- L: Coal anti-Lumber. CHAS. W. ABBOTT JAL K: Allentown RITTER & ABBOTT, MANUFACTURERS OF Saes, Doors. Outside Blinds, Inside BMWs, Houk!. taps, Brackets Balusters, Pickets, Stair Rail. taps, Window Frames, Door ;Vanua, Sc. SOROLL SAWING TURNING, PLANING mAtonnro, FLOORING RIPPING, DONE AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. m A a LSO, STAIR BUILDING done and RAND RAILING de to eager. Having now had almost See years' pont...lon of the Mill. reforta.hed It *lmola wholly with new and improv• ml machinery, and having none but experienced work men, wears prepared to defy competition from at home and abroad, both In ptiee and workmanship. Do you wmtelnillato banding/ Call at our Factory and unary ourselfy with a personal examlnailon. Drawings for building., bracket., pattern. for erns. mental work, scroll. for porches. can be seen at all times by lit our oMca. Any information to the builder furnished cheerfully and freely, by calling at the Menu - factory on Unlon street, at the Jordan Bridge, Allen town, Pa. or by latter through the poet oMce. ang gay] RITTER a ABBOTT. A MUST y OTTO. Z. IC OTTO. 0. W. KILLER F LEER OTTO tt MILLER, _ • MANJEACTURERS AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. MILL ON CANAL, WEST OF MAYNARD STREET OFFICE AT TliE MILL W 7 CRANE Aol{ol3. I .01 70.1• Spectacled. SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES!! • BYE OL'ALESES, kn. iip tga t exigtmlets is . ssiitmvst of all kinds of CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, NO. 28 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLBNTOWN, PA Having devoted a great deal of care and attention to the Ppeetacle budge., for these last few yearn, I find that my b nen., hi that line has increased no o nch that I have de• ter mined to matte It a SPECIALTY. There in no article peasafactured to which there is so much deception prat, Heed as there In In Spectacle Olannes. Knowing that the public have been frequently humburged by parties pre• tending to have a superior article of Olannee. and charging exorbitant prices for them, thereby tratacing upon thane. wellies and Infirmities of age, have taken paten to se. lea • large and complete aenortment of the anent and beet Olaues ever manufactured, Hum affording all persons weeding Spectacles RD opportunity of enrcheeing at rea sonable pricee Forgone having any difficulty in battle suited elsewhere will do well to give ma a call, as I feel eonadent fin. no one will fail to be nutted. Remember the old stand 29 East Hamilton street, opposite the Ger. man Reformed Church. Allentown. Pa. inn 23 '6B tf Boot itittiterfs. JOHN I. LENIZ J , EINSHEIHER OHN EIEABWOLUD.:JIkW. JOHN E. LENTZ & CO., SUCCESSORS TO YOUNG & LENTZ The Arm of Yonne & Lent. wee ollosolve4 by mutual Denson; on Yebra ry 10th. 1872 Mr. Young retiring. Wm M. Weineltelmer and John beabold, Jr., having taken hieplace, place. llos new firm hope. to have the continnance of the patronage., liberally bestowed upon the old firm. They W wi r e u nw their o u m tm iAor e s d nd av o r n ihh accommodate their BOOTS AND SHOES et the but make and material. and will al ways have o band a large arsortmeot of the most desirable sty les suited to the trade of this soution. • The Arm of Young dt Lents having te.en direolved, a puttee Indebted to them are requested to mike eettleme • between this date and April let Drat. The books will r. main at the old etand. Either of the old partners le a d:wised to elan In liquidation. feb OPENI N G LADIES' SPRING & SUMMER SUITS AND COSTUMES • EVERY DAY. BLACK. COLORED AND FANCY SILK SUITS. HEENAN!. TAMIBE AND CASHMERE. SUITS, PIGIM LINEN. LAWN AND ORGANDY SUITS, AND SUITSIN EVERY VARIETY OF THIN MATERIAL VOR SERINO AND BUMMER WEAR. • ALSO A /LILL LINE OF BACQUBS. TALMAB AND LA DIES UNDERWEAR. LACE JACKETS. POINTS. &c., Ac. THE LAROES r STOCK EVER RIO WN IN THIS CITY AGNEW ENGLISH NO. 839 CHESTNUT ST., OPPOSITN CONTINENTAL BOTEL AND 29 SOUTH NINTH STREET, spr2l-w lry PHILADELPHIA. FURNITURE I FURNITURE H. LiTeCONNELL, H'IITTON & McCONNELL, Ills on bLud. •t the old &hod 809 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA ♦ LARGE STOCK OF FINE Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room FURNITURE ! EEO Greatly Reduced Priers All Goads warranted. MI old customers will he d whin as formerly. and Ile patronage of the publi 111111111:1,1101I6110,. • B. L. McCONNELL, Manufacturer and Dealer In FURNITURE BMW Semi IRO Market Street, Fhlledelphl►. GREAT BARGAINS FURNITURE AVERILL BARLOW NO. 45 S. SECOND STREET `.is his Immense warerooms (six stories) filled with great variely of first-class Furniture, and le offering It Prices lower than any othe Dealer in Philadelphia. selling the mime clue or goods. Be has also a great •arlety of low•Drlced work, which `•e le selling at reduced prices, either at wholesale or ra• dl, 'minding all styles of Cottage garniture. Also, Allot for the Beckwith Bearing Machine. grieo eta. farr3.3akw LARGEST STOCK I GRAT I NDUC EMENTS r buy all your fasultnrs tow n t n of o I ..... t familiars store IIEORGE W. HEIMBACH 7112 HAMELTON ST., ALLENTOWN The Erni have recently Put In e 14 iTtl. ALL PLATE•OL•BB FRONT. and . ere ldherwlee enlarged thelr facilities for .; •iptlia on hand the I stock in the ally. 111 1 room ELEGANT FURNITURE' I le vianufeetared to WO nwo esfralfehmmf. WA e toter their own soperrlsion, Rod le warrant. e g n «1 tube th• but In th•mirket. An inepection bell atock will twel... buyers of the ad itilpionerrnlalPhe,m manufacture KITTLE' iTFYIT SPRING BED, and are sole agents for th 'arier bed. Call and mit. Remember The Mammoth Glass Fron TIARTMAN , •ER DEPOT. h Prlee Pold For - Old Blank Books And Ledgers WASTE PAI The Highest Cut i Newspapers °revery deeeriptlon. Waste Paper, That are all written over. Of all ktn4a. 0 d Pamphlets, &o ie. = 6 811.001}0 MID at. 11:f i laia L fr le AIN% earJ Aliso IR.. PbllaYa Pitancittl. JOSEPH MILLER dc CO: .• BANKING HOUSE, Fogegeoille, Lehigh County, Penne. MONEYS received on depoelt, and 0 per cent. Interest Mowed no all some remaining Olt month.. or over. For 'boater periods special rates will be paid. Executors Administrators, Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, 2 az- Collectors and other coo todlanti of politic or private moneys, ari obeyed liberal rates of Interest Farmers, Merchant.. Laborers and all who bare money to mit onion interest for a loot or Owl period will eml our 1..11,1810n an agreeable and advantageous oue to which to do puniness. 11..aey deposited in this inelitullon IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED. *N.-Alen; money loaned out on favorable terms. JOSEPH MILLER. J. 11. LICnTENW ALNEE, PRANK J. SLOUGH. ft.pr3.l3m w MILLERSTOWN SAVING BANK MILLERBTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. Thl. Instlintion will be opened on or before the let day of April. Money will be taken on deposit at all times and n any sums from one dollar upward., for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST per annum will bepaid. Depoeits may be withdrawn at any time Also, money caned oat on favorable term, JAMES WEILER, President OILANZLIN Butane. Cashier. J. P. M. Ehiffert, Georg Ludwig, Frederick C. Yobst. Chriat .3 K. Henninger. David Donner, . WIIII3 te 9.llday. Diane Orlebel, ClideOrk Y. Hanoi . ; Horatio T. liertrog, Benjamin J. Soh tooyer. James Bingmaster mar 16-em A LLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITE TION. Organized as "Dimes Saving Instillslion," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST (NEARLY OITOBITR TRH Alllntle•N HOTEL,) PAYS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY ON DEPOSIT. This Institution. the ldest Saving Bank In Easter . l'snosylvartla, has boo n in continuous and successfu Jparatlon for ton years, and continues to pay SIX PEI CENT. INTEREST on money for one year. and sped& rates of interest for shorter i•oriods. 1121—All deposits of money will bo held strictly coral Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Assignees Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and other custodians or public or private moneys, are . . rowed liberal rates of interest. Farmers, Mere/tants, Laborers, and all who ha money to put on interest for a long or short Period w and our Institution an agreeable and advantage°us one which to do business. Wo especially invite camas transact their banking brininess with us. MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS base special pri leges granted by our charter—having fait power to tra act boalnesa with es in their owe names. Money deposited with this Institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by • Capital stock and enrolee money cy add iti on.ver SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, and the Board of Trustees have as required by t barter, given bonds under the supervision of tho Court In the a r e of FIFTY TIIOUSAND DOLLARS. which bonds are regis tered In and held by the Court of Common Pleas of this county for the security of depositor., Our Iron Vaults are of the most encore and extensive kind known in this country as a pennant inerection will Weand to which we invite our friends and customers. We refer to this, believing that safe Burglar Proof Vaults complete the safety and reliability of a good Saving Bank. WILLIAM H. AlNEY,_President. CHRISTIAN PRETE, Vico President. REUBEN STABLER, Cashier. TRUST/NW' • • Miley, Charles B Bash, Christian Preis, John D. Stiles, F. B. Samuels, Benj. J. Hagenbuch, George Brobst, Samuel Bell. Nathan Peter. FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK. Located at the corner of Hamilton street and Church alloy, In Lion Hall, second story, opposite the German Reformed Church, In the City of Allentown. I. organised and roady for boat.... It tell pay SIX per cent. In terest on all deposits except business deposits, for net period of time, to be caiculnistifro m the tiate deposit. To eacure which, the Truatees of the Lehigh) have Bled In the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County, under the direction of the Court. a bond In the sum of Twenty-Bee Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the faith ful keeping and appropriation of all such sums of money rads shall be placed in charge of said FRANKLIN SAYINGS BANK, whether an deposits. or chores of stock. which bond may be enlarged by the Court whenever It may be deemed nee..ay In addition to thin. the Act of Incorporation makes the Stockholders personally liable to the dayositarsiu dou ble the remount of the Capital Stock of. the Bank, which thousand dollar., with liberty to Incr.. It to one hundred and fifty thousand dollar.. These prostotons will make It a very desirable and safe Draper pl lreeid or e d s,Vay slate that thedeposits wit' be kept in one of the stfe s t and best prote c ted uits tr ih4r city. Arrangement. will of New York and Phil be adelphia made to furnish drafts on the all( k. A. BRIDGES, President IJ. W. WILSON. Vice Presider J. E. ZUKERMAN. Cashier. . Trustees: Daniel H. Miller,. 8. A. Bridges, John Roth.. J. W Wilson, William Baer, J. E. Zimmerman D. H. Creits, Peter Oro.. Edwin Ziounerman. WLIAIINGTON AND READING RAILROAD SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, FREE OF TAXES We are offering the Second Mortgage Horde of lb Company AT 85 AND ACCRUED INTEREST, Interest Payable January and July THE BONDS ARB IN I,ooos, 500 a and 100 s And can be REGISTERED free of expo.n. The coal miecellaueoug freight.. and pagentmer buelneee are con etnntlylocrraxloN The reeetpta for the year eddleglie tuber ISII. were 470.776 22. more than the roar and log October 11. 1670 'I he Increase fir seven month. end log Jnne I. 1072. over wren Montt. ending Juue 1. 1871 wag $14,613.40. Bowie. Pamphlets and information can be obtained o DE HAVEN & BRO Fiscal *rents of the United States, 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET PHILADELPHIA. BTOCKB BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION TIRE ERIN SAVINGS BANK OF WM. L. YOHN NORTH £EYEN2E ST., ABOVE LINDEA ALLENTOWN, PA. , • This bank has been established for the porno.. of carry .ng on a general Banking boatmen.. and to offer to th, tommunity SECURE INVESTMENT for their money a COMO, al the seine rate of Intermit that It would nommen u New York or New inner. MONEY LOANED OUT ON 000 D SECURITY tar Oold, Sliver and OoYernutent Bonds bought an mid Drafts drawn on the principal MO., of the United States n aurae to suit purchasers. Collections made on all eccessible points, and proceed ,romptly remitted at torrent rite.. Farmers, Merchant., Luborere and all who have mown 4, pat out on Interest for a toot or short period will gm hi• Institution an agreenble and ad•antageotin One glad] to dobo. Imeineell. Interest allowed on deposits at thi following rates, SEVEN PER CENT. for ore year. SIX PER CENT. If left for thirty days and ruder or rear. @Reneaae stamps so • A HANDSOME MOUSTACHE! 1 %MUSTACHE PROF. ST. CROIX'S FRENCH COM WHISKERS. POUND, the Great HAIR GROWER, 4011ttrACHE. will produ a a 11.1.1 ,nt MOUsTACH I WHISKERS. .r v , lIInEERS on the smoothest face. Plea*ant to nee. Sect to any address on receipt of Fifty Coots II T. BOND. CHEMIST. N. R. Cor. TENTH and CHESTNUT ST.S., PHILit. 1.2172.10 so A LOWE. 4...5.• =I LOOKINO.OLASSES AND FRAMES Large aarortment of OIL PAINTINGS AND CIIROMOS 196 N. Ninth St., abore Arch, mAyl-Ernsr) PHILADELPHIA CONSHOHOCKEN BOILER AND COIL WORKS, JOHN WOOD, JR • 9 1(1)10/ACTU1111 or TUBE. F STEAM CYLINDER BOILERS. BATE ANDOIRCULATING BOILERS. All kinds of Wrought Iron Colls,Toyers . for Blast Fur nace. Clasometere, Smoke Wacky, Bleat Pipes, Iron Wheel harrows, and everything In the Boller and Sheet Iron line. Also, all kinds of Iron and Steel Fording. and Blackamith work. Miners' Tools of all kinds,„such as Whom Bucket... Fick., Drills, Sledge.. at c• Hay Ina a Sterol Hammer and set of tools of all kinds and skilled workmen. I flatter myself that 1 can torn out work with promptness and illapatoh, all of which will be warranted to he Orst-class. Patching Boilers, and repairing generally. strictly at• ended to. apr 17 A PIICIFITABLE BUSINESS! LIMIT EQUAL TO 0 AP,AT ONE...EIGHTH THE COSTI Cannot be exploald No chimney or tack used. MEN debiting a I.I2OFITAIILK HUSINESS, can wore 'be EXCLUSIVE RIOHT for the Rale of DTOTT'S PAT. ENT CARBON OAS LIO HT BURNERS AND OIL, fo, COUNTIES or STATES. Write for In formation or canon • • • • • - - - """ "-• M. B. DYOTT, No. 114 SOUTH SECOND ST.. PHILA. N. B.—CIIURCIIIN lernl4hed with CHANDELIERS and LAIIPti of every dreeription. 2 per cent. Meal)." than al any other ertablishment In the country. md.rl3.3uss, CF. WOLFERTZ, NO. 808 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN, Alstaufecturer of all 'bled. of Collery WA dealer iportarner• Articles, which he in seine' et reduced pri • male atd double butel llunituri Or us Revolve , f01g. , 1 , L , , ['order. tibot, OAPs. /flAh'ili Triable, ete. THE LEUIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1872. NO. 21 NORTH FIG HTH STREET. NO. 21 NOIITH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MILLINERY AND DRESS TRIMMINGS. AF OLPH HELLER, Hat now open the most complete stock of Frew h Millinery goad and dors. trimtninss to be blond In this ally A full aptportment . b o de s n• in all new shadts. plena. eoloced dowers 2. 5 ,, per y•td. DL ACK SILI AND SATIN. All of lartionlse 51.5 nd corded satin crapes. French , slsaw d lO .O , laces, buttons. eta. Ladle. who Will give me eall may rely on getting neW and good goods. at the lowest prices. ADOLPH BELLES, • • insyl.2mw) No. 21 N. Eighth street, Philadelphia. SILVER-PLATED N. E. CORNER NINTH AND CHESTNUT STS., DINNER AND TEA SERVICES, URNS, BUTTER DISHES, CAKE BASKETSAL, VERS TUREAND ENS, CASTORS. ICE PITCHERS, S CUTLERY ! EVERY VARIETY IN PEARL AND METAL HANDLES, PLATED AND UN— wir•smw) PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS A SPECIAL IY. i art 124 f THE LIVE HOUSE mar 80 N. J. KRAMER'S 'Corner Store NEW GOODS, Great Attractions STORE CROWDED DAILY CUSTOMER .A EF ASTONISBED ! In spite of the great advance of all kinds of goods LOW 'PRICES-- HIS STOCK of Dress. Goods for Ladies SHAWLS! SHAWLS!!' SHAWLS! ME= DRESS LINENS for Ladies' Suitings. OUR DEPARTMENT FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Parasols ! Parasols! Parasols !! What has created the exclteMent among the Ladlest—Every Lady wants one of those HALF THE BARGAINS'CLINNOT BE ENUMERATED 4%531 aro Invited to call and get posted on the change In prices lazylt6lfw3 MEAD & ROBBINS, MANUFACTURERS OF PHILADELPHIA ~ a OF ALLENTOWN. To see how complete his Stock Is, and at such ontains all the Latest and Choicest Novelties. ALL THE NEWEST PATTERNS ALL THE POPULAR SHADES! IS COMPLETE. NEVER BETTER• Have also a large and complete Stock of BEAUTIFUL PARASOLS ! Very Respectfully, WARE CHEAP GOODS, M. J. KRAMER. atelgo anb 21ethelny. BAILZYke 'Chestnut & 12th Sts., 3ewelers anb Silversmiths. FINE WATCHES, FREfiCil COCKS, BRONZES, PLATED WARE. (Duality Ibuaranteeti. 'Boobs sent by Express on approval. w may 10 ISAAC K. tsTAUFFER. WATCVES AND JEWELRY, N 0.145 NORTH SECOND ST.. cnn. or QU•IIRT, PIMA An amortment of Watehea, Jewelry. saver an aPlatedWare conatantly on hand. oar Repalrlng of Watch. and Jewelry pr r ornpyfl. sanded to. iv 5-1 v KELLER tt: BROTHER. NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, PA. CLOCKS, well reglated and warranted. All else' and prices. trot, $2 upwa u rds. A larger assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can be found In any other store In the city. JEWELRY OF ALLARE KINDS, SILVER W .f every_ deco Iption. 46/ - watcrece repaired on Short Notice. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE CHARLES S. HASSEY'S, No. 23 East Hamilton street, opposite the Herman R formed Cherub. Joel received from New York and Phl adelphia, all the latest style. GOLD WATCHES Ile hae the and beet assortment of Gold Watehe nd at lower largest price, than can be found °Nowhere. SILVER WATCHES He has a larger and bettor assortment of Silver Watch han can be purchased anywhere else. " • " " GOLD JEWELRY. He has the largest and best assortment of all kinds o Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Helms a larger and betterassortment of all klnds of Ott and Plated Jewelry than can be bound elsewhere._ SILVER AND PLATED WARE. H°° "" P1 :111!:" r n t t: i :: tv : r e g rsond No • ro1::2 not V, r CLOCKS. ♦ larger assortment than at any other oetablishment MELODEONS. ' A splendid assortmcnt of Prince's hfolodeorts, the be in the world. ACCORDEONS. A splendid assortment of all kinds of Accordeons. His eatahliniament ban lately been fitted up, and Is sea second to none in New York and Philadelphia, and ahead of anythinguntaide the large cities. He has a large: elect of fashion able goods In hie line than all other. In Lehigh county combined. To convince youreelves ol the abov. call and sea BgewEiag NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, ♦ few doors west or the Continental note! JEWELERS SILYERSMITHS IMPORTERS OP WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FINE BRONZES, FANCY GOODS EUROPEAN NOVELTIES Gave now in store, and are constantly receiving. .gtensive variety of tine Goode appertaining to th MEMO Respectfully Invite persons visiting the city to fay =II llryl esand orders by mall promptly attended to. goy tide LabieZ MRS. GULDIN'S Ladies' Trimming Store, ALLENTOWN. PA. The trade at this old and well known establbthmeot I uoustantly Increasing, owing to the fact diet NEW GOOD tre being constantly received of the LATEST STYLEF tnd always eultable to the wants of her numerous roam nem People should always go where they are sore tl o b nulled at low figures. 'an ATTENTION, LADIES! REAL WHITBY, JET JEWELRY, FRENCH JFT AND VULCANITE JEWELRY, FINE PLATED JEW ELR i'erla and Vienna Farm flair Plan. Fancy Leather Oond, Fancy Ornaments. army Bonen Decks. Dressing Cane relict Good.. 11. broils. 1 HIM. (11. ahem and Atom All enema eed superior In quality and mo ierara In price H. DIXON, N •. 21 South Eighth Street. YEtilela. ITEM liiA. DA al E STEEL, 1313 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Ilse recelfed'from Palle the latest Spring styles POLONAISE BUSTLES AND CORSETS. La Victor!. Tremor. & Nllleon BUSTLE SEIRTF for troth sod prem.-Dads dresses. Paris W+rly & Chlldres's Corsote,all at popular prices. m.r 20 ly sr) TEIOPLE OF FASINtov. ESTABLISHED Ihl7. MRS. M. A. BINDER, 1101, N. W. COR.IITa & CTIEBTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. Importer and feigner of Parts and London Novelties, Elegantly Trimmed Paper Patterns of Latest and most rellsble Style+. fur Ladl.lo and Children's ter ma Ladles' Dress Trimmings. Heal and Imitation l Seep. Hods. D F E an E s S E Ri N b DCnsL OTea I S P E re• ohl I J n e t w h e l m ry o t n taste / ful and ntegsot manner. A Perfect System of DRESh CUTTINti Taught.. kt P la c Wll PF!TirDellEVAnder...bigN $2OOO PER ANNUM CAN BE MADE IN BELLING THE • NEW WHEELER & W LSONS'S SEWING MACHINE. • A few settee, reliable business men of good habit. and address. wanted la desirable territory at present un beett• pled. WlllO. furnished ; Security requited. Sand for Information. or call on PETERSON & CARPENTER, Gcn't Agt's, 914 CHESTNUT STREET, • . PEIILADEPHIL. J W. ALTHOUSE, Aisent, , s-ty 814 ll..mllton street. Allentown. ESTABLISHED IN 1810 Fancy Dyeing Establishment JONES, J. & W No. 41 North Front Sireet,lellaara. Pa • DVS alike. Woolen and Wormy 0“ods of &scrip lion. Their .111wIt rile of Dyeing Ladles' and Gontle• men's Om meets Is widely known. Crape sod Merino Shawls dyed the moot brllllao and plain color.. Crape sod Merino oh owls creole to ions, like new. Al.. Clentl-men's Apparel. an.l Curtains. cleaned or reAyed. Hid 9.ores cleansed or dyed to look like new. 111(5.CII nod look at our work before golog elsewhere. I.ll,nch *elm cor. Ninth and Me sta. [apr3.2mw THE IMPROVED FLORENCE. The Beet Hewing Machine Made. no • eir Machine that makes nor different Filltchea I The only Machine that fastens the ends or aenma I Th. only Machin that will note the work to ally ritreei(ost tietorrd t one the only Machina that has e Pelf. edpaatiai tenet n These eilvantaithe combined with th e Kan Rapidity, and Quithi,es Ito Tara Mee. lottolher with the bera-ty red Qua Uty of It too k with sanswe Iht e•orrrulTs render II .he most detir.bte, durable and Rest Family Sewing Machine in th- IVorld. Good Agrnts leotard in every County Wilson & Pennypaoker, Managers. 1123 Cliwanut Street riallada. tmott-Jai w aprii-Ses W) ': ebicittal '- C) 111 p ;; ., ii••• 3 ,?4 tt t=l C= Vt tm/ )-•J CC= = P=-- t-. 1 t-4 NEW DRUG STORE I take the pleasure of informing my numeroueg , dead. and the public in general that I him opened • new Drug 13thre at N 0.755 HARILTON STREET, and Ailed ft with a carefally selected stock of Pure Drugs and Medicines PATENT MEDIOEsTES, 10AL OIL, and tliggyaryir ß4 0 4 L OIL L.I.IIPS 'amine Perfumery and toilet articles as tbe floret It ,racta for handkerchief and bathing. Hair o , la, flair I •IdOTZIO, and flair D 7114. An Innumerable aseurttno .IT.Het Soaps fur 'trashing. shaving nod eraeloa 011. rpaint. Tooth Bruskea and flair Brushes of all grad .nd prices. Pocket Hooka, Album.. Pane Book.. Pallor and Pmn 'Locket gotten and Ragan , . a large variety of ill.. b. inglialt and Germ , . Plan Hooks and Tackles. to aho 4yerythlng that can be expected In a First•C;ass City Drag Store, IMIZEI The Very Lowest Market Rates WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS will be a snecialit •nd dill be filled day or night with the areateet punctual. letfrgil Storekeepers eupplied with everything in my Hue ►t the towed market rates. Ravine had ex oerienee ela•e my childhood in the Drug business I ire ,onlldent that Icon serve all who mop (►vur me with e :ell, to their eatiefaction. E. W. DANOWSKY. Dr. WM. DANOWSKY takes thla opportunity to think his numerous friends w past favora and wit. be at the Drug Store of att on all who may desire ht. medical ser•ices. his so REMEMBER THE PLACE, 735 HAMILTON STREET, Between Stoma and Efghth 1135113 PARENTS. TAKE NOTICE THAT AT THE ' 'BUTEN BOOK STORE TOO WILL ALWAYS /lAD Vol BALI ALL 11001 SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. The time la again here for children to prepare for SCHOOL 1 . t a n wa trt :: hand sad for We thing they wam SCHOOL . ROOM. OUR PRICES , ARE AS LOW . anr , 741:1: l aise. r: 21 :43 ,.... give them Snot what they DON'T FORGET. AND REMEMBER THAT THE BOTEN BOOK STORE IS THE PLACE 10 BUY ALL HINDS OF Sohool Books at the Lowest Prices. LEIBENRING, TREXLER & CO., . GU Hamilton BL. Allentown. Pa. eeni•lfd • AGENTS! QUICK l er yen will mho choice terrlto -4 y (there la rush for It) ow DIO LBWIB' last 'and afoot work. OUR DIGESTION, or, MY JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET. It is by odds the most tattles and salable book le lb field. llt Is ott a eltaib it,ortaut eubJect. I.tle b emerl.a'• must popular writer on 3lt is id the lastest .4id handsomest book Id h übso.iptioa. agents, the people are agar for ouch book, and will urge you to bring It to theta. Write to terms, So t free. GEO. MACLEAN, Publtaher, lovillay ' /wpm Blreet. Philadelphia. VORTII PEN NNE L-W i ltxpga VANIA RAILROAD. r ~'~ I= PIIRS eeeee e for Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley R. It 'alga pante, Allentown at 815 and B 15 a. m, 1201, 51C TS p. m., and arri•o In Philadelphia at 8 56, 10 45 a rn 13, 82. and 10 30 p. m. Alen Lehigh aed gong twhannt allroad trains at 815 a. m.. 323. 513 and 815 p ru -r , •e in Philadelphia at 1013 g. tn., 115, 540. 821 ant p.m. . . LOCAL SCHEDULE. (Six Through Trains Daily, Sunday. Excepted ] Passenger trains leave the depot Northwest corner Dark id American %Veins. Philadelphia. For Allentown at 1130 and A 10 a. in., 2 10. 3 312, 4 03 lie p m. Paine cam are attached toth-113.1a. to. train For Doylestown at 84.7 a. m.. 1 40 and 4 top at. For Fort Washington at 741 and 11 a m. S and 1130 P m• For Abinston .l 7 m , 190, and 090 p. an. Pot Lansdale at 890 p. tn. Bethlehem at 890, 830 a. m., 1216, 933, 810 and neat. 40 Q. m Doslestoarn at 700 a. m., 3CO and 600 p. m. Lansdale at 605 a. in. • Port Washington at 84.5, 1080 a. m., and 216 and OM Abington at 7 41s m 215 and 625 p. m. UN SUNDAYS. liethlebem tor Ptillad?lplita at 4 rn p. tn. Doylestown IS 4.3 a. m. toRTO PnlladelDhla for l3elblebem •011 . 091. m. Fare—Allentown to l lgaraeranlPED 2 ... wr" ELLIS CLARE. Agent. mra ~~ ~...~ r EH MU VALLEY i m - ..... I-4 RAILROAD. 15U 11511111. ARRAN 0 &MENT. Loave Allentown (or New York. eta. Central Railroad • ove Jerany. at 5 674 Dab, and 816 a m, and 1201, 1216• 40.. and 6 5I) p. N. For New York, .10 & Kasen Rallroad.at 65', an 11 15 • la, and 211, 121.'.•. 610', and 6 60 p m. For Blananka Chunk nod Uel vinare at 815 a m. and 6 10' m. it;r Lambertville sad Trenton at 615 a m, and 12 01 am on p m. For Emnloo at 622.6 IS, 11 10 and 10 10 a int 12 01. 12 IS. to, 00, 7 k i and 8 28 p m. Put Philadelphia. Via N..rth Perm Railroad. at 610, 81n and 1201, 000, and 628 r to. For Waahittalot., D. C . at 810 a m, 12 01 and 828 p m. For Catamparta & Fugloaville R. It, 641 a m auu 12 20 For Coping at 841 a m. 1220. 434, 621 and 871 p to. For Mauch Winne at 644, 1047 a tri. 1227, 434 cud 824 n rn. For Wllkenbarre and Pitteron,nt 644 and 1047 a In, 1223. 134 p m. wor Waverly. Owego Elmira. Auburn and Buffalo. at ito 47 a to I Ex Freon Train, )an . 1221 P. m. For Hazleton at 844 and 10 47 a to. and 4 34 p m. For Andeorled at ILI 47 on. For Maltanoy City at 644 .cd 1 0 47 a m. and 434 p m. For Mt. Carmel at 0 44 and 10 47 a to. Titian with It clot l•) start from Enid Peon Junction. 11. STANLEY 000 DW IN, Anet Oen.l don't. SAYRE Snp . t At Eng. AND FOOELSVILLE IL R. Wag ,~ /. :,_,_:: ', ~; . ~, ~;, .:. •5 or JUNE THIRD, IEO2, Panneoner Tra oo & Fonolnrillo Rnitroad will run In Lehigh Vnllay. Lehigh & Busquebotto, allrond. so : STATIONS. and of .t mitt. - Ith tb, Penn. Wein • Y. 813 7 93 7 t 9 7 19 7 ^1 731 7 39 The morale girsio west leaves Cataeanonn on the arrival if the L V R. It. Pa...otter train from Easton. be: e , crossed Alla, town. and connects at Alburtis with a tram a the East Pennsylvania R. II for Reading, Pottsville, tarrie:mg and Philadelphia and also with a train for tilantewo. Bethlehem and Easton. The morning truln East connects at Albui..r. who .raina sr, R. P. R R. from Harrisburg, Pottsville I..adlng and Allentown and at Catasanyna with train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad for Mooch Chunk, Wilkesbarre, Bcran• on; Philadelphia and New York. The 115 P hi tralo Went connects at Alburtis with trains on the East Penn. Railroad for Reading, Pottaville, Ham. •lehurg, Philadelphia. Allentown, Bethlehem. Kiloton .nd New York; arrive in Philadelphia via Reading a I p. m. The Evening train East leavesAlban's on the arrival d • trait. from Allentown and of a train mak lug connec lot a at Heading with trains from Philadelphia. Harris• iota, Pottsville. An.,and connecta with local passenger rain on toe L. V. tt. R. at Cata.ngtla tor AllOntOWß, lathlehen, and Easton. 110k004140OUR and Coplay. 1 11110 ri" ---------- inning to go to Allentown eau tent, the morn. tot to Alburthi. arrive at Allentown 916 a m iy a train on the East Pennaylyania Railroad, Intown at 4 9.5 D. m. C. W. CHAPMAN. Pont. and Engineer. Persons wit ug train War ud ratan 61 leaving Allot ETEMI LAJ EAU N G RAIL. , c ~ ROAD. BUMMER ARRANOEMENt. MONDAY, MAY 6, 1872 °rest Trunk Line from the North and North-Went for Phllnd phia, New York, Reading. Pottsville. Tamaqua, shland Shamokin. Lebanon, Allentown. Easton. Eph• .ata. LIEN. Lancaster, Columbia, A. H Trains leave arrinbarg for New )f ork as follows: at ! 810 a. m., and 200 p, m. connecting with similar rains on Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at Now cork at 1007 a. to., 849 and 046 p. to. respectively. Returning tee. New York at OW is. to.. 1231 soon also 4.5 p. tn.; Philadelphia at 73', 837 a. In. and 3.93 p.m. Leave Harrisburg for Heading, Pottsville. T.mqua. dinersville. Ashland, Sh.okin, Allentown. and Phila. lelphia at 810 a. m., 2 00 and 405 p. m. lopping at Leba• ion and prinelpal way ...et the 4 11 2 p M. teeth con. dieting for Philadelphia, Pottsville .d Columbia only. For Pottsville, ,Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, viaSehtlyi• till and Suequehanna Railroadoleave Harrisburg at 3 gh, fiaet Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Reading for allentown, Reston and Now York at 434, 10 40, a. m and 05 p m. Returning, move Now York at 000 a. m., 1230 loon and 6 45 p. m.. and Allentown at 720 a. tn., 12 . 26 loon, 215, 423 and 915 p. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 a. m., manacling with similar train on East Penna. Railroad: vaunting leave Reading at 0 1).) p m., stopping at all eta.. toms.. Leave Pottsville at 900 a. to.. and 230 p. m. Herndon tt 10 00 a. In. !Shamokin at 640 and 11!6 a. m., Ashland al 705 a. to. and 12 43 Mom, Habana) City at 761 a. in. Pad 120 p. Tamaqua at 893 a. m. and 210 p. m. for hiladelphia, New York, Reading, Harrisburg, dm. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail. mad at 815 a. m. for Harrisburg, and 11 43a. at. for Pine• grove and Tremont. Potievllle Accommodation Train leaves Pottsville at 661 s. passes Reading at 725 a. m. , arriving at Philadol• phia at D5O a. to. Returning, tear. Philadelphia at 615 it. to., passing Reading at 740 . p. m., arriving at Potta• pule at 92.1 p..m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pottstown at EL.. Returning, leaves Philadelphia IN lath and dram) at 430 P. an. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7 20 a m and • 15 p m for tphrata, Lltlr, Lancimter, Colombia, at,, ;re aming leave Lancaster at 821 a in, aud 323 P w, and Columbia at 8 L 5 a m. and 3 15 p Pentium. Railroad Trains leave Perklomen Junction tt 715, 900 a m. 300 and 545 pm. Returning, leave tab we ille at ti 32. 80)a w, 1W and 445 pw, con• eecting with similar trains on heading Railroad. Pickering Valhi, Railroad halos leavePLmulxv the at 410 m, 310 and 560 p ; eturniug leave Byers at 035 s m, 1.45 uoutt, rod 421 p uk, cOunentlttg with similar rains on Heading itailroad• Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 040 • a and I 3), 623 ono 7 15 p m; returnlog leave Noma Pleasant at 60 0, 8 (Maud 112't m, and 325 p Vnuect .ag with train. uu Reading h.. R. Cheater Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridgeport at 890 and 2 Vaud 633 pmt returning, leave 1) Avulagtoo tin 53 a m, 12 3) nod 6 40 p connecting with elmliat rain• on Reading Railroad. Uu Bundaym: leave New York at 6 45 p m, Philadelphia t 1 800 a in and 315 p m (the 800 a m train mulling only to eadlUgl, luaTe 1'01t4,1110 at 800 a tn, Harrisburg at 246 m and 2 00 p w, Allentowu at. 425 and 0 5 p m, Read. ag at 715 a to nod lo 30 p to for II arrtsburg, at 4 34 a m for Sew Yolk, at 720 am for Aileutowu and ato4.. am and 115 p m Per . . Commutation. Mileage. deacon, School and Excursion Pickets, to and from all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through; MU poundsallowed each 'lowa ulcer. J. E. WOOTTEN, may S 13 3 drat. Supi.d Eno. Iffseh'ru. ALLENTOIVN PASSENGER RAIL. WAY. TIME TABLE. On and after MONDAY, JUNES. 1872. cars will roe nail traite uo the Lehigh Valley .d Lehigh and Su... tanna, Philadelphia & Reading (East Penn Junction) railroads, and to the Allentown Furnace, leaving tila• lone Hamilton and Ninth streets, as follows: For L. V. L. &8. B. P e on. Furnace. Leave Fur A M A. M. A. M. A 11. A.M. • 042 741 060 99) la 01 016 10 , 0 . 840 11 21 11 61 7 41 11 35 11 00 10 10 110 1 P 60 11 35 P. 51. P. M. 900 990 11 60 2 66 1 40 6 (51 6 35 P. M. 960 3 10 700 7 30 3 2) A 115 6 10 • 6 3AO 740 • 000 - 2) Pay Days Baturd'i 10 ONLY 7 0 8 8 41 11x1 monger trains on the The above earl run to all the pa . Lbovo roads. FARE TEN C Children under ten yearn of c . F. WOL FERTZ, CUTLERY, NO. 606 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. if.nunicturee acid keens con.tantly on hind a largo a.- .ortmout of all kind.; of Cutlery. Assure Table halve. , and Forks raocket Knives Bcis.an h nip ALLENTOWN Rolling Mill Co., gammon to THAYER, ERDMAN, WILSON a CO., Manufacturer. of STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, BRIDGE CASTINGS, RAILROAD TURN TABLES, MILL GEARING, SHAFTING, Furnace, Boning Mal and Mining. Work, &c., &c., &C. N. 8.-411 work guaranteed and delivery prompt. L. H. GROSS, Bup't. august 17-31 n yr) WATSON'S CELEBRATED FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. A'STAII LIS LIED IN 1849. THE OLDEST SAFE HOUSE IN PHILADELPHIA The only Rafe with !Patna Pools. °maw:deed Free 'root Datopoe•s. PIG prices from 15 to 20 lo.r Beet. lower than other maker.. Please send for Circular and Price Ist. T. WATSON & BON. • Late of Evans & Watson. afann.actorera men Cm w No. MB. Fourth Bt. Philadelphia. MIS E ILLUSTRATED P lIIR ENO. A. LOOTCAI. JOURNAL Is every reepect • 'lnl ets. Manacle.. Its article. are the hlgheet Intereet to all. It teach., what we are end h :ate make the molt of otreelvea. The Information Ito to lathe on the Laws of Life and Health le well worth the mire of the allagaglne to every. tawny , It to polollabed At Win a year. By • 4reclal arrangement we are enabled to arm the Phrene ogles. Journal se a Premium for live new sub-crlbere to the Limon Itnoteren. or will furnish the Lawton Rani.- 'gig sod Phrenological Journal together fur 03 BC. W •ommend the Journal to all LO U T.nt rood !fiesta:lna. tddreee all °roan to HMO ELL, Allentown. Pa U T D. LUCKENBACII. A'1"1111Pit TY • NBY AT LAW. (formerly practiced la Carbo ...may). (Mice. --_llaralltoo s etreet,.anad if:;, b ertg :rat: lbe mart amw' ilaitroatts. Trains for Phllivielpida Train. CAT'ASAUQUA, 53 •SEIP LE'S, 45 •JORD AN BRIDGE, 39 GUTH'S, 34 WA I,IIERT'B, Z CHAPMAN'S, 19 TREE LERTOWN, 07 BREINIRSVILLE. 56 •SPRINO CREEK, 42 AL-BURTIS, 37 =1 NTB. Ea, Flys Coate prafrogional Carbo: J. WORE. ATTORNEY . AT LAW, 17.4 . ALLENTOWN, PA. 0 Noe, No. 60 Eut laamllton dreet. fir Can be euneulted to German. Jan 14 DUN K it BA LOW IN, ATTORNEYS AND C Eas tOUNSELLORS s k AT t. LAW. Allentown. Pa. .nics. No. Al Hamilton ee C. AL fool. Y. A. R. BALDWIN VfOItRIS L. KAUFMAN. ATTOlt vi NB% 'AT LAW. Ogles. second Boor or th• Pint 4.1101 Bank building. ALL E.NTOWN, PA. Collections lade to Lehigh and tidiolning comities. Can be consulted ithe Eofileh and tiormao laugusges. sepl4-17 Oa C. INENNBERGER ATTORNEY 11tTRod3the Pod Otlictglp . l7. ad 2..iENg4IA. ELIAS MERTZ. A LDERRIAN• SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, 135 Weal Hamilton tit.. Allora... Pm GEORGE SE RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Delco with Hon. John D. 8i11,,. Allen own. l'a. EDWIN ALBRIGHT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, eight doorn above the Court Hot.% AL GENTOWN Lehigh couuty. Pa. fob 1.9.40-17 GEORGE: K. WI LNON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 519 Ilitnillton street. nearly oPlui the Court House. Allentown. Collections promptly rnitdo In Lehigh sod Northstnplon counties DR. C. C. H. GUILDIN, SURGEON DENTIST. OlEro, over Mre. N. A. O. Ouldte • rrltornlng Store, N 0.34 Noel Hamilton street, AlleoWorn SMOYER, ATTORNEY, AT LA LAW AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, MILLERS rOWN, LEIII6 II CO., PA. Particular attention paid to insolvent and decedent estates. inn 8-17 WM. S. YOUNG, JR, (WITH IiNIWI.TOP. iIUITII i 110•LRS.) ATTORM:Y AT LAW, lioocun 43, 4.5.40 sad 47. No. 100 Waelllngtou fitrnel. CM ago. juaa 30 JO. BOWMAN, ATTORNEY ti AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Room 6, Nu WOW. out street, Philadelphia. ' mar 1-17 MIKOMAS B. METZGAR, ATTOB. NEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN. PA. Office, No. GI Batt Um:olton Affect. may W... 60 GEORGE B. SCRAM. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oftice, First door above Lew AL LENTOWN. PA. may Is•ein JRI 1.1% M. !MERV, AVIrruItICEV A ND COUNSELLOR AT LA ooeuoa Moor of M. J.Kr • mer'e nL r., oppon.te the Ee.l3 Hotel, Allentown. Pe. notrl7-ly ins on noon. nod E DWARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Odic°, with Hun. Samuel A. Bridges. ALLENTOWN, PA. misy 1-17 5 5.4 5 LO 5 41 6 36 94 5 ?A 5 10 TOIIN RIJ1'1", ATTORNEY AT LA*, t../ OM. N. E. Corner Oth and llnrollton Streets , ALLEN. TOWN, I 'A. may 1-1, ADAM WOOLEVER, Avronmbt• AT LAW. Mice, opposite the Court House, AL. LENTOWN PA. may I.IT W I ELIA NI 11. GLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CATASAUQUA, LEIIMI COUNTY ma 7 10.17 CLAY lIAMERSLY,A TTORN EY R • AT LAW CATASAUQUA PA. j. 14-'68.4 carp t 3 anti Oil Cotb. . WILLIAMS & DALE, 832 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Dealers lu CaRPETB, 01 l. CLO"eII4. NIATTINO3, etc, il We barejn.t received for the Epog trifle lama and hands-ace nwortmout of new and beautiful styles In tiram• ItrliP. Inured., ibittplgs. It Cleths, NVindow Sbattes, etc.. Is.. all of whirl, we will offer st the lotsest cash prices. We ue Ile all to csll and see Os, and esnaine our stock before pur basing elsewhere. WILLIAMS ~.t, DALE, 832 Market St.. Phtladelphte. EITEEEI RICH AND ELEGANT CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &C. S. C. FOULK. NO. 10 S. SECOND ST., 'PHILA., (First Carpet Storo below Market, East side,) Invites attention to hie apiend.d assortment of Imported and American CARPET'S, which will sold at a very smell advance. Gouda warranted as represented no that all can bay with confidence and a•tiefaction. not 23.1 f CARPETS! CARPETS I ALSO, OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINUS, WINDOW SHADES, &C., G. B. SNYDER & CO„ 34 SOUTH SECOND ST., MIAMI., Went Slde. below Market N. D.—A liberal discount to Churches and Clergy , men . rml7.3mw (This Cut Illustrates the manner of Using ce:,)zzat. x.xnuamve . (Fotintain Na d al Injector, OR Tact ainplication of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. It is the only form of instrument yet invented with which fluid medicine can be carried high up and perfectly applied to all pans of the affected nasal pas sages, and tho chambers or cavities communicating therewith, in which sores an d ulcers frequently exist, and from which the catarrhal discharge generally prop calls. Tho want of simmer In treating Catarrh here, taunt has arisen largely from tile impossibility of applying remedies to these cavities and chambers by any of the ordinary methods. This obstacle In • the way of effecting cures la entirely . overcome by the invention of the Douche. In urine this instrument, the Fluid is carried by Its own weight) no snuffing. kra ng or pumping being required.) up one nosh II In a fall ently dewing strewn to the highest portion of the asal passages. parses Into and thoroughly Cleanses II the tubes and chambers connected therewith. and owsout of theoppoille nostril. Its ore IP pleasant end so simple that a child can understand It. run and expli-n. directions accompany each Instramoot. When need with this instrtiment.Dr. Elago'a Catarrh Remedy cures recent attacks of !'Vold i.e the Mond ~ by a few application,. Symptoms of Catarrh. Preemmt bead 'ache, discharge falling Into throat, sometimes pro fuse, watery, thick mucus, purulent, offensive, &e. In others a dryness, dry, watery, weak or inflamed eyes. stopping up or obstruction of nasal passages, ringing in ears, dealheps, hawking and coaching to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs front ulcers voice altered, nasal twang, offensive breath, impaired or total deprivation orpense of smell and taste, dint neer, mental depression tom of appetite, Indiges tion, enlarged tonells , tickling cough, Sc. Only a few of there symptoms aro likely to be present in an ilr ca Ana ato nVo t lLa ne iarrh ftwmody. when need with Dr. Pierce's Nasal panted with the constitutional treatment white is recommended in the pamphlet that wraps each bot tle of the Remedy, le a perfect specific for this loath some disease, and the proprietor offers, in good faith, 5300 reward for a GOO be can not cure. The , Remedy Is mild and pleasant to nee. containing no strong or caustic drugs or poisons. The Catarrh Remedy Is sold at 50 cents, Douche at 60 cents, by all Drucalsts. or either will be mailed by,pro. printer on receipt of 60 cents. . . ... It. Vs PIEHOE, IN. D.. i Bole Proprietor; ....,1 am 1 w-tf REMOVAL! REMOVAL! S. K Engelman & Bro.'s CHINA STORE. BAB DEER REMOVED TO No, 740 HAMILTON STREEF, (Walker's Old Stand,) ALLENIOWN, PA SPEUIA L ANNOUNCE Al ENT FOR TELE SPRING TRADE. Tin FINEtiT Al3BollFlf EN? OP TABLE WARE, Vase, Cologne Sets, Figures, Smoking Sets, Mantle Ornaments, and VANCYA RTICLEtti. ever offered to this clty.togeth or with • page Mock of FINE CUT GLASS .WARE.. 1=33 G. 13 BRYDRIL t W. F. [Willa. =El= /) •I the p op BUFFALO. N. Y.