inebieinal. AT 722 A 722 A 722 IS THE IS THE IS THE City Drug Store City Drug Store City Drug Store OF OF OF Lawall& Martin, Lawall &Martin Lawall &Martin S. W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF S. W. CORNER OF HAMILTON & HALL STS., HAMILTON & HALL STS.. HAM . LTON & HALL STS., If you want Pure Drugs go there. If you want Cattle Powder go there. If you want Pure Medicines go there. If you want Pure Spices go, there. If you want Lubricating Oil go there. If you want Physicians' Prescrip, Lions put up right go there. If you want anything stall go there. If you don't wantany thing go there. If you want to be satisfied go there SURE. SURE. SURE. Remember the place, No. 722 Both of the proprietors are read to wait on you. They are both practical diem ists ; you will find that to be the case after giving them a trial. DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, DON'T FORGET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, No. 722 HAMILTON STREET, S. W. Corner of Hall St City Drug Store. NO ( ITRE,N 0 PAY DR. H. 1). LONGARER, Graduate of the Gale ernity of Pennsylvania, at Phllad phis, has been In successful practice for a number of ye In Various parts of the United States; will promptly tend to all branches of his profession at his rooms, East side of Sixth street, bet. Ilamittoit and Wain ALLENTOWN, PA No Patent Medicines are used or recommended ; the r edies administered are those which will not break d . the conetitution, bat renovate the system from all into It has sustained from mineral medicines, and leave it healthy and perfectly cured condition. CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, DYSPEPSIA, and all diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Stomach, und LIT er, which yearly carry thousands to untimely graves, c undoubtedly be cured. MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, that elate of alienation and aberration of mind which r den persons incapable of enjoying tho pleasures of p forming the duties of life. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, In any firm or condition, chronic or acute, warranted cur 'able. Epilepsy, or falling nickneen, and chronic or stub born cases of FEMALE DISEASES speedily and radically removed; Salt Rheom, Skin Diseases (of yearn' standing) every description of Ulceration., Piles and Scrofulous die ease., warranted cured. . .. • . • . 4EO-Particular attention given to privato disesees o every description of both sexes. Ladies suffering from any complaint incidental to thol sex, can consult the doctor with assurance of relief. Cancer eared, and Tumors of all kinds retnovod withon the knife or drawing blood. Dleoaees of tho EYE AND EAR • suceeaafnlly and effectually removed. Aav - Dr. Lougakor will make )(tails any dlatance If do• Wed; can be addreseed by letter (confidentially) and med icine ;tent with proper directions to any part or the county. Omen: Haat side of tllslb ittreet. between Hamilton and Walnut Allentown. Pa. may 28-ly IRON IN THE 8 LOCV. o s‘t.. --------- 4t'>-' 14•41,. Acs 4 / 44 r). 4U V • y : l3 . IRON 00. TONIC .....:. . I. ' . ' ,t • RU) P . lier ... eptr, s. —lll5l - The mate , : the weal:strong, and extr.l; AI e• by rolltltlyinp the hlootl with NATero:' 4 I/T . l Vir tt.IZINO AGENT-1110N. • COWIOII.-4...11 - e you Col Peruvian Syrup. Ihkolphleto 'too, J. DINSMORE, ProprletOr y No. :IR joy st., New York. soil by Druggists generally. PALES OR HEMORRHOIDS. PILES OF ALL KINDS perfectly and permanently C•6ID, without pain, danger, omit. or Instrument,. by WM. A. hfcCANDLESS, M. D., • 1001 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, Who eta refer you to over 12110 cases cured to Philadel phia alone. Vie desire to may to those afflicted, there le poeitively no deception to the cure of these'D maims, It matters not how tong or how reverely you have been 4/tided:we can cure you. We also cure Fistula, Fissure IrroLapsns, Strictures and II Iteration of the lower bowel. Come you that are aulfering„ we will not deceive you. We have patients from almost every elate in the Union aad from Europe. Have treated those disease. for twenty ware without a Mum. err 26.1 y PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE.—A Naw Cooll.llor LICTUALIL as delivered at the Penns Polytechnic and Anatomical Museum, IWO Chestnut St., three door, above Twelfth. Philadelphia, embracing the subjects: How to Live and What to Live fort Youth, Ma turity and Old Age; Manhood Generally Reviewed; The cause of Indigestion Platnlence and nervous Diseases accounted for; Marriage Philosophically considered. Thais lectures will be forwarded on receipt of 250.01. by addreastng: Secretary of the Penna. YOLTTLOUNIC AND ANATOMICAL Moenru. ram Chestnut St., Philedelphis, Penna.. une VI-17 Spectra.leo. SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES! EYE GLASSES, &c. . . . 41 ,, ,A . orilfr: .,,g ht „ en , :! i xt nt of all kinds ottlip CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, N0.'23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA Having devoted • great deal of care and attention to the Spectacle bunt.. for these last few yeam, I And that MY business in that line has increased so touch that I bare de termined to make It a SPECIALTY. There is no article manufactured in which there Is eo much deception pr.- Heed as there is In Spectacle Glasses, Knowing that the public have been frequently humbugged by parties pre tending to have••uperior article of Wearer, •cul charging etorbilaut prices for them, thereby tratlielng upon the ne er...silles and infirmities of age, I have taken pains to se lect • large and complete assortment of the tinted and best Glasses ever manufactured, thus affording all person. needing Spectacles an opportunity of porchaaing at Tea sortable prices. Femme haring any difilculty la being malted elsewhere will do well to give mo a call, as t feel coulldent that no one will fall to be suited. Remember the old stand, No. 79 East Hamilton street, opposite the Ger man Reformed Church, Allentown, i nn 23..68 tf C . F. WOLFERTZ, CUTLERY, NO. 606 HAMILTON STREET ALLENTOWN, PA. Manufacture. and kelps con.taallz on band a lar_ao as 'oilmen% of Pockets of Bollworm,zors. Table holve MN Bork.. i'financial. GIIIARD SAVINGS RANK, NO. (Organized under ► State Charter), EAST HAMILTON STREET, /MAI' OPPOSITE THE COllll . RODIN Monies received on deposit at all times from one dollar upward.. Pay. SIX per cent. interest for six month. or longer. Four per cent. on daily balance, subject to check at eight. Gold and Silver, United States Bonds and other Securities bought and sold. Interest collected on Govern. meet &curiae. at fair rates. All deposit. of money will be held strictly confidential, and may be withdrawn at any time. Married woman and minor. have special privileges Milted In our charter, having fall power to transact Intel. Rees with us in their own names. This Inetitution Is a legal depository for manic. paid Into Court, and receives money in trust from guardian., 11.11.1i0Intrstors. (renewers, tax collector s and others. sr/IIONEE LOANED ON FAVORABLE TERMS. PItAON ALBRIGHT, President. 11 n• IlsavraLL, Cashier. Directore—Phsoo Albright, James F. Kline, Tilghman Mertz, David Wel. . Aaron Eieenhart• iel4m MILLERSTOWN SAVING BANK MILLERSTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. MN institution will bo opened on or before the lit day of April. Money will bo taken on deposit at all times and in any crime from ono dollar upwards, for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST par annum will be yald. Deposits may be withdrawn at any time Also, monoy caned oat on favorable t J rms. AMES WEILER, President Inusxmer Sums, Cashier. J. F. Bt. Shiffort, Georg Ludwig, Frederick C. lobe. Clirist .- , K. Henninger, David Donner, Willit m Sandal'. Jaime (Idabel, Gideon P. Bgner, Horatio T. Hartzog. Benjamin J. lichmoyer. James Bingmaster mar 16.13 m ALLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITL TION. Organized as "Dimes Saving InsiUtaion," NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (NBAELLT (MECUM:ERE AMERICAN ROTEL, ) PA VS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY ON DEPOSIT. This !cgitation, the oldest Baying Bank la Eastern Pennsylvania, ban been In continuous and enecessful operation for tea years, and oontinoea to pay SIX PER CENT. INTEREST on money for one year, and !special rates of interest for shorter periods. dential. ..All deposits of money will be held strictly confi- Executors, Administrators, Truateea, Assignees, Treasurers, Tam Collectors, and other custodian. of public or private moneys, are of. fared liberal rates of interest. Farmers, Merehants, Laborers, and all who have money to put on interest fora long or short period will find ouratintitution an agreeable and advantageoes one in which to do business. We especially invite LADIRM to transact their banking heroinesn with no. MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS have special privi legee granted by our charter—having full power to traas• act busbiess with us in their own names. Money deposited with this Institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by a Capital stock and surplus money curtly of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, and addition, the Board of Trustees have as required by t barter, given bonds under the supervision of the Court In tine sum o FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, which bonds aro regis tered in and held by the Court of Common Pleas of this county for the security of depositors. Our Iron Vaults are of the most secure and extensive kind known in this country as n personal Inspection will show, and to which we invite our friends and costomors. We refer to this. believing that safe Burglar Proof Vault complete the safety and reliability of a good Saving Dank. WILLIAM H. AINEY, President. CHRISTIAN PRETE, Vice President. REUBEN STABLER, Cashier. TRUSTEES: W illiam H. Miley, Charles S Bush, Christian Prot., John D. Stiles, P. E. Samuels, Benj. J. Ilsgenbucb, George Brobst, . Nathan Pet S e a r. 'nuel Soil ' Jan 12-t FARRIER'S SAVINGS BANK, Incorporated under a State Charter of 1870 Foge'ovine, Upper Macungie township. Lehigh Co. This Institution han been organised and opened under Btato Charter. MONEY will be taken on deposit at all times and In any sum from St and upwards, for which 6 PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID. Dm - melte may be withdrawn at any time. Alen money loaned out on favorable terms. WILLIAM MOHR. Pres.,lent R. 11. FOREL Ca Afer. TRUBTREB: Dr. H. A. Saylor, J. H. Straub, Daniel Moyer, David Polar, Joon. Hooch, Samuel Kobus, Daniel H. Creltz, William Stela, William Mohr • Caor 640 MMINIBMIZMI Located at the corner of Hamilton street and Church alley, in Lion Hall, second story, opposite the German Reformed Church. In the City of Allentown, in organized and rkndy for business. 11 !bill pay SIX per cent. In terest on all deposit* except bum rl/811 deposits, for /My period of time, to be ea initiated from the date of Jerold!. To secure which, the Trustees of the Institution have tiled in the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County, cinder the direction of the Court, a bond in the sum of Twenty•five Thousand Dollars, conditioned fur the faith ful keeping and appropriation of all such some of money as shall be placed In charge °timid FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, whether as deposits or shares of stock. which bond may be enlarged by tho Court whenever It may be deemed necessary. In addition to thin. the liable Incorporation makes the Stockholders personally tti the depositors I which ble the amount the Capital Stock of the Bank, which is fifty thousand dollars, with liberty to Increase it to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. These provisions will make it a very desllll.lllo and safe plit i ce i o d f dewolit. b I! be kept7; one o a rt h e n i ' tr r aTt . f t t o nl ' A t l e B) ll pr otected t. tdP;alat w ill in this city. Arraugnments will be made to furnish drafts on the °Mee of Now York nod S. A. BRIDGES, President J. W. WI LSON. Vice President J. E. ZIMMERMAN. Cashier. F 12211 Daniel H. Miller, S. A. Drlllizaa. John liolben. ' .I. W Wllonn, William Biter, J. E. Zimmerman D. 11. Creits,. rater Orono, ndwin Zimmerman. mar 30 TIRE ERIN SAVINGS BANK OF AVM., L. YOHN, NOR7'H ENID ST., ABOVE LINDEN, ALLENTOWN, PA. This bank has boon established for the purpose of carry • log on a general Banking bushman, and tooder to the community a SECURE INVESTMENT for their money at home, at the same rate of Interest that It would command In New York or Now /ems , . MONEY LOANED OUT ON GOOD SECURITY Si` Gold, Silver and Government Bonds bought and sold. Drafts drawn on the principal elites of Gm United States In aurae to suit purchaser.. Collections made on all accessible point., and proceeds promptly remitted at current rates. Farmers, Merchant., Laborers and all who hays money 'to put out on interest for a long or short period will find ltd. Institution an agreeable and advantageous one to which to do boldness. Interest allowed on deposits at the following rates, to wit: KiNEIYEPAN,T.,MoiOre year, day. and under one veer. ifOrßevenuo !damps sold at a discount. [Jan 211 dew 113rp 41300b0 Announcement ExtraOrdiunry E. S. SHIMER & CO.'S DRY GOODS HEADQUARTERS! 705 AND 707 HAMILTON WTHELT ALLENIOIVN, PA Latest Interesting Intelligence PRICES TO ASTONISH THE NATIVES ! OUR GOODS WERE BOUGHT BEFORE THE LATE ADVANCE AND GIVE THE AD. VANTAGE TO THE 'IRADE. n r.. 0 0 LAST_ PRICE LIST created groat havoc the to ict h L/ w ll e Vi c ti on Pßll.,ED STORES. T.Ley can't see how Make Money and Sell Goods so Cheap MED "MAMMOTH STORES." WE WILL TELL THEM First. baying two Mores, wo are able to buy Goods In largo lots direct from the manufacturers and Importers, and from If to Wpm. cont. cheaper than they do. tlecoud, our large sales enable no to make money, even though we make but very little on any one'article. And last but net Imtet, We buy exclusively for cash and discount all our bill*, which In the aggregate amounts to considerable. No .111(sreyreamtatinna to Effcct Satre I Pricer I Quo/Dice Guaranteed I Determined n ot to be Underenid By Any of Our Otanpaiture DAILY ARRIVALB UP Fall and Winter Dry .Goods OUR STOCK Is entirely too extensive to enumerate ar ticles and Prices. We have In stock a general assortment of goods usually kept in a first-elase and well regulated ■tore. Immense stock of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, &O. of every poseible description awl price. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS PAISLEYS, EHOCUES, BLANKET, TWEET and STELLA SHAWLS Woolens for Men's and Boys' Wear CLOTHS, CASSIDIERES, TWEEDS, SATINETS, KEN JEANS. AC.. AC. BLANKETS.' White Brawn, and Gray Blankets Nartallas and Iluna y-domb Q nal*, Fancy Wool Cureries Flannels, lineetlngs, Cheeks, *e CARPET DEPARTMENT COMPLETE I OIL CLOTHS. WINDOW SHADES, &C. E. S. SITTMER & CO., 703 and 707 Hamilton Bt.. Allentown. Pa. Tat; LEIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, TREMENDOUS. STOCK OF LUMBER ! GREAT PREPARATIONS FOR THE SPRING TRADE AT TUE ALLENTOWN IX MI3ER YARDS ILLOTJGHBY R. TREXLER (SUCCESSOR TO TREXLER & 8R05.,) Corner of Tenth and Hamilton Streets, Allentown, Pa. BE SURE AND LOOK FOR TIIE LUMBER OF SUPERIOR QUALITY OF COME AND SEE Persons In noel o r lumber for large build' ogm will find 11 o fill orders for all kinds of lumber u.ed In largo building. Every article belonging to a Ilrst•class lumber yard Is col Thankful fur past favors. I Invite my friends to call and Jan 25.3 m TO COACH - MAKERS: OUSTER'S PATENT CARRIAGE GEARING! This mode of gearing is far superior to atry yrt invented for beauty, simplicity and durabi does not require a genius to attach it to any Med of spring carriage or wagon, and will at the purposes that pint form gearing will, with abent one-fourth the labor. ADVANTAGES OVER. ANY 01 RER GEARING The braces support the body so that it eanttot tux , ward forward. It prevents straining the sprlng-bolts and ear. a.i In ins. It rides much steadier. It answers for all kinds of cArilages and ,prlng It Is much lighter. It improves the appearance of a carriage. It takes less skilled labor to construct one. It Is much easier washed and kept elcan. It Is especially adapted to carriages and wagons tnlicro short I'll'lllllg is required. It Is much stronger and IeAS liable to get 0111 or orler. State, County and Shop rights for sale. For furl her information, litillreF. 4 ; C. CUSTEII & ) 'rretilet town, Lehigh CouLty, Pehna npr 26-3mw Harrison Safety Boiler. GROVER & BAKER'S ELASTIC: LOCK STITCH FAMILY • 7 T SF.WINu MA.CIIINEs! NEW STYLES SHUTTLE STITCH SEWING MACHINE'S PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DESIRED FROM ALL IVIIO REQUIReA FAST, DURABLE AND IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE To our NEW STYLES, which poasCESuumistakable advantages over the NOISY and CUM DROVE styles of other makers. CALL AND EXAMINE. J. F. WIREBACK, Agent OFFICE AND SALESROOM, opposite German Reformed Church, No. 629 Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa HART!N AN WASTE PA' The Highest Ca. 'ER DEPOT. .• ih Price Paid For Old Blank Books . And Lodgers, Waste Paper, That aro all written over. or.n kinds. 0 d Pamphlets, &o. Rana, NOM BAGOINO AND . CANVAII 1300011 T. Consignments from Country Orators solicited. marl-]r J. 11ARTMAli. 611 Jaya odt., PhilaPa, Old Newspapers Of every do.crlptloo IRV~EW CENIETERY ANNOCIA- Az' TION OF ALLENTOWN. This Association Is prepared to sell lots clear of all an. cumbrances on reasonable terms. Purchasers can sea plans at the office of tho Association, No. 626 Lion Hall, Second Floor, By min notice at the cake Mr. C. K. Helot will wee persona t. at the Cemetery to 811TleKIIINg.f74:11dettthey wan CHAS. ECKERT. Treasurer. J. J. STEIN, Secretary. spr -lad MICR. GULDINN • Ladies' Trimming Store, ALLENTOWN, PA. Th. trade at this old and well intowq establishment is ..nstantly incretwing, owing to the fackMat NEW WOODS are being constantly received of Abe ATEST STYLES and always suitable to the want. of her numerous custo mers. People shouldalwaye go where they are sure to be ailed at low lore.. 'as " B TRUE SIGN !" ERE!) AT TIIE FOLLOWIII I'ItICES 0. 1 Fine Boards, best quality, per thousand $3l " 1 " Scantling, " 32 " 2 " Boards, 25 " 3 13 inches wide, " 19 " 3 " " nll width, " 18 " 1 Floor, 6 Inches wide, best quality.. 34 " 1 " all widths, per thousand 30 " 1 Hemlock Flooring, 6 inches wide......... 26 1 CS " all widths-- 25 " 1 Spruce Flooring " 1 Block Siding, beet quality " 1 German " 4, 2 ti g Beveled Siding, platted " not pinned 1!..f Inch Common Fennel 1;; " 2 IC It It Hemlock Joist, Scantling, &c., all length Hemlock Boards, 12 Inches Wide. " all widths No. 1 24 Inch Shingles, extra quality 1 26 " 3 feet Lathe, best quality 4 ti 3 " Palings 33,1" " 414. 1 Fence Boards and Rails Posts, extra quality All " °Om Lumber In proportion It greatly to their advantage to call, being constantly read upon the aavbl tenon. end at the shortent notice Irpttautly kept on hand. lunpect nay ntock. fte4ppectfnll))•. WILLOUGHBY R• TREXLER. THE - BEST IN USE ! FOR MANUFACTURING ! IN ANY BRANCH OF Manufacturing or Family Sel6i!g HAS IN PRAIITICAL I'SE FOR MoRE THAN TEN YEARS. !I:1,1100 110,...-pnover In Use. Itityruatlott I Nl , olo. 1 on don, 7572 .19 lur.titote M. 10, IR 9. I=l 11.11i111•6()N BOILER W , YRES, P ma 'Ollll, wEsToN's PATHS!' DIF FKI:ENTIAI PULLET' BLOCII.N. EiS=Mlll2l/1 II 100 , 0 N BOILER I)l U or ✓OH V A. COL, F...lrA N, .1;/rn t, m Ito AWAY, Now Yo. tun! 100 FFl.ritAl. Sr., SurrrON, 11A411. =Xi FOR ❑RAIDING FOR QUILTING FOR FOR TUCKING Aro Unapproachable FOR GATIIIRING FOR STITCHING =I FOIL FELLING ATNOIVIS CELEBRATED Flit% AND BURGLAR PROOF if SAFES. ESTABiLSIII7) IN 1843. THE OLDEST SAFE !lOUS]: IN PHILADELPHIA The only Safe with Inatna DOOReI. Onaranteed Free front Datapuens. Al. price. front 15 to 20 per rent. lower than o her maker. Pinion sand for Circular and Price Lott. T. WATSON & SON, tale of Ryan. & Watron, Manufacture's ana?..3•Gm w No. A 9 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia. C F. WOLFERTZ, NO. 606 HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, Manufeeinrer of all kind. of llery, and dealer In Sportainen'a Artlelea, which he Is felling at reduce° pric es. Single and double barrel Hunting bluer, llinvoleer• of ell a lode, Powder, libel, Capes Flaking Tackle, Co, 1y27-ni MANIOOOD: flow LOST! 110 W RESTORED I Just published in a sealed envelope. Price. six cent, A LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT, and Radical Cure of duermatorrhee .or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual. Dahlias, and luquall monis to Marriage generally; Verso... Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, Mental and Physical i ncapacity. re. uniting If= belt Abase, he., by Root, J.CULvanwitt.L. M. D., author of the •. Green Book," he. "A BOON 10 THOUSANDS OF BUFFBRERB." Bent under noel, in a plain envelope. to any address . 00sfringsf, on receipt of six cents, or two postage /boons by J. O. KLINE & 00., IV Bowery. New York post Odic° box CO& ' June 1)-3mdaw Mateljea ant) 3033ctru. BAILEYO Chestnut & 12th Sts., HIL A DELopk, 3ewelers &lb Silversmiths. FINE WATctiEs y FRENCH C_ocKs, BRONZES, PLIVTED WAFIE; Qualitu Guaranteeb. 'Boobs sent by Express on approval. W Inns IC —ly. p.tic K. NTACFFER, • WATC .ES AND JEWELRY, No. 1S NORTH SECOND ST.. eon. or Remote, PHILA. ' An n,Fortmnt of Watcher, Jewelry. Silver nod f . %Plote,l Worn conntantly on hand. et:2-141 Aar Repairing of Woleltemllll.l Jewelry promptly Ittteuded law 5.1 Y KELLER it BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., .13.00 .14.00 15.00 _O.OO 20.00 .30 cta vell regulated and warranted. All HUCK and prlcen, from c 2 twward, A lorger n 'ow rt meta of _ _ _ GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can bn round In nay other Flare In the'clti? JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE every tiff, tiptlna. 44-Watenex repaired nu Short Notice. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, No. IN East ilitinilton street, opposite the (Sermon Rn formed Church. Just received from Now York and Phil adelphin, nil the lutust styles He has the largest and hest oFFnrtrnent of Gold \Vetches and at looter prices than can to. found elsewhere. lie hoe a larger and bolter ameortment of Silver Wall:her than CAD i, plarintAPd An y w here oleo. G OLI ) ENV.ELIn.' • lin ban thn largest mollient asmorlinont of all Made of ()old Jowolry. • GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY Hoban a larger and better a4Hoffincnt of nil kinds of Hilt sod Plated Jewelry than can be bind elnowliere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE llobam n gplenclld ansortment of Silver and Plated Ware. Any per Hon de,lrlng goods to thla line can not foil to be CLOCKS. A larger axsortant than at any other eAahllehment MELODEONS. ,I , lty, and I wet. all A nolondid astiortnnnt of Prlnco'x Melodeonx, the boat to the world. A splendid aesortment of all kinds of Accordoonx. His coda 1,11 meat has lately been fitted up, and In now second to nano In New York and Phllndelphla. and ahead of nnythlugontsldo the large cities. Ile hoe n target ?dock of fa+hlou lade ;peels In Ids than all °there In Lehigh count• combined. To cony Pico yournel yen of the above call 11114 h., TO)irz TA KG 11,ST ST,( I GREAT INDUCEMENTS To hay all your furniture :it the Issgost furulturo store In town or HEIMBACH, HELFRICH & CO., 732 lIANIILTON ST., ALLENTOWN. 'rho. hit, roreutly put It: :t NIA3It Al!. PLATII•(iLASS null have otherwise todurord their fortlitteo for koepluo en Loud the Ittror,t -tool: 14 the city Their le EG ANT FURNITURE t L. tounnfortured In ?het , loon cArtaLlislingcnt, under their own 0 ,, i0 and In warrant ed in be Mr /o/d in the market. An lu,bectlon of their ,tork trill convince ha) er, nl the tol vannige of bnytug from noon 11,11nleich. Helfrich .11 GI. In lonfArtnro KITTLE'S I'ATENT SP/lINII BED. nud 3/11 kohl ugouts fir that Ruperlor bed. Guilt and Mel' 11. Hemet/11,er The Mammoth Glass Front. PACIFIC GUANO CO . CAPITAL, $1,000,000.. JOHN S. BEESE & CO., 12 SOUTH DELAWARE AVE., Are Exclubive SOLUBLE PACIFIC Are Uue::cened Are Unequalled Are Superb REDUCED PRICES. No terfilirer Introduced to the rartnere of tho Middle and Southern States has given more genet al and uniform sat larantion than this guano. Are Unsurpassed . . . Tlio truth, In It hen ateadlly Increased nntll tho conaump !lon naw throughout th o u entire country far exccodn that or any other tortilla°, Are Faultkvi The Wage capttalluvolved In ❑a production elforde the eureht guarameo to its continued excellence. The cony patty has a far greeter interest In the permanence of•II, trade than any number of consumers can have : hence It Is the highest Interest of the company to rat their belt fertillm N in the Market. that their n•nal facilltlex, aided by the heat nylon title ability. sac priaince. Thin guano Io hold at retail by ageute of the coin• pony throogbont Nem Jorepy, . polulynr, Penniylvania pa d the Southern State, and al wholchale by Arc Income irablu Are Admirable JOHN S. REESE d: Co., LIBERAL DISCOU NT TO DEA LERS = - pi MIASMA AND NUN UMBRELLAS 1 all the newest Myles, Lama and real Lam cover: and Pummels especially for Lace covers, our motortmant of winsP and Fancy Good. Is uqualled. and the prices as the lowest. Parasols TA eta to $l.-0.2.5-11uod, atl.f4l, (0-42.50—up VA CU; bilk Umbrella. , ,!, 0.11, 41.hU Ilr2.00; Rain Umbrella., from tAI eta. and upwards. Von will save both time and money by gin. leg tns a call. All goods guaranteed of it superior quality and to Ira as represented. H. DIXON, 21 South Eighth Street, Between Market and Chestnut Streets, East Side, I'IIII,AADELPHIA. ttpr2 PARENTS TAKE NOTICE TIIAT AT TIIE BUTEN BOOK S'l ORE Tar WILL ALWAYS MD FOIL SALE ALL HINDS Or SCHOOL BOOKS, • BLANK BOOKS, COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. The tints Is ogitin here for children to prepare or . SCHOOL ! gl i ,7e: p g , ;h o e n hand aid for:ra'e everything they w ant SCHOOL ROOM. OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW • nice,nnpwhere In school. give them just what they mus have to 1 DON'T FOROLT. AND REMEMBER TIIAT TIIE BOTEN BOOK STORE IS THE PLACE 'lO BUY ALL KINDS OF School Books at the Lowest Prices. LEISENRING, TREXLER & CO., Gil Ilarnillon. St., Allettlown.Pu. aertHfd GMEITO books publlebed. Need for clrculnrr. BIBLE 11110VIE11Q. Pnbl!sheri, 75 Bleeeket Street, • , eon door west of r 4419 r; N ALLENTOWN, PA. CLOCKS GOLD WATCHES SILVER WATCHES ACCORDEONS GENERAL AGENTS OFFICE PH I LA I/EL PH I A GUANO General Agents for the Company 'or the Labieti. $4O fIioLEAN .1: HOOPER $4O IMPROVED ELASTIC. !TI SS itch Family Sewing Machine The Beet nod Chenceet le market, nod excel. In the fel Ii w log pelnto: UNEQUALED SI MPLICIT i. QUIETNESS OF OPERATION, EASEOF MANACIEMENI, • RAPIDITY OF EXECUTION, NON•LIADILITY TO DROP STITCHES OR BREAK THREAD. SIMPLICITY OP TENSION AND APPLYING ATTACH MENTS. And Ita knoll Ides liabh, to rip In use or wear than the "Shuttle" Mitch. while It can be worn really taken out If doalred. TheIIIcLEAN SE !TOOTER. will Stitch, Hem, Fell,Tnok Quilt, Cord, Hind, B.'to, Braid, Embroider and Gather In :t most approved manner. 46rALL MACHINES WARRANTED WM. BLOECKLY & CO, I= OIS HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN fol,lo-I,law WEED H 11\ : ( ALA( HUBER & FRITZ, Agts., Allentown I=l BEST SHUTTLE MACHINE OU7 ! g rThat hat th lb ey will toakil a Stitch aillreon bath Rides I . y HMI I FEEL! HIND! CORD I IlltAl I) I RUFFLE! TUCK 1 QUILT! OEM STITCH I ()ATOM?. AN I/ SEW ON AT TH E SAME TIM F. EA S I ES'I".i.'ERMS ! to addition to sal thin thoy aro Equally Good for Flo, flurry Work. HUBER & FRITZ I= mtl7 24-91 n WHEELER. m VeILSON'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES Leave Poltavalc ut 900 a. m., and 230 p. m. Herndon xt PO n, ui. Shamokin at 640 and 1116 a.m.Ashland t 70.5 n. In. and 1241 noon, Habana) , City at '7 51 a. m. sod 1 p. m. Tamaqua at 895 a. w. and 210 p. m. for Philadelphia, 'New York. Reading. liarriahnrit. Ac. Leave Pottsville la Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road at 817 a. tn. fur Harrisburg, and 11 45 u. m. for Pine grove and Tremunt• Ileadiug Accommodation Train leaves Pottsville at 640 a. In., passes Reading at 730 a. m., arriving at Philadel phia at 10 20 a. m. Returning, leaves Philadelphla at 616 p. tn. , pawing Reading at 755 p. m., arriving at Putts• ville alp 40 p. to. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pottstown at oso u. m. lieturntug, leaves Philadelphia at 490 p. us. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7 :Ma m and 8 15 pm for Ephrata, edit., Lancaster Culembia, Ac. Perkionteu Railroad Train. leave l'erklomen Junction at 717, UPI a tn. 3 Ottnd tloo.p tn. Returning. leave Schwenksville at 0 Ai, 8100 m, 1251 noon and 446 p er, connecting will, ramilar trains on Heading Railroad, Colobruokd ale Railroad trains bravo Pottstown at 010 a ut and I 15 and 0 4.7 ti in; returning leave Mount Pleasant at 7 Oa, 11250 1 n, and 380 in counecttng with almllar trains ea Reading It. It. Cheater Valley Railroad Val. leave Bridgeport at 830 In and 2 tis and 532 p in; returning, leave It ~w ningtoo at n4O tit, 1245 Mill 6'21 P to, connecting with nimilar trams on Rustling Railroad, ttu Sundays: leave New York at 600 p m, Philadelphia at 0 itu it to and 3 15 p m (the 800 a m Wahl running only to Reading). leave Pottsville ut 800 a In, Harrieburs at 240 to, and 2 01 pm, AliolltUNCu at 425 and 83.5 pm, Heading at 7 1.1 atn and 050 p for Harrisburg, at 432 a in fur Now York, at 7 20 a m fur Allentown. and 415 p m for Phlla• delphia. C0.{1111111,000. Mileage, Benson, School and Excnrsion Tickets, to and trout all points, at reduced rates. baggage checked through; hitt pounds allowed each Passenger. J. R. WOOTTER, JOHN WOOD, I seta 14 ly Asst. Supt. & Eng. Mach'rtr. ARE TILE rvEsT OVER HALF MILLION NOW IN USE! They have mood the teat of twenty yeare use, and It to no experiment to purchoso one. SOLI) ON TIIE INSTALMENT PLAN. Call at the seleeroom and examine them, whether you wleh to purchaee or uot. • PETERSON & CARPENTER GENERAL ACJENTS, 014 CHESTNUT STREET, One 25•1 y iticchanics. r iboNSHOHOCK EN BOILER AN I) col I. WORKS I=l t'LIBE. FLUE AND CYLINDER BOILERS BATH AND STEAM CIRCULATING BOILERS. All kinds of Wrought Iron Coils, Tnyera for Biala Fur nace. Btmometera, Smoke Stack., Blast Pipes, Iron Wheel barrows, and everything In the Boller and Shoot Iron line. Alan. all kinds of Irodull Stool Foratous and Blacksmith work, Miners' Took khol, rolt h no Whom Buckets, Picks, Driilx, Moll in. Sledgor. Sc. . • . !laving a Steam Hammer nod aut of tentx of all kinds and .killed workmen, 1 flutter.toreelf that I can torn on work with prontraneex and dihpa tell, oil of which will b. warranted to hnfind-eine, Patching Butlers, and repairing uoorrall y, atrlctly at ended tu. taw 17 (clothing, GREAT ATTRACTION NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! CLOTHING ! CIPTHING GRAND SPRING AND SUIVIRR OP RIVING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. OSNIUN & CO., SUCC,TRorB to 314.1 gar & Intel, BARGAINS GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM IN REIMER'S BUILDING. NO. 605 HAMILTON STREET, • ALLENTOWN, PA. We would Inform the citirena of Allentown and the aur• rounding country that we are prepared with a large Block of goods for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, nod offer them to the public at reasonable price/. To those who boy their Clothiog ready-made, they ore prepared to offer BARGAINS. .IVIIOI,E SUITS MADE TO ORDER! COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cut and mado lo the latent kyle, and by the beet workmen =1 CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES la larger than it ha, been before, and we Intend to Fell at very IiBIALL 1.1101 , 1T6, cud giro our claimers the bane• fit of our low purchnaoe• Great quentitlen and varieties of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And oyerything in ttio lino of • GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS' and CIIILDREN S READY-MADE CLOTHING, CONBTANTLY ON I.IAI D Don't forget the place, No• EKV, Hamilton street, third door above Sixth ',trout. T. thnium. i icon lb SCHOLL mar 24 if ALLENTOWN ROLLING MILL CO .) Suctweort to THAYER, ERDMAN, IVILSON & CO., Mona telureie of STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, BRIDGE CASTINGS, RAILROAD TURN TABLES, MILL GEARING, SIIAF TING, Furnace, Roiling Mill and Mining Work, &c., &c., &c. N. B.—All work guaranteed and delivery prompt. L. 11. GROSS, Sup't. august P-3m M ESLEVAN ILMINGTON, FEMALE L. COLLEGE. W DE, Offers thorough tostraction, comfortable accommoda tions, and metal ovarsight of the health, manner.. and morale of the penile, at reit...noble carom. Patties alon will begin September Ilth, 1671, I. catalogue or Information, addrees REV. JOHN WILSON, President. A. U.. angltPlutri9 i • 1871. IJIERIVIIT D SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Leave Allentown for Newyork. via Central Railroad of New Jersey, nt OW, 706•, 80D. and 11 Ed a in, and 1210, 5115 p. in. For New York, vin Morris & F.enex Railroad, at 600 and 11 85 a in, and 3 45 p m. For Nanunka Chunk and Belvidere all 90 a in. and 895 P F ur Lainbertvllle and Trenton at 600 and 11 65 am, and ASI p m. Fur Eastln at 909, 705., 800, 930 and 11 66 a m; 12 ICr. 9 4.5, 585, 0 55 and 919 pm, For P N h lindelrth in, via orth Penn Railroad, at 6 CO, and 11 :6a tn, 035.965 and Slap m For Catattanqun & Foglesville It. R., 833 a m and P Wttr Coplay at 835 and 19 18 a tn, 4 15, 6113 and 7 65 p tn. For Mauch Chunk at 035, 1007 a tn. ISM 4 25 and 7 55p ut. For Pittston, at 993 and 1007 m, 425 m. For Waverly, Owego, Elmira, Auburn and Bnffalo, at 10 87 a to pre..“ Train.) For Hazleton at 685 and 10 07 am, and 411 m. For andeuried at 10 07 m. For Mahattay Cit) at a :is and 1007 t am. and 4Z p tn• For lilt. Carmel ut OXi and 10 07 a n. TIAIIIP with a star 1•) elan from East Penn Junction. R. H. SAYRE Bup`t & Bog . 140 - onTiz rENNSYL-W it a v it i oAlk VANIA LAtLROAD. FALL ARRANGEMENT. Passengers for Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley R. IL train% pes+ing Allentown at 6 00, 800 and 11 55 na. and 515 and 612 p tn. , and arthe In Philadelphia at 8 50 . • m, 2 15, 815 and 10 20 P. m. Also Lehigh and 15usqueh•nn• Railroad tralim or 2 45 and 840 p. m., and arrive in Phila delphia at 5 91 and 81.5 p. m. LOCAL SCHEDULE. 181 x Through Train. Daily, Sundays Excepted. Passenger trains lea's° the depot Northwest corner Pork. and American streets. Philadelphia, For Allentown at 805 and p 43 a. m., 2 CO, 320, 4 03 and 513 p m. Pala, ears are attnch,•d to the Ba. to. train. For Doylestown nil3o a. cu., 2 30and 4 fld P m. For Fort Washington at 7 and II a at, 8 (nand II 90 p m. For Abington at I 91 and 290 p. tn. For Lansdale at 630p.m. Trains for Philadelphia. Leave Bethlehem at 621, 8 WA. m., 1215, 915, 800 and 830 R . I. Dorlestortn at 83. i a. m., 300 and 600 D. m. I.auxdala at 601 a. m. Furl WaKblngton at 830, 1030 a. m., 210 and 91 O. m. • Abington at 215 a nd fl 25 p. m. ON SUNDAYS. Lel ye Bethlehem for Ph Undelphie 11 1 00 p. m. Doylebiew .. •• 45 n. m. Lent, Philmlelphlo. for Bethlehem at gal a. m. for Doylegtown at 2CU p. to. Fan:—Alleutown to l'hiladelphle, 51135. ELLIS CLARK, Allot A LEEN TOWN PASSENGER RAIL WAY. TIME TABLE. On and art°, SATURDAY, Jnly let, 1371, care will run to oil Value on the Lehigh Valley end Lehigh and &mine- Intone, Philadelphia St Reading lEaeb l'onn Junction) Itallrondx, and to the Allentown Furnace, leaving the non, Hamilton and Ninth ntroeln, ae follows: For L. V. L. &S. E. Penn. Furnace. Leave For A M A. M. A. M. A. M. A M. 6311 735 0 411 940 940 6 ur 7 1.1 9 41 10 30 II 30 7 37 11 W II 21 7 47 P. M. P. M. 917 1 011 140 11 30 I'. M. ' P. M. 330 4 IU ^_l,s 111 l 5 OU "335 P. M. 5 15 3 45 7 UU "7 35 2 65 to MI •• 3 .1.5 3111.) 10 Pay Dare & tialutrd'• :to ONLY 7 30 B9O 9 10 The above care ruu to all the paavonaor trains on the ahoy° rondo. . . . . • Tim 5 3.7 car taktot parrengers from the 603 P. H. trltln mud Om 73i car runs to littllttlo Exprovt IL. V.) 8 121 1 . U. FARE TEN CENTS. Children under ten yearn of sp. Five Cents. Ticket, can ho purchased of tho conductors on the care, or of the Troenurer, In packages of 7 for LU eta. or 14 for hi. Ticaotn received only for pliewengere, nut for trunks or packages. litirl'aseengere are requested not to ride on the plat form e when there is room Weide. REAI7OING •RAIL• ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, MAY 15, 1871. • Great Trunk Lino from tho North and North-Wont for Milne olphia, Now York, Reading, Potterllia. Tamaqua, Ashland. Shamokin, Lebanon, Al' Wotan, Easton, Eph rata. Lai,. Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. .. , . Tram, leave Harrisburg for New York as follows; at 2 40, 810 0. m., and 200 p. m.. connecting with similar truing on Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York al 10 05 a. tn., 3GO and 080 p. m. respectively. Stooping Cars accompany tbo 240 a. m. train without change. Returning leave New York at 900 a. m.. 1233 noon and 500 p, to.; Philadelphia at 7 30. 830 a. m. and 330 P• m• Sleeping Corn accompany the 600 p• m. train from New York without change. lflLeavo Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Aabland, Shamokin, Allentown, and Phila. .delphla at 810 a. M. 200 and IPSp. m stopping at Leba• non and principal way stations ; the 4 0 6 pm. train con• necting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Anbarta, •I• Soho kill and and Susquehanna Railroad lease Harrisburg at 340 East Permaylvanla Railroad trains leave Reading for Allentown, Easton and New York at 4 32, 1030, a. m , and 403 p m. Returning, leave Now York at 900 a. m., 1231 noon nod 5 00 p. to.. and Allentown at 73) a. tn., 1223 noon, 215, 4 26 and 835 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaven Philadelphia at 7 30 a. m.., connecting with similar train on East l'onna, Railroad; returning leave Reading at ti . X p m., stopping at all Sill, 10n5.... . . I=l lATANACQUA AN DEE= FOLIELSVILLE R. R. for APRIL THIRD. 1871, Paasanger Tral Lehigh gol•Illa Railroad will run In col i Valloy, Lahigh Suagoahaana Railroad. an followe: STATIONS. Ild st saithaut Ith tic Penu. e Wen • li the C tion Bawl I Train 7 41 7 46 C SL og train svet leaven Catanaugua on the arrlva It. It. Pasaonger train from Mauch Chunk. . . . . Easton, Bethlehem and All town, ancient:meta at Albrir. tin with o on the East Pennsylvania 12.13„f0r Read ing, Pottsville, Harrisburg and Philadelphia, and also with a train fur Allentown, Bethlehem. Easton. Tito teeming tr.du Eastconn,cin at Albottla wile .rains on E. P. 11 It. from Harrisburg, Pottsville heading and Allentown, end at Cata-auqua with train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad for Manch Chunk, Wilkesbarre, Scran ton Philadelphia and New York. 'llto 1 15 P 3l train West conneetaat Alberti. with train, on the East Penn. Railroad for Reading, Pottsville, Har risburg, Philadelphia, Allentvwn, Bethlehem, glutton. and New York; arrive In Philadelphia via Reading at 6 IS p. In. The Evening train East leaves Al-Bartle on the arrival of a train from Allentown and of a train making connec tions nt Reading with train. from Philadelphia, Harris burg, Pottsville, Ac., and connects with local paseenger train on the L. V. R. R. at Cataaauqua for Allentown, liethioliem and Easton. ..• • . Persons wishing toito to AllootOwn can take the morn ing train West to AI-Bunts, arrive et Allentown 015 a m, and return by a tralo on the East Pennsylvania Railroad, easing Allentown at 4 p. to. . . MUM T HE PEYSON POUDRETTE! Nn nufnel tired and Sold for 21 Years ! Planters', Farmers' and Gardeners' Friend For COTTON. try It I For TOBACCO. try It ! For WilEAT,try It I For OATS, try It I For CORN,try it I Far BARLEY. try It! For liTE,try It I For Vegetables, Fruits and Flowers. no better FERTIL IZER Is KNOWN at the resent day. A NATURAL MANURE I NO ADULTERATION I Made from privy depoelt, or night soil Free I rom moll, Pleasant to handle. Each cart load when taken from tho well deodorized. . . Report of Cho beat practical agriculturists awl chemists 'of Europe and America : . . . . without any tostuuro has produced three times the quantity or the need sown ; havylelded, with a alight an- Plicallon of the proper manures, from Decayed Vegetable Matter 7 times ill own mead titable manure 71.6, • Pigeon '• 6 1.6 •• " florae " • o 11.100 O nano • • 10 1.7 .• Fluid Stereos, or Night 8011—.12 11 100 " " Solid Stereos r Poudratte 14 11 100 One ton of POUDHETTE Is equal to one ton of Guano, at one quarter Its cost. lon ask. Whet are the rut vantages of ue(ng Poudrettel produces the largest crops. 2. It enrich. your /and. 1t lane quickly OM tho need noWn.and continues to show itself In the eutt for years. 4. For trolls and vegetables, applied as per directions to pamphlet, It cannot be our pnsnrd t da The p b ri e n el a .ff falel'reeVer the vEi per ' too, y. put up In bap, and delivered at any railroad depots or ateamboat laud inns In the city. All orders addressed to I'EYSSON POUDRETTE MANUFACTURINO CO., ISuccessors to A. Pteeeox & STEWART & CO.) NO. 420 LIBRARY BTREET, (Hoorn No. 13 Goldsmith.' Galli PHILADELPHIA, PA. Will meet with prompt attentions or farmers near the oily can send their own teams to our works on Gray's Perry Road. neat U. 8. Arsenal, where we deliver la bulk, at 40 cents a bushel or EIU a ton; or para.,s haying the ad•ttutages of chipping, can send semis to our work•., and set thl same in bulk. at $lO per ton. aug3o.3t w) WILTBERGEWS FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are warranted equal to any made. They aro prepared from the/ruffs, and will ho found much better than many of the Extract, that aro cold. •• • . .14 - Alek your Grocer or Drugglst for Willberger's Extrocta. 13A.RLOW'S INDIGO BLUE without doubt, the best article la the market, for blueing clothes. It will color more water then four times the mane weight or Indigo, and mach more than any other tonsh blue In the market. The only genuine le that put up at ALFRED WILTBERGER'S DRUG STORE, No. 2G NORTH SECOND STREET, PA The L•BeLS hiIVO both WILTIMIR(1111011 and BAILOW'S name ()rover.m. all Druggistscounter/Mt For sate by marl and WILTBERGERT INDELIBLE INK befound !Hal robe's superior article. Always on band for Dale at rean.nablo price.. Pat Ground !DICES, Genuine MEDICINE, Chamole Skins, Sponge. Tapioca, Pearl. Sago, it..d all articles In the drug Due at ALFRED WILTDEIMI ER'S DRUG STORE,' jar...29.1y No.= North Second lit., Phila., Pa. FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT J. & W. JONES, No. 432 Norfh Front Sired, Philadelphia; Pa BRANCO Orr IClt, COB. 9rn AND 3111111. Dye Silks Woolen' and Parley Goods Of every dearth lion. Their superiority of Dyeing Ladies' sod Gentle- WOO S Garments le widely known. Crepe nod Merino Shawls dyed the most brilliant and plain colors. Crape and Merino Shawls cleansed to look like new. Also. ci e w e men , s Apparel, and Curtains, clammed or re-dyed. Kid Gloves Giellll.ll or dyed to look like new. and look at err work before going elsewhere. atm 24.2uk0 w Voilorabo. VALLEYamillow;i Trains CATASAITQUA, 33 •SZIPLE'S, as •JORDAN BRIDGE, 39 GO'll'S 34, WAL 'I BERT'S, . 29 MIAMIAN'S, 19 TREXLEFITOWN, 07 BREINILISVILLE. 06 *SPRING CREEK, 17 AL-1111RM. 37 I= C. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. •nd Engineer ESTABLISHED IN 1810. Prafeszionai (tarbS. J— AMEN &MERV, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, No. 23 It et Han.iltoa street, neeond lonr or Lion Rail. Allentown. Po. topeclai attnntion given to nollectioneL mar 17-1 y JAR. P. DIMAT. F. U. Dome,. N. FIERY, ATTORNEY AT Ir, A IV. " • BIRRY & DORIIRY. Cnl.l.e rtn■ AND Rill. ESTAVIN AtIVINTP. •ND CONVIITANORMR, No, e2B IBRmllloo htremt. secoud 11. r. Allnalown, Po. 0710• dhw MT D. LUCKENBACH, ATTOR • NEV AT LAW. (formerly practiced In "eel. cnnnty). 01 Hamilton street, senond liner. near) the Cowl House. Allentown, Pa. Mar 1.. ro• the German Immune • I — la LINK & RA EDWIN. ATTORNEYN 11. AND COPNRELLORB AT LAW, Allentown, Pa. Office. No. 61 Rant Ilamilloo Creel, C. H. RUN[. F.l. 1111111 E. ATTORNEY AT LAW, • ALLENTOWN. PA . Omen, No. 60 East 1.44m , 1t0n meet. SiS - Can be consulted In (Jarman. Jan 14 (Z.EORGE 111. RU . PP ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with Ilan . John D. Stile., Allah I.,Wn. ELIAS MERTZ. ALDERMAN. SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR Triz SALE OF REAL ESTATE, EA Went Romllton St.. Allentown. PA W 11. N. YOUNG, JR.. (WITH KNOWLTON. @KITH 8 NOALEII.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooms 4.3, 46,46 and 47, No. MU WanMogloo 6tr•nt, CM toga. Jane 30 WILLIAM H. GLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CATASAUQUA, LEIIIOII COUNTY PENNA, may 10.17 TOIIN 0. BOWMAN. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Room 0. N 0.610 Wal nut ntroet, Yhllaoalvhln. mar Mr (1 EMCEE K. WILSON. ATTORNEY • T AT LAW, No. an Hamilton street. Prledensbole Building, opposite Llon Hall, Allentown. Collections promptly made In Lehigh and Northampton counties DR. C. C. H. GULDCY, SURGEON DENTIST. Mire, over Mrs. M. A. 0. OuWin ■ Trimming Store, No.St Snot Hamilton streot, Allentown _E V I SINOYER, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE, MILLERS TOWN, LEHIGH CO., PA. Particular attention paid to Insolvent and decedent °elates. Jan 6-17 90110 MAN B. NIETZGAR, ATTOR NEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. .0111,e, No. 62 East Hamilton street. , may •1)•'119 EORGE B. SCRAM. ATTORNEY klif AT LAW. °like, Find dour above Law Alley; AL LENTOWN, PA. way 21.6 m VIDWARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY 111 AT LAW. °Mee, with Ilea. Samuel A. Bridges, ALLENTOWN. PA. may 1-ly TORN RUPP. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, N. K Corner 6th and Hamilton Streets ALLEN TOWN, VA. may 147 ADA M WOOLEVEIL. ATTOKA AT LAW. Office. opponite the Court House, AL LENTOWN. PA. may My RCL AV HA INERNLY,A TTORN EY • AT LAW CATASAUQUA PA. Jan 14-'6.8-tf, , EDWIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, eight door, above tho Court lion., AL LENTOWN Lehigh county. Pa. lob 10-'Gtbly QAMUEL A. BLITZ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ()Met, No. CH Hamilton street: over lichral• Imes •toro, ALLENTOWN PA. (dl.w MORRIS L. KAUFFMAN, ATTOR NIT AT LAW. O. second door of the Pint National Bank building, ALLENTOWN, PA. Collections made to Lehigh and ■diulntag conntles. Can be coneullaid nthe lindllah and Getman lanicasies. sop 14.17 A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S CIALUPORNLA. VINEGAR BITTERS hr Hundreds of Thousandsd 181 Pl' a 9. • • a t; :i . E a; 4 ° I r s E.,.1 75/F g • e Oa s 3 Vo w 41 e gtg. oa a ET Ilrgg oEs TREY' ARE NOT A VILE 41 a a FANCY DRINK. ;lig Malts or Poor num. Whiskey, Proof Salvias and Bence Liquor, doctored, spiced and sweet. cued to please the taste, called Tonics?. Appetis ers," Restorers;' that lead t h e tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a troo Medicine, made from the Native Roots And herbs of California, free from nil Alcoholic Btimolnnu. They aro the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER sand A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLES perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring Ilho blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according so dire°. Mon and remain long unwell. 8100 will be given 'brim incurable cue, provided the bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other mean., an .o vital orzana touted beyond the point of repair For lutlumen.g or y ana unroof° Inseams. Gem and Gout, Dyspepsia, ur Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and intermittent Fevers Di of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most enema fut. Such Diseases aro caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Diseatlve Organs. DYSPEPSIA OIL INDIGESTION, Mad ache, Palo in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste In the Mouth, Bilious Attach, Palpitation of the heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Dale In the lotions of tho Kidneys, and &hundred other poiniul symptoms, are the offiprings of Dyepepsia They invigorate the Stomach and etimulate thu tor yid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled eMcsoy In cleansing tho blood of all impurities, and Impertint DOW life end vigor to the whole system. FOIL SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Totter, Balt Itheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Dolls, Car• bandies, Bing• Worms, Scald-Head, Bore Eyes, Erysip els& Itch, Scud., Discolorations of the Skin, humors end Diseues of the bkin, of whatever name or nature, ore literally dug up tir.d carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in inch cues will convince the most Incredulous of tholi Curative effect. Ina on k own .. and 5 ft, 5 49 6H 5 39 690 5 20 Cleanao tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find Its imputitlem bursting through tho skin In Pimples. Erup• Dons or Sores; cleanse It when you find It obstructed and sluggish In the veins; cleanse It when It Is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking In the syatem of so many thousands, are effectually destroy. ad and removed. For fell directions, read cariftilly the circular around each bottle, printed fa tour law stiagcs—English,German, French and Spanish. S. WALKER, I'roprlctor. B. D. IdcDONALD d Co., —eaglets and Oen. Agenta, San French, and GI and lw Commerce Street, New Y. SOLD DT ALL DRUGGISTS AND I LUMBER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! ' HOFFMAN'S STEAM SAW MILL • AND LUMBER YARD ! KINDLING! BILLS CUT TO ORDER ! OFFICE AT THE MILL, FRONT AND LINDEN STS. WAITS AND BLACK OAK SAW LOOlll wanted. for which the highest mead price will be peld upon dolle n'. d-w July 124 y STAR. GLANS WORKN, NORRLYTOWN, PA These works are mauaractorlas . A SUPERIOR QUALITY 0 WINDOW GLASS DINGLE AND DOUBLE STRENGTH, PHOTOGRAPH, A com PIC TURE, BU CORRUGATE) ND GLASS, ROUND, MARIA AND OVAL EDAM% to. (Equal to Europeau make.) From the bent 'antedate need, making whiter, doer. moother and tougher glas• than •ny other made In Ike United Stales. WARRANTED NOT TO STAIN. • J. M. ALBERTSON I==l "THE HILL" INSTITUTE POTTSTOWN, MONTG ONERY CO., PA Cluelcel. Scientific. Artistic and Commercial. Location admirable. Twentieth Annual &melon, Thor ritige"sl"a""on ror euoiro!tifillir•e. M. REFERINCES— Rev. Drs. Mein% chaera, nci lLit . a, Krauth.• Seine, flatter, etc., eta /Icng. Judge t. Raw /dyers, J.. S. Yost, B. M. Boyer. Rawl Thayer etc. ate, July A I= .i 'll..