The Argus and radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1873-1903, October 01, 1873, Image 5

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    The Fairludd in this place last week,
was one of the most successful, financial
ly considered, that we have ever had, the
Clc eland' Pittkbargb Raltroad. receipts falling but little if any below
' "4' , " 4 1 ' a• m • , kc
..ei J . commodazio sl,4o.). The exhibition of stock, farm
p,l3 plements, fanc_k , work Lte. wa3 perhaps
&nic•c E-uf-4 1 .ecolmtooe•aticthi 14 . 19 8 - 42 ; Mail ' n o t equal to p — reVious years, yet alt agree
that there were noro people here this
year than over before at a county fair.
Arrival and of Mulls.
; OWitir• to the rain on Thursday foriaftoon,
u. 43 T. t.; arrn•t.
the fair was cxatined until Saturday,
and during the whole time it was little
The attention of the punk is dire2ted less iiny - wh4FettA the
:be following New Advertisements fair grounds. .The pobsl.3, universally,
which appear for the first time in THE t were *ell pleilmeo:*ttli- inirove
.kßOus AND RADICAL to-day : ments made by'llia s • Oelety during the
ccial Notice-•J. Fi. Bence. :VAlr -
S - otice in I'Lraticra—Ch present. year, ana ;ae
amberlin White , fis noR - pretty
,i„drertisement--L D C general that the Beaver County Agrlcul
i.dvcrtifem( n t--1 D IIONV
Ar.ditor't• Fonce--0 A Small. t taral Society has '
. the best track for; ;r1.4 1 .9
Notice--0 A. Sinttil• • ••••,. • or •speed s the trite tonvenient grounds
to Bridge Cant:Lc:or:-
-71. T Ste , 2r—Join Embaugh .. foi-exhibltiou'llifiito4see,Wid'itW most
substantial-buildings .to be faun& any- ,
wlaure in thitiTwate:for:alhailar uses.. The
olicera of tht.-zooty - apr the praseil t
adsdrvp, /4/ri):47l - 411171514e143 they
rdz...Avin r 3 0r..1 it
CO:ratrytnera „ for the in: azo dritdr,
ruin:fe.:el ter than in '`th,e' ere - etio
new buil.linzs in] in th - ... 4 general man
avment of the affairs of the so :iety Bur
in: the recent fair.
1.1 E.
c o auty Committee Meeting.--1
I ne ilepublicaii County Committee
at the Court "'once, in Beaver, a '
x(-i:•e•z(l,..,4y,,C4ctober Ist, at 1 0'r. , 102k P.
r. A 4 ...rAl attendance is requected.
(iEo. \V. lIA.”ILTON, (I.l*ri.
: - 71! IiTIS, See . y. •
cheapest Pla , ".e lyty G 011.3 is the
rite -county re-union - is what._ the
,:ctivra:iy called our fdir :at•t Nv'eek
it,a),4pr()l)l late.
e 4.1. lassorttuent -. 14.1:)kis at 11
, ::'} bestc_>.
(ro -acc's a-ry an,l Trimr:Ling
.r.., TLird Street, Bt-awcr,ltir fie,s, goods.
• : tt,—; ~tre f)ntJ
Millinery Goods in large variety at
;.•,ara":, P.oche-,ter, very cheap,
-r , ._ }_''tc
Ft ev. ,1. Et t.etl and lady, of the
Female were
:he many vkitz - )ri wn.) attended
!:., I;?aver Fair last Friday.
Mittitiero, Hats, B Innets
11;bb.ins, Bt!r.ce'6 Bcaver
lit 31
•'‘ 'e,
er!!re rew two Horre Wagret.. for F
Largest Stock to select frost) at
ouard's, Itqchester. sept24-2w
4. Specialty of ladies and gebts wool
wear at Mrs. Beacom's. septl7-3w
The number of off:Ceara; employed to
calm the belligerents and carry off the
.lrunken ones were very few at the fair
last week, as ompared with former years,
fur which the local-optionistAs deserve
redi t.
_Yew Fall Hats, B.)nnetts,.Ribbnns,
Feetber2, / il:ucoes, &c., all ;he new bt ;les
a! Bence's, Beaver. 3;
TO Save Money, bny goods of Hib
bard, Roc heater.
Buchinge s Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, felt
Clothing, cheapest in the county at i
skirts, Scarfs and Shawls, ladies and
Roche•ater. sept2A-2w '1 gents wear, also the best makes barred.
1. flannelat fac t ory prices. Wealways sell
Alexander's bat kid gloves. Our stock
will be found full and complete during
tlao season. Thanking our many
and 1 - iatrons for past favors, we will try
and nierit the same in the future. Give
an early 0a1 7 .4!t. Bence's, Third 'street,
The school directors of Industry town -
ship. Beaver counts!, have elected, M. R.
aesidy, of Wa.Qhington county, princi
c-faal of the Industry schools. Mr. C. t ihas
the reputation of being a - „fine toach4,
en'a and. Bo)- .It% aria .•, a
q‘leadid assortmen. at Hibbard's, Ho
, te--ter. sept2l-2w
We are indebted to Mr. James T. Con-
Ln and Bros., dealers in books and sta
tionery, for a box of beautiful initial rose
tinted paper and envelopes to match. We
:,drtse those who are iuueedofstationery
to visit Messrs. Jarn3s T. Conlin and
'tiros.' stationery store in B.den, and if
tbev do so we are sure they will be
, ': , )ern the very best selection of paper of
tu! varieties in the market.
One Pair Merino Drawers and
(i.e undershirt for 75 cents at Hibbard's,
I).7 , cl:ester Go and buy. sept2l-'2w
Airs. E. If. Beacom has just re
( vc.d and now offers for sale the cheap
-6,1 and most select assortment of millin
ery over brought to this market, coin
':,•l-ing flowers, Ribbons, ostrich tips,
velvets, pon-pons and velvet and
, !' - ac; - bats and bonnets. septl7-3w
-Mr. NN'illiam Wag
a for:n.q . ia
very maidenly at his
Snider! Dc.3111.-
r--. de.icf! in Nt.;w t•r.vnsliip on
:tv week. II.!t) , i-k nt
3:1 , 1 tt at. i I'. s: 'dl.? day.
u9wani-• of
v ac a rit.,Lon and
x.: { 11J1
Pure I;:iir
b't )10- aL., a L,••
it 1711 4 .11‘ , i\ c a rr. 1;f, • It. -
e tvere liear •Ir
Capt. \(
N7rirC ; •0 tlrtl
c ,l ,llpc-J klay rc: /,:1- r;:ake
TLic)nafo. I tlae
I'lEic`C' LAS It(-i-n (. 1 ( 1 / 2 , t(-. l At t.H. as
rue liabilities are in the
fl2 l O , Xf. The as , ,et. , are up
-6.:1 to be fully equal to this ant )u
Mr. .1, E . Welsh, of Chiprev, a wau one of thn pag , ..env..r trains
left a hen's egg at our oili , 7e A W:411'1/ ever pass,-.4k1 over the l'ennsylva
:lA. Gap. Ago ;hick rnca.‘nred 4 inches nia iliilroal, being evatplite , tl of t vent`-
the ends andfz inches circu tr)- 1 two cars, nearly all la ten with Morin ons
. ‘,r-{o.l}lVe no recollection of ever ;en route toUtah. Two children be!ong
:E.-4LT a , larger — ten's egg tLan this and ing to the NI ortulna died o% tb...1 train
Liercfore bo!!eve ftat bot weep iitrri,ifirg and Altoona. They
" :- ' 1(al f''r ll4 !• :arge r,re were intyrre,l A:
sept 24-2 A-
-s'.x.vear% of age
FEtil line, of 4tusitiry, .at
' C•otIC&.
Avlong the numerous prolucts
ho rte r
iningttry to be seen on the lair
I.Nunds last week we noticed nothing
that was ui ire deserving of praise than a
nudiber of parlor and cooking stoves,
manufactured by the well known firm of
A. F. Wolfe Co., of Beaver Falls. These
`stoves were entered by the popular hard
ware merchants. Messrs. Bruce LS: Brier
ly, of Beaver Falls, which should be a
sufficient recommendation of their mer
its. Among the many stoves dealt in by
this firm we might mention the follow
ing, which attract especial admiration
and praise, from the be..t. judges : The
"Howard Improves," for w 03.1 or coal,
a large ornatne :tat cooking stove, which
has a splendid reputation wherever it is
known. The "Ida" parlor heating stove
als - 3 possesses many advantages and is a
, well constructed stove. Tine "R adiator,' '
an office or parlor heating stove is also
neatly constructed an 3 is unsurpassed
for an offi - cct or parlor stove. Winter is
c):ning on and a g)3.1 ca3kin; and beat
ing stove is an article of indispensable
value to every g)od house keeper, and
the place t 3 buy such is at. Bruce & Brier
ly's hardware Store, Beaver Falls, Pa.
Something for the Ladles.—La
dies are hereby informed that the) will
find at Bence's store, Third street, Beaver,
one of the largest, finest, and most fash
ionable stock of Hats, Bonnets and gener
al Millinery Goods ever offerd at this place
to which their attention is especialy invit
ed as many novelties are offered which
are new in this part of the country really
being the latest Paris and London styles.
In addition lade will find full lines of
gross grained Ribbons, Laces, Veils,
Fathers and mothers, look out , for
your boyt! when the shadows of evening
have gathered around you. Where are
they then Are they at home,' at the
pleasant, social tireside, or are they run
nitt, :he streets? Are they receiving a
street education? If so. take care!
There is scarcely anything so destructive
to their,4orals as running abroad at
night, and most especially is this true in
our own towns about the mouth of the
Beaver, where drunkards reel along our
streets unmolested by the authorities,
and where street fights and drunken
brawls are almost nightly occurrences.
Under the cover of darkness your chil
dren acquire the education of crime; they
learn to be rowyish, if not absolutely
vicious, they catch up loose talk, bear
sinful thoughts, and rapidly become
reckless and riotous. If you would save
them from ruin, see to it that night finds
them at home. Parents should solemnly
I ponder this matter and do all in their
power to make bone attractive, so that
boys would prefer it to runni-ng the
Pay `our Little D:qots.—A szen
tleinau AEI, goo] we liqve
unlimited emfidene , , I in our hem--
itig ❑ r. ag )
:v eV
.1 ,
!.7. I• 1 :.'ll
:ti ,
call , prr,l.—e• !Ilia'
r - lira , .CP4
prompt ilyinctit -ati
in tiunec like 1.1:,
private -duty. Tuff
p:sys a debt in the r.•:y
dozen before 1 :N.-7'v. , iii are
action i oi:e.
—Mornion Enitgrants.-7'.c emi
grant train on the Pennsylvauil Rail
road yesti:irday was four hour 4 behind
tirnA, owing ti t::.e fact of its hiiving
left New York out of stihedtil;: titue. It
I :t C I'll'4l
~~.,.. 1: ',~~
' I. . 4 11. ~...
THE ARGUS ANti) ItADNAL , : itOCTP;?I,-..1R. 1 1 187 J.
Joseph P. Johnston.
31a. Entroi. One who was once a
highly esteemed citizen among us,shoul4r
not be suffered to is away as a stranger ..
Thos.? Whlie ag parmits them to go
backlin meltaV tiefore the year ISI-!,
willreM - amber Jose - t all P. Johnston, of
the well known firin of Henry Jr.. John
s V)11, vitea:diff, laultne'ss 'Beaver wher e
the Rldical building now -stands. A
genial' and pleasant, companion, a kind:
andl-Wlging friend and neigl).bor pin d an
upright MAO, he attracted' by his,. free,
coorteous,and open maamers,and gentle
manly de:ParOnent. Fdw werei patter
adapted by liattire aud habit, O l draw .to
themselves the bind . feelings of_oithers.
lie Last ail alike witli a
i 'llea*tar greeting,
Made 4311 - ezUve by" ;113
,y,i!..yr t4ll3lcif his
voic.i, - and atoms enlivening rein trk.
Ur. as'Airiito:4 cams /3.saFer (Before
;haw long the w:itez -caliaot,otate
exa,:tly, probably in 18;5. 3i* 1a244. fri•
Ostober 1829, he.was tuirriei , g try,
d , f the late Hon, Thomas .
—4 Ati rioijite of Ls-•
wer ) LyCit and
-wo i,i c'ounty
an I State, au.l who held many p Isetions
of confidence and honor by the vulce of
his felluw citizens —Prothonotary, *
Associate Judge, and tnein bar of Con
gress for three conse‘iutive terms:
Mr. Jllinstori fortuaate tits'
chuic), finding in- i 4 wife a wohisn of
good sense, j i ndgtaent, and energy of ,
character. Tom an Aneal and cum
mercial crasli of 18;7, followed by the
disastrous years 0(1341, and '43, found
him nnt.)rti t tnAtt,'"'aild led. to
his removal t. ) , ;I: Ripley; 01110-, Ice 1341,' try
pursue a new busines4: There he made
many friends and reared a happy,family.
The change in the busi3ss of the' Ohio
river, iu ccnisequeuise of) the It tilioad
system drawing from it largely the car
rying tradti, made another change in his
business, and finally ho found himself
installed in one of the Depaitineuts at
Washington, where notwithstanding his
a;e,:his early b&iness habits made him
acceptable and effective. ‘Sevetouflue
ment, and strict atteation to business,
however, told upon a c3nstitution en
feebled by advancing year and broken
by a recent attack of small-pox. A. biat
six or seven weeks ago ha came on a
visit to his relatibns here, in the hope of
a restoration to health ; but his malady
had taken a tight grasp upon his vital
powers, and he died at the house of his
brothe'r-in-law, -- William Henry, Esq., in
Fallsto'il, on' Sunday night, September
21st, in, Ixe 72d year of hie age. Always a
moral and upright - man, his later life was
crowned with the grace of religion, and
he died a follower of Christ.
1 ni. Bea.
He had deposited two of his children in
the old graveyard, and always thought
of Beaver as his house. His return and
death here bring to mind Goldsmith's
lines :
-In all my travels round this world of We.
In all my griefs—And 03d has given nay E hare.-
I still had hopes tai latest hoar* to c.rovni..; \ r -
Amidst these humble bowerSto lay me down
And as a hare whom holands and horns puma,
Pants to the place from W ., ?enCe at first she flew,
1 still had hopes -7-my long vexation!, past.-
liere to return—anti die at, home at last." '2 i
As one .who knew him well I hii.ed
thought it proper to notice - his • death in
terms, not of fulsome eulOgy, but of just
praise, that those who remember him
when a citizen among - u ,
.may kuCw of
his departure to a higher sphere, and pay
a passing tribute to his memory. „
"Soct us"
People of all creeds are holding con
ventions these times. Twit may be ex
pected as long as personal free tliluking iq
indulged in to any great extent; but who
would have supposed• that a "Fat.• Nitvrel
Convention" would have- been held in
those,"piping timet of peace?" Yet such
was the case. At PUt-in Bay on the 10:b
of Septetnber, a lot of fat men did assem
ble, and John Templeton of Swanton,
Ohio, was President, and H. E. 0. Hazen
was Secretary and weigher. Among the
hundred or so of "light weights" pres
ent, the most remarkable were John
Templeton, aforesaid, who raised the
beam at 534: pounds; I:fr Risler, of New
ark, Ohio, 3130 pounds, Nelson Bristol,
Florence, Ohio, 325 pounds; D. A. Shoe
maker, Waterloo, Indiana, 320 pounds,
and quite a respectable number drawing
over 2. 7 i0 pounds. Mrs. J. Homill, of De
troit, who was in attendance, 225 pounds,
aged forty-six years, and is the mother of
eighteen children, the youngest of which
is only eighteen months old.
d •
(i 1( t.,
We do not advocate the holding of Fat
pelple nor Loan people's conventions;
but if they must be held we are a little
sorry that Beaver county hay no repre
sentatives in them. Could not some of
our men and women who are dreadfully
or dreadfully lean put thernielv s in
trdining, and next year carry ,Ar tll4. pre
,uicrc I for t..Cv - thin
m..rl of human ity ?
r34..ttn oca Fortner
;t izen 01" I;euver.---I'ho tvpo
;3,t wt-t 41;,. that ('ipt. I. P. Johh.t it
nt on :II , • evellitilz of ' y
t.•rnher 214. It wLi 11')' I. P. J>h
.1 , ),; 1 )11 I'. Juiirist , , n. %yen-
Li )W n :14 it I.4rnier citizm of I.; aver, &Ind
t one time a merchant of this plaeo.
Mr. Johnston after leaving Beaver re
s.ded for many years at Itiploy, Ohi
and 'for some time past was e,,nne:ted
with ti:e Treasury Department at Wash
ington. Fee:ing quite unwell several
weeks ago, ho came to Beaver c)unty,
and while at the residen^-1:4 of his brother
in-law—lion. William Henry—ln F. 1114-
ton. tr. diel as heretofore stated on the
21st of Septe:nly,r, sick' 72 years. His
funeral n Icurrel on the 2-44 t inst. The
rennin-4 were deposited 'in the cemetery
in Beaver. - -
!Inc -Maitre, "'eV. Brown, editor
of the All:auch .Ifin:lor, who b3en
open - 11:34 bah_nA4 in E
sv:.:lv at home on la , it Friday, one
- —K,ap a : spedal. ,lookout for hall
thleVeii; lioir that overcoats are in de
inaat"trottingirace atAllelFair last Sat
urday was won by the Magaw mare, and
the pacing race by Copper Bottom.
—Burglars Ekbout.- Cold lead in de
mand. Keep your six shooters - in a con
venient place. and let the scoundrels
have the full benefit of them.
lowa are waiting
for an eligible opportunity to change t
name of Bullgreeu, the only thing the
have inherited,from their. cath4;w.
—Jas. T. Brady do Co., bankeTi of Pittat
:burgh; , failed: last week ~and cloiled up
their house., We presume some Beaver
. 00lioty people had deposits there. -‘ •
Security. Trust _GoRIMY
Pittsburgh Dame to a short stop on IsfOn:
day 'One week .1, 'Liabilities = Unkna7i)
at present
A. Boyd Rook, an ex-pOliceman
ktid vipl.l-4Kto any of
bißeaVer:Th - , 'died! tiliolsuddiotiT
Iy in Pittsburgh on Monday of hod'
wet,k„f , • I
I . iedieS"rt:Zim - the' country, with
from six to eight unmarried daughters
are on — tiie buntlnglor the patrons
of husbandry. A Grange established
,hezlNa.)29ute,. f it d ie trough;, would. /lave a
lip ely run Jot 'amicble inotheYs.
—A Chester county Pa. hen, laid some
eggs on a manure pile, the heat of which
hatched them without any attention on
'the part or the lien.—Citcster Co. E.c.
A little proof would be clearly in order
Mr. John Wilhelm. a former resident
of Beaver county, but, now Or Allaghen . y
City, ornamented the streets of Beaver
with his genial countenance on last
—David F.;..ving. E4q., of Raccoon town
ship, has our thinks for a couple of
squashes exhibited by Lim at tile fair last
week, If they did not take a premium,
they deserved to. We are clear on that
point. • • •
—Mr. Alexander Quay, who has been
doing business in Mt. Jackson, Lawrence
county, as a merchant, is about to close
up there and come to Beaver Falls, where
he will engage in a similar pursuit.
—P.( B. Conn. Esq., of the Steuben
ville,lphio New4,' has purchased the
Daily Herald of the same town, and con
solidated the papers. The price paid for
the Herald was 824,000. We consider
the eatab i llgh ment well si)ld.
—Hon. Wm. McClelland, and John J.
HendersqE_l, l E4q., the former a citizen
of Lawrence comity and the latter a resi
dent•of Meadville, Pa., have formed a
partnership and opened a law office in
Pittsburgh -
—The New Brighton Bind, under the
leidershtpinj prof. tWinter...diseenrsed,
excellent ..Week hi fhe fair
grounds. This is,,of the best. nitiOcal
organizations in Western Penneylvani
a fact which itionidlintlie'overiogited by
pairties or organizittliria in teerch — oftrst
class musical talent"... . •
iA , Mr.. ra!ker,_whslas is . c:eue
. was
450.000 pitrtintun, 'krjrcia id bep
h~ppaq~f, in r yelt.,PialacisArroa, during
Tligstl4l rkiglit,Leflaitz•week:. Tho mur
derer died am after the shooting, but
the wife It is , thstught will recover. .TC;4-
only igtfiedgid tiVfrave been the cause
" th 2 P 1 4 1 ,4'1411: 1.7.
- 7 445irtipp t of the pitta r hurgh mnsemn
hadVibearthid %roma - Aid alirong man, an
94L1904-4091./ISeYrATEQiPdtnan with a
horn in his forehead, and a l iving man's
heaci‘lttiotit tibia .63dy ait)Litid, at • onr
isiriastiveek. • Ife4eemed to be doing a
- tlifi; folk tailtiesa:
i f
'• - T. Wasliihiton conll-
.17 ea eratio capdidatea for
Assembly id this Diatrict i ' has a buck
named Gull prop.- which cost him $5,000.
He has several ewes which he values. at
$2,500 each. That he will make more tha sheep business than he wilt
in politics, to pretty plain to the most
casual observer.
—J. H. Odell, Esq., has sold the
Yonngtown Vindicator to 0. P. Whar
ton, Esq. B. • of •e gentlemen here
referied to art well k own in -this coun
ty, andboth o th • have been connect
-ad heretofere,wlt the newspapers pub
lished bore. Mr. @dell is at sea now and
has not fully ma up ais mind yet aq to
what he Will turn h' • attentiAn te. Un
der his m a nagement the Vind'calor grew
to be a povs"er in Malionln county, and
w© have no doubt 'at at-I but that Mr.
Wharton will he able to keep it fully
breast witlli the requirements of the
See the large stock of clothing at Hib
bard's, R , ..ehes ter. sept 24 -2w
What a Large Cash Prize Will
Do.—The :3100,n00 prize in the last drilw-'
ing or the Kentucky Library Concert was
drawn by a noor man in im interior vil
laze in Massachusetts. His oldest
kn't very pretty, but the local
paper says she h•td over forty-three of
fers of marriag - _, i!iside of forty-eight
hours. One would have supposed a
young meas mass meeting was b:ing
held at the lucky 111E111 . 6 house.
The "Rack Pay" Question.—
Here is a "back pay" item which is rath
er pleasant reading: A `Sr. Elmore is
one of the "old school" subscribers of , the
Kingston, (Vt.) Journal. I3e ISM thir
ty-one years in arrears for his paper.
;dsst week he called upon the editors of
the Journal, and, remarking that he
might not be around that way again very
soon, he paid his subscription ten years
in advance, and another for his sister
twelve years ahead.
Splendid Dross (.1%)04 - . 14 at Hibbard's,
R9chester. eept24-2vr
Iteimnsatm of best prints at S cents,
i at Hibbard's Rochester. sept24-2w
lieire is alifile man with a king reach.
A dwarf comedian* knotirrHis •I'Little
Mack," just 36 inches high, :got into an
- altercation with a sit tooter,. in San Fran
latel7, • and actually cut . the:top elf.}
his antagonist's bead. Lqial: papers ask ,
How did the dwarf get up there!? •-• • ...
Advertise Tour
man who advertises shows not only a
business talent above - his
,neighbors, but
be may at once be reckOned s arnong
•. itide nt, generous and public-spir
te.. of the mnnity. He who . bidea
his light under a%ushel, with' such id
vantages as those at present Offered him;
'does-not succeed. .
Free of ni Iltwk.Auarlessen .
Beaver Drug Store, Bieves, Plil IA get a sample
iiottla4 of Dr. AL: 26elioe'0 , Ge - rtnaif!i3yitpt ) Free , 401
(lunge It has lately , heiris.intmcluced . 1A 1410
crotintry,frnrn Germanv. and fnr,ipy,ppilen s uf
tering with ft Q evere c9u4' l l, heavy cold settled on
the 'brenit, consntription ow any 'di.dokaisif O.
throat and lungs It has no equal in the world.
_Op k r
regular size bottles 75.centa. Itt all popes money
be. promptly returned lf,periect satiafactilon
Is not given. Two doses Will relieve*" any owe.
Try - it. ' " ifor39-]y
/iv soon as the rflumeiet. ,cra,sh of last
Thursday and Friday was
. fully realized,
the President, and Secretary Itictiardson
went to New York, and after a donfer-,
once with the leading bankers there, they
ras Avec] to instruct the A: - Ssistant United
States Treasurer at that place, to buy up
all , the Government bonds bffered for sale
in the city. Is is tboughtthat this move:.
merit on the part - of the: Government
will afford relief to the - hanks and the
people. A fow days, hOwever, will harp,
to pass before the fruits of, t 3 project tolr:.
become apparent. :„ _ •,
Gen. G. T. Beaureznid lea.% con
siderably injured rotently White visiting"
the famous battle-field at Manassas. His
horse stumbled and fell catching the
General's leg under him and bruisi
severely. He also dislocated his thumb
and sustained other trifling injuries
which detained him in confinement for
a day or two. He was on his way to New-
YOrk at the time.
:71ountaln Cake.—To the yelks of six eggs.
well beaten, add two cups of white F2igar, three
quarters cup butter, one cup BWJet milk, three
and-a• half cups flour. having in it one measure of
Bander Baking Powder. Sitbites of : two eggs,
beaten stiff. Bake in jelly 'cake pans. When cold
spread each layer with . au iclng made with the
whites- of four eggs, beaten stiff, one ponad' of
powdered sugar and one tab , •epoonful extract of
Each can of the Banner Baking Powder contains
a mill measure, to be used even full, according
to prikie d directions. If you cantibt obtain this
really - *stumble article from• your grocer. send
twenty-flve cents by mail, addressed tn Banner
Baking Powder. P.O. Lock Box, 317,, , Pittsburgh
Pd.. and you will receive, postage Paid, a iparater
pound packsge, together wpdmeligit of fifty valua
ble recipes. -
Agelealtursa ,Itiaplements.—, The
competitors for the premiums. for this
class of implement" were rite numer
ous_ at- the, fairpaat week : :: W e' noticed
that,Mr. Samue WaltOn; or thfi county,
bad on exhibition the cllebypted chaFap
ion, combined self Taker, th":niedyin2 4
opmbin,s?d 7raker. of the aamei menu
Sure, the late No.. 3 light . mower "'an • re
late improved Buckeye grain dalP,
.1vb194- attracted univer4Vat4ntion and
approbation from grain *mei* and nth
'era. The Xleckind'orii plow;: for s which'
)dr. W. is agent, was: aisa 4n*ed and
reoilived the approbatiO Of;:tEtO: jocigen;
All of the above,implements,
merited reput*iou_and tho"lulteed of
an, h9nest barpeting - tnitchico, drill or
.ebouyi not.
J. , fail to see *tr.T W Walton
before purchasing. . .
. .
Mr. J. 11. Cbrist,t; of fro% Pa., has'
just returned froni the EaSt, where. he
i' hal ' Vurrchased - a lett& f itisiStement, .of
get&lS. "His murderous - friends -on the
South side should bea'ethis in 'mind and
give him , an early call at his . store,
where they will find a fithline - of Dry
*Goods, Groceries, Bents in id Shoes, Hats,
Caps, Notions, Readrmade -Clothing;
Hardware and Queensware at prices that Valuable Prop'erty Sold.—A. friend
defy competition. Harve always pays' just from the Butler oil fiat informs us
the highest price 'for. grain and all kinds that a 300 acre tract of land, \located be
of countryince._ ~:, • tween Buena Vista and Faiview, was
~......_ _ ........ _ ,
soldiast week to Messrs. Vandergrift
A FsigtviugA:oo.—A. kart 4 of 20
and Foremen ofoil s City for $.99,000 . ca5h.
men' one of whom had lost $l6O, in
Amity, Oregon, accusel the cook of the These gentlemen have been in the of l
party of stealing it., The cook stoutly busines4 for along time and feel ( assured
denied the theft, and to see , if he was te*, hat they have a "good thing" in their
in r ethe truth, the. o , 3rty took him forth, ratan purchase in Butler county.
___ —..............________
an I amid hilarious laughter, a quiz, and
a gentle poke in the ribs, he was care- Aft 4 CRIED.
fully suSpended by the neck until he was JON 4 4—JUDY—On Wednesday, Septemblr 24, a
nearly dead. They then took it for net sidence of the bride's pifrents, 3t; Locust
granted that he didn't take the money, street, by If's% W. H. OW, Mr. John Jones. of
Baden, 13,..aver county, to Mrs. Irene A. Judy,
and gayly asked him to prepare supper.
of Allegheny City.
This he did, and wonderful to relate, the
. CAROTIIFIRS—NICKLr;;—g ' eptember 25th, I:173,
whnlitparty are alive yet. i - by Rev. J. P. Da Alt Mr. Samuel Carothers and
Nliss Mag . .lie NicliV i e, both of Kendall, Beaver
county, Pa. ,„,
.0 ..•
Reaver Building and Loan Asso-
ten hf4‘l thrift aanua: eleo.tion at the
Re„;ister'g allele, on iaii. Saturday even •
Tim follewinz por33n•: were elected
t) serve for the en-Ming year :
Pre.iident—Thomai NleCreery.
Peel;ilent.— T. Sic•kmin.
Ti-c. - t..vcrer.--11.. Ir. Cooper.
,cerretary. —D. Singleton.
Direetors. —J. Weyand,J. 11. IST eCreory ,
A. G. White, F. Wilson, (1. Turner, S. C.
Johnston, J. F. Dunlap, E I. Allison and
DD Shumake'r.
Distress .1; Suicide —On last Sab -
bath morning before daylight Mrs. Goll
wife of Henry Goll of Bridgewater, arose
from her bed, made her way to the creek,
and drowned herself. \Her body, was not
found tintil about 7 o'ulocli on Sabbath
morning. Although Mr. Gail missed
ber from the
,bed in which they, were
both sleeping shortly after midnight,still
he was not alarmed at her absence` as he
supposed she had gone to see her daugh
ter (Mrs. Reed) who WEB sick at liezne( a
few rods distant.) The deceased bed
been unwell for some time and, was la
boring under an aberration of mind,
when the melancholy event transpired.
r -----I
iiilitt, - .i - Ntr - irtititt:
i . tdiVi
—Mr. J. IV.llankin's, the *al boot
and , shoe dealerof -Rochester, left.iir the
East on last Wedwaido ,morning I for a
hew stock of goods..r! :
Quite. a number oe'pheathen .4inee"
men put . in .appearan?e at the: Fair
grounds on last Tbuzaqty, wearing.their
usnal costumes. an 4. a "smile. that was
child li4 . e and_ bland,"sOrniniitii, aOrove
proceedings; the proedinga; • We,; there fore, pre-
Slime that airetniuni : for the .most gor
geotisly and beautifultais been tnydrded.
onis , one nian.*an leOniplain
tit the "diyaMs" of tfifi.' Pith on Thum
' foienoori, bid lay :ire understand,
Nias'Aireseed hi a thltsttit of :Waterproof.
) ?-314.Andreiv Patteison, of .•kiboks
`l:deni; start. a gmery and gen
oral :variety store In:that town. Success.
7,A. runaway horse attacded to an
open - buggy "caused 'quißi an excitement
on the Fair grounds last week. A young
`son • 4::•f H. Doddei, •of BeaVei, was
knocked dawn and Ain over by. the horse
and buggy; reCeivregsolne severe brit is
about the bead and face, but no
reSDitt,fire bx pected.
Pension% and Bounties —Sol•lterstand th
widoWts Mad dependent Mothers and fathers o
aoidiers who fell in the service of the Uultel States
ea - ..e themselyes Juttedlf• aunoyanie, loss of
time and mon ey htplactng their claims' in th e
hands of an attor.tei that is relit pasted in the pen
sionlnyl bounty 4a#ness; and we know ; of. no one
that fs more thoroughly aefiainted Witn the busi
ness than Vajor Gilbert L. Eberliirtf bf New
Brighton. Pa.
Thu 34/9. , ..ts hut Ist:6).y sue
// Sul iti.piose , tountles and pen
rut; , and his a sO.iller - and
a claim agent' iedge of the busi
ntta-that few ~ o ssess. leathers
mid Mothers who' lOit sons in the- service upon
whom they - were whoilycril — patilally dependent
for support, are entitled to a p'en.iion of eight
dollars a month. Septl7-3w
Coal, Whisky, and a Divorce.—Ak
lady in Saline: May Ohio, has larough
-suits in the Court of Common Pleas, un
der the Adair Law, , sgainst four liquor
,sellers of that place, for selling liquor to
her husband, contrary 4 -lo iaw, the dama
ges claimed amounting in the negate
to $12,000. She has also brought a suit
for divorce from her husband. That she
means brisiuess is very apparent to the
dullest understanding.
TI i• . Ohio, is slightly ahead of other
towns, of its size., It has two lawyers
Who blOong to the female persuasion.
They e&re named Flnrence and Nettie
Croinse, :and are sisters. Al couple of
of young men who are anxious to be
supported: mig4t go further and fare
worse than to marry the radios here re
ferred to.
Be Reopeetthl to the Aged.--Po
liteness to the aged, It . appear appears, pays. In
Bennington; Vt., there is a young man
rk.ned Carr, who has. been "uniformly
kind and respectful" to an old gentleman
named Cunningha This old gentl e -
man was reputed t be poor, as he was
no more,!;ban .a day, laborer. But the
other, day. the, kind and respectful young
person was. most
. agrelabl,y thunder
struck, for he *as presented by the
grateful old gentleman with the deed of a
farm worth $12,00. So it appears that
the old geutleMan named tinningh am
was a (pecuniary) angel 'in: diaguise.
Moral: Be good to an old gentleman ,
and you will get ir farm' Worth 512,000.
omftrent keit o the'Peus ion
114118.,=•We fume &Ole , prominent, old;
:and wealthy' Men In this, country who
are draitinjg pensions from. the General
Goverrnment., , Amlng these are John A .
Governor-pf the Stattof Now York ,
Thurlow Weed, one of thOldest edi tors
in the Untied States, and' Daniel Drew,
the wall street Methodist millioniare,
they all having been soldiers of the war
oflBl2. Weed played a II fe,Dix eltrried the
sag, and Drew carried a musket.
GRIM —ROBERTSON 01 Wo, laesday • evoning,
Septena)er 2Uh, 1.;73, at tt,.2 residence of the
brik'e InO'ber, B iv.2r raft., P.. by Rev. W.
Morehead, Win. 11 Grin], M. D. to Miss Ame
lia A. Itob trtson, bot't of Be:Ivor Paßa. No
PA Y:NT E.:—.Sr_TP..NEFIJN In Bri I g w tter. Sop
!ember 22, IS7Z, by It .rv• Jain !s M. Mr.
011; , r1.-1 N. Payut , or Allf...hony City, Pa anti
Mis 4 Jane 13erteson of Bridgewater, Pit.
S2ptembor 27 . 2, 2'73, by itev. James M. SliLe.l(l4,
Mr. Samuel .Tam .:.4 Mor;:tilIol:711 and M J 4 ,4 Mitt it)
Steele Miller, both oT R ensster , Pa.
LINR. —GROVE—In Bridzewater, saptemb,”..
1373 by Rev. James M. Shields, Mr. Jqhn Link
and Miss Nancy Grove, both of Vanport, Pa.
by Rev. JnO. Smut, Mr. Franklin Van4ityver to
Miss Rebecca Ward, both of Coinmbiava county ,
SCOTT.—RBES—On the even fug of the . 21st of
September, at the residence of the Bride's pa
rents, Bridgewater, Beavtiir County, Pa, by her
grandfather. Rev. Jacob K. Miller.—Mr. ;lames ,
P. Scott of Pittsburgh, to Miss Fannie Jl. Rees.
BrIUN'SON.—On Tnevday morning, September
1873, Mrs. Lizzie Brunt.ton, wife of Wm,
Brunaton, aged 3.5 years.