The Argus and radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1873-1903, October 08, 1873, Image 1

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    r y -~.,~.. F y..., ,~. u-
is , L uxus : ESTABLISHED 1818. }
only Reliable Gift Distribution in the country!
$75 7 000
ut. drawn Monday. November S2th, 1873
5,000 IN GOLD
5.000 IN SILVER \!
Two Prizes $l,OOO e - ach in Greenbacks!
Six Prizes $5OO each, in Greenbacks 1
Ten Prizes $lOO each in Greenbacks t
1,000 Gold and Silttr Lerer Bunting Watches
(VP all). worth from f.'2o to VCO eade
to:L. silver Vest Chaim, Solid and Double-plated
Silver-ware, Jewelry, &c., &c.')er of Gifts 10,000: Tickets limited to 75,000!
Liberal Premiums wi!l he paid.
Tickets $1; Six Tickets $5 ; Twelve
Tckep slt) ; Twenty:Five Tickets f,20.,
t';rculars containing a full list of prizes, a de
ription of the manner o f drawing, and other in
,rmation in refererce to the Distribution, will be
p•-rit , o any one ordering them. All letters must
addressed to 711 AIN ()FEICE L. D. t•INE,
lot Wext Firth St., ri.hcildnati., O.
In the ('curt of Com - Ilion Plea.* of Beaver coop
. 7"r: No. 2, t-eptember term, 1:373
James JohnFton vs. Milo Reed.
Nepember 3, IST:i, on Petition of Chamb , ,rlin
Whi„tr, E.sq . Sherftl of Beaver,-ronlity, the Court
appoln . . U. A. Small, Es , (l , an kuditor to make die
trthution of the proceed+ of eale \on tke shove re
Ctted wnt
A trne extract from the record.
The auditor shove named will attend to the du
or_lair appointment at his. ofilee in the Court
Hoige, 'Bea ver, Pa., on Tuesday the 21st day of
t•ctoher, 1873. at 10 o'clock. A. M , when and
v. - here all parties interested ma• attend.
. A. SMALL, Auditor.
).11. - T - 1G - DUDS
C'9l4)rvd and
P,.trnd PaLnek,
Mcriti() , ,
Lawn , .
Water Pruol.-.
NVoolcn 'Shawls,
:11 - .(1 Black. Muslim:,
Ci Ticking,
Table Linen,
Irish Linen,
Millinery Goods,
Ribbons and
Hats and
a',e^tion to lqi-inesfa, and by keepinz
..:.r.\ WI bar <t a well assorted stock of
- the duff •rent kinds usually kept in a
tie und,:sit.rned h.)pew in the in
v.t to mei it and, receive a liberal
;!..• 1;10 , 1,c t .a•lona l ze
i-:~c•(•ldtOt Notice
.JLHH,! (. Jloey, dce'd .
to ti 4 tat,. of
the hotimttli 4.1 ( - I:l'.*, in
r \ Yr. :11%'1 Stjt ,• of PVIIII.yIV:Miti,
! 1 , .•r1i 'Z'allt o (l - to the rnh-cribcrs.
!t. leh• .41 to Said e?-tatt.t aro re
tnvnt. nd thn,.
(tt tio• e?•ltite. of
H n 1;: to• 1:no‘.‘1: the itt•
?„ .1 AN; F. , Al EN. towm4itp.
It It -iEV. Ewing't Milk, A ih•gheny
ity of Fort Scott,
.t , taotla one and-a-ithiF story stone
c. , ntairdng, 'van wed-tinlshed
Ti r lots are neatly
d. Ad on them
, •n-,0•,(1 ~lar-' worth of t•hrnhbery and
tr -. ape arbor soft fe'.2s( l .
cot•T t 4:f);
sLaine. uLd wo;,d and q - cal house.
I,_ ' 1
, n,ured for upwatds of four
c tt.h: ba'lnce In (int, two and
t .ul, purl iculart• rtddre-e.
Clre of Petinywitt & llrl.
Lock Box SlO, Washing,ton s D. C
l' 0 emingpr
(•61H , r2
& Mits.
' • 0 11:1 A ,
1 .. L..
ght Ulm gdigto and Nadiiid.
Tam biAvari Amu% .KID RADICAL Published
every Wednesday morning st the following rates
Orr" Yaia,Apayable in advance) 0.00
Six Moans, `b " " 1,00
Taus " « W 6 6 50
&mars Comas 05
Papers discontinued to subscribers at the expira
tion of their terms of subscriptioa at the option of
the pulikl,ither. unless otherwise agrild upon.
Professional or Business Cards, aot exceeding 1 0
lines of this type, $8,90 persnnate.
Advertisements by UT/month, quarter or year!
received, and libetaf delinetions made in proportiozk
to length of advertisement and length of time of
Advertisements of 10 lilies or less, $l,OO for one
insertion. and 5 cents per line for each additional
All advertisements. whether of displayed or blank
lines, measured by lines of this type.
Special Notices inserted among local items at 10
cents per line for each insertion, mikes otherwise
agreed upon by, the month, quarter or year.
Advertisements of 5 lines or less, SOcents for one
insertion, and 5 cents per line for each additional
Marriig,e or Death announcements published free
of charge. Obituary notices charged as advertise«
ments, and payable in advance. ,
Local news and matters of general Interest eom
municated by any correspondent, with real name
disclosed to the publisher, will be thankfully re
ceived. Local news solicited from every part of
fne 4 tß
the county. "
Publication 0 : In Tale Qt'ili liminnio,
COrney Matimend, ever. Pa.: ; • ''! *-
All cpunnanicatio and business letters sbciuld
.. r; . e•ed to Tillij EA,813, MINTZ/Ai COM
PANT, Ittiver, Pair
Correspondence of the Argos mSd Radical.
The great et:lints of the Local Optiunists
to carry the city of Philadelphia this fall,
have met with a very powerkil practical
illustration cif the necessity for some re
straint on liquor traffic, in a horrible trag
ecy, which took place in our midst no
Tuesday night.
Mr. Thomas Brown Parker, a gentleman
of high connections and great wealth, de
liberately ehot his wife while she lay
sleeping quietly in het' bed with her baby
beside her, after which this drunken cow
ard put a bullet through his own brains,
if he had any, which is decidedly ques.
tionable. Mr. Thomas Parker is the
brother of J. Brown Parker, wLo married
a Pitt sbugh lady, lifts Richards, who was
left by his father's wil - rite trustee of his
brother's the intended murderer, and it is
alleged that his attempt to kill his wife
was induced by anger against her for re
fusing to join him in atempts to break
the trust. Certain it is that there had
been trouble between them on account of
money matters. They occupied separate
apartments, and three %omen servants
slept in the room adjoining Mrs. Parker's
apparently for her protection. On the
night of this great outrage to lady did
not waken until the pistol ball had pene
trated her eye. She rushed to the ser
vants' room, all of whom were afraid to
face the infuriatelkmadman, as was the
gardener whom they called. He howev
er, summoned the police, who with the
phys.icians entered together. Blinded
and agT4ized from her wounds, Mrs.
Parker prayed some one to rescue her
child from ire father's grasp, but nol, one
of the four servants who had eaten of her
bread 111:144 partaken of her k badness -av#d
venture a little to save her child. When
the police arrived, however, the baby
was found sleeping peacefully through it
all. Mr. Park , ' lived elegantly, surround
ed by all 41,e/luxuries incident to great
wealthrhli income being fifty thousand
dollars per annum. Mrs. Parker still lies
in great danger ; she willl certainly lose
the use of her eye. Mr. l Parker had for
years indulged in constahiPplingovbieh
habit had been the primal cause of this
sad event. The family say that he had
not been drinking fOr the iist six week-s,
but this fact, id no-t make the loss, of an
eye any more satisfactory to his unlucky
victim. It about time that the public
brutality of a certain class of men to their,
wives shoull cease. YesterdayZanother
atrectiont.rte husband was sent to prison for
a year for holding the partner of his joys
and sorrows on a raliroal track .whOe
a locomotive was approachipV . Fortun
ately she was rescued by p•isse'rs-`)y, who
were attracted by lisq , screams. Iler
band :aid he was iu fun, but the court
did not see itln that light and sent him
to play his practical jokes where they
would be less dangerous to others.
The money panic has occupied public
attention during the past ten days to file
-exclusion of almost every other topic.
The suspension of Jay Cooke & &o. has
acted like a touch on the top brick Orts.(te
pile i leading off a whole line to tiLle .
on top of each other. I heard a promi
nent capitalist say yesterday that the
above firm would not pay gore than fifty
cents on the dollar, basing filsjvinion on
the fact that their money was all invested
in Northern Pacific Railroad bonds, from
which it would be impossible to get -re.
_.--- '
turns. Be that u
sentiment here in regard to Mr.
that of regret for and sympathy with idli
misfortune. In prosperity he was the
upright, deVout and earnest patron of
every good cause. He gave a tithe of Mel
income in deeds of charity, maintained a
summer resort for delicate clergymen in
his beautiful country seat at "Put In
Bay." ; he kept at his own expense a
missionary, who traversed the worst parts
of our city and freely relieved want ; he
gave the most liberal encouragement to
art and science, and in his private relations
was the most exemplary of men. If Mr.
Cooke had a fault it was his sectarianism,
for he taught himself a Bible class of one
hundred and fifty grown men every Sun
day evening. But while regretting the,
absorption of the moral element of a
neighborimod by any one religious de
nomination, it is due to this excellent
gentleman to say that all who differed
with him were treatefi with consideration
and respect ; and be helped liberally wsi l
his purse every cause Whose advo tea
were honest and sincere. 4 is melabc oly
to see a man of this sort hampered by ex •
tranerms circumstances while en . M y
scampi piospefind abound, end it:ri's ein
cerely to be hoped that the, temporary
embarrassments of this powerful firm
will speedily pass away and<their fitld of
usefulness be restored. The Fidelity Sa:v
ing Fund stood firm and saved a rush
elsewhere. The Pennsylvania Trust
Company, Mr. Lindey Smith President,
had not even the apprehension of a run.
This fevewd life of a great city wonid
be unendurable were it not fur our public
amusements, for which the popular taste
has become so great that at least one
third of the population may be seen wend
ing this way at night to some place of
resort. At Walnut St. Theatre, the cour
teous manager, Mr. Hall has beelasagicitinik
enoup to secure Latta fofreitheuts* -
and lest lif
acme shall ash-Wit i: firkitta, ' I
must answer, one of - the fibitlbeantiful
and sensational of actresses. She is still
very young and possesses a fund of vitali
ty most delightful to her audience. Her
real nrme is Crabtree. This week she has
played in Fire Fly and Zip. In Fire-Fly
her character is that of a french woman,
wonderfully brave and beautiful, who
does unheard of things in the way of val•
or and Snail dies to save her lover, who is
her superior in rank and in love witb the
- I"rincess Courts, which part is taken by
Rose Ward, the leading lady at the Wal
nut street theatre. This litter is a charm
ing actress, graceful and talented. The
male characters of this play are all well
sustained, particularly Marshal McDon
ald by the inimitable Bliley. The thea
tre itself has been all refurnished and ele
gantly fitted up; and the beautiful up
holstry by which manager Hall is sur
rounded in his chnrning reception roiim,
as well is his ag*,able appearaace-and
obliging manners, are as far frrim the
original of the Remorseless Baron in
Dickens' novel, as c. well be imagined. l
At the museum a newl play will be brought
nut by one of your n izhbort, Mr. Bailey
Campbell—the name of which is "
The character of a Lifcr&surance A.''ge tj t ,
which will be presente I by , the amusing
commediat Mr. Davidge. is one of the
The city is 611 of Masons. To night is
their grand balliribe Academy of Mu
sic. To-morrocr'thelT gran parade will
take place. All this is supplemental to
the dedecation of theirjrnagnidceut new
building at Broad and Filhe,rt P str i eeis. It
ll \
is estimated that at least ten thousand
men wilt walk in procession on this
. It may perhaps seem inappropriate to
oention_the Convention in connection
with', e amilsernents, but the truth is
that r body seems to enjoy - .them riiQ l .e
than these same honorable members. lan
re ,, ard to their work they hive got all Elio
ii 4-143 throalOhe sec )11c1 reading antriCt r . ;
now en r l . uxtel,,? thc_! third Mr 111 )rton,
will is an adiniriihie sp..aler, and wh
was i.xpec el to Belk, bees 1) ,, t c.:::(1 ts WI )rti
bed on Fut slay a col )real ciclogstlirin ( - .,1
T-d upon him at the Hall in rerird to '_\;,•-x
()rleani matters. Tut.!.ie colored
brathern had t meeting at 11, , rticlIturAl
Hall la 4 nigh w11,2r1 t`ley were La IrCiic•l,
by Gen. I,,rythr, who is considered a very
smart Itllow. '.lll list 'utter I forgot to
mentiAn that fashions, turtgazines and
booki, describing patterns can be had
gratuitously by applying by person or
letter to !qr. H mlin, N. 1113, Chestnut
As these things are very useful
st reet
d may be deircd by. your readers I
agei❑ reft.r to it. One of tilt.; tallented
.y )ung orators who is attracting attention
ti i the temperance cause, is William Y
Leader, of this city. He is a clpiir and
forcible speaker, and seems at enide to se
cure the sympathy of his audience.
co of Argos and Radical.
Gtovs ' D. - Oct:0 .4 '
t. :,', • ..., . roiltborized capital of the Nortifirtn
e.tit h . 4
; ~..., ~- '
- ,
' . . Railroad, the institution that
1..r.,..-..-f •
• ‘ 1. -' Jay Cooke A Co., and preciplta
ettepesent financial crisis upon the
cplll4lo pl is, toy act of Congress, nue hnn
grerl 'anion dollars. But see how slight
a forsUclation was used in the erection of
this tense concern.' This same act of
Cortit9 required that two million dol
lars ott ptthe hundred million should be
subsctibi34 before the company were an
thoried;lo commence operations or to
iseue,,A*ds. The further requirement.
was. tbat,ten,per cent. of the amount sub.
scribed, or two hundred thousand, should
be paid in. Thus on but $2.430,0,00 was
cninnArWed the constructs ni of a railroad
to. crt . sloo,ooo,ooo, And up wardl of two
thugiapd mites in length. For this small
\ papule% the corporation obtained control
pf 47 . 0900.Q0 acres, or about 1 75,0011 square
pillars; ,or And. ; , A.ll-.thielor $200,Q00.
\TtHk.road • was commenced. The bonds
were pilintsdand..put,,gpoir-tbe market
-ThdrArasi rapreseuLed by Jr Y ° Cooku %
Ca 4 to:ber attlammedingly inviting invest.
ment,17::811: ibundred miles of sped Me
been built at a cont;of:same.thlrty million
doilisrig, The interest opon , thie $30.000,
J3OO at_ &Oen abd Abree , teutlas per cent IS
42,19%090 per, annum.. This is,more than
the road-Can by any possibility, earn, and
it seeuuldeat cnougb that it rwillnever be
able.totlear the am'.unt advanced by the
firin•of Jay Cooke &
,). The gentlemen
comptiolug this fir are gener.,lly credit
ed with haying a good share of financial
ahremdnesa, and ft is hardly possible 'Pia&
they AiXe So blinded as to suppose ,he
SectitiM, dood. It is much more thap
AlgOiihat it was their intention to„buoy
4byreoocern u p Nlntil the bonds Were
taA*tioldarhen 'toy would take, good
care to iet e arit sliPirthey, had \advanced..
say advanced, for it is quite citte,hittry
never . atended it as an investment. ` -: "In
short, it was • their intention to nally
throw of this burden on the sho tilers of
others, but before they were able to per
suede the public to relieve them their en
1 durance gave out.
Mr. Edwin L. Stanton, who was - on t, e
19th instant appointed receiver o?' the
First National Bank, an adjunct of the
house of Jay Cooke & Co., and which
suspended on the same day on whieh the
main house 'refit under, to-day made a
statement of the cowl itiln of its affairs to
the Comptroller of the Currency. From
this statement it appears' that the total
resources of the concern were $2,697,341.
76 and its liabilities $2,612,233,34. The
amount owing to depositors was $339,981
50; the arnonnt Inc to other banks $1,034,.
46933. T,,he government had 'on deposit
with this - bank $287,782.46. There is,
however, to offset this a deposit of bonds JACKSONVILLE, October 3,—Your cor
intthe Treasury of $lOO,OOO. so the gover- respondent left Fort Klamath this morn
meta-cannot lose more than $187,733 35, i ing at 10:30 o'clock, and by hard riding
and it 13 fair to psesum3 that not all of arr'ved here a few moments ago. The
ttllB 13 lost. ; N following is the report of the execution of
The bank was indebted to the District i Captain Jack and. his band : Boston
of Columbia $7,698.25. Charley.aliti Black Jim were led on the
To-day has been one of the most ex scaffold first, and Schonchin next; they
citing since the breaking out of the panic. trod on it with apparent indifference and
Yesterday wellad two failures, the first, iron nerve, having evidently resolved to
being the old house of Fant, Washington (die as brave as they had lived. Jack went
& Co, established in 1852, and the second I 'easily up the stairway and looked wretch
that of the Washington Citysavings Bank. led and miserable. The manacles had
. 0 :
Theseptepared the rVolit. mind to expect i been struck off, but their am A were secure
other suspensions. The first rumor on ily pinioned with cords. AC,precisely 9:45
the street was that Mr. Raft president of ',
A. Ni., the interpreters, Capt. 0. C. Apple
the Washington City Savings Bank, :was, gate and David Hill, explained to the'cul
mentally deranged on account of&_hit mis-i i prit's the nature of th e order to be read tti
fortune. Soon a rumor wis starteethat) . them bihe tdjutant, and at 10 A. at. Ad-
Lewis Johnson & Co., h suspended, but jutant Kignsbury read the ostlers promul
this proved to be a M i
stake. Late thi s gatii the seritenft, or 'the Commission
afternhon +t report :gaijied arculat ion flia,„ and the PrZsidAht'rder thereon.- , ar
, p-
Riggsa C0.,-; had suspended, ' but • thi - i i ! ' At . 10:15 theiatal noose was 'placed
too seems to be untoutired. Wit 1 all around the necks of the.condenWcl, under
tliese st=tiries rineinethringh the s rests th'e direction Captain . Hoge. Ik.Tts•nec
, ~,-
the , people soon became 'pre ared to bear essary to cut. off a lltt le of Jaclaatft]g, hair,
, ,
-- anything without su prise. It is now ' which was in the W ___,,,,,,,
a) of tlic 1 - 14`,.t. Cap_
more Orin prohabl t that Monday will see taiu Hoge then bid farewell to the prison
the excitement retie wed. The worst is , trs, and the black cap t , , , wvre placed on
to, the hi ad,a,of the culprits ; it must have
The First .;..);a: ionel been an awful moment.
_, Bank of this city .
watthe agent for upwards of a thoOsand ~ -1t 10:20 they stood on the drop ; the
othk for` banirs for , he redemption of/amti. rope wzis cut by the as!.istant at a signal
na , ide with Captain Hoge s handkerchief.
lated currency', ii I N large' amt iota of
money have, since 4 su'speuStOn, liccu- The bodies swung round and round, Jack
ululated "0
the hands (;),Mce express corn and Jim apparently dying easily, but
\ • -----.:-.,..:-„,
panies, he Comptrolitit of he Curren- Boston Charley and Schonchin- suffering
cy h'is decd that' tills ou :y must be , terrible convulsions. Boston Charley and
retained by the express o panies sub- , Sconchin repeatedly drew up their :*-gs,
ject to the orders of the benders, or inati7hut the two others seemed to elje-- -- alinotst
new agents ar‘ a appointed to take charge , instantly. At 10:28 their pulses were felt
of it. The de,i,_;ion, ,however, is that all by Captain Hoge, and, as I write. they are
mutilated curtcy received by that bank swinging lifeless in the air. A be drop
before its susperßiou must be classed as I k', with a terrible thud foul ponr,\wretch•
deposits. Correstiondents of the First ed human be'ngs fell into eternity,' and a
National should - immediately designate I half smother .•.1 cry o; . horror went up from
some other bank to take charge of the 1 the crowd 0, over five hundred Klamath
money in the hands of the expiess coin- Indians,
,w in witnessed the awful spec
panic's, L tacle. / .
not over
* 4 '
-• { .
:4 ^
...1 1;f
.. ,
PER Azeirwrttix nit ADvAavelt.
BEE .8. . t8/3.
arG TOY.
.1. •
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• •' •
, • •; .
• .
.1 4 • I
• 71:
; • • .5 7 1 • • '
el . • . 11 - , , . .
f ,
Tk , tton crop of 1872 amounted to
8,930,51 ) ba1e5. , The average weight - of a
bale of tton it,464 poQ;ds. The total
weight of last year's cotton crop was.
therefore 1,823.755,712 pounds. The aver
.age price paid for this cotton to the plant
-ere was fifteen cents per pound, making
its total value to the Southern people
4173.563,856 80. Of this amount 2,682,886
..bale's were sold to foreign dealers, brit2e
- tag $186,726,365.60 .
,1,652,465 ' bales, were
sold to Northern nufacturers, bringing
$74,019,164; 137, 2 bales were sold to
Southern manufacturers, for which the
planters realized $9,581,275.20. A conslid
etAble balance yet remains on hand, prob
ably not sold when these figures were
The magnitude of this brew% of Indus.
try will be apparent wile% we observe
ttst the total weight was 911,877 tons,
enough to freight a thousand large steam
ers; or supposing a few mule team capa
ble of hauling ten bales it would require
nearly 400,000 such teams to haul it to
market. Supposing inch 'siren tittle
teams on the road at distances of tarty feet
apart they would make a live of twenty
million feet or 8,787 milts in length.
Cotton may not be kint. but it is • very
Important article of commerce.
Rumors that the contract for furnishing
postal 'cards'eras about to be taken sway
from the liorgan.Envelope Company on
account of failure to comply with.ite re
quirements as to the quality of the paper
used having been 2enerally circulated the
Third Assistant Postmaster General de•
sires it to be known. that Bitch rumors
have no foundation. Though there was,
some weeks ago, consitierable controver
sy between the department and the con
tractors relative to the printing, as also
to, the quality of the paper, this -contro
versy has ended by the company comply
ing with the terms of the contract to the
satisfaction of the officers of the depart
ment.. The usual number of cards is being
furnished to postmasteruta-all orders
kra now promptly. tilled.
Senator Windom, of Minnesota, has
written.a letter about his back-pay. He
ha not drawn it, and intends to leave it
irie hands of the disbursing officer of
the Senate until the neat meeting of Con
gress. lie will then introduce anl urge
the passage of an act providing fort/ the
covering into the Treasury of his own
back-pay, together with all pber balances
of increased compensation a members of
the Forty Second Congress remaining in
the hands of the disbursing officer, or
which may be on deposit with therTreas
urer of the United States.
The report of the condition of the corn
crop for 1873 has been prepared at the
Department of Agriculture, and -will be
furnished to the press in the course of a
day or two. It is understood
,that the
prospects are very fine. • SAM.
i .)
fi :1",111f fittY o :I ,
SZNAILOIL 111111111111116 N.
In his speech at the Republican rally
in Cincinnati; on Saturday evening last.
Senator John Sherman, of Ohio. spoke as
follows-of the financial. troubles, and the
relations of the Republican party to them:
—"I want to show you now that the
v üblican party, which has been so mt
cessful in all the measures it has adopted,
has been able to do you a service: whisk
you can never estimate, by any mpde of
estimatingamong men: It has furnished--
you a currency which has enabled you,
during the panic of last week or two, to
prefer your money to. anything else that
can be cffered to you, either of =houses.
lands or stock. Here are. Ha you
got a greenback in your pocket? Aim
you got a national bank note in your
pocket? Are you afraid that either at
them will break? [Cries of "No."] My
countrymen, I have got very little •mir
rency on hand, but I will redeem every
dollar of bank notes that you oan show
have been dishonored. We bavtaow
currency so good that people do not want
to give it away, douotwant to deposit it,
•but keep it in the safest .place they bar
got, with, perfect certainty ea tit is good
for the last cent it promises to pay. Why.
•my countrymen, there are old men around
me who remember back to those times is
1887,1848, and 1851 --perhapssome ma._
go back to 1818; lay friend. _here over the
way, styche.can--inlBl6, When a• panic
cam in-those old Democratio,timr4 witst
was-the result? Every dollar of money
.in the pockets of the. people , was worse
than useless rags. The money was tiks
first thing to go, and it was not worth
anything. Then, under Democratic poli
cy, the lass fell upon the people, fell upon
the money is their pockets. Now, with
this Republican currency, no man can
pcsiibly lose a dollar. Jay Ccoke .may
fail, Clews may fail, every national bank
in the whole land may fail, and yet the
greenback and the bank note are secured
by bonds in the Treasury of the United
States. They are secured by the petiple's
money and the people's property, 404 AI
the wealth of the country must be ex
hausted before a man can lose a dollar on
his greenbacks or a dollar on his bank
notes. That is Republican money. No
more patriotic and no better men ever
lived than Jay Cooke & Co., take them
either mentally, socially, or in any other
way you choose. They were high-miuded - ,
patriotic men. They did service to their
country in the time of war. But they sanguine.
They failed because they could not re
alize currency upon their property, and
now, when their statements are being
exhibited, it is shown that they have as
sets to pay every dollar of their indebted
ed ness,
The beauty,fif this panic, after all, is
that it has p 4 hurt the people, the labor
ing clases. The old panics did. Now
the men who suffer are the high bankers.
the wealthy men. The peoples money is
in their currency, the measure of their
daily toil, and as long as that is good they
can laugh and grow fat. I say, then, that
the Republican party, in tb ; management
of your financial affairs, in gradually re
ducing taxes, in furnishing you with na
tional banks instead of the old State banks,
in giving you greenbacks—for these rea
sons, as well al . for abolishing slavery,
and saving your country, and putting as
men on an equal footing, has deserved
your gratitude.
Fellow-citizens. there are /mart defeete
in our banking system that I will mention.
The first le, that a greenbaok, although
mighty good, is not quite so good as gold.
Now I never will content myself until
the Republican party make every dollar
of greenbacks in the pockets of the labor
ing men as good as the best gold coin
that wss ever coined - . I know the people
and bankers sometimes say it is going to
contract the currency, but that is all hum-
bug. It is like Judge Thurman's speeches
We can go back to specie payments; we
can go back until our money is equiva•
lent to gild silver or coin, and then se
have the best currency in the world. I
t e ll you, my countrymen, whether you
are Democrats or Republicans, that the
people of this country ought never to
cease to agitate this question until their
money is as good as gni], and then they
are on a sure rock, an eternal foundltlt
In all ages and in all countries it has got
to be an axiom in financial matters that
gold alone is the standard of value, and
the planetary laws that govern the uni
verse are not more fixed and absolute in
their sway than that law which demands
that everything shall be measured by the
ypld standard, and the very moment you
'wake your money as good as gild coin
then you have got a currency that you
may live by, die by, and 1' the t , ► you r
children and viidows without fear or fa-
R 3