The Lehigh register. (Allentown, Pa.) 1846-1912, December 14, 1870, Image 3

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1,1/1.1 , 111.1J T.TI HI WEII,II:ADAT LIT
No paper discontinued until all arearageF: are
aid, except at the option of the publhilier9.
Our sulaieribers who do not receive their papers
regularly will confer a mat favor upon an by
,ending word to thin office.
Subscribers about removing will Wive timid us
their old address an well an the new.
A PitisoN DINNER.-Mr. Jacoby, Prison
Warden, gave a dinner to a number of hie legal
and editorial frieuda Wednesday.
old and eminent physlelan, and a highly esteemed
citizen of North Whitehall, died on Wednesday,
aged about 63 years.
ASSIONMENT.—AiettIEIder McKee of this
well•l:anvn as a railroad contractor, has
made an assigninent of his property to John D.
Stile, and Edward Ilarrey.
the L. V. R. R. collided near Fairview, on Tues
day, awl an unknown man was killed and one of
the engineer, was seriously Injured.
BUSINESS CllAN(UE.—lioulwn Gernard, of
the Farmers' and 'Mechanics' hotel of Euston,
has rented the Cross Key Hotel—the flngenbuch
ftros. old stand—and will probably take possesblon
next Fpriir;.
SALES NwricEs.—We are printing sales no
tices of all kinds very cheaply, and respectfully
solicit the patronage of all our renders who have
anything to do in tits line. Send in your orders,
and your work (lane promptly and well.
AlAnomc Lodge \o. 283,A. Y.
m.. or Bethlehem, has elected the following, who
will he Installed on the 91st: W. M., li. Stanley
Goodwin ; S. W.. A. J. Lawall ; J. W., A. N.
Leinbach ; Secretary, B. E. Lehman ; Treasurer,
M. C. Fetter.
SUIWIUHE PARTV.—Lost Thursday a surprise
party surprised Chas. W. Welter and his good
lady at their home, on Hamilton street between
Second and Third. The party consisted of a
large number of friends and they had a lively
time. The music to which they danced was nn
der 'the leadership of Howard Lockwood.
Ex 11.0,10 N AT BETimEnEM.—Puddling fur
nace. No. 14 nt the rolling mill at Bethlehem ex
ploded Tuesday forenoon, badly burning the pud
dler, Thomas Dolan, :and his helper. They were
not flintily injured, however. The furnaeo wits
not entirely wreelreil. The explosion was euuSed
by a miAmp while Dotan was chilling the furnace.
thwEy's Lthlfs Book fi.r IS7I promiseq to
(1.1113 . rust thu 114 past reputation. Steil plates,
fa dtion plates, embroidery patterns, original
lIIIISie, 1110de] cot tag., :Lod drawing lessons are
among II features of Interest. I. A. Godey, Phil
adelphia, Is the pnblliMer, and three dollar' , a year
Is the pile,.
THE Nn.vrtt SHOW, 1110 week, hod lib
vital ;Mend:thee awl the distribution or presents
gave ;intend ;atisfaction. Mr. T. V. Rhoads,
editor of the Patriot, received the watch. Among
the present.. given away were a barrel of flour,
mire baskets. -actors, ritChera, butter dishes,
eity. have been engaged for the opening night at
❑ngenbueles opera House, when they. tuisisted
by Prof,. Wulf and Ettinger, and several ladles
and genus iiefywtll perform"•tonic first-class music.
Tee concert without doubt will be ono of the be,t
ever given in this city. Thep• concert at Oita
sauqua, last week, was very - egtfiy spoken of.
PETI:ItSON'q MAGAZINE for January has
been received. The two steel engravings "Gra-
Cie6 Pet” and "Coasting," are very good, and
with the splendidly colored Fashion Plates, large
crochet pattern, smaller patterns, inutile, c.,
mako It one of the best Ladies' Magazines now
published, and well worth the price of subscrip
t lon.two dollars per year. Peterson,
Philadelphia, is the publisher.
'f flu rcdnc (:veningotliout half past eight ti clock, an
accident occurred at the furniture Manufactory of
Berkemeyer, Lutz A; Co., in the rein• of their store
on Hamilton street above Eighth, which might
have been very serious in Its courequences. The
men were working in the shop at time, the and a
coal oil lamp In the hands of James Seiziove fell to
the Iloor,ex ' , haling and netting Ilre to the shavings
strewn about. Mr. Seiziove in endeavoring to ex
tinguish the flames was badly burned about the
face and bands. Fortunately the workmen sub
dued the tire and prevented it front extending, and
thus saved a serious conflagration.
SunnEN Dr.vrit.—John P. Cox, Superin•
tendeut of the Pennsylvania S.: New York Caunl
and Railroad, the upper division of the Lehigh Val
ley road, died very suddenly at 'Waverly, N. Y., on
Wednesday. lie was 011 L 011 a business trip, and
is reported to hove died just as he stepped from
his carriage. Heart disease caused his death.
.Mr. Cox lots lately resided at Towanda, Bradford
county. . He formerly resided at Bethlehem, and
his funeral woo attended there Saturday after
noon at three o'clock. The locomotives on the
L. V. It. It. have been draped In mourning since
the death of Mr. Cox. Cox was a brother-ln
law of Superintendent Sayre, and he was held In
high regard by both officers and employee of the
company with which he had long been connected.
TritNiutiltl.-11'e understand that ef
forts are being made to organize a company to
construct n turnpike on the old Philadelphia road.
tithe project Is suceessfulove shall probably have
ti high Iron bridge across the Little Lehigh. The
turnpike will start at the foot of 'Sixth sit eet,thenee
by Locust street and making ~direct line with the
Phihfilelphla road. It is said the county is willing
to pay half the cut of the bridge, and If the city
Call be induced to pay one-fourth of It thu , Turn
pike Company will pay for..the remaining fourth.
This Improvement will not only be a great eonre,
Mean: for the country people who cuter the city
on the south, hut It will make the handsome prop
erties on the other lido of the I.lttle Lehigh
:title for loulltling purposes.
A NA !MOW ESCAPE. —On Saturday lust, the
Catawhisa Express, due here at 2.17 P. M., ran
Idi the track a short distance this side of CatawiSsa
and (11(1 not pass here until after SP. M. It
scents that there had been some coals drawn from
an engine upon the track, which set fire to the
ties, burning mute tire of them off. The Express,
coming on at its WWII rate, caused the track to
spread, breaking the axle on the tank. One of the
p tssencer ears was thrown up the mountain sot.
eral yards, and another was swung over the em
bankment and held by the coupling until the pat
senuers were token out. Had the coupling of Ode
car broke, every passenger would have perished,
as the car would have fallen 101011 t fifty feet. One
thing seems almost miraculous, that no one was
rt.— VOW!, ]Record.
'Trite CONCERT THURSDAY Smarr.—The con
cert of the Ringgold Cornet Band, Thursday was,
as we heard a boy 'Jay, u, thundering good concert.
Thundering, we consider a veryapplicable expres
sion, though It Is used without the least Idea of
being profane. A, concert of this kind is a novelty
with our citizens, and this ono was therefore an
experlinent: but though the audience was not so
large as It shiml I have heen the concert, was a Bur ,
Oen s, 31 , was shown by the thunders Of applause
which greeted the coneln.lon of the thundering,
rolling, rumbling, ringing music 'of the Nil band,
pr the sweet, mellow, soul etteliantiug solos of the
cornets and elarlonets. The .•eleetious were very
line and were executed with a brilliancy seldom
experienced, though some of the pieces were DS
LIKUD)* too heavy for so small a room as the Court
much . of -the effect was lost upon the
atelience. We regret that the Ringgold did not
tin more of 44 Die Warta am Rhein," and
less of ". Was Ist des Policia:lt Vaterlaud." The
.former in Just now associated with ouch -gracd
. events co the other chic of the ocean that It is'par.
Ocularly inspiring when performed by such a
grand old 61;0 ffizatlon as the Ringgold, and If It
were not for.the Prenehy uniforms of the mem.
hero we could very easily have itringined them the
;mind. at the headquarters of Frederick Charles
.perfortaing the favorite Music of the great com
We hope the Ringgold will (mine here In the
summer and give us an open air concert. The
Fair Grounds would be an excellent locality, nod
the band could save Itself from the risk of loss by
making It a sub.rrlptlnts concert.
MASONIC.—Lehigh Lodge, No. 320, A. Y.
M., of Trexlertown, has elected the following MR
errs for the coming Masonic year: W. M., Robert
11. Fogel ; S. W We, Simon P. Kern ; J. \V., Augustus
F. Shlek ; Treasurer, William B. Fogel ; Secretary.
James D. Schell. •
NEW Bitiom4.—Among the new bridges
recently allowed by the Grand Jury of Northamp
ton county le one over Munocacy Creek, near
Schilling's brewery In Bethlehem, Lehigh county
will hove partly to foot the bllls, ao the bridge
will be In both counties.
MAsorm.—Porter Ledge, No. 284, A. Y.
M., met at Masonic Hall,Catasauqua,Friday even
ug„aud elected the following officers to serve for
the ensuing year: •W. M., William 11. Ainey ; 8.
W., Henry Headers; J. W., Henry T. Davis;
Treasurer, Daniel Yoder ; Secretary, William 11.
WItIibTLING MATCll.—Tliere was a wrest-
Hag match at Tltnevltle, the other evening, be
tween J. H. McLaughlin, of Titusville, and J. J.
Benjamin, of Washington, for the championship
of America and $lO,OOO in money. McLaughlin
threw Benjamin twice out of three times, and was
declared the victor. "A large and enthusiastic
audience" witnessed the performance.
named Briefogel, about eighteen years of age,
committed suicide by shooting at Slatington on
Friday night Inst. He left his home on Friday
evening, and on Saturday morning his dead body
was found by a hunting party at some distance
front the village In the brush. Ills clothes had
been removed from his body about the heart, and
his pistol lay by the side of his body.
'OPPOSITION.—It in said the Lehigh and Sus
quehanna Railroad Company arc endeavoring to
make arrangements with the Lehigh Valley Rail
road Company to put an end to the ruinous com
petition for passenger traffic which now exists.
At present there are nearly twice as many passen
ger trains rap on the two roads as are necessary.
It is a good thing for thopeople who use the roads
and very convenient, but c'tto't be very profitable
to the companies.
Burrell to-day dkeovered a " ranche" that a lot
of young candidates for the penitentiary and gal
lows had erected at the foot of Second street.. The
house was built of slabs, papered Inside, a stove
to keep them warm, and remnants of that which
Indicated that they bad a care for the creature
comforts. An empty keg of beer stood is one cor
ner and in the other Indications of a cracker and
cheese feast. They were given one hour in which
to demolish the shanty.—Emlion Eypres,.
MENT.—Tho Publication Comtnittee appointed by
E. J. More, of this city, chairman of the Execu
tive Committee of the Minority Representation
movement,met at Reading Thursday. The meeting
was 'Mendel: by W. More and the ,everal merit
hers of the Committee. The members of the Com
mittee were in favor of calling a meeting at Har
risburg early next month, to urge upon the Legis
lature the expediency of providing for a Conven
tion to revise the State Constitution.
REPORT of coal transported over the Lehigh
Valley Railroad for titres days waling Dee.
IF7O, compared with Nano time last year:
Total ‘Vymnlng 5,2811 15
Hazleton 18,488 06
Upper Lehigh 11 07
Beaver Meadow 5,875 15
Muhanoy 4,525 18
anelk Chunk 77 17
Total by Rail A - . 18
Same time 1869......... ..... —.41,760 11
12,861 Ml
31Asorile.—The following oillders have been
elected and Installed In Allen Chapter, No. 203,
R. A. 31., to serve for the masonic year commenc
ing on the 27th Inst.: M. F. H. P., Comp. Jacob
S. Dilliuger, K., Comp. Chrl,thin Schultz;
M. F. S., Comp. George Erdman ; Treasurer,
Comp. Aaron Troxell ; Secretary, Comp. E. D.
The following Officers have been elected lu Bar
ger Lodge, A. Y. M., and they will he installed on
.the 27th inst. : W. M., E. B. Young ; S. W.; J. 11.
Raider; J. W., 11. A. Wiltberger ; Treasurer,
Aaron Troxell ; Secretary, F.. D. Lawall.
Now Is the time to advertise, to make an active
holiday and winter trade. Don't be content with
knowing that you are personally popular and well
known ; but persist In the public becoming ac
quainted with the goods you offer for sale, and the
advantages they gain in dealing with you. If you
are already well and favorably known so much the
better for the effect of your advertisement, and if
you arc not known to the purchasing public the
first thing you want to do is to make yourself
known. 'And to do that la Allentown and Lehigh
county there is no other 60 good way as to adver
NE :w enunctr.—The new church of the
German Evangelical Association In the First
Ward Is fast nearing completion. The walls have
been built, and the woodwork has already received
the first coat of paint. The basement In which
the Sabbath School will bu held will seat about
one hundred scholars ; adjoining the Sabbath
Schoor room are class rooms. The second story
will soon be ready for frescoing, and the scaffold
ing, has already been erected. It Is expected to be
thibilied sonic time, in February, :and when corn
, piste wilt cost 'about $BOOO, and will be a commo
dious and handsome church, capable of seating
between three and four hundred persons. William
White has the contract for erecting the building.
Ovinots.—Our oyster dcalets account for
an advance In the retail price of the bivalves by
saying that the price to them has lately been ad
vanced fourteen cents per hundred. This is un
fortunate for those who like oysters as an article
of food, and we hope that the prices will coon re
turn to their old figures. It is a little Klagular,
however, that while the prices arc advanced here
they are reduced at Boston. We notice In our
Boston exchanges numerous advertisements of the
best oysters at $1.40 per gallon, which is forty
cents per gallon less than the usual retail price in
that market. If oysters are unusually scarce and
high at . Baltimore, Norfolk and other oyster marts
It Is strange that the Boston dealers have not heard
of It.' •
English Lutheran church on Filth street Is pro
gressing rapidly. The plastering of the basement
has been finished, and it le now ready for paint
log. Up stairs the seaffolding has been erected,
and the workmen are tearing down the old ceiling
and preparing for frescoing. The church is ex
pected to be finished about the latter part of Feb
ruary. And when finished it will be a great Im
provement and one of the finest churches In the
city. The Society Is building a very fine parson
age adjoining the church. It Is three stories high,
with pressed brick front, and Is to have all the
necessary Improvements. It is to be finished about
April, and will make a pleasant and commodious
residence for the pastor.
The members of the English Reformed church
are about adding a Sunday School room to their
church and are excavating the cellar for that pur
pose. The openings for the windows have been
cut, and the sashes put In. It Is expected to be
finished in the latter part of next month.
Tun : 4 Amsnuttf Titminim—An inquest
was held by Coroner Bush Tuesday week In the
case of Alice Berger, who died at Salisbury on
Friday evening week. The Jurors were George T.
Gross, Charles B. Halm; Thomas B. Le'Batwing,
Reuben Rng,leman, Peter Heiler and F. 7.. Heeb
ner, all "good and lawful citizens of the Common
wealth." Dr. Alfred Martin, of this city, Dr.
Stout, of Bethlehem, Drs. Sehitz and Yost, of South
Bethlehem, and Sally Ann Ueberroth, Eve Mk
ser and Fletta Miller, of Salisbury, and Clara
Strassburger, of Bethlehem, were the witnesses
examined. The verdict given by the Jury, after
hearing and weighing the evidence, was "that the
said Alice Berger catne to her death from peri
Root has not been arrested yet, but there to little
donht that he Will be secured. We understand
that the post-mortem examination showed no evi
dences of the girl having been Tolsoned, but there
can be little doubt that the "stuff" administered
to the unfortunate girl on the road from Bethle
hem was Intended to . procurc an abortion ; and we
hope that tile villain who deliberately attempted
to destroy the life of his unborn child. and who
had no regard for the virtue or life of the girl he
had no terribly wronged, will be speedily caught
end punished to the fall orient of the law.
PRESENTATION.-Al the recent Cflrlion
County Teachers' Institute, the tearheri presented
Mr. It. P. Itoffbrd, the Connty Saperictearlont,
with a 1111.11(1.4)w gold-headed 1.:111,.
we were unable to learn, fell from a four-horse
load of lime, near Seibertlngsvllle, a day or two
avo, and the heavy load passed over his body.
He was not bwaantly killed, but was so badly
crushed that his In.) urif;s were at onee pronounced
fatal. He wilts Intoxicated, and tutu, unable to
keep WA place on tile wagon.
THEATRICAL Yeager I'ost, G. A. It., has
engaged. the new Opera House for a week. com
mencing about the middle of January, when the
military allegory of the Color Guard will be played
by a tlrst-elites dramatic troupe. The actors will
be assisted by the Excelsior Mlles and the City
Cornet Band. It will be one of the clout Alleef,ll
- and Interesting dramas ever played In Allen
0. A. It. CoNvENTIoN.—Tht, neat Depart
meat Convention of the Grand Army of the Re
public of Pennsylvania will be held at the new
Opera Honey, on the afternoon of the '2sth of Jan
uary, commencing at three o'clock. Nearly all
the distinguished soldieN of the State will be pre..
cot, among whom_ will be Generals liartran ft,
Wagner,Sel fridge, Albright and Owen,.and prob
ably Generals Geary and Logan will also be pn,
ant. Yeager Poet, of thie city, will serve up a
collntlon to the guests.
PROPERTY SALES.—Reported by Wittman
Leisenring : Chan. W. Rau sold a lot of ground
20 feet front by 224 feet deep, situated In Hanover
township, to Daniel Newhard for $ll5O.
Christian L. Knauss sold a tract of land of :20
acres, situated in North Whitehall township, to
the North Copley Cement Company for $23,000.
Jacob Munehilir. and Jesse Soilday sold I: frame
house and lot olground 30 feet front hy 230 feet
deep, situated on the north side of Turner street
between Ninth and Tenth. to Franklin Fried . for
Reported by Elhis 'Molt::: Chas. lert;:. and wife
sold a brick how, and lot of nronnd, sitar ted in
Cedarville, to Wm. F. Derney for $:3000.
• Same party to same a traxt of 11111.14,1t,ted
In South Whitehall township, for :3555.
David Meant sold a I'm' m of Ili:: nerea
and US perches, in Allen town-hip, Northampton
county, to Thomao latithaell, for $17,000.
Lewis A. Storer sold t Ivo aere; of land ill coith
Whitehall to AIM, Fries , r , y $, 1110: al-e. one lot
of ground iu South Whitehall to Sato•nor . ...
for 5)72.
Tim rflt6T Lopomovrif.--Thif tiro
motive that ever 11(1 eervire in the 'United : , :a1(.;
la now lying outside of laundry at i•arl.ondale ;
Luzern.: county. It ought to he prehlq'red 6.11111 . -
When+ a 6 an intereetlng relic of the early day. or
railroading. The following deiseription or its trial
trip, taken: from Dr. llollbtee , . Illgory of the
Lackawanna Valley. will be read with intere.,l
The first lonmotive engine harod need o at
worked in America, was ran upon the Delaware
Hudson Railroad, in the year and Hone's
Date (named from the late Philip Ilene) ei
Its friendly glen for the purpose of conducting t he
experiment. Tills lots - int:Mire nailed the "St our
bridge Lion," was built in England. or th. , 1,,,,t
workmanship and material and 1110,t approved
pattern of that date. The road pass e d nut of
Honesdale by a sharp northwesterly curer. With a
moderate grade, trod was earried over the Lacka
waxen by a long hemlock trestling, considered lon
frail by many to support the great weight of the
mysterious looking engine all ready I.:r the ha
zardous ft - Jitney.
As the crowd gathered from far and mar, ex
pecting that bridge, locomotive and all, would
plunge into the stream the moment passage was
attempted, no one dared to run the locomotive
across the chasm but Major Horatio Allen, who,
amid exultation and praise,passed over the bridge
and a portion of the road In safety. The engine,
however, was abandoned, as the slender trestling
forming much of the body of the road, Eutlieiently
strong for ordinary cars, was found too feelde for
the "weight and wear." Major Allen in his ac
count of this first trip of a locomotive on this con
tinent saps: "As I placed my hand 00 the Om-A
tte, I was undecided whether I would move slowly
or with a fair degree of speed ; but believing that
the road would prove safe, and preferring, ir we
did go down, to go handsomely, and without any
evidence of thuldity, I started with eonsideraule
velocity, passed the curve over the creek safely
and was soon out of hearing of the vast assem
blage. At the end of two or three miles I reversed
the valve and returned without areident, having
thus made the first railroad trip by locomotive On
the western hemisphere."
'Pees lry ..t,.•:.1 I,
Ilsehrolie ieo. u: melted
to Mr.lletilsni Uul t's Coplity. Tiii,
Soon conlin.lll:eate I with the In tin -tor,:
awl in an in, -1,o:1 tins tle• cc 6n!,•lndidim;
critic its extensive stud, in a she.] of flames.
The o.vilsi at Ihi, 1:1,5, I,4l,Ving ,Itarpie
thy nortlitvi it. air , a general cowl:ignition was
siippreold to he imminent. The Lehigh Iron Coin
p.iny's Grid-Ile —misled the nlarut. which was im
mediately re-proeli•il to hr th.,se of tin , Thomas
Comp.tny :it I I,,l,o•nilitii , find the Lehigh (•ritin.
at Colas:tuna:l. awl in a curs ,hart lint( aid iris
present to ilfutli that enund he done. to keep the
PltOrti.Ernstrs.—The Select Conn- lire f„.,,,„.,,,,,,b,„,1„,4.
cif held a special. meeting last \veil:, at \Odell
1. W 111 I lion:At at his limn that Mr. Paul LeVan's
Messrs. Line, -
Rath ' Seim "' dwelling would the dP•NoltrinZ InAt
Young - and Ifoffinitn were present. A b ut i Mot lei Ilie part of
was panned accepting Mr. G. A.- At,htsteli's city
inn.. Arlin had 11.• ,11.111,1 It 1V,14.
maps,and a‘varding lame...looU addhlmtnl cotni•en- by bring kei.: „ 'w e n• teiar
ration for his very laborious and skillful work in L eg 1
,nrce!,,. an it. %%le n • o, A, a: , caltered
preparing the trial's. The resolution was bild ,
in all wr,1•111P.1, Oy hying comer-,!,rid inc, COlll
- until the next atitted meeting of the Common
munic.ited with Katie Ifi,thrnek's
Connell. the nomination by the Mayor of Ed- I still further as ay aim Mr. 1.-• Van's, but with
ward :tteGettlgan as Pollee ()facer for the Sixth
timely aid it again extinguished.
Ward wan confirmed.
The lira iii the store had by this time consumed
In the Common Council Miner,. Gallagher,
the greater pint of the oc and lice building was
licebuer, Nonemaker, (puler, B. C. Roth, George i fast giving a waiv. and in lea. than tyro hours from
Roth, Ruh°, S eboll, Steckel, Seagriatves, Trexter,
the time the lire Lad broken out, the e-tablisittnent
'Weiser, Win and Grim were present.. Itesolit
was a her.if of rein-, 11.nd it not ham for the
times were passed and fioneurred in by Select ,
timely ;lid Cam ‘vas eii fr.ini the neighborifo-i
Council for IcYvering the gutter across Tenth street 1 iolnmilawma, Cat the loss
at Ilumilton find extending the walk, instructing
ot ,
properly one-i recess:oily have been much
the Chief Engineer to gel four lanterns for the
greater, as there warn number of frame buildings
Columbia Fire Company, and instructing the
: quits n:car. nu.l the sal .dy of Auer ccn. „b„„, „.
Mayor to fill up the',,ide wall: h i f r o n t or the prop- • h: ,11 '• • •• , !. " t• veils lon of one hose a hich was
erty of the late John Young on Turner :II reef. hear „..„.b„,l rye ,i,, the
Fourth. petition for the erection or a gas light Is partiully .1 I.y
nt the conwr of Sixth and Idlierty streets wa- er 1,„ ! „
granted, hut leas told aver lu tSeieet 1'a ,,1• „ ii„. r . „„,1 „„
NtleShrti. Weiser and Seagryaves Were appointed a i stns:: tare v•as 'it , hli l l , ll in the Ger-
Conmilttee to net hi connection with Select Coon- Heir ,P 1 thy. )1. 111:ant6
ell Committee and confer Willi the City Treas urer ileac G,rd. „„, •ri„ r r„.„ r from
in regard to the safe keeping of the paper, ,ce. 1 ❑ !v. ,1 ul the tire
belonging to the city.
sliort,y afire I . 5 11 . ClIal, rt,II3iIIL• I there until
Both Councils met in joint ecJivention to nestles „
a:it.r t elle. and co,,M has.. vi ndered V. 111.11.11:
the city tnaps front Mr. (.'ominittee service cress it L „,„ „ r
on City Property was directed to procure n Leis ally a:pc-, to tic, sirs r: Tho li,e i- thow:ht to
for the preservation of the maps, the box tole- „.„ 1 ,,,,.,„ , „. I „,
charge of the Cllr 'file opening or Mr. I lint 11 wily r 1 ,- arel.ol-ed a !Argo
Ninth street front Allen to Tilghman was posts _not. ;It tl,i,t City G , r 1:1•• ' ll:1 u.l tvinter
potted for one year. Edward Riffle was ,'leered ; Ind 1,1. therein,. quit,: hiavy in ad-
Assedimr fur the. Third %Var.] in place of Itelthee
to hl- i•• sly' ji, trsi-
-- in tai- city, awl hi- ;Head- ter.. diii
r1.41e1 hi. I
JUIIY LisT.—The following are tlit..lolors
drawn for January term or court, conttnone:ng
on• Monday, January :2d, 1871. to rontinuo tar
IN :-
A General Suspension of Work ;it
ho: Jay.. A. lituir,hotqual,r, Welwuburg; 31. I). Scranton and Vicinity.
c...,;;;;;tu. far, ..... r, Lower .11.ton,giet Edward liartn..Uy,
J. Keck. carpenter, 2d want.; 1%1-'4'l- 111k1'.. tit 1:1.1 11,1, 1111 . n:lar . 611,i 111:LIIV lit' lire
man, yeoman. 1-t ward, do.; StephotCll,l‘. brat; „
roaaw are. La, ha watina Cciripany
Jo-; David Kern. farmer, %Va....him/too; Fraud- W.d•-,
Welseubura; 3lidatel 31ePloshy, qi1114,11(1.1, the NH to their tallier, In th e
nrd; V. It'. SllPerlillt,lll.llt, LalVer NaCtlaga'; 01.11 P.'41011. aril , p010., , f tlpl protothi:ity Of a
chark. 31. art, fanner, l'pper Saucot; Jatoosnlagnastor, pr • w- l on „ r by the 1111211 in , teall of accepting
lumber, doaler. 3111Ier•ioten; Edwsr.lSchlattrh, stationer.
th e redneed Aft er -overt! Meetings theCatasetaqua; 'Levi li.ruass, Lamer,
Itudolph, do., Ilauosor; War. Trauma). csrpourer, •; labor- lochled oil- 31toola to Like a general rob)
James K. 31es•or. taaner,do.; Franklin risa,tr, r k s , svatell Whothor they -ion L 1 enti r ely or prop o se
maker, North 3Whitetrall; Henry W. Trozoll, farmer. I
' to CoiriprOnlise with the L'omparty and eon; lune tat
S,,utli Whitehall; Joseph Ilartman.lnukeeper. 4111 war,l;
Lawrence Young, laborer, Ist ward; Charles 8 0 1,,,,,,ty, work at hall thn red ncUuu proln , tal by the Coin
merchant, Lower Milford. pane. This vote was taper uu 31onday arid Tat...
Prvlr Jnitoarr—Rase Wantr.—Fraultlla Mertz.
(Eli' In the II liel:ortio and Keiser . ; Vltl-
11Illerstown; Lewis Kuntz, merchant, North Whioo ' •
hot, 'leery Wilson, roo , istant P. 31., Slatlagton; Fr.ttaN di-trier-, and I he tin- a y de to , o-pentl
Seifert, farmer, Ilanover; Stephen Neumnyer, carpenter. I entirely. Atiout lour lonalrot voted for cont.
Lower blacungle.; Jacob Ilartzellofarmer. Lower Milford; I promi...., ;um about a I Itomand for ,usper-ion.
Nathan Seim yeoman, 4th ward; Charles D. Fuller. cao Ti n . etap , „,yed Lt' he Delaware .0 I lutkon
tractor. Catasatoput; Edwin Shut,. storekeeper, Cap, r
1111fer,l; Thomas Alohr. Toortrau, lid ward; Jaoil, It. Ma,. and the reitn-sYlvank Coal COntlianle, have also
nor, ~,111,.r . N or a, Whitehall; J. L. Schreib,r, sup. , u-pended, su that here k n o o mpl e t, a wl ge ,,,, ra i
tendeut. SIMI:talon; Aaron E. 3losser. hardware d,: der. Suspeu~on „" 1 „, „,„,„, in „ ,
to rr;iou about
s, , bw ,: rd jth Sa sTtrl
Dry Sander, ill' e U n “th'.
4A t o l r n ti
~,,,,u , ' 1.3 0 ( " 11 R ".. 1 t
Pluton A. Settimel, co:min/taker, Iltdd.dll.;rg; Wm. Letin• The Mimi :all nbuto I.y the I). a: IV. Coin.
verger. carpenter, Slating:on; Levi S. Lichteuwaluer, fat • ; pany In tilt' tanner-' wages we. , forty-live cents per
leer, Lowt.r Macungie; Jonathan Schwartz, ..and t1.41;•r,
car load. Ilriur to the lil-t al lt MOuth the
lot wardv•c harles Beet,, fanner, lialtobury; WI:1011011.y
Huth, do., (Toper Macungie; Franklin Shltfort, hardw, o u Ito It their lore hlre laborers, hail been
dealer, 31111.,t0wn; Peter W. 'labor, muddler, 3.1 ward; ; reeeitliq one dollar a n d thirty•outt remits per rat .
Franklin Laubach, lunk,ezer, entaaanquat Henry Stahl. • for each car Illled lit the mine after the coal has
!Inciter, Salkburs; bowl, Smith, Wnalline •
been taken front the Orin ma,. This Includes ex
tea; Aaron H. Eichelberth•r, farmer. te••r Sauce.: nth'.
Utter, met rhant.;t7oper Ma Tangle; John 0. Eherlt d, far. pett-m. of IA:1 6 0114 yowler, oil, and the pay of ihlt
mar, Lower Milford; LeVI Petit, nmo, lill• laborer. The 'Mint! or ' , oven gar , ;I day is altottt
ford; J. W. Schwartz, merchant. Cata•attutta, Jon,. W.t
tee aVvrage wort: nod Itur ear
George, Ileuletberg; Chatty , Biel,. farmer, L..,
he would hay.' • t .'. 1 .1 7 ; pet day. Mut a tilt; sum
Macungie; John )IcLuan, yeoman. dill wat . ; 1; hit t.
Her, merchant, Heidelberg. ; the milerlott-t pay t u rn landrer- about two dot-
Puri rJr Il111“—SECOND Ware.—J:.ine.; r.irtnot. I Ittr< mach day, :tint ulnae our dealt' per day
South Whitehall; Ilmjarnin Grim, farmer, Welmnburg; f il
John L. llotlinan , lumber dealer. 4th ward; Itichard e ' '" mu d po wder , E lvin " • •
Jotter, .later. Ileidolberg; Alfred Huth, merchant, North hoe day for 1 , 1- owl , tuber. The rednetlon pro.
Whitehall; Jacob Reichard, painter. dilt ward, Jacob pencil by the Company redueed the pay for ,even
Andrea,. yeoman, dit ward; Samuel A. Santee, slater, !
Cali of coat It, .It.3.Sti, and would Mare the miner
blatinatunt William Grim, yeoman, 4th ward; Wm. I'. '
after 1 ;
Wieder, tanner, tipper Saucon I John J. Troxell„ditno 1111 Y• 11 g •" ,„ .I "‘" .l ' l. ' the red ll " wlll 4 ll ' or
burner, Hanover; Jahn Anewall, batter, ad ward; F. I', $1.20 cacti Her day, Mid paying co, ht., oil and
Mickley, yetoulluk, North Whitehall: !mac Hartman. ' pow‘kroluoit $2 . .20 per day. The miner: , regarded
du„ Putter Sancou ; 'rilglonan HeYvz. fanner. North ;
tills us 100 touch or a wince ion, and devilled that
Whitehall; John Miller, laborer. Lower Itlartingle; J.
Frank Reichard, Innkeeper, Hanover; Alfred FA:lngot', • It wenhl he it, ;ter ""t to"Ft;ut till.
tinotoith, word; 310,e0 Leech, rolling mill boos, till ; The D. 'iV. iteeounts for It, re
ward; Ch•trl "' " • Schttell•l t l . " "" tnith, ttltht'te""' henry • (Notion It the mmi's by the reduced pricea
Brophy. launder, Upper Macungie; Herman linualckar, I
ea for veal at New York at the recent
cabinet maker, Woodilualon; Wm. NVell, lime inn,..,
Hanover; 11, 1. 'lntake; real ...lain .gent, Slitthigton; I monthly onetion The Company him a large
Samuel J. Berger, yonmau, Waohingtett; 11. V. mma, 1 stoek of coal in, band, and it m ill he moro profit
miller. North 'Whittail; IVlll.Mtlrgllll,lll,lter. 2.1.111110011: ,
.tole for It to ,u- mid work for the present If the
Nathan Herman. yeoman, .2tl ward; Wlll. J. Craig. n 0.. ., I '
Price: van he forced up thereby. 'file present. hi
chant, Catuoanthum Lovlu coal deader, ;hula,. r, Satnael o,wald, tallier, Wa..hington; Evan hail, inn• dle,,imaa tire iimt the ,:tlcren:lon trill not
/tech , . North Whitehall: Jo.'" R.i "r• r‘ ° "‘"". 1.1 • to the LehL,elt aml &linen:ill regions, as the
word; J. 11. Erdman. merchant, Etuttaht Jewm .11. , 11.1u0.
banker, 2d ward: Allen Steckel. hosiery
Miner; there had their. 1111 of suapenslon hat
Mk ward. 1 apring and amniner.
'nu: Allentown 124)11111g )(ill nill.partially
titt , pon,l operation, lit about ten days tor the per
rr.e of 4.1;14 el hit;
tire work,
I ) .IItADE AND 1)1111.1...—Ti1f. Excelsior ltilles
will give their Best pnlilin drill in Allentown an
"nerniiil Chi - knit:l4. - They will go out
flee with blank eitrlrldgec, whirl) they will
waken si rind
pail dri'l.
nuNTiNn.—Poe the information of
sport,men it may be %tated that the supplement
pa,se:l Aprll 5, 11,711, alter; the game law so that
deer huntlim 1/11 iii 2i4h of Deeelo'u•r
or each year.
I)l:mr.vrtuv.—'l'lu• nretln lately put
up lu St. Peter's Gernien Lutht•rnu Church in the
Piet \Vard wag dedieuted to the ,erviee of the
• I'riuoe, Gel on iglinday. There were survive, In
the fOrellolo. at ton o'clock', at think' In 1110
noon anti nt 11:;1() in the et eniug.
TIT% )1:111( . 11 (111111 k I)cM/end ns it !I:19
good antliorlty tilt contradict Inc" 'nil the reports
that have keen current rocently fn regard to the
lento of the Lehigh O.: Susquehanna Railroad to
the Delaware, Lackawanna & Went'rn Company,
or ko congolldittion with him Lehigh Valloy Coln
pn ny.
Mkt . ° at. FigroDS rtePENNisvt,a-.0 s. I 0. —The
anthracite coal !lel& of Pennsylvania . . vont prised
iti six counties, underlie four hundred and seventy
..mare miles of mountain and valley, and, so far
u. per 111,./VCITd, COntltill the only anthracite de
posit. I.f the continent. More than forty million
dollars have been absorbed In mining capital, and
idiom the same sum In mania, and seventy million
dollars inralironds, constructed almost solely its
moans of transportation for coal. In the whole
anthracite region there are ninon two Inindwil
titans :nal incorporated einnpanles, who have .tut
into the market dashes; the last year about ,sixteen
million tons of coal.
ItErmiiou::.--Thi , special reli A riong
which have been MU by the Prettl,yteriilii and
cluirelle, iii thin city Mr some time pa‘t
have been uniformly nil tulentretl, anti have had
grmilying probably be t-tta
tlatuttl some time :4 4 1111 . 1 . 1 . . IVe are Informed Matt
over silty per-Attu; have prole tetpurien N. o r
salvati throutill 1,(111‘. mood.
hold al the 11 uhliroh. .l nrnu.rlhr:o
are idd an I parr ,Intl it
get ii- It, Itt• pd. “ft . :u• t r•rt.
Ltion , t int i I tr ,d•y I 11:tt It I.,d•vnd, all
11. To Coo oluloid. tv 111 f'i 'lO 'lll.lO
:110 * CI 1 . !!' 1 , 11 , V :11,i
;IL Il r,.s I: Jolt LI 'I held it-
MCI I /UV: s'l
Till. I. lU y .1 to it 111 Wei /•,,laa,Ty
all I Nl,l•litat ats Th ,
I Very .110 1/01.11'.1,`, IVILIIPit
th.,t :lie .;.'e :,1.1.t,.,•1:11e the 01,jet 0f the
1.yee111:1 : :t enef+tir:lgoit•ht,
10 101v:Ince hi the 41%tild 01 . improvemehl.
The ie.:dile: .1111 the
dee1,1121:111,4.4 ta' of tile nleuther, 1%,11 ,
Ih , tritelive. The 1011 0rhez , 10‘..11011,:t5411,..11,-,1 :
" ye:1.11.1 Pr.r 'lr:tde -11.huld 1 / 1 ,10t.1 . .1t..1: in
the If nit , Stnt Tho ort•
I I) oe•le:i. the ,11'm11.111, , .. awl Ito
1) -eh 1:1,1 Puff ti. hegaiiv,•. itohl' , er
or a r!:; ,, '10,1 • ‘ , •. 01, 1,01 h or it:
q ua,Lioo. ••••••11111;. ; 11,1
IND Lin(w.srrovii
Town Hall at Catasanym was email Friday
evetting by atuettlience representhenu small part
of Lehigh erutrity,as well as the town itself. Special
trains wire run from Alicelowe, Steelton and
Fogelsville, and we dislike to acknowledge that
Ott :Allentown train was the lightest freighted of
them all. We are sure that this was not on ac
count of the indifference of our people to either
Dickens' genius or Miss Field's reputation as a
lecturer; and we are confident that If "The Young
Builders" at Catasauqua will give longer notice of
the certainty of a special train than they did this
time; they can count upon a good representation
from this city if the' remainder of the entertain
ments they have In store are as worthy of patron
age as the tale last evening. "The Young Build
. 1s au organization connected with
the First Presbyterian Church, and the object for
which they' are laboring is the collection of fonds
fur the erection of a issbiatth School building. The
Pr"Jeet is a worthy one, and we are glad to he
lieve that it received a handsome assistance from
the attendance last evening. One net or thought
ful kindness upon the part of those In charge of
the special railroad trains last evening deserves
grateful mention. Thu cars of nil the trains were
taken across the bridge front the. Lehigh Valley
station, and the passengers were thus landed only .
11 few stops from the Town Hall.
Miss Kate Field mado her first public appear
ance 11,4 a lecturer In Boston In the spring of 1569.
The subject chosen terra "A Plea for Woman on
the Platform," and in a very quiet and womanly
way she urged this right of women wlm felt that
they had something to
. say, to say It "In public
on the stage." Last winter wat•hcr first lecture
season, stud this Is therefore her second winter on
the platform. 'fire slanglaer of an actor whatnod
some years ago , Miss Field has undertaken to
make her own way . in the world, first with her pen
and now with her voice, and she has already se
eared for herself an acknowledged place among
the ',sconces of the slay. An ardent admirer of
"Clssusies Dickens as A tailor, Actor, Man," her
lecture on Dickens is naturaliy full of generous
praise for the great novelist. She brings ma the
more -ali , •ut 1.0110 .which characterize Dickens'
style a, a writer, shows the naturalness of Ids
characters, the gencrosa, warmth of his nature
unworn, t'assauffering and the needy, his hatred. of
all hinds of shams and pretensions, his wealth of
private friendship, and his veneration for the true
and good wherever found. 11cr lecture may be
style ss critical analysis, — but the criticism is
islway, friendly, and it, results favorable to the
memory a sel rmoios or the subject. 'I" here are t i ny
men of whom nothing but praise van truthfully be
rail, hat realiy Charles Dickens seems to lie one
ur net, few; and the more one reads his books
mud .-ttslics - his character. the more one finds to
adusac Ile was a rare Ma
cure author, and had he never written anything
but his matchless '• Christina- t'arol.“ he would
have deserved n hulal place in tire •• Poet's tier
lit W,tinisuster Abbey. Mice road her
lemur, with a clear voice null distinct enunciation,
though her voice hardly strung enough to lilt
It large hail. and a hurrle 1 utterance at times ob.
meaning even to those who sat near
tier. Sic recited with tine expres.lon Dirlo•os'
"hymn of the Wiltshire Laborers," and gave
gnotations from his novels, which added
11111,,i io the as they brought the hearers
into nearer and clitiier communion, with the• ercitt
author himself.
elosing portion of the lecture we give entire
as follows " Dlchenr:, the tmcommercial traveler
for the great house of Ihnuan Interest Brothers,
has made his last Journey. The light of Gad',
11111 gone out; the light of the world is dinuned.
Ile Iles with England's pen and greatest—with
tuneful Handel gazing heavenward above !Mil.
with Darriek by his side, with Johnson at his feet,
with Dryden, Chaucer, ,Spittser, :oat Milton near
by ; drill, a mighty cougref:ation of king, iwd
philosophers :111d general,, to slug hosam
no , as they . avleotne him to the Mty of the dead.
lint mightier is that congregation of living, hum
ble :cods silently filling the 'sombre ahbey from
anon to night, tremllng_lightly I6st the dead be
wakerl, casting dowers into the still open grave
until the dark void is made brigat and beautiful
as if the bloom of everlasting peace and hope.
Last to Ibiger is a woniam listening to the voice
of Memory :IA it relents the words of him who lies
silently et her feet : ' 0 woman, find-beloved
in old Jerusalem ! The be.t among us nerd deal
lightly with thy faults, If only for the punishmt
the nature will endure in bearing heavy evidence
against us on the day .r judgment: This world's
day of judgment Ints come to you, Charles Dicker s,
and this grateful woman casts humble dowers
upon your grave for your loyalty to duty, for your
loyalty to literature, for your loyalty to the th:anne,
for your loyally to friendship, for your love of hu
manity, for your -huve of truth—loving It better
than Shakespeare and Shakespeare's country, bets
let than Irving and Irving's countryfor your
love of children, for your tenderness toward the
outcast of her see. And as , he lets fall the last
pansy in her hand she murmurs : 'The old, old
fashion. The fashion that came hi with our llrot
parents, and till! bast unchanged until our race
let- rtm its rsamar a :and the Wide firmament Is'
rolled up like a scroll; The old, old fashion—
death! 0, thank Cod, till who see It, for that older
Million yet of It:lino:do lity ! and look upon him,
onset. and young children, with regards not quite
estranged now he swift river bears him to the
inertia PrTs IN lit'
— lii. 11oel:s Magee reside, on
Alien street, In the Sixth Ward. Ile is poor but
honest, and Is temperate In his habits, and is a
member of the order of the Sons of Temperance.
Jame: is attacked with temporary fits of itisanity,
which, though they put him In the Imaginary pos
session of vast wealth, musteattse him much more
trouble than his romfortable life In his own lowly
home. As a general thing he Is sensible enough,
but about twice a month ids Insanity takes shape,
and 'is especially demonstrative about tin• full of
the :noon. At such times he has been in the habit
of visiting the residence of Samuel Lewis, Es q.,
and the sere:mt. opening the door in response to
his ring at the bell, It Into been his practice to
enter his house and reshot!' there until ejected by
force. Ills theory Is that his mother''s money
built the works of the Allentown Iron Company;
the residence of Mr. Lewis and all the other
lugs owned by Oni Company, and that, When she
died, she bequeathed the vast estate to him. Mr.
Magee hies recognized the•fuet that other parties
I ave been ❑sing and enjoying the emoluments of
hi. imaginary wise, while he was laboring for
hi: daily:Jan - Ad in an h•. u nble way. Ile, did not
attempt to hale recourse to law to dispossess the
present tenants, for It mind attached a fairy's
Miami to illy house, and If once lie etketed an en- -
trance into a certain room in Mr. Lewis' residence
no earthly power cooly, keep him from possessing
his fortune anti keeping it until his death, when,
in case he should huyc lived a sober Ilfe, the will
Of 116 seller provided that It should go to his
heirs. NI r. Lewis has been much tomo)cul by Ills
frequent nit,l rwrektent visits, and front the lan
guage of James had catte to fear violence, as he
had given notice that If the work of repairing and
enlarging Furnaee N 0.2 were not discontinued, Ile.
WOlllll blow np the whole establishment. Accord
ingly complaint was lodged with"the Mayor, who
referred the case to Alderman Stahler, who In turn
honied a warrant for his arre:t 1111 d sent him in
charge of Officers llctford and McCloskey to the
Comity Poor Ilottse, where he will he confined In
the Insane Department and receive medivai tient
meta for his affliction.
.I.nursT Eon PRETEN('EF.— Wil
loughby Weiler; residing near Alburtis, It In al
le.4ed, recently went to farrisburg and purchased
vault.. from J. E. Taylor to the amount of $2400,
and of another party to the amount of *OOO, giv
ing his cheeks on the Farmers' Savings Bank of
Fogle,villc in payment therefor, repregentingthat
he had sunielunt funds anti noted In that bank to
cover the payment of the checks. The cheeks
were forwar.led to the Saving, Bonk in the usual
way and were returned protested. A.mairrant was
issited f o r the arrest of Bleiler on the charge of
false pretences, and nveertalnlng that the warrant
was issued lit canoe to the city on Saturday und
gave hinnelf up to custody, when . he WiliA held '0
Ircil Inlhe sum of t. 41500 for his appearance at the
next term of Quarter Sessions in Dauphin county.
It has since been ascertained that Bieliv had not
kept air account with the Bank.
Covicr.—A. Fpecial 'term or COurt com
menced 7%lntnlay morning, to conttnue two weeks,
Ices Lotnni!ter and Fry on the Bench.
A TIMID Itn.tsoN why T. C. Kernalmn, of
the Allentown China, Glassware and Lamp store
i can sell cheaper than others, Is because ho• sells
more than ntp two In the county put tofzether. ,
Tin: NEW OrnUA HOUSE, —The work at
llagenbueli%i Opera House progressing very
Gast. The scuts have been put In 010 41 . 111eryAnd
parquet circle, and nothing remains but the paint
ing of the woodwork and the finishing up of the
stage. Witco th.islied, till's will he one of the tin
est halls Ir the Sink', and it will h. ornament
to our (qty.
CASE IN BANE ItI:PTC Y. —The Easton Ex
press sap: that the United States District Court at
Philadelphia considered hot week the case of
George Bender of Easton, assignee in bankruptcy
of Gcorl,e A. M. Hower v.. Joseph Kleckner and
Nathan Hail. The case was brought to recover
from the defendants the money value of property
which thlorge A. M. Hower had assigned to
Messni. Kleckner. J: hall, within four months of
the comniencoment of proceedings in bankruptcy.
The bankrupt low forbids that any preference of
creditors shall be made, and it, fixes the period of
four months from the tiling of the petition, within
which no a“lgnment to creditors is allowable.
The evidenve satisfied the Jury that the assigntnent
to defendants had been made within the prescribed
period, and a verdict was rendered for the plaintiff
for $l,OOO.
Lehigh County Teachers' Institute.
The annual session of the. 'Poachers' Institute
for this county will be held in this city nart week.
It will open at the Court Ilonse on Monday, the
Ifith,and will continue live tiny a. We hope there
will be a large attendance of teachers and educa
tors, for we believe that these Institutes are capa
ble of being very effeetive agencies in advancing
the Interests of education. In some parts of the
.ermuty the School Directors have given their
teachers the whole week for the purpose of attend
ing the Institute, and we hope that the Directors
everywhere will interest themselves in having
their teachers :Mend these meetings. The Comity
Superintendent is required to hold these Institutes,
but it will do no good to hold them unless they are
attended by the Persons in Whose behalf they are
held. There is no more important subject than
that of common school education, and we hope
that the coming sessions or the Institute will be
better attended by teachers and parents than any
previous Institute which has been held. in Lehigh
county. Below is the programme for the week ea
it has !wen prepared and furnished ns by Superh,
temivnt lonwz :
Ifo.a/mr, December 1U(/i.-1:3U I'. M., Organlza..
[lon and opening exercises ; 9.15, Enrollment ; 3,
Address of Welcome by Supt. F... 1. Young.
Everiiriq Sr . N.Rio7l.—F.,iny by I.ea - 6 I'. Hecker;
Lecture by lt. K. Iturhrlc ; Select Reading by Prof.
Twsi/ay ...lturning.-0 A. M., Opening Exercises
and Enrollment of Metnbers ; 0.25, Report on Or
thography by G. I'. Mites: 10, Discussion of above
Report, to be opened by Benj. Rupp ; 10.15, Re
port en Reading, by 11. Bieber.
TheNtlay -Ifternooa.-1:30 P. M., Discussion of
Report on Reading, to be opened by M. N. Bern
hard , 2:11, Essay by E. Harmony ;2:45, Penman
ship by W. 1.. Blackman ; 3:15, Discussion : ''How
can the Art of Composition be most successfully
taught," to be opened by W. Hchnitz.
7'nesilay Essaing.-7 P. P. DlBcusslon "'l'o
what extent should the teacher flake tine of the
text book 1" to be opened by G. A. Atwater: 8,
Leeture by Rev..l. W. Wood.
llSdn•:adny J/m•niny.-0 A. M., Opening' Exer
eke, and F:nroliment of Mernhere ; 9e211, Elemen
tary Arithmetic. by F. K. Hartzell ; 10, Dlsruqslon
on Elementary .Irithmetlr, bit opene,l by Mr.
Dewahl ; 10,141, Mental l'hiln•ophy. bn Prof. Er
lednesday .1 ( b ::“.1 I'. M., Iliti.urt, ou
Grograithy, by )I.G. Pair: Y. Dihetts,lott on above
Report, to Ila op,•ocd by Mr. Van :(hertz; 2:45,
lA:ultra (German )'• Die Gt.:sonde M htr, oiler Mit
tlona.,s dle B,te Stra,t," by Iter. K. Brolmt.
- - .
Evening .Sraxion-6,a;q• be .W.: , 2. V. Knellline;
Locture by Prof. Erno.otioot.
Thercday Oforning. —9 A. M., Opening Exer
cises ; Report on Grammar, by J. B. rinyder ;
10, Gismo;lon on above Report, to be opened by
G. 11. Heffner ; Them). of Tenehing by Prof.
'rlotembty Afttrnowt.-1:::0 P. N.. Essay by Mks
Gabrii.9; Leeture I.y Prof. ‘Vickerbain,
Tharmfou Even; og.-I.efau re by Dr. M u hien ber.f;
Lecture by Edward Ilarvey,
Eriday iferainfl.-0 .1. M.. Oponing" Exercise. ;
Lecture by It. K. Ruchrle ; 10, DiseusAlon :
"Should not all the children of I.ollgh-couray
have ;111 opportnnity of them - In our public
schools to learn to read and write the German lan
guage correctly and translate It y' lobe opened by
E. I). Rhoad:.; 11, Election of Committee on Per
manent Certllleatec.
Friday .Ifiernourt.-1:30 P. M., Leeture m.
Cliemi,try by Prof. Wittlns.l.ll Report of Com
mittee:l, etc.
Friday Ee/oi;g.-I.,ittirii by Prof. Patter•no..of
1:II if I . olollli i .1 rkei TI, Potts°, of Little.
/lock. .•osste• „ 1n„• .1 Nest to wt.'s Tows, psf To
Ills.stiplaN--('s.l to. ts .Ir/ie....cot
Elret boss.
Sr. Loot., No., Nov. 98th , 1870
In traveling through.such portions of Arkansas
as are remote from navigable streams and from
the few miles of railroad which extend across cur
lain portions of the eastern part of the State, a
stranger will Ilnd himself subject to many incon
veniences. The few boarding houses that are
scattered along stage routes atlbrd very poor :te
001111110dalisits, while their tables are spread with
scarcely anything but thdlr everlasting corn-bread
and bacon. Those who have enjoyed a stage ride
through dismal swamps and over rough moun
tain, ran imagine what a tedlow ride your corres
pondent had front Lyman to the end of the Little
Rock Fort Smith Railroad, a distance of twenty-
Thejoitinga person receives Is almost
a sure reins is' for the cure of dyspepsia. It will.
either kill or mire, and it Is immaterial which.
The ride on Oa; train front Lewisburg to Little
(Leek was a more Ime. Work on this
mad has been suspended, and the track-layers are
HOW eagngeil to first twenty mile; of
track on the Cairo and Fulton road. Little Rock
is destined to become :t great railroad center. All
toads Opal which laborers Orr employed at present,
converge at this point. The At kansas river is to
1m bridged and the Cairo and Fulton road con
tinued to Rod river, while the Little Rock, Pine
nautili New Orleans mad will form a juoetion
with it the south side of the river.
I nit Little Rock last Friday murabig before
dawn, illl4 Willi, crossing the river, the ferry-boat
eau aground. A heavy fog had arisen so that no
object over a v distant front the boat "was dis
cernible. Pulls iui hour eittp.ed before the mist
was tils.ipated, when a skiff cattle to our aid In
which we wont ashore. The train on the Meaphis
and Little Rock roadwas compelled to wail on Us,
ill censrquruer. ul which it. With delayed over nu
hour. For the litst fifty miles this rand runs
through some .4 the 1111,4 contitry in the State.
The greater p•trt or it-is prairie land, and scarcely
one-tenth of it kin a state of cultivation. A great
deal of hay is annually made upon these prairies,
'and those engaged lu the business nee n nin l n t,
fortune in aeery' shortitime. • After arriving at Dn
Cull's Blatt I had harely'sullielent lime to pay a
hurried visit to Josiah Billhelmer. formerly of
Lower Somata, and note Delany Clerk of Prairie
county, of which D. V. li. the county seat.
From there to the m u d of the road running front
Memphis there Is a gap of thirteen miles. over
one thousand laborers are now at work tlnishiug
owing 1.0 the low and ' , wimpy laud along this
route, It Is Impn~-able fur team., and revelers are
controlled to pass down White river 011 a boat for
a ilkt a nee of forty miles l,,Clareudea,from whence
another ride of fifteen milt, on a stage brings
theta to Britildey, the termion. of the railroad.
Clarendon was entirely destroyed during the war,
but has been rebuilt Joel now looks better than it
did Itef2' the Wakli." The surrounding land is
very productive. FarineriA are complaining for
want of hands to pick their cotton.• Although
many laborer, (maw from the eastern States, yet
the demand Is greater than the supply, and a great
deal of cotton must (amnia nitpicked. Brinkley is
a small village of seat coly two dozen board Ai:M
-lle), anti log cabins. Situated as It Is In a swampy.
(notary, It cannot fail to be a very unhealthy .
Place. Madison :nal Forest City, both of them
situated on thin road, have more healthy locations
and are improving rapidly.
I arrived at Memphis, the melropoll4 of Tem
ne:eve:oil Friday night. .The city is situated on
an eminence commanding :t line view pf the Mb
. sissippi river. The streets, excepting those in the
outskirts where the XVIII Amendments have token
up their abode, are paved with the NieholSon pave.
meta. Near the central portion of the city is a tine
park, hi which stands a monument of President
Jackson. It was eructed IWevions to the breaking
out of the rebellion. Ou one aide are engraved
the following words "The Federal Union—lt
must and shall be preserved." The word Federal
was partially defaced by a Rebel soldier during
the first-year of rho war, but Ile wan prohibited
from destroying it entirely by a Confederate Major.
My stay in the, city Was brief. Left for this plate
on Saturday morning, on tile Louisville and Mem
phis railroad. Changed carnal Humboldt, Tenn.,
for Columbus, Ky., where I ferried the Mississippi,
awl took the St. Louis and 'lron Nlountain Road.
This road has lately been constructed. and .the
many new towns that are springing up along this
route are unmistakable evidences that the citizens
are full of enterprise. Upon arriving at Potosi I
found the town In a state of excitement on account
of .a horrible murder perpetrated near that place.
A family office persona was butchered, their bodies
were mutilated, and the house set on fire and
burned to the ground. The fiendish murderers
were arrested near De Soto, and brought to Potosi,
where they were confine(' In jail. An attempt by
number of the citizens to lynch the prisoners was
foiled by the Sheriff, who had previously summoned
a posse of twenty men * to aid In defending the
prisoners. The mob refused to disperse at the re
piest of the Sheriff until they, ware fired upon, by
which one man was 'killed and one wounded.
Speedy Juhtlee, however, awaits the prisoners.
In conclusion, allow me to make a few remarks
concerning the election in Arkansas. Everything
passed off quietly. All drain shops were closed,
consequently no disturbances were created. Quite
a number of Republicans,who had become dissat
isfied with the course pursued by certain political
leaders, failed to vote, while the bemoerats mar
shalled all their available forces. The result in
the First District was unexpected. thanks (Dent.)
was elected by 7000 majority. In the Second Dis
trict, counties which had hitherto given Demo
cratic majorities, went Republican, and the result
was the defeat of Rogers, and the election of Sny
der (Rep.) As expected, Gen. Edwards was elected
in the Third District. The city of Little Rock gave
a Democratic majority of over SOO. The new
Council retained nearly all the colored members
of the police force, thus shelving that the latter
have done their duty faithfully. The Democrats
claim a Democratic Legislattire, which would in
sure to them a U. S. Senator in place of lion. B.
F. Rice, whose term has expired. U. S.
LAROE stock of slitet music, instructcra,
blank 'maks, maslC paper and eards at C. F. Herr
mann's 'Made Stare, Allentown. —.4,1”.
WAT.TEII. C. SMITH iißti just received the
finest axsortruent of confectionary and [mitx that
has ever been ()tiered to this place. .Just the place
to fill your Christmns stockings.
WORHTED Worth.—The largest and cheap
est tuntortmeat of slippers, sofa and pia cushions
ever offered In this city for sale at •
Oat: III:NI/1W) CLOAKS, ready-made for
ladles, from two to twenty dollars, also \Voter .
Proof, Circular. and Clilldreit's Cloaks for sale :it
ALLENTOWN /1114 tut eN'tellSIVI, Chinn anti
glassware establishment where as great a variety
and ax low prices can he found 114 In the larger
Olio.. We refer to the new ',tore of Richard
Walker, No. ill We.t Hamilton streel.—.l./e.
EVERYItODY should go to Stnitlt's to SIP LIP!
beautiful Santa Clans, lit lip with gas, romething
entirely new. Inn ',tort Is always full
CurAi , Ottc.tss.—A shigh• reed 5
aedire "rgtth ut *IIO. dutthle reed orvait Ivlth 5
stop~, nt sl:',o. powerfid ortran with 7
sllBo,itt C. I-'. Ileretwdr.:Cl, corner nr 7th end \Val-
UnitinTmAs.—Smith*.: toy and confectionery
store In the Ileadquartors • for tlhrlsttual artleles:
Santlt Claus can g"t t a llnu-ela‘t outfit tiler , . with
oft any trouble. •
Ttti; best of Italian violin St rings. violins,
guitars. flutes Pte., :lily other article belonging
to niusleal Instrument+, eau lie ',ought cheaper
than anywhere else, at C. F. llerrtnann',;
Store, Allentown,
hen, of the old Allentown China, Glassware and
Lump Store, can sell cheaper . than others, is that
he buys and sells exclusively for Cush, thus gair.-
ng all the advantage of cash payments and lindtig
nothing by eredlt sales.
DON'T forget to call at :-'mil for your
Christmas tree goods. Ile has a complete assort
ment of goods In that line, sash as wax angels,
glass balla, glass fruits, w•ax fruits, birth of Christ.
crucifix, reflectors, wax candles, ttze., ,be.
A SPLENDID P!ANO.—Liudcrnuw Son's
Gold Niedal Cycloid and SquaiePianori tank among
the finest hildruments In the country. Their bril-
Haney and fullness of tone is not surst=sed bya con
certgr and piano at double them : lce. More inq ru
meats of thl celebrated make have been sold in
Allentown, Lehigh find adjoining counties than of
any other manufacture. They can be used many
years and not become airy, as tno,t other pianos
do, In only a (CO rears. Come and examine them
at C. F. Ilerrmann'a Store, Seventh and Walnn
PRATTS ASTRAL Ott. for family use ; a per
fectly- safe illuminating oil; requires no change of
lamps ; will not explode ; no mixture ; no chemi
cals ; fire test 115 0 (35 0 higher thou required by
regulation of United States Government) ; une
qualled for brilliancy and economy. Parked In
celebrated guarantee patent ran+. Can be sent by
express with safety to any point on lino of rail
roach. Sold only by ',await Martin, City Drug
Store, Allentown, In.. Agents for the Manufac
Don't Neglect Thin.—Whyn you visit
hiladelphla, do not fall to t , all upon S. C. Foulk,
,e veteran carpet dealer at No. Id South Second
etrect, between Market and tilieetnut. lie puss'
Hesse.: for procuring, tho elioleeet tyle
In the market, and le enabled to eell them at the
very lowest price,. The wont Inexperienced per
con may deal with Mr. Foul!: with entire confi
dence. lie does net 6cileve In nderepresenting Ids
goods to vireo eqie hls car,l In another col
umn. if
WAX DOLI.9.—SIIIIOI hnv just I'VetiVCd a
splendid lot elf laughing, scumming, talking and
walking dolls. Fountains, castles, boats, sleds,
Noah's arks,woolly dogs.llvery stibles,apothecary
shops, grocery stores, - hobby horses, guns, pistols,
doll carriages, banjos, violins, guitars, and a splen
did varlecy of fancy boxes, games or all kinds,
and everything else In thin my Hine eon be had at
his store, No. 7J3 Hamilton street. •
.I.'Popular Mil Hurry Emporium.—
Our lady readers who desire to select the latest and
most frellorche styles of Fuli:uul Winter Millinery
we take,unfeigned pleasure in directing to the long
estabibMed emporium of Messrs. Frtedherger
:_•ltrouse, Nos. 113 .t 115 North Eighth street, above
Arch, Philadelphia. This establlahmeta, ,o well
known 0.4 the " double store, - exhibits at all
cow- n colarfehen,ive Mock of everything apper
taining to the hminess, including Feathers, Flow-
Wreaths, Bir.k. Satin-, Velvets, flus hes, liib
Sashes, ete. Priellber::er Stronse
are gentleinen wit In whom it Is a pleasure to do
business, and the uniform courtesy and attention
extended to visitors by their employes eanant but
create a favorable,11111 111 , 1 M 1111 who deal
there. 1 . 0 , ?1 , 3C11, flo Duey si re. Wil
faeilitle , , and having the acquaintance of the most
extensive European utanufactin yrs. the firm are
enabled to seen:, the eitoleest and most fashion
able goOds, and at the same time di-pose of them
at . the lowe-t peoible !wives. TA
The Great l'irtorlid .thitnal.-110stetteett United
st.frg Alwanar for 171, for kliotributio.. fired •through•
out the rnito.l State-. awl all civilized conntrie• or tho .
We..tet Iletolophere, trill he publial.e.l about the 11r..t of
January, nod all who uuderbtand tiet truo
ophy of .lo lead awl yonder Ito' valuable ..utt•
ttostiou. It contain.. In addition to au adotlroble medical
troath.... n the anli..l , :pr..s eutiou and rut...da groat Ya
rittty of ditto...oh, it ewl.rar..• n larue atnenut of inferno,.
't oo P. tie• ah•trbout, the nwehattle, tie. lulu,.
the (armor, the planter, awl Itrofot—lonal taw. the
cal. ‘lllllll,lll , 1111,. 111,11 loade lon aorta add hat.
tual..• a. are nio..t suitable, for ...No tort u•lve
NAII..N.It. CA1.1,1,11. •
Th.. nature. uses. and rntr.l..rdlismry siamiary °ducts or
liitt.•r.. tie , staple tonic and altera•
Iv.. of more than half the Clielsiihn N,nld, are fully net
"rib in It. pup., which ate also Intel-pees...l with ple•
Iliustratlons. valuable recipes for the 1...n.40101.1 and
arm. Iminorons anecdotes. mud oilier iostructlvo and
glancing reading limiter. original and selected. Among
l ie Aeanai s to appear tvltl the I.peulux of the year, lit,
111 be one of the most useful. ..I rani/ he 10n1 for the
eking. The proprietor., Ales . Hostetter Si Smith, on
pump, toll! srs forward n copy by mall
oimp pers. , it tele, cannot procure our In his neighbors
The IDtlrlo are sold In .very city, talon stud ells
On, nod are extenslt sly used Ili rot the oath„
Ivllltod world.
Mete are who have not soldered with et least oil/. or the
above distressing disease, flow few 'hero it, that have
ever yet tonud auythion that wouldrollove—uut to luna
tion cins—those painful elllictions. Brines Allevantor In
tootttqlth remedy for molt and every one of these prev
alent comploints. It not city relieves Instantly, but Port-
Lively cures every case, when used ucoordlug to direr.
lions. The aeon:fishing seeress of Dr. Witte.. Allevantor
esa fatally medicine, edlat.llAbrd fart. To try it Is
to be convinced. tfold by ill Itrunslet, each bottle look
ing two to four quarts when diluted for use.
Mt. J. Hanna At CO.. Newerk. N.. 1.
Plbta!—Do nut give It upend eny they cannot he clat;o1.
T r y BriCts' Piit*HCllledy. It aill cutely nod .hey,llly
ore you. , bold by Drilvirkt,
De. H. D. Lon;7aker offers his services to the
afflicted, morn eapeclally to Mono aufferlng from Chronic
bineaees• Ile will bottled to nee and talk with thorn. It
hlo prae to plainly declare• disease luralzlolf ba
hPiii•VOK it to be 40. in 010.4., mi en which ho undertakes
he anarantee. to do all that con bn donn by unwearied at ,
tendon and the application or experienced akill;gained
by many years of practice In treating disease In Itn oral:
boonn 1.1,1+t malignant form. That his nklil bat not
o exerted In vain. numerous cortincalgo. that ma,'
xeell nt his °lace, will certify. A few nantss aro nninctil
r nuldirotion, which ern known to citizen, of this
county. No feeling of egotism proutrilit tbole Poldl,a4flou t
lint they urn publirhed rather on en evidence la. PM)
aho have deemed themselves hopelessly Mild. Savo by
a proper application of the reannrcea of neediest science,
te.en restored to health and the enjoyment of all tie bias.
• •
Mn.. Eli.% W4.lraout,loo.on Coruna I'. 0.. Cancer of
Im liren et.
Mr, FAY flier. LIT), Allentown, Pa. Cancer el' the
J. J. Johnlion, Allentown. Skin Mott.,
Milton 0. Sennaman,ilanover Chronic Broachlila.
Henry Gabriel, Allentown. Dearneas,
Mr, 0. Veen,. Entatiauqua. Tumor , ' atilt, Howl.
Nathan Ebrrhard, Bethlehem. Cancer.
Atm Dock, Trexlertewn. Cancer. '
Win. Janiexon, Bethlehem. Pulmonary Catarrh
Jame,. Mean, Bethlehem. Chronic Ithviimallspi.
Mr, J Berner, Sallabory, Scrofula.
E. A. Gerlach,. Phliadelphla. Cancer Tumor.
Mr, NV, N Mlunich, Salinbury. Fem. Cont. and Foil-
C. Wittman, Lanark. Tumors of tine head.
• Abraham Kistler, New Tripoli. Tumor of tho Neck.
Mrs. E. B. Serfa.s, Slatington. Fem. Cont.
Mr, K. Welndont, Friedensville. Cancer of the Breast.
Catherine Meet - . Centreville. Cancer ride of the Face
John Levan. Siegfried 'a Bridge. DoliPus of the Nose
Mrs. Fogleman. Allentown. Cancer of the Breast.
Thomas But:, llokentlauqua. Tumor.
Mrs. D. Krebs, Maltanoy City. Cancer of the Face.
..1. Shoemaker. tielpstown. Tumor.
Catharine Ilaremau, Weatherly. Cancer of the None.
The above pore°. Tony all be referred to, or certificates
may he even at- Dr. Longaker's Wilco, Birth street, be•
t w.u.n Ilatoliton and Walnut. Allentown. Pa.
Expeeience Ivarrants us lu recommending
Vegotable Hellion Hair Roomer an a more remedy for
gray hair.
The fliterable, Arduleacon Scott, of Dunham,
Canada East, says that tie suffered tiom Dyxpepsia mon,
than twenty-nye years, but that three weeks air Or the
Peruvian SyriPn, (an Iron Tonic,) ha, benefited him RP
wonderfully that he ran hardly perAnade himself of the
reality, and pronto who know him are astonished !it'll.
CON , MPTION!—Pau4n tot' a moment lfyou non Balirtoll
With a dry hacking cough. Du not commie Toward( with
the idea that it. only a little cold—that in all. Hundred id
di , every year from the effeek of that paw. little cold,
ueff leek' at the very period when they ahenld havo at.
tended to it, until, when too late, they dad thenmelves
hopelesely goon,.with that dreadful diseane. Drlgit'a
Throat and Lung Ihmler will baniph the aymatona and
prolong Itn• Sold by John B. Weer. Jromph Runlet,
I.ewi. Schmidt & Co., LaWall & .ilartio, and druggist,.
Cease, Ilunione, Ixonowtxo fir.—Still another
triumph the medical urt! Thousands offer their eon
gratulation. to Or. Briggs for the now. of
his Alleviator nod Curative In tho speedy relief
and care
of Corn, Bunion.. and all diseases of the feet, no matter
how ..yore or aggravated tho rare may be. The applico•
titre of these groat remedial agents tunteolly monthon the and rapidly Wools cure. Sold
by Brliggi•t•. By mail, Si rents each..
Dn. J. Butooa St Co... Newark. li.J
••Coeter'.." Hat, Reuel, Are. linteentinntor,
“( , ) , tur • •• •• (liquid) Bed-flog Extnr.
.•Co.t..•s" (purr) Irp.ect Prtider.
L • .• thie ly pure) Inmost Powder for Mott. Iu F..
nod \V ..,.lon., for Bed-Bugs. Ity(ectqr, err.
lotily nu, ',twin Vora Salo,tri•
4"ii,401,11 everylvhsrs,
rfrie•Ar•lr for • •('ordur's' rood take slo °O.. ).
42. n , l by 1. p rpm,
•• COSTAR" CO. ,13 Howard St., N. Y.
LAW.% 1,1.•er MARTIN, ACII3II DT & CO., Auto., Allen•
town Ps. .1011 N BLACK, Jr , Auent, Cuts 'nun no.
Thu 1taIl•r" Enlvt. •
AS Icy In"glr. -
All Cot, Barn., llrtil•..o, Coutero. nom
Str , lll.-. (Ilittprod LIP/ Nod Hood".
Eroptionr, Ch111,11tIn". 80,. or Sting' , of I
4Z-A WIINDO.III , I' I. Cr till oo^. PI LF.S.- - 41
.• II.11:1'.1."`,. nod Ink.. no
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 12.-De Haven &Bro..
Brok,r., Ni,. 4,0 South Third Street, give the
following quotanonA up to 2 o'clock, to-day:
Saying B etting. "
107% 108
..... 107.,;
107% .
.......100!;. 110
a's, 10-10's 106% 106%
70 year 6 per cent. Currency 110 . I; 110%
Union Pacific lgt honda 800 810
Central Pacific ii. R 910 920
Union Partite 1.. Grant 11 640 650
U. N. 0,1 'SI
rr /htiltt to ll', S. wham(
Mimi por ill 04 -. . 10 . 11 111Ug
p. 1 40 pity Ina
Ry 110 • "
Timothy Stol, pm
Whom Flor. hor owl
litalm, hot' '
Lar.l i • •
110 m. ••
114 , •
l'otalueo; per
por 1..1101
Drlial Peach
WETZEL—MEITZLER.--On the :Id of Decent
her, by the Rev. W. A. lielarlelt. Mr. David C.
Wetzel, of Longswomp, to Mlei Emilia Meluler,
of Ilerford, Becks county.
CI.AUSE—PETER.On the ljd of December,
by the name, Mr. CC(111111 Cl/11114e to Lydia Peter,
dune:liter of Commksioner John Peter, both of
lIENSICKER.—On the let of December, In
Haegersvllle. of croup, Elizabeth Lydia, only
daughter of Clwen and 30110 llnnsleker, nerd
years, II month; and 21 days.
Xrin Abbraisrinnits
11AG EN 1117(.11'S OPERA 11011 SE.
1111,111.10 i now in ;lAA ell), will La
1 . .111111r •.110111•11 thv ali t• • by a
;RA NI) ( )NC'EtZT
anO .hurt io ch.. ort..l.luu. The 174.urerl
K 111 rollni-t of
vocAl. AND iNsTitumENTAL .MUSIC,
%vim," tll bo hntalelpated lu by about Olives of the Lola
dbainanbilted tou.aeal itrtlmix of Allentown, xxnixted by
n numb, arknon lodged tnlout us vocnllsts.
All loser, 05 nooLle aro roipoetfullyto•ited to bo prexont.
Ticket. to be lobd at oil tho baok more., on) nt
burb's THE Cl/3131177EL
AMSIGN N.. 1. 1 ::
Lower Nazareth Twp., Northampton Co.
'1'1... Daniel Ilornecker nod.
wlf.. of l'huhleheso Borough. Normumptun. county. (or
ur1...n.411 of I.'lll ox pose. at Public bolo. on thr
11. SztrArelli Tow n.lllll. county arum.
id, on
TI I t7ItSDAY, l)I tJENII3EII 29 . ; "70,
ut 2 "'rim k, I'. M„ /110011 t ono mile from Newborn, oil the
rood Itottitne front Newburg to Bath, joiclog laud. of
ronott.t, John Iletkuton, Thomas Henze!),
Pet, Noutoon nod Chart, Edeloto, totanininn
TIM 1..111.. of th.• IlneAt In Northampton foiltity, and
I. I. 11, 111 cultivation. Thu 1111prOVatocalta
theraaa are ti
TwsToitv BRICK DIVELLINC; HOUSE,• T2:I4 rein; fe , t; BA Its, 40x97 feel• "
I'll: 'TT. fret; and nll ileceh.tery .nn,hu
Inn , . .1
with a of yiiung FRI'IT TREES,
Farm will ba 9 111111 In Iwo part+, If de.inht.
The will I. =o n nt t h e m e .
place by IIAIiIIBRAHAM 11E98.
linnli•lltorpeclitir and Wir. •
QC11411)31 CO.'N
Gee, sale or firat.claan Roaeutooll Manua at
Niro+ beim,' the Actual Coat to ifoutt•-•-...,
facture. •
IlovloK drtriollned to offer nor extenolve Mock of iup•-
rior nod hlghly-flukbed 1t0.ew0...1 nano.. at price. tel.'s'
the actual runt to manufacture. we will coll. ductal; the
mouth of Itocembor, of the following N real reduction, 114
.prd to ch.r out our largo otock by the end of the year.
N 0.1.-7 ortavv, trout runnel ,•arved }lto
for i:ro.
Four round elfin cdrv.ol
0.1.-7 ..rl3 v.., 1r..0n r. un t emuorg,
VL'il fur *lull
No. 4.-7
{140f.,r yL
Vii -
f ,, r 4175.
f•uir i . ..und ni +uldlu;<*•r,
N. —7• ortov, four room! ro..nor, mnulltut en-•.
for ,
•'.• =ignore (jrat "
l, rieLlY .“'d ."‘
TsA , for
No: 1.-7 , leturo. l'prlght orCubluel Plauo, irtXlfor.s4 ll, .
N.o. 2.- 7 ortnvo Upright or Co bl not Plann, fur tr.
No.:I nctovo might or Cobluet 0 0 2_ 1. " 4,
No. octavo Notio.uratill Pilo 0,4. , tor sOk .
No. 7.. 7'l ort , Tlo•oo•quarser . i.irtool CM' lor
•ranv.' Fn❑ Ur.u•l (or
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unni.t,iiitiry word lu w , .tr fay,. 'navy
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Thu, %Vinilill/C nr Plltelottot. tilske
will hind ihkt oar tdserlal end extroordirtnry reduction a
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at .1 price even 1. , [lien o %proud-rate, or Inferior one
vvenhi covt then,
Thooo wanting 110n:111111 • , t,nrlil ullt rilii to CAI St our
and eximilltr,dlr largo si..rk, when , ihoY will b. readily
c""viiicod of 11. guperhil It,. of those Plano•, laud
—sob, agenta for the celebrated ,
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nr price, cm. In, bad by aprlylog RI MIT Wolrel.ol.lll
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