The Argus and radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1873-1903, September 24, 1873, Image 4

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Wednesday, Morning flept. E24th, 1873.
iil .r iallammimnLo
11111.1. AC G. GORDON, Jefferson Coiuity
IL w. MACKEY, Allegiseny County.
IL J. CROW, Beaver county.
JIMATBAII ALLISON, Washington coanty.
A. L. CAMPBELL, Batler county.
DAVID MOM Butler county.
s Protbeelastry.
1 46. a. BXLLI., Bridgewater.
JAMBS B. MANN, New Brighton.
G. W. SEiROADSS, Moot tp.
Jury Commlanioties.
.30EiN WTLSON, Chippewa tp.
Poor House Direct Or.
- warn M.:MANAMY, Economy tp..\,
J. F. CULBERTSON; South Beaver tp.
- Trustees of Academy.
E. S. 1:1113R13, Bearer.
P. L. GRIM. New Galilee.
The meeting on Wednesday even
ing of last week at Cooper
institute of prominent New York
/merchants and others, to con
sider the transportation question,
was large and earnest enough to
show that this subject is' one of vital
importance and of general interest to
the country, and especially to the
City of New York, in whose inter
ests mainly, the meeting was held.
Two burdens, the extortion of car
riers and inadequate transportation
were made prominent by ~the speak
ers; and the attention of both the
Eastern merchants, and the West
ern farmers was directed to them as
the chief causes of evil complained
of. The New York merchants have
become alarmed at the growing
prosperity of rival cities, and the
superior advantages some of them
seem to possess over New York in
the matter of cheap transportation
for Western products, and they are
anxiously casting about to see what
can, and ought to be done to pre
vent Canada, or New Orleans, or
Priladelphia from diverting from
New York a large part of her trade,
and thus injure the commerce that
leas made her great. A four-track
freight railway to the west and the
enlargement of the Erie Canal to
double of its. present capacity, to
gether with such practical legisla
tion as should restrict and regulate
the railroads in regard to watering
stock, and the rates - of freight, were
proposed as remedies. The whole
Ineetion of Cheap transportation is
mow pressing upon the country.
Senator Windom's committee have
"been, and is how, busy investigating
it and their report will doubtless
add much useful information on the
subject, and be read-41 — ifat in
T seems to be conceeded that
certain Republicans of Philadel
phia, occupying positions of promi
nence in the Republican party, are
openly or secretly sup porting Judge
Ludlow and expect to carry the city
for him. Love for Ludlow is not the
ruling motive with many who are in
the conspiracy to defeat Judge Gor
don. The Ring is, indebted to him
for favors past, and can trust him
in preference to Gordon for future
favors. Then his election would
make a vacancy on the Bench of
Common Pleas, which the Ring
is anxious' to fill. This is the se
ezet of Gordon's danger in Phila
dephia, as we have it from gentle
men in the confidence of the con
spirators. The Republicans engag
ed in the movement should know
that Philadelphia will not elect
Ludlow. Ten thousand majority
there -will not be sufficient to over
come Gordon's majority outside of
the city, and they will get all the
odium that will necessarily attach
to their treachery, without success
to - "compensate them. In any event
the Republican party will not fail
to bold Philadelphia responsible for
failure of duty. If Judge Paxson's
friends take this matter in hand we
know they can carry the city for
Gordon. The disaffection is not
among the masses, but is confin
'ad to a few politicians. Let Phila
delphia elect Ludlow, anti it will be
uselesa to preOent a candidate from
that city to ai Republican Conven
-Con for yews Ito come. Jndge Gor
don was fairy' nominated, is quail
:fied for the ppsition, and the party
will not permit his defeat through
treachery, without resenting it in
- tie future.
Tun Constitutional Cinivention
reassembled on Tuesday last, and
elected Hon. - John H. Walker Presi
• ent. The Convention is pledged
to submit the Constitution for „rati
fication before the first of January,
and if that pledge is redeemed it ,
will be the only one Yet. Had the
Constitution been submitted in Oc
tober, a large part of it would ,have
been ratified. What the result will
be now, no one can pfidict. Few
will even read the code of laws called
a constitution, for the same reason
few ever read Pardons digest.
There" is muds . that is good in the
lengthy document however, and we
hope much of it will be adopted.
The - article on legislation, and the
Legislature, although long enough
for constitutions for all the States,
should be adopted. On the whole,
it will be a great improvement,
and ebaage in that respect is nec
essary. As the constitution pro
vides for the election of Lieutenant
Governor, Secretary of Internal af
fairs, avid Superintendent of Public
instruction all new elective offices,
we presume they will be voted for
at the same time the Constitution
is submitted. What any one wants
to elect these officers for, we are un
able to tell, but the fact they are to
be elected will do much to secure
the adoption of the Constitution if
the vote is taken at the same time.
It would not be NN ise for members of
the Convention to be candidates for
office at that ellion however. Af
ter spending one year doing the
work of two months, and taking
fifteen hundred dollars more out of
the Treasury than they agreed to
serve tor, it would not answer for
any member of the Constitution, no
matter how good his record, to run
for one of these extra offices provi
ded in the Constitution. There are
too many offices now, and the people
dont want additional ones, with the
expense of electing them every two
or three years. Providing that the
Governor should not be reelected, is
well enough, 4 but the remainder of
the article on Executive is not want
ed, and will not be adopted if the
people understand it. , Our only
fear is that the objectionable por
tions of this formidiable document
will carry the whole down, and we
would prefer taking the whole rath
er than lobe all.
Gentlemen of the Convention, get
through, and let the people vote be-
fore they become so much disgusted
as to - neglect it altogether!
Democratic candidate for Treasurer
is traveling the county soliciting
Republicans to vote for him. This
is rather remarkable in view of the
fact that he is one of the most un
compromising Democrats in the
county. For fifteen years he has
been one of the most active leaders
of that party, and the bitter politi
cal enemy of every candidate nomi
nated by the Republicans whether
National, State, County, or even
Borough. It has been his boast
that he never splits his ticket, and it
is strange he should ask his Repub
lican friends to do what be never
does. That he is a clever gentle
man, and qualified for the position,
no one denies and the same must be
said of the Republican candidate by
the friends of Capt. Hurst. Why
then should Republicans vote for
Hurst? We don't believe they will,
and are only surprised it should be
asked or even expected. Mr. Mann
is a gentleman of high character,
possessing all the qualifications nec
essary, is and has been an active .
Republican, supporting all the can
didates of the patty, and is there
fore entitled to claim every,Repub
lican vote in the county. Having
an honest and capable candidate of
our own, Capt. Hurst must expect
his Republican neighbors and friends
to treat him as he would treat them
if they were on the Republican tick
et. Having practiced - the rule of
unqualified party allegiance for fif
teen years, he will respect Republi
cans more who adhere to the same
good rule.
NEXT to Grant, Mackey is the
most popular candidate ever pre•
sented in Pennsylvania. It is not a
question about hie election as it was
with Grant after October but only
how large his majority will be. It
may not exceed Grants, but this will
depend altogether on the vote polled.
IT is said Judge Black's iron clad
oath which requites members of the -
Legislature under penalty ofdisfran
chisement, to swear at the close of
each session that he has not been
bribed, was carried in the Constitu
tional Convention by the votes of
former members of the Legislature
who could be convicted on general
rumor, at least of perjury, it they
took the oath they were prescribing
for others. Knowing how it was
themselves, they were anxious all
who followed in their footsteps
should be certain to follow theiuk to
perdition. If the oath would answer
any good purpose it would be well
enough, but as every man who
takes a bribe violates his oath of
office, and is perjured any way, a rep
etition of the offence wont hurt his
concience A man who takes a
bribe will swear a lie to conceal it,
and knowing this fact we are sur
prised at those having personal ex
perience in such matters voting with
Black. Let the Convention require
all its own members to take a simi
lar oath, and if any hesitate it may
be wise to require other officers to do
so, but, if all take the oath, it will be
sufficient to convince even Judge
Black that his oath is worthless.
All the oaths that could be written
would not make an honest man out
of a scoundrel. The only remedy
after all is to elect honest men.
JUDGE HOAR of Massachusetts
wants to be Chief Justice of the
United States, and a few good law
yers in Pittsburgh and elsewhere
have named him as a suitable candi
date. He was nominated for asso
ciate Justice by Grant and rejected
by thq Senate with the approval of
the whole country. Suon after he
was forced to retire from the Cabi
.net because he was injuring the
party and the administration in that
position. In view of these facts it
is surprising his name should even
be suggested- He has, ability, but
not of the high order necessary, and
is beside a cold, selfish, repulsive
yankee, a kind of man that should
never be placed in position in a free
country. In his first argument be
fore the Supreme coutt of the Uni
ted States he insulted Judge Nel
son, and was publicly reprimanded
and forced to apologize by Chief
Justice Chage. For the credit of
the country we hope he is not
thought of for the position.
Tin Ohio Republicans are active,
and the public meetings held in dif
• ferent parts of the State are lerOy
attended and most j enthusissOc. ,
We predict a glorious 'old-fishioned
victory in Ohio. 7 -
hf.A3tv good citizens of Big Bea-
Ver township - are dissatisfied with
the act of the Legislature repealing
the. Road law for that township on
the grotiiad that the repeal , leaves
the township without any law on
the subject, and hence their' roads
are neglected. This dissatisfaction,
it is alleged, is being used to the in
jury of a portion - of the Republican
ticket, A simple Astatement of the
case is sufficient to satisfy sensible
and reasonable men there is no foun
dation for.thelso complaints. The
Legislature at, the session of 1870
on the petition of a large number of
tax payer of that township passed
a special road law for Big' Beaver
township. A majority of the
- tied voters at the ensuing election
showed their disapproval of the law
!)y electing supervisors hostile to
the law, and at the next session of
the Legislature petitioned for its re
peal. As the friends and enemies of
the law were so evenly balanced
that it was difficult to determine
which side, had the majority, it was
agreed that the question of repeal
should be submitted to vote at the
Fall election in 1872 and if there was
a majority in favor of repeal, then
the law should be repealed. This
was done, and a majority voting for
repeal, the Legislature repealed the
law. When the special law was re
pealed, it restored the old law, be-
cause the law repealing the old law
being repealed, carried with it the
repealing section, and restored the
former law. This principle ie well
enough understood, and we are sur
prised to learn of the misunderstand
ing and bad feeling existing. With
this explanation, we hope the difli
culty will be removed and the whole
ticket receive the lull party vote.
TELE Republicans of the county
are igited; from every township, ind
borough we receive encouragin g re
ports. Friends, keep up the'fire all
along the line!
,give the enemy no
rest until the second Tuesday of Oc
tober, and then drive him into the
"last ditch," if possible.
Tam New York Evening Post says
that, our State financial system is
better than that of any other Ste,
'.ass liable to abuse by false returns
and erroneous assessments of prAtp*
erty, and much more prompt and
economical. The praise is just and
due to the Republican party, under
whose administration the system has
been perfected. A vote for Mackey
for State Treasurer is a vote to con
tinue the same wiMe Republican fs
nanci al policy.
IN many counties in the West the
Democratic party is disbanding, in
other words played out; in other
sections it is in a condition of "su-4-
lime unfixedness."
In this county and State the Re
publicans on the 14th of October,
will bury it beyond all resurrection,
provided they go to the Polls.
Therefore we say vote, and vote
early and see - -that every Republican
in your district casts his ballot.
i rns election takes place two
weeks from next Tuesday. We
again urge our friends throughout
the county, and especially the com
mittee men of each distries4 to make
arrangements for polling our full
vote. Our majorities ought to be
increased over those of last Octo
ber, and will be if proper attention
is given to getting out the vote.
Our candidates are faithful R•pub
licans, honest and cow'petent
nominated fairly by the people, and
should and would receive the hearty
support of every Republican.
THE Centenni a l Executive Com
mittee of Pennsylvania have ap
pointed Hon. Daniel Agnew, B. B.
Wilson esq. Jacob Henrici esq. Hon.
B. B. Chamberlin, Col. M. S. Quay,
Capt. G. W. Hamilton, Jim Patter
son esq. anikek - 4 S. B. French, a
committee for Beaver county. The
amount appropriated to this county
is $6,024 60. This is to be raised
in stock, each share being ten dol
lars, payable in five installments on
which interest will be paid until
Jan. Ist 1876. The amount is not
large, and we trust will be sub-
Scribed at once. Other counties
are pledging their full share as soon
as called upon, and surely Beaver
will not be behind in, this laudable
THE Republicans in Huntingdon
county are divided between the
Scott wing avid the Woods wing of
the party, and a terrible fight is be
ing waged between them.' Each
wing has nominated a ticket, and
both are contributing all they can to
the election of the Democratic tick
et. This fight began soon after
Scott's election to the United States
Senate, and has resulted in electing
Democratic Congressmen, Senators,
and Assemblymen, when they were
most needed by Republicans. The
party outside of the county has been
in sympathy with Scott, bat at
home the party is about evenly di
vided. The loss of a Senator and
member in that District will serious
ly effect Senator Scott's prospects of
re-election which is probably the
result aimed at by the Woods fac
Tx E Detnocratic party has been,
and is the most corrupt and unprin
cipled partyi in the country. From
its head sprung the Rebellion and
in its hearty was nurtured the treas
on that threatened the very life of
the nation. For years Tweed, S wee
ny, and Co. of Tammany Hall noto
riety held the party in their control
and poisoned it with corruption.
How utterly unreasonable it is to
expect the rotten Democratic party
to correct abuses, or to achive re
forms. Where are their reform
leaders? No one an fiEid them, but
Demoeratio plotters, salary grabbers,
jobbers, retailers, and tricksters are
numerous. When the Democratic
party turns to be progressive and
Dare, and is again entrusted with
power, the great political millenni
um will have come, when the graves
shall open' and , the dead come forth
and corruption . put on incorruption
-At the meeting of the -Labor Reform
Convention of Schuylkill county, held in
Pottsville on the oth, the following ticket
was nominated : State Senator—F. A.
Herwig ; Assembly—John W. Morgan ;
Representative—J. F. Welsh; Treasure r—
*Mr. Barlow, also nominated by the' Re.
—The Mississippi Democratic Consery
ative Convention assembled at Meridian,
on Wednesday last, at which forty-five
counties were represented. After the or
ganlintion and the election of officers, the
following reeolation was adopted by a
large majority: "That it is inexpedient,
in the approaching State election to nom.
lute a State ticket." The field IS now.
-left clear between Alcorn and Ames. •
—The Farmers' Convention of Teones
see met at Nsushvi on September 17th
anti organized as State Association.
Officers:were el and resolutions car
ried regarding the adoption of theprinci
ples of the Patrons of Husbandry as the
most efficient means of relieving' farmers
of the griclances now oppressing them,
and rec7romending the study of these
principles to the farmers of the State.
The Convention adjourned to meet on the
first Thursday in September next in
—The NeW York- State Prohibition
Convention was held in - 'New York Sep
tember 17th, and there was a respectable
representation from all sections of the
-State. The State tickq - nominated by
the Convention was as \ follows : For
Secretary ofiState, Rev. Dwight Williams,
I , of Madison ; foriComptroiler, D: F. Elliot,
of Renssalaer Treasurer, Simon Brown
ell, of Washington ; for Attorney Gener.l,
Walter Fairinjton, of Dutchess; for Ca
'pal Commissioner, Thomts Edgerly, of
Snflolk ; for State Engineer and Surveyor,
I. C. Wallace, of Onondaga; for inspector
of State Prisons, Rev. Isaac /Harris, of
—The Democrats of Susquehana county,
which was a "LibeAl" strongW(Ljast
year, hay% nomingterLE B Hawley for
Representative, E liot Aldrich for Pro
thonotsiry, John H. Dusenbury for Coun
ty Tiiasarer,Frederick Taggart for,Coun
ty COmmiss;oner, P. E Brush for county
Auditor, and Daniel Brewster f° Jury
—The Democrats (of Chester county
had their delegates election on Saturday
last, and on the 18th the nominating con
vention met in Weet Chester. The at.
teadatee was not very extveive, and the
enthusiasm proportionately limited. ' The
Office of State Senator h v-ing been acced
ed to Delaware count y,d Eton. Tryon
Lewis nominated for e position by that
county, the convention moved and- agreed
to endorse Mr. Lewis, and commend him
to the voters of Chester county. The fol
lowing ticket was then nominated: As.
sembly—Northeren district, Seymour C.
Williamson ; Soithern district, John Gil-
Milan ; County Commissioner—John Yae-
ger ; Jury Conimiselouer—Nimrod Striek-
Jepartures held a conven
tion at Delphos, o.,Thursday to nominate
candidatts for Judges and. Senators
this district. From one side it is reported
that the Convention wars regular fizzle,
while the Liberal side claim it was a suc-
oers. Edwin A. Balltrd,qt Lima, and Mr
Plunkett were nominated for Judges. Dr
Rebell!, of De!pins, and Henry Newberg.
in were nominated for Senatars.
Jrg TVS.
Cleveland dr, Inttsburgh Railroad.
Oosng West—Mail, 7,46 a. m ; Accommodatio
6,10 p.
Going East—Accommodation, 9,19 a. m;
241 p. m; Express, 9,07 p. m.
A.rrtfral and Departure of Malls. •
Wastern mail leaves at 6.45 a.m.; arrives at 3 p.m.
Eastern mail leaves at 2p. tr..; arrives al 8 a
The attention of the public is directed
to the following New Advertisementi
which appear for the first time in THE
Special Notices—H. S. Hibbard 26-2 w
Trustees' Sale—John F. &Chas. C. Bruce... .13 4w
Special Notice—Banner Baking Powder
Notice in Bankruptcy—W. S. Morlan .1s 3w
For Sale—Cameron & Marks ..2s-lw
Spec' d Notice—A.. M'Donald, • 10
For Sale or Rent—J. M. McCreery
Bark Wanted—James Darragh
Card—Emil Bott
Special Notices—S. & J. Snellenbnrgb C
Bankrapti Sale—William Henry. Assignee, ....PAH
County Committee Meeting.—
The Republican County Committee will
meet at the Court House, in Beaver, on
Wednesday, October Ist, at 1 o'clock. P.
M. A full attendance is requested.
cheapest Place to buy Goods in the
County iR Hibbard's Rochester.
Wherever the cholera has made its
appearance this year in this country, it
has taken the deepest hold in the rural
districts. In the West it ravages among
the farmers, while it passes over the cit
ies without deigning . even to stop for
Best Assortment of goods at ilib
bard's, Rochester. sept24-2w
'Go to Bence's Millinery and Trimming
Store, Third. Street, Beaver, for new goods.
All the latest styles are out. St
A Fall line of hosiery at Mrs.' Bea
ootze s. septl7-3w
.f the Poor—Peter Shoe
-4 editor--James Hossen
Examination Will be held at th Er E d
tionai office, Beaver Co t/e4.
urt Rouse,u,.
b t
ber 4th, 1873, at 9 A. X.for dation of those . Wishing to apply f or till
Permanent Certificate. By order of e
mittee. BENJ. FRANE ptil.
Uf a.
- J. G. HILLMAN, Seey.
ooanty papers please copy.,
Fan Millinery, Hats,_
Ft ewers, Ribbons, kte., at IViee's
All - styles out., Beaver,
Two entire new two Rome f or t
at filpeyerer & Sonia. ei
Barnsig,ll fa stepping to the N at
again. He gives the yublic notice noir,
that. if no balloon crosses the Atliztie
this fall he will undertake the job him,
self, and shoot One over n ext spring
without fail. Whatever P. T. It, undo.
takes, he usually accomplishefs,
Choice nmothy.'seed at B , S.
iter's, Bridgewater.
The Washington Reporter of Last week
says : It is stated that Harry Sliirlstiei
been offered one hundred thousao d o t;
lars for his farm—the old NleFarlani
F„operty—in Washington, Pa., by
ittsburgh millionaire, who took erne)
to it. This would be about fire huutd
*dollars per acre for the whole tract,
Who will say that - Washington is, Elot,
looking up ?
Largest Stock to select frow
ii(hhard's, Rochester. sept2f2w
i Specialty of ladies and gents wo(
en wear at Mrs. Beacom's. septr-3
New Fall Hats, Bonnetts, Pibbo
Feathers, P:umes, Sc., all the new bty
at Bence's, Beaver.
To Stive Money, buy goods of
bard, Rochester. sept24-'2.w
Beaver Building and Loan Ac.
ad - elation. Notice is hereby given
that the anneal meeting of the 'Beare
Building it: Loan Association," will 10
held at the Court House on the last S'
urday of September, for the purpose
electing officers and directors for
ensuing year. Every member of the
sociation should be present.
Clothing, cheapest in the county
Hinbard's, Rochestar. sept24-2w
The Satem Republican of last F
day says: "Rev. Wm: Lynch, lateiz
of the M. E. Church in Salem, preaci
a very excellent sermon- to his 01
congregation, last Sabbath.
filled the Presiding Elder's pl
(Rev. S. H. Nesbitt.) who could
be preient. Mr. Lynch has many trial
in Salem, who were glad to again
and:greet him." Mr. Lynch is the re
efficient Pastor of the M. E. Church
REM'S and Boss' Hats and Can
splendid assortment at Hibbard'!,
cheater. sepal-2w
Rev. C. C. Riggs, in a note to
September 15th says : Tell my fries
in Beaver that I have been sick, and(
valesoent, and hope to start for h(
before very long. We are glad to'
that Mr. Riggs' health is now impro'
and his friends will be glad to see h:
home again.
One Pair Merino - Drawers
one undershirt for 75 cents at Ifibbari
Rochester Go and buy. sept24.2r
Mrs. E. H. Beacom has just
ceived and'now offers for sale the ct
est and most select assortment of in
ery ever brought to this market,
prising flowers, Ribbons, ostrich ti
wings, velvets, pon•pons and velvet
straw hats and bonnets. sepS"
An Uupiatiflable Assault..
man named Keys, who keeps a boot
shoe More in Pittsburgh. made an un;
tillable assault upon Benj. Rush Br
ford, Esq., of New Brighton, one'
last week. Mr. B. and Keys dif
about a business transaction heti
them. whereupon the later struck
Bradford a heavy blow in the face. W
it is borne in mind s that Mr. B. is
tween sixty and seventy years of
and Keys just in the prime of life,
meanness of the assault is readily si
Mr Bradford at once made an infoi
ti6i against Keys, and he was proc*
arrested. and bound over. It IS to
hoped that he will be properly pun lB i
for his unmanly conduct.
1 1 4s-tf
Heaviest Muslin, yard wide 0
124 cents at Hibbard's, Rochester.
Accidental Shooting.—Mr. 1:11'
honser and a young man named NV'
were out on a hunting excursion
Saturday, when the gun of the ciir
was accidentally discharged, the CO
entering the bretist of young Paxgon
lodging in the right lung. Dr. IW I
ney, the atending physician, thinki
chances for his recovery exceetio!
doubtful, althongh.eyery effort is V;
put forth to save;; his life and allei
present sufferings.
—Since the above Wai in type. 56
gret to learn that Paxson died frodi
effects of his wound, early on T 1
morning.. He was an apprentice ,
shop of Mr, Funkhouser learning
blackamithing buainess, and Was
respected by his employer and
workmen.—New ,Brighton Press.
Pitre hair switches only 134. 00 .
gloves, corsets, hoops and a' new
in felt skirts at Mrs. 13elloora's.
See the large stock of clothing at
bard's, R-Ocbester. sepal