, . . . . . . . , . ._ . . . . . , _:. . . . . ' . .• .. • • , .. .... ~; • ./..‘.-... 2 4, - ." , ;'; , ,, , ,r 5 4 .:- '.."-:'... ••• - ' ... . _. . . .. • ' , • r. " . r , . . . -, - . , . . , .. - >•„...!?2,.;,' :,,;'.': ;:',: - .7, 7 ',.. - . I . „-. . . . .- . . ~ , . . .. . , - '''.-r?.;. . ?'• , :-. , . , ~ . .. I . _ •.,, . . • ..4: , 44.::- .. • -.....- ' 77 I . . 7 , 1 ~ ,'.."...' t . _ . . . ._. l • ~,.. .., ,_ • • ... ,:',.'.•.:-"_'''',..'' .".". - ' - - ' ' - - t .- - - ' . "U .. ~....... . ... . .' . . . . o. # . .: --;-..•:.,., ..:: ....:.'' . . ,-..... . --- . , . . ,:. . . • - " - _ , . • .. • . .... . . , e .. , • ~ y ,A ft; .. ...........m. „... „...., . .. . --- - - ,••• • . i ARGUS : • ESTABLISHED 1815. }- /PUBLISHED Pri" .erIZSD TICIt.Di • . .- . • 7 • - ~ . 1 • : • • - '••••.........., ........."......... ...i., . -.., . • . ' VOITMEJ I ~ • . . , Z" BEAVER WEDNE' 1.. . • . . . • .. . -0•-••---° - ." 1 " 11-11'. It ! . _ /1111111111•911111111811MIMMIIIIIIIIII .1110Cfnallt0Ig. Ptgenalitoo. .. ..:-.- Nantiliiii• __, • _• --_---:.--------. _ • . p ocHESTER 3 l, a . tassiti . IDITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE . AND It EIN -q"IIANCE COMPANY. 1 v. gliii li 1 CHICAGO RAILWAT:--On and after • Irmo fin • .oridge Street, , 29,1873„ tra.ins will leave statiOns asfollowe: - • itc„rp,,ral!.(l by the Legislature of Penngylva- • - BRIDGEWATER, PA. TRAINS . GOING WSW. F 0.,-„n.. i 57.2. Office one door east of Koch- IS WEEKLY. RECEIVING A FRFSH SI/PPLI frAt"". txrilse.- j e ll ". "Peil l 21161Cj1 t ' . -,. Bank Rochester, Beaver county, _...... 4.••••••••• ill 111•••••••• e,tc r . .z• fr. ;14. - • . OF GOODS IN EACH OF TUE FOLLOWING Pittsburgh 1.45 Ax 6.00 As 9.loa s i 1.802 , 312 DEPARTMENTS: peens •0! i,!aer,cnnty can now have their Rochester ....... 3.50. 7.28 ' 10 .2 3 2.38 -red a^alnet loss or damage by fire, at 13 It IC GOODS 00 JD tag Alliance 5.10 10.40 -13.50rx 5.08 r ot ••, :1 - 14 • .„, - Ornille tj l" .- ` ..- . '.<:?. Ina ,rafe and 6.51 IliOnt 8.01 - T. 06 • ;,_••• -:'II3i:LIABLE HOME COMPANY, Steubenville Jeans, , Mansfield 8.55 3.18 5.09 - 9.11 "1: ,„tly vul dln-_: - the expen:_ae troutie and delay Cassimeres and Sattinete, .! Crest /Ar 9.90 4.00 6.40 9.40 t 5- 'A - • ' a • •t • ad' u , thaent of,losses by companies White Woolen_ BLankets, - -,--- ••_r De 9.40 5.55 Ax 6.00 9.50 Tr.k.uer A) klt, i _ Forest 11.06 7.35 7.55 11.15 Izoted at h (1 i,tauce. i m A nn OF DIRECTOUS : White and Colored and - . Lima 12.08rst 9.00- • 9.15- 11.17 Ax Barred Flannels, -. Fort Wayne .... 2,30 11.50 11.50 .-3:85 George C. Sp.eyerer. Plymouth 4.45 2.Bssis 2.55 Ax 5.05 trt._; - • - Merinos, , k•, 1 , , % -, 1 ,„ n , Levrig Schumer. Chicago -750 , 6.30 j 6.50 8.210rx :!.1z.,' • , John Gr.eblnz. _. • Delaines, cc:Li , y r , r•, , • T. ST T,' cly, J. S Srodes, Plaids, TRAINS GOING EAST. • . W.i... ' C. B. Ilnrst. - STATIONS. MAIL iltirs'a. wa'5..1.1311111. dm; , .r • . Ging-buns, Henry Gkehring. -1-!-.1 ~1 1-..' 7 .' • Cobems, Chicse , o -5.15 Ax! 9.20a1t; s.BoPx i 9.20n1 G Eo. C. SPRYERER, Pres'i. . M.. S QUAY, Vice Pree't •, Lawns, . . 9.15 , 13.012rx: 8.55 ; I.lOAx " Water Proofs,. .__ ..' P L s i lo raTi WuattiTne -.' .. 1 3 2 . 111 45 P1 1 4 11 .4T C1U 11 1 1 . 4 18 5 A31 6 4 . 0 4 n .1 -.N:YETIER, Treas. . Hl . Ga.t..:aiNo. JR.. See]. aag2-1Y Chinchilla, -, . . Forest • 4.00 5.08 2.27 8.10 ----- _ , . . Cloths, . Crestline .. Ar 5.35 6,0 4.05 10.10 10 ()CHESTER SAVINGS BANK, ..,. Woolen Shawls, Monßileld 640 7.19 4.43 11.00 ft Brown and Black Musllns, Orrville 9.16 I 9.20 6,37 I.oorx . 1 -,,- I • F izEn . W. J. PPETISIIKEL, Drilling, Tickings, 1 4 11111ence .. 11.00. 110.53 8.05 395 IN ' " ' Rochester 2.4Brx' 10.40 4.53 7j Ts ..r.'+ErN,, .•, ....,.L. R. OATILL.N Prints, I.,••ii • O.e!!N EIDER .. . H. J. SPETIAXII, Cashier Pittsbni•gh 4,00 i 2.20 -11.45 Ax 0.00 Canton F. R. MYNAS, sPEYEHER & CO., Flannels, . . General Passenger and"Ttcaet AVIV , _ Jaconets, s:e..cr- ID e.loange, Cola, Government Sectlri- Table Linen, - I .:Nik , colii!ttions on all accessible points in the 'D & PITTSBITP I " i C::•ed Stale.t and Canada, receive money on depoe- Irish Linen, June 28. 1814 i• !..:ll)ect to check, and receive time deposits of Crash, al aye weer' ex co:lar and upward, and allow interest at 6 per • Counterpanes, cer. GOING SOuTu-iwzi LINE. F _, d v, and Rules furnished free by applying at - Misery, , Gloves, STATIONS. I'W E'S. - (urn' ___-! tit Mag. t "I LEVRIAND & PITTSBURGH R. R V On and after June 29, 1823, Mina will leave itations daily, (Sundays excepted) as follows; ( _ r sum. I UPS'S. A eccol 11-rl. pen daily from '7 a. m.. till 4 p m., and op- - - - -- Cleveland 6.30 ex 1 55Px 4.05/2 Si ~ e.r., L Nerange from 6to 8 o'clock. Hudson 9.41 5.02 5.28 ALYEA, ST PERMISSION, TORavenna 10.13 5.33 5.58 L n Os mi^ & Co. I Hon J S Rutin, 15 ... IS CO, I Qrr Lt. Coop 4, Groc Bries Alliance 11.05 612 6.40 Bayard 11.39 6.41 .11 TO- 0 t\! 0., IWm Kennedy, Wellsville. I.lOPx 8.00 .::rd • 1 VI ickt, IJohneharp, B . Ral r R B Edgar, Pittsburgh 3.40 10.30 11-- T-•flesixen's National Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Mo-eses, Wtate SilverDrlps, ,6. Si rin bank, Pittsburgh Pa. Golden and Common Syrups, Mackerel in bar- STATIONS 11.173 1 11. - rra'S ACCOM :o ' "t) je,7l-71 rels and kits, Star and Tallow Candles, ‘ W.L.• • • - - Soap, Spices and Mince Meat. Also, Pittsburgh.. 6.30 L I SP* "p* .. x f Fii I 1, -, TON FOUNDRY SALT. Glass Wellsville Bayard Ravenna ;- I'4 - 10.2:) 4 30 IL9O 14 55 7.25 ex Hardware, N ai l s , I Ravenna ~, 12.09px 5.53 8.15 AND Door Locks. Door Latches, Hinges, Screws. Table Hudson..... . 12.41 6.92 -- 9.115 1.55 7.30 10.25 Cutlery, Table iu.d Tea Spootui, Sleigh Bells, Coal Cleveland \Boxes, Fire Shovels and Pokers. Nails and Glass. GOING ttAbT-Rl% ER D VISION. ..,....,. REPAIR SHOP! Spades, Shovels, 2, 3 and 4 Tine Forks, Rakes, - t - Scythes and Snaths . Corn and Garden Hoes. STATIONS. ACCOM Nell.. Nxries., ACCOM -.-. -....-. eißmae.• me WOODEN WARE. Bellair I 5.45 ex ,10.50 ea 5.40px 5.a0 JOHN T FIORNILEY, PROPRIETOR. Bridgeport 15.55 I 1111.00 Steubenville 6.57 1. 1 1.07rx 6.50 "s'ritc. Wellsville 8.00 1.05 7.53 Rochester 9.30 2.35 19.25 i Pittsburgh 10.40 3.40 10,30 F GOING WEST-RIVER DIVISION. . STOVES, STATIONS. ACCON KAU.. Expa's.l *CCM , ' Pittsburgh.. . . i 6 30ex j 1.15rx 41( I Lek,- Rochester.. . 7.40 2.20 6.0 Wellsville. .. 1 1 8.40 3.10 7.1 6REA T REPUBLIC 1 -... 11 IN 8 etenbenvill . .... 9.50 .V) f.i.: I'4ll7ll ex atiu ,r. =PCgrt it: 535 9 .4 ILIO IMO 111, THE BEST COOKING STOVE IN 'USE, WITH Tait FXTENSION TOP. STANDS UNRIVALLED 1000 NAMES ATTEST ITS MERITS TUORNILBY'S NEW ADJUSTIBLE GRATE more heat with leee fuel and lesa dtiFt thau any other. 111119 INES AND CASTINGS Al.l. KINDS MADE TO 4:3O)ER ) NABIJE RATES To ALL DAIG & -SILVERMAN. WA TER STREET. ROCHESTER, P A REcEIVING A. FRESH SUPPLY ‘ , lioDs IN, EACH OF. THE FOLLOW IN( DEPARTgENTS: I YIZAT ci-oc)r)s SEE MO rt., and Sicltinets. , T(• and C' cared and irrcd Flannek. IMO I)t-! a P:dids G2nglianis Cohen-rt., Lawns, Water Proofs, Woolen Shawls, 111:ick 11,2. Ticking - t, I N I), in'on Flannels Jaconets, T-ab:e Linen, .Irish Linen, Millinery Goods, Ribbons and Flowers, Hats and Jewelry, Counterpanes, Hosiery, Crash, Gloves ar. Mit& LP `tee attention to business, arid by keeping c n „ tt.in::y on hand a well assorted stock of goodr , of all the different kinds nenalli kept in a P r mtrY "tore the nedersig:ned naPel in th e th ttre 1 11 the' put to merit and receive a liberal ire of the public patronage t-i - DAIG SILVER/NAN. - JOHN THORNILEY 4 0 . 7 01; üßtasisaraD EVERY WEDNESDAY . TERMS TWO =:ZOOLIAARAii , PER, ANNUM IN Buckets, Tubs, Churns, Batter Prints and Ladles CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil 6: White Lead. Boots and Shoes LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' SHOES, in great varjety. Rifle Powder and .Shot Bimittucrosiror,Anavuo: Flour Peed. .41r. - Q11601111Warel• *ill heavy goods delivered free of charge. By close attention to business, and by keeping canstantly on band a well assorted stock of goods of all the different kinds usually kept in a country gore, the undersigned hopes in the future as in the past to merit and receive a liberal share of the public patronage. R. S. RANGER. dec2.3'68. - Iy.—iftch2d . CARPES, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, SHADES AND ,SHADE CLOTH, HOLLANDS ALL COLORS, GREEN STAIR RODS with Patent Fastening TABLE COVERS, PIANO COVERS, RUGS AND ,MA TS, WELTY BROTHERS, 106 TEDEq/kL pT q EET, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA ma:l7-Iyl 9- ROCIIk:ST Fire Insurance Company. INCORPORATED 44 . - Legislature of Penn i. sylvania, February 2. Office one door east cf Rochester Say - • 4 :, Rochester, Beaver county, Pa. People. of Bea% - can now have their property insured a,. loss or damage by fire, at fair rates, in a safe and RELIABLE HOME COMPANY, thereby avoiding the expense, trouble and delay incident to the adjustment of iosses,by companies located at a distance. BOARD OP DinECTORS: George C. Speyerer, Lewis Schneider, John Grxbing, J. M Srodes, C. B. Hurst, Henry (Retiring. OTFICERS : M. S. Quay. Samuel B. Wilson, William Kennedy, J. Wack, M. Camp : , Jr.. David Lowry GEO. C. SPEYERER, M. S. QUAY, V. Pres t H. J. SPETZRER, ?read. JOHN GRA:BING, at., See y. jy3l;ly N Estate of John Rams Letters testamentary , 'ai k illt id to the subscriber, on the estates late of the borough of New fryer county. Pa., deceased, all pe'. bte to . said estate are requested to ran e agii immediate the e t se ment, and those having claims, will present then:duly auth ticated for settle ment. JOHN RA EY, er. augl6.6w• Greenvilt , Mercer Co., Pa. A.dmin.istrat , or' otice. 's\ , Estate of John B. Swearingen, dee'd. Letters of administration upon the estate of John B. Swearengen, deceased, late of Hanover township, Beaver county, Pa, having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment,t and those having claims against sai es tate, willr i kent the same properly anthe rs ' ted to the nn ed?for settlement without ee delay, . H. FRAZEE, itafeniniat . a w BEAVER, PA., WEDNESDAYiti SWITEMBER 24. 1813. T 1 An e LeavesT.USCARAWA.S N.Phila.6.4osm a I.oopm Bayard, 9.45 am 464 00pm Bayard,l2.lo a 5.00 p. m. N. &00a7,30 pm. F. R. MYR'RS. Geneisi Passenzer and Ticket Agent. PENNSILVANIA R. R. —After December 294 1973, Trains wilinfnve and depart as follows: EASTWARD. WASTWARD. Through Trains Leave , Through Thins Arrive Union Depot: Caton Depot. Pacific Hip's, 2:50 a m Mail Train, , 1:05 ain Mail Traia, 7:45 a m Fast Line. 1:35 a in Chicago Ex 12 27.1:p m Pittsburgh Ex B.ooa m Cincinnati Ex. 1:10 p m Cincinnati Ex. 1 8:40 a m Philadelp'a Ex. 5:20 p m Southern Ex. 12:40 p m Fast Line, 8:50 p m Pacific Expr's, 1:10 pin LOCAL. Way Passenger, 9:50 p in Walls No 1, 6:40 a in. LOCAL. Wilkinsb'g Ac Walls No 1 6:30 a m No 1 7 . 05 a m ErintonAc.Nol, 7:30 a m Walls No 2, 10:20 a m Wilkinsbrg Ac . ) Wallas No 3, 11:45 a m Not ' 48:20 a m Wilkinsbnrg Ac 'Walls Nat, „' 9:10 a m No 2 2:40 p m Jiti c hnstown Acif 10.10 a m Walls No 4, 3:20 p m Walls No 3, 1:45 p Johnstown Ac. 4:00 p m Walls No 4 3:20 p m Brinton Accom- / Willtinsbarg Ac modEit'n No 1, 4 50,p m NO4 4.45 pin Brinton Ac. No 2 5:40 p in Wallt.Ac. No. 5 5:55 p Walls No 5, 6:15 p m Brinton No 2, 6:50 p m Brinton Ac No 3 9:20 p in Brinto6 Ac. No 3 7:25 p m Walls Ac.No.6 11:05 p m Brinton Ac No 4 11:10pm Chicago Express, Cincinnati Express, Fast Line and Brinton Ac. No. 3 leave daily. Psclfia Express daily. cxgept Monday. All other trains daily. extent Sunday. Pacific Express leaves PittsbarehAt 2:50 a m ar rivin,r, at Hiurisburg at 11:40 a m: I%hiladelphit?3:3o p in; Baltimore 3:00 p m; Washington 5:40 pm. New York 6:34 p m. Chicago Express leaves Pittsburgh at 12.20 p in; arrives Harrisburg 10.20 p m; Philadelphia 2.30 a m: New York 6.10 Cincinnati Express leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 p m:arrives at Harrisburg 10:45 p m; Philadelphia 2:50 a m: Baltimore 2:15 a m; Washington 5:00 a m, New York 6:10 a m. Philadelphi ss leaves Pittsbnrirh at 5:20 p in; arrives at sburg 2:55 a in; Philadelphia 6:55 am; New Yor 10:14 a in. Fast Line leav'es Pittsburgh at 8:50pm: arrives at Harrisbnrg 5:45 am: Philadelphia 9:50 a in: Balti more 9:00 a in; Washington 11:30 a m; New York 12:24 p in. The. Church Trains leaVe Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:10 a m.reaching Pittsburgh at 10:00 a m. Returning leave Pittsburgh at 12:30p in, and arrive at Wail's Station at 1:50 p in. Leave Pittsburgh 9:20 pp in arrive Brinton's 10:30 p m. CITY TICKET OFFICE—For the convenience of the citizens of Pittsburgh the Pennsylvania Railroad Company have opened'a city ticket office at No 73 Filth avenue corner of Smithfield street, where Through Tickets, Commutation Tickets and Local Tickets to principal stations can be pur chased at any hour of the day or evening at the same rates as are charged at the depot. Baggage will be checked through to destination from hotels and residences by Excelsior Baggage Express Co . on orders left at the office. For further information apply to A. J CASSATT, D. M. BOYD, Ja., T General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. A LL.EGHEN* VALLEY RAILROAD On and after Monday, July 29th, 1873, Three • rough Trains daily, except Sunday, will leave and arrive at Pittsburgh, city time, for Franklin, Oil City, Buffalo and all points in the Oil Regions, and Western and Central New York;'. Buffalo Express Night rapresk. Day Expreea. . Ist Halton Ac.. let Soda Works Ac Brady ,s Bend Ac 3.20 p m 10.10 a m 2d Halton Ac. 4.40 p m 9.05 a m 2d Soda Works Ac. 5.50 p m 2.15 p m 3d Hulton Ac 10.50 m 10.45 p A special Sunday train leaves rittsburgh every Sunday at 7.80 a ra, arriving at Parker at 12.18 a m. Returning leaves Parker at 4.30 p m. and arrives at Pittsburgh at 13.2 5 p m. - Church train to and from Soda Works (Sunday) arrives at Pittsburgh at 0.10 a m. and leaves at 12.50 p m. J. J. LA RENCR. (3en'l. Supt. H. BRAY. Ticket Agent. L.Arrive 6.25 p m 6.05 a m 5.45 am 6.30 a m Leav i e. 7.30 . a m 9.40 pm 11.50 a m 6.40 a m 8.20 a m 9.45 a in 1 --: I ' . .... ..") 4 SktAdis* akqus and Niu • Tim 31/4111PF 44 tors ass RADICAL is published every 1 06 *LW artaniing the 'Wowing rates this Iiirvt,(01101014ob adriocoj.: ... s Eg *mg* I•• 1.00 Tazox " " 50 Bums 10414014,;:: 06 Weralettlilea„. to o der. at the expira tion of t - oitimeirtloo ‘ ot the *los Of thoputdlslo: l l364oottioiwthe speed Upon. ProbislibiOilltatesis Cards, sot ex ediag 10 lines !PfttOOPS*o. ilea MIND- , Ad, bg zwath, quarter or year received,' 'Ping tedietkani =Wein properties to leey,tfi I4iiiivertSuawat. end length of time of tniertior. eic i Alines or less,-,,51,00 for one insertkoli;#fil Oasts per lima for each additional Inserthre4 --- YibittierofdisPhYedor,b l o l tines, obeilifillibt/ines of this type. • Special 14.01 . 11 ad *song load items 0.10 cents per*Or 0411 t inwatlan, UDleea otherodes agreed uPtilitinirtar or year. Adrert*iponle pt Wee or lets, *Yams forma tnsertiol4o446 orintapif line for each additional insertion = ' AMC Branse, Allea butifisflie. letteTti should • be r . titAVAIR ntVITINer- , PANY • . ==2;il -.,74 . 6..A * DELPiirA. -N:* ,4,:-• . . . . Corrs4lo4olsc, o'lo Argue and Radical. 141E.LPIFIA 4 Sept:, 16,1878. To-dSiltis ,opened bright Mut cold as -th9aglitp4fisd fairly set\e . Indeed, the celdi of `%is past week drives the lzrakiutpee !sta . .our housea_ and the la dies * 1 :14: then). Chestnut street Is full of lifightlivittired damsels,. and re , joicing - bkithei plenitude of Vie fashions -all loath **l4ty .and attractive : . At first sigigt , litpVto wonder where all the women.have .gone, for with the On of Street beggars none such s,ppy result is present style ,ictureqsueneas feitttiles ,-;4l,tar sciet ce ige, tie havelieeti so far successful that teeth and hair s can alwas be kept in a state of prestive vigor. All this is not—done without money,' however, and/the amount that it takes to produce a decent toilet now a-days is enough to make the uniniatiated open their eyes. Everybody dresses, and how some people dress who have apparcntiy little to dress on i one of the unfathom ed mysteries of the nineteenth- century. We can only regard this mania for dress on the part of the women of Oe present , day as one of those mysterinip manifer tations of retributive justice against' the "tyrant man," that is a natural conse quence of the mental subordination in which the Ireaker vessel has for centu ries been k'ept. It is something upon the principle of aontinental Govern ments, who amine the populace with mu sic and dancing om Sundays, to keep them from reflection. Let either once think about it and they would son upset ty ranny in either case. However, as ty rant and victim both seem to admire the full dress system, it becomes the journal ist to treat the subject with respect, wherefore your corresponent proposes to give you a few ideas cni the fashions in this epistle, but be it/understood that while she assists in forging chains 'of ribbons, silks, flowers, velvets, feathers &c , she does it with the firm conviction that these same chains, if used at 'all, will be ultimately applied to the subjiga tion of the aforesaid tyrant man himself. The classic and historical styles of cos tumes again begin to prevail. Flat trim. mings are adopted for the first, and the opposite for the other, and are likely to remain fashionable for a season at least. Ladles wear no hoops, and no pannier ex cept such as is formed by tying back the skirt drapery with tapes set on beneath, and 'leaving the sides of the figure as narrow as possible. A,design to display a classic outline has developed into deter mination with the fashionable woman who has a fine figure, or who knows how to appear to possess this highly valued feminine attraction. The woman who can't appear to be well shaped, should be ware of the "classic." The one who can, may betake herself to it with a certainty of securing a shape of admiration. One of the most useful inventions of of the age ib the Butterick paper pattern device. Here at Hamlin's, 1113 Chestnut street, one can get an accurate cut pat tern of any garment "they want for man, woman or child, at most moderate prices. By mentioning the age, printed direc tions for amount and quality of material and trimming, with precise directions for 1 I published free &aged gilladiertiss- interest coat with real time Um' *Wally rtt every pert of Cutting out the garment, willbe sent to any address. These patterns range from ten cents to seventy five in price, and en ables any WIP who understands sewing to do their own dressmaking. I saw at Madame. Binders, 11th and Che:stni*StS a few days since, a beautiful dress of 'ma min colored silk just finished. The skirt was bordered . with 'three deep folds, whose effect was stylish. not too ("Lib' orate. It hung handsomely, beteg neith er too long for comfort, nor too abort for ' grace. The over-skirt was of cassimere' trimmed, with ostrich - . feathers and Ink lace. It had an apron front and and a lull draped back, the tatter being orna mented by a wide silk sash which, passing under the drapery, tied at one side in an effective and jaunty sort of way. The waiit - was of cassimere cut plain „and high, and fitted the figure perfectly by' its carefully shaped darts. A belt, conipos ed of silk folds, fastened with is band au= buckle, and silk cuffs were arrang ed under buttons on the coat sleeves. A plaited and pressed flounce of caw:mere fell below the cuff. Theae three patterns. Nos. 5484, 2728. and 2213. may fill be had at. Hamlin's, 1112.Cbestnut street, fur sev enty' cents, sad an ingenious lady may, with their aid, readily construct an ele gant and similar garment. Cassimeres ar‘after ail the . most useful material for this season of the year, cud when trim med with yak or guipure . lace are truly elegant. . _ But enough of the fashions for the pres ent. Today the Constitutional Conven tion rvassembled, and if they only sea one-haitthat is expected of them, this honorable body will deserve immor tality. Once more Chief Clerk; Mr. D. L. Itztbrie, is in his place, looking greatly , benefit Od by his taste of native air Messii. Harlan and Rogers are ready for work while in the yanscribing room Hon. John L. Linton and Mr. Parker may - be said to have shed their pen feathers. Henry C. Carey, eq., announced with touching and appropriate remarks the de cease of Wine M. Meredith. He was list ened to with emotion by the members, all of whom Seemed to realize the fact for the flr4 liras that that' a great Constitu tional lawyer had peased away. It is cu .rioun:Wohsexse he .-effect : pioduced-br deep feeling on men of different temper - menu!. A causual observer might have been struck with this peculiarity this morning. A young Democratic member was so overcome that he called several of his friends together, and told them that a certain lady had invited him to take tea at her house, from which he argaed a vast c6rease' in his personal attractions. Another member, not totBlly disctin• siected- with the Ist school district 4 ,, of Pennsylvania, and yaw has been must unreasonably breveted with the titles of (). :id Esq., (since he never was any thing but a counter hopper,) leaned back on the hind legs i of his chair, and scrap ing off some spots on the knee of his pan taloons with his half opened pen knife, ventilated his Ilief to the member in his The member who is always so overcome by his legislative exertions that he is obligd to repose at full length on one of the sofas, near the doors, on this occasion varied the programme by put ting his legs up on the chair. The mem ber who usually wears a fifteen cent hat, to-day invested in an eight dollar beaver, -while he of the leonine wig indulged in a new quarter section .red silk pocket handkerchief for the purpose of express• ing his feelings rear A new play was produced last night at Col Wood's museum. It is a German so• ciety play, and turns upon a school girl's love affair with a teacher. Everything that fine scenery, beautiful dressing and good acting can do has been done for it, but the tone of feeling is so at variance with our national prejudices that ''The Veruns" can never be a favorite. It is due to Col. Wood to say that he is always on the alert to encourage literary taste and talent. More new plays are brought out in the lecture room of his museum than is all the other theatres in Philadelphia put together. There is also on exhibi tion at the museum a magnificent dia mond uncut, and for which Tiffany, of New York, has offered a hundred thous and dollars. It is locked inside of two cases, and a man stands gu!rd over it night and day. Mr. Fox, of the Ameri can Theatre, has returned from Europe, having brought with him a corps of su perior artists. But the wonder of this establishment is "Lo Lo," a young girl, who jumps from the third ties-of the the atre 01) to the stage, where she is caug,+ by a man who hangs at the height of twenty feet by one leg to a trapeze. This is beyond parallel the meat wonderful performance of modern times. The im mengity of the danger. the perfect confi dence of thezirl in her own strength and RADICAL : lISTARLISRED VNUI. the strength and drill of catcher. Tbe , thrill of horror that goes through she mounts to ber perilous position, slat the reaction of the. -nervea;when mare* that she ie eat 4 all eaplitin to tis 'Cite st _ tachment of the Roman Circus, oi ler part of this performance's rendered eves more dangerous 'from the - fact that alw paises through two paper ballo on , ` &D i the man who catches her .cannot see lifer coming. Just- as she starts, in a clear musical-voice she cries Ont. "I atn cep*: big," and in another Moment - rtWieir through the air. Lotta Is at the Walnut street, Owens it the Arch, and Air. Davenport, with his gifted family, still holds Tdrth at the Chestnut. We had a dreadfei time here with the "Wicked Padroni, - "' otherwise Italians who kidnap little children and force theist to beg, play and sing, and if they don't bring in two-and three dollars a day, beat and dreadfully Muse them. Last night - the police made a descent upon some of of their homes. where boys and girls slept together, with bread and peanuts is their beds, also monkeys. They were V— thy and horribly treated, but the stupid Alderman let them go, because he out* not pronounce their names. ,The Apr has. an excellent article on the subject. FROM KANSA& Correspoadence of Argos sna BEIOOILDALE, RIM CO., KO., I September 16th, 1878. 1 To continue the subject of climatic changes we will say our farmer's per form a very important part. Thous , ands of scree are broken up annually and exposed to the action of - the elements - of nature. Millions of trees are set out eve ry year. The fire king who, until settle tlement here, destroyed every tree, shrub and flower, is rapidly being brought un der control, and as soon as he is subdued, We shall have natural forests in addition to those set out by individuals and rail road companies. The late act of Congress, giving 180 s to ever; one who sets out forty. in 'forest trees, and cultivates and kee owing .in good condition thaw trees for a period at tea yew, will great ly encourage timber culture. This.. *et does not prevent any citizen, male or fe male, holding a homestead or pre-emp tion, having hundreds of acres, or - having none, from taking a timber claim. We have citizens who first pre-empted and are now homesteading, who have availed themstlves of this act to acquire 180 acres addltiontil. There is not one maxi in ten, who comes to Kansas, satisfied with but one farm. In ten years from this date, these broad treeless pl tins will be covered with grand forest, shady groves and bearing orchards. Hedges will be grown _and the whole landscape changed. The construction of railroads, dita 1 ing and digging canals, are also agencies doing a great work for our good, but of minor importance when compared to the first three, namely, the receding of the buffalo, tilling of the soil and the cultiva tion of trees. Ooe of your anxious readers asks, "Can you make farming pay when you get such poor prices for your produce." Farming pays here, and pays largely. The average yieli of wheat is 25 bushels to the acre. Wheat has never sold for less than $1.50 per bushel as yet in this coun ty. Corn this year will be worth from fifteen to twenty cents per bushel, but by feeding it to stock a farmer can realize from 40 to 60 cents per bushel for every bushel. Broom corn, castor beans, pats and barley, all make profitable crops. Po tatoes yield enormously, and must also be fed to:pay. Sweet potatoes yield be t. and all credence. J. K. Finch has rais ed over 250 bushels to the acre. Stock raising, however, is the fastest way to get rich. The altitude and dryness of the atmosphere,(Mix short winters :and ex emption from cold rains, and the boundless range together with the con vences of railroads for marketing, makes this section of the most desrable in the world. Year after year cattle have been kept here without .either shelter or food other than nature provided them. Then think how well they can be kept where corn can be obtained for fifteen cents a bushel, and hay costs less than three dol lars per ton. If cattle raising pays where land costs fifty dollars an acre, corn fifty cents per bushel, and hay from eight to 1 twelve dollars per ton, it will assuredly pay here. Scene. —The Democratic State Convention at Sacramento Thursday nominated S. B. McKee for Supreme Judge. NUMI3ER 2