The Argus and radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1873-1903, September 24, 1873, Image 5

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    The AnDOUßßeellltellt last Thursday
that the New York, Philadelphia, and
washington Banking houses of Jay
Cooties Co. had suspended' caused a rev •
erisb anxiety throughout the whole
country. People wondered what would
co me next. Jay Cooke has been very
prominently identified with all of the
Gorernuient's heavy financial trausac-
LlOlO5 for the last ten or twelve years,'and
when his pecuniary' troubles were flashed '
along the wires on last Thursday noon,
i t was believed by many that the Nation.
ai Treasury was the heaviest loser, But
happily the belief did not prove to be
wei 1- fo an ded, for later in the day Secre
tary Richardson caused it to be stated
that his Department would lose little or
no thing through Mr. "Cooke's mb,sfor.
vines. The latter believes that hia w
ags equal his liabilities, and attributes
h3g present financial embarrassment to
ice nnproductiveness of a large number
of shares of Railroad stock which he was
c arrying. On the other hand, many ixk
i fere that Mr. Cooke is hopelessly gone,
cancially, and that his liabilities are in
e y.cst:aQ of his assets fully twenty millions
of dollars._
Since tlie \above was in type we notice
tcg: a great panic prevailed in Wall
Street on last Friday, all resulting from
tce Cuoke failures, and that no less than
twenty banks suspended:on that day at
sz,r,oas points througout the country,
t , r,:al-e of their connegtion with either
e or the other of the great banker's
Millinery Goods in large variety at
Rochester, very cheap.
sirs. Ida Erskine, formerly Miss
„ of Beaver, has together with
husband, moved to New Orleans.
on the way thither she wrote the
wing letter to her numerous friends
LJr old home :
creer —
For the Argus and Radical.
ST. Louts, Mrssoultt. 1
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th, 1872 j
:,-,z Frten/18: Have you ever given
,aght to the swallows that have
.4nathward when the north wind
be 3n to blow? Flown did I say ? Well
..wallows came another way ; we
traveled by the bloody Pan Handle road.
We left Pittsburgh on T - .2esday, at 2:30
r Y. We should h ace changed cars at
collmbus, but the Cond ncter neglected
telling us and we were carried on to Xe-
We were very much annoyed by
the delay, but since have ascertained that
b3at we had intended taking bat
were too late was burned to the water's
edge. We remained in Xenia for two
hours, lets for Richmond at . 5 P. M.
Wednesday, got into Indianapolis at 11
a. at., remained for dinner and supper,
, left at 8 P. X. for St LL. tile, arrived here
on_ tittraday at, 9 A. ht., drove directly
to Barnum's Hotel for breakfast, then
came down to the Boat w here we have
remains] ever since, taking our meals
ga Restaurant.
I have ofte heard of Dayton, Ohio,
bat have never heard it rem Irked for its
beauty.. I think it is one of the in )st
beautifal cities. " The streets are very
wide and clean, and are shaded by large
trees on each side. It is a Paradise. In
dianapolis next attracted my atten
tion. It is also a very beautiful city.
The streets are very wide and
rather clean! con 3idecing the size
or :h3 city. The (Lily familliar fare
I have met since I left Pittsburgh was
Nannie Porter's ; hilly of the Bea -
verites are acrinaintel with th 3 lady. I
tne: her quite awldenfally on the street
ko Indianapolis. The surprise was quite.
What shall I say for St. Louis ? lam
not favorably impressed with the city.
The blacks compose two-thirds of the
population. The streets are swarming
with all sizes, shades and shapes. The
c•Aored people in Penrisylvania are beau-
Les ':offipared with those of St. Louis.
Nearly all the horses here are magnifi
t.ent animals. I ha've not seen one that
needed weather-boarding. They are all
very tine.
The market is full of fruits of every
description fiorn'the Southern States. I
ha.' hoped ere this to have been many
milFks from St. Louis, but Ite boat does
no: :ertv e the Levee until to-night. Then
can farm a better opinion of the great
"Father of \raters." I am anxious to
see the Magndlia, Palmetto and Orange
(, roves of Louisiana. I will the
sand gnats, dear flies and mosquitoes.
The niAtA here are -very cook The
r .,, )quitoes are plenty but they shun the
Lea: of the sun and love darkness and
ght, but the bars exclude them entirely
Li' Li we are not much annoyed.
shall hear from me again when
RH arrive in New Orleans; until then,
fart-well. IDA ERSKINE.
A Sin gular Condition of Affairs.
The recent failures hi this county-
La brought about a singular condition
alrairs So many men lost nearly
their entire possessions by endorsing for
those who failed, that it is now with
great difficulty that one' neighbor can
be induced to go ou the bond of another
Who is desirous of taking out letters of'
administration on some dead man's es
tate. Persons who have been selected as
guardians too, have no little trouble in
getting others to become sureties for
them for the money that will likly fall
into their hands. As to getting one man
to go on another's note in bank, that is
nearly out of the question. To be cau
tions is commendable, but we are afraid
that the general timidity now is not only
i nconvenient, but is working a good deal
of injurTbesides.
A Large Onion.—Mr. Smith Craven,
who resides in Darlington township, this
county, raised from the 'iced this year a
red onion which weighs .twelve ounces.
We hope -to see that "tear bringer" at our
14.7 this week..
—Hon A. J. Buffington of Washington
county was thrown from his baggy last
_week, and in juke fall record a severe
lipn in one of his legs.
—The Flying Dutchman, with his
many horses, is - at the fair grounda and
expects to give everybody a ride during
the week—for five canto.
—President Grant, his two sons, Gen
eral Sherman, General . Sheridan and
General Hooker, were some of the nota
bles, at the re-union in Pittsburgh last
—Steve on 6c Wittish, real estste
agents of Beaver Falls and Pittsburgh,
disposed of a 20 acre lot last week in Pine
township, Allegheny eotuaty, for the bu m
of *41300.
—Beaver county had bat few represen
tatives at the re-union of the Army of the
Cumberland at Pittsburgh on the 16th
and 17th. Most of our soldiers served in
the Army of the Pstomee,
—The failure of Jay Cooke t Co., has
not only created something like a panic
among the bankers of thkoountry, but
business men everywhere, who are using
but a small amount of capital are grow
ing nervous over the situation.
—The U. P. denomination and the M.
E. people of Beaver, have.'-each a board
ing hall in the fair grounds this week.
We have no doubt but that a good square
meal can be had at either place for the
asking—and fifty cents.
—They allow damages in Hancock
county, West Va. for sheep killed by
dogs. At the last County Court, August
25113, John Cam bell received $39.33, A. F.
aid M. V. Hindman $l9, William Mc-
Donald $3O, Charles Allison $2l, and Al
fred Chapman $l6.
We are decidedly in favor of making
the owners of vicious and sheep killing
canines, come down with cash enough to
offset an damages sustained by anybody
through the "cussedness" of their neigh
b3r's brutes.
—Won't tne ooys enjoy nutting this
fall? There never was a time when the
trees hung fuller than now of hickory
nuts, walnuts, butternuts, (tc. And such
is the news from all parts. Well they
ought to have a jolly time gathering the
rich spoila. l "Would that we were boy
again." A
—A young gentleman named M'Cague
s—a son of Esq. M'Cague of Smith's Fer
ry—will take charge of Beaver station,
C. & P. Railroad, on or about October Ist.
Mr. Magee,who bas had charge of it for
some timepast, will preside over the
books of a Fire Brick manufactory nea r
Sloan's station.
—Maj. Burnell, of Pittsburgh museum
notoriety has pat in an appearance at t he
fair grounds already, and will show
some curious things throughout the
week. Among a number of other curi
osities he has with him a "horned Afri
can.". The aforesaid "man and brother"
has a-beltgrowing out of his forehead.
We interilewed him of the horn a few
weeks ago at Pittsburgh, gave the protu-
berance a twist and a pull, and aie satis
fied that nature planted it there. "
Au Old Patriarch Gone.—Oae of
the very oldest men in the country died
last week at Evansville (Ind). The
Jountai of that city says: "The venera
ble Isaac Sluder, better known as Old
Father Sluder, who had attained the ex
traordinary age of one hundred and ten
years and six months, is dead. Born on
the Yadkin river, in North Carolina,
I March 30, 1763, he removed to Kentucky
when a youth, and raised two crops of
corn on the ground where Richmond now
stands. Later in life he removed to In
diana Territory, and where Salem now
stands he made his first camp, cutting
away pawpaw bushes for the purpose.
With other settlers there, he built and
lived in a stockade, and lived the life of
a frontiersman, half soldier, half farmer,
until advancing civilization drove back
the savages, and in his old age, yet many
years ago, he secured and enjoyed peace.
-He lived in Salem and in that vicinity
untii'a few years ago, when he came to
this city atid made• his borne with his
grandson, William Sluder, the well
known private policeman. He has been
a devout Christian since his thirtieth
year, and until within a very few weeks
has been in the habit of attending church
as often as possible. week ago, on
Monday, , he walked about as usual , and
the next morning his grandson found
him on the floor unable to rise. He was
placed in bed, and continued to sink un
til two o'clock yesterday afternoon,
when his long life closed.
Cannelton Items.—One frost.
—Plenty of coal land for sale, Youngs
town Company failed.
—"Forty hours devotion," held in St.
Rose's Chapel on last Sabbath. The alter
beautifully trimmed with Green House
—Mansfield 4.t, Morse have some five
hundred bushels of choice winter apples
this year.
—Over four hundred tons of coal are
being shipped from this placA daily.
—One tree fight resulted in five'law
sUits, and one person was thrown
the cost of all.
—Harvey McMillan, lost a valuable
buffalo by eating green corn; weighed
when fat, three thousand pounds.
—S. Moody & Co. have received agen
cies for the Star and Anchor lines to Eu
- —Tattle do Girty have theirinevr can
nel coal mine in operation.
—Temperance men are quite disgust
ed with "tampering" with Grand ju
—Painters' Knob has been disturbing
the comet band, and the peace of the den
zens of this place. .
W hipaT—A. McDohald has purchassi
a fine stock of whipg,r manufactured ex
pressly for the home trade, which he or•
fern at very low prices. t
—The most popular questiOn at present
Is, are you going to the fair?
—Freedom, so 'tie said, has the largest
number of pretty girls of - any town in
this county. "And yet we are not hap
py." -
—The Presbyterians of Roche4ter; are
at present devising ways , and means to
erect a church of that denomination In
that town.
—The reunion and banquet of the
Army of the Cumberland are over and
Pitts burghers have commenced to "sober
up again."
—A belligerent individual of the tec
tonic persuasion, ; by the name of Leise,
who figured as a witness in a case before
'Squire Marks, of Rochester, on last Sat
urday created quite a sensation by evinc
ing a disposition ,to run things to suit
himself, or slaughter some nn e in the at
—We think it is fair to presume That
the number of fair ones who will assem
ble at` Beaver this week to witness the
fair, providing the weather is fair, will
be fairly immense; and we hope that
they will all fare well.
—Through the folly of Miss Guidance,
a blind man, Dv the name of Kerr, was
lad astray from the narrow path and fell
through the R. R. bridge at Beaver sta
tion, on the Fort Wayne road, thereby
sustaining severe injuries. The unfortu
nate man hails, we believe, from North
—The hat trade in Rochester is in a
very demoral!zed condition at present.
Mrs. Ashbaugh, who lives near the hta
tion, in that town, entertained some
company last Friday evening and the
male portion of the assemblage left their
hats on the rack in the hall on entering.
As they were about to depart they dis
covered that the rack had been most ef
fectually divested of everything in the
shape of a hat. It is now considered
very impolite to take off your hat in that
locality, and any one who does, is brand
ed as a "green 'un' by the knowing ones.
—A certain boot and shoe dealer of
Rochester received a call from an unusu
ally early customer one morning last
week, and purchased a pair of boots for
seven dollars and tendered him a fifty
dollar bill in payment for the same, but
as the man of boots and shoes did not
have enough currency in the drawer• to
change the bill, and the banks not yet
being open, he just, stepped across the
street to the store of a fellow-merchant
who accepted the bill and furnished the
required amount of change %bleb, in
turn was handed to the early purchaser.
It was shortly afterward discovered that
the fifty dollar bill was a base counterfeit
and returned to the boot and shoe dealer,
who was obliged to become the loser, as
the man who left the bill was an entire
stranger and has not since had time to
The On‘servative man hearing of this
transaction, supposed as a matter of
course that it was .jtu3t gotten up " for it
mathematical problem, and priding him:-
self on his attainment in that line, he
lost no time in replying through bis pa
' per last week to the effect that the boot
and shoe dealer was victimized to the
amount ofjust fifty dollars and the boots;
but that merchant. kas counted his cash
account over several times and says he
fails to see it in the same light as the Con
servative man does, and thinks it very ev
ident that the man who furnished that
- solution would do better to count "seven
Remnants of best prints at 8 cents,
at Hi bbard's Rochester. sept24-2w
Beaver County Oil nen 13_
Luck.—The Messrs. Darragh, ofSharon,
who have been operating among the oil
wells of Butler county recently, received
a telegram last Friday informing them
that the workmen at one of their wells
had just tapped a 600 barrel well. Of
course the Messrs. D. lost no time in
going hence to see their prodigy, but as
they have not returned, we are unable to
say whether the figures of the telegram
have been verified or not.
To Everybady.—We have the lar
gest stock of men's, youths' and boys'
clothing ever seen in Beaver county.
Men's overcoats, youths' overcoats, chil
drens' overcoats. Men's, youlhs' boys'
and children's suits, the largest assort
ment at lower prices than ever:, Men's,
youths' and boys' shirts and nnder§birts,
drAweria and hose. Men's, youths'
bl 3 s' and children's hits. Men's and
youths' light weight evercoats, boys'
,school suits and everything that is to be
found iu a firs t class clothing house. The
largest stock of Suiting ever brought tb
Beaver county. Three cutters busy all
the time. No order filled short of one
week. Leave your Measure now to in
sure early attention. The people's
c'othing house, S. & J. Snellen burg, New
Brighton, Pa.
(Conscrvative please copy.)
The Geneva Award —F ar ts
About the Great Saud.—The bond
for $15,500,000, the amount for the Genera
award is held by tha Secretary of State in
that department, and is not placed for
safe keeping in the Treasury, as many
supposed. The bond is made payable to
the order of the Secretaty of State, and of
course,. no one else could procure any
money on It. So far as danger of it be
ing stolen is concerned, officials at Wash
ington, have no fear, as it would be of no
use to the thief. The bond is for the
largest amount of money ever issued by
any Government in a,single transaction.
Photographs of,the bond and certificate
of deposit were completed at the Treas
ury Department last week, - and copies
sent to the President and each member
of the Cabinet.
Csraeolleatioa--Conanaeats olf she
Pima—The Beayer Argus is to be uni
ted with the Radical, and the consolida
ted paper will be hereafter issued by the
Beaver County Printing Company under
the name of the Beaver ABGIIS AND RAD
ICAL. Hon. J. S. ROtan will have edito
rial control of the piper, and Capt. Wey
and Of the Aztor;rs takes charge of the bus
iness dePartrneat. The Republicans of
Beaver county, as well as the .gentlemen
more leomecitately concerned in the eli
te:prise, are cer tainly to be congratula
ted upon this arivagment; **alma& as
it cannot MI to prove advantageous to
both alike. Whore two political papers
attempt to live on patronage that is • only
equal to the edequate Support of one,
they are.apt to become hindrances rather
than helps to the organizatioa they pro
fess to represent, for the reason that they
are mostly compelled rely to a greater er
less extent upon. aid furnished usually
by men whdse personal interests and
schemes they are in turnexpected to pro
mote by every means in their power. In
this way thiy generally become organs
of individ u als instead of reliable expo
nents of the political faith they profess
to have espoused. Public journals that
have no higher aim than to advance per
sonal interests and aspirations are often
a prolific Source of strife and dissentiou ,
in the ranks of the organization they
profess to serve, for the reason that they
are generally made thee onduits through
which all the spleen of rival factions is
poured upon the public to the serious
detriment of the cause to which they
clihn to be devoted. We by no means
accuse the two tournals above named
with having descended to this level, but
the unseemly controversies that some
times took place between them indicated
but too plainly a kind of rivalry from
which the common enemy was always
glad to profit. The Republicans of Bea
ver county have reason to rejoice, there
fore, that the consolidation has been at
fected. and all difficulty on this score re
ino/ved. There are other counties in
western Pennsylvania where a similar
arrangment would prove highly benefi
cial, and where we would be glad to see
it adopted.— Washington Reporter.
—The Beaver .Argus and Beaver Radi
cal have been consolidated and will here
after be published under the name if the
S. Ratan will assume editorial control
of the paper, and Mr. Weyand, former
editor of the Argus, Fin be business
manager. This consolidates two papers
that were, somewhat hostile during the
late campaign, and will doubtless tend to
consolidate and strengthen the Republi
can pariy in that county. Senator Ru
tan's long exderieuce in public life and
thorough aoquaintance with the politi
elanS of the State, phcaliarly lit him for a
political editor, and the ABOUS AND RAD
ICAL will certainly wield a potent influ
ence, not only id its own county, but
throughout the State.—Carlisle Herald.
The Beaver .Radicat and , the Beaver
Argus, both published in Beaver, Pa.,
have made :arrangments to consoli
date. The new paper will be called the
Beaver AROUB AND RADICAL, and will be
published by the Beaver Printing Com
pany. J. S. Rutan will be political edi
tor, and J. Weyand, busin::.s manager.
Both of the above gentlemen were for
merly Of this county, and we make no
doubt they-will publish a very readable
paper.— Cart oil Free Press.
—The Beaver Radical and the Argus
have been consolidated, with the Hon.
James IS. Rutan as editor and Mr. Wey
and, of the Argus as business manage .
From this It would seem that a truce has
been declared between the rival Republi
can factious of Beaver county. Senator
Ratan, wbo again returns to the editori
al desk, possesses much experience in
public affairs, and has always shown
courtesy and moderation in the discus
sion of political questions,—Harrisbvrg
—The Beaver Radical and the Argus
have been consolidated. Hon. J. S. Ru
tan, of the Radical' continuing as editor.
We wish the consolidation every success
and under tne able management of Mr.
Riitan we know it will deserve it.-41-
toona Radical.
A. Cotacidenee.—On Tuesday night
two couples arrived In Pittsburgh. late,
via Panhandle R. R., and roused the
Mayor out of bed to urea° them in the
holy bonds of matrimony, On the same
night two couples arrived at Smith's
Ferry, on the 9 o'clock train, and roused
'Squire McFall from his peaceful slum
bers. The 'Squire came to the window
and enquired what was wanting. The
reply was that they wanted him to
marry them. .` Wait until morning,"
said the 'Squire. "My'. God t no—we
can't wait !" said one of the party. The
'Squire dressed, went to.the hotel, and in
a few moments four persons were made
two.—East Liverpool Gazette.
The Monongahela Republican says:
The young men of that most enterprising
town of California, have formed a Li
brary Association and have already
funds on hand to begin a good work .
A public library has special claims as
an educational institution, to the moral
and material support of a town. The,
college - is only the first stage of educa
tion; it but prepares the mind to acquire
the knowledge from books which the
books oontain. And the library exerts
a highly moral influence, not only as a
necessary incident of education, but by
p l
rescuing the young men fr m the haunts
of idleness . We therefore ope the citi
zens of California will tronize with
abed purses their Library Association.
But indeed this admonition is scarcely ,
needed to the Californians, for they have
and do still exhibit a wonderful public
spirit-- . -oiae which few towns in the west
A Cable dispatch has been received
announcing' the safe arrival in good
health of Dr. Emil Bessel, chief, of the
scientific corps of the Polaris, IL . C.
Chester, first mate; W. liartiu,' Second
mate;_ E. Schumann, chief engineer, A.
A. Odell, second engineer; W. P. Camp
bell, fireman; Herman See Mans, Henry
Hobby and N. Hopes, seameU, R. W. D.
Bryan, astronomer and chaplain with
two otheramere transfered to' the 'wha
ler Intrepid. The rescued men say
that after the separation from Tyson and
his companions the Polaris was finally
abandoned in siN . sinking condition by
Captain ' Buddington and the remainder
of the expedition. The party wintered
in Life Coat Cave, where they built: a
timber house, which they covered With
sails. The winter passed without event,
exoept the breaking out of the scurvy,
which, however, was unattended by se
vere symptoms. Plentiful supplies of
walrus liver for food were obtained from
the natives, and to this diet is attributed
the, mildness of the disease. In the
spring two boats were built of Aida- pine
boards taken from the cabin of the Polar-,
is. 14 these the whole party embarked
as soon as the ice opened, and sailed
sOuthwaxd. On the 3d of June they
sighted Cape York, and on the 22d of the
same month werepicked up by the Ra
vens craig.
Chocolate Cream Cake.—To the yolks of
four eggs, well beaten, add two cups white sugar,
one cup butter, one cup sweet m ilk, three cups
Hour, having in it one measure Banner Baking
Powder, then add the wnites four eggs. well beat
en; bake in jelly cake pans.
.F'or Me Cream.—To four ounces of plain choco
late grated, add one cup white sugar, two table.
Ppoortinis corn starch, one cap sweet milk, oce
table-spoonful extract of vanila; mix well togeth
er, and boil until it thickens, stirring constantly.
When cold spread it on the layers of the cake.
Each can of the Banner Baking Powder contains
a small measure, to be used even full, according
to printeddirections. If you cannot obtain this
really valuable article from your grocer. send
twenty-five cents by mail, addressed to Banner
Baking Powder, P. O. Lock Box. 317, Pittsburgh
Pa.. and you will receive, postagel paid, a qurater
pound package, together with a list of fifty valua
ble recipes.
The Western File Works of Blake &
Fesssenden, Beaver Falls, Pa. f are now
making additions to their very extensive
works, by adding 200 feet of substantial
brick buildings, and they are having the
machinery made to fill them. Their bu
siness has increased to such an extent of
late that these additions became an
perativenecessity. They are at:present
doing an immense business which is a
surprise even to themselves as they have
been in operation less than four years.
The sales of this frm range frem Maine
to California, and the improvements now
being made will give them a capacity to
turn out a quantity of goods far in ex
cess of any other similar 'concern in the
world:--Pitts. Iron World.
Real Estate Mr Sale.—A large and
valuable lot of real estate belonging to
the heirs of Jacob Bruce deed of Hope
well township, is clitoral for sale in this
week's Anous AND RADICAL. Persons
looking about for real estate should take
a look at the property here referred to.
Coming to the Fair.—lf the weath
er is favorable to-day, to-morrow aid
Friday, our people will see a large turn
out of folks to to the fair. Everybody for
miles around expect to be here during
one or another of the days named if the
weather is at all propitious, and stock,
vegetables and mechanical skill also
promises to be unusually good.
To Whom it May Coneern.—Sad
dle* and bridles of an extraordinary
manufacture and at very low prices can
be purchased at the Harness establish
ment of A. McDonald, three doors west
of McCreery's bank.
Sadden and Painful Death.—On
last Monday forenoon, a boy named Jo
seph Craven, about fourteen years of age.
met with a sudden death at Rock Point
coal siding near Clinton, this county, un
der the following circumstances: He was
engaged in moving cars at the siding
with a team of mules, when he slipped
and fell on the track. The car passed
over his head, and nearly severed his
shoulder from his body, and otherwise
mangled him.
In Adjusting the subscription ac
counts of the patrons of the ARGUS AND
RADICAL, we may have made some mis
takes. In fact we will be surprised if
we have not. Persons, therefore, who
notice any inaccuracies in their accounts
ai shown on the tab on their , paper, will
confer a favor by notifying us of them
without delay tf
The State Fair, one of the notable
events of the year, is to take place at Erie
on the BOth of September. At the most
propitious season of our most usually
bright autumns, the Pennsylvania State
Agricultural Society will 41d its annual
exhibition. The display gives fruitful
prothise that it , will be one of the very
best ever held under the auspices of the
society. The entries are free to all the
Pensions and Hocintles.—Soldiere and the
widows and dependent mothers and Path ere of
soldiers who fell in the service of the United States
will save themselves much annoyance, loss of
time and money by placing their claims =in the
hands of an attorney that to well posted in 04 pen
sion and bounty business; and we know of no one
that is more thoroughly acquainted with the bust
nese than _Major Gilbert L. Eberhart of New
Brighton, Pa.,
The Major Is not only prompt. but is very vie.
cauful in prosecuting claims for bounties and pen
siou‘; and his large experience as a soldier and
a claim agent gives him a knowledge of the busi
ness that few other attorneys possess. Father!
and Mothers who lost eons in the service upon
whom they were wholly or partially dependent
for support, are entitled to a pension of eight
dollars a month. Septl7-3w
Splendid Dress Goods at Hibbard's,
Rochester. :sept.24-2w
Veld weielpied Vigor.
The feeble / . . d debilitated usually fancy they
'are in,* mookhopelese;condition than they really
are. The reiOurces of nature are not easily ex.
It:lusted. Even when strength and appetite fall,
'when the eyes arnt eay and Inetreleaa, the eom
dlexion pallid, the lures tremulous, the body at•
termated. and the mind demote's& there is gener
ally 'a reserve of latent power biAind such palpa
ble evidences of weakness. Various modes o
treatment are resorted ici by physicians In the
hope of developing and rendering available this
store'of sleeping vitality, lint the sweet, and in
deed the oniv thoroughly safe and reliable means
ot„awakening the dortnint, energies of the system
is a course of lloi4tkr's Stomach Bitters. •
tricity. Welty. shower ba ; the
ac., may well enough In their way, as
flesh brush, sea bath
auxiliaries, but t y -do 'not reach the source of
the evil. All -physical debility prooeeds either
from a derangement of the functions of the assimi
lating, secretive and vital organs, or from a slugg
ish constitution. In either ease, and also in cases
Where both Causes Wet, the Bitters .W lll Invaria
bly produce an immediate and salmi* , change in
the condition of the patient, and eventually nffect ,
a complete cure. None of the dangerous . a Ike
olds, too often administered as tonics, can be
otherwise than deleterioui odes such ciretunstan
cwt.', and to give mercury is positively criminal.
The direct effect, of the great vegetable specific
will be manifested in an improved appetite, a more
heerful frame of min& a gradual return of
etlength, an it'd:vase of flesh, and a healthier emu _
plealon. ' Meanwhile. however. the constitution
if inert and feeble, will have been roused and ren
ovated by . the subtile elements of invigoration
contained in the Bittern.
RENO—STOVE—On the 17th inst., at the resi
dence of the bride's parents in 1 4 1 , ,w Brighton, .
Pa., by Rev. David Jones, Mr. John Reno to
Miss Harriet, daughter of Hiram Stowe, esq l. ., all
of Beaver county, Pa.
BRIGGS—At the residence of his , son-in-law (Mr.
J. W. Hum), in Bridgewater. Pa., on the 22d of
September, 1873, Mr. Henry Briggs in the 84th
year of his age.
JOHNSTON—In Fallston, Pa., on the 21st of Sep
tember, 1873, Capt, P.:Johnston, aged about 7J
By virtue of an' order of the Orphans' Court of
Beaver county, the undersigned Trustees, appoint.
ed by said Court to make sale of the real estate of
Jacob Bruce, late of said county, deed., after pro
ceedings in partition 4111 expose to sale at public
vendue or outcry, on the premises, on .
at 10 o'clock a is. all the following describled
Real Estate -of I said deceased, situate partly in
Moon, and partly in Hopewell lownshipe, Beaver
county, Penna., bounded and desirib as follows,
to-wilt Beginning at a stone, thence by lands of
John McCormick : north 3r33 dege. east, 70 35.100
per. to a stone; thence by other lands of said de
ceased, being from part "B" hereinafter described
north 151, dege, west 148 50-100 perches to a post;
thence north 40 degs., east 99 6100 perches to a
1 post at grave yard; thence north 51 dep., west'
9 60.100 perches to a poet; thence north 30 Up, east,
3 80-103 perches to a post; thence by lands of Mit
cbael Baker north 58% dens, west 24 50-100 perches:
to a post between two hickory trees; thence by
lands of the heirs of Abram Bruce, deceased ; south
40 degs, west 118 perches to a t; thence by WAS
of same south 48 degs, west 193 50 100 perches to a
stone on the bank of Raccoon creak; thence up
I said creek by lands of Jane Todd and John Shane
non by various courses and distances to the plade
of beginning,contalting_
upon. which are erected a twegitory frame dwelling
house, containing six rOoms, with Cellar under:
neath, frame barn 46 by 60 feet, two frame coral
_oriU, frame wagon shed, with frame stable and log
sheep pen adjoiniug; also two log dwelling , housed
---one Containing six rooms, the other three, an ,
numerous outbuilding!. Good trait bearing tree
on premises. DX acres cleared and in good state o .
cultivation, balance well timbered and all tindee
fence, partly underlaid with coal, Convenient to
schools. churches, mills, &c. , an within 3 m il es
of Legionville Station; P. Ft. W. & C. R. W.
ALSO—Another tract of land situate in said
Moon and Hopewell townships in said county, (be , .
tog part of the homestead of said decedent.)-_
bounded by lands of Dr. John Cooper, Michael
Baker, and other lands of said decedent above de
scribed. (being marked Parpart "B" on the dia
gram accompanying the intiaisition,) and contain-
9e ACRES and 156 PERCHES,
upon which is erected a one-story frame dwelling '
house, containing four rooms and porch; frame
stable 24 by 30 feet, log corn crib, and other out
' buildings. Orchard of good- fruit on premises;
Farm well watered. About 80 acres cleared and
balance well timbered—all fenced. Within three
miles of Leeionville Station on P, Ft. W. & C.
lroad. Convenient to schools churches and
tri' ls.
LSO—Purpart •'C" situate in Hopewell towns
sh p, in said county, bounded as follows. Viz: Be
ginning at a post in the south-east corner, thence
by lands of Dr. John F. Cooper norm 21 degrees,
west 37 70-100 perches to a post; thence south 6 4v,
degrees, west 22 perches: thence south 31 degrees,
east 31 15-100 perches to a post; thence south 614
degrees, east 8 perches to a post; thence north 66U,
degrees, east 18 70 100 perches to the place of be
ginning, containing_
all covered with goad timber.
at 10 o ' clock A. 21., on the premises, all that cer-
Lai n term or tract of land situate in crescent town '
ship, Allegheny County, Pa., (Purpart - 1;") bound
ed and described as follows, to-wt: Beginning at c
stone in -Broadhead rood," thence by lands of
John Bickerstaff north :al degrees, east 77 50-100
perchei to a post at white oak; thence by Purpart •
•D" south 70fi degrees, east 24 40-100 perches to 4
poet in road; thence down said road by Purpart
•'D" to a hickory; thence by lands 'of Porter
south 331,4 degrees; east 48 perches to a black oak;
thence by lands of James McFadden south 61 de r .
Rrees; west 15 50-100 perches to a post; thence by
lands of Wm. Purdy south 55 degreee, west 73
perches to a post in Broadhead road; thence down
said road by lands of John Harper north . 3,93 de-
grees. east 2790-100 perches to a white oak; thencO
uorth67K degrees, west 2000-100 perches loa white
oak; thence north 88% degrees, west 10 perches to
a pin oak; thence north 8-l% degrees, west 28 40-
100 perches to the place of beginning, containing
125 ACH.II4B and 99`..PEKLIE1 ES.
upon which is erected a good hapk barn 40 by 60
feet, with stabling underneath, and other outbuild
ings. About 70 acres cleared and balance well
timbered. Farm' well watered. Mills, churches
and schools convenient. About 134 miles from
Leetsdale Station, P. Ft. W. & C. Railroad.
TEltNB—Une-third of purchase money in hand
on confirmation of sales by the Court, one-tnird at
the expiration of one year from date of said confir ,
mation, with legal Interest thereon from same time,
and the balance to remain chergea on the premises
during the natural life of said decedent's Widow,
the interest thereon to be paid to her annually from
and after said confirmation, and at her death said
aeferred installment to be paid , to the parties legal;
ly entitled thereto. Parches - era to pay ecpensea
of preparing deeds, bonds , and , = mortgages. For
further "Infonnation call on Charles C. Bruce oat
premises in Beaver county, or address the under 4
signed at New Sheffield Postoffice, Beaver county;
Attorneys at Law, Bea*, Pa. i
A valuable lot and buildings in Rochester. •
are offered for sale Buildings are one dwellin
of eight rooms , al l up in complete style,
with large Hall above. Lot fronting 70 feet on tit
Diamond, running back 170 feet to'. .ailroad street
Planted hi' choice bearing fruit trees.
frontiog on Beaver River, pet above the bridge.
Rt cheater, Pit.
tw AtirettionsuntA.