c~lZcYel2igll Pgister. No paper discontinued until all arearages are paid, except at the option r bf the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this office. Bubseribers about removing will please send us bele old address as well as the new. R EMOV A L. To-morrow the business office of THE Le mma REGISTER will be removed to the second story 9f the building 688 Hamilton street, one door above the First National Bank, imme diately opposite the Allen House, where we would be pleased to have our friends from the country call whenever they come to the city. THE paddlers of the Pottsville Rolling Mill have become tired of their strike and have goon to work. Tau Week bass which were brought to Bethlehem, like those shipped to Al!mown, 'are dead. HANDSOME CARPET.—:SSMUCI G. Kerr, 832 Hamilton street, has Just supplied one of our protninent citizens with a magnificent Axminster carpet. PansoriaL.--Glenera I Haman ft was in Read ing to attend the annual conclave or Kulgbts Templar. Daring his stay he was serenaded by a number of bands. Turf Democrats of Slatlngton are generally non committal upon the Presidential question. A few of the leaders are hot" In favor of a straight-out nomination. EIVICIDE.—Jacob MU, of Upper Provi dence; Montgomery county, committed out skin on the 11th Inet., by hanging, whilst lu a state of intoxication. A nun. Cu/ay.-041m George is build lag a row boat 28 feet long and fifteen Inches wide amldshlp, ana 1, will but welghmore than City pounds. Removm,,—Ni9kum & Grim, cigar manu factutors, have taken the second story room Northeast corner of, Elihth and' Hamilton for their workmen. They employ twenty•llve hands LUCKY.—George Englemma, Capt. 'Cie& ner and Andrew Nagle were out after frmze on Wednesday, and succeeded In shooting 140 near Llmeport. THE new span being erected at Siegfried's Bridge, In place of the one blown down, is rapidly approaching, completion. The frame work is nearly completed and anon can be4ased for wagons. THE News Agent of 014 Lehigh Valley Rail road [Bed to circulate over two hundred Tribunes along the route. Now, wo are informed by un doubted authority, that the list has dwindled down to twenty-flee. LET DB HAVE Pence. —Theodore Foust, the music man, got so much excited on reading the account of the coming Peace Jubilee, that he let a knife tell upon hie leg, the blade of which pene trated nearly to the bone. Tun people of Bethlehem and South Beth lehem are signing petitions praying that their New York and Philadelphia mails be distributed at 10 instead of 11 o'clock. What trains them mails aro to be transported on, the Times does not say. THE Commencement exercises of the Lehigh University will be held on Wednesday, June lab. The University sermon will be delivered by Rt. Rev. M. A. Du Wolfe Howe, D. D., Bishop of Cen tral Pennsylvania, on Sunday, June 16. Tun Argus says tile New York Tribune is losing subscribers In Easton. It. has been losing ground In Allentown for some time past, which 'does not P peak very well for the cause of Greeley and Brown. Tun Miners' Journal advises housekeepers and others to buy their coal nor, In anticipation of an Increase in price later In the summer. It says that " prices have reached the bottom, and they will iro uo lower; a change must take place as the season advance,. Tus Mahanoy am.itte says that on Monday of last week, some horse thieves visited Mahanoy City, and took a horse from one Individual, a wag on from smother, and ten bags of flour from a thlrd,-and cleared It. This was doing the stealing business up by wholesale. SENTENCE FOR ATTEMPTED ARBON.—James regley, charged with attempting to fire the Union Planing Mill, was sent.nced on Friday to pay a fine of one dollar, the costs of prosecution and undergo an imprisonment In the Lehigh County Jail (or two years. • THE elate trade at Millington is still very brisk. The demand is greater than it has ever been before and the works have difficulty In sup plying orders. Notwithstanding this prices are still too low, the big fish, like Horace Greeley, seeming to desire to run out the small fry. BEETIALD BENEFICIAL AssocisTiox.—Mr. C. C. Boyle, of Tamanna, has J.:at ;warned from a Weateru tour after organizing Grand Branches of the above Association In Milwaukee, W Won son ; Chicago, Illinois; Indianapolis, Indiana ; and Wheeling, West Virginia.—Miners' Journal. A STRAW.—By a vote taken in James M. Soip's cigar factory,Battarday tn'ornlng,lt was ascer Seined that the twenty hands present were all for Grant. Olio or the hands,a Democrat,wasabeent, and h was agreed to cast his vote for Greeley, so as not to have the thing too one-sided. The vote then stood Grant, 20; Greeley, 1. TUE Lehigh Canal Company charges the following rates of freight per ton on coal :—From Mauch Chunk to Welesport 18 cents ; to Perry ville, 18 cents ; to Lehigh Gap, 23; Waluutport, 83 ; Hokendauqua, 31 ; Catasauqua, 31; Allen town Furnace, 33 ; Allentown, 34 ; Bethlehem, 36; Freemaesburg, 98; Britton, 93. AN INCENDIARY FIRE.•—The loss occasioned by the destruction by lire or Miller's Bone Mill, at an early hour Thursday morning, will amount to about $27,000, upon which there is au insurance of over $19,000. The fire is supposed to have been an incendiary's work, as there had beau no (Ire in the building since Monday.—Reading Tirll6l. ACCIDENT.—On Saturday Milton Eckert bad his left baud caught in a plan!og machine at the furniture manufactory of Berkerneyer Jt Dorney, at the Jordan Bridge. Ho was taboo to Dr. E. G. Martlu'a office whore his lingers were found to be so badly lacerated that three of them bad to be amputated. - FiensoNAL.— W ill F. Hood, formerly man• agar of the Color Guard, Is In the city, having come hero to accept a position In the employ of Dr. A. J. Limbach. He came here from Mahanoy, where they closed for the season. When be was here upon the occasion of the presentation of the Color Guard he mado many warm Moods who will be: glad to learn that ho will make this city his headquarters. WE hear that the furnace party, at Walnut• port, ere still keeping life In the pril ct. We hop,. they will continue to do so; but why don't they get some experienced Iron. manufacturer at the toad of it. That Is what Is necesiary to give the people confidence lo the enterprlse.—Slatingtoo News. A LARGE BTONE.—A flag stone ten. feet square and weighing nine thousand pounds ban been brought from Bradford county, this Btate,to Ea st on, and w 11l be used as the roof over the vault to ill new building of the Northampton County Gavin s Bank, now , In course of codetruetion. This s aim, which Is probably the largest' and heaviest of the kind ever seen in this town, Is moved with but very little trouble.—Aryrus. Trim seventeen year locusts, according to a eorreepondent of the Coatesville Union,ar e making their appearAnce in great numbers along the ridge between Lancaster and Chester counties. Seventeen years ago these destructive insects played havoc In the same neighborhood, witti , the trees. In this section of country Vie seventeen year locusts appesred the lad time In the summer of 1868, and will not be on hand arra 10, therefore, Until 1835. We believe, howret;er, their cline Cities In different parts of the Un!ted Slates. Tait Spring Fair of the Mollig.imery County Agricultural Society opened nt Ambler, ou the North Penn. Railroad, on Wednesday. Tim America Hose Company has engaged the BleKamilla Band for the parade on the Fourth of July. ARM BROHEN.--Whilo Augustus Laudrn sehlager and another bay were playing see-saw at the Second Ward School flonse,on Wednesday, ne, was thrown from the board and had one of hie arms broken above the wrist. Drs. R0m1,.; set the fracture and the boy was taken to the home of his father, Wm. Landenso'alager. BLATCRLEY'S CUCUMBER WOOD POMP Is THE BEST. For sale by the Hardware Trade, Dealer.' In Agricultural Implements, Sm. If there Is no agent In your town, send for descriptive cir cular. C. G. BIATCIILET, 506 Commerce Street, rtilladelabia. George Horn, agent for Alleu• town. • mar 13.8mw PYROTECHNIC DISPLAY.—WO learn that the enterprl , lng citizens of the First Ward have al re dy set the ball In motion and mean to have a grand pyrotechnic dl- p lay on the evening of the Fourth of July. Every effort Is being put forth and the arrangements are to be quite complete. Our citizens will doubtless enjoy quite a treat and we would say to all to visit that portion of our elty on the evening In question. More of this in the future, however. In the meantime we wish she First Warders every success. MORE ➢Sour.—Skimmerhorn is first assist- Alt hod carrier at Schimpf's new building, In the First Ward. Lag week he was quietly perform• Ing his duty and some men in Smith's butcher shop opposite cried out,at oho tintervals,"mort" "more mart." Skimmer paid no uttenilon to them for some time, until he filled his hod a..d walking across the street very unconcernedly, emptied the contents In the doorway, exclaiming "Dab now, shut up ; you got your mart !" The men did shut up. Toe NEW SUPERTNTENDRET.—Mr. Benja min F. Itaesly; tho recently elected Superintend• ent of the Common Schools of the County, took the oath of office on Monday last before ,Judge Cole, and at once entered upon the discharge of bls duties. Mr. Reesly, as we have often said before, Is an experienced teacher, and feels a deep Interest In the welfare and progress of oar public schools, and he Is deserving of all the assistance and en .ouragement an intelligent community should bestow upon a willing and faithful public sertmut.—Emton A-011. t Tint PARADK of the Knights Templar, at Raiding, Thursday, was one of the most Imps•l ie process!ons ever witnessed in that city and one of the grandest demonstrations In the annuls of the Order of this State. There were thirteen hundred :sir Knights In line, with four hundred musicians. The Times mentions our Common dery, in the second division, as follows : A llentown' Cornet Band, 23 pieces. Allen Commaddery, No. 20, of Allentown, 52 Sir Knights. Handsome banner. Eminent Corn minder. 11. C. Wilherger ; Generalwitno, G. 8. Hensel; Captain General, E. A. Lawrence. REPORT of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for week ending Juuo Bth, 1872, eumpared with samo time last year: Ell= Wyoming 10,704 04 066.888 05 Hazleton 47,270 06 1051.0 $ 0• Upper Lehigh 5 12 1.350 08 Beaver Meadow 16.4)7 04 -875 753 1.8 M a hanoy 12; 93 13 173,03 09 Mauch Chunk - 28 12 1,092 19 OE 86.719 11 1,870,991 17 .36,182 19 649,443 04 T0ta1........ Same time 1811. 50,536 121,221,548 13 Increase A MULE SOLD.—On Thursday a Dr. McClel land, from the Blue Mountain, drove a mule Into Blatington, awl when the Doctor wanted to go home he found the mule so enamored of the place that he refused to be taken out of town. The su periority of the white man showed Itself and brains conquered stubbornness. The Doctor quietly tied a handkerchief over the mule's eyes, and, the ani mal not knowing where ho was going to, eutivred himself to be led out of the borough Mite, and when the blind was taken from his eyes, he QC knowledged the corn and went home decently and willingly. LEFT AND 50 DID s7s.—William Casey, 0 laborer, and for upwards of a year an Inmate of Dilute & McGovern's Rotel, on Third a treat, yes. terday declared his intention to leave for other quarters. Re packed up his clothlng,paid Mears. D nan & McGovern balance due for boarding,and then left, buying a ticket for Reading. Now 81- non Kelley boards In the same house, and in his room has a trunk or chest In which be kept $75. which he Lad saved from Gls hard earnings. Un fortunately the key to his trunk was In a pair ol pantaloons hanging up In the room. Still more unfortunately, Casey got Into Kelly's room, and was seen there by a fellow boarder. When K , -l1 came home from work ho found his trunk had been opened and robbed of 'the $75. Suvielon has fastened on Casey, and the Chiefs of Pollee of Reading, Johnstown, Phoenixville and Philadel phia, bane been telegraphed to and asked to be un the lookout for him.—Bethtehem 5 ivies. SERIOUS AcclDENT.—The•Bethlehem Times says, on Monday, as Mr. Llewellyn Helfrich, the popular young drug clerk with Hess t Snyder,ane his lady, were returning from a visit. to Daniels vine, this county, In a carriage, they met with quite a serious accident, about two miles above Weaversville. The circumstances are as follow.: The road had been newly but badly Made, being In an Impassable condition excepting along a deep ditch, as is the custom whit country supervisors. Mr. Helfrich was driving akin; this narrow strip, when a man, who was driving some cattle near by, snapped his whip, which soul armed the hors., that he Jumped into the ditch, aud the front whet+, of the carriage striking a stone broke down,throw- Ing Mr. Helfrich out between the wheels, and slightly Mitring him. Mrs. Helfrich was not o fortunate. She was thrown under the carriage, her dress torn into shreds, and she was really se rlously injured. Mr. Ileltrich did not loose hi,. hold of the reins, and thus k.•pt the horse from running away. Mrs. Helfrich is not able to be about; her inkirles being so severe as to COlllitlC her to her bed. GONE.—The Bethlehem Times says Jahn Barnes, vulgarly and Irreverently known us "Holy Joe," for a number of years .an employe of the Bothieheut Iron Company, and rather au eccentric genius withal, having for the pat year or more read the Tribune, has taken Mr. Greeley's advice and gone West. Instead of fulfilling Horace's en. Ore II )unction '• to take with him his entire fam ily," he left his wile at her residence on Broad street, Bethlehem, with a note in the clock, stet. log that he bad " gone West;" and that she would never more hear from him. All this happened on Saturday last. Barnes left home on Saturday morning, stating that he would return in the eve• nth* Ile proceeded to the rolling mill, drew Ills I pay, all excepting one week's back pay, and left. The unfortunate, deserted wife waited and waited, and was quite uneasy until the' following morn Mg, when she went to wind up her cloek,and there found the note as above stated. Though Mrs. Barnes made diligent Inquiry among her hue. band's fellow workmen, she failed to elicit any reasons for hls leaving, save that he was Infected by th 3 contagion new prevailing among the Bene diets. A TuIuI.UNO MOM ENT.-011 Thursday after. noun, at haltpast one o'clock, persons assembled at the Lehigh Valley depot at Blatington were thrown Into a great state of excitement by what appeared would be an Inevitable smash-up. A freight train going north was behind tithe and was Just starting from the down track on to the up truck, when a down coal train came In sight and It appeared that It could not be checked in time to avert a catastrophe, but It seemed that the fr Ight train could run mire on to the other track In time to get out of the day. Just as the people were satisfied that the freight train could make its escape, and before It bad gotten under much head way, a coal train rotating north came around the curve at full speed. The excitement at this too meet was intense.. The brakemen on the freight train yelled and waved their hands,and the spec tators were trembling