The Argus and radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1873-1903, October 08, 1873, Image 2

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In the summer of 1867. after a prolong
ed course of US81:111 steppes, Crimean
hill-sides, Mor ,I'w churches, §tyt,.'eters
burg boulev ids, Finnish tikes,: : And
Swedish forests, I found myseirat Berlin,
and during tilislirst week of my staff was
busy front deist to dtisk:in ezihesting,
with the systematic industry of the gen•
nine Britsb tourist, the "sights" of that
methodical city, which Mr. Mu:ray's
"Koran," in red binding, politely defines
as "an Oasis of brick amid a Sahara of
lir;0/ 6 in'staryitig e ail the minutim
of thiii iiifyrclayed ci vi I leation - -wh ich ap
0e*,14 iite the national army,
in le a , ..t0 the music of the "Pas de
Jest ae tot : 11aitini; fever was begin
'ping to abate, a slight service, rendered
in a pouring wet day in the park, brought
Me into oloiit relations with a pleasant
•looking elderly German, who had fre
quently crossed my rambles, and more
than-once halted to exchan , z,e a few words
with me in the frank, open-hearted fash
ion of the hospitable Teutonic race. Our
acquaintance, however, was still in em
bryo, when, on the day of-which I am
speaking, the old man, having taken
shelter under a thinly , foliaged tree, was
in a fair way to be thoroughly drenched,
I came to the rescue with my umbrella.
Observing that he had got wet through
before gaining his impromptu refuge, I
- insisted upon taking him to my lodgings
(which were close at hand), and drying
him thoroughly before I let him go; his
own residence, as I found on inquiry, be
ing at a considerable distance. The old
man's gratitude knew no bounds, and
next morning he reapp4ared with a hos
pitable smile upon his broad face. an
nouncing that he had told "his folk" of
my kindness to •him, that his "Efausfran"
and his "kleine Gretchen" wished to
thank me tbemsehree; that, in short, I
must come and eat tea-cakee with the 4
that very tvening, and s.nnke a German
pipe afterwards, which Herr Holzmann,
in common with the maj•,rity of his coon•
trymen, regarded as the acme of human
felicity. In. -order to secure himself
sgainstany evasion, be added, with a res•
4 olute air, that, as I might possibly !me my
way, he wouli come and fetch me him.
Punctual as death or a collector of
water rates, Herr Heinrich Holzman pre
sented himself at the time appointed, and
marched me off in triumph to a neat, com
fortable-looking little house on the south
ern side of the town with a small garden
in front (if it. Th?... garden VV-Ii of the in
variable German type; the same trim lit=
tle fi iwe7-beds, accurate as regiments on
parade; the same broad gravel walk, laid
ca l l:, with m Lthematical recul trity; the
same trellis work PUTIIMPf-hqll'le festooned
with creepers at the turther end, and the
same sm 111 table in the centre of it, are
mounted by a corpulent teapot of truly
domestic proportions, presided over in
thi, case by two female figures, who, on
our approach, came forward to greet us,
and are introthiced to me by my host as
his wife and daughter.
Frau Holzman (or, as her husbanc! calls
her, Liecehen) is a buxom. motherly, ac
tive-looking woman, apparently about
fifty years of age, with that snug fireside
expression (suggestive of hot tea-cakes
and well aired sheets) characteristic of the
well-to-rio German matron, but a close cb
server may detect on the broad, smooth
forehead, in these round, rosy cheeks, the
faint but indelible impress of former tri
als and sufferings; and through. the ring
of her voice, full atid cheery though it is,
runs an undertone of melancholy that
would seem to tell of a ti ne in the far
distant past whet such sa lness was only
too habitual. The daughter, Maxgarethe
—or Gretchen, as her parents call her—
who may be abut eighteen, is one of
those plu m biting dim:els, with chin a
blue eyes a-id tr•-te.l- c)1 )red heir, who
never appear xitbout a minature of
Schiller oa :heir neck, aid a pips r of
prunes in thcir ;»;:ket, aid wh ), after
flowing on for a whole evening in a
steady, cana'-like current of sentiment,
NCI sup upon sucking pig and apricat
jam with an appetite of which Dando, the
oyster eater, might hive been j i tl;
proud. B )th welclme me with true G , r.
man cordiality, and overwhelm me with
thanks fir my courte:sv to the hea I of the
family, reproaching him at the sam e time
or bringing me in before they have c im
pleted their prep rar,oas, and made
everything comfortable for me; to give
time for whico little operation, Herr
Zeinrich marches in int) 3 trim lit 1.1:
dicing-room opening upon the qirden.
and thrusts me into an easy chair and a
pair ckfe.asy slippers, while I take a h isty
survey of the chamber into which I have
been thus suddenly usherel,
It is one of thr,se snug, cozy little
rooms, spotless in cleanlineqs and faultless
in comfort, immortalized by Washington
Irving in his description of the Dutch set
,tlements in North Ain
erica. Ti,e Et or
j'L.e 4 ,Q2irror: tbn tasteful gr een
a d 1-I.C'Et p t •
ip ( which deliths fully
free _ ftt..,;,trg wea.her) --erns
9T frrs:s
as the day it WAS p'ii on: while the broad,
we stuffed sofa, w h.' , Ch takes up nearly
one whole side of the rnom, .seems just
made for the brawny beaten-c.Dde of 'tome
portly German burgher, or rite
rol.y-pooly limbs of his'.:n b ig ba
bies. Above the chimney piece, along
which stands the usual china shspherJ.
uses, "Presents from Dresden," and
busts of Qiethe 4121(1 Schill t, Lings a sta
ring. itiztily colored medley of fire, smoke,
tl;_ . Li e ua:form:, rearing horses,
and overturned cannon, which some crab
bed Teutonic letters beneath it proclaim
to be,,"Dia..l3chlacht bie Kentliggiu: r tz, 8,
tilli, 18 ~,while facing it froms the
i s
* fiifa ir t ii-ra
_er ne4l7 done ws SOW"
l i
, wi d n u - fair-haired . laci,th sis
i (sett!, u tna
r, berskl • riightlyl guess
to be .IDs est's . "Win( eon . Wiliam (a
household ward in his father's month,)'
now on garrison duty at Spandau.
- - I\
But the object which especially attracts
my attracts my attention is a tall, grim
bureau of dark-oak, in the farther corner
beyond the fire•place, decorated wi;l2
those quaint old German carvings which
carry one back to the streets of Narem•
berg and the house of Albrecht Durei., ,
PA4.47;04P4, 4144 4 i ,Ad P:e , in0)1 1 0
untrammeled freedotn, shoulder Ciishoul:
der, like officers in the centre of a hol
low square, with `all the beasts of the
earth formed in close order around them,
and the tree of knowledge standing op
like a sign-post in the rear. There the
huge frame of Goliath, smitten by the fa
tal stone reels over like a falling tower,
threatening to' crush into powder the
swarm of diminuatiie Philistines who
hop about in the background. There ap•
pear the chosen twelve, with faces curi
ously individualized, In spite of all the
roughness of the carving, and passing
through every gradation, from the soft,
womanly teatures of the beloved disciples
to the bearded, low-bred, ruffianly visage
of him "which also was the traitor."
And there the persecutor Siul, not yet
transformed into Paul the Apostle
tsheathed in steel from top to toe, armed
with a sabre that might have suited Blue.
beard himself, and attended by a squadron
of troopers armed cap-a-pie), rides at full
gallop past the gate of Damascus on his
errand of destruction.
' The bureau must be a very old one,"
remarked I, tentatively.
"Wise indeed; but' that's not why we
value it," answers. the old man, with
kindling eyes. "That bureau is the most
precious thing we have; and there's a
story attached to it which will never be
forgotten in our family, I'll answer for it.
I'll tell you the story one of these days,
bit not to-night, for we musn'ispoil our
pleasant evening by any sad recollections.
And here, in good time, comes Lieschen
to WI! us that tea's reedy."
I wi l l not tantalize my readers with a
catalogue of the good cheer—which heap
ed the table; suffice it to say, the meal was
one that would have tempted the most
"notorious evil liver" that ever returned
incurable from Calcutta, and seasoned
with a heartiness of welcome which would
'have made far poorer fare acceptible.
Fresh from reminiscences of "frlermann
and Dorothea," I could almost have irn
agined myself in the midst of thitt finest
domestic group of the great German ar
tist. The hearty old landl 'rd of the
G Ilen Lion, and his "kluge ver stindige
Illusfrau," were before me to the lite
the blue eyed Madchen, who loaded my
plate with tea cakes, might, with the ad•
dition of a little dignity, have made a
very passable Dorothea; while "brother
Wilhelm," had he been there, would have
represented my ideal Hermann quite fair
ly. Nor was the "friendly chat„ wanting
to complete the picture. The old man,
warming with the presence of a new list
ener, lauhched into countless stories of
his 601 tier son, who, young as he was, had
already smelt powder on more than one
hard fought field, during the first short
fever of the seven weeks' war. Frau Lis
beth, who was an actual mine of those
quaint old legends which are nowhere
more perfect than ivi"Ot , rnaaciy, poured
forth a series of tabs which would have
made the fortune of any "Christmas Num
ber" in Britain; while the young lady,
though rather shy at first, shook off b. r
bashfulness by degrees, and asked a thous
and questions respecting the strange re
giens which I had recenely quitted; the
sandy wastes of the Vol - 4a, and the v(iiee
!es, s. litudes of the Din—relics of former •
gl ry whtc still cling around ancient Ka
zri—wicker•work shanties inhabited by
brawling Cossac'is and Crimean caverns
tenanted by Tartar peasants—battered
KPrtch and ruined Sebastopol—Odessa,
with her sea-fronting boulevard, and sack
ed Kiev, with her dim catacombs arid dia
dem of gilded towers—the barbaric spier
d..r of ancient Moscow, and the imperial
beauty of queenly Stockholm. It was
1 ate in the evening before I departed,
which I was not allowed to do without
promising once and agai i not to be long
~f returninz.
"Aid I kept my w, - Ird; for the bap•
piuesz• of this litt'e circle, sf. simple anl
npen hearted, was a real tr•••at to a rest•
1 .ss gad about like myself. rwfore the
month was at an end I had strolled around
the town with Herr Holzaiann a do 7.
time. I had partaken fully
as often of Frau Lishei b's
inexhaustibic tea-cakes; I had preserved
Fraul , in 3largaretlie, on the morning of
her eighteenth birthday, with a pair of
Russian' ear-Jrops, accompanying iny
gift (as any one in my place might well
have done) by a resounding kiss on both
cheeks, which the plump little Madchen
received as frankly as it was given. But
the relentless divinity of the scythe and
sellpd Kid, who pr,iverbially wars for no
man, at length put a period to rh_v stay in
Berlin; and one evening, a few days be
r,,.te my departure, I reminded Herr
I-V.iiririch of his promise to tell me the
history of the of I bureau which had ?it
tracted my attention. The ' 011
nothing I lath. settled film
in e ample Lorner
%I l e, note, fixed his eyes up ,n
Ek If =nlizly
the quaint old piece of futhiturl, which
formed the theme of his course, and begin
as follows:
:."You must know, hen, mein aerr;tiiat
in the year '52 business began rather
fall off with me (I was a cabinet. maker, -
you remember,) and frost., had cirius to
worse, until I thought: ; :**ollig alma,
really be dose to puirifiktterit.,to .rights:
Now jest about this tints' iii ; tilititin't: of
torles were beginning to giiittloyka the
high wages paid to foreign Workman 1,.m
Russia, and the heaps of money -that sun=
dry Germanswho had gone there froth
Breslau 'and 'Konigsberg and elsewhere
-were making in St. Petersburg andIllos
()Ow, Auc so pondered and
ave.!' .
iknd'thi j ert6
fitt'fitraatlanst begur-t ,
and tryitig MY , luck as the rest.
My wife and I talked it over, and Fettled
that it should be done ; and we were just
gettin ready to start, when one night a
message,eame that my old uncle, Ludwig
}lolzmann, of the Frei irlch-Strasse (*ho
had taken offence at my marriage, and
never looked near me since,) WhS dying,
and wanted tO)see me immediately. So
away I went—My wife wanted to v, too,
but I thought sh had better not—and
when I got there I found him lying in a
kind of adose, and nobody with him but
the doctor and the pastor, who lived dose
'S ) I sat down to wait till he awoke ;
and sure enough, in about half an hour,
his eyes opened and fell• full upon me.
He raised himself in bed—l think I eee
him now, and with the lamp-light falling
on his old, withered face, making it look
just like one of the carvings , on old
bureau, which stood at the foot 'og, the
bed—and said, in a hoarse whisper, l Hein•
rich, my lid, I've not forgotten thee, al
though the black cat has been between
us lately. When I'm dead Limn have that
bureln yonder ; there's more in it than
though thinlest ;' and he sank back with
a sort of choking laugh that twisted his
face horribly. Those were his last words,
for after that he fell into a kind of stupor
and died the same night.
"When his property came to be divid
ed, every one was surprised, for they bad
all thought him much richer. I got the
bureau, just as he said ; and, remember
ing his words about it, we ransacked each
drawer from end to end, but found noth•
ing bill two or three old letters and a roll
of tobaixo ; so we made up our minds
that he must have either been wandering
a little, or else that—God forgive him—
he had wanted to play us one more trick
before he died. In a few weeks more all
was ready for our going, and away we
went to St. Petersburg.
"When we got there, we foukd it of a'-
all ouch "(land of rJtnise as - the storier
made it out; but still there car goa_
wages hr those who could work ; and for
the first year or tw we got along well
enough. But after a while in cat a lot
of French fellows, with new-fang)ecks
of earvirtg that pleased the Russian gen
try more than our plain German fashions;
and trade began to get slack and money to
run short. Ab ! mein lierr, may you nev
er feel what it is to dad yourself sinking
lower and lower, work as bard as you
like, and one trouble coming on you after
another, till it seems as if God had forgot.
ten you."
The old hero's voice quivered with emo
tion, and an unwanted tremor disturbed
the placid countenance of his wile, while
even the sunny face of the little Frau le in
looked strangely sad.
"Well, mein Herr, we struggled on in
this way for two years longer, hoping al
ways that our lu,A w )uld turn, an.l put
ting the best face we could on it ; though
many a time when the children came to
ask me why I never brought them pretty
things now, as I 113+1i t I do at home. I
could almost have sLt down and cried. At
last the time came when we c )uld Stan d
against it no longer. There was a mane y
lender close by us, from whom we had
borrowed at higher interest than we could
afford, who was harder upon U 3 than any
one, (may it n b?, 1 to his charge
hereafter!,) (tad he, when he saw that we
were getting behind in our payments,
seized our furniture, and announced a
sale of it by auction. I re,oa.qnbsr the
night before the sale as if it was yester
day. My boy Wilhelm was very ill just
then, and no one knew whether he would
live or die ; and when my wife and I sat
by his bed that night, and io aced at each
other and thought of what was to come, I
really thought my heart would have
broken. Ah !my Lisbeth, we have indeed
been in trouble together."
As he uttered the 1 tst words the old man
clasped fervently the b-)11, brown hand
of his wife, wh.) r-turned the pressure
with interest, and, after a ;light pause,
he resumed thus:
"Oa the morning of the salt. a good
many people assembied, in t amon r the
rest came the district in:4.pector of police.
He was a land man in his way, and had
given me several little jobs to do when I
first came over; hut he was not very rich
himself, and nobody could blame him
for nil helping us when he had his own
family to think of. H )wever, I've no
doubt be came to our safe in perfect goo
faith, meaning to give the best price for
what be bought.
"Well, in he came, and the first thing
that caught his eye was the old bureau,
which stood In a corner of the room. It
seemed to take his fancy, and he went
across to have a nearer view of it_ He
began trying the grain of the N;VO(d*:—
drawing his nail ac;oes one part, rapping
n r with his knuckles—till all at
ouce I saw him stop short, bend hie Lead
down al if listening, and give another
rap against„the back of the bureau. His
face lighted up suddenly, as if had Just
fund out something he wanted to know;
and he beckoned nee to , him. 'Do you
kacw whether this bureau.. has a, sei.ret
opting; anywhere about!' 4kedlte;
the beck seems 14, sad I
bid niver noticed aiiithittg of -the fai
iudeecis had I; for, when we kind
tat the drawers were empty, we looked
arkurther. Now, however, be and I
began to search in good earnest: and Rt
litattlamr-lharttnr had_ - plehly - of
practice in: such FPprk . ( since -,14 : entered
the police, d'ukuavered alittle_ iron prong,
yik,e_acu:2ty nn frna l ,
h de. A f tot cUved .54u roe.. pressed. it,i
• -•—• t 'Labe, bureau:
flew up like the lid of a box, disclosing a
deepirllqw, in wadi lay several rackets
of banknotes and governmient shareQ,
about a dozen rimleaux of gold Freder
icks, kightly rolled up in cotton, and t
. or three jecasee, filled with vtilliatie
rings and bracelets—the whole amounting
aQ we after Wards calculated, t' more than
20,000 Prussian tbalers
"Well, you mly think how we felt,
saved as we were in the uttermost strait
by a kind of miracle; and how we blessed
the name of my ell uncle, When we saw
how truly he had spoken. The inspector
(God bless him!) refused to touch a pfennig
of the windfmll, saying he was sufficiently
rewarded by seeing so many good people
made happy; so we paid our debts, packed
up all that we had, and came back to 6ur
own folk and fatherland, never to leave
it again."
pew A drertiottnento.
For the benefit of the
$12,000 CASH GIFTS,. $1,500,000.
Every Fifth Ticket Draws a Gift.
$25Q.000 FOR 850
The Fourth Grand Gift Concert authorized by
special act of the Lezit.'stare for the benefit of the
Public! Library of Kentucky, will Like "ace n
Public Library Kull, at Louisville, Kg.,
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3d, 1873.
Only sixty thousand tickets will be sold and one.
half of these are Intended for the European mar
ket. thus leaving only 3000 for sale in the United
States where 100,000 were disposes of for the third
concert. The tickets are divided into ten conp
ons or parts and have on their back the tcheine
with a full explanation of the mode of drawing.
At this concert, which will be the grandest mu
sical display ever wit! eased in this country, the
unprecedente&snm of
divided into 12,000 cssh gifts. will be distributed
by lot among the tickt-bolders. The numbers of
the ticaets are to bb drawn rrom one wheel by
blind children and the lifts trum ahoitier
One Grand Cash Gif!
One Grand Cash Gift.... .
One Wand Cash GUI
One Grand Cash Gilt.... .
One Grand Cush Gift
10 Cash (lifts $lO.OO each
30 Cash Gifts $5,000 eaca..
50 Cash Gifts $l.OOO each..
SO Ca. 411 Gifts $5OO each . .
100 Cash Gifts $4OO each..
150 Cash Gifts $3OO each..
250 Cash (Jilts $2 , 0 each..
325 Cash Gif's $lOO each..
11,00 U Cash Gifts i 1 ,50 each
Total MOM Cash Gifts amounting t 0... t 1,500,000
The distribution will be positive. whether all
the tickets are sold or not, and th 12,000 gilts all
paid in proportion to the ticket:. 4old —Bll unsold
tickets being' destroyed as at the first and second
concerts, and not represented in the drawing.
Whole tickets $3O; Halves $3:3; Tenths, or each
Coupon Z 5; Eleven whole tickets for si(io:
tickets for 11,000; 113 whole tickets for t-5,0110; 111
whole tickets for $lO,OOO. No (1115 count on 1e:3:4.
than $5OO worth of Tickets at a time.
The unparalleled success of the Third Gllt con.
cert, as well as the satisfaction given by the First
and Second. makes it only necessary TO announce
the Fourth to insure the prompt rite of ev..!ry
ticket. The Forirth Grand Gift Concert will be
conducted In all its details like the Third, ant la!:
particulars iniy he learned from c:rcu which
will be Seta free from this Who.: to ati who apply
for them.
Tickets are now ready for eale, and all ()nitre
accompanied by the money promptly 1111,:1. Liber
al terms given to those who buy to aza in.
THOS. E. BH.-1311.ETTE,
Agent Public Library of Kentucky, and Manager
GM Concert, Public Library Buldin:.. Loult•:
(1 S. BARKER 4.t CO.,
k_A •
ColleCt iOlat. made on all accessible points in Um"
United States and Canada.
Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers and Indi
viduals solicited. allowed on Time Deposits.
Correspondence will receive prompt attention.
Acoounte of Manufnct nrers. NlerchaLte anti Inll
Corroepondefi l ce will receive promi,t attentioL
Rochester. And. Ist, PS72.—aUg-24;i1l
Strayed from the 60-crther abont two weeks
since. a two year old Black Mule Steer, no
white marks except on the belly.
A liberal reward will be paid for hie delivery to
ma in New Bris. , hion. or information that may
lead to hi. recovery
Bzuszn FLme, Pznes.,
a y `~.
Carpenters' and Blacksmiths' Tools
Shovels, Spades, Scythes, Soothes, Hoes,
Fucks and Rakes. tog,ether with a la,rge
and varied stock of Hardware and Cut-
.ieryoluitable tor., the tirade, ait.g“• re-
duced rates
Brighton Paper Mills,
Hardware, Glass, Straw.
3Wa ,
And Sold At
arßage taken in exchanze.
i sT. l 1 1 6 0 4 x
, IV)
2:r , PO.
15/ 1 ,900
50,E 00
:i71,50i I
s:>c ,Ouo
1. composed simply of R OTS.
HERBS. and FRUITS, cenibined with other
properties, which in their Latu-e are Cathartic,
Aperient, Nutritious. Diuretic. Alterative and Anti.
Bilious. The whole to prese-vtd in a sufficient
quantity of spirit from the SUGAR :CAN E to
keep tam= in any climate, whlza •a es the
3.:e of the mgt ,!ea!n►blA Tonics and Cathar
tic rtn the world. They are intended strictly ail a
Domestic Tonic,
only to be 'aged as a medicine, and always according
to directions.
They are the sheet-anchor of the feeble aa3 de
tilitatcd. They act upon a (8.-eased liver, and
stimulate to such a degree, that a b.ea.thy action is
at once brought about. As a remedy to which
Wonten s re especially subject, i L is surpers” I=4;
every other stimulant. As a Spring and a una
nier Tunic, they have no equal. They are a
mild an gentle Purgative as well as Tonic. Th 7
Purify the Blood. They are a splendid Appetizer.
They make the weak strong. They purity and in
vlircrate. They cure Dyspepsia. Constipation. and
Headache. They act as a specific in all species id
disorders which underthine the bodily strength slid
breas down the anisi4spirits.
renot, 53 Park Place, — New York.
Only 50 Cents per Bottle.
It promotes the GROWTH. PRESER
VES the COLOR, and Increases the
Vigor and BEAUTY° (the HAIR.
C. - N
. n TFMITY YRLIZS Ar4o I.Tmes KATTLanoN il
Tin% HA wae , first place,l m tLe market by Professor
}.. Tbo Lyon. a graduate of Prmeeicm College.
- I*
The r.a. is derived frcrn the Greek "KATIDIO."
Fl g1::111,7114 to C;e4l4lBe, pity-oy, rcrur , yofe, or reg6r , .
The laves it has reoetved, awl the popularity it has
obtained, te unprecedented and Incredible. It in
m-easeg the Gaovrrn and BEAVIV of the Hata. It ie
a d«..Lghtftd dressing. It eradicates dandruff. It
preveate the Hair from turning gray. It keeps the
Lead cool, and givee the hair a rich, soft, gloesy op
pearunce. It the BANE in Qoel.rrri and QrAISTY
88 it we over 8 QC - ABYSM Of BCE BYAfro, and i 8
si.. , :d by all Druggists and Country btoree at only 50
Cents per Bottle.
Emu': May Her Him
Zttu? Nvertiatuttsts.
• r
81 Wold SL, Pitt:3l/irgh, Pa.
Wholesale dr Retail by
Frazier : Metzler &Co„
82 Third Avenue,
"Ancho- - any • LIT e- of 0.- • t •
era: •• dlmit..• and - Union" Ezpre ,, A •
All kinds of Insurance at fair rate=
terms. Real Estate bought and eo .1 ,
Morttraoes, Articles. &c., written •
and - Acknowledgements taken, &c..
and Money forwarded to all parts of !ne tin
States and Canada. Passenger- hocked To
„tram England, Ise :and.: Scotland, France aD{4,- ,
teanY.' •
CASti AS* Ews
Losses paid to Jan. 1. IS'fl ..... ?,:3b,0001 , 4
One of the oldest and wealthiest•
the world.
11 y 0 ..;
.1% ant HOME INSUHANI'E ; ~-
:cy tac 1N:-`, RA .N I
C.k!.. 4 U
I•Zeplieetitil,l: "he t:.hosie tir,t
Cornpante, acknowledized to bk:•a;r , '
and ino-t reliable in the•world. 7 `;
a izro,:z.; caloa capital of nearly lt . ) 1) "'•'" • .
abled to "make ihsUrallCe to any - •
A ppllcatloLs p ,- ornptly attended to• •ln';
written without and a• i:t•r
litp.taL rzi .
pao.i., I rtE TO-DA ! By one ••1 7
you may l,,ee the navini , s,of y,•ar7.
dani.r..ronA. and late nncertair.: 1l.7•
•0• • , ix tro •
Quality, a',4). i= of the jutrnt•st
priced, woliOie.r article, ;
Beare-t. The tibove compan es
arnon_ the hest and wealthiet " '
ye eon' that trial; ye reap."
liratef . ll for the very litwrai
het-towed. 1 hope—bv a strict Attenzt ,, :. ty '
Male busine%r—not yto me-:* (.01:.
the same. bat a Itrze iriclea , ze re-e:'
Mr. Stephen A. Cratz dt:ly
application 6 and rece;ye pretr!ttn - 1 - . tt
and ad' A otnint..7 toArt.ettpti.
"By their fruits ye know tbem
OF' .111:7..'1,1'00f.
Fi Mt-NC)",
OF 1: TCI., 1).1
liE9. C. sI'EY ERER. Pre!-:Lit.
V:ce Pres.
JNO. Secretary
J. ".1 1 EY Eli ER, Tr....i:outer
(`ear the Depot:
Tilt DlieoT,)
"!t. IV
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