The Argus and radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1873-1903, September 24, 1873, Image 6
, 6 A WONAERFUL CLOCK. Remarkable Inginalty of a German. A. correspondent of the Philadelphia Press- writ es: Karl Netter, a pOqtGer t , Ann !MITT ; re§ifiliPg 111010 it few guiles . 61 ghamokin, Northumberland county, has been exhibiting a cl )ck at that place during the past week, of a most remarka ble, character: Fre 1140 been three years constructing it, the first two sears at in tervals of time, and the last year be work ed at it day and night, scarcely taking ALTit enough to sleep and eat. Efe became althott a nionothatiale an the subject. The clock Cililn his mind during his wa king hours and in his dreams at night. Eta occapted alone a small wooden shanty, where he worked, slept and cooked his food. Whatever cooking and sleeping he did, however was but little. It le thought he would have nearly staived but for the kindly interest wb'ch his neighbors took in him and his clock. They took him Ind 4uct encouraged him in his labors. 1 . The clock, which was made of no other tools than two common jick knives, is eight feet high and four feet broad. Its frame is of the gothic style of architec ture. It has sixteen sides and is gut ialiounted by a globe, on top of which is attached a small golden cross. On the front of the clack there are four dial plates: one showa the day of the week, another shows the day of the month, an• other shows the minutes and fractions of a minute, and the other the hour of the daS. These dials igre carved in a moat unique manner, having emblematic fig ures upon them and around them of al most every imaginable description. About the dial plate is a semi-circular gallery, extending around about half the width of the frame work of the clock. Immediately in front, in the centre of this semi-circular gallery, is the carved wooden figure of our Saviour. At the ends of the gallery, on eiteer side, there is a small door, opening into the body of the clock. Over the door, on on the right band side of the clock, ag you stand facing it is an eagle . Over the !door, on the left hand side, is a chicken cock. Twice a thy, that is, at 12:05 in the day and at 12:05 at night, a sweet chime of bells begin to play, the small door on the tight band side opens, and the small wooden figures, admirably carv el, of the twelve Apostles, appear and walk out slowly and gravely in proces sion, Peter in the lead. Advancing along , the gallery until they get opposite the fig- - tire of Jesus, each in turn, except -Judas slowly turns round and bows his head to the Master, then recovers his former position; as Peter does this the cock crows. They continue to advance to the other side of the gallery and enter the small door on the left. As Judas (who is in the rear), with his right hand cover ing his face, and his left hand 'olasping the bag which is supposed to contain the thirty pieces of silver, comes in full view of the cock, the cock crows again. By a simple arrangement this processic‘n can be . made to come out and pass arod the gallery at any time desired. (n pedestals, at the extreme corners ttf the front of the 'clock, are carved wdbdel sahatutes of Moses and Elias. In the rear are two obelisks of the Egyptian style, upon which are carved hieroglyphic characters to represent the ancient period of the world's history. The clock will ran thirty-two hours with out winding. Mr. Fetter, who Is a na tive of Frierburg, in Baden, is very proud of his workmanship. He can scracely bear to be away from it long enough to eat his meals. He has been of fered ten thous i and dollars for it by a par tyze from N w Tork, but 'he refused it. Mr. K ter says he had often he - aid - N , of the -cele rated clock in Strasburg, ' , Ger man?, but he never saw it, and he has no Knowledge of how it was constructed, neither has he ever had any instruction in mechanics of any - kind. , His purpose is to exhibit it for a few months in this country, and then take it with him to Germany. The Obi Womanl net at Baden. f Howard 'Paul, in the American Register, Parisi Recently at Baden Baden I met an American female(l can't call her a lady) who out-Malaproped the most Parting ton of Mr. Browns: She wag from "out West," and was now on her first tour on the Continent. She was literally a phe nomenon of ignorance and misconception. SLe sat next to me at the table d'hote at the hotel, and after the fashion of neigh bors at continental dinners we fell into conversation. ghe turned to me and said: "How do you have your letters address ed ?" "Oh, simply to the Hotel Royal', (where I was staying). "That's a good 4 idea. I didn't know the name of no hotels here, so a neighbor who had onceiieen in Europe told me it would be a good plan to have all of mine sent to the - posi restaurant, and I can't find no such restaurant. I took a car riage yesterday and looked for it every where." \. It was simpl y a duty to instruct her that she should apply to the Nat restante. I found the old dame had just returned from Italy. "Did you like Milan 4" , ,inquired. "It's elegant." "And the pictures, the are - treasures of satiny' Italy, are they not delightful ?" I asked with an affectation- of enthnsi• 88M. ' ' "They're splendid," said she, "where they're not too old. They showed me a lot of broken bits of things in Rome that I A couldn't make lead nor tail of-;-a body here, - a leg there, an arm somewhere elst; it looked to be mere rnbbage, that did, but the picters were very ,nice. I liked 44pbaera marriage with the Virgin, but I ( Uhl tM 1I 154.94,91 tqt Supper.' as they showed me at Milan. !Tow they can can it a masterpiece I can't think, for I've seen public house signs in Ameriky that had much richer coloring into them than that. One of the Apostles only bad one leg. and I'm sure that aint no good drawl - ,' not that I know much of paint in, deal.? knows." "Did you stop at Florance ?" I asked. "Oh, yes, and went to see the Pity Palace." "Didryou see Venus, by Titian? There's a work !" "Yes, there is a work, d she ought to be ashamed of herself "Ashamed of herself, *to—Venus ? Why, you wouldn't have her dressed or drayed, wool I you! You'd ruin \ the clas sic beauty. Think of art." "Think of decency ! I say, again she ought to , be ashamed of herself; t don't mean Venus, for I spore it's the regular thing for her to be undressed; but Titiens Might to remember she is a lady, and look ed upon as such in London. I've heard her sing." "Heard her sing, who ?" I asked in amazement. "Why, Titiens; and how she could wasta her time a paintin' one of her own sex laying off on a sofa, like that, can't think. Titiens Venus may be a great work, but for mly part I prefer her Norma." Handling a Snapping' Turtle by the Wrong End. A man named Gilsey, who by strict economy and severe industry, has suc ceeded in getting, his family in a little place, free of incumbrance, was fishing in Still river, near the Beaver Brook mills, on Sunday afternoon. After sitttihg on the bank fbr a couple of hours, without catching anything, he was gratified to see, on a flat stone in the water, a snapping turtle sunning itself. The butt-en lof the turtle was toward him, and he thoaght he would capture it; but while he was look ing for a place to step, the turtle gravely turned around without his knowledge, and when he got in reaching distance, and bent down to take hold of ,what na ture designed should be taken hold of while handling a snapping turtle, that so ciable animal just reached out and took hold of Mr. Gilsey's hand with a grasp that left no doubt of its sincerity. The shrieks of the unfortunate man aroused some of' the neighbors,.but when they ar rived it was too late to be of any benefit to him, or even to themselves, for they just caught & glimpse of a bare-headed man tearing 'over the hill, swinging a small carpet-bag in one hand, and they s i t once concluded that it wa s a narrow es cape from highway robbery. However, it was no'. a carpet-bag he was swinging ; it was that turtle, and it clung to him un til he reached the White street bridge, when it let go; but - the frightened ma. did not slacken his gate until he got home. When he reached the house, the ludicrousness of the affair burst upon him, and when his wife looked at his pale face, and bare bead, and lust-be-grimmed clothes, and asked him what was the mat ter, he said, "Nothing was the matter, only he was&fraid be would be too late for church," and appeared to be much re- IteVed to find that be wasn't.—Danbury . New. A Candid Candidate. It is the fashion in California to have the candidates for political nominations come before the convention and make speeches in advance of balloting. A Dr. Williamson, with a keen appreciation of the successful politician of modern times, thus improved the occasion: "Gentlemen: I must say I have been wanting this of fice. I want it bad, and lam nut asham ed to say so. I think I can be elected if nominated. I have heard your resolu tions-------most of them though not all—and I endorse the principal part of them. If lam elected to the Legislature, I will serve you as well as I can under the cir cumstances, if I should unfortunately steal anything I will bring it down here to San Joaquin and diviie with you. I know how to steal; I can steal as well as any man, and I think that is the kind of man to send to Sacramento, so that he can prevent the other fellows from get ting the \ adVantage of us—so we can , checkmate 'em. lam opposed to all mo nopolies in all forms and conditions. I think I woald be an available candidate, for I can ran over more ground than any of them. I think I can Out if — you think otherwise, just say so, and I wiil go back practicing medicine. lam keeq at prac ticing medicine."—But we grieve to mind that his frankness was unappreciated— the convention selected a candidate who did not tell half so much truth. IT is told of a young gentleman, whom a maiden liked but her father didn't, that at a ress3nable hour the old gent mildly intimated that the time for retir ing had arrived. "I think you are cor rect, my dear sir," answered nineteenth century, modestly, "we have been wait ing over an hour for you to pit yourself in your little bed." The father retired thoughtfully. A WESTERN farmer,, it is reported, re fused to look at &simple sewing machine, recently, as he always "sowed wheat by hand." He is said to be related to the span who - did not want a threshing ma chine on his firm; ttor;" said be, "give me a harness tug or a barrel stave, and I can make my family toe the mark accord , log to law and Scripture." THE ARGUS- AND RADICAL WEDNESDAY ) S.ER,TEMBER, JOHN P. DEAN JIARDWAi I ikE AND CUTLERY, , 81.Wood•St., Pitteburgb, Carpenters' and Blacksmiths' Tools, Shovels, Spada, Scythes, Snathes,, Hoes, Forks and Bakea4ogether with a large and varied stock of Hardware and Cut lery, suitable for the trade, at greatly re dnoed rates. iY2.IY Denimler Rrothers, No. 126 Smitlilleli street, TIN, COPPER, SHEET IRON WARE• DESLENB IN Stoves, Clothes Wringer s, Cutlery, Bri tannia and Block Tiu Ware, Enamel ed Hollow Ware, Refrigerators, Ice Chests,Water Coolers,lce - Cream Freezers, Bird Cages, Gas Stoves, And House Furnishing Goods Generally; Patent Adjustable Stove Shelves, The most useful Invention of the Ave! Sole Agents for Spear's World-Renown ed and Unrivaled Anthracite Coal Heating Stoves. Sole Agents for the Tom Thumb Carbon 011 Cook - tug Stove! This little Stove is the Wonder of the Day, and the only article of the kind that will give you entire satisfaction. GROCERS' GOODS A SPECIALTY. au,g274w WHEN IN PITTSBURGH PATRONIZE CAPERTONS' DINING ROOMS. Tables furnished with the best the market of fords. First Class Table, Rates Reasonable. SINGLE MEALS 50 CENTS. Meals from 6% a. ac. until 12 o'clock it night. - Remember the Place, No. 60 Market Street. 110f - Cut this out and bring4t with you. aug27-4w : rikhton Paper Mills, RAG AND CARPET 1 1: 5 A.P M PL. , MANUFACTURED And Sold At PITTSBURGH or Rags taken in exchanse. J. F. DIIAVO, J. B. ANG ELL, Beaver Savings Bank -op- McCREtRY & CO., 13.EA.V ER, PA. EXCHANGE, COIN, COUPONS, And Bankable Paper. Collections made in all parts of the United States. Special attendos to Collections and Remittances. Interest on time Deposits. Open from 9a. in. to sp. m. [jyl7-1Y ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY OF E.RIE, PA. Cash Capital $250,000 00 Asssets, Oct .9 '7l, 311,948 29 Liabilities, - - - 5,200 00 0. NOBLE, President; J. P. VINCENT, Vice Pt. B. W. Woons, Treasurer; Taos. F. GOODRICH, Secretary, 1 DIRECTORS: - Hon. 0 Nobble, Erie Hon. Geo. B. Delameter, J W Hammond, do Meadville, Pa. Hon Belden Marvin, do Hon J P Vincent,. , Erie Hiram Daggett, do Henry Rawle do Charles ITReed, do G T Churchill do H 8 Southard, do Capt J S Richards do W B Sterritt, do Richard O'Brian, do H W Noble. do F H Gibbs, do J Englehart, do John R Cochran, do J H. Nell, do M Ilartlebb, do W H Abbott, Titusville. Copt D P Dobbins, do Jno Fertig, Titusville. Policies issued at, fair rates and liberal terms. Insures against damage by Lightning as well as Fire. CHAS. B. HiplaST, Ag't. Rochester. Pa.. Dec. 90.1871; ly W., W. BARKER, (Successor to Barker & Haseltinej WUOLUALIS AND RIITAIL -DLIALLN* IN CHROMO LITEOGRAPIIS, likigrarings LiMosraplie,Pkita and Colored PAo tograplis, . Passe rartouta, Mouldings and Picture Plumes ofall.kinds, 87 PM Avenue, 1.8 doors above Sinittdeldlit i j flusbusgh, Pa. rusorlsay PHOTOGRAPHER novltf giew Asvernstiano. PITTSBURGH, PA. 11A2itrlAMMM Of AND WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL. PIipPRIETORS OF THE BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PRINTING, MA.N2VILLA, ROOFING, BAILING, Hardware, Glass, Straw, Wholesale & Retail by Frazier, Metzler &Co.. 82 Third Avenue, J. H. MOCREERT, THOS. MCCREEHT, Catih:f DEALERS IN 3X- ZEC:111111119 1 0 1' H. Aorrow. J.M.l3rcomu.o. AQNEW &SUCHANAN, Attorneys at Law, Thirittreet t Beaver, Zeta% ' °o{9-1y Opposite the Argos dads. JOHN B. WILLIAMS, hair-euttee and shaver, work done in beet style, wigs, ''twitches and topples • made. up to order. Terms moderate. Shop in the west end of the Union, Hotel build ing, Beaver,:ft, aug2o-73-ly . " • AI • ys c .s & Surgeons, • office that formerly occupied by U. se.' 'telt emus Assessor, 'Third street, Beaver, Pa. a .ril-ly rrHO3IAB .DONZIIOO M. D. °Aka IQw Jolui Sordoni building, Beam; Pa. tt A4ILLER, J. ' l . • hyatc .and Surgeon, Wilco DA that formerly occupied by Dm lieliinny and LIMVIVIICO. Residence, h r. maim's house. LiUNLAP, J. F. Attorney at Law. Office In the Court.loae, Beaver, Pa. All legal beet.. pees promptly attended to. my '?2-;y PURVIS J. IL, dealer in Fancy Dry Goode, Choice Groceries, and Notions, (Specialty— Tea and Sagar,) Molar, Feer.4 sad w ou d e zi.ware, corner of Third and Br:Lraio streets, Beaver, noVril - - - AJ.LISON =OS . dealer in Dry Uuude and _ Groceries. cor Third and Elk ate. jyrezu LARK J. 8., defiler in Groceries anti Prov er C tone,Tbird street. jr.1914) 42 NITOILit S. & CO., dealer in Groceries and Pro 1.7 visions, Third street. IfACOM Mn.s E. dealer in Millinery Good ßand Trimmings, cor at. and Diamond._ jr2ir AA NDitLESSEN HUGO, dealer in Drugs and Med icines, 3d et. See advertisement. jy29lo_. ,MOORS J., dealer in Drugs and Medicines, Third street. jy29170 rrALLON ROBERT. manufacturer and dealer in 1. Boots and Shoes. Third street. jr29'7o M ERN h H oe ., s manliC str ture eet r and dealer j i p n 2g ß , o 7 z o ot s an ALTER F., Baker and Confectioner, north east corner of the Diamond. jy2910 AXSRUTZ 0. R„ dealer in Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Third street. jy29'7o H. RICE. PRANK WILSON. H. H. MOORE. "QM& WILSON & MOORE. Attorneys at La* LI. Office: Rear of the Court-house. - - - - LP. WEINMAN,. Manufacture of Boots and-. , Shoes. Bridge at.. Bridgewater. (sep27;ly A BREHM, Bridge streei, Bridgewater, Pa., .1 - 1.• Dealer in Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver• Ware, Spectacles, &c. Watch es, Clocks and Je'velry repaired. Lfebls'7l;ly DANIEL MILLER, Fashionable Tailor. None bat ex o erienced workmen employed. Shop r ridge et., Bridgewater. Pa. febB'7l:ly._ - ÜBALTO'S Shady Side Photograph Gallery, ot) • Second Floor, Dunlap's corner, opposite the toll bridge. isprll-ly OLtER, J. C., Market street. Bridgewater, 1.11. dealer in COAL from Bank ut McKinley's Ran. HURST A C., dealer in Dry Goods. Rats and .1.1 A. Caps, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Trimmings, Bridge street. jy29'7o CI TILES & CO., dealers in Groceries, Provisions and Quunsware, Bridge street. j r29'70 A, ULHEIM 8., dealer in Carpets, Oil Cloths I.U. Variety Goods, Bridge street. jy29 . 40 ROCHESTER. T J. POWER—Civil Engineer and Stave .er. t.! • Office near Depot, Rocnester, Pa. 6 4-tf VMS. P. Bittitta -m Druggist & Phaacist, 1.../dealer in drugs, medicines, perfumeries, toilet articles. choice brands of tobacco, cigars, &c. Op posite the depot, Rochester, Pa. aug6 73- I y THOS. KENNEDY & CO, (successors to Wm. Buechling,) Druggists and Chemists. Pre sa4tions carefully compounded at all hours. In the Diamond, Rochester. sep4,l3 WILL SMITH & CO.. Fancy Dry Goods, No dons and Millinery. Madison at., near Dia mond. Rochester. Pa. (sepl4;l7 TIKNR,T LAPP, Alunnfactru - er and Dealer in /..1. Furniture of all kizda. Brighton at., above elow Factory. See adv't. (sepl4;ly `SAMUEL C. IL&IsiNEN, Druggist. Prescrip tions carefully compounded. Water et., Ro chester. (sepl4;ly 14, MILLER at CO., Contractors and Builders. /1.1 0 Ma nufacturere of bash, Doors, Shutters ate. Deal in Lumber Lath dm. Rochester. (sepilpy Q corr, BOYLE & WILLIAMS, Successors tog. Ltikins & Co.; Dealers in Sawed and Planed Lumber, Lath & Shingles, Nocheider. spl2B;iy JOHN F., (Now Store), dealer in Gro -1.3 cones, Flour, Feed, Nails , V arieties and No tions, beet qualities and lowest prices. New Brighton and Wallington btriets, Km:neater. ang2,711-1y PitYISRER & SONS, wholesale And retail Gem L aro hi Dry Goods, Groeeries u now - , brain, DOat stores, iron, Nails. Water at. oc, 7' 70 D °SR W. A., M. D. it PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON; sept23'7o (BATMAN & CO., (successors to Oatman, Par ‘J sons & Kinzer) dealers in all kinds of roneh and dressed lumber. se 16'70 SCHROPP C 114.5., manufacturer of and dealer in Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing, spouting„Ac yr attenth d to. N. York et. seltrle TOHNSON W. W., dealer in Carpets. Oil Cloths, CI Wall Paper, Window Shades, Trunks and Vari ety G,oods, near RR depot. sel6'7o STE.FFLER & CLARK. proprietors of Johnson Rouse. Good accommodations and good sta bles. Near RR depot. STREIT GEORGE, manufacturer and dealer in Booots, Shoes, Slippeis, tite., Water at. [sel6 DAVID AiIGHIAAUGH, manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware; dealer in Stoves. Tin. Itoollng made to orde , r. Water at. se3'7o [sop 19;'69 OBIS. COALE, Dealer in paints,, looking glasses, framer, garden and flower-seeds and fancy fowls. Falls street, tiew Brighton. sep2l"7l-ly _______ __ _ NvISEN ER & BINGHA Id, zr , anufacturers of car riagts buggies, spring-wagtms, back-wag ons ant' vehicles of every descrlptios, Bri ge S. Both practical workmen. Successor% to eorge Metz. ar6ly 1, 4 -1 I.ANGNECILER, dealer in Watches, locks 1' • end Jewelry. Repairing neatly e ecuted, Broadway, near Falls-st. n vl . l'i-ly T W. 141.PPBRT, Baker & Confectioner • ke y/ • cream, Oysters and Game in season. Balls, Pic-N les, Widdings, &c.. supplied. novl WM. WALLACE, Dearer in Italian & American Marble ; Manufactures Monuments, Grave stones & stabs at reasonable prices. Railroad st., near new Depot, New Brighton. Isep27 4i. J. SNELLENBERG, Merchant Tailors,— L. 7 • Broadway, New Brighton. See adv [spl4;ly TT NOSS, Photographer. Willson's Block, /1. Broadway. Beat photographs from re-touch ed negatives. (sep:Cly BON TON RESTAURANT and EATIN G LOON.--hieals at all hours, table supplied with all the delicacies of the season. Prices low. William Strickland, corner of Falls and Broadway. sept2o-Iy. CCIAREY G, F., general dealer in Groceries, Feed, Oueensware, Glass, &c. Rags, Iron and Brass taken at highest prices. Railroad st. ()cal SLEMEN GEO. K, manufacturer of Cakes and Confectionaries. Particular attention paid to parties and wedding orders. oct7'7o G _ r . ILLILAND A. D. & Co.. dealers in Fancy and Domestic Dry Goods and Uroceries. Broadway* sept23lo WI. ROBERTSON, Dealer In the justly cele• rated Domestic Sewing Ma chine. Ladies call and be convinced. Main et., B. Falls. (sp27 DSTEWART & SON, Dealers in Yankee N o JLI tione, &c., Main St., teaver Fa He. eepi 3:ly /""BY BROS.,House and Sign Painting, Graining and, Gazing in all their branches. Also Fresco Painting In OR, Distemper and Water Colors. Orders executed on short notice. in the best manner and on reasonable terms. Main St., Beaver Palle. Pa. [nov29-Iy. TEVINSON dZ WITTISH, Land office No. 198 S Pettit street, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Beaver Folio Pa. sept23l7o TTING Yrs. E., Winer and dealer in Dry Goods. Lk.. Notions, Queensware, &c. Corner Bain and Baker et. sept23'7o. -nIINKEL W. W., manufacturer of and dealer JLA in )Boots, Show,. Gaiters, &c. Comer Race and Main et's. septi3no fiLARK Mits. R. 8., dealer in Millinery, Pane) kl Goode =4 Notions. Main et. ee.50111 aittCtorg t BEA. ER. NNINcHANI.p JAMES H. CU Attorney at, t Beaver, to. 2d door Third street below J. Molre's drug store. U 1 U aA: • t NEW BRIGHTON. BEAVER FALLS. 3, 1878. gusints* givertarg. FREEDOM. LOCKHART, Ds. J. R. GOOPER T. L., dealor is Drugs, Medicines Perfumery, &e. sellol7o VANPORT. WAGGONER, dealer in general Merchandise, • Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, ac- Hithest prices paid for country produce. Rail road street, Voulport. april. ALLEGHENY %TY. • - DR.J.B.WINANSIIectrkaI Physician; Chronic diseases made a specialty., --Mice, 187 Wash ington MUM WIWI • City, Pa. sepl4:ly t , /1/ t—LiatlA TO ttiq 11101tNILlitaitalitifatbirer of the Great 0 Repnbiio Cookitig BtOlPkimd Patentee of Por table extenalitattm and, centre. ; F*lntoon. Pa. W•ini. awn, D„, Late of Darlington having removed toliewarighton, othri his medical oarritea, in all Its broacher'. to theveople of the city and surrounding country. Office cor ner of Butler and Broadway. .sepl&ly TIE GREATEST WANT Caine into onr midst at last. A. M'DONALD, rficcrelly,. BT,dlrk, HEAVER, PA. Has opened a Harness and Saddle Store in the room formerly occupied by Mr. James Phillis, where he is prepared to furnish Harness, Saddles, And \everything usually kept in a first-class Harness and Saddle Store, He is prepared to manufacture HARNESS Of the cornet wagon harness to th e finest coach harness the world ever sat ~a t very low prices. A a '6,--4:4071>01-laca.410 Has been engaged in the manufacture of Harness and Saddles for upwards of thirty years, during which time he has manufactured Harness and Saddles that compared with any that. was ever put on exhibitilm in America. Purchasers will do well to give him a call before purchasing else where. augl:-.1-3m The Most Attractive Subscription Book Published This Year. IN S.E.A.R.CI-1 THE CASTAWAYS : A Romantic Narrative of the Lose of. Captain Grant of the Brig "Britannia," and of the Adventures of his Children and Friends in his Discovery and Rescue. Em bracing the Desciiption of a IR g age Round the World. By JULES VERNE, . Author of —Twenty Thousand Leaguea under . the Sea," etc. 170 FINE ENGRAVINGS; 620 Pages. Price $3.50. Agent* Wanted. For descriptive circulars, terms, territory, etc., address J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., - Publiehers, Philadelphia. ang6-6w FURNITURE. PAR,, LIBRARY; DINING-ROOM AND OFFICE FURNITURE, AT EtItDUCJID PRICEB. Also, sole manufacturers for Western Penn., of Inoiloild's Patent jowls Bel T. B. yoUNC& CO., 21 Sm ithfield Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. jell-3m Homes Still Larger FOR THE MILLION I Hareopportunities are now offered for securin: homes in a mild, healthy, and congenial climate, for one-third of their value five yvars THE NATIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY has for sale real estate of every description, locat ed in the Middle and tnnthbrn States; imptoved stock, grain and f'?" - it. farms ; rice, sugar and cot ton plantations; 'timber and mineral lands ; city, village, and rural.residence, and business stands ; mills and mill sites, factories, &c. Write for Land Register containing description, location, price and terms of properties we have for sale. Address—B. W. CLARKE & CO. The National Real Estate Agency, 477 and 479 Penna Avenue, Washington, D. C. may3-tf COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE SITUATED 1-2 MILE BELOW BEAVER, and having Cdelightful view of the Ohio river and surrounding country; 1 mile from R. R. Sta tion; house brick, two stories _high, 4 rooms, attic, hall, cellar, pocch, etc.; all finished; wash-house, smoke-house. well of water at the kitchen door; new barn and stable with cellar. Nice paling fence in front of property; all well painted; good orchard in bearing condition, grapes, plumbs, cherries, gooseberries, and all kinds of small fruit. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on the premises to the owner, J. M. GRAHAM. Agents Wanted. Wanted immediately, four active, energetic men to act as Agents for the '•I'iEW" WHEELER (lb WILSON SEWING MACHINE in this county. Only such men as can give good reference as to character and ability, and furnish a Bond need apply. We will pay guaranteed salaries. or liber al commissions, to proper men. Only such men as realty desire to enter the business need apply. WM% SUMNER it CO., No. 14(11 Wood St., Pitts burgh, Pa. finarB:l AVOID QUACKS AND' lIKPOSTOIW No Charge for Advice and Consultation. Dr. J. B. Dyott, Graduate of A/Jerson Medical College, Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which he has made an especial study) either in male or female, no mat ter from 'IN hat cause originating or of how long standing. A practice of 80 years enables him to treat disease with success. Cares guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can for ward letters describing symptoms and enclosing stamp to prepay postage, bend for the Guide to Health, Price 10 cents.. J. B. DYOTT, M. D Physician and Surgeon, febs-Iyl 104 Duane St., New York. T.J.CHANDLEn t "ientist, PHI continues perform all opera- As in the dental pro ton at his office, rer station. Roches, All who favor him a call may expect ~ ve their work done in the best possible manner and the most reason able terms. ° The books of the late arm of T. J. CHAND LER & SON are In ins hands. where all who have accounts „will please call - Immediately and settle the same. \ - inayrl2;ly. Ernlwa', Ni 11110 A. HANAUER eeBolo Has constantly_on hand, And is daily receiving additions of New and desirable goods which be Always sells at the lowest pr;ces Under Garmehts (a full lime), Embroideries and4Thite Goccis Rutting, Tape and Pique TrinuniDg, • Bonnets and Hats of every description, AFull line of Gold Plated and Jet Jewelry, Zephyr, Canvass Stamping and Sunup ed Paterns, rtificial Flowers of the bez-t Inwri 11.. can and Foreign Jfanufacture. 1110 IBBONS—tbe most co7lete sortnient. Ornanaei2 t s for Hats, Bonnets Cloa Llringes of ail Colors, Silk, Lineitl, r cotton. ti r ansi Parasols and 1: mbrctil•i~, Articles for the Tohet and Petfututry, Silks, Satins, Velvets and Velours, Hosiery and Gloves, fronythe best I mported to the Cheapest Domestic Ottoman and Slipper Paterns, Notions, Buttons, Small Wares', Sc A. II A. NA. IT .E -Et No. 130 BROAD WA NEW DRVG-Ha'oN dee4-12.13 , ALLEGHENY CITY S air Bill Mini and Wood MillßE Stu NEWELS, BALUSTERS, HAND itAID , . with Joints, Cut and Bolted, ready to hang. fun ished on short notice. WILMA -1 447E011.ES 5-7-Iy.l Cor. Webster St. d qrahani 4‘14 Cl~m~/~it C~~l Affords advantages for the thorough practical ed ucation of young and middle-aged mcL,po:e,:,:t. by no other business college in the Cuited:•!ste Students can enter at any time For large descript r ive circular fpl ng full ituormation, J. C. SMITH, A. M., Princip3 auglS-3m ma r - tl To The Nervous of Both Sexe The frequent requests of su fferers from ner‘ut , neuralgic and Weakened conditions of the tem, for the means which restored the unders4r. ed to health many years ago, has arrain induced him to make knownpublicly, his intention to! )•.: 11 etit others, and he will therefore. ou ruceoim: f postpaid e directed envelope, send free of chtr-"e cony of tne trvatise detailing the ditcover.y. and prescription of the herbal remedy eibi.,oytvd• Address, JOHN M. DA.GNAI.L. M. D. marl2-6m 11 Clinton Street. brook u. N CITY GUN :WO A largo assortment of Xnzzla and Breech 11 . Ing (!elngle and Dyable , Barrel) Shot tiar-• 11- Ps IteVOIVerS, Pistols, Sporting Goods ar.d F ing Tackle. Call and examine my stork. or ?ell u ' for Price List. Address, en. ki. SCIICLIS 330 Liberty Street, PittOtagh• "Repairing done on short notice. tunr-. AGENTS. WANTED! To sell an article that every family uses. -Pr c4 :, are large. and extra inducements offered to .4 6 , - ; who are willing to work. Apply or ad for '" cular and terms EDWARDN'DHOTI IESS Arizona Diamond store, 27 Sixth St., Pittsburgh* r"' sept 3-3EO Zits -, thrttionnth -__l PITTSBURGH, PA