The Argus and radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1873-1903, September 24, 1873, Image 8

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gt_tv Advtrtistmattg.
T?MTL BOTT, ARTIST, wilt give private lessons
LI in Drawing and Painting at his residence in
Rochester, Pa.. in the bnilding - formerly occupied
by U. 'S. Frasier, decd. se-14-314.1111
- res.
Naw Bazoitrox. September lg. 183. c
,The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap
pointment as assignee of James B. Anderson. of
New• Brighton. in the county of Belmar. and State
of Pennsylvania. within said District. wbo ham
bettradjudged a bankrupt on his own petition by
the District Court of said District.
se24 St. - WILLiAM S. MORLAN. Assignee.
The remaining gocids of ,A. B.
rapt, will be solsi.,=(allke room n
Brlghtool7co deg W=NEISDAY, - 1.)0:-
_Wt. - 1 , 3113;m - 9 o'clock, The stook con
- hits` Int I Goods, 'Notions. Varieties. ....-Hats,
Caps,lo hhls*N. 0. Molasses SyTnift. 10 - Ciesta
'of Tea, indigo;repper, Canned` Elsktforin
and Counter Scales,No. 1 Iron ante. - Terms rash.
_ WM. HENRY. losarpee.
sept 24
r _
The very corrifortable_and -convenient dwelling
on eat corner.of Secona . tit„ ! wt. t and Bank alley=2
contains-§roonis, wfde„h.tir &c„ large. cistern of
clear rift - eh:4i water- at - tlag , 'door. Will be sold,at ,
Much tees tbin difit Of : lmprovements, or rented to
a goal tenant, With -- Or - part of grounds. The
location iii - U'ceddingit,bealthful. good "neighbor
hood. Inquire - on the ptrnises, or' - _
• ' ..
wttK wArn_viY.,
. - --
1 Aril/ pay the highest ma - rket_prite - to coati Tor
ail the White and -1.0 - eak - bark, •delive,ro at my
laiiitenein "Shisrort a tiefore
ittlitgr to bliteni 0-ve - -
- • 4 1 4 RS 1 4-4Utit A (4R.
Whereas, the notes and Books of accounts of
Jas. 11:t1116131118. late_of-tm3ustry t , - haring been
left-with= the 'sobseri her for coi tee tiOn tigke
inrthitroaelves-tO be indebted to said Di. Gum-
Hangs wig-34ease- cad - open the subscriber-wad
tle promptly and save Tests
4 6,-NE WSW wArrumtgi, , _
• ---- itri2hton-Awrk
' O Rj'll4l4 ' s ' c
citytt-r-• SILL
Byvirttiee:and4k-fiiiinC - e- of n order of dig
orPhene' = Court of the county - of Beaver, th e . eider
-1 th e tetiertit - pf
t 4 avi d Ferguson, lite oflite township 'OfMip - . pivot
s i ll' laid enmity, will ozOotce to safe by obi* von.
doe oeout-sry, on 7 the premises, - -'--) - : ---
- -
ON FRIDAY, TR& rrril DA.Y -Ca P ocTO)3 4; -
-A. D. 1. 87 3, atl-V - ,' .f eldeolii it c it 4 #4e ,11 : 6 ,
'rod elitattic4 itaiditeceklnAviz r ,-- - A trit4:,--q- 1
n aid cal Itl`: o, it said towtishiP 'tif::-Ub Pe ,
on - l-1 • iiivr4ibitd - iiiiinoith b kot
ic , tv -, , ,ca yaima - -or - A3lCat- -- treir and VAL
n,.5... , - nghian sontifby lands , of --Tholnen and.
. 7 ri' 1 1 , :' la* , and west by lands of Reitz - Noggie
anC l lobtr - McElarter, containing about .1130 a
... of
Wbithllls-aeritife`cieared,indbilance well tito . -
ed,itiad ail weli r watire/1. and on Which are . ,-
si TRAMS and-I,oollotrtiß l With 5 room'. »lacy
Siud c.r.llat. underneath: tone arming bonnek corn
cribe i *titan 'honk, &at bon*e, wood bone*.
inane blitz fidifii fee 'here ate also a good irprinz
11‘04905,/ear the n..-dliterri‘ and good orchard
'onrthe premises: Said-farm isli mßee 'from Dar
li gtort, 510 .. , ,,flom Beaver Falls and Now Nrign:',
t 7 011C 1 . - Vii WA* to seboWand ebtirehes.:
- "A'sygise . ` -- tkoottfinnatioh:Of sale by the CoartVi
tuirticulara, inci_tWa of or address -
1 , -r-.e-3f , ' - - . - -- ,„-, - TA,MRS raIt(ILLION, ':', t s ,„
A' rd --- ` 4 - - 'L't. gRIVABETR FaißGUtkinil. i 4—.71 '
libirlinOon t Pi. Sep. 1873.--Seril77 tit' •
D cA t 3 ,0 N4EA.X i N .-
AGr I F.N. ti -- it)F REAL:, -- .ESTATE
- , , _, , ,
/4/h-4'j/0-raj _BEAVER . PA.
u4' . oi - te 7"---
. r Tor k a le thefollOix(inz - deecrbbed prop.
ert i a./ Ft* fell .pnrtl4whirs call - AV oar office o+ i
T ii bliect,: - ;,, 2 7, - , - ,--
' ' ' \- ,;,, "Z,10t., -- 1. - • • 7 . :, ; •, ,
)4 1 1.
A 1 7 .. A b GAOL kr' , 04,1? „If, - FOR SA 4E:
Ttits. faiAo3;la iapatti ia,itrighton t tp.. Bearer
cort4y,•,Pa,s'on the - 14wLd•bon road, 4 mileajr6m..
Beaner,;,conta g iningaactes.moreor lea, on•Whicii:
ia eritted•a'lwo-alpty frame _diyelling7,bousa . ,-coti-.
tainibg tWo roortiCr kitchen' and ,pantry on . firm
floor...and' t•Wo room ii on se coritt - toor; a good ttliar ,
a ndertigrAttF alfo' a fiod {fame b eluii
ait. anditabli
othei neeeesarylvatbaildings. This farm '-,18 Vr*l# - :
wateted; well timbered and undersa,good .atate of
and - Can be 'Worked by - maChinery:nx
cdileit fruit on . promisee.. Price si,ooo. 'lnquire
of John A. on the farm, or DAWSON it
BAKl^lo3..averc. Pa. . ) - ' ~
No. 3. _
Thi rim:thy:fir sitriated on sth attvet, in the ‘1
borOn e eth of Beaver, Beaverteunty, Pa.,401130 feet
with a
. story fraitte house and ttabfe and other
cutbnildtr erected thereon. Good fruit on the
premisps: :• Price WO. Inquire o f Mee:Wl eon &
MooroEitl.tror DAWSON & EAKIN, Beaver. Pa.
Honst stiff lot tnatellson Fourth etreet, in the
borough ofßeaver . , Beaver county,. P. 150 •hy 54
eet, on'rwhich is erectrd a two-etory Inane house,
coniainin,;:rwn-roome, kitchen, h3ll and paiitry.
with'porch• attached on drat door• and two rooms
and hail„mt4Lecond $o0'; a god cellar underneath
and other ri4ti;4lldinl:e. Price $1,700, in pay
ments. ,T Kgn: l l;e -nf Joaeph W bite, or DAWSON a
EAKIN,•BeAa - gr.e_a - ,
BEJUri l iarf, IFOR
Ttiiß pr':incriV - - is .tutted on Bi..tver St.. 'in the
boronzh 'or 11 .!aver. Beaver coon tr. Pa. Lot 130
by 1-23 ftivt. on which is erected.* new rranie honAe
containiut; threi3 room+ and ball on lint floor rod
:.`.tre roam± and hail on iLecond t.)or. 'with rellar
undernextb. ci-torn sit.the .kitchen door, and all
Price P..,000. Irrriuire of Awirew f r i White. on,
mrae f. 0.. L).‘ WS(./N t 8...3AX
TLit , art: Brights 4 "014
. or,
Ficrixtr.(r)r , i , rid tiCret. E3,44-r f
anrr« r'; , ci n. !Le orft, f•.! 'Tr 7; t`rn',,r r:
hicr, r rr-te.:l 8 1 ,A,,..4.?,ry
I , 0:!,e•r Cr:: P
t(0 p l oWsk eV!
t f, k 7r; kt & tie!+ r r < :a;
( to ti'o- 71't .; ~• 40. Jl'
'l. (0 ' • •e • 1
E . f . 4 t
, , r
144! •
r •ft rr •
• Or
v ' 4,
X 2 t i.
< r ,r ;
.. , k~.
No. 3.
S 4 0-1
^- , '3-; - `: , ; 4:1.1 )1. k:.%,/
I ^ C
t A ;P` A
4 , .
WHEREAS. In and by an act of the General Ae
eembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
entitled. "An act relian_ tektite election of the
Commonwealth." paeattid Id darofJaly.A. D. 1522.
it la snide the duty of the Sherif of every county
within till@ Commonwealth to ttve public notice
of the General Sleetlons, and in such notice ta•
L The officers to be elected •
2. Designate the place at which the election Is
to be held.
eonnty of,Beavors4, hereb tialitteowil and gi
lbbtittg/14 0 -1 (KW& ectcirs of the county of
. ver.-tnet
ON 'rtift 21) TURSDAT 4)? OCTOBBR Ng.,
. _
(being the 14th day or the_ month) a Getter.) glee.
41013 Wnl be held at the several - election tistritta
established by la* in said . a:aunty, at which time
they will tote by ballot for the - setraral pe leers
herr litaft•roanteft, _ - _
OKE PE RhON for_the 01400.- of Treasuritio.rAie
eolorrtoriwealth - •
ONETERSON for the_ Otto e_f_,." Illative of the
peurt of -the toonnohwetith of Pithook,
"uia*--- -----=--="--- -,-----___ ---
. 42.1 of Assembly -of
the ,citerimonwealth-Cif rennsylvan_ia. •
thePERSON for the office of-Prothonotary of
thecounty - pfl i*fer. -,--- • •
-- --ONE Plißs ON forthe office or Tiesinrer of the
014111Wr - nr - Bei i ier:
ONE PERSON tot tbrofficeof - Coninlissiorier of
the an - of,Beaver.N \ __. - -
-VAT PIC t i t i .'S for the offie6 — or Jniy - Cbtrimla-.
stoner of t lie" . 17 • . f &iver._ .
, O.NE'"-PitlUON 7 for the office of Director. of
Poor of the_ curi_ety - tif Beaver.
ONE P1z,V40 1 .1 , for the ofitte, or Auditor of the
scanty of Beaver.' •
TWO Plittot.lNS: for the office of Trustees of
Academy of the county"©f Beaver. _ -
The said electionwill belie d. thronghont the,
county as follows t- - - ~ •-•- -
The electors or Borongh township will Meet at;
the-brick:school house in the borough of Variport4
The elector* of Bridgewater borough will meet
in the Town Hall in Bridgewater,
— The electore Eif intillipshurg _owlet wilt meet
if the bricklelitelfhorise in_miahorough, = :
'.The elector s_of Moon"-town - -Ship will Meat at the:
Mute formerly oCepiliediky .AftettiatrHendrickson
[ —newaoho ilot. _ . -
._ -_,.---- -- -
The elettors'ot Hopewell - township will meet at
'he ecimil - house in the village of - Scottevtlie. in
I sail township.-_ •
The electors - 61 Independence AottnAhip will
- meet it the, house iit - Atexander Thompson. deed..
in said tOwinship. 'z, ',
- The electors of Raccoon township will meet at
the house of David Ewing in Said township.
The elictore of Frankfort district will meet at
theh house ef Genre -Ibingati in-Frankfort.
'The eleefOrs of McGuireildistiirt,:will meet at
the house of John fPtateiri -- in• theitigage Or Hsu,.
o , typx.
~,- • _ ~ - - ',.,-- • k "-- ;`-' ' \ e ' '-''
-- Teel ' * * r- P l iFi 44rliflt ( Y', 4 1
oti t
liWittWO •---
-\-,.; oei gra fCO b ns p will meeklitAti
hiost -' - n ' floc led_hy- J -Jantieon- - Bilitit t is'itild
The `electors of •Brightoutownehip (not embrac
, l '
l e :iia indttslrj•dfsfriet) will meet at the school
honee near,ltichey Eakin's, in said township.
The electors of the borough of Falleton wilt
meet at the Academy in Fallston.
The electors of Patterson township will me e t at
the school house in said township.
The electors, of. Chippe wir townehsp will meet at
school house NO 3 inlaid township. _
,'• Th e elestore of tenth Beaver totiethhip 'grill
Meet at the- house of John Rowe i -instid town
e electors of Darlington towilshiti..will 'meet
at the Academy Is s Darlington, ‘,- -
The elettOra of Rig Beever torrnehip will mee t
at the house of Wm. Miller; in said:township. '
Toe electors of Franklin township will meet at
the house of Mark R. Clerk. inettitlownehip.
The .electors of North Sewic lyttownship will
meet at the house of Nell ten- Hazen, on land for
tarty of Ben). Cheer. _ _ _-
Thep electors of Pulaski township will meet at
Dingherry's school house; No/4. to said town
ship. - , , , -
The - electors of Nation township will meet at
the house of. .
George Hartzell Jrln - said town-
ehip. ,
The elec`ore of _the-upper or north weed. in the
borough of New Briehtort. *lll meet at the car
penter shop of Thee. Miller. - Ifreaid horongh.
The electorsof the middle Ward of the horongh"
of New Brighton will meet at the schoolhouse,
in said ward. i
.it The electors 01l the lower or 'south - ward of the
- , liekr.bagh-or New Brightoi will meet et the car lac
, tert.- W said warn • . _
The electors of Rech -stet township will meet at
lite Alolttsvilte schOol hence in • paid township.
.- - 'The eleeiors of the borough of Roehester• will
meet,aotheseleool hot se•ho Rochester. .
. Thee;-ele - ors of Freedom borough and district
c lo
witilneet the school house in Freedom.
The ele ctors of New Sewickly taw:table will
Meet At the house of Semi Barns in said town-
;~ r,.. , i .. 1~
bra AdvatisnintS.
e abettors of Industry district will meet at
lute sc.librillo4) in industry. •
The electors of ilarmony township will meet at
the hotel in EcortomY•
The'electora 'of Economy township will meet at
the house of Gsnr...7„,e C. Minis. in satd d lownship.
The electors of the borough of Beaver will meet
at,ibetlherifreatifice. in said borough. '
'The electors, as_ st. Clair borough will meet at at
the reboot house In said borough.
Tte elector's Of the borough of , Badett Will meet
at the public school honse fa said bolongb.
The electors of New eaillee borough will meet
at the office of P. L. grim to Neer @stir
The electors of the borough of Beaver Falls will
prat at the school: hotta&lis said borough.
The electors of the borough Olgtorgerown,. 1
meet at the - school house in -said-borough .
The electors of tbe borough or • • will
meet at the school house in said boroftg •
I make known and give notice. a • a.. by the
13th eectiOn -of the arofetaid ac am directed:
—that avery etcepr, It:Latices ol the
peace. who shalt hold any/ o c.a. or appointment
of prOittkir tract ortclet7hitifs - Gareirnment of the
United States. 'or of thiviiate, or any city 'of in
corporated di-grief, w)f ther a comrniseloned
ct.r. or otherwise, 410ordlnate officer or agent.
who to or stall emplorid tinder the legiala-
Aire judiciary
_or exectiti'we depeartrannt of this
tat.e. or Uri' d Stalc„s. or of any city or ineorpo.
rated d• cr, artll also that erery member of
andethe State Lefrislatare. and of the
aelecj., nd common council of any city, commis
/ stout! of , any inrorporatid rlii.trlct, 14 by law
ipeaplhie of holdinz •or emerckinz al the Paine
11ru4s• the oftce or appointment
or clerk of r ny e.ection of thii Commonrealth.
o.n/1 ;tort no' , :' tnr or Jridz - e nr other officer 111:
sny .nch ells!), be c:lglb'c to and °lnce
tt,cr l to ?,),e Millet t 14,
A 'iv . ) , ; 11 •er - ! , ,rln th • nr As
•rubiy rat.ticd' An Act r0:10.•rz: er.o,-7tHr.6
for apprornt; Ap-C, Ikt-1
' , Ai' the
;.1' Jr!. . ri at
v-• y. z• t-.^.•
c •
sl,4 °' l ; ; ' ;• ,
1.7 f
New gkartst*' ands.
not attend on the day of election, then the person
who chill barer feet tved second highest I:l2l2ber of
votes for judge at the next prsesediu: spring
election shall act rui trispector In his place 4 and In
case the person who shall Nave received the high
est number of yotee for inspector distill not attend.
the•person elected judge shall appoint an inepec
tor in hisphice ; and in case the person elected
judge shall not attend. then the inspector who re
ceived the higbesynattiber of votes s quill appoint a
judge in his pi ;or if any vseeny shall Continue
in the or the of one hoer after the
time Axed by law f the' opening of the oqc ion.
the qualgled rot of the township. w -or ' •
trict for which • nicer Win Deiccted
p •at . e iiftttoirsha .select ale
irirt,,a • beilier to latch yin= .
Ittiilf3Tß:f LAW.
, -- - --- -
I also eve official notice to' the electors of Ses ,
ver county. that, by. an set - entitled. An A 4
further supplemental to the act relative to tlfr
elections of this Canoitamtwealtb,!. , approved 1
Apnl Mt. A. D.. 180. It is provided'lts follows!_
•Ificrpti4._flit the day of electfoirany:person
whose namelinet an the said lid. litieantag the
registration itrt.--slaertf.j - kad Attalla?, the right
r , I o vote at ial tie*, a liill'Aifodnoff_l4 least
r_Onequalliio jots. _ - tlistritt its a.inattAtq
the - - reind•wp. ceaf f want to the. lf ift
• whiathe "•a.ims, - iit a Voter, for theArlotto ail
astAgn.dapirueit - preceding said OleCtioti
wltueiss Chalkke and subscribe a itrittermillite•
.ly vitten fa tly printed, afildavitiotheleds
il A ir
Acted by hint, bleb ellidsiit'aliall deka , eleittlf 0
where the resldencols of the perfoe l lo aktniinC
the o,glit•to We - voter ; find - tft-leamon sottish - lift
the right to refit shalt also take fad etch be
vrritten,nr partly written-lid - pertly - prin onn afil- -
davit. - stiting. to the best ortiskuowlesgeand be=
liek-whore and when he was boint that he is s
elf izetrof the Comnionwealth of revaisyllanis and;
~or the United States ;ttult he has resided in the
Cbmmonwealthatie-yearOr if formerly a citizen
therein-agads-remrivety thereftem.'that,. he has
reSideetherein six months next preceding said
eketion ;that he has not moved Intb the district
for i ttob purpose of voting thetain •; that lie humid
- ,A Stfte or Coanty tax within two years which
,Was assessed at least tenbmibefore said election;-..
: , and4a naturalized cittzen t - shalf also state when.
Ilih and by What court he Watrnatnralized. and
alseiproduce.„ - -_,-. „. glade of na tu ralization for ex
' aminatton, a 7,
_.,Ws ffidavit shalifilso state when
and whelp th rkll fr lined to be paid by the affiant
was atieessed,•lZi when, where dto whom paid;
-. the tax re" pt therefore all be _produced 1
liffaxaminstlon, unless the_ itt 'shall elate to
his that irhub-beatkillk or deoroyed. or
th-stWfaeyzyf , ,race ;b fit dirntg if' the person so
claitaing - gfright to votasiittli take and subscrtbe
an affidavit; tlfas•if native horn citizen of the
United Statei (or if born elsewhere. shall state the
fact in his affidavit, and' shall produce evidence
chat he has been naturalized, or that he bi entitled
to citizenship by reason of his rattler's naturalize
ttoti4 and shall further state in his affidavit that
he Is, at the time of taking the affidavit. between
the ages of twenty-one a tweutr.74No - *Mara, that
he has , reeldedrintbe State' Otte l teital i d; 4 - t bei
election district ate. ti3rt.c -141Xtjiree •Iline9l,
ei e, r o4,v 04 1 f, ,iii -g o 9. * 0 ,til4.t. tiQbe
l ii
4 bi# l ,niive 01 a '64; 1 the said affidavits of
,`,.a1l eon " making such siiti„ins oul-theraffidavlW
of t e witnessed-to-their residence, dialr ' lle Pre
xerved-bj the election:board; sad at the close of
.the electiOns they shall be enclosed with the list of
Voters, tally list and other papers required by law
to be tiledby the return Judge with the prcdhono
tfry, and shall remain on file therewith in the pro
thonotary'S office, subject to examination, all other
election papers are ; if the election officers-shall
find the applicant or applicants possess all the le
gel_qualifications of voters, be or they -Asti be
permitted to vote. and the inane or names !hail
tit added to the list of tatables by the election
officers, the word "tax" be added where the
claimant claims to vote o ing n tax. aitd / the word
''age" where be claims:to vote on age, the same
words being added by Abe Clerks in each case re
spectively on the lists of persons voting at such
election. ,
Sa - c•nort 5:-, It shall be lawful for any qualified
citizen of the dittrict, notwithstanding the name
of-the proposed voter is contained on the Hat of
resident taxablee , to challenge the vote of such
person whereupon the same proof of the right of
suffrage, as is now required by law shall be pub
licly made and acted on by the election board,
sad the vote admitted or rejected, according to
the evidence; every person clannin,f , to be a nat
uralized citizen shall be required to produpe-hia
naturalization certificate at the ebretion before
voting, except where k tie has been for ten yearn,
consecutively, a voter in the district In which he
offers his vote; and on the vote (*such person
being received. it shall be the duty of the election
officers to write or stamp on such certificate the
word "voted," with the month and year: and if and
elect - 03n officer or officers shall receive a second
vote on the same day, by virtue of the same cer•
tificate, excepting where sons are entitled to vote
by virtue of the naturslizatitin of their fatheve,
they and the person who shall offer such Seublld
vote, upon so offending shall be guilty of S'ltilith
misdemeanor. and, on conviction thereof. be inlet
or Imprisoned. or both. at the diseretion - of ,
court; but the tineihall not exceed one hu ~ f..
dolisrs in each CA • nor the imprisontne .' one
year, the-Ifette pn ishment shall be I. • ' d..,(fr,
eolistiCti .on the officers of eiectlo.. who *air_
neglect r refuse to make. ot - cause ~ s . e triaftthe
indorse, ant required as stores/al. .'.. idaatarall
xenon certificate. _- - .
Sitcllow 6. If any election, 0. , ekshalrinfase or
neglect to require such pr -: of ttie ri‘;hl of suf.
(ran as prescribed by •• s awe - or Aa ' laws..__to
'whkh this is-a. Bopp] . ent. • froth int-person- of
fering to vote whoa' ~. -a •to sot 'tin the I,ist- of
assessed voters, w . use_ rig* to: : vote is 'CbAl.
lenged - by any . wattle. fetert present. and shall
admit Buell . - reon to vote without requiring
' such proo eVen",,,persort to °Seeding shall. on
sonvicti• .. belguilty of a high ariademeittiff; fed
stint! .. SeutelsCelL:Toterscy such offence. to pay
a .. ••• not exec :one - b. .. d dollars , or to
) - 1 ergo an Impris onment o f .. more than one
o.Or j- either botil- its t. , discretion of the
won.- i '''''
•••- • • •
ilrirtc-noN 9. Theespective assessors. inspectors
and lodges of the electrons shall each nave the
power to administer oaths to any person claiming
; the right to be assessed or the right at suffrage,
' or in regard to any other miner or thing required
1 to be done by this act. and an willful false *wear
ine by any person in relation to any matter or
thing concerning which they shall he lawfully in
terrogated by any of said officers shall be punish
ed asitetjtiry.
. • • I • I'
sitcrioll ..
t,ll On the petition of live or more 611-
' zees of the county. mating under oath that they
'eerily, believe that (rands will be pricticed at the
electsn to he held in any district. I. rhill he the
dittyW the court of common plea- , e or 6414 coon
ty,,it in session. or If not a jud4e*th"reof in vacs•
tton. to appoint two jurllctola, ttobei and intelli
gent cittrens ortne cunnty to act as overseers at
said elcctiom; said ()vergeera shall be aole-'-d
from d lff , re at po rtir . Al parries, whrr7e the' rmap.e
toro ht•lonz to dtfr""eut parties, and wh-rr 5.1.! , . a
*Aid insyriors b^lotil' try ',he ssnam po;:ti.ra . ;mar
;r. 5o h of th- over/wt.-2 •!III: '. •61,.r , f-ovs •!! I
tr, - ,'Nla 'to V) " : ' ;ll ' p 1.... , Pl'l 0V ,• (#.0 ,• .1 , a' a ',VP
t'l , r ,e-..., to t.• ;,-re , -74- If : ..4 t '', ,}- '",z , e,4 : t s
r e'rti 1 - *. d=: - .;` .
•0. Irr`-' , ;- !'f.:-.1 'L... mils, .. .t., •t
r! - )t^' , d it^.l -, "!.it• - r
Zre 1 "."1" , e "' - •lat ("le
. 1... r e tY
.- -~ , r:: , ..
11. • t • c . c {
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I '
• II tR
- iv' I
1 - t
•,11 t #
"f 4 •q
sylraula in General Assembly met, and IS is y
enacted by the autAority . qf Me same. - Th the
qualified voters ofthe several counties of thi on
monwealth, stall general. township. born and
special elections. are hereby hereafter authorized
Jed required to vote by tickets,. written or It inted
or partly printed and partly written. say rally
classified as follows: One ticket shall e race,
the names ofall judges of courts voted for be
uibe lied outside `•.lndiciary," one ticket V em
brace the names of all State core voted .
be labelled •stitat.o4: 2 ne ' _
na f all cattity, o Voted or. luau
elizer cal tfir. mettni — fuld-mensbers of dose -
- bly.-if voted fair„and-member of Congress. it v d
- fork-and ibelabelled - "Connty;" one ticket a II
enilbrace the names of all township °i3 ears • ed
for. and be labelled "Township :" one cket
shall elnbrare _the bawl of all borough oMeers
voted for. and he ;labelled - Borough ;" and each
c lass shall be - le lted in tieperate ballot boxes.
The \followiiiirinetro ifilotas from his Excellency
- litiv.; Otary._ekpiain the Otter efitaseseors. Re2i7-
tat and. Election ofhcora In regard to alt fred,
~, .. , , ..,,, .
the ' 1 WS-A,omutOvivealtti::_:-
------- _
Exectirivr. Cilkinsli•
112AURVIBI31411; - -P l A.._ Aug. tr. 1070.
To-the Sheri of th_e-A, - "aAnty of Bectil
WHIMELW. - til - e Fifteenth Amedinent•of ths
Constitution_ of tbe United FilltteJlty Ili foilpfis - :
8 ,a*,4it tr. o f
Congress eliillAsye flower to.
rn' this articleily approDriatelellefamiii._
_, -- : - './41,,int . ;-Wliiirtfliir; - The-,` , Mitgreail - -0 - --the
- Staffs, on th , hist day of_Marcht:lfM- . an_
.430.-enritled , • - lif - act to enforcer - the right of Midis-4
of the MAIM , Notes-to vole in the eetered Statei qj
Ala Lion- a for,-outer pu'rpOteil. *l " the tiret and - 1
second tVcii De i'ir which B.IV as folloWrs :-----
"SECTION 1. -B e - it it_erdetidbylhe Renate:od Rouse
of .Repreaen? tireirOtt it r et oraiiurtea,-
Ds Congress ifoWed; -- Thlit all citizens of the
'CWedStst ,who are, or shall be otherwise qual
ifled-brliw o vote at.any election by the people,
in any - rat e, Territory, 'district, munictr ality
other territo al sub division, shall be,entitied - and
allowed to , eat all such electioa4, - without dia . -
' Unction of rine; color or- previous -Ctinditioti of
servitude, any Constitution. -culitoni, - -givrbi - - tit_
regulation of any State or Territory, or by-or:
underlie authority, to the contrary nintilthstant ,-
lug." •
ffir'czios 2. And beit-:flikker enacted, - That4p b y
or under the authority ofthe Constitution or IaWA
of any State. o. the laws of an y an- act
is or shall he required to be - ..done at aprelrequi
site or - qualification for votine.--and by Keh Con
• a %button or law persons or of are, or Atilt e
charged with the performance of duties_in_l* . rribh-._
ing to citizens an opportunity to pe such -lore
requisite. or to become qualified to V . : Tit JSball
be the duty of every such person and :ffirer to
give to all citizens of the United States the same
and equalopportunity to perform such prelequi•
site, and to-become qualified to vote without
tinction of race,color. or previous cos4l;i9,44:=Teof,
vit ode:- ank)fon lindkroofsp# • '9l , officer OM 40.14 1 1
lA — Toeitl_ y„opltjol i gtrs4o,l ^figeet c t , lab
L*4 0 6 01 0 11 1 ,fpt An ce s 4 w e i tfra6 ' --
ttrq i 1 1 41, 1 54 i I tt l be rectvere ( 4,11 tVrit-tin
t ' e case. with. full
__ost__)_!lind_s_nct_43lowiFute - for
..useffens - Asrlite court ovsylleita inst. - MA iiboll
also: ter every such offence, be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction thcfreof,
. be fined not less than five hundred dollars, or be
imprisoned not !was than one month and not more
than one year. or both, at the, discretion of the
' I court, - _
And whereas. It is declared by the second sec
tion of article VI of the Constitution of the United
States, that — This Constitution and the laws of
the United Stater which shall be made in pursu
ance thereof shall be the supreme law of the land,
anything in the Constitution or taw of any gate
to the contrary notwithstanding."
And whereas, the Legislature of this Common
wealth. on the 6th day of April A. 1). 1870. passed
an act. entitled "A farther supplement to the act
relating to elections in this Commonwealth," the
tenth section of which provides as follows:
Szeriort 10. That so much of every act of As-
y -
F. JO - ARON, Seep of the' m
Patel:4lw• provisio4con - atned in the :tats
settioti ••• :74* .leitratd, the iadget• of the
aforeeild's "ler op•;cttvely take charge
of the,isCiffttfe 'Van of the Orction of
their reitpective - dititiictr,and prodnte t thene it
tocrettu" Ckf one judge from each diattiet. at the
borOzgh of Bearer. on the third day after-tho ••rts+
of the election.:-betnit ON FRIDAY, -Trrtc, 'stir
DAT qr. OCTOBER, 13?3. then And there.
Perform tbte duties required by llow of said - % )34„,^C4.
Where a )ndge, by r Ickhe a • -or ot he r tut.*Ao+
acOdeut. la unable to attend each Mr f " f)••
judges, ttren _the c ertificate c>f re t nro'sh /1.1 tw •tl
Charge of bY.,...1 . .me of the !min/et:l(3/r ears • , r
the. election OF the dixtrict. - 111) st; '
form the duties required orig All
Title Reprt 4e r.tsti vr H.44.4W- 71 .11 ; 'yr
itt the Cn3rt House E r
Bt-aver. in thr. cora4:: y
dty after tb , t , Nninf - 7 - -
I,;lver, 7.1!
171 h rl f
I -rot.;
• .• 11 a
pew leirtrtistintstO.
:p nr 1,
• .•%. •
s -_~ .~.
'Largest_ Stock ank,
'Blankets &
- -Buyers are,„inviteil to
M ---- A — Nts. 241
C. Ar
rAtn"- buthno_t_ lOphertsoX,
-1 1 tra-.1.5 anctO,Rifth
PdTSB.t74OH, PA.
- -,..„- ----- -
Lidi r & -- tie4 `gentletnen visiting ttahurgh, al e
are - reapeetfully - Invited to' 'tali ihe opless Store.
They wlll And the proprietors and a y lmen cone
eons ann obliginT-t- TTE PRIORS KY LOW ;
the-atnew. fresh and dosu;01 4r and up
right dealing. and
.. ,
,-f- 4 4,, -.l4abglA Atlirt,,ifir .
: . 6 tirriro o kft, - r'f" .-
* :
41itip _ si __,329,,,-_,
---,JEOSIERY ditii) NO'
, .111.
1141Yed Shirting a
White, Red d;
rtILL - & REM,
W 1101,1EgMAE ' '
:Boot . 4t, S 0e,,,-
-----, -
v, ' t—e. -,- ~---
-5 doare frorn li- -
tra IV" -- Wci;- 1 Streelg.
•-- -Pitt63l.lto Hi- 4.,
Are now re iylng; , _ one•ot",-4 ne lenge t
PA. ~.. -
-0 ,
.', -" Sir— 0- S
t , '., or- - -
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Eves broag,ht 1 Mill
, . •
•• •
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13.0 -0 2'
-Pirt - icWar attention is ca.
and btand of 0017411 which hal
eurpaseed reputation. Au
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7 X ) 7.k 74 it X
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heves t Goode.
NV. T. Shannon.
ion hand,
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Co4n - in
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2V. 7 .11:1 ,t1.•;1,
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Ft' CS;-;
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/I remedy , to
, tvlii
_Jmen ervcrer, lent, it iirp
s.f r i t . t r ux .
avail" othenatiMalant. iakg, silt -MIMI
-one! Tonic, ttiet: have 'ea --7
Mild and gent% za To t,:.Ttiqy
Parity ther,ktrcxl. 11)4 are irakleatit.l ,kppetzter
raep make the, areal'itrAMA.;Al.-y puryy ist3
rigorate. They Hirai Dyspepsia. CroastipAto t ii, asW
(Headache. -
,Tlarjaet aa, - alt_
Lisorders w c undertraue , t)lo4aodily atreaglai /au
doown the animal stpiritt.3:Th-z ,
, 44
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4:1 ril 1 l
I d 4, r 7
. \ I , : 3
L Li• '
1 iPO, 4 "\E 'NOrriXS RIMS.
; jr-
Workers Wanted
ifJ4. Wa.44's nAz.a sov,
qr •• I'rostx. 1114, :4 ',LI • ' 11)4.1 , 1' 4
":14 4.;-4,!.•:1.".
. '14. 7+•'.4.1" A ( s oca a1 !,,,,04 ) ., 4 '1.`71/.. • 1 :
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1401 P%—stullna
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itICIA Am.! Nr..her :nrotalatioa
4414.04):(134,tazr, 7 . 4
ITA) 4'il hr ,
t. ir.stitT2cs,
ALLEGE.' E2VVlrittliATOltt,
itsaaiivetartri cad V113,3:01,-,.*-t Deit
4-11:nnAr 4.1 D 71.1.711 20
00 1 0 0c1+104/ 3 t., .4,llegheal Cry.
clirciort.o:-}oroaiptly 11:".1 $ lit
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