I TEE BEAVER ARGUS AND RADICAL. BEAVER. PA.. Wednesday horning Oct. Bth 1873 REPUBLICAN 'TICKET. STATE. JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT, ISAAC G. GORDON, Jefferson County ESTATE 'TREASIIBIIII, St. W. MACKEY, Allegheny County DISTRICT AND COUNTY. Assembly.. - S. J. CROSS. Beaver county. • JONATHAN ALLISON, Wingi4agton coanty. A. tkOAWBBLL, Butler county, TA4 I 3IcIEBB, Butler county. Prothonotary. 0. A. IMAM, Bridgewater:- - - ,Treasstrer• wigs a. YA i 1 g Nem stightoi._. Commissioner G. STIROADES, Noon tp. Jury Commissioner. JOBS WILSON, Chippewa tp. . Poor House Director. SAILUEL 31c3IANAMY, Economy tp. Auditor. J. F. ' CULBE:RTSON. South Beaver tP. Trustees of Academy. IL B. IMBRIE, Beaver. P. L. GRIM. New Galilee. THE GREAT PANIC. In the prevailing panic among the banking institutions of our country, there is one feature in the losses be ing-sustained, that should receive more than ordinary attention. It is that of-the laboring classes, who de posit their savings in such institu tions, for their safe keeping, and their accommodation by the regular interest allowed. In noticing the several suspensions from time to e, the paragraph may have been aciticed in the bulletins and press of the country, that `the government is secured against loss' wherever its accredited agentspay have had dealiSgs, but in no it,se has it been stated that the depositors were in any-_ way abpolutelyrselow:e4 Irpm len; the geSr..# l ..iiii:Was, r*e depositor- #l...4:774Y:Aftire—at erVarf 41114 - i''iri . P ii.44"iiiic earner ,the savings banks, , the poor man's banks, it would seeM; ought to af ford as absolute : sedulity as is possi ble in the present-state of business, flaunting as they do, their advertise- menus in , the face of the people, that -their security is 'either in first lien •n real estate, or personal liability of their board of directors or stock holders,_who are generilly- men of large means and strict integrity. In many cases, their asservations of individual liability /cc. form as good seearity as can usually be bad. But Whea we see this class of banks, .failing from the defalcations of their trusttd and honored officers, is it any wonder tittles people begin to look with suspicion on every form of bank security offered them ? When cashiers and bank clerks, on a barely living salary assume the tole and practice the habits of their wealthy associates, and end their .career. in -thj3_defakatioa ofthe9 peo ple's money and their own ruin, the people who bear_ the blunt of life for -scarcely a living, must not be blamed for asking for a safer place for the deposit of their money. We make no sweeying : . charge azainst our bankers, In am own county, a more perfectly reliable dais of busi- - _offs men cannot be found than they, -tut we simply desire to raise the qne,3tion whether there cannot be devised a system of banking where people may be safe. If the Gov ernment can be secured against loss, why not the depositors? If the na tional banks are so established an d conducted that the government is secure no matter what may be the adversities of the banks, it would seem possible that some system might be devised, to give the same /security to the weakest depositor in it. We have somewhere seen the *abject of National Savings Banks -discussed. If we remember oor-' e otly, the plan was to establish them at convenient points through. -out the country, where deposits would be received on a fair interest, and the national government would bold itself responsible for every dol lar so deposited. Thus no deposit -4w need ever lose a dollar. Proba bly not so much interest would be paid as is customary, but whatever amount might be promised would be paid. A low rate . of interest with -undoubted security is certainly more to be desired, than a large interest - Where there is a constant risk of loping both principal and Interest e deem this question worthy of the most serious attention of our 1 legislators and financial leaders. A branch offiee might be located at _ every Post .office, where the gurney order system is now in operation, or wherever there is a neighboatood sufficiently populous to maintain a Post office ~ at a salary of not_, less thaw one tkonsand dollars per year. would e accommodate the great majority of the people. Let- pach office have sufficient number of em plortes fair remuneration to properly transact the business with in it, and every one of them be held strictly accountable, by a sufficient bond, to thii Post office department. We have now the check (money or .; de - r)' system which is one part of banking, and we need but the ad dit)on of re - ceivieg - Aeposits, which should be placed to o tle credit of the depbsitor fo'r the use of the govern ment. Of course these - banks would not do any brokerage business; would not loan money to any one; simply receive the money fPr the use of the government, whicli.would pay inter est for them:me, and return it to the depositors on their order. Cannot some good plan far such a system be deviseds - h is the highest privilege of a citizen to vote, ati4l , the duty is portant, and can not be neglected cv4out soltie harm resulting there from. POSTMASTER'STE W A RT. The defalcation and arrest of Post master Ste art, of,. :Pittsburgh, on a charge of embezztg thirty thous and dollarrof Government money, ptiaduced ttiTeater - -sensation there, an in adjOiningnenties than did eventhe fare of Jay Cooke & Co. 4itogettter it isitre saddest fall of a i iinblic officer it litir ever been our duty to *ord. 'For years Col. Stewart onc e upled a...prominent posi ti.‘i in Allegheny county. He serv ed one tern as Sheziff of that county 144 was probably - the most popular officer thaOas filled the position for many years. Aftet the expiration orhis term, Governor Curtin ap pointed State-agent at Wash in on City _, and he , acqnitte& him self in thaVposition. with credit to the State as well as himself. : T, Gen. Grant appointed him Postmaiter at Pittsburgh sooa after his first in -, auguration, with the approVal of leading men of both parties and of the citizens in general. During the tory yearche filled that office, no ru mor of irregularity reached the pub lic ear, and be was generally regard ed as a faithful and accommodating officer. tt:seems however, be used the public money for private purpo ses, and when called upon by the Government, could not pay over the amount inlis hands. He has _prop erty valued at one hundred thous and dollars, and neither the Govern ment or his bondsmen will lose a dollar. Other, _and more serious charges 'are brought`against. him, all of which however, he indignant ly denies. For the sake of his fami ly and friends, we trust the state ments of himself and Col. Anderson, Deputy Postmaster, may prove to be true. ..The Presbyterian Banner lost heavily oio nt to the irregular ities„of the office yet' the Iditors state they never believed Col. Stew art guilty of any criminal act or in tent. The case will be tried in th e United States court in November, and if Stewart is found guilty, much as we sympathise with him and his friends, we hope he will be punished to the full extent of the law. Defalcations are becoming painfully frequent, and the only rem edy is to enforce the law, and pun ish all offenders alike. TEE friends of the Democratic candidate for commissioner are as serting that the commissioners have control of the Poor House and of the funds necessary to support that in stitution. Every intelligent man knows tliii - to'be false. - The Poor House is controlled abeoliftely by the Poor Directors, and Shroads as commissioner will have ng more to do with it, than he has as a private citizen. TEE Vigilance committees in the several election districts in the coun ty, are requested to send in the re turns on election night, or telegraph them to Capt. Hamilton, chairman of county committee. TITE MMUS - AND ItADICALT - WEIMSDAY, OCTOBER, 8, 1873. THE VIGILANCE COMMITTEES. Thele haileetrsappOinted: a Vigi lance committee in each election district- We .takz_lt`,6i-granted that these committees have not been idle;that they have done what they conldb The moat important Work is yet to be done however, and we hope, : that-theso l coTmittfieti Nv4l-be equal - to '..the- occasion. - Organize such committees in each school dis trict if necisisit, 4 stir VI; the Luke wqm, appeal . to the indifferent, and tent foor of the success of the Republican party at the approaching,. contest. ; Also make early arrangements for 4ting 'otif the entire vote. tet eih committee man be at the Polls and vote early in the day and then roll up his sleeves and go to work in eairrest.: _ : _ S AltrEL hilLtweary of Economy township is known to most of the Republicans in the county. Ever since the tirganitiatfon of `the party, he has been thel Republican wheel horse in Econo-, . Be is an honest hard working f \.er and just the man' to elect Po • o use director. He should have at least one thous and majority. Democrats in differ'ent parts of the county are already proposing to vote - apart-of the Republican' ticket providing they can secure votes for Hurst land Patton by 4oingsd. On election day this will be attempted in every election . district in the county in the inte est of Capt. Hurst especially. We trust Repub licans will be on their guard and .expiose every' offer of the knd. No man on the Republican ticket is in danger if Republicans only vote the straight ticket. No Republican candidate Will thank a friend for se curing ,him k vote r at the expense of another candidate -on hid tizk6t. The right way is to vote the whole Re 1,140; lit 4 'lc p - 1 1 can't vote it all, scratch off S ename of the candidate you 'decline to vote for, and let that part remain a blank. Don't trade or bargain v o tes with the enemy. WHAT shall be our majority on State tikeit . .:11,42piablicate an swer next Tuesday evening at Headquarters in Beaver. Tull Democratic Central Commit tee of San Francisco, California, in tend. ,tik , presgnt T fprmal charges . againetionator Catmerlolemocrat ic Senator from_ that State at the next session of the:Unita Stiatei Senate for securing his election by bribery. The committee-c gatge that \ he paid one hundred thousand dollars in gold to secure' his election, and aver their ability to prove it: These rogues . having fallen out, the Senate will be furnished with evidence sufficient to justify : , the expulsion of another scoundrel. ) Jos. F. CumormrsoN our candidate tor Aiitil;or., and . R. $. Imbibe, and P. B.:Grini banilidates for . Trustees' of Academy are good !nen well qual if.d for the pos4ion for*.whisb. , they were nominate k and &stub! .get',ev ery Republican vote. AT the adjoitmed court in 1 . 3 ea ver last week, Judge Acheson de cided the case of the Commonwealth vs. Mueller a distiller; indicted for selling liquor .corttrary..to law ) in fa vor .of - the defendant. The Judge held that distillers and brewers could manufacture and sell in quan tities not less than one gallon at their warehouses, notwithstanding the prohibitory law. We find no fault with the decision, and it is doubtless right, although the makers of the law understood it quite dif ferently. There is no know ing4 what the law is, in these days, until a Judge it erprets it for us, and it is fortunat for the country that all Judges re generally wise- and hon est men ONz aundred and thirty three members of the Constitutional Con vention are drawing Salary out of the State Treasury. Less than half that number are honestly at tending to their duties,and the Con vention is embarrassed almo,skdaily for want of a quorum. A list of the absentees should be published. The people want to know who are respon sible for the waste of time by th 6 Convention, and the consequen t 1 - waste of public money. NO TRADING. PERSONAL. ERnETT says Gordon will not lose one thouiand Republican votes in Philadelphia. Good if true AUDITOR GENERAL ALLEN has a vacant clerkship in his office, and has from one to ten thousand ap plicants for the position. Co 4 A. 11.11?Curns, J. C. Bom berger, esq. and Robert Morris esq . leading Liberths last year, will all rote for Mackey: TT Mum is giiing Webb a hard fight in Bradford' county. This in dicates that . ifie:friends of diTision have more strength there than was anticipated. Cot. ED. ,•Nzoizy - hati --bein ap pointed Postmaster at Pittsburgh in room of Stqwart, swinenil4.4. •-• ••••• `•.- • Tais is a victory for Ulu" Gitzetk, aud Telegr,ph over the Commercial. HAS said-Harry Oliver, - Iron man ufacturer, will succeed Gen. Negley in congress from the Pittsburgh ~ Negley voted for the Sal ary grab, and is of course out of the gght.,. AFT ; EII the. October election the offices ,in Beater county eaepting aseociate Judge Will all be ` fitied with young men. 411 will be under forty and generally under thirty-five.: No county in the_;'State has more effi cient, ormore accommodating offi cers 'either. - EMI MEYERS and Harmer, members of congress from Philadelphia, were throivit into thei(ame district in the new apportinment, and there is a, lively fight brewing betweeen them for the .succession. Myers has been • • in congress-tivelye years,andllarmer four. There is little doubt Harmer will win theifight as he always does. Tag fight in fluntington i county bet Ween the. Scott and Woods' fac tions of the Republican party is at qacting the •attent ion- of :the-,politi clans all over the State. In the event of the defeat of Senator Scott s -friend for the Legislature, there will be a coot* for his seat in 1874. Western Pennsylvania will present a number Of candidates, a nd Hon. - John Allison, 4ate of Beaver now of Mercer coirtity- will 'otart ahead in the race. HAVING voted a straight Demo cratic ticlkfit. :fittest: . years with out spliting once, Capt. Hurst would laugh heartily after the elec tion,att any . .j4publican voting for him; -There-is :litile dialer howev er that this oppnrtunity will be af forded him, as the Republicans have concluded wpraotice his ,rple and so far as he i 8 cOnceinea vote a straight ticket. THE ARGUS-, AND RADICAL , was mistaken in the statement that the §tipervisors of Big Beaver Town ship were hostile to the special road law passed for that' township. They favored the law and endeavored to carry out its provisions in good faith. The majority of the citizens who voted at the election however, were in favor of repeal, and hence the law was repealed. THERE are three tickets to be vo ted this year. First Judiciary, Second State, and Third County. On the Judiciary ticket there will be the name of Isaac G. Gordon, fo7 supreme Judge only. On the State, Robert W. Mackey for Treasurer. And the county ticket will embrace the naive of all the other 'candidates. THIS is probably the last time we shall ever have Democratic candi dates for office.' The party is dying, the name is offensive, and the organ ization is In a state of decomposi tion. It must become manure for another party, and the sooner the better. THE reports from all parts of the State indicate that there will be an overwhelming victory for our gide. Republieans, what shall be the rec ord of,Beaver county? SnaoADs is gaining strength ev ery day and will be elected by a large majority if the active Repub licans of the several districts do their duty on election day. Exam= your ticket on thed ay of election, and be sure that the right names are printed thereon. OUR candidate fur Treasurer is every inch a man. - Vote for him. POLI7ICAL. —Mr. Gaston has accepted, the nomina tion tor Governor of Masiachusetts offer ed, him by the Democrats. —lt it confidently asserted that the Chief Justiceship of the United States _Supreme Court , has not beep tendered to any one. • —Governor Eartranft has appointed -Francis Wells, of Philadelphia, Commis sioner of Public Charities, to succeed Dr. Wilmer Worthington deceased. —A report from sait Law City says that George Q. Cannon, the Utah delegate 16 Congress, has secretly secured divorces from his three wives. —The Cambria Democratic County Committee met in Ebensburg Monday and nominated John Brady, Esq., of Johnstown, for Coroner, in place of R. H. Binger, resigned. —Miss Mary A. Whiteside, formerly a teacher in one •of the Chicago public echools, hos been nominated by the Re. publican Convention of Peoria county for the office of County Superintendent of achoola: —The Post Office - Department w ill pay out $1,000,000 during the week to con tractors for the mail service of the last quarter. The whole disbursments on this account for that quarter will be $6,000,- 000. The preparation of the warrants is going on rapidly. —The Commission for the Improve ment of the Ohio river met in Louisville last week. Gen. J. K. -Moorhead, George H. Thurston, Gen. Thomas J. Powers and Joseph Walton, the Pennsylvania mem bers, lett the city on Monday to be pres ent at the sitting. —At the ensuing election in New York an important question of State policy will be determined by the vote upon a pro posed constitutional amendment provid ing for the appointm6nt, by the Gover nor, of the judges of all the courts in the State. Hitherto they have been elect ed by the people. —The report that Hon. Alfred C. Har mer has purchased a half-interest in the Press is renewed by the Frankfort' Herald. It says that the arrangement was made some weeks ago, and goes into effect on the first of October. The paper is to be made more decidedly Republican tinder th7arrangement. overnor Hartranft has appointed Francis Wells, Esq., editor of the Phila delphia Evening Bulletin, a member of the Board of Public Charities for the va cancy occasioned by the death of Hon. Wilmer Worthington. This is an excel appointment and one that meets the ap proval of the Press 'generally, regardless of politics. —Hon. L. D. Woodworth, Republican member of Congress from the Mahoning District, Ohio, has refused to accept the increased pay and draws his salary at the old rate monthly. He occupies the right position, and can consistently vote for the repeal of the law. Are there any others in this position ? If so the people would like to know it. Who speaks next? —A proposition is eau& to be engraft ed upon the Michigan State Constitution consisting of a clause which permits the legislature to authorize five-sizths ver dicts in criminal cases, or, in other words, to make the finding of ten of the jury equal to the present unanimous verdict of the entire twelve. —Ex•Vice President Colfax addressed a country fair at Coldwater, Michigan, last week, at which he claimed that the best way to secure low freight was to build a national double track rail road from ocean to ocean, put the same under government management and thus remove it from "disturbance-by local laws." —Tbe Harrisburg Patriot bases its cal culations of a Democratic victory at the approaching election on the hope that twenty-five per cent. of the Republican voters of the State will stay away from the polls. We don't belieVe in the !mai bility of such a thing. The Democratic voters are quite as likely as the Republi cans to absent themselves from , the polls this year. But we must not trust to this for a victory. —Of the State Senators to be elected this fall three are to replace Republicans and eight to replace Democrats. Tbe three Republican districts are sure; but of the Democratic districts no less than five are close and uncertain. We shall probably get two or three of them. The House of Representatives will not differ much in politics from that of last year, in which the Republicans had nearly two thirds. - • —A writer in a Western Massachusetts paper, wishing to cast oil upon the troub led waters of Bay State politics, puts to the public the following conun drums "Is Benjamin F. Butler the nine hundred and ninety-nine -billion horse power devil, the superlatively black hearted, incarnate demon, the bloody, murderoUs Thiig-that men and newspapers proclaim him to be, or not? Is Governor Washburn the purest and most unspotted specimeu of human clay that mother Na ture ever fashioned into the form of man ? 14 If compelled to answer or go to jail, we should say by no manner of means not. We presume that Gov. Washburn will readily admit that there have been better men than he is, and that Mr. Butler, if closely pressed, will allow that there have been, and perhaps still are, worse men than himself. if be should prove too cutlet ited to make the concession, then we have nothing more to say. SERI iM ~ 1 —A reporter:of the' Washington Stqr has interviewed the "head center" of th Grangers, Mr. Dudley W. Adams, of lowa now in 'Washington. Mr. AA:anas says the impression that the organization will take a prominent part in Politi cs i s a PoPLIar misapprehension. As Grangers, be say s - thecannot partitipate in any politic a l movement, for the reason that the eonsti. tution of the order expressly prohibits the discussion of either political Or religious topics in the granges. - - Herman Yerkea was nominated at Bethlehem last Thursday as the Democratic candidate for Senator. The local opposition to him wa s slight ; and on the final ballot he received the solid support of Bucks county and nine votes from Northampton. There , was some hostile feeling in Northampt on county to a Bucks county candidate, bat it is not probable that there will be auy open demonstration of it at the election. With a solid Democratic majoritj of near ly 3000 behind him in Northampton county the prospect that Mr. Yerkes will go to the Senate la pretty good. He is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, and a faith ful adherent to the Ross dynasty, but is personally good-natured and obliging, —The Democratic party may be set down among the things that were but are not. If any doubt is enter tained as to its disbandment, it will be dispelled by a perusal of the following resolution which was adopted by the (;on voodoo of September 24: Resolved, That the Liberal Republican and Democratic parties, in State Conven tion assembled, willing to forego all party predilections for the general welfare, and to join with patriotic citizens of all par ties to rescue the State :sad Nation from their great peril, deem it best, in the pres ent emergency, to make no nominations cif a strictly party character, hilt recom , mend ° all Democrats and Liberal Rept:lbl, cans to yield a cordial support to the nom ineei3 of the Owatona Convention. —Hon. Robert Townsend, a Nebraska Probate Judge, has recently taken some pains to ascertain, as far as possible from official sources; the laws of all the States concerning the intermarriage of whites and blacks. The Omaha Republican, putt liabing the results of his ingsiries, says that such intermarriages are now valid in New York, New Hampshire, 'Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylva nia, Wisconsin, Minnesota, lowa, Kansas, New Jersey, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and the District of Columbia Maine, Michigan and Illinois report that, although they have prohibitory statutes, yet the law with them is a dead letter, and that "such marriages frequently or cur." The gentleman replying from Con- necticat said': "There II no law in tVis State that prohibits the iatertnarriage of whites ana blacks, unless - Abe blacks ob ject." —The Northanipton coubty Republican Convention met on the 27th, and nomi nated the following ticket : Asembly— H. Stanley Goodwin, Richard Camden ; Clerk of Quarter Sessions—Uriah J. Wen ner ; Treasurer—Charles L. Whitesell Commissioner—Jacob Odenwelder ; Poor Director—Capt. John Laubach ; Auditor—Joseph Engler; Jury Commis sioner—Thomas Royer. The following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That we, the Republicans of Northampton county, In convention met, do earnestly request Republican members of our next Legislature to use all honorable means to secure the passage of a law, that if any person, or any bank- ing or chartered institution loan money at a higher rate than established by law they shall forfeit principal and interest ti) borower. And in addition, that if any banking or chartered institution loan or discount money at a higher rate than that established by law they shall forfeit their charter. —ln a lengthy article on the politic 4; situation wherein considerable allusion is made to the recent financial disturbance , the Philadelphia Transcript says : "There is really and truly no tangible opposition to the Republican party in Philadelphia today, Under Mayor Stokley the coal- triunity is assured of peace, order, - safety, and law. Under City Treasurer Piri.4ner, who entered upon his office when the city credit was shattered and cripple' and in disgrace, our finances have pond to the front rank—city warrants bare been brought to par. In fact there is nr): a stain or blemish in the present adwini , trat ion of city affairs. What then follows It is likely that the people who are inter ested in good government, who look to the law for protection to their persov and property, is it likely that they wi risk an established good for the ephemer al and doubtful experience of a change? We put the question simpirto those have homes and families and busire-: 4 calling to commaiid their care, and who hold a pride in the absolute cbaractersnd coming future of the city. There is and can he but one answer. We 'are tFrxet! but we bare a government. We are taxed• but we have improvements in extenFi e water facilities, sewer extensions, and a 1 the vast and essential improvements in- cident to tne growth of a city. We are -taxed, and we pay our debts: 'We refial• tam our credit, and we find wotection at home and and abroad. We were taxed before we had these bleasingo, and we can stand a little taxation now all the better for tUem. —The Republicans have polled Virgin' is, and claim a msjority at the approach ing election of 8,840.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers