The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, November 29, 1871, Image 2
Yclitgl2 . (gqi,stcr. ROBT. IRBDELL, In ALLENTOWN, PA., NOV. 29, THE lIIORBION PROBLENI The Mormons of Salt Lake City endeavor . to explain away the absence of Brighatn Yoting from his residence in that city by say , ng that he has only taken his usual annual trip for the benefit of his health. It Is a no ticeable fact, however, and. one which cannot so easily be explained by the Mormons them selves, that his journey tins been undertaken this year In so unusual a manner. Heretofore the progress of the Mormon President through his domains has been of atriumphal character, but this year he has gone quietly and with no heralds to announce his coining or to scud bock news of his progress. The Gentile cor• respondents at Salt Lake regard Brighain's departure as a flight from justice rather then a health seeking journey, and circumstances certainly fayor their view of the case. Should this view be correct, it will he interesting to see what measures the Latter Day Saints will take to supply the place of their late leader. It has been a commonly entertained opinion that Brigham Young in himself fin med a great part of the coherent strength of Min , ' monism, and that the removal of his support ing influence would cause the downfall of the whole fabric. The leading Mormons, how ever, claim that their system depends upon the power and influence of no one man, and they say that in case of the death of Brigham Young his place would at once be filled, and that matters would go cm as hedore. There are oilier r u nen c i hb 1 r i nailtihepoMzmopnerchigi u p f , •ch ,,, w 1) 3 0 ,1 . 1 . 1 have i Young, but it will be hard, if not impo , sible; to find another man there who will in all re spects he able to sill ply his iffilee. lie has had rare qualities of coin inaeding d ads', ship, and it will be difficult tier any the, man to awaken the enthusiasm which hue been aroused by him among his followers. But whether ornot Young sliall return to his old place Mormonism has re ceived a blow within the last few months from which it will never recover, and a bloW which sooner or later will Calls" its (.MlllO4 l ll. The power and supremacy of the law of the United States has been felt and vindicated in Salt Lake City, Red in the lace of that law all the drivel and cant idiom the , religious principle of polygamy have been forgotten. When Brig ham Young sees his pathway confronted and ' intercepted by United States law lie suddenly betakes himself to a Southern tour, and if the • leader and expounder of Mormonism cannot stand the pressure of a legal examination and trial lie certainly cannot expect his deluded followers to surpass him in bravery. The solution of the Mormon problem has evidently commenced, and the exercise of a careful dis cretion upon the part of these who represent United States law and authority in Utah can not fail to bring the matter to a successful, peaceful and speedy completion. MALCONTENTS AT HAI - MIMIC Itti The Cincinnati Times and Chronicle gives circulation to a report that on Thanksgiving Day a meeting of Blair-Schurz Republicans is to be held at Harrisburg. Schurz deptibliettos we often hear of, but Blair Republicans are things of the dead past which should not have been dug up from their graves. If there is anything at all in this tnovement those engaged in it should have been dubbed National Office Hunters. As we understand it the avowed object of these men is to lay aside all the prin ciples they have professed to be battling for in the past few years, swallow all lihferror• s rat opinion, and unite upon s one popular mac for President in opposition to President Gran: —anybody, in fact, stun will give these would be leaders fat places and sole control of the distribution of Federal patronage. Bcheving that the people of the United Stales are igno. nant of the politics of the natio!), in, s e m t o hope to convince them that the issu a %chit h have made the Republican patty triumphant in every battle have all been settled and that the safety of the country depends upon giving these men the control of tin, p,,t;,.y of tht Government. Schurz profess, sto control the German lenient, as though the Germa•ts w. re R flock of sheep ready to hollow their I), li— wether wherever he chooses to lead them—no though the Germans have not shown as meet) ability to judge between right and wroiw. and as much patriotism as any other people. On the ocher hand Illair's presumptions 'are still more remarkable. Desperate and tel at, d rebels arc pictured by him as ready m rally around any candidate or any pi inelples can defeat the hero•of Appomatox. Ntotierri Democrats, sick of fighting against ovo• whelming odds, according to Mil r's Ile cy. are only waiting an opportunity to cinbrae , tide project. Then Blair hopes to get tin Revenue Reformers and till the oftice.seekers under this administration who were not sup. plied with places. Rail these elements can be made to combine together, we admit Gen. Blair will get up a party that can claim some show to respectability in point of limbos, but • unless a full-blooded Democrat is run on an out-and•out Democratic platform half the Democrats of the Keystone State Will go chest nut•httnting on election day. TUE many readers of Every Saturday will sincerely regret that the .puhlisliers have Mt obliged to drop the illustrations, which !Inset now become so attractive a feature of that journal. But there is some compensation for the loss ofithe Illustrations In the publish announcement that it will be "a journs choice reading," and what we lose in pictures ! we are likely to gain in reading matter.. Tin' expense of engravings is necessarily very heavy, and we suppose it Is a sad fact that the American public Is not yet equal to the task oh adequately supporting such a journal as Every Saturday has been for the last six months. So good a paper as it has been will be better ap preciated after we are deprived of it, and we hope to live to see the day when the present form, style and character of Every Saturday will be resumed again. In the meantime we are sure of having a " journal of choice rend• lug," and that Is no small comfort. Mn. THOMAS :MURPHY has at last resigned the Collectorship of the Port of New York. Judging from the reputation which Mr. Mur• phy has among his,oWn party associates Irk appointment ought never to have been made, antrthe Republican Administration and party have reason for gratitude that he has now re• tired to private life. Whether or not his site. cessor, Gen. Charles A. Arthur, will make as better Collector remains to be seen, but th fact that Murphy selected his own sr and did not resign until Arthur's appo wile insured is rather against the new tor: We hope the thole will winetline easto when the Collector of the Port of New 'Vil; —and the Collectors of all other Port , =— will be appointed on account of conspiclion.into,ss for the place, and When a'so the m.(11.11111 of ouch n place will seek to serve the Cloverionent and the public rather than the palitichme : When that day arrives the political millenuim of the Anwric In republic will certainly litve oommeneed. 'rite liarr:slnirg Telegraph Ow tells the story or the defeat or tin , n't , mtpteti frond In XI Xi!) sen atm ial I)ist riet Th e decision of the Supreme Court has nt lasi been carried into t ireet. 'lle mandamus issued last tree It by that august body, amittes in Pi isiturt!, atter a lapse of more titan boar weehs, and which our president judge in this district w mild have 15591 , 1 to Icss Mall that bums, wet rec. ivtal lucre yesterday nittritim , , and at ane, placed in the hands of t ,tl' 11,11, 1 , oho placed it in the care of his dvpiit, Mr. with orders to ttieeute the same inintediat , ly. Mr. Punk, ever ready , t ,, ;m . E.ewl to important business, ,larr,il at Soma: lateral and scientific Ilastoniani have once in s.airelt of iwrole ' Joni] olintubrer, raised $30,000 to enable Prof. Agassiz to can 'the eunscir it ants Demaeratic return judge of duct some important explorationi in the Smith- etuidat land co Atty. Ile round him al Cur- CM Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The 1 . 10 , o ""e' 1.1 . 10 , s tau. ~1 . . . t•\ ilLith,ll”l the 111 III• will be made in the iron steamer, the iln•ster„ (tames entrusted ttt him.. Eattnin , er patatia• built at Poilaielphln for the use of the lo,:ionion. 0, 4 tir would stgn the Survey. There is a great deal to he learned proper nerollealcs of Mr. tV,alitoy's in regard to the ocean, and the public may andtutor v e . I : rest assured that Prof. Agasslz and hip party re Ili without mood,. Tlms mid, th lb • first will extract all the scientific information pus- chapter of treatin3 tho: election lilt If it had not dible from their explorations. beenheld." TIIIE THIRD III'AIITY The efforts to get up a third party under the auspices of the Labor Reformers does not promise very auspiciously in the outset. Like every other political movement under a new head it is marshaled by disappointed politi cians, or at least men who care more for fin ing their pockets thaw they do for laborers. Already there arc signs of division—into party having called a National Convention at Wash ington for December 5, while the Executive Committee of the National Labor Union de clare that the only authority which has aright to call a Convention has selected Columbus as the pla'ce and the third Wednesday in next February as the time for holding the Conven• lion. In a country where at least ninety-nine out of every hundred /air»r for a living such a movement is w ONO than ridiculous. It those who labor, (anti who does not,) w sit to make any reforms in labor, they have only to to. tend the delegate elections, elect delegates who Will vote for then who will carry out their ideas and all this cm be done within the party to which they bt long. The eight hour sys tern is one of the planks of Ito se labor reform era. If they ire in the majority we have no obj chinas to their adopting the sys• um, bat WC :511,11 always cling to the privilege of work ing as long as we please. If the mechanics and day labors rs resolve to weak only eight hoots a thy, they will he convinced In a short time that it will not pay. If we were the on ly nation in ti, world that manufactured any thing the system might be it suct:ess, n t as we already pay higher wages for labor than any other country we can't afford to increase the cost of pio.ltioior. by 'educing the 101101.1 of :abut. If we adopt this system we must either pay the same rate per hour as we do vow, or be and, rsold by every other nation. It is plain is be seen that hi the one case the laboring Mlle Wl,ll4l.rtel iye I , ss for the stip of Ids !amity and in the other he would . he throw II oatw ith altogether. It Is all 1110 ei.11111 , 1 IP' I- g;,1ah . .1 a:Z.11111E4 that h late, of labor is governed by the same trios that gov-: t 'tildes ofoutinualities:. If the s upply ia mater than 11l delimit' low prices will pr. vail : if lilt or is :eater. it will obtain high prices. In many e Is: s laboring men are probably spbjected to worse evils than working ten hours a day. It' these are to be corrected the place to do it is within the Republican party, the party that gave the laboring men the Protective Tat iff and started up new enterprises and revived aid operations and gave them higher wagts than they sett mceived before. 'Fite operatives in cotton and woolen mill?, especially, and in the rolling mills and machine shops appreciate Ibis and will be suite to be led away from their party by nice-sounding nature. They know and Teel that they are a part of the party and they glory in its la antiful r. cord 11l the past. They will troll: I:nrd that its enduring principles shall tdtt tC a govern the country —gi‘ hug them an honest day's it ages for an honest day's work and defending Cur free government from the attacks of toes from within or flour without. rwm THE WESTFIELD —lll II BOILER I , ev.crEn. Inskctor E. K. Matthews applied .he by• draulic test to the nee boiler fGo ulen ferry-I)unit Westfield. , In the presenceof President Jac di Vanderld k. The boiler was inspected for a pressure of 40 lb, Which would demand according to the Goy ernment standard, a twill toSI a.t lit to the square Inch, or 01 lb at the top of ee flue. Water was forced in mull the inspector's gauge at the top of the flue in llea•u-' 55 lb, MR full 10611 returns of the vote Mgt iltter which u taormnr a itsp, km .; made, the last election in the State of New 'York of the outside of the boiler :1101 t‘'.‘ny give Scribner Republican, 387,5-12, and WU- Mr. Matthews pronouo,ces Ito it I,e, perfect Ice:, Democrat, 368,037 votes. Republican lln every respect, and :thin t't smut ,•.t . much majority, 18,605. This result was obtained greater pressure than 40 lb lb of without the volts of, the Reform Democrats, steam will be carried ,t tie Super. ot c l ote ,. . order as the latter voted against only the Demo- I ing Mr. Matthews to.set t•,e G ,vuomte •nt safe cralic nominees for city officers, and \Villein ty valve at that pressure. A new. engineer went out of New York City with nearly 30,• was in elrurge, butt It was •e d ',int the 000 majority as this is all the Democrats ever forum r engineer wills .on resume •ps duties. had a right to the result on the State Ticket The Westfield will tents to Situ en Island can therefore he claimed as a pure Republican on Th,uaks . 4 . is i ng victory, which we will he always ready to repeat whenever Were is a Eopov or pi y In New York City. r, the Renault Democrats &sone (hat It. k.r A cot rtspcndent desires us t o advocate a Republicans in it tuning a fair clew im National usury law. We have always consid ercd it unfortunate that the rate tut into est dB- . • hers in different Slates, and it is certainly a PitmoNs advertising salt,f, ext cutors' Point (huts affectsall the people of the Union as administrators' notices," not • nitic h as any other and is tia . rdoro a tit sub . and other adverlisno nents of this class the 1.1.111611. INOISTE three weeks jest for Congru.ssional considem . ion. The , more, will receive in addlrion one insertion National Bank System is an inestimable ben efit as commuted with the slit nail we believe , in the DArLY (. " 1 " ). • • • IcEE with " '' 111 ‘ • , charge, thus placing the advertisement If fore IF the rate of interest were unitOrm throughout the whole country it would be found to act tit reader, for the same pp i e the-. by a leet . - mho paper. A men dvertls-ta in beneficially. We !Hight Willie that result by j " sin g nn •Y h.gislative action upon the intrt of the several ! these l' a l n " a i l l be read by au-' ll ties in Lo high, Northammon, Berks. Bucks, Mutts, but it would be it very slow and timer. Carbon and Luzerne counties. Lain process. We all know the ru suit or ! ing a edy a hundred miles off where the late is only one Vier el it. higher, and money is also ' sent into th.• Wisti In Slid(s Mr investment Ituatn.e the rub s Gale are higher. Many will uhje et to givim: :my morn power to Omer(' ss st tt Or pet tip ory or sume sari relent) . may be inlet I, led w oh, but we' think most of the o, opt.. I.N, of the rolls or Hui' UNIFORM INTLItIESI d~:rltim• to %van; n i Ill Orr Of it. We trtst Cling ael in the interest oi . thi•ii . o. pit. and to pr , o , lott their more than ilc can the I,e . ,;itillitirti•i of Sthirs, which ire too casily cooliollvd by 11t,n0p0.1.1,. As t•lccte.l lil 11tt I. 1 111 Ft 114 timcli s 11 , n.t Mitt 1 ., gi,latore :Intl we 110111 VI• \l o Il t\ t• 11 , 11111( . 11 light 111 rely upon i.i it. e 1 , 111 . intertuil such n \t.:3 ns . 411111 1111111111' our pettiest proi 1,. r.ic. tsi‘ per cent. is us much ns numey tt hilt it tc, uhl he lipttPr to ritibe the tate Nt a iwr evnt. in l'ennsylNanut it per eL.ul , l Inn. •tt ttu st!NitittnAt. Ilt.o some or lip.. 'wt.! r us. If ‘,(.. 5hc..1.1 Ih. iatr, I un , ct I, urtlcr thr Fr. !..rit nr. tl, tt• i. aonrit prt•N vitt `:t•NN York 'lttnr it.tu , usin2 Lt t r L11•11111 . 111111 . :- It kill :IN y ottly Intra t st.c..tnitii-11 Iht• ..1.1 et is Cottgltt,siott:•l 011 C Pt/ST.llk siliSTEill The address of Postina.ter4teneral Cris• well, at the flying (w the . corner.sione of the (lesion l'o,4:olliec buil ling, embodied it large amount or sutti,nicul information as to the postal system in this enlist ry. The number of letters carried and delivered during the year ending on the 30th of. Tune last, exceeded 610,- 000,000, and it is estimated that the newspaper and miscellaneous mails disposed of were ten times greater in both weight and bulk han the letter mails. There were in the postal ser vice, at the end of the last Ned year, 43,984 persons, scattered over every part of the na tional donialm,or 18,323 more than the whole army or the Unbm. Of 30,045 post•nlllces in operation, 2,070 were money-order offices. The number of miles for mail routes Is stated at 238,380. The ordinary revenues for the year were $20,037,048, and all expenditures, $24,390,104, showing an excess of expendi• titres of $4,353.088. The amount of money orders issued was $42,104,116: W . ithin three years past, letter postage be tween all points in the United States and all points in the United Kingdom of Great Britain tel Ireland, has been reduced from 24 to 0 cents, and equal reductions hive been effected within the saint. period in postage rates be tween the United States and Germany. Ne gotiations which promise a like reduction of postage and other ameliorations are also on ail with the Scandinavian and other coon. id or .The Po , tmaster General slys, and truly that the hteillties already secured cannot t'a l to secure the most Intimate relations among at least 100,000,000 of the most enlightened of the inundations of the earth, and thus Invite to our limpit,thle shores a greatly. 'increased im• tuigrm ion MIESSI XI th MENA rontAL bisTuter tit me nt Colit c THE LEHIGII. REG ENCOURAGING The colored man of the South must be ad. vanced In both temporal and spiritual affairs, notwithstanding the fierce and violent nppo. altlon of Ku•kinxism and other obstacles which are calculated to impede his progress. Ile must be educated, his nand expanded and his ideas liberalist& lie will time be taught not only to appreciate his constitutional rights Intelligently but will be made a hotter citizen in every way and will at the same tin e • protect and defend his liberties. Ills spiritual inter. sts are not to be lost sight el but in this contrary are to be advanced• The rations Christian bodies are already active with their Missiona ries 11l the livid. The mind of this liberated and freedipeoplc , is to he exercised in matters of church. Already laborers are on the way across the waters where services JUT to be given to this noble and praiseworthy came, London despatches of the 18th inst., say: The first Roman Catholic mission ever des. patched froth England to America sailed to day. 'The party consists ql;four priests, whose duty it WV 11 11e to labor tielusively among the colored people of the United States. After celebrating mass previous to their de partite, Archbishop Manning addressed the missionaries. 11.• said this mission had been established by the Church io England because this country bad imposed slavery on Ameriea and it waufitung that Englishmen should be the first to move for the amelioration of the newly t mancipated race. W r•, are In favor ()I' a proper economy in nil departments of the City government, but we think that is a false cconmny which permits so ninny of the crossings to remain in suCh an awful condition all winter as they are now In. A few men and a couple of carts cool make them passable In a few days. if the City government were a railroad corporatem or something similar, we would not expect it to evil which wastes more shoe leather and destroys more carpet in value than several times the coil of cleaning the crossings, but as the City is a copartnership of all the people the Individual inconveni ence and positive loss of the members thereof csnnot be justly disregarded. It is all right to mid farms to the City, open new sir ets,etc., but by all means do not neglect to do th•tse things which will keep the City•proper cleanly and comfortable. It ~ur manufactures would be increased or the country in any way benefited by Free 'Trade, why k it tliat the English are so anill ons in tlwir efforts to have us adopt their policy? England lost by. Free "trade, whib , Prance grew rieh under a Tan ti, so that she lots had plenty of exit , Hence to act upon. If England is now workio, , , for our good it is Iltoflu st•thne on !Toad. JIM Fl,leS prominence in the reception of Alexis was probably one of the most disagree• able features of ihnt grand display. It Is un fortunate for the moral aspect of the country that so notorious au individual should appear among time men or prominence of our tuition. if Fisk lam of our nobiliv what must the Duke think of the people. 11' 1 1.1" STEAM. BOILERS XP LODE INTERESTINO EXPERIMENTS AT SANDS 11008 A large party of scientific men went t Sandy Hook, by special invitation, Wednes day, to witness the continuation attic experi• meats begun by the United Railroad Comps nas of New Jersey, at the suggestion and un der the immediate direction of F. B. Stevens of lloboki n to determine the cause of steam boiler explosions. Among the New York en ein.-ers presmt were GNI. BeikTtp, Chief of the IS. S. Board, of Supervising Inspeeftirsot steamboats; Erastus W. Smith, Norman Professors Thurston of the Stevens Insti tute of Technology. and Clem. Haswell. A coMmittee of the Franklin Institute, Philadel phia, headed by Coleman Sellers, Mr. Colin, Mechanical Engineer of the Pennsylvania Railroad from Altoona, and others, to the number of 50 or more, were also present. The first experiments of this series were made at Hoboken on the 2d of September last by bursting four large boilers by hydrostatic pressure, and it is the intention of Mr. Stevens now to continue them daily until the subject is exhausted. A large inclosure on the Gov• eminent reservation at Sandy Hook including about an acre of ground has been erected by permission of the Secretary of War, and with in it eight bothers have been set up with all the necessary appliances attached, four of them being of the largest classes of marine boilers. After all present bail observed the details of the preparations and examined the record of the Previous experiments, dile fire was increas ed In. boiler No. 2, built in 1858, and taken out of the boat in July last after being in use 14 years. This boiler was identical in shape and general construction with the boiler which exploded on the Wi stflehbalthough somewhat smaller, the shell being feet in diameter and 58 hmt in length. It was tested to 82.1 b water pressure without fracture on the previous oc casion, and later had been subjected to 60 pounds of steam pressure. Wednesday the steam pressure Wlll3 raised gradually to 03 pounds. The boiler -began to leak steam slightly at a pressure of 65 pounds, and the leaking increased as the pressure rose, till at the highest point attained the pressure began to recede; the leaks having Increased m extent until the steam escaped as thyt as generated. After waiting half au hour for the fires to turn out partially, the doors were opened and the fires banked. At the end of the second half hour the tires were withdrawn altogether, the steam pressure having gone down td 55 pounds. Soon after the fires were drawn an extensive leak started In one of the .furunces, probably from the .sudden cooling and con• traction, and upon examination the boiler was found to die much distorted. The -had sunk down ahnut two inches, and a cor responding swell was observed on each stile, Just below the depression. All the longtitu dins' seams of the shell Were also leaking, while no leaks' were to be seen along the transverse. seams. The experts present seemed to think it remarkable that an old rot. ten boiler of such large dimensions should be able to withstand such an extraordinary force of steam, and of course no satisfactory expla nation could be drawn from this experitnent; to why other boders of like dimensions, and seemingly much greater strength, should explode, even while new, not only with a STEP; ALLE NTI.I lower pressure or Nil.lllll 11»111 tlll4 , 4 cc with• stood, but also with a pressure um .'1 'ewe!' titan that to Willett they had liter. • , thjectott during the water feel. The second exper:inunt was 111,111 `to. 0, boiler made with two flat Hlllilices ',present ing the water space between the b ck•litta•l anti the hack connection of the NV est field's Wier, or a part of th el' an ordinary boiler and having the 8111111' thickness of p ate, and staved with screw slit, s, spatted .in the same manner as in the ease of the stays being I,j- inch, sio diamei-r, jth the p an ,. I t t h4 l 4 , or sere •v threads, am, s'inidtr riveting over the end. , •111 1 s siructure was set up between two trick furnae , bad previously been sulkeital to 138 pounds of hydrostatic pre s sure. It began to leak slightly when the atom press tre r 110 led 1911 pounds and burst explosive!) from the pulite,' out ol the stays at 193 poen 14 pressure. parts were thrown to it great diqatice, en 'rely de molishing the *oriel, furnaces, and ruling them From the ground. One OF ti. pa ''S struck large holler iu Which there was a loaf pros sure of steam about r.f) , lkilli; Imb• in it 18 inches keg, and fourqtic'es wide, front which its contests escaped, filling the int:insure with a cloud of steam. 31r Stevens had wisely insisted upon keeping all oe spec tators3oo feet away, and no On- was injured. In this experiment it was again sho sa that an extraordinary pressutc is necessary t , rupture even the weakest parts of boilers, as ordinarily constructed—namely, the 11 it surface ; and h beCame tally evident that rat lifferent experiments must be tried in order bi deter mine why boilers exi lode . at pr, ssmr, s gener ally lower than those to which bt.ilt these boilers laid been subjected, or c l se It one be believed either that the pressures ar much greater than has been supposed or , olicated by ateatti•gtloges an 1 saftty-Attivtat, or that -nine force is acting upon the boilers not hull tatted by the ordinary !neut.,. plat• d nom hem A l/L'El it PLACE Mr. Mite4ivi4or cruismg it 'Jutland It..y wring the nt Au- course • l hi, ei ) itzeii lighted "" i,u•l of ILO. e. in its 3- I. 1"Ilnalr g kle-ctilojohl It int Mr. .egreg p• a 1 it .1 013115311 d 11. 1 , 1/1.• livlv re maw a small area in der the se -I, vi I. it ;11 s stn. ;coups, all im It of 1v...1,1 hiee. I wn pear are the only I test aail n ilozi a rani• ions utnl• a little cent .t ry, yon s e chips sailing all are• nil you and all olive your 11,1•1, I, t itch he 11111‘1.. in that sea wat't, and all toe ..all will melt into the muddy atizi , of the roll' 1g Zny der Z.e. The ['truster' here is the tile, mein of intelligence, tilth ' Goethe on his bookshelvis, it cigar in his inonilt, and on his table it new wail: translated into Dutch, 'John l'ionglinstot's Talk, by C 11. Spurgeon.' All 'h.• 111 , `11 till • .•lys are fishers. 'l'lt'y have 1,',0 little their little Lilimitiau port. Their truu•sero try two bags, such its the Turks wear at :.;inyrna. Their vol'•• e Id:21111'4S 113 . '4 from the ceiling, model ships, fishers' nets. and fish skipping about in miniature over iii clumsy pews. \V tile raps c..viir NV 01111.31 . :4 11191115 111/mll to the eyebrow”, and black ends cent.. from below the f out, and turn upu•n'. I tit the forehead. A long tr SS of hair Inithat at the leach unuta•ried girl, and ttco for those have husbands. %dealt their are earn %% ho curiously wrought bodices. The smff tribes , is no longer manufacture 1, so the dr , - 4 is de vized by will, and your nit ce wears lit mniol t o t' her Mt. riot. of the wooden houses is yet.) peetdiar One large room holds one or more tumuli s, told has a pent-Ore in the 111.1nle, awl in) opening ftr smitipt, or light, or air. In a. n•A richer tin dunes there is an t sass of °roam nt, ill of one nicknack typo— hiss, bons tind carved work. In one of „these !pais s I found an old lady of cit.:lily-seven I the al aul Ih Intuit were entirely co% cred by slate. 300 tic' Males. pans and slam N, all smintetled it: , strinus; by black sculptured eabitutts, andl, sticks, samplers of lasi ceittury, hat , utters without mercury, clocks lust Ins' tot tine in 1820, pictures of Van Tromp', halt', ems, tin cans, and a heap .a.t e n 't w ith It history to it." Thl old lady mu , 'te one of the chief collector. , of vertu In `l...rken. tier house must be th Smith limqitt ;ion or the place; and the oil lady, is an o ttj act of envy to her' less fortunate . neig'ilto , ••, must also be an object of pride an a perste. w to hid contributed melt to tiot limited all rteP ons of the Island. GLEANINGS AND GOSSIP An Imposing Fenian demonstration has been made at tiock. 111ace-Coburn fi :tit and the ‘'stlonal Thanksgiving occur on the 5 , 11 m, ( i v. Tito funeral of Lieut. oi,:sernor U .un of Louisiana was attendee by 11,000 I'S • ns. The [sake force in Philadelphia is to be one thousand strong. A woolen mill of Coonecticni pradu , s five hundred 'shawls a day A three foot vain of lois been ilit , covered ip Wilford county. beuaing :Rossi in Journals are not i o ease d with the Visit of the (hand Duketo th;scoun- try. Mr. Pullman has been invite I to int his palace curs on the principal railwity lines of kmeland. In Wisconsin they won't allow women to attend political meeting., beeduse they "holler SO." Country dealers think the PtOr liavcii oys terman act In a very shellfish manner as re Bards prices. A New Yorker allowed a pet spaniel ao lick his lips, and died of byilrophobia tour seeks afterward. In consequence of niacin:in pipe in hi , pock et a Detroit man caused a cot which destroyed about $l3 ‘siirth of coat Filly young widows reside in the small town ut Centreville, Ind., awl it is unique for an unprotected man to 01113 S through On re. A. grief stricken Connecticut widow tele. graphed to the friends of her late hos and': "•Dear John is dead. I.das fully covet. d by insurance." A paper In pulling a certain snap, say., it is " the best ever made for a dirty man's lace. We have tried it, and therefore we ought to know.'' A person blew cut the gas in a room of ill.. State Capltol, at Trenton, and attnan on en tering the room lit a match. nn explosion tic I Curled and one end of the room was blown out It the revolution hias flofll3 nothing 'cite! for Spain, says the Athenaeum, it hue gixeil a won derful "inpetue to the boiik trade. A bear weighing 000 was kille I in Pierce cony, W iscoi 19t 1, -.n , . Is the u h t eaviest bruin rep. l dittd ph is ! sea . situ. The telegraphic cable proposed to be is id at the bottotn of Lake Michigan. between Mil -1 and Gritted Haven,, will cost slifti,olo. A german workman proposes to do away with Gm Invidious Mist nC(.1 , .11 of IthMe4, by pudibering, people. putt chanBing Oro tom.hers ' annually. WN. WEDNES 1) The authorities of Berne, in. Switzerland, are ationt to entbrce the ()Id tau s'netkinsi gam! , ling and lotteries which have been practically delete for many years. An anti• Communist iisseciation of word:men , dtA bin formed in Paris. The• society is mid o. number 00,000 In Rod each member is pledged not to Join any st ction of the Int , r. All the money Alexia .ter Dumas had with aim when he died wise n single gold pi, cc. His siio is a millionaire, and his daughter is toar , r,ed to one of the wealthiest landed priiprie hiss in France. General George 11. M'Clellan is announced ti+ president of as Anna'Man company which Is sp. lam.; lar greater part of a capital of $5,. 1)011,0110 iu Condor.. 111J6LNESS NO LACES led by Wh,lt You KilUlP.—There loan old .I rovt•rto w11101..3', "Ex Per clue I. the Xlre-I gottle.'' tub odd, the 01 , k and ulitoo notnroll) torn when oleo. fir the threw , teller. l'hei hoptlro It lint a ttd• leAie hoe don', for oth•ro, 11.•••• they :t.OPi ft p•ent.el r.'•. 'ii oll.the rein° Iles and preventelvee In 11.4 lloet• to•r•e Stool tell II titre rococo ro• leot too t itl. twaphat tip ..totl • • nee It Immense plt ttl. rlty tt•ot vo+t ',deo. 'The •ulf-ter front Ind goof.. le •.n'•• to lie•I tont 0 orin nolo .g filPtill. solelllB 1i04.1. cored Or that ail ment by th a fottrote v , getttl•le etolottelde. The V:11 , 111 Of IPner nl,l wine, liver 1.01112 I dint. Coll.!, .tion• sorPone P oetr..l on. or gen. rAI &AIM .1004 Orly in the nehr h d'hoo•I Wlll,ll he reel...lee in order to ill•ttor , r iv not iltln ototoloid re-tor hne • tierce I to rineo •Itnt• tar to It • own. I toe pii I b..a In t.. tit. rite I he will nod v.doote pr00f...41(d Prot ...tie+, tolost• It 'e imV •.e lie for ht..• common sew , to reslol Ile trloo It, nod .11•• • If , t it prodocee no hi• •••• 1,1 •• d't • .410, h• do' 1.0.1 of tritnee es In It. rotor 'rho., Its rep. nl llou, (ono& 1 •In fact', not a eettloo•t, r.,nt t in I.y .111.1 tin I lame, on I nn , .-I•. r••••.on •of them mete 05 I trickster., nod other- who talc • o o one sola l e o r o o t ,. I thrnot Pito the lot•••lo oud down the t• root+ of Illy 111.14, the, haphor t••I • ttocue• r••• • •, t obd nue. for the. tool, which for o • twirl)' ', o re ion [own a the Mud ethyl , thloorli.••tt t •• l•tote.l ...ote, nod-It At.torlro, (Inutt•ln, :rod tho Weot 11,kt only • urretol lo o very Ibid.° , extent. Inreoe• 110111, Il.e, 1110 Pe 'P It "'log ourer.atne t• hot te •I'y .... s erpina or th••tr fl t• ore, d• el “ro ,flor trookie Dr. 11. I). LorAti(tker Sel to VI ir I' elVd. 111..10 •••1 tt, .%4.•111,1iIV 1%111 t i11•..,17.1.1.. ill fro Id alld lil It I.bin 11111 , 111 , {.l y o 1„ ~,,, tv`ll..l. ho to. , to .1 , 0 ..II that 1,111 and thelon ~111 1:11i Iry ...tilt y00r......... trrIVI. 111 01,,r1-1• vori •.tt• tti !nal gn:t... lorm, I 1•• ext•r..•ll V 0..., 11',11/011111. 1.. for ptilolit.,.tiou, know., to el. lo • of 111, N,, .1 (11.1 . ;1 1.111r1,_1 , ,1 r.i11f r ttri 101. .111 o 11) tho .• •11. 14 , -.11011,1 L 011,3101,11 tho Mr.. 'Ella. W. daant, Jahn...Corner. 0.1'.1•,, Pot liroast. %1.. Ely tads-, Ely t, Allentown, , l's a ti , r iite Fare. Alletdow It. Skin Iteitaete, 11. 11.1.:•,1 • T (1/1.• Il• 01,.1 . 1 Hoar) tialtro.l, !Marne. , . Mrs. it, Yeager, Pam .1.11 pm. 'Pao. ri p; the Heed , Nathan Eberh 11 , 11.1enem Paccar. Mr. Poch, Fax het", 11. WIII. JllOlO.lOl. !i..1111.11,11. Pulms nry l'at J. 1,111 • -• lie•illit•}1.•111. C11101•i1 . liintowteint. Mr... 1 saltalotre. Sor E. A. Ilirlarlier. Pa err Tenter. W. a. Minnlelt, Salt.but y. Fat,. and El.- lep•y. P Wittman, lA,lnurk. Head. A . 111,014.1 1.1.111• r, New 'Nam 'l'ttne , or the Neck. Mr.. E 11. Serfit 24, Slat. time V In. Pont Mr.. E. Weindout, Cent...rot the larust. dmay • atettreedlo Caterer aide .of the race. dot., Lay t n, Slotarledir Er dee. Polyp.. of the NW", rg.i1•111111i, •. twit. Pane... i ll , latata. Tho r BIM liokl.llllllllllllll tr. )1.. b Maltn , ..ty •Itty • C.a.., of the Faro. F.. 1. shotanakor, re p.m, 'rumor thtroman, %Veatherly. veneer °lithe Nice. TI,P muy all he roterred to, or (airlift:ties may be la. lona:alte'. allee. Sixth are., Ito tween Ilandlton and %Valuta, r alleutawn. Pa. 11010iEMEN, VrEENTION READ THE FOLLOWING I 7'uttolty,Thf 'Vora, PAM,. WELLS—DP:An Sill: I to 0 nso•sl 1/1.• Felix 11. 3lotochkeo Lltoinent ou x ware of mune, whleh hod n b Ltl con.ig I.luseuew. I utot,l one bottle with Patio , tob:cetos. curing her IREDELL Aprll3 ltits9. Thb. involnalsle Llnlnts.nt to *old by Druttittscls , itorekeepers. Wholentile by JA3IKS O. WEbbh, N. E. con. of llth and Spring tiorslen For tole In Allentown by L. SCIMIDI & CO., knot Monition Street. W. E. RAHN ES it SON, W A LI. & MAR TIN nod JOHN U. MOSEII. :,'ltrciat Not try GETTING MARRIED.—ESSAYS FOR LITY Young Men.on non. SOCIAL EVILS and A lIIIsEs o Loh Inlet - for.. Ic 111 51 A moo ...KIP. 111 rolnd lor flo. Endow NMI Ilidomuonn, .11..11 , nd and dol.]. wood, Ad.lrmn, %RD ASSOCIATION. No. 2 South NOM. so. or. l'lnindelphla. _l2 - ALL' Ef ( - 01 P VEGETABLE SICILIAN , HAI R., IT 1171.1, POSIrIrELI 111:STWIE OBA 111.41 R To ITS 011I(IINAL COLOR It koop. Ole 11.41 r from tolllow out. It l• th •I , fires slt..e It. tho wo• tic nyti, 11, 01,y, •ft nd For it all dtnopl-t r. It. P. 1!A LI. CO., .;:glom, N. 11., Propt tonk 4 __ o .l - =* , ERRORS ()1 , YOUTH.—!'aent [emit]) who Lo yeur. (root N.•rsoto. 11.1.111 t), Pi vow • tore Dee.t) xtol All the of youth! al mill., ret.oo, will, rot the - tke •utreritto Iwtotat.tty, stool tr tloto I ree l all who wool it Ow ',oil , nod lirectlon for tookitto oly ty which w.t.onnol ..toireret. a i.l,iuti It pro 111 hy experletter cot, -o hs xi. a:perfect cooN 14;1,0. No. .4 . 21:ed0r St. Now York. T - Ti) CI>NSL'NIII,"IIVES.—The .341vcrli,et1 Lrr."/ tra vit. twpoo renforod to health nto to 1,,v hy vet.) +lll,piv , wll), Jtcto•r lo.ory,ti ,toth ..veor loto0; I I l l t , l l that dro•olot III• 1•11 . 1, .illOptloll. AllXll l ll, IMO, IC II 11. 111- f.. .011: I ,tp -,so I- of our.. To all ‘,.ll,l4leniro• it, ho• bill -• to•I ~ rot)' 0 ; n-00( r0,r1,1,10., (Ir., eltarge). • Ito Ail— proparonot lad 1141 a. lb.• kl l!..•) ,fill Loud tt .ttro• car , ntr C..l,llaptittro, A-that, 0to•, rh.• Qtly oltiort of tlw . . 111 •••111i11111 U.. I , to Itelootlt the Afflicted, mod ”tr , e rta trlotelt top etweive- tto lotvalnable oohl 't•Po. , - ••r. , ittlfeler tr) hin r..a0,01v. an it will In.( tosol.itu ‘ol m ; . ay ....... Parties wit,houg prlien. ...ertpttotto r , w Min at4loarq s'... NV Vl'Elt It( ) NI v LET \CkLL Tt,n qri "it 11 it Eric. If 7 11.1‘I, rln etly rho AI,. ot, v 3 1 , 1.• I, .1.1 I- I .Inerring tti .1-. IKi./.1, I ••••• . 1 . ..” atm.. (I " ....• it I. 4' , r 1,1„ I.':;.i• t,tt , ,,rtitir r tv. It 411.., r.• stt 11r, 01, 101,0 air•Th..lll . : %LING I Sq I'iTI'VE ,VI r. It'll.. •!.. ti Or NI V lit: i. I). , %V A 1. I , ER. 146 , c.• , .d jail 18.11111 _ 4 • : k *: ler s• Simnel of the dig .otiveorgv.A. EraTta.,,, prodocen.leflroiut mitrtlon eonnell II y I menu IL t pro eAo by which the mitt line At loud le converted int . ithd thence boo the s haA ill iho body . ulgundou Imlio're l:lomittlf A lighoiAt pre milta or, .... It they bike cold. 11.. y In g .1 the 1.1100,, In ' , MU , •• .11 I hold thut t .111 ImponAible to co u any tatou ...111imouniption u to t very , to • good behlth) amieniatlou. Ti,” very firnt MU. Mom In to elnitone the stomach and oa el• from All .ii...•Ase.l morn. mid nlltne, vilitch .14 ON, lig then° oranen so ;lint limy eau , . perform them fuhetrom, mid th. . e up and rootore the' oor 1., a he )' nellel. For Ibis Immo., IhnsUro , t aielleou remedy In licheuck's Maud•abe The... 1 1 111 s clew the onia. h howelA or .11 tho dead 1111 mer.. 1.1 blithe that In callulllg dlohme and decay le the whole ny.lcith hey .111 clear out the line , of Hll , lll. d iliAt Lan Accumulated there, aud tonne It of te and 1 .. 0111 4 110.100, by which natural ..0 , l lienithy bile in cert. led Thu .lima It liar .er then cleauo dby the ono of •che em's Ilaudr. , ke PIIIA ; but thee , ti melee in the Atoninch iin once. , of acid, the ore In the A ppetite poor. In the bowel. the la tent, ari l reuniting IV rotiglit IIU,I neil lli In loort. It In lu it tOigitlO , like .h.t Schenck 'el Seaweed Toole e• to I.r the nest retnAdy mer red. It in allmllue. and Iln tine .11 uentra.ll. all excetoe lichl. inaklog the bloom MAI P.M . ... nl.ll fresh I It w.ll petnntuent toms to 11111 tlilpierl int gun. and greillti II good. hpperite. lad prepare the A i eleta for the firs{ ; roe°. 0111 geed 111.0.• ntid Ull , lllalelY Inane a good. in al. lq. liven blood. Alter tilt. 1001.0 "tort' treattneut, tvlmt rethaino to can, , 11,1.1 co-ea of Conentuptiou 1n the free and pet . ..event.< um of belienea'n IMlteouic syrup. The Pulm übc 6)1.1 , ail 11 lien llie n, sten,. 1/1111getl 11, blood. limits readily .hoothed Into the cr tilettion. nail Preece dtatribu rd to• tie dis toed lougo. There It ripen. all ... 11114 er., whether al the iOrrn 01 nlincesnen or tubotted..A. and Matt me. roniate :town• to envoi All the illueitoer waiter, 1., Ills form of tree expeetn.etiou, when ouc • r peen. It In ttieu•bY ,L 0 gre.t ueallug Aid parlfr tar prollOnlo.. Of nolualok 'd .eliminic 11l MP. that all Ultagra tad non Ith, nit, healed up sutlud, mud top “leut in cured. Ihe eAneutiol tale. to he dom. lu curing ConnumPtlon g.t hp toed appetite um! ago ol 1110 , ollou, ttaitt body w gmw g.lll And 1101 3 , 11 . 0111{. // p•• 411.100. d .vlty oroboceoe there,-the cat .t) cauttot heal. the matter c omit rll,au, to lona nu 11,0 1,11 to bee ,, ef par. Wlint In tact...nary to °era In A ord, 01 th.l4{ , - a uood •ppot.t.i. to goo I Heir ;too, flu I,,dy to anal 1u Ilesh nod gel fat ; then Nature Is helped, th canton will he 11/1010r dyne and b • • owe if In largo uavuullen bud the p. (MU rt.gitill 111.14111 d etre.igth. .11 10 M the time aid only plim to cure Coe euttiptlon, and If a N...L lon vy 110.1 • if the Wog . are hot nut rely 1100,,1,100 Is eutliely gnu . If them 1 emmAh vitality left lu the Miter to Mint up, them to hope. l have A. Am many it ,ro, cured with ally one snood lung. I've met etA y ife to II gotul old one. TM. What Achentlea bed-true. In II do to rum Cortuuniptmo. They Wilt chow out the 0.00.001 Imo -ten awl Amengateu it. t UP .1f11"11d"...""' id “'" N'"" all ueode to c tar the -)el of fill the distil. that In In In. lunge, what 11 .0 the lotto t op he core'ot ttopottoot 1 1,01 Wolle 11,14 Medic., ehout.l he cxe cl.ed cult 1,, so c. , 1.1; keep 1,, dion in cod nog MIMI. W 1,1111. 1 .; Avoid tught alt. 14111 i tAke goo, 0111.1Ci•P OW) 4.•01t1 g1.11.1...“11114 1 11.1•11i11 0 . I net - h it under-bold the wheat to . ..emend urn to he eAreIIII reguid to Inking COld. 1,111!,. Ustul: lay )I 1,1,0 I .10 no ter I,perbil r• W. 1.. A l uvl w ho hg,..1,,1t llllly Livered Ition eirtste of . hut cool In ler mac- thihte to a Velmiain that, Otto Or I,oc a rd en eattrety cnted; Old it 10 pit , laol) Ihooil Connoolptl.lo .0 1.1,0 Ile OW .1111 g, tar pertectly beam., Juot no ,melon. In there imminent on r lull 1 . 11 guru of rho di...v... 11. 11l It i• t 1 no.lollll' ll- It . tO• ton I,llllll‘,Jtil 1,1111 , Old 0)(PonlUll , l 1 lo au Min.'s here 11.n1 In W411,1..1111 /tn. plemiatn. 1. 111,1 µl, aft , n Inas. of 101,111, II,,• t to ltat .11,0. Peru..,l my crllnngeeo• with my Ste icloc• 1,01, 111 oblitly to of .111, vol11.•inAd It, ..1 it, remit) 'l''. Int. COOll 1, With nufely 10 the 1, mut Ili enpose to tile•a+ta ot r me cl.l.llur .'.non of •pritta or A ti , U um. It sholl .1 he eeleltilly shielded 1r..) , nil lit I . ltluu. moroutittion -Norio 1./...b.cri ed le Mtn par feel 011 , 11 n care nudes elem.', ell) etaluientni.Cenlneu 11100e allillitY pernoo .11 a wholenoine untriti mlo de and the molit . lhe youth. ur. null) he body linn to•talei ti. It the itnittml tstlpitillti 01 .11,11 .1.4 111) . 11 , 1ft tired by 11110 t of the iron° la 1.4 etit,lllltt , Knit II i. 0.11 10 ael ~" lo•arty t , ,ose Itlauy y•u.s. ,1111 WO., I oil plo".. ~ .1 , 111 tn) 11 .0e 1,x•11011,4 by Pon treitimmit 111.1,m.y. seen A out ii,' Canter I m 11111. 111-11111 o..ruer Inked.,., a Aeh ntrent. he.e I s,nal: be pitaceJ t ~iye the to Al. who limy require i.1,i0 let ..11111M, all loy 1:4.111.-ai1o, hot 11, 410 Ili tai) . 01'110 world c.,u reedit) 0 0, d I .l' . etrict oluoi.vaum el tho AA.... J. 11. SCHENCK, , n. Price dam l'ultuoulc syroP Tot , 41 :0 a bottlo. I, 47:.0 a dozy, .11 , ,,11,44, 1911 n. :Sc :J. 0 box. For 44 a 11, 1.11.1 dent.. • 1.1 4140.4; 1101.1.0 W XV 4t COWDEN, 412 A fti nt el, PtAldp4Also. Wholestile Atom.. w Y. NOVEMBER itlisultancottz. FANCY runs; JOIN 14' ARE 1 't RA, • 718 Arch Street, 51111 b. Of 11. e tlluelc Sin South blde, Imp•orter, 51.utictur , and DO.der IU nil lIIOdII and QIIRLEV i'f V ANr(.IV FURS FOR LADIES" AND WIILDREN'S WEAR 'lnning Imported n vory large nail eplendl I n nortmonl of on tho d If-root Flo& o - from flrel•bnado In ou nm , nal Irmo hoot theta to at upn by the moot oklllfal tnld rit-ottet folly I alto tho render. of th, pallor to roll and en •mine very large and eantlful to, moo •I F tear For:, for Lad(-11,tntl ,A(ltlrert I ant do • ro In •d to roil CI OK lota prieto as any o her re, o t tenalott Hon o Mtn • Ity 111 ,re inarranied. Nu ibrePre eollltiOll to trect an JOAN FAHEIRA, non 1-3 m 718 Arch ht. Phllnd's. ALLENTO‘VN ROLLING MILL Co., succeloore to THAYER, ERDMAN, WILSON t.t CO., ManufActurors of STEAK ENGINES AND BOILERS BRIDGE CASTINGS, RAILROAD TURN TABLES MILL (;EAItING, SIIAMNG, lrurnace, Rolling .MRI and Mining Work &c., &c., &C N. U. worl, itulmotre.3 and doltvery prompt. • L. IL. GROSS, Sup't I=l • Popular. Priers for Dry Goods It 1 C K 14, 1 Y'S 727 i'IIETNUT STREET, 1.1111,ADELP111..,1 L \V LS, ; ) ;, F>6 C 4-.. ;(,) RS, lIREAT VARIETY ►'l' 11011.1.5..11.1% AN I) VI 1.:T.11,1 bt.pck r,rcstew.. vvrioty. and g. Haul std up • t to the u buyeri., rmiloni-lio 1 with the cheap. et awl elielerFt efferiuv,s of WIN and other VISITORS *III rvcelve corl,lloV3 ATI,RT wholli- OT rimy purchn o or Dot. TilE 11.1.1UYTIt &TED I'IIREIO• I I,oli ICA I, JOURNAL Is 11 ever y respect a Firet- Class )lagatl e. Its srucles ere of the hlglho t ihtere , t to al, It teaches tv we ale •thl how to make the moot of Th hate tuMruhill it COLITAILIM the Laws of lore awl llenith to hell wait!, ihe peke of the Maghtlue t every milt It .14 publishedat 43,01 a 'ear. By a epeeist, ortattgemeot went. enabled to tarsi the Plasm°. 1 te, J semi itv a Piton eh, for Ifva tow vutincriber• to 1,. Lxnuni Itnata,Ott. Ot w 111 rattlital the Lk it o.•it ittitte. rya and rhrnulogteal Journal together for We coin cud the Joon.' to ail who Willa a good odaress nil °niers to ROBi l . 1 ItEDELL, J tkileutee SANTA CI AUS IN A I,LENTOWN ! Nawhrrr. In the country ran be found a 6rea•er•aaxort meta until at Walter C. Smith's, Atk.D II I N I wir ItAT OR'S NOTICE. . o e rtp ui n l Y "" 1 "" th° um " w " d " fat nod la" h. 0 ., ttiPe t e e ll l it n ra h o e t r e e d by t„ 4 t l h o e B u o nd h erti l g e oWln "l" ;e m er:ro l f '''" ' Pill li AN N la.D Y.deteneeql. late of the torottith of Cat, •uon.s. Lehigh courtly, thoreforo .11 Pereohe who linos , CHRIS'ITAS G()ODS !‘ l . 11 , que01•01, to be tuallbted to .11 estate, ore Trotted t? atti ' d " toiTi " =l s ll:ve it ' ll;Tegar ' el/ m r :iig.tloet :old A r aldlU Alnonz those nom le store . miy be mentioned, the Llyn ' .‘" proaeut thou well nuteeuileetted for nettletueet it ..,,... the D „ list Do „,, e. i .„,„ r „,i o , 110$ ,. w„l,, tog Del i.. , 'multi!, the above ApeCllldd this, Vrbic nede O.e e, r., etc. A large n. , rtinent of bARAH 0. KENNEDY, I novl4-6tw NO. 733 11.4111111.1V0N STREET, DOLLS OF Burn SEXES, A DRII NISTRA TORS' NOTICF" ~ -CIL Not ICO lb hereby given that letter. or administration . . , have been grnnted to the ondereigued in the le. very varety.loc (Wing d.illo . titian,' Ilppore. hir.lerY. RUIN ebTEII., decency I. into 0. Holdnite CO chiptywb ott. iiiin Sot.. C Itioi Mill, Mown . Furuiciro in rigor, Lehlgli civilly ; [Unworn, all poreotie knowing thin:notion uoitorial . i'l ing..lllol .10 Clay tuner, and In fact every- . be ~,,,, ~to t told rotate are rormented to make payment timing Mut ug ri eon hi want _ ,vltlnu cm w °eke from thed.kte hereof, an&e i nch.whe have For boy • he lin• on bin I Nleligl., wogoiii., rocking hoe. ~,5 . fro , A g.i.,,t t h e oa ld il prevent them ~,tv.:ll°,l',,l.Pit,4*tati:::furrVl'dn'gtla'o. ' a n t l'r.' o t t, ; th , o t a t WI: , N ft v e n a li t a u tn . enticated for cattlemen% withinhe above ntmi• /LA NA rEllilt. Wll4Oll, • to• .51-0, NATHAN WM: EITER, Adintuletratorg. 1' RRIS'IILIS TREE ()RNAMINTS 5 cuu,ay. Pn. IN T 11E C 1:11tt of to. , RCM ut of Natojte ,e llg . tal . tc . iter_ lino!rlB,ll"ll"ut4kerr.itil'ar.otAtlitreclipensrjuW'orti'hlrk', LnolgG CJ itay. tlec•usA. Aml now, 13. 1 , 97 u 1. , th . e n , 0 From the roconle, tonbrtelna r.nresentattons of Santa Claus, ••pl. l eta t.,rau acnuel, churches and cantles to ithr lulu at,, :11.1i a . vrt y devlco l leugor, woodeu and this toy, I I oly %Valor lots. Crucifixes, and Ellrlit of the S.ts Comic flgutes t health number. croquet sets, all kinds of 7•m d n ul It, • largest ansurtment or, M. 64 eve: brought to ilus city. A r.pluivl•Ll u•sortoten• can. , birds anal cages al• scu Inco latuot voty acproprlsle for a Prvceal• sTocK OF FINEcoNFECTIoNSAND FAN( Y SCI;AR AND PASTE TOYS NEVER BEFoRE DIAN. ‘YED IN • THIS cITY. ten.t a visit 1.11 lsta the •••,, Wolli r• nail OttrliVlillll , tint have been gat , es 1.. r Chrt•truw. nee Vtll2:l' PRI.AEUVING POWDER. No , ': • l'o‘Wl'l .01l kind. Fri,. irs, .1 r oil; Utiller, I rt , •••rvr, „,1 ~. , 1. 11/, r jr.arLti„ - ik , ...111 t., pr. 11 I •• 11 1 - 1 1 114 " .:11;.T1 "1 . 10 . • VIII (116114 sbiwett ,lo t.'•l hit. • Ili. ) ...• OW .11.1' kill 41 oil. I I '.. Ill' 41)11111A 1...4 •I 1..114 Iri 41,. ri..,14.11,1W 11. 1,,••1.1.ii11 I •14 h) II) ) %ANL. N11!:NY v Co) jolly .111 w tti robtil N " INTERIOR DECOR:\ lONS ImPoirrEt) RY WALRAVEN, MUSD:NEC MULL, NO. 719 CHESTNUT STREET, IN SILK TAPESTRY, SATIN LAMPAR, • SATIN be CRIME, WORSTED TAPISSERIE TAI'IS DEs INDES, CRETONES AND SATEENS nod esitsblo Trimmings sod Cornices eOR LIBRARY, DR &WIN O ING. R 110.1 M, DINING AND BLEEPOOMS, ALE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. implo.3ni 415", CAUTION, To reintlioe who gin the HArall.llo 00111111.VOU Peru our (MN a 4 mere It.e from Iltl to 12A legrea4 whictrou cal elwaye Dud ' , Atha well koowo Chloe btore WM. REIMER, 611 HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. N•AN~ ge!Vtnhge to t;Tos(i:elorkies!'LA,ll:3l;rly?Fl!VV) beet ENGLISH WARE, warranted not to grain. N. Ii —ln regard to the Combination Mil. whic,ll lomat ttll yt/h 1,0,41.104, i halt+ M....4,001).104,d nand I .ny It in' fig.,loing ahtt naldgfrnUJ i can refer to Ana oxploettoot In o etlit in thin •Wy where the COLlthilln , ti n I lii wie la 010, it t2h- d W 1(, REIMER. • • 14. 'A ITTNIAN, N9TARY PUBLIC ANDriva Rya iN 141,11 T. B. LEISENRING EnRANCE ARE T. FIRE, Lin, AN P 'WU RTOCI• WITTMAN -111SENRINO Heal Estate aunts and Serlveners. 70811 A M ILTON rITILEET . , (Cp-Stalm ) Hos , ..Ipor tholo I 111 l le . Tory .loFiroblo TIOF WI 101 l ,T fll 10. Foil nI low Woo.. no I on OnFT term.. .irnong n'1.10.1 . It 111 , . foilo.i Intl : 1-6 N. , 1...0rth `boot.'. , :n N . Nloth ,rro,..t. F , l T e .r, , ,,..i, .., ,00r. I 4.t- , N. Korontb tOrrot, F I 1410,11.1 u `Loot. 1 1,:.. :F %nth Flrool. . pa %%lrma Lot. R. oil psttl - VI • 01.11 TAW , F1R...1. I tit. oily. . ' 1448. FRIb Streot. . I 20., 1871. STRAWBRIDGE . & CLOTHIER, N. W. Coner Eighth and Market Streets. Are now offering for the FALL and WINTER TRADE an unusually large stock of DRY GOODS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, BLACK ALPACAS, LIN JOT 000DS, BLANKETS, usr,ns. FLANNELS, BRAWLS, WATER-PROOF CLOAKING'S. We have lately taken advantage of the low prices attendant on a tight market, and BUYING FOB CABII, have been able to secure many sept 18-Gin NV El ----a-- CHOICE AND RARE NOVELTIES OF ExquasirrE STYLE AND TASTE, DINNER, TEA, DESSERT AND TOILET SERVICE, URONZE, VARIAN 'ISQUE, MAJOM .40123. CIIISTAT,J.IPANESE AND CHI- AS IMMEN,F. ASSolt ntI:NT OF HOUSE FURNISHING WARES! FIRST-CLASS GOODS. LOWEST CASH PRICES. TYNDALE, 'MITCHELL CO., 707 CLIESTNU L' STREET. PHILADELPHIA. 707 ME Legal Noticco. • 1 ifor Salt . altli Eel Let. .... _ . • I,,,,ll:4l.ll'rillia'S NOTlCE.—Nwriccis 910 LET.—A REASON ABI.E LEASE i. 4 ~ 01:E 80 ttIV EN that letters te•inmentary Mien.; I will he [riven on the Easton Slate Quarry, oltuated In liii , ii m 0 idoil 10 ile. imilerelimed in the ems, of II ti.N 111 Plainfield towo.lilp, Northampton county, Pa., near p 1,l l i st. oEdi E ...leelataed, late of the City of Allentown, stlietertow IL It riFIINWS 1,1 number floe ellit•Vrill,1 , 1110 1,,,,i, ~,L.,, ; the .4.4, It portions who know - them. novo ...f a ding .titi., fully equal to the well-knnwu Chop s,, vim to lie lone kited to the said estate are reime.ted to man Slate, with a good waterpower gad a full rigging of imilto pa t :tient withinslx weeks from thedate hereof, nod pmnillnu 11 till IlltisliSll niarlilliss. l'ersotlP ileitrous of on Moor having claims trill p. eseut them duly authenticated I upportunit) of thl. kind will pleimo examine for thou, for settlement within the above sperlfled cline. I sole , . nail apply to Reuben Koch, Slaekortown P. 0. out IS eir J. S. 111 LLI NO Ott, Executor.._... rd mo '1.19 C. L. SCHREIBER, President EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice to hereby given that letters testamentary having been grated to the undersigned In the estate of aUSAN It. STINE, deceasod, Into of Upper Mai neat° tow Count , . of Lehigh, Penneylvania; therefore nil per who know them selves to 1,0 indebted to sold estate me request-El to make pat meat within six weelia from date hereof, and loych who have any legal claime agnitt-t said estate will prevent them well authenticated fur settlement wttbin the above specttled time. OLIVER h. 2tlt)riSEß. HANNAH R. ltiOnklEtt, Execntors. Loeti , im w CE1133 A DMININTRATOIVS NOTICE. A NOTICE In HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned hos taiten out letters of administration In the estate of .1 , 01 B eNYDEIt, deceased, late of Citil4.lo , o l . Le high qouity; therefore all person. who aro Indebted to said Et•tate, are requested to m ate payment within six week.. from the tat,, hereof. and those ha•lng claims will on o to o them dl ul authenticated for settlement within the above specified time. • _ t0.t2.5.01.1 lELECTION NOTICE.—NOTICE IS .ILf MINIM GIVEN that the annual meeting and °wetted of the UNION MUTUAL FIRE INAURANOS t.,O3IVANY OF Pr.fiNeYLVANIA, wilt be held at the public Lutt+e of (Odeon Tudor, at Tr. xlertuern, Lehtah couuty ho ur .. the second day of lt KC Ltd BIM, •Oil. between the of tem a, , and three D. tli., nt .10. a.. and plnce Thirteen Otrecture 'alit he voted (yr to .etve the catalog Year. D. IL BASTIAN, Preafffent, iIdIINEVILLE YODBB. Secretory. [neva td - -------- A. h. RCIIR. Clerk. The nbove named Auditor will meat a I Dante , . Inter 0.1,41 In the above E•tete at his office at Ilentown on too HI DAV. lIfICE)11 es Ollilieth. uextsal . at •att o'clock A. AL. , I r o , the dim i l: Auditor.' .A`,7, l frio'lV:,',.„7.,'„!'s":,'f . ' Fr SY. Jr., 1,1 Ito. matt r of tho a c mm ot 3110) nt ° eTtn e anr, n J Ito , Is ha oen %or ath...Citeir icer,'d. No. .1% 10. by ngraotneut I I Connaol. the Court a.• poltd Kauffman. F. auditor. to audit areoutd. 1....W0W.' rotate If nacos...v. awl make din. trit utbou. By the Court A. L. Runs, Clerk. Theit dor-4010d vrl I attend to tho t rotleo o f I t, t 0. 00 ,‘ C1.P..11i 11...111 at °Mee, overt F.vt N Blount Utak, Li tot ItN ol Allentown. on I 1113 4 D t. the Itelt oily of Ith too'.-lock to tint fotootent, when cool ele Ttiv.ll4` '1" d • °alit.; 1,, KAI. FT O. Auditor. l'lllll'llllt o .i tiIITICE. tL , 11 flu Oryhma•tt C.'"1.01 Lehigh C o unty. . the to ol lii • lire.' ft of Hello F. Iv lu • and II• ob., II !i11... EX..ClltOrAtha last o 11l end not. Beery Kline. Sr., Late of Sallebury county. dee'.l. A .1 Nov . 10. IS7I, the Court arrolnt V. A. It. lot .1,1 . .1. F. , 11.. AlllOl% 10 1111111 t and, 1100c...dry, to tt • tot make ditorlltatton. t Dy the t.ourt. • A. L. Bunk, Clerk, 1,.. no 'ortlgto .1 will attend to the dollen of lb. ltorL.l. at hot office. Alti Ilultflton etreet. In Ilto city 01 . AEI,' 1.. 11. 011T01..till.Y:, DIICIINUEIL 10. tail, at 10 o Len and qihere 1111 portion tutere•ted aro I, .1 to ..prear. F. A. R. BALDWIN, Andltolr LADIES' 8U SILKS, LACES, DRESS GOODS ! HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND ALL ARTICLES FOR Ladies' Dress or Wear. J. H. HAFLEIGH, RAVING 1011110 1 7,10 TO 1105 CIIESTNUT . STREET, Is now prepared to soil the above Goods at lower prices than the same qualities can be furnished by any other House. NOTE. J. Y. Eatteigh begs to state that he las organized hie buz.ness upon a most economical basis, and wllt eat to purchasers out of the etty at extremely low prices. w pANOUIPALST I RILVIVIA THIRD, AND PEAR STREETS, PIJIL AD ELPTITA, PLAIN AND (lALVANIZED WROUGHT IRON TUBES, Lap-welded Boiler Tubes, Brass and Ir. Valves sad Conk.; Plttlogs for ciee, sod W r; ,,,,,,,,... t osh m au l d itTV ll TI I I B . rs . %Work t sae Tabs dlull! " Bath toilers. linarnolled Wash Sumas, am, Coils of Steam Kettle. and Traps. Pipe of all Sizes /WON SAII4. euaopewr• to lICIRRIS, TASESH it CO.. 3 8 CONTRACTORS Pm the fleeting of lbaltriu Of all Classes with Ream Ilut Wmur, by the 111011% spproved method. • EtlirntigeA Purashed Gralis: MOM 1.17 .4 E 11.— If FECIIIANTS. ME. V ell %NIPS. and inhere ae•l and Runty Patent V? c a l and Wilma W EaT Ell 6THIPb nod W I.OW Lop i yno t.. • worth °railed lu every bowie. y v,tneir co•I uel. Profitable toielona• during rut „ „ i„ bo y tow.. Circolltie free. 8 4'1 "v"t• P" i egA " t r . I ie73IIZIRNIUM h 117 and tin South /'oath tilreet.Ptalanai ri 2m W PHILADLPH 1 A CONSISTING IN PART OP LADIES' CLOAEINGS' BLACK AbTRACNANB, • BLACK BEAVERS, WIIITIC WUR BEAVERS, PLAIN WHITE BEAVERS, BLUE CLO WHIT' CORDUROYS, VELVETEENS, GREAT BARG/A INS. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. N. W car. Eighth and Market Streets, Philadelphia A MUSEUM OF CERAMIc ART, 01711 OWN SELECTION AND IMPORTATIO.N JAMES C. 1381 TEL. Ad tor. faiscrllancono LINENS! vaiLADELPHIA, MOIL E Popular ilho any Other I ALWAYS ON THE LEAD. The. Glory , of the Morning and Any Other Time The Celebrated Me , ahm Glory Storer are texonfactored thle Tear to gri tier goo titles than ever before, to meet the grunt emend for a flret • eta. rtoYe. They ore sold by WM. G. RITTER, DEALER IN STOVES & TIN WARY, 831 Hamilton St., Allentown. Twelve hundred of then. Stove. have been sold In We county during the mutt live year•, every one of which has alerts unlimited matiaraetion,which la the beet teem mend.dlou they need have. Alwalf on hand all kind, of gtovea,Rangea, Yuri:mem Orate.. Tin and hheet•lron Ware. A large variety of modern Cook Stove,. ench THEREOULATOR. pith Revolting Tsp. 110 T BLAST 'xoßLtoott CyOH ShBAIL'S ANTI-DUST COOK. ALL 11.10 GOLD COOK, GOLD AISDAL. ITC Also. a largo •erlety of lbe most appro•cd Hing. eal gloves. 0c125-W WOOL. 60 cents per pound paid for good quality of WOol in exchange for zoods. Always on hand full line of home-made Flannels, Cassimeres and Linseys at KRA INTER'S CORNER STORE MEM LAST NOTICE. Secure Your Christmas and New Year Gifts, $ ,000. 0 0 0 $ By the auth city the ncto th Lng,l aWO of Kot tuck y, of March 13. IK7I, the Trash.. of tho Public Ll y f Kentucky will glv, a GRAND GIFT CONCERT. AT Li/M.IIGL% ET, SATURDAY. 1)111' FAIRER 16,, 1871. ton,o 0 Till:Iv:Y. lir au 410 EACH C111:11vN• C TickerLF Th.KETS. 4.5 QUARTSIt TICKETS. will he by watered let er wren for , loin may be sent by P. 0. motley order, greonbacka, OF &eft. Edit ticket COVIviO4A of four 12 , 11%12.11, acme .2 2J each. The holder I. sot to I. ,admisson to the Concert, and to the VII 1 Oil ..f the gift e warded lt or lie fraction. 0 IN iItIEENII WE , wilt be dietrdinted to hold ers id tickete, lu big s 'from VlOO.O 0, the highest, to $llO, the lowe•t 721 gifts in ail, Tim Coupon is for the boo +Et of the runtic I.IIIIC Mali OF' KENTIUCKV. TILE CITIZENS BANK or KY. IIiTHEASUREE. And th • Coriiiir,.rs snit slit ere Isitin ow the Ron. Them. E. Bra m ..110, late t.'v.'l nor of Kentucky. and twentyotesis no of Noo most dietitiguislied oust respectable el Irene of the State Tho undersigned, bite principal 111 •norer of the you xneensefiti Gift Concert for the benefit of the Mer coutilio Library at ti 0. Trisnewto. hos been app iloted Agent and Mansger of this Greed Rift Concert. drawing end distraint on wl I tithe nine. In piddle, and everything will be done to •stisfy the buyer. ditch .. that their .utere. in will be an well protected •• If they were ire lionany present to 110pailtkland the entire affair, Fur tickets and Informstion sooty to C. R. pETERS. 17 Main Rt., Louisville &7, No. a Aiitor Home, New Tor N Remolded, Nn. 410 areadway. Milwaukee, WI.. u.LA. Prima._ TWO.. City. • erode. .A. Wolff, No. 316 Chestnut aireet, At Lord.. ela also fur sale In every prominent place In the Owing to the general derangement of and and adver• ti.ementa consequent on the dteastrou. conflagration. In tothe West. the sale whichs In thin enterprise le extended Nov. SI 1871. at lime the main •ottlee, MD Main street. LaMar:llm Ky.,will close for adjustment of at muate and Anodised.. Nu orders except be mall will be flied after Dee. 10th. The sew York °Mc• will clove Dec. 10th t other agencies Deo. Mb. livery ucket =mold Dec. 11th will be caneelted by Is. number. The drawing will tete Om* la cubit.. D.. 16tb, 1871. commencing at 7 S. so, and continue until the 721 gift. are awarded. Payment of awards will commence Dee. 10, al 11 o'inock a. m. Circular. of awards will be found as soon ea they can be lamed correctly, or wills/N: l V* not to all ticket buyer. a. 110013 an pose le. No Oleele will I, filled at main once for Mew then In novl3-ltirl CHAS. K. klik? d. Manager. LTRS ! LADIES, If tociargtbrilabliratuit:p• well-known W. KEENATH, Importer and Exporter of Furs, 710 ARCH STREET, (0PP0131112 ST. CLOUD lIOTEL,) PHILADELPHIA, Where MI have the selection from the most extaustret assortment of all &scriptin aturingDA Mg. at the Lowell Illaatts fe .. Sots from 41),0 up to the most Costly Russian Crown Sable HUDSON BAY and MINK SABLE, - - 11i111NE.a t a the ectuentßr.L. a and every va riey latt etyle 81."UER of Elkin. Vanillas and Aftliaehao. ALL KINDS OF FUR TRINIMIRO, Also the finest sennvimeottif FANCY ROB W CUTE DAC. BEAVER, W HI BAY LAK WOLF, BLACK BEAR. DelliN WOLF, fia. ALL Poi PDS WARRANTED AS 11111 . 1036101 TED. CALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. 11% J. KVA NAVEL No. 710 A rdh Rtroef, PMtaetalefri aovls-9ve w 70 BANK SEARE‘i PUBLIC SALE. On SATURDAY, the 2,1 day of DICE:HUE% at atm o'clock, p the uuders'imed Will Kell at public sale at the ewer coo Dom. to Allentowu, Pa.. 00 Blinten of the Allentown Neitonal Bank. 10 anima of the Eneton National Bank. *atm° In &Veil rer Cent. 'beide of the lentua u'Bekool tthstriet. on ti tIA of onl. I'• r 11,1 "" atH —" GEO. VI,STOCK ERT. Adcast's, • JAAR 1.0 eaUCKEUT. MIMI 707 FURS I