ADVERTISING RATES. "•-• •"" s •". -1 mo. •• 3 mos. 9 robs Tyr. . . 1.00 1.75 8.60 6.60 12.0 a o mares . . 3.00 3.60 6.60 11. M tao) roe uaros . . 4.30 6.25 9.(81 17. M 25.00 Ms Squares, .. 11.60 17.00 25.00 45.00 Quarter Column . 19.00 4200 41:011 60.00 Slat Column . . 20.00 40.00 011.00 110.00 Oas Oolama . . 30 : 03 WA) . 110.00 20040 Protoosloaslearda 6 . l.ooperline par year. Athatial 'rata r I and Auditor's Notts's, Sa.Mi 011 y Noting.coutspor lims lat lusertloa• 13 seats per lag gash sabsagnaut insertion. ' ' Tea linos agate aosstituto saguaro. ROBERT JARRELL JR., ftrausana, ALLIATONIX.PA Gootio. l i ellAltaTHE do ROSS. 212 North Eighth Street, Phila. BT 'ongoing thruwelses to a special line of goods and doing a lar■e trade are able to buy and sell cheaper than those who deal low more general .1/ AT.. net a iblnir de sirable is wantlag to make up Wm most thorough stock of • ' • WAITE GOODS,- • All sort. of Latta., and at this amen a nodally la made of NOTTINURAIIII,Aps CURTAINS . . . . Mgr olV r el . tlali n t ‘ ae l :r i t ' o ' aro!: ' o e d &rd. ""h°lce't Our 2700 placer, roproooraing more thin 30 OM yards of HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSXRTINGS •ll Inlaid pattern. And button-hole. edged. Blom tasking and bias tacking combinations made solely fur their own sales. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL m•y I.lrw E. B. 6/11HER.1 O UR CA .13. SHINER Increase in Misinses NECESSITATED INCREASE IN STOCK ! SPRING. AND SUMMER ANNOUNCEMENT DAILY ARRIVALS, IMMO " MAMMOTH STORES." E. S. SEEDIER & CO.. 705 AND 707 HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, PA., FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS OUR STOCK Is entirely too extensive to enumerate ar ticles. and will only ssy, that it le lull and eomp.ets In COUlPtillille all the digs ant novelties of the season, and at prices that cannot be undersold by any one. We keep everything tonally kept Ina wall regulated Store. la DRESS GOODS Boob as BLACK SILKS. FANCY COLORED SILKS. FANCY SFRIPED Sr , KS. !AP BLA CK NS STRIPFD NuIIAIR and ALPACAS. BLACK WOOL DNLAINES. BLACK SoIIBAZINSS and CANTON CLOTH, ALS-YRS - CLOTH all NUADNS. CANTONS. LAIRS." 8511.55, LIGHT wzowir PoPLINS, ÜBLORBO MoHAIRS. - COLORED ALPACAS. CIIhNE DRESS GOODS, Be DOLLY VARDENS, of eve ry pofilble dereriptlon and dedgn. SHAWLS! SHAWLS ! CASHMERE. THIBET, BROCTIE and FANCY and STRIPED BRAWLS WHITE GOODS ! Plain and Plaid ifainsooks, Vittoria Lawns, French Nana° , ka and Organdies. Piques and Maraailles, Swiss Vamtrries, 6v. :MARS AIL LES SPREADS, EMBROIDERIES. HAMBURG EDGINGS, LACES and IN- SERT'INGS. PARASOLS Ali D URBRELLAS, FANS &C Cloths and Cassimeres, Prints, Shootings, Checks, Tickings, Cottonadeq, Kentucky Jeans, Denims. Chambray, Flannels, &c. ALSO, ALL HINDS OF GRO CERTES WOOL i„ io o tt t otter : i t:: ba ir k . w n t 4 l ic o che t 5 , 1 ItZpeetfully. e.t. Within it CO.. Non. 705 and 707 Handiton Street apalztt w) ALLENTOWN, PA. TO THE PUBLIC REMOVAL. OUR NEW STORE GUTI - 1 & KERN, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS WOULD most reepeettelly cell the attention of their hi•ode. costumers. •od the public generally, to the feet that they have just removed to their newly and elegantly fitted up STORE BUILDING... door welt of their form er loestiomead immediately adjoielog the Fleet National Book. being the brindle. forsoerjy occupied by Schreiber where they primal) to cootioo• • DRY GOODS BUSINESS to all Its varied brindles. They have the finest. but and cheapest stock 'of GOODS ever offered to the public. ',abrade' eyeryttddi that the public can wish. They would especially invite the attention of all to their Sue aseorldeut of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Thls department they flatter themselves to be the beet ever offered to the public! of Allentown and •lalnity, for etrle. quality and eheaprona.goods of the moot approved patterns, Be., con.izting of Black and Fancy Bilks. Black acid Faces Bilk Poplins Blast and Panay Mohair. Mask and Fancy Alpacas. Black and Colored Btrlped Baiting., Black Bom bazine., Black Australian Crape. Black Pop lins, Block Velveteens. Bilk Velvet, Bat !. Striped Vernillea Cloth, Bann Striped Lorne Robe., Bilk Strip• ed Mohair, Bilk Figured Sul tana. Brocade Japan,.. Bilk., Brocade Pop. lin., Bergs Wool Plaid. • Scotch Wool Plaid.. Cord aed Colored Velveteess, Eng ll.h and French . Chinties, Plaid Poplin.. Plaid Uinta... Plaid Nainsooko, Broche, Thlb.t, Bo lona, Saratoga, Vlitllia. Long Branch, 111. . and Watervliet Long and BuuAre . BRAWLS, in OREAT VARIETY. arEALL and SEE,a ♦e they are buying aridly for east. they getter them salves that they can odor great Inducements to P•stine miehleg to boy good flood. at reasonable prime. They only ask the vitiate to give them a nail end sona tas their stook, and compare prfeee and quality. They defy' eompatition. Thankful for put favors: they will endeavor to merit • eontingeopen of Ike patronage of their old enatomeve. as mall so of all sew owners. d MlFlNloramMal HAMMES, The great romrdy fee Mts. cello, sad ill Wiwi of the stomach had b.mtls keno.. °wry/ amps esue. 11110ELD 1511 21,111ta 4 ' beat free by tnial far Fifty Gents. LOIN Tfi legated .• 4 :0 43. 11 1TR0•vr aPISOIMJ • . VOL. XXVI I EISVPLbY NO PED,JLEB I 11' Not .PED - DLth iisSZB f I DAVE NO AGENTS! AMERICAN HOTEL, ALLENTOWN. PA OFFICE, NO. 10 (Near Parlor). 41111FTIVIIIAIIN cm c- - tkrixtl i‘, R USsb t 7o l @ F - MOREREC — y ntekt 01131 : IC. Pot °Ace 80b5150. NEW YORK CITY. " Offers those teho are Salering /lam Weak and Defeatioe Sight, Me BRAZILIAN PEBBLE 4 1111 tte 2 :4" / I` w. CRYSTAL TRADE MARK. GLASSSPECTACLES ! Superior to Any Other in Use Bold only by MORRIS BERNHARDT SPECTACLE AND OPTICAL MANUFACTURER The Adoineages of these Spectacles over all others are I. THEY CAN .nn WORN WITH PERFECT ease for nuy length of tiniest one sitting, giving astonishing clearness of vision, by candle or any other WllllOlO light, comfort to the spectacle wearer hitherto unknown. L HOW TO SELECT GLAS.WES.L4I requires profennlonal guidance, even when a good hrtlele is offered. Doctor Bernhardt not only him the bent (Ames that can be found In the market, but carefully examlnen the eyen,and given indis pensable advice an to the proper nelection of tisern. . , TESTIMONY OF RECOMMENDATIONS ,ROM MEDICAL GENTLEMEN. PROFESSORS OP THE HIGREST OPTHALMIC TALENT IN ALLENTuH.N, PA., PoTTSVILLE, READING, LANCAsTER, EASTON. SC BRANTER•B UR ON, G CA PA. RL , AND FROM , CSAM , L THE PRINCIPAI, CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES. ALLENTOWIS, Pa., Tan. 22 1R72. LT AFFORDS SIR PLEASURE TO STATE that 1 have 'carefully examined Doctor Bent hardt's .collection of Glasses for tho eyes, and front his explanation of the manner In which he adapts Blunt to imperfect vision, I am fully sat lulled that he thoroughly comprehends thq sci ence of Optics and that he Is practically Ml timidly skillful In the adaptation of Instruments for the relief of all forms of Imperfect vision within the scope of relief without an operation. I am confirmed,th my own opinion of the Doc tor's merits by the testimony of the most reliable and prominent medical meet Itt various cities in the United States, I most cheerfully commend him to all with wham my opinion may have any weight. C. J. MARTIN, Ist. D. ALLENToWN, Pa., Jan. 72, 11C72. AFTER A THOROUGH .EI.4MINATION ot the prin :ivies upon Wtoch you adapt your Glasses to defective or hnpaired vision, and a close Investigation Into your claims to thoronigh liens In the application of those principles to the eye, It gives us pleasure to bear testimony to the fact of your preeminence In the Heleneeof Optics and the remarkable skill and facility with wifiell you practleolly demonstrate yourself In this brunch ofselentifie investigations. It !Ha molter of the greatest moment to those using glosses for the eye to avail themselves of the rare opportu nity c bared them by your presence 111 our city to 114Ve Manses properly adapted to thelrpartieulor Muir V. ' JAL). ILOMIG .54 BONS, M.D. A LLENTOWIg, Pa.. Jan. 7.1. 1872. I HAVE EXAMINED A LARGE VARIETY of Ulaases manufactured by Dr. Ai. Bernhardt, 01 Berlin, Prussia, and lake in twit pleasure In re commending him to 1111 those who are in need of his services. From the number of toatlanonlale that 1 have Cecil 1 fun convinced that he will be able to give antisfaction to all who may apply to him. Yours, etc., AT:tr.:l'D/WS, Pa.. Jan. 21. 1872. IT GIVES dIE GREAT PLEA.NURE TO Inform inv friend° that I became acquainted with Dr. Sforrla Bernhardt, in Heading, .Pa., in June, 1t.49 . , and there bought of hint a pair of MR excellent Ohoiseti which rendered excellent !wr yly° unto me ever °lnce and I Joyfully recom mend him to all who may stand lit need of his °cry Iceß,' M. S. M EN Pautor of Evan. liuthei an St. Paula Church • of Allentown, Pa. A LI. It 11 TO W N Pa., rt 72. DR. ...N. BERNHAILDT-11.E.Alt beg to express to you the deep sense of Mitigation I feel for the pt °tensional It Indnens extended to me by which with eye sight impaired by years of application and study, I nn now enabled to read wad write with aelearness of vision equal to the days of youth. May your honorable and useful life long i.e spited that humanity may enjoy the scientific chill of oan so eminently qualified In mind and heart to do good to his tellow-men. With brat wishes for your nuceene I remain Yours Truly, J. P. PARS, Pastor ',lSt. John's Ey. Lutheran Church. DR. AG 2IERNHARDT, BY EXHIBITING him instruments 11110 empeelaily iheillammemot him own preparation Rave itatimfactory proof of lib' experience and skill an an OciiHid and Optician. This Judgment Is confirmed by numeroum [emit moniatm in his poisheamion from mcientillc, intelli gent and Influential men remiding lu different ritatem and Territories of our country. I cum, therefore, recommend him to all who may be afflicted with a ealCeyen or impaired night no a person well qualified to anord relief by furnish ing theist with a 'suitable pair of N. H. HTRAKSBURGER, Pastor of Ziou's Reformed Congregation. ALLENTOW2I, Pa., January 21, 1672. AR. MORRIS BERNHARDT 17.48 PUB lißtled me white pairof Brazilian Pebble OW/WA vhlei suit my eyes exactly. From personal ex y.,erionce I can cordially advlsoull persons whose natural vision requires the supplements of art to avail themselves of the ' Doctor's slcill. Ile Mut exhibited to me credentials from eminent Phy sicians and Min [sterol, with many of whom I am personally acquainted. Ile Is evidently an Of. Deism who understands his profession most thoroughly. J. W. WOOD, Pastor Presbyterian Church• ALLENTOWN. Pa., January 1872. DR. BERYHARD2 CRYSTALS( ARE UN donbtedly very clear and perfect, tutu ills system of adjusting thers to various conditions of the eve seems to fully Justify the very flattering tes timonials he 11.rui received from leading Physi cians and others in various parts of the United States. Writ. It. GILT ES, Ir-teeter of Urace Church. l'orrar mix, Sept. 19. ISM. HAVING HA.7) A RERSONAL INTERVIEW with Dr. Bernhardt, and tieing fully convinced of hie eminent skill Lilian Optician and Oculist, I take pimento) in commending him in Ms pro- . Cessions' capacity to nil who may need his ser vices. JA.MI.N H. CARPEINTER, M. I). We cordially endorse the above: D. W. BLAND. M. D. OEO. W. BROWN, M. D. A. 11. H ALBEIUTADT. N. D. • J. W. SCHENCK, Pastor first Presbyterian Church. JOHN I. PEARCE, Pastor M. E. Church, Potts. villa. Pa. GEO. W. SMILEY, Pastor second Presbyterian Church, Pottsville, Pa. Testimonials similar to the above may be seen at M. Berohnnit's °Moe from the most reliable and well-known gentlemen of the United States among whom ore: Horatio Seymour. ex-Governor of New York R. E.Pentou, ex-Gov. of New York. A. 0. Carlin. ex-Oat. of Penneylvatils. lt B. Ray, Governor of Ohio. O. P. Morton, ex-Get. -f Indiana. Alexander Ram.ay, ex-Out. of Minnesela. floury A Swift, ex•Oov. of Minnesota Joseph N. Drown, ex-Gov. of Georala, Jonathan Worth, ex-Gov. of North Carolina John 0111 Shorter, ex•Oov. of Alabama. James L. Orr, ex•Oov. of South Carolina. BEADING. PA.. March MONO MARTIN LOTIIRR. M. D. C. P. MaIAULET Pastor (the 2d Reformed (.; Arab Reeding, Pa. JOSSPD COMMITS. M.D. N. MURRAY WHIDAIAN M. D BRAVAR.k. D. C H. HUN Ta R. M. LP 111.3. kICM 1111/i, Pastor of Presbyterian Church. ' RI beHMUCK fili• ?WWI, of St Jame . LILP.OrIL Church. !,allot. Pa. CTROR. KERN. t.091•7m 3014 1.. ATI•1I, 3dr LARCASTR, PA.; Max 24,1808. B. Vehigb OM E.G. MARTIN, M. D ME=ZOE:IMMaI 'HENRY CARPE .TER. M D. .11. B. 110111LIINBEHU, Id I). B 0 IiBKNWALD. D 11., Pastor Charon of Holy Trill iv, Lancaster, Pa. EASTON, PA., February 10, 1809. T RAM. OMEN, _M D. C MMHG MD. aMms oEIP. 4W tP MD. D. D. J M JUNKIN, M D SAMDEL EAh DT, M D. C 11 EDGAR, Pastor of Reformed (Dutch) t.hurch. EDMUND DELFOUR, Pastor of nt John's LnClerAs Church, Easton, l'a. SCRANTON, PA., Oct. 81. /889 DENJ S TRUMP, M D. It A SQUIRB. M D. N Y LENT. M D. L MORAOE ADD, M D CHAMBERSDURCI, PA., ~ 1u Z 3, 1871. A H 811118ENY. M D. 31,811KB8RHOTT MD. WU II HOYLE, M D. JO M ll JOHN BIONTOOBIRRY, MD. RAM'LII LANE. MD. P 8 DAVIE, Peeler of thole! Reformed Church. LUTHER A 0. vr . W ALD. Pester or let Luther. Church J A CRAWFORD Pastor of the Faillaa oprioa Presby torten Church. B E SCHENCK MD. CARLISLE, PA., Juno 18, 1809. A J HERMAN, M D. WAI W DALE, M D. II D. REV O P WINO, Peeler of the First Presbyterian C h. WM RVEREIT Rector n! Et John's Church. JOEL SWARTZ, o the Lutheran Church CONSHUFATION FREE. Office boor. from Ea m to 5 p m• N. H.—Owlua to engagements elsewhere. Dr. Bern hardt will not remain here but for a short time only. isti3l:daw UPHOLSTERY GOODS AND • INTERIOR DECORATIONS, FOR THE SPRING, are arriving weekly from the meet celebrated FRENCH AND ENGLISH FABRICANTS. New and beautiful design.. Specially adapted for city realdences. WALRAYEN'S MASONIC HALL, NO. 719 OEIESTNUT STREET • PHILADELPHIA. feh2. daw LUMBER I LUMBER II WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! HOFFMAN'S STEAM SAW MILL AND LUMBER YARD ! KINDLING! BILLS CUT TO ORDER , OFFICE AT THE MILL,- FRONT AND'LINDEN STS. WHITE AND BLACK OAK SAW LOGS wanted. for which the highest market price will be peld ■pop delta . d•w July 12.1, NOTICE, Op,ICU uT TIIR CITT +LLitriTuttiy, March 23. 1872 . Notice in hereby given that rho Duplicate PYr the coil,. lion .4 Water Henn, for tr e corotiug 3 ear boa been placed in .ho band,. of rho uudereigued. I. accordance with the pr.,•oll.lue of the 3.1 nectlou re an firtlioad o regulating the durtributiou it w o , or tiro City of Anent...wit, followa: . . "eac.l. That all rent. for the Imo of the wet. ehall he payable in advance. hi he first day of April of x, after the contra t, and ...molly in advance from that doy, to the city Treoaarer, at his office or hi- piece of lin dime, and to all room remaining nutioldonitiellth day of old mouth of April there shall he edited 6 per cent., nod to rento r-• mooing our I on the first any of June tollowing there oh II ne ,dried Viper cent., and to ad yenta remaining un paid oath.. flrot doy ofJuly thereaftei Hier...Moll he +tided 20 per eget.," which anion. .hall he collected with the sold rent.. and all de Donor at that dale Who Tres.- written lo forthwith to gllO tire maroon ow Mug the pretnines n written note of said doll, quencleo, panting rho amount of rent i noontlltig the 11.1110111, of per centage h r non poi meet to full to maid dad°. and on fin lure of the dolt. queuts to make t.... required payment within too tray. rot, dale thereof, It shsii bn the outyof tim W nter Committee tooth with to cam, the ferrules of ouch deliuquenin to be de tied from the pipe of cellidelt, ond cati•e cur o to be M ediated fur the recovery of i.el reels cud tentage no due, no well am for nil exp.., Incurred detaching the ferrules," By order of the Committee. JONATHAN HEICHALtD, City Tressorer. m.y2.9wd 1.13 8 fare WINDOW SHADES 1 sad Holland., all color.. plain Rod bordered. at SAMUEL G. KERR'S, 02 Hamilton Street, (Next door to (lath & Kara's.) The Moth-Proof Chest Co., Of Philadelphia, Pa Incorporated Aug. 1571. I 8 NOW M AN U FACI UMW; AIR-TIGHT, CI2DAR•LINED CIIEXTeIII . .I.I TN11,1101.141/1111011. sire•, P.11,1{ boxes fur (tin's liars CAPIN Crops, i Oars nod whole Sulm,uf even dose Irnion 'lbex(' articles are lull, secured by leper. potent of the U. 8 . out are believed to be among the most desirahle of any thing mow cooking the Imb'lc favor. Agent• •nd Dosperc went. d tip lourupinco them In every town , in the whom a liberal discount will be given. Address, Jlul. W. FICAACIS, beer. mar2l.9ns diw] tki Well ut SI•, Phll••. Ps• A. M. VAN LISTEN,, DEALER IN FRENCH FLOWERS, AND FEATHERS, No. 814 Arch Street. PLIILADELPHIA. BRIDAL IVREATHB. BRIDAL VEILS. BOQUBTS FRENCH MOBS. Ostrich Feathels Cleaned, Dyed and Curled. I=EZI A. K. WITTDIAN, NOTARY PUBLIC AND CIVIL ENGIN.REB T. B. LEISENRINU NEWRANCE AGENT, VIM LIFE, AND LIVE &TOGA " • ' Nt Nt Real Estate Agents and Scriveners 70S HAMILTON BTIOIIIT, (Up-Stalre.) Have upoo their books some veri , desirable propertle which will be sold at tow prices and on easy terms among which are the following : le N. Pleveon Street. 721 N . Founisin Street 8 I thawltoa I:Wiwi. 543• • I;eie 11 snags of 101 North Tenth Street. the ally. 449. Filth Street. GAS FIXTURES. THACKARA., DUCK & CO., MAN OFACTCRERS., Have Just opened et their wholesale d retail selesroom 718 CHESTNUT STREET, • PHILADELPHIA. NEW STELES OP GAS FIXTURES, TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTESTION OP PURCHASERS. Their new styles, color and Belch are unsurpassed LOW PRICES. They else Write the attention of tho public in their One assorttuent et Bronson. dtc. lept26Euttlew PIMA DELPiII Pi E It- GEONI RANI/AGE INSTITUTE, No 14 North NINTH went. above AlArket. poslttv• B. C. l'utPut o , edoacluirt/roolare nos. r 7 curve T tor VILI.I ait Whe tail A.*, a lan,/ ••- lly s M ,•ar Tius. l .. imp ts roved host.° Et..cktoltv: B o ello. Shush/kral.dotohtal goppottera. Bo.p/E• Lbort. e, I'It• o de.. lustrumeu,a, Crotchet/. Am atteuded br hire. Everett. 4aritemembor, the second Titles Store above Market beet ALLENTOWN, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 29,1872. doctored, spiced, and ;weeteried , to please the taste, call, • . 'fonics," . Appetiters," "Restorers" .Cc., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and tido, lint are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of Col'. fornia, free lion all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Purifier anti a Life-giving Principle, a Pc. feet Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying hR all poi :calm. matter, and restruing She to n ealthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and Invigorating bruit ntind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt in their action, ccrt tin in their results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. No Person can tat., these Hitters ncennl• ing to directions, anti remain long nowel, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other 1..3, and the vital organs waited beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Intll.4catiolt. Headache, Pain in the Shoulder, Coughs, Tightness of the l hest, Diroi• ;less, Sour . Eructations of the Stomach, Ifad Taste in the Mouth, namn. Attacks, Palpitation of the If cart, in flammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kid ney!, anti a hundred other painful symptoms, ore the cal% springs of Dyspepsia. In these compiairits it bar equal, and ouc bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Petunia Complahits, :young or old, mar ried nr single, at the ;lawn of womardmod, or the turn of life, these Tonic ll:tiers display so decided an influence that a :milted improvement i s soon percefusble. For Inflant ttttt tory and Chronic lithen— math.. and Gout, Dyspepsia or th in u., Remittent :mil Intermittent; Vevers,lliseai es of the Diood Liver, Kidneys and Rlarliler, then P tit 1,3 Ile, het, 11103 . . soccessful. S Diienses are reused by Vitiate.) band, NINCII is generaly prodoccd by derangetnent of the Di• go ive Dig ins. They sire a Gentle Ptirg,atlve as well as Tonic, potsessiu,; also the pecisi ir merit of acting . as a powerful agent in I...sieving Congestion or I till:111111.111111 of the Liver and Visceral Organ& and in Ifiiitat ; Diseases. For Skin Diseases, Erupt inns, 'letter, Salt• Rhei., Winches, Spots, Pimples ' Pustules, Car• boucles, Ring-worms, Scald.llead,Sine Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfy, Discoloration.; of the Slit, Homers anti 1/iscases of the Shin, of whatever statue or white, are literally dug up and carried out of the sysietif ia a short time be the iof theme tiers. M. Inet.e itt such eases will convin re ce the most incredulous of their connive effects. _ . . Cleoloaf, the "Vitiated Mood whenever you find its inipuritier bursting throngh the skin in l'anpler, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse i when you find it id: structed and sluggish in the vein:: c i .earns it when it is foul; your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the bawd pure, and the health of the system wSI fo 'NW. Grateful tltottitall,ls i roc'alo, VINI , GIIt 11t, TENS the most wonderful I ovigorAnt 111.1 l over sustained the sinking system. 'rape, and other Wormq, linker; In the system of 60 many thoasanda, are effectually desnoyed and removed. Sou a distinguished physailogi.:: 'fltere is scar . reiy babe:dna. opal: the tarn 401110 ultnre body 15 CV2lllpt Iron: the re,ricz of wortur. It is not upon the health,: &merits of the hody that worins esi-t, but upon the direased Innuor; and slime