'A/MMUS Ad SittlintliCr. joRN CONWAY & CO., sASKERS B ROKERS ROCHESTER, PA ouiras of Eacaracca Coo AND EXCELI.7IOI ,t;,.rte of Mandufacuals ture So licitedrs, Merchar.ta and Lad, vi. ICEP.IitT ALLOWED Oti TIXE DEPOSITS o c ereEpondenee will receive prompt attention fvxberter, Aug. Ist, 1614--tugt-rem B SAVER DEPOSLT BANK OF BEAVER, PA. OM'C' A LLISON, :.:OLLSCTIONS PROMPTLY MADE AND I.;TTLD. k.ZERESPONDENCB A.2iD AOOOUNTB 80 t _ITIW STRAIN? PAID ON TaLIC DEPOSITti . 1 1,-F,uNGE, SECURITIES, kt., BOUGHI SOLD. (lice hours free 8 A.. X. to 4 P. x. a.y.1 .7 Y & LLEGHENY X. 4 TIOX.IL B.4XK, NO. 33 FIFTH AVENUE, PITIEB URGE, PA I. M..4CKEY, atilaer .I:ci_ANDLE.SS. Aezi. (halter. (del DA.NKING HOUSE I) E. & H. HOOPES, NEW BRIGHTON, PA. ,-. , ,-;•,o_detice of Bankr. Bank:gra and Net Collections promptly mad" an TIKES T. BRADY & CO., ei sl:c.cet>,ors to Jones & C 0.,) FOUR - Ili AVENUE t WOOD bTRETI PITT`tiBURGH. B A 2C r .fi E B 8 Y AND SELL ALL KINDS OF :TE:ZEST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT NI.Y LOANED ON GOVERNMENT BONA • A RKET RATES. ifmrcere Executed for be Rural/ice and Sale BUNDS and (.IiOLD. JAS. T. BRADY et CO Tk .1y L•k}Eß. T. ♦. E.A.E.E.111.. C. A. EARL= /1 S. BARKER & CO., Nrw Biuc xr OTC, Pnt (- S. BARKER & CO., BANKERS DILLIES 13 EXCIIILN GS, COIN. COUPONS. £c. ol;ectione =de an rD accessible point' to tbs L Stater and Canada: Acootas of Kerthante, Manufacturers &rid lerdi , eras rolieited. ' eterest allowed on Depoalte. -orreepoadence prompt attention. ::•t-cll3-7(‘-tf D WELLING HO USES, TENEMENTS, , r.FROVED AND UNIMYROYS HEAL ESTATE. IX ♦SD ICIAIi THE `:,)}:01:GII OF ROCHESTER, FOR SALE . 0 11) RENT, BY INSTANT RELIEI. FOR THE ASTHMA. r per-on troch:ed with that terr,bte diseLee 'llltMecilste and complete relief by be %!`l'ii.llA REMEDY. s!" - .:;cred with it.for twelve year, entirely . up• fur business for weeks a time; and remedy by experimenting on my other medicines failed to have any RIZ.hiNT IT TO GIVE ItitiTANT RELIEF A-:hma ulth other }•i'~~uN AFTER ONCE USING; WILL .7\ EV ER BE WITHOUT IT. cou:sluing crulicra:es by trl,lll FREE FOR SALE 13 -kit -, av P tr. s 'rile, Now Br:zh:on. • • . v I , •• ur.. fi.-3vur Fsll-. ''•! • !-• rnlih. lindgewater. •••••:v & Co. Rocher-ter. Roche ter. • 'r'rt.edom. tiook-towy. A.NI) I).II.,CS6ISTS GENI',KII.I.I' 11E9 Ti e id. !.1 i x p-r Lei • ZadruggiFtt. .Addre!, CIIAS. L. lII:itST. f r" 1 - 'll-ly TEIOS. KENNEDY & ( 1).. EucCEssoßS wm ErEcHLINi, PENN'A. DI:A LES.S IN anGTS, MEDICINE'S ANHD CHEMICALS, FANCY & TOILET ARTICLES; - 4140 tze3E5,412111311ES AND PERFUMERY, PAINTS, 011.8 AND D YFA earefey cxerocndtx) st 111 hoin. 712-17 C. MARTIN, lir ATTORNEY AT LAW. Bc.aver, N-137. .T. tX)reill " r 0:11'.1: LOW bv - • CA.sama J. W. COOK. Prtsiderg. MI Mg BLAVRE .1. CROSS. Iloctlestor. 4 0.. Pi gitiorttLiuttints. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS' SAPOLIO SAPOLIO for Cleaning your honse will save the labor of one cleaner. (Ave It a trial. SAPOLIO for windows is better than whitMg or water. :Co removing curtains and carpets. SAPOLIO cleans paints and wood, in fact the entire house, better than soap. No slopping. Saves labor. Yon can't Cord to do without it. _ _ sAPOLIO for scouring knives is better and cleaner than Bath Brick. W ill not =stet. SAPOLIO • the tter than soap and sand for polishing Tinware Brghtens without scratch • • SAPOLIO Polishes brass and copper utensils better than Acid or 011 and Rotten Stone. SPOLIO for washing dishes and glasswue t invaluable Cheaper than soap. - SAPOLIO removes stains from marble mantles. tablet. sad statuary, from hard-finished walls, and from China aad Porcelain. SAPOLIO remover stains and grease from carpets and other woolen Labrica. There is no one article known that will do so many kinds of work as ado it a _s well as Sagollo . Try it. Hand Sap olio a new and wonecriully effective Toilet Soap, hav ing no equal in this country or abroad. _ _ Hand Sapolio t..:" an article fur the B..th, "reactiee the foundation of all dirt." opens the pores and gives a healthy action and brilliant tint to the skin. Hand Sapolio CieJillt , CE and beautifies :he skin. instantly renicA• in any stain or blemish from both hands and Lace Hand Sapolio in withor.: a r val in the world for curing or pre venting rough Less and chapping of either hang- or face _ _ _ - nand Sapolio removes Tar. Pitch. Iron or irk Strome. and Grea-e: fu: wirer in Machine Shopa, Miner. Sc.. 1F invaluable. For making the ram while aLd soft; and g:ving to it a bloom of beauty it id unarirpsa:-ed by any Coeruetic known. Hand Sapolio co.Lttt 10 to 15 cents per cake, :Jr.,: everybody 'Loa Id have It. Yon will like It. DON'T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS Buy it of your merchant If ho has It or will pro cure it for you. If not then write for our pamph let. ••All About Sapollo," and it will be tr.al:ed free. F.:7..0 O(; .JlO RGA_N't5 SUNS: ti) PARK PLACE. NEW YORK or S3l Lthorty Street, Pittt . targla, Pa myBl-eow-Iy. 000( K)0000 )00000( )00000000000000000000000000 0000000000000 ocxx..o.oo.o sAins °G0.... .0.000000 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000 0000 0000000000000000000000 0 * • 00.0.00. 0000000000 ....00. 000000000 000 oo - .••• ' oo 00 0000000 00°°°°° 00 .00.0 PERFECT 0 000000 °` - ' o °°° 00000 00000 kr 7 re • aT• es'• - •v• - •••'• - •• ere •• • 00C 00 • • 00000000000000000000 : SATISFACTION ! : 000(X) 0 0000 000000000 0 c *0 00 OW C:X)04.A.X.) , 00 0000 0 (N)0 POO 000000 00000 0 00 00......0000000 AT (xx,..03000 0000OCK)00tX>000000 004.XX)0000)0000 000000000000000 0 0 0000:X )00000000000 0000(10 WU , 00,..)0(K)000000 CX:100000004XKX/004:XXX.100 oopo EISNER PHILLIPS. o`)°.,`:°. 0000 Ou00000000,)0000000000 000 cc:THE POPULAR CLOTHING (OUSD) 0 000000000000000000000 000000000000 0000 0000 0000 :tan dress well 0000 _ 0000 zud save money by 0000 0000 mak in:: tbeir pn per- oCOOO oouot clum our and ru 0000 0000 prlor stock o: Choice goods. Our 0000 0000 stock is entirely ;reel, nod our sty- 0000 les the %dry li,icrt. Our Boys' 0000 aLd Cb•ldren• depaitmente 0000 are lo.sded to overflowing Kith tee things on: C:1!: :ii.d examine our splendid stock .J 1 0000 0000 0 u 00 co' .0 0000 U:100 0400 0.000 0000 0000 ouonuononu,u)norn, , nc , OUonnr non o r_voc,noralt.oe.)ooo Corner Fifth A re. AND WOOD STREET. PITTSIEH - 11G11, PA. EIMISIE Arty larrrtiscntrut-, VOTICE IN lIANNKUPTCV U. M WE.L-TERN DI:-TRIcT I'F.N7k I.V \ Pitt - r e .'!, :••••21.t. This i-s to Ore on -lc, :;•Ifh (1 4 y,451 August, 1;373, a Warranz vk, t . against the Estate ci Edv ar I 12c1 , crt?.. Brighton, in the count) o; 11....ve'r :1 11 :•tate of Pennsylvania, who hi!. tleL t, :.(.IjatlL.cd 13ankrutt. On hie Ownpetition thc_ p:l:,u.ent of a y debts and delivery of any property belor_tlng Ito ED.CtI Bankrupt to him or for n-e. end the transfer of at,v property by him ere forbicdcu by law • that a ?fleeting of the CreditoN of t h.. said Bankrupt, to prove their Debte. and to choose one or more ar.:.irteett of h E-tate, held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be laullen lit the linron ilonse. New Bli e :hton, Yj., 1, ( ..;,,:t• A. Knox, E.!-q., ReglEter. on the 9th day of Ortr.ber, A D., at 10 o'clock A. M. JOHN HALL Fes-4t U. S. Marehal for said ri:e.r.ct. LOCILIk:,L HOTEL, CORNBRMARS_Er & Tilllo t•TRE.E7s, HARRISBUP.G, PA. C•~ci~'Rt THE ARGUS AND RADICAL ::WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 1,181. S. ootw ND 00000 oo 000000000000 00 000 000 , 0N0 00 00000 00 0000000000 Gen:lemen U. W. I.IUNTEIi S. J. CROSS, Invites the attention of buyers to his very large new stock of DRY GOODS, Zeetral armetaz, WOOLEN YARNS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, H A. 1-1.. 13 NV .A It .F. , FARMING TOOLS, HOUSEKEEPER'S HARDWARE, 'INDOW GLASS, PAINTS & OILS, Fahliestock's Pure White Load, ( Th Oe C LORED PAINTS, t_--- DRY AND IN OIL, LARD OIL, CARBON OIL, &0., WOODEN PUMPS, CHOICE GROCERIES ALWAYS BUY THE BEST 1 i 0000000 000000000 SIPPO VALLEY F 1 R oouoooo THE MOST RELIABLE. BR&Ni) 00000 IN THB MARKET r ei MADE AT 000 00 MASSILLON OHIO• 000 000000000 0000000 MILL FEED, All Goods delivered free with in a reasonable distance. Please call and examine my Stock and prig before pnrehazing. 0000 SIiPTEMBER 1, 1873.—sep3rit '7 0000 Deixtiastr37•. hest materials manufactured in the United States. Gold and sit ver tillinz performed in a style that defies compe tition Satisfaction rnaranteed in all operations, or the money returned. Give him a trial. febt Iv ozza lECCEE MEM =ZED MEM OEM LEWIS MCMULLEN, MEM 104 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBMIGH, PA (Apposite Cathedral ) FYl — Examinaton of Mee, Collection of Churns a. 141 ail other Legal Bupiner?+ entruet.qi to my care rill rt.( be prompt attention. FRANK' STEAM REFINED ENGINE CARBON, i / SIGNAL OILS. Prepared under a new Process, Tt ithout POINT OIL WORKS, SMITH'S FERRY, Pfc,sr;ePor 3ttv Ardrtrtbrantitto. ;TIN : • V 3 1 NOTIONS, The celebrated Springfield HATS AND CAPS, Builders and Contractor's CARPENTER'S TOOLS, NAILS, SALT, LIME, CEMENT, OF ALL liINDB THE WEL WN CORN AND OATS. S. J. CROSS. ATTO,FNEY AT LAW, 11' CARTY, Mannfactrrer cf the Celebrated SPINDLE, CYIPCDER, PIETT, the use t)1 Chemicals BEAVER COUNTYTTA Security Trust Company. No. 64 Wool Street, Mirth, Pa. Government Seourities. This Bank eoneitststwitnese on the tollowin_ terms : CUREIiNCY ACCOUNTS. Six per cent. interest allowed on daily balances subject to check. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canadae on most favorable terms. We make advances and loans on Bonds, Mortga ges and first-class Securities, thereby avoiding the risks incident to other loans and can hence give g,reater secznUy to depositors. The Oicere of this Bank are among the wealthi est and moat experienced financiers in the city. and will take pleasure in furnishing any informa tion concerning the various ir.vesunents in the money market and giving their opinion when de sired. Correspondence will please address and make draft* anl checks payable to order of tEcUltlin TRUST COMPANY. President Vice President.. General Superintendent.J NO BATES WhICILLIN Hon. Robt.'Knight, Philip P. Etentel B. L. Fahnestock, Hartley Howard, C. S. Fetterman. Daniel Eimer. James T. Brady, Ben)amin Singerly, David Gregg, Blanchar Henry H. Collins. TRUSTEES. John Scott, Vice President Virgin\rd Char leston Railroad. Coleman, Coleman, Rahm & CSC Du queu . I ran & Steel Works. . . nets. Jones • Lsughlin's Iron Works .Jcrept Walton, Coal Merchant, Pitts. Late President 7Lerch7 s and Nunufacturer . . National Bank. Rom John B. Parke, Phelps, Parke & Co. H. P. Ford, Emerson Saw Works, Beaver Falls, Pa. P. H. Bunker, Merchant, Pittsburgh. Philip Benner, of titermer & Bro., Pittsburgh. W. G. Jobastem, Wm. G. Johnston £ Co. Joseph T. liodgera, President First National Bank, Brownsville, Pa. EISI C. a raULIOII, Wholesale Deslsir in Raul. Caps, and Fars, Pittsburgh. David Patterson, Merchant, Kittanning Pa. John Gilpin. Attorney at Maw. Kittanning, Pa. John G. Alexander, 0p.,. Blairsville. N. P. FETTERMAN, JOS. M. GAZZAM. tell-3m Soucrrons. Dr. J. Mnr ray,ofßridge-, water. is deter lined that no "ntiit in the Ile shall do ork better or !sper than offers it to patrons.— uses the 1 Prize of A5O 000 500 prizes of $ 100 1 prize of 13 450 9 prizes of__ 1 000 1 prize of 10 COO 9 prizes of. 500 1 prize 0f... .. 7 500 9 prizes of.. :300 4 prizes of 5 000 0 prizes 0f...... 250 4 prizes of 2 500 36 prizes of 200 20 prizes of IOW 36 prizes of. 150 20 prizes of 500 180 prizes of. 130 49 prizes of 250 5000 prizes of 10 Tickets, $lO. Ralf Tickets, $5. Quarter, $2.20 tar Our lotteries are chartered by the State, are always drawn at the time named, and all drawings are. tinder the supervision of sworn commissioners Vi The official drawing will be pnbllshed In the St. Louis papers, and a copy of Drawing sent to trirchasers of tickets. I OB — We will draw a similar scheme the last day of every month during the year 1b73. irßemit by PO T OFFICE MONEY OR DERS. REGISTERED LETTER, DRAFT or EXPRESS. Address advattamtittat. . Chartered by the Legislature cd Pezusy),auta. Authorized Capitarttlooo,ooo !Waal it 11211 Collections. Advances. Officers. OFFICERS. DIRECTORS., Geo. Reideger & Co., 9 & 11 West Ohio Street, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. lIIPORTICEA AND WIIOLSSA.LE DEALER, DI WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, SCOTCH ALES, HOLLAND GINS, &c., ap.-30-tf AWFOI ma T 2- tf S 300,00 I RISME STATE LOTTERY, Legalized by -tate Authority and Dravran Public in St. Louis. SINGLE NT'NIFIEtt SUTIEME 50,000 NUMBERS, GRAND Class I, to be _Drawn September 30, 1873. 5880 Prizes Amounting to $300,000. MURRAY, MILLER & CO office Lox '2416 st. Loa •prlti•ly E ...DAVID GREGG, JAMES T. BRADY EE Iva 'sltartisenseals. m 101 tili. c l l ct , 1 * ter) , P.* , , ft 4 Cet; 0 IM N to '44 td o co 1- 11 01 o (1 ( pi H 11 cis L' w N o 4.4 ° °; a !al 0:1i.-( N 104 0 * M Z 01 Nhilil 0 4 ? IA ALLEGHENY CITY Stat Builaill i g i and va Tali Shop, 'NEWELS, LUSTE , HAND R ILS. with Joints Ciat'ind Bolted. ready to hang, furn ished lA-short notice. WILLIAM PEOPLES, Cor. Webster .st. d< Graham Ally. . // • PITTSBURGH, PA. Affords advantages for the thorough practical ed ucation of young and middle-aged men possessed by no other business college iu the United States. Students can enter at any time. VrFor large descriptive circular giv ing. full iniorniation, address J. C. SMITH, A. M., Principal. augl343m To The Nervo(s of Both Sexes. • The frequent request( of sufferers from nervous neuralgic_ and Weakened conditions of the sys tem. for the means which restored the undersign ed to health many years ago. has again induced him to-make known publicly, his intention to ben efit others, and he will therefore, on receiving u postpaid directed envelope, send free of charge a copy of the treatise detailing the discovery. uses. and prescription)of the herbal remedy employed.. Addreals,_,,-.JouN M. DAG N ILL. M. D. CITY . f4 - FUN A large assortment of Muzzle and Breech Load ing (Single and Double Barrel) St, thins. Bi flok, Revolvers, Pistols, Sporting Goods and Fish ing'Tackle. Call and examine my stock, or send for Price List. Address, H. H. SCHULTE, 330 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Eff—Repairiike,dane on abort notice. an:r3T-4Nv AGENTS WANTED! To sell an article that every family rises. Profits are largo. and =us inducements offered to Agents who are willing to work. Apply or send for elr• calmr and terms " EDWAIIDS Arizona Diamond Store, 27 Sixth St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ept 8-3afj 03 It m p> m p WORKS. MID annum. • 4,.0110 S EXT, 0 ,, Pcnciw'r vm N u Dir 4 MEA.MEN"E'Y'Y'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. Is the only Known Bendy for Brigitte Disease and has cared every Mee of Diabetes in which it has been given, Irritation of the rocker the Bled del and inflarostkm of the Kidneys. Ulceration of the Kidney's and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Mimes of the Prostate Gland. and Locons or Milky Discharges, and for Enfeebled and Deli eau: Constitutions of both. Sexes. attended with the following Symptoms ; Loss of Powcr, Loss of Membry. Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Wakefulness, Pain m the back. Flushing of the ' Body. Eruption on the Face, Pallid countenanee, Lassitude of the System, etc. Used by i ersons in the decline or change of life; after confinement or labor pains, bed-wetting in children. etc. In many affections peculiar to ladies, the Ex; tract Buchn Is unequaled by any other remedy.— As in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity. Pain fulness or Suppreszion of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated, or Schirrtts state of the Uterus, Lon corrhces or Whites. Sterility, and for all cora plaints incident to the sex. It is prescribed et tensively by the most eminent Physicians and Midwives for enfeebled and delicate constitutions of both sexes and all ages. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Cures Disposes At . .itg from Imprudences, Mb- Ile of Dissipation, Etc., in all their stages, at little expense. little or no change in diet, no in convenience and no exposure. It causes a fre quent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, there by removing Obstructions, Preventing and Cur ing Strictures of the Urethra Allaying Pain and Inflamation, so frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling all poisinous mattor. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BUCH-U, $1 00 per bottle or six bottles for ea 00, deliver ed to any address, secure from observation. Sold by druggists everywhere. Prepared by KEARNEY I CO., 104 Duane St.. N. Y. to whom all letters for information should be be addressed. febs-17 Lumbago, Sciatica, K. _.Aey, , and .e4ervu. ._ _ _ after years of suffering, by taking Dr. Fitter's Vegetable Rheumatic Syrup—the scientific discov ery of J . P. kltler. N. D., a regular graduate phy sician, Achill, with whom we are persona ll y acquainted who has for MI years treated these diseases exc ? • atvely with astonishing results . We belle it our christian duty. after deliberation, to cone en tiously request sufferers to ate it, especiatty per sons in moderate circumstances who -*not af ford tq waste time and money op worth ies' niLttures. As clergymen we seriously feel the deep responsibility resting on us ,fin publicly endorsing Ws medicine. ButOor .. •-• ledge and experience of its remarkable merit y Jnatiflee our action. Rev. C. B. Swint,' • ' ia , renn * suffered sixteen years, became Walesa. Rev. Thomas Murphy, D. D.. Franktort„/Philadelphia. til 4 Rev. J. 0, D via, nightgown, Nate Jersey. Rev. - J. S. Rue , Clarence, fowa. liblv. G. G; Smith, Pittsford, ',Cork. Rev. Joseph Beggs, Falls Church, Philaidelphis. Other teglmonlais from tiengore,,Governora, Judges, Congressmen, Phy sicians, &c., forwarded gratis with pamphlet ex planing these diseases. One thousand dollars will be presented to any medicine for same dis eases showing e esk% r nerit under test, or that can produce one-to an many living cures. !my person sending by le. description of afilictida will receive gratis a legally ned guarantee, naming the number of bottles to - ture, agreeing to refund money upon sworn statement of its failure to cure Price per bottle $1 its; can be bought as used. Afflicted invited to write for medical advice on above diseases only. No charge for reply, which will contain much valuable informa tion acquired by a lifetime practice. No coin paibion to buy medicine. Addres Dr. Fitler, Philadelphia. Printed explanations of the dis ease also furnished. For sale by SAMUEL C. HANNEN, . ROCHTZTER. PA. febl 4 3-131 Mortal : Veal Notice. Dr. L. J. KAHN, F. R. C. S.; Proprietor of DR. KAHN'S GRAND MUSEUM AND POLYTECHNIC INSTITU 'E, 688 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, author of a series of Medical Works on Pathology and Physi ology, &c., etc., &c., begs to announce to his , pa tients of Pittsburgh. Allegheny and vicinityjhat being unable. to attend during the visit of his Brancn Museum in October lasthas,at the request of numerous patients, consented to attend in this city for one month. and may be consulted from SATURDAY, 16th, inst., at NO. 153 SECOND AVENUE Opposite Ilomepathic Hospital I) r - 1T... _EL 3E-3C "N" Contineti his practice cad naively to the treatmen and cure of all Nervous IJiso4ses Arising from Physial Debility. Exhausted V:tal ity and other dillearee appertaining thereto. NEttY-9US EXHAUSTION A Medical Pamphlet. containing a series of Lectores. as delivered at Dr. Kahn's Museum, No. 688 Broadway, Price :k5 cents. Copies of the aht.ve may be obtained by addressing Dr. Kahn, at 153 Second avenue, Pittsburgh. OFFICE 1101,711S:r, Daily from . . Daily fr0m...... Sunday A WATCh FREV)Worth SO. - given grtit. 2 - 118 to every live man who will uet as der agent. Business light and honorable. Three hundred doi:ars made in 5 days. Saleable as dour. Everybody buys it. can't do without it.) Must have it No gift enterprise, no humbu KENNEDY & Co.. Pittsburgh, Pa. aug27- y Ea 10 A. M. to 3P. 6r, K. to 9P. ar. .... 11 A. M.' to 2Y.M. ,„ sue 30-1 m