The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, December 11, 1872, Image 4

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_continued until aIF arearage:4 'aro
tftho option of tho pnbllahOm.
re who do not reeelva their paper
(infer a great favor upon us by
this office.
Our s
sending w
• 'heir obi ad,
about repotilint will pleame timid us
ess rui well us the ni.w.
SityttnAL iters , ms in Alien.nwn went (ill)
thousand dollsrs' worth of Mann nds.
FANCY BILL fivyri h&s lOWA )ti spiritualist
because thoy nwer have th Ir •• h ate" cut.
Tug water het ceased , o fin% inr the win .er
at the fountain In front at the Court
ROBERT M. Bo atm. late ill el of Pollee in
Easton, has been iipolnte.l Mall ".note Agent oa
the Lehigh Valley itillroad.
Ws learn that Mr Edwin Booth wilt bi
the first party to boll an cuter ailment .o till
now Opera Howse In I . T. ton.
OF all the borne n Blatington 31r. L: C
Bralth , s le the only anted thrtt, eneaped lhu ep
zootle. Mr. Smith In
FATIIF.It ISlcKtues Ce4oln, unwell in eat , .
vatiqua Is being no. ly 'fr4enea nano Its
appratos andergolng rt. ,Its.
Heins Puy of SCIIIIC
steer weliziOna 2,514. It al
.get on New Year's Dap a
-NEW iron lurnatto J., 1
pear nollertown, not, hr weir
Company, but by a new carp
*madly infornu..l. .
PARTIN , . 111 WIWI of stairs, r
requested to call et the Fourth \V
and examine the style and qua
.done thera by J. Boyd Henri.
So COLD,IB It further North t
ware river le full of slush already.
circumstance co early In the year
the winter la unusually forward.
DRIII[CATION.—Tho congregat!on orship
Ing In What Is known as the Big 111* Town
Gbut~ch,T ill re..dedtcate their chat*.edillc
M the Ong sqd second Qhrlitrons
_ .
ItOPElt;' 2 SALKS 11.11.INIRTED ItY A 3iiii-
MtinTF—Dovlil Kranuerer sold El tfr( t.,ry
a Ejenee and lot at Groat 0 err Unloa t -0,
1 o ofc, t . 0 David 11%. Kline foe• $2BOO.
Mat , llEltll4 teleuriphed from . .$t
et werk uskluu If the Cohttrthla nor
fur tn.r . kot. The bye rep led that th
t nutting under $BOO would buy them.
ow• otimtactl, altitinwlt of course nt
h:11 the canto of the late Jentle
111 .tim a t 10 II &UM 1/, tV CCU MO 110
• deed Itousw,d do;tnr-. We uoderstatoi ,
111 boi not yet been i,pel ed.
to iinplice that lasi summer lht
6ul.rn id C mnpa iy ollowitt tto
find light bi.oloi C, its Carr. Wi
.erably nurlug the summer on tto
, but aft,/ nothing of the klud ot-
e • SCC
• ,4,l;eiris
Annual Festival t f the Lyon
School will take plate on the cc, -
brlstinas, Wednesday, Ili ember
.11ey school Lithe. Appropriate
will be conducted by the teachers.
SETTiatt).—Mrs. I hilda Ann
• Ilavrn. Iwr 11/11C111. VII /Ile
Oh iiza d for dam
n.•hr death of hiq: hi rband,
aceldent at 'lt iekhot wint...r,
tiocirlinz her 000.
to .8
It V.
ron stallion..'brien ging to the
'le Edward S. brill er g and ael
eut the county to h Lyn been
un France, have been appraised
of the estate at :0500 for the
lot strike us as being a very big
6 of th
0 Sitturdtty the 3001 tilt.,
llcet%tr3'Std his form near C.Ra rau
.tau of thla Fit). Mr. Ran
res at 1 . :37, per acre, MI. flower re
citing timer, the out im lid loge, and
round. The stone qu irry will 1w
ly next.
Mr. Francis flelong, of Rock•
one of tbe newly elected directere
Furnace Company, In - wall:
diecovered a rich bed near William
ore-mine, In Maxamway townehlp.
been teuted, and lotted to be of the
—Times d 7 Mipatch.
rintor of the .I.trfl. burs Po.trlot, ❑rrn
i correspondencu c ,ao,;eterl . with 'hie
votabOshmtit. We KR! to•suy.
L. Acker, proprlntor of the N
le member from this i
o uoyttilna of Om It oat.
Cutfrar's greatest need, Bay her pa
•auttlaeturleg establiAimen:. A nigger
st,vs the kiette, n ern•vded house,
Dougherty talks to a " fey of our first
Every mat, to his liking, and to ed
likings of the Mauch Chualters to a
ne, presents u flue field of labor for the
llnetsioN.74.lusbands, jealous of
. will he interested—and wives, too, f , r
r—ln knowing that the acting Post -
.eral has decided that letters can only
d to the person to whom they are ad
the case before the department, a bas
aided letters written to his wife, but
I. them.
ill' UTCIIEII.- 11 lilIC Invilli. tbv
. butcherottenipt,o o kill a hog. Ile
ulroal seven throw w .ti a rl le, aud ten.
It. Ho struck It with ao;::::5:'11/
wouldn't kill it. „1 . .;;,.",1, - ,.._,,.;',: "
•nld of IL Or.t.".ii w•,,,,--e..,,
1,....5,g;_,!-!....."..;-,--.02,,tt, ""'"
...--...-,-_,.--::"...'_...,-,,w;;;;••Ith the
~,.,....:1:1',..,-...g";;Sli's'a Welt' roml
pre'OE' ' . ..T . ":%:''' ''' .. ', ad from F tin-,
V.;votild WO'.
la anti Toptou are on
;allroad.. Thu rumor
..; ,i , , r, Ai. hy would build
..., not confirmed
- ..t.b. ••uir , I -
otn W mid —Pt Mrs: GOLDIN'S, No. 008
In niltutt kr. et. Allentown.
Net' Poor I'FFICIL —Plana novo been drawn
r ,, „ new pnet.eites buirdloo• L to be erected or
the south-ea.t corner or Centre Sgeare and Seventh
,treat, by Mr. Sclunoyer. It will be handsome,
court odious. convenient and en honor to the
I . t accurate entr-o.en vrIII be provided for
t'... I from SeeentliEto,t aid the gentlemen's
en'mnco nil be on (!ten ! &inure. It will be
comp vttil curly In the connee summer.
W it is:: the matter la drilidirly—
arranged we
wol ',lye our readers tlOspelail e of a concert to
PlAliei‘ter of Eaeton,
be held In thin city by
Prof. Niollerns and CIIIIIICIA:'NIeizna from New
York end Pulladelphis. Thr ~.. ,
' , roamers' are to
1.. aot mere players, but artist , in %
la true sense
of the word, In their profession:, e,,l Our pub
lic appreciates the beet music, IRA meal ~ ,,,d 1„,..
strumental, a successful leave canbtpredietee k ,..
the . nterprlso. ._ .
L. move travelling under' lit name of
" Bla,k Hawk Company," conalatintibt tie
enut chimney eweepl.; who.e baggakesa ^Atially
halt, exhibited at the HeidelbergFitttl ,n th e
avitaine of Nov. 30th. The shoirme Jo. slept
he bight before In the tilatington stud* twin,
...d had evidently tint washed thempeitc. or
e.,anged their chabea !Once the advent. e told
her. They played a,
half on.
b and 11.411 r, g tal left at? odor the boutti'at
wit. proti,itity 1119 t for roontik:
De Imp tt you!
be shot for at t
the hoops of tt
by tile 9 taco.
flan, If we an
. . _.
I nE Carbon Advocate sta\cs what we hrce
muy be in p; t at istaken,when Wee there Is pee
cot danger th t the Carbon Iron 'ompany's fin
naces at Parryvilie will have to binw out beeatut
their own mines refuse, without Owes, to pleb .
eufacient ore to keep their stacks In brat. Tho
Allentown Rolling MIII Com,any eve been
sending two car loads of ore per day to taorryvilin
for some time paet,and this regular in)i t alment
has kep them going. Thu retirement of he epi
zootic will probably mend this dlfllealtAelore
anything so serious as blowing out happens,,,,
age, etc., are
+chap] house,
, 'or the trork
the, Dela
•,•pt when
LIIn,: at the new adveitisement of Lernalstre
& Re s, calling attention tot' line of goods pur
chased with reference to Christmas sales. Their
•melt made up of such goods as .a re useful, yet
ornamental, and done up with special reference to
the sesf.on, cannot fall to please. Gents, ladles,
utbtes d boys I nen halidkerChiefs of all kinds.
obeli embroidered sets, Lice Bets, lace sleeves, all
Ana?, of embroidered fancies for baby wear, lac.
Atari, bval..lee many other nice th Inge suited [xi
a 1..0 wane. You can't go Wrong In calling
1.. I hem.
DRAWING NIGURIL—OId Claristroas, with
thmootud pleaeant us.welations, will floors be
tb et. Sad flees will begin to brighten at the
,a;.ect of meetlnz dear ftiende, or a reunion
vILII loved olive. Let each confer all the happl-
•ture — will-..uudoubledly :be
with seekers e ter - th. ruti
d the beautiful. Ms estab
.f the most latereklia places
and crowds of people ay..
at...statement ationlei by to,
,ing to Mr. Ge.wge
died lto.t week or z
loud ut 5115 TI. V rid us
ox that M r Anuk• rs'+
colic cl.O, l.kdly, mit on• tom
hn uolmal OM. diet lust w
niun trone3 3 hi
~ ected with u gravel 1m0...,
tallrood, while uotikluu item,
,tinuory'n, We.ine...l3y, broke
3. Ilia body was oot recover. d
•of three bourn. Tile decaned
'Jr p opt
elnlty o:
1 3 4 ut,ont $BO,OOO
roc".v 1 11
ea la
t, afro
, '
y can on one another, and al! will be vow.
. .
le would any th•it many a heart could t ,,,, made
iiLtd by a vialt to the Groat Clothing Emporium
.01ENNIITT & Co., TOWER HALL, No. 151.14 Miat ,
• STRECT, between Fifth and Sixth, Plilladri •
‘, Pa., whose clothing Is the finest and amp
's ti 3 found.
ex PAIIDEE INSTITUTE.. —The Pardee Bei
”nt .1. Imtitute of Lafaye;te College, now being
cie In Harden. will when nalebeti, one of
rite lin:e.t and fineet In the sta,.. The Easton.
Zxpreo, says: Tim hula:log id; into five
two of 10.'0 are tow under roof ready
lb, .10 1 4., and ti.e three remaining wings are up'
to the il•rd floor. We are Informed that the UM.
' , may i 1 be finial:led by the 10th of December, so
tat Of Thole building may be under roof by the
et of J r.ntry lICXt. The carpenter work Inside
~ r lll be m‘risid on all Winter with a strong farce
uf work
MR. LIWOLD KttRN was the other day re•
turnini• froa Philadelphia on the Not.h Pennell
ania Laiiiud, nod at: Quakertown just as the
train was rattling Into the station amen fell be
tween the platforms of the cars. Mt. Kern salted
him by the cost end held him from the track bY
a regain his feet, thus saving hi. ""-.
Intim force auto the train etrppcd and the man
cool in
confusion of the m0m..., bee affair, the train
, tarred anl left Mr. Kern at Quakertown, where
he was compelled to stay all night, consoled by
he rellsetion, however, that he had saved a hu
man la!hc from horrible death
Ittow FerttannEs.--The purchase of the
! rm .f Nt,t)•q• John Best, In the Romugh of Glen
o by a company of eaphalists, with the view
too tocOna of a blast furnace, Insures the
nee of Humber of these Indurzrial establish
news in onr Valley. The faun purchased lies
oog. the loebtall Valley Railroad. and ba, ;Attu
-1.,t0 faellittes bathe building af side-tracks and
noce,ary switotics. The trect has lately been
-nrceyed bP Tbmd'are if Mlnem, Esq., and we
-.oppose tile company ; will not delay long in going
t) ) work at the proposed lurnae.. There are but
f,w farms that are beaker locatti fur a furnace
than Ws one.
ox-RoAsTlNo.—Tito ()raid nubecile nt
Ironton will take place Thursday next at the Pub- '
lie (louse of Mr. Horace Bank.. The ow Is to
weigh 1000 pounds and the roasting vlOll , lOll at
10 o'clock a. In. The general public Is Invited to
attead and participate In the feslivitles held In
honor of the election of Grant .t, Wilson to the
highest offices In the gift of the peoir.e. The pro
prietor of the hotel who lost some cpney on the
Liberal nieetinea held at lila ItouSt luring ll
campaign, has t•ffered the Greeley poityo sii.rl .
he ow. on nlille It Is being roasted.
hill will have a loud time on the 19th Inet
------------ ,
ne ,
t 30M,
ligroin' of coal transported over tl.'
Valley tailrolid for week eliding Nor' 0 , .
1 , 372, compared with same time last 3 p t orn ,
For w.-• it 13 09
Total Wyoming.... ...... . -„i•ifil i s 192, 7 051
llazleton.• ••••. ........ -,_„ i A, 919
Upper lielilgli ...... ...• 0., ..,..
lit'ikr .Mead0w........ 5,1110 ••• r.,.4 71 . 1 ' l '4
31.1111 noL , 7,51' 0, 4 1 ' 2 ' , em ca
Ametitue Ibil
_._ .----,--
- ---.
SnAl. MAN IN TditOtlnLlC,.l--,oen,„„psatafttheer
night, the 2.1,1 inst., a soap Pe: , r . ' c a a w n a note
In Cate ~ ;. , perl
r. , ' r us Ivao la BOW ,
be played hIllia„.0 Pen 9
P""Yi.4l.6eni:ouiti"du'o°wu to J,liit twelve .
where The nest
Instead of returuity: the Anterleaint-ouseiartied
he staid over n1i,51410t, the rem old
an d $26.
morning a boortalesed his gold watchl
4 at. aTreSte d ,Pkad
Charles Npill is soap man w „, 1 ,,,.... 1 ,... , 4
0,,;: - .1.. It went
etai, ..auqua's peace, on et!..r., 1:11 . r.
to mlreilers, the watchful and 010 0-I.t.r . ' Ye
~' i• ;a6 . tiothlue.. ; ''e--
els tom ; but•fte
, Au outrage
s , op mitt , tie W... ll ;:'....?cirtit Ward Friday night
„, tilt tio:::,.rt,r.. 'lie assiduous inreatbrallon by
.e . ::::Vor.s: A drover from New York State
..:,:"..:.• ..... we could not learn, stepped
kiee hotel J. Allen Trexler, and after
".ping awhile wool up Front street to son a man
to whom ho had sold some cattt,, In the Sistis
Ward. Ile felled to see this tom, and returning
got as tar as Front street croitieg over the L. V.
R. R., when two men approached Lim. One of
the men struck the drover on the back of the
he .d, knocking turn sensileese. The victim was
•1.. n robbed of $3OO. to money, besides valuable
c awl 110 W. lie supposes be lay for a half
ii air or mire, and !hen he recovered his settees
he foetid iiiiimlf oe the opposite side of the rail
way , I net w born In had been first attacked. And
tnl. is all we lino, of the affair. Ho le badly cut
in Ili.. head.
w e slued bare learned that the envet'a
name wss tstia, Godard, and be balls
from Troy. I . " Al ,t b. ""lltity, Pa. On the night
to ~,,,e4 ~,,, be '``,,i4le rbs la Hotel to go to Mr.
giir t .tes. liebe Ile direction, but he paesed
to be
'...- s" e ` a buts' lie now "PP°"6
d inqulred where Mr.
Skye. There •o
Hltrute n 1.0. • He was t.t
gel:nal:man th en
. . Itilists4,:es hut that
,00dar,,,, not at
hotel; 'mid
etree ' rt "e Prue..tled down From
' 2 llipad, Be
lug to go to Mr. se re , •
weeette e' d robbed near the lu
de ailed In
oberte Iron . 0
ti: .
I am, wall 0,57 e.
1 Ille leis, ,e since
• end by an, employs br
• le, cheeks, etc ,we nay, and the pt,,k e i,„
rued to the ° o P 4
Wrier. t , ,
. ' Jl.Mlnlttil . A T oiraat . ,WlLLl3.—nid , w pole
raising al this Place on Oil y, November 29th,
a bay armed Fink, ton of Ja b Fink, Is thought
to hare drank tad,frealy of he liquor provided
to enliven the beettaioh. Be as severely
by the
falling of the polo, a remained 'aeons!.
bla . --oar Correspondent thin I from site effects of
liver —until Sunday moral g when ho died. The
aalr has not yet been en ly sifted, and natl l
it f, considerable Indlgoatl Is felt in the nom
pity that the lad should ore been allowed to
Ire the liquor.
: . Nu..
511 ALL Pos.—There I
e fact that this revolt'
r Valley for the last ye
emain another year Is qu
;disease thrives beet In col
4s Ilttle fear and compare
very many to Sold or to
bo otherwlsel While w
cases In thl. I mediate vi
ported forthe uP the Val
prepared tor a comings at
thorough v cinatlon Is Ito
very gape r safety to all.
Acciniksir.—At about 9 o'clock Thursday
la man named Walbert was driving psi Mr.
' 4 ll'sefann, near Cedar Creek, when the wheel
of tt.
wagon got somehow caught In the planks
or o
gully covering. The horse sprang
forward atiti
falling on thelolta the whiffletree loose, which,
eels made him kick. Ws
heels struck Mr. Weil.
the knee and shattered IVO" of hie legsbelow
splintered and obtruded throne* the bone was
Mr. Amos Walbert is a resident
His Injuries were attended by Dr. E. G . : ll r,` ° '
Mr. Milton Mitt, storekeeper at
was In the wagon with Mr. Weslbert at the time,
was ellghtltp D ured.
r ,
BROTA Y EATZN.— District Attorney
Bowden was waited upon Wednesday by a man
named Bkehoe, from Cataseuque, who bore a let
ter from Esquire Glace, of that borough, stating
that bearer had been waylaid and almost beaten
lo death by parties who have hen arrested and
teld to bail on the bond of Mr, Joseph Banter.
esehoe was In terrible plight, his head and face
Mug dreadfully cut, and six of his teeth were
kicked in. He desired to await the time of trial
at the Poor House, whereupon District Attorney
BOsien got Alderman Heebner to lesue a permit
of mtranca into that establishment, and Mayor
Gooc sent him out. The names of the assailants
were not given, but they have been'arrested, as
above stated, and the witnesses in the case . sub-
Plc med.
David Durward an old qltiseu of Norto n
Luhlgh county Pa., was found
k I David es"
morning .bout one mile fro , " "at
a o T ni u teh d all,
go public road. He left
Schnuck's residence o" 's house where ho formerly
to the morning to take the passim.
John R. Knonv er
resided, enrif
ger at Rockdale to attend a funeral at
Mont Bethel Northampton county, where one of
r ou daughter's husbands was going to be burled
WedussdaY dth Ina. Mr. forward was first
found by Novi° Newhard who was passing in
the tame dlrection. It is thought that ho was
struck by...popleley. Ho Is a man of about 75
years of sge without a family.
Coroo , r Moser on Wednesday held an Inquest
over the body, and a Jury returned a verdict In
accordtnee with the fame.
MIYOIO3 Count—Julia Flynn, from Read
ing, was Wednesday afternoon arrested by Officer
Isonlg for being very drunk and helpless at 7th
sod Hamilton streets. Bile was committed to the
bck-up until this morning, when she was ar
reigned before the Mayor, who heard the charge
against her, and asked what she bad to say for
herself. She said that Wednesday she had met an
acquaintance called " Boston Meg," In this city,
and bad sold her new dress to' buy whisky, with
,which to properly celebrate the joyful event.
When she was drunk " Boston Meg" left her -"el
she fell into the hands of the police. ester deliv
ering a lecture to the defendant on the loproPrlell
of her course and the sad end that must follow
Its pursuit, his Honor discharged " upon her
7 2 ,
promise to leave town and to en no more.
Sho said her husband was In lbt nnatiC asylum,
at which the Mayor said he w#l not surprised.
other znectlng wee ha On Wednesday at the
American Hotel, In 7nplon,,fy the subscribers to
the stock of th e • ne w fornaM company. Levi H.
Lless, Esq., eety Reading, President , of the Corn-
PanT. presided% A' numbet of additional sub
scriptions werwlecolved. It' was tweed that
plans rted specifications be prepared intime for
th : next meeting on hursday, the 12u, inst.,
utter which the comp will advertise forbuild
log prop sale . An e mination was made 0! the
pringe d streams the neighborhood of I.lp.
found i.O be snipe
op sate.
.Inge d stream.,
Lon, and he water sOPPIY was----
lobe held at Pittsburgh nett week, 6 as
erection I the furnace will be commenced as soon' ,
for au e naive atablishment. The erection oil
Tea tidd,
The call for the Genera. .'amperaue.
1 1 Pennsylvania, whose 'mates are subscribed, he
possible. The success of the project Lb assur
ed. A timber of the stockholders and owners of "ollowsi—We, the citlnens of the Commonwealth
tot convinced of the great evil of using intoxicat
ore leases lo the Immediate vicinity, and are en
log irinks as a t y verage, and of the great need of
Subject of temperance, do call on
gaged In tilniug altera tions,
organizations, both open and se
n. W
AND I Lirititthyr TORN le pliionednesday cret, the
°MAN FALIA INTO AN ORE WASUFR a ai r l a t te e r ro m pe a r n a t
morel g Mrs. James Gunning, ot Bingen, on the and all
i rchea in the various denominations
, peranee men of every name and color,
y delegation in convention, In the city of
line o the North Penn. Railroad, while standing
.' .
on o of the ore breakers at Ball's Iron mine, ii oriurgh, on December 10. 1872, at 2 p m., o
der the subject of total abstinence, .and to
near Bingen, was struck by a car and thrown c. 501/
Omorlailge the turte Canstßutional Convention
dowlhthe shaft to the depth of about 20 feet.‘ata
oner the ore washers. These washers
ter) elng cylinders' with projecting pram , . driven i
b, team. The ore Is thrawe in a nd "Waled
Oin the earth by the spikes. end washed r L
raeunforitraao" lisi . a ellx R. gannet, James Parke, Jr., Rt.
Rev. D. C. Babcock, Rev. W. A. Davidson, D.D ,
ros large ,,pliroh..
u lb . i n tl a o b n e . ,
Bi‘ck ,
el o Huy. W. J. Reid, Rev. I. W. McKeever, Rev. R.
, a made A Marshall, Rey. 8. J. Flan r, Rev. B. M. lien
rutinual flow of miter.
demon, Rev. J. L. Milligan Rev. W.P. -
'' 7 a .. 5
i e......e . g , h ., e t , b . y
be well im- T. 8. Jennlo Roy. '
ge, T. H. Hanna Rev. 0
could be ate Izislortelewchtlenegl
es.r .
d. The result s" l*
o pieces. The Crauage, Rev. R. T. Miller , C ' .U.
Col. G. F. Maar
aghied, She At liiintily trwa
,The woman's husband C. W. Smith, 8. 8. R oak
~,,Stsf the truly heartren• Rev. Samuel Collins , Hon. B. R. Rush '.lradlnid,
f eectacle, sad scarce- land, I. Newton Pierce, den.L
men were sWe truellat Lb,.
ly knew whl rto ttiro. Stereo, , ev. W. H. Andrews,
was ----
e ,tattrOPb e • st 7A ge‘i nil nigh craned. E. H. Alexander ,
daring Rev. Wm. Fulton, Rev. A. 11.
w e boa bee p "able ( be ableiparileulars of Ced
D vert, Rev. E, N. 4cElrec, Rev. J. W. Brown,
me accident, but h ,
e a r' n era a
of acc . e..?' so to-m6' Rev. D.
~ R. Keir, D. D., Rev. B. B. Re
my tI:J2, id ‘
Rev. H. B. C
olhono, Rev. J. W. Witherspoon,
• ~, It behooves some enter!, , Rev. John B.Bands
AND 01 °
_ ,,t , o f 1311.0011011 Valley to make a eg g VI G. ' Ray*
Warren, Rev. A. J. Bonsai', Rev. B. C.
long. w , . an d declare to himself large di a vi . la*
_ v.erle i Rev. J.B.Lucas, Rev. 0. H. Thomas
It:am mo.
, et ta paean the skilled latindr a,' tteT • U
detide. ....
(IMP Sew VOL t P/Latielphla, and the t Y le a U • . .
cos. U. Rem
apparatus, este,t4ish a laundry in Allen. " "CI
n. A 'mum Rev. M. 8. Kendig, Rev. J . .
on to the above list at names the Tem
town and auoth . I.Eastais, superintending both. Prance Mlle
d thle date Is In receipt of the
rashes of twelve hundred The enterprise 'sl at oua,
enough to ma
~ receive business .
`,467, and It could h... enlarged aPPenied to the call, a
as thee eopler or much better the work 1001
be done in a !`.thati at home. A laundry
In W &eater ilrtlve operation, and la pat
ronized by fe,
01 , ,,
' hwell as by single men who
Lava to get A I Zlfy• work done soinewhare
from krork, and to Malan can put a gloss on
, ~.i.e feanee than tt, L . the article look whiter
• A ta t i i ng, and the , hla be rendered at private
arriving, representing
We trust that g t andgood
out of the actions f this
of temperance I andre d re m e o ponsible parties to be
Mr) more
are dull
y n the State.
results May gem,
I cocvaption f ur the dab,,
In Eestisylvanla.
_____ A. Brut, Secretary.
mends Itself at short noI,!'o invariably recom
can be waehed, driest' &, An article of linen
an hour and a half, by wh i lid
,: it t : h latindel .-: in
m 'y be enabled to get stion -ill'a--- poor men
Mate and always present 1 '''.th 6 stock oil two
ad vantage would amount o ft lol,an bosom—this
0 leaving editors o t more than you think
dl. y linen
0 MOBO t
. A laundry h, ,'a their Wilt of
o : le g 4i Mate and hnnor•
a branch of business
ab as an OcCOpittine. 'II
- could be made profit
ow• Tr,
d 0 30 3, 8 . 011 .
45,040 13 21/0.115,9 09
4,326 01 1,0613,009 °.
401.1) ROBBERY AT SOIIOtILL rimraff.—
Mr. ,P.remlah G. Baet'' the agent foe the ()an
tral l&prove Company, also for the weitarn
ean, calling himself
Union Telegraph Compan , at Schuylkill thiveii
e ß t o i t m h e erl e e t l ahyalsoubneen spending a Israe
portion of hie time about the-Olee, tu ki pg bk.,:
self very agreeible, and ingmila:ag himillf fate
Mr. Beefs confidence. On Moti sy moo i ng a
money PailVego of $ 74 . 28 . °°° 4 Untie office and
kthe Yeee it 13Se saw it. Bhorti Oter Mr. But
went out bii i i t ttend to same businititiCand a little
I later a me ge came over the wl4vhich Mrs.
Bast felt it - oer duty to deliver Animedi s t e l y‘
Thinking Roan el a perfectly rellakitand hon
orable man, 'hi nested him to rromfqt in the
office until elle permed the errand, to Vitilch he
assented. Mrs. B ,as also her husbada, soon
returned, shortly a which the man Rotkermel
left the Office, and It e Imthedlately d a red
the money package w missing. RothermePtsaa
suspected of taking I nd Mr. Beet applied*
Esquire Heiner for a arrant for Ms arreis•
which was (aimed and to rd ivenlng the acctuselt
was brought up for a hea . g. ',The evidence was
do strong agaluet him that, n default of ball, the
Esquire committed him t rlson to answer the ,
charge.. .The man was aft rda reeogillialts
Clittrles . Prior, is former M eof the Mint,
Prboh, The etolen paclusits. e uc4 ri4liTared.
1 4. 1 V
~ .
''''''."?, r.
.."?.."1; Miss Caroline Skel•
s 3; 11
11 w at tuni n .
I t ame
s of Inane
thealne Conway,ue
B s l a n d r o ' r and
d ,
a t
o ft kept for that purpose, but
the raft toppled or.. as It left the towpath, and
plunged the whole party Into the water. Thr
girls immediately caught hold of Conway. vdd
for some time their struggles prevented him from
attempting to regain the shore. Ile flovtly suc
ceeded In gaining the bank with bliss Feeler, but
was so exhausted and benumbed that It was im
possible for him to attempt the rescue of Jilmi
Skelton and her brother.
to US e of disguising
disease has been In
r and that It will still
apparent. AIS this
weather, and II there
,ely no care used by
rest It, bow could it
lave not beard of any
1 . 1
a d ri : l le, l tiy e — t o: on tt id t b o i t Exp c u s::: y w b r vr i l a s t i l . r l i e l n ts :a ‘ ;bared;
Masonic —At an election held on \Vedas
day the following officers were elected for 1 11 e
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
R. W. Grand Diaster—flaninel 0. Perkins, of
R. W. Deputy Grand Master—Alfred R. \ yotisi,
of Philadeiptilit. •
R. W. 8. Grand Warden—Robert Clark, of
R. W. J. Grand Warden—dames M. Porter, o
R. W. Grand Bacretary—John Thomson, 0 ,
R. W. Grand Treasurer—Thomas Grown, o
Trnstecs of the Grand Imago Charity Pend—
Joseph 8. Riley, Jacob Landenelager, George
Or!scorn, John Wilson, Jr., Daniel Brlttain.
Trustees of the Girard Request—Samuel H
Perkins, James nntehinson, Charles M. Prevost
George Thomson, and Henry C.' Howell.
ti!§1.! . . 4 1 Susquehanna Railroad and the FTEOMILIIS
has s R e W e n t i h i rr bottom t o F m l3 a l
: I nd " I n lying Veri
between on
e the w L h e o - e
o anagriculturist ,
if be 0e. ,.. d e r It f rnn sp aral a' wlh m the
ad Lehigh,
mind that I. l° - -
coUnt of the ... elk - 7 "
valuable property on ac
The men who knowsthat would be raised from it.
'Wt,hlng about desirable
locations for Iron furnaces ‘,.41d see more value
In the land than the agrlcultur Bib The limestone
hills on the upper side of the Freeman.. nrg road,
on the same property (known as the Jones,, m .
pow owncr) by Mr, W1:11, ghapmau) are very nea.
at hand, and would furnish an excellent quality
of stone cheaply and epeedlly. The ground for a
half mile along both sides of the railroad would
be available for building of stacks, putting away
slag and all purposes of tronmanbracture. Hav
ing heard of the Intention to erect a furnace on
this track, we asked Mr. Cognition, the owner of
the ground, to ~re us to see It, which he did.
We ono. , 00 1 1 a furnace, but have seen a I.,reat after they were built, and from a theoreti
cal knowledge of the requisites for a good si:t for
an anthracite Iron furnace we Mould pronobnce
the bottom laud of Mr. Chopman's Jones farm
not to be beat for the purpe.e. We hope the pro
ject of building a furnace In that locality wni
speedily carried ogt. tte think If Mr. Chapman
gets to work In the mutter In earnest we will not
have to wait long to see furnace stacks ro.ring
th . l, fiery heads on this side the Lehigh between
thin town •nd Freemansburg.—.DeChleilfrn Timm
Thursday afternoon ai..ttit 2 o'clock, a man named
Jacob Yates, a brakeman un an Iron train on the
Lehigh Valley Railroad, was fatally lopred under
the following circumstances i The wen, train came
down the road wLh Inetructiobs to recelve a num
ber of cars at the Bethlehem Rolling hill , aud
when opposite the telegraph office, below the
Dillon depot, Yates cut off a portion of the train
and the engineer starting up rather suddenly—ln
order to leave that part of the train detached a
sufficient distance behind to allow him to get the
care out at the mitt nod on to the main 'track be
fore it arrived—whim, movement throw Totes
down across the track In front of the first of the
detached cars. Before the wheels caught him
however, he grasped the brake beam, and called
frantically for help, while being dragged the dis
tance of 'aboirt three r ails, when coming to a switch
hla hold was broken by his body catching on the
switch rail, and he was thrown under the wheels.
The train eras stopped when two wheels had
passed over him. Be was then dragged out, placed
on a suttee and carried Into the freight office
Dr. Detweiler, of Easton, who happened to be
present, examined his Injuries and found that
they consisted of the left leg crushed above the
knee, and the right leg crushed up to the body
suMelently to allow his entrails to protrude: The
Dontor pronounced the Injuries to bo of a fatal
cbaracter. Dr. Stout subsequently arrayed and
gaTa a corroborative oylulon, Yates was shortly
after placed on an engine and taken to Easton,
and thence to his home, where he about
quarter of four o'clock.
He wee a single man, about 29 years of age,
and resided with his mother and sisters. He bad
been employed on the Valley road at different
times for the past eight years.
- - EitateT,- .auce Coo
Meier'. John and Samuel Thomas, John Drake
and Edwin Mickley have been down to thence:me
Iron Company's property, at Pine Grovel Cumber
land county; getting their works M operation and
obtaining a better knowledge of tter Purchase.
They succeeded in putting the fo r weln blast.
mplale for
The Thomas
one ear'
I p r ro on r. C rl o y m o p n an L y . b itueoF illted a meg
with Au. privilege of bovlclf more thou
one )sap
finterest IA ta. name at i v/expiration of
the lease. One of the preso n v ow es Is a brother
of to 3 S p os r
e s T e
n w t e o e w d . n a
re l f
willt hu p lutiven.4 . l:e
ar li e l ,four Directors
to the Company to be theolprmed, 4nd the Thomas
leon Company will be enthlpd to dye, t h us g i v i ng
the latter a controlling late* in Its management.
•Thetract is composed of son4lue hand red acres,
end. the veins of ore are vi t rich and can be
„worked without employing chlnery. Tha
Thomas Company has now sulldent sources to
supply its stacks for at least a co*, at the end
of which time the present managenspt will probe
ably, hand over the works to new hall.
The price of pig iron has a dewnwati tendency,
though consumersil No. 1 iron have nit!, a large
supply on band And there Is no probability of the
price declining very much. Sales are reported as
low as $5O for No. 1 foundry Iron. Out some
Schuylkill Valley parties are reported having sold
Gray Forge as low as $l2. The low price of the
latter is to some extent Influeoecu by cue plentiful
supply of scrap Iron. Schuylkill Yeller c.reace
men have the reputation for being eager to ran
down prices.' '
AS a meeting of Iron manufacturers, held at
Pittsburgh, on. Thursday, the price of Iron was
reduced $l2 a ton and uatli were reduced 50 cents
• :The Thomas Iron Company will probably not
7 s o their two new stacke, at Hokendanqua, In
r tt h before Spring. Their erection was com
rartieell hi April. • •• The progress made *does not
eoukcire with that of theAlleatown and Lehigh
Aunt: ,ntz'Ctinzosivas displayed at Smith's
toy stet 33 Hamilton street, thisyear, ire toy
babies w b creep and whose every movement
as warm ,a II e. Our readers should not fall to
Pleat tire eerie who go to see these and num-
Nrless other h-mninus and curious toys which
Make Smith's Mir one of the most Inthcsting
places to visit In %Os, city. Never before was
..ueh varied and hi , rollleent coliec hi] of toys
I d splayed In this city.
IIki.DEMAN, morn or of COO4roeli froin
the fifteenth Congressional 'Astrid of this Btato,
has thrown open his appolntlitt Power 01 a can
didate to Wert Point to a comretllloa of the boys
In hie District, the boy passing the best examina
tion and receiving the reco.dmendatlon of LI e
Board of Examiners, to he awarded the Cadet
ship. The way In which Nir. Bahlcarian make
the announcement of the above; leaves na doubt
of the fairness of the offer.
, BAD Busingsu—On Thanksgflog Day an
skair happened In the Hope lionl , :i Mlt I which
ega assumed a grave character. Siini Kleiner, a
(*roan, was employed In the mill', ti haul coal
to the furnaces with a wheelbarrat. Thotna ,
hens,a Welehman, le employed eat puddler 1,,
aMO establishment. On T 11111)40 , 1w Day
Mom was about to leaVe the revue which
famished with coal, he recelvee i k it or
• ombehind glVe4 by Stephens. TI, fa aof
cession threw Krelner over the IVm c eof
e eelbarrow on his lower atulgrzt and
of severely InJaring him that 134 Ife Is
a of, end ever slave he has beetling at
le h In a critical ecindition. ..
Mr is More, the ancient Einperinter,:mt of
.he II ' MIII, Instituted an onmedl o.ol'4,4tiga
hos of 'e case, and as far as could (41,'; sl' he
.neette bed the unfortunate oct.orren wa 4
neelks le i utirely, St-phens having Jump bald:
(matt, 'rnace to avoid some spark; 01' ~and
mitten., ' .
ally came In cootact with Kiel • whit
thcren litetalled above. ,
Di; a tifiber of German resilents Of l' • city
bees OA ' ~. caused Stephens to lA' ,rent
) , st lelner's etatemeut that sit*: hatl
`ell and t•seti taken by Captain K.l,elsric -foree
AlCena .
a, Stabler who held him lit /IN( C.
answ " kche4ille of aggravate" ass telp: l i.: hat
tell. ' l kivrhile :Aphelia Min Liken tin, ,1111
Aldan:11I z-*
“ ei; Ahler ti%vit.; h visited the fttiar. mai
took the i.,..,,,,1bg sworn statement fitiin ''-N
and when :
tipheus off,red bail the Al: a,
would not I, 1 . 1 •It.
John Kre • :g . ;
aflllavit le an foliose f 7 , • ‘li
the 28th doe or , s...omber 105 L past 14 ,rtnl
Thomas St4l l ; did l' , ..rnit a violent t,... 1 ,
null beam' pu the body of this rf , Putiottil !lit
Hope HolAng idel,City of Allentown) ttvirtl. at ,
him on his bark 50 that he fell over with hIV,IN
on a whee.lbarrov, aid Ow from injuries r• wed
•.....•uoy us I. ever Ellice ri n d to his bed, awn
that front the lornation he reevlve.i from hi,
physiehin he he nul in a MOM condition, aml
further says hot.
Mr. Moore stela to us last w•nk that I'
there Wi any
Intentimul assault It ass u ot di.
rectly o the body of Kreiner, but4hat another
~ilegittk In to the effect that Stephens sfter tell
Mg Kre' rto Oct out el the way and e1,..1,,,., , at ,
Ineultipt red Indecent name, kiched the •mleel.
harrow t d knocked the handle of It agu-,4
Krelner'• bdomen, old as he had already t, a ro
ture the 'Jury was greater than It otherwise
might hi e been.
Krelnt diet an Ti+mornin g nday . laat and the I Id ou Frith! by Coroner Moser on the
nody re Red in a verdict as follows:—That
lecca.tetlame to histtli by peritonetie produced
by a putt or kick thrs leg him or a wheelbarrow,
at the hode of Thomas Stephr .. The jury wan
composql of S. J. Hagman' ~ E. S. Shiner, •
D. Fatahver, Israel Troxell, Jim. Kitt:goer, and
Henry 11 ' . Smith. Dr. Alfre.i. Martin testified as
to the instill of a pm!. 'nurture examluallou of the
body, and the other witnesses In the case were
exantleed by Coroner Moser through his mutest,
Mr. Erdman, and-by Dh‘triet Attortiel.dowdso.
Pltooammai or TON COUNTY
TEACIume DIST:REMO --To be held in the Courl
Donee . 1. Allentown, coma:lender at 10 o'clock.
a. m., monday, December 30, 1373, and contlnu-
log for Svc days.
Monday, Dee 30,18,72, 10 a. en. Organlzttion
and opening Devoilonal Exercises';
of members; Renierke by the Chairman and
elfllnmopa S'•••40“ 1.0.
dress, Dr. Frank Baylor, from Neat • Ctieei4,
Chester Co. ; Methoes of 'Teaching Orthography,
by H. B. Koch, frog North Whitehall ;
' elon on the above, ie be opened by A. F. K. K.rnut.
from Copley ; Metlod of teaching tilstory of U.
8., by Prof. N. C„Seitteeffer, from Keystone Nor.
mal School, Kutztown, Pa. ; Dlecusslou on the
above to be opened by if. G. Puff, of Allentown.
Meaning session 7 p. m. Dlecu.sion on the
.following e Should there be any other language
taught in our Public Schools besides the English,
and the knowledge of what language, beehive the
Englleh, will be of Lb , moot practical benefit to
our rlFing generation, by F. II Be au tie, of Allen
; town; Lecture by Dr. Frieolc Baylor.
6 Tuesday. Dee 31, IS7O, 8:30 aen Op.nine Dr
votiona. Roadlnt: and approval 0f...l
uta; Nltnio.l te,;;;liintt Menntl Aro luneile,
Prof. F. K. Berndt, Keystone Normal School.
ztown ; Dneussit.n on the fIbOVC, to 60 Oiti•llre
11 B. B froxel, Whitoint' ; LAnonnte Lt•S-olie
or Grammar, by Dr. F. Sip Jur ; Qarstir
a/ It r. 3 .1
fleft.o9l, Said'''. 1:30 p. rn. Methods of true:
lye: Ears:utast - 3 Amino:itlc, by Prof. V.U.Selo"; f
ter; Di.cuselou °lott; above to be opened, by %V
fiIIMU,R, Salisbury; IStlAcellaneous ;
matical Georgraphy, by R. K. Buehrle, City Su•
perndendent, Allentown; DiSCUBHIOII on thettbon
to tt opened by G. 11. Heffner, Ililleretown.
Eve',ling anion 7p. tll. Diecussion on the fol
lowing: What moral rules and principice_shoula
be faithfully me a n.... vur ULlllrath oolB , Mid by
what metbode ; To be opened, by Rev. S. K.
Brobst, Allentown ; Lecture, by R. E. Wright,
Eeq , Allentown.
tlldneNday, Tan. 1, 1873, 8:30 a. ni. Opening
Devotional Exegelse ; Reading and approval nt
minutes; ?allude of teaching Primary Reacting,
by F. K. Berndt; Discussion on the above to be
opened, by W. J. Kral z, of Hanover; Oral Gram
mar, by Dr. Frank Saylor ; liemarks and ques
tions on the allow°.
Afternoon Seaton, 1:30 p. m. Written Arithata
tit , by Prof. N. C. Schi.tefr,r ; D1 , 01.1841M1 on th,
' above to be opened, by G. H. Desh, Allentown,
Nll.eellaueous ; Lecture on School room Hygiene,
by Dr F. Saylor. No Evening Session.
Thursday Tan. 2, 1873, 8:30 a. m. Opening De
Votional gr. - erases ; Pleading and approval of min -
utes ; Mathematical Georgraphy, by K. K. 'Wehr
le; Discussion and Questlone ; Penmanship;
General Remarks, Rev. A. K. Rome, Principal,
Keystone State Normal School, Kutztown.
Afternoon Session, 1:80 p. m. English Gram
mar and Composition, by Dr. Frank Saylor,;
Qtestions and remarks;, School management,
Rev. A. It. Done ; Discussion and Questons.
abetting Session. Diecussion on the following.
"flow can our Ministers, Churcbes and P.trent
be Induced to take a more active part in the sup
port and Improvement of our Public Schooh, ,,
to be opened by Rev. 0. Leopold, South Whit.
hall; Lecture, (Subject "Illustrative Teaching"
by Rev. A. R. Home.
Friday, Jan. 8, 1873, 8:80 p. m. Opening De
yotlonal tiereise ; Reading and approval of min
utes ; Outlines of Oral Lessons In Geography be
fore takink up a text-bo .k, by Dr. Praik Baylor;
Remarks and goestlons ; Descriptive Geography,
by Prof. T. K. Berndt; Dieousslno on the abcno
lo be opened, by E. D. Ithoade i North Whitehall ;
Afternoon S' soon. 1:30p. in. Election of Com
mittee on Permanent Certificates ; Appointment
of Committees; Boclal Ilecess; Objects of Rea
latlons and the preparation necessary for the
same, by Env. A. it. Horne; Reports of Cote
•Beening orlon. Essay by L. P. Hecker, Al
lentownylnelur - trebles") by
Prof. Richards says will be
read by the toll T. Dietrich,
J. 8. Cawley, A. leardorff, N.
C. Ulrich and of lents not yel
musk for the
lovrix On Tura
of albert's St,
noeday by F. G.
Whitehall I on
High School, H.
day by 0. R.
'Teachers arc
kg Secretary ox
Teachers, Set
ucatlon, as well
dlany InVS.O,II
DECEMBER 11; 1872.
- - -
LUCAS—Di LINGER.—OO the 10th of Nov.,
by the HeV. Bt ry B.hropp, Mr. Wolter F Lacac
to M s. Ida At bel Dtlllnger, both of Allentown.
KESE—K • USS.—Oo the 30th of November.
by the Caine, Mr. &mute Keno to Mrs. Polls
Knottss, both of Allentow..
MALBURN—t3TETTLE.It.—On the I.t. of De
cember, by the same, Mr. Allen J. Malburg to
Miss Em ..n E Stealer, both of A Ventown.
WERDIT—BROBST.-00 Mond .y evening,
D. 20, et the reel ,e co of the bride's mother, on
%%Wont street. by Rev. 8 G. 1. moor, Hobert, V
Wrlebt, Jr., E-q ,to Miss Anna E. Broba, both
01 this city.
1:E1t tlig
FRIED.—Died Vu ...It city Dec. sth Sneannial.
widow of the Into I)anil Fi age' 69 year*, 3
month% nod 8 Jaya.
K REIN ER —ln thin e.iV4 Dec. soi, John Ktel
ner, cci :10 rearp, ono •th i and 5
DELOUNGE.-1,1 rlty, I • •erne , er
Luther, eon of Hann .3 .).-lounge.
toted 1.7 ye are and 5 now ht.
PETER.—Died on Surd' , Dec. I, 1872, a'
3aagernvll'o, Mr.. Got , truth Peter. , ainollit
tarred In Ilaidelharg Cone. rv, an Ti, Doe
9, by Ker. Helfrich.
PETER.—Died an Th'tar. Hoc. 211th, near
Blatedule, Joteph -!ro.xed 75 yearn, 10
menthe and 29 4 qs. It. nalne lottrred In Het
delhorg Cemetery.
AT \
Kramer's Corner St. re, 1
1 •k• 0
• AL ,
: .:011 . Elt1;T , 11l ..00::.t1,•1 1 , .
ii• M 1Z sTR ei.:•.:,
ALL WOO . 1301 N ., LIN V. \ :
ALL .V.. 01, '1,, , ,.,i -•• 11WI.h• A Qls 11 1 sc!
~ Al,l. W •0., (IA •• 1 NIF:1;••
1 Wo,, AND 0.• 0N CA.11 , 1E111.:.
BL A •, c :hroSE,
6LAI'II7 110 11 1 ,ZINE,
13..10:K IL.-.1 , 1', ,
f 1,1,1, AIMS 01.1
0 1!
Ynn will find on. n• no• 1 comn'eoo At
OCHlD‘l•obt f ■nd la the<nT.
Crapo \Ws, Mourning Handkeroli;efr.
Collars, &o•
A.CR. 11 1 4 T SIIAWLS
pr ", 1 1 L o ng aeSSgeare lower than last season
0..11 a nd Examine
M. J. nitAisfr,n
ivcw -rabbcrtiscmcntO
, ll litililll' 'II V E.:' , l that letter. testamentary havlnt,
~,, ~,,,,,,,, rti , e d . k , tclow.,,,u.nleir.v,„it n o ne
w i ii
~t i l , i . e h
, o .
1 14 1 1 tit,rwo.f.ol.4 iiLi,,r+
hi county; thorefoto all persons who know them
,o, is to be Wit bled to vAld mitatn are rognestedatn make
u ,z ... w g Itl ,
i , t: ,, it , l ,, x , w .g ., A n i k . s . f r o tr d di . :
, Il , a i o w hae p o r % o nd . hewn
T.! Autbenr oiled for nettlemont Within the above aped
V'''' 1 . .
11. P. R Execntor.
lrontoa P 0., heal& Co., Pa
. .
----- --- -
N, U 5111.4 rewronst SALE
tyd ..t pabllc na . e, .1. Cedarville .onth Wtot.-
.11 WY ...., Lohlgla a.ot .ty. on THU N.i) klf, D&'6ll.
IPM ..'.t'l
_3t ono o r act. P M ,t, followltor Pr..P
t't'tti-aP'Serlor, dr co.o.ed, o ...t:
. ~,t t, o few fIirMITIV 111..t..11.-. cook
t'^'.; 'trt bed „ And, I
bl..N l rtdor. er
"".. " , .." "t ' ir u . ' ,:t?;:t ' ! u ttot% ., :7 l an u r. ". d y' .;
wite " ttac't"tt"oit Cmoro°. to lun_ti. a uuu
flay. 61). .t., ~....• -••t R BUCCA X .1`41:083R,
11. o S. I DER.,
____:_ C. A. BLEB o
A otootor..
1100 ' FOIL lIE i . OLII D.t IPi I
TO PI: I.CIIA.S' , Ii 4„
Ele...nt tiro's., V.. ~ Tot fit R.M..d.N. ,w.,. ~,,i..,...
..rd R.celvorn, P.a... , ^ 7 ,73:%,,,, t mil t. , d
11404 Lea her nod Pct. 111.111 ~. ~..,..__ ._. 11 D 0... Am:
Wtrk Ilozo , Ileodkor let ark0...t0.v......., N w si i.
P•ocy 0 ode, .or .o a "W . ' N • o ' . - 4,14 lot,
•utt —... itot F.rie French Jot, t
811,K, f1N(711.4 X mad AI,PA.: LII
-'—u., ELLAS.
4/"Cluntog oat at Radon... ell.
1 , H. DIV.IS,,
6 /1 ginntb th S t IP.S•I
Slow UMW/ay..,
Special Notice:
it again oxt.o•ttrur our Anouttl flroattog to our (Moult.
ratrort wo bog irotTo to 1.11 Ilorn that an tog our.
Yea ,orted to oularto our tt'wivroout • to tu.ot tie
ado of o. groatly torrowle I bosioato, I. it outo I. en -
yto roan, our tonnteuro ktor p , d , T
ra•I•ot. . aro thorot ro
. offorlog Special mauve
Ma porch W ascro. tho ,rrrout
101,1 DAY:
c \? 9,5? el
0 I‘l6l.Vie„
• e•Ir4,1:1 flP'-.•41L11.SI•
r- `;" ,1;t1.0—•
"--,11` 7 ; 3 ' 4r
lz ,/
Iho very. beet buptlooer opnoria. Icy •er offere4, Is 0
h. found lo A.V.IICy fur t.king onlwerlp , tone
' r" Mig"
',15111 nraitn.l!o 411;00
cirlod "PET'S PA RAPI.Sti (OlengrayAs are the
..loilcoot c'a at Ft.'s Art.print,ng In
Ot(-Chromo)—Wo 0100 Ono rho ono id , AlO Ala
o f if onto.' F 1.11 fo o l dhsorn.a, .• WI 't/i I WAKE" Si
PA • T AS hEEP," -obj.. to I,le SIZ —oh filliOff
far xiattles f dial • 1 i'dinii• go. Thin capor hos ho
f”rgest sire , tat lon to the world. It will nor, soot. be
luxb.rlo th•ii r I tale. w•„ Id (Amino
oath r,. M. 1..C.T, EDN•Iti , KouI..TOS, MAI•Il it
liagnillEX Stone, xic to hi !Mont coairilinioro
ilft.fratea Balla y Number nod boo. nos or Mile Ai.
51 u'e et ro nava 7 h.. moot 1-k op "Coniblosit or !”
h. largest consult's( no pl. (d 1 0. 0 Agentton
n do WO
7150.50._,.. An.otbe, VII in 3.itioym; inoth, 401.10 In o
88888 •ii 83/.0 ill one tiny, nod y oh., 8 11 . 881 455.
# # Imo per day 21(s year o r otters are oven ware
dr, ti o
N. WAllitiff for tho pteml 818. .11111 Win
Well wiles Its 8/.1. RIO -011,1 Ca Priort•
Intol Illy nt oleo and women w toted everywhere. To
ght good terra.), , exciurfociy •e•ntenea, or ..i cheY[Y [Or
Arcolor and torsos: J. B. Fon.° & Mew York ; 8ee
,0,., Mass.; Chicago. 1 11 . can V 111.101., Cal. [d llw
5 0 Auentu wonted I Jliet. nut A 'pion
duinew exert: CHRIST BLFSSING
LI I'TLE 01111,D11611'," tome.° esieal Ofp age its
wanted for o e I.rge Map of the • Pelted Mates" with
moraine "Word " Map on reveres side. Our Maps sad
herbs go like wild-ore. II•anlY & LUBRECIIT. Um
pire Map and Chart hatabllghtlieol. 107 Liberty
New York. • . dll•ilw
, 90 made Dec. Bd. by ode Agent selling
a fine ..ogr tying, 2i2+ la , seat by mail ( 'l.ll 00. We
.1 umall Button-tiols at flawing usoh:oeThr ad Cutters.
.od N. edle 'I breading Thi•obl., pr ea 2O •ens Itch. Clr
elliArn Or v4rhp. other Narelltus nulled fiequoutly LI a 1
and new ee1...N1. Add.... 601 4w
♦nbulolld N Vlt,.T , N)., S..' liroadir tr, N T•
%GENTS. now le the ,henc , . •
The net, twee u tt , e ruuj• et t t. lie the hole mot?.
Don't be hurnbuti.l With any rather . Th •as rly
%kJ Sir 70/tat Dupe tiyronf pa liek
T•.e Proep.e..• will ye tlt .t •tgL. for drat
choice of territory. 1W0... et
D eI3I:IhIEAD. 711 San , net . Pe.
AGENTR W LAMED for e Pont-I' too, of
Bletory t a tie • book; by !‘ • , HAI. Reed, A. 8 .,
•ntlior of" (ion tg Ht.yoay " I :“...trniti. (rum &aline
by Lore, No, of Hawn 'ft Week , and Whore Nothalg
!limit aver but s..en or heard u , and .611 e At sight.
dB-1W R. B. 'NCR T, Pnbtter or, 8.6 BrondWay. CI.T.
This is the best opportunity now r.frered to agents to
natives. for • it.. book Every Mother heed* and ware
It It sone ropidly. Exp tinted °soy ...... pronounce
It the b.t selling book to the tusritrt. rend for circulto•
Prni .en our extra lib rat tenon. • Addremt CONTIMIN . •L
ÜBLIIIIIII.O CO.. 4 N. Y. City. 7d 1 44
Pain„Paini.Pain, CAMPHORINE I
the gr-rat d.ecovery for the teller ouud a e in sad
matedtet .are for 1111, , ttnallent—rbroult nod .4 cute.
St,r,tl,, , t, Sort. Valid, hrett.ea, Chi Palo la "heel,
Bock or Lamb.. Cr.un, Btiff Joke , . 8 rata., intl•m.••
Boa tit gin. Burt, sod Scold. Ruinous eto•ted
r e el, tlatatrh, ne. It hay • plo•ti tut to. ref... Mae odor
and will notgrease nr stain the must delicate /aria.
whin Lunette it aLA nary to 0,0 , 7 F, rally. Prim "a 5
ehate_pur Bottle. 'or sale hr all droreat.o. RISUBBN
HOYT. Prot , , 2.3 OreeN.Y Cdlt 4w
Imbed as Mi
nuses Choir,
11; on Wed
ypt Church,
, and on Fri-
Therel• a MLR of money In It. Th. MOe emeetwhere
pre Rd GER to buy too authentic hietor. of
LIVINGSTONE'S DY4:17.11111.4.
nod THN'ILLINO ADVENTORNS.Ins Ins 29 yeses in
AI , 'ICA. w
'lntelsat or the 8 TAtilAirisXPEDI
ON. over 0 ouly C.OO. L. beyond
De 04 sal.el • - r
11TION.-13fwve or inferforpneks. nhls Is the
ONLY CoNPLISTR as d Rouen, work.' grentiloisolQulars,
.17d d .":
i l t1211.1; d 1) ° Ara (0111:
the Euro
lends of Ed
ral, aro cor
‘Nctu dbbertoemento.
Now, a. heretofore, Tun TRIBOMIR strive' to be Into(
all and preeral.,e• tly a nerve 11 tiler.
Franc.. A Republic-Engle .d and Oerman• gradual',
,rmeated wl h it.pnblican Ideas-Spate swaying In lti
...erre.. era.p of a ruler too good fora HUM and too
week for a tlet.nbllcan, who is unable to govern the gr. at
i , and that block • the entrance to our Gulf of Mexico, and
-dually nosh e to glee It an-the German..peakitigpee.
: in. mallet• d by a new Pro eetantiom, •epara.leg from
the Bee of Rome on the dogma of Papal lalallibillty end
iv...noting to mmanlre the "Old Catholles"-the whole
'entineot per•eded by tho I tellectnal ferment that comes
of the conflict between old Ideas, pidlo•ophical, theologi
cal. ma anal, end the ad•ance • of Physical Science-
Rose a and 0.1 rime running a race for the Anal Van.
that eh II determine Auntie supremacy-China seemliest
t•itly to ansp don her advances and recluse her half.
~ ,v , ,e . . .e. d gragwi e . , ,r, . .., , abolishing feudalism Jeollas e r , r . : , a:lZ=
e,,rlco her lout-hidden emplro-tinch are ph sea of the
0r.... (rein .broad which the malls over All contirienta and
he wire,. under all Sea. are dairy bearing to cm With
h'a ata trusted Corrennotdenta In the leanlog capital,
and wherever *root changes are In progrese, Ten Tat•
con elm-, at or h lever cost, to I y before Ito readers the
Het prompt, e,,tunlete, • .d popular presentment of these.
Meanie and coughed. g movement.. - through all of
which, as it fondly trolls, the tolling m
wit -re straits ling op tows 4 larger recognition and a
nrlanter lotore.
At tome he straggle for Freedom DOM over. The last
slave has long been a cl.igen y the last opposition 10 MO.
t a lon, onfraechinement, equal civil riehte, has been
orma ly Ab nrioned. No p rip, North or South, longer
Amputee lb+ moult of the W.r for the Union t all declare
t et theseeolt. moot never be undone; and, with a
whole, peop le time nutted on Me grand platform of All
itt.tits (a All, whereto our bloody Woggle, and the pro
lunged civil cmtasts that allowed, have I d us„ the Re.
Public clears the roe rds of the bitter, hateful Past, sal
toren peacefully, hopeful y, to the lan alarming because
leas vita, problemsof the Future. To whatever may
elucidate t..e Cetera , diecuealon or action on these. Tn. ode e slime amplest space s.d most imp•rilal record.
%V ate•er p-,lll*, m 7 pmpox. , , whetever Pelifieal lead
ern in ay a..e, whmever may do, is fairly set down
In to ColUMun whether tole 1341.4 tlOllll. or binder. Its
ten view.. its render" \tat 0 ltlo 1 . 1411 t to an 1101,11111tlitatti
I ont lie fanto 1 %lid lt \ a they'alwaye get.
But an 0 Ito oxfu y61111;4 priociplae, fat Tallitts Is
f course, hereafter es heretofore. the champlon of /1 tut.
Itlatita, I ereapec.i•e of uce,Nat Ivity, or Color. It steam
1t A• x.b.y be the Amnon rneote for the pertninent security
oi tho.o !indite, which have bun sole only incorporated
7 100 l'eoPle, in .has onatitutiot. of the United States.
I tidepand-ut of all political portion, It eadeavors to treat
&item ell with Judicial lalrullon, It labors to portly the
•dtutitlatiet•ort oz Gor •rnment, Natio . al, State, and Ho
a •eipal. and Ern ii• 1 those in auteerity, whether In Na•
ii ad, State, or it on moat affairs, tato the lead In thin
...rk• It wilt t or•I glee thorn Its oodial sop ort. But
.1 ~ .0 never bo tilo aortitor 01 Soy political party; no.
1011. It en,rendo. or soon waive it. lett to 111 . 11,1C1.0 , od
cowl-tun what lo or 'us, sod cornmeal what Is right it.
the action o any Partin. or 01 any public 11144.
...O. no alWay., TII A Minus. labors with snit* k art
fur toe ..,..motiou oh the grant material intere•te of till
contort , . the pronr... to In•eutiou •,d of Lab Ir day•
os. inn do•e'oPm-at of oar remora°, the preser•ation of
.0. a ~I 1.• the band eon and Its rapid sublugatioe to
.toail went.. me 0 iiiratioa a our no t underlying Ores,
e,.*lut, of ho fa 0111.1.4 for °meatus Pr donor mad
...ii mot nearer log: the ,-0 bitterer tend- to await the
oi n k. lucre Ito II o knovilo Rit,tl hatter the wealth. of
eon devoted to Productive ladosli 7 nude mention and
o ucoll , n.oicou, 104 , 0 Solomon.
on Wo , lila 1 lei noon, it..ty more than thirty years
.id, lion aiiiiti 4010 , 1 to meet, with the twit rrrrr of the
, a. , it. litiproromeet and In en ii ?.”rise. It decree a hug
' Inn. 01 It. COlOll4OB to Auricoito., ~,,, the most ....nth,
oot ire *era, of !Inman ;lomat'. , trmploys We abbot
.I,d most elm. efitioultivatJrs to met ...on I , . rlef al, ar
. e ~.,y, their practioal •liitiro of the Fa.a..,,... wo a c. I ,
' p.a.ts pith ic dteentiniu . which elucidate. that work:
gam ..a Vow eVOry tiolllo. 1.41 . cultural ate ~11,.. report,
. 't - 1 .." 1 " . "'“'-'1" . '':', Zg r2 ":ist r y t llittl4 . .l4:f
..!:...i t reMcifft".le, te a to coi.tme Id it a. the RAI. t.'d
.001 .top,,i tent of l.rOgreselfu Art., based 00 Uolltral It,
There are hdodrods of thoo.ab la engaged In dl ....ran
001001 et villo h ow
or e
or r.iit a '
•," 801.1ii , Ve N0rn.•p0r
...., id their tom to It. collar et 1 hare,. ment, Tut.
Week..T I sinosu allows them ht w lo make the m at of
;tom to is end choir hour:, both :I daraidlou and exam
me. o lutOrmattun equal lo 5.4 quantity cm be
e1..0w be °obtained for Ito- once° then oceeel.
doors, W next.' tp..e
sten Teachers, Stn.
id persona of Itiquirlog Undo, by the Os actor
f lit L lerery conteute, which to lode review.. of all the
works proceeding from hr mashy minds O those Old tope
N• w W Ither *sir cut frogf
01. I intorent talegi“tiee Liter, :ore Mr) Olaltnn attilin•
:Wu. but In a 'mho, pinto dove. • " throe Interlude'
t i r O iacciosiied weekly by • lady apeolally edtlifled to In.
• .ntar..nt her own ear. and the portion
.1 the ...her. N la mire eitmerly ,O%gnt or per.
used wlrh grout, aver-fie profit. thou hers. Ja Hawn of
Day. olu 1. mod by brio! commente, It edliondenmed
tout nor. rider con nest It diffuse, whsle glee ,irnol c oe.
, yin dew! to Asaii.y al. WIWI* of the seer r reader.
lateen ace are felill.ariy mono from the et.. , Coo rea•
penitence of Inn Dem, I amiss from afar .120,17,
ihn editOrDeie n, 1110r,NiNIA Dent value ere h remo
u ed. In short Tgalygaat.r Teutons cumin ot totelf
lac cululater•ua to their
w more
tali iliac they ere tn• by ant other Journal, be Its
'tooter rep,,,te of the Cattle. Cont. try Produce, • AI,
lark..., will of theumelves rave. the farmer cob ro ot .
my not , a them far more than hlsjournel'a price. ,
Fur eh fa lly circle et the educa.ed farmer or a ,eri.
Da W Racal' auntie has se auperlor, sole D. , by
the hundreds of Minden. mist, having reedit from' d•
rod, lull Loorlah and major it In the prime and el he
d Wu nail of •ife. We re..p. coolly urge theme who w
t • oral D. commend Tun Won. , Taint/ 1a to
:rienee sod calgl bum aid we proff., it to clone at Dt
Will.:11 p•y the cost dpepor and pramhwork.
One copy, one year-82 lama. ... S 1 00
Floe c rues, of.. 750
• T p ,as •UDannel. To li1•11.1ne Cip
All I Per , office. ail at one Poet.tilleei.
rcoph.a 017 ouch. le eot.lee $135 each.
.10 eoplot. 1 (teeth 'A:copies 120 each.
30 lea lOf -Kelt. SU nuplen 1 10 nit Ch.
and A. extra to cash Club. i /cod an xtra to each Club
alrFor Globe el Fifir Tits RaIll•WIIIIKLY TallOna
soot as an extrie tOPY•
toshilened every Tcresnay end Fato•Y, and, being
printed t•• tee • we it, it contain,. nearly all the Important
Corr , t , ondettco, 11“ylewa, and kiditorlala of Tea
oll,r. tuelq.llt ( ey-c)111100 04 the eubiect of Amin'.
or., and nowt It:tweeting and valuable. m lt.r. for
o 'doh there a not nofftplaut room 'a Ina WAPILLT
Br . Tan Sea 1- W air t.r Ta Korn alto gives, la the
ort, Ile of • yea., TRH. Or corn of the
Beat and Lafeil Popular Notch,
by living eathote. The co.& of there alone, If bonshi le • form, wool Ibe from ale to Muhl dollar.. lie price
bee . lately reduced, no that Club. can now secure it
• t li.tie more than the coat, to eingle enbecribera, of Taa
WT. y Nowhere else can Ito rourh curreLt letelligenee
nod permanent literary matter be bad at 00 cheap a rate
•11 In .11R .hold. weak. Tainnax.
One copy, one year, 104 nqtah.." 113 (4)
Five coplen, or over, for e' PY 250
Ten copies (~nd oqe 01 , •• copy) tor VI CO
TEV . f.ealabdlLLlU? IR OFR.
T3IBCPII ALMANAC fu r 1873 w II be 'ready about
New. Ye.r's. Prion Al cents; 7 (or St.
kin•sys send n draft on New-York or • Posr-Oir/toi
OCT. 'Ryan, li posstl to. N hero neither o• these CAL
:0“11 . 0 I ' cud toe nlOOO,. JP T ALWoTB le A iilltall
• , ATTAII. The reststrest , o fee has been re:need to
. L , •1 cool .4. mot the pro•nct triintr 111 02 system ha.
, •.,i by the post.l an ...Mee to be peony an shoe.
. T... 5. two ansiest tosses by milt.
Q pi . , , .° to Cit.
ADv•N TIIIS Nil IiU.SE, Netr-lrork.
1 ' ‘• PURCH AS fl§l FOR
I '
tedlea', Ciente - -
I khan—rod . OF
ota• trod aft aetttn'
and boys' 11A • DICEReIIIEFS
boor ud (lets great witty of way.—
Lads. lultl4
• Co l,. t .t^'. Panel Mtn and come elegant French
ekliln, Linen mt..
Hos nViotti, Col red &AN/ , t orn &
most hotolooculle 1tn•.. 1. ' nod Embroidered,
late , • d .Ud TOllO O.
I ev, Lane_ end Notlieolllll
Imeo 11.1AltrrrbirIX.
tit a V.. 11. lot• 0— .1.1004 l ot
Pt utdi low .ttun do. Real end 1.
ti 0 Pnio Loco. .
1 - .11,br 'etfl-11110111:111:401
odcr,l Info: t RaLoe and Wale.. and ri
itoti t vo
completeCk of liembilliEdc, then
Curb,. and Cur udt Net by the rard'at ts,,
13,110‘10c, at
• b. '
212 NORTE! 14Tn STREFC , ,
4,5 ijanl d
I. now manufacturing el first quality Heal Hair
witch., 3 os. 24 Inchon. $9Ol. 4 os. 26 loch.. $lllO.
Cor ant rront lirelds, $l6 l . Finger ruff ,41 la •..l.
sh it E'.& mea.uri , g 26 a d 60 Inch., $9OO.
N 64100 1 SAW. dyers length owlish.. from IS 90
WOO. All length, marmil water ear from $1 00 to MOO
4.en. All cool,. wa rr anted repment . ed. and ex.hanged
if not aat.a aster.,
Pardon l• attention paid to order..
Lae m 1010.1014 order. with a .mo. w it h Bair and boleti.
will ho fair], an 1 honorably dealt
Pm Woge mode op to Order.
ompl One of all the latest style. of Bair good.
coos at. tly oil head.
A full a.ortmeat of Ilead ornament..
all hair need, ltarkorted direct and warranted to be of
the eat eviality Young b ra id. ttendance who will
inet•aet raetomers todres. the he., la their head.,
w.thout coarse
Call and enematoal.r Ad oudrre Go
.s od.,
"aqufacturer of Real. Hair Goods
818 ARCH ST., PI-1 TT A
818 ARCH St., Philadelphia.
holiday Goods
Jewelry, Watches, Silverware,
'BO5 A• PICARD• 805
Importer. Manor sallow of and Dealer In
Also, a large assortment of
N. B.—The above artir/si ars moat appropriate tor
'MOTICE.—The annul =Melia 143
A-1 the etoekb .I'.. end the else• on of oillet i p AI
Llllllotl 11YDUALs. 0 CEMENT 0011 P If to
held on YON D elf, JA tlahretlehetenE ' ek •
r• ... at the ogles of the Dealliitn• • A
street. Alleetowe, Pa.latrdnettell oats L a
br order of Use S'reeldeet.. • • •.'
. asein.taw . ~ 1 • T. v. LiusEilai/O. aosederx
Cheering Intelligence.
We Gel gratldol In baler able to announce that oor
readers oan get from the old and mutat l'hiledelpltla
Clothing Home of
Every Variety, Size & Assortment.
Untgnal.d In clothing sans., an to sop.r n- fabrics and
wqrkmanship. Bamplaa and directions for self•meunre•
meat forwarded by mall, on application to
We Invite all eonetna to the oily to eall upon um and WI
Museum of Ceramic Art I
pp I• Kelly vs. Nichol. Crllly nod Jae. Crllly.
I . omu s t r ictr Poet, No. 13. 0. A. or the ilopnblic vs. Tha
8. t:,,. 6 l l7 ',, t v93l ß rlttnodorsee, ye. Peter Helfrich.
t i . 1.7--
Lobln liUmmerer vs.J. e. Ettinger and Elia• Frits
0. Ot Lac. s. W. Mat, Lire Stock lusuraose
O. Worth & CallaheVZltr c ago i Tivo•th.
r 7 ,4 1f..W.V0t3=.118 Lil l re. 6.ephen Gould. ender..
8. Jacob Carl ve. The Alleimg c , Iron Company.
9. Wllliam Jordan ye. Peter - olarck.
10. Fdwto Reinert ye. George R . ..e r t et ul.
11. Same •e. Joelah Sieger nod Alfri Hendricks,
12. W. U. Hyde & don vs. J. J. Anti
13. Amos Wailer vs. J. A. Kramer.
4. Joe, Die 1, AZ.O Or. at va. JACO] 7.101011111:11All
15. Stephe Gould 're. The Lehigh Valley It. R. 00.
18. Elle. Tallow V.. ThOtAln .
17. Reuben Shaft°, •s. Joshua Kern.
18. Molted& 8 Morsel, sctrdlao, vs Daniel D. Dorsey.
19. Coon. Oett'l LII. ler. Co. Ir.. Thos. F. Emmet,.
'X. David Ackermen •M. Sol. Both and David Soho
11. Margaret !arisen C.. Some.
21. Jomee Hartsell ye. Tho Lehigh Crane Iron Co.
2a3. Abraham Wormara v. Ilfsyberry Weidner.
4. Sarah A, Haar v. L. grossly.
21. David Barron •e. William Jordan.
Remy H Boaeher te, Jamie B , Kelly, et al.
J, L. Prick nr. William H. Potter.
Charlin Hatt Ts. Solomon Lorash.
.I,mes Frees •s. Jessie Wieser.
Mahlon Mclntyre Tre. The Lehigh Valley R. R. Co.
Jamie A. Yeager and wife •e. Tilghman H. Doreen
Dan.el D. Dorney.
Friedel and trite •s. John Beek and wife
J. A. Kramer •s. The City of Allentown.
Klebsel denninger
y e. Joshua Old.
Trezler & Brothers e.
Cwert Harmony y• Patrick Mcßee.
A. A. (Bering ye. J ohn * Troxler.
T horn. Kline •It. John P. Miller,
Mo t to
Thomas Iron Company ye. William Iluneberger,
Motto D. George lie .ry Warts.
ye. John Wholbseb,
Samuel Werttaan 'we, Benjamin itsbenold.
j. Grim &Co; ye, George Blrieh and Catharine RI.
• The Lehigh Hydraulic Cement Co. vs. William Lel
7 thune es. P. T. Good.
2, 2atae i.. William H. Berths.
7 A.lame v.. Lewl. Lauri.
77 . amo vs. L •I Han,
2 i. embark Lies vs. Bollidey & 13halig
J. el. DILLIHOEI3; ProLho•otaiy.
PROIONOTART'II Olvicz. Noc , mber 27.
Jana Claus's Headquarters !
Thi..o.exteaelve preparations have been made ier
stock kelt:Latex glass And wax rihrialmas
'ran ditch or our fiartour,'• In darer.
•at Darien. abseils C sit., gilt stars and WWl:tort,
wax e.ndleN
••• . .
A VARIETY OF MX TOYS. anon an "'MeV. taloa.
menagerie.. tordenr,ra eof all size., than or fun hare.
HU, IC MIX IN, toyola..os from four b date. u key,
OA MEE too nem , .mention.
gewincrioges,r ,, T kaod.omo•
fol'B THAT RON WA t.K— flu ignebeuleal To‘
suet An io , o ,oo t . ree• oar: borne.,,. volocipedoji
-team Ire 111101011, minden work by mechanical in.ieno-
8 FOVEB .1 all !Altera', aid size., ',lading good
•A•INO8 RANKS madtAr iron or tie, Warranted not
to last.
Canary Birds and Cages,
th. Sam anortmAnt aver ',nimbi. le thin oily.
- - -
apt sea llamas dolls, dolls In 4artialfe• that
•11. vrtlksturAl , eask attaskrd separoier7.
OBBY BOUM, rosking.Qek ins antra.
nia kora.. full Willer, •••Wessats. ea.omaa
• lelake, wbeelkarrowe.
NINA TOYS of a , ery kind among whoa animates
..• 141.11.111A8L8 novoltlem.f,psusw
old. Peas' beat 4, dolls' oboes. me CIO. cal,
a fur Melo atria , clot chamber •11.14 nth, et•
ASKS tor Ladles and eullemen. Deere' Heade. etn.
AN.iB TOY for little garb , . beading boroaria, b •
ada, sod hook eases. TOOL 011EdIfti for boy, ow
Y. dry goo .s and provision et Inn. Coati. with Nah
a, sad mooing airtime, livery stables, parks. sta.
Oiac . and d candy more ht ; ii. gilloravu ,_ ,
::TtredttrdlrolLthe curnprattanalvane:
.1, stook.
W ----.-
T 1 50n,--_
lA t E
C 1
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014.41;s COMMENTAT OI4
,ei.x?PriticZtLE, for tt e HOME =cur.
itke'rAialialur.Tlngs. The beat ontorDri.o. r
l ke
6 C :41rtkri4r"oVE,YdirriA.,"goVH.11 N . 0 TOV
AG ENTN-0110.0w...---
P. . mpto,ameswirm --late twiren-
LetccouTrgrtir'' . 4. 1, ..10.7_0,_r_ del. st i r
,j a da s y to ..or
rapidly and i.,k. by " s 6.iy rotas
Montan floe. WORTH OTII.DVNTud ..... VIP
ford. Ct. 1. -4 ' . ‘ln , DUSTIN & CO.. Mot-
$5 TO $lO r';', l ;_ l 32 -- ,
young or old. oaks 500r0 * 0t00 1 4 w .,.. " 0l ' <MU.? " 0 /72
FPAloil o u n :: roe i d
r 1 o ) : C 1 1.131 /14 I f :ojr atosti
Insure In the TRAVELERS
1111:113TARD.—Wbolesale Whe l ps/a. 81.1 . 1q m ,
TlNlrgattliglVrlPS of if. W. luau, T
Iveri Mork fund net obant con Intro at onto. Book
Salle& 00s. H. GOULDING DSTAHT. Matto. N. T.
BRADLEY & CURRIER. 64 and 56 Day 64. Row York.
We have deeded to dingle* of oar lemsenee .took of BEL,
WARD TABLES at prime a Itttle above amt.
MHO New ,__eorwptete 00Q. flommed.bard Tab
made over new, Invo, =AM. a• • en.' varlet/
Knit ell buyer.. en for cataloane.
Cor. Canal A Centre Bb.. New Took.
Rose of Cashmere Hair Toe
Is auserysssed as a Promoter rf the Growth of Ike fla
and Whiskers. It I. .saber sticky nor ereisYs yet
softens sod smoothes the hair far better and more pe •
..oils Mao any 011 or Poomd• Used ass Hair Dressi
it produces the most beautiful and lustrous gloss. Wa
reeled perfectly harmless. Its exquisite perfume Is qui
unrivaled. being distilled from the morld•renowned Rom',
O A r liBttel n `4:1171,1,111."«o'ill.13da313t", ad d
THE WEEKLY NEW PORK SON. Eight t ater_lit
..lap.oar. or lan than aerate number. n'
ldarres .41, Tailor.. New York City:,
N° :? :=_V r
eiirtg a.3 o lit'at L. l l'
ow oral w
t o • l
_ th i e, ""
elitylisy of Deana sr mil; 9. 7 i6ltara. the bawds will
• pails fem. • .1 11 • EIMAINN.