RIOARDIUSII. $7 lIMMAITOR BIRK. "Now I am going to tel you just what my husband said tO me this morning, Doctor, word for w 41," ‘ and the invalid, kr,. Stephens, lay back again an the sofa pilliwe, the very picture of misery. The family Pardelant who was called on an average to the Stephens m melon three hundred andraixty times a year, drew a chair close to' the couch, and waited quiet ly for his patient to open - her book of complaints. "Last night, you see, Doctor, I had an ill turn, and he wanted to come for you but when I got's° that be dared to leave me, be coneinded, that we'd better let you sleerk t '' ' "Much obliged to him," said the Doc- tor, with a little sarcastic emphasis on `the personal pronoun. "liUt , 4rigtit was the first undisturbed night's nail have enjoy ed for a week." Mrs. Stephens continued : "This spell was the same as I had the last time you were sent for, Doctor—" "A. slight nervous attack," broke in the physician, "nothing more." "Well, it don't make any difference what ynu call it, it was mighty and to bear; but let me tell you what my hus band said first, Doctor, before we go into symptoms. When he was going down to breakfast, he says to me, "Kate what shall I send you-up ?" "Says I"I don't wa nt anything in the world but a good strong cup of tea. Tell Bridget to send it up in the little tea-pot,'' I saw, Doctor, that he didn't move after I said this, so I turned and looked up at him and such a picture of rage and dis gust,' never saw in my life. Finally, says he, "tea! tea! tea! ifs nothing but tea from morning till, night. "Kate," says he, "you are the color of a ch inaman now. Why don't you order a piece of beefsteak, and a slice of brown bread, and a cup of chocolate; that would be a sensi ble breakfast I" "But John, "says I, you forget that I am sick and have no appetite." I was all ieady to cry, but I was determined that he ahouldn't have the satisfaction of see ing the tears fall. "Forget," sal she ; "forget? I wish to Heaven I could forget Its nothing but grunt and groan from one year's end to the other I I have lost all patience with you," says be. "When .we lived in part of a house, and you did your own house work you were as well and as happy as anybody, and ever had a pleasant er home than John Stephens; but what have lup to leave, or come back to ?" and this,- Doctor, is what - he ended up with: "Kate," says he, "you art nothing mom nor less than a drunkard ! and in the sight of God, more culpable than most of the men who stagger through the streets; because the majority of those poor devils have some sort of an excuse for their con- duct, and you hfivn't the slightest. You hatie a luxurious home, a hukband doing his best to make you happy-everything tin: der the light of the sun to please you, and - yet you will persist in swilling tea." Yes, D 'ctor, milling was the word he used— ) o! hoo; boo! Oh dear me rto think I should ever have lived to have hOard such dreadful language from my husband's mouth ; and then says he—"and making me as miserable a wretch as - walks the earth." "Pretty plain talk," interrupted e Doctor, with a shrug of his broad oul ders. "Oh yes," sobbed the victi' , "and so awfully coarse and unkind. If I had had a spt-11, and died there before his very f I don't believe be would have cared a snap of his finger. I tell you, Doctor El lis, there is such a thing as a man's get ting li.tidened.7 "Faideutly," replied the physician, with 13, lacon icistn absnl itely painful. "131 t my losband nAling in the world to trouble him but just my poor health ; acid I am sure I can't help that." This rem i irk was more n- answer to her companion's tone and manner, than the one single word that had accidentally escaped his lips, and this the Doctor felt. "Anybody would think, by the way he goes on," oirThiaped the irate . iwinan, 'that I enjoyed myself with spasms, and cramp , 4, and fainting fit& Anybody would think it w.O a pl.msUre to me to feel, every tine I see a funeral proci-ssion, as if the hearse was going to stop at our 'ior next. Oh yes! such a life is very en j 'very, indeed." D letor Elia Wok notice of these last words; the man's eyts grew Inminous, acid Li 4 whc..e face declired that be con sklered hon-Ifof tn.-Aster of the z=ituglion ; •,11,1 if MN Stephens had not been s", en . 1 1r•viy tak-u up with her own aillinent3, meartil and physic it, that honest county s.minne would have betrayed bun. say." he began, settling himself in nit. I . Lrge cas.y chair, and assuming a strtc ly professioPal air, "that your hus h 0,1 tus nothin' to trorNe him hut your hcalth ; hqw do 4b4t nrs. Ste. phens ?" !why b o > l7 ‘ 4O 4 kitici isnything? By Luc eViartlee (It my sense. Dau't I know that John Stephens-has' a• splendid business tikft, looks eter ttsetf, - a magnifi cent income, and money enough to live on the bare interest, as well as a tangly need to live, if he never entered his office again while he has breath?" s "Bit moue* isn't everrhing, idrs.-Stc phew, " proceeded the physician, with a cattiness almost meph istophelian; " Thete are other troubles beside m ilkey troublep. How about health, madam ?" ; it , "Health:?" repeated the lady with a smile, she intended to be sarcastic to the list. egree. "Heath? Doctor Ellial-,Why s , there isn't kite:filthier or sounder . man than my husband in the States. He eats more It one meal than I do in three months." - "There is nothing the matter your husband's stomach, Mrs. Stephens." Dr Ellis *shaded his face with his Asa& and waited further developments: * Mrs. Ste phens mistook thikattempt at forced con cealment for einliion, and immediately assumed a sitting posture, brushed her* hair 'away from her forehead, and looked piercingly into her companion's face. "Why do you accent the word, 'stom ach' so strongly, Dr. Ellis?" she inquired in sellout tones: Mrs. Stephens was for herself, and this the Doctor hailed as an excellent omen. "Daly that I might make you under stand that a man's digestion could be most unexceptionable, and he be far from sound in other directions." "Then you mean to tell me that my husband is sick?" "I do." "Perhaps you will go still further, and sty dangerously ?" "If you desire it." • "Oh,Doctor Ellis, how cold and unfeel- log you are! I should think you ought to know by this tine,"—and just here Mrs. Stephens broke down entirely, and sobbed as if her bean would break. "Ought to know what, Mrs. Stephens?" induired the doctor, with uncalled for de liberation. "You ought to know—to know—that my husband's health and life are of a good deal inure consecrience to me than my own." "Al, indeed," interrupted the physi- cian, with an elevation of his bushy eye brows, immensely suggestive of a contra ry opinion, aq well as several excellent reasons for said opinion. " Doctor Ellis will you be kind enough to tell me what's the antler with my husband ?" Mrs. Stephens was now on her feet— tears all wiped away, eyes flashing - with resentful spirit, ai2d only a little quiver of the tip , to show how deep a wound the kind heart in her bosom had sustained. There she stood, reproachful, defiant, de termined, womanly. The Doctor was de lighted, and such an honest face it was, that he carried round 'with him from door to door, from sunrise to sunset, every day in the, \ "year, that it was a mighty hard matterstwkeep it from an immediate bt• trayel of the whole purpose. "Mrs:Stepheus," said he, "yon have no cause to be alarmed. , If I can only get your co-operation in this bubiness„ I feel certain that I shall be able to make a well man of your husband in a few months, at the longest; Mit, as true as I sit here be fore you, I cannot - ao this alone." "Why have I not been' informed -of this before ?" broke in Mrs. Stephens, imperi onbly. - Virbo was there to inform you, madan? Your husband does not know his condi tion, and I should really liked to bave told you when you have been sufficiently calm to hear all that was necessary for you to know." 4-'Brit Doctor Ellis, I should think you ought to have understood that my own health and comfort are nothing, compared with my husband's." Mrs. Stephens was weeping again. "There's no sacrifice I would not make for him." 'Curious creatures !" muttered the Doctor ; delightful bundles of contradic tion ! - Row the mischief should I know, Mrs. Stephens, how much you care for your husband.? I min sure you have spent the last halt hour complaiag ab rut him. Is that the way women generally testily their regard for their husbands ?" "Oh Doctor Ellis, please don't," pleaded the terrified woman. "I will nev er compldia ag4ia—never—if you will on ly let me know what I am to do for him. Do you know, Doctor, that I had begun to think that something must be amies with him, he-was growing so irritable. Poor dear ! how wicked and thoughtless I have been" "This, then,- is the trouble. I shall take it fair granted, madam, that Sou know something about physiology, and can follow me without difficulty 9" "Oh yes—yes, for mercy's go cm!' "Very well ; I find that the pert cirdi- U11:1-" "The pericardium?" repeated Mrs. Ste phens. "You know What that is, I suppos.e?" Evidently Mrs Stephens' ananstouical knowledge was limited. She shook her head in despair. "Something about the heart, isn't it?" she asked at last Of him. "Yes, the pericardium ii the Inernbri• neona sac that holds the heart. Will, I , sccoetinaes thli elc—it is no matt . tr about 1 particular , Mrs. Stephens," and D.ictor Ellis & - siddenly came to a stand still "It is enough, though, for me to say that we are both very anxious that , his heart should remain where it belongF: Mr. Stephens most be amused. He wants the operg, the lecture, the socisl circle, entertaining book-sok happy home music. Yon play and sing., do you not, Mrs. Ste - phens ?" , "Oh, yes,—l us!'-.1 to," and" Mrs. Ste phens' tones were err pitiful, now, • that, big Doctor- . Ellis really and truly was obliged to °wipe both hie eyes and nose. Before he wu aware, the : lacryreal den had got the upper hand. sigreli try it, again ; get a- :teacher. and i go to p cantle log." "But.lion , am I going mane my pasins?" sobbed the lady.'_ ,) • THE ARGUS AND - RADICARG" i e • I,DAY 001 1 0 Bat, 15, 187$. "Well, perhaps Wilma, uir 114 101 T 011111 Mil• using yocr wilt power, so' thinking of A - ' - 6atuw your husband, going out with im4tilt-;,,14' -4 rdoing my best in my way, we may tie e.) - R NICY • AT,..`LAW able to subdue them ; but you must re• , '`,. ND member this madam—do not let-. Kr. Ste' SOLICITOR-OFPATZNTICIIt CLAIMS * , phone have the faintest suspl4l44 this You. of,llt* NO"! think anything is the matte* , :with . hint 3 O -10 14nallt and above all do not treat - hill like in 14- - 11:48HINGIO valid. Just amuse him, add ill shot Yon itiisercbriennisslou 0014 P. Olokik V.o know, just u you used to when y citt wer GO ISCROt of tbe Disr ict rattnabis. e , • first married." Another series of sobs from Mrs. Ste- phens. The Doctor aro* to go. !Us patient had entirely forgotten that he had left no prescription. "About tot; Dtor ?" •shd asked, "she preparel to "Doyoultdakit Ter hurtful?" "As as occasional tonic, I have no ob. jection to tea; but as a daily beverage, madam, it is an invention of the devil.— Good morning." John Stephens soirght his home that evening with a heavy heart. His wile _he believed a confirmed inva 1 id, l or hypo• condrisc--it mattered little , which ; one was as bad as the other. His nftionstram• es and pleadings had proved of no avail, he was doubtful even whether hts wffe loved him. He opened the door I softly with his lstch-key. This had became habitual ; seldom did the gentleman slow himself to his wife until after the dinner bell had summoned the family to the din ing•romii. A strain of music met and transfixed him on the very threshold, Abt'e beauti ful song was being rendered, and his wife was : the musician. He was just in time to hear—. "The eyes that cannot weep Are the saddest eye! of ail." For a full year this Charming volembed , been as silent as the grays 4 , "Company, perhaps, ha muttered.-4 Curiosity overcame Dim. He opened the' parlor door and peeped in. There was . Mrs. John Stevens, becomingly attired all alone, as enthusiastic over the flea !audi tion of a piece of music as he had e'er seen her. "What does this mean, Kate r he asked, with outstretched anus. "That I nave given up tea, and \I am going to try haaand get well r I guess my voice will all come back John." "1 guess so," be replied; fold lug her tight to his heart. 7 \ Three months atter this, the citre was so radical, that Doctor Ms made a clean breast of the whole thin ' d there is no Illp word or set of words t can provoke so hearty a laugh in the happy home of the Stevens as this physiobigiCilly aden ine one, Pericard inm. cE.NTRAL CLAIM AGENC -1,, . `JAMES M. SELLS S , 144 SOUTH SIXTH S-TREET PHILADELPHIA. Bounties, Pensions, Back Pay, HOMO Claim, State Claims, de., promptly collected. No cbarge for information, nor when money is not collected. dec4'6B:tf • L oCHIEL HOTEL, (VIM= MASHET ISTRENTS, HARRISBURG, PA. G. W. MINTIER, declB'6B iNvpristor A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administra n with the will "tto bv annexed on the estate of Mary Par late of Darlington W., Beaver county, deceased, ha 'rig been granted to the undersigned, residing in Big Beaver v., in said county, all persona indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those baying claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement to JOHN',ILLA.N, Adm'r. seb-6t 5 New Galilee P. 0., Beaver Co., Pa. WANTED. We will give men and women BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY. from four to eight do nitre per day, can be pursued in your own neighborhood; It is a rare chance for those out of employment or having leisure time girls aid boys frequently do as well as men. Par ticulars free. Address. J. TATHAM CO., my9tf 292 Washington ISt Boston, Mass. IT N. ARNOLD, • SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, 1525 Columbia Street, Washington D. C. Makes examinations in the Patent Office to as ertafn the patentability of inventions for $lO. A majority pt the cases /re now rejected being an existing patents—lose to applicants usually about $5O; often more. After making this preliminary examinationl charge no fee unless I secure a patent. * .... !S 'S 0 741 - 7 ; I X es ;LI = S `.4 ••• Iwo c Z. v, EMI Nail rm. % 1 low 14.4 1 N A icr ATTORliti AT LAW 'Thtrastreet,rgeekkid: door bedew J.Moore), • S 'steue. VirAmisad trt zl/1004230"V• et 9047 potellantaull, tj P... 0 O t, 4 avi = )..i (:), cO • t.-4t.... 1 ~ .). . ,- . 1 CI 0 c • 74 1 4 •-. " ~ . Ch t.-4 ~., 0 Cf: 110 t := l itri :21 °11904 • t 4 4.1 °lt 1-2 • •-... OW • ' •4 10 -.1 (Zi l , eye/ .. .. ~,......w_ ~. B E A VER ,DISPOSI.T BANK OF 1311XTER, PA. BMW ALLISON,.._-'- • - • Calms. Alf e LilleFLONS /I,OIIPTLY AND U. ' • , 4 3 a , BlClTDD. l litiffittkiki*D LtitirlaSOCiitt 66 : rniital? PAID °NUM DIKI6III. . =CRAMS, Szevarrute, le., 210tairt ABD mum. - : Mice ItoursAusil a. It. to 41. S. mr31151 TEES MOST ,D2IBIILLBLE LIFE INSURANCE. The by ife brace Company, 0V Mrif TORE With hi cub weir at (MN SIXTY MILLION OF DOLLARS largest and wealthiest to and ' the oldest eM P SZI F Um world oar adox usca Coapany In UMW, GREATER INDTTCZNaTI3 to the thawed than soy other Cootputy. lanes every approved doettipUon at BSDOWILIFST LINNTATT anobtalas tb 4 l,admattoemi fin other j4O , cam matiot wltb ,U2ISQUAI•UU:I IPISA3CUL MMMT. illadowatent foliates papa* In CABII 1n Wl. Moen or terms palm and all We rebelea share to this Luxe annual aka dividend*. whkh Cava bas used to reduca,the prathittna, making the cos Of lasnraace itaniplacla year. acientf GRINDEMEIE EVER KNOWN, FOURTH GRAND GiFT CONCERT lair the benefit of the PUBLIC LIBRARY or x KENTUCKY. $120300 CASH (XFTS. $1,500,000. $25,_0.60_0 PO R 0650. The Fourth Grand Gift Concert authorized by pedal act of the Le_gisiature for the benelltof the Publie Library — of Kentucky. will take place in Public Library Hall, at Louisville, Ky., WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3d, 1873. ticketsixty thousand tickets will be sold. The are divided into ten coupons or parts,.r= At this concert , which will be the grandost ma steal display ever witnessed in this country, the unprecedented sum of etz ,5 0 0 0r-V 1 divided into 13.000 cash gifts. will be distributed by lot among the ticket-holders. The numbers of the tickets are to be drawn from one wheel by blind children and the gifts from another. LIST OF GIFTS. 'Otte Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gift One Grand Cash Gift One Grind Cash Gift.... . One Grand Cash Gift 10 Cash Gifts $lO.OOO each. 30 Cash thrta $5,000 each.. 50 Cash Gifts $l.OOO each- • 80 Cash Gifts $.500 each.... 100 Cash Gifts $4OO eub.. 150 Cash Gifts $ . 300 each.. 250 Cash Gifts $2OO each.. 025 Cash Gifts $lOO each.. 11.000 Cash Gifts $3O each Total 12,000 Cash Gtfta amounting t0....51.500,000 The distribution will be positive. whether all the tickets are sold or not, atilt the MAO gifts all paid in proportion to the tickets sold —all unsold tickets being destroyed ad at the first and second concerts, and not represented in the drawing. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole tickets $5O; Halves $25; Tenths, or each Coupon $5: Eleven whoIP tickets for $&)0; 22% tickets for $1,000; 113 whole ticket*. for $5,000; 227 whole tickets for $lO,OOO. No discount on less, than $5OO worth of Ticketsat a time. Tickets are now ready for sale. and all ceders accompanied by the money promptly tilled. Liber al terms giveu to those who buy to tell again. 10108. E. BRAPILIETTE, Agent Public Library of Kentucky, and Manager mitt Con Cert, Public Library Building, Louis. G. O. BARILLII. P. A. BARU& C.'•. want= G. S. BARKEI!, & CO., Naw Bwartos,-Ponek. G. S. BARKER & CO., Br.trza FALLS, PINVAL. BANKERS DEALERS at EXCHANGE. COIN, COUPONS. itc. Collection!) made on all accessible points in Lb* United States and Canada. AcCoUnt6 of Merchants, Manufacturers and Ina vidnals solicited. interest allowed on Time Deposfts. Correspondence will receive prompt attention. • dec23'7o-21 jON CON WAN & CO., BANKERS 4k- B I? OKERS ROCHESTER, PA. DIAL/115 IN Excite/tor coif , *Nn EXCLIANGI •••• • •:1 Accounts of Manufacturers, Merchants and WI, Oda,. S(4lictted-,- lI 4 .ITEDEST ALLOWED ON TIME ' DEPOSITS Correspondence 7111 ieceive prompt attention. hocitester; Aug. 15t,.11371-4,ng1141m. ' ' IRARD Hpusitt G Amman NINTH a ,caarrrarr gk:ll4.,DEoPHlA I a. w.*AGA, People Ur. A. B. CLASH, Agent for Beaver County. lIM ... $250,000 . 100,000 ... 50,000 . 25,000 . 17,500 100,000 .. 150,000 .. 50.400 ... 40.000 .. 40,000 .. 45,000 . 50,000 .. 82,500 .. 550,000 yjsw Sinvtutsmis. How Lost - 1 , 1 yam* 1 pubilehl4 a sit* edition of Dr. Culhreestollga tntiobrated Sas sr °Lilo radial , cars ( without atempcole t PaniilTOWltx or litronatcr. It OtiikPlVOlcatinc*Pilft• Iltellyneots to 40c.; Coxstritsmon. and no" by-. Nit-lades lence acs en isi a sealed envelope enly d mate. Mort in this tamable easy, tr M orated an clearly demonstrates front a thirty years' SWAM e I fl pectic., that eal miasma semabasenmy be, th radially umina eyed wimont the dangerous nee of internal madielsoor the applies. -tioa of*. katystpointing oat a mod* of cure at once' shape, waft and ellbctonl, by means of which ivory andbrer. no matter what Ws cots:Mimi mess be may CU' himself cheaply, pnvaisay, and arrtdi lecture should be in the hands of frifit, youth_ end every man in the land. - seah nadir asei, In a plain antelope, to any ad airy on receipt of !I cam, or two A 1.., Dr. Caiverwsll's "Morriss* Guide." prim OS cents. , '•— , Address Uto"Pablithere • MO. 3. O. ZL1N546420, laT Sow{/. Ifew Fork, Post-oam -Box 41ES sprl*ly Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PRINTING, IMAN2VT LLA, ROOFRG, BAILING, Hardware, Glues, Straws RAG AND CARPET AL .IED IC Pt ES REALNITVA.CTICTRED And Sold At Wholesale * lltoisal by Prager, lietzler SSD Third Avenue. prrrssultes larilligs teas in exchange. foolinlfin .„----- S.Ti6_X PURELY 41. VEGETA= VIZEPARATION, composed siarptlz of welAnown-fe 0 oTS, R El, sod FRUITS, combined with other properties, which Ur their nature. are Cathartic. Aperient, Dintritiotua..Diuretic. Alterative and Anti- Mona The who:* is preserve& in s sufficient quantity of spirit from the s GAR CANE to keep theta in any &unite, whichreakes the DLANTATION BITTERS one of the most desirable Tonics. and Cathar tice•in the world. They are intended strictly as a DOMMt e k TO/±7 ontrto be need as !medicine, andelways according to directions., , A bilitateThey are The e y th sh ac eet- a nchor of tie feeble and de d. t in a stunniate to such °ree,. that&eased liver. and a liesithy tactical is at once brought Wont. As a remedy to which Wu ear is are askaciaily Solt ect,ds issurperseding every'other stimulant. Ass Spriniva ad balm ntr Tonic' t lame r ati k o tex asei;o. tney are a fluid and sa geniis Iturgative as Tonic. They Purity th e Blood.. They a spktudid Appetiser. Tkey snake the ma: strong. They purify sad in- Tigbrate. They cam Dyspepsia. Ccustipation. and tc s Head*: *A They sat as a epee is species (if disorde which tutdermine the bodilyitrength and break do the mutual spirits. 4-- - '''''snt , 1 Park Place, "New York. V LYONS AMATHAMON Only 50 Gents per .Bottle. It promotes the GROWTH, irRESr - n VES the COLOR, and Increases the Vigor and BEA.UT To f the HAIR. Ovtn THUTI YEA= A:00 tYCkeft KATELanall TUE RAIII was Arstplaced in the market by Professor E. Thomas Lion, a graduate of Princeton College.. The name it d*rived from the Greek 4 , Kamm,' signifying to Cleanse, purViy. ritruvenate, or restore. The fisrar It has received, and the popularity it balk obtained, to unprecedented and incredible. It (wean' the UMW= and Burrs of the Hint. It is dellgbtful dressing. It eradiea dandruff. It preemie the flair trona turning - gm. eel* the head tool. and gives the bsir axial Ink 41/ pearanoe. It is the salts is Quasi: Err and Qtuagrrr as it sus over *Quairrma of a Corn:um doo, and is edd bi Dzujillfiats andOsitutry Storesittonly 13(1 cst* per settle% ov Tamil Mk' CHAS. B. ROWS • INERILICE lit OM iIEICT lEEE NOTARY PI7BLLC AND CONvgyAseßß Putt. UPI - mil A.CCIDZNT INSURANCE "Luker" and "N r atiorud" lanes or Ocean Stem C P C .1 dans" And "Unfair Expreit Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal terms. Beal Estate bought and void, Deed s , .1g a, Articiee. an., written ; Deo ot , and a lefigetants takes, &c., &e. Good s and Money forwarded to all pane of the rafted States and Canada. Pasiengerp booked to ad time &lipid. Ireland. Scotland, France end g er many. 'ETNA INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, CONN. 08,0,03i0 "Ely their fruits ye know them." Loeser paidto Jan. 1, .. . • t • . MOWN One/of the oldest sad westmes Compotes ID the world. NIAGARA INSURANCE CO., OP NSW TORE. mr - A 9 T 11 7 6 :. ROYAL INSURANCE CO., OF LIVERPOOL, ENG. CAME ASSETTS, GOLD LYCOMING FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF HUNCY, Pd. 04;911 ASSETTS ROCHESTER FIRE INS. CO,, RO. C. SPEYERIIR. President. Sit 8.-QUAY. Vice Pres. JNO. GRIMING. Secretary. SPIIX — MBIL, Treasurer. If 24:migrant HOME INSURANCE mean a pol icy "ng the ROCHESTER INSURANCILS3O. at dm Ag ALPS INS. CO., OF ERIE, PA. CASH aAPITAL... HOME. LIFE INSURANCE CO OF 2VEW YORK CASH".4IS6= I Th. TRAIKELERS' LIFE Al' ACCI DENT INSURANCE IJ CO. OP HARTEORD, eoNN. CASNLISSEETS OVER Rapresenting the above favt class Companies, acknowledged to be amongst the and neon reliable in the world; and .epreseDT;n ; ' -a cross each capital of nearly .V6 s IXXI I / 4 000, I am abled to make insurance to any amonn. desu Applications promptly attended to, and r?./ 6 ; written without apt!' y, and at lair rate? and LlN!,,',' terms. Losses aalusted and prorip , pirtd. IlS*UrtE TO-DAY IBy one year's ~.: you may lose the savings 65 years. Delf.P dangilrons,nnd life nneerteim there lore. luzere itay .! "One ia•day is worth Iwo to-snurrotr , , Quality. also, is of .the utmost import ,nce. low priced, worthles article. alwap. niov , dearest. The above companies arc known among the best and - wealthiest in the world. 1 ye sow that shall ye reap." Grateful for the yaw liberalpatronage 3hesd:' bestowed, 1 hope—hot a strict attention taa legit mate business=not only to merit a contisuan" the sable, but a lard increase the pre scatiTear Air.. ALI". StePheri Ai. Craig is duly authorized to ts , e 4" - = one and receive prenl/1112$ kit Freedom a nd - adio 4 g twarnehip*. a lasemert. ii} <, ♦ ;. Y i (Nun its thlaXIII) ROCHESTER, EMI 19 i OP ROCHESTER, PA CHAS. B. HURST) 4I at the. Depot,) ROCIUMM P. $1,N0,000 %an 4° )./111J $%.(,) $2. 2 . 5q '145