25:00. ..co are VIA en.h, aa. nn ao.on 110 oo 200. CO n I Card4.ol.oopar line Der year • • strator'• and Auditor's Noticep,ll3,oo Vnitees,2o coma nar line let Insertion; la centime, eA aah..inpnt • agartion. tneaa gateconstitote'asqna re, BERT [BEDELL .IR., Puntaanan. ALLENTONVIT,PA. , ao" -1.---- LAR4EST . AND REST f rit ~kc of ~I iiiiill!ll Stoves ; ,, Ranges, Furnaces Grates, TIN ~.1 sit 0 1vr4.A.1 1 1 E, G WS, 831 HAMILTON STREET, EME=I The store , rteboen •)171 , .• tit .11amand.: R.I•••C tied •. •••• •e ro hr.iv y •t• t w•• Far to. greet et e Vii' V••. , -t .111 ll't porobit o elootobero t, for, 3••••• tao. 'akar, aak t nt k. Wh..12 Wit will. lia N , kt.lk•••• ••r -ur nit varlettee of sto v •••••r g • r Parlor Stoves and Double H aters OMNI S EA 7f.1 v77.01,18K w,)l NSR 471,0111 - Ni . BOA ft. 1./.!I COOK sir: it S ASTT nusr, r. T. 7 A DI NG, P.l L ;log , K. .319.% A ' Ti 0 R01:11' mor 1x vom,long t op. VOrP Il no RAX(4ES AND I PLACE HEATEIIs, ordliferent r Solo niont (.1. nn c. , 1 , MO -; It A` 13U101NG A rOVE, ••, y Imp ov.• A 1•1 n< Glory Parinr Pnr. nc • Ir ' .1) M ••• Glory l'..rtalll,. c fr ,. ,„ or three story 11,11-1.-. 11 111 • M.Ol y r.r.• Rosier. Wonld van arerial ot.ontloti to .SIT AR's A \ TI-CLIN Eli Hot-ISKo, Se `.-F• edirg revnlvirg Light Parlor Si lye and Double He iter. The thenn of :1.1 41 4, 11,1'4 ft- -1. 4•U • • the event fie , 1.-I Ir r n.l a tor , y.., • . ••. OfrOttx bay., be,. -1y • •,•• Ponllll I. "•• • • 4 • !I-1 tli e p n r n o i l; r eC r t! ,; li. e Ii „. 1 • /: 4 i, ; It 14 , 4 . \•• to: rptoooluk th- d kor, 011 e fire 'm. 'rho ,du,t 0 tr t^PKA - I-t I\ \'l:\ I ItE7,i)VE Tl' El•ttl ' Chi IS El! I per : , (11-r Dl{ ll el NG Iti I.; 1 ',ls can d •84 !ivory Interoloa en to 188 thr 0111 klod of d „ ep'leiaßalray. rev I. 4ratr. 11 1 . fen yfthe 5...1 ; bat; 01' %toy ,•• • whoa lb.• unto mitrfac. rah thilkorr and he cyl•lie.vr ha f f r,. u 1,11 out inkern , 01h hry uppyr rtw o t .—tbnv It it, v, I• II “v• tot of, lbs. Is; t" /t to t Br,.T:t P. , y. la In l. rte 18819 rt ‘ , ,r . eh- h“,tt • vf he fire .els oss rll • mpro , illeul F, r •a, rhvay4 krn :I.!' .1g), th e an Oil !ma I!!!! all!, 11. Or. • toy, tail! rapall. Ith 1!,! .n! o.lllrat Ow r . a w!!!1!!,,, ar.! p.ared in • I . A -S C LI N be !!' I !Intr. ! - S. be al al Will!!! !I! a,. a Ina lain •PI 1.4 • Ivo tl. s , I Ph I, „, 880 ••I• , •• ---.• • rt o 8”i,8/ //so , / /sr /, 7/st dnoi r , st ot/s.s. hp, Is ,o• ..• I) 1. 11 .1:0•1 GI•111 If' AVl'll )b+1.11•1, • of,S S,Ot S•ot /' 1,,10.1. I:. SI .1 Eti t•t, sy, sht, is VIL, .I.ld Al.t /110 111113111% I I i , C,.1110 won. Am. ~, ........ • thp: ,t,iamed ;. Prop r . R.lll. IlicDON Ala) 6.. CO, , of Coo Act.., l , ramigcn, 51... Vrirlc 1 . ALL 1,1:1:,;1;IS1'S . 0 11, 1! `l'Tlf SECOND Si 12F.E1' ALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA Flue and Low. price Goods. nue :r.6mw 'k~?'=' TA COULTER: lk!. CO., tit' 4 ,„, f isio W. A. Aritota , 1 ;, .111:1VACTVILIB B . 01 t _porl. 'an ew , Grates, AND .,.... zED PLATE of tATELS, ‘ l'''. r ' 6 Chestnut 14., d for oacatoirne. PIMA • Ad9 „ , - 4.1 - . 03 „, , ,~; ~`\ NO O. RE, NO PAT. R. 11. 1). LO N 0 A REIN.. t U P rAdnato tho LMIV.AIty ocit. fr :7;l l :Ari; it nabob. h teght.oo In onoce,omq st vrilluomr.'"rts",y2. in enrloon pan. of,alperlayr.orolnlon nt ,14,19.51494.1?-ersl;th I r00m., • tanifitOtl and 11,rariut. ALI ENT t vs . No Potent 3 10(11( . 11o, a,e ri+ ;1,,: 7tonni.,l:ll,l,ndi•nterod am tho.n Trrh"Zilune.nAd4aedreo:m. I It glll4 NORLlllCA.froUlthrlelllo7,l nylgtel frorq all Oa eye, healthy ..ml porroctly 0111.0t1ncomna ethos, 1111 a 1011,V II 10 II CONBn4PTION, BRONCHI D ' A S od all ito.niteo of tho Lijuan Thro yearly o e ‘ ,1 h 0 t ,7 . 1 . 1 11,v connvr_ry t„ and S . l , , l tm l3l .te E h P , tiolY ara•es. can 00. • AI ELANCLIOLY A nErNTio,N, .tto of ellonntlon and nborratlon 104 nym" tho pL ‘.o‘-,4 por: II ATISM AND PARA!, YSIB, bin Prc.r condition, chronic or acute, tritmlotrilcore .0 !r fall n en ,ol Pick no , n •nd ohroolo r . 4 F.IIA DISE.AIi g.ooo dlly and radloallY ova ry dote c ot4 llln DI-totoo• I il '. itarn y .0/ trr.,a o of (from, tlonn, ott ocrorol-'47 •rouunu giVOll to Ivato dlnea.es of y',l . 1 :7„74,. .f both •lexo.t. cos heir " 7, • 1.1%7 r'o,rn."l7)l4lntainhcllPt:llsf ' e n! "re , ', "r n tl c nior4 of AI k loth, roinovell tilthont tho r or .raw.r. „r th.. AND EAR .n,:cossfolly Ina vlfoct ly removed• r. loon.tk", wt i . •ko vtlilto any dlgt once If oe• .In iris ^ •rot with Proper d; 'tier (confldentlaly) and oe onit to net port or tho coontY. X`'reot between Hamilton nod tintPr Allontow VER"; CRATF;II) FITIE. I= ~/) PS7'LI Ito - NE IN PIII. P 111.4. vh Cy . ..if., r • r. , in 15 In • n.. , L 1 . 1.•,••• and Jr..... ." T. \VAT: 4 "N .\/ 1.11 ,, non", No. Ail .4. A ff Si. M. S. IOUNG & t')., Agents A I.T.F.AT sr o •40TICETO HMS ! = l lit i I , 11. „ 1. rqj ?lit F ~ I'll'4/71(0 "I ” ” er '. l. ' 'ode cer • . v ,rin , s o , l'l .p 'tag LOdkr , OfP. OW Yt11" ° • or a ddrO•l r 5,11.11 • ~t.picE tv TF 51; PINE!. PhIN. Ilan r. fr ‘. M. . • ffir , 'l , 7 , .ctrl for fubtr,.4r,nce BE Cheqy Pectoral, For Dar I:. 3 oft Thron t and ',unto such 114 •oulls, Cold., 'Whooping , iclOon c --...., ci)• -': - d i 44,1 N'..,„ .v,. I,'l , will I't:i. ' V ' f 11:Ir f , ' -.''''''' , •1 .:I,l' i'l, b t , .., 11, 'll,i , , , ; • 1 'le ail, . , ii 1,0, I'l. , i.1 , y01. N .., t•i• 11,i.. I: ',. . '',.l it- I : :Intl C 11 .,, ~'' ( . 01`,1A1111). kl.i . Cllte , ' : li, I -,,1T11,11 11. :u,•1.111. I. . ' , II. ,'" CC...1W0! :1 , , ,Lr , "y I. ro :,.,,,- 1 olio, • .ti i..ii iir.,...iii lioy •.1 di-pate, 1 . I , Ilie dY , 1‘ OH' . . ~ .I IV .I'V'l 11, 1 'ilk f. .i" .'.• :." ir , i!i iii ,1.01. it CIII i 1.1.! Colllgl , '. l 1,0,r,11111.' . I i ore •i•rioii• iii•iiii , e, ii .e'' ' ;' iivii'iiivol iii - 'iiol on ninon!! i.l , iiiiiii , v 4 '.' . !.. lii• viiiiii` i It eilniliii:go, trial, niri iiiT: - Vii...i. •too no- , •iiii•ol. •Eviiri family .4erily --, •••-• nrutair.vl DoubtO ElWlllted oven AV 1 . 4, -- 42 .."0 Lir to •I• i ilaiiiiiahltroliiiiiii FoiidorOni64 D i • lunil "". -'l".'''' ' '' ;' eL" ' -1 l' ," 1111i wilioli Irroam : FULLER. *4l l ,l i n k. P :i u kC in O u ., ' 2 h ell :I 111.0 0.1-I,y ~, p -. 1 'W-0.10. ;,•, ! i., II I'llllll, it Ilegiet•teti. Ton- .,. I t , ,„, ~, i , 1 ,446.,„., ~,o1 it i• amyl., to i ,' 'AT set,LtNia Boma in ' mit"' 11 ----------- , . ' V ii, :\ 6 ,t; ••.:,,,. . -ic0d.,,,.....nh, ~..012111,,C1110f t The strucleß of !ik!! s!!!1 Wit !!!!-.t !1,,,• 11.-n!!1 !•! ! 1. da!!!! , 'IM: , ' I'l CIIIII.V. p( , troilini .. V. IN a 51. 17 • ..... ~,,,,, ~... ~.,,, ~-.. n,,,10- , —.L.., pi.„,..„., .‘,..„.,,, ,m,, , ~,i,t,,,r , t , 1 , ,,,,,,,,„,..„, , ,i, m i; v ;IIOMAS 'A LE.T. ttli,tr y " , t g f :.1 . ..e , 'ion , ( •, ::r ed ell ' 1" , 1 , n• Ch.'' , ,4^v, ""; Avet2 " h. *l°' 6" ‘utru e . aZhil vber VOP '• , t ordinary eiv , ,, ' aim- 1.4.. kid, I . I ,, , int ! r"r t!' ON & CO , roll! ll•iii!,: Ll ,- ..1. ! No I too, Mann., ...S{. Loain, .14 1 ,! Lii , AR! ' ii. 117.11 :11.1 pitio- •__, „..:•,. - , - .7 ,- ,_ ---,__ ° =I . 1 ~.. ~:„ ,; '~'~' ME -i!1.A(;, qi., ; (, wl lied,:,(.;, V/ ymii h. TI : AI Lail k'thivliviltml, :3lfi Ng hair cimcbcd. and baldness orbit. though nut always. mired by its 1 , -% Nothing can restore th e h e i r caere the follicles are (ic or the glands atrophied anti ru,bn.,,ead 711 h 44riitai strove() d ee p, ed ; but such as remain can be a commion . pacil by this application, and stimu- TEN lilted into activity, so that a new weary - 0.1:00. _ growth of hair is produced. Instead ','„Hl.,,";;' t i h moo . "°,, 4 ‘,„r. s/en d ( w orinrii - t e " h i ° giLd n i fi b t ,trtotioAnu aco l ., of fouling, the 'hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean anti vigorous. v 2 jjd mar — 71 --- 1. v i ri; -7 Its occasional use will prevent the hair E....i 4.2. .12A..ii• I"; from turning gray or falling oil, and ..ai.p.ii.,,ty4 i ...: consequently prevent baldness. The 724 Y V "4 - . ~. restoration of vitality ,it giVes to the rt ..., ! is gr 'iti . 7,47.. scalp arrests and proAints the .forma- V.?, 7. A o f .....,..... q a tion of - dandruff which is often Si) nn- 41 .G;'' Atfoo ts. cleanly and offensive. Free front thole.v--- , - - ri t: .• delcierions snbstances which make ( 4 111 1 1 . if i d sone , preparations dangerms and injn . . l7 ; p b „,10:1 0 . rions co the hair,: the Vigor' can jai/ , 4,f,g1gi;;,k1, ° ,,:g benefit but not harm it. It wa ~rl„%long,ifilijtltep in erely for a, II 11R .DRESS ' ' r"'Aita C c " 't itothillg, else can be found sod ''''';',lt -- Containing neither oil nor d3ioi, , ' 7 7/11 1 FIV Iiiti ,, -, not soil owhite mint vie, and long on the hair, giving it ;tile 1 [ ~..,4' lustre / and a grateftd o Erf le. Preer 0 Li ,y - Ps . - :,7( a A i *. & P. , / rtilio ' tle4i l d 4.6 4 , c."W' -id' ~~ ==l aso EE - 4 , • , _ 0 EMI ,~, ~ /'A .. XXVT Ilicbiehtal. \6\ CUM A ND "RGLAR PROOF S ZEE S EsT.I7I7.M.FNEI. rorei—Jr ~r fthtrlEE mte,,ion, the it, them of .31E, AN'CIpI,I) net ye ' , vile. , na.' ired "a, .n. In f 13 , AS er's 4-I t11.•,1%. 01:` , ,• 11 11 . 111 . it'. 11:1` .!1r,v71 t' Lt it ,101. , >i!ndc :in (.0;•,••ttali . om y cll . 011' . eit i -0, 11 , t, lilnt o anti ntlt NM I 4 ~. IM117:111 A GOOT COMBINATION' end the very t e naineas oppotinVlT_rytty e t°. II to h. fonnd I fla nor for tomtit PO ...VW) BEzellr WARD lIKSJDB Hr. LITIMI Y, FAMILY NI? A M r e PA rn P n a ne ir". p . t h ore r e h i e e l t i. el . ron • 16.6 re 10E64 Itaur. t g I --r - flame. the nd ranntelv FReNtyll 641,800 RAP! eHnd •. psr9 PARR FITSI; (f.grogitt h k: ara a th e l! rhohret eta of FrenrblArtorni?! , _ o lP1 o, * mrp r iut !pa of oil chrool—, 1ue*.,111"7."4,Vip1i,7,KE,, it . F zeh js 4,t;,' - rah Ll,F.Rlffterh -i r ml ta Joe fmfiet T t Y r.:..t e teli 0111Ilattago, hlayetHr has t torrip . ...reirer,jarton fn irmeorld. , rllll safr. year t t r sime b Ut.' than av r clerl I tall , be non; Tame a .nth• r. 4 I. hf. ALCOrT, ,DWAnn LiaTOR. ar " " e. a N . Towa. ste 4 , W and b Illant connihniora. Iltu.trßtea ifolfd •mber so? bee. are of MI. Al. err; raga moat fef ng "Combitatoo!" /h./emu/at commis/Coo 'clic% 0 " " Meet m g ' I" 9 raclateet another IVO 3$ d s; another W.-- . ..me we. ' k " 437.61 In o n i day, no// many others from gaud Vitt • .I)tij7 d ay prat; eb a rife year Oar olTeri are sited noire fort No w Tna ficascataitt min . 1".1 wo . " "'at, eirinciverior• 1)4-1-410 14 S WANTED ! naively for D% 1(7... Raw York; 80.- - San Francine , Cal. Id I.4ir 5 , " Th Ago.. Weip 6 — dM new Chithf,_ • Jtiat nut ! A ',plan t,/ PT I,fi CHILDREN.' ivant.ll for o r I•rto Mon of frf: 111 4.9. 8 7, 0 8 1 .61 8 a5g10N•1a mi••• 0011 ., tVor h. , man on r..otraa s tataa .. w an Ilene go Ilke Wll.J•nre. H P.ASIA & L r p46rof sod nIr•• oleo ATVI Chart natalillehment, 1117 1 4 146. New York.re•it. _ _ gnt tt, cirr 9O made Dee. 8d by one Agent Felling HORACE DREELEY AND FAMILY, fin •ner.alon. 2?x2 1 In., ,ant by mall for Wo el o !nal, Button-Hole & Hewing MaelwanThr ••1 Cowart. end .N.edlo I hreadlna Thl üble, yr co 23 raw..ut. Clr• (Ware of •Arlllll6 other Nova'Wee tonged frequently I.; ail old and new meow addrean AM Mlle 331 NOVELTY CO., 3(2 Broadway, N AGENTS, now Is the chance! LIVINGSTONE LOST & FOUND. The only book on the subject that tells the whole atoll'. Don t be humbwraed with any other. Thl. has nosrly SYJ cages, 'Wulf page Engravings & I . r.ce it( to. T , o Proipectuo wlll not It At oldht. For (trot choice of territory. Andreas. at on,e, dll-lw 1 D. aBII3IEAD. 711 linrogoin at, Phl'a l'a. AGENTS WANTED for the Foot-POO of SA'I'A %EDEVIL • - °—••• In ll•ntery: . 2 . no . „ 1 ."'.; "• ." y it - treeidePlll.o ntt.or (lon nIATORT• 1.• r., Nn.t of 'n Weekly 2111,1.101 r,, Nothing I k • It r ver b , rore ...ea or heard of, an, tflj_oa , r 4. .t. •-tiv I•II.EnT. rublinnee.. .I 2 or. • lUTFITSI I' EE ! .4 GRYYS WANTED EI'ER flrxF:REfor Fa wycitElis' dumb]. - I. the b ott opportunity n o' olro•ed to •gentn to for a live book Eve., other birds sad wantn it 1, r Ex ,. rooted er.n•tottern pronounce It the!ionic IA ti.o inatkot, %roil for eirenlala °tin. n'rinn. Aorireno Convittenrot. !Tamen' so . C 0... 4 P'.'" s •• C. City. ]d 0 L. Pain, Pail, Pain, CAMPHORINE d coverT for the relict e .o v , „ • urn ror Itheemattsm--cx,' ra and s ' n „ The. at, hrnivnv, bl:l ° .. ° „; r o n i nd A “ Lte. It trk n v;% , tob•. rr• tiar aup Stiff Join , •. S a d; ia. heel. !Ira al, n and Scald. 13unc.1...""0d.1t r, et Cr. It haft pin vet; nt rrfro Silltj t .„ " T d rt to ho• gr , a•al kohl 1110 010.4 delicate r - 111."r gAr."p.";"l;:trtle" It J. r n a i r o t all Y It . mil " . I l e7t h i' -'4 t J Yl' . Prop •t 3 Circe N r . " l g'"• ( t d I itcrBlN Ai GEN , 14 WANTED. AuT AT ONCE. There nPILH of money In It. Thn people evert/when Pre EA '7 ER to holy the authentic h(ttton. of LIVINGSTONE'S W S ONDR C OUS DIOVERIVII d THH/LLLTG AD VENTURES tinting Nrar. II .4 F's/CA. with Recount of the BTANLEYSXPED. , 6 I p.. eon, only VAIL In ending beyna Pet,? CAI' VON, —13.. w at inferior works Shin tlo nNLT,o)fro.creo o eri.lAth. work. Sent for circular.. Itt l ol , and onE AT RUE:Oise note Oro havi Adonno H LllB.l Ittl) BROS., Pubilehers rhii.. f011 1 .4w AGENTS! A RARE CIIANCE! 1 We will n Agents 60 per week!' cash. who will engage n • A ONCE.. korerythib raralehed end axe Aad „nnaea paid ren A. COULTER & H4l. Caminito, Mich. 6 ing•Vt tIANCV. or SOUL CIII MIND.—How either s xsl.• Neel ate .11(11dt- Ate love and affections of any oneon they choose 1 tee • P. i'bitt slmdte mental acuittrer ( o.t all sea 1 1 tag _gyp. tY mails rot tc . toseth, wags. to triage gpil Nikki Wen Oracle, Drsame, Hints ( (odie.• r• - • co 'bier, A.e. Ago er bOnk. A ebleeen T. wi Ll* • • Publishers. Phila.' ,1 I 1 , • arroll MANISINESS ,w ,:,,•il, 7 c c! ) M 75 t ~..250 p er menth. evory- S . -'nuiLik* . A , 4 7 ,.. ,c 1 :1 1 0 1 :in b EE: '''.," 7,1 ,:i 1 „ u ;, 1 . ,A . h .,4 0 1 : : :",;:i„ . . 7,,,r1,4,8,V,t'11,q1, E. CH R TNI A s P R ESE NTs A ..... rod, hreld 1 eta , nioer In a most an d man ..... . 0 ' Pr '"' ) 4 ' ) , t ally .100 •sod and or trante that , re year., We am ~,,y 41 I O.' ter any machine Wien', 0 ~ Niters' and i. ; Roy.' II A • DEF,IVIII lEF l; that will s. in ,druier no l '`'" ) : f ' , " , . or more of all kind, , d . do.,e np lux great •ari.dy of wAya— .ls•tio "Oro I "rs. It makes the ' 1 . 1 ..10 Lod , nea , nrd n ~ ,m , ,„ titch." l, by, aeednooditc can be cut. 0 , 4 still b „,,,,,. l . els warned (lenistitched ;44 the clot' cane , • Pall , n apar without tearb,a il . L :,:,,,,,, .. al. Ettihroldel el, and near elegant Fiera' C; We PaY •v° a, 471 to itro pur month )0 ° t"- Goods. j a. , p0 “,„,..,f) . z....... ~,h,,h. t i zi k c tgat ue,„,, o, Lined Chimed Vird!,ed. .......n a t r. i „,,,, b A i it ae , ..i.d., , 1 ,', . al, al. tea nad Embroidered. 041.18„..,1„, ~ f . N aril .t a ... or i... 11, Ito. B „, Col red II 'Herod <C. ~:__ —________ "2""*v _ • ,: ) ,,,'W sad Toile o ll , o l o n e " v f .1 1. 7 T 4 1 11 ' d l i i ) l e o , s a g „ l ant n ifl i rtV A,,,d,,11,,,,,r0cht:nr,i,..t,c; teal and FARMS! FREE HOMES ! I 1 ~„,--0 ral. eve% Lace loi ars, ERE • 0 ,4 ,, , ,, ,, , , , , ) f r i t h h e e b l e ".l , l t 12:L I P4C . I n s d l . v ii mij,La , i n s d I s ). 7f • Iz i t p .. i i it m llztion d ~—lteal and I mltatioa. 11 2 4 Acrs 'n Nolo irks, In the li .. la d t r t p :a e l d le b :::: Cbcl":::::dLiaea Sole—an an"'""a lavoke a" nor 4) 1 • inh E r m k i : r , ° ,l7, r ‘ ',' \ i . nfant Robes au3 Waists, at lore thi et rein growing and Steck Raising n ', .1 ill Climate, Fertile .011 t .....,t comfi t nerti ip e stock of finial, Ira Edging. ”" 1 II 4 . o r Iloite i d N S i tv , e r r p. . ~,,,, ,nr,t),, forme giyenr,ro •d . 8. 1 441128, at ( )Y,talo Net by tho yard at ' di). g " LEMAisTRE & 2cOss, re convenient t . te . arke/ than ran ho found 'New ,• a. Nutt ,- ••Tr. 0-a i‘c...t,l, ! roe Homeato.as for Actual Se er s. .tire to a - tIILADELPIITA. u T o h . ~,,,,,,.., A r n tp . c .. a t , i ctu , r f . o . r Col os lea —soldiers • ~,,, for the nee , . Derrlptive Pam 4.4 lr,t j u il d li:ja r raps. 01,111410 d In Stniluh, tierces- , ' - fah, ra led free ever wad., o.p. D Avls Addrees Land Cott't r. t. : 11 1 1t15" .)11 A, Asti.. -- 1 —Easly mtt—de 0rA1L05t1ii......_,.. MONEY p rd1 , , ,,v....k. 3.77:Vw!:: .I.,ER ..., „ 0„ p km . ..,„ and ter In to IdArnirrlCo rutbllletner.. IT . '' .7,"0, .• , - - u ir t. NTED ~,if_.l s! l " l , yy month V rigtili , •,.; ____ ILI b:irT iddreit •'",`,, ' '' .1.., ALL I A LLEIITOWN. sijs;a r i i •; i6luguip ' ' AG Yrs. MALE OR s, -....___ _____----.-r:01„ . 4:1•V;;71 war I;'ir;;arttehritillher • GO \ .A, t) sEE rlvs -, .. OP PLka i f ootalo's orbiter ..r67,,F,,,,,q4, ;l an . ni , d ~,,i eon, pREs ~, szi the Immense stork , lnclud ; Tres Ornaments ..1 • e ;In glass and war 1' t,. i cir,,,,oft , dm.. /. °Ansi • Paterson. n. J. au; styles. angels of all 1.12 r "r B aviour." in d''' . i. Fenn ° A a •odle. rid...lra ao•i regent"; —A , in". ,t,,J,14.1fin)0 NO ETTER than w: VARIETY OP Dos MY . ~, IV vt ;: r . r A, A ore great work.. MWE'61.4411!j:',°74",,°4ft igiiiag!'''h'•X I l i ' a l, ;;''' log " . e •ery ha 0d:a0,.. 4 . ,vats in a gan_Trap i lve lear , ir , ri. o ::,t . ;...4g,'..4 , ''''''' '' a4Y . 7 TOYEI THAT RON AN ii ItTALK-2% mochas locomot•ves. cam , horses. c r f:fh.lll„c:'.ll,4',l''' XX. ' ....I:fie mons amok; Are engines. made to work by ba' o ; c .;7' j a ".q . rill • . EfTB lir A Bett.noo.lL fit. 1111 t '''',, v. ban sold/ and Ita goon! thy higiVi..lB • ii ' r lii liatievhs " I 'lie % . _ 230,:tgArIg.111111 101datin. 4.1•AY:X011 BABIES made of fron or tic. ta t rooted no \eluding tots i'. li, Yhlia7elpah.h. '7' U. "r.i. Canary Birds and Cages;.- . d ~--— ; . lor • the gnat amortmeot aver brought to this city. DOLLS. 4 lialmaa dolls d I -Siniitailith „unroll; dr..eaheiliiht;asiillias4fgelhatt wre"ilj A gitisiii3krorairgirdtti4hreihalraieutrai:chialah"ihi: exorosa wo g Wily Id 1 ATlP:litieWll a imong which are mom.; hurt! il died at LA OUIJA / and ofd Dolls' heads, aollieattil'ilichi4f*r "%a° &motor Wale /atria, stake oauthor ;ea seitae.ieto Chi" Lliligirl T:3111:: 1111'Zg....,1°°?_:,_°,. 4 °, l,,""b'l,,riesdi• et. , .. is;.st-iida. and book cases ToOti Ctliggra for bny " : gr, h 1: ilillagiazago.dtrgezzlii,ii j o l t: at •r ea, Castles wit:to,- cry stabies. parka, etc. • . , V /. tr 12:1 • ALLANTOWN, le of all etylne nod qoalltlen, porchneed nt In flutren no abliog on to offer EXTRA I N DUCEME NTS . kbliF 'favor: Very RenpecttallYt • sei ~..:=3lllll ni.lnst.lB7l l'' net. Broiling Dool. Orate. Dirret Dr• 11 ter St., N. T. • , cret, lEZI Xre seat ANFECTIONERY. AND FRUIT! stook of all ar i a . es, to enAllestvall4y or. . 1:471:10;Zi2LIZ '4%1! .". - awl a porional examine on w Übe ceeetwarr to own t he k — der of Ole anworthetulKenefe of the lm. J =1 WALK • I tbs ow. A - 0 W 'E.l)/ ( 1 AiOItINIG, 1) %; 16, 1.,5.C4. AGENTS IV A NT Eli:— ket,scr-s. fri 4u moat .Iberal terms ever offered. TtiDlSCOvor.oft DISCOVF, IE - 0 ....._ • . DR. LIVINWITONR IN A olllnA—ltto A.qt„,, t 1 7... TRE Err E lbas-s-svmplyrlE s xpigpt rviii,r 3 ,,,, 1 ~,i , 9_01,-. T ea. .. womeerfal Career Oriliffidie...:ls , ler, tli• Vomits), AlliMßlll. Natives itun t rug i , n .A . s. 0,. c le , , , g . of this moat totereotl Illo• t Phliedelphla, Pa.. or BstioSnolo , Alst. , ___l___ suit $l. Addreon I , NI% T gl ar t;ul f n LI". ft 1 :id co., cin,i'o. lAMLOND IP, • & RUB FURNACES POWERFUL AND ECONOMIcAL HEATERS, James A. Tammy+. Patentee. FULLER. WARREN it CO., 216 Water titre , t, New Yoe, tgreeder 1 . 7 Diewariburner Improved, Unrivaled & Unequaled. BERES ANT SIZE COII FULLER, WARREN & CO. 236 Wot6r West York D FPAII Tltn Tots I.lFal ON Tlie.l4Vll phopenins 1739 /Er 67. Between three and four o'clock, the sound of artilery fro , n vessel at the time, firing wpm. , g ins .. tike afresh our solemn sorrow - Ito i tr;tsit was rem 'vett -a band of music w odd mournful melody in. lied the soul Into all the teadereens of woe. The procession was homed and moved on ~.sole, In the fell 'wing order n e tt x,,n te:' , lt; '41.7.;i * i,O7i; : ii.recla;iii'dis - p - ei " ;11 .- inlil;,'`, o ° . • CaVRIEV salon to M11e,.,. deraneement. IS TII • A E WAN e 0 e ricriov IN rn UK Id VF:It ' AND NPLEh'NI Uttleia re ly•ed the blood hoc •e•oa Infantry With arms revereed. Guard Import. by deletorlon • secreteine, or dnelot Pc.° ith.u.. „,• . The. General's horse with his saddle, hol xlvu dlselnee. Blotche,, Felon,., tutu re., Canke . ('lto i t , r i Oleo, itc.. Ace. , sters and pistols. di f e A iii r o a n iiii i( p ) r U ith A irit n iy l:R id P e rlP h r ii r s c iii S eria TO l Ar .d A e c i ii/g fo iln4l' il l' h n . i" I 11 '0 I t now ; hit! hi , !reale , ' 1)e• -• ''`• Itr the "'‘li , lashion. Sill, E li.i . Foote E r . ; f . 1 ":' • poverty or the Blood, 0,0,, tool ten. i teet•ii,'.. lb ""w InW.". '' `t•rtilinl V s•imptime Cols. Elnl.°l-. Cols, Moe. and lite tie HAVE YOU It' 4'4 K ff. 6 l76 s iil .747,ra ' 'TgsTINPRI etl Intern 13 , 131 01111. !),,,,'“,,,rnim, nlie emit! -irnin, • . : .9 w Glipin, Yno arellAoe•-- - „ , , tiatinonttleete , V ereM 'n'll h the ltt, ~,„,, „ oti ,ci ev ,,, n ,,,e Ramsay, 4 ~, . Marsteller, WA r's: Top It'I•AK.YESS Op 7'` , R RTR vINE OR li ' lll - n . • . ')•• lure the tency, it en,r o al weak. , 7,1 2 5 UNIYARyoRGANs, ....„ ... 0, .., d,„ ,„,r,,,,,, no I,ye W. le, an t i 0 511.11 tr. .1 I c , v ,vl slid Payne, Little. 1mm0... hitter •v e .r e d / e'e , Mod lite alom• a liir - whii,,_ita‘y a little CL, ) l g ARE lOU DAV..UTE)). .Irolyon. •ioll. olua,-,13 or 1 , • ,e to jol II denre•tred ti apteil,,,,il t hood ,ylio. 1,,,, t•rt•e eo tied While, and then Ole Wlll.l 9..eee for I I • 711ou rut re tongue and bail ta•tlite moot,. ! het in her new Immo. ithe \s 011111 Fay no 4' For a certain remedy for all of tbe, di0,..,.. wool,. ' Masonic Brethren i r nee.• a and tree` Inn; tor el.:toeing and 1 , 1110.1,1 w vitt. (nitre ; the (Wit? d't3'. " 1111 11 ' , hit" , "I r ^" FI", ' tonliVohfeltiliteheelell.vra'tet:Ptile9l:ll(l)wiri:ni:::ivartrbiv.:: 14214pjegfebeLtnite: teed 1,10. d and Inipattlne vlat•r to ot,l the vl .„ torten •-t, •,1 „„ t - I.•rget her r,,, , r0t 11, , we , bite , bn11•1100 up and ryntorit g tho u eak• nod c. in.t . tollon l'oE '• - . " J U RUB_EIiA ~,,,,„,,,„;,,,,.. (hit l)migion 1 , ,5 1 1 , r 'gut suddenly I, 1 ., t. IF ei v , P to me, lint'' sell told me of loft . Polornue. Where the family, march . ..I Etlalt I 'et , •1••1•• 1,.. 1,,,•„1 i, y I'IIittIfIBIIS ;11.0V 11., ' 311)11H dint. ,' WiLe,nitli7lll,,liiiritetdatmt.i.:.l.:lliuneirv.t..res9te,isont•-dalirnitniiiiltleintierehuretdioeyetrihtillei. Which 1.4 pronoun.: el by Ott, lo •dhir !cyclical autharltlnt or iv " " , i t i rerre I 1• i I '.. 11 '. •II ' I. ; London end rarlo '' the innkt powortul t tnlc tud w e n nett , ' I. ' 0 ''• It ' ,'- "„ .d•lif . e. I ~ 1 lel,. I.ooWee It the 1ne..1 col World." Thim in no now end ~,., 1 '''''"'" " 4 9 not min . ""i ''' '-',.'' 'r ' so i LI - -- • • I.le I'g y, the Massn it: ontrted •ll•covery tut On.. 'eon I tar 11-...1 by the t , ,„11 ~, / in ,. ~,,,t 1 „•1 the i i Ile ~vitessier ' xti ss 903 9 . ono the souno . ,„, ... , l I 'll el note in her ' 1 -,,t iteea of the greal ' ". "1 o , •neendi d to tt PhY.lestin, or o hyr ci , untt leo Rah ie , nd 11,1 re.nerdled ere performed. The . ro.nite. ,1 I heard he wot or,- or_i to go to 1 , ..ir0 F , 11. i 1 hi' 1001 . iiim TOT I " l e i ""'"'"Y ~ , , o••rv l iee9 of lilt.. oh PO I A- T 1. irg 1 .4 ICB. e. V AY!) FM , " 18 i lb ; lig il .'" r 3; hd.l Written tt. tile from, :••,• Woo, mid the 1..,,, I old t 'eminiiie r, I 11,11 1.118 `..le•yeels. fel w Wel 1 nth, a v .. RAM. , rne_merl.,,e tin . p r e 11,•,,...). •e1e....n.y ....11 , :e, 0 111 , r X , , V" ' r"P , 41 toed from the woods' End rebel-Ineig...inn. 11,,,,,f,,,, r ~,,t1 dy.pe t oe. vv•'' • - 1 la 9 I ',int he Ware preporing to go to 'fi, . , , $11:1 killtil.) tikt•lt. . ll 0 hilt. 10 fel •,n , the, ~ • , ' 1 . I led this 'manful , lily' 11,010111 "'" N immi In a In . I c tntens lo you I wondered how Ed, li n I, ~, sio ... inf . , . hilly nrouni a . ft . Keep the blond rue and t•al•tt th 11,0 ttel , 1 , r a pri- r , , 1 tscharges by the Infantr .bttiN Q. IiELLO6O, '9 Platt 9 • •'w, ~."' • ( . 0 I, inicatietve 1.• linty eon Id ink tel so nutory l'"Ill't 11 o t•rel ell II i lug •''' ' "" r ~ I oos has go •• , t1•11 t-fi•rr-.1, v . r.os eeeple . olte. on tor ha ',wall n 1 ar, e ti•: „ :"' „, 4 .., • . 1R1.... - ~. , 8 ...... AlO.ll. for d. t,'" " 3 “ .• ' • • ••I ire idle 1) timl ts Mt !, espeeially with 11l r , 'lle cent Ire lit elf I , lie r et. , “ the c av ,o r CIII.I 13 14 - CI • R 01 artillery, wh ..2311r In, Hotel, Sewed leer (.1 rule,. eb I • t. i 9 „vin in one of 'hr il .crolonins noon IT " i Prii-t1 the ~noire of ihr promote, back of ths -- Omtt . v , incy sister n 'lir ii." 9 1,1 0, I, was ~,,r . ,1 bv IP' I• Aevtitoet. ot ..c. - . v. 11 1,. p „1,1 , • last lii ettr to the Command'? But, Charlie, she. was nit COW and 111111 te •, , ' 1 , F.l Mittel- II r ( lie t then. There was not a bl•l•.•,'llter, UV. 11-r ' '' ll ''' , l . estau . btu. i•i. ~, ?, o ,i• i n c i ,i, rot tie!! Armies I , • the United Steel) .1 1) . Clov tun_ Hen. : 1 ..1% aro mei tern n- __,, to the .1, , i torteti [Urn elf in Seaton thin Ftlith, before Don his attil wil itevigiii..l to , our t ." Th ' l m i n, Hr. )-'" l'i'ver left her so titincomintahly." Pearson I, sui t n. ,h,-. devign helm. . 1,1 - 4 Vial think she oved lion i" i , - 0 her novel and 0 ,conal Tili Instelail Atm , ' ! I am sure 91 it." r" granite, w orket, by . princ•Tikv (,„,,,,,„, And lam sure to loved her. Now, I Ile; Irons ‘vtum, I r . . 1, 'in ..11, r o f this city, fill years of mistral nn, you Thoth Fhe IV run .!,,,•,,,,'. ~, !. ~, ..... ~t, obtained. 'ldle vi.,o,_ I 'Clog away itt'BIIII 9 e 111 Y eollSill lhatglns in corn- `•" '" " • !" 't ", "" , , ~ a clopendou4, ii, ,i, riot style of bonnet It celled the " Man i .e„1 . "ei id ii, crne,ii , uns . . 1 1. 1 " because it takes a I rent deal of "man's ille4 blare 'e• e hed with wood. rim ,surd. . MI ware eettattide ' 1 think so ; and 19 she hod Ito home but .;, - it . the , OZ Itl.l weight 'ln hard" , arnbota to pay for one of 'em. lel we comt - iiii, tt c, 1111, since we Were e trried, ill eintr , e she has yeti . Pri.s.lprit Grant's sou Itober enure easily rea t, . La Harvard he.. 1 blac k , We Call ' 'I ltim 0 no piece to go excepting Hill farm." 1i,•,,,t,,,!1,1n.,1,.11,14,,,1011,1;tni.t°6111i'ini(c),,,,,,,,,1ei I , , , , , y ,i, A ,3 . l3 itel l. 9 ll, lne t , i t i t g ei e t i; s i : e 1. , 1 t ia n n n d i ta ,i r a d v I I n n g. P c a i r l i i s id , ' igattle, try to findout her side" tii,. Flory. I ant sore !bete 19 some mystery about it, anti L -- • w hill,e am .., Met we may be ahl , ins I el l'iglel, , el," l et I awl weighs six tons i *,„°. n .asktil a proposing tenant if he had any, teAl tal lit, Oh, Charlie, I would r,tve anything to bare 1 1 , 1 1 , ,, ' , 4 1 " „ ' . 0 ( 1 17 ' it e ` l. llt . ttt 'Orient is 01.1 Itorwiti , . , trli'l 11,;:lel(lOaliftillefarycclielireegpolitedti,me",rYoeotim,saolitn-a E lit', married no Milton% Its We lire Mkery "L ; -.: ,rrviarl.Ml9 and pri•thlees ail et. e i n 141 , 9 Company 1" uhe 110(1 1 I •i • etteily ai r r . ::: n r t itT. w , IT ' sy , ' ,, a ;„ - te Seen ,),, th e norm ,ko.l, s,iut it 51 ,, 'lel , 9 31e1 !Willing about little folks and It hit was not a eery sit i Ifni it, ;dome tist • nil it ‘,1, ' , : 11 ' i 1:,..: , ,,: 5 „t u : ) , - , * [ : ; u B l,l 4 :o l l ;: 2 t i t ii . : - : 1 vr . t:. : 1 ) ,( t .,y 1 ,,, t i a : I s . i i i n :ll, in t, l , l pi ri ,, ) ,,e l o e c.3l , r..r.cl : duien l ,r i c , 1 1 1 ,,, ; : ,hi , : .. ,; 1:: 1, ,,i.,,..,,, ,,,, !: ~, r , 3e . .. nr :,, ,,:l.niue t er; : ne. c. , era li nn o nre r ,tAi r: tgr i h r obe o ,hrea f o.ty t h h t: i peas l i a st n igym d r.e l e o aß r t d t on , :eu t i d : : On. ing Edith fitt lit`g rilher forlorn arhrioure peered. They had been In 1 i rtl'i - the 111091 Perfeet imitation of' ply ltrcd rather headlong into her sulthatt E lith, why are 3mti rel re fling a ll ey ~.. , ; 1 / 1 1119 fteein to hove twen F unt.i..i'y raised, re. , , d sings with great gusto the 1)( 11 alas Fisher P" ?he pale, • venting the inscriptions, teatch are as fOHOWVI 1 plfAe t hep U o n, r ( S i i i p i') r i a :: : : t t fi t n l i ; i Lillow big re , sister a moment inn ' u g h Y au .'"jfie fair -4110 drat b-ing on thr north ilde : 3 ()egg In from the ancient Scriptures d o a a r n m b e o d d a w m i et with his subject .I.e love and pite * I fIA.DIMUS:4 FEY ENS : w ii , 1 , tiy .1 srrileifidn.tn Bring :(1(1, tti ' llivr l i l ,. i ti t i, t g i n xi ni 1 ri,tabi.,i,ri.tu.aimlrini,in,rady th er e r . O l m c a we n anst n o: hut reading truly t face:, otts, ‘,.. 'er !.'ll P'" El ' o t t Y m g re r t l ,;, l3l : l-" ` n r :tie." ' . Horn at Danville, Caledonia county. veru rit A prll 4th. 1702 : - P h i doanb.anwe i , , I ',' " , , h. „ / ?' , ' ,ll er Nisin, , mt t lintr”..--, rm „ ...i..a...)31.0 , 1.,/c..apia.4 . .) "" ' thnie.stscumencjno." " ,' ; `,, s ', s " . . 1 .5i, en tim see he will be here On the smith side Wc f1...1 Ily. followt, crilirw. ( ris.lCllll , l mime word., %IF Stevens himself for the pntpose nowril d ill the h - sae w n has arriv e d - at the ego know him so false ni Milt .been. 1,(.1 me 0 ~,,i i 1 . ,1 fly v.nr",, t f ar t e yir ,,l.;:t o i t y ‘" ? . n ~,r i! ti a l i l i t n l i n, il l e r e , 0. • 31 , 1 , d nut Rat l , i r • 11,r tiny,it In and ~ ~ •.. . . . , .. dear. lam a WOMIII lie e', 133.1 1•IIICIe e lelllll 9, t • • . I whe tlßS felt tide truth I repos , . l ii thin (plod and secluded comet tread me (11W il .3 1., di(i. %Owl! to•••• 3" CD 'ant (Nikes In Illinoi s err, tame eno ug h to were children." ! . I spot. ~.. ' " rum tiny not tient tire lii•it.nee ~ - siilitit.te ; tea i* pit, E .ith, it, 'w line he been falso , 4 1 , ,. O oth Cern° , ries At oltlltard-when properly cooked. "Tau know, darling, how hart' .... u , . An-inn, , LI t,'l'l CI) A: 'I 0 RACE WOO ; how any cliMize see oeit ide s ' , . ' -bl ar e win „iv Ly ( orr.l, ui.t..s , ale tier k tot wthyordaut p.m): man) who had I have chosen this' ,het . ight illustrati. his smiles Okof ily ems than a so me o f 1t111..1. I never wint 1,1 the " Marto . him at In my death it, prit. lee .which spell nod defitto p ,Mini, when naked to am not meet me and urge me A i 1 dia pia cave Ind 001 - 1111. el Illrr . 011 RlO ' life- ill tie clai, by reply et ( "Nate() R sensation you know Intl Domdan Ir i i . , ii that, lie did once. I loved hill. sl ' l l'Af hi, fiteor to Mean , EQUA LI FY 01.” MA; ' ile:FO, Itif is cl?Fi . ,, "Pit' 0-11 e, to wander. k my li, art tin:toad-I- ( !iii dot for son, little ! ' A I Olt ! A roan recently knocket is ha the home wc_wly o.n 11l gor,Fted. Still, I This hove iv F. 1.1.1 1.1111.1 I w ❑richly- He was ow auctioneer. "" l id/leo! and I, , r 17) II ida n 1,, r moulded ;Joni,' cat, weir. It, fi i ,,, 4, f i,,, Musical Intulligence,-, e hide strneinre r . oi-olui • : n mot , It'tt • Intl, cali.ilit hi . , r.kin into a sit 1 I olio tlitm eight Om ingm : I i. i in i ,,,,, go' Ihr 'Ti, h It, Ire' too I , litre, not lowering in it 11111, or ; ' lit. It is Mrs en .1• up and hit hits 1 lrr• ell 111 il9 In ttoovene The et We •,:1• ~t \ sr:lst:tit' friend aim tl Is:tilfeii An...r0...., inlii s norm hen .r ilhis derstaed why tld w, tither tug, d than in .11n ens.. eill Kt iell 'he wire- I ''' 'o°°4 that the wind is dr men handled these Mt elf.ll9s crienjle blocks, strong rain• and n 1.111,4 v. 1.11. the. V:tottira that lookt•il In Warning In LOVer.l.-E1 "render Wlllll. the IVO' It was progre-Siec. It In having kissed Angelina IS I:men AMI this monument, which we have the corn, She says, was "al '•ittison l ~, helm% eis ',Mike any other in thin Gem rapt, !cal Con. --If it eon ittry,r , iltans credhahly upon all concerned, how oft mirth earl it come t t cutors ; it is a credit to each impetrate indl, how well thievea must get li is a creditto Ilit . ,se who or ii-re 4 it-the e y. if Heaven helps those WI clonal who assisted in Its construction ;it is Somebody's unexpmtee' eminently a credit to Mr. P. argon E. Gruger, the miler day was explaini to whose gen inn of 0 sign it owes its ex tetenea, ling of "the simpieattstilu e o i o t aB a ß t ..9 o of t sr v. i;e• element a on its rare aim novel form : and It is a credit natu - edly, "Not nolte.tht to the city and county of Lancaster -whose n e o v lut a l n hmratllul artisans, alone and unionsisted by any foreign er skill, reared iis flue proportions. An arintocralic tailor leer • a snit of clothes tr. com;st I that iv Ill' wind itty,ut the bi ankle. and he fastened will A Missourian who snob; a tirl was One by a magistra toy her brother, and bunted by ti's wife. Ibe clergyror the affair in a sermon, the I sidt a with the clergyman 1 ea e in print, and the tilet, blade of the malefactor's WI Hard to Swallow.-The pi a story about a wonderful I leered, In case of a woman ' years IVO !:'r•' auff•tiu4 agni discoverable o Im.nt. A lot her in hand and cured her, 1, illness proved to be a large cal we can't swallow the create woman did, fur we nevertit Pillar living for twelve year( was not the caterpillar she so an inability to digest her gtul. Now, Winter freezes, Which no one pleases; We coughs and wheezes, And sniffs and sneezes, And cries what horrrid seasons thela is OPENI NEW BOOT & SHOE E, No. 706 HAMILTON STREET, CO7) deporg r 01110( Krnmer's Corner Storß ALLENTOWN, PA actfully Inform - 0 , 3 thr ihehnad."l"ed they_are °mod at the above p ac stock of BOOTS & SHOES RITTER & HUBE ALPO' AND erna r d B o elt e M . tAnr:•Eu TO I V- .;1 Promrt Palk JOB. 1 "A• 'vrTna. C . rants HUBER eon 7-a e ii.w PECIA! , ri El= IStinta Claus's 1-I,‘,..tiquart( premntatlons be.o mid.. to, THE HOLIDAYS AT • WA LTER C. 8 S 1 IT I'S, Nt„. 733 EIANULTO'S TREET, ri• NO `6l: AFTER LONtti YEARS. \. tie hollow post by the recent Wawa. A 'DIE BURIAL OP WAiRINGTON. strange suff. , ealing finding held her last for II ItY ANNA atHaLna. t, moment, then stooped, reached (at . ' and se. From the [Hetes bounty Omits. Jarman 4.19 M . •` •.,. • cored'llte letter. It was not a dainty tnissiv. . I such as she sent to Newport,. for It was not OROROILTOWN, Dec. 20, 1799. ,45•11. itt-t iii : R m o i s i t s a p tr . b no ti l i f i n i t : , , ,, t n . s tl , : s e i l. r V r . l i t r a l t d i f ti: " I easy for her to flatl . ocented paper and Untie' Oa . Wednesday last, the mortal part of I envelope(' at ° Hill term. 11. Ulla a. sheet of Wasnts.crron, the Great—the Father of his atioa , topkiztult. 111.'1" contretem ps. . 8h " " ' l \ I (Nara(' h 1 tcr Paper. folded, sealed and stamp. , ennntry, and the Friend of man was consigned t o . , e r, tvl o u la fi t t.; ,i t i t llin e i v o r:u no . ni, 93 n"V''l it 1103 3. iii. with a thimhladop, direeled In a rund, girl to the tomb, with solemn honors acd funeral C a ld„.,,finim of a fit 01 mtn ' Ish baw l to D , •tiglas Fisher; the lent:retie Inv- onnip. alepered husband, put down nw.3 , % 11 Y ev'n 4 vritten lOurntolitt I tote snit place for an elope A. multitude of persons assembled. from th gaze at her In otter urti,zement. -'4. ..trl ler 'pent—the later he had never seen, that it , many miles around, at Mount Vernon, the What Is the matter?" ''''•-. ' ter It utrt and agitation elle must have slippeo eholce ateele and last restdence of the illuatri •• " Edith. She won't go to Newport with u4 ' , il kpoigh ten ot tilt. wide creeks down Into the •ma chief. There were the groves—the spa. . snd declares her intention of golng down to - ; • •aw .. post. - cionsavenuesdhetwantlfaland sublime scenes, the Ilill farm for the summer.' N .,, n thirmcl It cerefnily, her heart pityine he noble mansion—but alasthe august label, "The LIM farm I tt Iv, I thotieht—" whole h ut I n d- l almple girl who opened het (toot te , s new no mere. The great soul was "Of course you did," broke in hi" impulsive words were sn dillAtt. her lover. The very gone. Ills mortal body was there Indeed ; but little wife ; " you thnuaht see and I loot so'. tier now, No poit,t„.( • wit those she woul'i ah I how affecting I how awful the spectacle fered suMeent tyranny at the Hill farm te Ur, ril.te erttil. , tl of Cif. teal ' 01 address. 4 each worth and gyeatness, thus, to mortal m . l r n o th w e n l l n it n e g d andin el l 1 s portlcn, whereon the ate I .0' very name, much less the sight of it. a trunk, gdrheh roppourbly, 1,1 - Pion, but eyes. fallen I yes I fallen ! fallen I do." sent ie leitve tier hard, hitter life, 0niri,..c.211 ; the Ettlitly future her lover promised in .... ." And Edith wants to g• back again ?" glory now lay the "Not to stity.rharlie ; . ply fora few weeks. Elliiii was chid. Implosive end 9 stely in tl:r it,rptled corpse. The c3untentinee, 'Uncoils nitrite" -and in re Mri , ! l . , t drew ulcer her pre . , ,las telt, - n she shared her sister's linpm of itor,lo serene,seetned to depress the dignity 1 ~ t rice a miss 01 aahaan 0' Cry ill i•Vrrlll+l , 4l home. il tyre it rorr event to see her show form ; t h;4l.dyhich lately dwelt n that lifeless `I believe in my hes rt It In bemuse 11011 g. pun...i.li Ii ii ,•oy, and Charlie had won to toe henefileltir rihn paid the Nat sad honors T Is Camille: home." tiered tnori then 0, e. n.. h is c... Evlrilf.t. , pressive—a fereweilVlEF9untry, tuck an ini 'Do you ? I never could uuderitand AVily Ilan lit il 'r t...• , :temito. ~. only. On the ornament at the i. II: ant away So suddenly." Bit es ale r:. 1 0. , ,r e so•eret of her love, ', wits (ascribed So OR AD 3 utifd the coffin n you think It true f.;'IilIl ?" ippirEEl. tbkli!ut..,.. 11,1, 'curd of hot owl. the trill - Idle of the cone, Giant DitiS. -- A.tbout 'II tell you all I know &tout it," sa4l 3 (mug Lea:l:toe tears Cl.e•t upon the yet. the silver pinto .4 on ; ?ill ' , p..retting herself upon her bustm.l , f l r vir n ' t. Bs,l l l ' n i . o .d. r i ‘ i ‘ e •n ' s t' en:' • l i H ,: ',l e h' to °', ... - . . 1' 1 1 ' 1 ( . 7 r, "ilit"e'rt': GENERAL kn o B..fore you came to Hill farm, Donte,• 11 '11 I been at St•aton for n stimmer." %eau no , • ,,,e it hear It r, •il,l • - 11 knelt (Inn o G E WIG E W ASHINGTON 'I now that. lie sent no , 11,,,re." I , y the file !lilt , p , q , . ,1.,' 7:01 r,.- her own I'l met Edith tit sone• v11 1 •i: , .... t.l • "lt' ''ll , ' , los youth no , to ou , ~ h o t •s. Hilt 1,5113 .. .. as pleased ‘" , 'll her. Y'i : =,• o . ~,•; -I,' Lee. lioLt • et, . t ••,, , et, lett. Itl),‘ Wits DOI Very easy to ennel ,10 Y 111, ` ,' Y ' O, h , r hltatl, v , i, n, in t y a t •,• p turn alc . llll ftriti. •l !tom the null - Ito do• • -,,.. Int 1 , •,,•I::, to 'lt, 111,1 say not"sni t fllaille,wi'll ay ey , tin hint In 11 , 0' In a II in 0 t ..'l' 1 h , • at fitrE !Ili net. She Vint! h.er Pert, nitil 'need a " :t .Tames 'wonted to vonslder , l • l! l t ,I ti y ~ , ('cavi t y "--, tied ;, who pan ed for n to Elit, nil 11,0, alter poor mann,'" , 11 , 1. I , 11 ,,,, net.', 1, 01t ,1 tare, ,ialv 1 , 11,, her Fare— ItePP'hi 61 nt work, and e, mainly to a dow . only 'or n moon tri 1,1: I then he opened his n 9 1111., IsitlirS." irillS. !", Many times did he eel the do_ , , oi . .. E p i t, !•, he „ . „ (1, in beep tender toneß, `• lout. it :%.,‘:::•,:. ‘ I ' r:.:::: ,1 2. ' , • , 1 : 4 1 ;;; :l t t i t:1 1 . 1 . r t a l l ' d his I , hir, dull e sl• t aint 1 i n t s h she' o\y Si,' !MI hen, I it. ' " Mn l t e told "I' ' 1 11," lie said, ' t ote'. I came 'n it!, tme , •• Oh, E tili, It steins ton much !"'Pula, ss now to 1191 put it'll stogie, still tilt' iil'il !" Charlie and Mattie were fully prep•tred for the tomtit ht Li.- Irtimr6 I() INewp,l - 4 il( , (.1 the I dull Um'. ...d1ue....1 a ii,iiii,iimi II! ,leer rrien6 ti, '•: inn , qi Sk grlind W I: 1,111:, I.'sr SM.-recline the prvv...tis Ciuurignine.............-...4.. ..... .......011. w..,,, Wei,. 111111eil ki•i , r : 0111' p•llrq. ! FOR ted that for a to st office. pp hack a "tile. and I..ete where the lettrt.r could or wind. or, what wp.s 'nit eyes. Just nt the my pr ni se to he h is is informed of our meet us friend, and kept s that It was imposithle linage at .all. The old only medium of nom nio. I urged me still it.ore to tome his wile. Ile w rot, ust soon leave Season. hill) a slip °film time Ithi MVP' him. gml the told ItqlVe Seaton alt.-r Dsrlioe,'.. 6e WrotV, no. ring aunt Matt ie shall come to us as soon as you will. Toll the where to meet you, and I will nave a clergyman ready to make you my 't pre. Trust your life to me, Edith, and you shull never regret it.' Muttie, I wrote him letter, appointing a time and place of mee!ing. T went there. Ile did not come. Three days. I weld ohnost hourly to the gate post for some word of explanation. None came ; and when I next heard from Beaton, Dour:las Fisher hAd gone away." " Without wrilinc7'' " Without one word. Ho had written In the letter I had told you of it was his last np pea), I hay.e urged you so often,'. be wrote, ghat If you do not r, ply favorahly to this.. I shall know it is coquetry, not 'love, that makes 3m smile on me.' dell.lfw "Coquetry !" said liattle disdainfully. " its if you ever knew the meaning of the . Wore ld , a p ' n 'P or b t a iu b , ly tr h y e g r i e r ce w n o te u 3ntaotttige,raacnid. I t t h i s o u c g i t h y t home. at whatev.'r his motive, he left me,. ant! r-ennte.. 1 shrink from meeting him." Certainly you do. I will not urge you to y now, dear; hut after we return fr..m New ' art, where I suppose Charlie will have nutrias for his guest, you will come home agay '6 " • e will see, Matti°. Let me go now." ' am afraid you will find Hillfarm just as h. ,rrid as ever." !est as horrid as ever Edith concluded It Lfter a we. k's sojourn at the dismal (drill .c 4i. 8 " cahed home during her girlhood. fler nee id not domineer quite so much over the dleh pad, stately Ihdy who came; at. ter five years or city life, to replace the on ormed girl who had left him, but lie was mo rse and ill tempered as ever, and the dreary oust had no added cher.a. Edith , found ere, servants to do ine ch urning, baking and ueework she had•sbar.4 with Mettle, and bled about the place, wondering a little ..any weeks of it would suffice to fit her italic asylum. ..- ' • . . • . •of these rambles, two weeks alter her e cattle upina group of mien who tring the tumble down fences and •ii snout the pace. They were at • the•old gate post •she bad turued .t office, and she stool •listlessly them as they loosened the earth to lift the rotten woodwork froni The loose top was gone, and there . cracks in the w ioden slab under if, e loveleAters of Ayr' years ago had ling for eager i1h11.115 and eyes. • telt her heart heating las', her eyes' with tears, as blow after blow fell upon 'ow post, cracking, bending h, till it , . the ground, just as the nuomilay hell ..d the men to dinner W lien the curious eyes that might have seen . r were n doors, contemplating meat and .egetabl. a, Edith went close to the old ism, ad looked into the hob; where it hail 'goon Or so many years. le the damp drink cart, he saw a folded paper, evidently shaken from (In its Charley and I Ohl min ,, !tf is nn•t I' , t mar CI( , James nig!, 114 tenth We didn't. Ymi know flint had the loose l'ilE IDE . L OF CilitlS*oB PIERSON A lhert lihodet, :n A ppleton 'a Journal says : Ihe Christ of painters is blue eyed and golden-haired, and such a one never save in tlwir imuetna , ioes. A blonde in th• iace of Syrian Jaws is unknown, lie was &run (since w. have no word mi , ur language widen describes'a man with rho k hair and eyes. and olive complexion) of that race. I here ar, pious people who have T. course to a miracle to inhke him it tilyntle. with a Men it .s useless to argue. Generally the stoutest defenders , d 1118 divinity b. lleve that ht taking "n mailed Iran's nature he Full. cted himself to the 1 MN which gilt ora it, and that he thus inherited the empacteritvies of the race from• which he sprung. L overdo, Guido, Raphael and other toasters created their Christ regardb as of his , pineal r quirementa, and invested him with an ideal character which lie never possessed, according' to their Ideas of the beautiful in art. This model, once imposed, has since been per petuated by all the painters, because they think blue eyes more spiritual than dark, and golden hair more godlike than black. They had an Idea, too, that the Jewish type of face was ignoble, which may have had some foundation from the degradation to which the race was forced for so many centuries by per. securing Christians. and they thus bad their prejudices a,taiost•investrng the zmvitiur with inn trails of a p. opte whom they disposed. But the Jew of Syria, in the days of Jesus, was, before his persecution and consequent de. basemen, Perhaps the equal of the man of any other race, in point of natural advanisece. There are-Syriutt Jews now, in Isolated habi tattoos In Pipeattue, who are remarkable for Vteir handsome traits, Nast's comical idea of representing Gratz Brown always as a tag tied to Door Oree 's coamail,'aequires new force from the netiuu of sever lot the Democru tic electoral colleges. If Dir. Greeley had been electig) and had died in of lee, Gratz Brown would - Mayo been the Constitutional Prasideut. Not having been elected. and hating flied, it would have been the prtipar th , ng for tio• Greeley efrotora in have cast their votes fot Brown. But in Mary I.nd and Te.tinem...._ they - ited tor Hendrickii, and in Georgia only 511 C fed for Brown, while•three voted fi.:" Owl. , and two for t harks Jenkins, of o , •orgla. We have not twitted tit . the action ui the elech alit, he other Greeley States ; hot peobal fiat Gratz Brown has tared no better if,th t than he has in the three States named the ein Monett movement I.) a in re pitiable Conclusion than even th .1 of the o. feat, of the candidates and the de:ow of Gri cloy. The survivor on the ticket la . repudiated by the very men who were wedged to his support.- The other LI eral Republicans ,w uae nomina• lion for the Presidency was urged at einchina ti—men litre Trumbull and Governer Palmer —are also treated with score by the leo blors. But Chair, Brown's fate lathe .woret, and he 1,11 to letuiiiit the fuel that be him euffered n vain itbir hailed crow, buttered waterloo'. on and aofta holl crabs..—Blo/4103,- I ' B. GRATZ BROWN GLEANINGS AND GOSSIP A Chinese Romance. How nn Bello Took n Cap or Cold Poison. A young Cbinawoman, generally pronouns , ed the belle of Chinatown, committed suicide last Monday by taking opium. The dream stances deserve to he embalmed by the Chinete story teller. The young woman was lately brought to Weaverw ill by an old rascal, who I is said to make the traffic in Chinese females his sole occupatiou,and Bedsit profitable. She met with a dashing honest Chinese miner, by whom her tender affections were led captive, l and who reciprocated her tenderness. It was necessary to their happiness that libelist() of ~u r tale should redeem his fair one Wit the clutches of our ogre who claimed her as his Property. Be toiled i mid hoarded , until by hard labor and economy he saved MO toward her ransom. But this was not half enough. She was a fancy piece of property, and was held at the fancy price of $BOO. To get this sum by hard knocks woulclrequire long years of toll, pertuipsa lifetime. She might be sent away • might he compelled to marry another, and if not, to wait till he could earn the money was insupportable. The future of the liming not unfortunate pair was of inky blackness. But one feeble ray of hope was perceptible through the sturounding darkness. In the the labyrinths of Chinatown there dwelt a ter: ribledieast, whose conquest would result In glory and wealth to the euccesaful antagonist. Animated, doubtliss, by the maxima that "Fortune favors the brave." and "None but., the brave deserve the fair," list Sunday night: our hero attacked the tiger la Ws den. resOlv.; ed to conquer, if possible. The rest is blirt told. Be Pat all but his bouokand 4 . cinna drowned berwoe In a cup or T I M . on. She was buried by her . 4 = = el das display, and all her wearing ' perli $201) In flags. was burned at •)09,i0110444, Trinfig Wed.),lfturnal. , /. %. , . • ItOBERVIREDEIRO Plain anb ifaitcv Job t No. 11118 HAMILTON STIIEHT Azzairotro;PA • SLIOANTPIIINTINO ' • NEW VISIONS LATEST STELNS Slam Cheeks. Cards. eirenlars. Paper Books,fionati- Ziel l igs? Letter heads' Bills of Bills. Tags and Shipping Cards,. Posters (trio! Mrs, ate., etc., Printed at Short Nonce. I„titpto fittendinirt MOCIOR out reports, Gong object lessons, /Ones drill+ of all sorts; /deeding dissertation Peeling like a fool— • Ott, the untold blessings ' Of keeping public sehoal The English Unlver.iltien—lnventittation or Their Pecuniary tlinirm-Phorilliii; Itevel,,tiona Anticipated. Moncure D. Conway writes from London to the Chu :int:Ml Commercial, as follows; It will be remembered that some time ago Mr. Gladstone's Government, I , ,•ry much to the disgust of the old and corwortable pro. femora, appointed a Commission to ' , sande° into the amount of the revenues of the great universities, and what was being done with those revenues. It was feared by the piddle that the commission, would hardly dare to make their inveatigation thorough. however, I am able from authentic trivnte inf irritation to state that the Commission is going to the dory bott in] of things, and they have already reached r:l4tilts which will make the court. try rot only amazed but Indignant. It will be shown that some millions of pounds have been aceumolated mom throe old ender wmer to, •ind that they are doing nothing whatever for enlightenment of this mentally tarnished ' opulath n. Ti.c o'd university fonds amount moue him of guano standing' in the centre of starren field. Some intimation , ' of thecoming rtelatioo,as yet only whispered. have led in a Pliate meeting of the meat t To 01.1 t scholars an men of science, who have re;reed to make thisent demand that a substantial portion of used money shall be devoted to the e ofid more scholars and men engaged in special reseattes. They maintain twit It should be . all ass and some of it should go to teach our tettehe , %There are many Instil ner solthe cont. plete cr lien of researches through lack of means; the demand which will be made for an aPPre lion to preven t this will be backed by the m eminent men in England. That the friend female education have arranged to press a Illar demand is well known. The prosy c therefore, is that tills country will soon fi itself In possession of a surplus educational d from the unused endowments of Oxford, mbridge, and those ancient schoolis:wherike big boys hold the little ones In a slavery t would grieve the heart of Zanzibar, wliii will hi. sufficient, If wisely distributed • torit a good education within reach of every Inman being in England. Whether in thacase we shall have young mediums, as is .st now the case in London, raising the vie -at, ghosts or red Indians to enlighten us, or fashionablo andiences ap plaudit:lg e loquenitle.:;sign us for their taith In goblin phantoms besetting cataleptic DUDS may be doubted. _ membe . r of the firm visited the workmen in the latter part of the week and informed them that lie should, on the following Tuesday, divide among them that amount of the profits of the business. On Saturday the fire broke out within a short dis tance of their store, and before daylight that store and thousands of dollars in goods were consumed. Now the Lima came for the work men to manifest their spirit, and show tits fruit of the seed their employers had been sowing. Noble and grand was the 'record they made. Promptly, and without the knowledge of the firm, they held a meeting at whictrthey adopted these resolutions : "To rezuest their employers nut to divide among them the six thousand dollars. "To loan or place at their disposal the sum sum of about seven thousand dollars they bad in bank. "To allow them,lf It was necessary, to raise money be mortgaging their own honses for the benefit of the firm. " These generous propositions and the . pro ceedings of the meeting were signed by one hundred and eight eiorkingmen and placed In the hands of.thetremployers. These em. plovers, although they, had lost thousands, yet needed not the pecuniary aid and didnet avail theniselves of the generous offer ; but they gladly received the proffered t‘ stinionlal of the simpathy, confidence sod hearty odd will of these men, with most of sebum alley had sustained , business relations foi many years. Last week their portions of the year's profits amounting to .six thousand donate, which they so generously voted to , telinquilth to their employers, was divided among. them. This business firm has been trying for three years a very important experiment. That the results has been sat sfactory to the workmen, is proved by their generous action, The ein ployenkkbink they hove reaped an ample re ward feEthe profile they have , divided In the • 'increased' Interest the workmen Maolfeeted the amebae of the truelnqes and in the t good[ tbey, Mute shown:lN:Me 4i.. of *slaw atistortipal 4 9 ,theArm.--Hinpi Wawa. . . . " &Mei Wirllti thall the inentiet r oftifi thigh Is shown:we which coosinecceo co Tecehly over the eetate.of Horace 9reeley," "ye t TEACHING PUBLIC NUHOOL. Eighty little urchins Coming through the door, Pushing, crowding, makin A tremendous roar. Why don't you kdefi quiet '1 Can't you mind the rule ? Bless me I this Is pleasant, Beeping public! school. Eighty little pilgrims • On the road to fame i If they fall to reaoh It, Who will be to blame'? ' High and lowly stations, Birds of emery feather, On a contemn level Bore are brought together. Dirty little faces, Loving little hearts Eyes brimful of mischief, Skilled in all the arts. That's a precious darling Whet are you about ? " May I pass the water 1" ' " Plow may I go out 1" Boots, and shoes are shuffling, Slates and books aro rattling, And In the corner yard Two pugilists aro battling ! Others cutting didoes, . What a botheration No wonder we grow crusty • From such &Widmann. Anxious pareint'detips in; ,Merely to Inquire D e iik : olive branches B a y s b e ptimt higher ? To mind thelill,cjilidren And hopes their brilinnil f' • e •lent Will not be ebu.cd. Spelling, reading, writing . , Putting up the young o , re, • Fanning, scolding, Seining, Spurring on the dumb ones, Gymnastic, vocal music flow the heart rejoices When the sling, r mines To cultivate the voices. A fOMINU SENSATION.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers