The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, August 07, 1872, Image 3

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    ;hc Acgista.
No paper discontinued until all arearagcs are
paid, except at the option of the publishers.
Our subscribers who do not receive their papers
regularly will confer a great favor upon us by
sending word to this office.
Subscribers about removing will please send on
heir old address as well as the new.
County Superintendent elect, bne received his
commission from the Siam Superintendent.
AMY STONE CY ill play at the Opera House on
the evening' of the 14th of August, for the Munk
of the Columbia Engine Company
ExconsioN.—St. Lnke'm Lutheran Sunday
School, of Reading, will mike an excursion to
Bower's &atlori, on the lath of August.
A GRANT CLUB of about two hundred has
been organised In Bethlehem. Capes, caps and
torches have been purchased for the Club.
PorravuLa people can now mako clue
mune' Non with the early morning train, via . AI
lentowo, for New York.
THE report that Robert H. Sayre, Esq., had
Pitied the Liberals le false. Neither bias C. Aug.
Luekeobach, Eoq., left our party.
TUR YOUNG Fouts of Trinity Lutheran
Sunday School, Reading, will make their annual
excursion to Beth ehem on the 20th of August.
THE West Bethlehem Iron mid Steel Com
patty will hereafter conduct the furnace on Brain
ig's farm, on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Rail
road, a short distance above the Bethlehem depot
GoNe WEST.—Ernest and Dr. Wm. Muhl
enberg left for the West, last week. They In
tend being absent about u year and will visit the
Rocky Mountains, the Nellie coast and Northern
PROF. S. A. BEAR, teacher of the Classics
In , he Keystone Normal School, at Kutztown,has
severed his connection with that Institution, and
accepted V.° Principalship of the Academy at
Lehighton, Carbon county.
Wm. T. MOme, a teacher of Hokendauqua.
but residlnir In Coplay, has accepted a position as
teacher In the WcaversvWe Academy. Ile wil
enter upon bin not field of duty on the coming
Yeager has been Invited by the State Committee
to stump the State for the Republican candidates
Ms speeches will be In the German language and
will have a powerful effect.
next Friday.evening the Republicans of Eastm.
will bold a mass mee:lng. Speeches will be de
livered by Finn. G. W. Scofield, Gen. Charles Al
bright and Ex-Gov. Pollock.
general agent of the Reading Railroad Company',.
Express Line, was iu the city, Monday, making
arrangements for the line. Harry Getz has been
appointed agent for this city. Thu line ivtil go
into operation on a e Ist of September.
WE ask our Republican reactors to peruse
the article headed " D. C. Forney's Letter," on
our first page. It Is from the Norriatown Herald,
published at the home of Hartranft, and spsak,-
authoritatively in defencO of the charges that,
Ihrtranft is elected, he will be the tad) of a ring
TRAVEL—We have to return our sincere
thanks for the large number of new subscriber,
that have been brought In for the REGISTER by out
friends. It only requires a little effort upon tb.
part of each one of our fritnds to Increase our list
largely: Those who do not wish the paper for u
year can try . It for the campaign, for which see
charge only fifty cents.
AT a meeting of the School Board of the
Fourth Section of Allentown, held July 211, 1872.
the following appointment- of teachers were made:
—:Mule Secondary, B. B. Lando) and I. W. Rod
gem; Male Advanced Primary, Anna Lind and
Christie R. Saeger; Mule Primary, B. E. Reiss ;
Female Secondary, L. J. Busse and Anna L.
Raines; Female Advanced Primary, Annie Mill;
Primary, Sallie E. Newhart.
Deans of the Fifth Ward assembled at A. G. Dais
Ilet'a City Restaurant, Friday evening, to form
campaign Club. On motion Dr. T. C. Yeager
was .:called to the chair and A. J. Zenner, FN..
was elected Secretary. It was resolved to call
the organization the Fifth Ward Republican Club.
Cbmmlttees were appointed to scent . ° additional
signers to the rolls and to rent a room. •
NINE Democrats got Into a heated discus
sion upon political motters,lu Allentown, the °diet
evening. One of Own sold not more than half th.
Democratic party would vote for Greeley and t ,,
prove his position he offered to take a vot!i, of tho , e
present, who were a fair sample of the rank and
tile of the party. This was done and the resell
showed that four of them Intended to vote for
Greeley and live didn't. The didn'ts carried.
BC/lIMPWEI NEW BUILDING, corner of Third
and Hamilton streets, Is rapidly approaching com
pletion,. and presents an imposing appearance.
A structnrc of this kind does cred . t. to that portion
of our city, one of the strongholds of Reputil can-
Ism. The phalanx tints far stands unbroken,
Liberal Republicanism finding no foothold among
that loyal body of Republican voters. We have
every reason'to believe that a strong mliority for
Hartranft, and Grant and Wilson, will be polled
at the approaching election.
Wm. Nagle was cutting scrap iron with steam
shears atYlmson's steam forgo and axle works.
While cutting a wagon tire, about half past nine
o'clock, a piece flew up and struck him, on the
head, producirig a compound comminuted fracture
of the pkull over the right eye. He was-taken to
hie home on Hamilton street, between Front and
Second, where he lies In a critical condition. Dr.
Fegley and Dr. Tilghman Martin attend him
Several small pieces of bone wore extracted from
the fracture.
SERIOUS ACCIDENT. —Levi Silvies' and
James Haldeman met with a terrible accident
the &amino Stone Quarry, on Tuesday, by the
premature discharge of a blast. Slivies bad Ills
right eye knocked out and the other Injured very
badly; also the left arm cut and bruised very
badly. Thu Injuries received by Haldeman were
of not so serious a nature and consisted chiefly In
burning and contusions. Dr. Huebner was called
who dressed the wounds and did all In his power
to alleviate the suffering() of those unfortunate
men, who were then removed to their permanent
homes In Moore township, Northampton county.
A PLISAISAKT OCCAtsION.—A large party of
Allentonlans assembled at the Fountain House,
last week, to have a pleasant evening's enjoy
•ment. Supper was prepared for over a hundred
ladies and gentlemen and ILI* probably imputati
ons to mention that It was gotten up in the beat
style of the culinary art, for wfileh the guests feel
under great obligations to the landlord, Mr.
Kramer. After supper the evening was devoted
to dancing, the dining room being used for that
purpose, and music being furnished by Messrs.
Bureaw and Good. Everybody present expressed
themselves highly delighted and no doubt will be
anxious for a repetition of the entertainment.
Among the articles placed lii the corner-stone of
the new Court House at Milford, Pike county,
which was laid on the 4th ult., was an histerlea'
sketch of the county, from which we take the fol
lowing, which depicts a Court scene or occurrence
lu the primitive days of that county. We believe
It was the first and only sentence of banishment
ever recorded In this State: The that Associ.:te
Judges of the comity of Pike were D. K. Dingman
and John Coolbaugh. Dingo:on, who wan a man
of marked ability and eccentric habits,' and who
did not hesitate to appear on the bench in his. Wire
feet and shirt sleeves, once pronounced the follow
log remarkable sentence. A vagabond darkey was
In Jail upon a charge of petit larceny, and having
been Imprisoned some time, upon a consultation,
the Court and bar requested the Judge to dispose
Of the prisoner, whereupon the a darkey being
brought before the Court, the Judge said : "
ger, stand up. You are charged andare guilty of
the crime of larceny. You are a bad nigger, for
I know all about nigger.. The sentence of this
Court Is, that you have fifteen minutes to get out
ot the county of Pike and into the State of New
Jersey, and If you' ver come back we will hang
you. Now go." He went.
THE Oatasauqua Dispatch la the name of a
oew, patent outside paper, tbo Inside edited and
printed by Edmund Randall. It is, In appearance.
an improvement upon the Record, and Its selectee
and original matter display more common sense
It makes a great mistake in Ilyine a neutral flag.
THE BEST. For sale by the Hardware Trade,
Dealerein Agricultural Implements, &Lc. It thee.
Is no agent In your town, send for descriptive dr
ruler. C. G. BLATOIILEY, 506 Commerce Street
Philadelphia. George Horn, agent for Allen
town. mar 18.8mw
Tea following are the banners to be used by
a different political parties In the coal regions
And %basis of $2.7b and $3.00 for 1873
And a basis of $2.00, with Irregular work, for 1873
AN Ennon or• THE D HAIOCRAT.—TiIC Dim.
oerat' " facetious" article on our County Medlar
contained a representation of Mr. Beislove's
atlsfactlon with the attendance that does the
entleman Injustice. He hnd three long ta'3le,
full for dinner, and although the party was re
markably temperate the receipts of the bar Mt
lager, beer, soda water and sarsaparilla exceeden
•xpertatlons. After the meeting Mr. KIA)e treater
'tree Irishmen, but be nearly sank through th
after they bad drank the whisky he paid foi ,
when they Informed him that they did not Jolene
to vote for Greeley.
REPORT of coal transported over the Lehi el
Valley Railroad• for week. eliding July 27th
1872, enmpared with same time last year
Fnr Wonk. For Tom
'otal Wyoming 6,622 07 338 520 05
Hazleton 51,116 07 1.397.711 ot:
Upper Lehigh 33 00 1.559 10
Beaver Meadow 17,004 19 476 934 1
Mahanoy 8,508 CO 242.926 01
Mauch Chunk 16 07 2,138 13
.84.361 09 2,459.790 02
102,106 05 1,151,383 01i
.amo time 1871
13,053 05
Railroad which was recently extended to Green
Lane, and formally opened. to the public but I.
"ew weeks ago, Is now being extended as rapidly
as possible to Pennshurg—a distance of five miles
This will be a great advantage to Pennsburr.
which is now without railway communication
The town itself Is an enterprising one, aud,as w.
mentioned some time ago, has applied for a char
ter for a bank. Tut: Perk lumen Railroad will in
two or three years become a very profitable branch
of the Reading road, and the company are wise It
extending the rood as rapidly as possible.—Nor
The annual county Institute of the touchers of
Siontc3mery county w1:1 be held this year for
week beginning Oct. 29th, In the Court lieu-c,
Norristown. Eminent speakers and lecturers
nave been and will he engaged for the occasion,
and the proc , cdings. will probably be even more
Interesting than usual. As them are between 230
and 300 teachers In this comity there should be
very large and full attendance at that time
Heretofore there has been more or less difficulty
In securing the attendance at these Institutes, but
It Is hoped and expected that all will avail them
•elves of the instruction and pleasure which It I,
the object of the Institute to promote.—Herald.
tions had been made to bold a meeting of second
Ward Republicans, at the Saloon of Otto Geyer,
Sixth and Union, this Wednesday evening, but
through some mistake the meeting was announced
m the CHRONICLE tor Tuesday eveulrg. Notwith
standing this error, and theshort notice, the meet
•lng, for a Wald gathering was quite large. Wm.
S. Young, DA., wits called to the chair, and stated
the object of the meeting to be for the formation
i.f the Second Ward Campaign Club. Joseph
Baker was then elected Secretary. It was on mo
tion agreed to start the organization under the
name of the Second Ward Grant, Wll-on and
lLrtt•anft Campaign Club, after which all present
signed the roll, wh•n the meeting adjourned to
meet at the call of the President.
ON last Wednesday week, the youngest son
of Mr. Charles E. Grecnawald, complained to his
mother that his thigh hurt him. Ile was exam
ined but no Injury of any kind seemed to be visi
ble. fle still complained and upon the following
day the doctors were culled in, but they thought
he wee not much hurt. The little fellow suffered
Intensely until SAturday afternoon, when death
relieved him. The strangest part la that nothing
whatever appeared to be the mutter. He however
told his parents he had fallen upon a stone, and
thin Is all that. is known, not even a brulne heisg
visible. Ile was the pie ure of health and prom
ised, apparently, to have a long lease upon life.
But the little boy who was playing on Wednesday,
was a coimse ou Saturday.—Lehtglafou News.
G 6 TO Woon".— NV e ore told by lending Dem
ocrid3 that the matter of ortn.irleg Is left lu the
hands of the Liberal Republicand to make the lit,t
move and time Liberal Republicans are wall line for
the Democrats to take the lead.—Allentown Demo
After giving the above enthusiastic picture of
the situation, the English weekly organ com
mands the Democrats to come to " the fore." if
oil and water won't mix of thealselves t they must
be mixed by force, always provided there is any to
mix. This, after all, Brother Haines, Is the im
portant question. Find the game first, and then
bag It. The situation la indeed difficult. Gann:
Is very scarce and what little there is " won't be
bagged." The game have a strong scent for fod
der themselves and object to being gulped out of
sight Into the great body of the tiegroffiating-rebel
ho terrific explosion at the furnace, workmen
have he..n busily engaged in clearing up and mak
ing necessary repairs and Improvements, looking
to a speedy resumption of, work. Removing the
Nast from the stack was the most difficult part oh
the work. To accomplish that more quickly a
etpull engine with boiler attached was procured
and forced water through hose to the top of the
stack, and thus flooded the blast until it was suf
dclently cool to admit of men working It out.
A number of machinists from I. P. Morris &
Co.'s Works, Philadelphia', are also repairlugthe
engine, which as soon as liiiished will be put In
operation. The engine house Is not to he rebuilt
until the furnace Is In blast again, which is sup
posed will be In about four weeks. The loss from
the explosion Is estimated at $20,000, exclusive of
the loss of time. Mr. S. Sjob •rg, nuperlifteiVent,
It a skillful manager, nod will, no doubt, have the
works in operation as 60011 as possible.—Easfon
now.—George 'Boaz, a ycung man attached to
Henry Bornemanu's tonsorial establishment, lu
the First Ward, had for sometime felt himself
a4rieved by, and entertained rather bitter feelings
towards John J. Reinerd, an employe In Cole
Heihnan's holler establishment. This grievance
of late assumed the character of a chronic eye
sore and pressed so heavily upon George's mind
that he was forced to give vent to Ms pent up
wrath. lie accordingly visited the holler works,
an Tuesday afternoon, and, among other things,
accused Reinhard of calling him a Dutchman,
to which charge the latter plead guilty. This
meeting, after some pretty sharp words were ex
cnauged, fulled however to draw lire from either
of the young nine, and• the difficulty was seem
ingly' forgotten, as George returned to his home.
Later In the day, the fires In George's youthful
mind were rekludled, the grievance presenting it
self under the head of injustice and developed a
little bad blood. In view of this ho fell In com-
pany with an empty wheelbarrow, to which he
attached himself, doubtless for the purpose of
wheeling out his dead, and made the boiler works
hie oIJ ective point, and more especially young
iteinerd. The battle ground was reached and
only a few words exchanged, when the youthful
pugilists began to measure strength and thus ,poll
each other's faces. George handled himself with
much dexterity and thus did good service, while
his wheelbarrow was awaiting the killed and
wounded at a convenient distance. Notwith
standing this be was the first to fall, his recepta
cle being a large-boiler which held ("cargo for the
time being safe, and Abut out from the disturbing
elements with which be had but so re.:ently been
surrounded., Ills friends, however, came to his
rescue and conveyed him to his ambulance, and,
notwithstanding his protests, wheeled .the fallen
t his home. lleinerd was master of the situation
and bore his honors, so disgracefully achieved,
with is meekness worthy of a batter use.
Tug Bethlehem Times says that Messrs.
John Fritz, Arlo Pardee,and other Lehigh Valley
'non, have lately visited the Lake Superior re
zion, on a prospect . lug tour among the Iron mines,
with a view of making Investments for supplies.
ores for Lehigh furnaces.
Tnis News still adheres to That slander upon
Senator Wilson, which was forged to Influence
the foreign vote against him. Senator Wilson' ,
!bully letter In denial of the charges and an ex
..ract from one of his speeches delivered in 1854,
luring the Know Nothing excitement, are com
plete flamers to the mendacious, landers of his
opponents. If lying could carry an election the
Greeley men would have good grounds for expect
ing success. We have never seen a campaign in
which the opponents of the Republican party have
resmted so much to falsehoods and slanders.
['hey are edged tools in the hands of these fools
s,,d will cut those who use them. •
BERKS COUNTY RAlLll.o.—Last week we
had the pleasure of a visit from two of the oillh or
.r the Berko County Ittliroad, Mr. J. Dutton
Steele, chief engineer, and Mr. Thomas C. Steele,
ogineer lu charge. These oilleera seemed to be
4eutlemeo of the MOW social and friendly n Wore,
Led Just the men to get the good will of the people
Along the line of their road. They Informed us
taut the road was now a fixed fact, and beyond all
possibility of a failure. The already being
milt beyond Reading so as to unite with the Wil
'min. ton and Reading road. The length of the
road between Reading and Blatlngton Is 40 miles ;
me-half of this Is now under contract, and the
oinutles for the workmen are now being put up
along the route. Work will be commenced on this
part of the road within a few days. The remain
ing twenty miles will be put under contract with•
in sixty days, and the whole will be pushed to com
pletion as fast as possible. It la the Intention of
the oflicers of the road to have trains running from
Reading to Blatlngton In 1873. Tne route of the
road In this county Is near istinesville, through
.yonport and Tripoli, and near Gera:easy illy,
.4r'king the Trout Creek road about a mile above
tills place, near Custard's saw tun!. This new road
will act only be of great importance to the farmers
end miners of the upper part of our county, but
ilso to the people of Slatington. It w 111 open up a
now field for slate. Slate can then he shipped direct
.rom this place without change of cars to W ilming
ton, Delaware, and from there by rail or boats to
IliTerent ports of the west and south. Slatington
will also become a Junction town and railro vd
leutre, and on account of the facilities for ship
•nest of Its manufaCtures Is likely to soon become
manufacturiug town. The old fogies who have
,bstruetti our progress so long cannot do It a!-
ways. This road will also bring Into competition
1 ; 908,900 10
the Lehigh and Schuylkill coal, and In that event
the Lehigh coal will become the princip t I coal In
use, or the Sell uylkill coal must come down In
mice. We expect to see a large amount of coal
transported over this road, and we think with
coal, slate, farm products, passengers, ,te., It
will be kept busy, and can be made one of the bsi.t
paying rends In the state. The following gentle
men are the officers and managers of the road .
President, Henry Bushong ; Chief Engineer, J.
Dutton Steele; Engineer In Charge, Thus. C.
Steele ; Engineer In charge of the Surveys, T. 0.
Barrington.—Sltifinglon News.
• MI3III.IINIIEItIi CoLLEOE.—The Trustees of
Slubletiberg College have been endeavoring to
raise during the past year an Endowment Fund of
$20,000 to aid in the funding of a Lehigh County
Professorship of $30,000 in that Institution. This
sum of s2o,ooo,based on a proportion of Mr. Chas.
11. Nimeon to give $lOOO towards it, if the whole
could be raised, was completed yesterday.
The above amount, with about $l5OO contribu,
ted before by citizens of Allentown, makes the
Professorship Fund now nearly *22000. $5OO
were lost for It, In consequence of a gentleman
refusing to fulfill a promise he had made to sub
scribe the last $5OO of it. The names of the do
with the sums subscribed by them, are here
rec riled, In the order of their enbscription, as a
matter of general Interest, and for the purpose of
perpetuating the memory of their benevolence and
public spirit:
Mr. Chas. H. Nimson,slooo; Mr. Wm. Saeger,
1000; C. M. Runk, Esq., 1500; Hon. S. A.
Bridges, 1250; Mr. Jas. K. Moser, 1000; Mr. J.
K. Wilson, 1000; Mr. Thos. Keck, 1000 ; Chas:
W. Cooper, E•q., 1000 i Mr. Horatio Trexier,looo;
Sir. Solomon Boyer, 1000; St. john's Lutheran
Church, Allentown, 1000; Mr. Andrew S. Keck,
1000; Mr. A. S. Saeger, 1000; Mr. M. J. Kratuer,
500; St. Paul's Lutheran Congregation of Cain
sauqua, 050; Mr. C. Pretz, 250; Mr. F. A. Muhl
enberg, 250; Mr. Henry Weinsbelmer, 250; Mr.
& Thos. Saeger, 250; Mr. Geo. H. Hartz°ll,
250; Dr. E. G. Martin,2so; Mr. M. A. Suipel,2so;
Jr. J .s. A. Sle , s, for St. John's congregation,3oo;
Drs. Jno. Romig A: Sons, 250; Jacob R•egel, 100 ;
James, - Kent, Sat.tee & Co., 100 ; Mr. Henry
Stein, 100; Mr Davis Garber, 100 ; Mr. Theo. L.
Sell), 100; A. Woolever, Esq., 100; Sir. Herman
Scituun, 100; W. 11. Alney; Esq., 100; Dr. Fran
cis P. Troxell, 100 ; Mr. W. H. Weinslielmer,loo;
Sir. Edwar I finite, 100 ; Mr. Win. F. Slosser,1110;
Mr. J. E. Balliet, 100; Mr. Geo. H. Stem, 100;
Sir. Franklin Smith, 100; Edward Harvey, ESQ. ;
100 ; Mr. D. O. Saylor, 100; Dr. C. H. Martin,loo;
Dr. C. D. Nlartin,loo ; Mr. Jas. 0. Shinier, 100;
E. J. More, Esq., 100; Wm. •F. Yeager, 100;
Sam. A. Butz, Esq., 100 ; Mr. B. Si. Krause, 100;
Mr. H. J. Saeger, 100; Dr. P. S. Reichard, 10U;
G. n. R. McAllister, 50; Sir. R. King, 50; Guth
Kern, 25; Mr. Weidner, 25 ; Dr. A. J. Laubach,
100; Mr. J. B. Raeder, 100 ; W. H. Deshier,Esq.,
100; R. E. Wright, Jr., Esq., 100; Mr. Newhard,
IW. Sutti total—s2o,4so.
Others who may have been passed by inadveri.
ently, or have refused their aid heretofore, are
still Invited to send In their contributions, to cora
ple,o the work. Thu county is yet'almost wholly
A. Tannuit..s. ltett Ro u ACCIDENT.—The
Bethlehem Progress of Friday morning says—Yee
terday about noon, another railroad accident was
added to the many that cave occurred In this vi
cinity recently. The circumstances of the accident
arc at follows Mr. Solomon Ueberroth's team
consisting of two valuable black horses, nod a
wagon, bud been hauling brick for soma days from
Mr. Jeter's brick yard, near Salisbury, to the Beth
lehem Iron Company's new steel rail mill. The
driver, Mr. William H. Berger, had unloaded his
bri2k as usual, yesterday, within the mill and
driven outon to the road leading to Front street.
As ho approached the Lehigh Volley Railroad, he
noticed the Iron Company's eugme "North Star"
coming down the road drawing a train of ore cars.
Ho halted his team until the train had passed, and
than continued on his way, not noticing the rapid
approach of the up express train No. 4, as he was
looking In the opposite direction. The engineer
of the " Anthracite," which was drawing the ex
press train, as soon as he perceived that the man
intended driving across the track, whistled down
brakes, but not In time to avoid the accident.
The team was directly across the track at that
time, and Berger, for the first. time, saw his danger.
lie dropped the lines and covering his face with
his arms, awaited, but for a moment, the coming
shock. The pilot of the engine struck the hind
legs of the homes, throwing them a considerable
distance to the right hand side of the track. A
portion of the wagon aud driver were thrown Into
the air to the height of the large gas pipe, which
crosses the railroad from the gas works to the DOW
will—probably 25 feet from the ground—and car
ried, by the force of the collision, a distance of
about twenty yards, failing to the left of the track ;
the wugou ou top of the man. The train was run
Mug ut such a ruplo rate of speed that it was not
mopped until It reached the Zinc Works. In
toe meantime, employees of the Iron Works
had hastened to the rescue, and as quick
ly as possible, threw thu wagon from the
body of the apparently lifeless nm. He was
picked up and laid upon the bank and surgical
aid summoned. Dra. R. B. Hittell, Hess, and .
Yost were soon in attendance, but Berger's Au
ries being found to be of such a serious nature,he
was conveyed upon a settee to the residence of
Dr. Yost, eourth stieet above New. Upon a care
ui examination, his Mimics were fciund to von
slot of the following: Au extensive fracture of the
skull In the temporal region on the right side of
the head ; a fracture of the loser Jaw at the chin,
dividing it Into two parts; dislocation of the right
hip Joint. The skull bone pressed upon thu brain,
which necessitated an operation known In surgery
as "trepanning." The other wounds were care
fully dressed,but the condition of the man almost
precludes the possibility of recovery.
The horses were badly cut, besides each having
a hind leg broken. They were killed a short time
after the accident and burled near the railroad.
Mr. Solomon Ueberroth informed us that Ber
ger melded with him (on the Bellamy road),iiad
bad been In his employ abonttwo years; and that
ho is 28 years of age.
[We have since learned that Berger died about
foui o'clock Saturday morning.—En. Burnsville.]
Tae cool weather makes tho campaign hot
H. G. stands for honest Government; also,
for hate Grant.
NEARLY all our Allentown cigar manufac
turera make cigars with moulds.
Wonsmex began to lay cobble etonee oil
Fourth rtreet, between Hamilton and Walnut
street', Monday.
Tun new Masonic Temple at Philadelphia
which Is to cost ono million dollars, will be dedi
cated next June.
TILE meeting of the exectiVve Committee of
the Lehigh County Agricultural Society hoe beau
changed from the 10th to the 12th of August.
THE Democrats are collecting money to bu 3
torches. Thuy called upon an old Democratovh ,
told the committee ho could use all his span.
change for Grant and Wilson.
Tits monkeys occupied Col McClurc l a place
on the Square on Saturday night. The Colonel
was sick and the Liberals thought It would not he
policy to lot Ed. R.tuch open the campaign.
WE LEARN that Lehigh and Montgomery nrt
each to send a delegate to the "straight-out" I).•m•
°evade nominating convention which manta in
Loulaviile, Ken., next month.
Fi,tsn WoUriD.—On Saturday morninff
Kuria Komberlain, an employe In limber- A:
Co.'s pattern shop, was unfortunate In cutt luc
himself with a hand•axe unite severely In the hell
wrist. Ills wound was promptly dressed by Dr.
8, S. Apple, and is now doing as well as a like cut
A Cow SmAmED.—Monday morning the 8:15
down lode on the L. V. It. li. ran Into it row In
the Sixth Ward, the enable sir king her and to , s
Ing her as high as the smoke stnek's top. The
front of the mine was besmeared and hesntat•
tered with milk, and now the cow Is dead, other
than whom no one was hurt.
IT is estimated that the race, which is 01
present being dog from a point half way to th.
Fountain ]louse above the darn on the Little Le
high to the water works direct, will coat about
$2500, though to us this seems too low a figure.
The object Is to secure the full force of the current
to revolve the water wheels that pump the water
into the reservoir.
phla and Rending Express line is to have tut of
Ocer In this city In the room formerly occupied by
the office of the CIIIIONictiE and 121 oiSrLit. Al
this new express office tickets and trunk cheek
can be obtained for any p tint, nail in this pantie
uiar the convenience to the triLvelbia public will
be very great. Mr. Harry Gctz's eienia awl Oa:-
leg disposition will not. fail to lied favor with our
business men. Mr. Getz was formerly thiket
agent at the East Penn Depot, but retired from
that position, we Milk:ye, on acivouttt of 111 health.
THE Republican CMlVenti.lll Ur Montgom
ery county assembled at Norristown, Thursday.
George N. Corson, of Norristowe,was nominated,
on the first ballot, for tlelecate to the Constitu
tional Convention. A full local ticket was also
nominated. The Congressional %maintain,' was
placed lu the hands of a committee, to be appoint
ed by the chairman for that purpose. The con
vention was untrutally large, every township be
ing fully represented. Resolutions were annul•
mously adopted endorsing the National and State
BADLY BUM:ED.—John Weaver, a German
Mate employ of the Lehigh Iron Company,Monday
morning fell into n cinder car full of hot cinder
and suffered severe burns on his entire left kg and
portions of his bade and arms. The so fferer was
placed under the care of Dr. S. S. Apple as soon
an possible, and while subjected to the most exe ru
elating agony will probdbly escape without an
amputation of his leg or other permanent injuries
If ho lives, of which his physician Is hopeful.
The accident happened by Weaver's slipping on
Plank which was used us a walk over the playa
where the cur stood to receive 'cinder from the
Benno COUNTY FAIR.—Thu Eighteenth An
nual Exhibition of the Burks County Agricultural
and Ilorticultural Society will open ou the 1011 i
and continue tolhe 13at of September, inclusive.
The preparations for the fair this year are on the
most extensive scale. Messrs. Isaac Eckert and
F. 11. Shelters, the efficient President and Secre
tary of the Association, are In communication
with loading stock-growers In Berk. and adjoin
ing counties, and have assurances that this im
portant Mipertment of the exhibition will r scut the
display In any former year. The premium list I.
liberai . and embraces a wide. range of articles in
every department of agricult ura I, ma nu facturine
commercial and domestia 'lndustry. We suggest
tbtt In order to insure a spirited competition,
pre \irations should bu made nt once by house
keepers, farmers, gardeners, manufacturers. frill
growers, &e., to send In contributions. Et ory in
formation desired may be obtained front F. II
Spatters, Esq., the Sreretary, whose office is m
the second Boor of the Keystone Building directi
above the Post Oillee.—Randrng
—A speelnd meellne; wuu held In the Connell • 'lmm
ber, July 310. h, 1872. Present—Bareaw, Blumer
Dllllnner, Erdman, Grks, Klnery, McLean, Rube
and Runk, President.
Ou motion of Messrs. RUIN gee and Blumer,M be
Anna A. Wuehburno was unanimously eleetei
teacher of Second and Third Wards Female Grain
mar School.
On motion of Messrs. Odes and Erdman, Miss
E. J. Haloes was unanimously elected teacher of
the Fourth Ward Female Grammar School.
On motion of Messrs. Erdman and Blamer, Miss
Anti!lia S. Grammes was un an lumusly elected
teacher of the Sixth %Yard Female Grammar
On motion of Messrs. Blumer stud McLean, Miss
A. E. Reichard was unanimously elected teacher
of the Filth Ward Female Grammar nelson!.
On motion of Messrs. Rohe and Dlllinger, M. M.
Bernhard was unanimously elected teacher of th
Second and Third Illards Male Grammar Schriol
On motion of Messrs. Grits and McLean, 11. G
lT was unanimously elected teacher of the Fou
'ard Mule Gratnimir School.
On motion of Muesrs. McLean and Grles, R.
Krumtu was unanimously elected teacher of lb
Filth Ward Male Grammar School
At Lids stop, Mr. Dllllnner called up his motion
n referonno to organizing MO School, postponed
at the last meeting, and atterconsiderable discus-
Con the resolution was passed, the vote being us
follows: Yeas—Blutner, 13urcaw, Dlllhiguq Erd
man, McLean and Hula: Nays—Gries, Einery,
and Hunk, President.
On motion of Messrs. Griot and Blamer, Mr. G.
W. Desch was unanimously re-elected teacher in
the Male High School.
On motion of Messrs. Bureau , and Dillinger,
Miss Mary IL Nagle was reelected teacher la the
Female High School, Biumer and Hunk, Presi
dent, voting nay.
On motion of Messrs. Cries and Dillinger, Miss
Clara A. Unger was re-elected teacher In the Fe
male High School, Blutner and Hunk, President,
voting nay and Mr. Kluery not voting.
Messrs. Blunter ucd McLean moved to recon
sider the resolution oreanizing High School the
sonic as last year, which woo lost Yeas—Siemer,
Kloery, McLean, and Runk, President. Nays—
Buren w, =lnger, Erdman, Once and Rube.
On minion of Messrs. Griefs no.l Erdinan, Wm.
I .Blackman was lected Instructor In p. nmunshlp.
President Runk voted " No:"
On :notion of Messrs. Rube and Kin..ry, Mr.
Blackman's salary Was fixed same as last year,
viz: $1.50 per hour. Mr. Runk, President, voted
" No."
On motion of Messrs. Ruhe And K leery, Geo. C.
Ruth was elected teacher of the First and Sixth
Wards Male grammar School. Mr. Erdman
voted "No."
Sy a unanimous vote Mr. Desch's salary was
fixed at $O.l per month ; Mee Nagle's at $5O par
month, and Miss Unger's at $4O per month.
On motion of Messrs. dries and Kittery,
Resole , d, That the matter of Janitor for the Sixth
Ware building he referred to the Comma tLe ou
Salaries, to report ut our next meeting. Ail voted
On motion al Messrs. Blamer and McLean, I
Resolved, That the officers be authorized and di
re. ted to advertise fur propo.als for coal. All
voted yea.
On motion of Messrs. Once and Klnery,
Resolved, That the matter of heat° ril of the Fifth
Ward building be referred to Messrs. Blumer and
McLean, with power to act. All voted yea.
On motion of Messrs. Dillingerand Erdman,
Resolved; That the matter of furniture for the
Fourth Ward building (new) be referred to the
Building Committee and Mr. Gties, with power to
act. All voted yea.
Ttrn Forest Ilouse Stables, at Easton, were
destroyed by tire on Satur.tay 'afternoon. Loss
not stated.
PrN-NrCs,—Tho Sunday School of St. John's
Enulish Reforavd Church will hold Its annual
at Helfrich's Spring, on Thursday of thin
On the same day the Sunday Scheel of the
Protestant Episcopal Church holds Its plc-sic lo
Grieseinei's woods.
THE new Gas Receiver of the Allentown
Gas Works Is now In n,e. Its hording capacity
Is one hundred and twelve thousand cubic feet of
Las. At the old receiver, or rather at the Gas
Works prnper,a new coal house has }net been lin-
Ishod that will hold between four and live hundred
tons of coal. With the new receiver the supply
of gas ow:ht to be conidant and unfailing.
WE take pie, sure in itnninincing that we
have eattaged D.. elel 11. \Vm it On t he local depart•
inent of the ltrotairtm and that be caters upon
Ills duties with this Issue. With Ills assikance,
we believe we shall have no difficulty lu making
.be Rt:OIBTER the most readable parer In the Le.
MO' Valle}. lie has had consld,rable experience
in this Ilne and will spare no labor to 'nuke his
-Mare of the work acceptable to our readers.
No PILL IN Tut: woat.n ever had anything
like the circulation of Amt's l i t.'s. Tarnm4ll
- these :states, Mexico, and the Central Anted
eon republics, down the slopes of the Andes, and
aCM , EI time p:111111a8 of South America, in negro
viiwes, amid thu fervid wildsof Africa.through
out the Jungles of India, and the steppes-of inter
ior Asia, over the continent of Australia, and the
Islands of the Pacific, these PILLS ire known slid
everywhere used as family remedies for diseases.
With distant, nations, their wonderful cures at•
tract more attention; than they do at home ; for
the stntiment, of w miler takes it far deeper hold on
their minds than the result of a high scientific
skill with us. The (linount consumed requires
B , e. thousand doses n day to supply It.
luipiaai,on of the tnanalactory showed Its how
this enormous 111'111;111d is Milde and sustained.
A,llled In the enn,intow;tr Ant of their composi
tion, Is au extreme care Ili their manufacture,
which at once Secures the most perfect material
and their most accurate combination. The eon-
quence Is a power and certainty In controllibu
di-ea se which other remedies never• attained.—
Balt. Courier.
Tut.: LIBERAL Fizztx.—After exciting the
exi,ectiltiond of the people of thls city,durinu last
week, by the elrcula:io❑ of lame posters announe
in..; dew a I:11 Liberal demonstration was to be
mode oil Saturday :IL ht. the whole thin:" fizzled
minpletely out, abd hmuld bar, left nothing but
a blank, if there Were hat it very mortify lot; sir
en:ma:thee collie tiled with this female failure to
up a political meet it: a city, where that is
one of the easiest things intaulnable to do. The
nefortinatte eireninsbiliee was this :
After it was tiositiv,ly known, on Friday night,
that Cul. NlClare—Petinsylvania's champion
rraudist-could hot. -peak in Allentown as promise
ed, hat captaihcottiniandhig.Milj.Lilelielibilell was
klisp,scl..,l, as the mast active agent
In his clan, to , service of some other
orator of din Mellon who 0110111 prevent the di:-
appointment of those. who It if] been deluded inm
th iikingthat a treat speech was to be delivered
on Saturday evening. 'rho rtstalt . of 'hi, 1114 1, 1011
wus unfortunate In the extreme ;
.pprn,obe.i uoyiin 1p of nlOlllOlOl4 or reputation as
11 palillenl see litir and asked him to speak In Al
lentown on t u, np,ninn: night of tioo campaign,
the parties 1 . pinciaell; probithl ystisp.•eicil a trick
of some kind, 11131 :1 Vallee
eOOlO really he l'iiiieeselo o .lhy n 111;111-.Ilitcat. 80
they all declined tie 0 rib fill honor until the !fre
e tint; warrior r.:11 afoul of M Ltor Rumh, the
tnettnest rinicande in seven St and
who would 1111 titiuo inere:Willi 1,0 Wile
10, 01110 ell :11:11 el, pays his expense;.
The eel tier italutied Mr. Hmel' without (1.111 'tiny
to play ii•Cltire's pert, and sent the quondoin
editor of Father Abraham to title city, but for
some unexplained reason failed to put In an ap
pearance himself, as he should have done to pro
tect the speakor of the evening from harm after
dark Jo thi. place; If not by main force, at least
by the itillitenzo of his martial bearing upon tile
luittilriltig crowds that always attend the move
ments of the man of valor. Indeed, It Was strange
that eel here, there was hardly a Lib
eral to he fouthlin the "stadt," and It was dallenit
nod embarraising for Inlnn to make his business
known, though after an attempt or two Ile man
aged to bream the delicate matter, to tbo utter as
toni,,ltment of his listeners at his preinimption.
The two or three Liberals who conversed with Wm
I tutee made up their minds lid he shourniOt he
Howed to-how hi, face won Allentown audience,
nil then came the question what should be done
•ilh him. No one, was w to entertain hint
ver Sunday andsthe last seen of him he was trail
11m: up town with a Democratic politician, who
and his hat pullpd far down over his eyes, and
hat's how 'they had
The Police Interfriv, by( are Driven Off —Om;
Ilthrh Dn Ofprit,,Nl y I u 1101110• AS, igh et y
Wounded by Pi•tol Stahtx.
SO1;711 BET" Lmir.m, Atiaii , t 5, 1572.
On Saturday last the Catholic Benevolent So
ciety had a festival which ended In a disgraceful
riot, and a beating of the police, and shooting and
otherwise maiming of numerous parties, and, we
are sorry to say, mostly lanocent persons. The
fcts, 'as we have learned front eye witnesses, seem
to lie somewhat as follows:—An Immense crowd
of ilxcitatilu Celts had gathered In the woods ad
joining the college campus, cousisting of our own
denizens and delegates from Glendon, Allentown,
Mauch Chunk and other places. This crowd was
none the quieter on account of Intoxicating bever
ages sold on the ground. Fearing disorder, the
manag,rs called Mace: a Crewman and 11,iney on
the ground so as to quell any diturtiances. At
idiom seven o'cl, ek a row began, but no sooner
did those learlessadilcers atteiupt to do their sworn
duty tlam they %vele attacked In front 'and rear,
with fists, stones and other missies, and thrown uu
the gruand,therAicked and otherwise maltreated.
Several fearless persons of ' better minks here
rushed In mid got the prostrate officers up again.
hey then had all tatty could do to keep the rag
ing mob at bay; which were throwing stones and
attvlapting tin get hold tic the oilleerS, et‘peelally
Linker Cress bun, crying Kill the damn Dutch
man,".." hang 11101," •• lynch him," etc. They
were fully dole, mined to kill that policeman, who
kept them at bay t with 1161,111 y and revolver. All
this time notice were flying in every direction.
Seeing that they were attCurialng to burround hint
again, he tired hip revolver in the air and after
wards into the attacking crowd. The ollicers
were pureucd down New street to Fourth. During
the melee at least a dozen eallad %vete hired by the
pollee, and had tt not been fur these bhots, the
officers world nut have got oil alive. The result
Is two permins otinded—unc, an Irishman, named
Ward, very berlously, If not fatally, suit not to
have b2en an active rioter; the other, wGerman,
named Back, In the arm, wlni got Into the crowd,
certainly Innocent. lacer Cressman Is ago',
about, but has many brubles. fle Is under f IWO
Thls Is really a serious inatter. The attempt
Is now being made to poke all on the delegations
from a distance, hut well-known characters In this
town were semi with stones In their hands, and
even one Is k I/OW In to hilVO do dared shies that
°Meer CresHnan %yenta yet be killed. Than
°Mess has always proved a fearless one, but what
weru two policemen agalust a mob of several Mitt
We de ee* • oh, 0111,101.9 VV. Ilble for (lee old.-
1110/i8 dill Irtnined NI our U n •rewpnndonle.
Mr. Editor Our County Meeting troubles tl.o
low, vulgar, brutal blackguarll, who compiles the
Democrat. A wounded bird always flutters. A
guilty conscience wants no 1112 MB lug. A thief al
ways prates of inoradty and honesty. A lbw by
habit Wilt luc l luut i nu'• always wishes it-under
stood that his ward can be relied on. A coo•
Mon " bribe taker" prates of the evils of " gift
taking." In the one column account of the meet
ing the convicted "'tribe Taker" publishes.
drloping spirits of the greut•llttle-liberal-republi
can- uational-democratic-Cinclunatl - Greeley
Browu-reform-party. With Gen. Bribe Taker
Haines to command the right, Gen. I. S. Emmons
the left—and Oen. Jim. Kline :with the bottle, of
"rot gut" in the centre, advising anti directing his
Incorruptible bribe-taking general on the right and
I. B. on the loft of tlio movements of the "blurs
ted aberlishionists," our cause Is Indeed hopeless.
Well may. we exclaim—save us from our monies,
or we sink!! sluk down, down to the very low
plane of these Incorruptible II honest I ! and tem
perate I ! liberal, pap-seeking reformers.
IT has already been reported that one case
of Asiatic cholera existed 'u • New York. It Is
therefore important that every Irregularity of the
bowels should be corrected at once. For this
purp.ata a bottle of pure Jamaica Ginger should
always he kept In the house. This splendid art'.
cle can be purelnuud at the City Drug Store of
Ltitvall & Martin, 729 liar Ilion street.
SON'S MENAOCIDE •ND Cutcus.—`•Neighbor Ed
wards, did you ❑ot tetl me last week that you and
your son Matthew were going to start for Kansas
to-day to borate a piece of laud suitable fur a
farm for Matthew ?"
"I certainly did say that, fiend Brown, nod
and at that time I expected to start to dry, sure;
but since I last now you the agents of Old Join
RA)luson have been here and trytde a picture gal
lery of the whole town. Now, John Robinson
and I were boys together, and as a few day,.
won't make any difference, I am going to wa.t
sod see the old veteran once more, for I may
never have the opportunity again."
"Well, friend E iWardA, I had made up my
mind that I would not ga ; but since you reccom
mend It so highly, I believe I will Wall and see
the old man and his big show myself."
Old John is sure to come to Allentown, Wed- ,
nceday, August 21.
RITTER'd EXCI:1,91011. CREASL BEElt—Tuste
drink, unklyortwilluutbewiihoutic.
A l'erilous Season.—G lorious and delightful as
thy Summer weather Is, Its tropical heat is a revere trio
to the vital pettier,. Evou rho strongest aro notnetlniev
pro.trated by Its effects. The common phrase applied to
this cothEtion of the ho ly Is "general debility." Now
general debility arise, from, and Includes it variety of
all iient, 'I he liver is mere or lens athlete I, tho bowel,
are Ifither comdip.tled or too mach relltXoll, the Mtillettell
friar hair the work of digestion. the nOPelllo I•
poor. and the sphits deeprense I. This is what Is c,111,1
If. , eorltl debility. It in a general dinarrangetu rut of 411
the physical function:, and tequlrea as a remedy It medi
cine that trill regulato them all. llostottoria Stonbich
Bittern Is i-pierially adapted tett his purpose. IN general
operation In not coullood to a single organ. litho liver Is
affected, It restore, it, toot. If the 'dote tell is torpid. It
reeenerdten it. If the. nerves ate trrtnitleue and welsh
It meter's rand reinforce. thous. If the mind, which ever
senipathlre• with the body, Is gloomy and despondent, It
relleves lho thllleully. and noun brines Um whole med.-
Ism of the body Into harmony with l•ws or bealln.
There I, no civilized tuition In the Western Ilernisobere
In which the utility of ilu.trflb c e Stolen:ice Bitters as
tonic, cerrectiveoini auti•billeum num blue. Is not known
• 1141 appreclated. Thro It:hoot the Trott CA it Ix consider•
tit bo'b by lite ye spin and the proftetelon, the Mandan ,
rovllle While It I. a medicine for KU 140,00,4 and. ell
Bowe, It le....perkily rotted to tho vomplalote gener•
tted loy it,. weather. being the pared nod hest vegetable
Iltonlant In the world.
Beware of the Bat., made of nerld and dnotterotot inn.
which oneerttpulone ;tartlet. are endeavor!ne i'
ol•t upon the 1, , ! , . . Their name It leglon.en the polo
trout., that they ate not 1.1..110.. Althere
tho tried rel. pay, llottetterle Bitter,. auld only In
'.11.1.1, and tatver In keg+ or barrele.
Dr. If. D. Lonuaker otters Ills rendler to the
fli r t e d, /n•lf, , chilly nu i n ning from CIA - mil,.
),.ea-es. w ill be glad lo snail talk with (Indio. It
hlx practirr to pldlnly .I.nelaro a d1...a... inruro bin If he
11 til IV` 'lO. Itn 1h,1.e tam, which Inc widerl kon.
o viarand•••... to dn. Jill that ran be done by nm... Hell at.
dotio.• and the ntroltration ..r oxydrienntsrd 0011. Iran • d
.y undo) .• of ordenno. Inn (I . ..suing a•l'3 , l` voil•
in. and ints..t lading allot forna. Thal blot .kill, lists rot
d•s•nn a t vdtin. rerilllnsaid, that nonny In••
at Ind. olllvo, wlll tostnry. few unto., are eared,.
r il ea whindi inr.• k n••wo to ell ren. or dins
onlily Nn feeling or Inronand••th , nr l'Old , calnoo•
not tlwy aro so• ans °yid.- re that malty
rho I•stv...l.•••itos.l littliet,..l have lip
oroihos or the ....arr... •.r 111,111 . •I
von re•sstornstl n , !wrath nand the erni..yzaront a all it., bk.-
,1111011 II• .Tnnr, 11.4tbloboo. rnoror of the I.lp.
Mr , Ely (11,,v. Ely), Allentown, I',. Ca.cor of the
J..i• Johnson, Allentown. Skin Dise,e,
Milton G. Sassanctn, 11,1110Ver. CI runic Bronchitlm.
11.tory Gabriel, .illentow littorne+m.
Mr•. 11. l'ettger, Enta.mtitina. Toulon! tho
N titian Eberhard, Bethlehem. 'Cancer.
Mr+ Intelt, Troxlertown, Catticer.
NV,0..11 ..... .tot, !tetillohein. Button-cry Cut:init.
Jan., 11.. tar. Bethlehem. Clll'ollll' Elteurnatkm. •
J nall+hory. Scramltt.
E. A. 11,C.acher. Tu „, o ,
31,. W. S. Fl,ll. And Ept-
. iVaton, Lanark. Timers u m
Elstler, New Trlen . l. 'ram, of the Neck.
3lrs. E II nerf.t•s, emu
F Caarertlf .he Breast
Citthoelue Attlee. Berarev.lle Cancer side - tif the Face
,Isht, Leyte. Si, l'olvons of the N.wle
Air. Allestetra. Canee'r atilt, Breast.
Tho.nas Ilekea,lnnwet. 'l'n in w.
Mrs, U. !Crete, 311hrt.toy y starer of the Face.
. . . .
F. J. Shoelakor. Sinpstown. Tmer.
Catharine Ilitreatatt, Weatherly Cancer of the Noon.
Tha 1110 , 10 p 0,11114 11111 all In. referral to, orxertlllatto
maybe Neon at Or. hnottakar's Mllee. Sixth street, he
tweon Ilitailltion and Walnut, Allentown', Is.
"Nall crtisentruts
I. TOWN, A Young Men an.' Done. Cl.e+icul
Moth,. realoml Comm eo , nty•nin•h
The F W
an inner H nAom. a ID commence TUESDAY
SE , ' Hal ii H'lt 31. For Circular., nil& 'en
..1121k1,145tv.) JOHN W. LOCH.
Dealer In 1.11 the leading ertirlox of Dry Goods, tinier+
os, Notions. Ste— roepoeifellY
!thICIIOII of pricer. In Teen and Cotir, s heir free of ditty.
Good Gods! Low Prices!! No Misrepresen
Reorganized, Refurnialied and Improved!
.1. W, SIINDERI•A ND, 1.1., D., again In charge. No
ofform 1MU111 1. 104 10.1111•P111011111 tO ) 1 1 1 11.1g ladle. dor rot.
.041.11111/Kll ttititugli; pracdcal and Accoinp lotiod Palle
Don at indildrola clot otind for Circular. Ad Ir.h
tailleativ 111, AlooluouierY 60001 Y. uou7dior
N. T. Instruction very pritctlcitl. Advantage. nnstir
Psesed In this couutry. Graduates obtain excellent po
salons. Reopens •ept 11 I. For the Anunal Register
Ciillll{lolo, Improved Course of Study, and lull portico
Lire, addl.... ratty. CHARLES DR° WZi E,
j y.lo.turtrJ Director.
Will bo mold a. Public Foie. or AV, Al`ol l gT
Met,' a. I o'clock, V. 51.,0u the prombeeb the following Veto!, . WII
LOT OP CiltOMNl),ltouted in albortl,Lehigh county,
mlie of lot. feet (rout by 210 trot d er , u.or,, or
Tho llnvroy In d.. thereon m e it 2 MTOIll" BUICK rxi
D w ELIA CIO II Ilmh. 10m2d. Yeah one awry frame,.'
nt•aehetl: good nut/FIIIA. 81101',12 RAI
bug a good hu•10a...; atabllog for tap belaes,
..hed, elatero.oomd all other outbuilding..
Ou the
let are lull kluda of frail, brine all go. d order mud In
pour; bolo., the real e.Late of 1 , 1.1101 Unite. deeemre I.
Term.. red eoudllloux out lie day of and atterdauce
g• bytd. hill PI GRUA. Executer.
• .
EMAPS 5 , 110.1.
Aer.m ,, l Wlllimat VoZeoa.. Treoeorer of El..
School DlNtrict.
OIL front law yenr.
Stui” 11011
st,tplus collucted..
Toschers' Salado , ....
n o &C.
nor lon
Co Vectrs Couvol-s1•0
Ttosur. r'o Salory
llslauco uu hand
We. the nederitigocti, It'eralty certify M we have
attone , l the .trrattot of Wllits vogentlx, Trentaart
ttantun Seheal and Hatt the hbovu sta.eror
be correct uud
(1. IP. 1)i75C11. Audit.
F. T. KEHL:WaIt,
We are offering the Renaud Mortgage Bonde of th
Interest Payable January anti July
I,ooos, .500 s and 1008
ar,d c .“ 1,0 ItEn icT13111.:11 fr... of exueuuu. The coal.
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Fiscal Agents of the UnDed States,
Old John Robinson,
For proof of which Illy followinn imexnrorl
a Brilliant European and American Reputo
The Preferrod Rider of rho areal. FlArl , Eznosltlon nnJ
Ilorlquo.d) of tho World.
The Champion leerier for 410,01, The Hero 0(20 'Howe.
The Incomparable Four Horne Equestrian...l
Delineator of Caeracter.
Trick Eider and So.. ernaultint.
Mas'or F. ROBBINS,
The Dashing EV •inernault Equestrian.
The Daring South American Heineman and Trainer.
The Wild and Daslnal i e p pr
~e . s ntae L ljt e u o a f Bareback Horse
The Unetinalled Dy mute.
1 he Plying Leaver.
The Great Exemplar of dm Illth School of Eqlle.lrlarilsm.
The Beautiful and trill Tight Rope Dancer.
The Queen of the (too tie.
One devoted exclusively to the Museum.
A second t , the Aquarium of Deep-sea Marva,.
A third to the Zool gical and Ornithological Cullection of Wild Beasts and rare Tropical and
Exotic Birds.
The Fourth to Equestrian, Gymnastic and .Athletic entertainments
As a special inducement to the patrons of Old John Robinson's Combined Exhibitions, pur
chasers of a ticket to either of the other &WWI] aro admitted to the elegant
This particulntEntertainment is given as a gratuity to his patrons, and is absolutely
V3l 00
On his grand Annual Triumphal Tour, with his vast and diversified collection of
His extraordinary Aquarium of
nimate and Inanimate Wonders :
And his pet•i less doubla Troupe of
The Gro.ti end indomitable •
LAcrobati, Gymudstft and Voltigeure
Without Money or Price!
A Stupendous Combination of diversified Entertainment
Drawn by beautiful matched Cream and Dappled Horses—all the Circua retinue. Largest
and best parade ever seen in the Public streets.
Immense Recluse Rhinoceros!
A Specialty with this Exhibition, and imported at an expense of nearly FIETEEN
THOUSAND DO L L ARS. Ihyond all question, the only individual of her particular species
ever brought alive from Africa.
• •
With their young. 711acrorliinus Tr Iboseus, or S.a Elephants, with mane erect like Forest
Monarchs, requiring over Two Hondred . ,mods of Fresh Fish daily, for their subsistence.
They are the only ones on exhlt it on in thy world, and can be seen in the Aquarium, during
the hours of Exhibition, sporting in an artificial lake of ocean water.
Imported direct from Chittagong ; novoron oxhibition until this season
With long, beautiful hair flowing frcp his back to the grouni.
Don't confound this with any Small Show or Menagerie, but bear In mind
Is triumphantly marching on, and will positively exhibit at •
Don't confound this gigantic organization with any other Shaw (bearing thasemedfaidi
inson, for it is in no way, shape of manner connected with any or either of them, but is the
original OLD JOHN 110BINiON'S only,whn has (tined and managed Shows for over fifty
Remember the Day and Date. ,
Do not forget t h at we are coming with an Avalanche of Talent.' Wali foins.
Admission, 60 ets. Children under 10 years, 23 eta.
His Museum of
nrrny nt Artiste, each of whom has acquired
is presented :
Embodying some or the Most Original to America
In their Wonderful Gymnastic Eliseolattice.
Bnt'oote Lan ,, nr and Vo'tltnur. .
The n arming and beantlfal
This Egnestrdl=.llhpienet,tri:hrrt=ggeh.s. made her
1 he Fearless and Bountiful Wild Beast Tamer.
ssr At each Exhibition a brilliant display of Cultivated
Hor•emansillp will be given by Mr. OBEBP STICK•
N KY. and the Perfection or
Twit th e
will he 41.
monstrated by this =comp irabie blaster of the licatial.
Performi3g Dogs and Monkeys !
Will also be Introdoce I, and the World le challenged to
produce their equals, in the •erlety of their performances
and the almost lletnen sagacity (boy disPlag.
Exhibit conjointly In