4,e Yttigl 'Actlister. No paper discontinued until all arearages are aid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not lecolve their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this office. Subscribers about removing will please send us their old address as well us thonew. NOTlCE.—Within a short time we have men out a large number of bills forsuhscription. Many of them have received prompt attention, for which we return thinks, and we would be very happy to return thanks to the balance of those who have received our bille. The amount In each case Is small, but in the aggregate the amount Is large, and our friends will confer a favor by giving the matter their prompt attention. THE masonic fraternity in this place have post poned doing work during the warm weather. Tun street railway project Is again being talked about In Pottsville. CAMP.—The Excelsior Mks and Company A, Selfridge Guards, will go Into camp In the last week In Angnst. Tim B nn of America throughout the Stele are making preparations for the State Parade to take place at Harrisburg In August next. THE Red Stocking Base Ball Club, of this city, will go to Bethlehem on the fourth of July, to play the Quicksteps of that place. . IT is said the new wholesale drug store is to be located In Be'pie, Johnson & Co.'s banding. Church le held In the store room at present. IN grading the pavement on Penn street in the roar or the Presbyterian Church the remains of seven bodies have been exhumed. COMMENCEMENT.—"University Day" at Lehigh University falls on Thursday, June 22d. Exercises commence at half past two o'clock. WE are pleased to learn that our friends on the "other aide of Jordan," In tbeFlrst"Ward,orr soon to be enlightened—for which workmen are now laying gas pipes on Second street near Union. A BAKER of Tentrinie nationality, who is seen on Hamilton sweet daily with his push-curt loaded with bread, lost all his dogs but flee, his present company. SOME of the Finit Ward citizens complain of the extravagant cost for sprinkling the streets, and besides the capacity of the wagon is not suffi cient to do the work thoroughly. A FANTISTIC PARADE Will lake place OR tho Fourth of July, about five o'clock In the afternoon ; at Wulbert's Station, to wind up with a grand pie rile near Henninger's Hotel. h' the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company does not placca watchman at Walnut street cross ing somebody will gel hurt. The crossing there le a very dangerous one. • APPOINTED SCHOOL DIRECTORS.-Dr. 0. I,—Feg.ley has been appointed School Director in the Sixth Ward, lu place of John Brogan, who had removed from the Ward. THE No. 6.—James Kenery, Patrick Gal aglier and John J. Lentz went to Philadelphia, on Thursday, to purchase a hose carriage for the Sixth Ward Fire Company. InoN.---In lig Iron there Is not much doing ; sales of No. 1 foundry at $35, and No. 2 at $33. Bar may be quoted at $75. Scotch Pig Is steady at s33@ 33 1.1 ton, and Nulls at $4.75 keg. PIikBENTATION.—The scholars of the Sec ond and Thltd Ward Grammar School ,• last Fri day, presented MisaWashburue with a Ir.ndsome sliver card receiver as a token of ntreetion to a valued teacher. THE Reading Railroad Company on Wed nesday declared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent. payable In cash on the 17th of July. The transfer books will remain closed until the 20th of July. BUILDING operations thus far have not hem remarkably brisk, owing to the scarcity of bricks, bat better times are anticipated from now until the the close of the Beason. Carpenters have been kept busy making repairs and alterations. WIDENING THE TRACK —The workmen are engaged near Rockdale on the Lehigh Valley Rail road In blasting rocks and widening the trucks for the sleeping curs which are shortly to be placed ou that road. LOANS SOLD.—At the last meeting or the Penn Land, Loan, Baying and Building .M.3061'- 0011 six loans.were sold at $5O, six at $49, tcu ut $46, two at $42 and fourteen at $4O premium per Sho re. Woo Is to have the WOO reward for the dettetlon of the barn burners? Emanuel Hofferd puts In a claim for It, and we understand there are others who think they are entitled to It. The struggle for the pile promises some excitement. FELL PROM A TREE.—On Wednesday a son of Charles Neizer, residing on the Lehigh Moun tain, fell from a cherry tree and broke one of hie arms above the elbow. Dr. C. Martin attended the Injury. JOHN Porrs, Esq., has been Treasurer of Norristown School District for twenty..one years continuously, and the excellent condition of the public schools of that place, the Daily Herald says, may be attributed In a great measure to lila care and attention. THE fiIITIOUS Watkins Glen, located at the bead of Seneca Lake, Watkins, Schuyler Co., N. Y., has become ono of the most popular Bummer resorts In America. Last year the number of visitors reached 50,000, and an Increase of 10,000 to 20,000 Is anticipated during the season of 1871. llnvtiVo has commenced in gond earnest in this section. Thu oldest citizens say the season Is at least two weeks earlier than usual. Thu hay crop will be a short one on account of the lute dry weather.—.slafington Sews. Professor B. sa3s the season Is later than it was lost year—about one year later. 'fate appointment of pewees J. Martin as Standard Bearer of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of the State of Pennsylvania, Is regarded as a juA recognition of the faithful ser vices of a dutiful Sir Knight and as a well-merited compliment to Allen Commandery. Home KILLED.—On Saturday week at the Blue Vein slate quarry, a bores belonging to Saylor Sr, Morgan, which was attached to a cart, while on the dump, started on ix run and ran a distance of about one hundred yards, and being ibllnd ran with his head against a stone WRII, knocking his brains out and killing him instantly. DEDICATION.-TllO Evangelical Church at Millerstown will be dedicated to the service of Almighty God on Sunday, July 2d. There will be preaching morning, afternoon and evening. Rev. Solomon Ncitz, of Reading, will be one of the preachers: The christian comuTuniv is invited to be present. Tim Building Committee of the Lutheran congregation at Boyertown, Becks county, MO° proposals for the erection of II new church. These proposals are to.be sealed, and, sent to Dr. T. J. B. Rhoads, Secretary, Boyertown, by whom speci fications will also be shown. The contract for the edifice Is to be awarded ou Sltturday, the Ist of July. There's a chance for builders. RELI(IIOIIB.—Rev. J. 11. Dubbs, formerly of Pottstown, was duly Installed as pastor of Christ Church, Green street, Philadelphia, on Sunday evening, June 18th, by a committee of the chassis of Philadelphia, consisting of Rev. SARUM! IL Fisher, D. D., Rev. lb. Nevin, D. D., aud Rev. N. Gehr. The sermon on the occasion was preached by Rev. Dr. Nevin, pastor of Race Street Reformed Church ? from which the Green street congregation about eleven years ago went out. WATKINS has a rare natural attraction in the wooded glen of a mill stream which here falls some four hundred feet In less than a mile from the higher level on the Nest to the valley of the lake. This full Is made by a sncces•inu of leaps or cascades into pools or basins of varying depth and magnitude, separated hy stretches of awift,bright water, and overhung by the dark evergreens, which mainly compose the all embracing forest, which the eau Irradiates but kw hours per day. We judge this among the finest succession of cataracts in our Sinte.—lTOrnee Greeley. BOATING on the Lehigh le hecouning fiuiilon able. This Is delightful during our pleasant eve nlnge TUE laying of elute pavement around Frinik. 110 Square, Philadelphia, la seriously talked of. An Important Item for our slate men. BUMMER GAHM:N.—H. Koenig & Co. give notice elsewhere that they have opened their sum. mer garden, near the Fountain House, and are ready to make arrangements for plc-nice, parties, etc., on liberal terms. WEATIIERLY.—Judge Pucker has presented the Reformed Congregation with n lot to build a church upon. Our old friend T. 13. Garner is still flourishing and building up a good reputation for the hotel he keeps. TilE A LI.ENTOWII CITIMNICI.F., wittingly or nnwittirgly, shirred the Importance of the Penna. Butte B. b. AstlociaLlON and was correctly rebuked therefor loot night by the Dully News.—Suntan Free Press. The above le simply a dishonorable and 'insert' pulons mlercpresentatiou. A DESERVED DRASTISEMENT.-A fellow in n confectionery store on Hamilton street, Wednes day, by reason of a breach of politeness, was most thoroughly pounded on the head with a broom In the hands of the madame of the shop. Served him right doubtless,profit by the chastisement. THE public eelooils of Allentown will elope for the usual summer %meat' on on Fildny of this week. As a Littoral consequence the pupils urn rrinicing. The commencement of the Filch School will take place In the Fifth Ward School building on the 20th. CoNTRACT:—Edwar.d 13. Gough has been ewer led the contract for 'furnishing the Emnus Furnace with the brass work required. Mr. Gough's works have the capacity for manufactur. ingarticles of this kind at such prices as to en this hint to compete with nny establishment In the country. CONVICTION OF A ( 0 UNTERFEITEIL —A man named John utercr of Willusktrre, plead guilty to two Indictments for dealing In and passing coun terfeit currency before the U. B. Court sitting In Williamsport, on Thursday, and was set:Amend by Judge ‘lcCandles to eight years Imprisonment In the Western Penitentiary, and pay a fine of $6OO. EAST ALLENTOW N.—Messrs. 'Masser, Keck & Co., proprietors of the Allen Tannery, one of the largest establishments of the kind In the Culled States, are about to still further Increase their ca pacity by the addition of a number of rats wh ch will enable them to turn out sin hundred and fifty hides a week, Instead of fur hundred and fifty a Week, their present capacity. Finn RAINING.—The Dorneys hove been reaping success In their labors In raising Mi. On their farm they have several ponds and their finny population numbers about 2000 small trout, about 200 of full grown size and 600 inviting. suckers. Their operations have caused some ill-feeling upon thu part of one of their neighbors, which we be lieve they can very easily get along with. 11 , caught in a shower, and you get your hat wet, brush it before IL is dry. And so of the horse. When ho comes in wet with perspiration smooth his hair with a coarse brush—a common broom is better than nothing—in the direction you wish It to lay when he is dry. The animal will feel better, and IL will he only half the trouble to clean him the next time he needs It. BECAME a man wears a black eye it Is wrong to suppose that he must necessarily have received it in a bar-room light or a street brawl. Some men receive black eyes while carelessly scaling a fence or fulling against a tree. If the friend tit your left wears a "Mansard" over his eye, judge him not harshly; but give him the benefit of the risibility of his having received it In the manner lust mentioned. TITATHEAVY NIoRTOACIE.—The $25,000.000 mortgage on the Reading Railroad, which We h ive noticed Morena having been recorded in Philadel phia, Montgomery, Sehuyll:lll,l3erito,Lebanon and Daaphin,was brought to Lehigh county on Satur day to be recorded here. There are one hundred and twenty-five tuternal Itevenbe stamps upon it of the denomination of two (lotion; each, making a total of $25,000. THE OPERA HOUSE.—ThO work of frescoing the Opera House goes rapid'y forward. The ceil ing Is tini.hed and presents a handsome appear ance. Over the stage a group of hags, with the Union 'shield In the centre has been artistically painted. The walls will be paneled with Grecian colutnns. Those who attend the Opera Hoene when it again opens *lll beagreeably sure-Iced at the metamorphosis which has taken place. Trre, Heath - Zounves of Pittsburgh have been granted leave of absence by the Adjutant General, from June 26th to September 1, , t, for the purpose of taking a tour through Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, New York, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. The Ad jutant General has made application to the au thorities of the several States for the company to puss through, armed and equipped 119 a military organization. SUDDEN DEATIL—John Bittner, a brakes man on the Belvidere Delaware Railroad, fell dead ou the platform of the Lehigh & Sus quelianna Railroad depot at Easton, yesterday afternoon. He went into the saloon, took a drink of ice water, and got only about four paces outside the door, when he fell down dead. Heart disease ie supposed to have been the cause of death.— Bethlehem Timm THE Sixth Ward Fire Company has pur chased the Merida hose carriage of Philadelphia. Thu Plilladelphlaboys are very desirous to havethe new company for a namesake and have hresented the No. 6 with fifteen fire hats, a silver head light and two German silver fire horns. The name lII_ hernia in certainly a good one and has been kept honorable by the old Philadelphia organization, and as there Is no much to be gained and nothing to be lost by adopting the name we do not Bee why it should not lie dime. THE Sixth Ward school house rapidly ap• proaches completion. It is a beautiful building, constructed in a first-class manner throughout and will add another edifice to our puhlic •balltilags which are the admiration of strangers and the pride of our citizens. It will, In all probability, be opened on the first of September when the children will be made happy in comfortable quar, tern and we are confident that their progress in learning will repay the tax-payers for the heavy expenditures they have been called upon to pro. vide for. STRIKE AT CoPLAY.--OR Side laborers and fillers of the Lehigh Valley Iron Works struck for higher wages, and succeed,d In {wing, an advance of ten per cent. Most of the workmen resumed work, but some of them stayed out. Although the wages paid laborers are small, It Is a bad time to strike, becubse the Iron business has not recovered from the derangement brought about by the coal strike, and every advance In wages only adds so much more to the losses of the furnace compaules. The first Important step towards.living wages Is to vote for taco who will restore the Pt otectlve Turilrou pig Iron. SA LE ot , LoANs.—Al a meeting of the Equi table Loan,Baving and Building Association, held Juno 20th, at the office of Dr. Wm. J. Romig, eight shares of $2OO each were sold at the follow ing monthly premiums :—threo at $1.75, four at $2.00, and one at $2.02. '1 be system under which this association Is working Is a new ono to our citizens and Is not generally understood. As In other associations the monthly payment of one dollar will entitle the subscriber *04200 when the affal , a of the associ ation are wound up. A person wishing to borrow money, instead of bidding a premium of $75 or $BO on a share, which In deducted at once and leaves him but $125 or $l2O, bids the amount of premium he is willing to pay each month In addi tion to the monthly Interest, and he t,,en receives the full amount bid for—s2oo. Them .0 who bids to pay $2.00 a mouth mount therefor., pay monthly $l.OO dues, $l.OO Interest and $2.00 pretul um, tucking a total of $4.00 per month. But only $3 a mouth can justly be charged to Interest, which Is equivalentoo paying eighteen per cent. for the motley, or, not counting any Interest ou the $l.OO per mouth paid for the purpose of sharing In the benefits of .the association, the actual cost of the money to the buyer will' be about tun per cent. per unman. At the last meeting of the Blutington LOllll and Building Association, live shares of stock Were sold nt SRO, and two nt $57 premium. THE LEHIGH IN Wllkeebarre they Love a triangle t. emend the nlntm to the eltlzenS when the water supply I -10 be cut off. IT Is said boil' Carnetoss & Dixey have left the minstrel business and that the former will ge Into gents' furnishing business, while the lotto Alit carry on a music store. GIPSFY ENCAMPMENT.—A large strolling hand of gypsies pitched their tents, Thursdny tn. wards evening, In the vicinity of Wheeler's lock. about one tulle up the L. and S. R. R. IViMerger's Flavoring Folrart., ; Barlow's Ind'. go Ulan; awl W,llb•rger'• Indo I' le Ink, adv. by Alfr•' nn lltb rgnr, (Drugvint. '33 :sinrth vrn nod Si., nbilad'a , In bin In•nr, gre ar•lr'n. of .nn.• Ir arrit 120,1 d ht. ad, THE eXelliriitni of the St. Paul's ()omen Lutheran Sunday &hoot to Kutztown will he on the I3th of July and not on the 29111 as reported In last evening's News. 't they will he accompanied by n band. NEW HE AMR. & furniture dealers and undertaker., have Just" re ceived a bewail - al new hearse, which was mirth fitetured by W. M. Raymond, of Newark, N. J., at a cote of $1,500. iT is reported flint the bameron coal lands. at Bham•.kln, Worming to lion. Simon Cameron. Wm. Cameron and John R. Packer, have keen, nr aro ahont being' sold to the Northern Central Railroad Company. The rumored price Is $750,- 000. THE LATEST Itt•:nnSENE Mrs. Garigan, of Long 131 and City, saturated her einthes with kerosene on Monday morning. and then, taking her baba In her arms, set fire to them. Tier husband coining In sized and saved the child, but the woman was so badly injiired that she died on Tuesday. Insanity in believed to he the rause of this strange and tnrrlhlt.freak. DETECTIVES.—'I he Bethlehem Times says : "Our townsman \Vm. 11. Yohu has ossocluted himself with Jacob Johnson, of Easton, in the de tective business. They have opened en office In Easton, and will attend to all business In their line between Easton and Scranton. As both of the above gentlemen b ire had considerable expe rience we have no doubt of their succcss.". PERKASIE, the new elation nu the North Railroad, between Quakertown and Sellers ville, will soon be quite a town. Fourteen housen are to be built there thin Summer. Seven of these nre nearly completed, one of which Is a brick building to be occupied an n hotel. Several others have been commenced and the rest will soon be started. A new station house Is also to be erected there thin Saintlier by the railroad company. FIGURES WORTH KNOWINO.—•TIie following iti ' a comparison of value 9 of railroad bonds and other s $l,OOO bondat 5 per cent pays 46 is OE3 Mt'. se se' cral r rtes of In , nrest the bonds would be of espial value in 'mint f 1 , nme, at the follow licz prices : Five per cent...L DO ; pIX per relit. at 82 ; seven and I liree•ientlia pe , cent. at 10D, or par. ;Six per cent. bonds at par are exactly eganl to 7 3-10 bnnil4 at 121. Six per cent. bandit at 02 we juxt (quill to 7 a-10 per cunt. muds at 112. CELI:DRATIoN.—The citizens of Zionsville are patriotic and up to the time. They are look ing extensive preparations fora celebration of the fourth of July lu a proper spirit. At six o'clock In the evening there will be addresses, mn•lc by a band and probably a balloon ascension, after which there will bti a grand display of fireworks. C. W. Wieaud, Esq.. Is one of the prime movers lu the [natter and the tints of the citizens will cer tainly he crowned with succe,s. Zionsville Is a five place and only nerds the Perltiomen Railroad to make It a leading town. REPORT or coal transported over I he Lehigh Valley Railroad for the week ending June 17111, 1871, compared with same time last year: For •Week. For Yen, —21,607 02 1G7,724 14 ... 1U 00 222 338 00 442 00 75,443 03 —13,70 15 233,457 14 ... 001 01 4,584 15 20 05 Total Wyoming II ..... Upper Lehigh.. Beaver Meadow 111alootoy ...... !d aut.!' Chink . Erb• Total by Roll tt: Canal 96.272 18 741.74 17 Same than 1870 67,820 b 6 1,779,820 07 Increase. Dt.ereae 31,417 08 1,038,088 10 CONNUBIAL. —A. festive occasion was en joyed in Heidelbt rg, on the 20M,in celebration of the marriage of Dr. W. G. M. Seiple to 3liss Sophia Miller. The wedding took place nt the house of the bride's parents and Rev. Helfrich, of Fogelsvillc, tied the Gordian knot. A number of friends and relatives from this city, among whom were a number of the Medical profession, were present, and they express themselves as delighted. To the brave couple who have entered upon a new and uncertain life we tender our sincere wishes for their happiness and hope they will realize that heretotoie they had not been living, tut only staying, on this mundane sphere. Two 'fittirritts I-11ere nt home, trinity of our fast sportsmen are in the habit of supposing until they believe it so, that they ace ludividually the Identical owners of the tieet.fouted nags who upon common roads can knock the spots out of the time culled two-thirty. That, this is a fallacy Is prbveu by the highest autoority known to the turf—and this common eNpres lon is not Justified by the truth. Thousands of trotters are so classed by their-enthusiastic buck. ; Whereas, careful investi4otion demonstrates the fact that there are only about two hundred horses In our entire coun try entitled to any;sneb.recordeti triumphs,and this upon the track, not over ordinary hlgharuys• Therefore, be it known to our knights of the whip, that a two-thirty nag is some pumpkins after ull. A. FIGHT took place 'Wednesday in Bocnig's lager beer saloon In the Sixth Ward, between a German and his wife, both parties being 'mist thoroughly inspired by Bacchus. The husband, It seems, was the offending party and began the quarrel. Abuse was heaped upon the wife and she was most shamefully beaten on the head and far At this juncture of affairs, patience ceasen to be a virtue and the Scriptural Injunction, to turn the other cheek, was not curried out ,ha. several telling Instalments were planted by the wife both above and belowthe right and left peepers of the husband; whose walling.; and promi•cs of repentance over the castigation thus administered, Induced the wife to expect a better state of things In the future on the part of the husband. Ile was let otT In conse quence and went on Ids way doubtless a wiser and a better man. EDUCATIONAL.—The election for School Controllers took place last Wednesday evening with the following result:— In the First Mini William A. Roney was elect ed, who will make an excellent °Meer. In the Second %Yard the candidates were Wm. . Young and Dewees J. Martin, but there was no hoice. In the Third Ward Charles li. Rube, Republis ean,and Sidney W. Hureaw were elected. These gentlemen, we believe, will discharge their &ties with Oddity. Is the Fourth Ward Charles M. Rank, Esq., and Rev. W. It. (Ries were chosen. Thes . e gent to mes arc an honor to their Ward,—hard-working, etil lent and prouressive In educatlenal matters. In the Filth Ward, John McLean was chosen and we understand the selectl al Is a wise one. In the Sixth Ward . John 11. (lull end Charles ii. Nimson were sleeted, troth of whom are exeels lent selections. THE NEW SAVINO, 13nl.nISt ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION.—Aa there appearA to he conniderable Interest taken in the worhlndn'of the new associa tion, we append the following:- - One share In the Equitable Loan and Building Asenciation compares with interest on ninny bor rowed an follown: $2OO loaned at 10 per cent. for 8 years with prin cipal and Interest amounts to $l,OBO. S2JO bought out of the Equitable at $3.75 per month amounts at the cod of eight years to $l,OBO. Consequently, assuming the society to run out In eight years, a person buyin4 out at $3.75 per month, pays an equivalent of 10 per cent. as com pared with money loaned. A person borrowing $2OO at 12 per cent. Interest pays with principal and Interest In eight 'years $5Ol A person buying from the- Eließeige at $4 per month pays in eight years $384, which le eight dollars Idos than 12 per cent. over n period of 'eight years. But at such premiums the society would run out in six or seven years, which would lessen the amount paid in the course of years very much. EGISTER, ALL THE Democracy of Northampton will have forty-flee candldatea for Flieriff. FATAL ACCIDENT.—Monday morning n boy, 'gel about two years, was run over by the down freight, at Fullerton, and instantly killed. Colo. ner Bush held an inquest: COHNIM LOAFINO, with the 1180 or &nisi ve, Indecent, or insulting language, whether ad tressed to any person passing upon the hi.th way, to any • dber person, or to no person in particular, hats seen made a statutory offence In Connecticut, pun ishable by fluent - a exceeding 6eVell dollars. Give us some' Connecticut insv. HEAVY HIJSINESS.—Barber & Co. are (101117, Leary business at their machine shop+ In this city. Last week moraine they sold two engines, one of likeen horse-power to Andrews & for iron-ore bed, and the other of thirty horse pqwer to Swoyer & Co., at Bower's Station. This (trio keep engines on hand ready to supply 'll5lO - at a moment's notice. TDB HIV RAILROAD BRAKE.-011 the 7th Inst., the patent air brake was Intro !need on the passenger earn or the N.ellwro Central railway, fee the first time. It is a innst desirable improve ment, ns well RR RR Rlllll.lOllO preen RUM, itallist iteehlehts. Forty-three passion:yr, hauctice and ,•xpress cars have been fined with the noci,sary apparatus, and It Is expected that Inn short time all will be furnished with It. It is wonderfully elticachats, and a train of six ears can be stopped within 200 and 200 fin t, when rumilits: at the rate of thirty talks an hour. —. Stale Journal. A YOUNU MAN SOLD —A young man in tMvn, last week, who claimed that he Is neither Insane nor hypochondriacal, but only laboring under mental depression, catered Into negotiations with one of our practlelog physiciuns for the sale of his body, which Is to be placed Into the billids of the latter 8 tier death. The patigs :appeared before ono of our Aldermen, where the necessary (locum nts were drawn up land properly signed, the amount agreed upon being ten dollars for that organization which Is fearfully and wonderfully made—that piece of mechanism which Is the par apm of [animals. A cci I) EN T. 7 -On the farm 01 Levi Buckman, In Middleton township, is an old covered well in front of the shtfmt-roost door, and over which the path runs. One day hart week as Elio, his daugh ter, and a datialner of Win. Livezuy, were stand ing arid conversing over the well, thi; covering fell through, and both were precipitated to the bottom, a Maumee of twenty feet. They were rescued uninjured, but considerably frightened. The well had been euvered for a number of years, and the decaying of the timber was the canoe of the aryl. dent. It hail been walked over more or less evrry day.—Nettlown Enterprise. Philadelphia ninth dissatisfaction exists among the citizens against. the Paid .Fire Depart ment on account of its alleged inefficiency. Among this class will be found all the rough sand runners who, In the days or the volunteer &pal tment, set Ore to buildings without the least regard for the saf. tl of the citizens or their property, and these are the ones who are loudest in their denunciation of the new Delia' Mein. We notice that lit Ifie burning of a saw•itilli In the northeastern part of the city, hint evening,. the hone was several times de inched by outsideis for the purpose of hindering the operations of the liepnrtutent. REAL. ESTATI: SALES. —RepOrled by Will man 6.; Letsenring : James 0: 1 / 2 ddiner sold n two-story brick dwel. ling house and tat of ground 22 feet . 6 Inches front by 240 feet deep, on soul b-cast corner of Eighth and Turner stretts, to 11. C. Wagner for $7,750. Ilcuty C. Wagner sold a two.story brick dwel ling house and let of ground, 15 feet 10 inches front by GO feet deep, on south side of Gordon street, betwee., sth and 6111, for e. 2.000. Also, a two-story brick dwelling bout° and lot of ground, nit south side of Gordon street, between nth and 17.x40 feet, for 81,500, both to James 0. Shi nier. A ceIDENT.—A Mr. Moor, who WitS em placed lu hauling ore to B odhcail's Station, an the Bath Ralltoad, math a team of flee 'noses; Ines with a serious loss Wedneed•ty afternoon. While he With On a high enthaelonent the ground sill away from moiler the . wagon, and wagon, 'horses and all were precipitated down an enilittukrneut of about 15 feet. Two of tile horses were killed out right mid the other, badly Hived ; one probably will have to he killed. Vr. ti oyer Ina poor man, the horses having hem about all he pocse.lntell, and the lose Is a very severe one to hi ni.-11elltlehrot Th»eit. TIE Allentown Rolling Mill Company will, on the Orst of uly, take possesslon of the machine shops purchased front Thayer, Erdman & R - I Icon. Thu Company now has every Malty for loin' every branch of work without going to outside es tablishments, which will enable them to comp te, under ulleircumstanees, with any other works In the United States. The }unfits on manufactured limn have been 08cr' w at down In such a small point that in the future other establishments will he compelled to follow the consolidation policy of the Allentown Rolling Mill In order to he success ful. Oue of the effects of the low tariff will he to drive small operators nut of the business. EXCUItBION OF TUE READINCI HEIMIINIED SUNDsT SCIICIOLS 'To PIIILADEI.I.IIIA.-011 Thtlre d.iy morning ten ears, containing' the pupils of the• Reformed Sunday Schools of Readlns, ar I red at Fairmount Park, accompanied by the Ringgold Cornet Pawl. The excursionists Wen! net at the park by a large number of friends, and the day was passed by the entire party in the mmt a grre. able manner. Three pickpockets !node their appearance ;it the Park shortly after the arrival of the selotols, but they were obliged to leave before having ;to oppor tunity to ply tin it business. THE season of fireworks being near at hand, we feel lt , our duty to warn Juveniles to exereise great care imthelr use, anal especially the one de seribed below, theuccount of a Melt we take from the Philadelphia Ledger: A Well known citizen has left at Ills olllee it specimen or a kind of ‘• lorpoho , ,o.ivti is now be. h.e.td In title city among other fireworks. IL I. alma till' size Of It small amebae, colored Idt:eland real, MO it looks a good oval like a sugar plum. One of these geniag into the lauds or a little bay a low days ago wits Ignorantly tar innocently mat by Mtn Into his mouth and ahnost inamealettely exploded, dieligurlng lira very mateli and endang ering Irk life. The sample left with us wns reel den tally exploded, and from the havoc It Mad, among the papere and other matters near It, we haul a good opportunity to J Alga: of the injury anal (I. St ruction this dangerous plaything Is e.tpable o prodnelng In liteXperleneed hands. As It appear. to he Mainly Intended for clilldten, kis Very gales t hatable whether Its uunmbtctut e nod ea csiwul he permitted. At all events, parents and unartllan. eltould be warned against It. Gottin TO LaW.—As SoUrCe or speculation, either public or private, going to law may be pro nolineed a failure. We notice In several exeliallues reports made upon terms of courts Jnst closed, where the aLl'Uree:ale jadernielitS of the session dial not exceed a hundred dollars, %011ie the toot to the counties concerned Wan 00100 IWO or three thous and. Low is, therefore, held to be more of at lux ury than aweessity. If the amount of the judg mentos Ina given termwere the test of the value of courts, the showing would ton• always he good; but such verdiets speak well for the community hi which they are band, and lire a. pretty safe evidence of general thrlft and twaspellty. Large Judgments may he very rhowy on paper, and hi kitting heavy hu-iness transactions ;hill the rural eollailles , ran Afford to dl , ellse With that class of honor , . There is no he littler Indication In st county than a coon with little to do oral a ;load Made up of Want: pages: LAFAYETTE COLLEGI Nt'.— Thc annual cowneucement of La fay et t e College took place on Wednesday. The grad. • outing class numbered thirty-six. Mr. ii. 11. King took the L.ttlu salutatory Prize, and Mr. W. It. Owen delivered the valedictory. In also to,:k the Fowler pm •In English and philology. The prize for. mathematics was awarded to M I. (lipid, and the prize for astronomy was won by Mr. J. C. Crawford. 'President Catlett announce:l th tt Mr. It. 11. Bryan, who had received this prize last year, had just bean oppointed astron n in •r to the North Pole expedition. Mr. Edward Welles and Dr. Henry Rase received the decree of A. M. ; PtesidtMt Brakely, of Bordentown, J..F. Seller, of Harrisburg, and A. Henry ilarnes,nf Philadelphia, the degree of D. ; President hays, of Wash ington College, the Rev. C. S DL1111111114% A. S. Mutchmore, J. Belleville, and Roger Owen, the degree of D. D. At the commencement dinner ens Governoryollock presided. Prole sor Coffin, who has just completed his twenty-fifth' year In the faculty, was presented by the students with a chronometer watch, and by others with a sliver . set. The president's reception lu the evening was nmiterouttly attend•td. NTOWN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1871. THE 13•LEKE COUNTY RAIL ROAD.—Nead% one hundred thouonud doilnro have been outiscrlher In the city of Reading to the oto k of the Beth Countylt likeny and there seemo to he little dotih. hut that the project twill be Immediately under taken. A meetintt of the citizen!. of the tipper my of our county; nucht to he called, co that the eari construction of the rood would he mode SUIT [here t i ny he small dividends from the stock nr first, hue the erent inerenoe In vn hie or thC prop. crty tutor with+ the road will pans all fully cont. powate the outlay. WASHBURN'S G it EAT Mt)ItAL SHIM !VT SESSATION"—HronaAmzED V.)lt 1871 Ata, ti 72.—Thla entertainment, to he civcio at ilolueu howlea Opera Ilouse on Monday and Tthoo3day, July SolootalAth,loy Washbura'B Compano ,prooni-vo In bun crnnol oolialr. This company I. Said to b ouu Sr the he-t traveling. The preoog thronghou the country are 11,11111J1110Ild at their penis. s, um crowded houses cruet them a herever they appear. In noticing their perl'ortnantoe, the Bern stun Tittles Faye : Washbuin 9 s LuFt Betz atlnn Trollre was greet,' with nu ocoollou lug holoooto nt W on .hh o etoon S dmtlny eve:oho:ond tool:Irak: was the:mend me olVer Iwe hundred were unuho In oin a to ad thi.tsion. The enteit.iluinetit In eve! y respect wit ii.cided surges, every act being received with hearty round of upplause., 'file utmost I .rike pre vaned during the entertainment, and nothing wa• introdueed culeidated to offend tie taste of iii• fastidious. La Petite Lillie Wasiihurn, In het elm racier songs, Wits voelferously applauded, Mill evs priuuninced by all to lie the /Mk Stan of th. evening. It is seldom that we it itina.s Si, inuel• genuine genius nnd pertness in one 60 youug, witch appearing before no large tin audience. . Co OPERATIvE.—We learn Irani a reliable source that a movement la mode mwardsoroulz lag a stink company is this city, for the purr's, •of mining and developing coal. About SJO acre. of laiid has been procared, tear Pot:don t audio.proposed to i.-sue 2,000 share:, of $l,OOO each, of which each holder pays in a amiably Inst.:damn! 011 each rhare'of $5 ; Ilan is the most one per.me can bold he his right. Thri,e who are at the bean of this movement desire that practical miners shall forni a large portion of the stockholder.. This %till work to two advantages—the ussociatim will have the advantages of their skill and the mere will learn the trouble and vexations ut- tentinnt upon preparing and getting co Ito market. Judging from,t be diameter on the, men at Its head, thla noolenteut,'w toile an Innovation of the old sy, teal, moot prove a samosa. If the ruiners will come forward and take store liberally it will Insure greater success, for it would be a perfect blendine of ea plial stud labor. By a inovklon In the by- laws-any one can draw out his capital after one year, but we venture the prediction that in one year I 14;re will lie no stock for sale. This Is a move In the ri4lit direction. We b , lieve In the operation or labor• and capital, and one such move Is worth half a dozen strike?. The hooks, we um der:Mnd, will be opened about July 10th, when milky will he Oven and an opportunity olfered to tnbscril, stock.—Se..anton Republican. mum CNIVERSII'Y.—At the Commence mt. of 1...4,q!1t on the Pre,titlent, Dr. Henry Cetutte, announced that by authority nod by 1111, Itt‘t ruction:, or the littart: of Trutt..., lir t.tillt.rred the degree of ltlinitig Engl. neer 1111 .1. N. 13.ttr. 13. S., %vim has been a faithful i-tractor lu tnathewntirn and drawing lu the U bit r>ily for Dot tat{ two ytt urn; and thedogree of Auttlttit,ll clielnlttlry on Mr. Waldron Shalt. igh, Who !mt. nilly 11.11 , been on in,trucwdr nod si,inot in ch,•ffli , try, lint niece the death of the latitt loco Dr. W,:thei ill, has had entire eltart.e of that depaGannt The following degrees were then cot.ferr.d upon the folloa lug pracluates: Civil Engineer, Fral.k Lturant Clew, of Philadel phia. :tad Charles G. Weavvr, of Carlisle; Engl neer of MiIICA, 11. S. Drinker, of Phil olelphiu; 13.teltehr of Art-, W. 11. let.'orthy, of New lIa• ell Corm ertilleates of prolleieney fur a partial course were triVen to the School of Cirll Engineering, to ,flied Gilmore, pf PhPodelphia ; Analytical C.hemistry, to Edward F. Far.sitt. of Philadelphia, and C. 1.. liat.e. We are ',lensed to he :dile In t•tnte that the Third Coinmeeveinent of Lrhlgh Un'versliN wits a moat ti•f.o•tory one, and a great encotiragem 111..10 Irieod. of the lund Rot ton. NVe hare been au th.rrizvd to state that at a meet inv.' of the ISodrd of Tra-t (TS LWO more chairs hare been established one of C•icil and another 4f Ming At a meeting of the Board William II Chandler, of the School of \tinnee (Mltinilda Col wa, unanimously elected I'rofm.s it of Clem ry lu the place of the late lamented Prof. Weth ill teller In :t thoroughly edUcnied 111111 1 1 1111111,1.01.111 01111111 A, 111111 Wlll be a great arcita,ition to the L'ulver,‘lty. 'fhe ,Il,ire of the Uolvershy are in a loo•I g.,tkfaetory condition, 111111 the 111114111,04 for the fowl, P,•ry Ilattering.— jl Times. Orit M. C. IN TnE Couirr.—The followiou; fr•.m the Narrbdown Herald, es it re lates to our Meniher of Congress and will old our citizens in lot condwz how:. Imo:tinted with their representative, will it real, no douht, with plea- Sure:— The usual monotony of "license clay •, In our Courts was enlivened yesterday by the hearing of the remonstrance against the restaurant license flied by Charles I)tirlia in, antler Aelter new build ing, ....001.11,1 Ward. The Interest in this ease grew• out of the fact that lion. E. 1.. Acker was the real applicant and I liat the !ease or ocetwaney or the premires by Durham was understood Iti be e•uuttu :;cat upon obtaining a license, to obtain Ntshieli, it utaltirstood, the litidirrable Mr C. was using his political billnenee The original petition, as appeardil on the bearinv, had been taken out of the CleiVs Lauds, after filing and additional names got apan it to over-balance the. weight of remonstrances and depositions that had 4den lo lued against it. The zest of the trial also sus heighteued by the further Lief that lion. li. 11. cc•U. C., iris Ae•liei's conned, Willie Jae. E•g., managed that of the remoust rants, ho wen: very numerous respectable. After the reading of the depositions, t.rir and t. eon, had been voneluded, the learned counsel against the applicants opened with till the solemn gravity with which he would have approached a sail in hebalf ill the Reading Bailroxi, involving a kill online of money and a dee the us;unJ d el. rec. from thl> mock solepinity, however, he soon descended to Ole condeal aspects of the eati,e, describing the Val/eurt., of bottle of the di putt:nits for "tstablL•buwut of it first-class restaurant" lu a room -t • x steps under ground, With two windows and hut elvecti feet wide, as but the whim of a fool and the experiment of a •' wag" who Wan pram lc. nog uu the :redif.ity of the Court. From lhls topic lie tome,' to the additional memorialists that the lion. Mr. Ai her had motto td the body of the county' to back 01) the a pplit•atimi: I wont don it to IVashlngton retemly," sail the learned counsel, ''to lichultl the as-i•mbled wisdom, talent and state , inatiship there assvinhied. ' I mem. up Into the gall•ry and looked down 'upon grave legs Islatoes and learned edi.ors la their semi-circular se..ts, do my eyes full upon • MY representative,' clothed in the white lilt, symbolic of moral and' political purify." lie felt gratified, he calif, that the mantel of the oppo,loicomiet was bdog: °rattly worn I.y his successorood yet lie could not help belie, ing that the immense array •' from the body ill the county" In nil: case contained nearly as many •• Boyer Men" as " Acker men." This line of to nin-e Mr. Boyer boar!) as much as the Court, liar and speetator». Mr. Boyd then raised the point of law that none of the fixtures or :,ppliances of a" Ilr,t•class restaurant" were is the room, and that therefore the explicit ri (plum, Ids' of the law had not been fulfilled. On this Manch of the subject he admitted that the " Boyer House," In till• Borough, which. he had himself helped to get licensed, had beim licensed In that way before it was finished. but the . fact was not linatelit to the Alt:1.001i of the Court, us In the easi) or tills rellionetranec, adding that ho suppose) that as hit learned and honorable frlend, the counsel oil the other side, who was wearing the blushing honors acquired by the founding of a "Bocce Home" In Norristown, the present alights eilished M. C. of the Sixth District, envious 01 like lionors;thought It Wan but Inert and fitting Mkt (here should also be all Acker //Mot. This sally nearly upset the gravity or Court and audience, 1.11, when Ito 11C-Crillea, in closing, the possibilities of country people In attendance at Court famish ing for want of a Jirink or Ilineli, because of their having to go to Bob Ward's ur Joncy Ileyilt's for them—ln case of the failure of title uppllcatlon— he reached the climax and I • julshed his argument Involving the "Congressional Restaurants of Nor- ristown." Mr. Boyer responded, arguing that the applica tion was well swanined, and that the law objec tion did not hold, hut-much as the 'possession of the premiss was substautial in law and fact. The above case develops thu important necessity of having a "6tiles House." . Why are we nut up to the tines? No choice has been-made for Controller in the &Toad Ward, thus far. . Tun Commencement exercises of the Allen town High School will take place to the Court loon Thursday evening next, nod not In thr FPO) Wool School Building, no previously au lonececl. oN Saturday the new hose carriage of the !Merida was received and the company made a osrade through the principal Ft recto, accompanied a drum corps. The vantage Is painted green. .nd In one of the prettiest and best In the depart neat. ty was ry generni and eery st Vl . ll, titrounhout the country. In the vlclot ties of Lebanon, Reaction mut Norristown It wa• toe of tile lie le-t of t hi,eltoon. At Albany It oterfered setioo- ir with III.• eeretliOnleA performed n luylnC tin. miner stet, lor the new State capi 11112 A1.i.1- s.row.s Pr.Nt t 1.1: I . . —The cam. Inane of 016 1.1 it ut ion shot, on attendance ditr mt.: the year of ninety-four pupils, of which font .re In the Senior Inc. slv In ihe Middle Class. !Reel) iu the. Junior and t-Isty-nlnc In the %cadmic Deportment. Thy prosperity of the lidleen his liven very Ilalterhigand the Indications we that lu .1 short time It will he one of the lead- Int; Nine:atonal histittitinns In the State In point of mend:ince as it Is now In its rdneatlonal facilities tad the tlmronghtlesA which Is made Its principal o'l , ct. Fall term commences nu Monday, Sep tember 4th. A NEW CANCEIt Rosen}.—The State De partment nt Washington tins received large OM •,et'A of letters from persons In different parts of the country mling, to be supplied with some of the cundemtigo, the recently discovered cancer remedy, brought to the attention of the Govern ment by the Ecuadorian Minister. These appli cants are answered by n circular as follows: Slut In compliance with your wishes, I enclose trope of the correspondence which has passed netween this Department, the Minister of Ecuador accredit-1i to the United Statesoind the Minister , tf the United States at Quito, relative to the dis covery of the vegetable called cunderango. The limited supply ofthe vegetable with which this Department was furnished has been exhausted. It in salt by Dr. BIIRS, of Washington, who has tied charge of the experiments, that the remedy nes been successful In all cases in which It has .Jl2Ol administered. Is June of last year Mr. Jay Cooke, banker, Phil nielphia, then at Gibralter, learning that Bismarck contemplated visiting this country, ad. it easel an invitation proffering, the great chancel ior the hospitalities of his Inland home and resi dence at Chelton ❑ills. The French declaration of war, shortly following the receipt of Mr. Cooke's Invitation, prevented a prompt response to this In. citation. Within a fe'w days Mr. Cooke has re• velved an autograph letter from Prince Bismarck, in which, after stating, the cause of his delay in answering, he says although peace has happily been restored, a great deal yet remains to be done, and be does not know when it will be given him to satisfy his old longing fur our countty. In a re cent private letter to a friend in Berlin, Bismarck •aid that all the stories of his health were purely Inventions ; that Ile had never been better than he has been In the last flee years,and that all accounts to the contrary are,pure Inventione. THE. billowing were reported as the oflicere of the Allentown Board Of Trade : President—lion. S. A. Bridee.A. Vire President—C. tV. Cooper. Second Vlee•Preeldent-11. 1.-n, Jr. Seeretnry—A. J. lirelnix. Trearntrer —D. 0. S tylor. • Executive Committeell. H. Fisher, E. S. Shimer, J. W. Wilson, J. L. Hotfmou, J. K• 10-ser, M. A. Seigel, Henry Sehnurman, E. B. T.,ting, M. J. Kramer, Wm. F. Mower, A. S. Ken, W. S. Toting, S. B. Anewait. Aunt. Weber, C. 11. Nimson, J. It. Schell, Henry Gabriel. MiLrynnv VISIT.—The Allentown Miles, a line military company of Allentown, Pennsylva nia, cumbering one hundred metnbera, propose a visit to thin city early In the coming fall. This `eon pang is said .to he without a superior In the country in the, point of drill and discipline, and their advent among us will doubtless prove some thing of a sensation among military men. They lire commanded by Col. (loud, who has a high reputation an a soldier wherever he is known.— Newark Daily Ailvertixer. Fogelsville Items • BUILDING A .1501 lATIO`.I. —A regular meeting of the Miteungle Loan and Building Association was held on the 19th inst.. at the American lintel owned by Henry Correll. Br. Frank .1. Slough called the meeting to order, when the 11111111lell of the precincts meeting were read and approved. Tile cash receipts for,thls month amounted to $1033.70; notes due amt uteri to $2OOO. Seven shares were then sold on mortgage at $3O and $36 premium per share; also ten shares on short loan at $35, $39 and $57 premium per share. Snow.—On Tuesday , the 27th Inst., Washburn's Moral Show will, glve an entertainment in the School lloMe. . Without a particle of malice to wards this show, we would simply suggest, Is the edilloc the proper place for performance. You will remember a 'stinted house is a building in which children are to receive the rudiments of learning. ACrIDENT.-011 Saturday, the 24th Inst., Wil llttn Albert Korn, son of P. D. Korn, aged seven year , n(4,4.1)4013 - broke his right arm below the elbow. lie saw several persoits pickling cherries anti wishing to get same ton, went up a tree. Inn coming down he Jumped, when he fell and frac tured his in. Dry. Frank .1. and Chester Slough !Mended to the boy's Injuries. Ile Is doing as well its can t..• expocted under tine circumstances. PIthsENTATIoN. On Stmday the menthe's of the Bible Class of the First Ward Mis Mon Sunday School presented to the retiring Superintendent, Mr. J. 11. Neiman, a handsomely bound copy of Flei (wood's LIN of Christ. The presentation speech was made by Master Edgar Rankle, a member of the class, In the following words Pitting doth pain. To-day we all experitmee the truth of these words. One who has been In our midst for a feu' years, Is about to hid us farewell. We have listened many, times to hls words of ad vie,. We have ohm' beard his warning voice to follow the path of our Saviour and Blinn thellown ward. road. No noire, perltaits,-51ta II we hear It again. Ills face we may ((ever again behold. The b•mds of frit:n(loop must he broken ; the ae;mela tionn of the past must be dissolved. Though he leaven tie, vet we will not forget him. We will cherish all his deeds of love. We will commend hint to the c,re I keeping; or our Lord and tia v lour see us Christ, praying God that be would lead him through the short journey of :Ire in peace and safety. Should we ((ewer see hint again whilet we wpm n here, May We. na well 'ls Ile, strive to meet each other beyond the prone In the heavenly Canaan ; and as a rensembranee of the love which we as the HMIs Clam feel toward you, aveept Mal i gift. May you often perat-e the same IS the wish and hope of its all. .which Mr. Neiman replied Ina few words. fie said that tic hoods of love and frlendithlp had already beim formed between them and this gift wou d streagthen the chain, and the last thing that he would ;ma with In this world Wall OM VOl - which he held in his hand. OUR EDUCATIONAI , Ilvern'tvrioNs. —Ours is an enterprising and business city. tier various in stitutions are In a most flourishing condition. tier substantial and prosperous colleges, her well or• gaillzed and admirably managed schools, with all • the modern appliances, are an honor as well us an 01 :lament to our city. These universally command • the tilt •ULIOII of our numerous visitors and different cducatlonul comMittelql who vlsil us from time to time. These enterprises aro now established facts, and their present advanced state enables them to bear troll. This we will soon realize at our An ' noel Comnieueenu•ols from which will go forth the legitimate fruits of the institutions in our midst, in whose welfare we, as a co:nu:unity, should take a :mast lively 'lnterest and, promote their welfare by very liberal patronaje. These Coluneneem nits should be made an oceaston for general rola:icing and gladness on the part of all our people. Here Industry and perseverance are rewarded. The crowning honors are conferred upon those who have struggled fatithfully with the seienees and and CIarSICS of by-gone ages. Then they will bid adieu to their Alma Mater and go forth 11110 the busy walks of II e and there to battle with the %t -rials obstacles which we naturally encounter. These annual greetings carry with them more significance and fur deeper 'craning that is appa rent to the mere Superficial observer. These are the outcroppings, so to speak, of that undercurrent of mental and moral culture which Is now at work ermeatlng and leavening society. A new life, it will be seen, Is then Infused. The intellectual status of our people is to be elevated and tone given to the'eulture and refinement of the community. Truly a new era has dawned upon us. A new im pulse Is given to the cause of education. flow many young men and young Indies In Allentown will avail themselves of these grand privileges and titan prepare themselves In order to heeotne more useful to snelety ME Smith American Organ is the hest voiced, finest cased and cheapest reed organ Ifi the country. For sale at C. F. bowman's store. TUE COMMENCEMENT. —Persona desiring to coma to Allentown to attend the commencement exercises of Wallenberg College, should write to Dr. Muhlenberg and secure an order which will entitle than to tickets over the Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Susquehanna Rallro.de at half fare. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. —Wm. Becker, son of Rev. Charles Becker, of Rending, and employed at the Eagle Planing MIII of Burin!, Sheldon Lt. hnd fonr fingers of his left hand cut off on Monday by a eirettlir saw. Ills wound wns at tended to by Di. Apple of Ninth street, and the patient le doing well. SHEET music, instruction books, blank hooks, musk paper and earls and all kinds of musical trimmings, a large supply constantly on hand at C. F. Fierrman's Music Store, Allentown. JUNE, Mc month of rusts, with the beauty of nature lending her fragrance to Cheer end odor- Inc the pathway of energy and industry. How very much of good man can accomplish. This act is daily exhibited at the largo first-clues dry goods house of Schreiber Bros., next d.mr to the First National Bank,in the beautiful styles, fabrics and low prices of foreign and domestic dry goods offered to their patrons. The return of one of the firm last night from the 'sockets of New York and Philadelphia is but the announcement of a largo at rival of net and choice goods this morning. TUN be and cheapest gut and silk strings for violin, guitar or banjo, at C. F. llerrman's Music Store. No. 102 south Seventh street, Allen town. SUROICAL.—Dr. E. F. Steckel, or Emans, insisted by Dr. A. P. Steckel, of Slatington, ex tirpated a glandular tumor from the persou of Mr. Frank Roth, of Emcee. This growth was situa ted in the cervico-maxillery region of the neck, and weighed boot ex ounces. The operation consumed In all, about half an hour, and from all indications the patient promises to make a speedy and satisfactory recovery. On the same day also an amputation of the second too, was performed, with a•view of reme dying a deformity of the foot, caused by the pas sage over it, of the wheel of an ore wagon, some Woe years ago. The subject of this operation was a son of Charles Kemerer of Ratans, aged about 13 years. The offending member was disartieu toted at the tarsoThalaageal Joint by Dr. E. F. Steckel, assisted by Drs. A. P. Steckel and John Romig. Tho result of the operation Is highly satisfactory, as It will enable the patient to wear an ordinary shoe, with a degree of comfort before Impossible. THE celebrated piano ofSteirtway, and Lin derman & Sons are only for sale at C. F. Herr mann's Music Store, No. 102 south Seventh , treet, Allentown. STATE NEWS. On Saturday, 10th Inst., Miss Mollie litaledge, daughter of Alexand,r Rutledge, of Williamsburg, Blair county, let a coal oil lamp fall, setting fire to her clothes. She was so severely burned that she died the next day. Lancaster is formipg a "Society for the Preven tion of Cruelty to Animals." A Lock Huveu correspondent claims to have seen some sliver dollare Just from the mint, the ore from which they were made having been taken from a mine In the northern part of Clint an Co. John tiddler, an old citizen of 'Chester vounly, residing near Lionville, ho is ninety-two years of ago, has vote I at ev..ry election Millet: ho was twenty.oue years old, .tt one poll. and at the same window In Lionville. Amelia Adams, a Reading smonambulist,wallced out au second story window the other night ,and hurt herself pretty badly. The Louisburg Journal saju that Isaac Bower, of that place,is charged with having committed a rape on a little girl of Mr. Ditchfield, not yet ten years of age. Bower, who Is said to be advanced In years, Iled on learning that the °dicers of Jus tice were looking for him. The outrage, whirls is said to be an aggravated one, caused nineh feel leg among the people. In Lancaster, on Saturday last, a man by this name of Wolf shot another mimed Lchr, for refits lig to take a drink with him. Lehr's wound Is prob.ibly fatal. About n year ago a German named ❑ell'ellhuger bought a farm on the Muncy bills, Lycom log en., for $5,000. Since then coal has been discovered on the laud, aivl $50,000 It, luieu offered him for the. rural. WHEN VISITING PHILADELPHIA WHEN VISITING PHILADELPHIA WHEN VISITING PHILADELPHIA In search of bargains, wishing to get full value for roar mon ey, perfect sati,factlon In the fit, style, and quality of the goods, combined with elegance of Onish and superior work manship, be RIME to CALL. AT TOWER II ALL CALL AT TOWER HALL CAT.L AT TOWER HALT, and examine the vast ;tad OLlE nitlceot assortment of Sum mer Clothing made up front a choice stock of materials, purchased • • recently at prices loud) below market value no special bar gains, which are being sold every day In large amounts at prices which defy eompetillon. IT Is W , LL KNOWN IT IR WELL KNOWN IT IR WELL KNOWN to the thOU , 01:1 , who h., dealt at this lung EeinlilkleAl Clothing lion-e that their gar ments stand unrivalled fur ex cellence of quality and lowni•i-e • of prices by any other honer In the city; that perfect sail:lite lion IR always guaranteed and • given, and every garnwnt can be thorotuhly depended upon for Its durability and tieing ex actly as represented. Call before pureha-i ;0 a . here and Judge for ) mires. Yon will save more than the expense of your Journey lint . • be well pleased with your hire gains by riling on BENNETT Co., BENN ETT CO.. BENNCTT Co., SIPI MARKET STREET, 51M MARKET STREET, 51% MARKE • STREET, Fll'7ll AND Six r,l STREE n. •II ALP-WAY BETWEEN FIE AND SIXTH STBEETS, lIALV•WLY BETWEEN ANTI SI :MI STREETFI, PHILADELPHIA. Questions now asked by the People. Question. How about Rom:HILL & WILSoN'S Ten Dollar Suits, this Spring? Answer. Thomonds of them In store. Only Ten Dollars a Salt. 603 and 605 Cheetuut Street, Philadelphia. Question. What are they made of 7 Answer. The finest all Wool Cheviot ond shneres, 603 nail 605 Chestnut Street. Question. le there mach of a trade In them now Answer. The great utterer' al last year's busi• flout In these Ten Dollar Stills Wuttli'l a circumstance to the Iron... Mow: rush for them now. See the Ten Dollar Suits at DOOKIIILL WILSON'S 603 & .605 CHESTNUT EITHEET, 111110(1.4:411:1. PHILADELPHI A, June 26-1 h• IL's..., Al Bro., itroken , , No., 10 'Amon dill give the followitu¢ quotation , . or to o'el•u•k : 11uyla.r. New U. 6. s'n of 1851 112 g . 117' ..... . . 112%' •` . .113 112% . . „ .... 114‘.1 . 11-4 3 i 115 '• 10.41/•,.. , . 1 tcr!,„ to:), $0 year 0 per rent. Carreavy . 115 N .. 115 N 001.1 . ..... ....... 11'2! 112% Sliver 107'," 11.0 Union l'aeltle in M. ...... 01 ?,f 1.11,L1 Central It. 1:... . 103 Uninn Paelile L. Grunt ......... S 5 = „,./Ad Pally 41, 11Wrisheirner. il'etrillard & Co sVloolt Floor, p..r Wheat, por bu.liel 1.1.1 el' II 3 aelling I 1 paring nye 110 ' • llore. Onto 5l ”' •Flaxae,d I 130 Timothy Seed, per bushel 5 • Clover Pea, " 1 COCrl '' Wheal Finer, per awl 4 CO selling Ilya " . " 375 " Col, Wel. ''' 3 (ro .. Hatter, per panel 10 pa . rleg Lord. ' '. Tallow " 0 ;4 15 Ham. " Rua per doyen ..0 •• PolaaPea. per banbel, pew 1 Dried &Wee, per Guahel 200 " OHM Peach.. 6 ! 600 SN YDER-11EIMBA011.-011 the 18th, by Nev. Win. G. Munnle, Mr. Dollar Snyder to Mfrs Lou- Mita Heirohneb, both of this city. BROWN—BARTO.-011 t h e 22d lost., at the house of David Definer, Esq., by Rev Wm. G. %trimly. Mr. Daniel Brown to Miss Realm' Barto, both of Lyons. Berko county. BARTO—RTIOADS.At tbe same time and Once, by the same, Mr. Franklin Bann to Miss Sallie Rhoads, both of Lyons. Berlin county. dell MOY FR—SCIILICII R.--May 22d, hy the Rev. W. A. fleiffrich, Mr. George W. Scionoyer, of Lower Mncungle, to Mien Ellemanda E. tiebllcher, of Upper Macungie. A DAMS —LONG. —June 10th, by thesauri David Adams to Mios Sarah.A: *Long, btith:qf Lonyswanip, Berko county... • llth, • by tltieletintt, Mr. William F. Miller, of Heidelberg, tel.M l 4 6 !!!' nebt lb min, of Lynn.. , • BEIPLE—MILLER Dina 20th , bly,tlit iett ~k eik Dr. SOO:, of Gutlisvllle, to Mies 2001 a. Hilglller‘ of Saegersvllic. PETER.—On the 19th of 'June ' In Heidelberg; of cancer, after a long Illness, John Peter, aged 60 years, 4 months and 18 days. 'Yr i AttinrtisTments VIENNSVLVANI FEMALE COL. LEGE. FAI N.x 00 trill e rime.° AUGUST 28, 1871. -Id° itititate nay—after e.•lnq t,. , rapid n prove to .tughter, nl•u al•tt barmy e a t rrd many La h the liatent.o. hltddle •ntl %Venter° •tntea=lh' it taPd alvatthwea are nurterler to thane orally oho • school that ham come under tiny n011v... .1. R. Cagoribury. For eatalorae, addl.°. MIME rpEAcnEit WANTEU). • The School Hoar tof Lew r M mingle town. d. de. •Ire to ,m goon n teacher for the graded Immo] at Mliivrii• town rube y, fifty dollar., per month. Term rovell atm rummeucing il.e third Moodily to Swptembnr. Applicathinv received by Joue LA lei J. F. M. tiii IFFERT. Se^t'y. 14 TEACH! ERN IV NTED. Tho School 800 d of Whit .1101 town NI Ip. Lehigh couoty, horoby gl ono lto thgt They desire to rug •ge Fours,' u Toucher for tho ho .1 t••• m. Au Az mluatiou or applicants will bohold ou SATUIID J•iy 15th, 1671, at , hu pubic bunco of Wtn J. Mickley,' to /odd tow. comp. School terra, els ono .th• juuu 2S at B. E. LEITII, Secretary. WI LTHERGER'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS • • Are wnrrn-ted equal ro any mad•. They nro prepared from the/ruffs, and wilt be fund much ben , r then canny of the Eartracqr In •t ern cold • • • 417.1; -A your (trot', or Druggist for Willbrrger's Extracts. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE • wltvout doubt, the best firttels In the market; . (er blueing clothes. It will color mere water th u four Hines the 00100 wnlitlit or Indigo. and much 111011 than ,a 0 tuyhat oth r trash la the uutrii . The onto grottiri• 1 put up at ALFRED WILTBEIICIER'S DbUCI STORE, No. 'Ltd NORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADIA., PA The LIIIRLR have both WILT6111.1611:11 R. fl•IlLOION ax el en au heel. at I nflurs arc counter/vas. For sae Oy lanai Grocers and Drttggioto• WILTBERGEIt'S INDELIBLE INK . win I, found on trial to be. a Rtt perinr article. AlWay+ u howl for mule 11C1,01 1 . 11 a Orouud fliannino M a Taylor., 1.4 , 1 i I. Sago, a nll itrti , leii is Iho drug hue, at A LFRED ER 8 Dlttfil roitit, iu: ly i.'l3 N. nL Second n., PIIIIII., Pe A DJOURNED ORPHANS' COURT ..[A. SALE OF VALUABLE itEAL ESTAT E. Ify virtue rind in ' , m.0., of an onliit Touted out of .hu Orphousi Court the count) of loihigh. them will be ox poseiljo puic tin SATURDY, th,-odoy f July next, at o bl cloe. din afteroo A ldf, at l• A mer.con o ll 111, to Mi. city of Afield°. a, lA. .11 coon y. ti o Inllillr in, valuable ru.il oiditto, to. WU: A certain houaa and lot of ground, BILOMa la the city of AlkllloWn, bounded on , he east by Fifth Attecl. au the ....la by Court Alley on the went by and limo maul by o lot of Joseph (Jebtlogar, containing In trout ou said l• If h 01.00112 feet, and In - depth 11.1 , 11/1, Court all y ittl) , eet. Tn.. Improvements be:eon c•.nsiet of a 3 liltK 11111 C DWELLINU 110111 g, • •,. Filt l l , •tiesl, aud two frame ytablee on Law al ey. Tire 1.1 , I. ttv 11 planted telth boleti irult tree, grape el . The property is well worthy the 111t,linli or Being tio. teal est .to of Joh... 11. , 011ecr. deconocd, Tale of .he city of A 11011100111 sod unnty The terne.ond onoittol. will he moue knatro on die day f anti lill.atten.lanc given by SAUI'RI. OLIVER, Adoilui.trAtot . By 80. CoOrt—b. L. Minx, Clerk. W HEELER alc !WILSON'S FAMILY EWING MACIIINEB ARE TIJIE BEST ! OVER MILLION NOW' USEC! They born. (toil thoteit of twenty yolri nod it L. no ex,erdnottt parelut.• on.. uttl,lt (IN THE INSTALNIENT PLAN. Coq ot the meltdoom nod exatwort them, whether you wi•lt td parent... or wd. PETERSON & CARPENTER. “ENERAI, AGF:NTN 111 1 liEwrst"r sTRF:EI MECEI NV ASH IA: R\ - GREAT MORAL 11011. HIS LAST SENSATION UJ►rt•,i !louse, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, July 3d and 4th TR .I 1 R - Do SUCORSS! HUNDREDS TURNED .t WA .17. Tim //UPI RR AP still ANTON! tub: I'l. IV IbD WITH THE . ,; REA 7' Si/0 W! r/0•//1• /// C / 1 / 1 // 1,0 Fi sa Perforiners s. WASHBURN, Ifininger, 11.1.11-: l3l'llN. I,tioN WA.li JEAN .• N \l' II /Al K, ii 3 %IA “. sti-• N. , .. ,, KA1,E1:1 A. %1'.,,,11111'11N its 1111,11. 1r1.41, nu I 11.0,1, I,irxt, • Mt' ‘111.1.A ill lIV nooK E!C. CON'S 1 . .1.M.il ono . ot,. io ' , l ...• I.t I• slt • I•t• .1 II I: Tr mi. • 11. • ; ...... I, I •e I. f I T 14:10•:TS. HES ['AIN" E l ) N E.vrs• children un lei r!. y, •.1....271 1,111 TowER II ALL, TOW Eli II ALL, TOWER Il %Lt., I;R\'