and it won't take long' o dispatch 1 the other tribes. Extermination is the - Christian policy of:this ~ mest Christian country, and "the El ooner the job is done the better. It makes little difference what tribe comes litlt,-Aa - ir, , won't' be Jont until- the work is complete. Capt. Jack will not be lung ahead" of the last Red man in reaching the happy bunting ground. , poubtless be. and all his race will enjoy any future that sepa rates them forever from their white brothers. Hox.. and John Blown have severed their connexiO with - theliarrisbirgh Patriot, and that paper will hereafter be publish ed by the Patriot 'Patiiiibitig - Com pany. Under the managemen Myers And. Proivn; the Patriot. nlia a high rank among the Democratic organs of the State, and wielded probably more influence in. that party than- any of cateMporaries. Major John H. Filer who has had control of the editorial department for years, is one of the. best writers connected with the Press. It is not stated ,whether he remains or not, but we`p:esuine the 'new company will retain him in the position he has ..00.1014;.lieittg:-..: Tali press of entire country, leys the . Boston Journal, with sin gdlar unanimity approve • the pru denon and wisdom of . Ppakiflnt Grant in the recentlinancial mein. Tim indep,eudent, an.d,34Fi -• • ali4tAiati ; ooratic joarn 4 e AS a role, as hearty in theif praise of We Chief Magistrate 4of the nation as those which are distinctly friend. ly 'This: - is creditable to journalism, and .we note rA IMO gike. and trust that the day may not be die whrnlqugfustgll°l!!iir?" PP did in their 'editorial comments .as are getaditit inbilirlitinte inter; course% with each other. '1, 1 ; Tluc 81 1jrtliPg .)PYilig,ten„ that tfiree hund L red and fifty deputies of tf~e` Fre n have pec ged themselves to support thiiiiOtfori for the reStoialitin ofthe 7 monarchy puts a far more serious face upon French affairs than was generally supposed to be : immediately impending. With ;inch s disposition in the As sembly, a President with no sympa thy with the form" governMent of which he is - tlfeleief official, and : a singular indifference of a large por tion of the pe - Ople, it certainly looks as if the days of the French:lepub lie were numbered. THE officials soncerned are muck troubled about the responsibility of hanging Mrs. Surratt, and each is, endeavoring :to throw the blame on some one else. Ex President John ston is on his way to Washington on the hunt of testimony to refute the charge of wilfully disregarding the re/oMmpnciatiOni ratio Made' by the court that tried her. The hang ing was .disgraceful and it is no wonder all connected with it have troubled consciences. IMEII= Erxrrzn States Senator Ingalls, of Kansas who has just returned home denies ibe reporia - telegraiihed from 'Washington that he, while in that city, Made itrenuoils .efforts to have certain Federal office holders re moved and his own particular friends appointed instead. He says he neither asked nor obtained any officiall3banges whatever, and that his visit to' Washington was for' an entirely different purpose, being the extension of postal faciliti4s in West ern Kansas, and matters involving/ the. interest' of Reid* on the Sac and Fox and neutral lands. ' '-a6) ~.-.,_ # =I . . TIEW:ELECTIONS "I`Hi AOPLE I Penniylvailia Elects Gordon Mack . y - Tpt 25,000 Majority. lOWA WHEELS INTO LINE. WITH y Y. 80,000;11A11 . 011,ITY., A 4 , Ohio is Coos, - With - Sbe_Olaitees fu Fs' von of i .tho Slate bin tart togobiohly Desilocratie. tie ' ilegiok i y . " - ‘ eirirdix piAsed o vii q t - y, ;not only is our own 4SO = i'; '; but thrptigko4 the„.. whole . Sti < :;. ', ''aoli , for supreme Judg% antliktaclie ' for, „ State 'Treavyirer are : both elected' by- mijorities 'varying from 20 to 30,000. The Legisla ture-Avill bpltisinbliianifind-:',,at the . . present writing, we art - l‘clined to the belief that all four of oiir mem , ._,...., berivot-the-Asembly- ate-elected. =. In our own\ county success has Pi'awried --, our Ofonta,', , - This bOipg the "os""os"year" in pollticii, ki r ere lead tic fealUrf .uhuiiiial - am'onnt 'ii l of "slashing,": put . we are- glad toj be able . tkiita4el - thtt tio,c whote iicket lII i .419 probably i gone 'through. Tij ere l 1 ay be an exception to this in the oase.:oflir. Shit - ads; PA.' Co/amiss ion er, but at preientwriting we belie*e him to be elected also. s 1 • • ? : • from four precincts are not in yet. Against him and Mr. Mann, our candidate, for Tre.asureri the fis: rc es t Assaults were made, 'and the Demo crats were generally ready to trade every , person on their ticket fur votes for Ifurstitild P-atton'.! The Repulilicanauf Beaver county may doff , i t ui ate themselves on the victory ju achieved, and the De mocracy may make up, their minds that' her:gaiter - their occUpation in this county-is go'ne. - POLITICAL. • • —General - IC-I*: MEM* is 'a ,pro able memberof the Massachusetts tegislatuie. —The Richmondl3tatf Jotnmaisays that many of the ,beit white',people in the State ate lathiikAtemilikaa*,,,paXtit: • —Thuprlffixhilti. a ;beologia cral Olisse in the constitution 4stMichigan baalteek rejected by the' OttStitationtil * i ir i11ek5666V36.14117' obik- V 7 Coacladed,, 4)4l ..Pg. *off and Mr.. Dr * tbesstropomere, wil l be ez . • - - 4 °X 9 4 l l4Willa . lltab during Bachanan's died yesterdey . hilissitettoe Au j9lllB.otLKTbitd Wed ;ohneettsViStritt lave piermot BOalon, foratoPireacialibtite vacancy Canoed by Mr. Whiting's death. —The "Ti s mstitutionAl Convention of Michigan bag declined to admit the eligi bility bf women to any public officlt what ever excluding iibioa even -from the School Boards. -A. strong effort, is being made in itiessaabugettato induce , lanvernor Wash burn to pledge himself, in case of re-elec , thin, not to sign any bill modifying the existing prohibitory law. —Alaxander H. Stephens and Herschel V. Johnson propose starting a new dajly paper in Washington on the first of De cember, to advocate the refunding .of the cotton tax. Don't they wish they , may get it ? —At the Republican State Convention recently held at Milts Judge M'Cown introduced himself follows. am Judge M'Cown the old be bar of the Brazos bottom,the father of twenty fouVchildren born in lawful wedlock, and the grand father of forty-six grandchildren.' —The New York .)emocratic Statp ; Contention met on Wednesday tut, ant Horatio Seymour was chosen permanent President. 'ln taking the chair he made a speech recommending affiliation with the Liberals. A resolutiqn was unani mously adopted excluding from the State Committee any.,man who voted for or re. zeived'back pay in Codiress. —The people , of California, is order to have the election of judges removed as kr as possible (row political influence, have agreed upon a constitutional amendment providing that a special election shall be held for Judges of the Supreme Court. The candidates are to be nominated by Oonventions called expressly for that pur- P ale. —lt does . not seem to be generally known that the national banking act cln tains a section by whih every stock holder is responsible at laWfor double the amount of stock I , : owned -by him Of course this makes th& stockholders of every national . bank in the country liable for as much again _as the tull cash capi tal of thier respeaive instituti)uc; . ~, '''' --It seems difilittlt l: to lieep the' mein •-berstottilit Conititnifonal 'Convention op to their work of constitution -Making: They persist in running away to attend_ 'to other ' matters. In the simmer thek ffind-it too warm -for comfort, and the con vention adjourned over ' for the'-,Seation, Mow that they have (nominallylre-assem bled, there are other things tn•dlicomfoTt. them, and many of •them ' so persistently keep away that recently a member offered a resoltition to expel those:who ire'sbsent rnoie Usti two days in succession . . - - I , “ —Gen. Bujler 1, not dead, nor yetis he sieePing." He ii .oreadtiann i Qpnced f .b.3'' the newspapers in lila (nterelt as a condi. - - dati for Governor of - italstichusetta, at the :nett election for _that office ,' - and his. frletideare perfecting theit,:pians to ie-• cure ` `his nontiaailoi. 'Ai 'election - for United • • . • . S 4 States Senator, in the place of Mr. , • . Sumner, tikes place next'year, and it is said the General lutes squintiriCfor 'that 'position. ' HIS ' refusal to . .teeed,e' to the Wishes. of many' of his supporters, and :bolt the nomination for 'Governor; - has contributed to his strength in not ft- few, counties throughout the State. ' . —Governor C. C. Washburn, who is agaiii a candidate for re-election io WiE cons in, opened the State rAmpaign by an able peech in Fond du lac" onlast Friday nigh . He first showed the general pros peril of the State, and then, passing to a co sideration of the subject of traespor union, be urged that it become absolutely necessary that railrolds shall - be compell ed to stick to - their legitimate( business, and:ll o longer dictate' legislation or-who shall be elected to office. He showed 'the: danger of voting- subsidies 'to railroads, and recommended -a lai and • also an amendment to the StateConstitation liir.- iting such donaticins to five per cent. of the aasesaed ,valueo of the property of, the locality making them. He expressed his sympathy for -tbe..reform movement : Jn California, but saw no necessity for.a sep arate. political movement of that charac ter in his own . State. Speaking , on the subject of the tariff, be .said he did not de sire protection for any class, and that be bad no otjection to the I ,Teinoval of . the duty on coal, iron, slit agar lumber. even though be is.personally)atqesteil in the latter conmodity l . , . , . , 1,0C4L APE WS. -- CIRCULATION V.SOO. :14evidigIfilat ROO IliPUrigh: l 44re,% l 44' Going West—Mall, 449 a. 4 ; Accoaranodatio 6,10 p. m. Going Ettst—Accoiiiiodation, 9,19 a. m; Mail, p. to; 84 11 14 11 . PAs; - - - Arrival atial:l of Nan,. . 'Weirternisallleatiea at 3.45 it,ni.; an'ries it 3 p.m. Sastern, mall .• . le&vee at Sp. In.: arri, t ix; -6 a be' ittentiir of theylbliele dir etted to`' Ibiloithig New'divrti , enente ......hlih'igiiesir ti•i . th' e Brat' time in : TEE . Aitciiii4rito RAI:0AI triAai : , Perattlia:-lietii'Yeiziell ` ''' ' .: • '' ' : lteir 1 Bklifr i rdo-aanesuptsiank.i..f.pti.i.t...,..)46lll Weter's Notite-J. I. Stokes.—.7e4t Liss of A Issatente l -Joka -C.3lert: . '.:LAsIlt Notice ohs Viackey.... ... ......... .....3s3t litst, otOmaes44oins Vitriltiii - ''' •' '' ' - I - le Bpectal Nptk*- 7 91111LegtL ;ilbeekart i : ' ~......d.13-St, ilpecal Notices-I3peys_rer 4k 50ki5.......................6. Spatial 24011-t-A.4ll:Denald ' I . t....... 1131 ppecial Neticar 7 _ RA. Qc9Ae it ............ r .....,......... 4.7. 13 dal Notiels- ' nape .:. . '.' .y. - . J..: .".11-11ta . ottrer-t..... Wa 4 4..;,_.1..w:4.6..... -- --,.., - . - ..;ilsitit nj.—T. G. 5a1e01ate.,,,...,... ............,......:.,Isogi Notioi-430welliawi...: , f. ::: t i.:;..... - t'.4:::t, ‘ meigi 1 ‘••• 4#l , ne w , ....: ss.eatlie i',,iiar'' /pine li i iirri v fo,r Ni. i it Speyerei'akSitii 4 i. - '' ~ s , y l , ; . .. ~,,,, J.._ ~ . -.. .4. iii I ') 4 ' ANTIC II I4. Ta.ll,77Pign2llgll of the ,ilerfPr 09nu.t1 ; 41V 101 0t4p 11 11,08 . 4! are `regpeated.e inset at the ceiirs . donee ln -Beaver, Park* 7 ardii 0- 41- /? 1 , 1 0: . 4 4. 34. - A rtip'atielidietioe is requested , ` ' " : `,• l( ' ''' '- . ' : jAil: DAtltif . AAti, Preii.': B._,Evitird SeereterY. Bay your Dress Goods of J. H. Chris ty. Re hes ope of the best selected stock ever offered in t,heBbuth side, ~90,8-4 L Far` mers ilaintels for only 25' bth. per yard' tit 'the 'Cheap Store of W. A. Smith, Rochester, P.a. • • notB-2w -On motion of A. m. Brown, esq., l of Pittsbuigh, H. R.,Mooie esq.,. of Beaver, was admitted and qualified "to' practice in the SuKeme court of the State, on last Friday. The court is now in session - in Pittsburgh. - Boots, Shoes and ready made Clothing a speciality at J. H. Cbrtsty's octB.4t Always Selling at - Bottom Prices, at the Cheap Store Of W. A. &Frith, Roches - octl3-2w A Child Mriiiderer at "Atm.—lr win S. rwler, the man who• murdered two of .I?iehilciren in,cur neighboring county (Columbiana) some time last 7in T ter, and who hail been iu 'the New Lisbon jail ever since, e,capedlrom that_ institu tion on last Thursday k night one weals ago. ago. He, and a man named ()awe% the latter awaiting trial on a pharge of horse stealing, left together; and both 'are` Still at large. 'A - reward of live hutidred dol= lars is offered for the arrest of Pottet,-and two hundred dollars - fbr 04walt. 1 -AU following descriptions have , bees , Amp; shed by Sheriff. Morris: Porteri.3s.yelus of age, black eyes, long black , shainidark i mustache, ,with •Ittdian *attire/, had on a -new suit of darlL :z clothes, 14134 wore a flat-topped ,cap. • • • ; •.. Oswalt is 24 years of age, 5 feet 4 iq r , ches in height, blue eyes and light,.sxdy, complexion, with side whiskers, wore dark clothes, and slouch hat. • Good Jeans for 12i cents per yard at J. EL Christy's. oct&-it Special Bargains in Shawls this sea son, at the Cheap Store'of W. A. Smith, Raehester, Pa. • oetB-2w _Otte car load of Canton City flour,' for sale, wholesale and retail at Speyerer & Sons, Rochester, Pa. 4a2=l = * stk" 7 '4;Ai... - zY, ;: :.„f;• .The Sale or the Kennedy tats '• Wilson, executor of the estate v, LEL Kennedy., deceased hago34o4d of o f the -130 re stook of goods In store to sir, Robt. Patterson, Of Beaver. The consid. eratiori was about the amount of ti leap. preiserrient—some $B,OOO. The stock placed on ,sale,saleon Wednesday was since , and e ver rush for *cheap: to`ods has b een immense, the store'belik literally Pack. ed'with customers bitrbOth floors, li t h e num'ber:OurChiiieia"-' cOntinnes- a s et present the • stock,' Will nut astlong., - A cods Full line of "ry 4 , at the s: lowest prices at J. EL Christy' oei, Sgt Yard Wide blearthectniuslin at j. Ef . Christrp forlo vents peryard. .oetslt Try the wooden" tooth curry e olubs, for sale at A McDonald'a. • 111 Women's illfghts.--.lllbat are They l--It is doubtful whether fenace constables would be found effective (a,. cars, particularly in California, but i t Wrightman's precinct, San Joaquin connty, a woman lately was elected to the office of constable, or would ha vk been only the election officers refused t o count votes for her. It is thought, flo w . ever, that if she wants the ` office she can have it - by appealing`to the courts, it is asserted that undeithe California co.ligi tution every citizen, except those r i victed of certain crimei, can-hold office; and that Women are citizens. re is i great this'll of loose law, however, nouns about on this Stlbject; a few, good, solid decisions by tbe courts, and not by the platforms and conventions, are very much needed. Good Domestic Gingham Weents per yard at 3. H. Christy's. oetSit Carpets and Oil Cloths.—An tirely new stock and new patterns of car pets, and oil cloths, at frour! 25 to 30 per cent. below last spring's prices, at B, Mulbeim's, in Bridgewater, Pa. oet23t •- Millinery Geed§ at prices which will defy competition, at the Cheap Store; Roeheater t Pa. oetB 2w Fawley Barred, Plain and Countr7 Flannels all Wool, at 40 and 45 cta per yard:. Great Bargains at•the Cheap Store of W.A. Smith, Rochester, Pa. octB-2w Pensions and Bounties.—All fa thers and mothers who lost sons in the military service of the United States, up on whom they were wholly or partially dependent for support,' are entitle,(l- 7 to pensions. All soldiers who were per maneuqy injured by disease contracted in the service, are provided for as well u thosellito were wounded. Major G. L. Eberhart; of New Brighton, Pa., has A thorough knowledge of the pension laws, and is very successful iii . prosecutingpen- Won and bounty claims. 0ct15.3i le] Inc car Toad of tom mills tear for mfr . , wholesale and retail at Speputt Bons i .Racbester, Pa. • The Premium Ci, 15 1 40ve.-1 1 g 4 improved Howardl* sale by Bruce it - BrierlY,. Beaver Palls, , Pk, Is not only the best and most beautiful, but the otiehieelFitieis Coolthig Stove in the ritaliet.• It b '''beietii In "'ass far over five `y+ears and ' bite erafre ; satisfaction; and- for bsia' nty . of dale: 1 , 16 d cleanliaesi 'we detg Otimpetitiod; - : !We do not eni• ;No'', lisp/eh:3i ligittita 'abr. 'peddlers - to canvass the county, (as many of the deal ers do) have neither freights nor drayage to payi and therefore give our customers the advantage of the same. We have also 'a fall, iiPa cif Heating Stoves of the best .improved, . patterns always on hand which Nye, are seliing at panic prices. Come and. see us and. be oonvinced. . 0ct.13--3t Something for the Ladtes.—ta dies are hereby informed that the) will find at Bence's store, Third street, Beaver, one oldie largest, finest, and most fash ionable. stock of Hats, Bonnets and gener al Millinery Goods ever offerdat this place to which their attention is especialy invit ed as many noveltillis are . offered which are new in this part of the country really hem the latest Paris and London styles. In addition ladle, will find full lines of gross grained Ribbons, Laces, Veils, Buchings, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, felt skirts, Scarfs anci ,- Shawls, ladies and gents wear, also the best makes barred flannel - at factory prices. We al waya sell Alexander's best kid gloves. Par stock will be found full and complete during the season. Thankingonr many Melds and patrons for past faiors, we will try and:Merit the same in the future. Give an early call at Ben 's, Third_ street, Beaver. octl-tar filoweetlbing T, illew.-,-Peter Yarnell , onerof the oldest and, ttnAt experienced furniture_ makers of Stettbenville, Ohio, luut opened. e well RtOCktd -WI complete furniture and undeitaisiog eetknitannie o in 4'Ordlest!abs ‘ikear the 41141rak Were will : be found wlargequantitx andstui44 Pr #ne bedd B:tf4d*t chairs, wash Maude, istenteitension, wt . 6ther,;tehlei• wh ic4 - he proposal to sell at the loVveatignesittle rates. URdrirtAldpg Ao . . _yerlcas bninchea; 14f!hilled to long lenfr expetienneli 7 the "businefis ens 'lo4.'iseleetio* in need tifienlythine in 4119 line, -will fin& teat he. ie tit& men! tc;4ltal with: gee id" vertiseetent In .so other-4011am the • . • Owing tel.. e great tnonetarY . lon'e • Which - pteiaifs . .`r hieVe been able to, buy . , Dry Goods and Millinery 'lO givatly reduced prices; (being aliasii ii`010:,) 89 "r -Ovals give my` onstoMers the btinefit 434,:p' Bargain f persons it td` their interest to call at the `CheaV store before rnsioingttheir purchases. W. A. Smith, Rochester, Pa. octB 2sc