6 , brev• JOSEPH AND ZULAIKHA The Story of 'Madame DePotiphar with Persian Addenda, which are very Important—A Beautiful Tale. The London Atheneum gives a careful review of the "Analysis and Specimens of Joseph and Zulaikha, .an Historical romantic poem," by the Persian poet Jami, recently published by Williams & Norgate, and in the review cent . s)me in traerestiug points relating to the poet' and the poem. Oriental poetry, the critic holds, like Oriental art, has its own pe eI:W.ILT genius, and the Western mind must be trained before it can enjoy or admire it. The poem of Joseph and Zuliakha," one of the gems of Persian poetry, by Abderahman Ibn Ahmed—or as be is usually called, Nured-din Jami from the place of his birth. is, perhaps, the work most likely to he attractive, though we doubt whether the most patient of readers could get through the poem as a whole, in spite of its many beauties. The pres ent modest little brochure, which contains the analysis of the story, with connected specimens of the most interesting portions is quite enough to satisfy an English reader. Jami was born A. D. 1414, or of the Hegira 817. •He dedicated his whole life to literature, and appears to have been a very prolific writer; the titles of thirty four of his works in prose and sixteen in poetry remain. He wrote on all subjects —history, religion, theology, morals and numerous expositions of the mystic •:-doc trines of the branch of Mohammedanism to which he belonged. His strong mystic tendencies are very evident in his treat ment of bis present poem; for, though the story of Joseph and Zulaikba is so ardent in its descriptions as to make the Song of Solomon seem "like snow in winter," still it is evident throughout that a deep mys tic meaning underlies the whole. The love and sufferings of Zulaitha are in tended to represent not alone an earthly passion for a lover, but the aspiratiott4f a human soul after its Maker—the pangs of separation, and the ardent desire for reunion with the fountain of life and source of all good, from which it lias been banished to the wilderness of this mortal life. The poem however, is hot an allego- ry, but a very beautiful and passionate romance. Zulaikha is redeemed from the ignomy that has been attached to her as the "wife of Potiphar," and Joseph comes oat with all the brilliancy with which eastern traditions have endowed him, and which lies quite entside our Bible history His knowledge of magic (which he might have derived, from his mother), his super. busatn bee*, his love for Zulaikha (which has its record in the Koran), and his wonderful wisdom in interpreting dreams and foretelling the future, all eombine to afford reason enough for Zu hakha's frantic and ungovernable passion. The poem of "apseph and Zulaikba" has never yet been brough before the English reader, although Prof. Rosenwig has translated it into German. Orientals always take their time about everything, and in the midst of joy and grief they sake innumerable digressions, and stop to elaborate their metaphors and similes with a -Ininuteness that greatly detracts from their freshness and suggestiveness. Thistabit renders Oriental poetry fa tiguing-to &European reader. After a great deal of preliminary dally ing with the sentiments of the story, and before we are allowed to reach the pres ence of Zulaikha, we are artfully prepared to understand the magical and .over whelming influence by which the "Moon of Csanan" (Joseph) "bore away reason from the brain of Zulaikha." The Ori entals- believed that Joseph possessed the greatest personal beauty that was oep:r -bestowed oh a son of man, and no epiihtt noslon of epithets, is able to set it forth. The story' of Joseph, when living with his father and brothel's, differs creme. what from the Hebrew narrative and goes more into detail; but both records agree in the intense affectio&he excites in all who saw him, except his brethern. At last we reached the presence of the lovely Zulaikha, and all merely mortal men are bound to fall prostrate at her feet. In the western land there lived 6 renowned king whose name was Timus. Me had a daughter named Zulaikha, whom be loved beyond all things in the world. Ats to her loveliness, the poet declares "it is not to be - comprised within the limits of description." Nevertheless, he gives a charming picture of her as a young, fresh happy girl, before passion was stirred or sorrow had come nigh her. A Viiaion or dream shows her Joseph; and after she has beeti / made ill by h:r passionate love for her ideal Joseph, an other vision reveals to her that he is a prince of Egypt—the counselor of the king of Egypt., with high dignity and princedom. She tells her father all. The fame of her beauty brings ambassa dors to demand her in marriage.from all the kings of the world, except from Egypt; but Zulaikha will listen to none of them. Her father dismisses all the ambassadors, and sends a trusty messenger to Egypt to offer his daughter in marriage to the grand vizier, who is both astonished and enchanted at such unexpected happiness, which be accepts with all the eagerness it deserves. They marry, and Zulaikha is lodged magnificently, and left In perfect freedom; but she continues in her misery. All this time Joseph is living with his father and his brethern. He, too, has visions, but they are of his own future greatness, and his heart is untroubled. The story of Joseph is narrated according to the Koran, and with more detail than our own version. Malik, the leader of the Midian caravan, is anxiously expected in Egypt; the news of the beautiful slave of the Hebrew race whom he ,brings with him has already preceded hi m, the king himself desiring to have the first sight of him. When Joseph is brought out from the palace a crowd has gathered round the gate to behold him. Zulaikha, passing at the moment in her litter, catches a glimpse of him, recognizes him, and on her return home persuades Potiphar to go to the king, who is intending to purchase him, and to request as a reward for his services, that he may buy Joseph and adopt him for his son. The king consents and Joseph becomes an inmate of Poti phar's household. We should say that Zulaikha gives her husband all her own jewels and treasures to enable him to pay he immense price demanded. For a time Zulaikha is happy and quiet; Joseph con ducts himself blamelessly and prudently, and no sign is given that he entertains any feelings for Zulaikha beyond profound respect. The narrative here follows the Bible till the accusation of Joseph. The inter est of the poem centres in Z ilaikha. The innocence of Joseph Is attested by a mir acle; all the people refuse to, , believe his guilt, and be reigns in prison as a king rather than a captive. But the reader is carried back to Zulaikha, her remorse and despair. When after a lapse of time Joseph is called out of prison by Pbaroab, he refuses to come out until his innocence is declared. Zulaikha confesses her guilt; Potiphar dies shortly after; Zulaikha re tires to her misery, living in obscurity. Falling into premature old age and blind ness, she builds a small house of reeds, whence she can hear the sound of his horse's feet as Joseph to and from the city on the king's business. She turns her thoughts to the God of Joseph, forsakes her idols, and believes in Jehovah. Joseph, hearing of her devout ness, orders the chamberlain to bring ber to the palace, and grants her a private audience. She narrates her whole story, and desires that he will pray for her res. toration to her former state; and at his prayer she recovers all her pristine beau ty. She then beseeches him to marry her; before he can answer Angel Gabriel brings word that the marriage has been decreed in heaven. The marriage is accordingly proclaimed and celebrated in the presence of the coart,,,with great pomp and rejoic ing. Joseph is now as much in love with Zulaikha as even her heart can desire, and the victory of love is perfect. Joseph dies, after learning the fact in a vision. Zullikha lies insensible for three days, and then the has herself carried to his grave and expires upon it. Her attend ants bnry her by the side of Joseph. ' PisalL;meass. D " lECTOICY TO Lead BUM . OSS HOOSOS OF PITTSBURGH. Arranged for the conieniince of our ileadere ADVERTISING AGENCY. Thos. L. McClelland, Dispatch Building, 67 and 69 Fifth Avenue, authorized went for all leading newspapers in the L nited States. ARIZONA DIAMOND JEWELRY Set in solid gold, 27% 6th street. AWNINGS, TENTS & TARPAULINS. E. Mama% & Sbn, 175 & 177 Penn St. ARTIFICIAL LINB ILtIN'F'G CO. Dealers in Crutches,- Trusses. etc , 279 Penn streets. ARTISTS' LND SURVEYERS' MATERIALS Geo. W. Backofen, 161 Smithfield St. AMUSEMENTS. Library Hall, Perm St. Burnell's Museum, Fifth Ave. Fred. Aims' Amerman Theatre, Fifth - Avenue. Pittsburgh Opera House, Fifth . I ,ve Trimble's Varieties, Penn St. BANKS AND BANKERS. Diamond Savings Bank, 6 Diamond, (over $25,000,000 security for Deposits United States Bank, 123 4th Avenue. Duquesne Savings Bank, 64 Fourth Ave. Geo. B. Hill & Co., 58 Fourth Avenue. BOLTS, NUTS & WASHERS. Hubley, Adams it Co., 5 Market street. BUSINESS COLLEGES. Iron City College. cor. Penn S Sixth St P. Duff & Sons, 37 Fifth Ave. BRUSH MANUFACTORIES. F. H. StewartA Co., 120 Wood St. BROKERS IN BONDS, NOTES AND STOCKS Isadore Coblens, 5834 Fourth Ave. Isaac M. Pennock, 114 Fourth Ave. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Gildenfeny & Hess, 45 Fifth Ave. BOOTS AND SHOES. B. Himmelneh & Son, 86 and 100 Mar ket St. CIGARS TOBACCO. T J Wallace, 31 6th St. (who esale) Piper C 0.,& 282 Liberty St. ( holesale.) B. P, Brown, wholesale, 40 6th 't., cor. Penn. CARRIAGES. Workman it Davis, 167, 169, 171 Penn Avenue. - CONFECTIONERY & FRUITS. 'Kinder Blair, 62 sth Avenue. CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS Boston One-Price Clothing House, 95 Smithfield St., and 178 Federal St., Al legheny. T. Tobias, 13, 6th St. (Merchant Tailor.) DRY GOODS. J. W. Spencer, removed to 95 Market St., formerly Ai'Fadden's Jewelry Store TFE ARGUS AND RADICAL WEI),N.ES,DAY, OcroB,ER, 8 DRUGS, MEDICINES AND PERFUMERIES James E. Burns & Co., Penn & Sixth Sts Q D Butler, 22 sth, avenue FLORISTS AND SEEDimEN. James Bennett, 132 Smithfield St. Send for Free Catalope. Send for T B'Young & 21 Snxi thfield St. J. W. Woodwell 'B7 & 99 Third Menne. qi:thMI!ONI; OD S. FURNISEILNG IL J. Adams. 72 sth avenue, (Importer.) ab4ta a specialty. GUNS AND FISHING TACKLE. 11. H. Sehtilte, 330 Liberty St. HATS AND CAPS. Gordmq & Mackley,ll7 Wood St. Wholesale and retail. HATS, CAPS ct - STRAW GOODS. R H Palmer, 151 Wood St. (Wholesale.; HAIR GOODS. Julitn Morrow, 73 Market St. HOTELS. StClair Hotel, corner 6th and Penn Sts American House, 342 Liberty St. JEWELERS. D. P. Hoyle, 85 sth avenue. Geo. W. Biggs, 150 Smithfield Street, JOB PRINTERS and STATIONERS. Stevenson & Foster, Third Ave. and Wood St. KEYSTONE BURNING FLUID. P. Weisenberger & C0.,120 Smithfield St LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURES & FRAMES. Boyd & Murray, 58 sth avenue. J. J. Gillespie & Co., 86 Wood St. W. W. Barker, 87 sth avenue. Louis J. Brecht, 128 Smithfield St. LUBRICATING and BURNING OILS G. G. Pennock, 23 7th street. MINING & SPORTING POWDER. Arthur Kirk 19,. ith St. Agent for Haz ard Powder Co. MANUFACTURING JEWELER. C. Terheyden, 130 Smithfield St. 3IACHINERY AND STEAM PUMPS. Hutchison & Co., 28 Wood St., cor. 2d ave MERCHANT TAILORS. Henry Meyer. 73 Smithfield street. James Gallagher, 10 Sixth street. P. McArdle, 82 Smithfield street. Byrne & Urling, 101 Smithfield street. Urling & Buchlon, 54 6th St. NICKLE GOLD AND SILVER PLA TING. Walter E. Hague, Virgin Alley, near Wood street LATE GLASS & SHOW CASES. Gillespie & Co., 86 Wood street PHOTOGRAPHS. Central Photograph Rooms; 12 Pi ayes L Strub, 69 sth avenue • B. L. H. Dabbs, 46 6th street. W. H. Whitehead, 29 sth avenue.'` J. R. Pearson, 70 sth avenue. • • PICKLES, SAUCES, VINEGAR, &c. Heinz, Noble & Co., 167 & 169, 2d Ave. PIANOS, ORGANS and MUSICAL GOODS. J. M. Hoffman, 62 sth Ave. (Importer.) Barr d Snake, 12 Sixth St. RESTUA.RANT & BILLIARD ROOMS G Mashy under Pittsburgh opera house (, STENCI) S' STEEL STAMPS AND SEAL PRESSES J D Mathews, 13 3d avenue, near ,Market, VV-A limiting, 164 Liberty street . SPRINGS AND AXLES. Duquesne spring & Axle Works, 1.1 Penn Ave. TRUNKS, V USES AND LAME'S SATCHELS. Joseph Liebler, 113 Wood street W J Gilmore, 38 sth avenue Vogel & Graham, 118 and 146 Wood St Tindle, Jr., 89 Sm!thtield street. THROAT, LUNG & EAR DISEASES. Dr. 3. k Hunter, 256 Penn St. UPIIOI.4ST4RERS. R. W. Roberts, 153 Wood St. Wilts Upholstery, 44 Smithfield street. WEATHER STRIPS AND WOOD Wilts' upholstery—Agent for Western PennW and Eastern Ohio-44 Smith field street. WOOD' AND IRON WORKING MA- CHINERY. M. B. Cochrane & Co., 121 Liberty St WHITE LEAD AND COLORS. 1 T. H. Nevin & Co., cor. Third ave. and ' Market St. WINES & LIQUORS, (WHOLESALE) - & Stevenson, 87 Second Ave. WHOLESALE MILLINERY & FAN CY GOODS. Porter, Donaldson & Co., successor to 4,4 Hawkins & Co.,(Steubenyille) 127 Wood street. Manhood: How Lost, How Restored , net published, a new edition of Dr. Calverwell's Celebrated Ewe say on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPERNATORMEA or liromicv. Mental and physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; abio, CoNstrarrloN, DTELEPsir and Free, ndueed by self-indulgence or sexual ex trapance. Price in a sealed envelope only 6 cents. be celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' success ftd practice, that the alarming consequence of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the applica tion of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition mai? be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and rada*. tds lecture should be In the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Bent, under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid on receipt of 6 cents, or two post stamps. Also. Dr. Crilverwell's "Marriage Guide." price 50 cents. Address the Publitter3, CHAS. J. C. KLINE &CO., 19.7 Bowery, ..Vezo York, Post-Office Box 459 1 .1 aprl9-1y gUAUCO,I givectovg. ENGRAVERS ON WOOD. CARPETS. vf al J. IAWRZNCE, Physicians sk sturgeons, /Us °Ake that formerly occupied by U. Si: &v -enue Assessor. Third guest, Beaver, Pa. april-ly THOMAS DONEIIOO, M. D. Office lower door in John Border's betiding, Beaver, Pa. ap2stl ILLER, J. W. Physician and Surgeon, office J.VI that formerly occupied by Dre. Incliinny and Lawrence. Residence. 1)r. idelititt's house. DUNLV:, J. F., Attorney at Law. Office in the urt-house, Beaver, Pa. Ail legal busi ness pro .tly attended to. myp'l2-1y IDURVIS . H., dealer in Fancy Dry Goode, Choice (itocerise, and Notions. kbpecialty— Tea and Sugar,) Flour, Feed, and Wooden-ware, corner of Taird and Buffalo atreete, beaver, Fa. novlo'7l LLISON Tliva., deu.. uu US groceries. cor Third til.AltK J. IS., dealer in Groceries and ?roils %,/ leas, Third street. jr29'7o SNITGItX S. & CO., dealer in Groceries and Bro. visions, Third street. BEACOM hiss. E. ki.„ dealer in Millinery Goode and Trimmings, cor st. and Diamond. jr2la A lifliii&SSEN HUGO, dealer in Drugs and Med icines, 3d et._ See advertisement. iy2911) virooas J., dealer in Drags and Medicines, 131. Third street. )729'70 TALLON ROSHRT, manufacturer and dealer In Boots and Shoed, Thirdatreet. jr2B'7o MRTZ 11., manufacturer and dealer in Boots and Shoes, Third street. jp29'7o WALTER F.. Baker and Confectioner, north- V V east corner of the Diamond. jr29'lo AISHUTZ 0. R., dealer in Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Third street. .519'70 R. RICE. FRAlgit WILEIO,N. R. R. YGORE. RICE, WILSON & MOORE, Attorneys at Law Office: Rear of the Coart-honse. Y. WEINMAN. Manufacture of Booth and • Shoes. Bridge St.. Bridgewater. (aep27;ly A• BUM% Bridge street, Bridgewater, ra., • Dealer in Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Jewelry .and Silver-Ware, Spectacles, dm. Watch es - 4 , Clocks and Jewelry repaired. (febls'7l;ly DANIEL MILLER, Fashionable Tailor. None but experienced workmen employed. Shop Ai Fridge et.. Bridgewater, Pa. febSll;ly. JUBALTO'S shady Side Photograph Gallery, • Second Floor, Dunlap's corner, opposite the toll bridge. aprli-ly lA[OLTI 8, J. C., Market street. Bridgewater, ill dealer in COAL from Bank at Mcliinley's Run. feb2l'7B-1y TjURST A. C., dealer in Dry Goods. Hats and 11. Cape. Carpets, Uil Cloths and Trimmings, Bridge street. jy29'7O STILES a CO., dealers in Groceries, Provisions anoignensware, Bridge sueet. jr39'7o MULHBLId 8., dealer in Carpets, 011 Cloths and Variety Goods, Bridge street. jy29-70 T J. POWER—Civil Engineer and Sarveyer. U . Moe near Depot, Eacheater, Fa. . 6441 CHAS. P. BROBECH, Druggist & Pharmacist, Vdealer in drugs, medicines, pert: merles, toilet articles. choice brardsrof tobacco, chars, &c. Op posite the. depot, Rochester, Pa. - aug6.7B-ly Vi 7 ILL SMITH & CO., Fancy Dry Woods, Po- T. lion and Millin4ry. Madison it, near Dia mond, Rochester, Pa. isePI4:IS II WRY LAPP, Manufacturer and Dealer in Li Furniture.of al/ kinds. Brighton it.. above PLOW Factory. See adv't. (seplaay QAMURL C. HANNEN, Druggist • Preeulp -17 carefully compotualled. Water et., Ro chester. (sepl4;ly MMILLER i!t, CO., Contractors and Builders. IVI. • Mt aufacturers of Bast., Doors, Shutters Deal in Lumber Lath &d, Roamer. isepil4y Q COTT, BOYLS a Wit LeillS,Sncteesors tog Lukins a Co., Dealers in Sawed and Plan , Lumber, Lath a Shingles, 'eater. ,sofigl ‘IIIITH, JOHN F.,•(New 13tare,) dealer m Gro- SO eerie*,Viour, Feed, Nash, Varieties and No tions, best qualities and lowest prices. New Brighton and Wasnlzgton ktro o 4, Rothebter• au 0,72.1 y 4,,z ?NUMB dt SONS, wholbeare.and retail deal 0 en to Dry Goode, • UroCerieB4 Flour, (Irani, Boat Stone, Iron, Naia. Water ;al oct7'7o DOSE W. A., M. D. iL P1TY6.1.0 AN AIW SURGEON. t4ept23'7o 0 *THAN CO, (successor * to Oatmun, Par eons& iiinter)dealers in all kiatio. Of tough aud dressed lumber. sel6l4 SCHAMP CH AB., manufacturer of and dealer in Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Rooftng, spouting, attend‘d to. N. York et. eei6'7o TURNSON W. W., dealer in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Trunks and Vari ety Goods, near aft depot. sele":0 QTEFFLER dt CLARK. proprietors of Johnson Rouse. Good accommodations and gpod eta bles. Near RR depot. eeltr7o QTREIT GEORGE, manufacturer and dealer in Booots, Shoes, Slippers, &c., Water et. jeel6 DAVID AUGRINUAtiGII, manufacturer of Tin., Copper and Sheet Iron ware; dealer in Stoves. Tin Roofing made to order. Water et. ee3'7o IN ‘, D. CONE, Xl' D. , -e of Darangton N• having removed to New-B , htcn, offers hla medical services, in all its branche , to the people of the city and surrounding country. °Mee cor net of Butler and Broadway. / seplB-ly 7 ISMER & BlNGLlANl,..fanulactureisof car V 'gages. buggies, spring-wagcns, back-wag ons and vehicles of every description, Bridge $:. Both practical workmen. Successors to George Metz. . marbly LANGNECEE • dealer in Watches, Clocks I? • ihnd Jewelry. Repairing neatly executed, Broadway. near Falls-et. novl'7l-1y JW. NIPPBRT, Baker a Confectloner; lee • Oysters and Game in season. Balls, tddingii; noel WM.IVALLACB, Dealer in & American Marble; Manufactivea 2donumente, Grave. stones & e!abe at reasons ' . Railroad et., near new Depot, New Brig ton. ' —27 &J. SNBLIJOIBBRe, Mer t Tail. , • Broadway, New Brighton. See adv L•pi4;iy Ty NOSS, Photographer. Willson's Block, 1/.. Broadway. Best photographs from re-touch ed negatives. (sep:Cly BON TON RESTAURANT and EATINI.4 SA LOON.—MeaIs at all hours, table supplied with all the delicacies of ,the season. Prices low. VilliamStrickland, corner of Falls and Broadway. eept2o-Iy. eIARKY 0, F., general dealer In Groceries, Feed, k„/ Uneeneware, Glass, &c. Rage, Iron and Brass taken at highest prices. Railroad st. oct2l SIEMSN GEO. F. manufketirer of Cakes and Confeetionariee. Particular attention paid to parties and wedding orders. oetTiti artr2-73;17 GILLILAND A. D. bt Co., dealers in Fancy and Domestic Dry Goods and Groceries, Broadway' septi,3'7o VV.UTM. ROBERTSON , Dealer in th e justly cele• IfROBERTSON, Domestic sewing Ma thine. Ladies call and _ be convinced. Main st., B. Falls. (51,27 r% STEWART & SON, Dealers in Yankee IC a tiona. &c., Main St., Beaver Fa ]le. Fepl B:iy TANNEY BROS., House and Sten Painting, Graining and Glazirg im all their branches. Also Fresco. Painting in Oil, Distemper and Water Colors. Orders executed on abort notice. in the beet manna* and on reasonable terms. - Main St., Beaver Falls, Pa. [nov29-Iy. STEVENSON lb WITTISIL Land o ffi ce No. 198 Penn street, Pitteburgb, Pa., and Beaver Falls sept23'7o Pa. K ' *Z3. 2" Miliner and dealer In Dry Goode. Notions, queensware, &c. Corner Main and Baker at. sept2.3"7o. DJ. KEL W. W., minufactnrer of and dealer In Boots, Shoes; Gaiters, &c. Corner Race and Main et's. sept23'7o CLARK Sias. R. 8., dealer in Mi ll inery, Fancy Goods and Notions. Main et. sear%) Nuoinegio girectovg. BSA ER. F. U. AGNEW. AGNEW I BUCHANAN, A.o Attorneys at Law, Third Street, .14aver, inn a. oct9-ly - Opposite the Arra aloe. JAMES H. Third street Beaver,Attorney at CUNNINGHAM, aw, Pa. lid door below J. Moore's dru I store, JOlO li. WILLIAMS, hair-cutter and shaver done in beet style, wigs, switches and tOppies made up to order. - Terms moderate. Shop in the west end of the Union hotel build ing, Beaver, Pa, angSo73-1y BRIDGEWATER. ROCHES ER. NEW HRIGHTON. BEAVER FALLS. J. M. BUCLU.NAN. WAGGONER, dealer in general Merchandise, • Dry Goods, Groceries. Queensware, &c. Highest prices paid tor country produce. Rail road street. Vanport. ORA TRORlClLlMMantaeturer of the Great extensionking Stove, and Patentee Pia i'ol - top and Centre. Pallston. Pa. BOTT, ARTIST, will give private leeeone .Ciin Drawing and i'aintang at nis residence in lbx.beeter,_Pa., in the building formerly occupied by H. R. Nader, deed. ee24llrn. TIM : GREATEST WANT Came into our midst at last. A. M'DONALD I 3 1:43°R8 WESTt BEAVER PA MeCreery 9 s B ankl I Has opened a Barnette and Saddle Store in the room formerly occupied by Mr. Jamea where he is prepared to furnish • Harness, Saddles , And everything nsually kept In a tirst-clas - Harness and Saddle Store, He is prepared to manufacture HARNESS Of the corsest wagon harness to th e finest coach harness the world ever saw at very low prices. 41 a Bi 4 c iD rl e‘a ' 1:1 Tel) Has been engaged In the manufacture of Harness and Saddles for upwards of thirtyyears, during which time he has manufactured Harness and Saddles that compared with any that was ever put on exhibition In America. rarchasers will do well to give him a call before purchasing' else where. anglB-8m J. F. DRAPO. J. B. haqoaLL, THOS. McCREERT & CO., EXCHANGE, COIN, COUPONS, And Bankable Paper. Collections made in all tirof the United State.. Special attentioa to lections and Remittances' Interest on time Deposits. (Ten from 9a. m.to bp. m. (3y17-1y ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY OF ERIE, PA. Cash Capital $250,000 00 Asssets. Oct 9 '7l, 311,948 29 Liabilities, - - - —l2OO 00 0. NOB I 4 President; J. P. VINCENT, Vice Pt. H. W. WOODS, Treasurer; Tucks. F. GOODRICH, Secretary, _DIRECTORS: Hon. 0 Noble, , Erie Hon. Gao. B. Delanieter, J W Hammond," ' do • • 'lteadVille, Pa. Hon Belden Marvin, do Hon J P Vincent, Erie Hiram Daggett, do Henry Rawle do Charles H lteed, do , U T Churchill do II 9 Southiut, do Capt J 8 Richards do W B Sterrett, doißichard O'Brian, do H W Noble, • do P H Gibbs, do J Znglehart, do John R Cochran, do J H. •T.. eil, do II Hartiebb, do W H Abbott, Titusville. Capt D P Dobbins, do Jno Fertig, Titusville. Policies issued at fair rates and liberal terms. Insures against damage by Lightning as well as Fire. CHAS. B. uvusT, Rochester. Pa_ Dec. 20, 1871; ly Homes Still Larger FOR THE MILLION ! Rare opportunities are now offered for securing homes in a mild. healthy, and congenial climate, for one-third of their value five years hence. THE NATIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY has for sale real estate of every description, locat ed in the Middle and Southern States; improved etoc.t, grain and fruit farms; rice, sugar and cot ton plantations; timber and mineral lands ; city, village, and rural residence. and businer stands; mills and mil sites; factories, &c. FF Write for Land Register containing description, location, price and terms of pro erties we have for sale. Address—B. W. Cl , * XS t CO. The National Real Estate Agency, 477 and 479 Thin& Avenue, Washington, D. C. mayB-tf COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE and having a delightful view of the Ohio river and surrounding country; 1 mile from R. R. Sta._ don: house brick, two stories high, 4 rooms, attic, hall, cellar, porch, etc.; all finished; wash.honse, smoke-house. well of water at the kitchen door, new barn and stable with ,cellar. Nice paling fence in front of property; aft well painted; good orchard in bearing condition, grapes. plumbs, cherries, gooseberries, and all kinds of small fruit. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on the premises to the owner, J. M. GRAHAM. Wanted immediately, four active, energetic men to act as Agent@ for the `*NEW" WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE in this county. Only such men as can give good reference as to character and ability, and furnish a Bond need apply. We will pay guaranteetisalaries, or liber al commissions, to proper men. Only such men as really desire to enter the business need apply. WM. SUMNER & CO., No. 140 Wood St., Pitts burgh, Pa. Imar6o AVOID QIIACRS AND IMPOSTORS. No Charge for Advice and Consultation• Dr. J. B. Dyott, Graduate of JAffeNion ifedicat Ccllige, Philadelphia. author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which he has made an especial study) either in male or female. no mat ter from what cause originating or of how long standing. A - practice of 30 Tears enables him to treat disease with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at -a distance can for ward letters describing synaptcuni and enclosing stamp to prepay postage .2/ Send for the Guide to , Health, Price 10 cents. J. BJDYOTT. M. D , Phyeician and Surgeon, febs.lyl 104 Duane St.. New York. T.J.CHANDLEII 9 Intist, rtil continues perform &H opera s dental pro. don at his office, wet station. ftochee . All who favor him th a call - may expect, lave their work done in the hest possible manner and the most reason able terms. The books of the late firm of T. J. CHAND• LER tt SON are in his hands. where all who have accounts will please call immediately and settle the same. me.yl'72;3y. 1878. gnOilles6 givertats. - - - - .4 - ---- FRESDOM. T OCKRELRT, Dn. J. R. -1,14 VAN?, ORT. ALLEGIMNT CITY. DR.J.S.WINANS,EIectricaI Physician; Chronic diacasog made a specialty, o2ce, 187 Wash inzton &Venni,. :411.iher17 City, Pa.> sepl4;ly BUSCELLANEO I / 8 . Beavei Savings Bank BEAVER, PA. DEALERS IN SITUATED 1-2 MILE BELOW BEAVER, Agents Wanted. J. H. McCnsinir, Taos. MeeEmmy, Cilia'? --OF marsAl BURNELL'S illitit PARLOR MENAGERIE 5030'70 THEATOREVI! Open Day and Evening, all ut THE CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE Op IiMUSBNIINT IN TAB CITY SLY PERFORMANCES from the Stage, Witty TWO IN TRE FORENOON, TWO IN \TILE AFTERNOON, I. TWO•LN 71113 EVENING. Doors open from S o'clock in the MOinirt. til 10 o'clock at ni,pt. 'Admission to all, only 25 cents,'Etu When 'visiting the city, cum,: t Lail to r. i3VRNELUS MUSEUM, sth Ave., between Wood and Smithfield Ste , mar373•ls Black and Gold Front, GEORGE W. BIGGS No. 159 SMITHFIELD ST. FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Optical and Fancy Goods, &c. PITTSBURGH, PA. FINE WATCH REPAIRING, Please cut this advertisement out and bring it with you. je14.17 BARNUM'S HOTEL, Cor. Broadway and Twentieth Street. NEW YORK. On Both American and European Piet. Complete with all modern improvements; rooms en suite and single; private parlors, baths, elevir tors, &c. Location unsurpassed, being in te very centre of fashion and brilliant New Tort life. In proximity to Chinches and , places of Amusement. and Lord & Taylor's, Arnold Constables' and J. & C. Johnston's Dry Goods palaces. The hotel is under the management of A. 8. Barnum, formerly of Barman's hotel, Balti more; L N, Green, of Dayton, Ohio, and recency of New York, and Freeman Barnum, of Barnum Hotel, St. Louis. itag47-9.: NEW CARPETS. A Very Large Stock IMPOETBD AND DOMESTIC CARP ETS, Oil Cloths, &re. LOW PRICED CARPETS WHOLESALE and RETAIL HENRY McCALLUM, 51 FIFTH AVENUE, ,72..-x-20331ErattJ sir seplB;ly Knabe & Co.'s Pianos, HAINES BROS.' PIANOS, and GEO. A. PRINCE & CO.'S ORGANS , The three best and most popular Inetramecw ihow in the market. Catslogrue and Price `houtaining full particulars. mailed to any addree CHARLOTTE BLUME, 19 Sixth Avenue. Pittrburgh, Ps. SOLE AGSST apea-em CLOTHING STORE. NEW GrOabSi WIN*ER STOCK. The undersigned takes pleasure icon forming his friends and the public gee' ally that he has just \received and opece A New Stock of. Goods, OF THE tA'TEST STYLES FOR Fall. and 7''inter Wear , He keeps the best of workmen in hi.' employ, and feels confident of his ability to cut and make up garments both FASHIONABLE & DURABLE. and in such a manner as will please b:i GENTLEMEN'S MUM GOON ALWAYS ON HAN.D ata and see - us before lean' vg Yo f Orders Elsewhere . WILLIAM REICII. may4;7o;ty Bridgewater, Pi XX • WS PHOTOGRAPHER nov6tf B tut Advertisements. AND Year, PITTSBURGH, PA Four doors above Sixth Ave. Of every kind, (Near Wood Street) customers
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