The Argus and radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1873-1903, September 24, 1873, Image 7
KELSEI ,L0T.13 LETTERS. Ole poor Fzeuse- for the Huntingdon _ Outrage. d, Kelsey's enemies, in their efforts to paint , l i i l cht t ratter as black as possihle, have asserted that the letters -he-wrote to bliss Smith were insulting, grossly jade cent, etc. These letters have come into the posserssion of counsel, and the exami nation ()Mem does not result in the life . COVery of t . anything‘iodecent. To most these letters there reto dates. ''They a ppear to be mere "11 tes," \ such asn per olocrtild write to a • knowing it wouid be received a shbrt, tim sf'er the wr i l i n g. He writes .a legible but iuele gant hatid, and his punctuations are:very r ause. Specimens of his love letters are L ;ive . la below: [No date.] - . ju n a: —Will you meet me at your ga,• at L one o'clock on Saturday evening, June 1?? Be atc th _gate y nearest Dr., Banks' I will p b your house and t,, z step i f you are - t ere. This is no joke. I am serious and hatsuL,tl-1 I. s4', dear Jolla. I chill place all confidence in you, and I hope you will trust me. I wish to as k you a sweet little question, one which every woman loves to hear from her. lov er'e bps. I wish to tell you how much I love you, how dear you are to me. Come, m i l, m y love, meet ;ne now, and dou't Xtqour heart beat a retreat this time Stipa . me, my dear, that you are a hero ine,, and worthy of all the poetry, love and devotion my heart can bestow . You don't want me to loSe my admiration for you, do you, dear Julia? Julia, I would . go tbrough with it now,, since you have unk:ertaken. You ought not to have co mmenced if you thought 'you had not futliciemt courage t) bear you through. T h i s is a businega, Julia, that requires strong hearts to accomplish: l i t will nat d o to flinch, for you will lose your boy sr's respect [No date Julit Dean—l don't think I shall ask you to, return my letters any more. I will ask you something before long which will make your face grow pale and your throb bing, heart leap out of your very bosom. you have asked me to "dome, l and I shall come, and I hope that coming will bring nought but joy to you, and that when my arms are about you, you will only feel an agony of delight. You askid me to "cpme to the "gate" t) "see 00 * wham I Would like to see." Now. If will ask you, my love, to go tbrough the-gate with me into a garden of earthly bliss, where all the dreams of live, hope arid happinegkshall find their perfect r64tlization, where.l l clasp you to my b: som and "gaze into your melting eyes;" and where our former lives wit 4ppear as a blank compared with the ec. racy and delight which will fringe and festoon that new and exquisite mode of - [No date I ',1,11i*., my darling, I did not mean you ivuld return those sonnets until I asked brthem. But you prevented me, from doing that by refusing the note contain ing a request that yon would hand them to me if you wished to. I wish I had sent it through the- postoffice—they you would have read it—instead of taking it to your house myself and having it re• fused and getting,such a scolding. Well, not, say anything. Perhaps I de served it. and a great deal snore. I know I hive said a great many things to you, Julia, and I shall not be so mean as to get in a furor it it should be in some measure re:ur Ng. If you wiEh to send me anoth er invi , ,at ion to a moonlight interview at the garden gate, I will respond most cor diJlly. I wotild not treat you as I di , l be fore, but would be "sure to come" and ;teat you with the kiss of love-1.:,112 • Farewell to you till then. Your affec- C. G. KELSEY. 9 t )nite w, .Julia dear, my darling, the least (uss you make abciut this miitter the ter for you; far firobably I shall not Write to you again 'unless you send me another gate invitation to S. charming and nmantic nio6nlight interview, and if you ,dn I will ti,)t treat you, as I did before, 'With so ,rt-and poetry, but with a ride to Getrine Green„ or some other pretty Ai ice, and all the Dowers on the earth n )t, save you. S), Julia, if you hare the courage to write me another such note you will very soon learn wheth er I have the couraae to perform my part of the agreement. Ah; Julia, are you frined ? You ought to have known better than to 'have written to,zne; you ought to have known I woNlci make sport of you even if I dii-lo;ie you to distrae• tt I wi!l remember you, Jdlia, and not the sellding I had. I will remember you, hot as the one who returned my letters, but as the,day-clream of life, and, the wri ter of the sweet litttle "come" to me, to C. G. KELSEY. 3'our affection I.No date .1 Julia, my dear love, had you but re mained on that evening when I saw you in that romantic sprat, so appropriate for a meeting between lovers; if you had but staid (I would have clasped you in the trulsl of hvel I would have loved you a thn'OSarld tiliteg more than I do now Every pulse Beat of my heart - would have toll you th‘ii you were impassioned by lore. B pow, Julie,, oh, What can I mY" Can Usay that you are all the world to me when yourrati away from me Did You fear to meet the tempest of lore ? Did your dear heart beat when you raw it coming ? Julia, that tempest which Y°Q feared would have been the sweets** toad mildest of gales beating against, you: [N date.] besting heart. Do you think ,that yoN can recall it now that it is gone, dear Julia! Per haps Ido not fully appr,eciate the difficulties tinder which you labored. It.was the "first axd you around it some! 4t -harder to meet a Weer than you i‘ntieipated; perhaps. • THE POLAR. EXPEDIIIOIIII Particulars of the Quarrel Oa the Po - laris-Susplclous Actions of the Regal:_ minx• t NEW You, September 11, 1873. A: dispatch from on board the steamer Juniata, says- ttim►t otr: arriving at Vpper. nark Commander Braine paid his re apects to Krarnp Smith, Inspector. Royal of North Greenland, who narrated with considerable minuteness the details of the quarrel on hoard the 'Malts and Jittrib rated ,the unhappy dissensions to Dr. Bissell, Scientific officer, who spoke most contemptuously of Captain Hall, and alleged that ftewas ignorant of the Arctic history, and iiiinfitted for the work-be accomplished, and endeavored -to prejudice the crew of the ship against him. He apparently wished to give the expedition a German character, and desir- ed to take full command. The Inspector further stated that Captain HO evidently had some kind tirrnisgiving or premoni tion of death while at Disco, where he saw Smi'h, and placed in his care val. nable records of the Franklin search ex- peditiun, which records were handed Commander Braine, who will place them in the custody of the Secretary of the Navy o'n his arrival it) the United States. The steam launch of the Juniata sighted the Tigress near Uppernavik. Lieutenant D.:Long boarded tier, and imparted val uable information to Commander Greer, exhibiting a chart showing the track of the launch, and recommending l3to tks take a northwesterly course tror4 , ' ape Shackleton. On the 14th of A.uglst 'tte Tigress passed Cape Alexander 130 Port Foulke. It was now alldaylight', and a rock in the vicinity of Cape Alsin was , recognized by Captain Tyson-as the same that hid the Polaris from the view of the party on the ice floe. The vessel was here stopped, when the sound of human voices was beard, and a boat was Instantly lowered. It was about nine o'clock in the evening, and amid the greatest ex citement, Commander Greer exclaimed, , `I see their house. Two tents are clearly perceptible, and moving human figures an be seen on the ms in land near Littleton Island." An hour afterwards the beat returned, but only brought intelligence that Captain Bud dington and his party had gone South in the middle of June lest in two boats, hop ing to meet friendly whaling vessels to carry them to Newfoundland. The Ti gress' boat was again manned, accompan ied this time by Commander Greer, and Esquimaux Joe as interpreter. Five men two women and two children greeted them. They found the house abandoned and presenting interiorly a scene of the wildest confusion. Broken instruments lay on the floor, while the remains of a mutilated log book were scattered about. The Esquimaux had come from Pond's Bay, and remained with the Buddington party all winter. Only half an hour was spent in searching for records by the Commander and his men, who picked up what curiosities they could and returned to the ship. The boat was manned a third time, and this party picked up some torn diaries, :VI reference to the death of Cap tain Hall being destroyed. With the ex ception of a torn memorandum setting forth the agreement between Buddington and Chester to continue the research for the North Pole, nothing of importance was discovered. The entire time of the Tigress in the neighborhood of Littleton Island was only five hours. '.The Esquimaux, when firs riaren from the deck of the Tigress, were in the uni form of soldiers of the L'iited States Na vy, but they subsequently changed their clothes and redonned Esquimaux apparel, lin action that Finked very suspicious . The Esquimaux had but little provisions, neither - had they any o boats, and asked through Joe to be taken on board the Ti gress but Commander Greer declindd. The Expiditlon Reviewed. WASIIIN6TON, September 11.—The re view of the Polaris expedition by the cel ebrated Dr. Peterman, of Goths, has been translated into English from German un - der the direct i)n of the cretary of the Navy. The Doctor says that, all circum stances considired, it must be conceded -that this is the most importer:it - expedition that ever went to the Arctic-regions. The English talked loudly fcr nine years, and criticised freely at other opinions and en deays, they themselves doing nothipg all the whil e The high-toned acts of tte America Government will, he hoki, contribute towards bringing to an end the loud talk of the English, and induce them at last to tit and send out an expedi tion in 1874. How natral it iz for a man, when he makea a mistake, to korrekt it by km. ing somebody else tor it. Soaps people want everything ,done to suikthemselves in every particular, like the old farmer who wanted sunshine for his wheat and rain for .his grass at the same time. AL Drraorr boy stood an umbrella, with a cord attached to it, in a public door-way. Eleven' persons thought that Umbrella was theirs, and carried it with them the length of the string. They then esi.denlyroßped it inr - vrent oft without once 100 logbtck or Stopping to t 4. pick it up again. I . GUS AND, RADICAL: WEDNESDAY, S.EPTEMBER 24, V;73. _ New mammal :to. D ire 10 . ,116 RARE CHANCE IP Full Particulars Free, o v a A a i s maple& for $l l OO. Ad • d . sa Pittsburgh Supply Co. ..41. ! g ab ttabargh, Pa. ' Uiltils septli - i., . _i__ IATORKERB WANTEDI v... FOR WOOD'ill;:00 MAGAZINE. with its Pre ,is one of the most at tractive in theAmts ry. of fdagizine one d tare year. ediumissions.liberal, offering. a luci*, o k i crative and agreeable urine's to thaw willing-tb give it properettenti . • - Vol. xm begins w July, 1873. &amine our Clubbing an* Preminti sta.' Two tirist-class , riodicals for the - price of one. For spechnenikag• lazine and further information address Wad's household Magazine, Newburgh, N. Y. septii•6 m • S. R. BRUTES, Publisher. ST. CHARLES,. rominx LIGHT HOUSE COTTAGE, AT,LANTIC CITY.. N.J. The most desirable location on the island. spring Beds in every room. •No bar. Accommo dations for SW guests, and also stabling for 12 horses and carriages. Guests will leave the care at I* I.7hited fitatet Hotel. JONAH WOO TON 1 HANEY woorroN', Proprietors septlt-lm A WATCH FREE Worth PA given gratis to every live tun who will act as our agent. Business light and honora ble. Three hundred dollars m ad e in 5 dark Saleable as flour. Everybod, buys it. Can't do without it. Mast have it. No gljt enterprise. no humbug. KIiNNEDY a CO., Pittsburgh. Pa. septlS-lin WHEN IN ' BURGH CAPERTON'S DINING ROOMS. Tables furnished with the best the market of fords. First class table. rates reasonable. susaur. MEALS 50 CENTS. Meals from 6% P. M. until 11 o'clock at night. Remember the place. No. No. 60 Market st torrent this out and bring tt with you. eeptl -lm , H OLLIDAYSBURG SEMINARY, HOLLIDAYSB_URG, PA. RE\rf3S. WA.UGH; Princip4f. ADVANTAZIBS. 1. A Chriptlan home. • S. Thorough and successful teachers. 3. Philosophical and Chemical apparatus. Maps and Charts. 4. Thoroutiteaching In Music. Good Pianos. 5. Rooms Large and cheerful. Ventilation per feel. 5. Gymnasticts without extra charge. Gymna sium, and ample grounds, beautiful scenery and opportunittes for rambling, fishing &c. Pure soft water. Bath-room for papili. S. Admirable location. Entire freedom from em oke, 1101141 and dust,. 9. Near to various churches. 10. Gaslight—no danger from lamps. 11. Weekly class in Etiquette and Propriety. School year begins September 10. 1873. Boarding. Tuition. Fuel. Gas and fulnisbed room for school year POO to P5O. septll-1 JOHN W. FRAZEE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW AND SOLICITOR OF PATENTS & CLAIMS. Specialty of Patent cases. NO. 909 SEVENTH STREET, WASHINGION, D. C. Refers by permtsslon to Hon. Henry D. Cooke, Govornor of the District ca Colatnbia. ESTABLISHED IN 1839. RE-EStABLISHED IN 1869. G. HAM & SONS, V • Manufacturers of • FINE AND MEDIUM' FURNITURE, Of Every Description and Price, Handsome and Superior in Et le and quality than found in most or any other Furniture House this side of the mountains. Photographs and Price Lily sent on application, or when in the city don't forget the place--eign of the Large Golden Chair, 4EI, 48 and 50, Seventh Avenue, • raartS-ly PITTSBURGH, PA. MSCLELL&N'S • INSTITUTE FOR BOYS At West Chester, Pa. A beautiful and elevated situation, 22 miles west of Philadelphia. Spqc.ions Play grounds with Gymnasium. Students pre pared for College, Polytechnic Schools or Busi ness. Special provisions made for very young boys. Many students remain as boarders daring summer vacation. Session begins September 10. Address ROBERT M. MICLELI i AN. a2944t. F RANKFORT ACADEMY. The Fall Sea begins Tuesday, September 2d, and ends De ember 19th, 1873. Students ln`Langnages and Mathematic - 8 are pre pared for the junior class in college. THE NORMAL DEPARTMEST designed for those who wish to become practical teachers, will receive special attention. For further information address J. H. VEAZEY, Principal, ang, o 4 , -.3t Frankfort. Springs. Pa: I T N. ARNOLD, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS; 1525 Columbia Street, Washington D. C Makes examinations in the Patent Office to air- - \ certain the patentability of inventions for $lO. A majority of the cases ve now rejected being an ticipated by 'existing patents—loss to applicants usually about $5O; often more. After making this preliminary examination I charge no fee unless I secure a patent. J J. GILLESPIE & CO., 86 WOOD 'ET, PIcTLTSBURGH, PA., FRENCH PLATE GLASS, FREN6H WINDOW GLASS, MANTEL AND PIER GLASSES, STEEL ENGRAVINGS & CHROMOS. Estimates furnished for Plate Glass to Contractor and Builder& mar2l.6m KENWOOD BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Presents strong attractions to parenta.and• guar dians. A pleasant hone; thorough instruction; healthful discipline; excellent library; new appa ratus.' send for Catalogue. Liberal discount to clergymen. CHARLIE JACOBUS. A. N.. IYIB am. Principal, New Brighton, Pa.• PATRONIZE Importers and Dealers In 13CgAVE , V" ' New Building, School and Recitation Roams now ready for the FALL SESSION, September 9, 1873. Normal Department A permanent feature of the Institution. Apparatus for illustrating' the Sciences. Send for new Catalogue. anglti axle 134 y STEVENSON & WITTIBH'S LAND OFFICE, 198, Penn it.. (near St. Clair Hotel) Pittaburgh, Pa., and Beaver FAlle, Pa. Ifarlusty° Agents for Allegheny. Beaver and Lawrence counties of the lands of the A. T. & San ta Te R. R. ; (can give tickets at reduced rates to go and see these lands;) also lands of Union Pa cificand Iron Mt. & Art. Railroads. Have over 60 farms for sale. Call at either office and examine our register. We offer for sale the following prop erties, etc. A pleasantly located farm. situate in North Se wickly township, Beaver County. for rale. Con tains 119 acres, lies on Harmony, New Castle and Brighton roads. 90 acres improved, balance in tim ber. conaisting of Oolk. i oczst. Chestnut. dr,c.; can all be worked by machinery. soil is very. produc tive, excellent for grain, or pasture; land lies un duLating, good springs ell over the faim; underlaid with coal, limestone and ore; good sand and build ing stone; fences are rail and board. in good con'- dition; good orchard of apple. peach and other va rieties oftholce fruit; grapes, shrubbery, ac. Im provements consist ors two-story frame house of six roomia s lood cellar and kitchen, smoke house, corn crib, nw barn 50240 feet, stone spring house, close to schools, churches, saw mill, stores. 5 miles rOM Brighton, 3% from Beaver Falls. 1% miles from the line of the-proposed Baltimore and Chi cago Railroad. Price $11.900. NO. 70. A GOOD DAIRY, STOCK OR GRAIN FARM In Blg Beaver township, Beaver county, Pa., con taining about 140 acres—of which 120 acres are cleared, 35 acres first bottom land : 20 acres in oak timber ; balance at cleared land . gently rolling ; all under fence, on the P. Ft. W. &C. Railroad ; -building on a good township road one-half mile from llotuewood station ; soil is first class and all can be worked by machinery. Improvements, one newly weather•boarded log house of 5 rooms, two stories high, veranda y and frame kitchen, with pleasant surroundings, one new two-story frame house of 4 rooms, portico in front ; a good cellar ; spring of water and well close to house : one new bank barn, with stone foundation, 40x60, with plenty of stabling for horses and cows ; corn crib, smoke house. and all usual outbuildings; a first rate orchard of various kinds of fruit ties in good bearing condition, and a young, orchard. This place Is in a very pleasant part of the county, with eve ry surrounding object to make it agreeable and at tractive, and is a first-class farm in a good neigh borhood, close to schools, churches. post-office and station—will subdivide thispact if desired by the purchaser, for sale. Price. EBO per nap, in pay ments. George B. McCready, owner. NO. 73, A SPLENDID GARDEN OR DAIRY FARM, containing about 107 acres, of which 82 acres are cleared and under a hi gh state of cultivation, well fenced, mostly post and rail, atyl ineplendid oyd'er; ten springs on the place, two orchards con ta ining 225 apple and 100 peach trees, bearing and' in good. condition; about 27 acres of the beat quality of timber; a good frame barn 50x36 feet, with stabling underneath; a new flame stable 16a80; a new corn crib, a good fir house front. rooms and cellar. a good milk h,. se, an xce ll ent enclosed 'garden if patch; plenty f amid raft such as cherries, plums, quinces, grapes ate. Near to a new school house - . I 1% miles from Industry on the C. it P. Railroad. good roads to statior The soil Is; good and the farm is well adapted to dairy or 'etocir purposes, and is considered one of -the_best. Price 80 per acre, in payments. Benjamin Todd, Owner.\ mayl6-ly ENTERPRISE -SALOON AND RESTAURANT. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. MEALS AT ALL - HOURS. No. 19 SIXTH ST., (late St. els%) - TTETSBURGH. feblo'7l-1y NEAL McCALLION 0. L. 151111111 ART. A WORD WITH. YOU ! If Yon Want ERERHART BEDISOI t i, GML INSURANCE AGENTS AND REAL ESTATE BRO - :cOtS. No. sl3 BROADWAY, NEW BRIGHTO, sept9?-17 Beaver County, Pa. ‘)? 0, ote 'Ye dtte "zza To Buy Property, To Sell Property, Your House Insured, ?our Goode Insdrod, Your Life Insured, To Insure Against Accidents To Lease Your House, To Hire a House, To Buy a Farm, To Sell a Farm. Any Legal Writing Done, - Do not fail to call at the office of COLLEGE 1 I ii. T. TAT - LOB, c'res't. 0. tii 2, , z, )-4 1 g I= • s v R. r-z P gi td til 0 ' 0 tv t ., tiii txi *id 0 12 ml till t n. ° L. Jpa > ! 101l :i 1 ;I.' -2 4 U 2 t n° " " -aC/ tiN IXW 1 4 4 •—• it=i- x ,tfi o tit ti o 0 .''. 3 •• ' CD, 0;;.. r" .. til y oa• til 1..4 (r) 0.3 0 2 'a THE MOST VESIRABLE LIFE INSURANCE. The Mutual Life Instalme Comm: SIXTY MILLION OF DOLLARS The hugest and wealthiest company in the world and the oldest Insarance Company In America offer to the Insured than any other Company. Issues every approved deecriPtion of '' N it • LIFE, END OWBIET ANNUITY POLICIES , combining the advantages offered by all other Companies with UNE( BALLED FINANCIAL SECURITY.:) Endowmerit Policies payable in CASH in en, fifteen or twenty years, and all Life Policies to the large annasl cm : 4 divtdende, which ca b used to reduce the premiuma tz making the cos insurance less each year. W. L. BIDISON augt.ltt A DiEINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF ELIZABETH JORDAN, DECD . Letters of administration on the estate of Eliza beth Jordan, deed., late of Big Beaver township, Beaver cotinty, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate aro requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them properly authenticated for settlement. ang . l2 tit J. S. HUDSON, Admit. OSTON ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. 95 fitnithiidd Street, .iitt•bitrel, Po. The best place in the city to bny Clothing and Farcishias goods. Riga ofthe Hub. mow _• OF NEW YORK, With its cash assetts of over WATER INDUCE3IpNTS 111 A. B. CLARK, Agent for Beaver County. / O ATTOR Y AT LAW, - • T.. BEAVER ? 00973 JOSEPH LARUE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • ((Alice, in the Radical Bnilding,) .4. -- . BRAVER. PA. AU business entrusted to Ibis care sill receive prompt attention. - deofilitly - 3 JOHN B. YOUNG, ATTORNEY ( AT LAW, BEAVER PA. Office and residence on Third st. east of the Coast House. All law business entrusted to my care shall re ceive prompt attention. Also, persons having Real Estate for sale, and those wishing to bny tows property, coal or farm lands, may save • time and money by callingat my Dike. • (aprifrit, JAMES CAMERON. JOHN Y. MARKS. CAMERON & MA RKS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, ROCHESTER, PA., Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to their care. and have superior belittles for buying aad selling real estate:. decl3-ly GIVII - E - R I- L. EB E tHL R T. ATTORNEY AT LAW. _ • Will give prompt attention to Collections, Pro curing Bounties and Pensions Bolting and Selling Beal Estate, etc. Opposite R. B. Hoopes' Banking House, NSW BRIGHTON, BRAY= CO., PA. sepre2-ly J • H. M'CREXRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW , THIRD STREET, (First &Nor below the Court Hone.) jyl'7o—ly A. SMALL, N_l • AT a 1 EY AT LAW, BEAVER, PE OFFICE VI THE. COURT ROUSE. [cle2l3-17 Ir. H. AG W. J. id. BIICHARML AGNEW I BUCHANAN, .4171; Jr.EY'S AT MW. (N • - R THE POST OPTICL) BEAVER C. H., PA. oct4 11.1.1111 BALL 1111411171WILD1011 ixo. C. Liam SWARTZWELDER & BARR, No. 66 GRANT BTRZLT DIPLOMA Awarded by the American Institute to J. W. McKoe for Embroidering and Fluting laclunes. "It is ingenious and will meet the wants of eve: ry matron in the land." John R. ,Gavit, Roc. Sec. P. A. Barnard, Pree. Samuel D. Tilman, Corresponding Secy. New York, November 'X, 1872. This simple and ingenious Machine is as useful as the Sewing Machine, and Is fast becoming pop ular with ladies in the place of expensive needle work, its work being much more handsome, re gairingless time and not one-tenth part the ex pense. No lady's toilet is now complete without it. A Machine with illustrated circular and full instructions sent on receipt of $2, or finished in silver plate for $2.75. Address TSB MOLES MANUPACTUR/Nci CO. 309 Broadway, Nei, York . DR. GARVIN'S ELIXIR OF TAR, Is recommended by regular Medical practioness and a speedy cure guaranteed for Colds, Cough.. Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis. Spitting of Blood, Coneumptior and all Pulmonary Complaints. Scrofula, Erysipelas, Dyspepsia and Gout. Dys pepsia and .gent. Dysentery, Cholera morbuk. Ct.olera and all liver and bowel complaints. Kl 4, ney ammo Dug ttil ti 901111 U Q( the wing gaps—perfectly harmlesa---free. from .u.ineral 6l Aicoholicpriverties—pleasant to take. Full par ticalars with medical testimony and certificates sent on application. Address L. F. Hyde & Co., 195 Seventh Avenue, N. Y. Darts from the Devil or Cupid Abused: A book juQt issued exposing the "Personals" that have appeared in the New York Newspapers: their history and lesson. Stylish villians fully exposed. Advertisements from desperate men to beautiful women; clandestine meetings; how frustrated. The history of the Goodrich tragedy the result of a personal. Description of liv tug Broadway sta tues. Exposes social corruption. Sent on receipt of 50 cents. Address Unique Printing House, NI Vesey street, New York. THE NEW MASTIC TRUSS. An important iinventlyn I I retOts the Rupture at all times, and under the hardest exerelsee or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and if kept on night and. day. effects a permanent cure in a few weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by Mail when requested, cir culars free, when ordered by letter sent to The Elastic Truss Co., No. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses; too painful; they slip off too frequently. THE BECKWITH $2O PORTABLE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, ON 30 DAYS TRIAL. many advantages over all. Satisfaction guaran teed. or 20 refunded. Sent complete, with fall directions. Beckwith Sewing Machine Co., Nit roadway, N. Y. IL WANTED . ,' A Good Wagon Maker and Blackamlth to take f charge of a shop. For further' information ad- dress J. H. CHRISTY, Holt P. 0., aug29-3t. Beaver County, Pa. - ARIZONA . DIAMONDS SET IN SOLID 14 KARAT GOLD, =D.) WATCHE EvELRY Of Ev q' Lion. AD MINISTRATO R'S NOTICE Egad of Maria Christina Speyerer, dcc'd. Letters of administration on the estate of Maria Christina Speyerer, deed., to of the borough of Rochester, Beaver county, Pa. having been grant ed to the undersigned, all us indebted •to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the saute to present theMproperly authenticated for settle ment to GEORGE C. BREYERER. )315-St Administrator. GIRARD HOUSE, CORNER NINTH -a.CHBSTNITV STUNTS. PHILAAELPHIA. _ • a w gemAt t ; Prowl", . doellitely erntlik OFFICE ON BROADWAY. ATTORNI?.YS AT LAW, PITTSBURGH. rtv dr :thong rut, . EXHIBITION OF 1872 AGENTS W NO. 38 FIrTH AVENUE, E VA ), \K BEAVR, PA [lOllll • I i liE