r y -~.,~.. F y..., ,~. u- is , L uxus : ESTABLISHED 1818. } VOLUME I. atiocellimano. I only Reliable Gift Distribution in the country! $75 7 000 VALUABLE GIVTS! TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN Dal SINE'S 164th _REGULAR MONTHLY EN L. GI f ENTERPRISE! ut. drawn Monday. November S2th, 1873 ONK GRAND CASH PRIZE OF 5,000 IN GOLD UNE GRAND CASH PRIZE OF 5.000 IN SILVER \! Two Prizes $l,OOO e - ach in Greenbacks! Six Prizes $5OO each, in Greenbacks 1 Ten Prizes $lOO each in Greenbacks t 1,000 Gold and Silttr Lerer Bunting Watches (VP all). worth from f.'2o to VCO eade to:L. silver Vest Chaim, Solid and Double-plated Silver-ware, Jewelry, &c., &c. N..in')er of Gifts 10,000: Tickets limited to 75,000! A .ENTS WAN I'ED TO SELL TICKETS, to Liberal Premiums wi!l he paid. Tickets $1; Six Tickets $5 ; Twelve Tckep slt) ; Twenty:Five Tickets f,20., t';rculars containing a full list of prizes, a de ription of the manner o f drawing, and other in ,rmation in refererce to the Distribution, will be p•-rit , o any one ordering them. All letters must addressed to 711 AIN ()FEICE L. D. t•INE, lot Wext Firth St., ri.hcildnati., O. A UDITOR'S NOTICE In the ('curt of Com - Ilion Plea.* of Beaver coop . 7"r: No. 2, t-eptember term, 1:373 James JohnFton vs. Milo Reed. Nepember 3, IST:i, on Petition of Chamb , ,rlin Whi„tr, E.sq . Sherftl of Beaver,-ronlity, the Court appoln . . U. A. Small, Es , (l , an kuditor to make die trthution of the proceed+ of eale \on tke shove re Ctted wnt A trne extract from the record. Atte-t— JOHN CAI GREY. The auditor shove named will attend to the du or_lair appointment at his. ofilee in the Court Hoige, 'Bea ver, Pa., on Tuesday the 21st day of t•ctoher, 1873. at 10 o'clock. A. M , when and v. - here all parties interested ma• attend. . A. SMALL, Auditor. oc:-,%b G WATER STREET. ROCHESTER, P A LEKLY RECEIVING A FRESH SUPPLY GOODS IN EACH OF THE FOLLOW ING DEPARTMENTS: ).11. - T - 1G - DUDS :tn,l C'9l4)rvd and P,.trnd PaLnek, Mcriti() , , P hen=!1:1n~~ Lawn , . Water Pruol.-. NVoolcn 'Shawls, :11 - .(1 Black. Muslim:, Ci Ticking, Canton Flannels, Jaaonets, Table Linen, Irish Linen, Millinery Goods, Ribbons and Flowers, Hats and a',e^tion to lqi-inesfa, and by keepinz ..:.r.\ WI bar