The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, July 19, 1871, Image 2

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    4,e YetiglZ gtOttr.
Of Benner County.
Of Schuylkill County.
ECUTIVE CoulutrrEz.—A meeting of the Republi
can Executive Committee of Lehigh County will
be held at the Eagle Hotel in the city of Allentown,
on Saturday, the 22d of July Inst., at 2 o'clock p.
In., for the purpose of making arrangements for
the organization of the Republican party for the
coming campaign. A full attendance is respect
fully requested. By order of
Wm. J. Roam+, Chairman.
The following are the members of the Commit
First Ward—Herman Behan.
Second Ward—J. P. Colver.
Third Ward—Ephraim Grim.
Fourth Ward—Edward Rine.
Fifth Ward—Wm. J. Reichard.
Sixth Ward—Samuel A. Miller.'
Catasauqua—R. Clay Flamersly.
Copluy—A. F. K. Krout.
Emaus—M. \Thant,.
lvilllerstown—James Singmaster.
Slatington—J. L. Schreiber.
Whitehall—Joshua Miller.
Saucon—Charles P. Weaver.
Washington—Gideon Lentz.
Lower Macungie—George Ludwig.
Heidelberg—H. 11. Hunsicker.
North Whitehall—A. P. Dalllet.
South Whitehall—Samuel Ritter.
Upper Macungie—William T. Breinig
Weisenburg—Elias Werly.
Salisbury—FL Bortz.
Lower Milford—Charles Snottily.
Lowhill—Asher Fatzinger.
Hanover—James K. Mower.
Lynn—Wm. M. Kistler.
Upper Milford—Anthony Mechllng.
This is a question which may be very prop
crly asked of the capitalists of Allentown, for
there seems to be some doubt upon the sub
ject. Why the enterprise is nearlrat a stand
still we cannot conjecture. A very large
amount of the capital stock has been taken and
farmers and sonic others are still subscribing
in small amounts, but the work progresses
slowly. Some of our heavy capitalists who
draw their ten and twelve per cent. from bank
stocks are yet to be heard from. We believe
if they were to give their attention to the en
terprise and thoroughly investigate its pros
pects they would be able to see large dividends
in it. We have it upon the judgment of the
most competent authority that one thousand
head of chile can be sold here weekly. This
is no wild boast, but an opinion arrived at
after the most careful calculation. Taking
this as the basis, does it require any great
arithmetical ability to calculate the amount of
money that will exchange hands in our midst,
the number of strangers who will be brought
to our city, the number of men NOW will have
constant employment, and the increase of gen
eral trade which will be a necessary result?
Those who are at the bottom of the enterprise
think they have a good thing for themselves
as stockholders and an enterprise that will
increase our population, increase the value of
city property, increase the trade of our niter
chants and raise the importance of Allentown
as a Commercial centre. Thev have the loca
tion to commence with, which any boy can
tell you is one of the best railway centres in
the State, requiring only capital, energy and
enterprise to make it one of our largest and
busiest cities. Their arrangements with the
railway companies are such as to insure them
successful competition with the stock yards of
lyiiib ould M4'lll , 00lielent
guaranty in itself o the sore success of the
project,' but the committee on subscriptions
have other important items which they arc
Prepared to explain to capitalists. We hope
the Board of Trade will not neglect to hives.
tigate the subject promptly and thoroughly,
and if the committee shall be convinced of the
advantage of the stock yards to Allentown,
that they will heartily recommend it to the
members of the Board of Trade and to the cit
izens of Allentown and Lehigh County. 'rite
trade of Allentown demands a diversity of in
terests. We should not be dependent upon
iron exclusively and as the stock yard is an
entirely new feature, independent of the
iron interest for its business, it behooves our
citizens to give it that support its merits de
Tito New England agriculturists are ex
periencing considerable Inconvenience from
the prolonged diought of last year. Their bay
crop has been very short, and In smite places
standing grass has been gladly bought at
twenty dollars per tom. There lies been much
less rain in New England than here during
the present season, and the fields and gardens
are now showing the unpleasant effects of a
want of rain. In some parts of Connecticut
the corn crop will be almost-an entire failure
unless there is rain very soon. The agricul
tural experience ofeach year Is demonstrating
more and more forcibly the necessity of hav
ing some provision made for averting the dis
astrous effects of prolonged and severe
droughts. Upon almost every farm there ton
he readily had, either front running streams or
front wells, an abundance of water, and our
agricultural friends will be obliged, in self-de
fence, to adopt some •phm by which this wat
er can be made available for their growing
crops. The subject of Irrigation has already
received considerable attention in the West
ern States and on the Pacific Coast, and it
must soon become one of the most imporOnnt
practical questions that press themselveit upon
.the attention of agriculturists'everywhere.
A suniumsrmt trom New York, superin
tending the construction of several new steam
ers on the Clyde, England, in writing home
to a friend, speaks encouragingly of the pros
pects for American ship owners. Ile says tile
English shipbuilders are beginning to lose
money through our competition. The rivalry,
stimulated by an increased demand, is so great
that many of the owners of yards on the Clyde
are going to the wall, and none but the strong
est will be able to hold out against present
prices. The price of Iron is slowly but stead
ily advancing ; an inferior quality Is now in
mmon use, which is often so brittle " that it
s absolutely dangerous to throw it off a truck,
or fear of breaking it ;" the Mice of labor is
ovine upward, and work is badly done; there
s a continual conflict between workmen and
mployers ; and the underwriters discover
hat bad worktnanship and inferior iron arc
uniting the risks upon sea-going ships more
ml more perilous. The American shipmaster
Ito makes these impottact statements goes
n to say that with American mechanics
merican material, " we can take the English
loyd's rules and reduce them 20 p: r cent.
nd build a ship stronger, more durable, and
nsequently more sea•w•urthy, than can now
ie built in any part of the United Kingdom."
THE World was the only paper in New
orlc that fully supported the city govern
ent in their disgraceful surrender to the
oh. Its column and over of special
g was ingenious and well devised, and made
to case very plain for Tammany. Wednes
ay morning it very quietly ate its words, as
tough it relished the meal. It was
- in a very
k.Ward position. •
EARLY in the coming fall, Don. Wm. D.
oily will give to the public, in book form,
is letters and speeches on industrial. and ll
anclal questions. It is needless to say that
.Is promised volume will be awaited with
ore than common Interest.
The Democratic party In several important
campaigns within the past ten pears has had
at the outset an apparently fair chance of suc
cess In the Fall elections, but it has never
failed to cut its own throat. A few gains in
the Congressional delegation is sufficient to
intoxicate It to such an extent that it runs wild,
unrestrained by a single spark of prudence..
The last suicidal act has been committed at
the headquarters of the Democracy' by ono of
its most revered leaders. Mayor Oakey
through the Chief of Police, has forbVlden the
Orange men's parade In the city of New York,
and every American who values liberty at all
feels the Insult to the spirit of our free institu
, lions and Is ashamCd at the sight of America's
greatest city bowing in humble submission• to
the dictates of a mob of Foreigners. The
people look to Tammany as the only exponent
of Democratic principles and many who have
been weak In their loyalty to the Republican
party cry out with one voice against this out-
rage and avow their intention of never desert
ing the only party that will save America to
the cause of Liberty.
The newspapers of New York, with a few
contemptible exceptions, have been unre
strained in their denunciations of the cowardly
surrender of the t ity Government and In an
other column we republish the editorial of the
New York Tribune upon the subject. which
should be read by every one.
THE New York EVening Post of lust eve
ning in commenting on the riots, lins the fol
lowing sharp criticism on the conduct of the
Tammany ring:
The mob yesterday was, after all the threats
and preparations made, so easily and quickly
brought under subjection, and showed,
throughout the day, so little traces of organi
zation, or for any purpose beyond indiscrimi
nate and brutal murder, that it must be evi
dent to those who have read the newspaper ac
counts, as it was clear to those who saw the
rioters, that this was no such formidable affair
as the riot of 1803; and that, had the Mayor and
the Tammany ring shown a firm front on Mon
day and Tuesd4, there would have been but
trifling demonstrations.'
That New York was made anxious and was
disgraced by of riot is due entirely; it is
plain, to the misconduct of the Democratic
politicians who rule the city and mismanage
our affairs. Furious and numerous as the
rioters were, they were not formidable, even
with the encouragement of Order No. 57; and
had the authorities done their duty before
hand, though there would undoubtedly have
been a riot, it would have been more easily
put down than it was, and with less blood
New York was never quieter, according to
all accounts, at least in the respectable parts of
it, than last night. The sharp Irmo))) nt evi
dently terrified the mob.
But is it not a blunder to permit the gather
ing of such an assemblage, evidently bent on
violence, as surrounded the Orangemen's Ball
yesterday tbr several hours': The police, to be
sure, bravely kept this Bilious crowd at bay;
but hist( ad of exhausting these brave men by
obliging them to face n snob in silence and in•
action for several lieu re, would it not have
been hi-tier to order everyboly to "move oti,"
and if they Terused, di,perse the crowd by a
charge c.fthe police? A disorderly assemblage
on the streets is unlawful at any tinie ; and
there could be no doubt of the object of the
mob which yt , terday was permitted to worry
and exhaust the police knee by collecting
around the Orange 11101.
rhe Widow of a ladled Males Army
Officer life Criminal—A General of
the fulled
1" Ntatem Army O
vtnoe Corner
...,6111."9 - , pme
—A Frightful Record orCrimeo,uts
BAurntonE„Tuly IL—The upper circles of
Baltimore society arofearfully agitated to-day,
and nothing of a criminal character which has
occurred in the Monumental City for runny
years has produced so profotind a sensation as
that which startled the community this morn
ing. There is everything in the unusual char
acter or the alleged crime and the proceedings
which have marked its discovery and proseca,
lion to throw around it . the most sensational
interest, and notwithstanding the concerted
efforts of friends, counsel, and officers of the
law to keep secret the (acts, much fins been de
veloped. It is extremely difficult to ascertain
particulars, but enough Is known to satisfy
the public that a charge of the gravt st char
acter now lies against
being nothing less than the charge of murder
and attempted murder by poisoning. The re
porters for the press have been denied by the
authorities the usual means of correctly in
forming themselves as to the butts, much less
the particullirs : but their reticence and de
nials have only served to increase the Bohe
mian desite and deterMination to know the
whole truth- „The public are eager for the full
est accounts, and great disappointment will,
doubtless he experienced when it is ascertained`
from to.morrow's prints what restrictions
have been put upon the wort of the reporters.
The officers who made the arrest t the doc
tors, whose 'testimony Is all-Important ; the
clerks of the court, the friends of the family
and the counsel engaged arc evidently bent
upon having as little made known through the
press as possible. The case is, however, ofthat
all-absorbing interest which will render futile
any efforts to keep it silent. It promises to
equal in startling and frightful developments
the fatuous case of Mrs. Lydia Sherman, of
Birmingham, Conn., and is well calculated to
awaken the most sensational emotions and to
create a feeling of abhorrence. As far as your .
correspondent has been enabled to gather front
the most trustworthy sources and totletermine
front the conflicting statements the following
history of the case may be relied upon : Dur
ing the late war
a native Of and a graduate of
West Point, was stationed in this city as pay
master 01 the United Slates forces of. the Mil
itary Department of Maryland, and after the
war remained here on similar duty until his
death, in 1867. Ile was well known and
made ninny friends. His suavity of manner
was unusual, and he was conspicuous for his
handsome though dressy appearance. It is
said that no officer of the United States army
who ever served at this post was more uni
versant . beloved. His family was among the
most Isiluential fluids native city, his father
having held a high judicial position, and Col.
Wharton was noted as is 7.ealous, efficient, and
unusually courteous official It is now said
by those who knew the cuctuustancea of his
death that they were suspicious, but at that
time no one would have breathe a
whisper that his wife could have turned her
hand in murder. It is remembered well, how
ever, that his death was very sudden, and that
his symptome were peculiar. His remains
were taken to Norristown, Pit., and interred
in his family burial lot. His faintly consisted
of n wife, a son, and R duttgbtrr , whom he
left in very comfortable circumstances and In
occupation of the present residence of his !
widow, Mrs. E. O. W hurtfl, No. 263 North
Eutaw street, In what fashionably known In
Balliincao as " Hamilton Place." His son,
was also an officer of the United Statesservice,
about twenty-seven years of age, and of very
handsome appearance. Soon alter hia father's
death lie resigned his commission, ahil lived
here with his mother and sister. About fifteen
months since he died suddenly, and it is said
by (how who are acquainted with the family
that his symptoms were the scone as those of
his lather. It was remarked at the time by
persons intimately acquainted with hint that
his sudden demise and the character of his
sickness were very strange, but nothing was
thought then of a probability of the ,t deep
damnation of his taking off." About six or
eight weeks before his death he Insured his
life for $lO,OOO, holding a policy in the Mutual
Life Insurance Company of New York, and
another In the Equitable Life Insurance Coln-
of this city. He died a bachelor, and his
mother received the full amount of the poll
des. It was considered at the tinge one of
the most unusual losses of life Insurance com
panies, but it was not intimated that the
mother could have poisoned her Son. Under
the developments which have been recently
made the belief has grown strong, however,
that Mrs. Wharton caused the death of her
husband and son by the subtle but pottnt
agency which it is known alio pas exercised
effectually R Mtn the past month. At the
death of both her husband and son she cx.
lalbited the greatest grief, and there was noth
ing in tier conduct to lead to a suspicion. She
continued to. enjoy the friendship and con
fidence of a large circle of refined and influ
ential associates. and lived In comparative
affluence, though in n rather retiring manner..
Her daughter, Miss Nellie 'Wharton, a hand.
some young lady of twenty-three years, was
taken suddenly ill in a month or two after her
brother's death, and continued in a critical
condition for some time. It Is said now that,
she had symptoms of poisoning, and that her
sufferings were similar to those of her father :
and brother. Nothing positive, however, can
as yet be ascertained by the members of the
press In reference to the causes of the deaths
of the husband and son slid the sickness of
the daughter, on account of the extreme reti
cence observed by every member and friend
of the family, and.the family physician, Pro- 1 Know-Nolhinsi Enrolled.
fessor Richard McSherry, of the University'
. A thensand men, it. is reported. have been
of Maryland. enrolled in a Know-Nothher L0(1. , e in the
There seems to be on nil sides a disposition I „,„ , „ =• , ,-• i
1 ;mina ic ern, while the 'a emfears, an organi•
to suppress. for the present at least, the true • .. ._ .
1 viten) id 1 amng A mericans,have been levived,
history of the ease, and to risk the publication
of erroneous necounts rather than enlighten Mob Dispersed al the Rioters'
the public by any disclosures The work of
Mrs. Wharton in the destruction of her family At Hibernia Hall, the headquarters of the
is involved in mistery •, but what 111 hes rioters, a large mob Wan dispersed by the me
effected within the past three weeks is clear I lice, all of the gang running like sheep as soon
and more within the reach of legal investiga i as the officers appeared.
Hon. After a careful analysis of the ninny 'rite Police Attack a Crowd MCNlght
varying reports, the following appears to your . fie,ers.
correspondent to embrace the materinl points 2.13 P. M.—At half-past one o'clock n large
of the case : , crowd had collected at the corner of Tenth
' Among the oldest. nod most intimate friends ' street and Broadway, at A. T. Stewart's
of the late Colonel Wharton WM , , store, to see the procession pass. A body of
oKNEitAT, WILLIAM SCOTT nwrcittlm, ' police, mounted and on foot, made au attack
a distinguished officer of the United States I on the crowd, and needlessly clubbed many
armymnd a Brother-in law of Postmaster Gen- I persons. Ono man is said to hnve hod his
end Price, but at the time of his death was on , skull fractured. The pavement weir read WWI
the retired list. Ills relations of Intimate 1 blond after the crowd was scattered.
friendship with the mother and daughter of
The Pavane and Elot.
his old companion in antis continued after the '
death of Colonel Wharton and his son, add : The Orangemen formed in line in Twa•nty
some time since he advanced to Mrs. Wharton ninth-st„next Eighth-ave.,at 2 o'clock. Their
I the sum of $2.600, and tonne her note for that : number was Mann 00 persons. At their head
amount. On the 1 23i1 of last. month General ' was their Mat - shill, John - Johnston, mounted;
Ketchum arrived front Washington, and int I next stood Twy ford's band, 12 pieces ; next,
mediately went to the residence of Mrs. What - - • the master of the Lodge, James I). Askin, and
ton, intending to incite Iter a brief visit and, it , after him the other officers ; the colors, carried
is said, to request the payment of the note lie :: by Patterson 'Tess, were the Stilts and Stripes
held. , with the inscription,- "True Sons of Liberty.
On the 2 4th of last month, the day after his I Lodge 22, A. P. A;" n tanner was ads° cat ri.
arrival, he was taken v intently sick. Dr. P. C. ' ed, bearinX the words, "American Freemen,
Williams Was called in, as the family physieinn , Fall in 1" Gen. J. M. Varian and staff arriv•
was absent front Baltimore, but his elfot - ts I 0 upon the ground at this time, in advance
failed to relieve hint, and on the 28th of June ' 11 the regiments detailed for escort duty. The
about three o'clock ill the afternoon he died. ' excit einent,,lsith winos and Without the fines
His remains were taken to Washington by his of the police, greatly incrensed at sight of the
relatives, and his funeral took place on the troops. In about half an hour the column was
30th ult., full Recounts being given in the news-fiarmed, and legal the march. The windows
papers at the thane. A brief biographical . and roofs of the houses in the vicinity were
sketch of him appeared at the same time. (weepied by people overlooking these prepa-
Mrs. Wharton numbered among her frientia rations. The approach of the troop:4'llnd lwen
in this city a'young man named Eugene Van greeted with taint cheering from snout quer-
Ness, a son of Colonel Van less, who was I terS—heard londeait when the 22d loaded their
stationed here during the late War as it pay- 14, ces with ball and cartridge ; but a sullen
master, and a bookkeeper in the well known stillness generally prevailed. The v , ry air
banking hones of Alexander Brown & Sons, seemed oppressed with a sense of impending
corner of Baltimore and Calvert streets. Ile bloodshed. The Orangemen were pale, though
Ihad known Mrs. Wharton and her family for deterniined. Officers of police and of militia
several years, and trasiteted lunch of her bush- hastened to and fro, regulating the movement
nen for her. On the 24th of last month, while of the forces, showing as they did so, it con
' Gen. Kaden= lay ill at Mrs. Wharton's reef- Fciousness that serious work was befide them.
dame, Mr. Van Neva called to pay an evening , As the Orangemen wheeled into the avenue a
visit, and was as cordially 1 eneiyed as on pre- single shot was final from the south-east cor
vious occasions. Several others were also ; tier of Twenty-ninth-st. It took no ime by
present on that occasion, and Mrs. Wharton surprise ; more were expected. The celimin
offered to her guests beer, in which she said moved on, imd was again fired at front the
had been put allow drops of gentiarl(a strong corner of Twenty-eighth-st. A large 11111111., r
tonic). All drank except 3I r. Van Ness with- lor young men were assembled here upon the
out experiencing any sickness. Ile however, top of a wooden shed extending over 1: eside•
was soon taken violently sick, nod Or, Chew Walk. They instantly began scrainblmg to
being ammonia], declared dull he was too , get within the house, while the troops oppa
ill to he removed. A milk punch was pre- i site thrvateningly regarded thi in, and the
scribed and ielininist ered, by WllOlll it has policemen merest made a rush into the door.
1 been impossible far your corrp
e.ondent to At the
next corner was it similar collection
ascertain. After Mr. Van Ness had emptied. of men upon a shed, cr woialen awning, as
' the cup it was noticed by a person present. I scudded evidi ntly for hostile purposes. They
that in the bottom lay while sediment. At-' were warned to go in, many of the troops
tention being railed to it, it lady present 1 pointing their gulls. - I livy retired hastsly, and
(your correspondent Was unable to ascertain : vet with defiant expressions. '.troth, r shot
positively that it was Mrs. Wharton) said : , was tired from near Twenty-sixth c., and
"It is nothing but some white sugar." A . shines were thrown at the procession, and
relative of Mr. Van Ness standing near then i then it se( mud that a general street lido was
lasted it, and finding it unpalatable set the begun. The troops warmed with the excite
dly as - de. When an opportunity offered the nient (.1' battle. The police Ensiled an by
sediment was carefully removed and takea to stand, rs off the sidewalks with n sti'fl'es chiti
n competent chemist, who after examining it i bing in many cases. and all along alt' line or
well, pronounced it tartar emetic. This rues dens were shouted to the people lookmg out
was cominunitated to the relatives and friends from their houses to close their IN iMI , Ms.
or Mr, 'Van Ness, and he was treated aceor- - I - here Was a sudden shimming i ll blinds IN , an
dinghy. The discovery of the violeet emetic the first to the fifth stories or the hoeses in
• and the fact of Gen Ketchum's staid , n illness two or three blocks. Detachment , : of police
and death created a suspicion of crime. At made 101114 e, into the side streets, driving
lhat time General Icetchum - s remains were in back the angry tied) and airesting numerous
Washington, unburied, Sod by regal( st Pl', IlillMidalls VAlTyillg 11iSMIS awl other weapons
I instil- Wallkill E. Aiken, or the Citiveisity of - Whigi'llic Oran_teinen were opposite 'riven-
Maryland, proceeded to analyze the stonier -1i ty-fourth st., the column fora momi•lit.
olthe da ei lased officer. After IL thorough and Immediately niter the halt a shot was tired
etieful analysis he discovered : frOin nn upp , r story of a brick building at tlo
TwENTY ottAt:•is or' TARTAR worth-east corner, Simultaneously shins were
Thi • was consid , red strong moor or era.," tit ed at the et h Piegnin•nt from ma , Tv•eoly
, 1.... C... —...s ami ia tire ns yet snown to hid fifth sr, nu lite same side 0 : ille street. - I he
•It few, no further steps were taken. In the ti lilt Itez.inient r , evivial Illi , first Amt, and in
ineaMinte Map Wharton and her dangling' the eoltrush It oh' the nuance Dewy or the
continued their preparation. for :t Enropean Inen l'lnn-d at "I - "Iltd"ws• 34 if OX: eetielz
tour, and had perfect , d their arrangemen's to to tile. In 1111 install one L!:1111 was (W...11111'14-
1 , 11 NM New York on Weilm•sday, July 12. Last I (al, and then followed ail h•tegninr volley
night, however, the officers of the law called I along the line 1.1 . the tint, !lilt, and 64111 Ilegi
upon Mrs. Wharton with two lancli warrants 'ileitis, a feav men loa,llug and tiring a 9 , •conil
issued by the Criminal Court in this city fur time. So suit len was the oreurrenee that the
I her arrest upon the charge of having murder olliia•is wen- take nby su uprise, but as soon as
' ed General Ketchnin by poisonine., and with I possible they mated among their 1)11.11 to - ship
having attempted the murder by poi s onin , oh' the hiring. The tiring in the t- - 4th Regiment
31a.. Eugene Van Ness. She Wll , , informed of Nvas chiefly directed it the mama - mart or Ihe
the nature of the charges against her, and was house, whence the attack had canoe. But the
notified that she would be MIA as a prisoner sidewalk was swept 114.0. As soon as 111 V
in her Manse. Robert Gllinor, Jr.. judge of smoked eleare(l, nine Lollies, env of them that
the Criminal Court of this city, w , rc request- of a 'l% 01111111, Were . seen lying extended and
)eiterday morning by Messrs. J. Nevi I Steele stilt, upon the pay( melt m front of the house.
and Jelin 11. Themus, caanscl I' 'r Mrs \\'M - - The right wing of the Regiment being ad-
I ton, to be present ill the city ha redeye an l ip vain.c,l about 25 pods beyond Twynty..l,antli
lineation for bill if they thought proper to make st., the im•it in that part of the line tired ncross
it, the warrants leaving been ',stied in chain. the sidewalk at the south-east corner of that
hers. ,ledge (Minor complied with 11,e re. s:reet and the avi nee. Here were a group of
quest, and 11 121111ferenee was held yesterday about 20 policemen and a few eltizeng. All
1 between Its honor Judge Gilimir, the Assis- I these, ilb.ctivering that the troops were aiming
1 tam Slate Attoruey', Mr. Fr , 11l Eelt Pinckney, low, threw thetes.-Ivi•s, by common impulse,
I and Messrs. Steele and Themes. IV hat trans- prostnin• upon their bellies, and scrambled
pired at that time has I)cent:eta strictly st eret, away. At the first fire. however,a portly,well
but it was reliably reyorted that the case had dressed man, who was afterward ascutinined
been referred for further 'astion to the grand to be R. 1'..1. 1.:111111111', was iII,MIIIIIV Itilkd ;
jury, which meets on Saturday next, pur s uant and, after him. Polawman John o . Tonie,r,
to the order ti' their discharge. In the mean- fell, timullrolisly wounded.
time Mrs Wharton is kept a prison, rin her The tiling over, lien! % , ` l. ' 1 r 1"‘"'"' of several
minutes, In which a further attack of the Ili
lancellollSP, and is under the constant surveil
lance rd'ille police. Her daughter and two herniate , was 'maned, while the troops were
house servants have been notified th a t they brought to an :attention after reloading their
will not be allowed to leave dhe lily until the guns. No regard was paid to - the wounded
case has been investigated, as they are-regard. and dying for several minutes. The terrified
ed as material Mmes.:es. As soon as Mr V an citizens were afraid to venture ,tit Or their
Ness had recovered sufficiently he was 1111111 V. houses; and nem , or those (Feinting the
ed to the residence of his relative, Mrs. Frick, Grangetnen could advance beyond the lines to
on Monument street, near Iloward street, give relief, on account of the imminent dim
where he now lies in a critical condition. ' ger that other shots would Ins fired by th '
. uns.wirawroN'S PERSONAL APPEARANCE. trearda rous and Infuriated mail), and that the
In the personal appearance, manners and militia would renew their wild volleys. The
conversation Mrs. Wliarton Is unusually p re - situation at Ills crossing or Twenty-fourth st.,
possessing and attractive. Her height Is above where the wilier steod, isms terrible. Before
the medium, her figure slender but graceful, the eyes of all, there lay eleven prostrate
her eyes dark, her hair black, the expression bodies. Two or three were piled together as
of the mouth pleasing, her countenance open, IlleY Sad Sailer. 4 dclul "RUM Waß SI retched
her manners very easy yet not familiar, and across a dead nu m, A mini with, a tearful
her conversation spirited and refined. In every wound in the bend, which covered his face
thing she appears a perfect lady, and there Is with blood, writhed In agony for son) mo.
nothing in 'her personal presentation to lead to meats, and then slowly crept to the door step,
the belief that she would commit the fearful and feebly straw to .thise himself upon it,
crimes with which she is now charged. She presenting, at he did so, a full view of his
has always held a high position in the social ghastly injuries. ~ •
circles or Bidchaore, and until now her charac. An aged woreingman; evidently an Irish
ter has borne no reproach. She is it member man, had received a And in the arm, and sat
of the 1. 1 ;16copal Church and is a regular at- dewn upon the step, and desperately faced
tendant. There me doubtless many interest- the troops in the midst of the tiring, While
Mg details connected with the affitir which 10 , 1tling his bleeding arm extended before him.
will unfold a lengthy tide of more than drama- tie remained audit relief came, fixedly gltirieg,
tic interest. in silence at the Orangemen. A lad match-
Hrs. Wharton Indicted and COM. ed against a cart Wheel, just beyond the cot"-
1 mltted to Prison for the Murder act; in 'fit-catty-fourth shwa, appearing to
or General Ketchum. •
BALTmoac, July 15.--in the .Criminal i l i u i t • l l . l?e, l l l. l c i e L l lV . i ' e d N E V ( i ' i l lUot i v i s ur n i boviT,t i al ' atliTat t g "l s l "ig n ns t ' i a l i ' i
Court of Baltimore city to-day, Judge Gil- anguish and ' in•witilerment, looking aller•
I mnr presiding, the grand jury came in a little nin e ty down at the bodies, and then at the
I after two o'clock P. M. with the presentments troops and policemen. Presently, one and
against lilrs.. Elizabeth G. Wharton. The thee another of the Wends ot the victims stole
first for feloniously, wilfully, and of malice out and touched them, to set if they were still
nforethought, killing and inmdering General
1111111 Scott Ketchum, alive, but soon hastened within. One y ming
United Slates army, Irishman, however, M 10011111; Walked 1,1 and
113 , Ildlllinistering tartaric emetic, or sem fro, wringing his hands and making piteous
other poisonous drug, on or about the 28111 of and incoherent cries of pH - . From time to
JIM!, 1871. The second presentment is for time he clenched his 11st, and seemed to he
attempting to kill mid murder Eugene Van making despeode 1T5,1/Iye sof vengeance ; and
Ness, by administering poison about the same then would step to look at one and another of
time. There were eighteen witnesses talon
thg. grand jury, among when was Mn, nail the bodies. The Surgeon of one of the regi-
Mrs. Eugene Van Ness Mr. and Mrs. Henry metals came with commendable promtitude to
attend to the wounded. At last, when the
Snowden, Dr. P. C. ' Williams, Dr. 5, C. mob haul I ( t i a i wn l a l lriven th i lek
i on t i lie ' s l ide streets,
ChM, and General W. NV. Brice, PaYinaster Oa, wink
-General United SMtes Army ; Dr. Aikempro begun, .11 . , q , th . e ll e ' Zi ' l . :W:c l i: ' ll l ,i l rll In . l i v e ( i ) l i t i . nded
lessor of chemistry in the University or Bait!.
more. • Gen. - 1 arum, Indignant at Ole action of the
84th Regiment, in thing without orders, or-
The grand jury wits composed iff some of dental it to tl • ' I brought up one-half
O la r , n s rl i cll , l . (it t f n
the most influential citizens of Baltimore, one of the oth to take and
Tn - l i ep its m y ce a s c s a;
„t i l e 1 1 1 1 t 1h o f
,i i the u :
of the members being a premiums State Sena
tor. As the case ts not bailable the sheriff
will take Mrs. Wharton hot) custody this passion
T i n, .i i appeared to have greatly
afternoon. The case causes intense excite. people, tile windows of many of the Manses
sic manes were lined with
, 6 1 ,. (1 1 , ,
u a r t i i , i i l H. a r it m u ms i d m , l a nts t aT r or ht li t i , ? , g r, -
‘ ti ' le e r il e i e n " l ) al ‘ r .
The intelligence of the presentment by the
grand jury was communicated to Mrs. NV har- to witness the pr ices: - . "en '
on; but they were all
ton by her counsel, and soon afterwards, al l o w :. ri it
'. oe a l ite ' ' or'' march .was through
Ellerin - Albert, accompanied by Marshal Grey T weaty , t ha r d. st. to fifth-, tee , d „ trit the I r e.
and Deputy Marshal Fry, in two carriages, cane to Fond-nth at. to Unio . n-se tem. thence
arrived, the carriages stopping in the rear of down Fourth-aye, t(lieCooper l''
the residence of Mrs. Wharton. The Amuses in 't'w'enty-third•sl., beyond
At 8.40 P. Id., Mrs. Wharton and .her Booth's Theater, were
a ll closed '
and blilld
daughter, with Mrs. Craw
ford Nelson and (trawl, 1 tit the Fiftli-av H two or three
e. otel s
Sheriff Albert, took one crrriage, end Ids mar- thitusand well-dressed w
opl e were assembled
shads the other, and w cheered were driven to the city and cheed the I
troops, the policemen and
jail, arriving there shortly before 4P. M. the Orangemen. Along the avenue people
The mother and daughter were deeply showed lhemselves freely at their windows
Mined, Mrs. Wharton was then handed and their wits no sign of any serious disturb!
Into the sustody fif the warden of the jail. tutee in the dense crowds lining the sidewalks.
She selected an empty eel), which she •was •fhe movement to . the Cooper Institute was
permitted to furnish In the plainest manner, unattended by any incident, except the fre
and her daughter was allowed the prfvilege
of remaining with be't during the evening. i quest singling apt and arresting of armed
and scowling Ift am
While the case has
shocked the entire coin- n • •
munity, the deepest sympathy is manifested Col. FIN! IVounded.'
for the unfortunate lady. Almost the first shot the', was fired by. the
New YORK, July 13.—A large number of
breech-loading rifles and n large quantity of ,
cartridges and military apparel were se•zed by
the pohce authorities at the House of tic. Good
'hepherd, it Roman Catholic reformatory,
last evening.
During the night the police force were thor
oughly tonss:ll and organized. At six o'clock
this morning 1,400 own from the cari o us
precincts were on hand. 'llll'9r worn divided
into battalions and I n I:1 ready ar immediate
mob at Twenty-sixth stn struck Henry C
Paige, Business Manager of Fisle's 00-rit
House, and a private in Company IC, Otli Ilegi
ment, killing him instantly. Col,.Fisk ran to
save him from falling, and received a blow
with an iron implement above the ankle, which
disabled hint. He tvaslaken away in a car
riage by lay Gould, and was attended by the
oth Regiment Surgeon Mr. Pollock. The lo
cality of the linos.. to Which Fisk was taken
wits 1«-p' it secret, as the mob threatened to
lake the life of any of the members of the 6th
Regiment wham they could catch, and espe
cially that of Col Fisk.
The, Situation 'l'laursday.
Nr.w Tort, July 13.—A1l parts of the city
have been quiet to day, and the italic(' do not
apprehend any further disturbances. The riot
is the chief topic of converention, end the Cllll
duct of the police end military is highly penis- 11 --- Z- 5 ". ERRORS. OF YOUTH.—A gentleman who
rd Ity rill rest), ciable citizens. \VII& the li , -r ,nil, for year,. fan. Net-vas,. lit-buoy. rt•aim
hiiiiii,g of ~,, m • hmoulit persons by the Ore ml' ' `,'Al . l ,?,',',.'''L ',;;; 0 '`, 1 ,1 `,2;;;T,r r i i;; ;; "'h? f ,„'.:tWir's " ,•!.Wt."o't ` . l .Tl
In, trolls is greatly regretted, no blame isat. alto •••••-.1 it the meet)„ and direchon for ttinking Om Alm
ttleiltill 11l the 1111 11'r on account of the occur- 1: 1 ,- . .Tirr; 1} ,i.,:',;,T, 1 •'. 1, Wi r •;•••"• 7 ,,',' , T;; I •awi s • "1 ,17• . 717• ‘•;', i ," l i• i ,Tl'-'
relict', which, from the nature to the case, wax thmoting Inperfect vottlitlettee, .101I e N Ili Oh II EN,
No, .12 Cedar St. Nov- York,
pet Laps unavoidable. 'I he notion or Govern- _ _
or Holtman continues to be bitterly denounc
ed among the Irish, some of as loon rt, , sert that _IS7A L,E'E
lit will never live to see another 1 /range pro•
cession. • K:- , Th . '
No police w ere killed, end all the police
, .-,:rok \ 1-lA_T_ R.
who were wounded were 11.11101;i11 10 their .. • .'• 4 . 0, -.-
homes, where they are in it fair wily of la cov• •' ' .4:4 ''
' -7,---='' RL ' A T EWER_
I cry. 'Fite police have all been despatched to
' their respective station-houses, and are on pa- Ito, t ("''
Itrill as usual. The reserve force have all been I t;I: ayIlA /R TO ITS OR I(I INA I, , 01.‘,11,
ordered to remain at the sli
hition-misi!s, and and meat, a now g r t w ill 1,11 0 • i t I m . ( e lle n elf nom ai,
the whole [Mee can be call, d together at an ''''' "r "•••"" den, y.
hour's notice, Tilla morning a gang of quer. ft Will prevent the Bair ft•out piling out.
rviuoti, numbering ;iO, turned out from the
of tit w, l• o • , , , tt , :ir d ,N r i• . L•••• i • n t , r u s 1,, awartl It the Walla
First avenue and started toward the upper to';'r n ac,-,:is--'•in thy Iltilt: t'et.t f in i ,:Vo'• man.
! part of the city with the intention of indocing 31 .. 0 .c :urea ea) bY
t. P. HA .1, , I CO.. Zl,llllll / N. 11., fret)'".
their brethren, employed on street improve- Far solo by thltlruggl.t..
aural;, 10 lillOdk ell'. TIIC Litter had, illltVeV. . _.....
• er, seen the fully of their doings on Wearies- (10INSIT:11P1'141N. l'l'M CEILIE AND
day tind refirstal paint blank to follow the ail. ‘ti„, lT '' " vNII ' " Y i • "' '' ("g ' m * "'
y tti1111113111,,111111,111AP11 , ...11 ti 15.01. for 11111 )ec. drat))
i vice of those who ti sued I engender another teen' w'''',l,"' outer rerun'' '1"1" car e. "'ill!'" "! '-'"'''," •".'"
~,a, rst .toty pro:, tn. 1111.31111 11, IP- • rle , slllll.lllllll/1i IPl'Ar
bPIIII. / lot (molly an 1 111... i• Jiro -I.,,pilisz ll e tire 111111,“ sp a nker
On the corner of Twenty-third street and Ina , which , ..., i i llil, l- cilAll i y i .:'''''t s 'l'," l r , T , r
, First art title, where extensive blasting opine- it ) t. l a :t i t'd'il'..i ' therti ,, h ' ,:.•.f ltl s ..{ S VOII I 1!•11 ' 1 1 111 1 1' . 111 l il l ; ' ,10111 1 1 1 '1 : 1 N le . 111
I lions are in progress, but few absentees are , cl i l.:,': . ';,,,lil ‘ ,7,,d i v,'i,'!, : '.: i i l',"l, l l r„'„'i,',“! l ',":• . 01 , i , 1 0 .
reported. At Madison Square hundresil of la- •ullieleut vitality r , twiltm, ht.:l n t:it:l'l'l7y' Ity IX. t‘t r otTl e ol'it . e e s
I hours arc at work. It is reported that none
7 , , i i i v y ,,, • r itt-t , tai,a, for hoir tom, I. gun:keeled Mtn health
, W l'Fil missing wire n time was called this morn • It' tio- suntan olt there I. nothing proantelptutot. Tll
lin g. All attempts to engage the laborers in ;;,',",,11;!;„'',.. 1i , 1 r i g 5 , i , 1 .;',., / ,, l ,';',;',;',', l l . :, t ,'!,?U'i`i i ,l . ;:,' 4 l '.', l ,lT,', l i i ,'` i i hr o
CoIIVCI'S 111011 With reference to the riot of yrs. work.. llte theory of 1110 NIT. by lir. Setten'ekla 111'11..
ter,lay have proved futile. All the workmen ,ei t tre. i: n , , , , s ,, s , i , a . te . t. , : n ir y.. k ti 6 it ,, r0 , !:,. : •., , . ,ri,‘ 1.. ,. ni11 e, 74 , i 1 , 1 re •
' I entployed upon the boulevards and parks who Tio• Settwou't; l'ottle and Montt alio Ilitil•ard Ito 111. t l'Wi n d
•• I f
~ • 1 th e pithlic works yesterday in di sobedi. ;'•,',:.",!:',';;;;;`,;', 4, 1 , 1 ',.',.`,'•• •• •' • ••`,', 1 .','.. 1 ,; f 0',•!:.1 • ••':," , ' ,1 A . . ,,, " ,, '::1" , ' ,' V ,* -
• F elice of positive murders are being dismissed wash utai 0 ratital manly di-ortletel liver With noes
1 the ir l iind Germans tool Italians einpl,,y ed in 'S.4, l ` i .' 1 ,1T,„ 1 ,'.`;.;!!;;, 1 ,', 1 ,',`,1 , t ,','j;',"',„',.,,r t i,•111!'',';. 1 ,V„ z n ° ,,.r,r,', 1 ,Y.,',. i ,;,'."
the stead. Ilere thou r,111.• hot enlitonatlng remht , and the eelting
A portion ill the 71st Infantry and Ist Ulla.-
in, with a ll to, ill.tri , t,tr i N i mmo N a, of
airy have been sent to the scene of apprehend. 'roe Mandrake Pill. are e.t.a...A ta* one of Nature'.
et] disturbance and will remain there for the n d; l • l l",:'iiii, ! `•i - ...lV;i'a l ,.• l : i itl i t,-';:t'ti " : l •%=itti..... l • ' • 3 •lt ' i , •7•;• • •l '
Intl totilke ti,h/ i ttilt N ill i aj
l ~ -„, N
pre/ent. 'ldle oth regiment remains 011 hill l',
Nit the 7th, lath and -lth New tiers -y have't lit , wo it
rk ' 'ell; e * l il'il ( l ' l . lt r e i gh n tn
i i t i l l ,.; l . ll T il h . ; vitiated and
been discharged. The 7111 Itegiment armory ' ...o , ". ,, i'lm''ll'. 6l6, "'"' , ''''`" l l' i il"lir •ifilli"llr'lrY (llllid
it , • e m elmi. 'I he liver, like a 1'1 ,, C11 . , Pl,lOlll/111111. It
is gayly festooned with Urairgc flags. , :,,,,,,.... re... 1, torpidity. illto•tout tt It Het, re. i nomive-
At tilt: Tombs today each ease was se pa- Iy. nllllllO 11 , 11 , 1 , 1 , 1 1 11 1 : 1 2 , V14 , 1lil' , 1 ,, t , 11 , :t i l ; 11 ,, 1 , 4 0 1W,Iillg, al 11,31.
Pate) . eNitllll l / 1 1 d, 111111 when the party hail , The Seam /tell Tonle, Itt t• otiontilitm with hot I'lll, per.
ettllllllitllid 110 ol't rt teL and I.t/ Wellpoll IVItS , :;I : ::•,,•.•," : ; L•,•,•• • • „," 1 1•••,. • ,• • ,!:; • 1 •,;; . ,,I r / i , t ' r • , 1 1„ 1•• • ••1 : '. V .' ) i i '•••• 3 , • "•• V
count' th t hint be WilS tlitleilltrgell. In encases • norm,. , . '
t 'n'lll'..4 , . ,11111 11... " , ;al.. t i. ".'.'tt'e i t''t..:lt. i t e ll n :t i tt n tl'
aa here weapons were round on the person or i Td!,',)," 1 : 1 ,?,:;,';.;'. r d'.,.. i1 ;',!;1 1 1 . ,7'''' "'''''''''''''''" "" 1 '""'
the party committing the trlT.mce, th -3- Willi(' 1 Notli /, , ,11..,11 , tines, 111 ,, , 11 linr:lldrt/ver yet g ive n ti t .
, ,111 ooltdgt tit ratio r t .111fellog man Set irk' Polttio•
Ctmlinittc,l ('or examination. , i r sy ru p , ,11111 , 111 1,1 nor „n„
NlllllOll. 1111111 , 1 had,'
St , phut) Mcany, one ol the editors i 'Nile Irish tool r,• ompkte the eds.. It eat,. at 011111' 111111111 i 4 11,1,
/ k.lllPrieltn, appeared on Ii halt of thel
Ir• , lln - ' ;',. ‘ "iVi';•i"..‘it'r•i . t . . t .- 1 ,i',,`,1",' , ' ,' ;'t i,1 ;• , ••• i t'd`l'a l t i :i• t d;:•.‘s"' l i ' ,• r tit'ii . P.',.; 11 ',.;
-es. Ile remarked that most of these men 1 g athering., it 1.1 , 111111 , Iheni for eXPurtorthien. ami n le t .
I were ignonliit and pi at r, that for weeks past 'tonne '''‘,",l e i . iT t r .'it , ii' t 'a;•i“'',,"7.:.',';, l ,',..j",,.'ff t ,',', l ,i t '',, l ,',d.l ,l L t gar'''•tt‘:i
I they hid been incited by a certain class to tie. a or •Itt. in all the Au t tltty of regained vtato...t.p.
create this Hot, and when they got into t rou. ! north ''''''''' Y th "li'l'l l ••.'''Ot:'`•j• , .i . .ti...-a'''''"" ' ''' d ii ' t nnn
We tlhdr lelltiel. ileSI Vital titelll, SO hillier I hese I 'lite ' , rote' thlag m. Om p ghoul. not.t tday In n warm
eIICIIIII.IIIIICI. /3, he litlltla it It/ ho his duty to ',.".:;,T,',',i,",' „ 1,. .1 1,',1.1',',1,7,,t,'. ii`,,:i;-,"•'i n t:',11,:...."e- P ,• ' .i.l l •:t l iir' l ia r 'i
lllkr his s• I'VICV.S. 1, 0 i ll vv..uttql tor 11 cure cannot
It vitt/rt/A . Fre.ll At. and
; r7 l tittt;;;l ll , l , , ,, e ;hl;: ti . i ,- , ;, lLl . n ., l r ll ,, l7 , it i e , t ‘ it r ittu ,.g o . f th i t 4;;:t, lt h tt i l L, l tt, g ,, ,t ,
Mist or the prisrmers diselterged were se
verely reprimanded by the justice, who eau- :,",',".:l',',',l, l , l 's l ,','';',: i I"l"o,"'d.r„,.!'" i i , - ,,1,"% ir ti; r 111..'
tuned lin ni not
to listeit to their so- , they totoSt tittl e 'n e it'llo't'vt t i t':l:o t 'tley e r t itto•lt 't'vt e ll i k' tl'l . Ol i t't e ‘lTt . , ,
called hinders, wen evidently' cared nothing ! 1: • i -, tu ss , , , r , q.i r it cn i ‘ ln• , • , ,.. 1
4 1 ! : , 1. .. i t ,i .., ,,, t 1 tit•st4 i •stiitt T it hear. to get
abolll litelll,alid only used them for their own tli'g't'sf,l • 1 titti, 2 1,;4i. , t.,..0.:. , i t,•‘;' , i; i•Vir . '.''ilit',: t i`•,'',
art••, deal to do with the t h oomlte, and I. the great i i t , tlt;t
purposes. tt ,ittit.
The. Grand .111 ry I' Ow Birders, 10 despair of rime after such evident.° of its pa.idltiiity
- NEW YURI:, July - 13.—1 t is reported hurt the i ,':„T„'l " .. I ',7 t .,.` ; ',ir'„';;;;, l ,T.," l ,„', i r ",', r ,',', l ,, • ",.' . : i j ' l ,!," fl i ,Y„: n ,,:' i t h ut tl:', fl ' - i,l ! '
Grand .1 my avid at once find indictments or ht•• •ort• mire wait Ili Ille.e modest word. ! .. en 4
ageless. the parties now tinder arrest as rioters ii ,,V;!,', 1 ,;' 0 ) ,',i',1 r j',',, z ,;. , ,,‘,T, i , , , , ,, , , , , , ,v,., , , , '„ , ,,7;;;: . ;. , J .. , , .,..." ,. ;" -
:,„,, th,„ „,, llii• will lie last in bringing them 0.0.n04 tint 1 roultl net live a week 3 then, Itlo . tit;d:‘,..'Wt
Ito trial.
1 hat the riots had been renewed among the ittsa•• a perfect mire of nut. It Am med 10 mo ll • tat I e l otrld ,
hit hie% It I'd wor 1,1111. n, and the 7111 Ilegi merit or- ',.,i'l,l;l,.'''„','!,:,`:',."ii„";,',`;T,;;,`,..f.,l''';;;;;i`j',','„',".l,l P , l ' i t :,‘,.r n i ';',:,V e l;',7,'
deed MIL 10 disperse the 11101/, 110 despatches s Ida tit Infetotive yoiloiv matter mortitug for 'l't
ti t /limit:lg lliSllll'htillet S have been receivtd tit 'l g," ,::,‘ . •'its that h. gen to mtiothlo my cough, f o yer, pal.
pollee ii It.llllllilillira 111, to -t 11. 111. a nd ni g ht totem , all len t att to le .ve me, idol in t appoote
i'u t . ent o .0 g loat it was with difficulty amt I eon id
if ono(. rq the .11 or i pte anti itoNpitoil. keep trout ...thug too mu , lt. I •111 , 11
. IPlllll',l my .trenght,
N ma - Vont:, .1 tily It —Early yesterday , " 'l . ! f':,'' ":;"`":„".' t . i i;''''," y v,"li '"",'';';•' , ,
morning, allot as early as the dawn, the ti .1. °1 .. . l 'll l ill:l1f1,1 ,1 11dIllt l' iltill ' il t' ll l,,1 1 ,1., rgilltT111 . : ' , ' Il l' p lil \: .l :• 1 1, 1,1 1 l,e 1
erota il began to - violile in front to 4 111. gates ‘,‘,',, t ':,':'.. 1 ,..1','...„7,;',','..:‘, r i i . ....‘ 0 " . ( 1 .:0.' ''"' ,r.r'''''''. right I.
~ i
41 . ter Itirgate and lellevoe llospiteldn liven. tti tve eoptyed totinterr:lpt /t 1 ITit'itri n l'i ' • n ' l ( " e ' e ""
11°,1X:it st. As' the no•rning advanced the 5 , ",,- t•'• . :.'1,."•';• 4 •1 I n',`,'. ' , i i - i'li'„"-i';'i l os h,l ;' , ,rii• • •" - .1 6 1V , ‘,• i i•• " " a t. ;
iiirong great larger-Intl more excited and ark- at still ,- aim.° t-• --• . esti -1... it thew ~ale(, 5 . ,?'.. la
hems. Illtring all the tor enoon persons ' ":,,'' i l l . ' - ',„ x . ,'ll'\ r ,' l • ~•';,',',;,','t,',...;,!',h , ",•...,^ , 5 ' ,.,.r a . „ ,,, , ",! , , , i ; . , ,, fTI.""
pi.,,,,t0d by cur iosity only pressed Rattiest t , ' , l , 111t1 , 0,-114'1'11ft...1' ter will I , elliondd el. l l';:e n ltY/!:
the tell iron railing, pet ring thrditgli the win- ' l i ",',;,'.';;`,";',„l . ;`,l',[i i l '',. .',',',.'„ x ,,l',',.'i'i;;;. l ,';,',l','.'„' r '2','',.„ l jii n .,',s l"''
ilitays to emelt glimpses of the horrors within. 'rl••.01 , •••• ,1 •••i• 1 ••• ~,,,e , ti!•• ...dirt.... so•saar t r e!t"iti
others :.! , ..0• 1 ,ltetaselve„ ia a io„g raw on i I t ';',','„'„',":'il, l mi",...l . R s „ . ; . ,.„ . :.! ' ::i'im„ ' iii.. ' ;::•:',.. - .‘......,"r„.... - ,.. c ;
; the emit-mom s oppo s ite. A steady stream ••••tto• rs- .a Ili • throat ot , - ems so• t.• 1.••• 11,1.;'ai' t itt"iti r c h i- c .ii..'.
kept passing ill and out or the Alorgue, the ' 'tj'i l t-• 1 .1 . •,'•.•• I, l ;i7,'::'.,'',:i,!Tl.`'il',‘":•i7."::,,'',i l . ',"•,','•','„'..''';"'::',"'-:
, poli, 11110W1 i 1. . ,, 11011 I! 10 tarry 11 11 IleCt,l,lll.l*- , ll''' , l'l.' 10' atlt-Oh , Of rotornlng health Wto:ti n eo l l.'7l'ot
.I w. Smile of the faces °rim • visitor, were •••':;,',.....,:',ii••"•‘,;••:1,';iT, 1 i‘:••"‘.t ~t,‘ , \ • . , •' 1 7.!„1,t. , t7',.'5it•-•'r' 'it'•‘••l
strang , studies. 'There were Idiom. It t h igh • hi-ten al ''tier loll° , :It• ate ('root the n i g ht s w e a t
I Willie filled with fearbil expectancy ; 0i1,,,1, I.
, : i i ., 1•. , , , , .; : t ,..
~! ti v,.,t •rt time 1, art or the, morbid symp•
! Witioll tillitWlld only a elation:, apiatite no- the ilt• •••• , ,a-raut 'Pt 110,11rinott aro ettn.tatitly ketit in ton. of
to Vt , xt , T :, t ; l .; f l;‘, ltit t y „7, , 10.. a laxative m t par ,,,, t ,,.. t i t ,
horrible ta Melt the tea - tiers had come there I. Li ntlard I n it: ott .11 t 11 Idle the
i gl'ltllly. Mitillers with bahes in their arms,li
;,,1 1 ::;.V„ , '' .. 1 ,r':, , ;.,5, i 1 ;c 0 !' I•lrer " 1 r"••'" l'lll r a:'
li•• .. .r la'
1 ut,ite a g o timt con.nin o tton in any
3 mitig girls wilt, slintith red at every step, old I ta it r•••••i•- '
•It oinen and men, bent a n d tottering, arid men 1 , ,k,. ~, ft',, Pat neon to Sy: tip Allil Stott-odd Toth, +.I :II
a bout,.. or .7 :0 a 1111,11 11/111 , 11,kt' PIIIA 1 " ',
and 111111.1 , 01 S W(.1 . 11 in the ceasch se stream. , i••.'. ror • tle Itt all drool:4..1110 de : alot.. • - ' e ' n ' n
Smile only cast fearful sidelong glances j " liN ''' N ' il• "•"" V * 0 ' '''''' WDEN l •••2 A•••• • ••'''••••
1 P11 , 1 , 1 , 111 , 11111a, Wlltoll',ll4. Agent , tut 2271-IY Ir
I 1.111'011•411 the glass casement ; otirers c'un4
I tronestly to the iron Wailer, and razed long
and fist-Ill)' at ghastly (?tees which they fancied
they recognized. The recognitions usually
turned out to be unf inimical. Ode man
thought he had found the remains of it triend,
but Ile being admitted 1,1 It nearer view he
found his mistake. When the recognitions
were real SCICIICS ill' agonizing grief occurred
av hid) beggar all description. Otte woman
f moil lair brotlier in law, and piteous:lt - ea
res•tal his dead face.
The bodies were arranged in a row on slabs,
the cold water drizzling an lilein breasts IEOIII
11;lliVe. The eyes were almost always open,
staring out through the still lids In horrible
vacancy. Terrible ghastly wounds wt re ells
plit3 rd, stabled with clotted blood. Front one
in the head, through the temporal bone, the
brains were vet oozing. The hotly at the
limiter end of the row was that of it large and
evidently powerful men, with a Mulish; bull
dog head and a full, broad chest. The tern
plcs and face had turned horribly black from
bruises and wounds, and mortification had
a' rea ly set in. All the bodies were strippc.l
to the waist displaying the flesh, stark and
rigid. 11l some cases the hands, generally
browned and calloused trout toil, were clench
'ed as if in the last death swirly. 41 noon ,dx
bodies 3-et rentable,' without identification.
In the low' wooden sheds attached to the
, Coryner's mine(' at the Morgue, the scenes
I,,..vere )'el noire I t a 1 dale. The mangled and
hlood , y bodies had Ire, it - lin. tied into rude red
Luxes which Wore Idled Up- ill tiers in close
proximity to others which had already re
mained there Sri weeks. 'These
tatter con.
mined bodies in every stage of decomposition,
and many (If which were notases of worms
which crawled out and covered the edges of
the Collins ready to ',thick the fresh prey. The
stench was terribly sickening. During the
day people were continually arriving to ho,
at lid ad friends and relatives. When the lids
of the boxes were lifted, the lamentations and
w t I•ping was of the must piteous kind. One
1% 011111,11 rushed cut of the place crying tvildly,
"31y cod I my God!'' Undertakers were
busy removing bodies to new coffins, to be
burled by friends who had receiVed written
permits Iron Coroner Young. While this
MIS doing a [Mende ball Wltl3 cut from a dead
man's arm and presented to a reporter as a
memento of the riot of 187'2.
In the wards of the Bellevue and Mt. Sinai
Hospitals were the wounded who had sur
vived the night. 'lle reporter talked With
almost all of the victims. None admitted
lotting committed ally riotous acts, and very
few acknowledged any sentiments hostile to
the Orangemen. They acknowledged their
folly lit being pre.ect at all. , ge'n'eral are der
Mans and Americans, one Is a Briton, end oae
a Cuban. All of the Irish wounded are Ca
tholics. One man of about 16 years, with his
right arm amputated, had his cross and beads
lying on the stand beside him, Ile said that
he supposed the rifles of the soldiers to be load
ed with blank cartridges. lie did not see any
weapons ill the crowd ; was not armed himself
but saw boys throwing stones and brickbats.
Otherc of tlie Wounded saw sheds fired front
house-tops and Windows, and saw women
hurl barrels and boxes of garbage at the pro
cession. One 111E111 relateil that when he was
shot and had fallen two other men had &clop
over him, dead, lie had succeeded in crawl•
ing into a buggy standing in the street and
was driven to the hospital. A poor fellow,
named 'John Muloney, had a horrible trountl
In the lace near the none, which wtt..t yet
bleeding. the was writhing and moaning.
Out of one titan's thigh two ugly pieces of
hone hind been takert which were shown to
the reporter. Most of the wounds are in the
thigh, showing that the taint or Om military
we: low. At 311. Sinai Hospital the clothes
ml the victims were piled In heaps in the he 1
saturated wile dotted Newt'.
The castialtlea 11l the New Yuri; riots are
as followsf—Pollee and MilitiaLkillt'al, Ii;
wounded, 1;4. Itloteis and others—killed 31;
wounded, 67. 'Total—Milled, 66; wounded,
A DECISION from the J norm.) ,
office tuns liven given to the effect fluff dele
gates to -Congress nrc not members of Con
gress, but may make business contracts and
partnerships from which members from State;
are debarred.
AY. JULY 19,18
.S.;prriai Notircs
%%most Men, nn great SOCIAL. EVILS and A HINES
vh Ic It Into, fern wlth MAltitlAllE—with aura manna of
tonal' for ihn Erring and Unfortunate, illinnoedand &hit.
Ninth atrvet, Philadniphin. In
To UONSUMI"ITVES.—The advertiser
u having been reotored to health Inn row weeks, by a
very kilobit• remedy, nftor having nnifered .everal yarn
with a mover° tang milertlon, and that dread lIINIMPIP, Con
niunptlon, loanxiousto !Hake IitIONVII fellow Ruffen,.
tntempla taro. Tann whodeslre ho copy
of the pro.eriptlon need (free of chargo), With tint dire , -
{ion. Cro tooparing and nsing lhr w mr, Willell Choy to 111
t Id n .nro cure for Con.uniptlon, A.thnut, Bronchillo.
The only nbtoet of the iolvertixer In nendlng the Prescrlp
tont in I, hone lit tho attileted, 'nnd xpread information
whirls he conceives to he invaloable; and ho hope' , curry
tiniforer will try hi. remedy, tin It trill coot them nothing
nod linty 11,Ve
P irtbp , wi.long the prescription will Idenoe
Itbv. EDW. , A lilt A. WILSoII,
Wllliandibuoq King. Go. V.
Twentieth Annual Exhibition,
go Rh ❑E t, AT AL . LENToWN,
On the 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th days
of September, 1871.
No. I Agri,lltwol l'r,allfvf("l4s
For Ow he.t II r acres IVII ..kt pi
Sok.kool t Atootivan tk.ultut,t AIM
Ilk., It> .•
II El d===l
.tete 13.0 , y
tht :tyro. or Corn
M22=oll 4 ffM=Sl
Soc•oni lot•NI
lii t Ore, nrne, of tl•ttn
Best half :tree ol Vote/
hill nero of Ilhlnrne ',taw Cite.
Second b itteiric et Agra:MU/H.4 gad
Ite.t acne of 1..,10v0t . seed
ll.d net° ofillithehy 5....1 '/
Bent tinseeracreot Tobacco.
S. caul bed 11airieatt Agriettllttri.t aud 1
Compote, n for twee/toner In tire a bone elan. utast /We
ke... a ..tittoweet ..1 the et ode a raWar r the grettei /./
iu one ne.a•ur...l loy three diela
terented pernow. mei certified by le writing, (and
hando.l to the serretary nt the tine, the entry is made.) to
thd re/recta... of the seeirdireteent of the Intel cultivated,
end the inereetretneit 01 11111 product thereof, the grate or
t ree,edired by weight according to the lege/
ntandard. The exhibitor int,t ulna exhibit rumple of
eeel. crop, grate or wed, not le.e. Chau one peek•
N.!. I.—II.M.SES 31r1.F.5.
Cla.v.v No.l —lo. jowled Thorough Ilrol
.tall Lm
111 1111,0
Ciabc 2. —.Vali, Heavy Drought.
It. at stallion between 4 .0112 years +l5
Second 1.. I Alllerl.ll nnd
lint brood male
Second ir a
Best bun.. mare. (rota 1 to 12 years 10
Spook! boot Antericon Agriculturist and 4
hest horse or ro ,re colt under S month. a
Second best A tnericon Agrittalturist and 2
Bent horse m Inure colt between g and 4 3 . 04 r,
Seeond best kin. iron Aviculturist and 3
Third boot 1
hest horse or mare colt between I and 2 yea 14
Second nest amen. oil Agricutturist and
Best pair ram: leor•en ...... 1 . 1
Second best Ann. Icon Agri:ll[l.9ml AO -
Best pair 1i11111 , 3
.. .'eread 1., end AlllPrlcAlt Agrlcultutict and
nest nollo
host 8
Best Jean.
etas& 3, —Not i —L QM( o ouFd
%Int litalliou between 4 :aid V: yearn 444
istmon4 best %merle:of Agra:alto:lst and 4
Bost Lone or of aro 1.10 4 to 12 yearn S
Second bust Am orisau Agrluulturifft cud 3
Bost horse, or mare cult under 5 month
Second best &merman Agriculturist nod 2
!lost torso or maw colt between 2 and 4 yours ii
Screw! host &footman Agriculturist cud 3
Tit It ti best 3
Hest horse or mare cult helm,. I and 2 years 4
Second if fst tinerir.lll AgriCklitillint awl I
Clio:. 1. —liirlodtri .570 , 4,—Thurn Deo lurid.
Bent ntallioll L . l . leell All/ 12 ye,:
tnenotl be4t 10
Bent Lorne or mare colt Irvin 4 to 12 yearn 13
becand brit •
Best kited mate
Second 14,1 lt tactical. Agrlcultarlnt and 7
Best borne colt 1 rtn't 2 and 4 yearn IU
Secant! ............ Ant,irau Agrlculturtst.and 4
Dent inane colt between land 4 yo,r4 111
Second be
Bent crlt under '2 yearn...
bec4utt bent
Bent colt Mader 8 mouths
Second bent
Claes 5, d Shick . —l,i ght 11,11eg4d
Host stallion bettreou 4 and yearn
eruf.4 ba4l
Best borne,. mare from 4 to 12.1 ,, atn.
Second brut
Dent brood main from 4 to 12 Truro
`..ocoutl beat
Boot bo rap b •tweou anti 4 yearn
seraand be rne
Dont more colt bet weekt 2 und 4 yearn
rtttl bent
Dt volt abler 9 ye tr.
Second bo,l
Rent colt unaer i montll4
Best sta'lleti between 4 and 12 Y.'11 , .
Second bent
Bost bore mere between 4 tud year..
Second 1/ • t
T 1114.1 be-t .... . .
lime pair 4.14.151 et,
Ferott4 best
Hest m 1.14. S
lieroutl best
1111t.rte.U1Agrie1111.1. and 1
Ciass 7. —Fa ill/ //nr.qr. r,
De.t lior.o or mare lodwoon I and 1 . 2. year. •10
Second I t
dellT looa Anirrladn A griedilturlnt and .I
pir fondly lior.o, i•
Second liebt. Amorlt nu A gricolturint dad 11
l ~IfIA.Y S,-Spf[rl
Open to to high nod 4111.101011 g CJuutles. to totthtle or bur
Fontes' donblo team 0)
Second best •''S
Boot trotting borne or Illste. any ago 5)
Second boot 25
Open to all boosts in the County, owned tor throe mouth.
prior to day of trial and .al have never gone for 11:1013PK;
Best trotting horse or mare, 4 years and upward, e4O
Socoud beat
Boot paring horst or mare, 4 Tears out upwardo '5.1
Second boot 10
Pest trotting colt under 4 years. 10
Perond boat n
14..1 tracing colt under 4 T4'3,S
The lodge. 011.11 not award any Prnmintn to any nnimnt
rotor. d :lint la +Taw hied, ritelo.onnt or blind•
(.1.0e.5. 9. -Flistod Tilting Stallion. Stare or Gelding.
Firit premium
.. , ..rontl premium
Mile bent, boat 310 5, to hornet.,
A Moran to get an award for the firel premium moat trot
mile le 2.31
Foroot t retalitin 2.34
For third premium 2
Toe borne tithing n pretninto cannot cutout for the other
premlliole In thly another. All veld/t for thlo trot moat
on 'lto...ley evening, September 31111, at er before 5
o'cleek, nod the entrdnee money paid to the Secretary.
Mora, mitered to title number lived not appear In general
rat Meade, bat most ha on the Fair I.lrounds by Wedlien.
ay IllOrmlitu
a o'rhiek.uuti henprted to tlio Secretary
+allentrituee fee, and not lota three Itorsee to Wart.
Obo.v I —lmported and Thorntwhllreft COON'. mill.
tt rhani, Devon, .If/ rah Ire and A biern , t/ .
Fedi hr oil will lo judged separately and entitled to
award es Iwo of Its breed; pedigrees must Ito fornlxli , d
thy E• et entry at the time or tanking the entry.
Ilest boll ot either of the alone breeds. I eor and Up-
it et 'toreros row or ony or the alt iss Meals. 1 yen r
end upwards
a1 — 117111. , 01 of l'un
13013 years and opavlllllo 4.11
c 0.1 1....1 Agnerican Agriculturiat and 7
Beat bail from I to 3 year. 1.1
'.cotta best American Agricultudid tint 4
11.... t (mil between it and 12 niautita
American Agriculturist and 2
Rest ....w a yo ars and upwarda 12
.1 MilOrkliti Agriculturist nod!
Bent lu lief between 1 tad 3 yettra
coral heat American Agliculturlat null 2
Ho t b•i her between 0 and 12 tunntlin
5P..111.1 beat A ingrican Agriculturist anti 1
Forernaainga allie :thrive breed with Devon, tivo•thlriln
.4 the 411,00 1111,11111110,
('7 80 :1 —l),,,»l—Prenii 1,1110 sante me Clogs 2.
VI" 4. — A !malt re—l i rerni tuna met me (1.9 CI a. 2.
1.117110 an Cdr
fleet bull a retire nisil op ward., 40
Seond 11.•41 American Acricalturiet and .1
Ilea c, ball 1 to 1 years
Savona beet A inerlean Aurieultarist and 2
lie , “ 1.11 A iota 6 and 12 illnintlie 2
Second best . 1
Ilea cow a year., and up ward 4 li
SOCollii lwst American Agrieulturiet and 3
Ileitt heifer 1 to :t year. 4
and heat American Aurlcit Atria! and 1
It st heifer between 0 and 12 minutia 2
Second 1.e41 1
Th. ~,,,,tiog ounmitto,,, will plea.o take particular
notice of Ire.trucitou No. 11, tinder head or Order or Eau&
CI "As 7.—S p Slob
ilp,n I all And co:6601111..
136.1. bull 3 plot. 111111 11111,11 . d.
I‘l hall it 61,3 yelir+ 6,
11,t cow 3 y6kir. , 660 npmgrilg 6
11.. , 1.611 ;•all'ond, 12 Inontlin
11.6tl 16•Ifer 1661,3 learn 3 "
All br.....11. coat° together ill Ibis class and competr with
oash oti.or. To be jirlgod—lst. by tin good point.. of rm
.; - try' of fr into; '2.1, by tlo.abillty fatten and It it n good
handle.; :Id, milk sit OnaliOrr; 411., olv.; sth, giveno
prrialuat to an animal until you are fully ....hailed that It
will prduce good stock. To this end tar Judges Monad
I In rrgtr.l In O; stork of atmd bulls and cows.
The 10.11nal 11,1,1 11tr1.0 , 1414014 the.; qualifier In tin greatest
porf. ch..; rhould draw ihr prononla, wilrthor it ho Our
.11:3111. Devon. AyrAdtr. lloroford, Aldorney, Or .do
I`l-lAA B.—Slrrrs and 0.1 t,
Bost rat steer wolgbing 1100 11, 4 or 0 ,,
trair of steers. eon, fv,l
Il4t fat .w
13,4 fnt
Beta rail" or steer, snit fod
Sffi cowl Iva
next w”rklug og,,n
Farr,W ill,t boar ovtd 2 years 4S
Sot•ItIlli b., A gricalturbtt aud 3
For tint Land boar 1 to 2 yea,
Soettad bent Agriculturkt and 2
Ilt., boor ti to 12 ntoutlos old 4
St.cud Lest A gricultorlat and 1
Itto c d. boat Itig :rout 2 to 6 months 4
Soccud bowl Astriertllnt lot and 1 11,1.11ing I , ONV overt Feats 8
~ .0),14111,t
br ling nowt ittid
1:o•t ti to 1) niqnths
. .
Second b •st _
Agriculturist null 1
Best Idt or pig., between 2 and it nionilis G.
socond host
Bost I'd hog, not still red 4
Second bust Agriculturist and 2
In rills elms the Judges will hike lulu consideration tho
ditforcut buss', and awned (110 premiums accordingly;
also awuril . discretionary premiums In all rasps where
they an satisfied ;hut preitilunn; annuli 1111 awarded and
i t
linty Idea for in the anus, list.
~11111 1l• xl
itt,L Ibkkou ell buck
Secnd lost Agriculturist and ii
Bost Soutlolown bark ti
NO,llll hest Agrieu!Wrist and 2
Best NMI,' Luck 4
second Lest
Best rro,,tod•buck
secodd best Agriculturist and 2
Bost pe oil . 3 or more lambs
, 1 heston • Agriculturist and 2
rest pen or 3 or more ewes
Second hest Agriculturist and 2
Best pen of sheep, not less than n - It
ond best Agriculturist nod 3
(lost pelt or fat sheep, not less also 3
second Lest Agriculturist and :1
:ColeltlE.—The judgmt shall in all cases withhold pre•
!Mum+ whore the animal is not worthy, though there bo
no moupetition, toolnil horses, cattle. sheep or swine
brought eu the ground for exhibition, which aro cuashi
ored unworthy. 01 which the advising committee shall ho
the judge, will lio ordercd trout the ground by the com•
Bost Irlo grey I) king
Send best
Ber co t trio while Durlrlug.
. .
Best trio Black Spaul,l
S. e , .11.1 Lest
. . •
11,,L trio white l'oland
Soc,ud best
Bust W.. Muck l'ultiuds . Agricillturlst uud 2
sscoull best 1
11,,t trl i golden Pulauds Agriculturist mid 2
, drool host
Hunt trio ...Ivor Poland
cowl best
trio 11.11tou gray!. Agrictnaurixt and
lit,t rvit game
I{t•nt trio gr.ty gam.
,I .001114 11,4
!Semi EH" gatao
Iteid trio Leghorns i Agriculturist soil 2
caull best I
Bast trio Arricatt Mints to• Agriculturist cud 2
Scand boat I
ll e sit trio uold•litroil bunt:into 'I
Scrim& I
llist Ir. Mni Ver-Toned bAlitaliir 2
Iti 1,0.4
Rest alit Cochin:. Agriculturist stud 2
saronil to , t I
Iliiiit trio liralduila Oita!) Agriculturist utol 2
Saciiud bast 1
Ilea trio lir longs (dark) Agriculturist nod 2
S• C. 1 1 ,1 b ...t 1
Bora trio II litalourgl.
Bent trio 110I1,11.• Agriculturist and U
iic.nul hest
ilt,t trio Clevec , titn, Agriculturist and
•eoad hist
Ben c t trht Lu 1 , 1,in , Agriculturist awl
Sec ml Lest
ti Ir :sultans
cond Itcst
ll c, mt I air Itr tore turkeys
etnottl frost
13e,t pair or wild litrkrys
Socand Lehi
Bost pair canna. turkeys Agriculturist and
Rapt P lir white torkcy. Agriculturist and
t.h•cltni Last
Ilext prktr Mu•c.Jvy Acri,oltrjha nod
et [l4 bunt
11,4 Aylo•bury duckx
ti bvst
80, pair Rouen duel.
Sec.dsd 111,t
lio.d pair Cayuga duck
Sccoud bokt
Ida{ pair lireln. go.°A4riculturlst and
Second best
Bort pair row China geerc
cOll.l 111,4
lint pair while China gee., Agiloallarhd and
Cllti best
11. i pair African at , .
Second ' , AI
ond h uloupe ger.
lived pair wild neeso
Scrouti hest
I_l,A pair 611111,, itlWl4 Agriculturita and
Best pair Pea fowl,.
Necoud hem'
Ile,t and greAtcht variety of pleona Agricalturhit nod
Nr oact Lvnt
lint pair common rahbita ' Aeflouliurklad
s,uud 1,0,4
Lkst Patr I.o.p•eqrmi or Mad Agasuar 1 . 111:61 ., 1
1.,11 , 1 11,1
Lot towlm of one Mud, not lees titan 6111 numbor
1k:411111+11..1 while wheat
socund host
ba.hol red wheat
Second best Agricalluthl nod
Medlturraneau tv heal
.. . . . . . . . . .
Second be.t Altrlottltnelet and I
11.... t awl large,d v..rtel y of wheat, not loan than hal( a
huhhot 01 rich, laid not lee, tban two yarletlea -A
Second boot lt . cticulturlat 111.1 I
ill,t li,lt.,lryc . 2
Bee Lint • 1
Beet Int, , hel flint eoru ~ 2
second best I
Beet leldtel yellow gourd vein Agrteulturl.t and tt
Second be" 1
Best humhol nate . .4
Second hest 1
. .
Boot Limbo' Luck wheat Agrieulturiel and
Second best
Boat Inutile] barley '
ttecond Best •
Beet it tit busIMI liatesemi - •
semtud host
Best hair itusitel elueortatml
Best half st thattilty Mu 4
M. 0.! ho
lio,t pork of orchard ;
Fnemul Loa
Bey{ pork !MUM need Agrioulturist and
sond best
All vitriutioc not enumerated lu Gigs No.l to Le award
ell premiums ill tics sumo rattu.
No. 7.—(:lrsox 2.
11, it b IM. I Wli I le wheat flour 46
t,edud boot Agriculturhot nod 2
Ilemt barrel red ‘rheAt fluor 5
Fecund bent .
For the boot cwt. of ttoy other k lad of Odor 4
SUCOllti boat ,
Bost bushel of potAtoce i.
• • bushel of !tweet 1101140 e; ~
'' F 14401101 of eatery •
Ilea a., .1 Lroceoll
• • a sinilko of limb trip
" s, peck 01 red 00101.4
" lellbll4 l ll
12 rucumbere
.., peck wllllO onion,.
" 12 peppers
0 head , . lettuce
'. 0 roots as taffy
.. 0 11u1,Illul5PkIlll'
" :1 eweet polorklus .
pock yellow turnip.
• • white table turnips
" I
12 earrotx
•• : 1 14 2 . 1 , 11 4 8; La i
. 1
" ti Ituttl g a Or cui•lomro 2
l • peek tuulatons I
(egg plants I
ti garden squaalle4 • - 1
• • I; large...t rquaelteo
12 ears yellow corn i
" 12 ears white tort 1.
l' II !argent watermelons 2
" three varletlee, two eachl
• ' • ti (011 , 1.11 es . 2
" ~ tou.hel rota lingo t
'.bush.' sugar heels i
I;u4, bunch be,. • 1
: : r
n• el{
c lUilt ,‘ l o l . le i v . tl 1
. 1
" ,1..; Ilt.,ck Polo
Lonna . 1
" awl largest display of vigil iblee 8
Second bost Agrlculturlot Emil 4
Fo. second bolt of each one half of the above prouthuno.
The exllll.ltors toast make entinfactiou that the articlel
exhibve I lire or Moir own raining. .
No. 9.—FRUIT.
B .st choruses lifenniee to
• . 11.111101411111111( 1 1 . 0UM T.rioty
epeoluleu of pea.
end must numerous variety Agrimilliirlat and 3
• • 44016010 n of perches . 2
' •• nud moat natueroun variety 4
.• dh,play of phium 2
•• peck of unlaced 1
- •• display of any kind of grapes 4
display of fruit Agriculturist and 4
For seem.' test of oath one half of the above premiums,
Noel 5 horse team, full rigged diploma and f 1 I
' • • ll mull tenni, lull rigged diploma and 15
.. 2 horse plow, • diploma cad 2
Second bents
Third bent
diploma and 2
Bent cultivator ,
••• barrow diploma and 2
" roller diploma and 2n
grain drill ' . diploma and 4
Second bent I
Bent mowing and reaping machine diploma and,s
,•• cornaheller (hum power I diploma and 5
" threshing Machino diploma and d
" low, power diploma and 3
Second bent
neat endless chain borer power
•• farm wagon for two horses'
Seenut best
1 hire long
Second best, rne moron
But reke
eco oil b, st
Best cart
•• corn shelln r (hood power)
bar 11,111 straw cotter
6 ' corn talk cotter
•• half doyen rakes
••• g mill
• rain n ratite
•• hay fork
flora fork
Dent two horse earrings Diploma nod 00
Second best
Host ono noise sowings
second best
[lest set doable carriage harness
secon.l hest
11, 1 single tentage become
etollll hest
jlest nos der of finishod (nuttier
Second boot
Dud oisplay of bouts and shoonn
Second best
fled dtsplay of hats and cap.
Second nest
Bost display of clothing
tieconni host
Hod display cabinet ware, 6or more article.; Dlp cud CO
Second u, nt
Best display of stoves, not lees then Slow dip end 5
Second best
IfOxt display of chat:. diploma ud
S wood best
Boat display of cedar ware
Bent display of won casting
lifeit ample) , of edged took •
Bent display of tin 0
Hest churn
Bost weehing m ichloo
Beet dierlity of initunfaciorml tobacco
Second bent
Bost display of candles
:wood bent
Where them aerial to retool and prepared by the Itchllt
Best rhambruy
piece rassimere
'• • • lindsey
" lot woolen etockings
MUM uud gloves
' Ingrain carpet
rag carpet
woolen yarn
" knitted etockluire
gloves or mita..
" fleece of wool
" 5 Ito Of wool
Second best of any of Ulu above, half the above premium.
(Md. 4.-3/nun/act to red Artiel,vi Exhibited by th.. Mon
”.61,1 rtr.
Fee be t 1
Sea ,o I beet 1
Second Lent
Soonest b et 1
Second Lout 1
Elect ploco c3881111.1T
• • • ll.tlol
• pair l'lnnkotm
pitiless ballooral
le pBlr utork
woolen yarn
Second beat ornach
17/oBls.L.3foossfarlesirs4 Arfiad.
Boot 811 k hod quilt n 'silver plass, ' castor or 11.1
Secant boot
Herd cotton quilt 1 dorms vllvor plated len ' , pt.'s' , or 4
Second 1).81
11cst woolen raven's!' , 3
Second heat 1
Hest p.tlr blisukols •
Second 1'1..4 2
Aaricnituri.t and 4
Auk,'!lurk' and 2
Cleisv "floe! to, fl .Artie','..
1104 t 111111111 Y of load &milling
Second Le-t
Hest tlyn yards of 11 ix 'Mau
yards 1111 , 1 towel' no
506111.1 held
Best aro yards taw cloth
Second hest
Bost fro donou linen yam
Noca:al lie.'
liest fl vo dor. •n taw yarn
Second Lew
Nest 5 IL. tow
Second Lent„
Hoot ilyo yards Mon dinner
Second Lest
Best swop!, of domestic thread
ti-coud best
Nast five pounds of hatcliolod flax
Bacolod Leol
Agrictilturkt and :I
Agrlealtattet and
. .. .
No. 12—LADIES' WORK..—Viiipir 1.
114,4 t display of embroidery silver plated castor or 4.1
Bent display of other needlework I dozen silver plated
tea •poons or a
Beat worsted work silver plated castor or A
Best display of knitted work 1 dor:silver plated dessert
spoons or:,
Best bead work silver caster or .1
Best hair work 1 do r . silver plated desswt spoons or 5
Best millinery work i, dur• silver plated knives and
forks or a
Bost crochet work 1 dorm silver plated tea spoons or a
For 4,lllldhost of thn alio v e • a
Best knitted hood
Best k Owed shawl 4
Second hest
Bost toot roe or mat
Best pair of worked slippers • 1
Second best I
Best choir cover
SeCOlll Lest
Best choir or sofa tidy, each ' 2
Second lent 1
Best lamp or toilet not - 1
Best piu cushion 1,
Bmoutt best
Hest knit or crochet quilt
Second best 1
Ihistltny other fancy needlework, each - 1
Bent Koine made shirt, by hand .
Second best 1
Bost darning or Patching, each 1
Second hint auo
Boot stitched shirt bosom and collar, by hand 1 Ad
Sticiolid host
Best specimen of any other Plata sewing, each . • I
Nuys 2. ..
Best Bather cone and shell work nf auy kind 42
Stoad bear 1
Best of auy otLer loony work, each .
ken atlas
t' - ' o i ,
Best display of natural flowers and plants fei
design of cut flowern
collection of row is
in pots a
Colleenon of thi.IIIIILA In pots A
''. Cilium asters
'• verbenas Il
petunias :1
•' lieliotrop. 71
' .. hydranglas a
rIICI/ cut s u s
oleaudar 2
" display of artificial tinware
•• display of wax flowers 5
display of with trust 1 dor-a silver plated
dessert spoons or 5
For second Lest of each of nit, above ono halt the above
promtund •
N0.14.-110ME DEPARTMENT. —Class 1.
Best butter, out loan than a Ho 1 dor...diver plated
tea Alloo,lll or a
Agriculturitit and 2
Agricultarkt atutl
Agriculturki and
Agriculturkt awl
Second bent
Best cheese, not lens lion 5 H i s
Second bent
Boot preened cheese
Bast specimen of honor
Second bent
Bost aunt° butter
Second bent
ti eco ent
n d be ono o nt f lard
Bent five poundx boon {MS
St•CULL 11,1
80111113111, cured by tho exhibitor
Second best
Bent dried hoof •
Second bent Itgriculturlnt and
Beatdisplay of above combined, nether slated cnster or i
In this only married ladles oan he competitor,
Persons whose trade Is baking cannot enter in
this department for competition.
Beet loaf Wheat Bread, Italia dozen Silver plat
ed Tea Spoons or $3. Second best, $9. Third
best, $l. Best loaf Rye Bread, $2. Second best,
$l. Beet Corn Bread, $2. Second best, $l. Best
Bran Bread, $2. Second best, $l. Best half dozen
Tea Biscuits, $2. , Second best, Si.
Best Fruit Cake $2 Second best $1 Best
Pound Cake $2 Second best $1 Best Sponge
Cake Second best $1 Best Cdp Cake $2 Sec
ond best $1 Best Jumbles $9 Second best $1
Best Doughnuts $1 Second best 50c Beat Gin
ger Cake $2 Second best $1 Best other fancy
Cake each $2 Second best $1 Best plate of
small Cakes, not less than 3 varieties $2 Second
best $1 Greatest variety of Cakes, a silver plat
ed castor or $3.50
Agrloulturkt aul 2
Class 4.—ri44.
Best specimen of Pico of any Lind
..§econd best
Greatest variety of Ples
Class Fruits.
Best specimen of Dried Fruit of any kind .........k9
Second best 1
Apicuhurkland 1
- • • • •
Largest display In Wl* this, American Agrlcul
turlet and 2
Beat Specimen of Preserved Fruit of any kind ...C3
Second best
Largest Display of Preserves...Am r. Agri. and
Best specimen of Fruit Jellies of any kind. ..... ..$2
Second best 1
Largest display or FruMON.:3, Amer. Agri and 9
Best bottle of any kind of bottle maths W1ne.....52
Beet half gallon of Applo Vinegar
. .
Best half gallon of Sugar Cane Molasses
Second best .
Best display of OR Paintings
Second best
nest. display of Draivlnge
'Second best.
Best Statuary
Best Photographs
Best Ivorytypo....
Best Plano Porto..
. . .
Rest display of other Musical Instruments.. 4
Rest colleotlon of Curiosities... 5
Rest eolleellOa of Colas, Medals, &c
The Committee on this class will use their own
judgment In awarding such premiums as they
think suitable.
Best Lady Driver, single or double team, a sil
ver plated castor or $lO
Lest lolly Rider, an horseback, ono dozen sil
ver plated dessert spoons or 10
Best pair of Children's Ponies, In harness 6
Best single Pony, In ..............
No premiums .wl,ll bo awarded for riding or
driving unless three competitors enter the list,
each lady to be attended by a gentleman as all
escort; and no racing will be allowed.
Best Ploughman • $5
Second best.... ....... AMerlcan Agriculturist and 3
Third beet '2
Fourth hest . •
Best pair Plough Horses 5
Second best American Agriculttirist and
Third best
. . . .
The trial hi to tale place at 0 o'clock A. M. on
the last day of the Fair.
NO. 19.—ORES, METALS, &o. •
Best display and quality of Iron Ore Diploma
Zinc Ore. ........ ......Dip
if Slate. .......... ...........Dip
Limestone Dip
4C Fire and Porcelain
Clay, Dip
Pig Iron Dlp
IC " • Wrought 1r0n......D1p
IC j i Von Axles Dip
" late Mahtlcs, Ta
hies Dip
Roofing and School
Slates, Dip
Best and greatest collection of all Minerals
found In Lehigh county... .................
This collection to be the property of the Society.
All the articles in the above list to he the pro
duct of Lehigh county.
0. L. BCfiftEIISER, President.
J. STAMP.% Secretary. [julyl2-3w
diploma and 3
MO.. and 4
dlpluton nod
diploma and
dlploolm and I
dlplon. nod I
dlplomn HIM 1
diphoirt Knd I
dlpluni Lltllli
111111. m, null
diploma ttud 2
diPlonut untl 1.
diploma und 5
diploton and 2
dip/11111M and 5
Ati~lcnlnuVnl nna I
Ayriculturivt acd
am 3.-.. Cakes
Class 6.—Praserved Fria,
Class 7.—Mtit Jellies
Clan B.— Wines, &c