Coal attb Lumbtr. CHAB. W. ABBOTT MEI=I Allentown. RITTER & AB BOTT, MANUFACTURERS OF Bash, Doors, Outside Blinds, Inside Blinds, Aft:add ing*, Brackets Balusters, Pickets, Stair agar Inge, Window Frames, Door Prams, M. SCROLL SAWING TURNING, PLANING, FLOORING and RIP • DONE eiT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. PING , ALSO, STAIR BUILDING done and RAND RAILING made to order. Having now bad almost five years' possession of the Rill, refurnished it almost wholly with new and improv ed machinery, and having none but experienced work tom, we are preparod to defy competition from at home and abroad, both In price and workmanship. Do you contemplate building? Call at our Factory and satisfy yonmelf with xpersonal examination. Drawings for buildings, brackets, patterns for orna mental work, corolla for porches, can bo seen at all times by calling •tour oMce. Any information to the builder furnished cheerfully and freely. by coiling at the Dann. factory, on Union ntroat, at the Jordan Bridge, Allen town, Pa.. or by letter through the poet office. atm 3-1 y) RITTER & ABBOTT. Sputadeo. SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES!! EYE GLASSES, &a. ii,VtLie.:,nl;:t3l,,ronT:'.°T"` all of, CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA Raving devoted a great deal of care nod attention to the Spectacle business for three last row years, I find that my bumble/min that lino has increased no ouch that I have de termined to make it a SPECIALTY. There is no article manufactured In which there Is no mach deception prac• tined as there In In Spectacle 010010.1. Knowing that the public have been frequently humbugged by parties pre tending to have a naporlor article of tilasses, and charging exorbitant prices for them, thereby tram clog upon the ne cessities and infirmities of age, I hove taken pain. to se lect a large and complete assortment of the finest and bent Glum. ever manufactured, thus affordingall melons needing Spectacles anupportunity of purchasing at rea sonable prices. Persona having any difficulty in being nulled elsewhere will do well to give tne a call, as I feel confident that no one will fall lobe suited. Itemeinber the old stand, No. 9 East Hamilton *tweet, opposite the Ger. manlieformed Church, Allentown, Pa. jun Z 3 '6B tf Boot ftlaiterz. TORN E. LENI2, WTT. WEINSIIEIMER JOHN SEABOLD. JR. JOHN E. LENTZ & CO„ succEsson, TO YOUNG SL . LENTZ The Arm or Young & Lent: wan dinnolved by mutual consent on Febru rr 1872 qtr Young retiring. Wm LI. Weinahelmer aud John Seabo'd Jr . baying Mhos Ilk Place. Thnnew firm hot re to hsve the cont , rn tore ttf the patronage no liberally bestowed upon the .0,1 They will ens their utmost Bodo. voce to I.ecouniitala.e their pat, s with promhtnenn and furnish BOOTS AND SHOES Lof the bent make and material, and will always have on aud a large amortnient of ihe moat denirable ntyles, •nited to the trade of thin un ction. The arm of Young St Lentz having been dissolved, el parties indebted to them or requested to make nett omen between this dote sod Attrlll4• of 1 he books will ro min at the old stood. Either of the old partners In Ku Merited to sign to liquldstioo feb28.903 L eMAINTHE 4 ROMN ,--2{2 . North Eighth Street, Phila. By confining themselree to a special line of goods and doing a large trade aro able to buy and sell cheaper than those who deal in a more general wey. Not a tiling de Wahl° In wanting to mire up the moat thorough block of WHITE GOODS, All aorta of Lassa, and at this season a specialty made of I=l ma kegr e . ,, At,l i c e nt . n c l e n . l t e o rt e br o t2 n ie d. yard. The choice. Oar 2700 piece., repremoting more than 30.000 yard. HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS All select patterns and buttou•holo edged. Hiaa tacking and bias tucking combination. mad solely for their own aisles. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Llfw TO THE PUBI IC REMOVAL. uUR.'NEW STORE GUTH & KERN, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS WOULD most respectfully call the attention of their Mends, customers, cod the public gouerally, to the fact that they have jest removed to their newly and elegantly tilted up STOllg BUILDING,one door went of their form er loestlon,and immediately adjoining the Fleet National Bank, being the building formerly occupied by Echrelber Bros , where they propose to continuo o DRY GOODS BUSINESS la all Its varied branches. They have the finest. best and cheapest stock of GOODS over offered to the public. embracing everything that the public con wish. They would eapecially Invite the attention of all to their flue assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS This department they flatter tlionnolvon to ho the Sent elver offered to the public of Alleutlwn and vicinity, (or style, quality and cheapoesa.goods of the ano , t approved pattern.. he., coosbtlog of Black and Fancy Silks, Block and Fancy Silk Pontine Black and Fancy Mobairs Black and Fnney Alpacas, Black and Colored Striped Stations, Black Bom bazine., Black Anstrallau Crape, Black Pop• Hos, Bieck Velveteeus. Silk Velvet, Sat in Striped Versailles Cloth, Satin a Striped Lorne Robes Silk Strip• ed Mohair, Silk Figured Sul tana. Brocade Japanese Silk., Brocade Pop lins, Serge Wool Plaids' kola Wool Plaids, Cord act Colored Velveteens, Beg Huh end French ebb:du)+, Pleld Copilot., Plaid Chintzes, Plaid Naleeooke, llrocbo, Thlbel, Ho• lees, Saratoga, Vlgllln, Long Breech, ennead Watervliet Lon and Equare BRAWLS, In GREAT VARIETY. UrCALL and SEE.jEs ♦s they are buying strictly for cosh. they natter them• solves that they can offer' great Inducements to parties wishing to hay good Goode at reasonable prices. They only aids the public to give there a call and enmi ties thief Mock, and compare prices and gustily. They defy eampetllloe. Thankful for past favots, they will endeavor to me south:manee of the patronage of their old customers will as of all new comers, HIRAM GOTH] Jan 21-11 m d CONSnOHOCK EN BOILER AND COIL WORKS JOHN WOOD, JR., 11•11011ACTORER OP roDN,_PLDN AND CYLINDER BOILERS,BATII APD STEAD OIROULATING BOILERS. All kinds of Wrought Iron Tnyere for Blast Foe. FOasometera, Smoke Stack, , , Blest Pipes, boo AV heel- W•. and everythlng to the Boiler and Sheet Iron line. o, all 'Unclear Iron and Steel ' , orating and Blacksmith work, Miners' Tool. of all kinds, such se Whom Buckets, rat.. Drill.. Mallets, Sledges, Sc. HHadnra Steam dro L of 'f iki° workmen, flatter to colt W! coo turn out work wlthrromigrrAnd dispatch, all of which will be W riS r le a ting Niters, it'd rOpalring generally, elrtctly at. Leaded to. apr 17 ti 2XI t t C4FsTNUrst ... 4t plea. /* tit Cl 4lOl Olll et"! PHILADELPHLA., kettelielteation to their large and volt selected etcck of Watches; clookts, Bronzes, Diamonds, SILVER-WARE, PLATED-WARE; rAzior 0001 Z IN GILT AND LEATEEL OUNANINNTS PROM PARIS, 'VIENNA AND BERLIN, Plretteh Flamm Table Cutlery, English Umbrellas. Ordsreby Mail alarocelve prompt attention. 1124 Chestnut Street, PIIILADELPIIIA avvilistr ffinancial. MORE dc TROIEL, AGENTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. ASSETS, $55,000,000. Policies honed In all fo one. For Infottnalloo apply ellhor In portion or by mall to the OFFICE: 514 lIARILTON STREET. ALLENTOWN. PA. n13.41xr MILLERSTOWN SAVING BANK liIILLERSTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. This Institution will be opened on or before tho Int day of drill. Money will be token on deposit at all Mines and m any sums from one dollar upwards, for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST per annum will bepald. Deposits may be withdrawn at any time Also, mope, owned out on favorable tJAMerms E S WEILER, Preableni Dr Seine, Cashfer. J. F. M. Bhiffert, Georg Ludwig, Frederick C. Yobat, Christ .1. R. Henninger, David Donner, Wllllte Saliday. Isaac 0 [label, Gideon tr. Eimer, Horatio T. liertiog. Benjamin J. tichmoyer. James Sinarnamter mar 10-6 m ALLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITIU .am TION, Organized as "Dimes Saving institution," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (NEARLT OPPORITETHE AMERICAN HOTEL,) PAYS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY ON DEPOSIT This Institution, the oldest Sa•tng Bunk In Eastern Pennsylvania, has boon In continuum, and onceeasful operation for ten years, and continues to pay SIX PElt CENT. INTEREST on money fur ono your, and spacial rate, of interest for shorter periods. IKS—AII deposits of money will ho hold strictly conk.. dentist. le:motors, Administratora, Trustees, Assignees, Treaaurera, Tax Collectors, and other custodian. of public or private moneys , are of fered liberal rates of Interest. Farmers. Merchants, Laborers, and all who have money to put on interest for a long or short period will find our Institution an agroeablo and advantageous which to do business. Wo especially fur Ito I.•DIRP to tram..their banking Mildness with us, MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS Lava special pig,/ I 'egos granted by our charter—having fol, power to trans act business with on to their own names. Money deposited with this Institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by a Capital stock and snrplun money curtly of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, nod addition. the Hoard of Trustees have, as tequired by t hurter, given bonds under the nnpervinion of tho Court In the sum of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, which bonds are regis tered in and held by the Court of Common Pietas of this county for the security of depositors. Our Iron Vaults aro of the most mecum and extensive kind known in thin country, as a personal inspection will show, and to which we invite our friends and customers. We refer to thin, believing that mfo Burglor ('roof Vault.. complete the safety and rellabilitrof s good Saving Bank. WILLIAM 11. AINEY, President. CHRISTIAN PRETZ, Vice President, REUBEN STAHLER. Cashier, • TRUSTEES William 11. Atney, ''''''''' Charles S I , 0•11, Chriatian Prot:, John D. SDI., F. B. Samnaln, Benj. J. llageubach, Name Brand, Samuel Sell, Nathan Peter. Jan 12-ti FRANKLIN SAVINGS RANK, Located at the corner of Hamilton street and Church aley, In Lion Bail, second story, opposite the German Reformed Church, In the City of Allentown, is organized tercety for Mottoes, It will ply SIX per cent. It, on all depoette errept totelllese ,leirotitee, for oily period of time., 10 be co lea toted from the ante aepoett. To secure which, the Trusteres of the Institution have filed In the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County, under the direction of the Court. in bond to the moo of Twenty•tlve Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the faith ful keeping nod appropriation of all such mi./mot money as shall be placed to charge of said FRANKLIN IA VINOS BANK, whether a 8 deposits or shares of stock. which bond may be enlarged by the Court whenever it may be deemed necessary. In addition to tlllB. the Act of Incorporation makes the Stockholders pereunally :table to the dep. bor. It. aorn• hie the amount of the thspital Stock of the Batik. which is fifty thousand dollars, with liberty to Increase it to Dins hundred and fifty thousand dollars. These pro•lsionis will make It a very desirable end safe place of deposit. be ß rm id t e l7;o tt ne " Wee l ,W , T „ l a zsl b p n r i ove - ‘ , 4ri P gu t7 ts w g; this city. Arrangements will ho made to furnish drafts on the cities of Now York and Philadelphia 8. A. BRIDOES, President W. WI LION, Vice President J. B. ZISI3IERMAN. (Night,. Trustees : Dlllll°lll. Miller, S. A. es Bridg, John Holben, W William Beer, J. E. Zimmerman IL 11. Cagle, Peter Cross, Edwin Zimmerman. THE ERIN SAVINGS t BANK WM • L. YOHN NORTH SEY EN? B ST., ABOVE LINDICA This book has been eatablished for the purmale of carry• Ina on a general Banking hastiness. and to offer Co the community a SECURE INVESTMENT for their money al home, at the name rate of Interest that It would command In Now York or New Jersey. MONEY LOANED OUT ON GOOD SECURITY .IGr Gold, Silver and Government Ronde bonght And told. Draft. drawn on the principal cities of the Untied Stet.. In mime to cult purchasers. Collection. made oo all accebelble point.. and proceed. promptly remitted at current rates. Farmers, MerChante, Laborers and all who have money to pat oaf on interest for a long or abort period will end thie !mitigation an agreeable and advantegeor, one It which to do btiliilloBo. Interest allowed deposits at the following rain., w B% , irEN PER for one ye SIX PER CENT. If 1,11 for thirty ondar renr. 011-Ravatme 'an tot , ,•0 at. Lieu •.), VILMINGTON AND READING RAILROAD SEVEN PER ()ENT. BONDS, FREE OF TAXES We nro Oirlqlll4 the s,re.! Meogage Beetle of Llll.l 85 AND A( :u: n INTEREST totems: J( I 'gm: July I,ooos. 500 s and 100 s A l nd can he ne REGISTER andf of PX1.111,.. To e.d cerellanno frolghlo Tw . ee, 11 IneAlue it n re are con Manny Invennlng The It:cream., fur 3 , en , ending Novo 0.1, I, 1572. over par end'. Ntwonkber 1 1 s7l. ........ . The lucre/tee for year ondin,t Novenibe. !.1 , 71, 0 rer year endlug Nov, lull, 1, 1570 .......... 70.775.. lucre MI In ma yt run bu uti,,, 13 1, ,(17A u t0 f Bondi, Pamphlet , . aud tufort..a 11 DE HAVEN & BRO., Fiscci/ Agents of the Malta States, 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD L" ifllitl NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GRAND SPRING AND SUMMER OPENING• GREAT REDUCTION. IN PRICE T. OSNIUN & CO., [TIIOB. KERN. 1.31.3 m W Successors to Metspar A 0811111 n BARGAINS GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIU IN REIMER'S NO. 605 unmirroN STREET, ALLENTOWN; PA. We would Inform the clilrenn of Allentown and the mr. rounding country that ere are prepared with a large stork ot good. for . • FALL AND WINTER WEAR, and offer them to the public at reasonable role". To t h„. o who buy their Clothing readymade, they an, prepared to offer DAROAINS. 11 , 110 LE SUITS NAOS TO oRDSRI COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cut and madein thelateat style, and by thobaut tiorkmoa. OUR STOCK OP • CLOTIIING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES In Wane than It be. , been before, and we Intend to sell at •oryf o M r lowl purcha ALL PROFITS, and v a our customers thin bone n ose. Great quardltlen iind yarletlen of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And eyerythlng In the line of GENT'S FURNISHING 000 DB, MEN'S, YOUTHS', DOTS' and CHILDREN II READY-MADE CLOTHING, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. • Don't rorget the piece, No. NIS Hamilton -cheat, third door above Sixth street. T. Osmaw, mar 21• t LEIGH'S R. NEW TRUSS wlil tmeltlyelymire the tvOttit.c.ure of RUPTURE. Hard Rubber nod all other klada of Trdasea. blvul ter Bra CPC Supporter., Eleatic Belt. arid St , oklarta. Suen...• rl. Splnal,Bow-Leg nod elute Po 41-atrum, a rel •111 c .lly made, eta., etc., conataally nn lined nod made to utdar LADIES WAITED UPON IN PRIVATE by L. Du • tarliamember PlaceSlerkl2 NORTH. NINTII ST., Abel latearusa Store 'Wee Market, nil,.Cec 111 THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1872. MEM =I I= I= (TlotbilqN a ions H• BcnoLL MARTIN LTSX WE ENTREAT YOU ALL PREPARE 1. -PREPARF ! ! FOR THE FALL - ANI) WINTER CAMPAIGN • Now Opening 'CT THE ,m ammot hc, tores OF •E. 8. SHIMER Sz CO NO. 705 AND 707 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN. OUR BUSINESS INCREASING! . . FULLY PREPARLD TO MEET DEMANDS.! AN UNDENIABLE FACT THAT WE HAVE THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF LA I )lES' DRESS GOO DS, • UNPARALLELED IN THIS • .CITY AND VALLEY. SHAWLS SACKS. FANCY SACKINGS, WATER 'PROOF °Luna, PLAIN AND FANCY COLORS, SILK VELVET ANI) VELVETEENS , WOOLENS FOR MEN, YOUTH & BOYS' SUITS. • DOMESTIC GOODS OF EVERY POSSIBLE DESCRIPTIO BOTH STORES CROWDED TO ISPECT OUR I3I3IENE SOU ALL SIGNIFY THEIR UTTER ASTONISHMENT AT OUR LOW PRICES. Cs'' standing invitation to all. Call, examine and be convinced rirTbankful for pact favors. [Sept. au. TREMENDOUS :-TO!' , OF Lt MBER, GREAT PREPARATIONS lip )1t 1;E F LI, TRADE MiLFNTOWN LUM B R YARDS OF 11 W. R. rf REX I:ER Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Alltntoan Pa B U ALL LUMBER OF SUPERIOR QUALITY We have on hand all kinds of White Pine Boards, White and Yell, w Pine Ficoring, Spruce Floorino% superior lot of Souther, Yellow Pine Stop Board, all ki.ids • of 'Hemlock Boards. White and Yel low Pine Scantling_ Rough and Dressed. Sidings, • Hemlock Joists and Scantlings, all lengths and sizes, Fence Boards and Rails, Roofing Lath, Plast eying Lat h, Palings, Fence Posts, all kinds of Shin gles, d:c &c . Persons in need of lumber ref. large buildings will find it greatly lo their advantage to call, being constantly ready to fill orders for all kinds of lumber used in large buildings upon the most favorable terms, and at the shortest 'notice. Every article belonging to a first-class lumber yard is constantly kept oh hand. Thankful for past favors, we invite our Wendt: to call and inspect our stock. Respectfully, W. R. TREXLER S BRO. ) ‘1(1 41 f1" ELASTIC LOCK -sTITCH FAMILY SEWING- MACHINES Fin• Einbro;dery tre ~..,....,,,_ „,..„.,.,,,,...,t.-:,..,,. ..,,,,,, is., ...„ lr ~...,...._ . , . ~ • ~.\ 4'.. ; i ,l „. j ,1 0: . :. ;0' ~ ,4': .:4;\ 'k 'q' :t! 4": ... LL - i' ..),,,,,, ~., .., ._, ...,,„_ fil i '', .. ~. 111 F 1 BE.T IN U- , E! (E'S .... ''''..-1- - ,‘ ~., p,....., ~ ' l'''''..' For Braiding re Uncx,isl! it/ ling For Hemming A re Superb r For Tucking • • pi, roachnbl. For Gathering rt. 1.1 n su rim 'tree For Stitching re Faultlnn. For Cording arc hicomparatl. For Felling Adm.rnio, New Sivies Shuttle Stitch Sewing Machines For Manufacturing. To os.: !SEA , STYLES, which possess uninlatnkable advantaKes over the :4018Y and CUMBRi Aft Atyles o era GALL AND EXAMINE. J. F. WHIEBACK, e CE AND SALEBROOP,I, opposite Gorman Reformed Church, No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa ALLENTOWN Rolling Mill Co., &meets.. to TIIAI ER, ERODIAN. WILSON & CO., Blnoafacturers of STEAM, ENGINES AND BOILERS, BRIDGE CASTINGS, RAILROAD TURN TABLES, MILL UEARING, SHAFTING, ,` Furnace, Rolling Mill and Mining Work, &c., &c., &c N. B.—All work guaranteed and delivery prompt. L. U. GROSS, Bup't auguut P•9m WI A HANDSOME MOUSTACHE! i MOUSTACHE PROF. BT. CROIX'S FRENCH COM- W H 113 K ERS POUND. the On HAIR (MOWER. Moth+ ' ACII)L will pr ..lo o It Immo' tnt liIOIIoTACIIS WHISKERS. , Ills/o.lth on 0... snmothoht rue. Pl r on..ant to use. Pot 10 any/Wm. on receipt of ifi' eH y _on' • ItT.OLiD, CHEMIST. %NTH and C (MTN UTSTS.. IPIII LA. N. F. Cor. T .. bill n•ts w AT THE BE SURE AND LOOK FOR THE SIGN!" C M E T 10° GETTING MARRIED.—EBBAYB FOR Tonna bleu. ungrest soCI AL LV I Le and •BIleS, which interfere With NIALIBIAOE,,,ritt, ears meson relief for the tlrrlng and Unfortunate, sad dand- Rated . Address. iIOW AHD ASSOCIATION. No. Mouth Ninth stmt. Philadelphia. Pa. AND Particular attention is de Fired from 4111 who . require FAI3 v, DURABLE Shuttle Sewing Machines = Manufacturing FAMILY SEWING I==l atebos anti 363eltg. pih.c , K. diTAUFFER, WATOI.ES AND JEWELRY, No.llB NORTH SECOND ST., con. or QUARRY, PHILA. An assortment of Watches, Jewplry. BIItOT and Plated Ware constantly on hand. War Repotting of Watches and Jewelry promptly tended to. aora-ly KELLER ot BROTHER. NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, PA CLOCKS, • well regulated and warranted. All sizes and price.; from it upward.. A larger assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES • than can be found to any other store to the city. SILVER K I NDS ; of every duct Iptlon. frirWatenee repaired on Short Notice. WATCEIES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. 23 Bast Hamilton street. opposite the German Re formed Church. Just received from New York and Phil adelphia, all the latest styles GOLD WATCHES. ii'holestandbenwT°l:3: watches. aka lower Nceathancal found elsewhere. SILVER WATCHES. He has a larger and better assortment of Olivet Watches than can be purchased anywhere else. GOLD JEWELRY. He has the largest and best assortment of all kinds of Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. He has a larger and better assortment of all clude of Gilt and Plated Jewelry than can be found elsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. He ha. a splendid assortment of Silver and:Plated Ware All 7 person desiring goods In this line can not fail to be stilted. CLOCKS. . A larger assortment than at any other establishment. MELODEONS. • • - intlsplend e l ial assortment of Prince's Melodeons, tie best ACCORDEONS. A splendid assortment of all kinds of Accordeons. His establishment has lately been fitted up. and is now second to none In New York and Philadelphia. and ahead O f f 'f t gl i t t iTti g ea t s n g l ottlhs3 large ftini lie 6u a larger stack an nil others In county combined. I:convince yourselves of the above call and see • Sqr tbe iLabieo. MRS. GULDIN'S Ladies' Trimrning Store, „ALLENTOWN. PA. The trade at (hit old and well known establishment is constantly Increasing. owing to the fact .hat NEW GOODb ore being constantly received of the LATEST STYLES and alum.n suitable to the wants of her numerous ciao. more. People should always go where they are sure tubs united at low figures. 'au IS A TTENTION, LADIES! REAL WHITBY, JET JEWELRY, FRENCH JET AND VULCANITE JEWELRY FINE PLATED JEWELR 1, Faris sad Vienna Fans, Hair Flos,Fancy Leather anode. Fancy Ornaments. Valley Borne . Peaks. Droning Canes, Toilot Goods. U brollnn 1 Bilk. Clit.gham and Alpaca. All gait au cod superior In quality nod H. modDlXON,erate In prises N . 21 South Eighth Street. Phllada. MADAME STEEL, 1313 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, ties received from Parte tho latest Spring styles POLONAISE BUSTLES AND CORSETS. La Victorian Kangaroo & Nillson BUSTLB SKIRTS for train and prom.tadi dresses. Patin Werly & Children's Corsets. all at popular prices. mar ZO ly sr] FURS l FURS ! F NCY FURS! Selling of Regardlees of Cost to atom Butkus LAI)I8S. do not roles the bargains at the well-ktillw and reliable store of KEINATH, 710 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Where will be found an exterteire assortment of all de Fellatione of natl.,. able FURS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Bete from 66 00 op to the most eoelly RUSSIAN BROWN SABLE HUDSON BAY AND MINK SABLE, ER MINE, CHINCHILLE, SQUIR— REL, LYNX, And every variety of the la.eet etylee. SACQUES OP SEALSKIN. BEAVER, ASTRACHAN, and all kind. of CHILDREN'S SACHEMS. All Morin of Far Trimmings.,. Alec, 'be Mont of Fancy Hobos, White Ft, Heaver; White r and Black Bear, liudeJn Bay WWI, ate. All Goods war -ranted ea re resented. Please cal and examine before Purchasing elsewhere, and thereby 0000 many a dollar. WM. KEINATH. nov 6-10, 7 0 I rob Street, Philadelphia. EXCELSIOR Milt EMPORIUM I. I. TSAA( S, =I .JOHN FAREICIA 71M ARCII STREET, bilittllo of tho Block, between itheod Bth Ste., South Side PHILADELPHIA. Importrr and Manufacturer of FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' & CHILDREN'S WEAR WHOLFSALS AND RETAIL Ravine Itnported a Very large and splendid a/tenement of all wenrtint kids of FURS from tint hands Eu• rens. d rmpectfolly In• Ito the renders of this paper to mall and examine the ss.orttneet o f Fancy Faro. lam determined to sell at the lowest Cash priers. All Furs warranted Nn misserresentaf lons to erasion/mt. FUnS ALTERED ANL/ Itt:Ytt ere - RESIEMBER VIE STORE. 718 ARM( ST.. 16 3 PILA ore llinte • $2OOO PER ANNUM CAN BE MADE IN SELLING THE NEW H EEL E R & W LSONS'S SEWING MACHINE. A few active, reliable lod-ese mon of good habit§ and addrege. wanted In desirable territory at present en Pled. Woe, s furnished I Qeenrlty reqnbed. Sand for Information. or call on 'ETERSON & CARPENTER, Gen'l Agt'e, 914 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILADBPIIIA. • J W. ALTHOUSE, Agent, sly 614 It anillort areal. Allentown. ESTABI,IBIIED IN 1810 Fancy Dyeing Eetabliebinent. J. & W. JONES, • No. 413 North Front Nireet, Philadelphia. 1... DYE Silk.. Woolen and Fancy Goode of every descrip tion Their sunerlvity of Dyeing Ladle.. and Gentle• men's Garments Is widely karma. Crape and Merino Shawls dyed the most brilliant and plata color.. Crape and Merino Shawls cleansed to look like new. Also. Gentismen'e Apparel. and Curtains. cleansed or re.dyed• Rid Gloves cleansed or dyed to look like new. NIL. Cell end look at our work befor oing elsewhere. Branch °Mae cor Ninth and Vine e t a. (.10.2zaw FALL OPENING OF DRY GOODS. _____ • J. M. ITAFLEIGH & CO., 1105 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, flare flow open IN ALL 7118 NEW SHADES . DRAP D'ALMAS • • A ••D DRAP D'NICE, IN ALL TNE,NEW,BIIADES. MERINOS AND CASHMERES IN ALL TUE NEW COLORS. /Mll 7 TEXTURES IN ALL COLORS. 11 ACK SILKS. to GREAT bargain.. BLACK BILK VELVETS, it lowest prices. New Styles in Ladies Suits & Sacks also MOURNING GOODS In great variety. TO INDUCOUN CEMENTS TRY TRADE OFFERED Rot le -Setter j i trimpEN irvin4LE SEMINARY. DOYLESTOWN, PA. Tne pcbabistle lear willbeila au WEDNESDAY. SIP BRK F ,VE U N K lTlPll l . 6 llofT v dri c . ' l. l ll. "' fp aP f l't° • Iturv. LEVI SHEIP. rAKIVaIa. Oyu 'V'iat'oliz.:l4l:7..bP.}AblaellO Lear. an.. Mufti; Low, J. A. Larna. «ou. f . P . ....n.- mta Aaron bltredlth. Andrew §nott, gunnel Them. 11rXimw igebicinat MMUS PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL! NATURE'S - GREAT REMEDY FOR TH3 THROAT AND LUNGS. --=~'• It la gratifying to us to Inform the public that Dr. L. Q 0. Wiahart's Pine Treo Tar Cordial. for throat and Lune Dimes., has gained an 'enviable reputation from the Atlantic to the Pacific coaet, and from thence to some of the first foroUtes of Enron., not through the Prom. alone but by persona throughout the States actually bet:wetted aid aural at him aloe. While he publiebe■ lees. ao eay our reporter., he le unable to supply the domed EMU and holds its reputation— lint. Pot by etopplug cough, but by looseelnu and asalstban nature to throw off the unhealthy matter rot ;toted about the lbroat and bronchial tube., cohfoh causes =3 Ormond. It remove. the cause of trritat , ort (which pro duces cough)" of the means membrane and oronchtel tubas .asslsta the lunge to get and throw off the uobe.lthy seeretloite, cud patinae the blool. Third. It le free from squills, lobelia. ipecac and opi um, of which most throat and lung remedies are coo• posed, which allay cough only, and disorga. no the atom. *ch. It has a soothing effect on the stomach, acts on the Ter and kidneys, and lymphatic and nervous raglan■ thus reaching to aaaaa part of tho system, and in its in vigmating and purifying effects it has gained a repotatiou which it must hold above all other. in the marl, et. NOTICE The Pine Tree lar Cor&al, Great American Dyspeps'a Fills AND WORM SUGAR DROP Bales under my Immediate dirnelloo, they nhaquot lone heir curative qualities by the ace of cLe itt and linpur !IM HENRY R. WISHAkkT, PROPRIETOR FREE OF CHARGE Dr. L. Q. C. Wlebarl•a Office Parlon are open on Mon days. Meader! and Wednesday. from 9 A. M. to A P. hf or conenDation by Dr. Wm. T. Magee. With him are notated two consolting phyeiclans of acknowledged bully. Thus opportunity le not offered by any other I= TIME TABLE On and after MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1872, care will run to all trains on the Lehiith Valley and Lehigh and Sunni.- henna, Philadelphia & Reading (East Penn Junction) Railroads, and to the Allentown Furnace, leaving Ma llon, Hamilton and Ninth streets as followe: For L. V. L. &8. H. Penn. Furnace. Leave Pnr A 61 A. M. A. M. A. H. A M. 646 746 060 990 10 On 13 10 10 840 11 21 11 65 7 46 11 96 11 93 o 41 P. M. P. M. 10 lti 1 10 160 11 95 P. M. P. M. 300 990 • P 60 1 66 900 140 bon 696 3 20 Tao 7 9 if 2) 6 16 110 3 20 7 40 000 6 23 PAy Deka & Batnrd'e 7 10 ONLY 740 840 92.1 The above care run to all the passenger trains or t. above made. FARE TEN CENTS. Children under ten years of age. Five Con aa. TAN,kiIiQUA AN D i Wgi N 0.735 HAMILTON STREET, POOELEIVILLE N.E. Is 7 CA All letters must be addressed to L. Q. C. WISH/MT, M. I)., No 232 NORTH SECOND ST., PHILADE LP iIA nov 13•Umw NEW DRUG STORE ! I take the planner. at Informing in, narneronalit friend. end the public in general that I hare opened a new Dint Store at and titled It with a carefallv selected stock of Pure Drugs and Medicines • PATENT MEDICIN COAL OIL, na V i sg• F tzkrif yaOA L OIL LAMPS Choice redewerT and toilet article., as the finest Ex tracts for handkerchief and bathing. flair Oil.. lisle In •I comb]. sad Flair by.. An innumerable ansortmen of Toilet Soaps for washing. shaving_ and erasing oil. fa or gear Tooth Brushes and Hair B rushes of all grade an Poik:nooks, Albums. Pass Books. Paper and Pens Pocket Knives and Razors, a large variety of the hes English •nd Oermsn Fish Hooka and Tackles. In abort everything that can be expected p First-Class City Drug Store, AND, AT The Very Lowest Market Rates WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS will be • specially end will be tilled day or night with the greatest punctual ity ant accuracy. Phystclans mud Storekeepers Annulled with In my line at the lowest market rates. Having had en. perience shire my childhood In the Drug busluees I feel cotaldent that I can serve all who may favor me with a call, td their satisfaction. E. W. DANOWSKY. Dr. WM. DANOWSKY tales thla oppertnnity to thank b la numerous Merida for past favors and will be at med ic a l eStore of his son to wall on all who may desire his ser vices. REMEMBER THE PLAUE, 785 HAMILTON STREET BdtoB4* Seventh and Ripka MI:1113 LAR4IIIBBT STOCK DRAT INDUCEMENTS - To buy all yon furnitur lawneof I ..... t furniture Acre to GEORGE W. HEIMBACH 782 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN. • The arm have recently put In a IdAll• MOTO ALL PLATS•OLASS YRONT. and have other... enlarged their facilities for gag. on hand the largest stock in the city. 111 ELEGANT FURNITURE II la manufactured In Mar coon establishment, Tgla. under their own sapervialoo and le warrant- a . ed to be the but In theme... An Inopeetiou • of their stuck wlll gonvince buyers of the ad• vantage of buyierom them Ow n W. imhaett npumfaetere KITTLE'S PATENT SPRI lees and Remember gent. for that Impeder bed. Call and lees R. The Mammoth Glass Front. AGENTS QUICK MiI:I%MM! ry, (there le a 'rush for It) on DIO LEWIS' lug and greatest work. OUR DIGESTION, or. .IfY Jo/4Y FRIEND'S SECRET. It Is by odds the most taking and sa t lible book In lb. Aeld. lltls on • •Itally Important en ect. It Is by America's most popular writer on beak . 3lt is for the pries. the largest and handadmest book ever sold by subserlptlon Agents, the people are .uger for such a book, and w i ll urge you to bring It to them. Write for terms, ie arse. OW. MACLEAN, Publisher sovlikly 793 Buxom Street, Plaiderials. MIME ILLUSTRATED PRICES°. 1 LOGICAL JOURNAL Is gym -ff respect a Finn. Class Ilagasloa Its articles are the highest Interest to all. It teach. what we amend it :W to make the meets ourselves. The Information item Was on the Lawn of Life and Health is well worth the nice of the Magazine to every family. It is published at IPSO a year. By • special arrangement we are enabled to offer the Phrase. ogles' Joarnal as a Premium for lye new subecribers to the Lanus Realsrel. Of VW ftlelltah the Lillian Welly. Tee and Phrenological Joarnar together for c reil. We oorancecid the Journal to &111 ROUT ant lago Ilsgastro Addressallorters to IV/IDYLL. 31. Alleatowu. Pa $5 TO $2O '6'll Agents wanted! All aliases of vr or as Teeple ofelther mx.eet e or old. make more money at ware for us I Shell. ep.r moment.. or at: the {IMO. thee a. guru else + into. Mars free. /AL ess Q. BTIIIIBO di DO.. Portland. sethe• 1.9 WieW llailroabo RFA DING 1,41 L-as:,. • ROAD. _ BUMMER AR RANGEIMIT. THURSDAY. AUGUST 1, 1872 Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as follows: at 61:0, 810 a, tn.; and 101 p. m., connecting with alinilar train! on Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 1110, 360 and 940 p. m. respectively. Rotundas leave New York at 9 On a. m.. 1106 nonl. •pd 600 p. m.t Philadelphia,at SP, 890 a. m. and 930 prm. Lawry Harrisburg for Reading, Putt... Alla, Tamaqua. Winersville, Ashland, Shamokin, Allentown, and Phila delphia &tried and 810 a. in.. 100 and 403 p. m., atop Ping at Lebanon and principal way stations the 106 p on. train connecting for Philaditlphis, Pottsville and Colom bia only. Pot Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, viaßcbuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad leave Hereto • burg at 940 p. m. Bast Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rending for Allentown. Easton and New York all 00;1040, a. m , and 405 p m. Returning, leave New York at 900 a. m., 12 (6 noon and• 800 p, m.. and Allentown at 776 a. m., 129 f noon. 1 3, 499 and 995 p. m. Way Paasenger TI,IOI leaves Philadelphia at 7 90 5. m„ connecting with similar train on East Penna. Railroad; returning leave Reading at 6WP m., Morning at all sta. Conn Leave Pottsville at 690 and 900 a. m., and 990 p. Herndon 11010 a. m. Shsmok in at Si If and 11 16 a. tn., Aahland at 711 a. m. and 19 Sip m.. Hahanoy City at 761 a. m.end 1 20p. m.. Tamaqua at 955 a. m. and 910 &. to. for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Harrisburg. Leave Pottevllle via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road at 6 15 a. m. for Harriaburg, and 11 45 a. m. for Pine grove end Tremont. Po tt 8•11 le Accommodation Train . e. Potts•llle at Si )' a, to., peaces Reading at 703 a. tn. Philadel phia at. 933 a. m. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 6 I.' p. to., passing Reading at 740 p. m.. arriving at Potts ville at 9 90 p. ro. pottxtown Accommodation Train leave. Poestoora at BLS! in. Returning, leaves Philadelphia (Ninth mid Orem ) •t 4 90p. m. Colombia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 790 m and p m for Ephrata, UHL, Lanrawer. colemhis, Or, ire. turning Sexy. Li easter at 190 m, 323 p no d Columbia al 8 m, a•AI 915 m. Pe. k Inman Rath, Trains leave at 7 83. 863 Nm. 263 .ud 616 p m lint uraisit. liars Ore-o taco at 615 a m. 12 35 sad 4 20 p m neurotic with train,. nu Heading Ralltssd.. . . . . . Pickering Valley Railroad train. leave PLosolx•Ille at 910 a tn, 010.049310 60p in ; returning leave Byers at 0 Xi • m, 12 45 noon, and 420 p To, connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 0 if , e m and 1 20. 825 and 715 p m; returning leave Mount Pleasant at 0 00, 813 mai 11 21 a m, and 325 p in. mintier t• to with train.. on Reading R. R. Chester Valley Railroad Train. leave Bridgeport at 8:0 • m and 240 and 639 p Int returning, leave D wnlngton at 6 55 a m. 12 30 and 540 p m, connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. On Sundays: leave New York at 000 p m, Philadelphia at 8 00 • in and 315 p m (the 800 a m train manias Only to Reading). leave Pottsville at 800 • m. Ilarriabura at 6 07 • m andoo n m, Allentown at 435 and 035 p tn, Read leg Ai 715 a m and 10 51p in for Harrisburg. at 7 CO am for New York, at 720 a m for Allentown and at. 9 40 a m and 416 p el for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and itgenrsion Ticket., to and from all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 minede allowed earl. Pimenger. J. H. wooTTEN, anal 1.7) Asst. Supt. d• Env. hfurierv. L.EIIIGII VALLEVaw A-4 RAILROAD. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Leave Allentown fur Now York. via Central Railroad of New Jersey, at 5115., 015, and 816 a m. and 1201, 12 lb., 540'. and 560 p. m. For New York, vim, Morrie & Eaaex Rallroad,at 6 A 5•, and 6 15 • m, and (211, 1213.. 610', and 850 p m. For Martunka Chunk and Belvidere at 8 15 a m, and 5 Mr P m. For Latabertyllle and Trento, at 615 a tri, and 12 01 sod 8 50 p m. For Rant. at 555*. 615,815 and 10 10 ant; 12 01. 12 11.. 910, 6 40., 560, 7 41 and 8 28 p m. For Philadelphia, via North Penn Railroad .1 4 12. 816 m, and 1201, 860, end 828 p m. For Washingtoi., D. C . at 816. anu a n S p m For Catasanqua & K. 641 a tu a. 12 P m Fo • r Copley at 041 a 510,1 6 21 au.l 824 P For Mauch Clunk a dl 1047 am. 1221, 771 and 624 pm. For Wilkenbarre a J 1 end., at .3 44 and 10 47 a m, 122(, 4 94 p m. For Waverly, 0 ego Elmira. Aubttro and Ratak,. et 1017 a m Mame. :rain.) and 1221 p. For Haslet. at •nd 10 17 a no, and 4 34 p m. For Andoarted r V) 47 am. For Mahanoy at 611 itod 10 17 a In. sad 191 P n.• For Mt. Carmel 6 41 and le 47 • m. Trains with art VI *tart from Haat Penn I u amp', . 11.8 TAN I, Y GOODWIN. Anal Gael Sap't, • R. Li. SAYRE Yap'( Boa 110011'1'11 PEN NMI' . • VANIA RAILROAD. 4.1 l? 14- SUMMER ' • ' I IIIIENT. Peesengers for Philadelphia lILI Lehigh Valley H, H. trains pateeing Allentown at 8 15 and 8 15 a. nt, N 01, Pi tO 8 28 5. tn., and strive in Philadelphia at 6 55, 1042 a tt., 115, 81 1 and 10 325. m. Also Lehigh and gusolletetnne Railroad Wain. .1 815 a. m.. 3 R.S. 518 and 8 10 p n. arrive in Philalelphia at 10 45 a m., 15, 040.822 and 1030 p. m. . . . LOCAL SCHEDULE. ailz Through Trains Daily, Sunday. Excepted ] Patentor trains leave the depot Northwest corner Berk • and American atreeta, Philadelphia. For Allentown at 830 and 9 43 a. m. 2 10.3 4 Ott awl 643 P m. Pala , e earn has atuch-d to 1h..8341n. m. train For Doylestown at 8 48 a. to.. 2 40 and f Sup to. For Fort Washington at 743 and 11 a m. 8 and 11 30 P ca. For Abington at 7 m 180, and 680 p. m. For Lansdale at 830 p. m. Trains for Phllctolphis. Leave Bethlehem at 020, k 5 4. w., 1215, 535, 0 10 and 400. m. Doylestown la 700 n. ni., JOO and 500 p. m. Lansdale at 005 a. in. " Fort Washington et 1)30 a. m., and 215 and . . 9 (V pm. • Abington at 7 45 n m. 2 15 And 6 25 p. to. ON SITS DA y B. Len•e Hothlehom for Phll3 , l.lpltat at 4 00 p.m Doiloatown 6 45 a. in. Leit • Sgon: m. for tort,, wont It are—A llontown to Philelolphll L : k i .LARK. ALLENTOWN PASSE,Mr CUL WAY. . _ On and after JUNE THIRD, 1877, Paesenser Trains on the Cataeatique & Fogelsvllle Railroad will rug lo eou tee. lion with the Lehigh Valley. Lehigh & Busquehessa. amt East Penn. Railroad, as follows, - • Wes a -- I m P.m CATASAUQCIA, ' 9 631 569 .6131PLE . 11. • 946 I 6 40 B •JORDAN RI DOE II 39 644 V.V.l;ftllT,tl, 934 I 6 31 07A 661 CHAPMAN'S, 919 67A THEXLERTOWN, 067 616 HititINIOSVILI.S. 6 68 I 6 53 7 03 7(A 7 17 771 7 93 799 -18 97 33 11 18 as os 18 sa to • 1 •SPRING CREEK AL-DORTIB, 748 7 01 g Sin I= The ruorAngirsin wee{ leave. Calanailynit on the attiVal of the 1. V R. R. Passenger train from Easton, be, hem and Alle town, and connect. at Alt:idle with a tnsw on the East Penneylvani i • 7 11. H. for Reading, Pottsville. gri n Lb w rtr . g . 1 /tAtt i Pplat a led. il w a r ud also with a train for The morning trill East connects i . tt ,aina on B. P. R H. from Harrisburg, Pottsville Loadlo . st and Allentown. and at Catit+nuona with train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad for Ranch Chunk, Wilkesbarre, Herne. ton Philadelphia and New York. Time 116 P train West *inmate al *Mutts with train. en the East Penn. Railroad for Reading. Pottsville. Har risburg, Philadelphia. Allentown. Bethlehem. &let.. and New York; arrive In Philadelphia via !leading et 1 tt D. m. The Reaction train East leaves Albania on the arrival of a train from Allentown and of a train making connec. lions at Reading with train. from PhiladelPhia, Harris. burg, Potts•llle, Ste,, and connect. with local pessenget train on the L.. V. R. R. at frttasanqua for Allentown, Bethlehem and lia.tou. Elokendanqua and Canis. Pomona wishina to go to Allentown con take thu moro• fin train West to Albania, arrive at Allentown 015 a m, iid rattan by a train on the East Pennsylvania Railroad. leaving Allentown at 4 3.1 D.m 0. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. and Engineer. Jau ]O-111 You Can Buy Everything You. Want SCHOOL BOOK'-, BLANK BOOKS, • COPY BOOKS, SLATES, PENCILS, and everythleff 7oer children nee In the eehool at the BOTEN BOOK STORE, OF LEISENRING, TREXLER CO., 631 Hamilton Street. The Largest and Oldest Established Book-store in Allentown. A. H. FILANCISUUS & CO., 613 MARKET STREET PIIILADELPRIA We have opened for the FALL TRADE, the largest and best assorted Stock or PIELADELPMA CARPETS. Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Riper. Carpet Chain, Cotton, Yarn. Bat ting, Wadding Twines, Wi.ka, Mob, Looking Glasses. Fancy Baskets, Brooms. Baskets, .Theeksis.Nrsah es, Masa, ringers, Wooden and Willow Ware in the Untied Sides: Our large leereelle 10 baldness eoablaa ea to sell at low Prices and famish the bent quality of Ouedi BOLE AGENTS FOR TIM CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER, PRICE $3.50. THE HOST PERFECT A LADE.D SUCCESSFUL WASHER EVE R S • AGEIn NT i S' WA qt" NFRD FOR TES AMERICAN WASH RR at parts Ote Stat e. 6.0 Sow D. LUCKEIVIIIACII. A'1"1011- •11 , 17 • NET AT LAW. ifortueriT Trutt mi 111 011 Tb. jtiAti). Moo, HAW ton SU4L. lISCOL Nook nesuly ===loze. AgrtaWa. PA. may be Goa- Profrozional Cartio 'EDWIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, eight doors above the Court 176 rule, AL LENTOWN Lehigh county . Ps fob 13-'Ol-17 pi C. lICNNBERGER ATTORNEY . A i t o : LAW. Removedpl A t . to Post 0011 4 Mil . l i n y s I DUNK At BALDWIN, ATTORNEYS AL AND CoPNHELLORB AT LAW, Allentown, PS. ON.. No. j aat'llutntitou street. V. A R. BAAwiii. EJ. lIORE , ATTORNEY AT LAW, • ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, N 0.60 East Effunlltos street. ifirCen be coneelted Is German. laAle fIEOIiGE 11. RUPP, ATTORNEY 1.-X AT LAW. Office with lion. John D Stiles, Alleo town. I'm DR. C. C. ll.liuLDlr, SURGEON DENTIST. Office, over Mrs. M. A. 0. Ouldln • Trimming Storo, N0.:41 E.tot Hamilton street, Allentown 'V IO ET' SOYER, ATTORNEY AT -E-.1 LAW AN I/ JUSTICE: OF TILE PEACE, MILLERE• TOWN, LEN [Oil CO., PA. Particular attention paid to In/ and decedent Ontnteo. ja111.147 ELIAS MER Z, ALDERMAN, NUNN Eiroun.i I) CONVEY/NUR AGENT FOE THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, S.MlWost ilutallton I. Allentown. Pn W3l. N. YOUNG. JR.. (WITH 11,107)11 . 0!1, Matins OCALlitla ATTOI9TbY AT LAW, hoomx 43, 45. 40.0.nd 47. (o. NO Wahhhagton Street. Chi June T IEOI AS B. M ETZIiA it, ATTOR. NEY AT LAW,. ALLENTOWN, I'A. OM., N 0.12 EAnt 11. oilLuu slreet. may 19-'OO mknnm•m Inve.lork fIEORGE B. SCHALL ATTORNEY Vf AT LAW. OtAce, First door above Law Alley, AL LENTOWN, PA. may ZliP-Ora EDWARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Mike, with lion. Samuel A. Bridges, ALLENTOWN, PA. may 1-4 P.)011% RUPP, ATToRNEv AT LAW, Office, N. E. Corner Mb and Hamilton Streets ALLEN. TOWN, l'A. may 1-17 A/FORMS L. KAUFFMAN, ATTOR.. .1.V.1 NEI AT LAN. Unice, .Otani door of it., Phil National Bank bulldia4, ALLII:ITOWN, PA. Collection, made to Lehigh Awl et..eentoe counties. Can be corkeulted nine English and Yorinin lam:nage.. sep 14-17 Q.:I3I(IEL A. I trz, AIrI'ORNEY Al. 1.0 LAW. OMNI, OeTollion AtTeel. over Bohn!. here Atom ALLENTOW V PA WAIN RCLAY 11,111EILNLY,ATTORNET • AT LAW. CATASAU 111 A PA. jerk 14-'6Ba .I . OIIN 0. BO W 3111 AN, , VirrORNEY GP AN N COIVSELLOI: AT LAW, u, A G3O WI hot etreet, Philadelphia. mar WY- r all EN. !". It DM V, virroltNEV AND COMISELLOit AT LA W, NOCI.IO floor oftl, J .Kre. awes eture, opounlto Ow Eagle lntel, Allentown, Pr. . . earpt3 anti Oil Clot . RICH AND ELEGANT CARPI I'S, OIL C.LOTILS, &C) 8. C. FOULK: • NO. ID S. SECOND ST., PHILA.., (Filet Carrot Story below Market, Cant able,) lurilun nth•utluu to him mydend d op....nun:lnt of Importad mod Anwricals CARPETS,. which will IN stild at o ven 4111 M l n.lynnce. 11 told w urruutod n. represented no dm .11 evil buy with caufid. :Ice nod •otls fuetlon. CARPETS! CARPETS! ALSO, OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINOS WINDOW SHADES, itC., G. B. SNYDER & CO., 31 BOUM SECOND ST., PIIILADA., N. B.—A IMeral unt lo Chum.bee and Clergy dial7.3taw 11221 Ms Cut Illustrates trio manner of Ushg )3:01R.. .1.13E1R0.13 Fountain Nasal Injeetor, Thl In.trornooi evecially designed for tho per. feet rlpplicuti,ol 01 EZIECEITI DR. BACC . 3 CATARRH REMEDY. It is thu only forum of instrument yet Invented with which fluid inedlciou eau be carried high up aid perfectly appne.l I 0 all parts of the aperient octal pus revs, and the chnoniews or comities commonicating thee evinh, in whinh sore+ and ulcers frequently exist, an I Goat which In, catarrhal discluirge generally pro. e, 1.. Tito want of sueee.+ to ovation:Cater:ln here. tort., Imes arisen large' •• front the Impossibility of applying remedies to then, :amities end chambers by tiny of the ordinere methods. This obstacle to the way of effecting cow.. I+ ...hely overcome by the Invention of Ono Douche. In listing this instrument, the Fluid Is carried by Its own height) no snuffing, toms leg or primping being required,> up one nostril lu a Halt mnil!daivin.; strela to the 111;4111•St 1,011100 or lA* eld 1,,,,,,,, 1.,, , ,,, Into nod thoroughly rlcenses II the tube:sand eh:mothers conneecull therm% nil, And flows out of theoppOsile nostril. Ins 1n... is plenssul and so .i.ople that a child CIO! meter-1311d It. fall and oxplC 11 ill roc(! on.. nenompany each in+trameut. When used with thi . I. trumeut.,Dr. Sage's Catatuln Remedy cure+ rcrenit ,[tasks of . 6 (1 mid I m lizo 11(.11,1 15 ' iiv nm low applications. Sy will[, MA of CAM eats Frequent bead gene, ,ii....ansge felling Into throat, sometimes pro fuse, watery, thick oilcan, plainly., offensive, Sc. In others a dryness, dry. outcry, weak or Inflamed eve+. stopping up or obentruction of nasal passages, rlinglaz in cart, deafness, hawking and coughing to. clear throat, ulecretions, scabs from Wrenn, voice annuli, natal twang, offensive breath, Impaired on total deurivation 01 POIO.O Of smell and taste, dint. net., mantel depression. 1.4 of appetite, Indiges tion, cularznl tonsils. tickling cough, Sc. Only a few of there symptoms are likely to be present In mot case at one time. r 84 87 Or. Sage's Catarrh 11.mody, when used with Or. Plc reete.N mud Douche, andaceom• mole I with the constitutional treatment whim) le recommended In the pamphlet that wmpa each hot. tlo of the Remedy, to a perfect specific for this loath. Falll,lll,ll+o. and the proprietor offenyin good faith, 8501) reward for a case ho can not cure. The Remedy to mild and pleasant to use, containing no strong or cans* drugs or polacine. The Catarrh Remedy to sold at to cents, Douche at 00 cents, by ell Driligallals, or either will ho mailed by pro. prietor on rueolpt of 00 cents. R. V. PIERCE, IR. D.. 8010 'Prprietor. ' BUFFALO. N. • may 1 w.lf MI l LITA RY CLOTHING. GEO. EVANS & CO., (Liao EVANS ik LEECH.) NO. 915 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Fire Companies and Brass Bands UN IFORMED • With RELIABLE 000D11, BC low mice& an ' .j.' " r u ;;;:igi; l dili=rw o . r A quantity of SECOND-HAND ZOUAVE 'UNIFORMS In gond contlitl., for e•I. , very cbeap. " True Eoanomy is buying the BEST." VAN BELL'S FOUR DOLLAR WHISKEY, PURERYE. COPPER DISTILLED IL en tt orott t VI to a dol. In large bottles. , Ei YELLOW SEAL SD RRY, • •110) a daunt la area h tlee. • GOLI ) SEAL BRA DY, The Finest Liquors and Segal's, AT TEE LOWEST POSSIBLE PIVCE, AT TEE LOWEST PO SIDLE runs. Bost Brands of CHAMPAGNE, AT COST. 11. & A. C. VAN BELL,, 1310 °huhu IMEM fa. B. 811YDZII ? W. F. Oast. E=2 IZZI=I OLD AND VERY MELLOW Lime bottles, .18.00 • dos STEM: MINE IN THE WAY OP