/ , A Queer Elopement. Percy Van Rapp, by his own - saying, wa g of the purest blood of the Knicker• backers. It was like listening to one ofH the Mosaic generalogies to hear him trace back his lineage to old Rip Van Rapp, one of the veritable old Rips Who -built the tow n of New Amsterdam of bricks , brought from Holland, before it as known that bricks Iconld be made of A in eripati clay, or cheese from any but Ailk - • Percy was spending, the season at a faibionable wag ing-place, and :‘ was the l ic aciest swell tVere; unless we except Ad. rian Dodge, a young gentleman- of great putative wealth, and mqie than average ;I- - pretension. Great rivalry existed between the tw7. Which could wear the sleekest '‘hat, and dan'ce in pnmps of the finest iciP. , was the d s o prnbl of their lives—and they put their whole Inds to it till Kate Wiley car ne,and gave them something else to think ot. Kate WO a beauty, and rich. This was her firct season. and she at once became the center of attraction. Fnremfist among her adpirers were Percy ;Van Itapp and Adrian Dodge, whom this fresh rivalry might any d have personally embrnibai e d, bad either-known how great a coward the other was. _ _ , TO truth is, in tl)is matter, a a t. , pore deeply in earnest.- - Mr. ' . an Ram's , for tunes were little \ rho of desperation; and Mr. DodO's, no \ tyv i ithstanding reports _chiefly o tic; Irenlation—were in a ccndilio4 nn set ) ter. Ktte'scith ould - be a'i of dissipated lif to whichever - 1S them could manage to get Kite received their advances coolly at first, hut iftet a time they seemed to amuse hers—what impression they finally _zade we must let our - story tell for itself. Neither suitor had room to boas‘ over her.. If Kate had any choice be she kept it to herself. There v, - ere times4.svhen each Fould'lave count ej the day bis`o7n, had he not felt that Lis rival had equal ground for confi dence. tween t It was impossible that things should long continue 83. Percy Van Ripp de termined to know his fate at once. Ac c3rdinaly, he seized the first opportunity of layirig bare his heart to Kite, only sup preasinz mention of a few private motives whlch lay at the bottom of it. When Kate blushed and stammered 69Elethine that didn't sound like No, Per cy could have stood on his head for joy. "I3Ut my aunt," said Katie—she was in the care of a maiden aunt, with a sharp eXin her head—"my aunt, I fear, vtll • Lever consent." ‘, "Aunts have no authority to cominatid 1e affections," was the lover's reply. "Trae," she murmured. . "Then fly with me -i , ' he exclaimed, "we :2 find some spot where we can be Lyn." Late paused as if irresolute. "My aunt," she said, `already half raspects.. - I can . trust the coachman, how ever. Disguised in male attire,"—she blushed, prettily—"l can leave the hotel unobserved, and John will be in-readiness to take me in the carriage to a rendezvous greed upon• Me e t me there, and in half an hour we can reach alie house of a '— neighboring clergtman, aksyld friend of my father, whoqe Aid we can invoke, and —aril—what &little plotter I aml" "You're an angel !" cried Percy. 2_llll-you must promise one thing," said Kate. "Anything, arling !" "Not to speak a word when we meet, :or until we are away—everything herea , hnuts has ears." "I promise," he slid solemnly Tim; aril place - were fired, and Pew Can Rapp rose to take his leave. He al !eady heard Kate's dnll;rs jingling in his ert 'Ole thing arne,," said Kate. P.rcv how.. serinionsly. "lt will b night of the fancy ball. borti wear masks. If we . are seen, cv6lxcite no remark, and we'll thus Fang recaziaition." "Cipitil," be exclaimed, presssng her . zand aNirting. hour and place appointed Percy in Waiting, cl isely masked, and peer- :::tll 14,12+. 4 .h the night with the watt%,bfal 121 Ptienee of an Rtilioll9 lover. Trip siiind of wheels was heard present in a few moments a carriage stop. -i at the, spot agree) on. The driver :b l ede.nd opened the door. Percy en .,.%1 without speaking, and the coach wlpi had evidently received instruc ' ns, resumed his place and drove off ripidiv In the darknesss, Percy could barely 'inzuish the outlines of a figure with a He could hardly refrain I. 'tn(lisning it in his arms, and giving l:nt 4,0 A torrent of tender eloquence; but ` , aleni)ering his promise, he restrained His capacity to do so was at the ; , IDt of gluing out, wheh, in deep bass, ti heard the word: Dearest. Kate ''Dearest thunder I" he shouted, "who zoschief are you?" "And who the fiend are E.a the other. "Adrian Dodkei by all felled Percy. "Percy Van Rapp! by all that's infer til!" shrieked Adrian. you shall pay for this !" roared Percy, springing on his rival with the fe• 136 4' of a tiger. Cowards fight desperately when eor ttled, and here both were. The uproar' exclaim- amazing!" alarmed the coachman, who stopped sid elined a policeman. The combatants were dragged but and summarily march ed off. Next morning they were dis charged, and by that time the truth hav ing come out, they took the next train _for the city, thus relieving Kate of a pair of unwelcome suitors, ',whose selfish de signs her aunt's keen eyellad been quick to penstire, and for whom she herself felt not' but)contempt. - The Wain Which the two lovers came to find then:Alves in the carriage toget .- er was this: ,Before the interview b , - tweet! Kate and Percy, at which the. elopement was planned Kate had received a call, the same miming, from Adrian Dodge, who, being interrupw in the midst of a tender declaration by tin :in opportune v isitor, made an appointment to return in the afternoon- '2ileanwhle Percy came and laid bare his heart, as we have seen, when it occured to Kate to rid . herself of the two 'adirenturers by a little harmless strategy. How she enticed rer cy.ibto the trap we have already shown. In the afternoon, when Adrian returned, he was lured into a similar snare—the only difference being that he was t&bring a carriage and find Kate in waiting; the conditions as to silence and , diSguise be .. the - the same. ' 'Before the year was out Kate-Wa i mar ried to one who bad known and loved her, and whom she had know and loved from childhood; and the hap i y couple of ten laugh over the cineerlopement, whose story we j have attempted to tell. r ---- How Bragirs t Baby ( was Treated. Thomas Briggs, of Titellth street, has a boy baby about ten months old, who is admitted at the beginning of this article to look , just fikehis father, and to be the smartest boy baby of his age in Detroit. Yesterday morning the child was sitting playing with five or six big on a string, and taking an ibble at an apple to bring crop of teeth. Mrs. Briggs ghbor were talking away as on• ly-women can gossip when the baby hid the buttons under _a mat and started to finish the apple. A bit of the skin got in his throat and he gave a cough and a whoop and pawed the air and rolled over on hie head. "Oh, them buttons !be has swallowed them buttons tried the mo ther as she yanked hiai:v.. and shook him. "Pound him on si,. ,_ k!" yelled , the other woman, trying to hold the ba- - by's legs still. "Run for the neigh bors !" cried Mrs. Briggs. "Oh, he' 11 die! he'll die!" screamed the other, as she ran out. And the neighbors came in and made him„lie on his stomach and cough, and then turn him on his back and rubbed his stomach, and joggled him about all forts of ways until he got mad and he went tOlowling. Then a boy ran for Briggs, aril Brig ran for a doe tor, and , the doctotuame and choked the baby, and ordered sweet oil and Mustard plaster. and told them to lay him on his back. Everybody knew that those six buttons were lodged in that baby's throat, because he was red in the - face, and because he strangled as he howled and wept. They poured gown sweet oil, and put mustard across him. and wept over him, and the mother said she could never forgive herself. Boys drove by calling out: "Slab weed for sale !" and the , scissors man went by shouting:' - -"Sharp! sharp !" but that distressed ;crowd held the baby down and shed =their tears aver his whole length. The doctor was looking serious, and Briggs Was thinking that he hadn't done anything to deserve such a blow, when one of the women• pushed the mat and discovered the buttons. Then ev erybody laughed and danced, and they ed ) kick the sweet ail "bottle under the bed, thre the mustard plaster at the doctor, an Mrs .. Briggs hugged the dar ling ang toier bosom d i d called him her "vipsy tossy hops dropsy popsy little cl erubim."—Detroit - F - 44e Press. THuTtiNsrushed,Ao earth will rise again, but it isn't so,, , ith eggs. WOMAN'S 006" is in her hair, but it is a good plan to tie it up when cooking. Ax NI sailor visitkd a city where, he said, they copper-bottomed the tops of their houses wish sheet lead. Perhaps he is the same person who saw a i viWite blackbird on a wooden milstone eating a red blackberry. NEBRASKA named a town Vanderbilt, and then wrote to the commodore. He replied that he didn't care a d--n. They have informally changed the name Ji of that to to Vanderbilt Dam —only they put t e dam first. IT is tol of a young gentleman whom a maiden liked, but her father didn't, that at a reasonable hour the old gent mild y intimated that the time for retir ing had arrived. "I think you are cor rect, my dear sir," answered nineteenth century, modestly, "we have been wait ing for more than an hour for you to put yourself in your, , little bed." The father retired thoughtfully. SEVERAL conceited young men were assembled on a street corner, when a poor Dutchman approached. One of them said to Sig companions: "Boys, I'm 'going to have some fun; just siaich me fool this Date:ly." He went up to the German, to whom he said: "Kaiser, don't you wan't to buy a dog?" The person tbus,adgressed quickly re sponded: "Y -a-a-s, L ,zus Fal4 .Xo..bny a little puppy y 4te you for sale 7--".4 ~,I T HE ARGUS AN D RADICAL: WE to RARE CHANCE rell i s Fall sum alicgri lil l' o ree . ,4 tssorrgrti,b,airp 1y CO 11 il k seplll.l7 • WORKERS WANT ‘) V Y FOR WOOD% HOUSEHOLD NAG/JUNE. which, with its Premiums, is one of the most at tractive in the country. Price of Mazizine one dol t a year. Commissions liberal, o ff ering a lucra tive and agreeable badness to those willing to je itproper attention. ot XIII begins with July, Examine out ablung and Premium 1445. Two first-clue mATriodicals for the price of one. Fore pecimen *sine and farther information address Wood ?Household Magazine, liewburgkai a N. Y. T; eeptl2.6 in B. E. BRUTES, Pablieher/ ST. CHABLIS, PORILULT . LIGHT HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLA.N77O CITY, N. .T. The most desirable location on the Wanda Spring Beds In every roo No bar. Amman- - dation" for =I guests, and also stabling for horses and carriages. Guest" will leave the at the Unites States Hotel. • • JONAH WOOTTONI 'war woorrod, Pm Pr i e t c ue septil.ito - A WATCH FREE Worth SA given gratis to every live man 0 will act u our agent. Business light and twat - hie. Three hundred dollars made ,in 5 Saleable as flour. Everybody do without it. Most have it. No gi e no humbug. Hii9NBDT & ttabtirg septl2-1m WErEN IN PITTSBURGH PATRONLZ CAPERTON'S DINING 'ROOMS. Tables furnished with the best the market af fords. First class table. rates reasonable. SINGLE MEALS 50 CENTS. Meals from 6% p. x. until 13 o'clock at night. Remember the place. No., No. 60 Market et rilEr Cut this out and bring it with you. septL2-im H OLLIDAYSBURG SEMINARY, 1. A. Chrietian borne. 2. Thorough and successful teachers. & Philosophical and C 141141041 apparatus. Maps and Charts. 4. Thorough teaching In Music. Good Pianos. 5. Rooms larg. e and cheerful. Ventilation per fem . 5. Gymnasticts without extra charge. Gymna sium, and ample grounde, beautiful scenery and opportunities for rambling, ashings&c. 1. Pare soft water. Bath-room for pupils. 8. Admirable- location. Entire freedom from smoke, noise and dust. 9. Near to varioussharches. 10. Gaslight—Do dan'er from lamps. 11. Weekly class in Etiquette and Prupriety. School year begins September 10, 1873. Boarding, Tuition, Fuel, Gas and fainished room for school year $2OO to $250. septl2-1m JOHN W. FRAZEE, ATTORNEY - AT • LAW AND SOLICITOR OF PATENTS & CLAIMS. Specialry of Patent cases. . NO. 909 SIMMS - TEE STRXBT, WASHING 7 ON, D. C. —Refers by permission to lion. Henry D. Cooke. Govornor of the Distri. of Columbia. ESTAB ••'.RXD IN .1838. RE-BSTABLISIOD IN 1669. C G. HAMMER & SONS, Manufacturers of FINE AND MEDIUM FURNITURE, Of Every Description and Price, Handsome and §yrirt nperior in style and quality than found in mor any other Furniture Homse this sidWe *fountains. w PEOt a.W Price Lists ki l t on app cation, or when in the city don't forget e pia sign of the Large Golden Chair, 46, AS and 50, Seventh Jenne, mar2B-ly PITTS • lIGH, PA` M'CLELL/kN'S • s"' INSTITUTE FOR BOYS At West Chester, Pa. A beautiful and elevated situation, 2 miles west of Philadelphia. Specious Play groudds with Gymnasium. Students pre pared for College, Polytechnic Schools or Busi ness. Spriai provisions made for very young boys. if of' ptudents remain as boarders during summer vacation. Session begins September 10. Address ROBNRT M. M'CLICLf AN. a99-4t. FRANKFORT ACADEMY. • The Fall Session begins', Tuesday, September 2d, and ends December 19th. 1873. Students in Languages and Mathematics are pre pared for the Junior class in college. THE NORMAL DEPARTMENT designed for those who wish to become practical teachers, will receive special attention. For further information address J. H. VBA.ZEY, Principal, aug22-3t Frankfort Springs. Pa. I N. ARNOLD, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, 1.515 Columbia Street, Washington D. C. Mattes examinations in the Patentolfice to as= certain the patentability of inventions for $lO. A majority of the cues a-e now rejected being an ticipated by existing patents—loss to applicants usually about s.so;,often more. After making this preliminary examination! charge no fee unless I secure a patent. TJ. GILLESPIE & CO., d • ' PITTSBURGH, PA., FRENCH PLAU GLASS, FRENCH WINDOW i3L4SB, MANTEL AND PIER GLASSES, STEEL ENGRAVINGS & CHROMOS. Estimates furnished for Plate Glass to Contractor and Builders. • mar2l-6m - K ENWOOD BOARDING SCHOOL 'FOR BOYS. Preeenta strong attractions to parents and var. dints. A _pleasant home; thorough histructim; healthful discipline excellent library' sew appa ratus. Bend for Catalog'''. Liberal ' discount to clrrissen. CHARLES JACOBUS, A. X., • jylB-21s. Principal, New Brigbton; Pa. . Sew AivertilMilti, HOLLIDA YSB URG. PA. REV. JOS. VirAUCIII, Principal. ADVANTAGES. S 6 WOOD STREET, importer. and Dealip In IMI New Bnilding, School and Recitation Rooms now ready. for the i ~'~~ t !w! ~i:~iJN~"O~y,, . . "--: • : "' , ' :. t, '. i - : P ‘4 l f ,S • , , . , ~ •,.....' ;, t : 11 - 1 It .'Normal Department .•• :- - A permanent' feititire of the Institution. Apparatus for', illustrating] the \ Sciences : lend - for new , Catalogue. • - ' ' :. .• ' - -, ~„ • , - ii . .~ 2 1 . TAYLOR, Presq. aigla . • , . - QTEVEN:N WITTISH'S LAND .K 7 193,Clair Hotel) Pittsburgh, ... r sun' , Nor Bailie, Fa. t. - Esti ire Agents far Allegheny, Beaver and Lawrence countiesof the hinds of thaii. & 8813- ta Fe H. R. ; (can give tickets at reduced ratett to go and see these lands;) also lands Of Union Pa cific and Iron Mt. & Arlc. Railroads. Have over GO -fete for. sale. Call at eitheroffice and examine our register. We offer for sale the following prop. erties, etc. A pleasantly located farm, situate in North Se. wieldy township. Beaver County. for sale. Con tains 119 acres, lies on Harmony, New Castle and Brighton roads; 90 acres improved, balance in tim ber. consisting of Oak. t most, Chestnut, &c.; can s4I be worked by machinery, soil is veryproduc ive, excellent for grain or pasture; land lies un ulafti'ng, good IT rings all over the falukunderlaid with coal,limestcnie and ore; good sand and build tug stone; fences are rail and board. Inc on di good orchard of apple. peach and other va rieties of choice fruit; grapes, shrubbery. Ic. Im provemiinttrixOtsist Of a two-story frame house of six rooms. good cellar aid kitchen, smoke house, corn new barn 59x40 feet. art spring bonSe. 4/0443 to RhOols, churches, saw nal stores.s rom Brighton, 33( 1 from Beaver ils. 14 intTers from thilline of the; Baltimore and chi ago Railroad. Price NO. 70. `A - DAIRY, STOCK OR GRAIN FARM In Big Beater township, Beivei county, Pa., con taining abbut 140 acres -- of which 120 'acres are cleared, 85 acres first bottom land: 20 acres in oak timber; balance of_ cleared land , gently rolling all under fence, on.the P. Pt. W. it C. Railroad ; building on a gaid township road one-half mile from Homewood station ; soil is first class and all can be worked by machinery. Improvements, one newly weather-boarded log house of 5 rooms, two stories high, veranda and frame kitchen; with pleasant surroundings, one new two-story frame house of 4 income, portico in front; a good cellar ; spring of Water and well close to house ; one new bank barn, with stone foundation, 40250, with plenty of stfaillag for horses and cows ; corn crib, smoke house. and all usual outbuildings; a first rate orchar/ i of various kinds of fruit trees In good bearing con MO, and a young orchard. This place is in a very pleasant part of the county, with eve ry surround Pag object to make it agreeable And at tractive, and is a first-class farm in a good neigh borhoods close to schools, churches. post - office and station—will subdivide this tract if desired by the purchaser, for sale. Price. *BO per acre, in pay ments. George B. McCready, owner. N 0.73. _.,--- A SPLENDID GARDEN OR DAIRY FARM, containing about- 107 acres, of which 82 acres are cleared and under a high state of cultivation., well fenced, mostly post and rail, and in splendid order; ten springs on the place, two orchards containing 225 apple and 100 peach trees, Waling and gpod condition; abode 27 acres of the best quality of timber, a good frame barn 50x36 feet, with stabling underneath; a new flame stable 16x30; a new corn crib, a goodiframe Lunn of four rooms and cellar, a good milk house, an excellent enclosed garden patch; plenty,of email fruit such as cherries, plums, quinces, grapes. &c. Near to a new schoo l _ house. 1% miles from Industry on the C. & P. Railroad, good.roada to statior The soil is good and the tarm is welt adapted to dairy or stock purposes, and is considered one of the best. Price. Sil per acre. in payments. Benjamin Todd, Owner. mayl6.ly • rRP RIS SALOON AND RESTAU • ANT. vPBN DAY AND NIGHT. HEALS AT ALL HOURS. Na 19 SIXTH BT., (late St. Clair,) PITTBBIIIIGH. il L lebl9 l 7l-17 NBAL McCALLION G. L. : inufAwr. ",ORD Buy Property, Bed Property, ,Your House ,Insured, Your Goods Insurod,- Your Life Insupl4, •To Insure Against \ Accidents To Lease Your House; To Hire a House, To Buy Farm, To Bell a Farm • Any. Legal Writing,Done, Do not fail to call at the office ot • • If You Waal EBERHART da BEDI9•ON`, GENERAL INBILVANCE AG INISAND R E _ESTATE BRO t,E R . S, ,ni.*.arcopsferAY, NEW , BRIGHTON, nPtr./7. Beaver C421114y, Musical Instd-tute. Ell x'l ; t YOU! cio„p*ti. l - lal3 Ek* j O -AND September 9.-, - ..:187.0. W. L. 88DD3031 tjo es f, 0 .., 0 o•-. 4 4 N- , iz 11 ..• L'l itta ti ' = '"-- • = as yo to 1' .1. •-o s ilisi 0 tt--4 ids = i. 0 M I rt _4.2° hi r t 4 a, o.Ti , 24 oril r"4 tie X * W ‘a t LI !3. Ctl sa C ' t tg • 4. N 01 9 •L .a 41) 'O. hi W • til l 11 4 i .+:1 cp •-3 cz • T HE,: MOST DESIVABLE LIFE INSURANCE. ituteal Life Bounce Company OF NSW YORK, With'its cash assette of over SI*I'Y MILLION OF DOLLARS The ; iitmgest and wealthiest comony in thg) world and ithe oldest Intl:mance Company in Ametica oiler 4 ') .,Pri.tEA.TER INDUCEMENTS to thq insurqd than any other Company— leartee ' , eviry approved description of , ~ LIFE, 11N110MENT lk , ANNUITY POLICIES : 4 , combining . , ed vantages offered by all other ~,, ai Companies with ?- i c: iniSQUAWRO FINANCIAL SECURITY. -1 ~ 1 ‘ ._,, Endormeoliciee payable in CASH in 'ten, fifteen qr two years. and all Life Policies share in the e' Onus' cash d videnda. which can be need redulut;the premiums, maldng the cost Of Wen 15- h year. te ,ic ', ,--' td , it: ,'_. auggitit . , AISIOI*RATORI3 NOTIC -' • 1 4,,,,,, . ___ ~k, --- 41 =t-tura,JORDA24, Dix:D. to , tration *unto estatettgalltsa lok . ~ T _.in: /if been aver , Itipi .„ ~,. •ted to the 1 , . • ; ebted eta estate ) , - .late payment, and ..1111111 a,gainat. aid 'estate are them properly anthent4ated PILIOID \CLOTHING I:44B•lgri _.. Arid, 'h, Pa. ' vp 14 • the city to tlCCiothing and Siga oltho U ‘., 111.YSIY A. B. CLARK, Agent for Beaver County. J. 8 , .-,HUDSON, Admir. IE - sows"; J 0 H N ZAK IN,' ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAIN T.. BICAVER, FILLS 5413113 JOSEPH LEDLIE, ATTORNEY AT,LAW, in t4el Radical Bnilding,) BEAVER, PA. All ,business entrusted to hie care will receive prompt attention. - . • deeftliitty JOHN 8...-YOUNG, 'ATTORNEY: AT • LAW, 4. BEAVIB - nudAddo n ence Third it. nut OM* Clue - All hi* hneineee 'anointed to fir' ctre st 4 (*ire • prereept attention. AW L ,. *now MOM - Real 4hilAto frit eel., and ?Abe* WiThrattob#l 1 .1 1 property, coal or farm bode,l not arvege sad moniy Dy ogling m -- . (opt 27-14 4 1 4 1 1 31 4 8 PA 2123101 ( 2 44 /KIS ' GAME,RO' & kiARK - 8, A - 1 7 T O.R NAVY A l AV AND RWJ RSTATR. , A ROCHESTER, ' PA., _ Wlll attend? promptly to all Dulness etraseed to w the airs and tome superior denies- buyisq sod selling real estate. • 7 deslllrf G r jleßigit L. xi.pgautAßT; (,•*, ATTORNEY At LAW. WiTheverPronspt attention to Collactiosi l / 2 P 4317 "tering Bonnties and Protons, Baying sad Belting al Rotate, etc. • ' • OFFICE ON BROADWAY, • Opposite B. R. Hoopes , Banking Rosso, NBW =ORTON, BILS.YRR CO., PA. seP6IS-1y H.MtREERY, ATTORNEY 4T _ ; LAW THIRD STREET, (First door below the Court liouse,) jyllo-Iy. - BEAVER. PA. ▪ A. SMALL, ▪• , • ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; BEAVIItt, PRIMA. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOXIBI. .-441191/ T. U.' AGRIW. J. M.,1103111131A51L AGNEW di fitIICHA:NACN, TTOEXEYS it4 W. (MEAR Tax P 0132 OCl;it Brattiu, c. H., Pd. XABSILAZZ 11/A2lZikli. 4110; C. aura. WAR.cc IW.E. D 41; BABB, k- / AITORNIVIT AT LAW, No. 66 GRANT ST IttlT, PITTSBURGH. teelrilliq Xtiv advtMonzepto. D ipLomA Awarded by the• American Institute to J, W. Mcßee for :" Eiltroidefint and Flutiu lachiless iligertionsfikickyttillneet the rim or ITO • ry matron la the , land. morlitatiatha or Ira.. John S. GoVit, Bat. Set. IP;A. Barnard,, , Pres. ' , Samuel D. Tilman, Correvonding Sea.' New York, November 20, IffS. This simple and ingenious Machine is as =Oat as the sewing Machine. and - is fast becoming pois ular with ladies in the place of expensive needle work. i'a - Work belng mach more handeoglo. JM• quiring less time and' not one-tenth part.the ex-, pense. No iiidy's toilet is now .complete *Rhona , it. A Machine with illustrated circular- and fait` imittuCtions sent on receipt of $2, or finished in silver platelpr 112.25. Addrens - TBB MAUR MANUFACTURING CO AGENTS DR. GIi.RVINIS ELIXIR OF TAI, le recommended by regular Medical prastioness and # rpee4y cure gasranteed for Colds, Coughs, Catarrh,' Atithma, ifirOnehltis. Spitting. of blood, Consumption and all Pal Co:aphasia- Scrotal*. &Mimi's', Dyspepsia a Got Hys. pelmets and` Neut. bySentery, Cholera morhas, Cholemand allliverimd bowel complaints. Kid ney diseases and all affections of the urin al. Or . rfectly humless---free from Mineral or Icoholic properties—pleasant to take. Pnilpar- Healers with medical testimony and certificates sent an application.: Address L. 7. Hyde d; Co., 195 Seventh Arena°, N. T.• • Darts from the DoviLoriipiti. About, A book Nit Wiled e_ xposin g the "Personals"- tia' st have appeared in the New:York - Newspapers: their history and letson. Stylish, viltlans fully exposed. Advertisements from desperate men to, beautiful women clandestine Meetings; how frustrated'. The history of the Goodrich tragedy the result ef a personal. Description of living Broadway sta-", tnes. Exposes Octal corruption. Sent on receipt_ of 60 cents. Address 'Unique _ Printing House, 30 Vevey-street,•New York. • T"NEW ELASTIC TRUSS. An important invention.. It retains; the Rupture at all titnes, andd - ander the hardest exercises or severest stein. It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and day. effects a permanent cure in a few weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by Rail when requested, cir culars tree, when, ordered by , letter sent to The Elastic Trade ` Co:, No. 683 Itroadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Tresses ; too painful; they slip off too frequently. 'UB BECKWITH Ego Po ABLE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, ON DAYS TRIAL, many advantages over all. Siktisfaction guaran teed. or 20 refunded. Sent co fete, with folic directions. Beckwith Sewing Machine Co., NW Broadway, N. Y. WANTED. ' , r., A GooctWagon Maker and Blacksmith to fade charge of a shop. For further information ad dress J. lI:CHRISTY, Holt P. 0., anialM. Beaver County, Pa. ARIZONA SW IR SOLID 14 KARAT GOLD o t J (WARRANTED.) WATCHES AND JEWELRY Of Every Description. „Nli 38 FIFTH AVENUE, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Bata:geol.- Maria Christina Speyerer, dted. Lenin of administration on the estate of Marts 'Christina Speyerer, deed., late of the borough of Rochester, Beaver county; Pa., having been grant ved tri• the undersigned, aU persons indebted to `wild estate art-requested to make immediate, pay want. and tboidibaiing claims against the muse to present them properlyanthentleated for settle ment. to 13110 ROS C. SPXYBRIM. jy9ls-3t Administrator. . CI_MARDH. - cozinut. Nuns ' CIDIVINUT PKILIMILPHL&. ALAI% WitAGA, Prtwittor. =ED 3(6 Broolway. New York D lAMONDS 118 MI kI [MI