The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, December 18, 1872, Image 4
...„ • ,It.: : i g ., _. • a ' 1 _ 14 44: PIM& Artr-•-•••1 ould• . 1 .. • .Balueferm ,Pfekrir, Matt-Rait- Wisdom Amnia; .Deti Pram as. aa• 'ROL •..' / , 0., •• • Ti./ • NG •: . - , . ...-. PLANING MATIMINO, • • • . FL:lonm and . , • RIPPING, ~., Dent AT TIMBIIO TETT Irorroz. • ALSO, STAIR BUILDING done and HAND RAILING • , made to order. • Baring now had almost See yetis , possession of the Hill. refornished it almost wbully,wlth new and improv- I! , ed machinery, and having• none but experienced work ---., asep, abroad, both to defy competition from at home to prira and workmanship. a. au° Do you contemplate Millding f • Call at oar Factory and satisfy yourself with 14 Perlman! examination. Drawings for buildiugs, brackets, petterns for orna mental work, scrolls for porches can be men at all Dales by calling at our °face. Any lalo rmetion to the builder furnished cheerfully and freely, y calling at the Maur factory on Union street, at the Jordan Bridge, AHet..• town, Pa.. or by letter through the poet office. Ulf 3-Iy] RITTER a ABBOTT. - SperUteleo. SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES!! EYE OLASSEB. ac. A large and complete aesokteent of all Made ecr. rpeetaelea, Eye tileseeN, Ste,. at CHAS. S. MASSEY'S I 0 .. 4 - fin:ET, NO. 23 EABT ITAMILT Awl:, Mf g PA for deal of care and attention to the Having deribta [liege hilt few years, I find that my Pestssle tam line has Increased sou neh that I hays dr• bas : mate it a SPECIALTY. There Is no article 'Stewed In which there I. no much deception yr., .• as there In In Spectacle ill:p.m Knowing the , the •oblic have been frequently hombrtiged by parties pre. •nding to have Jt Impeller article Of Wesson, and charging exorbitant price. fi r 'hem, thereby tralliclag'npon theno. sesaltles and Infirmitlne afire, I have token pains to ne• tact a large mid complete assortmen• f the finest and best 01 aaaaa over mannfactured, thusaffording all persons flooding Spectacles an opportneity of pnrchanlng at rea -4=lliferiteelfere itr'lll",;,." A l e n ifue, R ,T, Inn item confldeit th•tt one will fall to be suited. Remember tl:e old stand, No. 73 East Hamilton street; opposite the Ger. taanliefot mad Chnrch, Allentown, Pa. inn If Boot ilialtcrs TOHN E. LENI2, WM. O. WEIYMIEIMER, JOIIN SEABOLD, JR. JOHN E. LE.NTZ CO., SPCC YOUNG & LE T 7, . The, firm of Ynnnu k Lo. lr trnu,,ll..nlend by mutual 12 , ,ment nn 1"..1)rn r' V l l l l. 1872 "r r,..2 roo'rlng Wm V. Welnshcinior and John d Jr ha- ng take bin pia,. Then... , firm I, t.. ge 11” ,,, ,•• the pnir.mnge no 1,..t0wfl up•,” ,11.• I i fire. h.p ggiu tlh•lr nlro nI ondt.“ ninh.da a Choir b.•. Pro m Illi•nn and 1',.•i•`.1 I10(1T'; AN sri()Es H.. , Linke 11,1 rnaterial. 11. v, on Ihrm. t of •o •eq, t Ow trade a 11.:. •• . firm of Vont!!! & I r., havtoir I, .11•.olve.l. fill totrtt. lo•lebti) to thorn tr r.11••••tg.,1 o omen, betwoon thlo Ito owl An 1 . e• t lon 1,01, w•Il mato at then tl nand ; tln r •.I 1!..3 .01 ~: t1 (11.1 4 f. tn. Ittorixod to nwt. to 1142,0 d ,ti.. fobfk tm Earle's Galleries PAINTINGS And .Looking Glass IVareroonts, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA LOOKING- GLASSES. OIL PA I.NTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURE FRAMES. CHROMOS. • ROGERS' GROUPS, Sole Agency. (307DS OF ALL KINDS SUITABLE FOR THE HOLIDAYS. EN - RHYTHM° PACKET) WI 11l °RENT C RR FOR . THANtiI'OR.TATION. uov . etiv TO THE P 1 "El I IC. REMOVAL. \_) uUR NEW STORE. GUTH & KERN, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, WOULD most respectfully call the attention 0: their . P•nde, crt , tortmrt.ltud the public tre...•ra.l3 - , to t:, fart at they haveiirst removed to their newly , ad eleg "JOY tett up tiTOI:I:III 7 ILDIY9,On6 door west or their f, , t •:, r location, amt Immediately mijoir leg the First Nati. na:l Bank, being the building formerly occupied by Rch•elher Bros . where they propom , to continue 6 • DRY G 001). MANESS. Al all lte varied brntL. h,',. '"h•y have the tinemt:boil .ad chespext .tock of a tiODS ever offered to the polt , '^. 1 ' brsolaa overythtna that the rehl.c can wt.h. They oald to • .ctally Inv:to t:te atlehtlon of 01 to thel, floe isOr •t of . LADIES' DRESS GOODS ye department th4y flatter-themselves to he li,. best ver offered to the public of Allentow , ri and yieleity, for style. quality and cheapness,goods of the most approved *Revue. Ice., consisting of • • sick an — flesgny lithe, Black and Fancy Silk Poplins Black and Fancy Mohalre Black and Fancy Alpacas, lack and Colored Striped Suiting.. Bla• lc Boni bulimia, Black Australian Crape, Black Pop lins. Block Velveteete, Silk Velvet, Sat. la . Striped Versailles Cloth, Satin Striped Lorne Robes Silk Strip ed Mohair. Silk Figured Sul- • •- - • Lana, Brocade JaPalleso • Silky. Brocade Pop line. Serge Wool • • Plaids • oh Wool Plaids, Cord and Colored Veleteetta, Eng h and, French • Chintsea, Plaid Poplins, Plaid =nisei, Plaid Nainnooks, Broche, Thlbel, He /en*, Saratoga, Plena. Long Branch, Nl aims and Watarvllet "Long and Squire SHAWLS, In UREATITAHIETY. • PIMA LL and. Mgr are buylog atricUy for cub. they flatter them; via Abet they can offer great inducentutei to parties . . Ming to buy good Goods at reesonable prices. They only ask the public to give them a call and exam. • their ateek, and compare prleee and tioality; They sty convention. • - • • fuller put harms. they will endeavor to merit a ralinteltiliker..the lactrenage of Milt Old cruictmera, aa Si 4114x,7 COMM. ltraillkatin3 . laalll•Dm d SitOlirdoKta ILBRAND COW WORKS, iJ .19.111.1. oD, JR., lilt !;116 Oitiftary aorivattOrara SAX 01.8011 ATING 190ILHES. o 000`6/li on 0011itLikayeri•for Blast Far : .1 ‘ a s ergrafr fr egittrt,! - • at Blaoltemluk .. ; .E/ i k V2 1 41titWiAta Baoketa, oattaf 44t01a of all triww „ that l/azt kind , , 4 sad dlastatim all of willoh will- be 1t1#110114.. ivy:,1 4 ,....: I v,..•, p 1; ".• . ;,-1 . ,i. • 4 • ~, ~...1 , 4.. e,44 , 4.....' .t.,G lO3 A 7 '' za _., r 4 . i , i 4,,tal t: - . I 4,...! sm . -.; tf• . : .i, L k '.. ,:i% ' r ,'" : li : , ' ' 414444 . 44r#1 . , ' s] • ' '044414411. ' ~ ''' .'' • 4 0 d tOtVic*-91 1 ,11 4 .1: ,--, ' 4 ' . 1: . ‘ 41. : 14 ; r•l' ' t .: ..' ' 4. 1.. ~ —q . 44 4:::: : f ,.: :' .'-'l ' l. ' , " "''', :. ~ i rli ' " i 't s% ,--;r-,•, - t-4-, ...,„:mtife, MILLERBTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. er inetitation will be opined on or before the Ist day Arril. Money will be taken on deposit at all times and ta any come front oue dollar anwardu, for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST Der annum will be paid. - DeMilts may be withdrawn at any time Also, money owned out on favorable terms. fierrittin Saimaa, Cao JAh teMr.ES WEILER, President J. F. M. Sbiffert, !jeers Ludwig, Frederick C. Yobsi, Christ o R. Ilerinlnser, David Donner, Wlllit r 9ailday. Isaac °Hebei, Gideon r. Ester, Horatio T. Hertoog ... Benjamin .1. Schrno—er. James Sin.macer mar l(1-13m • A LLENTOWN 14AVINGS INNTITL TION. Organized as "Dimes &mint , Institution NO. 58 EAST HAIVIIT-It ) N ST., (NPARLY OPPOBITB IYLRIOAY• DOTP.L. ) ys p CENT. INTEREST FOR • Instltntlon, beenluxe Saving ilank in &intern 'lft , ontinuous and successful orerttli•rts for tin year nod co. 611.11, to pa, BIA PE:2 CENT. INTEREST on money for oee year, and 'Pedal rate, o f Int,o,t for •!• toter purloin. deutla Alllllll depcAlts 01 tatatoy will be held ntrictli °Dna- Executors, Admin (Orators, Trvstees, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and other custodians, et public or pti•nte moneys. are of fered liberal rote. of interest.. - Farmers Mer,hanilf, Lahu7erft, and all who have money to p. tan int.rext for n lona or short period trill fir dour Int:notion an aid ad vantageons one in welch to d. buniness. We e.psclally Invite LADIFN to t, , ..t their bb tikinsj tollnhient b.IJ MARKIED WOMEN and MINORS loom, special pH,. tegen grantee try our charter—having lui. pew or tran• • act business with as to their own names. Money deposited with thin in-titutlen IS SAIL' AND WELL SECURED, be a Capital ato•ilt and empty., mepee , entity of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, n . d Board of Trueteee have, en t ...kale...! by t Lo, et, alven bond, under the eupervinlon et the Gino In tl num of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS wh i ch bond., re rent,- tered in and held by the Court , f Hello aPthin county for the decnrity de po, tore t . Our Iron Vault., ore of the p m, a a cero atm el CI"Ce kind known in thin country, an, per• rue ittpect. n show, and to which we Invite ft.] udn inJ cam.; in,. We refer to thie. believing the cafe . .n0z1.,•• Pre of Vent complete the earn). and reliability o' a need Sae on Pant.. ILLIAM 11. AIN.IY, Pregid,to. • CHRISTIAN PRETE , Vice P , ,eldeno. REUBEN STADLER Cip , hlr:. ftniTP Rfl : William H. Ale^y, Charles S Bitch, Chrintlan Sinn. , John D. F. E. Hatuttete, Benj. J. Fla.enbrich, (teems Brobet, Samuel Sell, Nathan Peter. lan • FRANKLE% SAVINGS Located at the corner of Hamilton •treet and Church Rlley, in Lion Hall, .ecend "tory, onPe.!ito tl r German eform, d Church • in the City of Allentown. It organized and ready for buninege. If lei/ I pay RI .1' pie; ',att. fa. t••re,rt on nil etepasit/e rzarpt for VtriOdl/Pllll, 1,, he talk. 'Pa.,/ 6.0y,.111. . fat. 0 r To decnre which, the. Totsteen of tip natlttition t e tiled in the Court of Corn non Plena OT Lehigh Gm Lt• , nnder the direction of tht Conn. a hood In the oat I f Twenty.eve Thom.and Dollar . conditioned rot the fa.,th! fill keeping and approptiation of all muchPlll , l. mot.? an ball 'widened in charge of Kahl FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, whether am depot la, or ah.ree of , trek. which bond ho on%ed by Cie Co art cc honey., It may be deemed neceenam 111 addition to thee, the Art of fnrot politico makee . the Stockholder. p•raonolip itotil• fo the arp.a.i.tarAr it. .Pnt_ hieLh^ amount of the Capitra Rho-c- of the Bank. Mile, le eft, Unmeant] dollare. with liberty to increase it to one hundred ..nd fifty thoneer d do'l,rt. .Theee protriNt L, will make it a very dentrable and cafe place of deroelt. k edm 7 ho rt'"t"eth ; tthe d e 8111 be: t oneoie tttd hest irotecl e!f 17,11 Oda clip. Arrangements will he madetofarnbilt draft', on the chi. of New York and Philadelphia S. A. BRIDGES, Pre. (dent [J. W. WILSON, rire. President J. E. ZIMMERMAN. Com/tier. Trn flcert : Daniel H. Miller, S. A. Britt:zee, Jo!, If olhen, .1. W Willit•m!Baer, J. E. Zimmerman D. li. ''reitr, Peter Groan Edwin Zimmerman. THE ERIN SAVINGS RANK WM. L. YORN YORTII SE vE:Sci /7, ST., ABOVR ALLENTOWN, PA. This bank has been established for tbe urpose of • lag on general Banking business. endto oter tommunity a SECURE INVESTMENT for their money a! nome, at the same rate of interest that It would command n New Yo LOANED Jersey. MONST OUT ON GOOD SECURITY Mild, Silver and Government Bonds bought and sold. Drafts drawn on the principal cities of OA :Tutted States :a sums to cult purchasers. Collections mode on all accessible r , I and proceeds promptly remitted at currant rates. Farmers, Merchants, Lshorern . who have mono, so pnt out on Inteosat inns or vt period rr ill thin Irodltntion en agreesol • Ivantageou, one Is which 1., 1,, nrss. latest, .1 sinned on osi.ositt- at the follow log rates, SEVEN PER CENTorr one 7 stir. SIX PER C nNT. If Isf for thirty drys no 4 00.1, on. fees. 46iriton'ouno sin Wposo ot. 'Liao n WILMINtiTON AND HEADING Si.VFN PER LEST NV.• tro T S 5 AND ::I'; 11 INTI:RF.ST, old July And can be li Sil fiVTRIIED free trisceitaneon• freights and per. etantty Increasing The Iceremiti for yeaernding Nov.r.mio * 1, 1F.7... over y , or ending November 1 IS7i. ...... The a orrettne for pier ondi•-g Nov.-robe • 1. Isl . over sear ending Novernlinr I, 1570. ...... 711 21 • IncreiFolp two ye:lrv. t151,Cr:4 fil Banda. Pornrb .,, Inforwritiou me bo ntlud,,,od of DE HAVEN &. BRO., Fiscal Agents of the United States, 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD GREAT ATTRACTION NEW FIRM! NIM GOODS! CLOTHING! CLOTHING GRIND SPRING AND SUMMER OPENING. QRBdT REDUCTION: IN PRICES I ,T. OSNIIIN & CO., Successors to Netzgar h Osmun BARGAINS GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM ' '. IN ELEI.MBR'R BUILDING. NO. 605 HAMILTON BtREET, - Arzuterotrzq, PA. ETROS. ESRN. • • i at331.8w w We world inform the eitliens of Allentown Ana the sur rounding Country that we are prepared with a large stork of goeds.for. „ PALL AND WINTER WEAR, and offer them to thepublic at Teaser able prier*. To those w o o hay their Cloththit ready-mad , . they are prepared to off BARCIAIRB. wamrsurre MAIM TO 4,RDRRI COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Out And maielo the fittest Mlle, and by the but workmen • 'Ollll STOCK OP • CLOTEUNG.I3LOTECEI AND CaiBAINEBEB .4 larggeer ttiault haeleieo beiore, and we lete;;Lto sell at Carr ALL.P.ROFITS. glee oar custom Vie bens- Et or oar IoW purchases. /hilt 4uauUUertnd varletien Of NECKTIES, BUFFS, COLLARS, And,ererythhut In the line /4 • . GEN-2"8 FURNISHING 05558, I lON% YOUTHS', BOW and CHILDREN 8 REA.b3r- ADE CLIAIIING, Doiet forma.* door *bone T . * lii • 1., lfilillf, ~. • ' '..; w..,- . • ...,- ~, —. Is:EW IR. s - . - A 4144 K r e ir' ire d ist 4#44 aUttr ii r . 044 b . tit , t- num.". b , 11 rimApy . , d .ekll4lll ti* , 4 0 . ~...,;:k r . 1, 4 . 4i • 4*k...a p log . Ir, ii",-,..:.„ -... / .,d,,,,,, ,', :.'. ~.',41 ! #.7,4 ' f&•i:,7%'!it •'..s' . -,', 4.. , m,..... - . ~...-13,,,,A1.,-,..,:.1w,...,.....,:!.....,..., LLENTOWN. PA ILLERSTOWN SAVING BANK ATOM ON DEPOSIT. 11 1,1,110 A ‘0 \ DS, ';EE "I'AXE= !fortg:.4.. 11.0 fl thi. =Ca =I I,ooos, 500 s ON COEIMIRSION (T,lothing, EEO TA.7lThr ON wro. vice, Nu. Me ilamtltor; strut. Mira ;Jacek U. BNicttu.- MAsstir, lAfir• I A: RANDS. (I Igg'ltOUSTAiii 01 . ',: or e kag as 1 1 .P#13. l i o taaa.s4lalirn ,ca 4 1 m a ia li a t alai plics its iasod lia W i l ig ' c ase';ag. I. v% al KB vs uus not, t i 4 1 . •, ir ' ,l lPigeti l l i '''' "l a ilf ,• cla rI V, ' '''' ,`• '•'_„ 4 . • ' 4 t i f u ni. ,' • .7, .7' MIA! ..-. IL. ' l4 04 ' 94' '' 1 , :41*.. , ,4 ,1 -.6::, ~.:,..;-' ; ‘:-;'..-- * .:' ~ ..iga,.,, , ,„,,,,• 'ii:;.::: , ..0... -1, , . -, .: Wei lEEM n13•Ilw Now Mammoth gores EM 705 AND 707 HAMILTON 81 REET, ALLENTOW.N OUR BIT-• [NESS INCREASING FULLY PREPARED 0 MEET DEMANDS ! AN UNDENIABLE FACT THAT WE RAVE THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF .I_,AllES' DRESS GOODS, UNPARALLELED IN THIS CITY AND VALLEY. • A 1- 'SO 7 S ['AWLS ;AUKS. FANCY SACKINGS, WATER PROOF' CLOTH, SILK VELVET AND VELVETEENS, WOOLENS FOR MEN, YOUTH & BOYS' SLITS. DOMESTIC GOODS BOTIE STORES CROWDED TO INSPECT OUR IMMENSE LS fOCIC ALL SIGNIFY THEIR UTTER ASTONISHMENT AT OUR LOW PRICES :7e - A xtanding invitation to all. Call, examine and be canine*. ;:qi - Thatikful for past favors TREME44O,Ij- STOCI OF LUMBER GRE.yr TREPA 11. ATIONS FOR THE FA Lt.:TRADE AIIINTOVVN LUMBER YARDS WM W. R. TREXLER & BRO., Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Alltntown, Pa We have on hand all kinds of White Pine Boards, White and Y(.1low Pine Flooring, Spruce Flooring, superior lot of Southera Yellow Pine Stop Boards, all kinds of Hemlock Boards, White and Yel low Pine Sea ntlin 11 a ugh an (1 Sidings, FI pinlock Joists and Scantlings, all lengths and sizes, Fence Boards and Rails, Roofing Lath, Plastering Lat h, Palin ;H, Fence Posts, all kinds of Shin. gles, &c. ; &c. Person , In t0. ,, d o" lumber Thr large buildings will find it greatly to their advantage to call, heme, cow tan ly re, 'y to 1111 orders f;r all kinds of lumber used n large buildings upon the 'avor tile terms, and at the shortie! notice. E 'ery„titticle la:tonging to a first-class ltur her yard is constantly kept on hand. TI Ink 'nl for past favors, au in lie )ur fr ends to enll and inspect our stock. Respectfuly, W. R. TREXLER & BRO. the t Ittl , o ALLENTOWN Rolling Mill Co., ' Successors to' THAYER, ERDmex. vinuca4 . & Manufacturers of STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS,- BRIDGE CASTINGS, ,RAILROAD - TURN TABLES. MILL OraißlNg, BHAFTIICI, "Unlace, Roiling Jun and Mining Too, &0., P gr..utaid. and delivel7 prompt:prompt: B. --.A311,9.rk - 9Ros9, . . q"Mr"t 9 7/Ull CAMPAIGN MI El SHIMER 6r, CO., OF EVERY POSSIBLE DESCRIPTION, BE SURE AND LOOK FOR THE BLU SIGN!" ALL LUMBER OF SUPERIOR QUALITY AND Opening AT THE ?LAIN AND FANCY COLORS, AT THE COME AN'() 4 ;JJiI ... . . - . . . . . ._ , MtTir4.NO ‘,3144.11R1ED.--EIMATIVI/011, . . ilaa t z s ma W .. * Alta aaIIABIIII , Ai ~.. ' 9 -ifffr,, ,, '.. :',....4;;15t“:: 4 : . .4 A ., _.1.7 , 4..0 ~off ~, V attiretctir 1 nom' 4.0 E WINTER [Sept stf Selling off Regardtem of (bit to Mae Bueiness. LADLES. do no wise the beriainn et the well-known and relb.ble eteFe of WM. KEINATH, 710 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Where will ha toned an extensive assortment of all de scriptions of Falba. able FURS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. RUSSIAN BROWN SABLE. HUDSON BAY AND MINK SABLE, ER MINE, OHINCHILLE, SQUIR REL, LYNX, And every variety of tt e latest styles. SACQUEB OF SEAL SKIN. BEAVER, ABTBAOUAN, aid all kinds of CHILDREN'S SACQUES. All kinds of lo b es,s. Alan, be whit e assort ment or Fancy WhiteP k. Beaver. Polar rod Black Bear. Budeon Boy Wed ac. All Goods war ranted a• re resented. Please colt and emir:nine horrors purchnekg elsewhere, oad thereby sore many a dollar. WM. KtINATFI, 7 0 arch Street, Phlladelphic. EXCELSIOR FUR EMPORIUM Middle or the Block, botweett 7th e tul Bth Ste., south Sitio HoTing imported n very or sod .platidla tuisortment of all the tiliferent kl .do 6111 1 ,1 from knot h a t do Eu• rope, woo e x aminelio mute the Tendons of thin raper to call n o d the oneortrow t Vainly For, lam d•formine~r to oell nt tho totem! OW, n”(cRA. Alt Nora warranted No lkjerepresentallona to eclat gales. Flinn n LTE REv nNU It bNA RE O. SirREHEAITIER TFIE STORE. 718 ARCH BT.. PH ILA oct i 8 3mw $2OOO PER ANNUM • CAN BE MADE IN BELLING THE ' • • NEW WHEELER & W- LSONS'S SEWING MACHINE. • A few active, rellabl. basloe■s men of food habits and address. wanted in desirable territory at Dreaent rumen- Pled. Weave , furnished ; Security required. Send for information. or eall on • 9ETERSON & CARPENTER, Gen'l Agt's, • 914 CHESTNUT STREET, PA:IMAM/114 J W. ALTHOUSE, Agent, 614 11..tnittort street, Allentown. Fancy Dyeing FriatolistuneaL J. a W. JONE.B. • No. 4'2 North Front Street • FhtladtiPMa. Pm. DVF. 8111 ts. Woolen and Fanoy 0 , ,0ds of every deastrin.. Hon . Their , superl , rity of Dyeing ladles' 'and goitre: men's ammonia Is widely knovia. Crape sad .Nterlto Shawls dyed the most brIlllan• and plain colors. Elroy, sad Alain° Shawls cleansed-to loot like .nenr.l , .. Gentl«merr's Apparel. and Curtains. cleaased.Or . Hid 0 loses cleansed or dyed to look likonair.‘ a*d look at onr work before going elsewhere.— cor Ninth and Vine et.. tors4erar REMOVAL! REMOVAL! S. R, Engelman' ,86, ,BroAt • OH INA - STORE • , . • ,• ,„ • No. 740 HA NIXTON STREEr S Old 4rifin i co "" 1 ALLENTOWN, P•A ANNOUNCENENT • TABLE „ • • Vases;` Cologne Sofe; Fignres,"SmOkfilti Seto, Mantle "Oknanienhe '" 7.! • . Ina UMW& oirbr offend in this idly. tognik; " If " m i . cif f . , FINE OUT GLAS4 WARE. imam' 11111 DEW 111111141111.16 lIIMILLIIIIIr... s Da . :V4 11 : 61 ,*g. iailill a ktilk4kiVi ltl M ( 4 6 *. t i ttp.Tr4 l ,fT 1 ' litAW; i ' etifiltd!Amlfss‘il' il l im.,_ etstliil 1. ~. r:-;-•.:',,, ; I ;t*.g - f ( . 4 0:.: 1 1 1. r'f"*.. 4 " r •,;1 1 1:4•::`,.:,.1:: '' ... -• • '" ' ' - KELLER do 1111110 NO. 27 woe' W3fILTON ST., ALLENTeRri. PA 0140 OXS, well reirnlated and etairented. All dna and prices: hem SY. upward.. A laryter leaortmeat of GOLD Ain) SILVER WATCHIR than can be found In any other etaretn the city. , JEWELRY OF A R LL_ KINDS, SILVER WE •teve_descrlptlon. 861 - Wstents repaired on Short Notice. WATCUES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES B. HASSEY'S, No. 23 East Hamilton street, opposite' the Oetmen He formed Church. Just received from New York and Phil adelphia, all the latest styles GOLD WATCHES. Re has the lamest and best aseortnient of bold Watches& lid at lower erlcee UMW can be found elsewhere. . SILVER WATCHES. Re has a larger and better assortment of Sliver Waichee than can be purchased anywhere else. GOLD JEWELRY. Re has the largest and beet assortment of all Muds of Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Re has a larger and better assortment of all kinds of 0111 nod Plated Jewelry than can be toned elsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. ieh : sa BP g d i a"emment e r rin e :e ndPl""are An di dhi i CLOCKS. A l assortment than at any other establishment. MELODEONS. A splendid assortment of Prince's Melodeons, the boat In the world. ACCORDEONS. A splendid assortment of all kinds of Aceordeons His eatabllebmeot has lately been fitted up, and Is now second to none In New York and Philadelphia. and ahead of anythingontside the large titles. He has a larger stock of fashionable goods in his line than all others In Lehigh county combined. To convince yourselves of the above call and see iror tbe lAD its. M RN. GuLDIN , s Ladies ' Trimming Store, ALLEvirroWP. PA. The trade at this old and well knOwn establishment Is constantly Increasing, owing to the fact .hat NEW GOODE are being constantly received of the LATEST STYLI'S and always suitable to the wants of her numerous custo mers. People should always go where they are sure to be united at low figures. •an IS ATTENTION, LADIES I REAL WHITBY, JET JEWELRY, FRENCH JET AND VULCANITE JEWELRY, FINS PLATED. JR WELD t. Park a nil Vienn t Fano. Nair rine, Fancy Leather Gonda, Fancy Ornament,D "easy Bores, eake. Dressing Cairn, Toilet Goode. U brellae I 13,1 k, GI (ham and Alpaca, All mi.. an cad superior In quality and mo , ieratitin pikes R. DIXON, N .21 South Eighth Street, hllada. OEM MADAME 1313 Chrstnnt 'Street, Philadelphia, Ha. received from ?aria the 'latent Sprint, styles P . SLONAISE BUSTLES AND CORSETS. La Vicforien Kangaroo & Killeen BUSTLE MATS for true acd promenade drams. Paris W-riy & Children's CoreetiLall at pop tier prices. mar 20 ly sr) FURS FURS F NCY 'FURS! Sets from $5 00 op to the most costly Ma= ',ISAAC: 4 , Successor to JOHN FAREIRA 7IS ARCH STREET, PHIL A DELPHIA, importer and .Van ufacturer of FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' & CIIILDICEN'SIrEAIt IVIIOLI(SALE AND RETAIL ESTABLISHED IN 1810 HAS BEEN, REMOVED TO 21 , '1 ' , FQXI. T,UR .0,r4 . 1,N0.:,:;.1.1t-.44) - t . :. :Tiasinisof Assoanfitx.e6ll) • THROAT, AND LUNGS. It Is arattlytaito tie to hectic' the pablle that Dr. Li 4 C.Wlsheri'a Pleat Tree Ter Cornet, for throat sod Lithe Mauer. has gained an enviable reputation from the Atlent!, to the Pacific, coast, and from thanes to 11011111 yJ the Ant &Wiles of Zirogei not through the Drees alone but by persona throughout the States actually benelltled sod aural at Ms °Mee. Mills be publishes less, so say our reporters, be le unable to supply the demand galas sod bolds Its reputation— Tina. Not by stopping eongb, bat by loosening and asslittnir !Wore to throw 'off the tinheaithy matter col !acted about the throat aodbroachlat tubes ,sohtch causes rirrazzi Second. It removal the cause of ircitat'on (which pto daces canes) of lh• mucous membrane sad oronebial tubes ,uelataihe lungs le act and throw off the rtnheslthr secretions. and purifies the blood—,- Third. It le freeirom squill.. lobelia, Ipecac hod op! um, of which most throat and long remedies aro coat Posed, which allay c0...n0:31y. and dlaorgat me the state• ach. It has a "clothier effect on the stomach. acts on the liver and kidneys, and lynnatatto and nervous regions, time resuming to every part of Le system, and la its In Vigo. sting and purifying effects It has gained a reputation which It mud hold above all others is the atart et Great American, Dyspepsia WORM SUGAR DROf • Belot; under my Immediate dtreettoo, they ehal not Mee their curative qualities by the use of oho ip an•t Impure MEM HENRY H. WISHA Dr. L. Q. 0. liVlsharl'a Office Parlors are open on Mos days, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from B A. M. to 6 P. M for consultation by Dr. Wm. T. Magee. With him are aaaoclated two coop:Min phyalclane of acknowledged ability. Thle opporteuity Is not offered by hey other 'Mutton In the city All letters must be L. Q. C. WISHA No. 232 NORTH SECOND ST., nor 13 (kn.! NEW DRUG STORE ! I lake the pleasure cf Infornlng m 7 numerous Mende and the public In genera that I have opened anowDragStore at NO. 785 HA MILTON STREET, and titled it with a carefully selected dock of Pure Drugs and Medicines, PATENT MEDICINES, COAL OIL. nna a !erg. narfely of COAL OIL LA .10'.9 AND FIXTURES Choice Perfumers and toilet tandem, as the fl ees! Rx- Dacia for handkerchief and bathing. flair o.le, Hair In •lxoratota and Hair Dye.. An innumerable assortment of T..ilet Soups fur washing. phasing and erasing oil. fat or paint. Tooth Brushes and Hair Brubhea of ail grades and prices. Pocket Books, Minims, Pace Books:. Paper and Pont Pocket Entree and Razont. a largo variety of the best English and Herman Fish Hooke and Tackles. In shoes, everything that can be expected la a First-Class City . Drag Store, The Very Lowest Market Rates WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PHYSICIANS* SILBSCRIPTIONs will be a specalt and wilt be Sited day or night with the greatest punc t ual -- 10y an.' accuracy. Shyeiclans . ad Storekeeper,' supplied with ever/thing in my ihie at the loweat market rates. Savior hod en• Patience Rine scanhildb cod hi the Drag business I reel confident that servo all who say favor me with • call, .to their satisfaction. E. W. DANOWSKY. takes this opportunity to thank Ma numerous friends (or Past favors .and will bit at the Dm Store of his son to wallop all who may desire his medical services. REMEMBER THE PLACE, 735 HAMILTON' STREET Jan* 7. L.,.l4otrAt'r e.r,irct ORAT AkoticEMENi To Ili all yin fOialttinisit itie liigeit . tankitare . tore • . • .town of r. • . • • GEORGE • VV.-HEMBACH ) . *414U4T01.7 BT., AL4ENTOWN. , . . t jat pat Wil'ltr,47ltivratisl f AN' '' . ird ye otherwise "aloud their facilltlee for :.' ~ k leg ots hand the largest stook lathe ally, , I I Till :VI I . Iir&GANT MIIVITURII ' I , • utas' 'ilik-- ... ~.. nedsv Uudr own t and Is warrant. b ed tone the bort le. 'mark La Inspection . • of thslr stook srUlecortrletee agora or Ike ad- • • vantage of baying from them :IT R. Ileintbsah. maul:dash'', KITTLE'S TAT T, EIRRI_NO BID, and are ogle agiata • for that 'an or bed. - - CIE and soil It. Tenpinitbat . .-.' . 3 ESE The . Mammoth-Glass Front AGENTS,. QUICK I:ll4Lrigar ruiWtohl).6l4Dig,Ltirle' lasi'and * eMJ a nr a o ra rk la - OTIR * 4 ' DIGESTION . ~... ~,, irr.roLziffßoiszvssisoßsr., wilie4ds thoraboit ring liwbsalable book In th e * lig,:r;,',Litrwlrtztr. ,Iliwat,y, ~~mtzzaird-rg.1..77, ivibbY 0 ., ..... kr,.., waist", mfrtio rot. F i rarroo. ' GEO. IiACLUN, Publisher, •Dots.broi 0 • J- 7319nikaos Shut nllalilrbla. . riff- MEM ME • . • I ' . , • •/ • I r 41 11it ti II : krillilt s **!;ioPllßAVO , ftell,, itima toll/ IL . i int. i t . wit • 441 goake t V i ritt a . I, 1 ihh la Pk_ we , 111 . 'Vai11414, 4 11,11 . ' all sur ;c4,:t.ilaatitm •P , , 46 ..e.roing 4 r --.. 1 . ~ : lil Ise ,1,,51.. mg= / 41 t 5 iz i tz ova liAgoi.4sii vile - ' , , _ , i oteilliallM +.,:i °eel: il Mos, Da 1 ugele _,.. ' . 11 6 4 114 ,34PPAY "A,. .'' . . . '44 frili.::: • ' Mg ll ol ut • ILI" .-r 1, , 040.;' , 1,t - `14,• •,• - .1 .1 1. . . ' \ 71' 10 1 ; 11 ( 17.1 &gat 11. UI.AL I NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY FOR THE NOTICE The Pine Tree lar Cord!al, AND PROPRIETOR FREE OF CHARGE PHILADELPHIA ♦ND AT Dr.. WM. DANOWSKY Between Seventh and EtPhth, ..:-.- ~~ i~<' •~, ~tP -7; ZNZ - • • . 4DAY . RECEMBER Trifle ly Reridelnitrlrtllllllf Ytrik folloits a ene 910 as In. a. _Mid tm ea:, oonneating, with t , • ins mrPetthiryliisali italittlad; and age at New Ye st 11 35. 360 and 941 p.,_ps, respectively. Returning • leave New York at 90u .. 1860 an. 69J p. m.i Ph ilatielphia at 73 1 , 846 a. in. and 380 17. nt. Leave Harrlaturrs for Readies. Pottsville, Ter • ea. tlinersville. Ashland. Ithaunkin, Allentown, and Min. delphla at 580 and 8 10a. in., 900 and 4 06p. in., erltig at Lit Innott and principal way. 'stations the 4 p tic train connecting for Philadelphia. Pottsville and lunar Ma only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Raven and via Schulkill and Suequehatout Rallroad leave Harris • burg at 341 0 P. m. East Penne/kraals Railroad trains. lest. Reading for Allentown. &when and New York at 7St 10811, m and 1100 p in. Returning, leave Now York at 905 c.g.2.:11,59 ' and 5 33,p._ tn., and Allentown at 7IV a. in., 19 5, . 1.(;' 496 and 565 p. m. . . . Way Passen g er Train leavem Philadelphia at 730 a. WI conneeting with train on East Penna. Railroad: returning leave, Pottsville at 431 p in.. stopping at all stations. LeaYe Pottsville st Shamokin Bed and Slits end !X m.. 'Herndon at 1000 a. in. Shamokin at i.O and 11 03e. ra,.. : Ashland at 718 and 12 kJ p Nakano, Olaf 03 t it' Pat ld i e r igla ,m iteiii= a ß a c t AVlll. r:l u tt OP. Leave Pottsville via Scher (kill and Susquehanna Rat. road at 800 a. m. for Harrisborg. and 1146 a. m. for POO g Pottsv ill edremont. Accommodation Train leaves Pottsville at 0 n 0 a. in.. passes Beading at 7 40a. in,4 striving at Phlladt.l. phis at 1015 a. m.' Returtilhistelkllla Philadelphia at 14 p. tn.., passing Reading at 7 RI. p. sa.. arriving at Pella. vllle at 1 1 CO P. in. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pottstown at 845 a in. Returning, leaves Philadelphia (Ninth anu Omen.) at 4 80p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains Imre Reading at 730 a re and 615 pin for Ephrata. Mils. Lancaster, Vol nen MI no, tr. turning leave La. caller at 8 2) a in, and 3 30 p in, and Columbia a,B Sam. and 3 2.11. m Pe•kiotaeo it•llrr id Trainss.s •e s 4Kriy ni n Junotloa at 7 53. 900 .1 m, .. ..rid 64:Ppm a rnica, leave Oreeu Lane at 16 a in, 1996 aud 4 . esuieet with train* on Heading Railroad Pickering Valley Railroad trains tease Ptatnixville a 910 a in. 310 and 550 to t retarnlag..dearo Byers at ti a in, 1.45 and 420 p connecting with train. Read lug Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad trill leave Pottatose**. • .rd m rind 13 3. 074 and 716 P ; rotunda., Cesar 6101191 Pleasant ai 600, 800 and 11 d aud 3 p,m. coot:et:t ins with train. on Reader. R. ft. Cheater Railroad realm. leave Bridgeport at 8 3.1 ..„,..t; V eit l lid 633 pmt re/tuning, leave D tentage°, itT, 66 am, 12 NI and 640 p in, connecting with sim il e • train. on Reading Railroad 800 undays: leave New tOrk at 8 Pm. PidiadelPhir at aLa and 315 p m (the OU to train ruunlyg . ouly 1./ Ntading leave Pottcrille /it 800 u in, liarrlybarg at 631 • m and .9111.1 p m, Allentown at 866 p m. Head:nit an 7 11 • m and 1 , 1 11 p 19 for Harrisburg, at 790 a m for Nn.. York, and at 9 ti a in and 417 p m for Puiludelphla. Commutation, Miloagd, season, School dud nyourri , n rickets, to and from all points, at reduced rites. Baggage checked through; 100 pound, allowed . wi Passenger. J. 1.10 Ur L2l, angl ls] And. Sup( .0 Pao / FOOBLSVILLB R. R. N " 4 - 41 S :14;.M".tit; On and R the Cate/mu. don with th Enigt Penn. ' Thane Wee. P. X. A.M. Trate. 8.,.. A. Y. I— :. II -- 959 , 5 5 9 • 43 I 5 •• 59 5 43 54 53' . . 2.9 h:.:' O. IL UCESEN WWII, A X"Cillit• : 19 5 21 iO7 5 1.:, IV • NET AT LAW. (formerly practiced In Carbon 53 e , h../7)• Ornmt, Ilan ..... m etre•t, Second door, nenr.y i'2 5 • I'/I P•9•,e tne 09ri 11 oast, Alleohowth On. .41fIT be cot • .r 7 n n snd e • .. the oorman languor , —. . _...dons. CONN ECTIOII9. The .9orelngtraln west leaver ()etyma( net ;he erriv,.l , A of the L V R. R Passenger train Woo E.t. , he he im 1 Alle• town, and cannects at Al title wth A /a 4 the East Pennsylvania R. B. for Ere llog, '0t , ... , rrieburg and Philadelphia end alto with a tral ant two, Bethlehem and Easton, The morning train East connects at Albrnor, ~ .. wer e on e . P. ft R. from Ilerrlsbarg, Pottsvil ,9,dm : f,d Allntown, and at Catasariona with on the I.eb sh Valley Railroad for Blanch Chunk ,Ike•barre,, n. to, Philadelphia and New Yor The 118 P hi train West eon ' sat AI.rEW • ith tr, a s on the East l' ens. Railroad Reading. ,'otts vale. I' a - Helm, Philadelphia. Reading Be th'ekeru. Ras,' and Now York; arrive Philadelphia via, I ti 15 p. m. The Evening train . ,,iit leaves Alberto., on the 9rri /91 of • train from Ari:1•411 n and of a train mak In , : cone .e• lions at Read'mg yrlth trains from l'hllsdelphll., Bawls. inu.g. Potteville, &a., and connect/1 with toe/4 passenger wain on the L. V. It. R. at (I/Was/moon for Allentown, Bethlehem w i sh i n g t, Ilokendarmina and CoPlay. Persons to go to Allentown can take the morn • Mg train West to Alburtis, arrive at Allentown 9 15 a m, and return by n train on the HAM Petlut . 7l•4lllA Railrodd. leaving Allentown at 435 p. in. :AM 10-15'1 115 653 127 7al 133 7 113 141 716 148 711 158 733 2 Cl 4 2 7 18 3.2 746 240 721 •1,1144 Sta C. W. CHAPMAN, Silty_ aid );11ziaeor. IV - 01ITH PENNS L-f e a VANIA RAILROA 1te„1rMa...., 1 / 4 4L, 5; WINTER ' '''' l )3s4l3lT. Pareengere Pe Philadelphia take Lehige Valley R. R I rains panalnit ..11entown at 0 15 and 815 a. in, 12 01. 550 8 28 p. m., and arrive In Philadelphia at 8 50, 10 45 a in. 1 15, 8 1.5 and 10 30p. m. Ala° Lehlh and Snionehanna Railroad trains at 813 a. 32 3 . 644 and 815 p m. arrive in Philadelphia at 10 45 a. in., 216, 640, 820 and 10 30 P.m. LOCAL scatmrLE. (81x Through Trains Daily. Sundays Excepted Panaenger train, leave the depot Northwest corner Berk. and American ntteetn, Philadelphia, For Allentown at BSO and 0 4.• a. m.. 2 10, 2 9), 4 00 and ! ¶4 p m. Palace care sim attech..d to (h• 830 rt. tn. train I For Poylentewn at 8 46*. in.. 240 and 430 p tr.. For Pert Wanhingtou at 741 and 11 a in. 8 and 11 f 0 p m. For Abington at 7 m I and 630 p. m. For Lansdale at 830 p. m. Train' for Philadelphia. Bethlehem at 880, 830 a. m.. 1213, 3 33, 6 10 let' Leave 9 40 p . . m Doylestown at 700 a. m., 9 00 nod 5 0(10. m. Lane(tale at 505 a. M. Fort Waitangi/7a at 815.. 1090 a. m., a ROO DM • toerton at 745 am. 215 and 526 p, m. ON SUNDAYS. Leave lit ) ethigt= n for Philadvipbta at 4 1 5 4 0 5 p ... lo rt Leave PaoL"Phia kal le i t tritrA S :t ' STO l D' M M. Fare—Allentown to Phtltlelpola, $1 SO. ELLIS CLARK. Agent. UN T .EIIIIGIFI RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. To effect on MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1872. Leave Allentown for New York. via Central Railroad of New Jersey, at elk 8 Strand 845 a m. and 12(0, 17 lbr, 40% and 550 P. m. For New York, via Morris & Emma Railroad, at 6 16 am, and 121:0, 121',•, 40n. and 550 p m. • Fn- Mantialca Chunk and Belvidere at 9 Li a m,5 kr and 5 50 P m. For Lambertville and Trenton at 6 15 a m; nod 120) tod 50p m. For Ramon at a 15, 40., it 41 and 10 10 ntn ; 12 (0 12 11., 310, 540', 550, 710 and 991 p For Philadelphia. •la North Peon Railroad rt 413, 34,• nod 845 a m, and 12 (0, 5 G), and 831 pm. • For Wanhlngtot., D, C . at 941. nun 091 p m . For Cataaanqua Fogle.,l l l K. It, 641 a m aim 12 . 20 p m. For Copley at 644 am. 12m, 434, 629 and '7 51 p m. For Manch Minket d 41, 107 n m. 1220, 404 nail 7.54 p tFor Wilkeaharre a J 1 .ttnton, at G 14 and 1047 A ta, li 404 p m. For Wavul v. Ott egn Elmira, Auburn and Dn lalo , et 1D47 a mend 1221 n, m (Expre-s rain.,) Fur Harlotou at 6 11 nod 10 47 a In, and 4:14 p frt. For Andenrled at 1 147 0 ni. For Mahanoy (:1 y At 1344 ictl 10 47 a m. and 4'14 For Mt. finnan) nt d 44 nut) 1047 e m. Tinian with a .tar f• I ..tx rt from Eent Penn inaction. 11. STANLEY GOODWIN, Anal Grail Rapti, R. IL SAYRE titip't & Eng You Can Buy Everything You Want ! SCHOOL BOOK' , MAN h: BOOKS, COPY 800 SLICI PEI , CI 1.8, and everything your children nqn In the Adana! at tho BOTEN BOOK STORE, LEISENRING, TREXLER & CO., 631 Handßeit Street. The Largest and Oldest Established Book-store in Allentown. A. H. FRANC:MOUS & CO., 518 MARKET STREET tire have opened for the PALL TRADE. the largest 'cad bast assorted /Rock o. . PHILADELPHIA CARPETS, Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Paper. Carpet Chain. Cotton, Yarn.'Bat ting. Wadding Twines. Clocks, Looking Glasses.' Fancy' Baskets, Brooms. Baskets Buckets. Brush- . • : es, Clothes- rt ringers, Wooden and Willow Ware in.ths United States. • Onalarge !acreage In business enables OR to sell at low 'prices and furnish the beet quality of Clomps. 80L3 AGENTS YOE TEM CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER, • PRICE 418410. Tax MOST PERTSCT AID SIICOESSPITL WESHES. • • /WSJ/MADE. ..AHRBYTS.WeINTED POWTHR AMSEIO4N WASH ER Oval/ parts of the Mate. sep4 Smw MILITARY CLOTHING U. EVTA & CO. • • (Late EVANS &LEECH.) NO.. 915 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Fire - Companies and Brass Bands • ' I,TNIFORNIED With immix cioupti,' at low paces. . . . , . . IR I! I ups w firPf4•• and. rfintrgen:ph t. *efsi . SAN. on applifpnoion.: A quantity of. I. 04SZtbA1ANII g iOIYATEt. toad ocodUtozo for Has vorroimp„. ars4kinp. ttatiroais. fter JUNE THIRD, Iff72, PasseeleriAnies eon & Fogs's,'lls Railroad will molt, cone., e Lehigh Valley, 1,e1.1413 & Susmoonanoa, Railroad, as follows: STATIONS. CATASA SODA, ''SSIE'LL'S ' , JORDAN SRI DOE GOTH'S, WA LBERT'S, GRA NAAR'S. TREXLERTON BREINDIS V IL W LE • *SPRING CHEER AL-MMUS, • ~c~~~ PHILADELPHIA r - 21 SIN 11147 A-to AND COO OfteA, No. EN Rau Q. M. RARE. 3.#141RE, • ALLENTOWN, PA. street. 40/IPoao be consulted IminGE fh. RUP AT LAW. Wilco with Ho town, Pa DR. C. C. H. 61GLT DENTIST. Oalce, t, vt Tnninnna dtare, N 0.34 Silt Hot Pa. T.EVI 831tOYER. A _LA LAW AND JUSTICE OP TIIII — DnAtA, MILLERS TOWN, bEtllli ti CO.. Pa. Parnenlarattantlon Data to Insolvent and nocedent ent.tet Jan 6-17 ELIAS MEW. LDERMA 80RVEY01. A,O CON VSYANCIER AGENT FOR THE SALE OP REAL ESTATE, 83 West Hamilton St. Allentown. Pe Wei. N. YOUNG. JR.,' ". (wit ItifoiVl.TOS. SMITH & so•ceii;) ATTORNEY AT LAW, Nagrus 49, 45.40 nn 117, 10. 160 Weihiagion Street. Chi cage.. 0 1 1 11031 AS B. 31.ETZGA11 ' ATTOII.. NEY AT LAW. ALLENTOWN,PA. OIII.ViEn" - &la Hamilton .treat. mar . 2,29 i 10 8° T , i n ; --- Pr i >, E— A. 0 1 0 -2- rn, M7 F 4 fr il door above Law2 t l y lor ALY. EDIVARD HARVEY, ATVORNEIt AT LAW. Office, with Hon. Samuel A. Bridget., ALLENTOWN, PA. • may 1.17 JOIN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, odic° N. E. Corner 6th and Hamilton Stroets ALLEN TOWN, may 1-Iy,. / 1 1 "" ZE C ! t ATLA I. ... , . kC 4 . 11 1F ,ze F ortul AN n ' t A ol jeT - Inett7 National/tank building , ALI.F.rtT.JW3 d , ° I- P. uolleCttonr* outdo toLehigh nud natelcoun counties. an be consulted ntba English and Wei /nen langucß . nep 11-17 % ,24.v1 LICE A. 1:,11!• AT'I'(011131E:V Al • ,1" H,..‘llton etreen over Scheel t,l toro. AbLENTo ,VN Neer D CLAY lIA :11 ERSLY,ATTORNEY AA, • AT LAW CATASAINUA PA. Jan 14-'6B4f TOAINi 0. ►coWyl.Aw. ATTORNEY • AZ . I) I'I O I4.N.SELLOR AT LAW, IL, (1. :;, 630 Ws not strew, Philittlim,bia. marl-17- . • r ri . 1 1E^ BlEstv, vim • RV% CV %ND • Cur NV3I.. OR AT door of M. J. Kra tr.,' , °poop. thu E4tglo Hotel, Allentown, Ps. tour 17-ly WOOLEIVEIC AT:9O I ?...REty„: A , • .zt 4R ITANIILTON ST., (2d Floor,) ALLEN', OWN, PA, , zt door b .I”cv tho Allan [7ouaa. earprl2 a tcr Moth RICEI AND ELEGANT ' .CARPI 4.3 I'S, OIL CLOTHS, &GI 8. C. FOULK. NO. 19 8. SECOND. 7., (Flier Carpet Store tallow •kot, Sant aide.) Invites attcntion to bin splendid tw. Iment of Importt6 'and American CA IU Td , :Whicb w. l.lto avid at A Yen amall advance. Gonda irtatibinted ~ I nweaontod'ao than all can buy with conadonoVand-eat:. ; ~ • not 23-tr • . CARPETS! CARPETS ! ) ALSO, OIL CLOTHS, A. 7 . lATTINGS WINDOW SEl'_gE &C., G. B. SNYOER 3i - SO - UTFI SECOND ST., i"1-111,A.6A., West Side, below Market N B .—A lfberat discount to Chtirches and Clew' y men Apt 17-3 m W - • IePt43MW This Cut Illustrates the manner ar trr Fountain Nasal Ifujector,l,V4 OR DOUG C \' z• - : ,- ,- r ...,,_., ~, , , ...,.,,,... V _ft,,' _ • r? -z •,„ ,i ? ` ..‘ ,.. 'r-- k ',. •N ''-'-=----F-I';, -1 1 '7. . s k.. ‘O. ~ ' :: ::',:,-------,=-:---7-''Zt fc , :t 1Th1!lm ih l r , htru • monh L ••ortehhlnlly designed for the per. )1 ~ ,;1 DR. 0.1 CIE' OATACIRII nr777.:DY. , a It i , till, only for II In.trlthahnit ye: i II • ‘thni with whih th :Mid 111., ii , C2lll 1,1. aimed befge , q, and rh, h•htc l / 1 / hipp!.., I h h part. or on; :oroott, 111,111 N1P .1111,1 th,l eltahn•rs Jr rarities communicating. rh- • •ndth, in watch .11,14111111 1 111•01 . , frog 11V1i 1 1S eXII4, It 1 11..1111 whielt I 111 rirrital hllmehar,• nehhhen thy pro. Cu •I .. The want or 00e.. 1 ,1 ire/unlit C:11111111 here, t iri.i.i ring arisen lea: rii:en Ili, 1 1 1 11/iu , ,jl,,lity or hr , plvlahr remediem thhh.,t. /an 11 ti., 1111 /denial - here hetiny . er the ordha • DIVGI.I.I. 'fills .1111q111:1e 90.--".".' 1!i, wny o r otr „ otlo.., ,ost . on tio•ly ( W o llllllle by the rove orlon of the Dn., .. 11. hedatt (him ithrtlmment, tile Fluid Is narrlm.d !)/: own weight) no snuffing, fore. ale., pempiaa heing mired.) up one thootrl In atilt rex w hi M 111.: .111,1 11 till, 1 1 1,;11,4 1.1 I Inti or hue ha.: I irt.ma_mh.. pl,hinto hurt thoroughly thirtieth '-- I! t' h. [ahem:old ehanerh. eon thee rh il 11,111111 h, d0w ; 011101 theeppumit nerd. h., n., I. pi,.,,,, 0 „ mn vi aide thnt a Old cap nud,•r hand It. I •., . 11'11 ir. 1 ,1 oz ph •it dopti,:e% neeompany i', . t In 'r , i . Rhea nnvii , I.i. 1,,,tr,,,,,,,,, , *1 ~'., ettaililt treaty cur i 'tit Cut mina "I 'o id iit t !le Ind ~ ',... a few nppilent .....,• htt pf tinlH ,ol ttssrrift. ',rennet, a. , ~ hil.enar, , e Cilia 'nit° throat, themetlm (m.% water:, thick nrlo,' purtikmt, offensii In others hi diwnesn.... winery, wink or lot see.. i i toirliiii..t . nit - or. C rest li n t or nnmni pareng ring'', x ill ear, deathe hawking and coughing clea: tii.iont. iiientatio, scabs front Wren., vol altered. ',iced- twang, ensile breath, Impaireh 011'10mm:ration of s ee or emell and taste, t nem, mental etepsemmth lase or appetite, inh thin, enlarged tonelitOding cough. Sc. 0 few of the.o sympionalrolikely to he. pr 1130 came nt 0111rtilno. Dr. Saga' , , (Imitate ilit"nrsedii When nee With O. Pierces, Nal Douc be, end accom prude.' with tho consttional treatment which recommended in tho pellet that wraps each-bo tie of the Remedy, Is a feet specific for this loath, some dlmenmn, and the pitletnr offer, In good faith,' s soo .rowardi for a iskihe can not cure. The Remedy Iht mild and plagt to rtse. containing to strong or caustic drnar poisons. The Catarrh Remedy is Edit at to don . Donche at 00 cents, by all Druggists, or elit 'gat be mailed bygro.. prletor on receipt of 80 de. ' Nis v. rases oz. D«. •' , tolo Propriator.,.: , . SUPZALO. N. Z. ECM True Economy relying the BEST:". VAN FOUR DOLL/; WHISKEY, IS PURE RYE. 604*;c1ISTI4LRE. OLD AND VEI t I OSLOW 44.00 A gnPon ; MI- A . oii TM: YELLOW SE 411.04 n dos GOLD SEA =1 COM The 'En AT,raz owsb AsrTim x;owss Bet Brallds ' • • BEM Philadelphia, AT EL & 'l3lO CheatnutiS HOLIDA GOO*4II have a kr4 (Tio " . H eir °r zA Tlsgros;, r mps • Lot f , JTTO ' UP•A NI Mt GB. anti T '„, great variety • PA G' Y. rola of the halidasg d • Thom cOod 1 6- is impscilt pox s. WO Six M; or tdat.lL sitLor tom. city o • ! , • "Nos. *oath eo Jog , ..,. • ' r- B -rally mock or fin Aoota lo rut -.irqt., , ,„,,, ~ ~,..,,,,,,,.a.. , a-4044 grwak ours4cisoi" ~ irtivmPp, , ' , :i.) ~ , • ,• - .• . • ~. nat it oe 40 1 '" 11 . sialtl 6 P3o: B : t t 74 .• tl• t3x5 % %%co , sv` to 0-Irw 0. B. Sarum" N. P. %Lana. ME #~'..",. ~~.N '1 AM q RB O 40270 7 ritr, -t atind I • • 44 4 4 ; ' ''W/ f "684